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2023-05-19 15:32:33
TAG: 英语
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Campaigners for the English language last week attacked a growing tendency for "obvious" public information posters, such as a police sign urging people: "Don"t Commit Crime."


Other examples highlighted by the Plain English Campaign--which fights for the effective use of English--include "Warning: Platform ends here" on the end of rail station platforms, and "May cause drowsiness" on sleeping pills.


"It"s a phenomenon we have noticed in recent years--a kind of talking in a vacuum. There are so many examples," said a spokesman. "The "best" one I have come across was a sign reading "Caution: water on road during rain"."


"They assume a lack of intelligence on the part of the reader. "Do not commit crime. Pay for your fuel" is hardly a deterrent to a criminal who has every intention of driving off without paying."


The Plain English Campaign cited other examples including: "May irritate eyes"--on a can of self-defense pepper spray; "Removing the wheel can influence the performance of the bicycle"--from a Dutch bicycle manual.


The campaigners added: "Our advice would be say what you need to plainly and simply then stop. If nothing needs to be said, say nothing."


2标题:“神七”今日升空 中国首次太空漫步

spacecraft Shenzhou VII lifts off, the commander-in-chief of the mission"s ground operation has said.


The historic moment will be broadcast live across the world, x****.net quoted Cui Jijun as having said on Tuesday, and the space environment is expected to be fine for the mission.


Shenzhou VII is scheduled to blast off from Jiuquan in Gansu province tomorrow night. The exact time will be announced on Wednesday.


The Shenzhou-VII mission entered the countdown stage after the final check on the spacecraft, the carrier rocket and the ground operation system was completed Tuesday morning.


Scientists simulated the ignition of the rocket and the in-flight moves of the capsule to test how the observation, control and communication systems at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center work.


The rocket will be loaded with fuel after an overall quality review and approval of the mission headquarters. And all the settings of the spacecraft and the observation, control and communication systems will be frozen till the launch.


The spacecraft, its Long-March II-F carrier rocket and the escape tower were fitted on the launch pad on Saturday.


Technicians checked the rocket and the spacecraft on Monday to test how it functioned, Cui said. "All work well."


The space environment will be stable and calm during the mission, the Center for Space Environment Research and Forecast (CSERF), affiliated to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.


"After analyzing all the conditions, we predict that the space environment will be safe for the launch and the spacewalk," Liu Siqing, CSERF deputy director, said.


Starting from Tuesday, the center will submit a report on space environment and all operation systems to the headquarters every day till the completion of mission, Liu said.



HONG KONG -- The Center for Food Safety of Hong Kong (CFS) released the latest batch of test results of dairy products on Sunday, a sample of Nestle milk was found to contain melamine.

Results available on Sunday showed that of the 65 samples, including milk, milk beverage, frozen confections, infant formula, milk powder and raw milk, 64 were free of melamine.

A sample of pure milk was found to contain melamine. The product was Nestle Dairy Farm Pure Milk (Catering use only) (1L) and the level of melamine detected was 1.4 ppm.

"Based on the low level detected, normal consumption will not pose major health effects. However, it is not advisable for small children to consume the milk product," a CFS spokesman said.

"We have informed the trade of the test results and asked them to stop selling and to recall the product concerned." he added.

According to the standards of the US Food and Drug Administration, the safety reference value (i.e. tolerable daily intake - TDI) for melamine is 0.63 mg per kg of body weight per day.

The spokesman said it would for a 1-year-old child weighing 7.5 kg to drink around three packs (around 3.38 liters) of the product a day to have exposure reaching the TDI though the milk is usually for catering use.

"Today"s results include 11 samples of locally available international brands of infant formula that are not manufactured by the Chinese mainland. Together with the results announced yesterday, a total of 57 samples of this group were tested and found to be free of melamine".

"The CFS has by now more or less completed testing of locally available international brands of infant formula that are not manufactured on the Mainland," the spokesman said.












政府为陷入麻烦银行提供新帮助 (Governments Offer New Help for Troubled Banks)





Governments around the world are moving to bolster banks with multi billion dollar bailouts today (Monday). They are trying to get banks to resume lending and restart the stalled credit market that threatens to push the world into recession.

Many of the details were worked out in crisis talks over the past few days in Paris and Washington. The British government says it will make more than 63-billion dollars available to three major banks. If the banks take full advantage of the capital infusion, the government could become the largest shareholder in each.

Germany"s government put together a dollar rescue plan worth more than 600 billion dollars to shore up its financial system. It offers fresh money to banks and guarantees many loans.

The United States says it is moving quickly to get its 700-billion dollar rescue plan organized and running. The Bush Administration has named interim managers for the effort and is consulting with legal experts to find the best way to buy an ownership stake in banks, and to buy up faltering investments.


我非常喜欢体育运动,我还是学校的体育健将呢。我尤其擅长跑步。听说2008年奥运会将在北京举办,我的欣喜之情简直无法用言语表达。我想为奥运会做点什么,于是我开始将自己的所有零花钱攒起来。我决定将这些钱捐献给北京奥委会。虽然这些钱微不足道,但我相信它还是有用的。而且会有越来越多像我一样想着为奥运会表心意的人。 I love sports very much. I am the master-sportsman in my school. I am good at running especially. Having heard that the 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing, I can"t describe my happiness with any words. I want to do something for the Games. So I begin to save all my pocket money. I make up ……



US officials arrested 3 men in Denver last weekend suspected of plotting to assassinate Barack Obama on Thursday when he is due to speak to the Democratic convention. The US district attorney of Colorado Troy Eid downplayed the case, saying there was no credible threat to the candidate.






活动家n.竞选者; 从军者,出征者; 老兵;
2023-01-02 08:24:562


  纪念形容对人或物的一种留恋怀念,就比如一些纪念日的存在,那么你知道纪念用英语怎么说吗?下面跟我一起学习纪念的英语知识吧。    纪念英语说法   commemorate   souvenir    纪念的相关 短语   纪念物 Fosse commune ; Memorial ; monument ; relic   纪念钟塔 Torre Monumental   纪念旅行 Journey for Memory   纪念照 photo-souvenirs ; souvenir picture   纪念广场 World War II Memorial ; Memorial Plaza ; Memorial Square   纪念花园 garden of remembrance ; MEMORIAL GARDEN ; Nitobe Memorial Garden   纪念雕塑 Memorial sculpture ; Commemorate sculptures ; commemorate sculptures    纪念的英语例句   1. The teacher training college put up a plaque to the college"s founder.   那所教师培训学院为该学院的创立者立了一块纪念牌匾。   2. We are selling the full range of World Cup merchandising.   我们出售世界杯的所有纪念商品。   3. They wore black in remembrance of those who had died.   他们身穿黑色衣服,以纪念那些亡故者。   4. Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.   参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。   5. When I got canned, I took these keys as souvenirs.   我被开除后,就拿了这些钥匙作为纪念。   6. Our paintings and photographs are of sentimental value only.   我们的画作和照片仅有纪念价值。   7. Dear Madam, Thank you for your interest in our Memorial Scheme.   尊敬的女士,感谢您对我们的纪念方案的关注。   8. He was praised in print and memorialized in stone throughout the South.   在整个南方地区,他被人们著书称颂,刻碑纪念。   9. After touring the hospital, Her Majesty unveiled a commemorative plaque.   女王陛下巡视完这家医院后,为纪念匾揭了幕。   10. The Foundation is holding a dinner in honour of something or other.   基金会正举办某个纪念宴会。   11. The festival commemorates the slaying of the demon buffalo.   那个节日是为了纪念杀死魔牛。   12. Final preparations are under way for celebrations to mark German unification.   纪念德国统一的庆典活动正在做最后的准备工作。   13. The Queen unveiled a commemorative plaque.   女王为纪念牌匾揭幕。   14. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.   纪念安息日,守为圣日。   15. The triumphal arch commemorates Caesar"s victory over Pompey.   凯旋门用于纪念恺撒击败庞培,得胜而归。   关于纪念的英文阅读:最好的纪念是一起经历 故事   One summer day in 1957, we headed to the courthouse for a marriage license. My husband-to-be, Steve, asked the clerk for a fishing license.   1957年的夏天,我们去法院办理结婚证。我的未婚夫史蒂夫,问起柜员钓鱼许可证的事情。   She advised him a fishing license cost $1.50 and a marriage license cost $2.50. With some thought and a smile, he chose the marriage license, and so our life together, later filled with two children, began.   女柜员告诉他,一张钓鱼许可证花费1.5美金,一张结婚证花费2.5美金。他想了一会儿笑着说,他选择结婚证。之后我们便一起生活,后来还添了两个孩子。   Whenever we had a disagreement, I would remind my husband that he could have saved money had he chosen a fishing license, and it would have expired in a year. The extra dollar cost him 53 years of wedded bliss.   每当我们意见不合的时候,我都会提醒说,他本来可以省点钱选择一张一年期的钓鱼许可证,当时他多花的钱却让他享受了长达53年的美妙婚姻生活。 猜你喜欢: 1. 纪念的英语短语 2. 节目如何用英语翻译 3. 获奖用英语怎么说 4. 活动用英语怎么说 5. 用英语怎么说中文的座右铭
2023-01-02 08:25:041


篝火英语:bonfire、campfire,篝火的造句如下:1. 到了第二天,篝火还在闷燃。The bonfire was still smouldering the next day.2. 他们点燃篝火防止野兽靠近。They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.3. 篝火正在欢快地熊熊燃烧着。The log fire was blazing merrily.4. 在楼外,人们围聚在篝火旁继续守夜。Outside the building people continue their vigil, huddling around bonfires.5. 篝火突然熊熊燃烧起来,像黑暗中的灯塔。Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.6. 我们都拿出自己的针线活,坐在了篝火前。We all got out our own sewing and sat in front of the log fire.7. 在一侧,民兵们正在堆起木柴,准备生起篝火。Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire.8. 异教徒们用火把游行和篝火来庆祝重大的事件。The pagans used torchlight parades and bonfires to celebrate important events.9. 参加活动的人们在仪式上点起了许多堆篝火,以庆祝这一周年纪念日。Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.10. 到了夜里,我们坐在篝火周围。We sit around a campfire at night.
2023-01-02 08:25:131


2023-01-02 08:25:277


老lǎo〈形〉(1)(会意。甲骨文字形,象一个手里拿着拐杖的老人形。本义:年老,衰老)(2)五十至七十岁的高龄 [old;aged]老,考也。七十曰老。――《说文》七十以上曰老。――《礼记·曲礼》有父母耆老而无昆弟者以告。――《国语·吴语》。注:“六十曰耆,七十曰老。”使帅一二耋老而绥焉。――《公羊传·宣公十二年》。注:“六十称耋,七十称老。”老冉冉其将至兮。――《楚辞·离骚》六十以上为老男,五十以上为老女。――《管子·海王》注穷当益坚,老当益壮。――《后汉书》(3)又如:老钝(年老迟钝);老家人(老仆人);老院子(老仆人);老丹青(老画家);老行(老年男子);老姐(年老的女仆);老杜(指杜埔。与后来的杜牧相对而言);老羸(年老瘦弱);老口(年老的人;亦指牲口年龄老)(4)历时长久 [long-standing]百年老屋,尘泥渗漉,雨泽下注。――明·归有光《项脊轩志》(5)又如:老工厂,老房子;老亲(多年的或世代的姻亲关系);老晴(天晴得牢,不会很快转阴);老酒(陈年的酒);老桧(老刺柏);老牧(旧称久任地方官者);老相识(相识已久的人)(6)娴熟,富有经验,阅历深 [experienced]。如:老辣(老练而有锋芒);老落(成熟,老练);老道(老练);老粉嘴(老驴。即在拉磨时老是偷吃面粉的驴)(7)厚 [thick]。如:老脸皮(老面皮。脸皮厚);老着脸(厚着脸皮);老趼(手掌或脚掌上因摩擦而生的硬皮)(8)大 [great]。如:老大小(偌大;老大的);老汗(大汗);老劲(很大的气力)(9)排行在最后的 [youngest]我那太公有个老女儿,年方二十岁,更不曾配人。――《西游记》(10)又如:老生女儿(最后的一个女儿);老女儿(最小的女儿)老lǎo〈名〉(1)老年;晚年 [old age]皆羸老之卒。――《资治通鉴·唐纪》老妇出门看。――唐·杜甫《石壕吏》(2)又独与老翁别。欲言国之老少。――清·梁启超《饮冰室合集·文集》(3)又如:老生(老年之人);老况(老年的景况);老耋(老迈)(4)老年人 [old people;the aged]。如:男女老幼;敬老院;老儿(老人家);老老(对老年男子的尊称);老先(对年长者的尊称,老先生);老老头(老头儿)(5)对先辈、年长者的尊称 [your](6)对老人的尊称。如:老太(老太太。对老年妇女的尊称);老官(尊称年长的人);老底(父亲);老阿妈(女真语称祖父);老郎(对前辈艺人的尊称;教头;老练);老先儿(老先。老先生,对老年男子的尊称)(7)敬词。多不表示年岁。如:老办(老板);老先生(对年高望重者的敬称);老大人(尊称年老位尊的人);老相公(旧时对上层社会年老男子的敬称)(8)自称 [I]。如:老妾(年老妇女的谦称);老媳妇(老妇人的谦称);老爹(自称是对方父亲。詈词)(9)古时对某些臣僚的尊称 [term of honor and respect for some feudal officials](10)指上公(11)指上卿(12)指大夫(13)指大夫的家臣(14)指群吏之尊者(15)指父母或兄长 [parents or brother]老吾老,以及人之老。――《孟子》。朱熹注:“吾老,谓我之父兄。人之老,谓人之父兄。”(16)又如:老母(年老的母亲);老子娘(指父母双亲);老亲(年老的父母)(17)老子及其哲学的省称 [Laozi]。如:老氏(指老子);老生(指老子);老易(老子与周易的并称);老庄(老子与庄子的并称)(18)姓老lǎo〈动〉(1)死的讳称 [die]老于户牖之下。――明·张溥《五人墓碑记》以备京中老了人口,在此停灵。――《红楼梦》(2)又如:老去(死去);老家(指阴间。俗语以“回老家”比喻死亡)(3)敬爱,敬重 [respect and love;honor]老吾老,以及人之老。(指第一个老。)――《孟子》(4)告老 [retire from age]余将致政焉…乃老。――《国语》范武子将老。――《左传·宣公十七年》(5)变老;衰老 [be old and feeble]天若有情天亦老。――李贺《金铜仙人醉汉歌》(6)衰老;衰颓 [old and feeble;senil;decrepit]臣之壮也,犹不如人;今老矣,无能为也已。――《左传》(7)又如:老色(衰老之色);老拙(老朽愚拙);老气(暮气);老背悔(老背晦。老胡涂);老货(骂老人的话)老lǎo〈副〉(1)用在动词前面,表示某种动作、行为或状态在一段较长时间里一直持续不断发生或时常重复出现,有“经常”、“时常”的意思;有时“老”和“是”连用,有强调的意味 [always]。如:小孩子,别老问这个啊;你老说这些,有啥用!(2)用在形容词前面,表示程度深,相当于“很”、“极” [very]。如:老早;老长;老咎晚(很晚);老大(极,甚。如今俗语老大不愿意、老大不甘心);老咱晚(很晚);老大无成(年岁已很大,毫无建树)(3)很久 [for a long time]。如:老没见你啊老lǎo〈前缀〉(1)加在姓、名和某些称谓的前面。如:哎呀!原来是老弟;老杨,快走哇!(2)加在兄弟姐妹排行次序上。如:老二去了哪里?;老大还没回来(3)加在某些动植物名词前面。如:老虎;老鼠;老玉米老lǎo〈后缀〉代指人(含有轻视意)。也作“佬”。如:庄稼老;外国老老八辈子lǎobābèizi[stale] 极为古老、陈旧那是老八辈子的话,如今可不时兴了老白干儿lǎobáigānr[spirit (usu. distilled from sorghum or maize);white spirit] [方]∶白干儿。白酒老百姓lǎobǎixìng[civilian;common folk;the people; man in the street; rank and file] 区别于军人和政府官员的人民群众的习称;平民;居民真正的老百姓,忠厚而不装模作样老板lǎobǎn(1)[boss; manager; patron]∶私营工商业的财产所有者木材厂老板(2)[shopkeeper]∶零售店的业主。亦称“老办”(3)[landlord]∶旅馆或公寓的主人老板娘lǎobǎnniáng(1)[shopkeeper"s wife]∶老板的妻子(2)[proprietress]∶女性业主(3)[landlady]∶拥有或管理餐馆、公寓或寄宿舍的女人老伴,老伴儿lǎobàn,lǎobànr[(of an old married couple) husband or wife;my old gal; my old pot and pan] 老年夫妻相互之间的称谓老保守lǎobǎoshǒu(1)[stick-in-the-mud]∶极端保守的人(2)[old fogy]∶非常守旧的人老鸨lǎobǎo[madam;procuress] 旧时开妓院的女人;鸨母老本lǎoběn(1)[last stake;capital;principal]∶最初的本钱,也比喻老资历把老本输光(2)[old edition]∶老的版本老鼻子lǎobízi[a great deal;abundant;substantial] [方]∶可多了;多得很他发表的论文老鼻子了老表lǎobiǎo(1)[cousin]∶表兄弟(2)[brother][方]∶又作“老表”。江西省方言。意思同“老乡”近似,含有亲切意味老兵lǎobīng[campaigner; veteran; old soldier] 参加过许多战役的军人;尤指任何行业中喜爱本行的老手老伯lǎobó(1)[uncle](2)对年长男子的尊称(3)对父亲的朋友或朋友的父亲的敬称老伯伯lǎobóbo[granddad] 对老年男子的尊称老财lǎocái(1)[moneybags]∶财产多的人,多指财主(2)[landlord]∶地主老残游记lǎocán yóujì[travel notes by Laocan] 一书名,写一个江湖医生老残在各地的见闻和活动。它对晚清的黑暗社会现实有所暴露,对事物描写细腻、语言生动。但这部作品对资产阶级民主革命和义和团运动采取了否定和攻击的态度,反映了作者思想的局限。作者刘鹗(1857―1909),字铁云,笔名洪都百炼生,清末丹徒(现在江苏省丹徒县)人。明湖居,书馆名老巢lǎocháo[robbers"den; robbers" lair (nest)] 指匪徒长期盘踞的地方直捣土匪老巢老臣lǎochén(1)[I, Your old servant] 老年人对君主或他人的谦称老臣病足。――《战国策·赵策》(2)又老臣今者殊不欲食。老成lǎochéng[experienced;steady; mature; mellowing] 老练成熟;阅历多而练达世事幼年丧父使他变得少年老成老成持重lǎochéng-chízhòng[be experienced and prudent; be rich in years and sound of judgment] 阅历多,经验丰富,遇事沉着稳重而老成持重,坐靡岁月,终于无成者,不可胜数。――清·魏善伯《留侯论》老处女lǎochǔnǚ(1)[spinster]∶已过一般结婚年龄的或者好像不可能要结婚的女子(2)[old maid]∶古板神经质的女人,对无关紧要的琐碎事感到烦躁、懊恼的女人老粗,老粗儿lǎocū,lǎocūr[uneducated person;rough and ready chap] 指缺乏文化教养的人(多用为谦辞)老搭档lǎodādàng[old workmate or partner] 长期互相配合或共事多年的老伙伴儿老大lǎodà(1)[in old age]∶年老少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。――《乐府诗集·长歌行》少小离家老大回。――唐·贺知章《回乡偶书》老大嫁作商人妇。――唐·白居易《琵琶行(并序)》(2)[the eldest child (brother,sister)]∶兄弟姊妹中的年长者老大务农,老二当兵(3)[the chief crewman of a wooden boat;boatman] [方]∶指木船的船主或船夫(4)[greatly;very]∶很大,非常老大不快老大吃惊老大难lǎodànán[knotty;be hard nut to crack;be long-standing,big and difficult problem] 形容问题很多,积重难返,不易改进的情况老大难的技术问题老大娘lǎodàniáng[aunty;granny] 对年老妇女的尊称老大爷lǎodàye[uncle;grandpa] 对年老男子的尊称老旦lǎodàn[actor playing the part of an old woman in the Chinese traditional drama] 戏曲角色名,旦的一种。指扮演老年妇女的角色老当益壮lǎodāngyìzhuàng(1)[hale and hearty in old age; be old but vigorous]∶主要指老年人继续保持旺盛的斗志丈夫为志,穷当益坚,老当益壮。――《后汉书·马援传》(2)[florid old; be old in age but buoyant in spirit; there"s many a good tune played on an old fiddle]∶年纪虽老,仍健康和充满活力老当益壮,不甘落后老到lǎodào[be experienced and trustworthy] [方]∶指办事老练周到老道lǎodào[Taoist priest] 道士老底,老底儿lǎodǐ,lǎodǐr(1)[ground one relies for support;sb."s past or unsavory background](2)内情;底细(3)指祖产;老本老弟lǎodì(1)[dear friend;fellow;Mac]∶亲切称呼比自己年纪小的男性(2)[younger brother][方]∶弟弟老雕虫lǎodiāochóng[write for months and years on end] 指长年累月埋头写诗作文。雕虫,比喻小技,小道老调lǎodiào[platitude;hackeyed theme] 指重复多次的使人厌烦的论调老调重弹老掉牙lǎodiàoyá[antiquated;antediluvian;toothless;be as old as Adam; the Dutch have taken; Hollant;Queen Anne is dead] 陈旧过时一辆老掉牙的赫德逊牌汽车老爹lǎodiē(1)[one"s father]∶某人的父亲(2)[sire;(court.address)venerable elderly person] [方]∶对老年男子的尊称;旧时对乡绅、官吏或长者的尊称老豆腐lǎodòufu[hardened bean curd] 北方小吃。豆浆煮开后点上石膏或盐卤凝成块(比豆腐脑儿老些),吃时浇上麻酱、韭菜花、辣椒油等调料老儿子lǎo érzi[the youngest son] [口]∶儿子中最小的那个老佛爷lǎofóye(1)[(Budd.) the Buddha]∶佛爷(2)[(Qing Dynasty) the emperor"s father or mother]∶清代对皇太后或太上皇的俗称老夫lǎofū[an old fellow like me] 年老的男子自称老夫自有主张,尔等不必多言老父lǎofǔ[oldman; ones elder; one"s senior; father] 对老年男子的尊称俄有老父至。――三国魏·邯郸淳《笑林》老妇lǎofù(1)[I. old woman] 年长妇女自称的谦词老妇必唾其面。――《战国策·赵策》(2)又老妇恃辇而行。老疙瘩lǎogādɑ[the youngest son or daughter] [方]∶最小的儿子或女儿老庚lǎogēng[born in the same year;of the same age] [方]∶同龄人之间的亲热称呼老公lǎogōng(1)[husband]∶丈夫的俗称(2)[eunuch]∶宦官的俗称(3)[old man](4)老年人的通称(5)对老年人的蔑称老公公lǎogōnggong(1)[grandpa]∶对老者的敬称(2)[husband"s father]∶女性称丈夫的爸爸,又叫“公公”(3)[eunuch]∶旧称“太监”老姑娘lǎogūniɑng[spinster] 通常已到中年的未婚女人老古板lǎogǔbǎn[be ultraconservative;fuddy-duddy] 极守旧;守旧的人人一过三十,就该…扪心自问他是否有几分像一个老古板老古董lǎogǔdǒng(1)[untique;museum piece; old fashioned article]∶古老的或过时的东西;过去的东西(2)[old fogey]∶思想陈腐或生活习惯陈旧的人老闺女lǎoguīnü[youngest daughter] [口]∶老姑娘老汉lǎohàn(1)[old man]∶年老的男子(2)[an old fellow like me]∶老年男人的自称老好人lǎohǎorén[benign and uncontentious person who is indifferent to matters of principle; good old chap;one who tries never to offend anybody] 随和厚道,不愿得罪人,缺乏原则性的人。老糊涂lǎohútu[senile person;senility] 年老糊涂,也指年老糊涂的人老虎lǎohǔ[tiger] 亚洲产的一种大型食肉类哺乳动物(Felis tigris),在黄褐色的毛皮上有黑色横纹,尾长而无簇毛,有黑圈,下体大部白色,无鬣,典型的体形比狮子略大老花眼lǎohuāyǎn[presbyopia] 老视眼的通称老化lǎohuà(1)[ageing](2)随着时间的推移而基本性质或力量衰退经过一个严冬之后汽车的电瓶老化了(3)指在一定地区、范围内老年人的比重增长欧洲人口老化(4)[out of date]∶知识的相对过时老皇历lǎohuánglì[ancient history;last year"s calendar;obsolete practice] 比喻过时的老规矩世道变了,不能再照老皇历办事老黄牛lǎohuángniú[a person who serves the people wholeheartedly] 比喻老老实实、勤勤恳恳工作的人老火lǎohuǒ(1)[方](2)[grave;serious]∶过度;利害(3)[problem difficult to solve]∶[事情]费力难办老伙伴lǎohuǒbàn(1)[sidekick]∶与另一人密切关连的人,尤指处在从属地位的人(2)[gaffer]∶常用作一种友好的称呼老几lǎojǐ(1)[where (do you) come in the family?;order of seniority among brothers]∶在兄弟姐妹间排行第几你是老几(2)[nobody]∶用于反问,表示某个范围内数不上、不够格我算老几老骥伏枥lǎojì-fúlì[able men tied down to a routine post;ambition survives even in old age like the old steed in the stable that still wants to gallop a thousand li] 三国魏·曹操《步出夏门行》:“老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。”(烈士:有志功业的人)比喻年已老但雄心壮志不减当年老家lǎojiā(1)[old home]∶指在故乡的家庭(2)[hometown;native place]∶指原籍我老家是湖南(3)[my parents or your parents]∶对人称自己的或他人的父母老监lǎojiān(1)[old prison] 牢房狱中为老监者四。――清·方苞《狱中杂记》(2)又械系入老监。老奸巨猾lǎojiān-jùhuá[crafty old scoundrel;deep old file;shrewd and crafty; great hypocrite; old hand at trickery and deception; sly wily old fox] 深历世故,十分奸诈狡猾的人老奸巨猾,匿身州悬,舞法扰民。――《宋史·食货志》老茧lǎojiǎn[callus callosity] 手上又厚又硬的皮老将lǎojiàng(1)[old-timer;veteran]∶在某一行业从事多年而经验丰富的人老将出马,一个顶俩(2)[marshal]∶指象棋中的将帅老交情lǎojiāoqing[long-standing friendship] 长期保持的友谊老景lǎojǐng[life and circumstances in old age] 老年时的景况老景堪怜老境lǎojìng(1)[old age;vale of years]∶老年时代(2)[life and circumstances in old age]∶老年时的境况老酒lǎojiǔ[wine (esp. Shaoxing rice wine)][方]∶酒,特指绍兴酒老君lǎojūn[Laojun] 中国道教对老子的神化称呼,又称“太上老君”。多种道教经典对老子有各种神化说法,大致说老子以“道”为身,无形无名,生于天地之先,住于太清仙境,长存不灭,常分身化形降生人间,为历代帝王之师,伏羲时为郁华子,神农时为大成子,祝融时为广成子老客,老客儿lǎokè,lǎokèr[travelling trader][方]∶称客商老来俏lǎoláiqiào[maxi-bopper] 衣着打扮如青年人的中老年人老辣lǎolà[be efficient but unscruplous] 老练刚劲歌行中悲愤慷慨苦硬老辣者,乃似卢仝、刘义。――刘克庄《跋赵戣诗卷》老来少lǎoláishào(1)[be old in age but young at heart]∶人老心不老;比实际年龄少相他是这一带有名的老来少(2)[tricolor amaranth][方]∶一种一年生草本植物,花红叶黄,有观赏价值老老lǎolɑo[maternal grandma (grandmother)] 即“姥姥”,外祖母老脸lǎoliǎn(1)[face;prestige used by aged people]∶老年人指自己的情面(2)[shameless; thick-skinned]∶厚脸皮老练lǎoliàn[experienced; skillful; seasoned; hard-boiled] 阅历深、经验丰富的她办事很老练老路lǎolù(1)[usual way;old road]∶以前走过的道路咱们走那条老路回家吧(2)[beaten track]∶常规,惯例走老路老妈子lǎomāzi[amah;maidservant] 旧指岁数较大的女仆老马识途lǎomǎ-shítú[an experienced man knows the ropes;knowledge of a veteran; an old hand is a good guid as an old horse knows the way; the devil knows many things because he is old] 比喻富于经验堪为先导老马识途添病骨,穷猿投树择深枝。――清·黄景仁《两当轩集》老迈lǎomài[aged;senile] 年老体弱(常含衰老意)老毛病lǎomáobìng(1)[chronic ailment]∶经常犯的病这是我的老毛病,一到冬天就咳嗽(2)[old weakness;invetrate habit;old trouble]∶经常出现的缺点粗心大意是他的老毛病老面子lǎomiànzi(1)[old feelings]∶旧日私人间的情分(2)[feelings of older generation]∶长辈的私人情分老谋深算lǎomóu-shēnsuàn[be circumspect and farseeing;be experienced and astute;be scheming and calculating; make every move only after mature deliberation] 精明干练,考虑问题周密这人绰号“老狐狸”,老谋深算,诡计多端,很难对付老姥lǎomǔ(1)[old lady]:老妇人(2)[old woman]:同“老妇”,用于自称的谦词老姥岂敢言。――《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》老奶奶lǎonǎinɑi[old grandmother] 年老或上了年纪和可尊敬的妇女老年lǎonián(1)[old age]∶正常生命历程的最后阶段(2)[yellow leaf]∶生命的晚年五十三岁,步入老年了(3)[feel one"s age;get on in years]∶表示人们接近晚年的时期老年人lǎoniánrén[old people;person of advanced age;the aged] 上了年纪或较老的人老娘lǎoniáng(1)[one"s mother]∶母亲的俗称(2)[me;myself][方]∶中、老年妇女的自称(3)[midwife]∶收生婆的俗称(4)[maternal grandmother][方]∶外祖母的别称老牛破车,老牛拉破车lǎoniú-pòchē,lǎoniú lā pòchē[an old ox pulling a rickety cart―making slow progress;at snails pace as a slow coach; slow and inefficient work] 形容人做事就像老牛拉破车,慢慢吞吞,不讲究效率凭我们这个老牛破车的厂子,怎么能跟人家比?老牛舐犊lǎoniú-shìdú[an old cow licking her calf―parents doting on their children] (舐:舔;犊:小牛)。老牛爱小牛,故常以舌舔之。比喻人之疼爱其子女愧无日磾先见之明,犹怀老牛添犊之爱。――《后汉书·杨彪传》老农lǎonóng[old farmer;experienced veteran peasant] 年老的农民;从事农业生产长久而经验丰富的农民老牌lǎopái[old-line;old brand] 指物品生产年代久,质量好,信得过的。也比喻资格老,人所公认的现在没有一家老牌的电影公司不同电视发生某些业务联系老派,老派儿lǎopài,lǎopàir(1)[old-fashioned;conservative]∶老式的打扮、派头他穿着老派,不入流(2)[old-fashionedperson;a conservative person]∶指装束、派头陈旧的人,也指思想僵化保守的派别老婆lǎopo(1)[old woman]∶老太婆(2)[wife]∶丈夫称妻子老婆孩子老婆婆lǎopópo(1)[方](2)[granny]∶小孩称呼老太太(3)[husband"s mother]∶妻子称呼丈夫的妈妈;婆母老婆子lǎopózi(1)[old woman]∶老年妇女(2)[bel
2023-01-02 08:25:571


  大卫科波菲尔,美国魔术师。喜欢魔术的小伙伴很有必要认识一下他哦。下面是我给大家整理的大卫科波菲尔英文简介,供大家参阅!   大卫科波菲尔简介   David Copperfield (David Copperfield, September 16, 1956), formerly known as David Seth Kotkin, American magician.   大卫科波菲尔人物经历   1968, 12-year-old David Copperfield in the magic world cut a striking figure, the United States Magic Association has become the youngest member ever.   In 1972, only 16 years old David taught "Magic Art" courses at New York University.   In 1974, David starred in the musical "The Magic" and began to create his own magic.   In 1977, David launched his television career and made the name "David Copperfield" a success.   In 1979, David played a role in the film "Horror Train", revealing his performance talent.   In 1980, David became the youngest artist ever to be awarded the title of "Magic of the Year" by the American Society of Magic Arts.   In 1981, David in a full view of a 7-ton jet jet disappeared. In the same year, the American Artists Association awarded him the "Entertainment of the Year" award.   In 1982, David created a "magic plan" to treat the disease with magic and improve the body"s sensitivity.   In 1983, in front of many of the audience and 50 million television viewers, New York"s Statue of Liberty in David"s wand suddenly without a trace.   In 1984, David became the first magician to sign a long-term performance contract with the world-famous Las Vegas CEASAR Palace.   In 1985, David was elected as "the nation"s top ten outstanding figures."   In 1986, David crossed the Great Wall, "David and the team is the first in the People"s Republic of China to produce American television special program of the US production group."   In 1987, David escaped from the guardian of the United States Alcatel-Lucent federal prison, becoming the first person to escape from the prison in history.   In 1988, David spoke on behalf of the United States at the Seoul Olympic Games.   In 1989, David got out of a blasting building.   In 1991, David made a long 85 feet, 70 tons of Oriental Express instantly disappeared.   In 1992, David created the classic magic "flying", became the first without the use of rope and camera skills to fly the magician, at the same time, the program was criticized as the greatest ever a magic show.   In 1993, in the TV special program "Passion of Fire", David out of the rope tied up in the body is burning, from the height of tens of meters away. He then torn and restored a $ 1 million collection card in front of a famous hockey star.   In 1995, David became the only contemporary magician to get a shining star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.   In 1996, David named "dream and nightmare" large-scale performance to break the Broadway box office record.   In 2000, David was named the century FISM magician, and by the US Library of Congress as "century legend."   In 2001, he and his supernatural powers to accurately predict the German national lottery winning number ... ...   In 2001, David"s large-scale stage program "entrance" for the first time to China, in Hong Kong and Guangzhou set off an unprecedented wave of magic, 50,000 tickets were robbed and light.   In 2002, David came to China in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing three performances, in the country set off an unprecedented wave of magic.   In 2007, according to the China News Network on October 20 reported that a Seattle woman accused the famous American magician David Copperfield in the Bahamas raped her.   In 2007, according to the Associated Press and the "National Inquiry" reported on October 25, a few days ago, the famous American magician David Copperfield was suddenly exposed to suspected rape scandal was FBI investigation, Was intended to use that $ 2 million in cash to close the girl"s mouth, so as to avoid this rape scandal like his "magic secret" general leak! Shocked the world.   After two years of investigation of the famous magician David Copperfield rape case, the federal prosecutor that the magician is innocent, decided to cancel his allegations.   Claiming to be raped by David Copperfield is a former Miss William campaigner. She said she had watched the magic show in 2007, and David Copperfield saw her in the auditorium, and then invited her to her own private island and raped her there. And Coppfield"s lawyer said the woman"s complaint is very simple, that is, to extort money.   21-year-old Miss Washington said he was raped on the private island of Kobofer Bahamas, and now the prosecutor decided to revoke the case, so that Copperfield"s troubled lawsuit finally vanished. The prosecutor did not explain why the case was to be withdrawn and did not reveal what was found in the investigation, and that the Kopofel himself did not even receive any formal charges. His spokesman said the plaintiff was not telling the fact that Copperfield did not force a relationship with her.   Emily Langlie, a spokesman for the US Attorney"s Office, said: "Today I issued a circular announcing the end of the case"s grand jury investigation.   大卫科波菲尔人物故事   David Copperfield, the English name David Copperfield, formerly known as David Cotkin, September 16, 1956 was born in New Jersey, a Russian immigrant family, he grew up on the magic has a strong interest. This introverted, easy shy man found his wisdom to win the appreciation of his companions, his confidence doubled. At the age of 12, David has been able to skillfully perform magic shows, comparable with professional magician. Soon he participated in the National Magic Association, becoming the world"s leading magic organization of the youngest members. In 1972, only 16 years old David began in New York University for the Department of Art students taught magic courses.   In 1974, David graduated from the University of New Jersey after the high school, entered the University of Ford Hamm University, when the Chicago "Magic" light opera group invited him to lead the new song and dance drama. David spent three weeks in college life, devoted himself to the creation of "magician". He not only designed to create the play all the magic needed, but also created a singing and dancing performance magic style, so that this musical comedy unique, as Chicago history, the longest continuous music comedy. After the end of the "Magic" show, David returned to New York, he further summed up the experience on the basis of improvement and development of their own magic style, from his peers stand out as a magic star. At the age of 20, at the invitation of Fritz Silverman, president of CBS, he served as the host of a new radio TV program from ABC Radio and Television, which was named "ABC"s Magic ", by David and from the ABC television network of the other fourteen star joint performances, this novel has been welcomed by all, to become the company"s high rate of programs. From the David Copperfield extraordinary magic show introduced to the audience throughout the United States. After that, David collaborated with the Colombian radio and television company to shoot the "Magic World of David Copperfield" series of special programs, his superb magic skills to tens of thousands of television viewers stunned.   Where is his inspiration come from? David Copperfield"s own words, inspired "not only from the other magician predecessors", but also by some entertainment people, such as rock band or visual artist. David said, "I used to be a songwriter, and I worship those songwriters, because they can create their own experiences into songs, and they can also vent themselves with songs. Always want to create a rock song that can be immortalized, but now, I created the magic "story", I hope to rely on them to impress the audience.I can through their own creation of things to express themselves.   David Copperfield is the greatest magician of the past, and for more than 30 years he has gone beyond people"s imagination and turned a piece of "impossible task" into reality. With outstanding achievements, David won the American TV Art Emmy Award, the performance of the box office and income even "lion king", "cat" and "opera ghost" and other classic programs also catch up, his large-scale performance " Dream and nightmare "still maintained a Broadway box office record.   David has won numerous prizes, won 21 Emmy Awards, but only twice the Hollywood Magic Art Academy "Magic of the Year" award. But this is a magician is already the supreme glory. The vast majority of winners have only once. More famous magic master life missed.
2023-01-02 08:26:031


  unnecessary的`汉语意思   英 [ʌnˈnesəsəri] 美 [ʌnˈnesəseri]   unnecessary 基本解释   形容词 不必要的,多余的; 无用的,无益的; 无须   例句   1. That was an unnecessary remark.   那句话是多余的。   2. All those clothes are unnecessary on such a hot day.   在这样一个大热天,所有那些衣服都不需要了。   unnecessary的单语例句   1. It not only ridicules the poor judgment of the buyer, but also criticizes the unnecessary efforts the seller has spent in making the case.   2. Supporters of the law say the suit was an unnecessary action by the federal government after years of neglecting problems at the border.   3. His domestic popularity has been badly damaged by the Iraq war, which many of his electors view as unnecessary and unjust.   4. Tsang said senior officials of the Hong Kong government should call off all unnecessary activities to mourn the dead.   5. Experts have warned Chinese carbon credit sellers to strengthen legal awareness and improve language skills to protect their interests and avoid unnecessary legal disputes.   6. It is essential that we protect the environment and ecosystem which has been seriously damaged in some areas by unnecessary human activity.   7. It told Chinese firms to carry forward with mergers and acquisitions in an active and safe way and avoid unnecessary losses from blind expansion.   8. But campaigners against the war said Campbell was the first major political casualty of what they termed an illegal and unnecessary conflict.   9. " I didn"t want yaks to roam into the mining areas and cause unnecessary trouble, " he said.   unnecessary的双语例句   1. For example, if we clear out our unnecessary clutter we will achieve a greater feeling of space and freedom.   举个例子,如果将生活中那些不必要的剔出,那将会获得更大的自由和空间。   2. What`s more, it is unnecessary and intent for them to cater for a man like me.   再说,他们也没有什么野心及必要去讨好像我这样的人。   3. Anyone who wants to have a stable living environment to avoid unnecessary war.   任何人都想有个安稳的生活环境,避免那些不必要的战争。   4. Unnecessary words should be removed to make the article more concise.   繁芜的文字最好删减,这样文章才会显得简洁。
2023-01-02 08:26:091


warm-hearted peoplecost one"s own moneyleft-behind childanimal conservationistthey migrate like birds,as a scene in peak transport in the summer holiday
2023-01-02 08:26:155


energetic:英 [ˌenəˈdʒetɪk]、美 [ˌenərˈdʒetɪk]。adj. 精力充沛的;充满活力的;需要能量的;积极的。例句:1、He seemed a dynamic and energetic leader 他似乎是一个富有干劲、精力充沛的领导。2、Her mother was a resourceful and energetic woman. 她母亲是一个足智多谋、精力充沛的女人。3、The company is trying to create a young energetic image. 这家公司正试图塑造一个充满活力的年轻形象。4、He knew I was energetic and dynamic and would get things done. 他知道我精力充沛、生气勃勃,会把事情办成的。5、I think I"d prefer something a little less energetic. 我想我更喜欢不太剧烈的活动。
2023-01-02 08:26:376


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2023-01-02 08:28:224


  ban表示禁止,下令禁止; 剥夺权利的意思,那么你知道ban的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了ban的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!   ban的短语:   动词+~   announce a ban on 宣布对…的禁令   cancel a ban 取消禁令   claim a ban of 主张禁止   continue the ban 继续禁止   drop a ban 解禁   介词+~   under a ban 被禁止   ~+介词   ban on the sale of guns 武器销售禁令   ban on the use of atomic weapons 对使用原子武器的谴责   同义词辨析:   forbid, prohibit, ban   这些动词均有"禁止"之意。   forbid : 通俗用语,指直接地、面对面吩咐不许他人采取某种行动。   prohibit : 正式用词,多指通过法律手段或制订规则加以禁止。   ban : 语气最强,指权威机关明文取消或禁止严重危害公众利益的事或行为,隐含道义上的谴责意味。   ban的短语例句:   1. The Partial Test-Ban Treaty bans nuclear testing in the atmosphere.   《部分禁止核试验条约》禁止在大气层中进行核试验。   2. I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising.   我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告.   3. Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.   大品牌超市即将下架许多转基因食品。   4. Britain"s health experts are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising.   英国的健康专家正努力争取取缔任何形式的香烟广告。   5. The General also lifted a ban on political parties.   将军同时取消了对政党的禁令。   6. There"s already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan.   日本已经全面禁止国外非熟练工入境。   7. The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs.   政府贸然禁止出口未加工过的原木。   8. Anti-racist campaigners are urging the Government to ban all far-Right groups.   反种族主义活动家正在力促政府取缔所有极右组织。   9. There is a complete ban on low-flying aircraft.   飞机一律禁止低空飞行。   10. a ban on the dumping of radioactive waste at sea   禁止向海里倾倒放射性废物   11. The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling.   委员会要求全球禁止捕鲸。   12. a ban on the ivory trade   象牙贸易禁令   13. A MORI poll showed that 68% of people opposed the ban.   摩利公司的民意测验显示,有68%的人反对这一禁令。   14. a test ban treaty   禁止核试验条约   15. A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.   将签署一项禁止核试验的多边条约.
2023-01-02 08:28:431


1. 精力旺盛的;精神饱满的He is an energetic tennis player.他是个精力充沛的网球手。2. 有力的;积极的an energetic campaigner in the cause of women"s lib一位妇女解放事业的大力倡导者
2023-01-02 08:28:526


  meanwhile有其间;同时等意思,那么你知道meanwhile的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    meanwhile的用法:   meanwhile的用法1:meanwhile的基本意思是“其间,与此同时”,指在一件事情发生的过程中或者一段时间内另一件事也在发生。   meanwhile的用法2:meanwhile用作副词时,也可拼作meantime,为非正式英语。   meanwhile的用法3:meanwhile有时也可用作名词,多用在in the meanwhile短语中,意思与meanwhile相同,但不如meanwhile用得普遍。    meanwhile的用法例句:   1. Meanwhile, melt the white chocolate in a bowl suspended over simmering water.   同时,把碗置于微沸的水上,将白巧克力放入碗中使其熔化。   2. The media, meanwhile, has blown hot and cold on the affair.   同时,媒体对这件事的态度表现得忽冷忽热。   3. Meanwhile, sales of vinyl records halved in 1992 to just 6.7m.   与此同时,黑胶唱片的销售量在1992年下降了一半,只有670万张。   4. Meanwhile, Dusty Springfield"s new TV series began a run on BBC 1.   同时,达斯蒂·斯普林菲尔德的电视剧新作开始在BBC1台播放。   5. Meanwhile, the domestic debate on Denmark"s future role in Europe rages on.   与此同时,国内也展开了有关丹麦未来在欧洲扮演何种角色的激烈争论。   6. Meanwhile the race is on to resurface the road before next Wednesday.   与此同时正赶着在下周三之前把路面重新铺好。   7. You, meanwhile, will be skulking in the safety of the car.   与此同时,你会安全地藏在汽车里。   8. Meanwhile, back in London, Palace Pictures was collapsing.   与此同时,伦敦的皇宫影业公司也正在分崩离析。   9. Meanwhile, the boredom is excruciating.   同时,又无聊得让人苦恼不已。   10. Meanwhile the personality cult around this campaigner grew.   同时,对这位竞选者的个人崇拜正在逐渐升温。   11. The public, meanwhile, hold architects in low esteem.   与此同时,公众对建筑师并不看重。   12. Meanwhile, as the politicians haggle, the violence worsens.   在政客们大打嘴仗的同时,暴力事件愈演愈烈。   13. The doctor will see you again next week. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible.   医生下周还会给你看病。在此期间,你一定要尽可能多休息。   14. Meanwhile we must do a good job in transport and communications.   同时我们要搞好交通运输工作.   15. I continued working, meanwhile, he went out shopping.   我继续工作, 这期间他出去买东西.
2023-01-02 08:29:171

Degree of Campaign Impact什么意思?

2023-01-02 08:29:233

查尔斯·狄更斯 生平简介(中英对照的!!)

Charles John Huffam Dickens, FRSA (IPA: /ˈtʃɑrlz ˈdɪkɪnz/; 7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870), pen-name "Boz", was the foremost English novelist of the Victorian era, as well as a vigorous social campaigner. Considered one of the English language"s greatest writers, he was acclaimed for his rich storytelling and memorable characters, and achieved massive worldwide popularity in his lifetime.Later critics, beginning with George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, championed his mastery of prose, his endless invention of memorable characters and his powerful social sensibilities, but fellow writers such as George Henry Lewes, Henry James and Virginia Woolf fault his work for sentimentality, implausible occurrence and grotesque characters.[1]The popularity of Dickens" novels and short stories has meant that not one has ever gone out of print. Dickens wrote serialised novels, the usual format for fiction at the time, and each new part of his stories was eagerly anticipated by the reading public.
2023-01-02 08:29:362

七夕特别笔记:Wedding Wows

Wedding wows 标题是个双关,wedding vows 婚礼誓词,但这里用了wows,体现了一点出乎意料的情绪。这篇文章讲的也是中式婚礼的变迁。 How the one-child policy changed Chinese  nuptials . nuptials必须带着s,上周我们整理的The Good Wife追剧笔记中也有出现Nuptials的变体:prenuptial婚前发生的,也经常看到婚前协议的简写pre-nup。 OVERSIZE cupids in pink, furry  outfits  hand out heart-shaped balloons with “I Do” written on them (in English) at a wedding -themed  trade fair in Beijing. Vendors offer romantic  photo-shoots  of couples under water or at a racetrack, personalised wedding cigarettes, and biscuits with names such as “Date & Fate”. An emphasis on love is a new addition to Chinese weddings—and  shines a pink-filtered spotlight on social change. 第一句话中,outfit特指在特殊场合中穿的全套服装,做及物动词时,注意介词搭配:outfit sb./sth. In/with sth. 为……搭配全套装备/服装。 -themed这个构词,以……为主题的,比如a Hawaiian-themed party夏威夷主题的聚会,themed hotels主题酒店。 photo-shoot 跟photograph不太一样的地方在于,它是更加专业的摄影,而且通常是给名人麻豆拍的摄影。 最后一句可以get到一个很好用的写作词组:shine a spotlight on sth,将…置于聚光灯下,可以引申为聚焦于…、关注…,比如 Campaigners say it"s helped to shine a spotlight on the violent consequences of the trade in illicit diamonds. 社会运动人士认为,此次事件有助人们聚焦非法钻石交易带来的暴力犯罪后果。 For centuries, marriage in China was about ensuring heirs for the groom"s family. Ceremonies centred on the groom"s  kin : couples  kowtowed  to the man"s parents but the woman"s relatives were absent. Unusually, both the groom"s and the bride"s family exchanged money or goods. The more money changed hands, the more opulent  the wedding. 第一句话可以完完整整套用到有关爱情与婚姻或者中国传统家庭观念等相关话题的写作中:For centuries, marriage in China was about ensuring heirs for the groom"s family. 几百年来,结婚在中国意味着确保新郎家的香火延续。 heir [eər] ,注意没有h的音,继承人,后嗣,就是国人说的香火。  kin统称家属,亲属,加上后缀-ship,kinship,则可表示亲情或亲密的感情。 kowtow 这个词应该是从中文音译过去的,扣头,很自然地联想到卑躬屈膝、马首是瞻的样子,所以可以引申为顺从巴结,比如如果你看不惯办公室里的马屁精戏精,你可以在心里默默diss:See how stupidly they kow-tow to persons higher in the hierarchy. 瞧他们对上级唯命是从的样子是多么的愚蠢。看,kowtow这个词更多用于贬义。 最后一句关注这个词opulent [ˈɒpjʊlənt]极富有的,阔绰的,这句话是说,转手的彩礼钱越多,婚礼越奢华。After it  came to power  in 1949, the Communist Party  imposed frugality .  Dowries consisted of necessities like  bed linen  or a bicycle; guests brought their own  food coupons .  But since the 1980s the extravagance of nuptials has matched the country"s rise. Celebrations moved out of homes into hotels. Brides  swapped traditional red dresses  for  white,  flouncy meringue-like  ones (some now wear both, in sequence). Come to power,也可以用rise to power,当权执政。 中文里常说提倡勤俭节约,第一句就提供了表达impose frugality,动词也可以用practice. 接下来的几个名词比较中国特色,dowry嫁妆,bed linen床单枕套,food coupon就是粑粑麻麻小时候国家发行的粮票啦。 But since the 1980s the extravagance of nuptials has matched the country"s rise.这句话写得很简洁,主要是match一词用得不错。从字面来看,婚礼的铺张赶上了国家的兴盛。那也就是体现一个前因后果,国家富裕了之后,婚礼也开始铺张浪费大操大办起来。 注意到没有,这句话还有frugality的反义词extravagance。 最后一句话注意swap sth for sth,把……换成……,下次用这个词组替换replace。 女生爱穿的荷叶边衣服,荷叶边怎么说?Flounce,荷叶边的裙子穿上身之后,走起路来裙摆就一抖一抖的,所以也有那么一点盛气凌人的感觉。flounce做动词就有了这么一个意思,怒气冲冲的走路,flounce out of the room气呼呼地走出了房间,可以联想着记忆。 meringue蛋白酥,meringue-like 像蛋白酥的一样的,这个构词法跟前面提到的-themed是一样的。  A large industry has emerged to serve the 13m couples who marry each year. Wedding planners are increasingly common, particularly in cities. A decade ago Cosmo Bride, an American-owned lifestyle magazine, launched a Chinese-language edition in China. An average wedding cost $12,000 in 2011 (the latest year for which such data exist)— the equivalent of  more than two years" income for the average urban  household . An increase in the average marriage age by 2.5 years since 1990 has given parents (who still usually pay for weddings, despite the earning power of their children) more time to save up. equivalent等同物,等价物,the equivalent 就是12,000 dollars的同位语,Be the equivalent of 堪比,相当于,等同于,无异于。 普通城市家庭,the average urban household,household与family的区别如下: 作名词时,family常见的意义有“家庭”、“家属”、“子女”、“家族”。要特别注意的是,如果有人说I have a family. 不是说“我结婚了”,亦不是“我成家了”,而是“我有孩子了”。比如:She has the sole responsibility for a large family. 她要独自承担抚养一大群子女的责任。 而family 作形容词时,意思为“老少咸宜的”(designed to be suitable for children as well as adults),比如:a family newspaper全家人/成年人和未成年人都能看的报纸。 Household意思为 a house and its occupants regarded as a unit。尽管很多时候household也翻译成“家庭”、“一家人”,但是要注意这里它和family的区别在于: household包含的是住在一起的人,可以是亲属,也可以不是亲属,比如佣人、管家或者其他成员,有点类似我们国家说的“户口”、“户”的含义,比如我国人口普查报告中有一个概念“家庭户”,官方提供的译文是 family household。而在这一层面上,family只是指有血缘关系的家庭。 最后一句,save up 和save同义,储蓄,save up for sth.为了……而存钱。The change in wedding  frippery  also reflects a fundamental shift in society. For the first time in the history of Chinese family life, the child—rather than ancestors or parents—is regarded as the centre of the family, says Yan Yunxiang of the University of California, Los Angeles. Most  newly-weds  now are single children, born since the one-child policy was introduced more than 30 years ago. Parents have more to spend if they only have to  fork out for  one wedding (they usually share costs with the spouse-to-be"s family). 第一句frippery [ˈfrɪpəri],多余无用的东西,花哨的装饰品,也可以指艳俗的服装或装饰物。 For the first time in the history/in one"s life...放在句首,强调the first time,比如For the first time in years the U.S airline industry is in terrific shape. newly-weds,s要跟着,新婚夫妇,〔一对〕新人 最后一句fork out (for sth),fork out sth (for/on sth) 大量花钱,大把掏钱,而且通常是不情愿的。可以和上一段的save up合在一起记忆。比如:forked out a small fortune on education在教育上花了不少钱。 同样表示花了不少钱的表达还有: Shell out: 付 (一大笔钱),比如:You won"t have to shell out a fortune for it. 你将不必为它花一大笔钱。 Pour into: 大量投入〔金钱〕于〔某事物〕,比如They"ve poured thousands of pounds into developing the business. 他们已经投入几千英镑开发这项业务。 Splurge: 乱花钱,挥霍,splurge (sth) on sth,比如Within a couple of months, I"d splurged about £2,500 on clothes.就在几个月时间里,我买衣服花掉了 2,500 英镑。 Splash out on sth.:大肆挥霍(金钱)William Jankowiak of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, who has  documented relationships in China for 30 years, says love plays a larger part in young people"s lives—both in choice of partner and in their relationships with parents. Love is far more often spoken about. The result is evident in weddings, which now focus on the couple. Both sets of parents are represented, but their position is  peripheral. Weddings often  feature  a day of wedding photos, shot before the event, with the couple in a range of outfits  against romantic backgrounds , but with no family members. 第一句的document是及物动词,记录,记载,比如The effects of smoking have been well documented.有关吸烟的影响记录翔实。 Both sets of parents are represented, but their position is peripheral.双方父母,both sets of parents。双方父母都会出席,但只是peripheral次要的;附带,比如peripheral and boring information.无关紧要的无聊信息。父母只是婚礼上的陪衬。 feature 以…为特色,是…的特征,翻译的时候可以说,具有……的特点,……的特点是……,或者简单地翻译成通常……,比如文中这句话:Weddings often feature a day of wedding photos, shot before the event婚礼现场当天通常饰以在此前拍摄的婚纱照。 Weddings often feature a day of wedding photos, shot before the event, with the couple in a range of outfits against romantic backgrounds, but with no family members. 婚礼现场当天通常饰以在此前拍摄的婚纱照,在浪漫的背景下,夫妻穿上一系列服装拍摄婚纱照,但没有家庭成员参与其中。 这句话也可以直接记下来,用于描述中国式的婚礼,口语写作两相宜 against the background, against a background of sth以…为背景。
2023-01-02 08:29:451


2013 年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛高三年级组试题参考答案及评分标准听力部分(共三大题,计 3园 分)I. Responses(句子应答)(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)1—5 ACBDCII. Dialogues(对话理解)(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,计 10 分)A) 6—10 BCDBBB) 11—15 CADCAIII. Passages(短文理解)(共 10 小题;16—20 小题每小题 1 分,21—25 小题每小题 2 分,计 15 分)A) 16—20 BACABB) 21. different 22. quality 23. (very) easy 24. excellent stories 25. sports pages笔试部分(共七大题,计 120 分)I援 Multiple-choice(选择填空)(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)26—30 CABCD 31—35 CBCBA 36—40 BCADDII援 Cloze(完形填空)(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,计 15 分)A) 41. highest 42. preparing 43. challenge 44. simply 45. minutesB) 46. daily 47. campaigner 48. conversation 49. listening 50. aged 51. worse 52. and 53. discussions 54. of55. togetherIII. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)(共 20 小题;56—60 小题每小题 1 分,61—75 小题每小题 2 分,计 35 分)A) 56. A 57. C 58. D 59. T 60. FB) 61—65 EBFDGC) 66. Biology students.67. To test their interest in the cause.68. 0721 342999.69. Elderly and disabled people.70. In the countryside.D) 71. World War II 72. married / got married to 73. husband 74. environmental and social 75. charitiesIV. Translation(翻译)(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,计 10 分)76. 你可以考虑别人的建议/劝告和观点,但是不要让他们的意见淹没了你内心的想法。77. 这个宇宙中只有一个角落你一定可以改进,那就是你自己。- 11 -78. Our En glish teacher treats us as if we were her own children, so all the students in our class thinkhighly of her.79. Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don蒺t correspond with what wedesire.80. This brief article will let you know why you have bad habits as well as how you can break those badhabits.V. Error Correction(短文改错)(共 10 处错误;每处错误 1 分,计 10 分)The Mobile Phone Throwing World Championships are held every year in Finland, the birthplace of the firstmobile phone. When the championships first took the place in 2000 there were only 30 competitors, but now thechampionship attract well over 100 people from around the world. All of them are angry about one of the pastcentury蒺s most influential invention.The competition is dividing into two sections, contested by teams and individuals. The original category isjudged simple on length of throw, but in the freestyle event competitors win on points awarded for notableperformances during the run -up. Though some competitors use their own handsets, but most take the mobilephones from a large range of second-hand phones which are supplied by the organizers.The competition is founded by local businesswoman Christina Lund.“I saw that all of us have very differentemotions about their mobiles: much of the time they cause tension and frustration to us, especially which they getdropped. They never ring when they are supposed to and they go off at inconvenient times. So I had the idea of acompetition based 夷releasing some of that tension.”81. the 82. attracts 或将 attract 前的 championship 改为 championships 83. inventions 84. divided 85. simply86. but 87. was 88. our 89. when 90. onVI援 IQ Test(智力测试)(共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,计 5 分)91. No, because she hates capital cities.92. 30. (Arnold had 9, Beatrice 2, Claudia 8, David 4 and Edgar 7.)93. Yangtze.94. A. (Each horizontal and vertical line should contain one each of the three different symbols.)95. 58. (Looking along rows and down columns, the third and fourth numbers are the differences between thenumbers in the previous two squares.)VII. Writing(写作)(共 2 题;A)题满分 10 分,B)题满分 20 分,计 30 分)A) One possible version:Dear Principal,I would like to recommend my English teacher Miss Jones for the Outstanding Teacher Award.She has taught us for two and a half years. We know a lot about English and we like English so muchbecause of her teaching. The award should be given to her because she never gets angry or impatient with us, nomatter how many times we ask her for help. Also, she has a special way of making her lessons lively. She canalways make the complicated and boring grammar simple and interesting.We all feel she loves us very much and we like her too. So I think we should show her how much weappreciate her by giving her this award.Yours faithfully,Zhu Jun- 12 -B) One possible version:Never judge a book by its coverI totally agree with this saying.There is no doubt that the first impression is really important to some extent. It蒺s common sense that oneshould go to great lengths to look their best when interviewed, for the sake of the first impression.However, it蒺s universally recognized that it蒺s one蒺s inner quality that counts not only in family life but also inone蒺s job. Those who are honest, helpful, strong-willed, tolerant, competitive, humorous ... are welcome. On thecontrary, people with an attractive appearance can always have things in their favour at the beginning butgradually people tend to identify with those with outstanding abilities and improved qualities. Meanwhile, too muchemphasis on appearance can waste a life, with time spent on cosmetic surgery and chasing famous brands.In conclusion, on no account should we judge a book by its cover.写作评分原则:员援 本题总分为 30 分: A)10 分;B)20 分。按四个档次给分。圆援 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,确定或调整本档次,最后给分。猿援 作文词数少于或多于规定词数 20 词的,从总分中减去 2 分。源援 如书写较差,以至影响阅卷,将分数降低一个档次。附:各档次的分数范围和要求:第四档(很好):A)9—10 分;B)16—20 分完全完成了试题规定的要求,覆盖所有内容要点,符合英语表达习惯, 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇,没有语法和词汇运用错误,具备较强的语言能力,完全达到了预期的写作目的。第三档(好):A)6—8 分;B)11—15 分完成了试题规定的要求,应用的语法结构和词汇能满足题目的要求,符合英语表达习惯, 基本没有语法和词汇运用错误,达到了预期的写作目的。第二档(一般):A)3—5 分;B)6—10 分未恰当完成试题规定的要求,漏掉内容要点,未描述清楚主要内容,写了一些无关内容,有语法和词汇运用错误,影响了对写作内容的理解,信息未能清楚地传达给读者。第一档(差):A)1—2 分;B)1—5 分未完成试题规定的要求,明显遗漏主要内容,写了一些无关内容,语法结构单调,词汇项目有限,有较多语法和词汇运用错误,影响对写作内容的理解,信息未能传达给读者。园 分未能传达给读者任何信息:没有内容或内容太少,无法评判,写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。
2023-01-02 08:29:511

Edith Cowan

百度百科澳大利亚元里有各种面值人物的详尽介绍。50面值的EDITH COWAN是澳大利亚第一位女议员艾蒂丝·科恩。左边是西澳州首府佩斯市议会大厦,科恩曾于1920年在此担当澳大利亚历史上的第一位女议员。右方是科恩为了争取妇女和儿童的权益在演讲,在她的背后是一位监护人和她收养的四个孩子
2023-01-02 08:29:582


Charles Dickens (7 February 1812 – 9 June 1870), pen-name "Boz", was the foremost English novelist of the Victorian era, as well as a vigorous social campaigner. Considered one of the English language"s greatest writers, he was acclaimed for his rich storytelling and memorable characters, and achieved massive worldwide popularity in his lifetime.Later critics, beginning with George Gissing and G. K. Chesterton, championed his mastery of prose, his endless invention of memorable characters and his powerful social sensibilities, but writers such as George Henry Lewes, Henry James and Virginia Woolf fault his work for sentimentality, implausible occurrence and grotesque characters.The popularity of Dickens" novels and short stories has meant that not one has ever gone out of print. Dickens wrote serialised novels, the usual format for fiction at the time, and each new part of his stories was eagerly anticipated by the reading public. T中英文结合 heodore RooseveltTheodore RooseveltTwenty-Sixth President1901-1909Married to Edith Kermit Carow Roosevelt西奥多*罗斯福第二十六任总统1901-1909娶爱蒂斯*凯姆丽*卡罗*罗斯福为妻With the assassination of President McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, not quite 43, became the youngest President in the Nation"s history. He brought new excitement and power to the Presidency, as he vigorously led Congress and the American public toward progressive reforms and a strong foreign policy.随着麦金利总统被暗杀,西奥多*罗斯福(尚未43岁)成为美国历史上最年轻的总统。他为总统的职位带来新的活力,正如他热力四射地引导国会和美国大众进行锐利的改革和强势的外交政策。He took the view that the President as a "steward of the people" should take whatever action necessary for the public good unless expressly forbidden by law or the Constitution." I did not usurp power," he wrote, "but I did greatly broaden the use of executive power."他认为:总统是人民的公仆,应该采取一切尽可能的行动为大众谋福利,除非是法律和宪法法禁止的。他写道:“我不会越权,但我应该在我的权力范围内为最大程度地利用它。Roosevelt"s youth differed sharply from that of the log cabin Presidents. He was born in New York City in 1858 into a wealthy family, but he too struggled--against ill health--and in his triumph became an advocate of the strenuous life.罗斯福的年轻和以往的总统有极大的不同。1858年,他出生在纽约市一个富裕的家庭。但他和病魔作斗争,并最后战胜。这使他成为紧张生活方式的拥护者。In 1884 his first wife, Alice Lee Roosevelt, and his mother died on the same day. Roosevelt spent much of the next two years on his ranch in the Badlands of Dakota Territory. There he mastered his sorrow as he lived in the saddle, driving cattle, hunting big game--he even captured an outlaw. On a visit to London, he married Edith Carow in December 1886.1884年,他的第一任妻子和他的母亲在同一天去世。在接下来的两年时间里,他在达科他荒地上的大农场度过。为了战胜自己的悲伤,他骑马、赶牛、打猎——他甚至还抓到一个亡命之徒。1886年12月,在一次伦敦的访问中,他和爱蒂斯*卡罗结婚。During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt was lieutenant colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment, which he led on a charge at the battle of San Juan. He was one of the most conspicuous heroes of the war.在美西战争中,罗斯福是大骑兵团的中校。他率领他们在圣*胡安战役中冲锋。他成为一个家喻户晓的战争英雄。Boss Tom Platt, needing a hero to draw attention away from scandals in New York State, accepted Roosevelt as the Republican candidate for Governor in 1898. Roosevelt won and served with distinction.鲍斯*汤姆*浦拉特需要一个英雄,使人们注意力从纽约州丑闻中转移。于他接受罗斯福作为共和党的1898年纽约州长候选人。罗斯福胜出,并且政绩卓著。As President, Roosevelt held the ideal that the Government should be the great arbiter of the conflicting economic forces in the Nation, especially between capital and labor, guaranteeing justice to each and dispensing favors to none.作为总统,罗斯福有一种观点:政府应该是国家经济冲突中的裁判者,尤其是在劳资之间,应保证对任何一方公平、不偏袒一方。Roosevelt emerged spectacularly as a "trust buster" by forcing the dissolution of a great railroad combination in the Northwest. Other antitrust suits under the Sherman Act followed.罗斯福他迫使西北一个巨大的铁路联合体分解,从此作为一个“托拉斯的摧毁者”引起人们的注意。随后他在谢尔曼法案的进行其它的反托拉斯诉讼。Roosevelt steered the United States more actively into world politics. He liked to quote a favorite proverb, "Speak softly and carry a big stick. . . . "罗斯福坚持美国应该更为积极地参与世界政治。他喜欢引用一个众所周知的谚语:“拿着大棒,说话小声”。Aware of the strategic need for a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific, Roosevelt ensured the construction of the Panama Canal. His corollary to the Monroe Doctrine prevented the establishment of foreign bases in the Caribbean and arrogated the sole right of intervention in Latin America to the United States.意识到缩短大西洋和太平洋的战略需要,罗斯福决定建造巴拿马运河。他对门罗主义的延伸是:阻止在加勒比海建立外国的基地,并声称唯有美国才有权干涉拉丁美洲。He won the Nobel Peace Prize for mediating the Russo-Japanese War, reached a Gentleman"s Agreement on immigration with Japan, and sent the Great White Fleet on a goodwill tour of the world.他因调停日俄战争而获得诺贝尔和平奖,与日本就移民问题达成绅士协议,而且派遣大白舰队进行全球友好航行。Some of Theodore Roosevelt"s most effective achievements were in conservation. He added enormously to the national forests in the West, reserved lands for public use, and fostered great irrigation projects.几个西奥多*罗斯福的最出名的成绩是关于保护措施的。他在西部增加许多的国家森林,保留许多土地供公共使用,而且赞同大规模的移民方案。He crusaded endlessly on matters big and small, exciting audiences with his high-pitched voice, jutting jaw, and pounding fist. "The life of strenuous endeavor" was a must for those around him, as he romped with his five younger children and led ambassadors on hikes through Rock Creek Park in Washington, D.C.事无巨细,他都要不断地进行改革。他用他那高扬的声音、突出的下颚和强有力的拳头激励着听众。“生命要奋发图强”是他周围的人必须做到,不管是在他调皮地和他五个小孩玩的时候还是他引着大使们徒步穿过华盛顿克里克石头公园。Leaving the Presidency in 1909, Roosevelt went on an African safari, then jumped back into politics. In 1912 he ran for President on a Progressive ticket. To reporters he once remarked that he felt as fit as a bull moose, the name of his new party.1909年,罗斯福离开总统职位到非洲施行。回国后又投身政治。1912年,他以压倒多数的票数竟选总统。据报道,他曾评论他觉得用公牛作为他新政党的名称更为适合。While campaigning in Milwaukee, he was shot in the chest by a fanatic. Roosevelt soon recovered, but his words at that time would have been applicable at the time of his death in 1919: "No man has had a happier life than I have led; a happier life in every way."当在密尔沃基竟选时,他被一个狂徒射中胸膛。罗斯福很快就复元了,而他在当时讲的话或许更为适合他在1919年去世时:“没有人有过比我更为幸福的生活-在任何方面都幸福的生活”。
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包括这个低,使他压倒性的胜利1997年执政以来,主持1998年不错的星期五,带来和平协议对北爱尔兰。布莱尔先生,愤怒的写的那件事使他对科索沃派兵,遗憾的是英国的生活中丢失了伊拉克。但他没有道歉,以国家战争。少将蒂姆十字架是英国的最高代表在2003年入侵伊拉克。 “我认为他是漂亮的衷心的评论,他并不后悔说:“他走过的十字架。“他显然还受到影响,这一点的话,我认为他有任何的疑问,但我想他的终极相信他做什么都是对的。” 先生布莱尔总的收益是捐书的内容,包括报道英国一项价值数百万美元的推进,支持的慈善机构,伤员。交叉相信前首相是对伊拉克战争的冲突。 “我认为他是真正的抗争的伊拉克,但是真正的结果,最终相信这是一件正确的事,但承认一大堆讨厌的人都受了伤,在这个过程中,这是一种报复一些,"他补充道。 在他的回忆录都希望世界畅销书,但前任总理的十年中仍有争议的力量英国,他的巡回售书活动不会都在按照计划进行。”在都柏林,抗议者向他的鸡蛋和鞋,生气,布莱尔带着他的 英国前首相的玛尔和安德鲁最近和BBC的世界新闻关于战争的事和他的参与。“你怎么能不感到惋惜,那些已经死亡?你会不人道的,如果你不认为。但当我问我是否后悔这个决定,你知道,我不得不说我承担这件事,但我不能后悔这个决定,“说布莱尔。 反战人士picketed一个伦敦的商店卖这本书和威胁促使更多的抗议活动先生布莱尔是取消 历史将会觉得他将取决于伊拉克稳定。作为这个国家的斗争,7年入侵,一些分析家这里有担心先生布莱尔现在来说积极对伊朗。 “你让那些人们拿到核武器?现在,我的答案是“否”。如果你是坐在位子,你也不得不接受的决定,也说:"布莱尔。 一些他是一个战争罪犯、任何人一个伟大的英国领导人的观点。托尼·布莱尔的回忆录无助解决自己复杂的遗产。
2023-01-02 08:30:181

雀巢公司创始 英文版

All About NestléSince Henri Nestlé developed the first milk food for infants in 1867, and saved the life of a neighbor"s child, the Nestlé Company has aimed to build a business as the world"s leading nutrition, health and wellness company based on sound human values and principles. While our Nestlé Corporate Business Principles will continue to evolve and adapt to a changing world, our basic foundation is unchanged from the time of the origins of our Company, and reflects the basic ideas of fairness, honesty, and a general concern for people.Nestlé is committed to the following Business Principles in all countries, taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practices:Nestlé"s business objective is to manufacture and market the Company"s products in such a way as to create value that can be sustained over the long term for shareholders, employees, consumers, and business partners. Nestlé does not favor short-term profit at the expense of successful long-term business development. Nestlé recognizes that its consumers have a sincere and legitimate interest in the behavior, beliefs and actions of the Company behind brands in which they place their trust, and that without its consumers the Company would not exist. Nestlé believes that, as a general rule, legislation is the most effective safeguard of responsible conduct, although in certain areas, additional guidance to staff in the form of voluntary business principles is beneficial in order to ensure that the highest standards are met throughout the organization. Nestlé is conscious of the fact that the success of a corporation is a reflection of the professionalism, conduct and the responsible attitude of its management and employees. Therefore recruitment of the right people and ongoing training and development are crucial. Nestlé continues to maintain its commitment to follow and respect all applicable local laws in each of its markets.
2023-01-02 08:30:242


Why waste plastic bags? Choose reusable bags! Facts about Plastic BagsAbout 2.5 billion plastic shopping bags are used every year. That"s about 2,500 bags used per family per year. Plastic bags thrown away as litter, dirty our public places, rivers and canals, and may even clog up drains, and this would lead to stagnant water and mosquito breeding. Plastic bags litter despoils nature trails, beaches and even chokes up mangroves and poses a threat to marine lives. If each family uses one less plastic bag a week, Singapore could save more than 50 million bags each year. Plastic bags are made from oil, a finite resource. By using reusable bags during our shopping trips, we will use fewer plastic bags and help to conserve earth"s resources. Plastic bags are not disposed of at Semakau Landfill. They are incinerated, along with other domestic wastes, at our four incineration plants. Hence, unlike countries that landfill their waste, the non-biodegradability of plastic bags is not a problem in Singapore. That does not mean that we should use plastic bag excessively! It is a waste of resources. A plastic bag or pouch is a type of flexible packaging made of thin, flexible, plastic film. Plastic bags are used for containing and transporting foods, produce, powders, ice, chemicals, waste, etc.Most are heat sealed together. Some are bonded with adhesives or are stitched. A press-to-close zipper can be used to open and close the bag many times.Bag typesPackagesBags or pouches are a type of packaging for containing frozen food, fresh produce, snack foods, hardware, gardening products, etc. They are often made from a single roll of film on a horizontal or vertical form fill sealing machine.Several design options and features are available. Some bags have gussets to allow a higher volume of contents. Some have the ability to stand up on a shelf or a refrigerator. Some have easy-opening or reclosable options. Handles are cut into or added onto some.Bag-In-Box packaging is often used for liquids such as wine and institutional sizes of other liquids.Plastic bags usually use less material than comparable boxes, cartons, or jars, thus are often considered as "reduced or minimized packaging". Depending on the construction, plastic bags can be well suited for plastic recycling. They can be incinerated in appropriate facilities for waste-to-energy conversion. They are stable and benign in sanitary landfills.[1] If disposed of improperly, however, plastic bags can create unsightly litter and harm some types of wildlife.Bags are also made with carrying handles, hanging holes, tape attachments, security features, etc. Some bags have provisions for easy opening and re-closing. Some bags are sealed and can only be opened by destroying the packaging, providing some tamper-evident capability.Plastic shopping bagsMain article: Plastic shopping bagOpen bags with carrying handles are used in large numbers worldwide. Stores often provide them as a convenience to shoppers. Some stores charge a nominal fee for a bag.Heavy duty multiple-use shopping bags are often considered environmentally better than single-use paper or plastic shopping bags. When possible single-use bags should be recycled or reused as trash bags, storage bags, etc. Responsible solid waste usage is encouraged. Used bags should not be littered: this can be unsightly and damage wildlife.Trash bags or Bin bagsMain article: Bin bagPlastic bags are a convenient and sanitary way of handling and containing rubbish, and are widely used. Plastic bags are often used for lining waste containers or bins.Flexible intermediate bulk containerMain article: Flexible intermediate bulk containerFlexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (Big bags, bulk bags, etc.) are large industrial containers, usually used for powders or flowables.See alsoEnvironment Litter Box wine Bag-In-Box Plastic recycling Biodegradable polythene film Biodegradation Photodegradation Refuse-derived fuel Trash bag Ziploc Zipper storage bag Plastic shopping bags, or carrier bags, are a common type of shopping bag in several countries. Most often these bags are intended for a single use to carry items from a store to a home: reuse for storage or trash is common. Heavier duty plastic shopping bags are suitable for multiple uses as shopping or storage bags.CompositionPlastic shopping bags are usually made of polyethylene. This can be low-density , resin identification code 4, or most often high-density, resin identification code 2.Although not in use today, plastic shopping bags could be made from Polylactic acid (PLA) a biodegradable polymer derived from lactic acid This is one form of vegetable-based bioplastic. This material biodegrades quickly under composting conditions and does not leave toxic residue. However, bioplastic can have its own environmental impacts, depending on the way it is produced. Recyclability of this experimental material is unproven: resin identification code 7 is applicable.Bags made of biodegradable polythene film, which decompose when exposed to sun, air, and moisture, and are also suited for composting have been proposed as an alternative to conventional plastic shopping bags. However, they do not readily decompose in a sealed landfill and represent a possible contaminant to plastic recycling operations. Resin identification code 7 is applicable.Environmental issuesPlastic shopping bags have advantages and disadvantages when compared to alternatives such as paper bags. Heavy duty multiple-use shopping bags are often considered environmentally better than single-use paper or plastic shopping bags. Single-use bags can be recycled, or can be reused by individuals as trash bags, storage bags, etc.AdvantagesThe durability, strength, low cost, water and chemicals resistance, welding properties, lesser energy and heavy chemicals requirements in manufacture, fewer atmosphere emissions and light weight are advantages of plastic bags. Many studies comparing plastic versus paper for shopping bags show that plastic bags have less net environmental effect than paper bags, requiring less energy to produce, transport and recycle; however these studies also note that recycling rates for plastic are significantly lower than for paper. Plastic bags can be incinerated in appropriate facilities for waste-to-energy. Plastic bags are stable and benign in sanitary landfills.Plastic carrier bags can be reused as trash bags or bin bags. Plastic bags are complimentary in many locations but are charged or "taxed" in others.DisadvantagesThe following disadvantages have also been identified:Plastic bags are made of petrochemicals, a nonrenewable resource. Plastic bags are flimsy and often do not stand up as well as paper or cloth. When disposed of improperly, they are unsightly and represent a hazard to wildlife. Plastic bags, conventional or "biodegradable", do not readily biodegrade in a sanitary landfill, (but neither does paper due to lack of oxygen). Plastic bags can cause unsupervised infants to suffocate. Environmental impactsSturdy reusable shopping bags are EPA verified environmentally superior to single-use plastic shopping bags. A sturdy, reusable bag needs only be used 11 times to have a lower environmental impact than using 11 disposable plastic bags (providing you somehow dispose of your household waste without using bags). When unnecessary, taking single-use bags from stores is discouraged. In the case one is compelled to take a single-use bag, such bags can be recycled. Paper is accepted in most recycling programs while the recycling rate for plastic bags is very low, research from 2000 shows 20 percent of paper bags were recycled, while one percent of plastic bags were recycled. [1] Shopping bags can also be reused as trash bags, storage bags, etc. However, bags that are reused as trash bags typically still go to landfills. Current research demonstrates that paper in today"s landfills does not degrade or break down at a substantially faster rate than plastic does. In fact, nothing completely degrades in modern landfills due to the lack of water, light, oxygen, and other important elements that are necessary for the degradation process to be completed. [2] Responsible solid waste disposal is encouraged. Used bags should not be littered: this is unsightly, damages wildlife and exposes fisheries to eminent danger. [3] Aquatic life can be threatened through entanglement, suffocation, and ingestion. [4] One animal dissected by Dutch researchers contained 1,603 pieces of plastic. All sea creatures are threatened by floating plastic, from whales down to zooplankton. Research proves the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" in the North Pacific Gyre contains six times as much plastic as it does plankton.Sea turtles may mistake clear plastic bags for jellyfish. The reason that turtles ingest marine debris is not known with certainty. It has been suggested that debris, such as plastic bags, look similar to, and are mistaken for jellyfish. Birds swoop down and swallow indigestible shards of plastic. The petroleum-based plastics take decades to break down, and as long as they float on the ocean"s surface, they can appear as feeding grounds. "These animals die because the plastic eventually fills their stomachs," Ocean Conservancy vice president Warner Chabot said. "It doesn"t pass, and they literally starve to death." A study of the seafloor using trawl nets in the North-Western Mediterranean around the coasts of Spain, France and Italy in 1993/4 reported a particularly high mean concentration of debris (1935 items/km2 or 19.35 items/hectare) (Galgani et al. 1995). 77% of the debris was plastics and of this, 92.8% were plastic bags. Nearly 80% of litter in the ocean comes from land-based sources. Most of the land-based debris is conveyed to oceans via urban runoff through storm drains. The main source of plastic bags in the ocean is from urban runoff.RecyclingAccording to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, only 1% of plastic bags were recycled in 2000.When one ton of plastic bags is reused as something else other then plastic bags or recycled, the energy equivalent of 11 barrels of oil is saved.According to the UK government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, there are several problems with plastic recycling, and in particular plastic bags:the high volume to weight ratio of plastic means that the collection and transport of this waste is difficult and expensive there are often high levels of contamination in plastic making the recyclate less usable, especially where food products are involved there is a very wide range of plastics in use and segregation is difficult the market for using recycled plastic is underdeveloped AustraliaIn Australia shoppers are now encouraged to buy bags called "green bags" which cost only about a dollar, but can be reused many times. The bags are coloured depending on the company that sells them. Some "green bags" are insulated for the carrying of hot or cold items. Locally, the town of Coles Bay in Tasmania banned plastic shopping bags in April, 2003. [7] In early 2008, the Australian Federal Government stated it would consider action that would result in plastic bags being phased out by the end of 2008. [8] Australians used 4.84 billion plastic bags in 2007, at a wholesale cost of $0.0018 each [9] The bags each weigh 35grams and are used to wrap many Australian products such as fruits and vegitables. The shopping bags themselves account for 10% or less of the plastic Australian shoppers carry home from supermarkets. In South Australia free single use plastic bags will banned as of the end of 2008.[10]BangladeshPlastic shopping bags are banned in Bangladesh, where they are thought to cause flooding during monsoons by clogging drains.[citation needed]BhutanPlastic shopping bags, along with tobacco and MTV, have been banned in Bhutan, on the grounds that they make the country less happy.[11] See Gross National Happiness.ChinaBeginning on June 1 2008, for the entire country of China, all supermarkets, department stores and shops will be prohibited from giving out free plastic bags. Stores must clearly mark the price of plastic shopping bags and are banned from tacking that price onto products. The production, sale and use of ultra-thin plastic bags - those less than 0.025 millimeters, or 0.00098 inches, thick - are also banned. The State Council calls for "a return to cloth bags and shopping baskets."Hong KongHong Kong enjoys a set of different laws as one of China"s Special Administrative Region. The city has not prohibited the use of giving out free plastic bags yet even if the problem is of growing concern. Supermarkets play a large role in giving out free plastic bags for its customers. The problem has raised awareness amongst the people when a "No Plastic Bag Day" was launched back in 2006, a campaign co-organized by the Environmental Protection Department and several green groups such as Green Student Council, Friends of the Earth, The Conservancy Association and Green Power. However, as the campaign is voluntary and only takes place in the first Tuesday of each month, it did very little to halt the problem. Government statistics show that the city currently disposes 23 million of bags a day. For a city of almost 7 million, this means an average of 3 bags thrown per person. In December 2007, a Product Eco-res
2023-01-02 08:30:346


《TheMemoirsofVictorHugo》(Hugo,Victor)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:bhjs    书名 :TheMemoirsofVictorHugo豆瓣评分:作者: Hugo, Victor出版社:出版年: 2008-1页数:  260内容简介 :Victor-Marie Hugo (1802-1885) was a French poet, playwright, novelist, essayist, visual artist, statesman, human rights campaigner, and perhaps the most influential exponent of the Romantic movement in France. In France, Hugo"s literary reputation rests primarily on his poetic and dramatic output and only secondarily on his novels. Among many volumes of poetry, Les Contemplatio...作者简介:维克多·雨果( 英文名:Victor Hugo,1802年2月26日—1885年5月22日),法国19世纪前期积极浪漫主义文学的代表作家,人道主义的代表人物,法国文学史上卓越的资产阶级民主作家,被人们称为“法兰西的莎士比亚”。一生写过多部诗歌、小说、剧本、各种散文和文艺评论及政论文章,在法国及世界有着广泛的影响力。
2023-01-02 08:30:581

英语文章翻译及其答案!! Laws that would have ensured pupils

2023-01-02 08:31:072

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2023-01-02 08:31:173


The Amazon rainforest has been on fire for the past three weeks, and it"s no accident. Here"s what you should know:How often does the Amazon burn?Fires are common in the Amazon during the region"s dry season, which typically starts in July and August and ends in mid-November. But this year there have been more than 72,000 fires across the country, with more than half of those occurring in the Amazon. That"s an 84% increase from the same period last year, according to data from Brazil"s National Institute for Space Research, or INPE.The Amazon is known to produce moisture and humidity, making it relatively resistant to wildfires, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Instead, it seems that a combination of droughts, and ranchers and farmers taking advantage of the dry season to burn and clear land for cattle, are to blame. The result is significant harm to both the rainforest, and the indigenous communities who live there.What are the causes of the Amazon forest fires?There are currently about 9,500 fires raging across the Amazon.Deforestation, or the removal of forest and trees to convert land for non-forest use, is the main cause of the fires, and much of the deforestation currently happening in the Amazon is illegal.The farming industry and international trade relationships are the main drivers of deforestation, more than 75% of which is caused by cattle ranching and soy production, according to a report from the NGO Amazon Watch. Soy beans and beef, two of Brazil"s main exports, are “forest-risk commodities” and most of it is going to China, the European Union, and the United States.Droughts caused both by climate change and deforestation are also part of the problem, according to Greenpeace. The forest fires are contributing to higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions, which lead to global temperatures rising. As these temperatures rise, major droughts become more frequent and can extend the forest"s dry season.Despite these factors, Brazil"s far right President Jair Bolsonaro claimed on last Wednesday that NGOs were to blame for the wildfires in the Amazon. He said, without proof, that they were starting the fires because his government had cut their funding.But the country"s government is at the center of the increasingly violent environmental degradation.Márcio Astrini the public policy coordinator with Greenpeace Brazil called Bolsonaro"s statement “an attempt to conceal himself from the consequences of the anti-environmental policy he has been adopting.” Astrini added, “His accusation seeks to blame anyone who denounces the environmental problems created by his own administration.”The fires burning across the Amazon right now are mostly agricultural and man-made, many of them started either by smallholders, loggers, or farmers who are clearing land for cattle. Just this month, farmers participated in a “Day of Fire” around a main road in the Amazon, which Greenpeace says caused a 300% increase in fires in the area.Experts and activists see the current onslaught as related to Bolsonaro"s xenophobic and anti-environmental rhetoric, as deforestation is not only destroying the rainforest, but indigenous communities, as well. Deforestation was also a problem under the previous presidents Dilma Rousseff and Michel Temer, but it has grown rapidly over the last eight months.Since Bolsonaro took office this year, his administration has repeatedly rolled back environmental protections, cutting the staffing of both environmental and indigenous rights agencies.The president recently fired the head of the INPE, the agency that tracks deforestation in the country, after it released a report showing the higher rates of deforestation under his administration. “The numbers, as I understand it, were released with the objective of harming the name of Brazil and its government,” Bolsonaro told reporters.Bolsonaro"s government also cut $23 million from Brazil"s environmental enforcement agency, while dismantling policies that protect the Amazon in favor of advancing economic priorities, including agribusiness, mining, and fossil fuel extraction.According to the Articulation of the Indigenous People of Brazil, under Bolsonaro"s leadership, “attacks and invasions” of indigenous lands have been on the rise, as has racism against Native communities. Some indigenous rights groups say the president"s anti-environmental stances are contributing to the land disputes and violence faced by their communities.Bolsonaro “has said extremely xenophobic things about indigenous communities needing to be wiped out,” Moira Birss, Amazon Watch"s Finance Campaign Director told Fortune. “It"s clearly emboldening actors in the Amazon who are willing to use violence to remove” Native communities in favor of making a profit.What do these forest fires mean for the planet?The Amazon rainforest generates more than 20% of the world"s oxygen, meaning these fires will not only affect Brazil, but the entire planet.Often referred to as the “lungs of the planet,” the Amazon plays an important role in balancing the climate, from farming to drinking water. The impacts of the current rate of deforestation could be irreversible, as scientists say the Amazon could “degrade into a dry savannah.”“The Amazon is a vital ecosystem for climate stability,” said Birss. “When trees are cut down or burned down, all that carbon they"ve been storing is released and their ability to keep taking in carbon from the atmosphere is eliminated.” Birss says that while reforestation could happen and restore the Amazon to its old growth, the process would also take centuries.And the planet doesn"t have much time.Global warming is one of the greatest threats to the world population right now, and the planet needs trees to absorb carbon as global temperatures continue to rise. The loss of its biggest rainforest would be detrimental.“Forest fires and climate change operate in a vicious cycle: as the number of fires increase, so do greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the planet"s overall temperature and the occurrence of extreme weather events, such as major droughts,” said Romulo Batista, an Amazon campaigner with Greenpeace Brazil.Can the Amazon fires be stopped?Experts say international political pressure may be the only way to stop the current onslaught on the Amazon. “The scale is one that requires a governmental response,” said Birss.The UN secretary general and world leaders have expressed concern.French President Emmanuel Macron called for emergency talks to put the state of the Amazon at the top of the agenda ahead of G7 summit. A spokesperson for the French president said France would block the EU-Mercosur trade deal reached earlier this year due to the Brazilian government"s response to the fires. If the trade deal moves forward without conditions for protecting the Amazon, Birss says, “that"s going to give a greenlight to Bolsonaro.”Ireland"s prime minister, Leo Varadkar echoed the same sentiment, while Germany and Norway are halting donations to the Brazilian government"s Amazon fund.But the problem will require taking broader and more aggressive actions, including restoring Amazon protections and reforestation, while also holding accountable the financial companies that profit from deforestation. Likewise, governments importing beef, poultry, and soy from Brazil will need to review their trade policies.亚马逊雨林的大火已经持续燃烧整整三个星期了,这并非偶然。关于这场大火,还有哪些是你应该知道的?亚马逊是否经常发生火灾?亚马逊从每年7月和8月起进入旱季,旱季通常会持续到11月中旬,在这期间,火灾是很常见的。不过来自于巴西国家空间研究所的数据显示,今年巴西已经发生了超过7.2万起火灾,其中半数以上发生在亚马逊地区。较上年同期增长了84%。据美国国家海洋和大气管理局介绍,众所周知,亚马逊雨林的湿度较大,通常不容易被野火引起火灾。近期的亚马逊大火,与当地的农牧民利用旱季烧林开荒,以求放牧牲畜有很大关系。结果不仅烧毁了大面积的雨林,也对生活在那里的土著社区造成了影响。亚马逊雨林发生火灾的原因是什么?目前,整个亚马逊地区一共有9500多处起火点。毁林开荒,也就是烧毁林木,将土地转为其他用途,是导致这些火灾的主要原因。目前发生在亚马逊地区的毁林行为大多是非法的。一个叫“亚马逊观察”的非政府组织在一份报告中指出,农业和农产品国际贸易,是导致巴西大面积毁林开荒的主要推动力,毁掉的林地有75%以上被用于养牛或种植大豆。大豆和牛肉已经成了巴西的主要出口产品之一,而它们都是“危害雨林”的产品。巴西出口的大豆和牛肉多都销往了中国、欧盟和美国。绿色和平组织表示,气候变化和毁林开荒也会加剧干旱。森林火灾会导致温室气体排放量增加,进而导致全球气温上升。随着温度的升高,严重的干旱会更加频繁发生,甚至会延长雨林的旱季。虽然存在以上因素,然而巴西的极右翼总统博索纳罗却在上周三声称,这次亚马逊的森林大火是环保组织放的,原因是对政府削减了对他们的拨款不满。当然,博索纳罗的这些指责并没有任何证据能够证明。对巴西自然环境的不断恶化,政府是难辞其咎的。巴西绿色和平组织的公共政策协调员马西奥·阿斯特里尼称,博索纳罗的声明“是为了掩盖他所采取的反环境政策的后果。有些人抨击他的政府是环境问题的罪魁祸首,而他的这些指责,只是为了把责任推给抨击他的人。”目前在亚马逊燃烧的大火多数是人为造成的,而且主要是出于农业目的。放火的人大多是本地的农牧民或伐木工人。就在这个月,不少农民还参加了在亚马逊地区的一条主干道附近举行的“放火日”活动。绿色和平组织表示,这场活动导致该地区的火灾增加了300%。一些专家和环保人士认为,目前亚马逊大火的失控之势,与博索纳罗的排外主义和反环保主义政策有关。毁林开荒不仅破坏了雨林,也对当地的土著社区造成了影响。在前总统迪尔玛·罗塞夫和米歇尔·泰梅尔任内,虽然也有破坏雨林的问题,但这种行为在过去8个月里出现了急剧增长。自从今年博索纳罗上台以来,他的政府一再减少对环保领域的投入,同时还削减了环境部门和维护土著居民权利部门的工作人员。最近,博索纳罗还炒了巴西国家空间研究所(INPE)负责人的鱿鱼。在此不久前,INPE刚刚发布了一份报告,显示在博索纳罗任内,巴西的毁林开荒率有所提高。博索纳罗对记者表示:“在我看来,公布这些数字的目的,就是为了损害巴西和巴西政府的声誉。”博索纳罗政府还砍掉了巴西环境执法局的2300万美元经费。为了刺济经济,发展农业、矿业和化石能源开采等产业,政府还取消了一些旨在保护亚马逊雨林的政策。《巴西土著人之声》称,在博索纳罗的领导下,土著人的土地遭到“攻击和入侵”的情况愈加严重,针对土著社区的种族主义倾向也日益加重。一些土著权利组织表示,博索纳罗的反环保主义立场,是导致土著社区遭受土地争端和暴力的主要原因。亚马逊观察的财务活动主任莫伊拉·伯斯对《财富》杂志表示,博索纳罗“发表过一些极端排外主义言论,比如土著社区应该被清除等等。对于那些愿意用暴力手段驱逐亚马逊原住民以获取利润的人来说,这些言论显然助长了他们的气焰。”大火对地球有何影响?亚马逊雨林制造了全球20%以上的氧气。因此,亚马逊大火不仅仅会影响巴西,还会影响整个地球。很多人将亚马逊雨林称为“地球之肺”,它对气候起着重要的调节作用,对于农业生产、饮用水等方面也起着不可替代的作用。目前,亚马逊的毁林开荒速度很可能带来不可逆的后果。有科学家表示,亚马逊雨林甚至有可能“退化成一个干旱的大草原”。伯斯表示:“亚马逊雨林是稳定气候的一个重要的生态系统。这些树木一旦被砍伐被烧掉,它们存储的碳就会被释放出来,而它们从大气中吸收碳的能力就会消失。”他还表示,尽管通过重新造林让亚马逊雨林恢复原貌并非不可能,但这个过程也需要几个世纪的时间。而地球却没有这么长的时间可以等待了。全球变暖是当前全球人口面临的最主要的威胁之一。随着全球气温持续上升,地球更加需要树木来吸收空气中的碳。地球上最大的雨林的消失,对人类必然有害无益。巴西绿色和平组织的一位呼吁保护亚马逊雨林的环保人士罗穆罗·巴蒂斯塔表示:“森林火灾和气候变化是一种恶性循环:随着火灾数量的增加,温室气体的排放量也在增加,使地球的总体温度进一步上升,进而导致了严重干旱等极端灾难性天气的发生。”亚马逊大火能被扑灭吗?有专家表示,国际政治压力可能是阻止当前亚马逊地区大规模毁林活动的唯一方法。伯斯表示:“国际上的压力要足够大,迫使政府不得不作出回应。”联合国秘书长和世界各国的领导人已经对亚马逊大火表示了关注。法国总统马克龙呼吁在G7峰会期间,就亚马逊事态进行紧急会谈。马克龙的发言人表示,由于巴西政府对大火应对不力,法国将阻止今年早些时候达成的欧盟—南方共同市场贸易协定。对此,伯斯表示,如果贸易协定在没有保护亚马逊雨林的情况下继续推进,“那将是给博索纳罗开绿灯。”爱尔兰总理瓦拉德卡也表达了对亚马逊大火的关心,德国和挪威也将停止向巴西政府的亚马逊基金捐款。然而问题要想彻底解决,就需要采取更广泛、更积极的行动,包括恢复对亚马逊的保护和重新植树造林等,同时要追究从毁林中获利的金融企业的责任。同时,那些从巴西进口牛肉、家禽和大豆的国家也应重新检讨他们的贸易政策。
2023-01-02 08:31:299


2023-01-02 08:32:122


10th anniversary
2023-01-02 08:32:202


10周年英文为:10th Anniv.全称是:10th Anniversary.anniversary英 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:səri]   美 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:rsəri]  n.周年纪念日adj.周年的;周年纪念的;年年的;每年的复数: anniversaries1、Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。2、The anniversary is bound to bring a new surge of interest in Dylan"s work.该周年纪念肯定会再一次激发人们对迪伦作品的浓厚兴趣。扩展资料纪念日还可以翻译为:1、a red-letter day英 [ei red ˈletə dei]   美 [e rɛd ˈlɛtɚ de]  纪念日;黄道吉日June 2nd will be a red-letter day for him, he"s getting married. 六月二日是他的大喜日子,他要结婚了。2、a commemoration daycommemoration英 [kəˌmeməˈreɪʃn]   美 [kəˌmɛməˈreʃən]  n.纪念,纪念仪式复数: commemorationsThe building is a commemoration of the battle of Waterloo. 这座房子是滑铁卢战役纪念馆。
2023-01-02 08:32:361


10周年英文为:10th Anniv.全称是:10th Anniversary.anniversary英 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:səri]   美 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:rsəri]  n.周年纪念日adj.周年的;周年纪念的;年年的;每年的复数: anniversaries1、Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。2、The anniversary is bound to bring a new surge of interest in Dylan"s work.该周年纪念肯定会再一次激发人们对迪伦作品的浓厚兴趣。扩展资料纪念日还可以翻译为:1、a red-letter day英 [ei red ˈletə dei]   美 [e rɛd ˈlɛtɚ de]  纪念日;黄道吉日June 2nd will be a red-letter day for him, he"s getting married. 六月二日是他的大喜日子,他要结婚了。2、a commemoration daycommemoration英 [kəˌmeməˈreɪʃn]   美 [kəˌmɛməˈreʃən]  n.纪念,纪念仪式复数: commemorationsThe building is a commemoration of the battle of Waterloo. 这座房子是滑铁卢战役纪念馆。
2023-01-02 08:32:461


Father of Modern Biology: Charles Darwin Charles Darwin"s whole life was changed by one lucky chance. In 1831, before he went on the voyage1 of the Beagle2, he was a very ordinary young man of twenty-two. No one in England—certainly not Darwin himself —had any idea of the future he had before him. His sister Caroline gave him his first lessons. He was both lazy and naughty, and everyone was glad that he went away to school after his mother"s death when he was eight. Charles soon became a keen collector. He collected anything that caught his interest: insects3, seashells, coins and interesting stones. He said later that his collection prepared him for his work as a naturalist4. He was not a very clever boy, but Charles was good at doing the things that interested him. He also took pleasure in carrying out experiments. But he could not learn Latin and Greek which in those days were an important part of education. He was a disappointment to his father, who was sure that he would bring nothing but shame to himself and his family. In 1825, when Charles was sixteen, his father sent him to Edinburgh to study medicine, saying :“As you like natural history5 so much, perhaps we can make a doctor of you.” But Charles found the lectures boring, and the dissections6 frightening. But at Edinburgh he was able to go to natural history lectures. In 1826 he read a paper on sea-worms to the Natural History Society. This paper was his first known work on this subject.
2023-01-02 08:32:594


Charles DarwinNaturalist, 1809 -1882Charles Robert Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. Darwin was born on the same day as Abraham Lincoln. He was the fifth child and second son of Robert Waring Darwin and Susannah Wedgwood. Darwin was the British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection. Like several scientists before him, Darwin believed all the life on earth evolved (developed gradually) over millions of years from a few common ancestors.From 1831 to 1836 Darwin served as naturalist aboard the H.M.S. Beagle on a British science expedition around the world. In South America Darwin found fossils of extinct animals that were similar to modern species. On the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean he noticed many variations among plants and animals of the same general type as those in South America. The expedition visited places around the world, and Darwin studied plants and animals everywhere he went, collecting specimens for further study.Upon his return to London Darwin conducted thorough research of his notes and specimens. Out of this study grew several related theories: one, evolution did occur; two, evolutionary change was gradual, requiring thousands to millions of years; three, the primary mechanism for evolution was a process called natural selection; and four, the millions of species alive today arose from a single original life form through a branching process called “speciation.”Darwin"s theory of evolutionary selection holds that variation within species occurs randomly and that the survival or extinction of each organism is determined by that organism"s ability to adapt to its environment. He set these theories forth in his book called, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life (1859) or “The Origin of Species” for short. After publication of Origin of Species, Darwin continued to write on botany, geology, and zoology until his death in 1882. He is buried in Westminster Abbey.Darwin"s work had a tremendous impact on religious thought. Many people strongly opposed the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious convictions. Darwin avoided talking about the theological and sociological aspects of his work, but other writers used his theories to support their own theories about society. Darwin was a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar who concerned himself with the feelings and emotions not only of his family, but friends and peers as well.It has been supposed that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed. Shortly after his death, temperance campaigner and evangelist Lady Elizabeth Hope claimed she visited Darwin at his deathbed, and witnessed the renunciation. Her story was printed in a Boston newspaper and subsequently spread. Lady Hope"s story was refuted by Darwin"s daughter Henrietta who stated, “I was present at his deathbed ... He never recanted any of his scientific views, either then or earlier.”
2023-01-02 08:33:393


skill的形容词有三个,分别是skilled、skillful和skilful。1、skilled熟练的;有技能的;需要技能的。2、skillful熟练的;巧妙的。3、skilful(英)熟练的;灵巧的。skill的形容词拓展:一、skilled的例句用法:1、All of these are so beautiful, and you are so talented and skilled!所有这些,都那么漂亮,和你是如此的人才和熟练的!2、But we work with some pretty skilled interpreters and most of the time the results are good.但我们的工作与一些相当熟练的口译员和大部分的时间,结果是好的。3、All of them are as skilled with magic as with arms and adapt faster to their environment and to knowledge than the others.和其他种族相比,他们全部以熟练的掌握着魔法或者武器的使用去更快的适应和了解环境。二、skillful例句用法:1、Daqiang is the most skillful of all the workers here.大强是这里所有的工人当中最熟练的。2、If you have Skillful English language, it mean, you can learn many things.如果你有熟练的英语,它的意思是,你可以学到很多东西。3、To create this sort of "brand awareness" in your market, it takes skillful Brand Strategy know-how.为了创造这种“竞争市场中的品牌概念”,它需要熟练的品牌战略诀窍。三、skilful例句用法:1、He actually is quite a skilful campaigner.他实际上是个老练的活动家。2、That is a skilful operation.那是一次技术高超的手术。3、Such is the theory of the skilful.这便是那些机灵人的理论。
2023-01-02 08:33:581

英文版英国文学简介(2)English Literature(Part Two)

引用Felicity老师的一句话:无论你是谁、无论你在哪里,休息的时候坐下来,捧本书,无论看哪位作家的作品,慢慢地读、细细地品味……                                                               By  Felicity    Summarised by Arthur  Jane Austen(1775-1817) Jane Austen was a Georgian writer who lived in the Bath area. She was born on 16 December 1775 and her father was a clergyman ( a person alike to a vicar). In 1801, her family moved to Bath as the bigger the area a clergyman worked, the higher the salary. In 1795 aged 20, she wrote her first book:  Sense and Sensibility . Her other works include:   Mansfield Park, Emma, Northanger Abbey  and  Persuasion . Mary Anne Evans ( George Eliot )(1819-1880) Mary Anne Evans was a author that lived in the Victorian era. She wrote under the pen name ‘ George Eliot" as she believed that the books that had female authors were all ‘ Silly Novels written by lady novelists " ( though she did quite like the Brönte sister"s books ). Her most famous book is  Middlemarch . It tells of a girl called Dorothea who marries Edward Casaubon. Other novels include: Adam Bede, The Mill on the Floss, Silas Marner. The Brontë Sisters ( Currer, Ellis and Action Bell )This time, the authoress are not just one but three sisters. Again, they wrote under pen-names,  as Currer Bell, Ellis Bell and Action Bell ( Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë ). Their best works are… Charlotte Brontë(1816-1855):《 Jane Eyre 》 Emily Brontë(1818-1848):《 Wuthering Heights 》 Anne Brontë(1820年-1849):《 The Tenant of Wildfell Hall 》 Dickens(1812—1870) Charles Dickens is a Victorian author who lived in London. He lived a life of comfort before his father was arrested for being in such debt. He then stopped school and had to do work in ink factory ( where he wrote on the labels as he had been educated ). In 1833, he wrote  The Pickwick Papers   and it was his first big success. He then continued to write and also becoming a campaigner for children"s rights (as poor, lower-class children were forced to work long, poorly-paid hours). His notable works are  The Christmas Carol, Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Tale of two cites. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ( Lewis Carroll )(1832-1898)Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was an English Mathematician. He wrote under the pen name Lewis Carroll and wrote many English classics, such as  Alice in Wonderland ( Alice"s Adventures in Wonderland ) . The idea of Alice in Wonderland came when he was on a boat trip with the Dean of Christ church"s daughter: Alice Liddell, and he told him a story with her as the main character. That idea started his writing career and later wrote Through the Looking Glass and some poems such as:  Jabberwocky, The Hunting of the Snark . He died of pneumonia following influenza at his sister"s house.J.R.R Tolkin(1892-1973) J.R.R Tolkin was an English writer, philologist and poet. He is the writer of " Lord of the Rings "  and " The Hobbit" .  He was born in South Africa and when war broke out in 1914, he enlisted in the Lancashire Fusiliers and was later promoted to second lieutenant. He was a friend of C.S Lewis and were both in a informal writing group called " the Inklings". In 1972, he was appointed "Commander of the order of the British Empire". He died aged 81 in 1973. His works include  Lord of the Rings  and  The Hobbit . C.S Lewis(1898-1963)C.S Lewis was an Irish-born novelist, as well as a scholar and broadcaster. He was born in Belfast, Ireland (now part of northern Ireland). He went to both Oxford and Cambridge Universities and studied literature at both. In the Great War, he took part as a second lieutenant and was wounded by a British shell that fell short. He first started writing after World War I and later wrote  The Screwtape Letters ,  The Chronicles of Narnia   and  The Space Trilogy  as well as a few religious book such as   Mere Christianity, Miracles   and  The Problem of Pain . Sir Arthur Conan Doyle(1859 – 1930) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle also was a British writer and doctor who wrote in his spare time. He is most famous for his book,  Sherlock Holmes which was a worldwide sensation. He wrote a book about the Mary Celeste ( named Marie Celeste), focused on the story of the famous ghost ship. He was friends with the famous American escapist, Harry Houdini. He died on 7th July, 1930 of a heart attack. His works include:  The Sherlock Holmes, The Lost World, The Hound of the Baskervilles (among the more famous ones).J.K Rowling(1965-) J.K Rowling is the much-loved author of the Harry Potter  series and crime-fiction author under the name of Robert Galbraith. She has lived a "rags to riches" life from living on benefits to being named the first billionaire author by Forbes  magazine. She was born in Yate in Gloucestershire and later went to Portugal to teach English as a foreign language. On a delayed train-trip in 1990, she first thought of the Harry Potter series as she says " that it just zoomed into my mind like a train". When she got to London, many of the characters had formed shape. In 1997, the first Harry Potter book ( Philosopher"s Stone )  came out  many sequels later followed ( Chamber of secrets, Prisoner of Azkaban, Goblet of fire, Order of the Phoenix, The half-blood prince, The Deathly Hallows and The cursed child ).  Her Books written under the pen name include the crime fiction series  Cormoran Strike   series ( The Cuckoo"s calling, The Silkworm, Career of Evil  and  Lethal White )  as well as an separate novel:  Troubled Blood , due to come out in 2020 ( but launch was delayed by the Coronavirus pandemic).简介: 简·奥斯汀(Jane Austen,1775年12月16日-1817年7月18日)英国小说家,她的主要作品诠释评论了18世纪末英国地主乡绅的生活。她出版的第二部小说《傲慢与偏见》是她在世时评价最高的作品。她小说中的情节常常反映了女性为追求社会地位和经济保障而把婚姻作为依靠。她的作品批评十八世纪下半叶的感性的小说,而且她的小说是十九世纪向现实主义转换的一部分。她的主要作品:《理智与情感》: Sense and Sensibility,《傲慢与偏见》:Pride and Prejudice,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》:Mansfield Park,《爱玛》:Emma,《诺桑修道院》: Northanger Abbey,《劝导》: Persuasion。 《理智与情感》讲述埃莉诺和玛丽安两姐妹生在一个英国乡绅家庭,姐姐善于用理智来控制情感,妹妹的情感却毫无节制,因此面对爱情时,她们作出了不同的反应。以这两位女主角曲折复杂的婚事风波为主线,通过“理智与情感”的幽默对比,提出了道德与行为的规范问题。该作是简·奥斯汀的第一部小说,但写作技巧已经相当熟练。故事中的每一个情节,经作者的巧妙构思,表面的因果关系与隐藏在幕后的本质缘故均自然合理。 《傲慢与偏见》主要讲述了乡绅之女伊丽莎白·贝内特和富有的达西先生的爱情故事,反映了19世纪英国乡绅阶层的礼节、成长、教育、道德、婚姻的情态。小说描写了小乡绅班纳特五个待字闺中的千金,主角是二女儿伊丽莎白。她在舞会上认识了达西,但是耳闻他为人傲慢,一直对他心生排斥,经历一番周折,伊丽莎白解除了对达西的偏见,达西也放下傲慢,有情人终成眷属。 玛丽·安(Mary Anne,1819年11月22日-1880年12月22日),笔名乔治·艾略特(George Eliot),是一位英国小说家。她的作品包括《佛罗斯河畔上的磨坊》(1860年)和《米德尔马契》(1871年-1872年)等。 勃朗特三姐妹 The three Brontë sisters:Charlotte, Emily and Anne,她们的笔名分别是:Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell。 《简·爱》,Jane Eyre,19世纪英国文学名著,作者是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特,1847年10月16日 以“柯勒·贝尔”这个男性化的笔名初次在伦敦出版。作品讲述一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在各种磨难中不断追求自由与尊严,坚持自我,最终获得幸福的故事。小说引人入胜地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见,成功塑造了一个敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位的妇女形象。 《呼啸山庄》,Wuthering Heights,英语文学经典名著,英国文学家艾米莉·勃朗特生前唯一的一部小说,1847年以“艾利斯·贝尔”这个男性化的笔名初次在伦敦出版。第二年艾米莉·勃朗特过世,年仅30岁。小说描写吉卜赛弃儿希斯克利夫被山庄老主人收养后,因受辱和恋爱不遂,外出致富。回来后,对与其女友凯瑟琳结婚的地主林顿及其子女进行报复的故事。全篇充满强烈的反压迫、争幸福的斗争精神,又始终笼罩着离奇、紧张的浪漫气氛。此作品多次被改编成电影作品。 查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens,1812年2月7日-1870年6月9日),英国19世纪中期(维多利亚时代)文学家,作品以个人生活传记体见长,受到同时期及后世全球评论家、学者和读者的广泛赞誉与认可。作品包括:《雾都孤儿》:Oliver Twist,《圣诞颂歌》:A Christmas Carol等。 路易斯·卡罗 (Lewis Carroll):英国作家、数学家、逻辑学家、摄影家,以儿童文学作品《爱丽丝梦游仙境》与其续集《爱丽丝镜中奇遇》而闻名于世。 托尔金(Tolkien):英国作家、诗人、语言学家及大学教授,以创作经典古典奇幻作品《霍比特人》、《魔戒》与《精灵宝钻》而闻名于世。 柯南·道尔爵士 (Conan Doyle):英国作家、医生。因塑造了成功的侦探人物──福尔摩斯,而成为侦探小说作家。除此之外他还曾写过多部其他类型的小说,如科幻、历史小说、爱情小说、戏剧、诗歌等。如:夏洛克·福尔摩斯 (Sherlock Holmes)等。 乔安娜·罗琳,笔名J·K·罗琳 (J. K. Rowling),英国小说家、电影编剧及制片人,代表作为《哈利波特》系列作品。她的《哈利波特》畅销全球,热卖超过4亿本,成为史上最畅销的书籍之一;其同名改编电影也成为电影史上票房收入最高的电影之一。 
2023-01-02 08:34:511


高考英语阅读理解题及答案   高考英语考试中,阅读理解的分数占有很大比例,下面我给大家准备了高考的.英语阅读理解的练习以及答案,欢迎大家阅读学习!   第一篇:   Our brains work in complex and strange ways.There are some people who can calculate the day of the week for any given date in 40,000 years, but who cannot add two plus two.Others can perform complex classical piano pieces after hearing them once, but they cannot read or write.   Dr.J.Langdon Down first described this condition in 1887.He called these people idiot savants.An idiot savant is a person who has significant mental impairment (损伤) , such as in autism ( 孤独症,自闭症) or retardation.At the same time, the person also exhibits some extraordinary skills, which are unusual for most people.The skills of the savant may vary from being exceptionally gifted in music or in mathematics, or having a photographic memory.   One of the first descriptions of a human who could calculate quickly was written in 1789 by Dr.Benjamin Rush, an American doctor.His patient, Thomas Fuller, was brought to Virginia as a slave in1724.It took Thomas only 90 seconds to work out that a man who has lived 70 years, 17 days, and 12 hours has lived 2,210,500,800 seconds.Despite this ability, he died in 1790 without ever learning to read or write.   Another idiot savant slave became famous as a pianist in the 1860s.Blind Tom had a vocabulary of only 100 words, but he played 5 ,000 musical pieces beautifully.   In the excellent movie Rain Man, made in 1988 and available on video cassette, Dustin Hoffman plays an idiot savant who amazes his brother played by Tom Cruise, with his ability to perform complex calculations very rapidly.   Today we more clearly recognize that the idiot savant is special because of brain impairment.Yet not all brain impairment leads to savant skills.Some studies have shown that people who have purposeful interruption of the left side of the brain can develop idiot savant skills.However few people wish to participate in such experiments.There are many excellent reasons for not undergoing unnecessary experimentation on one"s brain.The term idiot savant is outdated and inappropriate.Virtually all savants have a high degree of intelligence and are thus not idiots.   72.What does the passage mainly talk about?   A.Idiot savants have areas of outstanding abilities.   B.Human Beings have complicated thinking process.   C.The brains of the idiot savants are partly impaired.   D.The reasons why people have wonderful skills vary.   73.Which of the following can be done by Rain Man?   A.He can play wonderful pieces of classical music.   B.He can guess out exactly the length of a man"s life.   C.He can memorize the contents of the pictures fast.   D.He can count matches dropped on the floor quickly.   74.What can you infer from the passage?   A.Idiot savants have real talents for art and math.   B.Dr.Down is the first person who found idiot savants.   C.Few people wish to risk becoming savants by brain operations.   D.Intentional left brain impairments will surely lead to idiot savants.   75.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?   第二篇:   Laws that would have ensured pupils from five to 16 received a full financial education got lost in the ‘wash up". An application is calling on the next government to bring it back.   At school the children are taught to add up and subtract(减法) but, extraordinarily, are not routinely shown how to open a bank account — let alone how to manage their finances in an increasingly complex and demanding world.   Today the parenting website Mumsnet and the consumer campaigner Martin Lewis have joined forces to launch an online application to make financial education a compulsory element of the school curriculum in England. Children from five to 16 should be taught about everything from pocket money to pensions, they say. And that was exactly the plan preserved in the Children, Schools and Families bill that was shelved by the government in the so-called “wash-up” earlier this month — the rush to legislation before parliament was dismissed. Consumer and parent groups believe financial education has always been one of the most frustrating omissions of the curriculum.   As the Personal Finance Education Group (Pfeg) points out, the good habits of young children do not last long. Over 75% of seven- to 11-year-olds are savers but by the time they get to 17, over half of them are in debt to family and friends. By this age, 26% see a credit card or overdraft(透支) as a way of extending their spending power. Pfeg predicts that these young people will “find it much harder to avoid the serious unexpected dangers that have befallen many of their parents" generation unless they receive good quality financial education while at school.”   The UK has been in the worst financial recession(衰退)for generations. It does seem odd that — unless parents step in — young people are left in the dark until they are cruelly introduced to the world of debt when they turn up at university. In a recent poll of over 8,000 people, 97% supported financial education in schools, while 3% said it was a job for parents.   61. The passage is mainly about _____________.   A. how to manage school lessons   B. how to deal with the financial crisis   C. teaching young people about money   D. teaching students how to study effectively   62. It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that __________.   A. the author complains about the school education   B. pupils should not be taught to add up and subtract   C. students have been taught to manage their finances   D. laws on financial education have been effectively carried out   63. The website and the consumer campaigner joined to _________.   A. instruct the pupils to donate their pocket money   B. promote the connection of schools and families   C. ask the government to dismiss the parliament   D. appeal for the curriculum of financial education   64. According to Pfeg, ___________.   A. it is easy to keep good habits long   B. teenagers spend their money as planned   C. parents are willing to pay the debt for their kids   D. it will be in trouble if the teenagers are left alone   65. A poll is mentioned to ___________.   A. stress the necessity of the curriculum reform   B. show the seriousness of the financial recession   C. make the readers aware of burden of the parents   D. illustrate some people are strongly against the proposal   >>>>>>参考答案<<<<<<   第一篇:ADCB   第二篇:61-65 CADDA ;
2023-01-02 08:34:581


candidate英音 [ "kændideit ] ; 美音 [ "kændədet ] 名词 可数名词:1. 候选人,候补者2. 应试者,攻读学位者(+for) 3. 求职应征者(+for)同义词:campaigner,nominee;prospect。
2023-01-02 08:35:181

Environmental campaigner 什么意思

2023-01-02 08:35:233


篝火的英文是:bonfire。翻译例句1. 到了第二天,篝火还在闷燃。The bonfire was still smouldering the next day.2. 他们点燃篝火防止野兽靠近。They lit a fire to keep off wild animals.3. 篝火正在欢快地熊熊燃烧着。The log fire was blazing merrily.4. 在楼外,人们围聚在篝火旁继续守夜。Outside the building people continue their vigil, huddling around bonfires.5. 篝火突然熊熊燃烧起来,像黑暗中的灯塔。Camp fires flared like beacons in the dark.6. 我们都拿出自己的针线活,坐在了篝火前。We all got out our own sewing and sat in front of the log fire。7. 在一侧,民兵们正在堆起木柴,准备生起篝火。Off to one side, the militia was heaping up wood for a bonfire.8. 异教徒们用火把游行和篝火来庆祝重大的事件。The pagans used torchlight parades and bonfires to celebrate important events.9. 参加活动的人们在仪式上点起了许多堆篝火,以庆祝这一周年纪念日。Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary.10. 到了夜里,我们坐在篝火周围。We sit around a campfire at night.
2023-01-02 08:35:341


energetic 形容词 a. 1.精力旺盛的;精神饱满的 He is an energetic tennis player. 他是个精力充沛的网球手. 2.有力的;积极的 an energetic campaigner in the cause of women"s lib 一位妇女解放事业的大力倡导者
2023-01-02 08:35:471

考研英语二 2011年真题词汇

anonym 假名;匿名者 anonymity 匿名 anonymous 匿名的 blessing 祝福;好事 privacy 隐私 private 私人的 explosion n. 激增;爆炸 explode v. 爆炸 cyber-crime 网络犯罪 sweep v. 扫去,清楚;席卷 n. 打扫 sweep across 席卷,横扫 ride 骑,乘 ride a bike 骑自行车 lawless 不守法的,不受法律控制的,无法无天的 pointless 无意义的;钝的 voluntary 自愿的 volunteer 志愿者 identity 身份;同一性;一致 identity card 身份证 credential 证书,凭据 authenticate v. 鉴定;证明…是真实的 authenticity n. 真实性 authentic 真正的;可信的 issue (组织或某官员)发给,分发 issue a passport/permit/visa 分发护照、许可证、签证 distribute 分配,分发 navigate 导航;驾驶;(在互联网上)浏览 transaction 交易,买卖;事务 infrastructure 基础设施;公共建设 equivalent a.(价值)相等的;等价的;n. 等价物 equality 平等 compromise 妥协,和解 interface n. 界面 v. 相互作用 interference n. 干扰;干涉 dismiss 不予理睬;驳回 linger on 逗留,继续存留 vain 徒劳的;无结果的 in vain 徒劳,无效 in effect 实际上,事实上 thriving 繁荣的,昌盛的 caution 小心;谨慎 delight 高兴,愉快 initiate 开始;发起 initiation 启蒙;开始 initiative 倡议,新方案;主动权 adj. 主动的;自发的 applaud 称赞;赞许 compulsory 义务的;必须做的;强制的 mentality 心态,思想状况 greet sb/sth with/by sth 对...做出反应 envision 展望,想象 divided 分裂的;分开的 incident 事件;插曲 incidental a. 偶然的 n. 偶然事件 incidentally 偶然地 occasion 时机;场合 occasional 偶然的;临时的 occasionally 偶尔;间或 skepticism 怀疑;质疑 indifference 冷漠,冷淡 tolerance 宽容,容忍 enthusiasm 热情,热忱 vulnerable 易受伤害的 under fire 受到攻击和批评 criticism 批评;批判 bonus 奖金 compensation 报酬;薪水;补偿 pension 退休金 outside director 外部董事 presume 假定;推测 presumable 可能有的;可推测的 presumably 据推测,大概,可能,想来 weather v. 平安渡过(难关),挨过,经受住 a firm"s board 公司董事会 make one"s wealth and reputation 功成名就 reputation 名声,名誉 wealth 财富;富有 depart v. 离开;出发 a. 逝世的 departure n. 离开;出发;违背 subsequent 随后的 subsequently 其后,随后,接着 restate 重申,重新申报,再次声明 likelihood 可能,可能性 incentive n. 动机,鼓励,刺激;a. 刺激性的,鼓励性质的 stimulation n. 刺激;激励,鼓舞 stimulate v. 刺激;鼓舞,激励 stimulated 受激的 stimulating 刺激的;有刺激性的 a blow to reputations 有损名誉 permissive 许可的;放任的 scorn n. 轻蔑;嘲笑 v. 轻蔑;藐视 recession n.经济衰退,不景气 charitable 公益的,慈善的 charity 慈善 chronicle 将(某事物)载入编年史 inhabit 居住;在...出现;填满 subsidize 以津贴补助,以金钱收买 flee to the Internet 转向互联网 shrug off 对…满不在乎,不屑一顾 afloat 漂流着的,飘浮不定的 journalist 新闻工作者 stay afloat 维持运营 push sb/sth overboard 抛弃、甩掉某人/某事 nerve 神经;勇气 have the nerve 好意思做某事,有胆量做某事 desperate 不顾一切的;令人绝望的 revenue 税收收入;财政收入;收益 reliance 依靠,依赖 whirlwind 旋风;猛烈的势力;破坏性的力量或事物 distinctive 有特色的,与众不同的,区别的 bureau (美国政府部门)局,处,科;(提供某方面信息的)办事处 savagely 野蛮地;残忍地;粗野地 virtue 美德;德行 virtual 虚拟的;事实上的 prosperity 繁荣;兴旺 line up 排队 restrain v. 抑制,控制;约束 restraint n. 抑制;约束 common sense 常识 in combination with 结合 stimulus n. 刺激物 stimulate v. 刺激 exert v. 发挥;运用 marriage bureau 婚姻登记处 take up posts 就职 derive from 由…起源,取自 sophisticated 复杂的,精致的 signature n. 签名;署名 signature phrase 口头禅 take for granted 认为...理所当然 mask the fact 掩盖事实 equivalent n. 对等物 commission 委任,授予;委员会 aesthetic 美学的,审美的 forthright 直率的,直截了当的,(观点)明确的 desirable a. 令人满意的;可取的 inevitable a. 不可避免的 cheerleader 啦啦队队长,(强有力的)支持者 chronic 慢性的,长期的,习惯性的 acute 尖锐的;严重的 converge v. 使聚集;会于一点 devaluation n.(货币)贬值 devalue v. 贬值 deny 否定 disintegration 瓦解,奔溃 stuck 动不了的,被卡住的,被难住的 dominant 占优势的;统治的 sanction 制裁,处罚 suspension 暂停,悬挂 rigour n. 严苛,严酷 backed by 依靠,在…支持下 a small majority 微弱多数 intervene in 介于…之间,干预,介入 fiscal 财政上的 murmur 发牢骚,私下抱怨 curb v. 制止;限制 blunt 使迟钝 blunt an edge 磨光 remarkable 引人注目的;明显的 ambitious 有雄心的 benign 温和的,仁慈的,善良的 weigh in debate 参加,加入争论 impose 强加;征税 outlet n. 经销店;廉价经销店 obesity 肥大,肥胖 halt 阻止;使停止 spiral 螺旋;旋涡;螺旋形的;盘旋的 in respect of 关于;设计 campaign 运动;活动;战役 campaigner 竞选者;从军者;出征者 celebrity 名人,名流 write off 毁掉,结束掉,认定…不重要(或无用、不可救药),忽视 inconceivable 不能想象的,不可思议的,难以置信的 scheme 计划;组合;体制;诡计 bold 勇敢的,无畏的,莽撞的 inducement 诱导,诱惑,诱因 lure 吸引,引诱 takeaway 外卖食品,外卖店 radical 激进的,彻底的 back 支持 take a toll on 造成损失(或危害,伤亡) urge v. 催促,推进 n. 强烈的欲望 urgent 紧急的
2023-01-02 08:35:531


拿破仑:Napoleon Bonaparte (born Napoleone di Buonaparte) (15 August 1769 – 5 May 1821) was a general during the French Revolution, the ruler of France as First Consul (Premier Consul) of the French Republic from 11 November 1799 to 18 May 1804, Emperor of the French (Empereur des Français) under the name Napoleon I (Napoléon 1er) from 18 May 1804 to 6 April 1814, and was briefly restored as Emperor from 20 March to 22 June 1815. He was also King of Italy, Mediator of the Swiss Confederation and Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine.Over the course of little more than a decade, the armies of France under his command fought almost every European power, often simultaneously, and acquired control of most of continental Europe by conquest or alliance. The disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812 marked a turning point. Following the Russian campaign and the defeat at Leipzig in October 1813, the Allies invaded France, forcing Napoleon to abdicate in April 1814. He was exiled to the island of Elba. He staged a comeback known as the Hundred Days (les Cent Jours), but was defeated at Waterloo on 18 June 1815. He spent the remaining six years of his life on the island of St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean under British supervision.Although Napoleon himself developed few military innovations, apart from the divisional squares employed in Egypt and the placement of artillery into batteries, he used the best tactics from a variety of sources, as well as the French army, modernized and reformed, to score several major victories. His campaigns are studied at military academies all over the world and he is widely regarded as one of the greatest commanders ever to have lived. Aside from his military achievements, Napoleon is also remembered for the establishment of the Napoleonic Code (Code Napoléon).He also appointed several members of his family and close friends as monarchs of countries he conquered and as important government figures (his brother Lucien was Minister of the Interior of France during the Consulate). Although their reigns did not survive his downfall, a nephew, Napoleon III, ruled France later in the nineteenth century.戴高乐:Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle (listen (help·info)) (22 November 1890 – 9 November 1970), in France commonly referred to as Général de Gaulle, was a French military leader and statesman.Prior to World War II, he was primarily known as an armoured warfare tactician and an advocate of the concentrated use of armoured and aviation forces. During World War II, he reached the rank of Brigade General and then became the leader of the Free French government-in-exile and an anti-Nazi guerrilla leader. Between 1944 and 1946, following the liberation of France from German occupation, he was head of the French provisional government.Called to form a government in 1958, he inspired a new constitution and was the Fifth Republic"s first president, serving from 1958 to 1969. His political ideology is known as Gaullism, and it has been a major influence in subsequent French politics雨果:Victor-Marie Hugo (26 February 1802-May 1885) was a French poet, novelist, playwright, essayist, visual artist, statesman and human rights campaigner, perhaps the most influential exponent of the Romantic movement in France. Although in France his literary reputation rests on his poetic and dramatic output, in the Anglophone world his best-known works are the novels Les Misérables and Notre-Dame de Paris (often translated as The Hunchback of Notre-Dame in the English-speaking world). Among many volumes of poetry, Les Contemplations and La Légende des siècles stand particularly high in critical esteem, and Hugo is sometimes identified as the greatest French poet.Though extremely conservative in his youth, Hugo moved to the political left as the decades passed; he became a passionate supporter of republicanism, and his work touches upon most of the political and social issues and artistic trends of his time.
2023-01-02 08:35:591

accommodation and catering industry是什么意思

accommodation and catering industry住宿和餐饮业双语对照例句:1.Campaigners and industry lobbies are livid. 竞选者和产业游说团体气得脸都白了。2.Endow these people with industry and ambition. 这个岛赋予了这些人产业和雄心。
2023-01-02 08:36:041


Here it is:~~~Date: 05/11/2008Source: John McCain presidential campaignTitle: USA: McCain: Conceding defeat speech (05/11/2008) Thank you. Thank you, my friends. Thank you for coming here on this beautiful Arizona evening.My friends, we have -- we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly. A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Senator Barack Obama to congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love.In a contest as long and difficult as this campaign has been, his success alone commands my respect for his ability and perseverance. But that he managed to do so by inspiring the hopes of so many millions of Americans who had once wrongly believed that they had little at stake or little influence in the election of an American president is something I deeply admire and commend him for achieving.This is an historic election, and I recognize the special significance it has for African-Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight.I"ve always believed that America offers opportunities to all who have the industry and will to seize it. Senator Obama believes that, too. But we both recognize that though we have come a long way from the old injustices that once stained our nation"s reputation and denied some Americans the full blessings of American citizenship, the memory of them still had the power to wound.A century ago, President Theodore Roosevelt"s invitation of Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House was taken as an outrage in many quarters. America today is a world away from the cruel and prideful bigotry of that time. There is no better evidence of this than the election of an African American to the presidency of the United States. Let there be no reason now for any American to fail to cherish their citizenship in this, the greatest nation on Earth.Senator Obama has achieved a great thing for himself and for his country. I applaud him for it, and offer in my sincere sympathy that his beloved grandmother did not live to see this day, though our faith assures us she is at rest in the presence of her creator and so very proud of the good man she helped raise.Senator Obama and I have had and argued our differences, and he has prevailed. No doubt many of those differences remain. These are difficult times for our country, and I pledge to him tonight to do all in my power to help him lead us through the many challenges we face.I urge all Americans who supported me to join me in not just congratulating him, but offering our next president our good will and earnest effort to find ways to come together, to find the necessary compromises, to bridge our differences, and help restore our prosperity, defend our security in a dangerous world, and leave our children and grandchildren a stronger, better country than we inherited.Whatever our differences, we are fellow Americans. And please believe me when I say no association has ever meant more to me than that.It is natural tonight to feel some disappointment, but tomorrow we must move beyond it and work together to get our country moving again. We fought as hard as we could.And though we fell short, the failure is mine, not yours.I am so deeply grateful to all of you for the great honor of your support and for all you have done for me. I wish the outcome had been different, my friends. The road was a difficult one from the outset. But your support and friendship never wavered. I cannot adequately express how deeply indebted I am to you.I am especially grateful to my wife, Cindy, my children, my dear mother and all my family and to the many old and dear friends who have stood by my side through the many ups and downs of this long campaign. I have always been a fortunate man, and never more so for the love and encouragement you have given me.You know, campaigns are often harder on a candidate"s family than on the candidate, and that"s been true in this campaign. All I can offer in compensation is my love and gratitude, and the promise of more peaceful years ahead.I am also, of course, very thankful to Governor Sarah Palin, one of the best campaigners I have ever seen and an impressive new voice in our party for reform and the principles that have always been our greatest strength. Her husband Todd and their five beautiful children with their tireless dedication to our cause, and the courage and grace they showed in the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign. We can all look forward with great interest to her future service to Alaska, the Republican Party and our country.To all my campaign comrades, from Rick Davis and Steve Schmidt and Mark Salter, to every last volunteer who fought so hard and valiantly month after month in what at times seemed to be the most challenged campaign in modern times, thank you so much. A lost election will never mean more to me than the privilege of your faith and friendship.I don"t know what more we could have done to try to win this election. I"ll leave that to others to determine. Every candidate makes mistakes, and I"m sure I made my share of them. But I won"t spend a moment of the future regretting what might have been.This campaign was and will remain the great honor of my life. And my heart is filled with nothing but gratitude for the experience and to the American people for giving me a fair hearing before deciding that Senator Obama and my old friend Senator Joe Biden should have the honor of leading us for the next four years.I would not be an American worthy of the name, should I regret a fate that has allowed me the extraordinary privilege of serving this country for a half a century. Today, I was a candidate for the highest office in the country I love so much. And tonight, I remain her servant. That is blessing enough for anyone and I thank the people of Arizona for it.Tonight, more than any night, I hold in my heart nothing but love for this country and for all its citizens, whether they supported me or Senator Obama, I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president.And I call on all Americans, as I have often in this campaign, to not despair of our present difficulties but to believe always in the promise and greatness of America, because nothing is inevitable here.Americans never quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history, we make history.Thank you, and God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you all very much.
2023-01-02 08:36:101


William Golding戈尔丁简介1911- 长篇小说:Lord of the Flies蝇王;The Inheritors继承人;Pincher Martin平却•马丁;The Spire塔尖;The Pyramid金字塔in full Sir William Gerald Golding born Sept. 19, 1911, St. Columb Minor, near Newquay, Cornwall, Eng.died June 19, 1993, Perranarworthal, near Falmouth, Cornwall• William Golding.English novelist who in 1983 won the Nobel Prize for Literature for his parables of the human condition. He attracted a cult of followers, especially among the youth of the post-World War II generation.Educated at Marlborough Grammar School, where his father taught, and at Brasenose College, Oxford, Golding graduated in 1935. After working in a settlement house and in small theatre companies, he became a schoolmaster at Bishop Wordsworth"s School, Salisbury. He joined the Royal Navy in 1940, took part in the action that saw the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck, and commanded a rocket-launching craft during the invasion of France in 1944. After the war he resumed teaching at Bishop Wordsworth"s until 1961.Golding"s first published novel was Lord of the Flies (1954; film 1963 and 1990), the story of a group of schoolboys isolated on a coral island who revert to savagery. Its imaginative and brutal depiction of the rapid and inevitable dissolution of social mores aroused widespread interest. The Inheritors (1955), set in the last days of Neanderthal man, is another story of the essential violence and depravity of human nature. The guilt-filled reflections of a naval officer, his ship torpedoed, who faces an agonizing death are the subject of Pincher Martin (1956). Two other novels, Free Fall (1959) and The Spire (1964), also demonstrate Golding"s belief that “man produces evil as a bee produces honey.” Darkness Visible (1979) tells the story of a boy horribly burned in the London blitz during World War II. His later works include Rites of Passage (1980), which won the Booker McConnell Prize, and its sequels, Close Quarters (1987) and Fire Down Below (1989). Golding was knighted in 1988.Early lifeWilliam Golding was born in his grandmother"s house, 47 Mountwise, St Columb Minor, Cornwall and he spent many childhood holidays there. He grew up at his family home in Marlborough, Wiltshire, where his father (Alec Golding) was a science master at Marlborough Grammar School (1905 to retirement). Alec Golding was a socialist with a strong commitment to scientific rationalism, and the young Golding and his elder brother Joseph attended the school where his father taught. His mother, Mildred, kept house at 29, The Green, Marlborough, and supported the moderate campaigners for female suffrage. In 1930 Golding went to Oxford University as an undergraduate at Brasenose College, where he read Natural Sciences for two years before transferring to English Literature.Golding"s biographer John Carey claimed in 2009 that Golding admits in a diary to attempted rape while he was an undergraduate 。The victim, whose name was Dora, was known to Golding from when she was 13 and he three years older; the attempted rape occurred two years later, when Golding was home from his first year at Oxford. Following the attempted rape, the pair met again two years later at which point, according to reports, they consummated their relationship. Carey attests that Golding was ashamed of his relationship with Dora, which he - Golding - considered demonstrative of his own "monstrous" character. Carey also relates that Dora achieved a form of revenge, by persuading Golding"s father to spy on the pair having sex in the open air: "She wanted to show [Alec Golding] that his two sons were not exemplaryGolding took his B.A. (Hons) Second Class in the summer of 1934, and later that year his first book, Poems, was published in London by Macmillan & Co, through the help of his Oxford friend, the anthroposophist Adam Bittleston. Golding was an avid animal rights activist.Marriage and familyGolding married Ann Brookfield on 30 September 1939 and they had two children, Judy and David. War serviceDuring World War II, Golding fought in the Royal Navy and was briefly involved in the pursuit and sinking of Germany"s mightiest battleship, the Bismarck. He also participated in the invasion of Normandy on D-Day, commanding a landing ship that fired salvoes of rockets onto the beaches, and then in a naval action at Walcheren in which 23 out of 24 assault craft were sunk. At the war"s end he returned to teaching and writing. DeathIn 1985 Golding and his wife moved to Tullimaar House at Perranarworthal, near Truro, Cornwall, where he died of heart failure, 8 years later, on 19 June 1993. He was buried in the village churchyard at Bowerchalke, South Wiltshire (near the Hampshire and Dorset county boundaries). He left the draft of a novel, The Double Tongue, set in ancient Delphi, which was published posthumously. CareerWriting successIn September 1953 Golding sent a manuscript to Faber & Faber of London. Initially rejected by a reader there, the book was championed by Charles Monteith, then a new editor at the firm. He asked for various cuts in the text and the novel was published in September 1954 as Lord of the Flies. It was shortly followed by other novels, including The Inheritors, Pincher Martin and Free Fall.Publishing success made it possible for Golding to resign his teaching post at Bishop Wordsworth"s School in 1961, and he spent that academic year in the United States as writer-in-residence at Hollins College near Roanoke, Virginia. Having moved in 1958 from Salisbury to nearby Bowerchalke, he met his fellow villager and walking companion James Lovelock. The two discussed Lovelock"s hypothesis that the living matter of the planet Earth functions like a single organism, and Golding suggested naming this hypothesis after Gaia, the goddess of the earth in Greek mythology.In 1970 Golding was a candidate for the Chancellorship of the University of Kent at Canterbury, but lost to the politician and leader of the Liberal Party, Jo Grimond. Golding won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize in 1979, the Booker Prize in 1980, and in 1983 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II in 1988.FictionGolding"s often allegorical fiction makes broad use of allusions to classical literature, mythology, and Christian symbolism. No distinct thread unites his novels (unless it be a fundamental pessimism about humanity), and the subject matter and technique vary. However his novels are often set in closed communities such as islands, villages, monasteries, groups of hunter-gatherers, ships at sea or a pharaoh"s court. His first novel, Lord of the Flies (1954; film, 1963 and 1990; play, adapted by Nigel Williams, 1995), dealt with an unsuccessful struggle against barbarism and war, thus showing the ambiguity and fragility of civilization. It has also been said that it is an allegory of World War II. The Inheritors (1955) looked back into prehistory, advancing the thesis that humankind"s evolutionary ancestors, "the new people" (generally identified with homo sapiens sapiens), triumphed over a gentler race (generally identified with Neanderthals) as much by violence and deceit as by natural superiority. The Spire 1964 follows the building (and near collapse) of a huge spire onto a medieval cathedral church (generally assumed to be Salisbury Cathedral); the church and the spire itself act as a potent symbols both of the dean"s highest spiritual aspirations and of his worldly vanities. His 1954 novel Pincher Martin concerns the last moments of a sailor thrown into the north Atlantic after his ship is attacked. The structure is echoed by that of the later Booker Prize winner by Yann Martel, Life of Pi. The 1967 novel The Pyramid comprises three separate stories linked by a common setting (a small English town in the 1920s) and narrator. The Scorpion God (1971) is a volume of three novellas set in a prehistoric African hunter-gatherer band ("Clonk, Clonk"), an ancient Egyptian court ("The Scorpion God") and the court of a Roman emperor ("Envoy Extraordinary"). The last of these is a reworking of his 1958 play The Brass Butterfly.Golding"s later novels include Darkness Visible (1979), The Paper Men (1984), and the comic-historical sea trilogy To the Ends of the Earth (BBC TV 2005), comprising the Booker Prize-winning Rites of Passage (1980), Close Quarters (1987), and Fire Down Below (1989).Major works• Poems (1934) • Lord of the Flies (1954) • The Inheritors (1955) • Pincher Martin (1956) • The Brass Butterfly (play) (1958) • Free Fall (1959) • The Spire (1964) • The Hot Gates (essays) (1965) • The Pyramid (1967) • The Scorpion God (1971) • Darkness Visible (1979) • A Moving Target (essays) (1982) • The Paper Men (1984) • An Egyptian Journal (1985) • To the Ends of the Earth (trilogy) o Rites of Passage (1980) o Close Quarters (1987) o Fire Down Below (1989) • The Double Tongue (posthumous) (1995)
2023-01-02 08:36:151

the scientific community is in almost total agre

Today the scientific community is in almost total agreement that the earth"s climate is changing as a result of human activity, and that this represents a huge threat to the planet and to us. According to a Pew survey conducted in March, however, public opinion lags behind the scientific conclusion, with only 69% of those surveyed accepting the view that the earth is warming — and only 1 in 4 Americans see global warming as a major threat. Still, 69% is a solid majority, which begs the question, Why aren"t we doing anything about it?This political inertia in the face of unprecedented threat is the most fundamental challenge to tackling climate change. Climate scientists and campaigners have long debated how to better communicate the message to nonexperts so that climate science can be translated into action. According to Christopher Rapley, professor of climate science at University College London, the usual tactic of climate experts to provide the public with information isn"t enough because “it does not address key underlying causes.” We are all bombarded with the evidence of climate change on an almost a daily basis, from new studies and data to direct experiences of freakish weather events like last year"s epic drought in the U.S. The information is almost unavoidable.If it"s not a data deficit that"s preventing people from doing more on global warming, what is it? Blame our brains. Renee Lertzman, an applied researcher who focuses on the psychological dimensions of sustainability, explains that the kind of systemic threat that climate change poses to humans is “unique both psychologically and socially.” We face a minefield of mental barriers and issues that prevent us from confronting the threat.(MORE: As Temperatures Rise, Empires Fall: Heat and Human Behavior)For some, the answer lies in cognitive science. Daniel Gilbert, a professor of psychology at Harvard, has written about why our inability to deal with climate change is due in part to the way our mind is wired. Gilbert describes four key reasons ranging from the fact that global warming doesn"t take a human form — making it difficult for us to think of it as an enemy — to our brains" failure to accurately perceive gradual change as opposed to rapid shifts. Climate change has occurred slowly enough for our minds to normalize it, which is precisely what makes it a deadly threat, as Gilbert writes, “because it fails to trip the brain"s alarm, leaving us soundly asleep in a burning bed.”Robert Gifford, a professor of psychology and environmental studies at the University of Victoria in Canada, also picks up on the point about our brains" difficulty in grasping climate change as a threat. Gifford refers to this and other psychological barriers to mitigating climate change as “dragons of inaction.” Since authoring a paper on the subject in 2011 in which he outlined seven main barriers, or dragons, he has found many more. “We"re up to around 30,” he notes. “Now it"s time to think about how we can slay these dragons.” Gifford lists factors such as limited cognition or ignorance of the problem, ideologies or worldviews that may prevent action, social comparisons with other people and perceived inequity (the “Why should we change if X corporation or Y country won"t?”) and the perceived risks of changing our behavior.Gifford is reluctant to pick out one barrier as being more powerful or limiting than another. “If I had to name one, I would nominate the lack of perceived behavioral control; ‘I"m only one person, what can I do?" is certainly a big one.” For many, the first challenge will be in recognizing which dragons they have to deal with before they can overcome them. “If you don"t know what your problem is, you don"t know what the solution is,” says Gifford.Yet this approach can only work if people are prepared to acknowledge that they have a problem. But for those of us who understand that climate change is a problem yet make little effort to cut the number of overseas trips we make or the amount of meat we consume, neither apathy nor denial really explains the dissonance between our actions and beliefs. Lertzman has come to the conclusion that this is not because of apathy — a lack of feeling — but because of the simple fact that we care an overwhelming amount about both the planet and our way of life, and we find that conflict too painful to bear. Our apparent apathy is just a defense mechanism in the face of this psychic pain.(MORE: The Evil Brain: What Lurks Inside a Killer"s Mind)“We"re reluctant to come to terms with the fact that what we love and enjoy and what gives us a sense of who we are is also now bound up with the most unimaginable devastation,” says Lertzman. “When we don"t process the pain of that, that"s when we get stuck and can"t move forward.” Lertzman refers to this inability to mourn as “environmental melancholia,” and points to South Africa"s postapartheid Truth and Reconciliation Commission as an example of how to effectively deal with this collective pain. “I"m not saying there should be one for climate or carbon, but there"s a lot to be said for providing a means for people to talk together about climate change, to make it socially acceptable to talk about it.”Rosemary Randall, a trained psychotherapist, has organized something close to this. She runs the U.K.-basedCarbon Conversations, a program that brings people together to talk in a group setting about ways of halving their personal carbon footprint. Writing in Aeon, an online magazine, Randall suggests that climate change is such a disturbing subject, that “like death, it can raise fears and anxieties that people feel have no place in polite conversation.” Randall acknowledges that while psychology and psychoanalysis aren"t the sole solutions to tackling climate change, “they do offer an important way of thinking about the problem.”Lertzman says the mainstream climate-change community has been slow to register the value of psychology and social analysis in addressing global warming. “I think there"s a spark of some interest, but also a wariness of what this means, what it might look like,” she notes. Gifford says otherwise, however, explaining that he has never collaborated with other disciplines as much as he does now. “I may be a little biased because I"m invested in working in it, but in my view, climate change, and not mental health, is the biggest psychological problem we face today because it affects 100% of the global population.”Despite the pain, shame, difficulty and minefield of other psychological barriers that we face in fully addressing climate change, both Lertzman and Gifford are still upbeat about our ability to face up to the challenge. “It"s patronizing to say that climate change is too big or abstract an issue for people to deal with,” says Lertzman. “There can"t be something about the human mind that stops us grappling with these issues given that so many people already are — maybe that"s what we should be focusing on instead.”MORE: The Psychology of Environmentalism: How the Mind Can Save the Planet
2023-01-02 08:36:271


Anniversary纪念日;周年庆典;十周年纪念;店庆Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary. 参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O
2023-01-02 08:36:322


Informal] a wife
2023-01-02 08:36:4115


anniversary生词本去背诵英 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:səri] 美 [ˌænɪˈvɜ:rsəri]n.周年纪念日adj.周年的; 周年纪念的; 年年的; 每年的网 络周年纪念;周年纪念日;周年;纪念日复数: anniversaries更多资料1. Campaigners lit scores of bonfires in ceremonies to mark the anniversary. 参加运动的人们在各种仪式上点起一垛垛篝火以纪念周年庆典。2. The Vietnamese government has fixed on May 19th to celebrate his anniversary. 越南政府已经决定于5月19日庆祝他的诞辰。3. It was the fortieth anniversary of the death of the composer. 这是该作曲家逝世40周年纪念日。4. Next year will be the 60th anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition. 明年将是禁酒令废除60周年。
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