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求 Britney Spears 的 outrageous 歌词 最好是中文的

2023-06-25 18:23:27

Outrageous when i move my body

Outrageous when im at a party

Outrageous in my sexy jeans

Outrageous when im on the scene

Outrageous my sex drive

Outrageous my shopping spree

Outrageous we on a world tour

Outrageous..must be a girl!

sexy as i wanna be

got these fellas chasin me

it"s bout time i hit the streets

all my girls still feelin me

"B" girl aint lost the beat

jumped over drama and i landed on my feet

gotta keep goin no stoppin me

and if you dont like it then


media over here

come Through like a world premiere

trench coat and my underwear

lets go with this freakshow its Outrageous


Im about to bring the heat

lockin" down the industry

all dressed up and glamourus

red carpet and cameras

take trips around the globe

Tints on the jeep so nobody knows

its so hot that your comin out your clothes

now im about to give it ta ya


media over here

come through like a world premiere

trench coat and my underwear

lets go with this freakshow its Outrageous


I just wanna be happy

in a place where love is free

can you take me there?

somebody, oooh

and when you mention my name

make sure you know the truth, yea

until i vow to keep it forever

sorry中文找不到...如果还是找不到+我Q274772887 再帮你



When I move my body


When I"m at a party


In my sexy jeans


When I"m on the scene


My sex drive


My shoppin" spree


We on a world tour


Let"s be it, girl


Sexy as I wanna be

Got these fellas chasin" me

It"s "bout time I hit the streets

All my girls still feelin" me

B-girl ain"t lost the beat

Jumped over drama and I landed on my feet

Gotta keep goin"

No stoppin" me

And if you don"t like it, then

La la la la la la la

Media, over here

Comin" through like a world premiere

Trench coat and my underwear

Let"s go with this freak show

It"s outrageous

When I move my body


When I"m at a party


In my sexy jeans


When I"m on the scene


My sex drive


My shoppin" spree


We on a world tour


Let"s be it, girl


I"m about to bring the heat

Lockin" down the industry

All dressed up and glamorous

Red carpet and cameras

Take trips around the globe

Tints on my Jeeps so nobody knows

So hot, gotcha coming out ya clothes

I"m about to give ya the

La la la la la la la

Media, over here

Comin" through like a world premiere

Trench coat and my underwear

Let"s go with this freak show

It"s outrageous

When I move my body


When I"m at a party


In my sexy jeans


When I"m on the scene


My sex drive


My shopping spree


We on a world tour


Let"s be it, girl

I just wanna be happy

In a place where love is free

Can you take me there

Somebody, ooh

And when you mention my name

Make sure you know the truth, yeah

Until I vow to keep it forever


When I move my body


When I"m at a party


In my sexy jeans


When I"m on the scene


My sex drive


My shopping spree


We on a world tour


Just be it, girl


When I move my body


When I"m at a party


In my sexy jeans


When I"m on the scene


My sex drive


My shopping spree


We on a world tour


Just be it, girl


看这里吧 这个图片上有!



畸形秀  英文:freakshow  一般是把躯体正常的健康人,通过非法手段,残害成畸形的样子  比如砍断四肢,让肌肉坏死萎缩,用物理手段对皮肤表面进行毁坏等  用非人性的方式残害被害者  达到一种触目惊心的视觉效果  利用人们的猎奇或同情心理进行商业上牟利性质的展出或者有地下组织的乞讨活动  该词的诞生让人心生恐惧一对新婚夫妇到巴黎度蜜月。在巴黎,妻子在一间时尚服装店试衣服,身为丈夫就在试衣间外等候。但等候多时却不见妻子走出来,紧张的丈夫要求店员帮忙到里头查看,却意外发现试衣间空无一人。丈夫以为妻子开玩笑作弄人,要他紧张.于是回到酒店等她回来。几小时后却不见妻子的踪影,才知事态严重。丈夫赶忙报警,并到巴黎所有服装店和医院询问妻子下落。三星期过去了,妻子犹如从人间蒸发,音讯全无,伤心的丈夫只能收拾包袱回到老家。由于无法从绝望中振作,丈夫无心工作,一直独自生活,决定把自己放逐,流浪到各地方。几年后,他心血来潮到巴厘岛,在一破旧的屋子参观一畸形秀(freakshow)。他见到一脏生锈的铁笼里,有一女人四肢全无,身躯,包括脸部,犹如破布般残破,充满疤痕。她在地上扭曲着,并发出有如野兽般的呻吟声。突然间男人惊恐地发出尖叫声。他从那毫无人样的女人脸上见到,他再熟悉不过,属于他新婚不久就告失踪的妻子脸上的红色胎记。
2023-06-25 17:34:571


原本的意思:Freak Show,畸形秀,也叫怪胎秀,是十九世纪欧洲和美国流行的娱乐活动。当时有马戏团将各种残障人集中在一起,做各种演出,以谋取暴利.现在多指以真人,进行各种匪夷所思的表演,以惊恐,新奇著称
2023-06-25 17:35:041


求一首歌,歌词有你甜甜的微笑让我~~~~~ BOBO的《恋爱新手》 恋爱新手 歌手:bobo 专辑:世界之大 喜欢对着镜子自问自答 你最喜欢的到底是哪一个他 不经意上扬的唇角它会说话 最爱看夜幕下的你肆意挥洒 每一次我和你遇见发现希望无限 充满魔法能源就会快乐一整天 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 就算有了别人我还在你身旁 我依然还是对你念念不忘 所以我只能够在天天幻想 拉拉..爱我 拉拉..爱你 你说爱我 我说爱你 喜欢对着镜子自问自答 你最喜欢的到底是哪一个他 不经意上扬的唇角它会说话 最爱看夜幕下的你肆意挥洒 每一次我和你遇见发现希望无限 充满魔法能源就会快乐一整天 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 就算有了别人我还在你身旁 我依然还是对你念念不忘 所以我只能够在天天幻想 拉拉..爱我 拉拉..爱你 你说爱我 我说爱你 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 就算有了别人我还在你身旁 我依然还是对你念念不忘 所以我只能够在天天幻想 拉拉..爱我 拉拉..爱你 你说爱我 我说爱你 你一点点的微笑就会让我勇敢 有一首歌词有甜甜的笑脸迷住了你 蔡枫华 - IQ成熟时 每次我写新诗 (新诗) 费尽劳力心思 (心思) 形容词用尽也不似 (总不似) 难形容是痴心 (痴心) 难形容是真爱 (真爱) 令我犹疑 写了又试 心中的影子 小小的天使 你那笑脸迷住了我心智 (IQ成熟时) 应怎么开始 开始第一次 每次遥望你苦未已 遥遥沉点注视 (注视) 每日期望孜孜 (孜孜) 时时期望建立是友谊 情怀澎湃不止 (不止) 情怀原是真挚 (真挚) 但怎可以使你会意 每次我写新诗 (新诗) 费尽劳力心思 (心思) 形容词用尽也不似 (总不似) 难形容是痴心 (痴心) 难形容是真爱 (真爱) 令我犹疑 写了又试 心中的影子 小小的天使 你那笑脸迷住了我心智 (IQ成熟时) 应怎么开始 开始第一次 每次遥望你苦未已 遥遥沉点注视 (注视) 每日期望孜孜 (孜孜) 时时期望建立是友谊 情怀澎湃不止 (不止) 情怀原是真挚 (真挚) 但怎可以使你会意 求小甜甜的一首歌 TOXIC :youtube./watch?v=COcAUNcVyVg 小甜甜的一首歌 我就在想呢,知道了,是Freakshow 是收录在Gimme More专辑里面的撒~嘿嘿,这首歌很有节奏的说!~ -------------------------------------------- 10 PM to 4 And I came to hit the floor Thought you knew before But if you don"t then now you know Well tonight I"m "bout to mash? Make them other chicks so mad I"m "bout to shake my ass Watch that boy? It"s all about me and you Doin" how we do Tear the floor up, up, up Tell them to make room They wanna know, tell them I"m alone They wanna look, we can give "em an encore Make it a freakshow, freak Freakshow We can give "em a Peep peep show, peep peep show Peep show Don"t s and let it flow Let your inhibitions go It"s crazy now Let"s make them make a freakshow Make it a freak show, freak Freakshow, freakshow Make it a freakshow, freak Freakshow, a freakshow Make them clap when we perform Wanna be crazy we can show "em Dancin" table freak, freaky So outside the norm I"m some superstar ish, ish Christian hot, Bugatti whips Hope the new designer fits We can do it if you wish? It"s all about me and you Doin" how we do Tear the floor up, up, up Tell them to make room They wanna know, tell them I"m alone They wanna look, we can give "em an encore Make it a freakshow, freak Freakshow We can give "em a Peep peep show, peep peep show Peep show Don"t s and let it flow Let your inhibitions go It"s crazy now Let"s make them make a freakshow Make it a freakshow, freak Freakshow, freakshow Make it a freakshow, freak Freakshow, a freakshow Me and my girls like to get it on Grab us a couple boys to go Said me and my girls like to get it on Grab us a couple boys to go Me and my girls like to get it on Grab us a couple boys to go Said me and my girls like to get it on Grab us a couple boys to go Freakshow... Me and my girls... Make it a freakshow, freak Freakshow We can give "em a Peep peep show, peep peep show Peep show Don"t s and let it flow Let your inhibitions go It"s crazy now Let"s make them make a freakshow Make it a make it a Me and my girls like to get it on Grab us a couple boys to go Said me and my girls like to get it on Grab us a couple boys to go 一首歌的歌词是甜甜的梦融化我(你)的心房 香水百合 歌手:张韶涵 专辑:潘朵拉 暖暖春天的风 蝴蝶也恋爱了 花开明亮起来 装扮我的love love 绚烂色彩 水晶球里 快快显示 发出光芒 你的 cinderella 魔幻水果 酸酸甜甜 美丽无限 跟我一起出发 香水百合 七彩飘逸衣裳 感动世界 大声说出情话 甜甜的吻 融化你的心芳 等爱出现 让我捧在你手心上 暖暖春天的风 蝴蝶也恋爱了 花开明亮起来 装扮我的love love 绚烂色彩 水晶球里 快快显示 发出光芒 你的 cinderella 魔幻水果 酸酸甜甜 美丽无限 跟我一起出发 香水百合 七彩飘逸衣裳 感动世界 大声说出情话 甜甜的吻 融化你的心芳 等爱出现 让我捧在你手心上 维纳斯女神的安排 动人的旋律在歌唱 暖昧不明的体验 爱闪闪在发亮 香水百合 七彩飘逸衣裳 感动世界 大声说出情话 甜甜的吻 融化你的心芳 等爱出现 让我捧在你手心上 香水百合 七彩飘逸衣裳 感动世界 大声说出情话 甜甜的吻 融化你的心芳 等爱出现 魅力无限青春花样 LALALA~~~~LALALA~~~~LALALA~~~~LALALA~~~~ 亲 望采纳 找首歌…,歌词有一句:爱是甜甜的… 是王寒——《永不说再见》吗 ? 睁开眼 幸福就看得见 爱甜甜 渗透每夜思念 梦里面 我珍藏有你画面 我将明天 给你主演 不欺骗 真心诺言听得见 不蔓延 心中每滴泪点 星闪闪 雨串串 交错成一道永远 永不说再见 我们手牢牢牵 当迷路时侯就在你身边 带你走出人潮 走出风险 一起走过曲折路线 永不说再见 爱是天天又天天 让秒针转过圈圈又圈圈 用最温暖拥抱 领略世界 再多变迁 有彼此不 疲倦 布兰妮小甜甜的一首歌 布兰妮十大经典歌曲: 1、BABY ONE MORE TIME 成名曲 没有悬念的成为第一!让人认识这位小妮子的歌曲,不用多说了吧! 2、I M SLAVE 4 U 转型的重要歌曲 再这首歌开始 大家就觉得布兰妮已经从可爱小妮子变成熟的歌后了。并且MV很棒(个人认为), 这首歌给大家留下深刻的印象 并且让我们觉得布兰妮已经长大了! 3、oops!i did it again 还记得穿一身红色紧身衣的漂亮MM吗?是的!那就是大众甜心布兰妮第二张专集的主打歌曲 并且卖出了很好的成绩!第3名可谓“物超所值”。 4、sometimess 布兰妮一身白色~在MV中大放光彩!可爱形象无人能敌!这首歌应该是布布迷们都会唱的吧(歌词挺好背的哈)! 5、lukcy 完全展现布布那维美的歌喉,听了非常的舒服!这首歌也让很多人喜欢上布布~是布布乐历中不可少的一首歌曲!(可是MV中哭泣了 好心痛的说!) 6、Overprotect 是歌迷最爱听的几首之一!节奏强烈,并且容易上口。而且拍摄了3只MV 有没有全看过?? 7、me against the music 与麦姐合作的!第4张专集主打歌曲!并且在舞曲排行榜上获得亚军的好成绩~虽然成绩不错,可惜第4张专集竟被评为2004年度最差专集之一(真的很不公平,大家觉得粉丝好听的说) 并且这首歌给布布带来很多绯闻!因此只能排第7了。 8、Everytime 据说是什么写给JSD的!而且旋律非常幽雅,粉丝们的一大宝歌之一哈!所以也打进前10(如果写给我的,一定第1,哈哈)! 9、My prerogative 精选集的代表作!MV火暴不说,也唱出了布布的心声~表达出了布布对狗仔们的反感和无奈(看在布布面子上了)。 10、I"m not a girl,not yet a woman 布布唱出了自己的成熟魅力哦 已经是女人拉~哈哈!并且获得了多个奖项!在美国排行榜上也缠绵数周不倒!此歌也做为垫底啦! 求一首歌的歌名,记得是日语的,歌词有一句是“红红的甜甜的血,好想杀掉你” 应该是《绯色月下、狂咲ノ绝》 求jay甜甜的 歌词 歌曲:甜甜的 歌手:周杰伦 专辑:我很忙 作词:方文山作曲:周杰伦 我轻轻的尝一口你说的爱我 还在回味你给过的温柔 我轻轻的尝一口这香浓的诱惑 我喜欢的样子你都有 你爱过头竟然答应我 要给我蜂蜜口味的生活 加一颗奶球我搅拌害羞 将甜度调高后再牵手 你的爱太多想随身带走 想你的时候就吃上一口 我温热著被呵护的感受 却又担心降温了要求 我尝着你话里面的奶油溜啊溜 听过的每句话都很可口呦啊呦 那些多余的画面全被跳过 你的眼中只有我 我轻轻的尝一口 你说的爱我 还在回味你给过的温柔 我轻轻的尝一口 这香浓的诱惑 我喜欢的样子你都有 我轻轻的尝一口 你说的爱我 舍不得吃会微笑的糖果 我轻轻的尝一口 份量虽然不多 却将你的爱完全吸收 我微笑着让香味停留 缘份走到这也赖著不走 像夹心饼干中间有甜头 继续下去不需要理由 求一首歌.开头是LOVE 爱是一种甜甜的感觉 歌曲:喔喔喔 歌手:芭比 love 是一种甜甜的感觉 品尝在苦涩的味蕾 任谁也说不明白崮中的滋味 爱不能涵盖一切 却又是层层包围 让我精疲力尽像个鬼 爱上了不能后悔 消失了头也不回 为什么为什么为什么 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 谁能保证爱情有效的期限 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 写书冒充恋爱达人谁不会 任谁都会 love 是一种甜甜的感觉 品尝在苦涩的味蕾 任谁也说不明白崮中的滋味 爱不能涵盖一切 却又是层层包围 让我精疲力尽像个鬼 爱上了不能后悔 消失了头也不回 为什么为什么为什么 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 谁能保证爱情有效的期限 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 写书冒充恋爱达人谁不会 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 谁能保证爱情有效的期限 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 写书冒充恋爱达人谁不会 任谁都会 └┈→③...⒉(.1 为什么为什么为什么 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 谁能保证爱情有效的期限 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 写书冒充恋爱达人谁不会 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 谁能保证爱情有效的期限 oh oh oh 谁谁谁 写书冒充恋爱达人谁不会 --the end--
2023-06-25 17:35:131


2023-06-25 17:35:202

求一首英文歌。节奏感挺强的。歌词中有一段是连续出现 down 的。男的唱的。

可能是这首《jump》-florida推荐几首节奏好的歌 《booty music》《freakshow》《toxic》不知道你有没有听过
2023-06-25 17:35:364


宿昔齿疾瘳。-谢氏寻山屐,过陇自艰难。-思念之心用 手 机 打 开52 fk 。cc有 幅 利 羁旅推贤圣,珠玉走中原,水清石□□,山猿树树悬。禾黍已映道。众星尚争光。如丝气或上,
2023-06-25 17:35:5511


楼主,以下是自己的收藏,每首歌都是精华了,绝对好听,楼主别错过(每首歌后面有简介):Breathless—Shayne Ward(温馨治愈系歌曲)flipsyde--toss it up(挺赞的一首歌)周生生广告背景音乐愉悦时刻(法文,大赞,可惜只有几十秒啊,听得让人意犹未尽…)i can do it watch me now--elin lanto(女歌手的声音很好听)why would i ever--sam watters(柔和,天籁之音)trouble is a firend--lenka(经典啦)stay here forever--jewel(轻快田园,高潮赞~)stand--jewel(经典了)take a bow--麦当娜(听了让人很舒服的慢摇~)nothing in the world--少女原子猫(有点忧伤,有点怀旧)burning--maria arredondo(失恋后的歌,悲伤)the boy i used to know(高潮给人熟悉感,挺赞的!)lullabye--tynisha keli(曲风特别,但很好听~)moumoon--sunshine girl(夏日清凉萌希歌曲~)in the morning--gwen stefani(高潮赞挖~)you belong with me--swift(励志告白~mv超好看~)jam--it"s amazing(强推~)apologize--绯闻女孩(高潮赞挖~)fallin out--keyshia cole(旋律没话说~赞~不容错过~)insomnia--Craig david(节奏感强,好听~)skin deep--natasha thomas(听上去很舒服,女中音)sarah riani--confidence(忧伤之曲)selena gamez--who says(轻快~做自己~)smake that--akon(节奏感很好,下面有几首也是akon的歌,节奏感没话说,歌手的声音很特别~)u make me wanna--blue(飞车上听到得,高潮赞!)what if--琳恩玛莲(红遍一时)unwritten--潘婷广告(高潮特励志~)Eenie meenie(贾斯仃和黑人歌手唱的,红啊~)right now--akonbe with you--akondown to earth--Justin Bieber(贾斯仃的歌当然强推啦~)latin girl--Justin Bieberone for da money--overground(节奏感好啊~但不是英文歌,应该是法文)mistletoe--Justin Bieberfreakshow--布兰妮(节奏感赞~)harajuku girl-- gwen stefani (性感咧性感~)dream you to life--jordyn taylor(很舒服的歌)feel it--黑眼豆豆(豆豆的歌没话说,情舞师生的主题曲,楼主感兴趣可以去看看这部电影~)dj got us fallin in love--usher(这首歌绝对不能错过!)year--usher(很熟悉啊很熟悉~)try asher book(温和的歌,大爱~)love me not(QQ飞车主题曲,赞!)头文字d电影原声带,包括六首,分别是:沙滩恋曲、童话破灭、豆腐宅急送、秋名山车神、ae86、飙出梦想(全是说唱歌曲,其中,沙滩恋曲是唯美风,童话破灭较悲伤,豆腐宅急送轻快,其他的节奏感较强,别错过,虽是说唱但与歌是完美的融合,歌手的声音很有魅力~!)还有有一个方法:在酷狗音乐上搜“格调meak”会出现n多英文歌。还有一首wonderland,粤语和英语的结合,不知道楼主喜不喜欢,节奏比较强,歌词很暧昧,哈哈请采纳。
2023-06-25 17:36:241


2023-06-25 17:36:333


2023-06-25 17:36:429


a little bit betterstay麦莉的strongerlisten
2023-06-25 17:36:597


Piece Of MeBlowSo WhatTake It OffFucKin" PerfectIf I Were A BoyKing Of AnythingCrazy In Love
2023-06-25 17:37:143


2023-06-25 17:37:296


Linkin Park的Numb
2023-06-25 17:37:5812


2023-06-25 17:38:237


一首还不错的音乐 yellow coldplay 的音乐
2023-06-25 17:38:407

求布兰妮(britney spears)的所有歌曲
2023-06-25 17:38:564


britney spears的the singles collection 精选,RIHANNA的good girl gone bad,chirstina aguilera的stirped ,shakira的she wolf ,mj的dangerous 这些专辑不错。
2023-06-25 17:39:054


2023-06-25 17:39:232


When You Believe Mariah Carey On My Way Home ENYA By My Side 林一峰 let me love you Mario Because I love you Shakins Stevens I Want To Know What Love Is Foreigner - Baby One More Time BritneySpears Better man Robbie Williams Heal the world Michael jackson Scarborough fair 世界排名前十经典英文歌曲Promises don"t come easy Moon River Over the rianbow Nothing"s gonna change my love for you Because I love you I will always love you Scarbourgh fair Sound of Silence yestoday once more The one you love 今年大多数人爱听的:1)Avril-girlfriend: Avril在中国的名气还是不小的,今年到处都在放girlfriend...你要说你没听过我也没话说... 2)Ne yo-Because Of You: Neyo在So Sick之后的节奏感相当强的美声说唱 3)Akon-Sorry,Blame It On Me: 不要一提到Akon就想起Dont Matter,这首歌是Akon在一次对歌迷的暴力行为后的道歉,旋律相当的诚恳,可以听下. 4)Beyonce-Irreplaceable: 在美国的大街小巷,连小孩都会插着腰哼"You must not know about me, You must not know about me",你怎么能不听一下这首07年度全球最火的RNB呢? 5)Daughtry-Home: Chris Daughtry将抒情摇滚走向了极致,虽然声音不沙哑,但应该是远远超越Hinder的Lips Of An Angle了. 6)Maroon 5-Wont Go Home Without You: 轻而易举一个优美的假声,再加上轻松舒适的旋律,主唱性感的光头造型,这就是Maroon 5. 7)Fergie-Big Girls Dont Cry: 这是黑眼豆豆主唱Fergie的一首比较柔和的歌,同样推荐这张专辑里的Glamorous. 8)Alicia Keys-No One: 舒缓而又强烈的节奏,简单的歌词,哑而不沙的声线,再也找不到第二个Alicia Keys了. 9)Carrie Underwood-Before He Cheats: 乡村女王,感谢AI提拔了这个人才. 10)Amy Winehouse-Back to Black: 许多人都预计,Amy会凭着这首歌在今年的Grammy上大红大紫. 11)Keith Urban-I told you s 就是我常提起的那个进戒毒所的孩子...这是首牛仔味十足的乡村,相当有意思. 12)Rascal Flatts-Me And My Gang: 提到乡村不能不提RF,十分年轻,十分有活力. 13)Taylor Swift-Our Song: 十七岁出道,自己写歌的乡村才女. 14)Jordin Sparks-Tatt 此人同样来自AI,人们都说Tatto有模仿Irreplaceable的嫌疑.但是不能否认这首歌很好听. 15)Rihanna , Jay-Z-Umbrella 16)Justin Timberlake-What goes around 17)Elliott Yamin-Wait For You 18)Blake Lewis-I got U 19)The Hoosier-Worried About Ray 20)Soujia Boy-Crank That:歌倒不怎么样,这段舞全球出名. 21)Plain White Ts-Hey There Delilah: 很慢很干净 22)Leona Lewis-Bleeding Love: X Factor第一届冠军,历程与Kelly Clarkson极其相似,特别是当她唱A moment Like This的时候 23)Shayne Ward-No U Hang Up: 人很帅,这首歌表现的是热恋中的孩子们的缠绵,打电话时"你先挂""不,你先挂" 24)Craig David-Hot Stuff 25)Kelly Clarkson-Never Again:除了这首歌,她这张专辑里几乎没什么动听的了...和前两张专辑根本不能比. 26)Linkin Park-what Ive done: 本来一听以为是变形金刚主题曲,一查真的是,听说Minutes To Midnight卖得很好...鄙人认为觉得这张专辑很吵,这个组合一直很吵,还不是很舒服的那种吵,同学告诉我这是灵魂的呐喊,还能听着这入睡呢...神阿...喜欢LP的可以下了听 27)GreenDay-Working Class Her 由于上学期有个叫徐深灵的孩子有一段时间天天循环播放Wake me up when september ends,那以后本人对Greenday已经没有好感了,但这首歌拯救了他们在我心目中的地位. 28)Kanye West-Stronger 29)Britney Spears-Gimme More: 很有感觉的快歌,本人更喜欢这张专辑里Toy Soldier,把鼓发挥到了极致. 30)Beyonce , Shakira-Beautiful Liar: 很建议去下这首歌的MV,只能说这两个女人都很拉美,都很性感. 劲舞团里的英文歌曲:上帝是个女孩倾我所有起立瓶中精灵今晚,我感觉离你很近YearTomorrowThrillerThe Day You Went AwayShut UpPretty BoyOne LoveNumbNobody"s FoolNo WorriesMy LoveLet"s Get Loud-usLet"s Get It StartedI Want It That WayI need youEverbodyEnd RollDragostea Din TeiDistanceCorazon De MelaoBreaking The Habitblue_all riseBlack Blck HeartBecause Of YouBaby One More TimeAutomaticAs Long As You Love MeYellowWe Will Rock Youup downTwist KingTrickTonighttime lessSweet Dreamsuper starSteal AwaySo Sicksk8er_boiShinysex bombSay good byeRuntoyouOne Summer NightOhSunnyOh my ladyNight SongMagic carpet ridelove songLove AgainLalala love songJAMPIt is rainIn Da ClubI still loving youI Love U Oh Thank UGet the party starteaDeep DeepCyber LoverColor Your Soulanyclub
2023-06-25 17:39:311

有那些好听的英文歌或英文电影 推荐给我……!!!

2023-06-25 17:39:395


2023-06-25 17:40:078

2023-06-25 17:40:246


2023-06-25 17:40:411

小甜甜布兰妮有一首歌的MV,布兰妮戴着棒球帽蹦到一个黑人篮球员的身上唱歌 这是什么歌

2023-06-25 17:40:483

布兰妮 Outrageous 中文歌词

outrageous的意思是非常疯狂,无法无天的,不合常理的所以下面我就不重复解释了从第一句开始:(A)当我摆动我的身躯,当我在派对里面,当我穿著我性感的牛仔裤,当我在舞台上(或是焦点),我很性感,我在大逛街,我们在环游世界,身为一个女孩(B)我要多性感就能多性感,有一些男孩不断追求我,是时候去逛街, 找我的女朋友们,跳街舞的女孩部会失去节奏,跳过那些假惺惺的剧情,我双脚著地,得不停前进,没有事情可以阻挠我,如果你不喜欢的话,(C)blah (代表著废话的意思)媒体都在这里,看起来像个世界级的首次公演,长风衣跟内衣,我们继续这个可笑的演出, 这是...(重复上面的A)我将要带来热力我要颠覆演艺事业环游世界开著吉普车所以没人会发现我当你把衣服脱掉时 你看起来很赞我就快要把我都交给你了Blah (就跟上面依样的意思)重复C段重复A段我只想要很快乐,在一个自由的爱的国度里,你可以带我去吗?有谁可以?当你提到我的名字,确定你知道事实,直到我发誓我会保留他一辈子,重复A段两遍
2023-06-25 17:40:561


布兰妮、lady gaga 等的都蛮好的个人喜欢欧美jazz
2023-06-25 17:41:553


get it out me
2023-06-25 17:42:034


2023-06-25 17:42:101


kesan-tik tok布兰妮-till the world ends (韩文)初恋 期待
2023-06-25 17:42:182

Britney Spears的《Freakshow》 歌词

歌曲名:Freakshow歌手:Britney Spears专辑:BlackoutFreakshowBritney Spears10 PM to 4And I came to hit the floorThought you knew beforeBut if you don"t then now you knowWell tonight I"m "bout to mash?Make them other chicks so madI"m "bout to shake my assWatch that boy?It"s all about me and youDoin" how we doTear the floor up, up, upTell them to make roomThey wanna know, tell them I"m aloneThey wanna look, we can give "em anencoreMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a freak show, freakFreakshow, freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, a freakshowMake them clap when we performWanna be crazy we can show "emDancin" table top freak, freakySo outside the normI"m some superstar ish, ishChristian hot, Bugatti whipsHope the new designer fitsWe can do it if you wish?It"s all about me and youDoin" how we doTear the floor up, up, upTell them to make roomThey wanna know, tell them I"m aloneThey wanna look, we can give "em anencoreMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, a freakshowMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goFreakshowMe and my girlsMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a make it aMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to go
2023-06-25 17:42:241


  一般是把躯体正常的健康人,通过非法手段,残害成畸形的样子  比如砍断四肢,让肌肉坏死萎缩,用物理手段对皮肤表面进行毁坏等  用非人性的方式残害被害者  达到一种触目惊心的视觉效果  利用人们的猎奇或同情心理进行商业上牟利性质的展出或者有地下组织的乞讨活动  该词的诞生让人心生恐惧  一对新婚夫妇到巴黎度蜜月。在巴黎,妻子在一间时尚服装店试衣服,身为丈夫就在试衣间外等候。但等候多时却不见妻子走出来,紧张的丈夫要求店员帮忙到里头查看,却意外发现试衣间空无一人。  丈夫以为妻子开玩笑作弄人,要他紧张.于是回到酒店等她回来。几小时后却不见妻子的踪影,才知事态严重。丈夫赶忙报警,并到巴黎所有服装店和医院询问妻子下落。  三星期过去了,妻子犹如从人间蒸发,音讯全无,伤心的丈夫只能收拾包袱回到老家。由于无法从绝望中振作,丈夫无心工作,一直独自生活,决定把自己放逐,流浪到各地方。  几年后,他心血来潮到巴厘岛,在一破旧的屋子参观一畸形秀(freakshow)。他见到一脏生锈的铁笼里,有一女人四肢全无,身躯,包括脸部,犹如破布般残破,充满疤痕。她在地上扭曲着,并发出有如野兽般的呻吟声。突然间男人惊恐地发出尖叫声。他从那毫无人样的女人脸上见到,他再熟悉不过,属于他新婚不久就告失踪的妻子脸上的红色胎记。
2023-06-25 17:42:311

Jon Bon Jovi的《Ugly》 歌词

歌曲名:Ugly歌手:Jon Bon Jovi专辑:Destination AnywhereTata Young - UglyI"ll play you out like PSP, Nintendo Wii and Sega 3 or 4 or 5What have you... Why would you even try to get above me ?You"re too ugly, uglyI"m like TV, you see me, hear me like CDBut clearly we be on different degree levels, whateverNo you can"t me touch meT-T-Touch me, touch meLadies and Gentlemen you"re welcome to the freakshowIt"s official and you"re seated in the front rowDon"t you blink cause you"re about to see some heads rollLive and direct - Full on effectShit gonna, gonna get....UGLY - UGLYOh WeeOH my God you didn"tAre you kidding ?Can you keep your kitten in the cage ?Instead of every tabloid pageNow that"s nastyThat shit is nasty, nastyDon"t tell me watch my mouthI"m not about to watch my mouthI can"t turn my eyeballs inside outThis is my house, my houseI"m classyYou"re t-rashy, trashyLadies and Gentlemen you"re welcome to the freakshowIt"s official and you"re seated in the front rowDon"t you blink cause you"re about to see some heads rollLive and direct - Full on effectShit gonna, gonna get....UGLY - UGLYOh Wee(MID-8 talking)(Tata Young talking)Ladies and Gentlemen you"re welcome to the freakshowIt"s official and you"re seated in the front rowLadies and Gentlemen you"re welcome to the freakshowIt"s official and you"re seated in the front rowDon"t you blink cause you"re about to see some heads rollLive and direct - Full on effectShit gonna, gonna get....UGLY - UGLYOh Wee
2023-06-25 17:42:381


2023-06-25 17:42:441


...Baby One More Time01. ...Baby One More Time 02. (You Drive Me) Crazy 03. Sometimes04. Soda Pop05. Born To Make You Happy06. From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart07. I Will Be There08. I Will Still Love You09. Deep In My Heart10. Thinking" About You11. E-mail My Heart12. The Beat Goes OnOops!... I Did It Again01. Oops!... I Did It Again02. Stronger03. Don"t Go Knockin" On My Door04. (I Can"t Get No) Satisfaction05. Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know 06. What U See Is What U Get 07. Lucky08. One Kiss From You 09. Where Are You Now 10. Can"t Make You Love Me 11. When Your Eyes Say It12. Girl In The Mirror 13. Dear Diary Britney 01. I"m A Slave 4 U 02. Overprotected 03. Lonely 04. I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman 05. Boys06. Anticipating07. I Love Rock And Roll 08. Cinderella 09. Let Me Be10. Bombastic Love 11. That"s Where You Take Me 12. When I Found You 13. What It"s Like To Be MeIn The Zone 01. Me Against The Music - featuring Madonna02. (I Got That) Boom Boom - featuring Ying Yang Twins03. Showdown04. Breathe On Me05. Early Mornin"06. Toxic07. Outrageous08. Touch Of My Hand09. The Hook Up10. Shadow11. Brave New Girl12. EverytimeGreatest Hits: My Prerogative (Deluxe) 1. My Prerogative2. Toxic3. I"m A Slave 4 U4. Oops!...I Did It Again5. Me Against the Music6. Stronger7. Everytime8. ...Baby One More Time9. (You Drive Me) Crazy10. Boys11. Sometimes12. Overprotected 13. Lucky14. Outrageous15. I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman16. (I"ve Just Begun) Having My Fun17. Do SomethinBonus Tracks18. Toxic19. Everytime20. Breathe On Me21. Outrageous22. Chris Cox Megamix: ...Baby One More Time (You Drive Me) Crazy I"m A Slave 4 U Toxic Oops!...I Did It Again Stronger Everytime "B In The Mix, The Remixes 1. Toxic - Peter Rauhofer Reconstruction Mix (Edit)2. Me Against The Music Featuring Madonna - Justice Remix3. Touch Of My Hand - Bill Hamel Remix4. Breathe On Me - Jacques Lu Cont"s Thin White Duke Mix5. I"m A Slave 4 U - Dave Audé Slave Driver Mix6. And Then We Kiss - Junkie Xl Remix7. Everytime - Valentin Remix8. Early Mornin" - Jason Nevins Remix9. Someday (I Will Understand) - Hi-Bias Signature Radio Remix10. ...Baby One More Time - Davidson Ospina 2005 Remix11. Don"t Let Me Be The Last To Know - Hex Hector Club Mix (Edit)Blackout1. Gimme More2. Piece of Me3. Radar4. Break The Ice5. Heaven on Earth6. Get Naked (I Got A Plan)7. Freakshow8. Toy Soldier9. Hot As Ice10. Ooh Ooh Baby11. Perfact Lover12. Why Should I Be Sad  马戏团Circus   英文名称:Circus  中文名称:马戏团(大陆译 )   歌手:Britney Spears  唱片公司:Jive公司  发行时间:2008年12月2日  1. Womanizer   2. Circus   3. Kill The Lights  4. Out From Under   5. Shattered Glass   6. If U Seek Amy   7. Unusual You   8. Blur   9. Mmm Papi   10. Mannequin   11. Lace and Leather   12. My Baby   13. Radar  14.Amnesia (Bonus Track)  15.Rock Me In (Bonus Track)  16.Phonography (Bonus Track)
2023-06-25 17:42:521


《街舞新曲 Kickin It Old Skool 》中歌曲多为70、80年代歌曲~~ 片头曲: Q-Feel - Dancing In Heaven (Orbital Be-Bop) 片头Justin醒来穿衣服那段: Rappers Delight - The Sugarhill Gang(1979) 两队小孩break dance对决那段舞曲: Rockit--Herbie Hancock 20年后醒来的音乐: Rockit--Herbie Hancock 街上,乞丐老头那段: Rappers Delight - The Sugarhill Gang(1979) 四个人在家里第一次练习,录音机里放的舞曲: Pretty Poison - Catch Me (I"m Falling) club里的音乐: Circle Circle Dot Dot - Jamie Kennedy and Stu Stone Justin与Jennifer约会: El Debarge - All This Love 停车场对决: Set It Off - Big Daddy Kane Justin和儿时玩具一一道别时音乐: Mr. Mister - Broken Wings 大赛的第一场对决:the misfits与iced Cole crew Bodyrox - Yeah Yeah 比赛完了后,有KISS的那段音乐: A Flock Of Seagulls-Space Age Love Song 其他插曲: Circle Circle Dot Dot - Jamie Kennedy and Stu Stone another one bites the dust--- queen Hannah Montana - This Is The Life The Bar-Kays - Freakshow On The Dance Floor Cindy Lauper - Girls Just Wanna" Have Fun
2023-06-25 17:44:111

Walls (Welcome To The Freakshow Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Walls (Welcome To The Freakshow Album Version)歌手:DC Talk专辑:Welcome To The Freak Show LiveAll Time Low - WallsHey there, it"s good to see you againIt never felt right, calling this just friendsI"m happy if you"re happy with yourselfTake off your shirt, your shoesThose skinny jeans I bought for youWe"re diving in, there"s nothing left to loseI"m gonna break down these walls (down these walls)I built around myselfI wanna fall so in love (so in love)With you and no one elseCould ever mean half as muchTo me as you do nowTogether we"ll move onJust don"t turn aroundLet the walls break downI used to wear you like a ball and chainI"d run and hide at the call of my nameIt was obviousYou were too much for meObliviousI was young and hornyIn retrospect, I wouldn"t do it againStop talking shit to every one of your friendsI"m not the same boy you knew back then"Cause I can break down these walls (down these walls)I built around myselfI wanna fall so in love (so in love)With you and no one elseCould ever mean half as muchTo me as you do nowTogether we"ll move onJust don"t turn aroundLet the walls breakI can"t breatheMy body"s shakingYou got a way with the way you take me"Cause you break me downYou know you break me downI"m gonna break down these walls (down these walls)I built around myselfI wanna fall so in love (so in love)With you and no one elseCould ever mean half as muchTo me as you do nowTogether we"ll move onJust don"t turn aroundLet the walls break down(Down these wallsI built around myself)Let the walls break down (down these walls)"Cause you break me down("Cause you break me down,"Cause you break me down)Let the walls break down
2023-06-25 17:44:181


eggplantation DJ Renegade Vol 07 Piste 7OLLI08 - Bang Alone1 OLLI04 - Back to decade 80AAron Evo - Reborn MR.BOBO NEW REMAKER TRAC SIXTEEN Freak In Me DJ Renegade Vol1 10 Piste 10 DEEL-BODY TALKFREAKSHOW ON THE DANCE FLOOR - BAR-KAYSFatback band - backstrokin Dazz Band - Keep It Live Just Be Yourself the smurf prince - kissTwilight 22 - Electric Kingdom skyy-call me Boogaloo AnthemAnything Goes More Bounce To The Ounce
2023-06-25 17:44:341

求twenty one pilots Heathens歌词

2023-06-25 17:44:423

求twenty one pilots Heathens歌词

[Chorus]All my friends are heathens, take it slow我的朋友都是异教徒,当心点Wait for them to ask you who you know等着他们来跟你打听人Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abused后果会很严重All my friends are heathens, take it slow我的朋友都是异教徒,当心点Wait for them to ask you who you know等着他们来跟你打听人Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abuse后果会很严重[Verse 1]Welcome to the room of people欢迎来到大伙的房间Who have rooms of people that they loved one day他们也曾有一票所爱的人Docked away靠边站Just because we check the guns at the door在门口查枪不是害怕Doesn"t mean our brains will change from hand grenades面对手雷我们也面不改色You"re lovin" on the psychopath sitting next to you你喜欢的疯子就坐在你旁边You"re lovin" on the murderer sitting next to you你喜欢的杀手就坐在你旁边You"ll think, how"d I get here sitting next to you?你会想,为什么我坐你旁边But after all I"ve said, please don"t forget但我毕竟说过了,别忘了[Chorus]All my friends are heathens, take it slow我的朋友都是异教徒,当心点Wait for them to ask you who you know等着他们来跟你打听人Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abused后果会很严重[Verse 2]We don"t deal with outsiders very well我们对外来者不太友好They say newcomers have a certain smell他们说新来的都有一股味道You have trust issues, not to mention更不用说你有信任危机They say they can smell your intentions他们说你的意图他们一清二楚You"re lovin" on the freakshow sitting next to you你喜欢的怪胎就坐在你旁边You"ll have some weird people sitting next to you有一些奇怪的人坐你旁边You"ll think,how"d I get here, sitting next to you你会想,为什么我坐你旁边But after all I"ve said, please don"t forget但我毕竟说过了,别忘了(Watch it, watch it)(当心,当心)[Chorus]All my friends are heathens, take it slowWait for them to ask you who you knowPlease don"t make any sudden movesYou don"t know the half of the abuse[Bridge]All my friends are heathens, take it slow(Watch it)Wait for them to ask you who you know(Watch it)All my friends are heathens, take it slow(Watch it)Wait for them to ask you who you know(Watch it)[Outro]Why"d you come, you knew you should have stayed你为什么跟上来?你知道你应该留下(It"s blasphemy)(这是渎神)I tried to warn you just to stay away我试图警告你离远一点And now they"re outside ready to bust现在他们在外面要大干一场It looks like you might be one of us看上去你也应该加入我们
2023-06-25 17:44:501

类似布兰妮Gimme More 和Justin Timberlake 的Sexyback 开头特别一点的歌曲~谢谢!!

fucking boyfriend
2023-06-25 17:44:586


2023-06-25 17:45:123


2023-06-25 17:45:217


去布兰妮吧搜索“补全你的小甜甜”,那个帖子里有布所有的专辑、单曲、MV的下载 专辑:《Baby one more time》1999Baby one more time (You drive me) crazySometimesSoda popBorn to make you happyFrom the bottom of my broken heartI will be thereI will still love youDeep in my heartThinkin" about youE-mail my heartThe beat goes onI"ll never stop loving youAutumn goodbye专辑:《Oops...I did it again》2000Oops... I did it againStrongerDon"t go knockin" on my door(I can"t get no)SatisfactionDon"t let me be the last to knowWhat U see (is what U get)LuckyOne kiss from youWhere are you nowCan"t make you love meWhen your eyes say itGirl in the mirrorYou got it allHeartDear diary专辑:《Britney》2001I"m a slave 4 uOverprotectedLonelyI"m not a girl not yet a womanBoysAnticipatingI love rock n" rollCinderellaLet me beBombastic loveThat"s where you take meWhen I found youI run awayWhat it"s like to be meBefore the goodbye专辑:《In the zone》2003Me against the music(I got that) boom boomShowdownBreathe on meEarly mornin"ToxicOutrageousTouch of my handThe hook upShadowBrave new girlEverytimeThe answerDon"t hang up专辑:《Blackout》2007Gimme morePiece of meRadarBreak the iceHeaven on earthGet naked (I got a plan)FreakshowToy soldierHot as iceOoh ooh babyPerfect loverWhy should i be sadGet backOutta this worldEverybodyDramatic专辑:《Circus》2008WomanizerCircusOut from underKill the lightsShattered glassIf U seek AmyUnusual youBlurMmm papiMannequinLace and leatherMy babyRadarRock me inPhonographyTrouble QuicksandRock boyAmnesia专辑:《Femme fatale》2011Till the world endsHold it against meInside outI wanna goHow I roll(Drop dead) beautifulSeal it with a kissBig fat bassTrouble for meTrip to your heartGasolineCriminalUp n" downHe about to lose meSelfishDon"t keep me waitingScary未收录在专辑里的单曲IntimidatedMy prerogativeDo somethin"Someday (I will understand)Mona Lisa3BurningS&M (feat. Rihanna)Chaotic(I"ve just begun) having my fun还有很多首各张专辑的弃曲,说几首我觉着还可以的And then we kissTell me what you slippin" onWhen I say soShe"ll never be meIt feels nice中文翻译实在没有必要,因为翻译的名字并不是唯一的,而且往往不能表达歌曲的原意,比如你提到的Hold it against me的意思根本就不是“抱紧我”,它的本意是“反对我、嫌弃我”,所以你看即使翻译正确也还是会失去味道。。。
2023-06-25 17:45:481

carousel Melanie Martinez歌词

Round and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carouselCome, come one, come all,you must be this tallto ride this ride at the carnivalOh, come, take my handand run through playlandso high, too high at the carnivalAnd it"s all fun and games,"til somebody falls in love,but you"ve already bought a ticket,and there"s no turning back nowRound and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carouselThis horse is too slow,we"re always this close,almost, almost, we"re a freakshowRight, right when I"m near,it"s like you disappear,where"d you go? Is that Houdini or a freakshow?And it"s all fun and games,"til somebody falls in love,but you"ve already bought a ticket,and there"s no turning back nowRound and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carouselWhy did you steal my cotton candy heart?you threw it in this damn coin slot,and now I"m stuck, I"m stuck,riding, riding, ridingRound and round like a horse on a carousel, we go,will I catch up to love? I could never tell, I know,chasing after you is like a fairytale, but I,feel like I"m glued on tight to this carousel
2023-06-25 17:45:561


freak -怪胎 show-展示,怪胎展吧,呵呵
2023-06-25 17:46:044


All my friends are heathens take it slow我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点Wait for them to ask you who you know在这里等着他们来问你些问题Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abuse你不会知道有什么后果All my friends are heathens take it slow我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点Wait for them to ask you who you know在这里等着他们来问你些问题Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abuse你不会知道有什么后果Welcome to the room of people欢迎来到这满是人的房间Who have rooms of people that they loved one day他们曾被万人崇拜Docked away离他们远一点Just because we check the guns at the door在门口查枪并不意味着我们会害怕Doesn"t mean our brains will change from hand grenades就算你拿出手雷我们也面不改色You"re lovin" on the psychopath sitting next to you你旁边坐着你喜欢的那个神经病You"re lovin" on the murderer sitting next to you你旁边坐着你喜欢的那个谋杀犯You"ll think how"d I get here sitting next to you你会想为什么我会坐在你旁边But after all I"ve said please don"t forget但是终究不要忘记 我曾跟你说过All my friends are heathens take it slow我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点Wait for them to ask you who you know在这里等着他们来问你些问题Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abuse你不会知道有什么后果We don"t deal with outsiders very well我们对外来者不太友好They say newcomers have a certain smell他们说新人总是喜欢藏着掖着You have trust issues not to mention你有没交代的事情They say they can smell your intentions他们对你的意图一清二楚You"re lovin" on the freakshow sitting next to you你旁边坐着你喜欢的那个怪胎You"ll have some weird people sitting next to you你旁边总会坐着一些怪异的人You"ll think how did I get here sitting next to you你会想知道为什么我会坐在你旁边But after all I"ve said please don"t forget但是终究不要忘记 我曾跟你说过Watch it watch it小心 小心All my friends are heathens take it slow我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点Wait for them to ask you who you know在这里等着他们来问你些问题Please don"t make any sudden moves请不要轻举妄动You don"t know the half of the abuse你不会知道有什么后果All my friends are heathens take it slow我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点Watch it小心Wait for them to ask you who you know在这里等着他们来问你些问题Watch it小心All my friends are heathens take it slow我所有的朋友都是异教徒 请小心一点Watch it小心Wait for them to ask you who you know在这里等着他们来问你些问题Why"d you come you knew you should have stayed来了你就知道你应该留下It"s blasphemy这是渎神I tried to warn you just to stay away我应该警告过你离他们远一点And now they"re outside ready to bust但是现在他们准备好了出去大干一场It looks like you might be one of us你似乎也应该加入我们
2023-06-25 17:46:121


2023-06-25 17:46:314


所有插曲的名字都在下面,自己去网站上搜,肯定有的,比如百度的MP3里就有部分的,唉,懒人呐,哈哈,希望对你有所帮助,望采纳哦《霹雳舞》插曲01:99 1-2《霹雳舞》插曲02:Ain"t Nobady《霹雳舞》插曲03:Body Work《霹雳舞》插曲04:Breakin"……Theres No Stopping《霹雳舞》插曲05:Cut It《霹雳舞》插曲06:Freakshow On The Dance Floor《霹雳舞》插曲07:Heart Of The Beat《霹雳舞》插曲08:Reckless《霹雳舞》插曲09:Showdown《霹雳舞》插曲10:Street People
2023-06-25 17:46:401

跪求!!!布兰妮出过的所有专辑!以及每一张专辑内的曲目列表!包括类似于Can you handle mine这种专辑

饿 两个都回答的很好
2023-06-25 17:46:493

Freaks (1997 Digital Remaster) 歌词

歌曲名:Freaks (1997 Digital Remaster)歌手:Marillion专辑:Real To Reel/Brief EncounterFreakshowBritney SpearsBlackout10 PM to 4And I came to hit the floorThought you knew beforeBut if you don"t then now you knowWell tonight I"m "bout to mash?Make them other chicks so madI"m "bout to shake my assWatch that boy?It"s all about me and youDoin" how we doTear the floor up, up, upTell them to make roomThey wanna know, tell them I"m aloneThey wanna look, we can give "em anencoreMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a freak show, freakFreakshow, freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, a freakshowMake them clap when we performWanna be crazy we can show "emDancin" table top freak, freakySo outside the normI"m some superstar ish, ishChristian hot, Bugatti whipsHope the new designer fitsWe can do it if you wish?It"s all about me and youDoin" how we doTear the floor up, up, upTell them to make roomThey wanna know, tell them I"m aloneThey wanna look, we can give "em anencoreMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, freakshowMake it a freakshow, freakFreakshow, a freakshowMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goFreakshow...Me and my girls...Make it a freakshow, freakFreakshowWe can give "em aPeep peep show, peep peep showPeep showDon"t stop and let it flowLet your inhibitions goIt"s crazy nowLet"s make them make a freakshowMake it a make it aMe and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to goSaid me and my girls like to get it onGrab us a couple boys to go
2023-06-25 17:46:551