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2023-06-25 18:04:27

花里胡哨的解释 [showy;gaudy;garish] 形容 五颜六色 ,过分 鲜艳 穿着 打扮 上,总是花里胡哨的 详细解释 见“ 花狸狐哨 ”。 词语分解 花的解释 花 ā 植物的繁殖器官, 典型 的由“花托”、“ 花萼 ”、“ 花冠 ”、“雌蕊群”和“雄蕊群”组成,有各种形状和 颜色 ,一般长得很 美丽 ,有的有香味, 凋谢 后结 成果 实。 供观赏的植物:花木。花草。 花匠 。 花事 (游春看花 胡哨的解释 .撮起嘴唇或塞指于口所吹出的尖锐声音,多用作招集的信号。 明 贾仲名 《升仙梦》第三折:“来到这山崦中,兀的胡哨响,有强人来了,可怎了也?”《 水浒传 》第二十回:“只见背后那三只船又引着十数只船,都只



很俗气、没有品味…英文 怎么说?在台语里面有句话叫做「很 俗」(台语),也就是某个人品味很不行,可能是穿着、行为举止、品味…等方面很俗气。那么「俗气」这词在英文里面应该怎么说?其实是有相关英文单字的唷。 如果你还不知道怎样用英文形容那些看起来很俗气、没有品味的人,本篇文章会有完整教学。 很俗气、没有品味…英文怎么说? 下面教你两种口语说法,用来形容没有品味或是很俗气的人。 1.It"s tacky! 很俗的、没有品味的 英文里面 tacky 这个英文单字刚好跟「很俗、没有品味」的意思接近。tacky 的英文解释是:「of cheap quality or in bad style」,也就是指品质很差,或是很没有质感,类似于没有品味的意思。 例: It"s really tacky! 这很没品味。 例: She looks really tacky in that dress. 她穿那件衣服看起来很俗气。 例: The movie had a really tacky ending. 这部电影有一个非常俗气的结局。 如果你要形容人的话,你可以简单地说:You look tacky!(你看起很俗诶)。 2.It"s gaudy! 俗气的 至于俗气的另外一种说法,可以用 gaudy 这个英文单字来形容,gaudy 的英文解释为:「unpleasantly bright in colour or decoration」,也就是俗丽、花哨的外观,但会让人感到不舒服,有点类似菜市场那种很亮丽鲜艳但是看起来却很俗气的衣服。 例: That dress is gaudy! 那衣服很俗。 例: I didn"t like the decorations – they looked rather gaudy. 我不喜欢这些装饰——它们看起来很没品味。 下次你碰到某些人看起来很俗气,或是某样东西看起来没什么品味,就可以用用看这两个单字唷。 总结 要说某样东西很俗气、没有品味,你可以这样说。 「你不是我的菜…」英文怎么说?「食物」英文谚语大合集
2023-06-25 15:08:331


—格言   adage n.格言,古训   aphorism n.格言   dictum n.格言、声明   gnome n.地下宝藏的守护神,地精,格言   gnomic adj.格言的,精辟的   maxim n.格言,普遍真理   motto n.座右铭,箴言   precept n.箴言,格言   epigram n.警句,讽刺短诗   epigrammatic adj.警句的   phrase n.警句,乐句,短语   还有saying,proverb   —俗丽,华丽,廉价   foppish adj.浮华的,俗丽的   garish adj.俗丽的,过于艳丽的   gaudy adj.俗丽的   frippery n.低俗,俗艳   lurid a.火烧似的,苍白的,华丽而庸俗的,可怕的   flamboyant adj.艳丽的,炫耀的   flamboyance n.艳丽,炫耀   flaring adj.火焰摇曳的,过份艳丽的   meretricious adj.华而不实的,俗艳的   showy adj.鲜艳的,显眼的   florid adj.华丽的,(脸)红润的   regal adj.帝王的,华丽的   resplendent adj.华丽的,辉煌的   bravura n.华丽的表演   sumptuous adj.豪华的,奢侈的,华丽的   tawdry adj.低级的,俗的而不值钱的   bauble n.廉价珠宝   gimcrack adj廉价的,华而不实的   schlock adj廉价的   sleazy a质地薄的,没有内容的,廉价的   undercut v廉价出售,底切   trumpery adj.中看不中用的,无价值的   —集市   bazaar n.集市,商店集中区   fair n.集市   piazza n.阳台,广场,市场   plaza n.广场,集市   philistine n.庸人,市侩   gigmanity n市侩阶层   —恳求,祈求   beseech v.祈求,恳求   conjure v.请求,祈求   invoke v.祈求,恳求,(法律的)实施生效.   adjure v.郑重敦促(恳请)   appeal v.恳求,吸引   entreat v.恳求   entreaty n.恳求,哀求   implore v.哀求,恳求   plead v.恳求,提出……为理由   solicit v.恳求,乞求,教唆   solicitation n.恳求,教唆   supplicant n.乞求者,恳求者   supplicate v.恳求,乞求   importune v.强求,不断请求   —夸张   bombast n.高调,夸大之辞   exaggerate v.夸张,夸大   exaggeration n.夸张   grandiloquent adj(语言等)夸张的,夸大的   grandiose adj.浮夸的,夸大的   high—flown adj.夸张的,好高骛远的   hyperbole n.夸张法   hyperbolic adj.夸张的   magniloquent adj.夸张的   rhetoric n.修辞学,浮夸的言语   turgid adj.浮肿的,浮夸的   grandiosity n宏伟,堂皇,夸张   overstate vt夸大的叙述,夸张   stilted adj.(文章,谈话)不自然的   bombastic adj.唱高调的   fustian n.空洞的话,无意义的高调
2023-06-25 15:08:401


艳1.colorful(ness)2.gorgeous; gaudy希望有帮到你哦,亲~
2023-06-25 15:08:473

花里胡哨 英语怎么说

gaudy garishshowyflowery都是这个意思 gaudy 更贴近花里胡哨这个意思
2023-06-25 15:08:542


2023-06-25 15:09:025


2023-06-25 15:09:355


2023-06-25 15:09:504


问题一:聚会英文怎么说 男人聚会(尤指男子结婚前夕与其他男子共同度过的男人晚会) stag party (古代雅典的)雅典娜神殿(学者聚会之地) Athenaeum 聚会者 congregant 社交聚会常客 partygoer *** ;聚会;开会 meet 【美】(橄榄球赛前在停车场举行的)停车场野餐聚会 tailgate party 俱乐部聚会堂 clubroom 再聚会;再 *** reconvene 使成队的无父母儿童 *** ,让有意收养人能看到的聚会 adoption fair 社交聚会 party 喝咖啡聊天的聚会 kaffeeklatsch (热衷于参加聚会的) 社交动物 party animal 乱七八糟的聚会,杂乱的一堆 jungle 会场;聚会地点 meeting place (印度教)聚会所 ashram 男士聚会 stag party 名流社交聚会,沙龙 salon 聚会室 cenacle 自带瓶酒的聚会 bottle party 只限男士参加的聚会 stag 热闹喧哗的社交聚会;大宴会 shindy 聚会;交往;人群 congress 【口】不带女伴参加的聚会 stag 【英】招待会,盛大宴会(尤指大学校友聚会) gaudy 这么多个聚会。。你总能找到想要的吧- -累死我了、、 问题二:参加派对用英语怎么说? 两种说法都是可以的 attend the party join the party go to the party 问题三:聚会用英语怎么说 get-together; gathering; meeting 希望能帮到楼主 问题四:聚会的英文怎么写 聚会,get together,如果你想说生日聚会的话,可以说birthday party也行。 Jack invites me to att础nd his birthday party。 杰克邀请我去他的生日聚会。 问题五:在一个聚会上用英语怎么说 in a party 问题六:聚会 英语怎么说 家庭聚会就用reunion 普通的朋友之类的聚会party就可以 问题七:聚会用英语怎么说? 最常用的是party 英 ["p?t?] 美 ["prti] n. 政党,党派;聚会,派对;当事人 [复数 parties] vi. 参加社交聚会 [ 过去式 partied 过去分词 partied 现在分词 partying ] 双语例句 1. 那次聚会看来使她感到沉闷。 The party seemed to switch her off. 2. 他发电报要我去参加那个聚会。 He telegraphed me to go to the party. 问题八:举办聚会的英文怎么说? hold meeting
2023-06-25 15:09:571

loud 是形容词还是副词?

又是形容词又是副词adj.高声的, 不断的, 喧吵的adv.高声地, 大声地
2023-06-25 15:10:174

"太俗了” 英语怎么说

bad taste
2023-06-25 15:10:267


2023-06-25 15:10:422


花里胡哨的解释 [showy;gaudy;garish] 形容 五颜六色 ,过分 鲜艳 穿着 打扮 上,总是花里胡哨的 详细解释 见“ 花狸狐哨 ”。 词语分解 花的解释 花 ā 植物的繁殖器官, 典型 的由“花托”、“ 花萼 ”、“ 花冠 ”、“雌蕊群”和“雄蕊群”组成,有各种形状和 颜色 ,一般长得很 美丽 ,有的有香味, 凋谢 后结 成果 实。 供观赏的植物:花木。花草。 花匠 。 花事 (游春看花 胡哨的解释 .撮起嘴唇或塞指于口所吹出的尖锐声音,多用作招集的信号。 明 贾仲名 《升仙梦》第三折:“来到这山崦中,兀的胡哨响,有强人来了,可怎了也?”《 水浒传 》第二十回:“只见背后那三只船又引着十数只船,都只
2023-06-25 15:11:031

急求《哈姆雷特》中波洛涅斯对他儿子的忠告的英文翻译!!最好是原著!!在线等 答案满意追加分数!

And these few precepts in thy memory(Remember what I say)See thou character. Give thy thoughts no tongue,Nor any unproportioned thought his act.(Don"t speak without thinking what you say)Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.(Be polite rather than falsly friendly)Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel;(Keep your real friends, guard their friendship closely)But do not dull thy palm with entertainmentOf each new-hatch"d, unfledged comrade.(Be careful of false friends who are familiar before they really know you)BewareOf entrance to a quarrel, but being in,Bear"t that the opposed may beware of thee.(Be careful in starting arguments as the other person may have the advantage)Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice;Take each man"s censure, but reserve thy judgment.(Listen to other people without giving advice easily. If criticised listen but make your own judgement)Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,But not express"d in fancy; rich, not gaudy;For the apparel oft proclaims the man,And they in France of the best rank and stationAre of a most select and generous chief in that.(Wear the best clothes you can afford, but not too ostenatatious as dressing well conveys a favourable impression)Neither a borrower nor a lender be;For loan oft loses both itself and friend,And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.(Do not borrow or lend money as it could cause resenttment and lose friends)This above all: to thine ownself be true,And it must follow, as the night the day,Thou canst not then be false to any man.(Do not deceive yourself as by not doing you will not be decptive to others)Farewell: my blessing season this in thee!
2023-06-25 15:11:141


不知我的这个怎么样?In fact, Barcelona is a city combined by two cities. In the ancient city, there are gothic zone with beautiful scenery and many construction sites. Because there are many unforgettable gothic buildings which are made by gray stones including spectacular cathedrals. The modern city is a model for city planning which has wide streats with tree-lined on both sides and grand squares. Among the interesting buildings dated to middle century, there are many churches and palaces. Barcelona is a elegant city. The suburb slope is slowly upward till connecting with surrounding hills. When you are overlooking from the nearby Tibidabo Mountain and the west slope of Monte Hu, you will find excellent city scenery. In the distance is the Montserrat mountains, peaks protrude just like the tip of needle, the mountainside tightly close to the famous monastery of Montserrat. Barcelona is recognized by international construction industry as a city which can perfectly combine ancient and modern civilizations together. It is also a temple of the artist. In this city, you can easily find many posthumous works which are created by world famous artists such as Picasso, Gaudi and Miro, etc.
2023-06-25 15:11:245


花俏的解释[beautiful;gaudy and modern] 俏丽;[衣服] 色彩 鲜艳 、式样 时髦 她不太爱穿那些花俏的 衣裳 详细解释 俏丽。 管桦 《清风店》 二:“这女人,自从整风以来, 打扮 得越发花俏了。” 《人民文学》 1976年第5期:“ 鲁迅 不用轻巧的句子,也不用花俏的词语。” 词语分解 花的解释 花 ā 植物的繁殖器官, 典型 的由“花托”、“ 花萼 ”、“ 花冠 ”、“雌蕊群”和“雄蕊群”组成,有各种形状和 颜色 ,一般长得很 美丽 ,有的有香味, 凋谢 后结 成果 实。 供观赏的植物:花木。花草。 花匠 。 花事 (游春看花 俏的解释 俏 à 相貌 美好 , 漂亮 :俏丽(俊俏美丽)。俏媚。俏爽。俊俏。 货物的销路好,价格上涨:俏货。走俏。 烹调时为增加滋味、色泽而加上 东西 :俏头(.烹调时加上的青蒜、香菜、木耳等;.戏曲、曲艺中引入喜爱的身
2023-06-25 15:11:521


2023-06-25 15:12:0215


2023-06-25 15:12:281


(旧稿补充新发)  George Gordon Byron(1788---1824)享年36岁的乔治·戈登·拜伦是英国浪漫主义的著名诗人,他的《哈罗尔德游记》Childe Harold"s Pilgrimage、《雅典的少女》Maid of Athens、特别是《唐璜》Don Juan享誉世界诗坛。下面是他的一首爱情诗《She Walks in Beauty》。据说拜伦在一次舞会上看见了威尔莫·霍顿夫人,夫人黑色的丧服上金光。这位孀居的美人引发了年轻诗人的诗兴,舞会后便写了这首名诗。  She Walks in Beauty  by George Gordon Byron  She walks in beauty, like the night  Of cloudless climes and starry skies;  And all that"s best of dark and bright  Meet in her aspect and her eyes;  Thus mellowed to that tender light  Which heaven to gaudy day denies.  One shade the more, one ray the less,  Had half impaired the nameless grace raven  Which waves in every raven tress,  Or softly lightens or her face;  Where thoughts serenely sweet express  How pure, how dear their dwelling place.  And in that cheek, and or that brow,  So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,  The smiles that win, the tints that glow,  But tell of days in goodness spent,  A maid at peace with all below,  A heart whose love is innocent!  【原文注释】  clime:按《牛津高级学习现代英语词典》的英语解释:area or region  with certain weather condition;按上海译文出版社《新英汉词典》,【诗】  地方,风土;但此处我认为可以理解或翻译成“空间”,即“天空”。  简单地说,climes与skies同义。walks in beauty就是表示“步态优美”  或“舞姿翩翩”。被直译成“走在美的光影里”,“在美中穿行”,“身  批美丽而行”,似乎都不妥。  And all that"s best of dark and bright  Meet in her aspect and her eyes;  (all是主语,不及物动词Meet是谓语,表示“相会”、“合在一起”、“融汇”;that"s best of dark and bright  是定语从句,that"s即that is.  Thus mellowed to that tender light  Which heaven to gaudy day denies.  不及物动词mellowed (to)表示“变得柔和”;形容词gaudy表示“华丽而俗气的”、“华而不实的”、“故弄玄虚的”,是贬义。Deny这里也是不及物动词,因为用了介词to。  请注意:仅mellowed是一般过去式,表示某一过去发生的行为。它前面跟它并列的动词  Meet与后面定语从句的动词denies都是一般现在式表示“一般或经常的状态或事实”。 One shade the more, one ray the less,  Had half impaired the nameless grace raven  本诗各句,谓语大都用一般现在式,表示一般状态;仅上文mellowed与本句Had half impaired,后者为虚拟式,表示一种违背事实的“假设”。  Which waves in every raven tress,  Or softly lightens o"er her face;  Where thoughts serenely sweet express  How pure, how dear their dwelling place.  形容词raven表示“乌黑的”;lighten是不及物动词;形容词serene表示“安详的”、“宁静的”、“晴朗的”等;their dwelling place被查先生译成“这种圣寓所”,被吕、曹两位先生译成“她的来处”。请注意:their即表示of thoughts(“思想的”);“它的住所”即头脑,我译成“心房”。 Where thoughts serenely sweet express  How pure, how dear their dwelling place.  直译是:  在脸上,恬静的思想表示它的住所是多么纯洁与珍贵。  And in that cheek, and o"er that brow,  So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,  The smiles that win, the tints that glow,  But tell of days in goodness spent,  A maid at peace with all below,  A heart whose love is innocent!  过去分词spent做定语修饰days,;A maid at peace with all below, 也是tell的内容,可以看成宾语从句。with all below直译是“伴随以下的全部东西”。Below这里是名词。  最早我读到前辈查良铮先生的译文:  《她走在美的光影里》  她走在美的光影里,  好像无云的夜空,繁星闪烁;  明与暗的最美的形象  凝聚于她的容颜和眼波,  融成一片淡雅的清光——  浓艳的白天得不到的恩泽。  多一道阴影,少一缕光芒,  都会有损于这无名之美;  美在她缕缕黑发间飘带,  也在她颜面上洒布柔辉;  愉悦的`思想在那里颂扬,  这种圣寓所的纯洁高贵。  安详,和婉,富于情态——  在那脸颊上,在那眉宇间,  迷人的笑容,照人的光彩,  显示温情伴随着芳年,  恬静的、涵容一切的胸怀,  蕴蓄着真纯爱情的心田!
2023-06-25 15:12:541

tawdry 词根词源?

tawdry (adj.)"cheap, showy, gaudy," 1670s, adjective use of noun tawdry "silk necktie for women" (1610s), shortened from tawdry lace (1540s), an alteration of St. Audrey"s lace, a necktie or ribbon sold at the annual fair at Ely on Oct. 17 commemorating St. Audrey (queen of Northumbria, died 679). Her association with cheap lace necklaces is that she supposedly died of a throat tumor, which she considered God"s punishment for her youthful fondness for showy necklaces .廉价而俗丽的(形容词)“廉价、艳丽、花哨的,1670年代,是名词tawdry“女性的丝绸领带”(1610年代)的形容词性用法,由tawdry lace俗气的花边(1540年代)缩写而来,是圣奥黛丽花边的演化形式,这种丝带每年在10月17日Ely的年度集市上售卖,主要用以纪念圣奥黛丽(诺森比亚的女王,死于679年)。她与便宜的蕾丝项链的联系是她可能死于咽喉肿瘤,她认为是上帝惩罚她年轻时喜欢艳丽的项链。
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2023-06-25 15:13:112


1.grotesque in shape and gaudy in color; strange looking
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flash: [ fl0306 ] n. 闪光,闪现,一瞬间v. 闪光,闪现,闪烁[计算机]Adobe公司的动画技术词形变化: 动词过去式:flashed 过去分词:flashed 现在分词:flashing 第三人称单数:flashes 例句与用法: 1. Flashes of lightning illuminated the scene. 闪电的亮光照亮了现场。 2. Her eyes flashed with anger. 她眼中冒出了怒火。 3. The days seem to flash by. 光阴似箭。 4. Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。 5. His first novel was a flash in the pan, and he hasn"t written anything decent since. 他的第一部小说如昙花一现,此後他再没写出像样的东西。 英英解释: 名词flash:1. a sudden intense burst of radiant energy2. a momentary brightness3. a short vivid experience同义词:flashing4. a sudden brilliant understanding5. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to beat)同义词:blink of an eye, heartbeat, instant, jiffy, split second, trice, twinkling, wink, New York minute6. a gaudy outward display同义词:ostentation, fanfare7. a burst of light used to communicate or illuminate同义词:flare8. a short news announcement concerning some on-going news story同义词:news bulletin, newsflash, newsbreak9. a bright patch of color used for decoration or identification10. a lamp for providing momentary light to take a photograph同义词:photoflash, flash lamp, flashgun, flashbulb, flash bulb动词flash:1. gleam or glow intermittently同义词:blink, wink, twinkle, winkle2. appear briefly3. display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously同义词:flaunt, show off, ostentate, swank4. make known or cause to appear with great speed5. run or move very quickly or hastily同义词:dart, dash, scoot, scud, shoot6. expose or show briefly7. protect by covering with a thin sheet of metal8. emit a brief burst of light形容词flash:1. tastelessly showy同义词:brassy, cheap, flashy, garish, gaudy, gimcrack, loud, meretricious, tacky, tatty, tawdry, trashy
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From fairest creatures we desire increase, 我们要美丽的生命不断繁息, That thereby beauty"s rose might never die, 能这样,美的玫瑰才永不消亡, But as the riper should by time decease, 既然成熟的东西都不免要谢世, His tender heir might bear his memory; 优美的子孙就应当来承继芬芳: But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, 但是你跟你明亮的眼睛结了亲, Feed"st thy light"s flame with self-substantial fuel, 把自身当柴烧,烧出了眼睛的光彩, Making a famine where abundance lies, 这就在丰收的地方造成了饥馑, Thyself thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel. Thou that art now the world"s fresh ornament, 如今你是世界上鲜艳的珍品, And only herald to the gaudy spring, 只有你能够替灿烂的春天开路, Within thine own bud buriest thy content, 你却在自己的花蕾里埋葬了自身, And, tender churl, mak"st waste in niggarding. 温柔的怪物呵,用吝啬浪费了全部。 pity the world, or else this glutton be, 可怜这世界吧,世界应得的东西 To eat the world"s due, by the grave and thee. 别让你和坟墓吞吃到一无所遗! 圣诞节祝福句子(中英双语版) Merry Christmas and happy Nee at Christmas and stay with you all the year through. 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。 e true. 愿你所有圣诞节的美梦皆成真。 of Christmas live in your heart all year long. 愿圣诞的静谧整年存于你心。 Wishing you a joy-filled Christmas. 愿你有个充满喜欢的圣诞。 Wishing you a song in your heart at Christmas and blessings all year long. 圣诞之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐! 经典广告词30例摘抄(双语版) 经典广告词30例摘抄 1、Good to the last drop.滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡) 2、Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧) 3、The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机) 4、e to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境,万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟) 10、To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是缤纷绚烂。(轩尼诗酒) 11、Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋) 12、Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) 13、The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡) 14、Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子) 15、Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机) 16、The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐) 17、ent. (Kodak) 就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸/胶卷) 莎士比亚双语 The course of true love never did run smooth. (A Midsummer Night"s Dream 1.1) 真爱无坦途。 ——《仲夏夜之梦》 真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。 Things base and vile, holding no quantity, love can transpose to from and dignity: love looks not pact. (A Midsummer Night"s Dream 5.1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。——《仲夏夜之梦》 Since the little an? mit. (A Merchant of Venice 2.6) 爱情是盲目的,恋人们看不到自己做的傻事。——《威尼斯商人》 All that glisters is not gold. (A Merchant of Venice 2.7) 闪光的并不都是金子。——《威尼斯商人》 So is the e rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. (Measure for Measure 2.1) 有些人因罪恶而升迁,有些人因德行而没落。——《一报还一报》 O, it is excellent to have a giant"s strength; but it is tyrannous to use it like a giant. (Measure for Measure 2.1) 有巨人的力量固然好,但像巨人那样滥用力量就是一种残暴行为。——《一报还一报》 I"ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death but no my only hate ! (Romeo and Juliet 1.5) 我唯一的爱来自我唯一的恨。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 eo and Juliet 2.3) 年轻人的爱不是发自内心,而是全靠眼睛。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. (Romeo and Juliet 2.2) 那是东方,而朱丽叶就是太阳。——《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 A little more than kin, and less than kind. (Hamlet 1.2) 超乎寻常的亲族,漠不相关的路人。——《哈姆雷特》 Frailty, thy name is an, dear my lord, is the immediate je th"entire point. (King Lear 1.1) 爱情里面要是搀杂了和它本身无关的算计,那就不是真的爱情。——《李尔王》 Ho and twenty , Youth"s a stuff that will not endure . 迁延蹉跎,来日无多,二十丽姝,请来吻我,衰草枯杨,青春易过。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) The time of life is short ; to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long . 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生就太长了。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) Don"t gild the lily. 不要给百合花镀金/画蛇添足。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚 . W .) The empty vessels make the greatest sound . 满瓶不响,半瓶咣当。 (英国剧作家 莎士比亚. W.) The course of true love never did run smooth. 真诚的爱情之路永不会是平坦的。(莎士比亚)
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成龙的英文资料 成龙专门网站 都是英文 我都看不懂 你自己看吧
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艳1.colorful(ness)2.gorgeous; gaudy
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泰戈尔《飞鸟集》第127首 Bees sip(啜) honey from flowers and hum(营营的) their thanks when they leave.The gaudy (浮夸)butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.
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loud [laud]1. 形容词 [+noise, voice, laugh] 响亮的2. 形容词 [+clothes] (gaudy) 俗艳的3. 副 [speak etc+] 大声地out loud [read,laugh etc+] 出声地to be loud in one"s support/condemnation of sth 大力支持/强烈谴责某事
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问题一:聚会英文怎么说 男人聚会(尤指男子结婚前夕与其他男子共同度过的男人晚会) stag party (古代雅典的)雅典娜神殿(学者聚会之地) Athenaeum 聚会者 congregant 社交聚会常客 partygoer *** ;聚会;开会 meet 【美】(橄榄球赛前在停车场举行的)停车场野餐聚会 tailgate party 俱乐部聚会堂 clubroom 再聚会;再 *** reconvene 使成队的无父母儿童 *** ,让有意收养人能看到的聚会 adoption fair 社交聚会 party 喝咖啡聊天的聚会 kaffeeklatsch (热衷于参加聚会的) 社交动物 party animal 乱七八糟的聚会,杂乱的一堆 jungle 会场;聚会地点 meeting place (印度教)聚会所 ashram 男士聚会 stag party 名流社交聚会,沙龙 salon 聚会室 cenacle 自带瓶酒的聚会 bottle party 只限男士参加的聚会 stag 热闹喧哗的社交聚会;大宴会 shindy 聚会;交往;人群 congress 【口】不带女伴参加的聚会 stag 【英】招待会,盛大宴会(尤指大学校友聚会) gaudy 这么多个聚会。。你总能找到想要的吧- -累死我了、、 问题二:聚会用英文怎么写? party 问题三:参加派对用英语怎么说? 两种说法都是可以的 attend the party join the party go to the party 问题四:在一个聚会上用英语怎么说 in a party 问题五:聚会 英语怎么说 家庭聚会就用reunion 普通的朋友之类的聚会party就可以 问题六:参加一个聚会用英语怎么说。 ?楼主你好! 参加一个聚会: take part in a party. =join in a party 不要看等级,要看付出的努力。 take part in是参加的意思后加名词 望采纳!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 问题七:聚会什么时候开始呢?用英语怎么说 When will the party start? 还没开始,要用将来时 希望采纳 问题八:“有一个聚会”用英语翻译怎么写? 得看完整句子 比如: 这里有一个聚会。>>>>There is a party here. 那里有一个聚会。>>>>There is a party. 我的家附近有一个聚会。>>>>>There is a party near my house. 总结:XXX(地方)有一个聚会。翻译就会是“There is a party (+介词+XXX地方).” 我有一个聚会。>>>I have a party. 他有一个聚会。>>>He has a party. 他们有一个聚会。>>>They have a party. 以此类推。 总结:XXX(谁)有一个聚会。翻译就会是“XXXX(人名/人称代名词)have/has a party.” (通常这类型句子都会补充上时间或地点。) 比如:Jane has a party on this Saturday.珍这个星期六有/举办一个派对。 Peter has a party at his hostel.彼得在他的宿舍有/举办一个派对。 问题九:同学聚会(同学会)英语怎么翻译? 同学聚会 Clas *** ate Reunion party(一般party用得更加频繁) 相关例句: 1. 老同学聚会在一起, 分外亲热。 The meeting of the old clas *** ates was extremely cordial. 2. 两个小时之前你欢欢喜喜的出去参加同学聚会了啊。 Two hours ago you went to attend the class party in high spirits. 3. 这可能是因为春季人们容易出现焦躁不安,或是大学生想一个人悠闲地去墨西哥坎昆跟同学聚会。 Maybe spring fever makes people restless, or maybe college students just don"t want to be tied down when they"re partying in Cancun.
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Barcelona (Barcelona) is called the flower of the European. Is the world"s most populous cities. Barcelona city is the birthplace of the Catalan culture, with French culture and language development origin a lot. A church university and the Catalan medical school and other institutions of higher learning. The museum has many, Catalan art museum, Picasso museum and the museum of natural history museum, more than 20. Spain is offered the first full point printing city, is also issued the first European newspapers city. Every October at the Barcelona international music festival music for event. In 1992 the Olympic Games in the 25 th held the city. The old city center has 13 century began to build cathedral and medieval palaces and the house. Here are some memorable grey stone buildings, including his d.c. made spectacular cathedral. New town is the model of city planning, have broad avenue, both sides trees and the big square deal. Interesting medieval building has a number of churches and palaces. Barcelona, is the international architecture is recognized as one of the ancient and modern civilization will be combined with the most perfect city, is also an artist"s hall, the city can be seen everywhere of the world famous art master Picasso, gaudy, the millo, who last. Barcelona is the typical Mediterranean climate mild and pleasant, have sunshine all year round, flowers in bloom, winter and early spring months, but it seldom snows rainfall, and the temperature dropped to below zero. Few The pleasant climate, the famous golden coast and full of romantic colour humanistic environment, every year attracts tens of millions of foreign tourists to the tourism vacation.
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Basically, Lewis is defending. 基本上说,刘易斯处于防守状态。 At bottombin reality; really; basically 其实;实际上;基本上 The result basically is satisfied. 结果基本上是令人满意的。 Gaudy, showy, and basically valueless. 华而不实的华丽的、炫耀的,但从根本上说没有什么价值的 a showy decoration that is basically valueless. 基本上没有价值的一个浮华的装饰品。 Basically he is the force behind ENIGMA. 从根本上来说他是"谜"的强大后盾。 Basically, it was because of weak leadership. 根本上是反映了我们领导上的软弱。 I"m basically a bit of a square. 我是比较古板的. A good life that basically drives me crazy. 美好生活能使我狂热地去追求。 basically the juices that drip from cooking meats. 主要是从正在烹调的肉上滴下来的汁。
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花俏的解释 [beautiful;gaudy and modern] 俏丽;[衣服] 色彩 鲜艳 、式样 时髦 她不太爱穿那些花俏的 衣裳 详细解释 俏丽。 管桦 《清风店》 二:“这女人,自从整风以来, 打扮 得越发花俏了。” 《人民文学》 1976年第5期:“ 鲁迅 不用轻巧的句子,也不用花俏的词语。” 词语分解 花的解释 花 ā 植物的繁殖器官, 典型 的由“花托”、“ 花萼 ”、“ 花冠 ”、“雌蕊群”和“雄蕊群”组成,有各种形状和 颜色 ,一般长得很 美丽 ,有的有香味, 凋谢 后结 成果 实。 供观赏的植物:花木。花草。 花匠 。 花事 (游春看花 俏的解释 俏 à 相貌 美好 , 漂亮 :俏丽(俊俏美丽)。俏媚。俏爽。俊俏。 货物的销路好,价格上涨:俏货。走俏。 烹调时为增加滋味、色泽而加上 东西 :俏头(.烹调时加上的青蒜、香菜、木耳等;.戏曲、曲艺中引入喜爱的身
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  摘录:The day of gift-giving finally came. We oohed and aahed over our handiwork as the presents were exchanged. Through it all, she sat quietly watching.   母亲与孩子   It was Christmas 1961. I was teaching in a small town in Ohio where my twenty-seven third graders eagerly anticipated the great day of gifts giving.   A tree covered with tinsel and gaudy(俗丽的) paper chains graced one corner. In another rested a manger scene produced from cardboard and poster paints by chubby(圆胖的), and sometimes grubby, hands. Someone had brought a doll and placed it on the straw in the cardboard box that served as the manger. It didn"t matter that you could pull a string and hear the blue-eyed, golden-haired dolly say, "My name is Susie." "But Jesus was a boy baby!" one of the boys proclaimed. Nonetheless, Susie stayed.   Each day the children produced some new wonder -- strings of popcorn, hand-made trinkets, and German bells made from wallpaper samples, which we hung from the ceiling. Through it all she remained aloof, watching from afar, seemingly miles away. I wondered what would happen to this quiet child, once so happy, now so suddenly withdrawn. I hoped the festivities would appeal to her. But nothing did. We made cards and gifts for mothers and dads, for sisters and brothers, for grandparents, and for each other. At home the students made the popular fried marbles and vied with one another to bring in the prettiest ones. " You put them in a hot frying pan, Teacher. And you let them get real hot, and then you watch what happens inside. But you don"t fry them too long or they break." So, as my gift to them, I made each of my students a little pouch for carrying their fried marbles. And I knew they had each made something for me: bookmarks carefully cut, colored, and sometimes pasted together; cards and special drawings; liquid embroidery(刺绣) doilies, hand-fringed, of course.   The day of gift-giving finally came. We oohed and aahed over our handiwork as the presents were exchanged. Through it all, she sat quietly watching. I had made a special pouch for her, red and green with white lace. I wanted very much to see her smile. She opened the package so slowly and carefully. I waited but she turned away. I had not penetrated the wall of isolationshe had built around herself.   After school the children left in little groups, chattering about the great day yet to come when long-hoped-for two-wheelers and bright sleds would appear beside their trees at home. She lingered, watching them bundle up and go out the door. I sat down in a child-sized chair to catch my breath, hardly aware of what was happening, when she came to me with outstretched hands, bearing a small white box, unwrapped and slightly soiled, as though it had been held many times by unwashed, childish hands. She said nothing. "For me?" I asked with a weak smile. She said not a word, but nodded her head. I took the box and gingerly opened it. There inside,glistening(闪亮的) green, a fried marble hung from a golden chain. Then I looked into that elderly eight-year-old face and saw the question in her dark brown eyes. In a flash I knew -- she had made it for her mother, a mother she would never see again, a mother who would never hold her or brush her hair or share a funny story, a mother who would never again hear her childish joys or sorrows. A mother who had taken her own life just three weeks before.   I held out the chain. She took it in both her hands, reached forward, and secured the simple clasp at the back of my neck. She stepped back then as if to see that all was well. I looked down at the shiny piece of glass and the tarnished golden chain, then back at the giver. I meant it when I whispered," Oh, Maria, it is so beautiful. She would have loved it." Neither of us could stop the tears. She stumbled into my arms and we wept together. And for that brief moment I became her mother, for she had given me the greatest gift of all: herself.
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花不棱登的解释[gaudy;be repulsively coloured][口]∶ 形容 颜色 杂而乱(有 厌恶 意) 很多小 青年 都穿那种花不棱登的衬衫 词语分解 花的解释 花 ā 植物的繁殖器官, 典型 的由“花托”、“ 花萼 ”、“ 花冠 ”、“雌蕊群”和“雄蕊群”组成,有各种形状和颜色,一般长得很 美丽 ,有的有香味, 凋谢 后结 成果 实。 供观赏的植物:花木。花草。 花匠 。 花事 (游春看花 登的解释 登 ē 上,升:登山。登车。登门。登天。登台。登场(僴 )。登高。登攀。登临。 登科 。登程。登堂入室。 踩,践踏,脚向下用力:登踏。踢登。 记载 :登记。登报。登载。 谷物 成熟 :登岁(丰年)。五谷丰登。
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花枝招颤什么意思?花枝招颤怎么读? 参考答案: 拼音:huā zhī zhāo chàn,简 拼:hzzc 成语解释:形容打扮得十分艳丽。同“花枝招展”。 成语出处:《水浒后传》第四回:“冯舍人见了,慌忙起身,偷眼一觑,花枝招颤,态度轻盈,魂不附体,倒身便拜。” 繁体写法:蘤枝招颤 注音:ㄏㄨㄚ ㄓㄧ ㄓㄠ ㄔㄢˋ 花枝招颤的近义词:花枝招颭 形容打扮得十分艳丽。同“花枝招展”。 花枝招展 ∶花枝迎风摇摆满园里绣带飘飘,花枝招展。《红楼梦》 ∶形容女子打扮得十分艳丽袭人等捧过茶来,才吃了 成语语法:作定语、状语、宾语;用于女子 感情*色彩:中性成语 成语结构:主谓式成语 产生年代:近代成语 英语翻译:as gaudy as a butterfly
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原指花草树木 鲜艳 多彩 ; 形容 颜色 鲜明多彩。 成语出处: 金·元好问《又解嘲二首》:“雁后花前 日日 闲,颇思尊酒慰愁颜。凭君细数东州客,谁在花花绿绿间?” 成语例句: 陈列 在橱窗里的 繁体写法: 蘤蘤绿绿 注音: ㄏㄨㄚ ㄏㄨㄚ ㄌㄩˋ ㄌㄩˋ 花花绿绿的近义词: 绚烂多彩 花花绿绿的反义词: 暗淡无光 昏暗而没有光彩。如:“遭受丧妻丧子之痛,令他觉得生命暗淡无光。” 成语语法: 联合式;作定语;形容颜色鲜明多彩 常用程度: 常用成语 感情.色彩: 中性成语 成语结构: 联合式成语 产生年代: 古代成语 英语翻译: showy <gaudy> 日语翻译: 色取りがあざやかである 其他翻译: <法>multicolore 读音注意: 绿,不能读作“lù”。 写法注意: 花,不能写作“华”;绿,不能写作“禄”。
2023-06-25 15:18:571


She Walks in Beauty She walks in beauty like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that"s best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes; Thus mellowed to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. By Gee Gordon 乔治u2022戈登u2022拜伦(Gee Gordon Byron 1788—1824)英国诗人。这首名诗是一篇至美的颂词。“她”的外表、举止直到内心都达到了美的极致。其实 这首诗本身的节奏、韵式以及语言的运用也可以说达到了美的极致。 完整版的本诗还包括下面的部分: One shade more one ray less Had half impaired the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress Or softly lightens o"er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek and o"er that brow So soft so calm yet eloquent The *** iles that win the tints that glow. But tell of days in goodness spent A mind at peace with all below A heart whose love is innocent! 她在美中穿行; 象深邃的苍穹缀满繁星, 象皎洁的夜空万里无云。 明和暗多么协调, 深与浅恰如其分; 白昼的光线过于炫耀, 柔和的夜色最为温馨。 美汇入她的举止, 美溶进她的眼神; 美在乌黑的发际游弋, 美在灿烂的脸上逡巡。 不多一丝辉光, 不少半点柔阴; 包容的思绪弥足珍贵, 潜藏的心灵更加香醇; 在面颊,在眉宇, 无言胜似有声; 那里可以体察心绪的平静, 那里可以领会情感的温存。 那折服人心的微笑, 那淡淡泛起的红晕, 诉说着度过的优雅时光, 透露出沉积的善良品性。 人间万事平心以待, 恰似美的天神; 一颗心装着至爱, 一颗心永远真纯。
2023-06-25 15:19:041


歌手:朴树 专辑:生如夏花 朴树-傲慢的上校作词:朴树作曲:朴树编曲:张亚东come on it"s cold cold world i can"t feel i can"t be real now i i need something maybe i got a spar up it"s become my only daub i can"t move i can"t see with the daub i got but i am i"m not wanna try around wanna feel my lost coz i"m so so has wrong my heart is fully and now i"m old this kind of foolish peace that is looking gaudy 总算是流干了眼泪总算习惯了残忍太阳每天都照常升起在烂醉的清晨像早前的天真梦想被时光损毁再没什么能让我下跪我们笑着灰飞烟灭人如鸿毛命若野草无可救药卑贱又骄傲无所期待无可乞讨命运如刀就让我来领教
2023-06-25 15:19:121


【尤雾 译】 From fairest creatures we desire increase, 万物佳美,万事长存 That thereby beauty"s rose might never die, 至美蔷薇,不死永生 But as the riper should by time decease, 繁华落尽,终将憔悴 His tender heir might bear his memory: 唯其后嗣,续其前人 But thou contracted to thine own bright eyes, 皓齿明眸,君独所尊 Feed"st thy light"s flame with self-substantial fuel, 烈火煌煌,燃尽精魂 Making a famine where abundance lies, 丰饶之日,饥寒贫困 Thy self thy foe, to thy sweet self too cruel: 君身君敌,酷待己身 Thou that art now the world"s fresh ornament, 君本所造,稀世之珍 And only herald to the gaudy spring, 群芳之首,独享艳春 Within thine own bud buriest thy content, 乃葬此心,嫩蕊初萌 And, tender churl, mak"st waste in niggarding: 何事弃捐,费此心神 Pity the world, or else this glutton be, 叹乎俗世,饕餮横生 To eat the world"s due, by the grave and thee. 荡尽俗世,为君为坟。
2023-06-25 15:19:201


花俏的解释 [beautiful;gaudy and modern] 俏丽;[衣服] 色彩 鲜艳 、式样 时髦 她不太爱穿那些花俏的 衣裳 详细解释 俏丽。 管桦 《清风店》 二:“这女人,自从整风以来, 打扮 得越发花俏了。” 《人民文学》 1976年第5期:“ 鲁迅 不用轻巧的句子,也不用花俏的词语。” 词语分解 花的解释 花 ā 植物的繁殖器官, 典型 的由“花托”、“ 花萼 ”、“ 花冠 ”、“雌蕊群”和“雄蕊群”组成,有各种形状和 颜色 ,一般长得很 美丽 ,有的有香味, 凋谢 后结 成果 实。 供观赏的植物:花木。花草。 花匠 。 花事 (游春看花 俏的解释 俏 à 相貌 美好 , 漂亮 :俏丽(俊俏美丽)。俏媚。俏爽。俊俏。 货物的销路好,价格上涨:俏货。走俏。 烹调时为增加滋味、色泽而加上 东西 :俏头(.烹调时加上的青蒜、香菜、木耳等;.戏曲、曲艺中引入喜爱的身
2023-06-25 15:19:271


  英语诗歌是英语语言的精华。它以最凝练的文字传递时间与空间、物质与精神、理智与情感。诗歌本身包含的丰富社会生活内容和艺术内涵,诗歌语言的独特的美与和谐都使它们具有无穷的魅力。下面是我为大家带来的外国经典诗歌:《她在美中徜徉》,希望能对大家的英语语感的培养以及口语的训练有所帮助!    外国经典诗歌赏析:她在美中徜徉   She walks in beauty, like the night   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;   And all thatu2019s best of dark and bright   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;   Thus mellowed to that tender light   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.   One shade more, one ray less,   Had half impaired the nameless grace   Which waves in every raven tress,   Or softly lightens ou2019er her face;   Where thoughts serenely sweet express   How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.   And on that cheek, and ou2019er that brow,   So soft, so calm, yet eloquent   The smiles that win, the tints that glow.   But tell of days in goodness spent,   A mind at peace with all below,   A heart whose love is innocent!   她在美中徜徉,   她在美中穿行;   象深邃的苍穹缀满繁星,   象皎洁的夜空万里无云。   明和暗多么协调,   深与浅恰如其分;   白昼的光线过于炫耀,   柔和的夜色最为温馨。   美汇入她的举止,   美溶进她的眼神;   美在乌黑的发际游弋,   美在灿烂的脸上逡巡。   不多一丝辉光,   不少半点柔阴;   包容的思绪弥足珍贵,   潜藏的心灵更加香醇;   在面颊,在眉宇,   无言胜似有声;   那里可以体察心绪的平静,   那里可以领会情感的温存。   那折服人心的微笑,   那淡淡泛起的红晕,   诉说着度过的优雅时光,   透露出沉积的善良品性。   人间万事平心以待,   恰似美的天神;   一颗心装着至爱,   一颗心永远真纯。   更多外国经典诗歌欣赏敬请关注英语考试栏目!
2023-06-25 15:19:401

Leaving Las Vegas 歌词

歌曲名:Leaving Las Vegas歌手:Various专辑:2012 Original Motion Picture SoundtrackLife springs eternalOn a gaudy neon streetNot that I care at allI spent the best part of my losing streakIn an army jeepFor what I cant recallOh Im banging on my TV setAnd I check the oddsAnd I place my betI pour a drinkAnd I pull the blindAnd I wonder what Ill findI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasLeaving for good, for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodUsed to be I could drive up toBarstow for the nightFind some crossroad truckerTo demonstrate his mightBut these days it seemsNowhere is far enough awaySo I"m leaving Las Vegas todayLeaving Las VegasLights so brightblackjack on a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodfor goodI"m standing in the middle of the desertWaiting for my ship to come inBut now no joker, no jack, no kingCan take this loser handAnd make it winI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving Las Vegasfor goodfor goodI quit my job as a dancerAt the lido des girlsDealing blackjack until one or twoSuch a muddly line betweenThe things you wantAnd the things you have to doI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodleaving for goodLeaving Las VegasLights so brightPalm sweat, blackjackOn a saturday nightI"m leaving Las VegasI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving for goodI"m leaving Las VegasLights so brightOn a saturday nightLeaving Las VegasAnd I won"t be backNo I won"t be backNot this time
2023-06-25 15:19:471


  英语诗歌是一个包含丰富社会生活内容、语言艺术和文化内涵的世界,是基础英语教学的一块很有潜力的教学资源。我整理了,欢迎阅读!   篇一   当时光已逝   When Day Is Done   当时光已逝   If the day is done ,   假如时光已逝,   If birds sing no more .   鸟儿不再歌唱,   If the wind has fiagged tired ,   风儿也吹倦了,   Then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me ,   那就用黑暗的厚幕把我盖上,   Even as thou hast wrapt the earth with The coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed ,   如同黄昏时节你用睡眠的衾被裹住大地,   The petals of the drooping lotus at dusk.   又轻轻合上睡莲的花瓣。   From the traverer,   路途未完,行囊已空,   Whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended ,   衣裳破裂污损,人已精疲力竭。   Whose garment is torn and dust-laden ,   你驱散了旅客的羞愧和困窘,   Whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty ,   使他在你仁慈的夜幕下,   And renew his life like a flower under   如花朵般焕发生机。   The cover of thy kindly night .   在你慈爱的夜幕下苏醒。   篇二   She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways   Willian Wordsworth   She dwelt among the untrodden ways   Beside the springs of Dove,   A Maid whom there were none to praise   And very few to love:   A violet by a mossy stone   Half hidden from the eye!   ─Fair as a star, when only one   Is shining in the sky.   She lived unknown, and few could know   When Lucy ceased to be;   But she is in her grave, and ,oh,   The difference to me!   她住在人迹罕至的地方   吕志鲁译   她住在人迹罕至的地方,   圣洁的小溪在身边流淌,   没有谁把这少女赞颂,   少有人为她挂肚牵肠。   她是紫罗兰身影半露,   生苔的墓碑将她遮挡;   美丽如一颗孤星,   在夜空里闪闪发亮。   没有谁了解她曾活在世上,   少有人知道她何时夭亡;   躺在墓中的露西啊,   唯有我与别人都不一样。   威廉u2022华兹华斯***Willian Wordsworth 1770—1850***英国诗人。   篇三   What It Is   Erich Fried   It is madness   says reason   It is what it is   says love   It is unhappiness   says caution   It is nothing but pain   says fear   It has no future   says insight   It is what it is   says love   It is ridiculous   says pride   It is foolish   says caution   It is impossible   says experience   It is what it is   says love.   爱情是什么   吕志鲁译   爱情是着魔   理智说   爱就是爱   爱情说   爱情是灾祸   谨慎说   爱情是折磨   恐惧说   爱情无结果   睿智说   爱就是爱   爱情说   爱情是谬错   骄傲说   爱情是愚拙   小心说   爱情是幻惑   经验说   爱就是爱   爱情说   篇四   She Walks in Beauty   She walks in beauty, like the night   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;   And all that"s best of dark and bright   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;   Thus mellowed to that tender light   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.   One shade more, one ray less,   Had half impaired the nameless grace   Which waves in every raven tress,   Or softly lightens o"er her face;   Where thoughts serenely sweet express   How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.   And on that cheek, and o"er that brow,   So soft, so calm, yet eloquent   The *** iles that win, the tints that glow.   But tell of days in goodness spent,   A mind at peace with all below,   A heart whose love is innocent!   她在美中徜徉   她在美中徜徉,   她在美中穿行;   象深邃的苍穹缀满繁星,   象皎洁的夜空万里无云。   明和暗多么协调,   深与浅恰如其分;   白昼的光线过于炫耀,   柔和的夜色最为温馨。   美汇入她的举止,   美溶进她的眼神;   美在乌黑的发际游弋,   美在灿烂的脸上逡巡。   不多一丝辉光,   不少半点柔阴;   包容的思绪弥足珍贵,   潜藏的心灵更加香醇;   在面颊,在眉宇,   无言胜似有声;   那里可以体察心绪的平静,   那里可以领会情感的温存。   那折服人心的微笑,   那淡淡泛起的红晕,   诉说著度过的优雅时光,   透露出沉积的善良品性。   人间万事平心以待,   恰似美的天神;   一颗心装着至爱,   一颗心永远真纯。   
2023-06-25 15:20:521


The peacock in China are regarded as a beautiful bird,and are the symbol of auspicious festive. So the beautiful peacock were often used to describe someone or something beautiful by Chinese. In history of China ,there had been an ancient love story "Peacock Flies Southeast" (不知这样翻译对不对,好像网上有人这么叫:"Wanders every five miles<五里一徘徊>").And a woman DaoMeiLan, who was famous for being good at "KongQiaoWu"(or called "Peacock Step"), was deemed as "the Peacock Princess ". Chinese appreciate peacock train, thinking that it is the best time of a peacock to show their beauty. In Britain, however,the peacock is regarded as her birds or evil birds. Even the beautiful ornate animal instincts peacock train were also given negative meanings,stating that it is in self show and boast. Therefore in English there is such an idiom as "as proud as a peacock " . {Plus :gaudy as a peacock (打扮得)花枝招展; (装饰得)过分花哨 .翻译是时刚学的,谢谢哈!}
2023-06-25 15:21:025