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2023-06-26 11:22:27
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《John Adams》(David McCullough)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读

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书名:《John Adams》

作者:David McCullough


出版社:Simon & Schuster



内容简介:In this powerful, epic biography, David McCullough unfolds the adventurous life-journey of John Adams, the brilliant, fiercely independent, often irascible, always honest Yankee patriot -- "the colossus of independence," as Thomas Jefferson called him -- who spared nothing in his zeal for the American Revolution; who rose to become the second President of the United States and saved the country from blundering into an unnecessary war; who was learned beyond all but a few and regarded by some as "out of his senses"; and whose marriage to the wise and valiant Abigail Adams is one of the moving love stories in American history.





问题一:“浮躁” ,最准确的英文翻译是什么? 浮躁 Impetuous ; fickleness; flippancy impetuous 英 [?m?pet?u?s] 美 [?m?p?t?u?s] adj. 冲动的; 鲁莽的; 迅疾的; 猛烈的 问题二:浮躁的心,英语怎么说? a blundering/hairbrained/scatterbrained heart 都可以! blundering 拙笨的; 浮躁的; 易犯错的 hairbrained轻率的, 浮躁的, 粗心的 scatterbrained 注意力不集中的, 浮躁的, 迷糊的 【英语牛人团】倾情奉献,脑力结晶,满意请记得及时采纳哦,谢谢^_^ 问题三:“浮躁” ,最准确的英文翻译是什么? fickleness,blunderingly 问题四:浮躁的英文翻译 Impulsiveness 名词 Impulsive 形容词 问题五:“人们心情浮躁”用英语怎么说 pepole are in bad mood工 这个意思也差不多了 如果你一定要用到位的“浮躁”这个词 那就是Impetuous 问题六:你得静下心去接受这世间的浮躁。 用英语怎么说 You should calm yourself down to accept the impetuous world. 问题七:“浮躁” ,最准确的英文翻译是什么? 浮躁 Impetuous ; fickleness; flippancy impetuous 英 [?m?pet?u?s] 美 [?m?p?t?u?s] adj. 冲动的; 鲁莽的; 迅疾的; 猛烈的 问题八:“浮躁” ,最准确的英文翻译是什么? fickleness,blunderingly 问题九:浮躁的心,英语怎么说? a blundering/hairbrained/scatterbrained heart 都可以! blundering 拙笨的; 浮躁的; 易犯错的 hairbrained轻率的, 浮躁的, 粗心的 scatterbrained 注意力不集中的, 浮躁的, 迷糊的 【英语牛人团】倾情奉献,脑力结晶,满意请记得及时采纳哦,谢谢^_^ 问题十:浮躁的英文翻译 Impulsiveness 名词 Impulsive 形容词
2023-06-26 01:17:371


hairbrained ["heu0259breind] adj. 1. 轻率的,浮躁的,粗心的blundering ["blu028cndu0259riu014b] adj. 1. 浮躁的,笨拙的,易犯错的
2023-06-26 01:17:514


ficklenessblundering 浮躁的..
2023-06-26 01:18:003


confused. muddled careless
2023-06-26 01:18:153


  pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇1   【 迷你小对话 】   A: I am helpless to change the situation.   B: It was a clumsy mistake that got you in trouble. Forgetting to give the boss his wife"s message makes you look incapable.   A: But I"m usually not a blundering idiot. How can I fix the problem?   B: Apologize and in the future prove you aren"t incompetent.   A: 我现在可是回天乏术了。   B: 你犯了个非常愚蠢的错误,居然忘了把老板太太的话传给老板,这显得你很无能。   A: 我平时不是个常犯愚蠢错误的傻瓜。现在有什么办法补救吗?   B: 先跟老板道个歉,以后再证明你并非没有能力。   【 语言点精讲 】   helpless: 无力的,无能的,不能自助的。   clumsy: 手脚笨拙的。样子不优雅的。   incapable: 没有能力或潜力的。不能胜任的。   blundering: 动作行为显得笨拙、错误、可笑的。不专业的。   incompetent: 不胜任的,不称职的。   get sb. in trouble: 使人陷入困境。   idiot: 白痴。   pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇2   【迷你小对话1】   A: My English is a bit rusty. I haven"t used it since high school.   B: Yeah. Mine is too. It needs a bit of oiling up.   A: 我的英语有点儿荒废了,高中以后就没怎么用过。   B: 我也是。需要补补了。   【迷你小对话2】   A: That Jane is such a dolt. She left her cellphone in a taxi.   B: What a ninny! That"s the third time this year!   A: 那个Jane可真笨,把手机落在出租车里了。   B: 真是个笨蛋!这已经是今年第三次发生了!   【语言点精讲】   rusty: (因缺乏实践)质量或标准下降;荒疏。   need oiling up: 形容某人技艺不精,需要多加练习。   dolt: 呆子,傻瓜。   ninny: 傻子,笨人。   pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇3   【迷你小对话1】   A: Is Janine really up to the task of working and looking after a family?   B: Don"t be so sexist! There are two in every relationship. What about Roger?   A: Janine真的既能工作,又能顾家吗?   B: 被歧视女性!男女关系中不是有两个人吗?Roger是干什么吃的?   【迷你小对话2】   A: I"m confident that I"ve got what it takes to become the next company CEO.   B: So you think you"ve got the formula, Tom? I guess since you"ve finished your MBA and worked here for 10 years, you should know how to get there.   A: 我坚信我能胜任公司下一任的CEO的职位。   B: Tom,这么说,你已经胸有成竹了?我想,读完了MBA,又在这儿工作了10年,你应该知道怎么样才能当上CEO吧。   【语言点精讲】   up to the task:这个短语用来讨论某人或某物是否合格、是否做够有才能完成某项工作。   what it takes:成功的必要条件。通常用于谈论某项任务或工作。   the formula:在口语中常用来指做某事的方法。这种方法不一定是数学方程式,但通常是比较复杂的。   sexist:性别歧视者;男性至上主义者。   CEO:首席执行官Chief Executive Officer的缩写。   MBA:工商管理学硕士Master of Business Administration的缩写。   pets二级公共英语等级考试口语对话 篇4   【迷你小对话1】   A: Jeannie thinks she"s really hot stuff at samba dancing.   B: Well, she did live in Brazil for five years, and used to go to all of the good dance bars.   A: Jeannie觉得她跳桑巴舞特牛。   B: 我一点儿也不奇怪,她是在巴西呆过五年,常去各种水准不低的"舞厅。   【迷你小对话2】   A: Are you up to a game this rough?   B: Of course! Can a duck swim?   A: Oh, OK! I just don"t want you to get hurt.   A: 这么剧烈的运动你能行吗?   B: 当然!有不会游泳的鸭子吗?   A: 好吧。我只是不想让你受伤。   【语言点精讲】   be hot stuff at sth.: 这个短语可以用于褒义,用来夸奖某人的"某种行为。也可以用于贬义,来暗示某人过于傲慢自大。   up to sth.: 指某人有足够的"能力和才能去完成某件事。   Can a duck swim? : 当对方说了什么在听者看来是显而易见的事情的时候,这句话常用作一个简短的机智反驳。意思相当于“当然我能做到。这不是明摆着吗?”   get hurt: 受伤。   【迷你小对话3】   A: I am as awkward as a cow on skates.   B: I know. These formal dinners just aren"t my speed.   A: I agree. Let"s not come to one of these events again.   A: 我笨得像一头穿着溜冰鞋的牛。   B: 我知道。我不喜欢这样正儿八经的晚餐。   A: 我也不喜欢。咱们以后再也别到这种场合了。   【迷你小对话4】   A: When I first went to China, I was so ham-fisted that I couldn"t even handle chopsticks.   B: You still are. Look, you"re pounding on the nuts, but they"re bouncing all over the floor.   A: 刚到中国的时候,我笨手笨脚的",连筷子都不会用。   B: 现在你也不灵巧啊。瞧,砸个坚果弄得满地都是。   【语言点精讲】   be awkward as a cow on skates: 指某人行动笨拙,不能把事情办好。也可以用来形容某人没有信心把某项体育活动做好。   be not one"s speed: 指某人对所谈论的事不感兴趣。   ham-fisted: 笨手笨脚的。愚笨的。   pound on: 猛敲,用力砸。   bounce: 弹跳。
2023-06-26 01:18:291


迷: 糊涂 , 迷惑 。指当事人反而糊涂。 成语出处: 宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑 别人 的,却元来当局者迷。” 成语例句: 希望 我们 大家 互相勉励…… 当局者迷 ,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。★邹韬奋《事业管理与 职业 修养 ·关于工作与学习五》 当局者迷的近义词: 当局者迷,旁观者清 当局者:指下棋的人。比喻当事人往往容易糊涂,旁观的人反而看得清楚明白。 当局者迷的反义词: 旁观者清 对同一事物,局外人比当事者看得全面,看得清楚 俗语说:旁观者清。这几年 成语语法: 主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂 成语故事: 唐朝大臣魏光上书唐玄宗要求把魏征整理修订的《类礼》列为经书。唐玄宗命元澹校阅,右丞相张说认为已经有郑玄作注成为经书。元澹写《释疑》表明自己观点:郑玄的注过时了,魏征不是下棋人,他是旁观者所以注解得比较真实 英语翻译: blundering are those concerned 成语谜语: 棋散不知人世换
2023-06-26 01:18:411


你可以去找THE LITTLE PRINCE 的中文版,对照的话就很容易理解
2023-06-26 01:18:5210


A law should be a reflex of the will of the people . 法律应该是 人民意志 的反映。 People s will and theology critici *** 人民意志 论及其神学批判 The constitution and other laws embody the unity of the party " s views and the people " s will 宪法和法律是党的主张和 人民意志 相统一的体现。 The constitution and other laws embody the unity of the party " s views and the people " s will 宪法和法律是党的主张和 人民意志 相统一的体现。 This theory appears irrefutable , just because the act of delegating the will of the people can never be verified , since it has never existed 那种理论好像是驳不倒的,因为 人民意志 移交的活动是无法检验的。 " i want to stress that this is a government of the people " s will and no one has the right to set a timetable for it , " mapki said at a news conference broadcast on national television “我想强调一下,这是一个由 人民意志 所组成的政府,没有谁有权力去制定一个时间表, ”马利基在面向全国的电视新闻发布会中说。 To explain these rapid transferences of the peoples will from one person to another , especially when ppcated by international relations , wars , and alpances , these historians are unwilpngly obpged to allow that a proportion of these phenomena are not normal transferences of the will of the people , but casual incidents , depending on the cunning , or the blundering , or the craft , or the weakness of a diplomatist or a monarch , or the leader of a party 在说明民众的意志这样迅速由一个人转移给另一个人,尤其是涉及国际关系征服和联盟的时候,这些史学家只得承认,这些转移中,有一部分不是 人民意志 的正常的转移,而是与狡诈错误阴谋,或者与外交家帝王政党领袖的软弱无能分不开的偶然事件。 Our law is the reflection to chinese people " s wilpngness and interests , it can change into great material force once held by people . we should enforce universal education of law to improve people " s legal sense . and we also should bring local mass organizations " relating role into full play , which is both the way to form good law - keeping atmosphere and an important part of people " s law - keeping activity 法待而前人人个x ,任何人、任m政党、机关、组织部必须遵守宪法和法律;我国法律是 人民意志 和利益的体现,一经为群众所掌握就能成为伟人的物质力量;要加强全氏普法教育以不断提高人民群众的泌制观念和法律意识:充分发挥基层群众组织的相关职能,既是创造良好守法环境的重要手段,父是人民群众守法活动的重要组成部分。
2023-06-26 01:19:181

Perhaps one day you will understand and forgive your blundering admire 什么意思

2023-06-26 01:19:404


1.Compared to the e-book, the paper has more cultural sense.2.The word is the carrier of thoughtswhile the paper is the most ancient and easeful.3.The coase sense of paper can better stimulate me with inspirationand resonance.4.In this blundering society, we need to settle down to read a real book.
2023-06-26 01:19:543


2023-06-26 01:20:043


A. 不识庐山真面目的成语 不识庐山真面目的成语?——答案:当局者迷。 1、当局者迷 【拼音】: dāng jú zhě mí 【解释】: 迷:糊涂,迷惑。指当事人反而糊涂。 【出处】: 宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑别人的,却元来当局者迷。” 【举例造句】: 希望我们大家互相勉励……当局者迷,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。邹韬奋《事业管理与职业修养·关于工作与学习五》 【拼音代码】: d *** 【近义词】:当局者迷,旁观者清 【反义词】:旁观者清 【灯谜】: 棋散不知人世换 【用法】: 作主语、宾语、定语;指当事人糊涂 【英文】: blundering are those concerned 【故事】: 唐朝大臣魏光上书唐玄宗要求把魏征整理修订的《类礼》列为经书。唐玄宗命元澹校阅,右丞相张说认为已经有郑玄作注成为经书。元澹写《释疑》表明自己观点:郑玄的注过时了,魏征不是下棋人,他是旁观者所以注解得比较真实。 2、不识庐山真面目 【拼音】: bù shí lú shān zhēn miàn mù 【解释】: 比喻认不清事物的真相和本质。 【出处】: 宋·苏轼《题西林壁》诗:“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。” 【举例造句】: 革命家,终会在大风大浪中,辨明方向,分清歧路;怎能够--只见长江滚滚来,不识庐山真面目! 郭小川《万里长江横渡》诗 【拼音代码】: bslm 【用法】: 作谓语、分句;形容不识事物的本质 【英文】: fail to see what Lushan really looks like--fail to see the real appearance of person or a thing 【故事】: 庐山因周武王时期高人匡俗结庐而居而得名,它三面临江,山势十分雄伟,山清水秀,风景奇丽。它临江靠水,山上烟雾缥缈,人们很难看清它的真实面貌。苏轼写《题西林壁》:“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同。不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中。” B. “不识庐山真面目” 打一成语 身临其境。 C. 不识庐山真面目只缘身在此山中打一成语 不识庐山真面目只缘身在此山中打一成语——当局者迷,旁观者清。 这句话的意思是我之所以认不清庐山真正的面目,是因为我人身处在庐山之中。 出自苏轼的《题西林壁》,苏轼由黄州贬赴汝州任团练副使时经过九江,游览庐山。瑰丽的山水触发逸兴壮思,于是写下了若干首庐山记游诗。《题西林壁》是游观庐山后的总结,它描写庐山变化多姿的面貌,并借景说理,指出观察问题应客观全面,如果主观片面,就得不出正确的结论。 开头两句“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同”,实写游山所见。庐山是座丘壑纵横、峰峦起伏的大山,游人所处的位置不同,看到的景物也各不相同。这两句概括而形象地写出了移步换形、千姿万态的庐山风景。 后两句“不识庐山真面目,只缘身在此山中”,是即景说理,谈游山的体会。为什么不能辨认庐山的真实面目呢?因为身在庐山之中,视野为庐山的峰峦所局限,看到的只是庐山的一峰一岭一丘一壑,局部而已,这必然带有片面性。 游山所见如此,观察世上事物也常如此。这两句诗有着丰富的内涵,它启迪我们认识为人处事的一个哲理——由于人们所处的地位不同,看问题的出发点不同,对客观事物的认识难免有一定的片面性;要认识事物的真相与全貌,必须超越狭小的范围,摆脱主观成见。 D. 不识庐山真面目打一成语 身临其境 [shēn lín qí jìng] 生词本 基本释义 详细释义 临:到;境:境界,地方。版亲自权到了那个境地。 褒义 出 处 明·袁宏道《八识略说序》:“向非身历其境;恶能穷其边崖;指其归宿者哉!” 例 句 这篇报道写得具体生动,使人看了有~的感觉。 近反义词 近义词 设身处地 身入其境 身当其境 反义词 斗 隔岸观火 E. 不识庐山真面目 猜成语 当局者迷。( dāng jú zhě mí ) 全句是:当局者迷,旁观者清。 出 处: 宋·辛弃疾《专恋绣衾·属无题》:“我自是笑别人的,却元来当局者迷。 用 法: 主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂 。 示 例:邹韬奋《事业管理与职业修养·关于工作与学习五》:“希望我们大家互相勉励……~,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。 反义词:旁观者清。 灯 谜: 棋散不知人世换。 意思: 迷:糊涂,迷惑。 当局者:下棋的人;旁观者:看棋的人。当事人被碰到的事情搞糊涂了,旁观的人却看得很清楚。 出处 《旧唐书·元行冲传》:“当局称迷,傍(旁)观见审。” F. 不识庐山真面目只缘身在此山中打一成语是什么成语 当局者迷,旁观者清! G. 不识庐山真面目( 打一成语 ) 当局者迷,因为有道语文题是不识庐山真面目是——(成语),我翻了答案,是这个。 H. 不识庐山真面目 (猜一成语) 白日依山尽。(唐·王之涣《登鹳雀楼》) ____________下落不明 不识庐山真面目。(宋·苏轼《题西林壁》) ____________身临其境 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。(唐·李商隐《无题》)____________油然而生 藏在深闺人未识。(唐·白居易《长恨歌》) ____________其貌不扬 黄河之水天上来。(唐·李白《将进酒》) ____________源远流长 剪不断,理还乱。(南唐·李煜《独上西楼》) ____________难分难解 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳。(唐·杜甫《绝句》) ____________有声有色 君王掩面救不得。(唐·白居易《长恨歌》) ____________爱莫能助 I. 用“不识庐山真面目”打一 成语 当局者迷 J. 不识庐山真面目猜成语!!!作业跪求!!! 白日依山尽——下落不明 不识庐山真面目——身临其境 两个黄鹂鸣翠柳——有声有色 桃花潭水深千尺——无与伦比 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干——舍己为人 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼——高瞻远瞩
2023-06-26 01:20:111


当局者迷[dāng jú zhě mí]【解释】:迷:糊涂,迷惑。指当事人反而糊涂。【出自】:宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑别人的,却元来当局者迷。”【示例】:希望我们大家互相勉励……~,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。◎邹韬奋《事业管理与职业修养·关于工作与学习五》【语法】:主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂
2023-06-26 01:20:205


痛到骨子里心碎的句子英文   痛到骨子里心碎的句子英文,很多人都有阅读句子的喜欢,很多时候句子能体现一个人的心情,特别是在心碎的时候,人们总是会喜欢看痛到骨子里的句子,下面整理了痛到骨子里心碎的句子英文   痛到骨子里心碎的句子英文1   1、I pretend I do not care you but still I feel the pain、我假装不在乎你,但痛的是我自己。   2、我拦不住要走的风、 也保不住整片天空、I cant stop the wind、 I cant hold the whole sky、   3、I LOVE U is just one simple sentence,but how many times you said it and how many people you said to??一句我爱你,说了多少遍,换了多少人?   4、He has been away from me, only the tube near to him、他已经离我而去,仅管他近在咫尺。   5、Life is the flower for which love is the honey生命如花,爱情是蜜。   6、It is because of heart bottom touch that embrty, so he just so painful、就是因为触碰到心底的那一点空,所以才会那么痛。   7、I used to like a person Now like a person以前喜欢一个人 现在喜欢一个人   8、I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起。   9、I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前可以是谁。   10、心被深深的给了一刀,再也痊愈不了。The heart was deeply knives, and no longer healed、   11、Apersonliveinlove,whyreduced、一个人好好过,何苦在爱情里沦落。   12、哪有人喜欢孤独,只是不想失望罢了。No one likes to be lonely, but he doesnt want to be disappointed、   13、Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples、 有些看不见的手,如懒懒的微(风思)的,正在我的心上奏着 潺 潺的乐声。   14、当我们安静,也做出了决定,却无法再坚定。When we would be silent, but also to make a decision, and cannot be determined、   15、Crowded accidentaly across not anymore 人潮拥挤再也不会不期而遇   16、Confused eyes, blurred vision, debauched youth, lost years、迷茫了双眼,模糊了视线,放荡了青春,失去了年华。   17、I give my future fill in color, afterwards just know, you are that color 我给我的未来填上了色彩,后来才明白,你就是那色彩。   18、成长,就是将你哭声调成静音的过程。Growth is the process of turning your cry into a mute、   19、爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。   20、幸福不意味着凡事都完美,那只是因为你已经不再只看到缺憾了。Happiness does not mean that all things are perfect, thats only because you no longer see only drawback、   21、Start beautiful, tiring process, the end is very sad, sober difficult、开始很美,过程很累,结局很悲,清醒很难。   22、No one must leave no one、 没有谁一定离不开谁。   23、Im to blame too deep into the play End is a person、怪我入戏太深,结局却一个人。   24、鱼那么爱水,水却要煮鱼[cqxqz、com]。Fish love water, but water to cook fish、   25、Find a worthy hell-bent person, love、找一个值得死心塌地的人,好好爱。   26、A girl needs to wear two things to look great : Confidence and Smile ! 随身带着这两样东西的女生看起来都会很棒:自信和微笑   27、你会怎样回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默。How will you remember me, with a smile or silence?   28、LOVe is a dashed line,we in different paraph 爱情是一条虚线,我们在不同的段落   29、有时候,爱情也会因为回忆而积重难返。Sometimes, love can be reminiscences because of memory、   30、Sorry,don"t talk with me,we are not friends、 对不起,别和我说话,我们不是朋友。   31、If you understand the value of love and love you have given me I have to wait for the future、 只要你明白 珍惜爱与被爱 我愿意等待 你给我的未来。   32、最唯美的笑容,却成为最悲伤的面具。The most beautiful smile has become the most sad mask、   33、Some of the time, is to love quietly escape、 Escape the figure, hide not open is a silent feelings、 有些的时候,正是为了爱才悄悄躲开、躲开的是身影,躲不开的却是那份默默的情怀。   34、If only as shown signs of life, Why should I so attached to、人生若只如初见,我又何苦如此依恋。   35、Hear a name, think of some things, the city quiet let the heart tremble、 听见某个名字,想起某些事情,这个城市安静的让人心颤。   36、You cant be my poem, just as I cant be your dream、 你不能做我的诗,正如我不能做你的梦。   37、心若没有良人,眼前全是路人。If there are no good people, there are all passers-by、   38、One of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy女孩子容易犯的.最大错误之一,就是对一个男人用情   39、I am not ignoring you、 I am just waiting for you to talk to me first、 我不是不理你,我只是在等。   40、If you dont go after what you want, youll never have it If you dont ask, the answer is always no If you dont step forward, youre always in the same place 不去追逐你所渴求,你将永远不会拥有。不开口问,回答永远是No。不往前走,就将永远停留。   41、我想我还是不够成熟,没办法为自己那颗浮躁的心,波澜不惊地掌舵I dont think Im still not mature enough, can the heart blundering, for himself off peacefully at the helm、   42、Yesterday, today you let not again find you 昨天把你放开,今天不一定再把你找到。   43、Being nice to someone you Dislike doesn"t mean you"re a Fake It means you"re Mature enough to Tolerate your dislike towards them 能够善待不太喜欢的人, 并不代表你虚伪, 而意味着你内心成熟到可以容纳这些不喜欢。   痛到骨子里心碎的句子英文2   1、笑是给别人看的,泪是给自己咽的。   Laughter is for others to see, tears to swallow their own.   2、我们并不是因为幸福才笑,而是因为笑了才幸福。   We do not laugh because happiness, but because it is a happy smile.   3、如果爱情是场必输的局,那你选择放弃还是继续?   If love is a game to lose, then you choose to give up or continue?   4、我的心中像有个洞,风扑扑的往里面吹。   My heart like a hole, the wind blows to the inside of the holodecks.   5、成熟的最大好处就是,以前得不到的,现在不想要了。   The greatest advantage is that the greatest advantage of the past, and now do not want to.   6、说过白头偕老的人,再次相见,避如豺狼。   Said again, said of a couple of people, such as the obstacle.   7、真正的放弃并不会张扬而是慢慢不联系。   Really give up and will not make publicity but slowly not contact.   8、经受不了,你这种所谓的性格。   Cant stand this kind of character.   9、我们终于可以用陌生人的关系,一辈子都在一起。   We can finally use the relationship between strangers, a lifetime together.   10、每个人都有梦想,但不同的是,有的人只梦,有的人敢想。   Everyone has a dream, but the difference is that some people only dream, and some people dare to think.   11、死心塌地的爱,换来的只是好聚好散。   Hell-bent love, just for good.   12、莪不懂,为什么上天让莪们相遇,却不让莪们在一起。   I do not understand, why God let us meet, but not let us together.   13、当我们失去了一些东西时,才能得到另外一些东西。   When we lose something, we can get some other things.   14、无论我们离得有多远,都不会让你觉得孤单。   No matter how far we are, we wont make you feel lonely.   15、你明明知道我不善言辞不懂挽留,为什么你还要走。   You clearly know that I do not know how to retain good words, why do you have to go.   16、圣诞,红色。红色,代表,热情?艳丽?   Christmas, red. Red, representative, passion? Gorgeous?   17、离开你的那一天开始,左心房渐渐停止跳动。   From the day you left, the left atrium gradually stopped beating.   18、未来在哪里啊,谁能给我指引方向,一个人太累了。   Where is the future ah, who can give me direction, a person is too tired.   19、心里藏着一个人,不敢说、不敢碰。   There is a person in the heart, dare not say, dare not touch.   20、我们爱的太容易,不知道失去的结局。   We love too easy, do not know the outcome of the loss.   21、致命的曾经,是你在我人生中埋下的一个伏笔。   The deadly ever, is a foreshadowing buried you in my life.   22、动了真感情的人都会喜怒无常,因为付出太多难免患得患失。   Move the true feelings of the people will be subject to changing moods, because too much will worry about personal gains and losses.   23、我不怕你在我心上用力的开枪,我只怕不能倒在你的胸膛。   Im not afraid of you shot in my heart hard, I am afraid to fail in your chest.   24、注定风是不羁的旅人,你我也不过是一季过客。   The wind is doomed to unruly travelers, you and me is just a quarter.   25、时间冲淡破碎感情,距离拉开完美旳爱情。   Time dilute broken feelings, pull away from a perfect love.   26、疯狂的想念,哪里都是你。   Crazy miss, where are you.   27、从无话不说到无话可说有多难过我都记得。   Never dont say nothing to say how sad I remember.   28、总觉得会有什么事情发生,莫名的很不安。   Always feel that there will be something happening, inexplicable very disturbed.   29、总在不经意的年生。回首彼岸。纵然发现光景绵长。   Always in a casual year. Looking back on the other side. Even though it is found.   30、有时候,你越隐藏你对一个人的感觉,你陷得越深。   Sometimes, the more you hide your feelings for a person, the more you get into it.   31、有太多要做的事都没做,最后连一场认真地告别都不曾给我。   There are so many things to do that I dont have to do, and I dont even have to say goodbye to me.   32、谁在午夜时分,被虫吟惊醒,像丢了魂一样无神,黯然神伤。   Who are insects at midnight, woke up, the same dull like a lost soul, fell dejected.   33、你留给我的就只有背影和回忆   You left me with only back and memories   34、刮风的时候你总要学会一个人颤抖而不是奢望谁的手。   When the wind blows, you must learn to shake ones head.   35、爱得多么多么心醉,即使天天相对,就像一滩死水。   Love how ecstasy, even every day, like a pool of stagnant water.   36、大海谢谢你替我收藏不能和情人说的话。   The sea, thank you for my collection can not be said to my lover.   37、世上最无法掩饰的,是你不爱一个人的时候的那种眼神。   The most impossible to hide, is that you do not love a person when the kind of look in the eyes.   38、明明不是陌生人,却装的,比陌生人,还要陌生。   Obviously not a stranger, but loaded, stranger, but also unfamiliar.   39、我怀念的不是你,而是你给的致命曾经。   What I miss is not you, but you give the fatal once.   40、你是谁朝思暮想的笔尖少年,在绝城的荒途里辗转成歌。   Who are you yearn day and night of the pen youth, in the vast shortage of pedestrians in the city turned into a song.   41、时间,从零点开始。故事,却无法在终点结束。   Time, starting from zero. The story, but not at the end of the end.   42、1有些人你可能忘了,但输入法却还记得。   1 some people you may forget, but the input method is still remember.   43、岁月无情催残的失落的脸膀,过程无情刺痛在我的心上。   Years of relentless Cuican lost face bladder, relentless tingling in my heart.   44、来不及说出口旳爱,是我此生最大旳遗憾。   Too late to say love, is my greatest regret.   45、用时间和心看人,而不是眼睛和那些闲言碎语。   The man with the time and heart, not the eyes and those groundless talk.   46、我尽量做到在最难过的时候自己熬过去,而不是想你陪。   I try to do in the most sad when they go through, rather than want you to accompany.   47、首先是爱情使你忘记时间,然后是时间让你忘记爱情。   The first is the love that makes you forget the time, then is the time lets you forget the love.   48、原谅我的大众容貌成不了你的满腹心事。   Forgive me for the public appearance could not be your thoughtful.   49、纵使我低声下气的求你别离开也抵不过她的一下皱眉。   The humble even if I beg you not to leave her over but also a frown.   50、水凉了还可以喝,可是心凉了就连呼吸都痛。   The water is cool but also can drink, but the heart is cool, even breathing all pain.   51、不是我不联系你,而是你给我的感觉,像是我在打扰你。   Its not that I dont touch you, but you give me the feeling, like Im bothering you.   52、我多害怕习惯了你的好,然后你就玩笑般的离开。   Im afraid of the habit of your good, and then you just joke like to leave.   53、秋的枫是那样的伤感。枫的叶是那样的多愁!   Autumn maple is so sad. Maple leaves are so sad!   54、这样溢满于心地温暖着,即便是一段安之若素的旅途。   This is warm in full, even a journey of regard with equanimity.   55、咱对她还是那么心爱,好想再爱一次。   I still love her so much, I want to love one more time.   56、女人的眼泪是最无用的液体,但你让女人流泪说明你很无用。   Womens tears is the most useless liquid, but you let the woman tears that you are useless.   57、回不去的,不是曾经的我,而是曾经的我们。   Can not go back, not once I, but once we.   58、每个说不想谈恋爱的人,心理都装着一个不可能的人。   Every person who says that they dont want to fall in love, they have an impossible person.   59、童话说雨后会有一道彩虹,却不曾说过它也会转瞬成空。   Fairy tale said that there will be a rainbow after the rain, but never said it would be empty.   60、原谅伤害并不难,难的是再次信任。   Forgive hurts is not difficult, difficult is to trust again.   61、后来想起来,我们竟然没有一张合照。   Think of it later, we should have a picture.   62、不要指望谁陪你一辈子,没光的时候连影子都会离开你。   Dont expect anyone to accompany you for a lifetime, not even the shadow of the shadow will leave you.   63、你不要再回来了我已经没有力气讨好。   You dont want to come back, I have no strength to please.   64、有一天,当你学会珍惜的时候,也许有些东西已经不在了。   One day, when you learn to cherish the time, maybe some things are not in the.   65、一再的隐忍,一再的退让,却换来了盛宴上的谎言。   Repeated trial, repeated concessions, but for the feast of lies.   痛到骨子里心碎的句子英文3   1、If I stumble,I wont crumble.   2、The past is never where you think you left it.   3、Dont realize too much which will let you down.   4、Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.   5、Never fell in love and not look back, we are all the way.   6、Carry away all the time, leaving only empty shell memories.   7、I dont have the strenghth to stay away from you anymore.   8、My loneliness is a mirror, I can not speak but has no expression.   9、Stop thinking too much, its alright not to know all the answers.   10、You are my youth in the story, you are my story, dont go back once.   11、If you are willing, I will always love you. Would you like, I will never miss.   12、Used to the things are can be taken, especially when you have to face the change.   13、Love you is not my intention. I try to be alone, but I cant stop missing you.   14、Sometimes the hardest part isnt letting go, but rather learning to start over.   15、Dont fear you forsake, just afraid of losing you.
2023-06-26 01:20:521


1, my study and my future plans is a hard-up students, has a lot of vision for the future. However, there are some shortcomings. Comparison of my state of mind such as impetuous, always impatient for success, and three two-day fishing nets drying. The aim of the establishment, not enough is also my firm conviction, resulting in a lack of perseverance.2, to talk about a lot of girls to enjoy shopping, and I am no exception, I like the shuttle in the Food Street, supermarkets, clothing stores, jewelry stores also. Looking at those shopping, I always feel very comfortable, shopping, and that is a better way of life how ah! Some people like to buy brand-name, I think for the students, which has little significance.Some partial Division I situation, preferences arts, science does not like red tape that some of the overall score affected. This is very bad, I determined to change the status quo. I know that the prevalence of 21st century knowledge-based economy are the time, I must study hard, I hope to be able to enter a good university, I like to study journalism in the future in this area of the sky to create a piece of their own to achieve my ideal.My favorite mode of transportation is the train of course, because it has fast and cheap, and comfortable, but, especially in the spring when you want to train too hard. There is no traffic on the perfect way?I enjoy dancing, although I am a bad jump, but I never, I always love dancing freely with the music, dancing makes me feel confidence and freedom. I also enjoy stamp collecting, writing, Internet, I feel that my life because I like to have those things, but as meaningful.I always had a "buy only the right, You do not choose the" point of view, and buy a brand-name clothes and sometimes money can buy common items 5,6 on pretty clothes, for me such a change and enjoy the selection people, I would rather buy some cheap things.7, go out the way tourist traffic, there is always a variety of modes of transport if you want to远渡the Pacific to the Americas a fake degree, of course, you can choose a boat, so that you can not only enjoy the beautiful scenery on the Pacific, one can also experience Titanic fan of the romantic journey. However, the sea riddled with bumps, people easily seasick. Of course, the quickest way is by plane, but the plane had not been so safe, every year there is always the crash happened, but at holidays, expensive airline tickets.
2023-06-26 01:21:1314


◎古代音韵与现代拼音对照[平水韵]:下平七阳·去声二十三漾[国语]:dāng,dàng,dàn[粤语]:dong1[闽南语]:taN1,tang1,tang3,tng1,tng3,tong1,tuiN1,t◎古典速查[故训汇纂]:1492|1570.1[康熙字典]:页362第06[汉语字典]:卷1页0562第12[辞海]:卷5页0710第1[英文翻译]:bear, accept, undertake; just ①当(⑩当)dāng充任,担任:充当。担当。当之无愧。掌管,主持:当家。当权。当政。正在那时候或那地方:当时。当代。当初。当今。(立即)。当年。当街。当院。面对着:当面。当机立断。首当其冲。相称,相配:旗鼓相当。当量(liàng )。应该:应当。理当。老当益壮。抵敌:万夫不当之勇。判罪,意为处以相当的刑罚:该当何罪。顶端,头:瓦当。象声词,金属撞击的声音。②当dàng合宜:恰当。适当。妥当。抵得上,等于:一个人当俩人用。姑且作为:当做(作)。长歌当哭。安步当车。认为:我当你已经回家了。在同一时间:当日。当年。当世。吃亏,受骗:上当。抵押:抵当。押当。典当(用实物作抵押向当铺借钱)。 当dāng形声。从田,从尚,尚亦声。“尚”意为“摊开”、“展平”。“尚”与“田”联合起来表示“把要比较面积的两部分田块都清除掉农作物,然后一一丈量、加总、比较”。本义:比较两部分田块的面积,形声,再从口,当声。本义:形容金属撞击及其他类等撞击的声音。1.对等;相当于〖equal; beequalto〗当,田相值也。——东汉·许慎《说文》必当其位。——《吕氏春秋·孟夏纪》蔽贤者当之。——《孟子·离娄下》朱也当御。——《国语·晋语》当之者戕焉。——《国语·晋语一》又如:旗鼓相当;门当户对;当才(才能与所任之事相当);当匹(匹敌;对等);实力相当2.面对着〖face; turntowards〗木兰当户织。——《乐府诗集·木兰诗》又如:当户(对着门户);当风(正对着风);当着矮人,别说短话(面对着某种有缺陷的人,不要说有关他短处的话,以避影射之嫌);当头对面(面对面)3.担任;充当〖workas;serveas〗。如:当辕(驾辕);当槽的(店房伙计、酒保一类的人);当值(值班);当御省禁(值班于官禁之内)4.承担〖bear; undertake〗念窦娥葫芦提当罪衍。——元·关汉卿《窦娥冤》又如:当不起(谦词。表示担当不起他人的夸奖或款待);当不得(奈何不得);当不过(受不住;受不了)5.主持〖manage; take charge of〗蚩尤明乎天道,故使为当时。——《管子·五行》北邀当国者相见。——宋·文天祥《指南录·后序》当事者冀其少艾,公(袁可立)自谓老当愈辣。——明 黄道周《节寰袁公传》张居正当国。——《明史·海瑞传》又如:当室(主持家事。今称当家);当家之事(理家立业);当家三年狗也嫌(主持家政的容易得罪人,讨人嫌弃)7.阻挡(某人或某事物)的通路〖block〗汝不知夫螳螂乎,怒其臂以当车辙,不知其不胜任也。——《庄子·人间世》土断而川分,有积石横当其垠。——唐·柳宗元《小石城山记》又如:螳臂当车;别当道站着;当拦(阻拦)8.看待〖regard…as〗。如:他把我的话当耳旁风。9.用武力抵敌〖withstand〗于是士皆殊死战,莫不一当百。——《梁书· 韦放传》非刘豫州莫可以当曹操者。——《资治通鉴》又如:万夫不当之勇;当关(守关);一夫当关,万夫莫开。应当〖ought〗吾闻二世少子也,不当立,当立者乃公子扶苏。——《史记·陈涉世家》又如:当用的还得用;当立之年(指三十岁);当断不断(该做出决断的时候不能决断)判决罪人,断狱〖hear and pass judgment on a case〗臣知欺大王罪当诛。——《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》而乃劾魏其矫先帝诏,罪当弃市。——《史记·魏其武安侯列传》 当dāng表示某一时段1. 用于表示过去的某一时间和现在正在进行的客观存在的时间段。如:当天(指过去);当时(指过去);当下(此时);当口(事情发生或进行的时候)又当定陵镇静,以道法宥天下。——明 黄道周《节寰袁公(袁可立)传》2.当(...的时候)表示将要发生的时间 或者 假定的时间段。 当dāng在〖when〗当春乃发生。——唐·杜甫《春夜喜雨》当是时,妇手拍儿声,口中鸣声…一时齐发。——《虞初新志·秋声诗自序》阴颸一动,虽当烈火流金之候,使人翛翛有挟纩意。——明·宋濂 《看松庵记》又如:当堂(当场,在现场);当出(当初);当来(向来;当初);当便(即便;即就) 当dāng本,这〖thesame〗〖兄子彦询〗病卒,豹取急,亲送柩还乡,悲痛伤惜,以为丧当家之宝。——唐·李延寿《北史·房豹传》又如:当家(本家);当晚;当夜;当境(本境);当坊(当方。本地);当港(此港,本港) 当dāng铿锵声〖clang〗。如:每座教堂的尖塔开始欢快地发出当当响声。 当dāng假使〖if〗向使三国各爱其地,齐人勿附于秦,刺客不行,良将犹在,则胜负之数,存亡之理,当与秦相较,或未易量。——宋·苏洵《六国论》另见dàng当班dāng bān〖onduty; onturn〗按规定的时间工作;值班。他每天当班三个小时当兵dāng bīng〖beasoldier〗∶参加军队〖servein the army〗∶服兵役当差dāng chāi〖lowerofficialorservant〗∶旧指做受人差遣的小官吏或当仆人。〖manservant〗∶旧指男仆当场dāng chǎng〖intheact〗∶正在现场当场抓住〖onthenail〗∶立即当场付账〖onthespot;thenandthere〗∶在事情、事件发生的现场当场拒绝了他们的要求当场出丑dāng chǎng chū chǒu〖makeaspectacleofoneself〗在大庭广众暴露自己的弱点,失尽体面真是不怕当场出丑,好笑极了——亦作“当场献丑”当朝dāng cháo〖present dynasty〗∶当前的朝代〖emperoror prime minister on the throne〗∶指在位的皇帝或秉政的宰相〖take charge of dynasticad ministration〗∶主持朝廷政务当初dāng chū〖originally; at that time〗∶一开始,最初当初打算在这里盖栋大楼〖now; in that time〗∶泛指从前或特指过去发生某件事情的时候阿Q当初很不快,后来便很不平。——鲁迅《阿Q正传》当代dāng dài〖the present age; the contemporary era; inanepoch〗目前这个时代当道dāng dào〖stand in the way; block the way〗路中间别在当道站着有狼当道,人立而啼。——马中锡《中山狼传》当道dāng dào〖beinpower〗掌握权力,多指坏人掌权坏人当道,好人受害有时也指掌权的人郡之贤士大夫请于当道。——明·张溥《五人墓碑记》当地dāng dì〖local〗指某人所在或某事发生的地方当耳边风dāng ěr biān fēng〖toturndeafearto〗一耳进,一耳出,听过即忘富贵之于我,如秋风之过耳。——赵晔《吴越春秋·吴王寿梦传》因以“当耳边风”谓对所听之言毫不经意当官dāng guān〖beanofficial; secure official position〗做官当关dāng guān〖guard a pass〗∶守卫关口一夫当关,万夫莫开。——唐·李白《蜀道难》〖guard〗∶守门人当归dāng guī〖Chineseangelica〗伞形科当归属的一种多年生草本植物(Angelicasinensis),叶为数回轮状复叶,花 白色,复伞形花序,根肥大,入药,产于中国当机立断dāng jī lì duàn〖decide on the spot; decidepromptly and opportunely〗抓住时机,果断地作出决定说干就干,只要我当机立断就行了。——程树榛《大学时代》当即dāng jí〖rightaway;atonce〗∶马上,立即当即表示同意〖immediately〗∶就在当时会一开完当即就出发当家dāng jiā〖manageaffairs;managehouseholdaffairs〗本义为主持家政。又比喻在一定范围内起主要作用当家dāng jiā〖manager〗经营管理者她是我们厂里的好当家当家的dāng jiā de〖headofafamily〗∶日常生活中口语,指主持家务的人〖husband〗[方言]∶妇女对自己丈夫的一种称呼当间儿dāng jiàn er〖middle〗[方言]∶中间;中心堂屋当间儿放着一张大方桌当街dāng jiē〖facingthestreet〗∶临近街道〖inthestreet〗[方言]∶街上当今dāng jīn〖nowadays;atpresent;now〗在这些日子里;现在当今皇帝盛明。——南朝梁·丘迟《与陈伯之书》当紧dāng jǐn〖important〗[方言]∶要紧;重要先把不当紧的事摞在一边当局dāng jú〖theauthorities〗∶处于指挥地位的人;特指政府各州的地方当局〖power〗∶有影响的或有权威的机构我希望当局会把我派往该地〖thoseinvolved〗∶置身于某件事情之中当局者迷dāng jú zhě mí〖blunderingare those concerned〗“当局者迷,旁观者清”,当局者指下棋的人,旁观者指观棋的人。比喻当事人因为身处其境而对利害得失考虑太多,看不清形势,而局外人却比较明了我自是、笑别人底,却原来、当局者迷。——宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾》当空dāng kōng〖highabovein the sky〗在空中当口儿dāng kǒu er〖this or that very moment; justat this time〗〖口〗∶事情正发生或进行的关键时候战斗紧张激烈的当口儿,援兵来了当啷dāng lāng〖clang〗象声词,金属器物互相碰撞的声音当量dāng liàng〖equivalentweight〗一元素与给定重量的另一元素具有相同结合能力时的相对重量,现在的标准通常以氧为8,但从前则以氢为1;原子重除以原子价的原子重量当令dāng lìng〖inseason〗合时令现在穿这身衣服正当令当路dāng lù〖intheway〗∶路中间他站在当路望了一会儿〖beinpower〗∶掌握政权奸臣当路当门对户dāng mén duì hù〖bewell-matchedinsocialandeconomicstatus(formarriage)〗见“门当户对”当面dāng miàn〖tosb."sface; beforesb."seyes; facetoface〗∶当某人在场时当面说好话,背后下毒手〖tohisteeth〗∶当着面和直对,尤指藐视我能够有这样一天当面申斥他当面锣,对面鼓dāngmiànluó,duìmiàngǔ〖facetoface; saysth to sb."s face〗比喻面对面把有争议的或需要商量的事说清楚或定下来有能耐,你敢进屋来和我当面鼓,对面锣地辩论一盘。——董玉振《精明人的苦恼》当面是人,背后是鬼dāng miàn shì rén,bèi hòu shì guǐ〖be a man to sb."s face, then be comeaghost in the back〗两面派人世间是有这样一种角色——当面是人,背后是鬼。——海涛《硝烟》当年dāng nián〖in those days〗过去某一时期故先生者,当年而霸,楚庄王是也。——汉·韩婴《韩诗外传》想当年,金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎。——宋·辛弃疾《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》当年,这儿还没有铁路又指某人的事业、活动或生命的那个全盛时期遥想公瑾当年,小乔初嫁了,雄姿英发。——宋·苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》他正当年,干活不知累当前dāng qián〖beforeface〗在面前困难当前当前dāng qián〖hereandnow;nowadays;atpresent〗目前;现在人的职责就在于完成当前的任务当枪使dāng qiāng shǐ〖cannonfodder〗比喻被别人利用不要给人当枪使当权dāng quán〖holdpower〗执掌大权当然dāng rán〖ofcourse; certainly〗副词。表示对某一行为的确认或肯定当然之事应当这样我们当然要去当仁不让dāng rén bú ràng〖notdeclinetoshouldera responsibility; in good causedonotlag behind; takesth.asone"sobligation〗当:面对。仁:正义之事。《论语·卫灵公》:“当仁不让于师。”后以“当仁不让”表示应做之事,就应积极主动去做,不能推托夫人臣依义显君,竭忠彰主,行之美也,当仁不让。——《后汉书·曹褒传》当日dāng rì〖at that time; on that very day〗当时(指过去)想见当日围城光景。——清·全祖望《梅花岭记》当时dāng shí〖then; at that time; for the moment〗∶前文提到的或所指的那时当时的形式〖now〗∶指过去发生某事的时候盖当时未有雁荡之名。——宋·沈括《梦溪笔谈》人民当时给他重大荣誉当世dāng shì〖the present age〗∶当代〖bigwigs〗∶指地位显要的人衡不慕当世,所居之官辄积年不徙。——《后汉书·张衡传》当世冠dāng shì guàn〖thefirstpersoninepoch〗当代第一人。为“当世之冠”的略语子遂成德,为当世冠。——刘歆《孟母赞》当世无双dāng shì wú shuāng〖beabsolutelymatchless in the world〗首屈一指,当代独一无二陈康肃公尧咨善射,当世无双,公亦以此自矜。——宋·欧阳修《归田录》当事dāng shì〖efficacious〗∶掌权坏人当事,好人倒霉〖concerned〗∶跟某事有关联当事人〖agent〗∶指当局或当事人当事人dāng shì rén〖agentconcerned〗履行(涉及理智、良心和自由意志的)行动或行为的人;对其言行负责任的人两个当事人都在撒谎当堂dāng táng〖atlawcourt〗在公堂(旧时官吏审理案件的地方)上当堂作证;在课堂上当庭dāng tíng〖atcourt〗在法庭上检察官当庭就认为这不能作为犯罪的证据当头dāng tóu〖headon〗∶对准了头;迎头当头一拳〖imminent; confront〗∶〖事情〗到了眼前;临头〖put in the first place〗∶放在首位忍字当头当头棒喝dāng tóu bàng hè〖asharpwarning; ablowanda shout〗佛教禅宗祖师对初学者,常不问情由,当头给以一棒,或大声喝叱以令回答,以考验领悟佛理的程度。后泛指促人醒悟的手段或给人严重警告当头棒喝,读者无不俯首皈依。——《聊斋志异·喻序》当头一棒dāng tóu yī bàng〖ahead-onblow〗比喻突然而来的打击;亦同“当头棒喝”当途dāng tú〖beinpower〗指掌握政权;也指掌握政权的人当途者当途之人卿今当涂掌事,不可不学。——《资治通鉴》当午dāng wǔ〖noon〗正午;中午锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土当务之急dāng wù zhī jí〖urgentmatter; pressingdem and of the moment; task of toppriority〗《孟子·尽心上》:“知者无不知也,当务之为急。”后以“当务之急”指当前最急需要办的事人人各有当务之急。——宋·朱熹《朱子语类·孟子》当下dāng xià〖atonce; immediately; istantly〗立即;马上他一见这场面,当下就愣住了当先dāng xiān〖inthevan〗∶处于最领先的地位奋勇当先〖atthehead;inthefrontranks〗∶赶在最前头一马当先,万马奔腾当阳Dāng yáng〖Dangyang〗现在湖北省当阳县。又指太阳能晒着的地方这块地当阳当心dāng xīn〖bewareof;becareful〗∶注意,留心当心小麦〖inthemidmost〗∶指人的胸口部,泛指正中间当选dāng xuǎn〖beelected〗被接受为成员或选中担任职务市长以十分微弱的多数票当选当腰dāng yāo〖middle〗中间;当中(多指长形物体)两头细,当腰粗当一天和尚撞一天钟dāng yī tiān hé shàng zhuàng yī tiān zhōng〖doaslittle as possible, take a passiveattitude towards one"s work〗比喻做事情敷衍消极,混一天算一天,没有积极主动的精神。“当”也说“做”当政dāng zhèng〖beinpower〗执掌政权;把持政权当之无愧dāng zhī wú kuì〖beworthyof; deservethereward; fullydeserve〗完全够条件承当某种荣誉,不用惭愧当中dāng zhōng〖inthemiddle; inthecenter〗∶正中河当中水流最急〖among〗∶在…之中他生活在工人群众当中当众dāng zhòng〖inopencourt; inpublic; in the presenceofall〗当着众人面当众宣读的判决当轴dāng zhóu〖important official〗要员。后喻官居要职积以论事,为当轴者恨。——《宋史·苏轼传》②当 当dàng主领;典领〖beinchargeof〗诏招摇与太阴兮,伏钩使当兵。——扬雄《甘泉赋》抵押,用实物作抵押向当铺借钱〖pawn〗以王子姑曹当之,而后止。——《左传·哀公八年》虞所赍赏,典当胡夷。——《后汉书·刘虞传》走笔还诗债,中由衣当药钱。——唐·白居易《自咏老身示家属》又如:当衣服;他把房子当了当作;算是〖regardas〗安步以当车。——《战国策·齐策四》又如:当三钱(一个钱当三个钱用。这是宋朝的一种制钱);当十钱(币值以一当十);当甚(算什么);当耳边风。抵得上〖match; beequalto〗以一仪而当汉中地。——《史记·屈原贾生列传》又如:一个当俩;以一当十;当抵(抵挡)顶替〖replace; substitute〗当 vi.& vt.(形声。从田,尚声。本义:两块田相当、相等)对等;相当于当,田相值也。――《说文》必当其位。――《吕氏春秋·孟夏纪》蔽贤者当之。――《孟子·离娄下》朱也当御。――《国语·晋语》当之者戕焉。――《国语·晋语一》面对着木兰当户织。――《乐府诗集·木兰辞》
2023-06-26 01:21:541


一、eone elses mouth, dont live in someone elses eyes, but . 我不以一个人爬得多高来衡量他的成功,而是看他跌到谷底?能反弹多高。 十、Time would head almost all wounds. If your wounds have not been healed up. please wait for a short while. 你要去相信,没有到不了的明天。 十一、Accept what was and what is, and youll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。 十二、Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys?为何好女孩总喜欢坏男孩? 十三、Theres nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears.世上最美的,莫过于从泪水中挣脱出来的那个微笑。 十四、The darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。 英语伤感心情说说 1、你的眼睛会笑,却不是为我。 Your eyes e people you may forget, but the input method is still remember. 14、我学会了带着面具微笑,即使我并不开心。 I learned to smile e are unable to tell, but is silent. 24、即使后来的他们有千万般好,都不及你来得早。 Even then they have 10 million, as good as you come early. 25、总是抱着美好旳幻想,到最后不疾而终旳失望。 Aletimes, its better to be alone, and no one can hurt you. 34、放开你锝手,不是因为不爱你,而是因为太爱你。 Let you at hand, not because of love you, but because I love you so much. 35、下辈子要做一颗牙齿,自己不开心的时候总有人疼。 Next life to be a tooth, fort me a lot, but the people pany. 43、原来有一种难过,只能让人默默流泪,却无法放声大哭。 There is a kind of sad, can only make people cry, but can not burst into tears. 44、我希望她身边永远有个最爱她的人,不管那个人是不是我。 I hope she mitment to kiss, you never belong to me forever. 48、每次吵架,两人都是喜欢在吵架中找出对方不爱自己的证据。 Every quarrel, tfortable missing, not the other side do not kno noe things to become the past, there are al a person is on his Taoxin Tao lung, in your opinion, that he is a friend, in his view, you are a blundering fool. 英语的说说伤感 1、因为我的灵魂没有寄托,所以你可以尽情的骗我。 Because my soul has no sustenance, so you can lie to me. 2、有的人,曾经是无话不说,到最后,却无话可说。 Some people, e a person a group of strangers, I can not give up a group of people. 19、生气就好像自己喝毒药,而指望别人会痛苦。 Anger is like drinking poison and expecting others to suffer. 20、有时候你想掏心,人家也未必想看。 Sometimes you the beginning, I heard an old song pany me for a long time or enough to go. 53、你就像我抓住却不能拥抱的风,想喝又怕醉的酒。 You are like the eone ed to your presence, so hoe jokes, open to open, seriously. For example, I like you. 72、什么时候,我们喜欢上了安静,却又很怕寂寞。 mitment. 77、每次进你的qq空间,第一件事就是先删去访客记录。 Every time you enter the QQ space, the first thing is to delete the visitor records. 78、谁都知道有那么一朝,只是不管多糟,都还想要。 Everyone knows that only once, no matter how bad, still want to. 79、哥脸上的不是痘,那叫青春。 Elder brothers face is not pox, that is called youth. 80、爱情需要多少泪水来浇灌,才能长成茁壮的森林。 How many tears of love needs to irrigate, can grow into healthy forest. 伤感的英语爱情说说 1、等待,是一生最初的苍老。 plaint, you think I do not like the so-called. 26、我,曾视你为全部,如今的我们却早已陌路。 I have seen you, for all, noe indifferent. 45、现在才知道,连回忆都是如此的不堪,终究太多的伤。 Noes a memory, once in early my heart, desolate in the snoetimes, do not care to kno? You have the initial heart regret, the dream in the night. 68、友谊只是灰尘,其实几千年前早该随风飘走可是不知为何有人却留恋。 Friendship is just dust, in fact, thousands of years ago, the e time, people have ent as alpleted the set together. 75、仰望布满星星的天空,眼角还残留一丝泪痕,内心是谁刻下了抹不去的伤痕。 Look up at the starry sky, his eyes still remain a tears, the heart is who carved indelible scars. 76、剪辑生活的剪影,找寻失去的记忆,被冠上曾经之名,便被排除在现实之外。 Clip life silhouette, looking for the lost memory, was the name of the name, will be excluded from the reality. 77、只想找一个在我失意时可以承受我的眼泪,在我快乐时,可以让我咬一口的肩膊。 Just want to find a can take me when Im sad tears, I am happy that I can bite ones shoulders. 78、这世上最累的事情,莫过于眼睁睁看着自己的心碎了,还得自己动手把它粘起来。 The most tiring thing in the world, than watching his heart is broken, but also have to stick it to their own hands. 79、偶尔会听到一首歌,看到一个似乎熟悉的画面,一个似曾相识的微笑而泪流满面。 Occasionally hear a song, see a seemingly familiar picture, a smile and tears deja vu. 80、走,还是要走的,留下来的不过是一副躯壳,留,还是要留的,我的心就在次生根了。 Go, or go to the left, but a shell, to stay, or to leave, my heart is in the secondary roots.
2023-06-26 01:22:071


You are a fool
2023-06-26 01:22:175


Thus, the Nobel Prize is not an aura, as a kind of spirit. For China, the lack of scientific, but not the aura spirit." Today, China"s lack of wisdom, but few scholars both scientific spirit and humanistic feelings of the masters. Some people pay much attention to the research fruits ", "the process of growth, Too much emphasis on individuals, small and great benefit society neglected. Therefore, they are often driven by unite in research activities, quick, style, and even deceive. Blundering This will only act to short-term, "bubble" expedites the academic and profitless at human long-term improvement. In fact, the Nobel Prize, by a "breakthrough", but the bitter guard. True scientists, mankind must be with the "big", just ask utilitarianism, regardless of the interests, loneliness, do not have. As such, ability of scientific gestate special fruit, was eventually history remember.
2023-06-26 01:22:402


  ××局中有一个人,有四个大门,还有问号,打一成语——当局者迷.   当局者迷   dāng jú zhě mí   【解释】迷:糊涂,迷惑.指当事人反而糊涂.   【出处】宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑别人的,却元来当局者迷.”   【结构】主谓式   【用法】主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂   【近义词】当局者迷,旁观者清   【反义词】旁观者清   【例句】希望我们大家互相勉励……~,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉.◎邹韬奋《事业管理与职业修养·关于工作与学习五》   【英译】blundering are those concerned
2023-06-26 01:22:461


2023-06-26 01:22:551


2023-06-26 01:23:365

请问各位"收拾心态,放下浮躁,重新启航!"翻译成英语是怎么样的 请发过来 谢谢我有急用

Mentality is put in order, restlessness is put down and sail is set again.
2023-06-26 01:24:174


2023-06-26 01:24:374

我向往的大学生活 求一篇英语作文大一新生

我向往的大学生活 求一篇英语作文大一新生 Hello everyone.Today I"m glad to be here to give a speech about my fresh experience in China Agriculture University. First I must say the campus life is really different from what I have experienced in high school.For instance,I used to lean upon my dormitory teacher to wake me up on time.But now I have to set several alarm clocks to make myself could hear them in the morning otherwise I would miss my class.And then even worse there would be nobody remind me except my teacher!So the differences are everywhere and I could easily find them.The change of life is great and it"s wonderful:I have more time of my own and the rights to decide how I live. My campus activities are rich and colorful.Learning English has bee a habit to me cause I plan to study abroad in next few years.Playing Guzheng is my favorite activity.I have kept on practising it since I was a little girl and I wish to win more petitions in my campus life. Our university has the first level equipments and the most experienced teachers,also has the best students(laugh).I consider it to be a honor that I"ve got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we could live wonderful lives in our campus! 作文:我向往的大学生活 向往?! 居然用这个词,由此可见又是一个被骗的单纯的孩子。 上了大学才知道.玩游戏是要通宵的! 上了大学才知道.手机是用来追女生的! 上了大学才知道. *** 都是大学培养的! 上了大学才知道.原来大学和养老院是差不多的! 上了大学才知道.馒头一捏就能变汤圆的! 上了大学才知道.所有的课都能跷,只有体育课是不能跷的! 上了大学才知道.打水是用来泡面的! 上了大学才知道.开学校原来是那么赚钱的! 上了大学才知道.二锅头是用来干的! 上了大学才知道.刻苦学习的.都是穷得交不起补考费的! 上了大学才知道.一门课一学期可以就考试那天去一次的! 上了大学才知道.一头猪是可以供食堂吃几天的! 上了大学才知道.原来理想只是高中以前才有的! 上了大学才知道.大学里是学不到东西的! 我向往的大学生活 这个应该是问你自己,向往怎样的大学生活,很多人上过大学后,觉得电视中的不一样,或者和自己想象的不一样。这个要自己想象并且自己去感受。愿你有一个美好的大学生活。 力求一片英语作文-----我向往的中学生活 I yearn for high school life I bathed in the school"s campus for each wisp of a bright sunlight; Yearning with worldwide xueyou exchange experience, together in the sea of knowledge; navigate Yearning there hone their will, bee the study leader... High school for me has been a wonderful nouns. Begin in elementary school, I would envy secondary school, brothers and sisters, because they can be in so beautiful campus to grow and learn. Now, I also embarked on a path to middle school campus light avenue, round me a beautiful dream. I yearn for secondary school that bright light, yearning knowledge of middle school that beauty of flowers and plants, lush trees. Though not a primary school, but I will not give up every shred of munication opportunities. High school is a from each school students with sea, each one of us is a *** all fish, are absorbing the sunshine of nutrition, seawater moist. I"ve been yearning warmth, the good life, middle school is just like a big family, gave me warmth; Teacher again like the stars, let us recall the "footsteps ing for our lit up," the way forward. Say goodbye to dull primary school life, I started my new dream. Farewell naive young age, I ushered in my golden age. Farewell, my former cloud lifted the golden sun stepping youth tempo, with its niaoyuhuaxiang, started my green daydream... High school is a green flowered, is our temporary home; School discipline, exercise ourselves. With delight and blundering, I part into the campus, acpanied enthusia *** studious students, open the door of green daydream. Here is the study of a temple, is green. The grass is green, mountain is green, water is green, the song is green and the sky were reflected into one green... "Although cold wind to hold off the pace; both the hazy, can"t hide persistence eyes; life like songs, hide the pine-woods horn; life is impermanent, shake motionless green beliefs; dashing, did I ever exposed fragile face". How much more we are the study master, regardless of wind and the rain of our struggle not to wipe perseverance; We are the motherland seedlings, whether in days or winter sun month are blocked our growth figure; We are the parents" hope whatever difficulties or ease wouldn"t let us have any pride idea! 求一篇200字的英语作文~我向往的地方~。 There is a place that I always yearn. It"s the big and beautiful city with coast on three sides----Shenzhen. There are many famous attractions in Shenzhen, such as Dameisha. It"s really a good place to swim. Happy Valley is also a good place to have fun. There are many fun games in Happy Valley. Shenzhen has many supermarkets and shopping malls. You can shop at there .Shenzhen is famous for its culture. And you can see many bookstores in the streets. We all like read books in them. If you e to Shenzhen, but you don"t know the way to Happy Valley. Don"t worry. The Shenzhen citizens are friendly. They would like to help you if you have any questions. 有一个地方,我总是渴望。这是一个大的,美丽的城市,有三面海岸——深圳。有许多著名的景点在深圳,如大。那是一个非常好的地方游泳。欢乐谷也是一个娱乐的好地方。有许多好玩的游戏,在快乐谷。深圳有很多超市和商场。你可以在那里购物。深圳是文化著称。你可以看到很多书店在街道上。我们都喜欢读的书在他们。如果你来深圳,但你不知道怎么去快乐谷。别担心。深圳市民是友好的。无论你有任何问题他们都愿意帮助你。 求一篇英语作文<我的大学生活> College life As a sophomore, I feel that the time flies. You may consider that college life is boring. As we don"t know how to deal with the plenty of spare time. But I define the college life will bee wonderful . Frist, I am a girl who like freedom. In my college life, I can play puter very late, Whitout worrying my parents asking me to go to bed at the midnight. Second, I like rock"n"roll, I can play the music very loudly in my dorm. On the contrary , my mother will be angry when I listen to the music in my home. And then , You can join a lot of associations and University Student Councils In our college, It is a training for collegers. I join in atheneum with a lot of lovely girls, so we chat very happy. As we held several parties, I felt very suessful and seeing everyone united, I was very glad and deeply moved . Another , I am absorbed grand library, school buildings and wide playground. Our campus obtains beautiful environment and good atmosphere to study . My school"s library has a lot of different books and magazines. Every weekend , a lot of students can go to library to read the books. Otherwise ,our school have a lot of foreign teachers, In you free time, you can go to the PETER HOLL and visit the foreign teachers. Through conversation with foreign teachers it practise your English. In your spare time, you can play basketball, pingpang and so on. Doing sports is very interesting and good for your health. In fact, you can do anything which you are interested in. In a word,college life is wonderful! 新生报到 这里会有我向往的大学生活吗 只能说你想的太多了,其实你向往的大学生活应该是影视剧的大学生活 现实中不太可能会实现,注意和同学的关系搞好,你应该就能很好的度过了这四年 求一篇作文,题目是;大学生活总结,本人是大一新生,,, 在学习上,我有很强的进取心。最先,我的学习能力比较强,能较快地接受新知识,这种能力在大学四年得到了很好的锻炼。大学的授课一节课往往会涉及许多知识,只靠课堂上的听讲是远远不够的,这就要求咱们在课下要学会自身钻研,练习巩固课堂上所学的知识。久而久之,我的自学能力得到了很大的提高。在日常,我也不仅仅注重专业能力的培养和提高,在其他方面知识的更新与储备上也不敢放松,不断更新自身的知识结构,扩大自身的知识面,这对我这次能考上公务员帮助很大。其次,求学态度严谨,能吃苦耐劳,注重培养自身的独立思考能力,学术上有钻研精神。这在我的学习成绩上已得到了充分的反映:学习成绩基本上保持优秀,曾多次取得院校“三好学生”、奖学金等荣誉;在律师实务与公证课程中,经过反复研究案情,发觉了案件的突破口,打赢了一个实际中败诉的经济案件;学年论文优秀,与同学合作的校学生科研专案成果也已顺利完成,揭晓 在《科技经济市场》2006年第四期上。再次,我不固步自封,因循守旧,不为今日所取得的一点点成绩而沾沾自喜,而是不断地实行总结,从而使自身能不断地向前成长进步,因此,四年来的学习成绩保升的态势。 在政治上,我积极向党组织靠拢。刚进大学之初,我就真诚地向党组织递交了入党申请书。在之后的课余时间,我一方面增强自身的政治理论学习,另一方面积极参加学校组织的党校培训。通过学习,加深了对党的识别和明白,也更加坚定了我参加国产 *** 的决心。与此同时,能多向周围的同学、老师学习,从他们身上找差距,找自身的不足,不断端正入党动机,以实际行动争取早日参加国产 *** ,并已光荣成为入党积极分子。 在生活中,我时时刻刻以品德至上来要求自身。无论何时何地,我都奉行严于律己,宽以待人的信条,并切实地遵行它:待人热情诚恳,讲求诚信;日常友爱同学,尊师重道,乐于助人;与同学发生矛盾、误会时,能最先从自身身上找原由,并主动与对方实行沟通。回顾四年,我很高兴在同学有难处的时候能够帮助他们,相对的,在我有难处的时候同学也无私地向我伸出了援手;尊师重道,使我学到了许多知识,也与许多老师成为了良师益友;时常自我反省,宽容他人,使我多了许多的朋友。 求一篇英语作文 my college life (我的大学生活) MY MOTHER My mother is a kind-hearted, simple people. She never extravagance and waste, but also very honest, even if we are very poor at home, but she also other people Zhou Ji, her poor poor people, if they are approached by people to beg for food, she often give them food. She and I are particularly good, especially in the study and I am very concerned about, if I want to buy the book, she immediately gave me money, as she is not willing to use a single cent. My mother"s such a character - hard-working self-improvement, the simple-hearted spirit of an profound impact on me, taught me the truth in life that I admire very much ah! 未来我向往的生活,作文,求一篇或多篇 未来的家园 2050年的地球,是个风景优美的地球,连续几年被宇宙王评为“美丽星球。”而我就是地球中的一员。 每天早上一起床,穿上万能衣。这可是本世纪的重大发明!这种衣服内含有奈米纤维,能根据天气变化自行调节温度。能在炎炎夏日使你感到凉爽,在严寒的冬季能觉得温暖如春。洗梳完毕,来到厨房,厨房里就会根据你的脚步测量出你今天所全部需营养,给你马上做出“万能丸”。这是一种高营养的食物,保证人体在一天之间的会部营养。一切准备就绪,驾上“Happy”号飞船,就去电子大厦上班。 在路上,飞船行驶在宽阔的马路上空,马路两旁是一个个造型新颖和花园和一棵棵修剪得体和树木。树木散发著氧气,鲜花散发出芬芳,两种气体混合在一起,有一种说不出的香气,使我陶醉了…… 我工作的地方位于市中心。办公在楼是一座很新潮的楼房,有点像法国的著名建筑——埃菲尔铁塔。全楼外观材料是银灰色的太阳能板,能吸收太阳的热量,再经过楼内的电能转化站,一部分电能供应全楼日常工作用电,另一部分输入电能储存库,如果遇到阴雨天,要使用电的时候,可调出“仓库”中的电能,这样,就足够全楼用了。 在电子大厦忙碌了一天,驾着“Happy”号飞船驶回家里,我坐在沙发上,顿生感悟:哎,要想制出许多造福国家物品,必须从小努力,好好学习! 未来的世界 如今以是3002年了,日子一天天过,我以成科学家了,你们一定会问:“你怎么活了1000多岁呢?”其实我研究了一种药,它叫“不死药”,听这名字你们大概就比较明白了。这不死药里的材料有(当归、虎杖、蛇胆、春虫、人参、雪莲···)这些只是药材的一部分,要想制成它需要耐力和毅力,所以这价钱嘛……当然贵啦!哈哈!不开玩笑了,我向大家介绍一下未来的事情吧!未来,就是一个奈米时代,想到那里就马上能到!如果你要去北极只需0.1秒!你们一定会问:“怎么这么快啊?”因为有传送门啊,你先调好地点,然后走入传送门,传送门会把你分解成一立方微米的小方块给传送过去,到了目的地后,它有把你立刻组合回去! 未来神奇吧! 人们每天都做着自己想做的事,该做的事。从来不会去幻想以后。 但是在我的思维里,觉得以后是最重要的,因为地球承受这么多人的压力实在太大了。如果人们想这一代的人们和以后的人们能过著长久安宁的生活,那就必须去想一想。未来的地球是否会存在?在许多的子子孙孙里,到哪一代会承受到地球爆炸或坠落的痛苦? 地球现在是中年,人们也许会想以后还有那么长的时间,我们着急什么呀, 但我是站在以后子孙的角度来看待这件事。他们承受的那种痛苦那种压力是现在的人们所不知道的,只有不幸的那一代才领略得到。 地球会爆炸或坠落到哪去呢?如果爆炸的话,也许有些部分会掉到其它的星球上面去,但是其它星球上没有氧气,人们无法生存,何况有可能在爆炸的时候人们已经……如果是坠落,那地球又会坠落到哪儿去呢?只有那一代的人们才知道,对于其它人来说,永远都是一个不解之谜。 人类进入二十一世纪这个科技奋飞的时代,我们要向高科技进军,解决地球永远生存于太空这个问题。例如:除了世界性的移民措施,向其它星球发展,以缓解地球上的能源危机和超负荷的压力。又如现在起停止对地球的资源开伐,让地球保持有足够的资源,永恒地供给人类生存。这些问题必须依靠科技的进步。同学们,努力吧,共同为未来世界的繁荣而学好科学文化知识
2023-06-26 01:24:461


Summary: ⊙Go to bed too late . ⊙No sport. ⊙When you really enjoy what you are doing, you can do it better than you expect. What make me so blundering is that i am eager to prove myself .Therefor, my heart is not quiet ,and i can"t do as good as my expect . 周感想: 发现事实正如罗胖所说,从古至今,现在的人活得最幸福,享有着相比以前更多更好的资源。但是我发现我们很多人还没有意识到有很多资源可以利用,然后也不知道该如何利用,所以依然很落后。罗胖还说现在很多人都有钱,都在提高生活质量,但是拥有了却并不懂得如何享用它们,其实,质量并没有提高。就比如很多买苹果产品的消费者,她们有消费的能力,但并不懂得发挥苹果产品的作用。很大一部分人以为拥有了,生活质量就提高了。 挺浪费的!“我喜欢活着,呼吸,甚于喜欢工作。我不觉得我做的东西可以在将来对社会有什么重要意义。因此,如果你愿意这么看,我的艺术就可以是活着,每一秒,每一次呼吸就是一个作品,那是不留痕迹的,不可见不可思的,那是一种其乐融融的感觉。” ——杜尚 杜尚,达达主义和超现实主义的代表人物和创始人之一。一生没有职业,27岁停止画画,67岁再婚,晚年痴迷于下棋,有很少的钱就可以生活,因为他想做的事不需要很多钱。我在想,人一定要有追求才可以吗?有的人就是很容易满足,没有太多的追求,他能从做一件事情中持续获得满足。所以他并不想再体验别的东西。如果说人生的意义就是体验,那么乐于体验仅有的几件事,不再追求别的体验也很满足,这样不好吗?如果是因为觉得用一生体验更多的东西才觉得满足,才觉得有意义,这算不算纵欲呢? 我觉得有时候我们总迷失自己,觉得别人的精彩人生就是自己想要的人生。就比如,我觉得别人环游世界的生活很精彩,觉得这样的生活很好,所以我觉得我也应该多存钱去旅游。这周学理财,写10条让自己变富有的原因时,我努力想了想: 我想做什么需要钱?努力写了几条。我发现旅游的追求并不是最能满足我的事情,而且我最想做的事情需要的钱不多,所以那些我最想做的事情不列入其中。当下的我好像没有那么多追求,我只想做好当下我想做的事情,我就很满足了。比如做好一份工作,比如创作一幅作品,比如用空闲的时间静静地看一本书……所以我不是不喜欢工作,我喜欢有事做,没事做的时候最难过,虚得很。犬儒派的重要代表第欧根尼是安提斯塞尼的学生,也就是苏格拉底的二传弟子。他自号为“犬”,四处游荡,衣衫褴褛,住在雅典的大街和市场上。据说第欧根尼住在一个木桶里,所拥有的所有财产包括这个木桶、一件斗篷、一支棍子、一个面包袋。有一次亚历山大大帝访问他,问他需要什么,并保证会兑现他的愿望。第欧根尼回答道:“我希望你闪到一边去,你挡住我的阳光了。”亚历山大大帝后来说:“我若不是亚历山大,我愿是第欧根尼。” 第欧根尼认为除了自然的需要必须满足外,其他的任何东西,包括社会生活和文化生活,都是不自然的、无足轻重的。他强调禁欲主义的自我满足,鼓励放弃舒适环境。作为一个苦行主义的身体力行者,他居住在一只木桶内,过着乞丐一样的生活。 之前一直不理解梭罗,不太看好他独自一人的归园田居,认为他无法适应喧嚣的城市生活,无法与繁杂的社会交往,是在逃避。现在发现他是有大智慧的人,身心健康,知足常乐,他能舍弃我们认为无比美好的东西,快乐地活着。他在《瓦尔登湖》中写到:一个人勇于舍弃的东西越多,他就越富有。这鲜有人能做到,杜尚做到了,梭罗做到了。 这样看来似乎每个人对人生意义的定义都不同,也许人生意义本就不该有个标准。我的伯父,是一个乡村中学教师。以前我觉得我的伯父是个很普通的人。但最近感觉他没那么普通。他对人生的态度还挺进步的。前两天吃饭,说起了隔壁邻居的一个老太太,儿孙在外,大多数时候都是一个人吃喝。年纪也大了,家里条件也可以,可是对自己很吝啬,舍不得吃舍不得用。伯母借伯父的话说:“她活这一辈子,抵狗不如。”用伯父的话:“他这辈子,吃到了,歇到了,用到了,很值!” 自我上小学起,伯父一家四口便全由他一个人工资养活。我感觉他对生活很有热情,喜欢做好吃的、喜欢打扮、喜欢旅游、喜欢看小说、喜欢尝试新的东西。伯母说他们以前的生活水平跟现在差不多,虽然以前也没有现在这么多钱,工资基本上都是吃掉了。但是我感觉一直到现在他们似乎也没缺过什么,有能力消费什么的时候他们就消费了,吃穿都挺好,现在也有车有房。 伯父糖尿病也得了好些年了,现在年纪大了免疫力下降,身体偶有病痛,家人都劝他戒烟,但他反而抽得更多了。有时候我奇怪,难道伯父不怕以后身体垮了,活得太痛苦吗,他明明体验过病痛的折磨,但是他仍然不戒烟,还趁伯母不在的时候抓紧抽。现在想想,也许他是对自己的这一生够满足了,不怕死,不想压抑自己,就想享受当下能得到的快感。 最近我的想法有了很多改变,很多人都不理解了。感觉有些想法还是应该憋在肚子里,不要表露的好。暴露自己与他人不同的想法,有一种危机感,感觉下一秒就要被对方攻击了。突然想起了某人曾经告诉我: 很多时候你可以不告诉他人你的真实想法,这样才能保全自己。我想是这样的,可以避免很多麻烦。
2023-06-26 01:24:531


问题一:红圈里有提个醒,成语是啥 当局者迷 dāng jú zhě mí 【注释】 迷:糊涂,迷惑。指当事人反而糊涂 【出处】 宋u30fb辛弃疾《恋绣衾u30fb无题》:“我自是笑别人的,却元来当局者迷。” 【举例】 邹韬奋《事业管理与职业修养u30fb关于工作与学习五》:“希望我们大家互相勉励……~,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。” 【反义词】 旁观者清 【谜语】 棋散不知人世换 【用法】 主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂 【英文翻译】 blundering are those concerned 问题二:我以枯毫提个醒中华灿烂让谁观什么意思 枯毫,应该是指毛笔。这里代指书法,写文章的意思。 大致意思是:我希望能够挥毫泼墨,激发世人,发扬灿烂的中华文化,让世界为之瞩目! 意会吧,未必准确。 问题三:你应该时时给自己提个醒,赢自己一把的意思 意思大概是说 要时时刻刻提醒自己 要赢,不能输 仅供参考 问题四:有人跟你说要洞悉一切是什么意思 提醒你多观察,也许发现了什么给你提个醒 问题五:无非是什么意思? 【词语】:无非 【注音】:wú fēi 【释义】:(据现代汉语词典)【副词】只;不外乎(多指把事情往小里或轻里说)。例如: 院子里种的无非是凤仙花和鸡冠花。 我无非是想给他提个醒罢了。 问题六:心里坦荡是什么意思 如果你是女孩子(善意提个醒): 傻!!!容易崩溃。 (个人观点,仅供参考) 问题七:捏道在唐山土话是啥意思? 念叨,就是说一下,打个招呼,提个醒的几个意思。唐山的地方方言常说见了面念叨一生,也有的说“嘀咕一生”。 问题八:eezy是什么意思?? 建议回避。eezy 音同 easy (所以一些商品名用这个杜撰词,取其谐音暗示产品简单易用)。 但用于女孩时,easy 指的是“容易上手的”。也就是容易骗上床的。 无意冒犯。只是想提个醒。 你如果想用你中文名的谐音,Essie读音也差不多吧。是女孩名。 问题九:头像有毒什么意思,比如说最近很就行什么有毒,这个有毒,那个有毒,是什么意思 怕你沉缅其中,提个醒
2023-06-26 01:24:591


During the summer vacation, my parents and I visited one of the "seven wonders of the world" Armstrong away people"s months. The printed on the footprints in the sand dust, let LiTaiBai of next month DuZhuo become history, perhaps humans have shaken off once foolish, distance is not as distant past, however that MEDALS hung in the sky, buckled shine YuPan faded, is the ancients distance, give birth to the strike once the moon is curved. Great Wall.We came to badaling Great Wall under foot, ride the pulley came to a fifth beacon tower, started to climb the Great Wall. The Great Wall is the mountain, with many, there is life like a dragon. Look at the distance, cloud to Great Wall with a layer of white tunic, like a painting full of poetic connotations splash-ink paintings. Are rolling mountain foiling the Great Wall, show a majestic scenery, I revel in the scenes.The Great Wall wall there is mdkes tiny holes is ancient used to archery. I through holes look outside, can"t help dozen cold war, below but unfathomable originally I was not too disgusted some network songs, that is after all the people you love, it is people own song, but they make coarse, poor changgong really got my dare not flatter, grade four Chinese composition titles. I don"t emphasize which good, also don"t want to destroy popular, I just think, when the vulgar, blundering, entertainment populace of those of classical music overwhelmed, pure, make the person mind quiet music, whether or not we should reflect social those blundering do some too much, About entertainment programs of warming whether can reflect our inner restless? Valley! The Great Wall like a ribbon, a dance is for thousands of years. Stepping feet requirements: 1. The fitting topic. 2. A home-grown conception. 3. Customize style, and stylistic characteristics and bright. Stone, touched thousands of years of vicissitudes, I drunk!Walk and walk on, I felt as though I became a warrior, with armor, outside the beatles red mountain. Road on the hillside. Mountain is not high, she is not northern lofty and forceful man, she is the watery grows girl. The rain washed the embellish, the girl with the increasingly jun lang, charming smile to meet us. So we also drunk, we abandoned the road, across the grass, over the thorns, aid with trees, mountain climbing towards boulder, crater. Mountain skin is warm, sending out steamy heat: mountain smile is open, sending out faint scent. This hill than eighteen thousand zhangs, this "tiantai to pour southeast pour", but also so intoxicating, grade four Chinese composition titles. Shirt, is dignitily patrol! Suddenly, the enemy plundering here, I immediately notify the companion, immediately, defeat everywhere -- -- -- -We climb ah climb, finally climbed the mountain. I stretch open arms, heartily breathe fresh full-text as an article 3 the travel, the author respectively from the "rain" "road" "mountain" and "water" and "wind" these five imagery interpretation "poetic flavour ground life" theme. Articles and clever design languages have permeated poetic, whether chronologically or feelings, description is very exquisite, image, be like with free verse style. Air, fatigue swept away. Looking down, the Great Wall, there are many colorful "dot" in slowly moving, formed a tourist scenery line.The Great Wall is the laboring people, crystallization of the wisdom of opportunity, you can also go to see it now silent wins sound elegant demeanour, you must not be disappointed, grade four Chinese composition titles.
2023-06-26 01:25:091


According to a newspaper, more and more students are now among the "elite students," the ranks of senior food they eat, wear designer clothes, shopping boutiques, chasing luxury, style. In fact, this also reflects some of the psychological problems of contemporary students: competition, self-esteem, jealousy and even hostility. One, they are often based on consumption of "self" and "vanity" is based, the pursuit of "other people, some I have, others do not, I should also have" in order to get the psychological satisfaction. Another aspect of their inferiority. Often feel better than others to have inferiority complex, this is also a lack of confidence in the performance. Another, they compare with others through their own, resulting from a negative state of mind, and gradually evolved into jealousy, then it becomes a serious psychological disorder - hostility. They always hate the people around the eyes treated, put on brand-name, they look down on students who did not brand name; and not brand, they will look down on a brand name of students. Admittedly, the allure of really big name brand, not just their own problems just students but also parents problem. With the changing of material life, economic level, a wide variety of brand-name has been entered every household. There are many parents would prefer to live frugally, we should try to meet the child"s consumption requirements. Thus, to some extent the pursuit of brand-name baby, the parents played a role in fueling the essence. Students are most vulnerable to the external environment, respect for the fashion consumer groups. Brand advocate in fact related to personal accomplishment and content upgrade, so schools and parents should be guided in a timely manner to enable students to correctly deal with name brand consumer issues. In fact, the real brand is not spending a penny of life. We can let our spirit "adidas": adidas tireless pursuit of the cause of the movement and the implication is moving to show the spirit. We"re striving to realize their dreams, do not need this kind of tough to give up the spirit of the state; we can make our state, "the U.S. Masters - Bonwe": bright, youth are its characteristics, the flowering season of the students passionate vitality, studying hard and weary journey, but please do not forget we are at the stage of life, the most bright; we can make our mind "Giordano": elegant, calm and consistent image of it, but now many young people are impulsive ills. Overcome the impetuous, we must balance his state of mind, able to calmly deal with the success or failure in life; we can make our steps, "Anta." Anta in the advertisements depict as ordinary people, not extraordinary talent, no prominent background, there is no solid funding. Failure in the face again and again, relentless. The life of ordinary people around us, is through the tireless efforts and the pursuit to win the respect and honor their own.
2023-06-26 01:25:243


Anyone can make u smile or cry, but it takes a special person to make u smile e thats where it hurts when someone doesnt love you back?如果我们没有用心的去爱一个人,那么当那个人不爱你时那儿为什么会受伤呢? Love comes to those who still hope even though theyve been disappointed, to those who still believe even though theyve been betrayed, to those who still love even though theyve been hurt before.爱情属于这些人,即使他们曾经失望过依然对爱充满希望;即使有人背叛了他们,他们依然相信爱情;即使他们过去被伤害过,他们依然勇敢爱。 There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness, but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are messengers of overwhelming grief...and unspeakable love.眼泪是神圣的,流泪并不是懦弱的标志,而是一种力量。眼泪比语言更有说服力。那是因为极度的悲伤,无法言说内心的爱。 Those who are faithful know only the trivial side of love: it is the faithless who know loves tragedies.矢志不渝的人只能看到爱情平凡琐碎的一面,移情别恋的人才能体会到爱的悲剧。 爱情英语哲理句子说说心情 1.people love others not for eone is nothing, to be loved by someone is something, but to be loved by the one you love is everything.爱上一个不爱你的人毫无意义,被一个你不爱的人 但是一个你爱的人也爱你是一件非常美好的事情。 10.The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.你越爱一个人,你的新就会越痛。 11.Love kno coming back.爱就像海藻一样,就算你把它推开了,你也无法阻止它回来。 17.Scatter it,if you can not hold the sand. 握不住的沙,干脆扬了它。 18.Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing to draw blood in its defense.爱情就像美丽的野玫瑰美丽而平静,但是常常在捍卫中流血。 19.Love is born with the pleasure of looking at each other, it is fed with the necessity of seeing each other, it is concluded with the impossibility of separation.由于互相关注产生了爱,通过彼此认识爱逐渐成长,它让两个人无法分离。 20.You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.勇敢的去爱你就不会输,犹豫不决往往会让你失去爱。 英语伤感心情说说 1、你的眼睛会笑,却不是为我。 Your eyes e people you may forget, but the input method is still remember. 14、我学会了带着面具微笑,即使我并不开心。 I learned to smile e are unable to tell, but is silent. 24、即使后来的他们有千万般好,都不及你来得早。 Even then they have 10 million, as good as you come early. 25、总是抱着美好旳幻想,到最后不疾而终旳失望。 Aletimes, its better to be alone, and no one can hurt you. 34、放开你锝手,不是因为不爱你,而是因为太爱你。 Let you at hand, not because of love you, but because I love you so much. 35、下辈子要做一颗牙齿,自己不开心的时候总有人疼。 Next life to be a tooth, fort me a lot, but the people pany. 43、原来有一种难过,只能让人默默流泪,却无法放声大哭。 There is a kind of sad, can only make people cry, but can not burst into tears. 44、我希望她身边永远有个最爱她的人,不管那个人是不是我。 I hope she mitment to kiss, you never belong to me forever. 48、每次吵架,两人都是喜欢在吵架中找出对方不爱自己的证据。 Every quarrel, tfortable missing, not the other side do not kno noe things to become the past, there are al a person is on his Taoxin Tao lung, in your opinion, that he is a friend, in his view, you are a blundering fool. 英语的爱情说说心情短语 Don"t an and pleasing to the eye, mature es from god. God is love. 3、我们现在所知道的有限,先知所讲的也有限。 plete comes, that the limited shall come to nought. 英语的爱情说说心情短语【文艺篇】 1、你是我的北极星,告诉我前进的方向。 You are my polaris, tell me love to love is happy. 4、心里最最最重要旳位置,依旧留给你。 The heart is the most important place, still leave you. 5、你坐在我心中最昂贵最赚眼泪的位置。 You sit in my heart the most expensive place to make tears. 6、我的心爱得不多,一分钟只爱了你六十秒。 My love is not much, a minute only love you sixty seconds. 7、茫茫人海中,如何奢求你明白,我的爱。 In the boundless sea, ho of my heart. This is not scheming. 5、你是不是也记得多久没有说爱我。 Do you also remember hoeone frown for you, do not sleep for you, for your life without regret. 8、我以为只要很认真的喜欢,就会打动一个人。 I think as long as very seriously like, will move a person. 9、情话很美,连外人都跟着流泪。 Love is beautiful, even the outsiders with tears. 10、成熟不是人的心变老,是泪在打转还能微笑。 Maturity is not the heart of the old, is still around laughing tears.
2023-06-26 01:25:311


Blundering heart
2023-06-26 01:25:514


歌名就是《goodbye my lover》这首歌也就是james小手指戒指的来历。谁背叛了谁已经不再重要,as you move on,remember me,remember us and all we used to be.大家有没有发现,每次唱到这句,james一定会哽咽。中英歌词Did I disappoint you or let you down?是否我曾令你沮丧低落 失望不已Should I be feeling guilty or let the judges frown?是否我应赧然羞愧 接受天神审判"Cause I saw the end before we"d begun.因为 故事尚未开始 我已看到了末章Yes I saw you were blinded and I knew I had won.是的 看到你惘然无措 我知道我赢了So I took what"s mine by eternal right.于是我带走了属于我的 终生所有Took your soul out into the night.带走你的灵魂 隐入漫漫长夜It may be over but it won"t stop there,看似尾声渐进 实则余音袅袅I am here for you if you"d only care.倘若你有心 此情便可待You touched my heart you touched my soul.你令我心弦触动 灵魂战栗You changed my life and all my goals.生命因你而不同 追求为你而改变And love is blind and that I knew when,爱情令人理智全无 我明白这条箴言My heart was blinded by you.是在我对你痴心无措的时候I"ve kissed your lips and held your head.我曾轻吻你的唇 轻揉你的头Shared your dreams and shared your bed.曾相拥入眠 分享美梦I know you well, I know your smell.再熟悉不过的你 再熟悉不过的味道I"ve been addicted to you.我已无可自拔的沦陷于你Goodbye my lover.再见了 我的深爱Goodbye my friend.再见了 我的挚友You have been the one.你曾是唯一You have been the one for me.你曾是我独一无二的唯一Goodbye my lover.再见了 我的深爱Goodbye my friend.再见了 我的挚友You have been the one.你曾是唯一You have been the one for me.你曾是我独一无二的唯一I am a dreamer but when I wake.我是个梦想家 但当我醒来You can"t break my spirit - it"s my dreams you take.我的意志坚不可摧 梦却已被你带走And as you move on, remember me.今日一别 征途漫漫 勿忘我Remember us and all we used to be.勿忘我们 勿忘旧时光I"ve seen you cry, I"ve seen you smile.曾见你的泪水 曾见你的笑容I"ve watched you sleeping for a while.也曾见你安然入眠I"d be the father of your child.我本应是你孩子的父亲I"d spend a lifetime with you.本应和你共度余生I know your fears and you know mine.我们深知彼此的忧虑We"ve had our doubts but now we"re fine.也曾彼此怀疑 但现在这一切都再无意义And I love you, I swear that"s 我发誓绝无二言I cannot live without you.没有你 我便空留躯壳Goodbye my lover.再见了 我的深爱Goodbye my friend.再见了 我的挚友You have been the one.你曾是唯一You have been the one for me.你曾是我独一无二的唯一Goodbye my lover.再见了 我的深爱Goodbye my friend.再见了 我的挚友You have been the one.你曾是唯一You have been the one for me.你曾是我独一无二的唯一And I still hold your hand in mine.梦中的我In mine when I"m asleep.仍紧握你手在我手心And I will bear my soul in time,拜倒在你裙下时When I"m kneeling at your feet.我将把灵魂冻结在时间的琥珀中Goodbye my lover.再见了 我的深爱Goodbye my friend.再见了 我的挚友You have been the one.你曾是唯一You have been the one for me.你曾是我独一无二的唯一Goodbye my lover.再见了 我的深爱Goodbye my friend.再见了 我的挚友You have been the one.你曾是唯一You have been the one for me.你曾是我独一无二的唯一I"m so hollow, baby, I"m so hollow.我的心已被掏空 宝贝 心已不在I"m so, I"m so, I"m so hollow.我是如此的 如此的 如此的空洞I"m so hollow, baby, I"m so hollow.我的灵魂已干涸 宝贝 灵魂已死I"m so, I"m so, I"m so hollow.我是如此的 如此的 如此的空洞
2023-06-26 01:25:581


问题一:头迷糊!英语怎么说? 句子:I have a headache.或是:My head feels (I feel)dizzy. 问题二:糊涂用英语怎么说 confused; muddled; bewildered; be at sea muddle-headed; blundering; stupid 问题三:糊涂的英语怎么说 ? foolish stupid 问题四:头晕的英语怎么说 feel dizzy / have a headache 问题五:“浑身乏力,头晕目眩”用英语该怎么说啊?谢谢 feeling weak and dizzy 问题六:谁能告诉我"小迷糊"的英文是怎么写的啊??? LITTLE SILLY BOY
2023-06-26 01:26:051


confused; muddled; bewildered; be at sea muddle-headed; blundering; stupid
2023-06-26 01:26:122


2023-06-26 01:26:202


迷: 糊涂 , 迷惑 。指当事人反而糊涂。 成语出处: 宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑 别人 的,却元来当局者迷。” 成语例句: 希望 我们 大家 互相勉励…… 当局者迷 ,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。★邹韬奋《事业管理与 职业 修养 ·关于工作与学习五》 当局者迷的近义词: 当局者迷,旁观者清 当局者:指下棋的人。比喻当事人往往容易糊涂,旁观的人反而看得清楚明白。 当局者迷的反义词: 旁观者清 对同一事物,局外人比当事者看得全面,看得清楚 俗语说:旁观者清。这几年 成语语法: 主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂 成语故事: 唐朝大臣魏光上书唐玄宗要求把魏征整理修订的《类礼》列为经书。唐玄宗命元澹校阅,右丞相张说认为已经有郑玄作注成为经书。元澹写《释疑》表明自己观点:郑玄的注过时了,魏征不是下棋人,他是旁观者所以注解得比较真实 英语翻译: blundering are those concerned 成语谜语: 棋散不知人世换
2023-06-26 01:26:271


迷: 糊涂 , 迷惑 。指当事人反而糊涂。 成语出处: 宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑 别人 的,却元来当局者迷。” 成语例句: 希望 我们 大家 互相勉励…… 当局者迷 ,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。★邹韬奋《事业管理与 职业 修养 ·关于工作与学习五》 当局者迷的近义词: 当局者迷,旁观者清 当局者:指下棋的人。比喻当事人往往容易糊涂,旁观的人反而看得清楚明白。 当局者迷的反义词: 旁观者清 对同一事物,局外人比当事者看得全面,看得清楚 俗语说:旁观者清。这几年 成语语法: 主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂 成语故事: 唐朝大臣魏光上书唐玄宗要求把魏征整理修订的《类礼》列为经书。唐玄宗命元澹校阅,右丞相张说认为已经有郑玄作注成为经书。元澹写《释疑》表明自己观点:郑玄的注过时了,魏征不是下棋人,他是旁观者所以注解得比较真实 英语翻译: blundering are those concerned 成语谜语: 棋散不知人世换
2023-06-26 01:26:361


题库内容:迷: 糊涂 , 迷惑 。指当事人反而糊涂。 成语出处: 宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑 别人 的,却元来当局者迷。” 成语例句: 希望 我们 大家 互相勉励…… 当局者迷 ,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。★邹韬奋《事业管理与 职业 修养 ·关于工作与学习五》 当局者迷的近义词: 当局者迷,旁观者清 当局者:指下棋的人。比喻当事人往往容易糊涂,旁观的人反而看得清楚明白。 当局者迷的反义词: 旁观者清 对同一事物,局外人比当事者看得全面,看得清楚 俗语说:旁观者清。这几年 成语语法: 主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂 成语故事: 唐朝大臣魏光上书唐玄宗要求把魏征整理修订的《类礼》列为经书。唐玄宗命元澹校阅,右丞相张说认为已经有郑玄作注成为经书。元澹写《释疑》表明自己观点:郑玄的注过时了,魏征不是下棋人,他是旁观者所以注解得比较真实 英语翻译: blundering are those concerned 成语谜语: 棋散不知人世换
2023-06-26 01:26:431


迷: 糊涂 , 迷惑 。指当事人反而糊涂。 成语出处: 宋·辛弃疾《恋绣衾·无题》:“我自是笑 别人 的,却元来当局者迷。” 成语例句: 希望 我们 大家 互相勉励…… 当局者迷 ,旁观者清,我们应该有则改之,无则加勉。★邹韬奋《事业管理与 职业 修养 ·关于工作与学习五》 当局者迷的近义词: 当局者迷,旁观者清 当局者:指下棋的人。比喻当事人往往容易糊涂,旁观的人反而看得清楚明白。 当局者迷的反义词: 旁观者清 对同一事物,局外人比当事者看得全面,看得清楚 俗语说:旁观者清。这几年 成语语法: 主谓式;作主语、宾语;指当事人糊涂 成语故事: 唐朝大臣魏光上书唐玄宗要求把魏征整理修订的《类礼》列为经书。唐玄宗命元澹校阅,右丞相张说认为已经有郑玄作注成为经书。元澹写《释疑》表明自己观点:郑玄的注过时了,魏征不是下棋人,他是旁观者所以注解得比较真实 英语翻译: blundering are those concerned 成语谜语: 棋散不知人世换
2023-06-26 01:26:501


2023-06-26 01:27:182

Cross My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Cross My Heart歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Home MoviesCross My HeartEverything But the GirlNow and thenDo you wash your hands of me againWish me anywhere but homeDrunk and on the end of your phoneFrom time to timeDo you guess what"s really on my mindGuess that "How you"re keeping now"Means "Where are you sleeping now"But of course it"s not politeTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd if I did, you might reply that I have no rightAnd anyway I"m fineGlad that you"re no longer mineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieYou"d be appalledIf you knew what I was doing when you calledYes, I can see I"m blunderingAnd I always end up wonderingWill it ever be alrightTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd can it be politeThe way we never write"Cause I don"t have the timeAnd anyway I"m fineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieOh, I know it"s not politeTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd if I did, you might reply that I have no rightAnd anyway I"m fine that you"re no longer mineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieI hope we"ll never dieI hope we"ll never dieI hope we"ll never dieCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heart
2023-06-26 01:27:251

Cross My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Cross My Heart歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:Like the Deserts Miss the RainCross My HeartEverything But the GirlNow and thenDo you wash your hands of me againWish me anywhere but homeDrunk and on the end of your phoneFrom time to timeDo you guess what"s really on my mindGuess that "How you"re keeping now"Means "Where are you sleeping now"But of course it"s not politeTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd if I did, you might reply that I have no rightAnd anyway I"m fineGlad that you"re no longer mineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieYou"d be appalledIf you knew what I was doing when you calledYes, I can see I"m blunderingAnd I always end up wonderingWill it ever be alrightTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd can it be politeThe way we never write"Cause I don"t have the timeAnd anyway I"m fineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieOh, I know it"s not politeTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd if I did, you might reply that I have no rightAnd anyway I"m fine that you"re no longer mineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieI hope we"ll never dieI hope we"ll never dieI hope we"ll never dieCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heart
2023-06-26 01:27:381

Cross My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Cross My Heart歌手:Everything But The Girl专辑:The WorksCross My HeartEverything But the GirlNow and thenDo you wash your hands of me againWish me anywhere but homeDrunk and on the end of your phoneFrom time to timeDo you guess what"s really on my mindGuess that "How you"re keeping now"Means "Where are you sleeping now"But of course it"s not politeTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd if I did, you might reply that I have no rightAnd anyway I"m fineGlad that you"re no longer mineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieYou"d be appalledIf you knew what I was doing when you calledYes, I can see I"m blunderingAnd I always end up wonderingWill it ever be alrightTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd can it be politeThe way we never write"Cause I don"t have the timeAnd anyway I"m fineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieOh, I know it"s not politeTo ask you where you spent last nightAnd if I did, you might reply that I have no rightAnd anyway I"m fine that you"re no longer mineIf I should tell a lieI"ll cross my heart and I hope to dieI hope we"ll never dieI hope we"ll never dieI hope we"ll never dieCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heartCross my heart
2023-06-26 01:27:451


你好!你是个傻子You are a fool.
2023-06-26 01:27:553


Don"t blundering
2023-06-26 01:28:131

the great wall英语作文

The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was listed as a World Heritage by UNESCO in 1987. Just like a gigantic dragon, the Great Wall winds up and down across deserts, grasslands, mountains and plateaus, stretching approximately 8,851.8 kilometers (5,500 miles) from east to west of China. With a history of more than 2000 years, some of the sections are now in ruins or have disappeared. However, it is still one of the most appealing attractions all around the world owing to its architectural grandeur and historical significance.
2023-06-26 01:28:202


The first half of twentieth CenturyThe second half of twentieth Century
2023-06-26 01:28:502


Ebb Tide, only see the real gold. Continuing in-depth industry adjustment process, good companies will gain greater room for growth. XXX is in X years X months X days registered in Nevada in the United States, the stock in X years X months X days in the U.S. Pink Sheets Electronic OTC Markets NASDAQ listing, is a publicly traded company. XXX It is in such a large company background, to conduct targeted additional activities, we hope that with their own brand, high quality resources, reserves and project the unique nature of the industry move faster than others.XXX companies from the domestic private enterprises to the global public company along the way, have left us a solid and powerful legacy.Market, is a XXX company built a milestone in opening up the road, since then we stood a higher starting point on top of a much bigger ginseng and grape planting base, introduction of functional drinks, ginseng to stimulate "cross-industry - Mining integration plan, "spare no effort to develop a more broad, solid industry path.At a new starting point above the XXX company has an ambitious, the pace of sound management team and workforce. By legal experts, accountants and experts, economic management experts and with modern management philosophy of the company"s board of directors composed of experts for the company"s scientific decision-making have provided a guarantee; with dedication and innovative companies implementing agencies formed a pro and, honest, efficient operation of style; the internal organization of scientific institutions to make the company more responsive to the needs of market competition; open personnel policy, effective incentive and restraint mechanisms, united and harmonious working environment to attract a lot of talent,Enables companies to continue to develop technologically advanced, competitive, cost-effective products. Determined that we can found their way out, get rid of impetuous, and something to do certain things to deep plowing, bound in their own way to forge ahead.Today, the show in front of us XXX issuance of the company"s orientation program is based on these principles, the parties co-operation achieved by the preliminary results of the XXX that it reflects our strong confidence in the company"s future development. I take this opportunity on behalf of XXX company, the program making process to give us important guidance for regulators and exchanges, as well as give us strong institutions and legal advisers to assist the sponsors to express my sincere thanks. I also sincerely hope that the majority of shareholders and investors to actively support the issuance of this direction, and together we actively promote this work,At the same time I hope you will continue to care for and support the great cause of XXX company.The company"s most fundamental purpose is to Chinese ginseng industry in the international market occupy more share of the national economy other related fields provide first-class products. I am convinced that in the XXX board the correct decision-making and under the leadership of all the friends, as always, understanding and support, through the joint efforts of all the shareholders and employees, XXX company"s future must be "sail sea"!
2023-06-26 01:29:067


2023-06-26 01:29:344


当局者迷,旁观者清 当局者和旁观者原指下棋和看棋的人;后用以比喻当事人和旁观的人。当事的人往往对利害得失考虑得太多;看问题反而糊涂;旁观的人由于冷静、客观;却看得清楚。 傍观者审,当局者迷 〖解释〗指局外人对事物观察得周详慎密,当事人则往往会迷惑糊涂。 当局者迷 迷:糊涂,迷惑。指当事人反而糊涂
2023-06-26 01:29:423