barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-25 18:11:59

1. 兼听则明,偏信则暗






英语释义:Listen to bothsides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted.

2. 兼听则明,偏信则暗






英语释义:Listen to bothsides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted.

3. 兼听则明 偏听则暗的译文





成语“兼听则明,偏信则暗”就是从魏征劝太宗的话演变而来。 这个成语意思是广泛地听取多方面的意见,就能明白事情的真相,作出正确的判断,只听信一方面的意见就会不了解真相,得出错误的结论。告诫人们办事要广泛听取意见,不要听信于一人,才能把事情办好。

4. 文言文兼听则明,偏信则暗唐太宗,魏 徵各是怎样的人

兼听则明, 偏信则暗。



今天魏征不在了,我真是失掉了一面好镜子啊!” 成语“兼听则明,偏信则暗”就是从魏征劝太宗的话演变而来。 这个成语意思是广泛地听取多方面的意见,就能明白事情的真相,作出正确的判断,只听信一方面的意见就会不了解真相,得出错误的结论。






2023-06-25 16:03:151


1. [uncultured;barbaric;uncivilized]∶指未开化的原始状态。蒙昧时代。2. [ignorant;benighted;illiterate]∶愚昧,不通事理。蒙昧无知。
2023-06-25 16:03:221


Don"t do stupid things.
2023-06-25 16:03:367


2023-06-25 16:04:024


2023-06-25 16:04:266

偏听则信 兼听而明什么意思

题库内容:兼听则明,偏信则暗的解释[listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side you will be benighted] 为政主事广听众人的话则贤明,偏听少数几个人的话则 暗昧 详细解释 意谓多方面听取意见,才能 明辨 是非;单听信某方面的话,就愚昧不明。语本 《管子·君臣上》 :“夫民别而听之则愚,合而听之则圣。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·明暗》 :“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以闇者,偏信也。” 《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观二年》 :“上( 唐太宗 )问 魏徵 曰:‘人主 何为 而明,何为而暗?"对曰:‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。"” 词语分解 兼听的解释 . 广泛 听取意见。《管子·明法解》:“明 主者 ,兼听独断。”《荀子·君道》:“兼听 齐明 ,则 天下 归之。”《汉书·董仲舒传》:“广览兼听,极羣下之知,尽天下之美,至德昭然,施於方外。” 宋 曾巩 《再乞登对
2023-06-25 16:04:401


只有 méng piàn一种读法 这个词没有第二个读法
2023-06-25 16:04:504

成语 愚昧无知 出处?

2023-06-25 16:05:111


1.放过你自己:Set yourself free2.放过你自己吧:Let yourself3.我想要放过我自己:I want to let myself例句:1.我该放过自己么(如果我原谅了自己)?/Am I just letting myself off the hook if I forgive myself?2.不过英国的员工们似乎自己也不放过自己。 英国度假者们平均一天要查看手机12次,主要是习惯使然,而非必须。/But it seems Brits don"t help themselves, with the typical holidaymaker checking their phone up to 12 times a day, mainly out of habit than necessity.3.虽然有些像赫兹这样的纽约人提前计划,不放过自己喜欢的演出,但其他人不过是在市内穿行时被音乐吸引,凭耳朵寻声来到音乐节的乐队面前。/While some New Yorkers like Hertz plan ahead to catch their favorite acts, others simply hear the music while walking through the city and follow their ears to one of the festival"s bandstands.4.Lyubomirsky博士建议,"有时候,你正在思考"万一我被解雇了"之后要怎样做,放过自己吧,不要继续对着你自己发愁,去跟亲朋戚友说吧。"/But once you"ve made a plan for "what if I get laid off," don"t continue to fret about it in your head or talk about it to others, advises Dr. Lyubomirsky.5.原谅别人。同时也放过自己。/Forgive. at the same time, let yourself.6.明明得不到何必不肯放过自己曾经的愚昧无知。/Could not obtain He Bi not to be willing obviously to let off oneself once benightedness.7.他们不放过自己生活中的那些不好的经历,为此他们无缘未来的生活中那些美好的经历。/They cannot let go of the bad experiences of their lives, which closes the door for them to have p sitive experiences in the future.8.原谅别人,就是放过自己。/To forgive others is to forgive yourself.9.亲爱的自己,不要抓住回忆不放,断了线的风筝,只能让它飞,放过它,更是放过自己;/Dear self, do not grasp the memories and hold down the line kite, only to let it fly, let it go, but also let themselves;10.假如此次再不让自己康复那么求求你请杀啦自己吧失望啦放过自己…/If you don"t let me heal this time, I humbly pray: Please have me killed! I am in total despair, please acquit me of the torment, God …
2023-06-25 16:05:291


2023-06-25 16:05:371


百无一用 [bǎi wú yī yòng] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 百样之中无一有用的。形容毫无用处。 贬义出 处清·黄景仁《杂感》:“十有九人堪白眼,百无一用是书生。”
2023-06-25 16:05:443


兼听则明,偏信则暗的解释[listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side you will be benighted] 为政主事广听众人的话则贤明,偏听少数几个人的话则 暗昧 详细解释 意谓多方面听取意见,才能 明辨 是非;单听信某方面的话,就愚昧不明。语本 《管子·君臣上》 :“夫民别而听之则愚,合而听之则圣。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·明暗》 :“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以闇者,偏信也。” 《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观二年》 :“上( 唐太宗 )问 魏徵 曰:‘人主 何为 而明,何为而暗?"对曰:‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。"” 词语分解 兼听的解释 . 广泛 听取意见。《管子·明法解》:“明 主者 ,兼听独断。”《荀子·君道》:“兼听 齐明 ,则 天下 归之。”《汉书·董仲舒传》:“广览兼听,极羣下之知,尽天下之美,至德昭然,施於方外。” 宋 曾巩 《再乞登对
2023-06-25 16:05:511


问题一:蒙昧是什么意思 感觉是吃了药哪种!不知所爱,不知为何爱,不知何为爱,而表现出来的就是妖里妖气加骚里骚气。 懵懵懂懂 问题二:蒙昧的意思 蒙昧 蒙昧 méng mèi 指未开化的原始状态。 例句:蒙昧时代。 愚昧,不通事理。 例句:蒙昧无知。 问题三:启示是什么意思 启发指示,使有所领悟:这本书启示我们应该怎样度过自己的一生. “启”是个多义字。“启”的甲骨文字形像用手去开门,所以它的本义是打开。例如《左传u30fb襄公二十五年》“门启而入”,“启”指打开,后来“启”由打开的意义引叮为开启、启发、让人得以领悟等意思。双音词“启发”、“启迪”均用此义。开导蒙昧叫“启蒙”。例如宋朝朱熹著的《易学启蒙》,其书名就表明该书乃是示人学习易学的门径。教导初学者也叫“启蒙”,现在称幼儿教育为启蒙教育即用此义。再引申之,“启”还有陈述、表白的意思。古诗《孔雀东南飞》中有“堂上启阿母”,此处“启”的意思就是告诉、表白。旧式书信在正文开头称“某启”或“敬启者”,“启”均表写信的人向对方表白启告。“启”的这个意义构成的双音词有“启白”、“启告”、“启报”等。 在合成词“启示”中,“启”表示意义并不相同。“启示”的“启”义为开导启发,“示”也表示同样的意义。“示”本指把东西给人看。在 “ *** ”、“示弱”、“示众”等词语中,“示”皆表此义。由让人看的意义再引申,“示”又有指示、开导、让人明白某种道理的意思。如:“老师,这个问题怎样解答,请您给我一些启示!”因此,在合成词“启示”中,“启”与“示”是同义并用。“启示”的意思是启发指示、使人有所领悟的意思。 问题四:蒙昧的意思是什么?拜托了各位 谢谢 词目:蒙昧 拼音:méng mèi 反义词:文明. 基本解释 1. [uncultured;barbaric;uncivilized]∶指未开化的原始状态 蒙昧时代 2. [ignorant;benighted;illiterate]∶愚昧,不通事理 蒙昧无知 问题五:关于蒙昧的词语 【不弃草昧】:草昧:原始,未开化。不嫌弃蒙昧无知的人。用作谦词。 【发蒙解缚】:发蒙:启发蒙昧;解缚:解除束缚。指启发蒙昧,解除束缚。 【发蒙解惑】:发蒙:启发蒙昧;解惑:解除疑惑。指启发开导,脱离蒙昧,解除疑惑。 【发蒙启蔽】:发蒙:启发蒙昧;蔽:蒙蔽。启发蒙昧。 【发蒙启滞】:发蒙:启发蒙昧;滞:不流通。启发蒙昧,打通阻塞。 【混沌未凿】:混沌:古人想像中的天地形成以前的状态;凿:凿开。世界尚处于蒙昧状态之中,天地尚未形成。比喻人的本性纯真朴实。 【天造草昧】:①指天地之始,万物草创于混沌蒙昧之中。②指草创之时。 【未视之狗】:刚刚生下还未睁开眼的小狗。比喻蒙昧无知的人。 【愚夫蠢妇】:蒙昧无知之人。旧指小民百姓。 问题六:蒙昧不化什么意思? 很顽固 问题七:未曾忘,蒙昧时授我出世方 是什意思 未曾忘 蒙昧时授我出世方 君却重入尘浪 如何渡暖意 才能化尽你眼底千山月下霜 ――荀夜羽 《江山雪》 荀夜羽简介: 作家笔名:荀夜羽 性别:女 所属门派:起点派 考据控、猫控、茶控,坚信人生是有始有终,需要挺直了腰,不弯折灵魂走下去的淡定派天然灰。 分裂倾向严重,即写严肃沉重的巴洛克风格历史小说,也开轻松恶搞的吐槽流轻小说坑,误踩者请务必坚信这些都出自于本号之手。 问题八:蒙昧中的觉醒中的蒙昧是什么意思 爪击:原地转身爪击,和青熊兽的一样、 连续爪击:和青熊兽的一样,一边移动一边爪击,最多四次。 舌攻击:距离很长,会把猎人拽过来,但没有攻击力。 肉弹冲撞:蜷缩成一团跳跃式冲撞,会连续多次,结束后有很大的硬直。 后翻滚:向身后翻滚,距离很短。 跳跃砸击:跳起后大力向地面砸,有震动效果,硬直相当长。 喷射臭气:向身边360度范围喷射臭气,有明显的准备动作。 喷麻痹液向前方喷带麻痹效果的液体,距离不长。 问题九:廓清蒙昧什么意思 字面上理解,蒙昧是混沌不清、无知的意思,廓是轮廓,清是清晰,连起来就是使原本模盯不清的东西清晰起来的意思。
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2023-06-25 16:06:144


1. 《兼听则明,偏信则暗》文言文翻译 [原文] 上问魏徵曰:“人主何为而明,何为而暗?”对曰:“兼听则明,偏信则暗。昔尧清问下民,故有苗之恶得以上闻。舜明四目,达四聪,故共、鲧、驩兜不能蔽也。秦二世偏信赵高,以成望夷之祸;梁武帝偏信朱异,以取台城之辱;隋炀帝偏信虞世基,以致彭城阁之变。是故人君兼听广纳,则贵臣不得拥蔽,而下情得以上通也。”上曰:“善。” [释文] 唐太宗问魏徵:“君主怎样叫明,怎样叫暗?”魏徵答:“兼听则明,偏信则暗。从前帝尧明晰地向下面民众了解情况,所以三苗作恶之事及时掌握。帝舜耳听四面,眼观八方,故共、鲧、驩都不能蒙蔽他。秦二世偏信赵高,在望夷宫被赵高所杀;梁武帝偏信朱异,在台城被软禁饿死;隋炀帝偏信虞世基,死于扬州的彭城阁兵变,所以人君广泛听取意见,则贵族大臣不敢蒙蔽,下情得以上达。”唐太宗说:“好啊!” 2. 兼听则明,偏信则暗 兼:同时涉及或具有几种事物。兼听:多方面听取不同意见。明:明辨是非。暗:糊涂,辨不清事实真相。 广泛地听取意见就能明辨是非,偏信某个人就会昏庸糊涂。 现代泛指:在看待某一件事的是非。从正面的角度考虑就会很清楚明白,如果从心里阴暗面分析就会很糊涂。 兼听则明,偏信则暗[1] 指要同时听取各方面的意见,才能正确认识事物;只相信单方面的话,必然会犯片面性的错误 英语释义:Listen to bothsides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted. 3. 兼听则明 偏信则暗意思 也作“兼听则明,偏听则暗”。 “兼听则明,偏听则暗。”出自《新唐书·魏征传》。 魏征,字玄成,馆陶(今河北馆陶县)人。为唐朝初期的政治活动家和历史学家。唐太宗时,曾任谏议大夫。他学识渊博,并且敢于向皇帝直言谏劝和提出各种建议,在朝廷中威信很高,唐太宗对他也相当尊重。 有一次,唐太宗问他:“为君何道而明?何失而暗?”魏征回答说:“君所以明,兼听也;所以暗,偏信也。” 这段对话,在北宋司马光编纂的《资治通鉴》卷一百九十二中,记载得更详细些。它说,魏征当时回答唐大宗道:“兼听则明,偏信则暗。”并以两个贤明的古帝尧、舜和三个昏君秦二世、梁武帝、隋炀帝为例来加以说明。 ———————————— 汉·王符《潜夫论·明暗》:“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以暗者,偏信也。” 《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观二年》:“上问魏徽曰:‘人主何为而明,何为而暗?"对曰:‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。"” 《三国演义》八三回:“良曰:‘古云:“兼听则明,偏信则暗。”望陛下察之。"” ———————————— 这个成语意思是广泛地听取多方面的意见,就能明白事情的真相,作出正确的判断,只听信一方面的意见就会不了解真相,得出错误的结论。 告诫人们办事要广泛听取意见,不要听信于一人,才能把事情办好。
2023-06-25 16:06:271


2023-06-25 16:06:341


A wise desicion made from opposite opions.供参考
2023-06-25 16:06:436


  毛拇的个性坦率,常常宣言不讳,看看他有哪些经典的英文语录吧,以下是我为你精心整理的毛姆语录经典英文精选,希望你喜欢。  毛姆语录经典英文精选   The mills of God grind slowly, but finely ground.   人生有两宝,一是思想自由,二是行动自由。   There are two treasures in life, one is freedom of thought, the two is freedom of action.   既然生活毫无意义,尘世也就无残忍可言了。   Since life is meaningless, the world is no cruel at all.   你不能向人们要求超出他们所能给予的东西。   You can"t ask people more than they can give.   悲伤,在不同的人身上,会有不同的表现方式。   Sadness, in different people, there will be different ways of expression.   你享受一点你真正想的东西,这对你是有好处的。   It"s good for you to enjoy what you really want.   生活的意义在于生活本身,而不在于你如何去描写。   The meaning of life lies in the life itself, but not in the way you describe it.   如果光是责备我会对你有好处的话,那你就随便吧。   If the light is to blame and I will be good for you, then you will be free.   诉说灾祸很快就使人们腻烦,人们不愿看见忧伤的目光。   Tell the disaster soon makes people tired, people do not want to see the sad eyes.   结婚是美事一桩,但养成了结婚的习惯,那就令人不敢恭维。   Marriage is a good thing, but a marriage custom, it is not flattery.   最新毛姆语录英文   感情有理智所根本不能理解的理由。   Reason is not understood by reason.   伟大的艺术从来就是最富于装饰价值的。   Great art has always been the most decorated.   上帝的磨盘转动很慢,但是却磨得很细。   有的人的胸膛上已经沾了那么多泪水,我不忍再把我的洒上了。   Some of the chest has been stained with so many tears, I can not bear to put on my.   我这一辈子再也不会有这样的时刻了。我不打算跟任何人分享。   My whole life will never have such a moment again. I"m not going to share with anyone.   我相信,在一场瘟疫中,因为恐惧而死去的人不比因为疾病死去的人少。   I believe that in a plague, those who died because of fear are not less than those who died because of the disease.   实际上,受惠者的知恩报答心理,要比施惠者的施恩图报心理淡薄得多。   In fact, the beneficiaries of gratitude repay psychology than benefactor of Mercy"s psychology is much weaker.   金钱有如第六感官一般,如果没有金钱,便不可能完全利用其他的感觉。   Money is like the sixth senses, if there is no money, it is not possible to fully use the other feeling.   一个男人深深地爱一个女人,并非意味着他就希望下半辈子和她共同度过。   A man deeply loves a woman, does not mean that he would like to spend the rest of his life with her.   打翻了牛奶,哭也没用,因为宇宙间的一切力量都在处心积虑要把牛奶打翻。   Spilled milk, don"t cry, because everything in the universe is to deliberately plan milk.   爱情要占据一个人莫大的精力,它要一个人离开自己的生活专门去做一个爱人。   Love to occupy a great energy, it should be a person to leave their own life to do a special love.   在爱情的事上如果你考虑起自尊心来,那只能有一个原因:实际上你还是最爱自己。   In love, if you consider your pride, there is only one reason: in fact, you still love yourself.   让我们去寻求那些淳朴、敦厚的人的爱情吧。他们的愚昧远比我们的知识更为可贵。   Let us seek the honest, honest people love. Their ignorance is far more valuable than our knowledge.   爱开玩笑而又要人不觉得刻薄,天知道是件多么不容易的事。天生善良的人往往是不太有趣的。   Love is a joke, but it doesn"t mean to be unkind. God knows how hard it is. People who are born kind are often less interesting.   人的最原始的天性赤裸裸地呈现在你眼前,你看到的时候不由得感到恐惧,因为你看到的是你自己。   The most primitive nature of man is in your eyes, and you can"t help but feel fear when you see it, because you are seeing yourself.   由于时光转瞬即逝,无法挽回,所以说它是世间最宝贵的财富。滥用时光无疑是人们最没有意义的一种消磨方式。   Because the time is fleeting, can not be redeemed, so it is the world"s most valuable wealth. The abuse of time is no doubt one of the most significant ways to kill.   幸福跟痛苦一样的微不足道,它们的降临,跟生活中出现的其他细节一样,不过是使得人生格局更趋纷繁复杂罢了。   Happiness and pain, the same as the trivial, they come, with the other details of the life in the same, but is making the pattern of life more complicated and more.   每次当我看到你,就好像什么东西把他的心拧了一把,猛然间我感觉到了一阵欢欣鼓舞,一种美妙的自由自在的感觉。   Every time when I see you, like something to his heart twists him. Suddenly I felt a joy and a wonderful free feeling.   生活不过是一片混乱,充满了各种可笑的、龌龊的事情,它只能给人们提供笑料,但是他笑的时候却禁不住满心哀伤。   Life is just a mess, full of ridiculous, dirty things, it can give people a few laughs, but he smiled but couldn"t help full of sorrow.   他对生活感到不耐烦,因为他发现自己不能说出他内心那种模糊的冲动所暗示的东西。他的智力不适于表现他的精神。   He was impatient with life, for he found himself unable to tell what the impulse of his heart was suggesting. His mind is not fit for his spirit.   有关毛姆语录经典英文集锦   人生是个艰辛的历程,让我自己的一生过得完美一点儿已经很不容易了,怎么能指望去教导别人如何过好他的一生呢?   Life is a hard journey, so that my own life is not easy, how can I hope to teach others how to live a good life?   当你二十岁陷入恋爱时,你觉得那会是永恒的,而当你五十岁,你把生活,把爱情都看透了,你知道这不过是转瞬即逝的玩意儿。   When you were years old when they are in love, you feel that is eternal, and when you reach , you take life to love sees through everything, you know this is just a fleeting stuff.   做人的目的不是别的,只是为了寻求自身的快乐,即使是舍己为人,那也是出于一种幻想,以为自己所要寻求的快乐就是慷慨大方。   The purpose of life is nothing else but to seek their own happiness, even self sacrifice, that is for a kind of illusion, thought of his own to seek happiness is generous.   我要生活在世界上,爱这世界上的一切,什么都不能伤害我,什么都不必伤害我,我愿意接受形形式式的生活,不管它是怎杨的忧伤痛苦。   I want to live in the world, love the world of everything, nothing can hurt me, do not have anything to hurt me, I am willing to accept the shape of the form of life, no matter how it is the sorrow of the pain.   绝大多数人都蠢得厉害,说谁谁在常人之上真算不得什么恭维。大部人长得真是丑啊!可惜,他们也不知道该待人随和一点,也好补救一下。   The vast majority of people are so stupid, that it is really no compliment to say who is above the average person. Most people are really ugly! Unfortunately, they do not know that it is easy to treat a little less, or to remedy it.   我认为有些人诞生在某一个地方可以说未得其所。机缘把他们随便抛掷到一个环境中,而他们却一直思念着一处他们自己也不知道坐落在何处的家乡。   I think that some people were born in a place where they can say that they did not have their. Opportunity to them casually thrown into an environment, and they are always missing a they also don"t know is located in the hometown where.   我们对虚荣总是比对自负更宽容——因为虚荣的人对于我们的评价很敏感,从而满足了我们的自尊心;而自负的人对此满不在乎,结果伤害了我们的自尊。   我总觉得大多数人这样度过一生好像欠缺点什么。我承认这种生活的社会价值,我也看到了它的井然有序的幸福,但是我的血液里却有一种强烈的愿望,渴望一种更狂放不羁的旅途。我的心渴望一种更加惊险的生活。   I always think that most people spend life like this. I admit that this life of social value. I saw its ordered happiness, but my blood has a strong desire for a more uninhibited journey. My heart longs for a more dangerous life.   只要你在接受这种不幸时稍有违抗之意,那它就只能给你带来耻辱。要是你把它看做是上帝恩宠的表示,看作是因为见你双肩强壮,足以承受,才赐予你佩戴的一枚十字架,那么它就不再是你痛苦的根由,而会成为你幸福的源泉。   As long as you have a little meaning in defiance to accept this misfortune, it will only bring shame on you. If you put it is seen as the representation of the grace of God, as is because see your shoulders strong enough to bear, to give you wear a gold cross, then it is no longer the pain you, and will be the source of your happiness.   当你听到年轻人自信满满、目中无人地满口胡言时,当你看到他武断教条、偏执狭隘时,你生气做什么?指出他的愚昧无知做什么?你难道忘了,你和他一般年纪的时候也是这般愚蠢、武断、傲慢、狂妄?我说的你,所指当然是我。   When you hear young people full of confidence, defiant mouthful of nonsense, when you see him dogmatic and intolerant, are you angry do? That what his benighted do? Did you forget that you are so stupid, arbitrary, arrogant, and arrogant when you are at your age? I say you, I mean, of course.   生活中就有这样的事:你接连数月每天都碰到一个人,于是你同他的关系便十分亲密起来,你甚至会想,没有了这个人还不知怎么生活呢。随后两个人分离了,但一切仍按先前的格局进行着。你原先以为一刻也离不开的伙伴,此时已相忘江湖了。   In life there is such a thing: you have a few months each day to meet a person, so you will be very close to his relationship, you will even think, without this person still do not know how to live. Then the two men were separated, but everything went according to the previous pattern. You thought a moment also cannot do without partners, now lakes.   从来都无法得知,人们究竟为什么会爱上另一个人?我猜也许我们心上都有缺口,呼呼往灵魂里灌着寒风,我们急切需要一个正好形状的心来填上它。就算你是太阳一样完美正圆形,可是我心里的缺口,或许恰恰是一个歪歪扭扭的锯齿形,你填不了。   Never know, why do people fall in love with another person? I guess there"s a gap in our hearts, and we"re eager to fill it with a heart filled with cold wind. Even if you are like the sun are perfect circles, but the gap in my heart, perhaps is precisely a crooked toothed, you can not fill.   We on the vanity always than ego more tolerant -- because the vain people for our evaluation is very sensitive, so as to meet our self-esteem; and pompous people expressed indifference, injuring our self-esteem.   一窍不通的人以为无窍可通,因而也就可以以为他已无所不通,于是心满意足;要叫他相信并非无所不知,还不如他相信月亮是用未熟的干酪做成的来得容易。   Know nothing about the people think orifices can pass, so that he has no sense, so contented; to convince him not omniscient, as he believe that the moon is made of green cheese easier to.   我承认常规生活的社会价值,也看到了它井然有序的幸福。但是我的血液里充斥着一种渴望,渴望着一种更为狂放不羁的旅行,我的内心渴望着一种更为惊险的生活。   I admit that the conventional social values, also see it in order of happiness. But my blood is filled with a desire, longing for a more uninhibited trip, my heart longing for a more adventurous life.   就拿我自己来说,我最大的希望就是别人不要来管我的事,但我也发现,并非人人都是这么希望的,要是我不去管他们的事,他们反而会认为我冷漠、自私、无情无义。   Take myself for example, I the biggest hope is that others don"t to me, but I"ve also noticed that, not everyone is hope so, if I don"t go to their business, but they will think I"m indifferent and selfish, heartless.   我对你根本没抱幻想。我知道你愚蠢,轻佻,头脑空虚,然而我爱你。我知道你的企图、你的理想,你的势利,庸俗,然而我爱你。我知道你是个二流货色,然而我爱你。   I don"t have a dream about you. I know you silly, frivolous, emptiness of mind, but I love you. I know your intentions, your ideal, your snobbish, vulgar, but I love you. I know you are a second rate. But I love you.   女人们总是喜欢在她们所爱的人临终前表现得宽宏大量,她们的这种偏好叫我实在难以忍受。有时候我甚至觉得她们不愿意男人寿命太长,就是怕演出这幕好戏的机会拖得太晚。   Women always like in their love of people dying be magnanimous and their preference to call me really unbearable. Sometimes I even feel that they are not willing to man life is too long, this scene is the fear of performance opportunities too late.   他们记起了自己当初也曾经把一代高踞宝座的人践踏在脚下,也正是这样大喊大叫、傲慢不逊;他们预见到这些高举火把的勇士们有朝一日同样也要让位于他人。谁说的话也不能算最后拍板。   They remember that he had had a sated generation people trampled under foot, so is yelling, haughty; they foresee the torch warriors one day also to let in others. Who said that it is not the last word.   我从这件事取得的教训是,作者应该从写作的乐趣中,从郁积在他心头的思想的发泄中取得写书的酬报;对于其他一切都不应该介意,作品成功或失败,受到称誉或是诋毁,他都应该淡然处之。   I get from this lesson, the author should from the joy of writing, from pent up in his mind the idea of giving vent to get a Book reward; for all other shouldn"t mind works, the success or failure of praise or censure, he should treat with indifference.   同样在这个年纪,你知道自己再也不能虚掷这个由反复无常的命运送来的机会,不出五年,或许六个月,这一切都会结束。生活是单调的,灰色的,而快乐是珍奇而稀有的。我们的死亡是漫长的。   Also at this age, you know you can no longer throw this opportunity to send this by capricious fate, not five years, perhaps six months, this will end all. Life is dull, grey, and happiness is rare and rare. Our death is long.   即使最没有思想的人也有自己的哲学。不管你对它们知道得多么少,也不管它们多么矛盾、多么褊狭、多么荒谬,它们存在着而且影响着你的行为反应。即使你从未说到过它们,它们却是你的哲学。   Even the most people who have no thought have their own philosophy. No matter you to know how very little, regardless of how much they contradiction, how intolerance, how absurd, in which there exists a and affect your actions. Even if you never spoke of them, they are your philosophy.   你只要想想在幼年的时期起,老一辈的人就反复向他强调说年长的人总比年轻的人聪明,而等年轻人最终发现这种说法有多荒谬的时候,他们自己也已经老了,于是觉得把这种骗术进行下去对他们会有好处。   You just have to think about in infancy, older people repeatedly to he stressed that older people than younger people smart, and young people to find out in the end that this argument is more ridiculous when, they are already old, and thought to this trick on there is good for them.   虚伪是一个人所能寻求的最困难、最刺激神经的恶习,它需要永不间断的警觉和精神的高度集中。它不像通奸或贪食可以在空闲的时间进行;它是需要付出全部时间从事的工作;它还需要一种玩世不恭的幽默。   Hypocrisy is one of the most difficult and most exciting habits of a person to seek, and it requires constant vigilance and a high concentration of spirit. Unlike adultery or bulimia may be in the free time; it is need to pay all the time engaged in work; it also needs a cynical humor.毛姆语录经典英文精选相关 文章 : 1. 中英文名言名句大全 2. 外国人经典名言语录大全 3. 毛姆小说《面纱》经典励志语录 4. 毛姆小说《人生的枷锁》经典语录 5. 小说《刀锋》经典语录
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英语短文带翻译120词左右 两篇

以下摘自高级口译 人们通常喜欢听好听的话,一听到拂耳之言就容易产生不悦甚至愠怒.一个人特别是身居要职的人要能够心悦诚服地倾听逆耳之言并从中获得智慧,就需要容忍和大度的雅量,而这往往依赖人们的心性修养和对人性缺陷的克制;否则,就会给善于运用花言巧语和投其所好的人提供可乘之机,并伤害直言不讳的忠诚之人. 在理智上,人们大概愿意接受“兼听则明,偏信则暗”、“忠言逆耳利于行”等一类古老的真理,或者乐于信服老子所说的“美言不信,信言不美”的哲理.但在行为上,人们又容易背离这些古训,不愿意听或者听不进“逆耳”之言,最终犯下严重的过失. People generally like to listen to what is agreeable to the the ear.They are likely to be displeased or even annoyed at advice unpleasant to hear.A person,paticularly one holding an important post,needs to be broad-minded and tolerant to listen willingly to good advice that jars on the ear and acquire wisdom from it.This,more often than not,depends on people"s self-cultivation of disposition the restraint of flaws in their character.Otherwise,those who are good at flattering others and catching their fancy will gain the advantage and those faithful people who talk straight will be hurt. In their right senses,people may readily accept ancient maxims like listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed to one side and you will be benighted,” and “Hones advice,though harsh to the ear,induces good conduct,” or they are willing to believe in Lao Zi"s philosophical wisdom:“Beautiful/Nice/Pleasant words are not truthful / faithful while truthful words are not nice to hear.” However,in their behavior,people are apt to go against these teachings,willing or refusing to listen to advice granting on the ear and consequently making serious errors. 因工作关系,我30年来,年年要外出公干,足迹几乎遍布全国,没有到过的地方只有 *** 、内蒙和澳门. 可惜进行远行奔波间,车马劳顿,总是行色匆匆,山水的怡情悦目,都如过眼的云烟,只不过领略了一个大概,不能去探寻幽僻的妙境.我凡事喜欢有自己的见解,不屑于人云亦云,即使是论诗品画,都是持一种别人珍贵的东西我抛弃、别人遗弃的东西我收取的态度.佛家有云:境由心生.因此,所谓的名胜,全在于你自己怎么看,有的名胜,你并不觉得它有多好;有的不是名胜,你自己却以为是个妙境.这里且将我生平的游历逐一道来,与诸君共享. 参考译文: Due to the nature of my work,I have traveled about on official business every year during the past three decades.I have left my footprints almost everywhere across the country,and the only places I have not been to are Tibet,Inner Mongolia and Macao. The pity is that my journey was always made in a hurry and I felt weary traveling far and wide,so that while beautiful mountains and rivers passed before my eyes like drifting clouds and I could form some rough idea of what they were like,I was never able to search and explore secluded places. I like to have my own opinion about what I hear and see and disdain to follow what others have said about it.In talking about poetry and painting,I am always ready to ignore what others value and to take some interest in what others ignore. In Buddhi *** ,there is a saying:what you see / perceive is the vision in your mind / is what you visualize in your mind / is how you feel about it./perception changes with feelings.And so it is with the beauty of famous scenery,which lies in any case entirely in what one feels about it oneself.Thus there are famous scenic spots which I do not feel are anything extraordinary,and there are unknown places that I think are quite wonderful.Here I would like to describe one by one the places I have traveled during my life and share my experiences with you.25"
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沌 dun 四声 混沌
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兼:同时涉及或具有几种事物。兼听:多方面听取不同意见。明:明辨是非。暗:糊涂,辨不清事实真相。广泛地听取意见就能明辨是非,偏信某个人就会昏庸糊涂。现代泛指:在看待某一件事的是非。从正面的角度考虑就会很清楚明白,如果从心里阴暗面分析就会很糊涂。兼听则明,偏信则暗[1]指要同时听取各方面的意见,才能正确认识事物;只相信单方面的话,必然会犯片面性的错误英语释义:Listen to bothsides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted.
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亨利·金(1592-1669)整首诗很长,比较出名的句子标了斜体,电影《希望沟壑》里引用过。Exequy on his WifeACCEPT, thou shrine of my dead saint,Instead of dirges this complaint;And for sweet flowers to crown thy herseReceive a strew of weeping verseFrom thy grieved friend, whom thou might"st seeQuite melted into tears for thee.Dear loss! since thy untimely fate,My task hath been to meditateOn thee, on thee! Thou art the book,The library whereon I look,Tho" almost blind. For thee, loved clay,I languish out, not live, the day....Thou hast benighted me; thy setThis eve of blackness did beget,Who wast my day (tho" overcastBefore thou hadst thy noontide past):And I remember must in tearsThou scarce hadst seen so many yearsAs day tells hours. By thy clear sunMy love and fortune first did run;But thou wilt never more appearFolded within my hemisphere,Since both thy light and motion,Like a fled star, is fall"n and gone,And "twixt me and my soul"s dear wishThe earth now interposed is....I could allow thee for a timeTo darken me and my sad clime;Were it a month, a year, or ten,I would thy exile live till then,And all that space my mirth adjourn—So thou wouldst promise to return,And putting off thy ashy shroudAt length disperse this sorrow"s cloud.But woe is me! the longest dateToo narrow is to calculateThese empty hopes: never shall IBe so much blest as to descryA glimpse of thee, till that day comeWhich shall the earth to cinders doom,And a fierce fever must calcineThe body of this world—like thine,My little world! That fit of fireOnce off, our bodies shall aspireTo our souls" bliss: then we shall riseAnd view ourselves with clearer eyesIn that calm region where no nightCan hide us from each other"s sight.Meantime thou hast her, earth: much goodMay my harm do thee! Since it stoodWith Heaven"s will I might not callHer longer mine, I give thee allMy short-lived right and interestIn her whom living I loved best.Be kind to her, and prithee lookThou write into thy Doomsday bookEach parcel of this rarityWhich in thy casket shrined doth lie,As thou wilt answer Him that lent—Not gave—thee my dear monument.So close the ground, and "bout her shadeBlack curtains draw: my bride is laid.Sleep on, my Love, in thy cold bedNever to be disquieted!My last good-night! Thou wilt not wakeTill I thy fate shall overtake:Till age, or grief, or sickness mustMarry my body to that dustIt so much loves; and fill the roomMy heart keeps empty in thy tomb.Stay for me there: I will not failTo meet thee in that hollow vale.And think not much of my delay:I am already on the way,And follow thee with all the speedDesire can make, or sorrows breed.Each minute is a short degreeAnd every hour a step towards thee...."Tis true—with shame and grief I yield—Thou, like the van, first took"st the field;And gotten hast the victoryIn thus adventuring to dieBefore me, whose more years might craveA just precedence in the grave.But hark! my pulse, like a soft drum,Beats my approach, tells thee I come;And slow howe"er my marches beI shall at last sit down by thee.The thought of this bids me go onAnd wait my dissolutionWith hope and comfort. Dear—forgiveThe crime—I am content to liveDivided, with but half a heart,Till we shall meet and never part.
2023-06-25 16:08:291


dark的读音是:英[dɑ?k]。dark的读音是:英[dɑ?k]。dark的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)隐秘的黑暗的隐藏的阴暗的邪恶的忧郁的阴郁的深色的暗色的昏暗的近乎黑色的褐色的黝黑的乌黑的神秘的阴险的凶恶的不快的。dark的词语用法是adj.(形容词)dark的基本意思是“黑暗的”,指缺乏使人能够看见或识别自己面前物体的必要照明(自然的或人工的),可指缺乏表现愉快心情的光泽或缺少道德或精神上的光辉。dark有时还用来修饰颜色,指颜色不鲜明、不明亮。一、详尽释义点此查看dark的详细内容adj.(形容词)隐秘的黑暗的隐藏的阴暗的邪恶的忧郁的阴郁的深色的暗色的昏暗的近乎黑色的褐色的黝黑的乌黑的神秘的阴险的凶恶的不快的n.(名词)暗处暗色阴影黑暗无知傍晚隐晦天黑后/前黄昏后/前全然不知瞎猜盲动盲干愚昧隐秘暗黑夜浓(淡)黄昏模糊v.(动词)暗淡变黑使变黑二、双解释义adj.(形容词)黑暗的 with no or very little light(颜色)深色的,暗色的 (of colour) not reflecting much light; nearer black than white(皮肤、毛发等)棕黑的 (of the skin) not fair隐藏的,神秘的 hidden, mysterious无希望的,悲伤的,无精打采的 hopeless; sad; cheerless(道德或智力上)未启蒙的,未发展的 unenlightened (morally or intellectually)意义不明的,不易了解的,暧昧的 not clear to the mindn.(名词)[U]傍晚,黄昏 the time of day when there is no light[S]黑暗; 无光 absence of light[U]愚昧; 无知 ignorance; absence of knowledge三、英英释义Noun:absence of light or illuminationabsence of moral or spiritual values;"the powers of darkness"an unilluminated area;"he moved off into the darkness"the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outsidean unenlightened state;"he was in the dark concerning their intentions""his lectures dispelled the darkness"Adjective:devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black;"sitting in a dark corner""a dark day""dark shadows""dark as the inside of a black cat"(used of color) having a dark hue;"dark green""dark glasses""dark colors like wine red or navy blue"brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes);"dark eyes"stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable;"black deeds""a black lie""his black heart has concocted yet another black deed""Darth Vader of the dark side""a dark purpose""dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility""the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him"secret;"keep it dark"showing a brooding ill humor;"a dark scowl""the proverbially dour New England Puritan""a glum, hopeless shrug""he sat in moody silence""a morose and unsociable manner""a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius""a sour temper""a sullen crowd"lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture;"this benighted country""benighted ages of barbarism and superstition""the dark ages""a dark age in the history of education"marked by difficulty of style or expression;"much that was dark is now quite clear to me""those who do not appreciate Kafka"s work say his style is obscure"causing dejection;"a blue day""the dark days of the war""a week of rainy depressing weather""a disconsolate winter landscape""the first dismal dispiriting days of November""a dark gloomy day""grim rainy weather"having skin rich in melanin pigments;"National Association for the Advancement of Colored People""dark-skinned peoples"not giving performances; closed;"the theater is dark on Mondays"四、例句It"s a dark and moonless night.这是一个黑暗无月的夜晚。The baby had dark eyes and dark curls.那婴孩长着深色的眼睛和深色的鬈发。He ran against a lamp post in the dark.在黑暗中他撞上了一根电线杆。Reading in the dark is bad for the eyes.在暗处阅读封眼睛有害。五、经典引文The Darks of Hell.出自:DefoeI..stayed away till dark.出自:J. RhysI couldn"t see his face in the dark.出自:A. LurieThe alley was dark except for one patch of light.出自:O. HenryIt was a dark night with no moon.出自:Scott Fitzgerald六、情景对话外企英语dark的解释A:I"ve finished it all.全都做完了。dark是什么意思B:It"s been a long day.今天忙了一天。dark什么意思A:It"sdark outside already.外边天都黑了。B:It"s time to go home.该回家了。A:Let"s go home!我们回家吧。感恩节dark是什么意思A:I will be home for Thanksgiving so save a little turkey for me.我会回家过感恩节,所以请留点儿火鸡给我。dark的反义词B:Save thedark meat for me.为我留份儿鸡腿。电影A:Dark Angel is a (good show/ great program/ a wonderful television series).《末世黑天使》是一部(不错的电视/好看的电视节目/精彩的电视连续剧)。B:No, it isn"t. / Yes, it is.不,不是的。/是呀,是的。七、词语用法adj.(形容词)dark的基本意思是“黑暗的”,指缺乏使人能够看见或识别自己面前物体的必要照明(自然的或人工的),可指缺乏表现愉快心情的光泽或缺少道德或精神上的光辉。dark有时还用来修饰颜色,指颜色不鲜明、不明亮。dark在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语。dark的比较级为darker,最高级为darkest。n.(名词)dark作名词时是不可数名词,表示“傍晚”时,其前不能加冠词。表示“黑暗,无光”时,通常其前加the,作为单数名词跟单数动词连用。in the dark有两种意思,即“在黑暗中”“不知,蒙在鼓里”。dark的相关近义词black、cloudy、darkling、dim、evil、gloomy、grim、ignorant、infamous、joyless、lightless、obscure、shadowy、shady、wickeddark的相关反义词bright、cheerful、happy、lightdark的相关临近词darken、daring、Darke、Darka、darky、Darko、Darku、darkle、darkly、darkey、Darkin、Darkji点此查看更多关于dark的详细信息
2023-06-25 16:09:161

兼听则明 偏信则暗意思

这个成语意思是广泛地听取多方面的意见,就能明白事情的真相,作出正确的判断,只听信一方面的意见就会不了解真相,得出错误的结论。 告诫人们办事要广泛听取意见,不要听信于一人,才能把事情办好。
2023-06-25 16:09:375


The eight honors and eight disgrace.
2023-06-25 16:10:023


兼听则明,偏信则暗的解释 [listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side you will be benighted] 为政主事广听众人的话则贤明,偏听少数几个人的话则 暗昧 详细解释 意谓多方面听取意见,才能 明辨 是非;单听信某方面的话,就愚昧不明。语本 《管子·君臣上》 :“夫民别而听之则愚,合而听之则圣。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·明暗》 :“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以闇者,偏信也。” 《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观二年》 :“上( 唐太宗 )问 魏徵 曰:‘人主 何为 而明,何为而暗?"对曰:‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。"” 词语分解 兼听的解释 . 广泛 听取意见。《管子·明法解》:“明 主者 ,兼听独断。”《荀子·君道》:“兼听 齐明 ,则 天下 归之。”《汉书·董仲舒传》:“广览兼听,极羣下之知,尽天下之美,至德昭然,施於方外。” 宋 曾巩 《再乞登对
2023-06-25 16:10:091

again/once more有什么区别

once again是再来一次=once more
2023-06-25 16:10:233


题库内容:蒙昧的解释(1) [uncultured;barbaric;uncivilized]∶指未开化的原始 状态 蒙昧时代 (2) [ignorant;benighted;illiterate]∶愚昧,不通事理 蒙昧无知 详细解释 (1).昏昧;愚昧。 《晋书·阮种传》 :“臣诚蒙昧,所以为罪。” 唐 罗隐 《谗书·市赋》 :“始 先生 以踊屦之讥革 寡人 之非,今先生以交易进退祛寡人之蒙昧。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·理学一》 :“儿童初学,蒙昧未开,故瞢然无知。” 孙中山 《兴中会宣言》 :“下则蒙昧无知,鲜能远虑。” (2).犹 朦胧 ;迷糊。 唐 孟郊 《卧病》 诗:“倦寝意蒙昧,强言声幽柔。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》 一:“蒙昧也人生,霎 时间 浮光掠影。” (1).目不明。 汉 蔡邕 《瞽师赋》 :“夫何蒙昧之瞽兮,心穷忽以郁伊。” (2).未开化的原始状态。 《三国志·蜀志·郤正传》 :“昔在鸿荒,蒙眛肇初,三皇应籙, 五帝 承符。” 《 辛亥 革命 前十年间时论选集·教育泛论》 :“处 文明 灿烂 之世界,而犹欲袭用蒙昧之旧俗,是非颠倒,孰有过於是者乎!” 濛昧: 迷茫 ,昏暗。 晋 张载 《霖雨》诗:“零雨馀旬朔,濛昧日夜坠。” 词语分解 蒙的解释 蒙 (蒙) ē 欺骗 :蒙骗。蒙哄。蒙事。欺上蒙下。 昏迷,眼发黑:蒙头转向。 胡乱 猜测 :瞎蒙。 受 蒙 (④濛) é 没有 知识 ,愚昧:启蒙。发蒙。蒙昧。 遮盖起来:蒙罩。蒙子。蒙蔽。 受:承蒙。蒙难 昧的解释 昧 è 暗,不明:幽昧。昧旦( 清晨 还未 明亮 时)。 昏, 糊涂 ,不 明白 :愚昧。蒙昧。 素昧平生 (一向不认识)。 目不明:“目不别五色之章为昧”。 隐藏 ,隐瞒:暧昧。昧心(违背 良心 做坏事)。 冒犯 : 冒昧 (多作
2023-06-25 16:11:241


蒙昧的解释(1) [uncultured;barbaric;uncivilized]∶指未开化的原始 状态 蒙昧时代 (2) [ignorant;benighted;illiterate]∶愚昧,不通事理 蒙昧无知 详细解释 (1).昏昧;愚昧。 《晋书·阮种传》 :“臣诚蒙昧,所以为罪。” 唐 罗隐 《谗书·市赋》 :“始 先生 以踊屦之讥革 寡人 之非,今先生以交易进退祛寡人之蒙昧。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·理学一》 :“儿童初学,蒙昧未开,故瞢然无知。” 孙中山 《兴中会宣言》 :“下则蒙昧无知,鲜能远虑。” (2).犹 朦胧 ;迷糊。 唐 孟郊 《卧病》 诗:“倦寝意蒙昧,强言声幽柔。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》 一:“蒙昧也人生,霎 时间 浮光掠影。” (1).目不明。 汉 蔡邕 《瞽师赋》 :“夫何蒙昧之瞽兮,心穷忽以郁伊。” (2).未开化的原始状态。 《三国志·蜀志·郤正传》 :“昔在鸿荒,蒙眛肇初,三皇应籙, 五帝 承符。” 《 辛亥 革命 前十年间时论选集·教育泛论》 :“处 文明 灿烂 之世界,而犹欲袭用蒙昧之旧俗,是非颠倒,孰有过於是者乎!” 濛昧: 迷茫 ,昏暗。 晋 张载 《霖雨》诗:“零雨馀旬朔,濛昧日夜坠。” 词语分解 蒙的解释 蒙 (蒙) ē 欺骗 :蒙骗。蒙哄。蒙事。欺上蒙下。 昏迷,眼发黑:蒙头转向。 胡乱 猜测 :瞎蒙。 受 蒙 (④濛) é 没有 知识 ,愚昧:启蒙。发蒙。蒙昧。 遮盖起来:蒙罩。蒙子。蒙蔽。 受:承蒙。蒙难 昧的解释 昧 è 暗,不明:幽昧。昧旦( 清晨 还未 明亮 时)。 昏, 糊涂 ,不 明白 :愚昧。蒙昧。 素昧平生 (一向不认识)。 目不明:“目不别五色之章为昧”。 隐藏 ,隐瞒:暧昧。昧心(违背 良心 做坏事)。 冒犯 : 冒昧 (多作
2023-06-25 16:11:481

沌怎么读 要怎么读沌

1、“沌”为多音字。读:[dùn]:见〖混沌〗。[zhuàn]:沌河,水名,在湖北。沌口(Zhuànkǒu),沌阳(Zhuànyáng),地名,都在湖北武汉。 2、沌:dùn,愚昧无知〖benighted〗。如:沌沌(昏昧无知的样子);沌乱(混乱)。
2023-06-25 16:11:551


2023-06-25 16:12:352


蒙答案 一声蒙古族 三声
2023-06-25 16:13:215


2023-06-25 16:14:033


English words with igh 这里 morewords/contains/igh/有900多个有igh连埋的字 例如: affright affrighted affrighting affrights airfreight airfreighted airfreighting airfreights airtight airtightness airtightnesses alight alighted alighting aligent aligents alights almightiness almightinesses almighty alright aright aweigh backlight backlighted backlighting backlights bantamweight bantamweights bedight bedighted bedighting bedights beknight beknighted beknighting beknights benighted benightedly benightedness benightednesses bighead bigheaded bigheads bighearted bigheartedly bigheartedness bigheartednesses bighorn bighorns bight bighted bighting bights birthright birthrights blight blighted blighter blighters blighties blighting blights blighty bombsight bombsights bright brighten brightened brightener brighteners brightening brightens brighter brightest brightly brightness brightnesses brights brighork brighorks bullfight bullfighter bullfighters bullfighting bullfightings bullfights candlelight candlelighted candlelighter candlelighters candlelights catfight catfights cockfight cockfighting cockfightings cockfights copyright copyrightable copyrighted copyrighting copyrights counterweight counterweighted counterweighting counterweights cruiserweight cruiserweights daylight daylighted daylighting daylightings daylights deadlight deadlights deadweight deadweights delight delighted delightedly delightedness delightednesses delighter delighters delightful delightfully delightfulness delightfulnesses delighting delights delightsome dight dighted dighting dights dogfight dogfighting dogfights downright downrightly downrightness downrightnesses dreigh droplight droplights 2012-06-03 19:54:54 补充: earthlight earthlights eight eightball eightballs eighteen eighteens eighteenth eighteenths eightfold eighth eighthly eighths eighties eightieth eightieths eights eightvo eightvos eighty enlighten enlightened enlightening enlightenment enlightenments enlightens eyebright eyebrights eyesight eyesight 2012-06-03 19:58:07 补充: fanlight fanlights farsighted farsightedly farsightedness farsightednesses featherlight 太多了不能尽录 看参考吧。 2012-06-12 05:41:47 补充: 楼上朋友 问题只是问igh连埋 冇话要喺字尾。 如果祇限喺字尾 常用嘅有: high sigh weigh thigh oueigh nigh 冇咁常用有: semihigh skeigh skreigh sleigh ultrahigh scraigh reweigh quaigh overweigh overhigh neigh laigh inveigh heigh dreigh aweigh 参考: morewords/contains/igh/ morewords/contains/igh/ 英文系有igh = high 知道igh有多少又如何? 我觉得好无谓 好浪费时间. 不如讨论文法最实际 你话系唔系? English words ending in -igh: high neigh nigh oueigh sigh sleigh thigh weigh
2023-06-25 16:14:311


Hear all parties.
2023-06-25 16:14:392


2023-06-25 16:15:112


指要同时听取各方面的意见,才能 正确 认识事物;只 相信 单方面的话,必然会犯片面性的 错误 。 成语出处: 汉·王符《潜夫论·明暗》:“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以暗者,偏信也。” 成语例句: 唐朝人魏徵说过:“ 兼听则明,偏信则暗 。” 繁体写法: 兼听则明,偏信则暗 注音: ㄐㄧㄢ ㄊㄧㄥ ㄗㄜˊ ㄇㄧㄥˊ ,ㄆㄧㄢ ㄒㄧㄣˋ ㄗㄜˊ ㄢˋ 兼听则明,偏信则暗的近义词: 兼听则明,偏听则暗 成语语法: 复句式;作主语、谓语、宾语;用于领导者 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 复句式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted. 日语翻译: あわせ闻けば明るく,かたより信ずれば暗い 其他翻译: <德>hǒrst du beide parteien an,kannst du dir klarheit verschaffen 读音注意: 兼,不能读作“qiān”。
2023-06-25 16:15:181


听动(用耳朵接受声音) hear; listen:去听音乐会 go to a concert听不清楚 can not hear clearly听新闻广播 listen to the news programme兼听则明,偏信则暗。 Listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted.我听了好一会儿,可什么也没听见。 I listened for quite a while, but heard nothing.(听从; 接受) obey; accept; heed:言听计从 always follow sb."s advice虚心听取批评意见 accept criticism with an open mind; listen attentively to the criticism听党的话。 Do as the Party says.他对批评听不进去。 He turned a deaf ear to criticism.(治理; 判断) supervise; administer; judge:听政 supervise government; administer affairs of state听讼 try a case; administer justice(听凭; 任凭) let be; allow:听其自然 let it take its own course听任摆布 allow oneself to be ordered about听他的便吧。 Let him be.名(方) (听子) tin; can:一听香烟 a tin of cigarettes一听肉 a can of meat
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兼听则明,偏信则暗listen to both sides and you will be enlightened; heed only one side and you will be benighted
2023-06-25 16:15:321


兼听则明,偏信则暗的解释[listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side you will be benighted] 为政主事广听众人的话则贤明,偏听少数几个人的话则 暗昧 详细解释 意谓多方面听取意见,才能 明辨 是非;单听信某方面的话,就愚昧不明。语本 《管子·君臣上》 :“夫民别而听之则愚,合而听之则圣。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·明暗》 :“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以闇者,偏信也。” 《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观二年》 :“上( 唐太宗 )问 魏徵 曰:‘人主 何为 而明,何为而暗?"对曰:‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。"” 词语分解 兼听的解释 . 广泛 听取意见。《管子·明法解》:“明 主者 ,兼听独断。”《荀子·君道》:“兼听 齐明 ,则 天下 归之。”《汉书·董仲舒传》:“广览兼听,极羣下之知,尽天下之美,至德昭然,施於方外。” 宋 曾巩 《再乞登对
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题库内容:兼听则明,偏信则暗的解释[listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side you will be benighted] 为政主事广听众人的话则贤明,偏听少数几个人的话则 暗昧 详细解释 意谓多方面听取意见,才能 明辨 是非;单听信某方面的话,就愚昧不明。语本 《管子·君臣上》 :“夫民别而听之则愚,合而听之则圣。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·明暗》 :“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以闇者,偏信也。” 《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观二年》 :“上( 唐太宗 )问 魏徵 曰:‘人主 何为 而明,何为而暗?"对曰:‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。"” 词语分解 兼听的解释 . 广泛 听取意见。《管子·明法解》:“明 主者 ,兼听独断。”《荀子·君道》:“兼听 齐明 ,则 天下 归之。”《汉书·董仲舒传》:“广览兼听,极羣下之知,尽天下之美,至德昭然,施於方外。” 宋 曾巩 《再乞登对
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兼听则明,偏信则暗的解释[listen to both sides and you will be enlightened;heed only one side you will be benighted] 为政主事广听众人的话则贤明,偏听少数几个人的话则 暗昧 详细解释 意谓多方面听取意见,才能 明辨 是非;单听信某方面的话,就愚昧不明。语本 《管子·君臣上》 :“夫民别而听之则愚,合而听之则圣。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·明暗》 :“君之所以明者,兼听也;其所以闇者,偏信也。” 《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观二年》 :“上( 唐太宗 )问 魏徵 曰:‘人主 何为 而明,何为而暗?"对曰:‘兼听则明,偏信则暗。"” 词语分解 兼听的解释 . 广泛 听取意见。《管子·明法解》:“明 主者 ,兼听独断。”《荀子·君道》:“兼听 齐明 ,则 天下 归之。”《汉书·董仲舒传》:“广览兼听,极羣下之知,尽天下之美,至德昭然,施於方外。” 宋 曾巩 《再乞登对
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near中文翻译是:在附近。双语例句:1、Modernization has converted the country from a primitive society to a near-industrial one.现代化进程已使这个国家从原始社会转化为接近工业化的社会。2、Arctic skuas which dive at your head as you walk near their territories.当你走近它们的地盘时会向你的脑袋俯冲的北极贼鸥。3、A gang of townies cornered one of his friends near the Museum Gardens.一群粗野的年轻人在博物馆公园附近围住了他的一个朋友。4、A storm developed and we were forced to wait benighted near the summit.刮起了风暴,我们被迫在黑暗中于离山顶不远的地方等待。5、As luck would have it, his route took him very near where they lived.他走的路线碰巧把他带到了他们的住所附近。6、She had a near miss when her horse was nearly sucked into a dyke.就在马几乎要陷入沟渠时她侥幸脱了险。7、He ran through to bury a right-foot shot inside the near post.他带球过人,用右脚在近门柱处射球入网。8、I had plenty of time and shaped to kick to the near touchline.我有足够的时间摆好姿势将球踢至近处边线。9、There is tendency to fixate near the beginning of the line of print.人的目光往往落在每行印刷文字的起始处附近。10、The salamander"s tail may be broken off at a weak spot near the base.蝾螈的尾巴很容易在根部的脆弱部位断掉。短语搭配:1、in the near future.在不远的将来。2、near future.不久的将来。3、one"s nearest and dearest.最亲近的人。4、as near as.准确到…的程度;大约。5、near enough.确实, 差不多。6、a near thing.极险的事, 死里逃生;侥幸做成的事。7、your nearest and dearest.至亲;至爱;最亲密的亲友。8、so near and yet so far.可望而不可即。9、nowhere near.远远不。10、near miss.侥幸避开的相撞;几乎命中的炸弹;靠近弹;近距脱靶;侥幸避。过的事物;侥幸脱险;死里逃生;几乎成功的事;功亏一篑的事。11、anywhere near.全然;压根儿;稍微接近。12、far and near.到处;处处;四面八方。13、near at hand.邻近;在近旁;即将发生。14、near the bone.伤人的;令人不舒服的;近乎下流的。15、near to home.令人不快;令人尴尬。16、near money.近似货币;准货币。17、near gale.疾风;七级风。18、sail near the wind.迎风航行;行为几失检点;近乎不老实;濒临险境。19、as near as damn it.差不多;几乎。20、near go.侥幸避开的相撞;几乎命中的炸弹;近距脱靶。
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2023-06-25 16:17:381

on being brought原句是什么,

on being brought from africa to america
2023-06-25 16:17:451

listen to 与 hear的用法有什么不同

listen to 听,聆听,倾听 hear 听见
2023-06-25 16:17:542


BLOOD SUGAR pendulum 第19期的很嗨
2023-06-25 16:15:084


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