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郑容和的cant stop 翻译过来的罗马音 有木有

2023-06-25 17:51:04
TAG: nt sto

ha lu ei han bao man ke dai dao wu liao qiao yao

miss you

ha lu ei han bao man na neng yi jiao bao gai you

ke gao dao ang dai yao

ke gao dao ang dai yao

ke gao dao ang dai miao

ke lao na nao dao ka na yao

ke dai han ma di ya na neng yi sao yao

kao wu qiao lao mei yi sa la yao

na ai ha lu neng ke dai ai gao xi qiao

can"t stop me now

can"t stop me now

ke dai leng da neng bu miang gi ga a ji qia nei yao

can"t stop me now

can"t stop me now

na neng mang qiao su ao nai yao

i can"t stop loving you

heng na li neng ba lao mei ke dai dao wu la

nu bu xi nai sa lai ke dai dao wu la

na neng mang qiao su ao nai yao

i can"t stop loving you

han gao le dui la miao hao la ka su yi na yao

miss you

han gao le dui ei sao na neng ki da li gai you

ke gao dao ang dai you

ke gao dao ang dai you

ke gao dao ang dai miao

ke lao na nao dao ka na yao

ke dai han ma di ya na neng yi sao yao

kao wu qiao lao mei yi sa la yao

na ai ha lu neng ke dai ai gao xi qiao

can"t stop me now

can"t stop me now

ke dai leng da neng bu miang gi ga a ji qia nei yao

can"t stop me now

can"t stop me now

na neng mang qiao su ao nai yao

i can"t stop loving you

mi qi deng mi qi deng

ha nao xi bu lu da bu miao

han bao eng dao la bao ga yao

can"t stop me now

can"t stop me now

ke dai man ba la bao neng nai ma a ji xi liao yao

can"t stop me now

can"t stop me now

na neng mang qiao su ao nai yao

i can"t stop loving you

heng na li neng ba lao mei ke dai dao wu la

nu bu xi nai sa lai ke dai dao wu la

na neng mang qiao su ao nai yao

i can"t stop loving you

哈路诶 汗 蹦慢
哭等 哆哦 里哦 句喔哟
miss you
哈路诶 汗 蹦慢
啦冷 里及哦 波隔哟
哭过哆 安对哟 哭过哆 安对哟
哭过哆 安对米嗡 哭龙 南
哭得 喊吗第也 啦冷 路嗦哟
扩无起哦龙 没一儿 撒啦哟
啦也 哈路冷 哭得也 够西及哦

Can"t stop me now Can"t
stop me now
哭得路 它冷 波米昂 gi噶
啊及 恰呢哟
Can"t stop me now Can"t
stop me now
啦冷 梦去无 苏哦 呢哟
I can"t stop loving you
混啦里冷 怕啦没 哭得 哆哦儿啦
轮 不西 呢撒呢 哭得 哆哦儿啦
啦冷 梦去无 苏哦 呢哟
I can"t stop loving you

汗过冷 对啦米嗡
或啦噶儿 苏 一啦哟
miss you
汗过冷 对诶嗦
啦冷 ki哒里隔哟

哭过哆 安对哟 哭过哆 安对哟
哭过哆 安对米嗡 哭龙 南
哭得 汗吗第也 啦冷 路嗦哟
过无起哦龙 没一儿 撒啦哟
啦也 哈路冷 哭得也 够西及哦

Can"t stop me now Can"t
stop me now
哭得路 它冷 波米昂 gi噶
啊及 恰呢哟
Can"t stop me now Can"t
stop me now
啦冷 梦去无 苏哦 呢哟
I can"t stop loving you
米亲的 米起儿的 哈咯哦不西
不路哒 波米嗡
汗波冷 哆啦破噶哟

Can"t stop me now Can"t
stop me now
哭得慢 吧啦波冷 呢慢
啊及 西里哦哟
Can"t stop me now Can"t
stop me now
啦冷 梦去无 苏哦 呢哟
I can"t stop loving you

混啦里冷 怕啦没 哭得 哆哦儿啦
轮 不西 呢撒呢 哭得 哆哦儿啦
啦冷 梦去无 苏哦 呢哟
I can"t stop loving you 这里还有中文+韩文音译+韩文版的歌词,希望采纳,O(∩_∩)O~



HACK&RS是一个牌子啦中文是"反制衣革"至於REG看下面咯在中国,商标上的TM也有其特殊含义,其实TM标志并非对商标起到保护作用,它与R不同,TM表示的是该商标已经向国家商标局提出申请,并且国家商标局也已经下发了《受理通知书》,进入了异议期,这样就可以防止其他人提出重复申请,也表示现有商标持有人有优先使用权。 用圆圈R,是“注册商标”的标记,意思是该商标已在国家商标局进行注册申请并已经商标局审查通过,成为注册商标。圆圈里的R是英文register注册的开头字母。 注册商标具有排他性、独占性、唯一性等特点,属于注册商标所有人所独占,受法律保护,任何企业或个人未经注册商标所有权人许可或授权,均不可自行使用,否则将承担侵权责任。 用TM则是商标符号的意思,即标注TM的文字、图形或符号是商标,但不一定已经注册(未经注册的不受法律保护)。TM是英文trademark的缩写。
2023-06-25 13:20:272

银の意志 金の翼 完整版 中文歌词

苍い时 描く轨迹辿り 循著苍蓝时空描绘的轨迹答え探す 同じ空 见上げながら 仰望同一片天空 找寻答案胸に秘めた想い 溢れ出し 埋藏心中的思念 涌溢而出空を翔けて 银色の矢に変わる 翱翔天际 化作银色的箭矢求め合う心が 违う痛みは 互相渴求的心 无法连合的苦痛真実の道 霞ませるけれど 即使真实的道路 因此而难以看清交差する银の矢 见つめ合う瞳に 交互飞舞的银之箭 互相凝望的眼神同じ梦 确かに映した 鲜明地映照著同一个梦想たとえ踬いても たとえ伤ついても 纵使遇上失败 纵使受到伤害飞び立とう 风 翼にして 振翅飞翔吧 以风作为羽翼声も届かない远い场所で 在呼唤无法传达的遥远所在仆らきっと 同じ空 见上げている 我们必定在仰望同一片天空あの日出会う奇迹さえ 今は信じられる 此刻已经能够相信 当天相遇的奇迹理由などいらないのだと 不需要任何理由惹かれあう心が 近くなる瞬间 互相吸引的心 彼此接近的瞬间真実の道 照らし出していく 光辉照耀出真实的道路放たれた银の矢 贯かれた胸に 被飞驰的银之箭贯穿的胸膛零れ落ちる雫に誓おう 向飞溅散落的血潮起誓たとえ苦しめても たとえ伤つけても 即使要忍受痛苦 即使会受到伤害离さない 结んだ绊は 相互连结的羁绊绝不会分离求め合う心が ひとつに溶けて 互相渴求的心 融合成为一体真実の道 切り拓いていく 开拓真实的道路交差する银の矢 见つめ合う瞳に 交互飞舞的银之箭 互相凝望的眼神同じ梦 确かに映した 鲜明地映照著同一个梦想银の矢が贯く 胸 溢れる想い 飞驰的银箭贯穿胸膛? 在其中满溢的思念駆り立てる 约束の场所へ 奔驰而出 往约定的地方たとえ苦しめても 迷い伤つけても 即使要忍受痛苦 即使在迷惑中受伤离さない 结んだ绊は 相互连结的羁绊绝不会分离だから踬いても 何度伤ついても 所以纵使遇上失败 不论受到多少伤害飞び立とう 风 翼にして 振翅飞翔吧 以风作为羽翼日を受けて辉く 金色の翼は 在阳光下 光辉闪耀的金色翅膀空に描く いのちの轨迹を 在穹苍中 描绘生命的轨迹
2023-06-25 13:20:363


约90余属1200种。多年生草本,常具鳞茎或根状茎。叶细长,基出。花两性,常成伞形花序,生于花茎顶上,下有膜 质苞片1至数枚成总苞;花被花瓣状,裂片6,分为2轮,有时具副花冠;雄蕊6,花丝分离或联合成筒;花粉左右对称,多数具1远极沟,少数具2沟,外壁表面往往具网状雕纹;子房下位,常3室,中轴胎座,每室有胚珠多数。蒴果或为浆果状。主产温带。我国野生和栽培约17属48种。重要属包括石蒜属Lycoris和水仙属Narcissus。石蒜Lycoris radiata鳞茎有解毒消肿、祛痰、催吐作用,亦可提取淀粉,供纺织浆纱用;忽地笑鳞茎含加兰他敏,是治疗小儿麻痹后遗症的一种有效药物;水仙Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis花白色,有鲜黄色杯状的副花冠,原产浙江和福建,各地多栽培作盆景,鳞茎可供药用。其他栽培观赏植物有君子兰Clivia miniata、朱顶兰(朱顶红)Amaryllis vittata、文珠兰Crinum asiaticum var.sinicum、晚香玉Polianthes tuberosa、菖蒲莲(葱莲)Zephyranthes candida等。(鸢读yuān)约60属800种。多年生或1年生草本。有根状茎 、球茎或鳞茎;皆为须根。叶条形、剑形或丝状,叶脉平行,基部鞘状,两侧压扁,嵌叠排列。花单生或为总状花序、穗状花序、聚伞花序或圆锥花序;花两性,色泽鲜艳,辐射对称或两侧对称;花被片6,两轮排列,基部联合成花被管;雄蕊3;花柱1,上部多分为3枝,圆柱状或扁平成花瓣状,柱头3~6,子房绝大多数为下位,3室。胚珠多数。蒴果。分布于全世界的热带、亚热带及温带地区,分布中心在非洲南部及美洲热带。我国产4属58种,主要分布于西南、西北及东北各省区,其中以鸢尾属Iris占绝大多数。另外引进栽培的约有8属20余种。该科植物以花大、鲜艳及花型奇异而著称,常见的观赏植物有唐菖蒲属Gladiolus、虎皮花属Tigridia、观音兰属Tritonia、香雪兰属Freesia、雄黄兰属Crocosmia、鸢尾属Iris、肖鸢尾属Moraea等;供药用的有射干属Belamcanda、番红花属Crocus;唐菖蒲及鸢尾属的某些种对氟化物较敏感,可作为监测环境污染的指示植物。大多草本。地下具鳞茎或根状茎,茎直立或呈攀援状,叶基生或茎生,茎生叶常互生,少有对生或轮生。花单生或聚集成各式各样的花序,花常两性,辐射对称,各部为典型的3出数,花被片6枚,花瓣状,两轮,离生或合生。雄蕊6枚,花丝分离或连合。子房上位,常为3室,蒴果或浆果。产于温带和亚热带。我国各地均产,以西南地区最盛。约230属3500种,全球分布,以温带和亚热带最丰富。包括多种花卉植物,如百合、郁金香、万年青、玉簪等;药用植物如黄精、贝母、天门冬等;以及常见的食用植物如葱、蒜、韭、洋葱和黄花菜(金针菜)等。广义的百合科包括13个亚科:墨花亚科、何瑞尔亚科、阿福花亚科、吴木比亚科、百合亚科、六出花亚科、绵枣儿亚科、葱亚科、天门冬亚科、沿阶草亚科、粉条儿菜亚科、芦桦亚科和菝葜亚科。知母属、鹭鸶兰属、白穗花属等为我国特有属。约20属670种,大部分布于热带和亚热带地区;我国原产2属6种,分布于华南,引入栽培的4属约10种。除供观赏外,有些为很重要的纤维植物,如龙舌兰属Agave。植物有根茎;茎短或很发达;叶常聚生于茎的基部,狭,通常厚或肉质,边全缘或有刺;花两性或单性,辐射对称或稍左右对称,总状花序式或圆锥花序式排列,分枝承托以苞片;花被管短或长,裂片近相等或不等;雄蕊6,着生于管上或裂片的基部,花丝丝状至粗厚,分离,花药线形,背着;子房上位或下位,3室,每室有胚珠多颗至1颗;果为一浆果或蒴果。本科的种属在Engler系统中一部置于百合科内,一部置于石蒜科内,其分别点为性喜干燥,外线形,有纤维,常聚生于茎的基部或顶部,花常排成极大的圆锥花序。仅1属,即芦荟属Aloe,约200种。常归于百合科 Liliaceae。灌木状肉质植物。原产于非洲。植株多无茎;叶簇生于基部呈莲座状。有几个种的叶锐尖,带刺;花黄或红色,总状花序,花、叶均美观,可供观赏。有些种,特别是习见盆栽植物芦荟Aloe vera)的汁液供制作化妆品、泻药和烫伤药。分布于东半球热带地区,南非尤盛,我国仅芦荟Aloe vera var. chinensis,南部有栽培,供观赏或药用,根、叶可治咳嗽。多年生草本;叶肥厚而多肉,狭披针形,簇生于短茎上,常呈莲座式排列,边有小齿,切断之则有粘液流出;花鲜红而带黄色,排面总状花序;花被管状;雄蕊6;子房3室,有胚珠多颗;蒴果三角形,室裂。皂质芦荟Aloe saponaria叶汁如肥皂水,十分滑腻,变种较多,可观赏。木立芦荟Aloe arborescens原产南非,现广为栽培,叶可生吃、打果汁,或制成化妆品或健康食品。约6属650种。草质缠绕植物。有块状或根状的地下茎。叶豆生或中部以上为对生,单叶或为掌状复叶,全缘或分裂,基出掌状脉,并具网脉。花单性,雌雄异株,很少同株,辐射对称,排成总状、穗状或圆锥花序;花被片6,2轮;雄花有雄蕊6枚,有时3枚发育,3枚退化;雌花常有3~6枚退化雄蕊;花粉粒2核,具单沟,较少2沟或3歧沟,或具4(稀5)散孔;雌蕊由3心皮组成;子房下位,3室,每室有胚珠2;花柱3。蒴果有翅或浆果;种子常有翅。广布于热带和亚热带地区。我国仅1属,即薯蓣属Dioscorea,约49种,主要分布于长江以南各省区。薯蓣属Dioscorea为多年生缠绕草本,具块茎或根状茎。茎左旋或右旋,有些植株叶腋有珠芽。叶脉突起呈网状,有叶柄。花小。蒴果有3翅;种子具薄翅。本属具有丰富的植物资源,大多数种类的根状茎或块茎可供食用、药用及工业用原料。如薯蓣(山药、淮山、怀山药)Dioscorea opposita,我国大部分地区有野生或栽培。根状茎供食用及入药为滋养强壮剂。入药的还有参薯(大薯)Dioscorea alata、日本薯蓣(野山药)Dioscorea japonica、穿龙薯蓣Dioscorea nipponica、黄独Dioscorea bulbiferaL、粉背薯蓣Dioscorea collettii var.hypoglauca、黄山药Dioscorea panthaica等。此外,产西南、华南、华中和台湾、福建、浙江等省区的薯莨Dioscorea cirrhosa,块茎除供药用外,还可酿酒或制取“薯莨胶”用以染制广东名产“香云纱”、“黑胶绸”以及渔网等。仅4属5种。分布于亚洲南部至大洋洲。我国仅1属1种,即田葱Philydrum lanuginosum,产广东和台湾。直立草本,根茎短;叶线形或剑形,基生或茎生;花两性,两侧对称,单生或稀2朵,生于佛焰状的苞片内,组成穗状花序;花被4片,离生,排成2轮;雄蕊1,花药2室,直立或旋卷;子房上位,3室,中轴胎座,或1室而为侧膜胎座;花柱1,胚珠多数,倒生,果为蒴果,开裂为3瓣。有9属39种。多年生水生或沼泽生草本植物。叶出水、浮水或沉水,基部成鞘。花两性,辐射对称或两侧对称,排成穗状花序、总状花序或圆锥花序,生于佛焰苞状叶鞘的腋部;花被片6,花瓣状,分离或下部联合成筒;雄蕊6或3,稀1枚,着生于花被筒上;花丝分离,花药具有4个孢子囊,纵裂,稀为顶孔开裂;花粉粒有2(3)核,具1或2(3)沟;雌蕊大多数由3心皮组成,子房上位,3室,中轴胎座,或1室具3个侧膜胎座,胚珠多数至单生。果为蒴果或小坚果;种子具纵肋,有丰富胚乳和直胚。分布于热带、亚热带和温带淡水中。我国有2属约6种:雨久花属Monochoria、 凤眼蓝属Eichhornia,分布于长江以南各省。凤眼莲(水葫芦)Eichhornia crassipes因叶柄膨大似葫芦而得名,原产南美,我国原作为饲料引入,逸生后由于繁殖极快,成为南方地区普遍入侵物种。有些种类可供药用,如鸭舌草Monochoria vaginalis等有清热解毒、止痛、止血之效。其它常见如雨久花Monochoria korsakowii。3属 375种。攀援状灌木,有刺或无刺;叶互生或对生,有掌状脉3~7条,叶柄两侧常有卷须;花单性异株,稀两性,排成伞形花序;花被裂片6,2列而分离,或外轮的合生成一管而内轮的缺;雄蕊6,稀更多或更少,花丝分离或合生成一柱;子房上位,3室,每室有下垂的胚珠1~2颗;雌花中有退化雄蕊;浆果。分布于热带和温带地区,;我国有2属66种,全国分布,西南部至东南部较为丰富。光叶菝葜(土茯苓)Rhizoma Smilacis是重要中药材。有2属30余种,蒟蒻薯属Tacca、裂果薯属Schizocapsa。多年生草本,有块状或匍匐状根茎;叶全部基生,具柄,全缘或各式分裂;花两性,辐射对称,排成伞形花序;苞片总苞状,小苞片较狭而常呈线形;花被管与子房合生,裂片6,2列,稍呈花瓣状;雄蕊6,花丝短,顶端凹入或兜状;子房下位,1室或不完全的3室,有3个侧膜胎座;花柱短,柱头3,大而遮盖着花柱;胚珠极多数;果为一浆果或3瓣裂的蒴果;种子多数,胚乳丰富。产热带地区,我国有1属3种,产西南部至台湾,包括丝须蒟蒻薯Tacca integrifolia、蒟蒻薯Tacca chantrieri和裂果薯Schizocapsa plantaginea。 仅1属1种,即地蜂草Geosiris aphylla。寄生,无叶绿素。根茎细长,有鳞片状皮;茎有分支;叶退化呈鳞片状;花小,为淡紫色。仅分布于马达加斯加岛和一些印度洋的岛屿上。
2023-06-25 13:20:431

写讲稿 (英文)

Good morning/afternoon today I would like to share my view for why it is important to study English firstly as we all know the English language is playing an important part in the world today when we municate with people from other country we speak to them in English and they will easily understand what we are saying. Secondly for example if I would like to find information about a country say France it is likely that the information will be available in English as well as in French I personally do not speak French but since I am studying English I will be easier to understand what the information is about if I don"t study English I wouldn"t understand what the information since I don"t understand both language at all. In conclusion I think English is quite easy to learn and by learning it I can understand many things that I don"t normally will get the chance to know that is what I think is important to study English thank you. 睇吓得唔得啦 参考: 自己 It"s important to study English because English is a very important lanuguage. Firstly English is the 2nd most widely spoken language in the world. It"s spoken by a large porportion of people in the world as a first or second language. If you go to a European country such as France or Germany the people will be able to speak and understand English as English is learnt by most students in the world and it"s a worldwide language. Secondly learning English will help you if you want to learn another European language because nearly all European languages have a similar alphabet to the English alaphbet and it will be easier to learn another European langugage if you know the English alaphbet. For example French German and Spainish uses the same alaphabet as English. Thirdly if you are studying a subject like law many of the study material and documents will be in English and many educational books are written in English so it will be a big advantage if you can read and write English well. ok just so you know i took a speech class last year and for a 2-3 mins speech it at least needs to be pretty long no offence to the person above me but that is not going to last for more than a min English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers--there are many more Chinese speakers than native English speakers--but Chinese is spoken little outside of Chinese munities so English is the most widespread language in the world. It is difficult to estimate exactly how many English speakers there are however even the numberof speakers do not really indicate how important English is as a world language because less than fifteen percent of the world population uses English. The importance of English is not just in how many people speak it but in what it is used for. English is the major language of news and information in the world. It is the language of business and ernment even in some countries where it is a minority language. It is the language of maritime munication and international air traffic control and it is used even for internal air traffic control in countries where it is not a native language. American popular culture--primarily movies and music--carries the English language throughout the world. English is monly used as a medium for the munication of information and news. Three quarters of all telex messages and telegrams are sent in English. Eighty percent of puter data are processed and stored in English. Much satellite munication is carried in English. Five thousand newspapers more than half of the newspapers published in the world are published in English. Even in many countries where English is a minority language there is at least one newspaper in English. In India alone there are three thousand magazines published in English. In many countries television news is broadcast in English. Because of the power of television demonstrators in every country use signs printed in English for the benefit of the international press. Popular culture has also played an important part in spreading English. American and British popular music are heard all over the world. American movies are seen in almost every country. Books in English are available even in countries where few people actually use English. One reason that students give for learning English is to understand these songs movies and books. As we have seen English is a widespread and important language in the world today. It is used for everything from international academic conferences to news reports to popular music lyrics. It is used not only for munication beeen native speakers and nonnative speakers of English but beeen nonnative speakers. Even though it does not have the greatest number of speakers in the world it is the most widely used language in the world and it will be used by more people in the future. i hope that this is good enough just keep practicing you will do fine
2023-06-25 13:21:021

英雄传说6空之轨迹 银の意志歌词

银の意志 金の翼 歌:山脇宏子 / コーラス:しばざきあやこ バイオリン:熊泽洋子 歌词:一二三恭 / 编曲:神藤由东大 苍 い 时 描 く 轨迹 辿 り ao i toki ega ku kiseki tado li 探寻天空苍茫时描绘好的轨迹 答 え 探 す 同 じ 空 见上 げ な が ら toka e saga su ona ji sola mia ge na ga la 仰望同一片天空,寻找着答案 胸 に 秘 め た 想 い 溢 れ 出 し mune ni hi me ta omo i afu la da shi 埋藏在心中的思念,破茧而出 空 を 翔 け て 银色 の 矢 に 変 わ る sola wo ka ke te gen ilo no ya ni ka wa lu 飞翔于长空,银色的箭也不一样了 求 め 合 う 心 が 违 う 痛 み は moto me a u kokolo ga taga u ita mi ha 探求着的心啊,莫名的伤痛起来 真 実 の 道 霞 ま せ る け れ ど shin jitsu no michi kasu ma se lu ke le do 真实之路,就在红霞消长之间吧 交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 に kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni 我的双眸看到了交叉的银箭 同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し た ona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta 无可置疑的映出了同样的梦想 た と え 踬 い て も た と え 伤 つ い て も ta to e tsumazu i te mo ta to e kizu tsu i te mo 即使暴风骤雨,即使遍体鳞伤 飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し て to bi ta to u kaze tsubasa ni shi te 也要永立风中,随风翱翔 声 も 届 か な い 远 い 场所 で koe mo todo ka na i too i basyo de 即使各在声音也无法传达的地方 仆 ら きっ と 同 じ 空 见上 げ て い る boku la kii to ona ji sola mia ge te i lu 我们也能看见同样的天空 あ の 日 出会 う 奇迹 さ え 今 は 信 じ ら れ る a no hi dea u kiseki sa e ima ha shin ji la le lu 无须理由 我现在也能相信 那天相遇的奇迹 理由 な ど い ら な い の だ と neke na do i la na i no da to 惹 か れ あ う 心 が 近 く な る 瞬间 hi ka le a u kokolo ga chika ku na lu toki 互相吸引的心 在瞬间靠近 真 実 の 道 照 ら し 出 し て い く shin jitsu no michi te la shi da shi te i ku 照亮了真实的道路 放 た れ た 银 の 矢 贯 か れ た 胸 に hana ta le ta gen no ya tsulanu ka le ta mune ni 漫天洒落的银色之矢 仿佛贯穿心胸 零 れ 落 ち る 雫 に 誓 お う kobo le o chi lu shizuku ni chika o u 向着晒落的水滴发誓 た と え 苦 し め て も た と え 伤 つ け て も ta to e kulu shi me te mo ta to e kizu tsu ke te mo 即使痛苦 即使创伤 离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 は hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha 绝不放弃我们之间的羁绊 求 め 合 う 心 が ひ と つ に 溶 け て moto me a u kokolo ga hi to tsu ni to ke te 互相渴望的心灵 在此时融合 真実 の 道 切 り 拓 い て い く shin jitsu no michi ki li hila i te i ku 最后开拓出真实的道路 交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 に kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni 纵横交错的银之矢 在对视的眼中 同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し た ona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta 真实地映出同一个梦 银 の 矢 が 贯 く 胸 溢 れ る 想 い gen no ya ga tsulanu ku mune afu le lu omo i 银色之矢穿透渐渐漫溢心中的情感 駆 り 立 て る 约束 の 场所 へ ka li ta te lu yakusoku no basyo he 驱使我们到约定的地方去 た と え 苦 し め て も 迷 い 伤 つ け て も ta to e kulu shi me te mo mayo i kizu tsu ke te mo 即使痛苦 即使受伤 离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 は hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha 绝不放开我们之间的羁绊 だ か ら 踬 い て も 何度 伤 つ い て も da ka la tsumazu i te mo nanda kizu tsu i te mo 即使失败 再度受伤 飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し て to bi kaze tsubasa ni shi te 以风为翼 展翅飞翔 日 を 受 け て 辉 く 金色 の 翼 は hi wo u ke te kagaya ku kin ilo no tsubasa ha 金色的翅膀沐浴在太阳的光辉之下 空 に 描 く い の ち の 轨迹 を sola ni ega ku i no chi no kiseki wo 再天空之中描绘出生命的轨迹
2023-06-25 13:21:101


银の意志 金の翼 歌:山脇宏子 / コーラス:しばざきあやこ バイオリン:熊泽洋子 歌词:一二三恭 / 编曲:神藤由东大 苍い时描く 轨迹 辿り ao i toki ega ku kiseki tado li 探寻天空苍茫时描绘好的轨迹 答え探す同じ空 见上 げながら toka e saga su ona ji sola mia ge na ga la 仰望同一片天空,寻找着答案 胸に秘めた想い溢れ出し mune ni hi me ta omo i afu la da shi 埋藏在心中的思念,破茧而出 空を翔けて 银色 の矢に変わる sola wo ka ke te gen ilo no ya ni ka wa lu 飞翔于长空,银色的箭也不一样了 求め合う心が违う痛みは moto me a u kokolo ga taga u ita mi ha 探求着的心啊,莫名的伤痛起来 真実の道霞ませるけれど shin jitsu no michi kasu ma se lu ke le do 真实之路,就在红霞消长之间吧 交差 する银の矢见つめ合う瞳に kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni 我的双眸看到了交叉的银箭 同じ梦确かに映した ona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta 无可置疑的映出了同样的梦想 たとえ踬いてもたとえ伤ついても ta to e tsumazu i te mo ta to e kizu tsu i te mo 即使暴风骤雨,即使遍体鳞伤 飞び立とう风翼にして to bi ta to u kaze tsubasa ni shi te 也要永立风中,随风翱翔 声も届かない远い 场所 で koe mo todo ka na i too i basyo de 即使各在声音也无法传达的地方 仆ら きっ と同じ空 见上 げている boku la kii to ona ji sola mia ge te i lu 我们也能看见同样的天空 あの日 出会 う 奇迹 さえ今は信じられる a no hi dea u kiseki sa e ima ha shin ji la le lu 无须理由 我现在也能相信 那天相遇的奇迹 理由 などいらないのだと neke na do i la na i no da to 惹かれあう心が近くなる 瞬间 hi ka le a u kokolo ga chika ku na lu toki 互相吸引的心 在瞬间靠近 真実の道照らし出していく shin jitsu no michi te la shi da shi te i ku 照亮了真实的道路 放たれた银の矢贯かれた胸に hana ta le ta gen no ya tsulanu ka le ta mune ni 漫天洒落的银色之矢 仿佛贯穿心胸 零れ落ちる雫に誓おう kobo le o chi lu shizuku ni chika o u 向着晒落的水滴发誓 たとえ苦しめてもたとえ伤つけても ta to e kulu shi me te mo ta to e kizu tsu ke te mo 即使痛苦 即使创伤 离さない 结ん だ绊は hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha 绝不放弃我们之间的羁绊 求め合う心がひとつに溶けて moto me a u kokolo ga hi to tsu ni to ke te 互相渴望的心灵 在此时融合 真実 の道切り拓いていく shin jitsu no michi ki li hila i te i ku 最后开拓出真实的道路 交差 する银の矢见つめ合う瞳に kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni 纵横交错的银之矢 在对视的眼中 同じ梦确かに映した ona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta 真实地映出同一个梦 银の矢が贯く胸溢れる想い gen no ya ga tsulanu ku mune afu le lu omo i 银色之矢穿透渐渐漫溢心中的情感 駆り立てる 约束 の 场所 へ ka li ta te lu yakusoku no basyo he 驱使我们到约定的地方去 たとえ苦しめても迷い伤つけても ta to e kulu shi me te mo mayo i kizu tsu ke te mo 即使痛苦 即使受伤 离さない 结ん だ绊は hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha 绝不放开我们之间的羁绊 だから踬いても 何度 伤ついても da ka la tsumazu i te mo nanda kizu tsu i te mo 即使失败 再度受伤 飞び立とう风翼にして to bi kaze tsubasa ni shi te 以风为翼 展翅飞翔 日を受けて辉く 金色 の翼は hi wo u ke te kagaya ku kin ilo no tsubasa ha 金色的翅膀沐浴在太阳的光辉之下 空に描くいのちの 轨迹 を sola ni ega ku i no chi no kiseki wo 再天空之中描绘出生命的轨迹
2023-06-25 13:21:171

My birthday is on lanuarg 1st.的问句是什么?

when are you birthday?
2023-06-25 13:21:254

泰蒂徐 twinkle中文音译歌词

song giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga nadan sa lam dr du dapi na nen na lr chu a heigu ga ji giaon gei hei ya heipu sao kr lum qin no jia nanr na ye giao tr qi giao jiao nei cu wi man men tu lanu nr dei qi ma la jiu nei mei liao kei ba jiu song giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga nanan mi qi ye sei geisi ga nr yi jiao bao li gaora ji mei nu nr dao ba du gu men gei su dui go yanan nao lr mi hei gu mi gu no ye bu gei nar pan za gi lei wei no man hong za mu la(空)na ye qin ga lrsong giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga nano mu tei yao nei no mu bang bao neipa gei nen nar su warn ha nen cu li gr qi an bu yaoma du an dui gei non no mu dang dan meinan ha nr a lei dao lao jin biaosong giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga naku dei ye twinkle na lr bao di ba na lr ba qin qi kan wu so gei so duna nen twinkle tei ga nasong giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia napei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga na
2023-06-25 13:21:334


2023-06-25 13:22:145

"浪漫满屋"第4集 他们在溜冰场溜冰 有个很好听的女声 歌名是什么??

2023-06-25 13:22:302


ao i toki ega ku kiseki tado li toka e saga su ona ji sola mia ge na ga lamune ni hi me ta omo i afu la da shi sola wo ka ke te gen ilo no ya ni ka wa lu moto me a u kokolo ga taga u ita mi ha shin jitsu no michi kasu ma se lu ke le do kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni ona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta ta to e tsumazu i te mo ta to e kizu tsu i te mo to bi ta to u kaze tsubasa ni shi te koe mo todo ka na i too i basyo de boku la kii to ona ji sola mia ge te i lu a no hi dea u kiseki sa e ima ha shin ji la le luneke na do i la na i no da tohi ka le a u kokolo ga chika ku na lu toki shin jitsu no michi te la shi da shi te i ku hana ta le ta gen no ya tsulanu ka le ta mune ni kobo le o chi lu shizuku ni chika o u ta to e kulu shi me te mo ta to e kizu tsu ke te mo hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha moto me a u kokolo ga hi to tsu ni to ke te shin jitsu no michi ki li hila i te i ku kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi niona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi tagen no ya ga tsulanu ku mune afu le lu omo i ka li ta te lu yakusoku no basyo he ta to e kulu shi me te mo mayo i kizu tsu ke te mo hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha da ka la tsumazu i te mo nanda kizu tsu i te mo to bi kaze tsubasa ni shi te 以上
2023-06-25 13:22:371


《绝境求生走出荒野》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: 提取码:60l2简介:《绝境求生》系列每集将选择一处国内知名的户外探险胜地,由户外专家带领来自都市时尚人群的探险者们在那里度过两天一夜的户外探险,从中寻找一条走出荒野的求生之路。本片主人公小强(朱炜强)是毕业于生存大师贝尔·格里尔斯魔鬼训练营的唯一亚洲人。如今他得带上国际超模孟露这位软妹子踏上惊险之旅。野外食谱、露营,超模自曝拍摄过程心情复杂,但为求生不得不克服重重困难。
2023-06-25 13:22:441


2023-06-25 13:23:021


2023-06-25 13:23:115


lanudry 洗衣店
2023-06-25 13:23:297


电视剧《大奥》片头曲为《I Say A Little Prayer 》和《爱と欲望の日々》《I Say A Little Prayer 》演唱:kazami作词:DAVID HAL作曲:BACHARACH BURT F歌词:FOREVER, AND EVER,YOU STAY IN MY HEART AND I"LL LOVE YOUFOREVER, AND EVER,WE NEVER WILL PART oh HOW I"LL LOVE YOUTOGETHER, TOGETHER,THAT"S HOW IT MUST BE TO LIVEWITHOUT YOU WOULD ONLY BE HEART BREAK FOR ME※THE MOMENT I WAKE UP BEFORE I PUT ON MY MAKEUPI SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR YOUWHILE COMING MY HAIR NOWAND WONDERING WHAT DRESS TO WEAR NOWI SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR YOUI RUN FOR THE BUS DEARWHILE RIDING I THINK OF US DEARI SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR YOUAT WORK I JUST TAKE TIMEAND ALL THROUGH MY COFFEE BREAK-TIMEI SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR YOUMY DEARLING BELIEVE ME FOR ME THERE ISNO ONE, ONE BUT YOU PLEASE LOVE ME, TOOI"M IN LOVE WITH YOU ANSWER MY PRAYER, BABYSAY YOU LOVE ME, TOO ANSWER ME, BABY《爱と欲望の日々》中文:爱情与欲望的岁月 演唱:サザンオールスターズ(Southern All Stars) 歌手:南方群星 作词作曲:桑田佳佑 歌词对照: Going up to “狸穴天国”(まみあなパラダイス) Going up to "mami ana paradise" 我们启程前往狸穴天堂啦 东京(おえど)はお洒落(しゃれ)な迷宫(おみや) o e do wa o sha le na o mi ya 大江户的华丽宫殿呀 今宵(こよい)は君(きみ)と踊(おど)ろよSugar koyoi wa kimi to odolo yo Sugar 甜蜜的今天晚上与你一起共舞 恋人同士(こいびとどうし)でGroove Koi bi to doshide Groove 像对恋人那样地舞 辉(かがや)く星座(せいざ)はアクエリアス kagaya ku seiza wa Aquarius 闪耀着的星座就是水瓶座 倶楽部(クラブ)はおマセな密室(へや)…Be here kulabu wa omase na heya... Be here 俱乐部哇是个密室呀 眠(ねむ)らぬ街(まち)に夜明(よあ)けは来(こ)ない nemu lanu machi ni yoa kewa ko nai 不眠的街道无法迎接黎明来临 祭祀(まつり)はちょいとCool matsuli wa cho ito Cool 就算祭祀也很酷 Darlin", say you love me. 答应说你爱我 爱(あい)のために生(い)きりゃいいじゃん ai no tameni i ki lya i jan 为了爱,你要好好地活着 Baby, can you hear me? 贝贝,能否感觉到? 魔性(ましょう)の血(ち)が騒(さわ)ぐNight & Day masho no chiga sawagu Night and Day 魔性的血日日夜夜,在沸点 C"mon baby 明日(あした)もHallelujah. Come on baby ashita mo hale luya 看吧贝贝,明天会是个晴天 Shake it, shake it, dance all night. 摇摇摆摆,跳起舞来 可爱(かわい)い女(おんな)になれるや kawa i on nani naleluya 卡哇依的女孩呀就是你啦 Boogie-woogie wonderland. 步移舞移,玩得野 I"m going down to “狸穴地下室”(まみあなアンダーグラウンド) I"m going down to "mami ana underground" 我要动身前往“狸穴地下坊” 気合(きあ)いを込(こ)めてBeer kia i o komete Beer 慢慢品尝啤酒滋味呀 この世(よ)はどうせしがない社会(しゃかい) kono yowado seshi ganai shakai 这个世界就算不如想象精彩 元気(げんき)を出(だ)してGroove genki o dashite Groove 坚持噢千万别哭 呜呼(ああ) 愚痴(ぐち)など吐(は)いたら阿呆(あほう)みたい aa guchi nado ha itala ahou mi tai 啊,哭泣抱怨的人就像个阿呆 梦(ゆめ)さえあればいいや…No fear yume sa e aleba iya ... No fear 有梦的人坚定不移呀 すべてが仆(ぼく)らのBlack & Soul music sube tega bokulano Black and Soul music 所有一切都来自我的灵魂音乐 涙(なみだ)のRhythm & Blues namida no Rhythm and Blues 和着眼泪的旋律 I will take you higher. 我会好好爱你 爱に燃(も)ゆる 君の名器(めいき) aini mo yulu kimi no meiki 爱你的勇气会将我燃烧 Baby, it"s your desire. 贝贝,想要再一次 さあもう一度(いちど)”Xanadu" & Afro-rake” samo ichido "Xanadu" and Afro-rake" 想再一次到“香奈都”“爱佛园” Oh,my baby アンタに惚(ほ)れたわ Oh,my baby anta ni ho letawa 啊哈,贝贝,难道我迷上你啦 Gimme gimme one more chance. 给我给我上上签 可爱い女とヤレるわ kawa i on nato yale luwa 卡哇依的女孩也一起来吧 Suck it to me one more time. 再次吞没我的爱 Darlin", say you love me. 答应说你爱我 爱の种を莳けばいいじゃん ai no tane o make ba ijan 把爱的种子播下去就好 Baby, can you hear me? 贝贝,能否感觉到? Hey brother 皆(みんな) 踊(おど)ろう Night & Day Hey brother mina odolo Night and Day 嘿!大家日夜起舞吧,到沸点 C"mon baby 明日(あした)もHallelujah. Come on baby ashita mo hale luya 看吧贝贝,明天会是个晴天 Shake it, shake it, dance all night. 摇摇摆摆,跳起舞来 可爱(かわい)い女(おんな)になれるや kawa i on nani naleluya 卡哇依的女孩呀就是你啦 Boogie-woogie wonderland. 步移舞移,玩得野 Everybody みんなでキメるや Everybody minade kime luya 每个人都在一起来跳舞吧 Woo-ga-chaka, disco fever. 舞动时刻,迪斯科狂热 それ行け!! ニッポンの皆様 sole ike !! nipon no mina sama 一起去吧!!你会看到所有人啦 What"cha gonna do "s to dance !! 别管它啦起舞吧!!
2023-06-25 13:23:451

法语 这个2010我听着读音 像是 lanuelani。这是啥读法?

有可能不是2010,而是 la nouvelle année(新年)
2023-06-25 13:23:521


2023-06-25 13:24:124


2023-06-25 13:24:191


2023-06-25 13:24:373

求shakira的《How do you do》歌词

分类: 音乐 问题描述: 很好听所以想唱,又找不到歌词...网络高手帮帮忙啦 只不知道英文歌很全的网站,告诉小妹吧!谢谢大家喽!! 解析: SHAKIRA LYRICS "How Do You Do"Five us our trespasses As we five those who have trespassed against us Give us this day our daily bread Daily bread, daily bread In cello et in terra fiat voluntas tua Gloria Spiritui Sancto What language do you speak If you speak at all? Are you some kind of freak Who lives to raise the ones who fall? Hey, could you tell me why The cat fights the dog? Do you go to the Mosque Or the Synagogue? And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers? How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have But if I five yours Will you five mine? Hey, do you feel our pain And walk in our shoes? Have you ever felt starved Or is your belly always full? How many people die And hurt in your name? Hey, does that make you proud Or does it bring you shame? And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers? How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have But if I five yours Will you five mine? Five us our trespasses As we five those who have trespassed against us ...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... [Arabic. English translation: "Five my sins, Oh, Lord"] Give us this day our daily bread ...Mechila... [Hebrew. English translation: "Fiveness"] Daily bread ...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... [Hebrew. English translation: "Oh, Lord (Five us)"] Daily bread ...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... Five us our trespasses As we five those who have trespassed against us ...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... Give us this day our daily bread ...Mechila... Daily bread ...S"lach lanu... Daily bread Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Amen! How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have And if I five yours Will you five mine? ... Will you five mine? ... How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes And that"s OK "cause we all have But if I five yours Will you five mine...?
2023-06-25 13:24:441

求英雄传说6 银の意志 金の翼LRC罗马发音歌词
2023-06-25 13:24:512

how do you do 的歌词?

How do you doYou like me and I like youCome and take me by the handCuz I wanna be your friendHow do you doYou like me and I like youSay my how do you do you doHow do you do you doWhen I`m going on each time a holidayAnd my plane leaves to a place so far awayI`m so happy cuz its time to celebrateOh I feel like I could danceDifferent people all around the globe don`t knowWhat to say when there`s a stranger I will showThat there is a way you can communicateEverybody understandsIt`s so easy when you want to make a friendWhen the sun is shining in a distant landThere`s a certain feeling that surrounds your mindAnd you feel like you can danceWhen you`re going to the south of AfricaTo America or to AustraliaYou`ll see people of all colors and all kindsEverybody understands
2023-06-25 13:24:582

求一首欧美快歌 是女生唱的~~~~~

是KARMIN的Brokenhearted吗?This is more than the typical kinda thingFelt the jones in my bones when you were touching me, uh ohDidn"t wanna take it slowIn a daze, going crazy, I can barely thinkYou"re replaying in my brain, find it hard to sleep, uh ohWaiting for my phone to blowUh oh yepNow I"m here in a sticky situationGot a little trouble, yep and now I"m pacingFive minutes, ten minutes, now it"s been an hourUh don"t wanna think too hard, but I"m sourUh oh, I can"t seem to let you goSee, I"ve been waiting all dayFor you to call me babySo let"s get up, let"s get on itDon"t you leave me brokenhearted tonightCome on, that"s rightHonest baby, I"ll do anything you want toSo can we finish what we startedDon"t you leave me brokenhearted tonightCome on, that"s right, cheerioWhat"s the time, such a crimeNot a single word, sipping on a PatrónJust to calm my nerves, uh ohPoppin" bottles by the phoneOh yeahHad me up, had me down, turn me inside outThat"s enough, call me upMaybe I"m in doubt, uh ohI don"t even think you know, no noSee, I"ve been waiting all dayFor you to call me babySo let"s get up, let"s get on itDon"t you leave me brokenhearted tonightCome on, that"s rightHonest baby, I"ll do anything you want toSo can we finish what we startedDon"t you leave me brokenhearted tonightCome on, that"s right, cheerioAnything you wanna do, I"ll be on it tooEverything you say is like go with the viewBusiness on the front, party in the backMaybe I was wrong, was the outfit really wack?This kinda thing doesn"t happen usuallyI"m on the opposite side of it, truthfullyI know you want it so come and get it, cheerioSee, I"ve been waiting all dayFor you to call me babySo let"s get up, let"s get on itDon"t you leave me brokenhearted tonight, ohhhohohhhoohhhhHonest baby, I"ll do anything you want toSo can we finish what we startedDon"t you leave me brokenhearted tonightCome on, that"s right, cheeri, cheerioWhen you gonna callDon"t leave me broken heartedI"ve been waiting upLet"s finish what we started, oh ohI can"t seem to let you goCome on, that"s right, cheerio, uh! 资料:
2023-06-25 13:25:392


2023-06-25 13:25:461


种中文名:独蕨萁种拉丁名:Botrychium lanuginosum Wall.种别名:绒毛阴地蕨、蕨萁参分布:分布于湖南、贵州、广西、云南和台湾;亚洲热带其他地区也有。生境:生长于海拔1800—2600m山地常绿杂木林下。毒性:全草有毒。小鼠腹腔注射10—20g/kg全草水煎剂后,抽搐、死亡。毒理:民间反映有催眠作用性味归经:微苦,平。有毒。功能主治:清热解毒,平肝散结。用于疮毒,淋巴结肿,目中生翳。用法用量:2~3钱,水煎服;外用鲜品捣烂敷患处。
2023-06-25 13:25:531


Each room can enjoy the RMB 30"s lanudry free of charge per day.Thanks希望帮到你
2023-06-25 13:26:051 求这个广告的背景音乐

背景音乐:Lanu - Roosevelt Blues(feat. Megan Washington)试听参考:
2023-06-25 13:26:121

空之轨迹 银之意志

贴吧里找到的(游戏原作)《银の意志 金の翼》完全版音译(修订)(游戏原作)《银の意志 金の翼》完全版音译(修订)银の意志 金の翼歌:山脇宏子 / コーラス:しばざきあやこバイオリン:熊泽洋子歌词:一二三恭 / 编曲:神藤由东大苍 い 时 描 く 轨迹 辿 りao i toki ega ku kiseki tado li探寻天空苍茫时描绘好的轨迹答 え 探 す 同 じ 空 见上 げ な が らtoka e saga su ona ji sola mia ge na ga la仰望同一片天空,寻找着答案胸 に 秘 め た 想 い 溢 れ 出 しmune ni hi me ta omo i afu la da shi埋藏在心中的思念,破茧而出空 を 翔 け て 银色 の 矢 に 変 わ るsola wo ka ke te gen ilo no ya ni ka wa lu飞翔于长空,银色的箭也不一样了求 め 合 う 心 が 违 う 痛 み はmoto me a u kokolo ga taga u ita mi ha探求着的心啊,莫名的伤痛起来真 実 の 道 霞 ま せ る け れ どshin jitsu no michi kasu ma se lu ke le do真实之路,就在红霞消长之间吧交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 にkousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni我的双眸看到了交叉的银箭同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し たona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta无可置疑的映出了同样的梦想た と え 踬 い て も た と え 伤 つ い て もta to e tsumazu i te mo ta to e kizu tsu i te mo即使暴风骤雨,即使遍体鳞伤飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し てto bi ta to u kaze tsubasa ni shi te也要永立风中,随风翱翔声 も 届 か な い 远 い 场所 でkoe mo todo ka na i too i basyo de即使各在声音也无法传达的地方仆 ら きっ と 同 じ 空 见上 げ て い るboku la kii to ona ji sola mia ge te i lu我们也能看见同样的天空あ の 日 出会 う 奇迹 さ え 今 は 信 じ ら れ るa no hi dea u kiseki sa e ima ha shin ji la le lu无须理由 我现在也能相信 那天相遇的奇迹理由 な ど い ら な い の だ とneke na do i la na i no da to惹 か れ あ う 心 が 近 く な る 瞬间hi ka le a u kokolo ga chika ku na lu toki互相吸引的心 在瞬间靠近真 実 の 道 照 ら し 出 し て い くshin jitsu no michi te la shi da shi te i ku照亮了真实的道路放 た れ た 银 の 矢 贯 か れ た 胸 にhana ta le ta gen no ya tsulanu ka le ta mune ni漫天洒落的银色之矢 仿佛贯穿心胸零 れ 落 ち る 雫 に 誓 お うkobo le o chi lu shizuku ni chika o u向着晒落的水滴发誓た と え 苦 し め て も た と え 伤 つ け て もta to e kulu shi me te mo ta to e kizu tsu ke te mo即使痛苦 即使创伤离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 はhana sa na i musun da kizuna ha绝不放弃我们之间的羁绊求 め 合 う 心 が ひ と つ に 溶 け てmoto me a u kokolo ga hi to tsu ni to ke te互相渴望的心灵 在此时融合真実 の 道 切 り 拓 い て い くshin jitsu no michi ki li hila i te i ku最后开拓出真实的道路交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 にkousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni纵横交错的银之矢 在对视的眼中同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し たona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta真实地映出同一个梦银 の 矢 が 贯 く 胸 溢 れ る 想 いgen no ya ga tsulanu ku mune afu le lu omo i银色之矢穿透渐渐漫溢心中的情感駆 り 立 て る 约束 の 场所 へka li ta te lu yakusoku no basyo he驱使我们到约定的地方去た と え 苦 し め て も 迷 い 伤 つ け て もta to e kulu shi me te mo mayo i kizu tsu ke te mo即使痛苦 即使受伤离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 はhana sa na i musun da kizuna ha绝不放开我们之间的羁绊だ か ら 踬 い て も 何度 伤 つ い て もda ka la tsumazu i te mo nanda kizu tsu i te mo即使失败 再度受伤飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し てto bi kaze tsubasa ni shi te以风为翼 展翅飞翔日 を 受 け て 辉 く 金色 の 翼 はhi wo u ke te kagaya ku kin ilo no tsubasa ha金色的翅膀沐浴在太阳的光辉之下空 に 描 く い の ち の 轨迹 をsola ni ega ku i no chi no kiseki wo再天空之中描绘出生命的轨迹
2023-06-25 13:26:191


2023-06-25 13:26:262


suvim /etc/sudoers在root ALL=(ALL) ALL这行下添加一行 yourname ALL=(ALL) ALL (yourname是你的用户名)
2023-06-25 13:26:451


how do you do 打印此页 歌手:shakira 专辑:oral fixation vol 2 Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed against usGive us this day our daily bread, daily bread, daily breadIn cello et in terra fiat voluntas tua Gloria Spirutui SanctoWhat language do you speak, if you speak at allAre you some kind of freak, who lives to raise the ones who fallHey could you tell me why the cat fights the dog?Do you go to the mosque or the synogogueAnd if our fates have all been wrapped around your fingerShakiraAnd if you wrote the scripts, then why the trouble makers?Chorus:how do you do?how does it feel to br so high?And are you happy? Do you ever cry?You"ve made mistakes, and that"s OK cause we all haveBut if i forgive yours, will you forgive mine?Hey do you feel our painAnd walk in our shoesHave you ever felt starved?Or is your belly always fullHow many people die and hurt in your name?Hey does that make you proud, or does it bring you shame?(Chorus)Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed agianst us Give this day our daily bread, daily bread, daily breadArabic:Sameh Zoonoobee Allah (Forgive My Sins Oh Lord)Yo Allah (Oh Lord)Hebrew:S"lach lanu (forgive us)Mechilah (forgiveness)There is the kingdom and the power and the glory, amen!(Chorus)
2023-06-25 13:26:582


"How Do You Do"Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed against usGive us this day our daily breadDaily bread, daily breadIn cello et in terra fiat voluntas tuaGloria Spiritui SanctoWhat language do you speakIf you speak at all?Are you some kind of freakWho lives to raise the ones who fall?Hey, could you tell me whyThe cat fights the dog?Do you go to the MosqueOr the Synagogue?And if our fates have all been wrapped around your fingerAnd if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers?How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesWell that"s OK "cause we all haveBut if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine?Hey, do you feel our painAnd walk in our shoes?Have you ever felt starvedOr is your belly always full?How many people dieAnd hurt in your name?Hey, does that make you proudOr does it bring you shame?And if our fates have all been wrapped around your fingerAnd if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers?How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesWell that"s OK "cause we all haveBut if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine?Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed against us...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... [Arabic. English translation: "Forgive my sins, Oh, Lord"]Give us this day our daily bread...Mechila... [Hebrew. English translation: "Forgiveness"]Daily bread...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... [Hebrew. English translation: "Oh, Lord (Forgive us)"]Daily bread...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)...Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed against us...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah...Give us this day our daily bread...Mechila...Daily bread...S"lach lanu...Daily breadThine is the Kingdom and the Power and the GloryAmen!How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesWell that"s OK "cause we all haveAnd if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine?... Will you forgive mine? ...How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesAnd that"s OK "cause we all haveBut if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine...?
2023-06-25 13:27:052


(A1) 1.She knows a boy who he does kwon do. 2.Andy bought a cupboard that made in Italy . 3.Cindy has e penfriends who live in France . (A2) 1.Jerry wants a book that is easy to read. 2.Keanh knows a girl who like watching ballets. 3.I like dogs that have long tails and short leg. 4.Yesterday Lucy bought a toy robot that can cook deliciouetti. 5.We have o clas *** ates who are kind and caring. 6.There is bookshop that is open enty-four hours a day. 7.Rebecca has a friend who walk to school every day. 8.He would like to have teachers who can speak five lanuaguages. ***其实仲有好多答案 不过都希望可以帮到你!*** 参考: me A1) Join the sentences with "who" or "that" . 1.She knows a boy . He does kwon do . She knows a boy who does kwon do. 2.Andy bought a cupboard . It is made in Italy . Andy bought a cupboard that is made in Italy. 3.Cindy has e penfriends . They live in France . Cindy has e penfriends who live in France. (A2) Complete the sentences with "who" or "that" . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ have long tails and short leg is easy to read are kind and caring like watching ballets walk to school every day can cook deliciouetti is open enty-four hours a day can speak five lanuaguages ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Jerry wants a book that is easy to read. 2.Keanh knows a girl who like watching ballets. 3.I like dogs that have long tail with short legs. 4.Yesterday Lucy bought a toy robot can cook deliciouetti. 5. We have o clas *** ates who are kind and caring. 6. There is bookshop that is open enty-four hours a day. 7.Rebecca has a friend who walk to school every day. 8. He would like to have teachers who can speak five languages. Hope it helps you. 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_3 参考: myself
2023-06-25 13:27:121

一首英文歌 其中歌词是HWO DO YOU DO

勒个麽?SHAKIRA LYRICS "How Do You Do" Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who have trespassed against us Give us this day our daily bread Daily bread, daily bread In cello et in terra fiat voluntas tua Gloria Spiritui Sancto What language do you speak If you speak at all? Are you some kind of freak Who lives to raise the ones who fall? Hey, could you tell me why The cat fights the dog? Do you go to the Mosque Or the Synagogue? And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers? How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have But if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine? Hey, do you feel our pain And walk in our shoes? Have you ever felt starved Or is your belly always full? How many people die And hurt in your name? Hey, does that make you proud Or does it bring you shame? And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers? How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have But if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine? Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who have trespassed against us ...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... [Arabic. English translation: "Forgive my sins, Oh, Lord"] Give us this day our daily bread ...Mechila... [Hebrew. English translation: "Forgiveness"] Daily bread ...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... [Hebrew. English translation: "Oh, Lord (Forgive us)"] Daily bread ...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who have trespassed against us ...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... Give us this day our daily bread ...Mechila... Daily bread ...S"lach lanu... Daily bread Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Amen! How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have And if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine? ... Will you forgive mine? ... How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes And that"s OK "cause we all have But if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine...?
2023-06-25 13:27:191

浪漫满屋里 你现在 的歌词谁有

[00:00.01]现在,你进入我的心里,诉说着爱恋。[00:07.54]我祈望这不是梦境。[00:15.07]我的心底在说,千万不能错过你。[00:22.60]可我也许像个贪得无厌的傻瓜吧。[00:30.13]那么偶然间出现在我身边的你的爱[00:37.66]为何竟然让我感到如此习惯。[00:45.19]然而这一切都不过是一场交易,[00:52.72]谁料到竟然会真的陷入爱恋。[01:00.25]再过不久就要把你送走,[01:07.78]可是,我真的没自信能够做到。[01:15.31]我去寻找过去的自己,[01:22.84]现在,就要恢复到过去的自己,这是理所当然的事情,[01:30.37]可为何心却在不停地作痛。[01:37.90]你要寻找你所希望的爱情,[01:45.43]现在,就应该离去,[01:52.49]我应该微笑着送走即将得到幸福的你,[02:08.02]可你为何却看着我的眼睛,对我诉说着爱恋。[02:15.55]虽然是已经逝去的爱,[02:23.08]却在这一瞬间,觉得那么幸福。[02:30.61]仿佛是在做梦一样,[02:38.14]终于明白了,[02:45.67]我们是从一开始就爱上了对方。[02:53.20] [03:00.73]我去寻找过去的自己,[03:08.26]现在,就要恢复到过去的自己,这是理所当然的事情,[03:15.79]可为何心却在不停地作痛。[03:23.32]你要寻找你所希望的爱情,[03:30.85]现在,就应该离去,[03:38.38]我应该微笑着送走即将得到幸福的你。[03:45.91]真的不可以爱上我么?[03:53.44]你,真的不可以么?[04:00.97]就算现在,我是这样地爱你。。。
2023-06-25 13:27:372

Why do we learn English?作文 (60字)

We all know that Chinese have the most speaker in the world.But why do we learn English?It"s a interesting question for us to think about.There are only six percent of the world speak English as mother lanuange.But it is one of the world"s most widely used languages.Although Chinese have the most speaker in the world,it is spoken only in China.English also is the language of business and goverment in some country.and it"s one of the United Nation work"s English is important to learn.As we have seen,even though English doesn"t have the greatest number of speakers in the world,it"s we should learn it well,because it"s like a bridge between countries!
2023-06-25 13:27:472


《银の意志 金の翼》: 银の意志 金の翼 歌:山脇宏子 / コーラス:しばざきあやこ バイオリン:熊泽洋子 歌词:一二三恭 / 编曲:神藤由东大 苍 い 时 描 く 轨迹 辿 り ao i toki ega ku kiseki tado li 探寻天空苍茫时描绘好的轨迹 答 え 探 す 同 じ 空 见上 げ な が ら toka e saga su ona ji sola mia ge na ga la 仰望同一片天空,寻找着答案 胸 に 秘 め た 想 い 溢 れ 出 し mune ni hi me ta omo i afu la da shi 埋藏在心中的思念,破茧而出 空 を 翔 け て 银色 の 矢 に 変 わ る sola wo ka ke te gen ilo no ya ni ka wa lu 飞翔于长空,银色的箭也不一样了 求 め 合 う 心 が 违 う 痛 み は moto me a u kokolo ga taga u ita mi ha 探求着的心啊,莫名的伤痛起来 真 実 の 道 霞 ま せ る け れ ど shin jitsu no michi kasu ma se lu ke le do 真实之路,就在红霞消长之间吧 交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 に kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni 我的双眸看到了交叉的银箭 同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し た ona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta 无可置疑的映出了同样的梦想 た と え 踬 い て も た と え 伤 つ い て も ta to e tsumazu i te mo ta to e kizu tsu i te mo 即使暴风骤雨,即使遍体鳞伤 飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し て to bi ta to u kaze tsubasa ni shi te 也要永立风中,随风翱翔 声 も 届 か な い 远 い 场所 で koe mo todo ka na i too i basyo de 即使各在声音也无法传达的地方 仆 ら きっ と 同 じ 空 见上 げ て い る boku la kii to ona ji sola mia ge te i lu 我们也能看见同样的天空 あ の 日 出会 う 奇迹 さ え 今 は 信 じ ら れ る a no hi dea u kiseki sa e ima ha shin ji la le lu 无须理由 我现在也能相信 那天相遇的奇迹 理由 な ど い ら な い の だ と neke na do i la na i no da to 惹 か れ あ う 心 が 近 く な る 瞬间 hi ka le a u kokolo ga chika ku na lu toki 互相吸引的心 在瞬间靠近 真 実 の 道 照 ら し 出 し て い く shin jitsu no michi te la shi da shi te i ku 照亮了真实的道路 放 た れ た 银 の 矢 贯 か れ た 胸 に hana ta le ta gen no ya tsulanu ka le ta mune ni 漫天洒落的银色之矢 仿佛贯穿心胸 零 れ 落 ち る 雫 に 誓 お う kobo le o chi lu shizuku ni chika o u 向着晒落的水滴发誓 た と え 苦 し め て も た と え 伤 つ け て も ta to e kulu shi me te mo ta to e kizu tsu ke te mo 即使痛苦 即使创伤 离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 は hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha 绝不放弃我们之间的羁绊 求 め 合 う 心 が ひ と つ に 溶 け て moto me a u kokolo ga hi to tsu ni to ke te 互相渴望的心灵 在此时融合 真実 の 道 切 り 拓 い て い く shin jitsu no michi ki li hila i te i ku 最后开拓出真实的道路 交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 に kousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni 纵横交错的银之矢 在对视的眼中 同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し た ona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta 真实地映出同一个梦 银 の 矢 が 贯 く 胸 溢 れ る 想 い gen no ya ga tsulanu ku mune afu le lu omo i 银色之矢穿透渐渐漫溢心中的情感 駆 り 立 て る 约束 の 场所 へ ka li ta te lu yakusoku no basyo he 驱使我们到约定的地方去 た と え 苦 し め て も 迷 い 伤 つ け て も ta to e kulu shi me te mo mayo i kizu tsu ke te mo 即使痛苦 即使受伤 离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 は hana sa na i musun da kizuna ha 绝不放开我们之间的羁绊 だ か ら 踬 い て も 何度 伤 つ い て も da ka la tsumazu i te mo nanda kizu tsu i te mo 即使失败 再度受伤 飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し て to bi kaze tsubasa ni shi te 以风为翼 展翅飞翔 日 を 受 け て 辉 く 金色 の 翼 は hi wo u ke te kagaya ku kin ilo no tsubasa ha 金色的翅膀沐浴在太阳的光辉之下 空 に 描 く い の ち の 轨迹 を sola ni ega ku i no chi no kiseki wo 再天空之中描绘出生命的轨迹
2023-06-25 13:28:151

谁知道Gin no Ishi Kin no Tsubasa(空之轨迹SC OP里的)的拼音歌词?

(游戏原作)《银の意志 金の翼》完全版音译(修订)银の意志 金の翼歌:山脇宏子 / コーラス:しばざきあやこバイオリン:熊泽洋子歌词:一二三恭 / 编曲:神藤由东大苍 い 时 描 く 轨迹 辿 りao i toki ega ku kiseki tado li探寻天空苍茫时描绘好的轨迹答 え 探 す 同 じ 空 见上 げ な が らtoka e saga su ona ji sola mia ge na ga la仰望同一片天空,寻找着答案胸 に 秘 め た 想 い 溢 れ 出 しmune ni hi me ta omo i afu la da shi埋藏在心中的思念,破茧而出空 を 翔 け て 银色 の 矢 に 変 わ るsola wo ka ke te gen ilo no ya ni ka wa lu飞翔于长空,银色的箭也不一样了求 め 合 う 心 が 违 う 痛 み はmoto me a u kokolo ga taga u ita mi ha探求着的心啊,莫名的伤痛起来真 実 の 道 霞 ま せ る け れ どshin jitsu no michi kasu ma se lu ke le do真实之路,就在红霞消长之间吧交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 にkousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni我的双眸看到了交叉的银箭同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し たona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta无可置疑的映出了同样的梦想た と え 踬 い て も た と え 伤 つ い て もta to e tsumazu i te mo ta to e kizu tsu i te mo即使暴风骤雨,即使遍体鳞伤飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し てto bi ta to u kaze tsubasa ni shi te也要永立风中,随风翱翔声 も 届 か な い 远 い 场所 でkoe mo todo ka na i too i basyo de即使各在声音也无法传达的地方仆 ら きっ と 同 じ 空 见上 げ て い るboku la kii to ona ji sola mia ge te i lu我们也能看见同样的天空あ の 日 出会 う 奇迹 さ え 今 は 信 じ ら れ るa no hi dea u kiseki sa e ima ha shin ji la le lu无须理由 我现在也能相信 那天相遇的奇迹理由 な ど い ら な い の だ とneke na do i la na i no da to惹 か れ あ う 心 が 近 く な る 瞬间hi ka le a u kokolo ga chika ku na lu toki互相吸引的心 在瞬间靠近真 実 の 道 照 ら し 出 し て い くshin jitsu no michi te la shi da shi te i ku照亮了真实的道路放 た れ た 银 の 矢 贯 か れ た 胸 にhana ta le ta gen no ya tsulanu ka le ta mune ni漫天洒落的银色之矢 仿佛贯穿心胸零 れ 落 ち る 雫 に 誓 お うkobo le o chi lu shizuku ni chika o u向着晒落的水滴发誓た と え 苦 し め て も た と え 伤 つ け て もta to e kulu shi me te mo ta to e kizu tsu ke te mo即使痛苦 即使创伤离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 はhana sa na i musun da kizuna ha绝不放弃我们之间的羁绊求 め 合 う 心 が ひ と つ に 溶 け てmoto me a u kokolo ga hi to tsu ni to ke te互相渴望的心灵 在此时融合真実 の 道 切 り 拓 い て い くshin jitsu no michi ki li hila i te i ku最后开拓出真实的道路交差 す る 银 の 矢 见 つ め 合 う 瞳 にkousa su lu gen no ya mi tsu me a u hitomi ni纵横交错的银之矢 在对视的眼中同 じ 梦 确 か に 映 し たona ji yume tashi ka ni utsu shi ta真实地映出同一个梦银 の 矢 が 贯 く 胸 溢 れ る 想 いgen no ya ga tsulanu ku mune afu le lu omo i银色之矢穿透渐渐漫溢心中的情感駆 り 立 て る 约束 の 场所 へka li ta te lu yakusoku no basyo he驱使我们到约定的地方去た と え 苦 し め て も 迷 い 伤 つ け て もta to e kulu shi me te mo mayo i kizu tsu ke te mo即使痛苦 即使受伤离 さ な い 结ん だ 绊 はhana sa na i musun da kizuna ha绝不放开我们之间的羁绊だ か ら 踬 い て も 何度 伤 つ い て もda ka la tsumazu i te mo nanda kizu tsu i te mo即使失败 再度受伤飞 び 立 と う 风 翼 に し てto bi kaze tsubasa ni shi te以风为翼 展翅飞翔日 を 受 け て 辉 く 金色 の 翼 はhi wo u ke te kagaya ku kin ilo no tsubasa ha金色的翅膀沐浴在太阳的光辉之下空 に 描 く い の ち の 轨迹 をsola ni ega ku i no chi no kiseki wo再天空之中描绘出生命的轨迹
2023-06-25 13:28:321

2023-06-25 13:29:013


2023-06-25 13:29:082


2023-06-25 13:29:141

求shakira的《How do you do》歌词

SHAKIRA LYRICS"How Do You Do"Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed against usGive us this day our daily breadDaily bread, daily breadIn cello et in terra fiat voluntas tuaGloria Spiritui SanctoWhat language do you speakIf you speak at all?Are you some kind of freakWho lives to raise the ones who fall?Hey, could you tell me whyThe cat fights the dog?Do you go to the MosqueOr the Synagogue?And if our fates have all been wrapped around your fingerAnd if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers?How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesWell that"s OK "cause we all haveBut if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine?Hey, do you feel our painAnd walk in our shoes?Have you ever felt starvedOr is your belly always full?How many people dieAnd hurt in your name?Hey, does that make you proudOr does it bring you shame?And if our fates have all been wrapped around your fingerAnd if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers?How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesWell that"s OK "cause we all haveBut if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine?Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed against us...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... [Arabic. English translation: "Forgive my sins, Oh, Lord"]Give us this day our daily bread...Mechila... [Hebrew. English translation: "Forgiveness"]Daily bread...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... [Hebrew. English translation: "Oh, Lord (Forgive us)"]Daily bread...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)...Forgive us our trespassesAs we forgive those who have trespassed against us...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah...Give us this day our daily bread...Mechila...Daily bread...S"lach lanu...Daily breadThine is the Kingdom and the Power and the GloryAmen!How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesWell that"s OK "cause we all haveAnd if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine?... Will you forgive mine? ...How do you do?How does it feel to be so highAnd are you happy?Do you ever cry?... I sometimes cry ...You"ve made mistakesAnd that"s OK "cause we all haveBut if I forgive yoursWill you forgive mine...?
2023-06-25 13:29:211


2023-06-25 13:29:294


重要的人Ku dai gei dei su xi ma sa laNu yi ki po mi tei ou to Hang tong na ku dei gang tei Ha gei ha ca la nu you youYou do gu a di ti gu dei ao gei ga He den pa wu ma li tu nei you Cu qin gu a gei tang m xin gei dei su wei gei Na penNa e di liao you Nu den cao nang ku de ka lang ba gou lu Nu de ga ga pi lu han ga youMa li yi sou dou hang sang ku dei ma sou geiKu gi Yi te di liao you Lu mai ben sei sang gu pai n chang qi ma Ba la la So Tu na sa la Ku dai gei dei su xi ma sa laNu yi ki po mi tei ou to Hang tong na ku dei gang tei Ha gei ha ca la nu you you[说唱]Ma an tang la qi di an an sai sa nei Tu den cao gu gu mi gu ji ma Ku dei gu sou gei a gen hai sen we sa sou Zai ma sa Hang ta du liao you Gu ma nei sei sa gu tei ge yi di ye Ma te wa Ni wo ga sa la Ku dai gei dei su xi ma sa laNu yi ki po mi tei ou to Hang tong na ku dei gang tei Ha gei ha ca la nu you you[A dei lai dou gu dei a gi li Na tu bou ki di year you Ya wa he nou qi ya a ni Dei ca la mou dou di year you]Ku dai gei dei su xi ma sa laNu yi ki po mi tei ou to Hang tong na ku dei gang tei Ha gei ca sa la nu you youHa ca sa la nu you you
2023-06-25 13:29:362

求 少女时代--Twinkle 中字谐音歌词,要中文字的谐音,不要中文词!~谢谢

song giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga nadan sa lam dr du dapi na nen na lr chu a heigu ga ji giaon gei hei ya heipu sao kr lum qin no jia nanr na ye giao tr qi giao jiao nei cu wi man men tu lanu nr dei qi ma la jiu nei mei liao kei ba jiu song giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga nanan mi qi ye sei geisi ga nr yi jiao bao li gaora ji mei nu nr dao ba du gu men gei su dui go yanan nao lr mi hei gu mi gu no ye bu gei nar pan za gi lei wei no man hong za mu la(空)na ye qin ga lrsong giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga nano mu tei yao nei no mu bang bao neipa gei nen nar su warn ha nen cu li gr qi an bu yaoma du an dui gei non no mu dang dan meinan ha nr a lei dao lao jin biaosong giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia na pei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga naku dei ye twinkle na lr bao di ba na lr ba qin qi kan wu so gei so duna nen twinkle tei ga nasong giao tu twinkle o jiao nanu nei hua dui jia napei yi lei sa you yi sou duna nen twinkle ti ga na
2023-06-25 13:29:443


应该是捷克吧...,17.650&spn=05.0,05.0&t=k&hl=en地图上显示 钱上的 PADESAT 是在捷克的
2023-06-25 13:30:031

shakira的howdo you do歌词

SHAKIRA LYRICS "How Do You Do" Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who have trespassed against us Give us this day our daily bread Daily bread, daily bread In cello et in terra fiat voluntas tua Gloria Spiritui Sancto What language do you speak If you speak at all? Are you some kind of freak Who lives to raise the ones who fall? Hey, could you tell me why The cat fights the dog? Do you go to the Mosque Or the Synagogue? And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers? How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have But if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine? Hey, do you feel our pain And walk in our shoes? Have you ever felt starved Or is your belly always full? How many people die And hurt in your name? Hey, does that make you proud Or does it bring you shame? And if our fates have all been wrapped around your finger And if you wrote the script then why the troublemakers? How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have But if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine? Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who have trespassed against us ...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... [Arabic. English translation: "Forgive my sins, Oh, Lord"] Give us this day our daily bread ...Mechila... [Hebrew. English translation: "Forgiveness"] Daily bread ...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... [Hebrew. English translation: "Oh, Lord (Forgive us)"] Daily bread ...Ya Allah (S"lach lanu)... Forgive us our trespasses As we forgive those who have trespassed against us ...Sameh Zoonoobee Allah... Give us this day our daily bread ...Mechila... Daily bread ...S"lach lanu... Daily bread Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Amen! How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes Well that"s OK "cause we all have And if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine? ... Will you forgive mine? ... How do you do? How does it feel to be so high And are you happy? Do you ever cry? ... I sometimes cry ... You"ve made mistakes And that"s OK "cause we all have But if I forgive yours Will you forgive mine...?
2023-06-25 13:30:091


2023-06-25 13:28:093


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2023-06-25 13:28:013