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blue 在英文里面有什么潜在含义?比如 the blue uninvited

2023-06-25 18:19:28

adj. 蓝色的;忧郁的,沮丧的;下流的

n. 蓝色

vi. 变蓝

vt. 使成蓝色

19世纪早期,blue 是不体面(indecent)或猥亵(obscene)的意思。



蓝色的,忧郁的,程度深的 后面那个是一个很不受欢迎的人



indecent 英[u026anu02c8di:snt] 美[u026anu02c8disu0259nt] adj. 粗鄙的,猥亵的; 不适当的,不合适的; 不礼貌的; 不得体的; [例句]He accused Mrs Moore of making an indecent suggestion.他指责摩尔夫人做下流的性暗示。
2023-06-25 16:59:481


朋友,搜狗上有误。说人时用的是indecent[in"di:snt] adj. 下流的1.Something, such as a word, an act, or an expression, that is indecent or lewd.猥亵的话不正经或淫猥的事物,如话语、行动或表情2.It is indecent to say that.说那样的话是很不礼貌的。3.A crudely indecent word or phrase; an obscenity.下流话粗俗下流的词或短语; 下流话
2023-06-25 16:59:561


2023-06-25 17:00:032


英文单词前缀in: 1.incompatible 不相容的 2.inconceivable 不可思议的 3.indecent 不妥的;不检点的 4.indifferent 冷漠的 5.indispensable 不可或缺的 扩展资料   6.inexhaustible 取之不尽的   7.infectious 传染性的   8.inferior 低人一等的.   9.infirm 意志薄弱的   10.influential 有影响力的
2023-06-25 17:00:101


2023-06-25 17:00:204


2023-06-25 17:00:285


of wretched appearance; of dreadful appearance猥琐
2023-06-25 17:00:425


我知道 是 fade开始的时候是不是灯等灯
2023-06-25 17:01:0914


2023-06-25 17:01:339


2023-06-25 17:01:471

以前看过一部英文电影 名字忘了 里面记得有一句台词

2023-06-25 17:01:552


2023-06-25 17:02:039


Color Mimi
2023-06-25 17:02:201


1:《Indecent Encovnte》2:《Junk!Boys》3:《沉溺在爱你的感觉》4:《给遥不可及的你》5:《花色处女地》6:《就是喜欢你》7:《狂热的滋味》8:《恋人志愿》9:《蜜的男子》10:《他甜甜的味道》11:《专属爱》12:《仔羊捕获》13:《左右为难》14:《危险的保健医生》15:《天使之粮》16:《调教不像话的他的方法》17:《恋爱夺回计划-那时被爱所吸引》18:《(ポーイズラフ)》(デジモン)》19:《CHILD EPICUREAN》(因为可爱而更想作弄)20:《In my room》21:《热恋时的肉体派对》22:《Skincream》23:《禁忌男子宿舍》24:《最浪漫的事》25:《爱情写真》26:《甜蜜的禁忌果实》27:《メイトくんのご奉仕な日々》(男仆伺候的日子)28:《放课后的秘密画室》29:《藏在制服底下的秘密欲望》30:《只想和你》31:《隔壁房间的偏执狂》32:《我和你的距离》33:《希望被你填满》34:《邀请你来参加这场私人密会》35:《花样年华》36:《小孩的享乐主义》37:《因为可爱》38:《同班同学》39:《BITTER~跟他的亲密接吻~》40:《南遥短篇集》
2023-06-25 17:02:403


Ezra Turner (眼睛)一个做牛肉推销员的盲人
2023-06-25 17:02:462

中文翻译英文 紧急求助 分数无限送

"And sex-related words are also a euphemism for an alternative, such as ... ... "With the continuous development of human society, although people no longer" on the mere mention of ", but in some places of formal communication, people and sex (sexual) the words, in addition to some of the use of medical terminology, the usually make love (sex) sleep together (bed) so that euphemism to have sexual intercourse (sexual intercourse). pregnant woman (pregnant) and sexual (sex) is bound to have a link, so people often use tactful ways to express the concept of 三. Courtesy features Euphemism Another function is to take the liberty to avoid the communication and indecent assault, when forced to be involved in the unpleasant things should be tactful choice of expression in order to avoid harm to each other"s feelings. In terms of social, people pay attention to the total Finally, try to avoid words and deeds of indecent assault. The use of euphemism, it is not only polite words, but also for the care of each other"s sensibilities are often available and recognition of each other"s goodwill. Their preferred euphemism "moderate sex" (mildness) function so that they are polite. "If the British to see (U.S.) State of the old lady, silent opening old (old) head-word, often ignore the other solution either, so on came into being some euphemism, such as senior citizen, second childhood (second childhood ), the longer living (the elderly), etc. instead of "old age" (the elderly, the older generation) and "senility" (老态龙钟) and so on. If teachers do not face when the parents of the children said that he is a stupid pupil ( stupid students), you have to careful to say that a slow learner (his slow), or underachiever (potential he has not yet) "〔6〕 P.89 "For example, also depends on others to do his her work = cheats in class (by others homework cheating = class); has a tendency to stretch the truth = sometimes lies (the fact that there is a tendency to exaggerate and sometimes lie =); take other people"s things without permission = steals (unauthorized use of others to steal things =). "〔7〕 P.39 In English in a variety of people with disabilities can be referred to as handicapped, inconvenienced (mobility) or invalid (the sick); said deaf (hearing loss) for the slow of hearing (hearing insensitive); said blind (blindness) for the visually retarded (the vision-impaired); that color blind (color) as color deficient (defective color vision). "Dismissal of a person without fire, and use discontinue (terminate);" professor "word, we all know that it refers to university professors, can also often given to the hotel owner, boss, it can be given to almost all the ordinary people, said the master, no doubt comes from respect. "〔8〕 P.108 四. Hide feature In the economic, political and war, but also the emergence of a number of diplomatic euphemism. Diplomatic personnel of such a rich source of euphemisms. Because they often attempt to the seriousness of international tension to reduce to a minimum, therefore, they are the real motives of their own or failure to give the impression of vague. Only experts can understand; two between the diplomats of a useful and businesslike meeting (the meeting useful and in all seriousness) what the problem is not resolved the meeting, a serious and candid discussion (serious and frank discussion) is a matter of fact the existence of differs significantly from the discussion. For example, Henry Kissinger in 1976 created quite diplomacy (quiet diplomacy) the term used in referring to secret diplomatic activities. There are similar we are familiar with the Ping-Pong diplomacy (ping-pong diplomacy) to euphemistically refer to the history of Sino-US relations Qualcomm"s table tennis team to discuss normalization of diplomatic relations to promote the exchange of practices.
2023-06-25 17:02:564


个人认为十大死亡重金属音乐有:Cthulhu Dawn、Hallowed By Thy Name、GildedCunt、The Final Countdown、From the Cradle to Enslave等等。
2023-06-25 17:03:046


dirty books 脏的书~~~你懂得哇~~~~·
2023-06-25 17:03:446


  你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。    短裙英语释义:   Short skirt   kilt    短裙英语例句:   夏天她喜欢穿短裙。   She likes to wear short skirts in summer.   短裙不久以前已经不流行了。   Short skirts have gone out some time ago.   他们有一小批短裙的存货。   They have a *** all stock in the way of short skirts.   短发和短裙几乎是同时开始流行的。   Short hair and short skirts came into fashion at about the same time.   长筒袜配短裙是今年流行的穿法。   A pair of stockings paired with a short skirt is popular this year.   她那条短裙实在是不雅观。   That short skirt of hers is positively indecent.   短裙是什么时候开始流行的?   When did the short skirt first e in?   他身穿罗马人的褶叠短裙,头戴桂冠。   He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath.   最新讯息:Gawker负责报道Reddit/4chan的狗仔阿德里安u2022陈已经在网站首页上贴出了自己身穿芭蕾短裙,头顶鞋子的照片。   Update: Gawker "s reddit/ 4chan reporter, Adrian Chen, has plied, posting a photo of himself in tutu with a shoe on his head.   他身着苏格兰短裙,头戴桂冠。   He was dressed in a kilt and laurel wreath.   忽然大风起处,揭露那些苏格兰兵短裙之下原来没有穿 *** ;   The Germans hooted and whistled when a gust of wind revealed that the Scots wore no drawers under their kilts.
2023-06-25 17:04:031

翻译成英语:1.即使家里很平穷,你也会找到你所需要的东西。 2.墙上挂着一幅画。 3我关窗户你介意吗。

1.Even if the family was very poor, and you will find what you need.2.A painting hanging on the wall.3.Do you mind my closing the window.4.If a child night opened the curtain, will see the bad.
2023-06-25 17:04:235


Indecent(radio EDIT)
2023-06-25 17:04:502

高分求链接里的文件的歌名和歌手 全是外文 知道多少回答多少 回答格式:文件名 - 歌手 - 歌名

- -! 本来想回答来的,可是我这个人喜欢从后往前听,听到第25 也就是第三首歌的时候 就不想回答了 哈哈~~~~ 笑死我了,原来在这里听到的呀 哈哈从后往前来吧你若感觉歌手看不懂就直接查 “-”后面的歌名吧- -! 27:Emi & M2o Team - Le Canzoni Dell"Estate 26:Mak & Sak feat.Xana - indecent 25: yl77 - Stay With Me 哈哈笑死我了你一首一首问吧,就算不用分也会有很多人回答你的,这些歌真心不怎么难 哈哈~
2023-06-25 17:04:573

电影《Indecent Behavior II》好看吗

  《不道德行为2》  导演: Carlo Gustaff  主演: Shannon Tweed / James Brolin  类型: 剧情 / 悬疑 / 惊悚  制片国家/地区: 美国  语言: 英语  上映日期: 1994-12-21  不道德的行为2由美国的香农·特威德 詹姆斯·布洛林精彩主演,故事主要内容介绍的是记者Shoshona里德即将揭露了一些人谁失去的东西很多。不幸的是,她的狡猾让故事被勒索人的方式得到她的死亡。  凶手可能是任何人,包括性治疗师丽贝卡·马西斯,强迫囚犯达雷尔·马丁,而成功的性无能的商人汤姆·米勒。谁可能是邪恶的冷血杀手呢?  个人感觉还可以吧!
2023-06-25 17:05:041


形容词译成汉语时我们通常加个字眼" 的",你像:beautiful (漂亮的),tall (高的),big (大的),cold (冷的),useful (有用的) ,
2023-06-25 17:05:1313


猥亵wěi xiè :淫秽,下流。指以刺激或满足性欲为目的, 用性交以外的方法实施的淫秽行为。
2023-06-25 17:05:451


cold-hearted 无情的compassionate 富有同情心的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的confident 自信的absurd 荒唐的addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的 authoritative 权威性的awkward 尴尬的unwholesome 不健康的utterly 完全;绝对地vexing 令人烦恼的voluntary 自愿的vulnerable 易受伤害的well-grounded 有充足理由的wholesome 健康的balanced 平衡的cogent 使人信服的contemptible 可鄙的contributive 有贡献的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的ignorant (of) 无视的;无知的impressive 令人印象深刻的inborn 天生的incompatible 不和适宜的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的infectious 传染性的inferior 低人一等的influential 有影响力的ingrain 根深蒂固的inhumane 不人道的initially 首先innocent 多管闲事的insalubrious 有教育意义的instructive 智力的intellectual 中间的;过渡的interpersonal 密切的intimate 不可侵犯的inviolable 内在的inward 不可挽回的irritating 恼人的isolated (from) 隔绝的laudable 可赞誉的lavishly 大方的legitimate 合法的loyal 忠诚的luxurious 奢侈的corrupt 腐败的delicious 美味可口的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的economical 经济的 enlightened 开明的;文明的fallacious 荒谬的fashionable 时髦的feasible 可行的fictitious 虚假的magnanimous 宽宏大量的mature 成熟的misleading 误导的misrepresented 不如实叙述的money-oriented 向钱看的multilateral 对方面的nourished 有营养的professional 专业的 prosperous 繁荣昌盛的prudent 明智的 psychological 心理上resentful 愤怒的reverse 相反的rewarding 值得的ridiculous 荒谬的rigid 严格的self-contemptuous 自卑的shabby 破旧不堪的sociable 好交际的sole 唯一的stern/strict 严格的stressful 有压力的stringent 严厉的stylish 时髦的superficial 表面现象的tempting 吸引人的traditional 传统的typical 典型的unadvised 轻率的unconcerned 冷漠的uneasy 不自在的unethical 不道德的old-fashioned/out of date 过时的palatable 美味的perilous 危险的permissive 宽容的;许可的pernicious 有害无益的pornographic 色情的potential 潜在的practical 实际的;务实的preferential 优惠的pressing 紧迫的unhealthy 不健康的unified 同一标准的unique 独特的unjust 不公平的unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的unsociable 不善于社交的untimely 不和适宜的
2023-06-25 17:06:031

不体面的的英语翻译 不体面的用英语怎么说

2023-06-25 17:06:112

[英语Q&A] D人成日话“走光”其实英语是否有对应的词汇呢?

sheisshowingabitofskin这个翻译的意思是:她展示/露了一点皮。exporse "indecentexposure" (走光),或 Ifeelthattheentertainmentpagesnowadaysdon"tactuallycontainmuchnews;mostofthepagesonlyhaveexaggeratedandinconsequentialreports,suchas:Whowasseentryingtosqueezeapimpleinpublic,whoaccidentallyordeliberatelyflashedtheirunderwearorbreast.
2023-06-25 17:06:361


2023-06-25 17:06:465


2023-06-25 17:07:371

不道德的交易 ---- 1993 天生杀人狂---- 1994 十全主妇 ---- 1994 保龄小子 ---- 1996 性书大亨 ---- 1996 烽火惊爆线---- 1997 恐慌地带 ---- 1998 红色警戒 ---- 1998 艾德私人频道 ---- 1999 搏击双雄 ---- 1999 王牌大贱谍2 ---- 1999
2023-06-25 17:07:451


1.intelligent聪明的 2.impolite不礼貌的 3.independent的 4.insist坚持 参考: 字典 Ideal Identical Idiotic Idyllic Ignorant ill ilegal illogical illustrious imaginative imbecile immaculate immature immense immobile immoral impassive impassioned impatient impeccable imperceptible imperfect impersonal imperturbable impetuous implausible impolite impotent impoverish imprecise impressive improved impudent impulsive inable inaccessible inaccurate inactive imadmissible inadvertent inadvisable inalienable inane inappropriate inarticulate inattentive inaudible inauspicious incapable incisive incoherent inparable inpatible inpetent inprehensible inconceivable incongruous inconsiderate inconsistent inconspicuous incorrect incorrigible incredible incurable indecent indecisive indefinite independent indescribable indifferent indigenous indignant indirect indiscreet indisputable indistinct indistinguishable individual indulgent ineffective inefficient ineligible inept inexcusable infallible infamous infatuated inflamed influential informal ingenious injustice innocent innovative insecure insensitive inseparable insightful insistent insolent inspired instable instantaneous instinctive insulting intellectual intelligent interactive interesting interruptive intimate intimidated intolerable intoxicated intriguing introvert intuitive invalid invaluable inventive invisible involuntary involving irrational irreconcilable irregular irrelevant irreplaceable irrepressible irrespective [of] irresponsible irreverent irritating isolated 参考: Me (student in Australia) + dictionary =D 1.illmannered没有礼貌的 2 illiterate文盲的 3 impish顽皮的
2023-06-25 17:08:071


2023-06-25 17:08:131


迫不及待的英文是什么?迫不及待的英文翻译是:unable to hold oneself back。
2023-06-25 17:08:215


  近年来,英语继续教育的快速发展极大地促进了中国全民英语水平的提高,同时也推动了社会的繁荣进步。我整理了关于报警电话的英语表达,欢迎阅读!   关于报警电话的英语表达一   1. 我想要报案 I want to report a crime。   2. 你的姓名、地址、电话? Whatu2019s your name, address, and telephone number?   3. 你要报什么案? What do you want to report?   盗匪Burglary   抢劫Robbery   店内偷窃Shoplifting   勒索Blackmail   强奸Rape 扒手Pickpocket   被殴Assaulted   绑票Kidnap   损毁Criminal Damage   非礼Indecent Assault   4. 请描述歹徒相貌特征 Please describe the suspect。   身高Height   体重Weight   肤色Skin Colour   发色Hair Colour   性别Sex   衣着Dress   特征Significance   5. 有没有看到歹徒用的车辆 Did you see suspectu2019s vehicle?   车型Model   制造车厂Make   车牌号码Plate Number   6.何时发生?何地发生?When did it happen? Where did it happen?   7.有没有目击证人? Any witness?   8.损失了什么财物?What properties did you lose?   关于报警电话的英语表达二   I"m calling to report a missing credit card.我打电话报警,我的信用卡丢了。   What"s the card number,miss?   信用卡号码是多少,小姐?   Did you say your card was lost or stolen?   您说您的信用卡是丢失还是被偷了?   I left my purse on the counter in the department store while I went to the fitting room to try the dress on.我去试衣室试衣时,把钱包放在百货公司的柜台上了。   When did you discover it was stolen?   您什么时候发现信用卡被偷了呢?   I didn"t discover that until I went to pay.我去付钱的时候才发现。   Someone may be charging things to my credit this veryminute.可能现在就有人正用我的信用卡买东西呢。   Once we get your card number, you card will be invalidatedall over the world within 30 seconds simply by informing theterminal.我们一弄清您的信用卡号码,只要通知计算机终端,在30秒钟之内,您的信用卡就会在世界各地失效。   I"m so relieved to hear that.你这么说我就放心了。   My house has been burglarized.我家被偷了。   I went to sleep and forgot to lock the window and a burglarcame in the window and cleaned us out.我睡觉时忘了锁上窗户,一个窃贼从窗户钻进来,把我们洗劫一空。   I mean he took everything of any value:money,watches,TV,VCD,everything.我是说他把值钱的东西都偷走了:钱、手表、电视、VCD、所有东西。   My car was stolen last night.我的车子昨天晚上被偷了。   What kind of car is it,sir?   先生,是哪一种车?   The license plate number is ABC牌照号码是ABC123。   And where was it parked?   车子原来停在什么地方呢?   It was parked in my driveway in front of my house.车子原来停在我家前面的车道上。   Can you tell me the time period when it was stolen?   能不能告诉我大概什么时间被偷的?   The car alarm went off,but they must"ve disengaged it.防盗器响了,但是他们一定把它切断了。   We"re open all night here.Why didn"t you call then?   我们一整夜都在这里,您当时为什么不打电话来呢?   I thought it was my alarm clock,so I looked at the clock,re-set it,and went back to sleep.我以为是闹钟在响,所以看了看钟,重新设定时间后,又睡了。   关于报警电话的英语表达三   Dialogue A(A:A Policeman  B:Janet Carlson)   A:Hello.Fourth.Street Police Station,Can I help you?   B:Yes.I"m calling to report a missing credit card.A:What"s the card number,miss?   B:Oh,I don"t remember.A:What"s your name and address?   B:Janet Carlson,1275 Hasting Street,Vancouver,Canada.A:I see.You are not an American citizen,are you?   B:No,I"m a Canadian.Does that matter?   A:Oh,no,no.Did you say your card was lost or stolen?   B:Stolen.I left my purse on the counter in the department store while I went to the fitting room to try the dress on.A:When did you discover it was stolen?   B:I didn"t discover that unitl I went to pay.Do you think there is anything you could do? Someone my be charging things to my credit this very minute.A:You don"t need to worry,Miss Carlson.Once we get your card number,your card will be invalidated all over the world within30 seconds simply by informing the terminal.B:Oh,I"m so relieved to hear that.Thank you very much.A:That"s all right.
2023-06-25 17:08:531

猥 古文什么意思

  古文  古文是指春秋战国及其以前古书上的文字。许慎在《说文解字叙》中说:"周太史籀著大篆十五篇,与古文或异。"把古文与大篆相提并论,说古文是史籀以前的文字的通称。  由于古人无笔墨,于是就用竹签点漆,在竹筒上写字,称为书契文,亦叫竹简书。因竹硬漆腻,书写不流利,写出的字头粗尾细,象蝌蚪之形,故叫蝌蚪书或蝌蚪文。凡是竹简漆书,都可以叫蝌蚪文,不一定非他颉所书不是蝌蚪文。  古文主要是指《易经》、《论语》、《春秋》、《尚书》、《周礼》、《吕氏春秋》、《孝经》等等古书上的文字,是比较早的笔书文字。  与骈文相对而言的,奇句单行、不讲对偶声律的散体文。魏晋以后骈俪文盛行,讲究对偶,句法整齐而文词华丽。北朝后周苏绰反对骈体浮华,仿《尚书》文体作《大诰》,以为文章标准体裁,时称“古文”,即以先秦散文语言写作文章。其后,至唐代韩愈、柳宗元等,主张恢复先秦和汉代散文内容充实、长短自由、朴质流畅的传统,即称这样的散体文为古文。韩愈《题欧阳生哀辞后说:“愈之为古文,岂独取其句读不类於今者邪?思古人而不得见,学古道则欲兼通其辞。”《师说》说:“李氏子蟠,……好古文,六艺经传皆通习之,不拘於时,学於馀。”都正式提出了古文的名称,并为后世所沿用。唐代优秀的古文家,虽以复古为号召,却富有革新精神。他们既犟调“道”的重要,也很注重“文”的作用,并崇尚创造,主张“惟古於词必己出”、“文从字顺各识职”(韩愈《南阳樊绍述墓志铭》)。他们所作的古文,实际上是一种新型散文,从当时口语中提炼而成为一种新的书面语言,有自己的个性与时代现实性,也有部分较为艰深僻涩的,但非主流。明代倡导“文必秦汉”的何景明说:“夫文靡於隋,韩力振之,然古文之法亡於韩”(《与李空同论诗书》),从这句话可以看出,韩愈的所谓古文与先秦汉代之文不同,它是既有所继承又有所创新的。  对古文的了解可参见<古文观止>:  古典文学网:
2023-06-25 17:09:013


cold-hearted 无情的compassionate 富有同情心的compatible 兼容的complicated 复杂的confident 自信的absurd 荒唐的addictive 上瘾的affectionate 有感情的aggressive 有上进心的alert 敏锐的;警惕的arduous 费劲的 authoritative 权威性的awkward 尴尬的unwholesome 不健康的utterly 完全;绝对地vexing 令人烦恼的voluntary 自愿的vulnerable 易受伤害的well-grounded 有充足理由的wholesome 健康的balanced 平衡的cogent 使人信服的contemptible 可鄙的contributive 有贡献的glamorous 富有魅力的gorgeous 辉煌的ignorant (of) 无视的;无知的impressive 令人印象深刻的inborn 天生的incompatible 不和适宜的inconceivable 不可思议的indecent 不妥的;不检点的indispensable 不可或缺的inexhaustible 取之不尽的infectious 传染性的inferior 低人一等的influential 有影响力的ingrain 根深蒂固的inhumane 不人道的initially 首先innocent 多管闲事的insalubrious 有教育意义的instructive 智力的intellectual 中间的;过渡的interpersonal 密切的intimate 不可侵犯的inviolable 内在的inward 不可挽回的irritating 恼人的isolated (from) 隔绝的laudable 可赞誉的lavishly 大方的legitimate 合法的loyal 忠诚的luxurious 奢侈的corrupt 腐败的delicious 美味可口的dishonorable 不光彩的disturbed 受到干扰的economical 经济的 enlightened 开明的;文明的fallacious 荒谬的fashionable 时髦的feasible 可行的fictitious 虚假的magnanimous 宽宏大量的mature 成熟的misleading 误导的misrepresented 不如实叙述的money-oriented 向钱看的multilateral 对方面的nourished 有营养的professional 专业的 prosperous 繁荣昌盛的prudent 明智的 psychological 心理上resentful 愤怒的reverse 相反的rewarding 值得的ridiculous 荒谬的rigid 严格的self-contemptuous 自卑的shabby 破旧不堪的sociable 好交际的sole 唯一的stern/strict 严格的stressful 有压力的stringent 严厉的stylish 时髦的superficial 表面现象的tempting 吸引人的traditional 传统的typical 典型的unadvised 轻率的unconcerned 冷漠的uneasy 不自在的unethical 不道德的old-fashioned/out of date 过时的palatable 美味的perilous 危险的permissive 宽容的;许可的pernicious 有害无益的pornographic 色情的potential 潜在的practical 实际的;务实的preferential 优惠的pressing 紧迫的unhealthy 不健康的unified 同一标准的unique 独特的unjust 不公平的unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的unsociable 不善于社交的untimely 不和适宜的
2023-06-25 17:09:141


2023-06-25 17:09:2213


I cannot write further upon this subject at present; .
2023-06-25 17:10:3511


太多了 凡中文能表达的形容词 英文都能找到与之对应的
2023-06-25 17:11:003


Harvey: You brought your cops?Gordon: All they know is there is a situation.They don"t know who or what.They are just creating a perimeter.Harvey: You think I wanna escape from this?There is no escape from this.Batman: You don"t wanna hurt the boy,Harvey.Harvey: It"s not about what I want,It"s about what"s fair!You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time.But you were wrong.The world is cruel. And the only morality in a cruel world is chance.Unbiased.Unprejudiced.Fair.His son got the same chance she had.Fifty-fifty.Batman: What happened to Rachel wasn"t chance.we decided to act.We three.Harvey: Then why was it me who was the only one who lost everything?Batman: It wasn"t.Harvey: The Joker chose me.Batman: Because you were the best of us.He wanted to prove that even someone as good as you could fall.Harvey: And he was right.Batman: You are the who pointing the gun,Harvey.So point it at the people responsible.Gordon: The Joker won.Harvey"s prosecution,everything he fought for undone.Whatever chance you gave us at fixing our city dies with Harvey"s reputation.We bet it all on him.The Joker took the best of us and tore him dowm.People will lose hope.Batman: They won"t.They must never know what he did.Gordon: Five dead.Two of them cops.You can"t sweep that.Batman: No.But the Joker can not win.Gotham needs its true hero.Gordon: No.Batman: You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.I can do those things.Because I"m not a hero,not like Dent.I killed those people.That"s what I can be.Gordon: No.No.You can"t.You are not.Batman: I"m whatever Gotham needs me to be.Call it in.Gordon: A hero.Not the hero we deserved,but the hero we needed.Nothing less than a knight.Shining.They will hunt you.Batman: You"ll hunt me.You"ll condemn me.Set the dogs on me.Because that"s what needs to happen.Because sometimes people deserve more.Sometimes people deserve to have their faith rewarded.Jimmy: Batman.Batman.Why"s he runing dad?Gordon: Because we have to chase him.Cop: Okay.We are going in.Go.Go.Move.Jimmy: He didn"t do anything wrong.Gordon: Because he"s the hero Gotham deserves,but not the one it needs right now.So we will hunt him.Because he can take it.Because he"s not our hero.He"s a silent guardian,a watchful protector.A dark knight.希望能帮到你!谢谢采纳!
2023-06-25 17:11:201


畸恋:abnormal love 不伦之恋:indecent love affairs 双性恋:bisexual 多角恋:star-crossed love三角恋:love triangle
2023-06-25 17:11:271


在易经里有 是三界中的一种生物 具体我也没见过 你可以上网是看看易经。
2023-06-25 17:11:599


2023-06-25 17:12:262


This is because the countries with English culture filled with way of life of individual centers, any physical intimacy between same-sex implies homosexuality. While China lives in the lifestyle which attaches more importance to social environment, so there would no worries about intimate physical contact between two men. Anthropologists divided culture into two broad categories: contact culture and the non-contact culture. Americans and the North europeans belonge to the first category, while the Asians are the second category. "Westerners focus outward actions and behavior, they believe that only aggressive, desperate, fast action, and a success are positive qualities, and this "movement" and "behavior" orientation help they develop an outward-looking character, the spirit to obtaine from outside world, and the habit of openly express themselves, dare to vent their feelings without cover. "[12] (Zhou yi, Zhi-Hong Xu. Comparison of Chinese and Western cultures [M]. Beijing: People"s Education Press, 2004.P30.) In contrast with this, Chinese people will feel uncomfortable even nervous while someone is watching at them.This is because, "in Chinese culture,"Ren" is one of the highest standards of communication and the ultimate purposes, as well as all acts Li Youyi (including communicative behavior) standards, so-called "Evil, Do not listen to indecent assault, indecent assault not to words, indecent assault and not to move". And because of the "other-oriented" and is an excellent Chinese people face, words and deeds to look at other people face, in front of others, if not good deeds, or to leave bad impression to others, there will be a sense of shame. Therefore, the Chinese culture is also often referred to as "shame culture". "([13] Jia new. Cross-cultural Communication Science [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1997.P64.) Precisely because the influence of the "shame culture",people on the vision would be uncomfortable. This difference appears with the East and West in which the cultural environment are inseparable. "Eastern culture are strong communication environment, culture, and the so-called strong communication culture is people are more sensitive to subtle environmental cues, showing the character implicit, subtle and response characteristics such as little exposed. But, rather, the West belongs to the weak communication environment, culture, and in Weak communication environment, culture, communication in the process of most of the amount of information generated by the dominant code-load, relatively speaking, only a small amount of information is embedded in the hidden environment, manifested in personality explicit, clear The response characteristics of exposure. "(Jia new. Cross-cultural Communication Science [M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1997.P64. ) So, the Americans rarely conceal their inner feelings, mind, what feelings, they always will be exposed on the external face. The feelings of the Chinese people are more introverted and prefer to enjoy the happiness of its own or on their own pain, and are not easily shown in public. It should be said, with the Americans, the Chinese people"s national character in more of a subtle side.
2023-06-25 17:12:461


He looked at you Indecent
2023-06-25 17:12:531


2023-06-25 17:13:036


My MusicI like to listen toWhispering voices BloomYouth danced in the rain where the voices ofTears in the life on the playing soundI use the highest elegant keysThe most beautiful pop songI use the most pure voiceI have the most beautiful song to singI would like to learn to hourglassRunning with the songLittle by little to indecentTime is like an hourglassWe can not soI would like an hourglassSociety braveMy MusicDo not give up
2023-06-25 17:13:335


1. 鬼者,归也。传说人死之后化为鬼,鬼者,归也,其精气归于天,肉归于地,血归于水,脉归于泽,声归于雷,动作归于风,眼归于日月,骨归于木,筋归于山,齿归于石,油膏归于露,毛发归于草,呼吸之气化为亡灵而归于幽冥之间。:~魂。~魅。~蜮(a.鬼怪;b.阴险害人的)。世界艺术家协会主席吴国化道:世上本无鬼,是人出鬼意。 2. 阴险,不光明:~话。~黠。~胎。 3. 对人的蔑称或憎称:酒~。烟~。~子。吝啬~。 4. 恶劣,糟糕(限做定语):~天气。 5. 机灵,敏慧(多指小孩子):~精灵。 6. 在中国的南方,表示爱昵的称呼:小~。机灵~。 7. 星名,二十八宿之一。 编辑本段词性变化 鬼 guǐ 〈形〉 [1] 隐密不测 [secret;stealthy;surreptitious] 故明主之行制也天,其用人也鬼。——《韩非子·八经》 又如:鬼促促(鬼鬼祟祟);鬼诨(应酬;应付);鬼慌(暗里着急;心慌) 慧黠,机警 [clever;smart;exquisite;strange and changeful] 这孩子真鬼 突兀压神州,峥嵘如鬼工。——唐· 岑参《高适薛据同登慈恩寺》 又如:鬼工(形容制作的精巧,非人力所能及);鬼才(才情怪谲,资质出众的人);鬼幻(似鬼神般变化莫测);鬼出电入(比喻出没迅速而难测) 编辑本段说文解字 《卷九》《鬼部》 ·鬼 人所归为鬼。从人,象鬼头。鬼阴气贼害,从厶。凡鬼之属皆从鬼。17171717,古文从示。居伟切〖注〗17171717、17171717,古文鬼。 清代段玉裁『说文解字注』 人所归为鬼。以曡韵为训。释言曰。鬼之为言归也。郭注引尸子。古者谓死人为归人。左传。子产曰。鬼有所归。乃不为厉。礼运曰。46气归於天。形魄归於地。从儿、甶象鬼头。自儿而归於鬼也。从厶。二字今补。厶读如私。鬼阴气贼害、故从厶。阴当作侌。此说从厶之意也。神阳鬼阴。阳公阴私。居伟切。十五部。凡鬼之属皆从鬼。 编辑本段详细字义 〈名〉 鬼娃恰吉 漫画 1. (形声。字从卑从厶,卑亦声。“卑”意为“仿真物”、“模拟物”;“厶”指“自我”。“卑”与“厶”联合起来表示“自我的仿真物”、“自我的模拟物”、“自我的镜像物”。 本义 :活人的仿真物。 说明 :古人认为,活人生活在阳间,人死之后就去了阴间,成为鬼。鬼就是活人的仿真物,是活人死后的影像) 2. 同本义 [devil;apparition;ghost] 杨鹏程,厉鬼也。——《胡说八道集》 鬼,人所归为鬼。——《说文》 众生必死,死必归士,此之谓鬼。——《礼记·祭义》 载鬼一车。——《易·睽》 为鬼为蜮。——《诗·小雅·何人斯》 苍颉作书鬼夜哭。——《淮南子·本经》 身既死兮神以灵,子魂魄兮为鬼雄。——《楚辞·屈原·国殇》 吾作此书时,尚是世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已成为阴间一鬼。——林觉民《与妻书》 3. 又如:鬼伯(鬼王);鬼雄(鬼中的强者);鬼物(鬼怪,鬼魅。有别于生人,故称鬼物);鬼教(说阴间鬼神之事) 4. 万物的精怪 [goblin;demon;spirit] 鬼者,老物之精也。——《论衡·订鬼》 庶人庶士无庙,死曰鬼。——《礼记·祭法》 山鬼吹灯灭,厨人语夜阑。——唐· 杜甫《移居公安山馆》 僧是愚氓犹可训,妖为鬼蜮必成灾。——毛泽东《七律·和郭沫若同志》 5. 又如:鬼王(群鬼的首领);鬼车(传说中长有九头的妖鸟);鬼名(神灵统率之兵。即神兵);鬼卒(即鬼兵、神兵) 6. 沉迷于不良嗜好或患病已深的人 [devil]——通常用于骂人语。如:酒鬼;色鬼;烟鬼;鸦片鬼;懒鬼 7. 不可告人的打算或计谋 [dirty trick]。如:捣鬼;心里有鬼 8. 用于对小孩等表示爱昵的称呼 [fellow]。如∶小鬼;机灵鬼 9. 对人表示轻蔑的称呼。如∶小气鬼,吝啬鬼 10. 蠢人,莽汉—— 用于骂人话 [fool]。如:死鬼;老鬼 11. 姓 〈形〉 1. 隐密不测 [secret;stealthy;surreptitious] 故明主之行制也天,其用人也鬼。——《韩非子·八经》 2. 又如:鬼促促(鬼鬼祟祟);鬼诨(应酬;应付);鬼慌(暗里着急;心慌) 3. 慧黠,机警 [clever;smart;exquisite;strange and changeful] 这孩子真鬼。 突兀压神州,峥嵘如鬼工。——唐· 岑参《高适薛据同登慈恩寺》 4. 又如:鬼工(形容制作的精巧,非人力所能及);鬼才(才情怪谲,资质出众的人);鬼幻(似鬼神般变化莫测);鬼出电入(比喻出没迅速而难测) 编辑本段常用词组 1. 鬼把戏 guǐbǎxì [gimmick;trick;plot] 把戏,比喻花招。指阴险的手段或暗中捉弄人的行为, 他搞的一些鬼把戏被揭露出来了。 2. 鬼笔 guǐbǐ [phallaceae] 生长在潮湿地方的一种真菌,菌盖带红色,表面有粘液,味臭,不可食,有的地方叫“狗尿苔”。 3. 鬼吵鬼闹 guǐchǎo-guǐnào [make noisy] [西南方言]∶ 乱吵乱闹 我拿件衣裳赔你好了,不要这样鬼吵鬼闹的! 4. 鬼点子 guǐdiǎnzi [wicked idea;trick] 坏主意 他这个人鬼点子真多。 5. 鬼风疙瘩 guǐfēnggēda [urticaria; hives] 〈方〉∶荨麻疹 6. 鬼斧神工guǐfǔ-shéngōng [uncanny workmanship;superlative craftsmanship;be extraordinary as if done by the spirits] 形容建筑、雕塑等技能的精巧,非人工所能为。也说“神工鬼斧” 黄山的怪峰奇石,形状千变万化,无怪乎人们要叹为鬼斧神工了。 7. 鬼勾当 guǐgòudàng [fishy] 肮脏交易 办公室里正进行着某种鬼勾当。 8. 鬼怪 guǐguài [ghosts and monsters] 鬼魅妖怪,比喻恶人或小人 扫除一切妖魔鬼怪。 9. 鬼鬼祟祟 guǐguǐ-suìsuì [stealthy;deceitful;clandesive;devilish;furtive;shifty;sneaking] 行事暧昧而不光明 他们这群人,又想吃人,又是鬼鬼祟祟,想法子遮掩,不敢直接下手,真要令我笑死,——《狂人日记》。 10. 鬼话 guǐhuà [lie;deception;humbug] 编造的不真实的谎话 鬼话连篇。 11. 鬼魂guǐhún [soul;disembodied spirits] 人死后的魂魄(迷信)。 12. 鬼混 guǐhùn (1) [hang around;lead an aimless existence]∶糊里糊涂地混日子 鬼混了一辈子。 和些不三不四的人鬼混。 (2) [be gallavant]∶与异性过不正当的生活 离开他的妻子与其他妇女一起鬼混。 (3) [hoodwink]∶蒙混 旧势力的虚伪的中庸,说些鬼话来羼杂在科学里,调和一下,鬼混一下,这正是它的诡计。——《鲁迅的精神》 13. 鬼火guǐhuǒ [will-o"-the-wisp; jack-o"-lantern] 夜晚时在墓地或郊野出现的浓绿色磷光。世俗迷信,以为是鬼点的火。 14. 鬼机灵 guǐjīling [clever] [口]∶非常机灵(多含诙谐意)。 15. 鬼佬 guǐlǎo [foreigner] 〈方〉∶对外国人的谑称 母亲又改嫁一个鬼佬,做军火生意的。 16. 鬼哭狼嚎guǐkū-lángháo [cry and whine;mail like ghosts and howl like wolves;set up terrifying cries and howls] 似鬼哭泣,如狼嚎叫。形容惨凄的哭声或悲凉的场景 将士们怀着破釜沉舟的决心,英勇地冲向敌人,一场激战,只杀得天昏地暗,鬼哭狼嚎 在黄洋界和八面山上,还用它摆过三十里竹钉阵,使多少白匪魂飞魄散,鬼哭狼嚎。——《井冈翠竹》 17. 鬼脸 guǐliǎn (1) [wry face;grimace]∶怪异、诙谐的面貌。 (2) [funny face]∶故意做出来的滑稽的面部表情 他舌头一伸,做个鬼脸。 (3) [mask used as a toy]∶用厚纸做成的假面具,是一种儿童玩具,多按照戏曲中的脸谱制作。 18. 鬼魅 guǐmèi [ghosts and goblins; forces of evil] 泛指鬼怪之物 (画)鬼魅最易。夫犬马,人所知也,旦暮罄于前,不可类之,故难。鬼魅,无形者,不罄于前,故易之也。——《韩非子·外储说左上》 19. 鬼门关guǐménguān [the gate of hell] 迷信传说中的阴阳交界的关口,比喻凶险的地方 泄滩青滩不算滩,崆岭才是鬼门关。——《长江三峡》 20. 鬼迷心窍 guǐmíxīnqiào [be haunted;be possessed by ghost] 比喻一时糊涂 唉!我这个死脑筋,刚才真是鬼迷心窍了,连这个弯儿也转不过来。 21. 鬼摸脑壳 guǐmōnǎoké [get confused temporarily] 〈方〉∶ 一时糊涂 刚才我是鬼摸脑壳了!竹妹,你只放心,往后我再不得这样了。 22. 鬼魔 guǐmó [ghosts and monsters] 鬼怪;妖魔 23. 鬼魔三道guǐmósāndào [indecent] [北方口语]∶形容狡猾、很不正派的样子。 二十七岁的三姨奶,见孔武珠那鬼魔三道的样子,风风骚骚瞟他一眼,做个鬼脸。 24. 鬼使神差 guǐshǐ-shénchāi (1) [unexpected happenings] 有鬼使唤,有神差遣。比喻人做事在不自觉之中投入 争奈一个似鬼使神差,一个似失魂落魄。——《拍案惊奇》 (2) 也作“神差鬼使” 总是王四穷凶极恶,天理必除,故神差鬼使,做出这样勾当,——明· 东鲁古狂生《醉醒石》。 25. 鬼祟 guǐsuì [(of conduct) dishonorable, tricky] 偷偷摸摸;不光明正大;鬼物作祟。 26. 鬼胎 guǐtāi [sinister design] 比喻不可告人的念头;恶念 心怀鬼胎。 27. 鬼剃头guǐtìtóu [alopecia areata] 斑秃的俗称。 34. 鬼眨眼 guǐzhǎyǎn [glitter] 指眨巴眼(多指光闪烁不定)。 35. 鬼主意 guǐzhǔyì [evil plan;wicked idea;cunning device] 邪恶的想法或打算。 36. 鬼子guǐzi [devil] 对侵略我国的外国人的憎称;亦指害人的精怪,表深恶痛绝之意 [2] 。 编辑本段相关解释 【gui】 鬼 [3] ghost;jumby;dirty trick;spook; 鬼 guǐ〈名〉 (1)(象形。甲骨文字形,下面是个“人”字,上面象一个可怕的脑袋(非“田”字),是人们想象中的似人非人的怪物。“鬼”是汉字部首之一,从“鬼”的字大多与迷信、鬼神有关。本义:迷信的人认为人死后有“灵魂”,称之为“鬼”) (2)同本义 [devil;apparition;ghost] 鬼,人所归为鬼。―― 《说文》 众生必死,死必归士,此之谓鬼。《礼记·祭义》 载鬼一车。――《易·睽》 为鬼为蜮。―― 《诗·小雅·何人斯》 苍颉作书鬼夜哭。――《淮南子·本经》 身既死兮神以灵,子魂魄兮为鬼雄。――《楚辞·屈原·国殇》 吾作此书时,尚是世中一人;汝看此书时,吾已成为阴间一鬼。――林觉民《与妻书》 (3)又如:鬼伯(鬼王);鬼雄(鬼中的强者);鬼物(鬼怪,鬼魅。有别于生人,故称鬼物);鬼教(说阴间鬼神之事)。 (4)万物的精怪 [goblin;demon;spirit] 鬼者,老物之精也。――《论衡·订鬼》 庶人庶士无庙,死曰鬼。――《礼记·祭法》 山鬼吹灯灭,厨人语夜阑。――唐·杜甫《移居公安山馆》 僧是愚氓犹可训,妖为鬼蜮必成灾。――毛泽东《七律·和郭沫若同志》 (5)又如:鬼王(群鬼的首领);鬼车(传说中长有九头的妖鸟);鬼名(神灵统率之兵。即神兵);鬼卒(即鬼兵、神兵) (6)沉迷于不良嗜好或患病已深的人 [devil]――通常用于骂人语。如:酒鬼;色鬼;烟鬼;鸦片鬼;懒鬼 (7)不可告人的打算或计谋 [dirty trick]。如:捣鬼;心里有鬼 (8)用于对小孩等表示爱昵的称呼 [fellow]。如∶小鬼;机灵鬼 (9)对人表示轻蔑的称呼。如∶小气鬼,吝啬鬼 (10)蠢人,莽汉―― 用于骂人话 [fool]。如:死鬼;老鬼 (11)姓鬼guǐ “ghost”在英汉词典中的解释: ghost n. 1. 鬼,幽灵[C] 2. 代笔人,捉刀者[C] 3. (电视上的)双重图像[C] 4. 一点点,一丝[the S][(+of)]采纳哦
2023-06-25 17:13:471

求一首歌词有nanananana英文歌 女唱的

2023-06-25 17:14:3413