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2023-06-25 18:25:58
TAG: ipp hippo


河马是可数的 所以加s变复数



hippo 英["hu026apu0259u028a] 美[u02c8hu026apo] n. 河马 名词复数:hippos [例句]If the hippo knocks you into the water , swim for the bank.如果河马把船掀翻了,你掉进了水里,赶紧往岸边游。
2023-06-25 17:45:411


2023-06-25 17:46:125


2023-06-25 17:46:422


hippo[英]["hu026apu0259u028a][美][u02c8hu026apo]n.河马; 复数:hippos例句:1.If the hippo knocks you into the water, swim for the bank. 如果河马把船掀翻了,你掉进了水里,赶紧往岸边游。2.The hippo was enjoying the full treatment, and after it"s done, enjoys a relaxing yawn of relief. 河马享受着这一过程,当全部完成的时候,它用打哈欠享受着一种压力解脱的快感。3.Described as one of the most aggressive creatures in the animal kingdom, an adult hippo can apply several tons of pressure in a single bite. 成年河马是动物王国里最有攻击力的家伙之一,它一嘴咬下来的压力就能有好几吨。4.Your correspondent experienced a moment of terror when a hippo leapt off the bank and over the prow of the canoe in front. 笔者经历过这种恐怖的阵仗:一头河马从河岸上跳下来,冲着独木舟船头游了过来。5.If a hippo starts swimming aggressively towards you, stand up and wave your paddle in the air, to make yourself seem larger than you are. 如果一头河马气势汹汹地向你游过来,站起来在空气里挥桨,这会让你看起来体积大些。
2023-06-25 17:47:261


hiPPO[英]["hu026apu0259u028a][美][u02c8hu026apo]n.河马复数: hippos双语例句1.Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.看那只在河里溅水的河马。2.You mean you get the hyena, and I choose between the hippoand the giraffe?你是说你挑了土狼剩下河马和长颈鹿给我挑?3.Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary.当然,河马赛跑是每周二晚上在卡尔加里。4.I"ll build a palace made of stone. Two hippo-headed guards will serve.我会建造一个石头小屋,两支双头河马在此尽职守卫。5.A hippo is in or near the water most of its day.在河马的一天当中,大多是情况下是呆在水里的,要不然就是在离水很近的地方。
2023-06-25 17:47:341


hippo 英["hu026apu0259u028a] 美[u02c8hu026apo] n. 河马 名词复数:hippos [例句]If the hippo knocks you into the water , swim for the bank.如果河马把船掀翻了,你掉进了水里,赶紧往岸边游。
2023-06-25 17:47:421


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2023-06-25 17:48:144


hippo 河马 是可数名词。复数形式为hippos
2023-06-25 17:48:332


hippo[英]["hu026apu0259u028a] [美][u02c8hu026apo] 生词本简明释义n.河马复数:hippos以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT河马A hippo is a hippopotamus. 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供例句If the hippo knocks you into the water, swim for the bank.如果河马把船掀翻了,你掉进了水里,赶紧往岸边游。
2023-06-25 17:48:421


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2023-06-25 17:49:106


hippo是hippopotamus的缩写,参照下面第3点. 1.以O结尾的词,许多加es构成复数,特别是一些常用词如:heroes,potatoes,tomatoes,echoes,tornadoes,torpedoes,dominoes,vetoes,mosquitoes,Negroes,mangoes,buffaloes,volcanoes 但下面几类词只加s:1.以“元音+o”或“oo”结尾的词如:videos,radios,studios,folios,oratorios,embryos,zoos,bamboos,kangaroos,taboos 2.一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,如:pianos,solos,concertos,tobaccos,mottos,cellos 3.一些缩写词和专有名词,如:kilos,photos,memos,micros,Eskimos,Filipnos 有个别词加两种词尾都可以,如:archipelago(e)s,halo(e)s,cargoes(英),cargos(美)
2023-06-25 17:49:241


hippo和hippopatemas区别如下:hippo和hippopotamus都是"河马"的意思,唯一的区别就是前面的hippo是简写后面一个是原名。河马(学名:Hippopotamus amphibius):是哺乳纲、鲸偶蹄目、河马科是杂食性淡水物种。英语:英语是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语,并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。
2023-06-25 17:49:311


hippo hip.po[`hIpo; ˋhipou]《hippopotamus 之略》可数名词(pl. ~s)(口语)河马
2023-06-25 17:49:403


都可以:hippo; hippopotamus; river horse
2023-06-25 17:50:254


hippoKK: []DJ: []n.1. 河马
2023-06-25 17:50:493


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2023-06-25 17:52:501

英语短文“A singing hippo”怎么翻译?

从前,有一头河马。他住在一棵大树旁的河边。有一天,一只鸟来了,在树上筑巢。这只鸟的声音很美妙。她每天早上都唱歌,有许多其他动物前来欣赏她的歌声。河马很嫉妒鸟的甜美歌声,他脑子里什么都想不出来。他就是很不高兴自己是头河马。他真希望自己是一只鸟。鸟知道了之后,她前来到安慰河马,并试图让他高兴起来。她告诉河马说,他身躯这么庞大真幸运。更重要的是,他是个出色的游泳健儿。但鸟的话没起作用,河马还是不高兴。他多么渴望能像鸟一样是个好的歌手。最后,河马做了一只决定。他走出了河,要爬上树,站在树枝上,并开始唱歌。他拼命爬上树,但他失败了,因为他没有翅膀和爪子来攀附树干。河马觉得很沮丧。他知道自己永远都做不来,所以他很愤怒,出尽全力地把树推倒。现在,他可以站在树上。河马觉得自己像个胜利者。他开始唱歌。不幸的是,河马还是不会唱歌。从他的嘴里发出来的只是可怕的噪音。其他动物听到他唱歌,就跑过来看看发生了什么事。他们看到河马站在一棵倒下的树枝上,并企图唱像鸟一样唱歌,他们都笑了起来。河马觉得非常尴尬。他决定再也不因为自己是河马而感到遗憾,也后悔把树推倒。他用尽全力把树拉起来,重新栽种和照料它,直到树完全复元。~~~~~~~~~~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~原文如下:Once upon a time, there was a hippo. He lived in a river next to a big tree.One day, a bird came and nested in the tree. The bird had a beautiful voice. She sang every morning and many other animals came to appreciate her songs. The hippo was so jealous of the bird"s sweet voice that he couldn"t think of anything else. He was unhappy about being a hippo. He wished he were a bird. After knowing that, the bird came to the hippo and tried to cheer him up. She told the hippo that he was so lucky to be so big. More importantly, he was such a good swimmer. But the bird"s words didn"t work. The hippo was still unhappy. He was so eager to be a good singer like the bird.Finally, the hippo made a decision. He would come out of the river, climb the tree, stand on the branch and start singing. He tried hard to climb the tree, but he failed because he didn"t have wings or claws to climb with. The hippo felt so frustrated. He knew he would never make it, so he angrily used all his strength to push down the tree. Now he could stand on the tree. The hippo felt like a winner. He began singing.Unfortunately, the hippo couldn"t sing, either. All that came from his mouth were terrible noises. When other animals heard him singing, they came to see what was happening. After seeing the hippo standing on the branch of a fallen tree and trying to sing like a bird, they all laughed.The hippo was greatly embarrassed by this. He decided to never again regret being a hippo. He also felt bad about having knocked the tree over. He used all his strength to raise the tree back up again, replant it, and look after it until it completely recovered.
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2023-06-25 17:53:402


算错一般来说,不论该单词表示的物体是否有意识,只要这个以o结尾的单词表示的是可以靠自身或借助环境、地质、外界因素进行一种或几种物理或生命活动的物体,都要加es。举个几例子。黑人(negro)或英雄(hero),都是人类,可以完成很多活动,加es。比如西红柿tomato,是植物,也可以完成生命活动,加es。再比如,火山volcano,靠地球内部力量可以进行火山喷发,也要加es。还比如回音echo,虽然声音是人发出的,相对被动,但是回声的传播是声音靠周围环境反射的一种运动,也要加es。hippo河马为什么加s?hippo是 hippopotamus的简写。变复数要遵循全简一致。hippopotamus 英[u02cchu026apu0259u02c8pu0252tu0259mu0259s] 美[u02cchu026apu0259u02c8pɑ:tu0259mu0259s] n. 河马(产于非洲); 亲,你知道了吗?满意给个好评,或者追问我哦!
2023-06-25 17:53:491


其中39-to-46-book canon作何解--“圣经定典39-46册”Synod of Hippo -- “希坡宗教大会”Hippo(希波)是地名(现代安纳巴,阿尔及利亚),原名Hippo Regius, 公元初北非洲的一个地方“在四世纪一连串的宗教会议,尤其是公元393的希坡宗教大会,产生了一系列的经文,同等于旧约全书的圣经定典39-46册及现在通用的27册新约全书。”
2023-06-25 17:54:021


英 ["hu026apu0259u028a] 美 ["hu026apo] n. 河马;吐根
2023-06-25 17:54:242

hippo怎么读 hippo英文解释

1、hippo 读音:美/u02c8hu026apou028a/;英/u02c8hu026apu0259u028a/。 2、释义:n.河马;吐根。 3、例句:(1)A rhino is bigger than a hippo.犀牛比河马要大。(2)The hippo misses his friends.河马想念他的朋友。
2023-06-25 17:54:461


1、hippo 读音:美/u02c8hu026apou028a/;英/u02c8hu026apu0259u028a/。 2、释义:n.河马;吐根。 3、例句:(1)A rhino is bigger than a hippo.犀牛比河马要大。(2)The hippo misses his friends.河马想念他的朋友。
2023-06-25 17:54:531


hippo n. 河马 复数: hippos; 例如: Hippos almost dont have any natural enemies. 河马几乎没有天敌。 扩展资料   Unfortunately, hippos can"t sing, either.   可惜,河马也不会唱歌。   Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.   狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。   Crocodiles and hippos live in its waters.   鳄鱼和河马生活在它的"水域里。   Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa.   河马是非洲最危险的动物之一。
2023-06-25 17:55:201


  河马是淡水物种中的现存最大型杂食性哺乳类动物,而它的英文单词是?以下是我给大家带来河马的英文单词,以供参阅。  河马的英文单词   1.Hippopotamus amphibius   2. hippo   3.hippopotamus   河马的英文例句   1. Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.   狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。   2. Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.   在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。   3. hippos wallowing in the river   在河里打滚的河马   4. Hippopotamuses teem in this river.   这条河里有很多河马.   5. Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.   看那只在河里溅水的河马.   6. You want a pair of hippos to walk out of here?   亚瑟,你要让我们两个变成河马 吗 ?   7. You mean you get the hyena, and I choose between the hippo and the giraffe?   你是说你挑了土狼剩下河马和长颈鹿给我挑?   8. Hippos are strong, brutal animals which are found in Africa.   河马是强壮, 威猛的动物产于非洲.   9. Along with hippos and bathing elephants, crocodiles share the Zambezi River.   除了河马和洗浴的大象, 鳄鱼也是赞比西河的享有者之一.   10. The hippos could swim well. It was getting dark.   河马 游泳 游的很好. 天渐渐黑了.   11. Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary.   当然, 河马赛跑是每周二晚上在卡尔加里.   12. And so what does Hippopotamus wish to close with?   河马想说些什么来结束此篇?   13. The children enjoyed watching the hippopotamus wallowing ( about ) in the mud.   孩子们真喜观看河马在泥中 打滚.   14. Tom: Hippos are interesting. They can run in the water.   汤姆: 河马很有趣, 它们能够在水里面跑.   15. I"ll build a palace made of stone. Two hippo - headed guards will serve.   我会建造一个石头小屋, 两支双头河马在此尽职守卫.   河马hippo的英文例句   1. Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.   看那只在河里溅水的河马.   2. You mean you get the hyena, and I choose between the hippo and the giraffe?   你是说你挑了土狼剩下河马和长颈鹿给我挑?   3. Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary.   当然, 河马赛跑是每周二晚上在卡尔加里.   4. I"ll build a palace made of stone. Two hippo - headed guards will serve.   我会建造一个石头小屋, 两支双头河马在此尽职守卫.   5. A hippo is in or near the water most of its day.   在河马的一天当中,大多是情况下是呆在水里的,要不然就是在离水很近的地方.   6. She had drawn a picture of a hippo wearing tights.   她画了一幅河马穿紧身衣的图片.   7. How can you tell if there"s been a hippo in your fridge?   你怎么知道河马去过你的冰箱?   8. What is pig flu? Do not mind, I am a hippo.   啥是猪流感? 别误会, 俺是河马.   9. Crocodile and elephant searched along the river bank and soon met hippo.   鳄鱼和大象沿着河堤搜寻,很快遇到了河马.   10. Augustine of Hippo was the most influential theologian of Latin Christianity.   奥古斯丁是拉丁____神学最有影响.   11. The ugly little hippo is the most beautiful thing in Mama"s eyes.   丑陋的小河马,是妈妈的最最心爱.   12. Tom: This is a great picture! It"s a hippo.   汤姆: 这张画得很棒! 这是河马.   13. Which is 13 14, a hippo or a lion?   哪一个比较危险,河马或狮子?   14. Crocodile, elephant and hippo search along the river bank and soon met Monkey.   鳄鱼, 大象和河马沿着河堤搜索,很快遇到了猴子.   15. Sure, hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary.   当然, 河马赛跑是每周二晚上在卡尔加里.裸体来参加. 看过河马的英文单词的人还看了: 1. 大 象的英文单词 2. 河马的英文读音 3. 好看的英语单词 4. 动物名中英对照 5. 比较优美的英文单词
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2023-06-25 17:55:525


hippo 英 [u02c8hu026apu0259u028a] 美 [u02c8hu026apou028a] 中文谐音:嘿剖n.河马复数: hipposCrocodile, elephant and hippo search along the river bank and soon met Monkey. 鳄鱼,大象和河马沿着河堤搜索,很快遇到了猴子。I think his mama was part hippo. 我以为他妈妈是半个河马。
2023-06-25 17:56:321


hippos的意思是河马,hippo的复数。读法/u02c8hipu0259uz/.例句:1、I like hippos very much but there is no hippo in the zoo.我喜欢河马非常多,但动物园里有没有河马。2、You can sit and watch the hippos in the river below the treehouse.你可以坐着观赏树下河里的河马。3、You"ll see elephants, horses, bears, seals even hippos, but not sheep.你会见到大象、马、熊、海豹,甚至河马,但是你见不到羊。4、And nobody stayed to see the seals, giraffes or hippos, either.也没有人留下在看海狮、长颈鹿、河马。5、Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。
2023-06-25 17:56:591


  河马是淡水物种中的现存最大型杂食性哺乳类动物,而它的英文单词是?以下是我给大家带来河马的英文单词,以供参阅。   河马的英文单词   1.Hippopotamus amphibius   2. hippo   3.hippopotamus   河马的英文例句   1. Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.   狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。   2. Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.   在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。   3. hippos wallowing in the river   在河里打滚的河马   4. Hippopotamuses teem in this river.   这条河里有很多河马.   5. Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.   看那只在河里溅水的河马.   6. You want a pair of hippos to walk out of here?   亚瑟,你要让我们两个变成河马 吗 ?   7. You mean you get the hyena, and I choose between the hippo and the giraffe?   你是说你挑了土狼剩下河马和长颈鹿给我挑?   8. Hippos are strong, brutal animals which are found in Africa.   河马是强壮, 威猛的动物产于非洲.   9. Along with hippos and bathing elephants, crocodiles share the Zambezi River.   除了河马和洗浴的大象, 鳄鱼也是赞比西河的享有者之一.   10. The hippos could swim well. It was getting dark.   河马游泳游的很好. 天渐渐黑了.   11. Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary.   当然, 河马赛跑是每周二晚上在卡尔加里.   12. And so what does Hippopotamus wish to close with?   河马想说些什么来结束此篇?   13. The children enjoyed watching the hippopotamus wallowing about in the mud.   孩子们真喜观看河马在泥中 打滚.   14. Tom: Hippos are interesting. They can run in the water.   汤姆: 河马很有趣, 它们能够在水里面跑.   15. I"ll build a palace made of stone. Two hippo - headed guards will serve.   我会建造一个石头小屋, 两支双头河马在此尽职守卫.   河马hippo的英文例句   1. Look at the hippo splashing about in the river.   看那只在河里溅水的河马.   2. You mean you get the hyena, and I choose between the hippo and the giraffe?   你是说你挑了土狼剩下河马和长颈鹿给我挑?   3. Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary.   当然, 河马赛跑是每周二晚上在卡尔加里.   4. I"ll build a palace made of stone. Two hippo - headed guards will serve.   我会建造一个石头小屋, 两支双头河马在此尽职守卫.   5. A hippo is in or near the water most of its day.   在河马的一天当中,大多是情况下是呆在水里的,要不然就是在离水很近的地方.   6. She had drawn a picture of a hippo wearing tights.   她画了一幅河马穿紧身衣的图片.   7. How can you tell if there"s been a hippo in your fridge?   你怎么知道河马去过你的冰箱?   8. What is pig flu? Do not mind, I am a hippo.   啥是猪流感? 别误会, 俺是河马.   9. Crocodile and elephant searched along the river bank and soon met hippo.   鳄鱼和大象沿着河堤搜寻,很快遇到了河马.   10. Augustine of Hippo was the most influential theologian of Latin Christianity.   奥古斯丁是拉丁基督教神学最有影响.   11. The ugly little hippo is the most beautiful thing in Mama"s eyes.   丑陋的小河马,是妈妈的最最心爱.   12. Tom: This is a great picture! It"s a hippo.   汤姆: 这张画得很棒! 这是河马.   13. Which is 13 14, a hippo or a lion?   哪一个比较危险,河马或狮子?   14. Crocodile, elephant and hippo search along the river bank and soon met Monkey.   鳄鱼, 大象和河马沿着河堤搜寻,很快遇到了猴子.   15. Sure, hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary.   当然, 河马赛跑是每周二晚上在卡尔加里.裸体来参加.
2023-06-25 17:57:261


hippo 英["hu026apu0259u028a]美[u02c8hu026apo]n. 河马名词复数:hippos[例句]If the hippo knocks you into the water , swim for the bank.如果河马把船掀翻了,你掉进了水里,赶紧往岸边游。
2023-06-25 17:57:351


hippopotamus n.-muses 或 -mi, hippos河马 (亦作: hippo)
2023-06-25 17:59:401


hippo(河马)的复数形式是 hippos 【亲~是我们团队前进的无限动力!】
2023-06-25 18:01:091


2023-06-25 18:01:572


2023-06-25 18:02:371


2023-06-25 18:02:591


hippo是特殊的词,直接加s。 一些缩写词和专有名词,复数末尾加s如:kilos,photos,memos,micros,Eskimos,Filipnos 扩展资料   以o结尾的"单词复数形式:   1、以o结尾的表示“有生命”的事物加es   如:tomato、potato、mangoes、hero后加-es   2、以o结尾的表示“无生命”的事物加s   如:radio、piano、photo后加-s   3、有些名词像volcano(火山)、tobacco(烟草)等,其复数形式加-s或-es均可.
2023-06-25 18:03:281


  hippo是特殊的词,直接加s。一些缩写词和专有名词,复数末尾加s如:kilos,photos,memos,micros,Eskimos,Filipnos   扩展资料   以o结尾的单词复数形式:   1、以o结尾的表示“有生命”的`事物加es   如:tomato、potato、mangoes、hero后加-es   2、以o结尾的表示“无生命”的事物加s   如:radio、piano、photo后加-s   3、有些名词像volcano(火山)、tobacco(烟草)等,其复数形式加-s或-es均可.
2023-06-25 18:03:461


hippo是hippopotamus的缩写,参照下面第3点.1.以O结尾的词,许多加es构成复数,特别是一些常用词如:heroes,potatoes,tomatoes,echoes,tornadoes,torpedoes,dominoes,vetoes,mosquitoes,Negroes,mangoes,buffaloes,volcanoes 但下面几类词只加s:1.以“元音+o”或“oo”结尾的词如:videos,radios,studios,folios,oratorios,embryos,zoos,bamboos,kangaroos,taboos 2.一些外来词,特别是音乐方面的词,如:pianos,solos,concertos,tobaccos,mottos,cellos 3.一些缩写词和专有名词,如:kilos,photos,memos,micros,Eskimos,Filipnos 有个别词加两种词尾都可以,如:archipelago(e)s,halo(e)s,cargoes(英),cargos(美)
2023-06-25 18:04:341


hippo是河马hippopotamus的缩写河马是可数的 所以加s变复数希望采纳~
2023-06-25 18:04:421


2023-06-25 18:04:503


河马的英语单词说法是[u02c8hu026apu0259u028a]。音译是hi bou。一、发音英:[u02c8hu026apu0259u028a];美:[u02c8hu026apou028a]二、中文翻译n.河马三、形式复数:hippos四、短语搭配happy hippo 快乐河马giant hippo 庞大河马baby hippo 河马宝宝五、双语例句1.A group of hippos live in the zoo.一群河马住在动物园里。2.The hippo is a dangerous animal.河马是一只危险的动物。
2023-06-25 18:04:561


100分。河马英语奥林匹克(Hippo Olympiad),主办方为全球河马英语组委会(GLOBAL HIPPO ASSOCIATION),是一个非营利性组织,于2012年创立于意大利。Hippo河马英语奥林匹克的宗旨在于激励青少年提升自我英语技能,以测评挑战的形式搭建世界各地的青少年沟通交流的桥梁。最初在命名时,创始人想到了“河马(Hippo)” 这个生活在非洲流域的巨型动物。河马健壮的体型象征着力量,虽然是温顺的食草动物,但在面对大自然的挑战时却会变得无比刚毅和顽强。这也如同Hippo河马英语奥林匹克的创始初心所向:以此激励全球青少年突破自己,挖掘自己在学习探索英文知识中的无限潜能。
2023-06-25 18:05:141