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topsail will be in race across the atlantic

2023-06-25 17:33:09


will 后接动词原形.



英 [ˈtɔpseil] 美 [ˈtɑpsəl, -ˌsel] n. 上桅帆 网 络 上桅帆; 顶帆; 辅助上桅帆; 斜桁顶帆 现代英汉综合大词典 基本释义 n. 1. 中(桅)帆double topsails中桅双帆英英释义 网络释义 Noun 1. a sail (or either of a pair of sails) immediately above the lowermost sail of a mast and supported by a topmast双语例句 1. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. 他将乘坐在自己的“涛波赛尔”号小船里。 来自《用法词典》2. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. 他将乘坐他的那艘小艇“涛波赛尔号”。“涛波赛乐号”是一艘有名的小艇。 来自《用法词典》3. He will be in his small Boat, Topsail. 他将乘他的托波赛马尔号小船。 来自互联网4. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. 托波赛尔号是一艘很名的小船。曾多次横渡大西洋。 来自互联网5. Topsail is a famous boat, It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. 托波赛尔号是一艘很有名的小船,曾多次横渡大西洋。
2023-06-25 11:09:331


再以科技词汇中的top为例 top pressure (压力),top speed (速度),top science (尖端科学),top gear (高速档齿轮)中top的含义,作为修词或形容词,是一目了然的。但是下面复合词中的top并无“高、大”等含义;topmast(中桅)和topsail (中桅帆),在这里top一词不是形容词而是名词(“桅楼”),与另一名词构成一个专用词汇。另外,top overhaul(中修)一词因是overhaul的修饰语,容易以为是“大修”[实际上overhaul与complete, thorough 和general联用时才有全部、彻底、普遍之意,成为“大修”],其实是“初步检修”(见《英华大词典》)。 这种望文生义、似是而非,貌合神离的现象可概括为“想当然”(英语中称之为take it for granted ),是翻译者的大忌。其产生的原因是复杂而多方面的,现大致归纳如下六个方面,即:一、语法结构理解不当;二、词义理解不当;三、缺乏背景知识;四、缺乏专业知识;五、习惯势力影响;六、疏忽大意。 一、语法结构理解不当 译者对语法结构理解不当,如分不清词性、指代关系以及句型等,就会直接造成误译。 1. Magnetic fields of the former kind are geerally about a million times weaker than the Earth"s field ,whereas those originating from the traveling signals of nerve cells are even weaker, some hundred million times less than the earth"s field at their strongest. [原译]前一类磁场通常只有地球磁场的一百万分之一左右,而由神经细胞传播的信号产生的磁场则更弱,的时候也只有地球磁场的几亿分之一。 [分析]此处some 不是形容词(或称determiner限定词),而是副词,经常用在数词之前,相当于about“大约”,如There were some 40 or50 peop0le there.故some hundred million 应译成“约一亿”。 [正译]……只有地球磁场的约一亿分之一。 2. Now Jeffreys points out that, if a number of observations have been found to conform to a law, it is highly probable that next one will do so whether the law is true or not. [误译]现在杰佛利指出,如果已获得大量的观察资料与一条法则一致,非常可能下一条法则也将如此,不管该法则正确与否。 [分析]此句的代词one,它指代observation而不是law,否则变成“法则与法则相一致”,这在逻辑上也自相矛盾。 [正译]……非常可以下一次观察也与该法则相一致,不管它正确与否。 二、词义理解不当 英语词汇中一词多义的情况是相当多的,如“只知其一,不知其二”,就会造成错误理解。勤查和细查词典(包括用英语解释英语的英英词典)才能避免;所谓勤查是多查几本词典,所谓细查是从头到尾地查阅,不厌其烦,才能扩大视野,并找到合适的词义。 1. For the balance of the section, let"s speak in straightforward and elementary terms to describe the function and form of the electronic computer. [误译]为使这一节平衡起见,我们将用简单明了的术语来描述这种电子计算机的功能和形式。 [分析]在《朗曼当代英语词典》balance词条下可查到money or something else which remains or is left over,又见例句:May I take the balance of my holidays before the end of September ? [正译]在本节的其余部分,我们将用简单明了的术语来描述这种电子计算机的功能和形式。 2. We have a sales force at present of twenty-four salesmen of the road, each with his own territory. [误译]目前我们有一支由20名外勤推销员组成的推销队正在途中,每人有他自己的推销领域。 [分析]在商业英语中on the road =away from home use,in regular travel on business esp. as a traveling salesman (Webster"s Third New International Dictionary of the English Language) ,故salesmen on the road 作“外勤推销员”解。 [正译]目前我们有一支由24名外勤推销员组成的推销队伍,每人有自己的推销地盘。 3. Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm. [误译]周未迟睡也会打乱人体的日夜周期。 [分析]此句 sleeping late误译为“迟睡”即“睡得晚”,“晚睡”),实际上它表示“起得晚”或“睡懒觉”。《从中式英语到英语》的作者Janet Adams 写道:“Remember that sleep late means to get up late and not go to bed late. [正译]周末睡懒觉也会打乱人体的日夜周期。 三、缺乏专业知识 科技翻译往往涉及众多领域,各种专业,为了提高翻译质量,译者不仅要熟练掌握英汉两门语言,而且也应具有一定的专业知识的素养。隔行如隔山,每个专业都有各自一套术语。 1. By the age of 19 Gauss had discovered for himself and proved a remarkable theorem in number theory known as the law of quadratic reciprocity. [误译]高斯十九岁已经独立地发现并证明了数理定理——二次互反律。 [分析]将number theory 误为“数理”,系不了解专业所致,其实它在数学上是指“数论”,与“数理”是两个不同的概念。 [正译]……并证明了数论中的一个卓越定理,名谓二次互反律。 2. Designed to predict the motions of hesavenly bodies ,it does its job with unbelievable accuracy——better than one in a hndred million for the motion of the earth around the sun——and it remains in daily use to predict the orbits of moons and planets ,comets and spacecraft. [误译]这个旨在预测天体运行的理论,其准确性令人难以置信——以地球绕太阳运转为例,其误差仅略大于一亿分之一,并且时至今日仍然每日要用它来预测卫星和行星、慧星和航天器的运行轨道。 [分析]原文并无“仅略”的含义,应删去。Better than 修饰accuracy,意为“准确度胜于”或“比……更为准确”,即“误差小于”。 [正译]……,其误差小于一亿分之一,……。 3. When allowance is made for the separate auxiliary load the consumption can rise to nearly 1 Ib/SHP hour and this is generally about 20% better than the overall fuel consumption of a steam plant at cruising speed. [误译]当考虑分开的辅机负荷时,其耗油率几乎能增加到1磅/轴马力小时,一般来说比蒸汽装置的巡航总油耗大约多20%。 [分析]此处better than 用来修饰“油耗”时必然指油耗低,而不是指油耗高。 [正译] ……,一般来说,这是比蒸汽装置在巡航速度时的总油耗约低20%。 四、缺乏背景知识 译者如不了解所译内容的背景,也易造成望文生义。 1. Anyone who has tugged heavy hand baggage down endless airport corridors, or waited for a deluged flight in a sterile lounge will bow how user unfriendly many airports are in design terms . [误译]任何人只要他曾拖着沉重的随身行李,走过无止境的机场走廊,或者曾在枯燥乏味的休息室里等候延误的班机,都会体会到许多机场在设计上对旅客多么不方便。 [分析]此处endless 误译为“无止境的”,实际上作“环状的”解(circular,with the ends joined ),一般大型国际机场,从候机室通向各跑道的走廊呈环状,两头是相联接的。 [正译] ……,走过环形的机场走廊,…… 2. I am/ we are carrying currency or monetary instruments over $ 10000 U.S. or foreign equivalent. [误译]我(我们)携带有货币或价值超过10000美元的仪器或相当于10000美元的外币的仪器。 [分析]原译将instruments 作“仪器”解,显然是缺乏背景知识和脱离上下文所造成的失误。此处系指“证券,票据”;monetary instruments 应译“金融证券”。 [正译]我(我们)携带超过10000美元或等值外币现金或金融证券。 五、习惯势力影响 习惯势力也会造成误译,如下列句中的at the same time,也许这一短语太熟悉了,因此往往习惯地译成“同时”,其实此处上下文并不存在时间上的关系,而是让步关系。 1. In most cases,…he knows that certain manufacturing processes will have to be employed .In many instances ,the selection of a specific material may dictate what processing must be used .At the same time .when certain processes are used ,the design may have to be modified in order for the process to be utilized effectively and economically. [原译]在大多数情况下,……他知道必须采用某些制造过程。在许多情况下,选择特定的材料就规定了须用什么加工过程。同时在采用某些加过程时,可能要修改设计,以便有效地、经济地利用这些加工过程。 [分析]at the same time 有两项释义“同时”和“然而”。上句中该短语并非指时间上的关系,而是用这个短语引出一个需要人们注意的事实。英语词典中至少有八部国外出版的词典,在at the same time 条下仅列出however一项释义。据国内首届一指的《英汉大词典》编写组称:至于为何有些词典只有however解,可能编篡者不收习语的literal meaning 之故,笔者以为言之有理。 [改译] ……。然而在采用某些加工过程时,……。 2. The force of gravity and the friction of the air near the earth are working against the satellite. [分析]英文可说near the earth,不能照译“地球附近”,因该词语仅指位置(location),即直线距离(linear distance),但地球不是单一平面,而是球体。 [正译]引力和地球附近的空气阻力对卫星起阻碍作用。 六、疏忽大意 有些译作总体上说是高质量的,但也有望文生义的现象,如不属于本文上述五个方面的原因,则可能是疏忽大意所致。 1. Feedback, which one-way communication like the printed page fails to provide, makes learning easy and, in the case of motor skills,is essential. [误译]反馈能使学习变得方便,而象印刷品之类的单向信息传递就没有反馈。在学习驾驶摩托车时,反馈更必不可少。 [分析]in the case of“就…来说(而言),论到,提到,至于”。Motors skills 是教育学上的名称,指“运动技能”,而不是指“摩托车驾驶”。 [正译] ……就运动技能而言,反馈更必不可少。 2. The results of that decision can now be evaluated as the first ships of the new gas turbine Navy far enough advanced to enable a comparison to be made with existing steam turbine warships. [误译] ……,并以英海军第一艘先进的新型燃气轮机舰只与现有蒸汽轮机舰只相比来估价这个决定的结果。 [按]将first 误译为“第一艘”,将advanced误为“先进的”,均系不认真严肃所致。 [正译]现在可以来评论这一决定的结果了,因为英国海军首批新燃气轮机舰只已大有进展,足以用来和现有的汽轮机军舰作一比较。 3. There is generally an advantage in being able to keep propelling machinery as far aft as a large gearbox restricts possible, but this positioning. [误译]一般来说,使推进装置尽可能远离舰尾是有利的,但是这样布置会受到大齿轮箱的限制。 [分析]如far aft 译为“远离舰尾”,意思就完全颠倒了。此处far相当于much,considerably,to a great extent. Aft [a : ft ]非常接近船尾。由于“尽可能接近舰尾”这一概念已相当明确,故“非常”可不译出。 [正译]一般来说,使推进装置尽可能靠近舰尾是有利的,但是这种布置会受到大齿轮箱的限制。 最后尚须指出,有时望文是由多种因素所造成,请看下面的句子系受词汇、专业、习惯等影响。 In practice ,a rotor weighing about 10 tons and rotating at 3,000 r .p . m . may be so well balanced that the motion ,except for sound ,is just perceptible. 实际上,一根据重约10吨、每分钟3000转的转子可以平衡得非常好,以致除了响声外,人们几乎觉察不出它是在转动。 [分析]此处just =almost not, hardly 曾误译为“正好觉察得出……”,这样意思就反了。
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2023-06-25 11:09:482


  课文详注 Further notes on the text    1.Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.   我们的邻居查尔斯·艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。   (1)这个句子以及本课的大部分句子用的是一般将来时(cf. 本课语法)   (2)句子的主语部分our neighbour 和Captain Charles Alison为同位语。(cf. 第4课语法)下文 He will be in his small boat,Topsail 中的Topsail 也为同位语。    2.We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning.   明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。   在表示时间的短语 in the morning, in the afternoon等前面可以再加上early, late等副词,以便更确切地表示时间:   Tony will arrive late in the afternoon.   托尼下午晚些时候才能抵达。    3.Topsail is a famous little boat.   “涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇。   little除了表示形体上小的意义之外,还含有“可爱”的意思,是个带有感*彩的词。如little Tom(小汤姆)就有一种亲昵的味道。   4.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.   它已经多次横渡大西洋。   across 是对某个细长物“横切”、“横断”、“横渡”等,尤指河流、马路等等。    5.Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock…   艾利森船长将于8点钟启航……   set out在这里的意思是“出发”、“动身”,是固定短语。    6.We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him.   我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。   表示告别通常用 say goodbye (to sb.):   I have come to say goodbye (to you).   我是来(向你)告辞的。    7.We are very proud of him.   我们真为他感到自豪。   be proud of (sb.) 是个常用搭配,表示“为(某人)感到自豪”:   Mr. Baker is proud of his son.   贝克先生为他的儿子感到自豪。    8.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.   他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。   take part (in) 是固定短语,表示“参加”、“参与(某项活动)”:   We all took part in the competition.   我们都参加了这次竞赛。   语法 Grammar in use   一般将来时 (The simple future tense)   一般将来时由will(第1人称时可用shall)加动词原形构成,可用来预言将来发生的事,如说出我们设想会发生的事或者请对方预言将要发生什么事。will可用于所有人称。当You and I为主语时,通常避免用shall:   You and I will work in the same office.   你和我将在同一个办公室工作。   will在书面语和流利的口语中,在元音之后可以缩略为-"ll,如I"ll, we"ll, you"ll等:   We"ll be back at five o"clock.   我们5点钟回来。   -"ll在下列场合也可用于辅音之后:   人名之后:   Tom"ll be here soon.   汤姆马上就来这儿。   疑问词之后:   When"ll Mary be back?   玛丽什么时候回来?   普通名词之后:   The concert"ll start in a minute.   音乐会一会儿就要开始了。   That film"ll be on next Sunday.   那部影片下星期天上映。   在否定式中,will not可以缩略为-"ll not或 won"t; shall not缩略为shan"t(在美国英语中很少用shan"t, 用shall表示将来也不常用):   I/ we won"t/ shan"t go.   我/我们不会去。   Won"t you have some cake?   你不吃点蛋糕吗?   
2023-06-25 11:09:541


【 #新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的经典之作,它有着全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容及其全面的技能训练,为广大的英语学习者提供帮助!如果你也想学好英语,又怎能错过新概念英语?下面 考 网为您提供了相关内容,希望对您有所帮助!   课文详注 Further notes on the text   1.Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.   我们的邻居查尔斯·艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。   (1)这个句子以及本课的大部分句子用的是一般将来时(cf. 本课语法)   (2)句子的主语部分our neighbour 和Captain Charles Alison为同位语。(cf. 第4课语法)下文 He will be in his small boat,Topsail 中的Topsail 也为同位语。   2.We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning.   明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。   在表示时间的短语 in the morning, in the afternoon等前面可以再加上early, late等副词,以便更确切地表示时间:   Tony will arrive late in the afternoon.   托尼下午晚些时候才能抵达。   3.Topsail is a famous little boat.   “涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇。   little除了表示形体上小的意义之外,还含有“可爱”的意思,是个带有感*彩的词。如little Tom(小汤姆)就有一种亲昵的味道。   4.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.   它已经多次横渡大西洋。   across 是对某个细长物“横切”、“横断”、“横渡”等,尤指河流、马路等等。   5.Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock…   艾利森船长将于8点钟启航……   set out在这里的意思是“出发”、“动身”,是固定短语。   6.We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him.   我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。   表示告别通常用 say goodbye (to sb.):   I have come to say goodbye (to you).   我是来(向你)告辞的。   7.We are very proud of him.   我们真为他感到自豪。   be proud of (sb.) 是个常用搭配,表示“为(某人)感到自豪”:   Mr. Baker is proud of his son.   贝克先生为他的儿子感到自豪。   8.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.   他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。   take part (in) 是固定短语,表示“参加”、“参与(某项活动)”:   We all took part in the competition.   我们都参加了这次竞赛。   语法 Grammar in use   一般将来时 (The simple future tense)   一般将来时由will(第1人称时可用shall)加动词原形构成,可用来预言将来发生的事,如说出我们设想会发生的事或者请对方预言将要发生什么事。will可用于所有人称。当You and I为主语时,通常避免用shall:   You and I will work in the same office.   你和我将在同一个办公室工作。   will在书面语和流利的口语中,在元音之后可以缩略为-"ll,如I"ll, we"ll, you"ll等:   We"ll be back at five o"clock.   我们5点钟回来。   -"ll在下列场合也可用于辅音之后:   人名之后:   Tom"ll be here soon.   汤姆马上就来这儿。   疑问词之后:   When"ll Mary be back?   玛丽什么时候回来?   普通名词之后:   The concert"ll start in a minute.   音乐会一会儿就要开始了。   That film"ll be on next Sunday.   那部影片下星期天上映。   在否定式中,will not可以缩略为-"ll not或 won"t; shall not缩略为shan"t(在美国英语中很少用shan"t, 用shall表示将来也不常用):   I/ we won"t/ shan"t go.   我/我们不会去。   Won"t you have some cake?   你不吃点蛋糕吗?
2023-06-25 11:10:011

His boat,the name of which is Topsail,is famous.这句话中间部分语法怎么去理解?

2023-06-25 11:10:101

His boat,the name of which is Topsail,is famous.这句话中间部分语法怎么去理解?

他的船叫做" TOPSAIL" 很出名.
2023-06-25 11:10:172


Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Where is Captain Alison going and how? Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.New words and expressions 生词和短语luck n. 运气,幸运captain n. 船长sail v. 航行harbour n. 港口proud adj. 自豪important adj. 重要的参考译文 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”号小艇。“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,它已经多次横渡大西洋。艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月,我们真为他感到自豪,他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。
2023-06-25 11:10:261


《新概念英语》第二册第12课 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Where is Captain Alison going and how? 【课文】Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat,Topsail.Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. 【课文翻译】 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴茨茅斯启航了。明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的‘涛波赛"号小艇。“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,他已经多次横渡大西洋。艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月,我们真为他感到自豪,他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。 【生词和短语】 luck n. 运气,幸运 captain n. 船长 sail v. 航行 harbour n. 港口 proud adj. 自豪的 important adj. 重要的 【知识点讲解】 1 sail [动词]作水上旅行,航行 sail from 起航 sail for /to 去往 例句:He is sailing to New York. 他正在去往纽约的航行中。 短语扩展:sail close /near to the wind 干危险或近乎违法的事 sail in 参与激烈的争辩或辩论 2 set out 动身,出发 例句:We have to set out before night. 我们必须在晚上之前动身。 set sth. out 安排、摆放某物件;陈述或宣布某事 set out to do sth. 开始做某事 3 plenty of 许多,大量 这个短语既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。 例句:We do not have plenty of time to waste! 我们没有很多时间去浪费。 4 proud [形容词]感到得意的,自豪的 be proud of sb. /sth 为某人感到自豪 be proud to do sth 为做某事而自豪 例句:We are proud of being Chinese. 我们为身为中国人而自豪。 5 the Atlantic 大西洋,全称为“The Atlantic Ocean" 相应地,比较常说的太平洋是the Pacific Ocean,亚太地区可以表述为Asian and Pacific regions。 6 He will be away for two months. 他将离开两个月。 这是一个一般将来时的句子。 一般将来时通常用于表示将来要发生或即将发生的事情和行为。 英语里将来时的主要表达方式是”助动词shall或will+动词原形“,除了shall /will外,一般将来时还可以用be going to、to be+不定式、be about to do、to be due to等形式表示将来时。另外两种比较特殊的表示将来动作的是一般现在时和现在进行时。具体解释请看下面。 ①will /shall+动词原形 在英国英语里常用shall表示将来,shall用于第一人称。 例句:We shall get married this summer. 我们将于这个夏天结婚。 ②be going to 该结构一般表示主观上”打算、将要做某事“,或者客观迹象预示某事件将要发生。 例句:I"m going to the supermarket, do you need anything? 我打算去超市,你有什么要带的吗? Believe me, it"s going to rain! 相信我,快要下雨了! ③to be+不定式 该结构一般表示经过事先安排的行为,具有”必要“的强制性意义,特别是表示有严格的时间表,不能随意更改。 例句:The US president is to visit Japan next week. 美国总统将于下周访问日本。 ④to be about to do 此结构表示即将发生的事情,一般不与时间状语连用。 例句:Hurry up, the drama is about to put on. 快点儿,戏剧就要上演了。 ⑤一般现在时代替将来时 a. 这是比较特殊的用法,一般只限于少数表示位置移动的动词,如come、go、leave、start等词。 例句:My course starts on Wednesday next week. 我的课下周三开始上。 b. 某些时间状语从句或条件状语从句中。 例句:I won"t leave here unless you tell me the truth. 除非你告诉我真相,否则我决不离开这儿。 c. 由as、why、where等引导的从句中,也常用一般现在时代替将来时。 例句:Free tickets will be given to whoever comes first. 免费的票将送给那些最先到来的人。 ⑥现在进行时表将来 表示根据计划或安排在最近将要进行的事情。但这种用法仅限于一些过渡性动词,如come、go、arrive、return等。 例句:The star is arriving at 6 p.m. 那位明星将于下午六点到达。
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D 其他的搭配的都不合适AB 有了whose不该再有定冠词the C 不是人不能用whom
2023-06-25 11:11:286


我共进晚餐的一家餐馆当哈利斯蒂尔进来哈里工作在律师事务所多年前,但他现在在一家银行工作。他得到了良好的薪金,但他总是借钱从他的朋友和永远支付了回去。哈利看见我来到坐在同一桌上。他从来没有从我借钱。虽然他在吃,我问他借我& 2 。以我吃惊的是,他给我的钱立即。 "我从来没有任何钱借你,哈利说, "现在你可以支付我的晚餐! 我们ncighbour ,船长查尔斯艾莉森,将帆从朴茨茅斯明天。我们将满足他在港清晨。他将在他的小船, Topsail.Tapsail是一个著名的小渔船。它横跨大西洋航行许多倍。队长艾莉森将在八点钟,所以我们应当有足够的时间。我们将看到他的船,然后我们将告别他。他将离开两个月。我们很为他感到骄傲。他将参加一个重要比赛横渡大西洋。
2023-06-25 11:11:532


One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来 I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!" 我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。“我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!” Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”号小艇。“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,它已经多次横渡大西洋。艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月,我们真为他感到自豪,他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年 The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions. “绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出,明天就要到达此地。他们将乘火车来,镇上的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们。明晚他们将在工人俱乐部演出。“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。在此期间,他们将演出5场。同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过,他们将设法维持秩序。每逢这种场合,情况都是这样。 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself!" 去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语吗?” 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人! Good news 佳音 The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. "Mr.Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice. "Don"t interrupt," he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: "sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder." If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! 一旦你把汽车停错了地方,交通警很快就会发现。如果他没给你罚单就放你走了,算你走运。然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警有时也很客气。有一次在瑞典度假,我发现我的车上有这样一个字条:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。此处是‘禁止停车"区。如果您对我们街上的标牌稍加注意,您在此会过得很愉快的。谨此提请注意。”如果你收到这样的恳求,你是不会不遵照执行的! Always young 青春常驻 My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, "Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!" 我的姑姑詹妮弗是位演员,她至少也有35岁了。尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。詹妮弗很快又要参加一个新剧的演出。这一次,她将扮演一个17岁的少女。演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜。去年在演另一个剧时,她不得不穿短袜和一件鲜艳的橘红色的衣服。一旦有人问起她有多大年纪,她总是回答:“亲爱的,长成大人真可怕啊!” He often does this! 他经常干这种事! After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn"t there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in. "Did you have a good meal?" he asked. "Yes, thank you," I answered, "but I can"t pay the bill. I haven"t got my bag." The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. "I"m very sorry," he said. "My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!" 我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。我曾把它放在门边的椅子上,可这会儿不见了!当我正在寻找时,酒店老板走了进来。 “您吃得好吗?”他问。 “很好,谢谢。”我回答,“但我付不了帐,我的提包没有了。” 酒店老板笑了笑,马上走了出去。一会儿工夫他拿着我的提包回来了,把它还给了我。 “实在抱歉,”他说,“我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他常干这种事!” Sold out 票已售完 "The play may begin at any moment," I said. "It may have begun already," Susan answered. I hurried to the ticket office. "May I have two tickets please?" I asked. "I"m sorry, we"ve sold out," the girl said. "What a pity!" Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office. "Can I return these two tickets?" he asked. "Certainly," the girl said. I went back to the ticket office at once. "Could I have those two tickets please?" I asked. "Certainly," the girl said, "but they"re for next Wednesday"s performance. Do you still want them?" "I might as well have them," I said sadly. “剧马上就要开演了,”我说。 “也许已经开演了呢,”苏珊回答说。 我匆匆赶到售票处,问:“我可以买两张票吗?” “对不起,票已售完。”那位姑娘说。 “真可惜!”苏珊大声说。 正在这时,一个男子匆匆奔向售票处。 “我可以退掉这两张票吗?”他问。 “当然可以,”那姑娘说。 我马上又回到售票处。 “我可以买那两张票吗?”我问。 “当然可以,不过这两张票是下星期三的,您是否还要呢?” “我还是买下的好,”我垂头丧气地说。 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟 Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything -- not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. "You must give up fishing!" my friends say. "It"s a waste of time." But they don"t realize one important thing. I"m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all! 钓鱼是我特别喜爱的一项运动。我经常一钓数小时却一无所获,但我从不为此烦恼。有些垂钓者就是不走运,他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。我的运气甚至还不及他们。我什么东西也未钓到过 -- 就连旧靴子也没有。我总是在河上呆上整整一上午,然后空着袋子回家。“你可别再钓鱼了!”我的朋友们说,“这是浪费时间。”然而他们没有认识到重要的一点,我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣,我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,无所事事!:)
2023-06-25 11:12:051


1,还没见过arrive这么用。你这样说很饶口,但是老外也能听懂。一般就说will arrive就行了,如果一定要用will be arriving,那arriving就应该看做形容词了。2,He will be in his boat,还不明白吗?就是“他会在他的船里的,这个船的名字是Topsail”。will be 当然是将来时,没见过will be in是短语?你见过?the name of which当然是修饰boat了。还有问题么?
2023-06-25 11:12:142


新概念英语第二册11到20课课文翻译   《新概念英语》第二册适用于已经学完初学者综合教材《英语初阶》或者其他任何一种初级教程的成年人或者中学生。下面是我整理的第10到20课的课文及翻译,欢迎阅读!   11 One good turn deserves another礼尚往来   I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!"   我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼〃斯梯尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借二十英镑。让我惊讶的是,他立刻把钱给了我。”我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!”   12 Goodbye and good luck再见,一路顺风   Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.   我们的邻居,查尔斯艾丽森船长明天将从朴茨茅斯启航。我们将在港口见到他在清晨。他将在他的小船,上桅帆。这是有名的小艇。它已经多次横渡大西洋。艾丽森船长将于八点启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月。我们真为他感到自豪。他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。   13 The Greenwood Boys绿林少年   The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.   绿林少年是一个流行歌曲演唱。目前,他们正在全国各地巡回演出。明天他们将到达这里。他们将乘火车来,大多数镇上的年轻人会到车站迎接他们。明晚他们将在工人俱乐部。绿林少年准备在此逗留五天。在这期间,他们将演出五场。如往常一样,警察的日子将不好过。他们将设法维持秩序。它始终是相同的在这些场合。   14 Do you speak English?你会讲英语吗?   I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself!"   去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在我离开法国南部的小村庄,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我停了下来,他要求搭便车。他刚一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也用同样的语言回答。除了几个单词外,我根本不会法语。在旅途中我们都没有说话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地,“你会讲英语吗?”我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!”   15 Good news佳音   The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come.   "Mr.Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice.   "Don"t interrupt," he said.   Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!   秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。当我走进他的办公室时,我感到很紧张。当他没有抬头看他的桌上我进入。待我坐下后,他说生意很不好。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么大的工资开支。二十人已经离开了。我知道这次该轮到我了。”哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我用微弱的声音说。”不要打断我的话,”他说。然后他微笑着告诉我,我每年将得到一个!   16 A polite request彬彬有礼的要求   If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: "sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder." If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!   如果你把汽车停错了地方,交通警察很快就会发现。你将非常荣幸,如果他让你不用票。然而,这并不总是发生。交通警有时也很客气。在瑞典度假期间,我在我的车子:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。这是一个“禁止停车”的"地区。你会喜欢这里的生活,如果你留意我们街上的标牌。谨此提请注意。”如果你收到这样的请求,你不可能不服从!   17 Always young青春常驻   My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, "Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!"   我的珍妮佛姨妈是一位女演员。她必须至少三十五岁。尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。珍妮佛将要参加一个新剧的演出。这一次,她将扮演一个十七岁的女孩。在剧中,她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜。去年在演另一个剧时,她不得不穿短袜和光明,红色的连衣裙。如果有人问起她有多大年纪,她总是回答说,“亲爱的,那一定是可怕的是长大了!”   18 He often does this他经常干这种事!   After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn"t there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in.   "Did you have a good meal?" he asked.   "Yes, thank you," I answered, "but I can"t pay the bill. I haven"t got my bag."   The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me.   "I"m very sorry," he said. "My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!"   我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。我把它放在门边的椅子上,现在不在那里!当我正在寻找时,酒店老板走了进来。”你吃得好吗?”他问。”是的,谢谢你,”我回答,“但我不能付账单。我没有得到我的包。”酒店老板笑了笑,马上走了出去。几分钟后,他拿着我的包回来了,把它还给了我。”我很抱歉,”他说。”我的狗把它弄到花园。他经常干这种事!”   19 Sold out 票已售完   "The play may begin at any moment," I said.   "It may have begun already," Susan answered.   I hurried to the ticket office. "May I have two tickets please?" I asked.   "I"m sorry, we"ve sold out," the girl said.   "What a pity!" Susan exclaimed.   Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office.   "Can I return these two tickets?" he asked.   "Certainly," the girl said.   I went back to the ticket office at once.   "Could I have those two tickets please?" I asked.   "Certainly," the girl said, "but they"re for next Wednesday"s performance. Do you still want them?"   "I might as well have them," I said sadly.   “也许已经开演了,”我说。”也许已经开演了,”苏珊回答说。我匆忙赶到办公室。”我可以买两张票吗?”我问。”对不起,我们已经卖完了,”姑娘说。”真遗憾!”苏珊大声地说。就在这时,一个男子匆匆奔向售票处。”我可以退掉这两张票吗?”他问。”当然,”那女孩说。我又回到售票处。”这两张票给我行不行。我问。”当然可以,”那姑娘说,“但这是下星期三的演出。你还想要吗?”我还不如他们,”我沮丧地说。   20 One man in a boat独坐孤舟   Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything -- not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. "You must give up fishing!" my friends say. "It"s a waste of time." But they don"t realize one important thing. I"m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!   钓鱼是我最喜欢的运动。我经常一钓数小时却一无所获。但这并不使我烦恼。有些垂钓者就是不走运。他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来旧靴子和垃圾。我甚至不幸运。我什么东西也未钓到过——就连旧靴子也没有。在河上呆上整整一上午,然后空着袋子回家。”你必须放弃钓鱼!”我的朋友说。”这是浪费时间。”然而他们没有认识到重要的一点。我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣。我感兴趣的只是坐在船上什么都没做! ;
2023-06-25 11:12:281


新概念英语第2册重要句型Lesson10   一、重要句型或语法   1、被动语态   本课侧重的是一般过去时中的被动语态的用法,即:was/were done by,如:The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.   2、双重所有格   即a+名词+of+名词+"s或是名词复数+of+名词+"s,如:a friend of my father"s或some friends of my father"s。   二、课文主要语言点   We have an old musical instrument. instrument,仪器、工具,常和musical搭配,表示乐器。   It is called a clavichord. 1)sth. is called ...,...被称作...。 2)clavichord,古钢琴,钢琴的前身,与钢琴不同的是,它是通过羽毛管制作的拨子拨动一根金属丝弦发音的。   It was made in Germany in 1861. 1)be made in,在...地方制造。注意区分be made in/of/from/by,参考教材中的额难点说明。 2)注意德国的国名和国人的表达。 3)注意年份的读法。   Our clavichord is kept in the living room. be kept in,表示保存在...地方。   It has belonged to our family for a long time. belong to,属于,不能用于被动语态。   The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. 可提醒学生注意ago的用法,动词一般要用一般过去时形式。   Suddenly, someone shouted, "It"s two minutes past twelve!   The clock has stopped!"   此处可复习几点过几分(分钟+past+小时)和几点差几分(分钟+to+小时)的用法。   I looked at my watch. It was true. 1)此处的It was true,简短有力,与前面的长句形成对比,起到一定的强调作用。 2)注意提醒学生true的拼写,学生经常拼错为ture。   The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. 1)本句话用了拟人的修辞手法,因为refuse和welcome只用于有生命的人或物。refuse后接名词或to do。 2)可补充New Year"s Eve(除夕)的表达。   Recently it was damaged by a visitor. 注意区分damage/break/destroy/ruin/spoil。前面四个单词的破坏程度从左到右依次增大,spoil侧重的是抽象意义上的破坏或者宠溺,如:Postcards always spoil my holiday. / The boy was spoiled by his mother.   She tried to play jazz on it! 注意区分try to do(努力做)和try doing(试着做。   She struck the keys too hard and   two of the strings were broken.   1)此处用strike来表示弹奏,说明弹奏者非常用力。 2)注意区分string(弦线)/rope(粗绳)/thread(针线)。   My father was shocked. 本句极为简短,与前面的句子相比,形成鲜明的对照,起到很好的强调作用。shocked,表示震惊。   Now we are not allowed to touch it. allow sb. to do sth.,允许某人做某事。   It is being repaired by a friend of my father"s. 被动语态的进行时对于学生来说比较难理解和掌握,需要仔细讲解。   三、读写重点   1、可继续强化介绍长句和短句,突出短句的强调作用。   2、可对比主动语态和被动语态的表达效果。如:Our clavichord is kept in the living room. vs. We keep the clavichord in the living room.可让学生体会两者的差别,以及作者为什么采用被动语态来表达。 新概念英语第2册重要句型Lesson11   一、重要句型或语法   1、复习第1-10课的关键句型   第1-10课的重点内容有:简单句及其语序、一般现在时、现在进行时、一般过去时、现在完成时、冠词、不定代词、过去进行时、比较关系、表时间的介词、被动语态。   2、动词不定式   本课侧重的是动词不定式做宾语补足语的用法,如:He wants me to ask you a question. / Frank helped Tom to dig this hole.   二、课文主要语言点   I was having dinner at a restaurant   when Tony Steel came in.   1)复习过去进行时的用法,侧重when的用法,即主句动词用过去进行时、when引导的从句动词用一般过去时,注意与while的区别(while引导的并列句的动词用过去进行时,另一个并列句用一般过去时或过去进行时)。如原句可以改为:While I was having dinner at a restaurant, Tony Steel came in. 2)注意restaurant的拼写和读音。   Tony worked in a lawyers office years ago,   but he is now working at a bank.   1)可从but前后两句话中的时间状语years ago和now来提问学生动词时态的使用。 2)注意work in a lawyer"s office和work at a bank中不同地点采用的不同的介词。 3)lawyer只需识记基本意思,注意bank也可以表示河岸。   He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money   from his friends and never pays it back.   1)get a good salary,收入不错。注意salary(月薪、年薪)与wage(周薪)和pay(时薪)的区别。 2)borrow sth. from sb.,从某人处借某物。注意与下文中的lend sth. to sb.(把某物借给某人)的区别。 3)pay sth. back,偿还或报复,文中意为偿还。   Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. 1)可分析此处连用三个动词,用and连接,其实是一种排比句式,起到很好的强调作用,把Tony见到任何人都会想到要借钱的特点描述得很形象。可看情况对比凯撒的名言:I came, I saw, I conquered. 2)sit at the table,坐下吃饭。   He has never borrowed money from me. 可提问学生为什么此处使用现在完成时(标志性词语never)。   While he was eating, I asked him   to lend me twenty pounds.   可让学生改为由when引导的句子,即:When I asked him to lend me twenty pounds, he was eating。但要注意,两句话在表意上侧重点不同,原句侧重的是我主动向Tony借钱,而改完之后侧重点在Tony在吃饭。   To my surprise, he lent me the money immediately. 1)to one"s surprise,令人惊讶的是。 2)immediately可以放在lent前面,但不如放在句末好,因为这样可以突出Tony借钱给我的不假思索,作者以此来为下文埋下伏笔。   I have never borrowed any money from you,"   Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!"   1)pay for sth.,付钱买什么。 2)注意本句话暗含的意思是:作者因为向Tony借了20镑,因此欠了Tony一个人情,所以最后落得不但要还20镑,还得通过给Tony的晚餐买单来还人情,可谓“偷鸡不成蚀把米”。   三、读写重点   1、排比句式的讲解和运用。   2、尾重原理的运用,如:To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. 新概念英语第2册重要句型Lesson12   一、重要句型或语法   1、一般将来时   表示将来会发生的事情,形式为will do,如:We"ll meet him early in the morning.   2、be+小品词   小品词主要是指介词或副词。本课侧重的是be+副词的用法,常见的表达有:be away/back(离开/回来);be out/in(出门/在家);be (all) over(结束); be on(上演); be up to(达到); be after(寻找); be up(起床)等。   二、课文主要语言点   Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison,   will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.   1)Captain Charles Alison用作neighbour的同位语,起补充说明作用。 2)captain表示船长,此处用作头衔,首字母要大写。 3)sail from,从某地起航。 4)可简单介绍一下英国港口城市朴茨茅斯(Portsmouth)。   We"ll meet him at the harbour   early in the morning.   1)meet sb.,接/送某人。 2)harbour一般表示天然港口,注意与port(人工港口)的区别。 3)early in the morning,清早、一大早。   He will be in his small boat Topsail.   Topsail is a famous little boat.   1)注意两句话说到同一艘小船(boat)时,却前后分别使用了small和little。small往往指物理意义上的小,而little则融入了说话者对这艘船的喜爱之情,觉得这艘船很小巧、惹人爱。 2)可解读一下这艘船的名称Topsail,说明这艘船的名字起得很好。 3)famous,的,名词原形是fame(名声,名望)。   It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. 1)因为本句含有many times,所以动词采用了现在完成时形式。 2)可介绍世界四大洋:the Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Arctic Ocean。   Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock,   so we"ll have plenty of time.   1)set out,表示出发,相当于set off。 2)plenty of,许多,一般后接不可数名词。   We"ll see his boat and then   we"ll say goodbye to him.   say goodbye to sb.,向某人道别。say sth. to sb.,向某人说,比如:say hello to sb.,向某人问好;say good morning to sb.,向某人问早上好。   He will be away for two months. be away,表示离开。此处之所以不用瞬间动词leave来表达离开,是因为后面用了表时间段的for two months。   We are very proud of him. be proud of,以...为豪。   He will take part in an important race   across the Atlantic.   1)take part in,参加。 2)important,重要的。 3)race,竞速类比赛。可对比match(多指球赛)与competiton(多指学科等智力知识类比赛)的用法。   三、读写重点   同位语的概念和用法(写作中起补充说明作用,阅读时可考虑跳过)。
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新概念英语第二册1-15课 课文

Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I can"t hear a word!" I said angrily. ‘It"s none of your business," the young man said rudely. "This is a private conversation!". 上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。我非常生气,因为我听不见演员在说什么。我回过头去怒视着那一男一女,他们却毫不理会。最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!” “不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!” It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunch time. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It"s raining again." Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy." I"ve just arrived by train," she said. "I"m coming to see you." "But I"m still having breakfast," I said. "What are you doing?" she asked. ‘I"m having breakfast," I repeated. "Dear me," she said. "Do you always get up so late? It"s one o"clock!"" 那是个星期天,而在星期天我是从来不早起的,有时我要一直躺到吃午饭的时候。上个星期天,我起得很晚。我望望窗外,外面一片昏暗。“鬼天气!”我想,“又下雨了。”正在这时,电话铃响了。是我姑母露西打来的。“我刚下火车,”她说,“我这就来看你。” “但我还在吃早饭,”我说。 “你在干什么?”她问道。 “我正在吃早饭,”我又说了一遍。 “天啊,”她说,“你总是起得这么晚吗?现在已经1点钟了!” Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. "Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card! 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成! I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting. 我刚刚收到弟弟蒂姆的来信,他正在澳大利亚。他在那儿已经住了6个月了。蒂姆是个工程师,正在一家大公司工作,并且已经去过澳大利亚的不少地方了。他刚买了一辆澳大利亚小汽车,现在去了澳大利亚中部的小镇艾利斯斯普林斯。他不久还将到达达尔文去,从那里,他再飞往珀斯。我弟弟以前从未出过国,因此,他觉得这次旅行非常激动人心。 Mr. James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr. Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service. 詹姆斯.斯科特先生在锡尔伯里有一个汽车修理部,现在他刚在平赫斯特买了另一个汽车修理部。平赫特离锡尔伯里只有5英里,但詹姆斯.斯科特先生未能为他新的汽车修理部搞到一部电话机,所以他买了只鸽子。昨天,一只鸽子把第一封信从平赫特带到锡尔伯里。这只鸟只用了3分钟就飞完了全程。到目前为止,斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。就这样,他开始自己的私人“电话”业务。 I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbor told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer. 我刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所房子。昨天一个乞丐来敲我的门,问我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒。作为回报,那乞丐头顶地倒立起来,嘴里还唱着歌。我给了他一顿饭。他把食物吃完,又喝了酒。然后把一块乳酪装进衣袋里走了。后来,一位邻居告诉了我他的情况。大家都认识他,他叫珀西.巴顿斯。他每月对这条街上的每户人家光顾一次,总是请求给他一顿饭和一杯啤酒。 The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamond from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand! 飞机误点了,侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。他们正期待从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹。数小时以前,有人向警方报告,说有人企图偷走这些钻石。当飞机到达时,一些侦探等候在主楼内,另一些侦探则守候在停机坪上。有两个人把包裹拿下飞机,进了海关。这时两个侦探把住门口,另外两个侦探打开了包裹。令他们吃惊的是,那珍贵的包裹里面装的全是石头和沙子! Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for "The Nicest Garden Competition" each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith"s garden is larger than Joe"s. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe"s garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town! 乔.桑德斯拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。几乎每个人都参加每年举办的“最佳花园竞赛”,而每次都是乔获胜。比尔.弗里斯的花园比乔的花园大,他比乔也更为勤奋,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多,但乔的花园更富有情趣。他修筑了一条条整洁的小路,并在一个池塘上架了一座小木桥。我也喜欢花园,但我却不愿意辛勤劳动。每年的花园竞赛我也参加,但总因是镇上最劣的花园而获得一个小奖! On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes" time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted, "It"s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!" I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment everybody began to laugh and sing. 星期三的晚上,我们去了市政厅。 那是一年的最后一天,一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。再过20分钟,大钟将敲响12下。15分钟过去了,而就在11点55分时,大钟停了。那根巨大的分针不动了。 我们等啊等啊,可情况没有变化。突然有人喊道:“已经12点零2分了!那钟已经停了!”我看了一下我的手表,果真如此。那座大钟不愿意迎接新年。此时,大家已经笑了起来,同时唱起了歌。 We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord(翼琴). It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living-room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father"s. 我家有件古乐器,被称作古钢琴,是1681年德国造的。我们的这架古钢琴存放在起居室里。我们家有这件乐器已经很久了, 是我祖父在很多年以前买的。可它最近被一个客人弄坏了,因为她用它来弹奏爵士乐。她在击琴键时用力过猛,损坏了两根琴弦。我父亲大为吃惊,不许我们再动它。父亲的一个朋友正在修理这件乐器。 I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. Harry worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Harry saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Harry said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!" 我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。“我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!” Our neighbor, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat; Topsail.Tapsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock so we shall have plenty of time. We shall see his boat and then we shall say good-bye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”号小艇。“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,它已经多次横渡大西洋。艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月,我们真为他感到自豪,他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。 The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions. “绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出,明天就要到达此地。他们将乘火车来,镇上的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们。明晚他们将在工人俱乐部演出。“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。在此期间,他们将演出5场。同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过,他们将设法维持秩序。每逢这种场合,情况都是这样。 I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself! 去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语吗?” 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人! The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when. I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. "Mr. Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice. "Don"t interrupt," he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。 全册课文点击本链接:
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新概念英语第二册多项选择题Lesson10答案解析   1.a 根据课文第3行It has belonged to our family for a long time. 只有a. has beenin the family for a long time 是正确的,其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。   2.d 根据课文中第5-6行She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings werebroken, 只有d. She hit the keys too hard 最符合课文内容。A. She played jazzon it 是事实,但是不能具体说明钢琴损坏的原因;b. she played it 更不能说明钢琴损坏的原因;c. She cutthe strings 与事实不符合。   3. d 本句需要选同前面句子中的is kept 相应的主动语态形式。   a. kept 是过去式,b. have kept 是现在完成时形式,c. are keeping是现在进行时,这3个选择都在时态上与is kept 不符合。只有d. keep 是一般现在时形式,与is kept时态一致,所以选d.   4. c 本句需要选名词的所有格形式。 a. families 是复数形式,而不是所有格形式;b. families"是所有格形式,但不应该是复数;d. familys"写法错误;只有c. family"s 是所有格形式,最符合标准。   5. b a. since c. from d. by 都不能用来引导表示一段时间的短语,都不能用在many years 前, 只有b. for可以引导表示一段时间的短语,所以选b.   6. c 这个问句的回答是Grandfather did, 是一般过去时,需要为疑问句选一个过去式的动词。 A. buy 是现在式;b. wasbought 是过去式,但语态不对; d. did buy 用Who提问时不应该用助动词did; 只有c. bought是过去式,最符合语法。   7. a本句需要选一个能够进一步说明前面句子中的are not allowed to 的词。 B. mustn"t to 不合乎语法,must后面不能有带to的动词不定式;c. haven"t to 不合乎语法,在意思上讲不通;d. don"t have to虽然合乎语法,但意思不合乎题目意思。 Have to 是必须,不得不的意思,其否定形式是“不必”。 只有a.mustn"t(不应该)最合乎语法,其意思也最符合题目意思。   8. c a. told , b. said, d. spoken 都有“说,讲”的意思,都不符合题目意思,只有c. called(称做,叫做)最合乎题目意思。   9. a 只有选a. 这个句子的意思才接近前一句的含义,而b. hold(握着),c. lift(提起),d. carry(拿着)都不合乎题目意思,所以选a.   10. c 要找出与前面句子中的damaged(损伤,损坏)意思相近的词。a. hurt(伤害,使伤心)一般指精神上的,情感上的或指对身体某一部位的伤害,不是damage的同义词。b. pained(使疼痛,使痛苦)也不是damage的同义词。d. destroyed(毁坏,摧毁建筑物等)不是damage的同义词。只有c. broke(打碎,损坏)同damage含义最接近。   11. c 该句需要找出与前面句子中的recently(最近)意义相同的词。a. late(迟,晚)b. lastly(最后)d. finally(最终)这3个都不是recently的同义词。只有c. lately(最近)是recently的同义词   12. a b. making(制造), c. doing(做), d. building(建造) 这3个选择都不合乎题目意思。 只有a.mending(修理)最符合题目意思。 因为clavichord 是“古钢琴”的意思,正在制造(making)这架古钢琴不太合乎逻辑。更不应该说建造(building)这架古钢琴,而做(doing)这架古钢琴早意思上也讲不通,所以只能是正在修理(mending)这架古钢琴. 新概念英语第二册多项选择题Lesson11答案解析   1. b   根据课文第6-7行I asked him to lend me twenty pounds… he gave me the money immediately, 应该选b. 而其他3个选择都不符合课文内容。   2. b   根据文章第二阶段8-9行“I have never borrowed any money from you, now you can pay for my dinner”只有b. the writer hasn"t ever lent him any money before 是正确答案。其他3个选择都与文章不符   3. b   a. was going 时态不对, go into 不表示延续时间很长的一个动作,不应该是进行时;c. has gone 时态不对,表示过去发生的动作,不应该用现在完成时;d. did go 形式不对,只有在疑问句或表示强调的句子中,才能用这种形式;只有b. went最符合该句的时态要求。   4. a   b. a year ago(一年前), c. since last year(自去年以来) 与d. for a year(有一年的时间)这三个表示时间的短语都不能用在现在进行时中。 只有a. at the moment 可以同现在进行时连用,因此选a.   5. b   这个句子是现在完成时,需要一个相应的时间短语。 a. last week 不能作现在完成时的的时间状语;c. Since后面缺少表示时间的名词;d. A week ago 也不能做现在完成时的时间状语;只有b. Up till now(到目前为止)能同现在完成时连用,所以选b.   6. c   问“多少钱”需要用表示不可数的疑问词来提问。   a. how many (多少)是对可数的事物或人提问的;   b. how不能对名词(钱)提问,只能问方式或状态   d. how few也不能对钱提问,只能修饰可数名词;   只有c. how much 是针对不可数的事物提问的,问“多少钱”,只能用how much提问,所以选c.   7. c   a. want to 不合乎题目意思;b. want语法不对,也不符合题目意思;d. you want to 语序错误;只有c. want you to 最合乎语法和题目意思。   8. a   只有选a. good 才能使这个句子同前面的句子He gets a good salary 的意思相同,而其他3个都与前面句子意思不符合。   9. c   这个句子中的salary是指按月领取的工资.   a. day, b. year, d. week都不对, 只有c. month合乎题目意思.   10. c   本句需要选出与前面句子中的pay back(偿还借款)意思相同的动词短语。 a. pay it again(再次付款)词意思不对;b. pay it(付钱,付清)意思不明确;d. pay it once more 同a意思相同;只有c. repay it 有“偿还欠款或债务”的意思,同pay back 是同义词组,所以选c.   11. b   a. other 前面应该有定冠词,不符合题目意思;   c. extra 意思正确,但是前面缺少不定冠词;   d. a different(不同的)不符合题目意思;   只有b. another(另一个,再一个)最符合句子的含义。   12. d   要找出同前面句子中immediately(立即.立刻)的意思相同的词.   a. soon(不久)不是immediately 的同义词.   b. in a hurry(匆忙)不是immediately 的同义词.   c. once more(再一次)意思相差更远.   只有d. at once(马上,立刻)是immediately 的同义词. 新概念英语第二册多项选择题Lesson12答案解析   1. c   根据课文第3-4行Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times, 只有c能够说明为什么Topsail is famous ,而其他3个选择都不符合逻辑。   2. c   根据课文最后一句He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic, 只有c. will be in the race across the Atlantic 同这句意思相同,而其他3个选择课文中都没有提到。   3. a   本句是个关系从句,需要一个相应的关系代词引导。   b. whose his 不合乎语法,这两个词不能用在一起;   c. his 不是关系代词;   d. of whom 不合乎题目意思;   只有a. whose 是关系代词,符合题目意思,所以应该选a.   4. d   本句中的Portsmouth是一个地名(港口),在某个地方一般要用介词in或at, at 是指在小的地点或空间,因此只能选d, at. 其他3个选择都不能表示在某个地点。   5. d   只有d. the name of which 符合语法,其他3个选择都不对。   6. a   要选出与前面句子中的plenty of (足够的)意思相同的词。   b. almost enough(几乎是足够的)意思不够准确   c. less than enough(不充足的)意思相反,   d. hardly enough(几乎不够)意思相反,   只有a. enough(足够)是plenty of 的同义词。   7. d   a. say him goodbye 不符合语法;b. tell him goodbye 和c. tell goodbye to him 都不符合习惯用法,意思上也讲不通;只有d. say goodbye to him 最符合语法。   8. a   只有a. near才最符合题目意思。b. a long way from,和 c. in a different town from 都与题目意思相反。d. next door(隔壁)后面缺少介词to,不合乎语法   9. c   只有c. often(经常)最接近前面句子中的many times 的含义,而其他3个选择a. sometimes(有时),b. always(总是),d. usually(通常)在意思上不够接近many times.   10. d   前面句子中的词组set out是"出发,启程"的意思。只有d. the journey begins(旅程开始)最接近set out的含义,其他3个选择a. the trip ends, b. the journey ends, c. voyage stops都有“旅程结束”的意思,正好和题目意思相反。   11. a   只有选a. be 才最符合前面句子He will take part in a race 的含义,而其他3个选择意思都不够准确。   12. a   只有a. an ocean(大洋)与事实相符,而b. a sea(海),c. a river(河) ,d. lake(湖)都不是事实。
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新概念英语 10至20课练习难点 摘要写作 选择题不需要 尽量给 急!!

2023-06-25 11:14:054


【 #新概念英语# 导语】通过学习和背诵新概念的经典文章,学生能够系统学习英语的语法,全面提高听、说、读、写各项能力,为英语学习打好基础。以下是 无 整理的新概念英语第二册Lesson10一12词汇,欢迎阅读! 1.新概念英语第二册Lesson10词汇学习   1. damage   (1)n. 损害,损失,伤害:   The storm has done a lot of damage to the village.   暴风雨给这座村庄造成了很大损失。   (2)vt. 损害,毁坏,损坏:   The car was badly damaged in the accident.   在这次事故中。这辆车受到了严重的损坏。   2 .touch   (1) vt,vi,触摸,碰:   You are not allowed to touch the vase   你们不许碰花瓶。   You can look at the pictures,but you can"t touch them.   你们可以观看这些画,但不可以摸。   (2)vt.谈及,涉及,关系到:   a rise in the cost of living touches everyone.   生活费用的增加与每个人都有关系。   3. 与被动形式的made连用的几个介词   动词make经常用于被动语态。当它与不同的介词搭配时。意义也稍有不同。   (1)made in 可表示产地或时间:   This bike was made in China.   这辆自行车是中国造的。   It was made in 1988.   它生产于1988年。   (2) made of表示用某种材料制成(通常指制造后不改变该材料原来的性质或形状):   This chair is made of wood.   这椅子是木制的。   (3)made from表示用数种材料制成,或者是制造后改变了材料原来的性质或形状:   Paper can be made from wood.   用木材可以造纸。   (4)made by表示由谁制造:   This skirt was made by Mary.   这条裙子是玛丽做的。 2.新概念英语第二册Lesson11词汇学习   1.salary与wage   salary可译为“薪金”、“薪水”,通常指职员、脑力劳动者(如律师、教师、医生等)的收入,数额比较固定,一般按月支付:   My salary is paid on the 28th of the month.   我每月28号领工资。   wage可译为“工资”、“工钱”,通常指技工或一般体力劳动者的收入,按周或天支付。wage一般用复数形式wages:   When I worked as a waiter, the wages were low, but the tips were good.   我当侍者时工资不高,但小费可观。   Women often get low wages.   妇女的报酬通常很低。   2.borrow与lend   borrow的意思是“借”、“借入”,经常与from连用:   He borrowed my pen yesterday. He hasn"t given me it yet.   他昨天借了我的钢笔,到现在他还没有还我。   Can I borrow £ 20 from you please? I"ll pay/ give it back tomorrow.   我能从您这里借20英镑吗?我明天就还给您。   lend的意思是“把……借给”、“借出”,经常与介词to连用:   He refused to lend any money to Tom.   他不肯借给汤姆钱。   Can you lend me £ 20 please? I"ll pay/ give it back tomorrow.   您能借给我20英镑吗?我明天就还给您。   Can you lend your car to me this afternoon?   你今天下午能把车借我用一下吗? 3.新概念英语第二册Lesson12词汇学习   1.sail   (1)vi.(船)航行,扬帆行驶:   Topsail has sailed across the Atlantic many times.“涛波赛”已多次横渡大西洋。   The ship is sailing for New York.   这艘船正驶向纽约。   (2)vi.(人)乘船航行:   Captain Alison will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.   艾利森船长明天将从朴次茅斯启航。   I want to sail around the world.   我想乘船周游世界。   (3)n. 帆,篷:   This boat has white sails.   这条小船的帆是白色的。 副词构成表语   动词be如与不同的副词连用则意义不同(主要由副词的意义决定):   He will be away for two months.   他将离开两个月。(away表示“离开”、“不在”)   Can you be back before six o"clock?   你6点钟以前能回来吗?   You can"t see Tom now. He isn"t in.   你现在见不到汤姆。他不在。   Come tomorrow. I"ll be out today.   明天来吧。我今天要出去。   Everything is over between them.   他们之间一切都已结束了。   3.set+ 副词构成的短语动词   (1)set out, 出发,动身:   When"ll you set out for London?   你什么时候(出发)去伦敦?   He set out early this morning.   他今天一大早就出发了。   (2)set off,出发,启程:   I"ll set off for home the day after tomorrow.   我后天动身回家。   (3)set up, 创立,建立;创(纪录):   Mr. Jackson has set up a school in the village.   杰克逊先生在这座村子里开办了一所学校。   Has Tom set up a new world record?   汤姆创造了一项新的世界纪录了吗?
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这篇关于英语翻译知识:剖析中的“望文生义”,是 考 网特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助! 在错误中有相当一部分出乎望文生义。如者认真严肃对待,许多是可以避免的。例如:white wine 不是“白酒”(白酒应属spirits 这一类)而是“白葡萄酒”;short drink 不是“少量酒”而“浓酒”,相反long drink 不是“大量酒”而是“较淡的酒”。The old parts will no longer be supplied 中的no longer 不是指“时间不长”,而是指“旧零件将不再供应”。That"s not half bad 不是指“那不太好”而是指“那一点也不坏”或“那好极了!”;She did not marry him because she loved him 不是指“她没有和他结婚,因为她爱他,”而是指“她并不是因为爱他才和他结婚,”如此等等。 再以科技词汇中的top为例 top pressure (压力),top speed (速度),top science (尖端科学),top gear (高速档齿轮)中top的含义,作为修词或形容词,是一目了然的。但是下面复合词中的top并无“高、大”等含义;topmast(中桅)和topsail (中桅帆),在这里top一词不是形容词而是名词(“桅楼”),与另一名词构成一个专用词汇。另外,top overhaul(中修)一词因是overhaul的修饰语,容易以为是“大修”[实际上overhaul与complete, thorough 和general联用时才有全部、彻底、普遍之意,成为“大修”],其实是“初步检修”(见《英华大词典》)。 这种望文生义、似是而非,貌合神离的现象可概括为“想当然”(英语中称之为take it for granted ),是者的大忌。其产生的原因是复杂而多面的,现大致归纳如下六个面,即:一、语法结构理解不当;二、词义理解不当;三、缺乏背景知识;四、缺乏专业知识;五、习惯势力影响;六、疏忽大意。 一、语法结构理解不当 者对语法结构理解不当,如分不清词性、指代关系以及句型等,就会直接造成误。 . Magnetic fields of the former kind are geerally about a million times weaker than the arth"s field ,whereas those originating from the traveling signals of nerve cells are even weaker, some hundred million times less than the earth"s field at their strongest. [原]前一类磁场通常只有地球磁场的一百万分之一左右,而由神经细胞传播的信号产生的磁场则更弱,的时候也只有地球磁场的几亿分之一。 [分析]此处some 不是形容词(或称determiner限定词),而是副词,经常用在数词之前,相当于about“大约”,如There were some or people there.故some hundred million 应成“约一亿”。 []……只有地球磁场的约一亿分之一。 . Now Jeffreys points out that, if a number of observations have been found to conform to a law, it is highly probable that next one will do so whether the law is true or not. [误]现在杰佛利指出,如果已获得大量的观察资料与一条法则一致,非常可能下一条法则也将如此,不管该法则确与否。 [分析]此句的代词one,它指代observation而不是law,否则变成“法则与法则相一致”,这在逻辑上也自相矛盾。 []……非常可以下一次观察也与该法则相一致,不管它确与否。 二、词义理解不当 英语词汇中一词多义的情况是相当多的,如“只知其一,不知其二”,就会造成错误理解。勤查和细查词典(包括用英语解释英语的英英词典)才能避免;所谓勤查是多查几本词典,所谓细查是从头到尾地查阅,不厌其烦,才能扩大视野,并找到合适的词义。 . For the balance of the section, let"s speak in straightforward and elementary terms to describe the function and form of the electronic computer. [误]为使这一节平衡起见,我们将用简单明了的术语来描述这种电子计算机的功能和形式。 [分析]在《朗曼当代英语词典》balance词条下可查到money or something else which remains or is left over,又见例句:May I take the balance of my holidays before the end of September ? []在本节的其余部分,我们将用简单明了的术语来描述这种电子计算机的功能和形式。 . We have a sales force at present of twenty-four salesmen of the road, each with his own territory. [误]目前我们有一支由名外勤推销员组成的推销队在途中,每人有他自己的推销领域。 [分析]在商业英语中on the road =away from home use,in regular travel on business esp. as a traveling salesman (Webster"s Third New International Dictionary of the nglish Language) ,故salesmen on the road 作“外勤推销员”解。 []目前我们有一支由名外勤推销员组成的推销队伍,每人有自己的推销地盘。 . Sleeping late on weekends can also disrupt your circadian rhythm. [误]周未迟睡也会打乱人体的日夜周期。 [分析]此句 sleeping late误为“迟睡”即“睡得晚”,“晚睡”),实际上它表示“起得晚”或“睡懒觉”。《从中式英语到英语》的作者Janet Adams 写道:“Remember that sleep late means to get up late and not go to bed late. []周末睡懒觉也会打乱人体的日夜周期。 三、缺乏专业知识 科技往往涉及众多领域,各种专业,为了提高质量,者不仅要熟练掌握英汉两门语言,而且也应具有一定的专业知识的素养。隔行如隔山,每个专业都有各自一套术语。 . By the age of Gauss had discovered for himself and proved a remarkable theorem in number theory known as the law of quadratic reciprocity. [误]高斯十九岁已经独立地发现并证明了数理定理——二次互反律。 [分析]将number theory 误为“数理”,系不了解专业所致,其实它在数学上是指“数论”,与“数理”是两个不同的概念。 []……并证明了数论中的一个卓越定理,名谓二次互反律。 . Designed to predict the motions of hesavenly bodies ,it does its job with unbelievable accuracy——better than one in a hndred million for the motion of the earth around the sun——and it remains in daily use to predict the orbits of moons and planets ,comets and spacecraft. [误]这个旨在预测天体运行的理论,其准确性令人难以置信——以地球绕太阳运转为例,其误差仅略大于一亿分之一,并且时至今日仍然每日要用它来预测卫星和行星、慧星和航天器的运行轨道。 [分析]原文并无“仅略”的含义,应删去。Better than 修饰accuracy,意为“准确度胜于”或“比……更为准确”,即“误差小于”。 []……,其误差小于一亿分之一,……。 . When allowance is made for the separate auxiliary load the consumption can rise to nearly Ib/SHP hour and this is generally about % better than the overall fuel consumption of a steam plant at cruising speed. [误]当考虑分开的辅机负荷时,其耗油率几乎能增加到磅/轴马力小时,一般来说比蒸汽装置的巡航总油耗大约多%。 [分析]此处better than 用来修饰“油耗”时必然指油耗低,而不是指油耗高。 [] ……,一般来说,这是比蒸汽装置在巡航速度时的总油耗约低%。 四、缺乏背景知识 者如不了解所内容的背景,也易造成望文生义。 . Anyone who has tugged heavy hand baggage down endless airport corridors, or waited for a deluged flight in a sterile lounge will bow how user unfriendly many airports are in design terms . [误]任何人只要他曾拖着沉重的随身行李,走过无止境的机场走廊,或者曾在枯燥乏味的休息室里等候延误的班机,都会体会到许多机场在设计上对旅客多么不便。 [分析]此处endless 误为“无止境的”,实际上作“环状的”解(circular,with the ends joined ),一般大型国际机场,从候机室通向各跑道的走廊呈环状,两头是相联接的。 [] ……,走过环形的机场走廊,…… . I am/ we are carrying currency or monetary instruments over $ U.S. or foreign equivalent. [误]我(我们)携带有货币或价值超过美元的仪器或相当于美元的外币的仪器。 [分析]原将instruments 作“仪器”解,显然是缺乏背景知识和脱离上下文所造成的失误。此处系指“证券,票据”;monetary instruments 应“金融证券”。 []我(我们)携带超过美元或等值外币现金或金融证券。 五、习惯势力影响 习惯势力也会造成误,如下列句中的at the same time,也许这一短语太熟悉了,因此往往习惯地成“同时”,其实此处上下文并不存在时间上的关系,而是让步关系。 . In most cases,…he knows that certain manufacturing processes will have to be employed .In many instances ,the selection of a specific material may dictate what processing must be used .At the same time .when certain processes are used ,the design may have to be modified in order for the process to be utilized effectively and economically. [原]在大多数情况下,……他知道必须采用某些制造过程。在许多情况下,选择特定的材料就规定了须用什么加工过程。同时在采用某些加过程时,可能要修改设计,以便有效地、经济地利用这些加工过程。 [分析]at the same time 有两项释义“同时”和“然而”。上句中该短语并非指时间上的关系,而是用这个短语引出一个需要人们注意的事实。英语词典中至少有八部国外出版的词典,在at the same time 条下仅列出however一项释义。据国内首届一指的《英汉大词典》编写组称:至于为何有些词典只有however解,可能编篡者不收习语的literal meaning 之故,笔者以为言之有理。 [改] ……。然而在采用某些加工过程时,……。 . The force of gravity and the friction of the air near the earth are working against the satellite. [分析]英文可说near the earth,不能照“地球附近”,因该词语仅指位置(location),即直线距离(linear distance),但地球不是单一平面,而是球体。 []引力和地球附近的空气阻力对卫星起阻碍作用。 六、疏忽大意 有些作总体上说是高质量的,但也有望文生义的现象,如不属于本文上述五个面的原因,则可能是疏忽大意所致。 . Feedback, which one-way communication like the printed page fails to provide, makes learning easy and, in the case of motor skills,is essential. [误]反馈能使学习变得便,而象印刷品之类的单向信息传递就没有反馈。在学习驾驶摩托车时,反馈更必不可少。 [分析]in the case of“就…来说(而言),论到,提到,至于”。Motors skills 是教育学上的名称,指“运动技能”,而不是指“摩托车驾驶”。 [] ……就运动技能而言,反馈更必不可少。 . The results of that decision can now be evaluated as the first ships of the new gas turbine Navy far enough advanced to enable a comparison to be made with existing steam turbine warships. [误] ……,并以英海军第一艘先进的新型燃气轮机舰只与现有蒸汽轮机舰只相比来估价这个决定的结果。 [按]将first 误为“第一艘”,将advanced误为“先进的”,均系不认真严肃所致。 []现在可以来评论这一决定的结果了,因为英国海军首批新燃气轮机舰只已大有进展,足以用来和现有的汽轮机军舰作一比较。 . There is generally an advantage in being able to keep propelling machinery as far aft as a large gearbox restricts possible, but this positioning. [误]一般来说,使推进装置尽可能远离舰尾是有利的,但是这样布置会受到大齿轮箱的限制。 [分析]如far aft 为“远离舰尾”,意思就完全颠倒了。此处far相当于much,considerably,to a great extent. Aft [a : ft ]非常接近船尾。由于“尽可能接近舰尾”这一概念已相当明确,故“非常”可不出。 []一般来说,使推进装置尽可能靠近舰尾是有利的,但是这种布置会受到大齿轮箱的限制。 最后尚须指出,有时望文是由多种因素所造成,请看下面的句子系受词汇、专业、习惯等影响。 In practice ,a rotor weighing about tons and rotating at , r .p . m . may be so well balanced that the motion ,except for sound ,is just perceptible. 实际上,一根据重约吨、每分钟转的转子可以平衡得非常好,以致除了响声外,人们几乎觉察不出它是在转动。 [分析]此处just =almost not, hardly 曾误为“好觉察得出……”,这样意思就反了。
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一、本课的生词和词组   1、proud adj. 自豪   be proud of 以...为荣; 以...自豪   We are very proud of him. 我们真为他感到自豪。   She"s proud of herself. 她感到自豪。   I"m proud of them. 我为他们感到自豪。   2、set out 启航   set sth. out 安排、摆放某物件;陈述或宣布某事   set out to do sth. 开始做某事   set out 出发启航   set out on 出发去做某事   Set out on a journey round the world .动身周游世界   She will set out on her travel tomorrow. 她明天要出门旅行。   set out to打算,着手   The time that we set out to. 我们出发的时间到了。   He set out to paint the whole house. 他开始动手油漆整座房子。   3、important adj. 重要的   important person 要人   be important before everything 比任何事都重要   important money 大笔钱   look important 看上去了不起   4、sail [动词]作水上旅行,航行   sail from 起航   sail for /to 去往   例句:He is sailing to New York.   他正在去往纽约的航行中。   短语扩展:sail close /near to the wind 干危险或近乎违法的事   sail in 参与激烈的争辩或辩论   5、plenty of 许多,大量   这个短语既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。   例句:We do not have plenty of time to waste!   我们没有很多时间去浪费。   6、the Atlantic 大西洋,全称为"The Atlantic Ocean"   相应地,比较常说的太平洋是the Pacific Ocean,亚太地区可以表述为Asian and Pacific regions。   二、本课的语法内容   本课主要学习的就是一般将来时态。    一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态以及计划、打算做某事,是由"will / shall +动词原形"构成的。shall只限于第一人称,主要见于英国英语,现在的趋势是第一、二、三人称的单复数形式均用will表示。其时间状语有如下几种:    1)this引导的短语 如 this year   2)tomorrow及其相关短语 如tomorrow morning例如:Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。   3)next引导的短语 如 next month   4) from now on; in the future;in an hour ; for two months,例如文中: He will be away for two months.他要离开两个月。   一般将来时的句型:   1.肯定句:主语+shall /will+动词+其他成份   He will be in his small boat, Topsail.   他将乘坐他的"涛波赛"号小艇。   Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock,……   艾利森船长将于8点钟启航……   2.否定句:主语+shall /will+not+动词+其他成份   I will not go shopping one hour later. 一小时之后我不会去购物。   3.一般疑问句:shall /will+主语+动词+其他成份   Will you be back in ten minutes? 十分钟后你会回来吗?   Will Captain Alison set out at eight o"clock?   艾利森船长将于8点钟启航么?   4.特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+shall /will+主语+动词+其他成份   When will Captain Alison set out?   艾利森船长将于什么时候启航?   有一句歌词:What shall I do?我怎么办呢?   看个例题:    例:1 He will is () at school next Monday.    2 He is going to does () his homework after school.
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1.首先第一题,这两句话是同一个类型的.will be表示将来时。He will be in his small boat,Topsail.他将乘坐他的小船,波涛号。和He will be away for two months.他将离开两个月 这两句话都是表示将来要做的事情。如果BE当is am are的话的确就是He is in his small boat。但这句话是通的,意思为:他在他的小船里。这样就是现在时。2.第二题——It is being repaired by a friend of my father"s.句意为:我爸爸的一个朋友正在准备着这个。你问的 is being是表示现在进行时,repair还加 ed 是因为这里表示被动,这件事被准备,也就是说——这件事正在被我爸爸的一个朋友准备着。这句话的时态用到了现在进行时,语法还用到了被动态。
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高一名词性从句,定语从句。总是分不清。可以详解么?要有例题~~(高分悬赏)一、引导名词性从句的连接词分类 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 连词(5个):that(宾语从句或表语从句中that有时可以省略) whether,if(均表示“是否”表明从句内容的不确定性) as if ,as though(均表示“好像”,“似乎”) 以上在从句中均不充当任何成分 连接代词(9个):what, whatever, who, whoever, whom, whomever, whose, which, whichever 连接副词(7个):when, where, how, why, whenever, wherever, however 不可省略的连词: 1. 介词后的连词 2. 引导主语从句和同位语从句的连词不可省略。 That she was chosen made us very happy. We heard the news that our team had won.比较 whether与if 均为"是否"的意思。 但在下列情况下,只可用whether: 1. whether引导主语从句并在句首 2. 引导表语从句 3. whether从句作介词宾语 4. 从句后有"or not" 5. 引导同位语从句 Whether he will come is not clear. 大部分连接词引导的主语从句都可以置于句末,用 it充当形式主语。 It is not important who will go. It is still unknown which team will win the match.定语从句及相关术语定语从句 定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性成分,相当于形容词,所以又称为形容词性从句,一般跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词叫做定语从句。关系词 引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as等,绝对没有what;关系副词有where, when, why等。关系词常有3个作用: ①连接作用,引导定语从句。 ②代替主句中的先行词,甚至可能是主句中的一部分或者整个主句。 ③在定语从句中充当一句子成分。 注:关系代词有主语、宾语之分。一般whom作为宾语。关系代词在从句中作主语,宾语,表语,定语等,关系副词在从句中作地点状语,时间状语,原因状语等。定语 定语用来限定、修饰名词或代词的,是对名词或代词起修饰、限定作用的词、短语(动词不定式短语、动名词短语和分词短语)或句子,汉语中常用‘……的"表示。主要由形容词担任,此外,名词,代词,数词,分词,副词,不定式以及介词短语也可以来担任,也可以由一个句子来担任。单词作定语时通常放在它所修饰的词之前,作前置定语。短语和从句作定语时则放在所修饰的词之后,作后置定语。先行词 被定语从句修饰的名词、代词称为先行词。编辑本段关系代词引导的定语从句举例 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在从句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,who做主语指人,whom作宾语指人,that既可作主语又可作宾语(作宾语可以省略),可以指人也可以指物。在从句中所起作用如下: (1) Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是想见你的人吗?(who/that在从句中作主语) (2) He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday. 他就是我昨天见的那个人。(whom/that在从句中作宾语)Whose 用来指人或物 (只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换,指人的时候也可以用of whom 代替) (1) They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。 (2) Please pass me the book whose (of which) color is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,作宾语时可以省略,例如: (1) A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作主语) (2) The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿那个包裹快要散开了。(which / that在句中作宾语) 4、 as as 可以做主语,也可以作宾语,作宾语时可以省略,指人或者物。常与such as,the same as等短语连用。编辑本段限定性定语从句关系代词 关系代词:在句中作主语、宾语或定语 1. that既可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语也可以省略。[eg:This is the book (which)you want.] 2. 如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置 3. 代表物时多用which,但在下列情况中用that而不用which: a)先行词是anything, everything, nothing , none等不定代词时; b)先行词由every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等修饰时,这时的that常被省略; c)先行词前有序数词或被形容词最高级修饰时; d)先行词中既有人又有物时; e)整个句中前面已有which,who,that时; f)当先行词为物并作表语时; g)先行词为one时; h)先行词同时又被the only,the very,the same修饰时; 4. who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语 5. whose是关系代词,修饰名词作定语,相当于所修饰成分的前置所有格.它引导的从句可以修饰人和物, 当它引导的从句修饰物体时, 可以与 of which 调换,表达的意思一样。关系副词 关系副词:在句中作状语 关系副词=介词+关系代词 why=for which where=in/ at/ on/ ... which (介词同先行词搭配) when=during/ on/ in/ ... which (介词同先行词搭配) 1. where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句。 2. when引导定语从句表示时间〔注〕值得一提的是,表示时间“time"一词的定语从句只用when引导,有时不用任何关系代词,当然也不用that引导。 By the time you arrived in London, we had stayed there for two weeks. 到你到达伦敦的时候,我们在那里已经待了两个星期。 I still remember the first time I met her. 我仍然记得我第一次见到她。 Each time he goes to business trip, he brings a lot of living necessities, such as towels, soap, toothbrush etc。 每一次他去出差,他带来了生活必需品,如毛巾,肥皂,牙刷等,很多。 3. 当从句的逻辑主语是some, any, no, somebody, anybody, nobody, something, anything, everything或nothing时,常用there is来引导 There is somebody here who wants to speak to you. 这里有人要和你说话。 非限制性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常是引导词和先行词之间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立编辑本段非限制性定语从句 1. which引导的非限定性定语从句作用是说明前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分 2.当先行词是专有名词、物主代词或指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的,例如: Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理·史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。 My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden. 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。 This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。 3.非限定性定语从句可将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数,例如: He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦。 Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发。 4. 有时as也可用作关系代词 5. 在非限定性定语从句中,不能用关系副词why和关系代词that,而用who, whom代表人,用which,whose代表事物,如果需要用why,可用for which代替.; p.s: which引导的非限制性定语从句其后不可省略成分,as可以编辑本段关系代词引导的定语从句who指人在从句中做主语 (1) The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 在踢足球的男孩们是一班的. (2) Yesterday I helped an old man who lost his way. 昨天,我帮助了一个迷路的老人.whom指人 在定语从句中充当宾语,常省略。(注:who和whom已无太大区别,基本可以通用。区别是who可以做主语而whom不可以,whom前可以加介词如to whom,但是who不可以) (1) Mr. Liu is the person (whom) you talked with on the bus. 刘先生就是在公交车上和你聊天的那个人. (2) Mr. Ling is just the boy(whom)I want to see. 凌先生恰巧就是我想见的那个男孩. (3) The man who/whom you met just now is my friend. 你刚刚见到的那个人就是我的朋友. 注意:关系代词whom在口语和非正式语体中常用who代替,可省略。 如果在从句中做宾语,就用whom或who.比如: He is the man whom/who I talk to. 他就是那个和我聊天的男人. 如果是在从句中作主语就只能用who.比如: He is the man who has an English book. 他就是那个有英语书的男人.whose通常指人也可指物 在定语从句中做定语。 (1) He has a friend whose father is a doctor. 他有一个朋友的父亲是医生. (2) I once lived in a house whose roof has fallen in. whose指物时通常以以下结构来代替 (3) The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.那个门被打破的教室不久会被修复。 (4) The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.课堂门,被打破会不久被修复。 (5) Do you like the book whose color is yellow?你喜欢颜色是黄色的书吗? (6) Do you like the book the color of which is yellow?你喜欢的书的颜色,是黄色吗? which指物 在定语从句中做主语,表语,定语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。 (1) Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 足球是大多数男孩都喜欢的游戏. (2) This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. 这是他昨天刚买的钢笔.that指人时 相当于who或者whom;指物时,相当于which。 在定语从句中做主语,表语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。 (5) The number of the people that/who come to visit the city each year rises one million.数目的人民那个/谁来城市观光每年上升之一个百万 (6) Where is the man that/whom I saw this morning?那个男人在哪里/我看见谁了今天早上?编辑本段关系副词引导的定语从句when指时间 在定语从句中做时间状语也可做连接词用 (1) I still remember the day when I first came to the school. (2) The time when we got together finally came.where指地点 在定语从句中做地点状语 (1) Shanghai is the city where I was born. (2) The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.why指原因 在定语从句中做原因状语 (1) Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. (2) I don"t know the reason why he looks unhappy today. 注意:关系副词引导的从句可以由“介词+关系代词”引导的从句替换 (1) The reason why/ for which he refused the invitation is not clear, (2) From the year when/in which he was going to school he began to know what he wanted when he grew up.编辑本段介词和关系代词 1)介词后面的关系代词不能省略。 2)that前不能有介词。 3) 某些在从句中充当时间,地点或原因状语的"介词+关系词"结构可以同关系副词when ,where和why 互换。 This is the house in which I lived two years ago. This is the house where I lived two years ago. Do you remember the day on which you joined our club? Do you remember the day when you joined our club? This is the reason why he came late. This is the reason for which he came late. 介词+关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时 从句常由介词+关系代词引导 当介词放在关系代词前面时,关系代词只能用which/whom即“介词+which/whom"且不能省略。但当介词位于末尾时可用that/which/who/whom.作介词的宾语,且可以省略。例如: (1) The school (that/which) he once studied in is very famous."that/which"可以省略 = The school in which he once studied is very famous."which”不可省略 (2) Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine (that/which) you asked for. = Tomorrow I will bring here a magazine for which you asked. (3) We"ll go to hear the famous singer (whom/that/who) we have often talked about. = We"ll go to hear the famous singer about whom we have often talked. 注意: 1. 含有介词的动词短语一般不拆开使用,如:look for, look after, take care of等 T This is the watch which/that I am looking for. (T=正确) F This is the watch for which I am looking. (F=错误) 2. 若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时用whom,不可用who或者that;指物时用which,不能用that;关系代词是所有格时用whose (1) The man with whom you talked is my friend. (T) The man with that you talked is my friend. (F) (2) The plane in which we flew to Canada is very comfortable. (T) The plane in that we flew in to Canada is very comfortable. (F) 3. “介词+关系代词”前可有some, any, none, both, all, neither, most, each, few等代词、数词或者名词。 (1) He loved his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him. (2) In the basket there are quite many apples, some of which have gone bad. (3) There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities. (4)The boat, the name of which is Topsail, is famous. (5)I bought many books yesterday, three of which are written by Lu Xun.关系代词 关系代词(一般情况下)that 可用在从句做主语,谓动词的宾语,但是不能做介词的宾语。 which指物,在从句中作主语,谓语或宾语; who在从句中作主语; whom在从句中作宾语; where在从句中修饰表地点的名词,做地点状语; when在从句中通常修饰表时间的名词,做时间状语; why在从句中做原因状语,先行词通常是"reason" 有时why也可用for+which代替。 例:A doctor is a person ‖who looks after people"s health. 主语 谓语 先行词 定语从句修饰先行词判断介词和关系代词 方法一: 用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。不及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系副词或者是介词加关系代词;而及物动词后接宾语,则要求用关系代词。例如: This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. I"ll never forget the days when I worked together with you. 判断改错(注:先显示题,再显示答案,横线;用不同的颜色表示出。) (错) This is the mountain village where I visited last year. (错) I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside. (对) This is the mountain village (which) I visited last year. (对) I"ll never forget the days (which) I spent in the countryside. 习惯上总把表地点或时间的名词与关系副词 where, when联系在一起。此两题错在关系词的误用上。 方法二: 准确判断先行词在定语从句中的成分(主、谓、宾、定、状),也能正确选择出关系代词/关系副词。 例1. Is this museum ___ you visited a few days ago? A. where B. that C. on which D. the one 例2. Is this the museum ____ the exhibition was held? A. where B. that C. on which D. the one 答案:例1 D,例2 A 例1变为肯定句: This museum is ___ you visited a few days ago. 例2变为肯定句: This is the museum ___ the exhibition was held. 在句1中,is后应跟表语,只有the one可以,而后面的you visited a few days ago则做one的定语从句。 而句2中, 主、谓、宾俱全,从句部分为句子的状语表地点,既可用副词where,又因 in the museum词组,可用介词in + which 引导地点状语。而此题中,介词on 用的不对,所以选A。 关系词的选择依据在从句中所做的成分,先行词在从句中做主、定、宾语时,选择关系代词 (who, whom, that, which, whose); 先行词在从句中做状语时,应选择关系副词 ( where 地点状语,when 时间状语,why 原因状语) 。
2023-06-25 11:15:103


新概念英语第二册Lesson10逐句精讲   1.We have an old musical instrument.   我们有一个古乐器。   2.It is called a clavichord.   它被叫做古钢琴。   语言点1 call的用法:   1)call sb. sth.把某人叫做……   2)sb./ called(被动语态)   语言点2 call的常用短语:   1)call on拜访,看望:I shall call on my teacher tomorrow.明天我将去看望我的老师。   2)call off(=cancel,delete)取消:The next outdoor meeting has been called off.下次的户外会议被取消了。   3)call for需要,要求;值得:The occasion calls for a cool head.这种场合需要冷静的头脑。   4)call up(=call upon)召集,动员,拜访:We called up all students on the playground.我们把所有的学生都召集到操场上。   5)call one"s name叫某人的名字   6)call one"s name(=say "F" words)说脏话   3.It was made in Germany in 1681.   这是一架1681年在德国制造的古钢琴。   语言点1 was made为过去时的被动语态。   语言点2 句型结构"be made+介词短语"   1)be made in somewhere在……地方制造   2)be made of由……制造(能看出原材料):The bridge is made of wood.这座桥是用木头造的。   3)be made from由……制造(看不出原材料):The beer is made from malt, hop and water.啤酒是麦芽、啤酒花和水酿制而成的。   4)be made into被制成了……:This diamond was made into a ring.这颗钻石被制成了一枚戒指。   5)be made by sb.被某人制造:That nice wood chair was made by my uncle.那把精美的木椅子是我叔叔做的。   4.Our clavichord is kept in the living-room.   我们的古钢琴被摆放在客厅里。   语言点1 is kept为现在时的被动语态:“现在被保存在……”   语言点2 有关房屋的表达:attic阁楼;living room客厅;hall门厅;aisle过道;bedroom卧室;bathroom浴室;kitchen厨房;basement地下室;garage车库;storeroom储藏室   5.It has belong to our family for a long time.   我们家拥有这件乐器已经很久了。   语言点1 belong to的用法:   1)属于;为……财产:That book belongs to me.那本书属于我。   2)成为……的一员:Which fishing club do you belong to?你是哪家钓鱼俱乐部的成员?   语言点2 for a long time表示“很长一段时间”,往往表示一段时间,经常和完成时态搭配使用。   6.The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago.   这件乐器是我祖父多年前买的。   语言点 many years ago决定了句子的时态为一般过去时,...ago作时间状语句子往往用一般过去时,而since则常常出现在完成时态中。   7.Recently it was damaged by a visitor.   最近,古钢琴被一个客人损坏了。   语言点 visitor指“游客,观光者,访问者”:Visitor Not Admittted谢绝参观   8.She tried to play jazz on it!   她竟然用古钢琴来演奏爵士乐。   语言点 1)play sth. on+乐器表示在何种乐器上演奏某种音乐;   2)play+the+乐器表示演奏何种乐器。   9.She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.   她用劲太大以至于把其中的两根弦都弄断了。   语言点 比较学习:too, very   1)too表示“太,过于”:The scenery is too beautiful for words.风景美得无法形容。/You walked too quickly.你走的实在是太快了。   2)very表示“非常,很”(在合理的范围内):She was very hurt by her boyfriend"s unkind words.她男朋友说的那些难听的话,让她很伤心。   10.My father was shocked.   我父亲非常吃惊。   语言点 shocked既可作形容词,意为“感到震惊的”,也是动词过去分词,用于被动语态,意为“被震惊”。   I was very much shocked at what I saw.眼前的情景让我大为震惊。   11.Now we are not allowed to touch it.   现在,我们谁也不许再碰一下古钢琴。   12.It is being repaired by a friend of my father"s.   我父亲的一个朋友正在修复这架古钢琴。   语言点1 It is being repaired by...为典型的现在进行时的被动语态。   语言点2 名词的双重所有格结构:of+ -"s   a friend of my mother"s我母亲的一个朋友   a picture of Lynn"s林恩的一张照片 新概念英语第二册Lesson11逐句精讲   1.I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in.   我正在一家饭馆里吃饭,这是托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。   语言点1 吃饭,用餐:have dinner=take dinner:不可用eat dinner.   语言点2 当一般过去时和过去进行时配合使用时,延续性动作用过去进行时,瞬间性动作用一般过去时:   While my brother was riding a horse, he broke his leg.我弟弟骑马的时候不小心折了腿。   ride a horse骑马(延续性动作相对时间长);break his leg折腿(瞬间性动作)   2.Harry worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank.   几年前,托尼在一家律师事务所工作,现在他在一家银行就职。   语言点1 work的用法:   1)work in somewhere强调工作的地点   2)work for sb.强调为谁而工作   3)work at强调工作的具体单位或从事何种工作   4)work on致力于,做……   语言点2 1)years ago=many years ago许多年前   2)ages ago=long long ago很久很久以前   3)centuries ago数个世纪以前   3.He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back.   他拿着高薪,但总是向他的朋友借钱,并且从来都不还。   语言点1 a good salary=a high salary高薪;而premium/prize是指奖金。   语言点2 1)pay sth. back=repay sth.归还某物   2)pay sb.back=revenge sb.报复某人   3)pay for sth.为某物而付钱   4.Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table.   托尼看到我就走了过来,并且和我坐到了同一张桌子前。   语言点1 本句用两个and连接了三个谓语动词,避免重复和啰嗦,使句子更加清晰简洁。   I followed and watched and tried to speak to her.我尾随注视着她,并试图和她说话。   语言点2 sat at the same table坐在同一张桌子旁:sit为不及物动词,需后接一个介词at再接宾语。   My boss is sitting in front of his desk.我的老板正坐在他的办公桌前。   5.He has never borrowed money from me.   他从来没有向我借过钱。   语言点 never常用于完成时中:This smart young lady had never been abroad before.这位漂亮年轻的女士以前从未出过国。   6.While he was eating, I asked him to lend me 2 pounds.   当他用餐的时候,我向他提出借20英镑。   语言点1 在此句中while表示当……时。经常与while发生混淆的词是awhile,表示“片刻,少顷,暂时”。awhile作为副词从不置于介词之后,但介词可放在两个短语成的a while之前,尤其在书面表达中,正确用法为:stay awhile;stay for a while. stay for awhile是错误用法。   语言点2 ask/require/call/demand sb. to do sth.请求某人做某事   7.To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately.   让我吃惊的是,他马上借钱给我。   语言点1 to one"s surprise让某人吃惊的是   语言点2 give me the money=give the money to me把钱给了我   8.‘I have never borrowed any money from you," Harry said,"so now you can pay for my dinner!"   “我从来没向你借过一分钱,”托尼说,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!”   语言点 any一词常用语否定句,在此表示强调。 新概念英语第二册Lesson12逐句精讲   1.Our ncighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.   我们的邻居查尔斯.艾莉森船长明天即将从朴茨茅斯起航了。   语言点1 will sail为一般将来时,常与表示将来的时间状语,如tomorrow搭配使用:   My father will read this letter tonight.我父亲今晚就读这封信。   语言点2 Captain Charles Alison为our neighbour的同位语,起解释说明作用。   语言点3 英语国家姓名的表达:   1)名+姓   2)the+姓+s,表示一家人   3)Mr.and Mrs.+姓,表示夫妇   2.We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning.   明天清晨,我们将在港口为他送行。   语言点1 meet sb. in/at somewhere.可表示在某地接送某人(根据上下文具体确定是接还是送)   I am coming to see you. Will you meet me at the bus station? 我来看你,你能到公交站去接我吗?   语言点2 early in the morning一大早;late in the afternoon傍晚时分   3.He will be in his small boat, Topsail.   他将驾驶他的小艇——陶波塞号。   语言点 be+形容词/副词   1)be away离开:His mother will be away for six days.他妈妈要离开这里六天。   2)be back回来:The vice president will be back next week.副总统下个星期回来。   3)be out出去:If someone phones, please tell them I shall be out the whole day.如果有人打电话给我,请告诉他们我一整天都不在家。   4)be in在家:Yesterday afternoon I called on my uncle, but he was not in.昨天下午我去看望了我伯父,但他不在家。   5)be over结束:When we arrived at the Globe, the movie was over.当我们赶到环球*时,电影结束了。   6)be up to/be able to/be capable to胜任,有能力   This fat pig is able to run 500 meters.这只肥猪跑500米没问题。   I"m not up to afford 20,000 dollars.我付不起两万美金。   7)be on上映……影片/戏剧:What is on the National Globe today?国家大剧院今天演什么戏剧啊?   4.Tapsail is a famous little boat.   涛波赛号是一艘的小艇。   语言点 比较学习:small, little   small通常指形状,外观尺寸的小,如:a small apple一个小苹果   little常指年龄等小,带有感情色彩,如:a little girl一个小女孩   5.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.   它已经多次成功地横渡了大西洋。   语言点1 sail across横渡   语言点2 总结学习“四大洋”:the Atlantic Ocean大西洋;the Pacific Ocean太平洋;the Indian Ocean印度洋;the Arctic Ocean北冰洋   语言点3 many times许多次,次数前不加介词for:   I have been to Harbin for ten times.(错误)   I have been to Harbin ten times.(正确)
2023-06-25 11:15:251

Joan Baez唱的三首苏格兰民歌

最近沉迷于Joan Baez的歌声中无法自拔。在网易音乐建了个专门的歌单,把所有能找到的她的歌都囊括其中。耳朵一旦有了闲暇,我就戴上耳机,将自己沉浸在Joan Baez的歌声里。在多年前看过的《阿甘正传》中,曾与Joan Baez的歌声有一面之缘,可惜当时没有深入了解而错过了。如今再次听到她的歌,有一种相逢恨晚的感觉。 Joan Baez翻唱过不少各国的民歌,其中有几首苏格兰民歌尤其让我感兴趣:《House Carpenter》、《Henry Martin》、《Mary Hamilton》。之所以对这几首歌感兴趣,不仅因为旋律悠扬,而且每一首都叙述了一个故事,不是那种国王或者英雄的史诗,而是某个被遗忘在历史角落里的小人物的故事。House Carpenter-Joan Baez-网易音乐 House Carpenter(翻译来自网易音乐) "Well met, well met, my own true love“再见,再见,我的真爱 Well met, well met", cried he再见,再见。”他哭道 "I"ve just returned from the salt, salt sea“我才从死海上归来 All for the love of thee"全是因为我对你的爱。 I could have married the king"s daughter dear我本可与国王的爱女成婚, She would have married me她本会嫁给我, But I have forsaken her crowns of gold但我却放弃了她的金冠, All for the love of thee全是因为我对你的爱。 ”Well, if you could have married“假如你娶了 The king"s daughter dear国王的爱女, I"m sure you are to blame你一定会被谴责的。 For I am married to a house carpenter因为我已与一位木匠结婚, And find him a nice young man并且发现他是一位好小伙。 ”Oh, will you forsake your house carpenter“哦,你愿意放弃你的木匠, And go along with me?并同我离去吗? I"ll take you to where the grass grows green我会带你去那绿草如茵之地, To the banks of the salt, salt sea去那死海岸边。 ”Well, if I should forsake my house carpenter“假如我放弃了我的木匠, And go along with thee并随你离去, What have you got to maintain me on你有什么可以供养我, And keep me from poverty?并让我远离贫困? ”Six ships, six ships all out on the sea“六艘船,六艘船都已在海上, Seven more upon dry land还有第七艘在陆地上。 One hundred and ten all brave sailor men全部一百一十位勇敢的水手, Will be at your command将听从你的指令。” She picked up her own wee babe她抱起她的小宝宝, Kisses gave him three吻了他三遍, Said, "Stay right here with my house carpenter 说道:“在这和我的木匠待在一起, And keep him good company"好好地陪伴他。 ”Then she put on her rich attire然后她穿上她的华服, So glorious to behold如此光彩夺目。 And as she trod along her way当她步行于路上时, She shown like the glittering gold她如同金子般闪闪发光。 Well, they"d not been gone“他们并没有离去, But about two weeks只不过离开了大约两周。 I know it was not three我清楚不是三周。 ”When this fair lady began to weep当这位美丽的小姐开始哭泣, She wept most bitterly她哭得最为悲痛。 Ah, why do you weep, my fair young maid“啊,你为何哭泣,我美丽的少女? Weep it for your golden store?为了你的好商店吗? Or do you weep for your house carpenter还是为了你再也不见的 Who never you shall see anymore?木匠而哭泣? ”I do not weep for my house carpenter“我并不是为了我的木匠而哭泣, Or for any golden store也不是为了什么好商店。 I do weep for my own wee babe我是为了我再也见不到的 Who never I shall see anymore自己的小宝宝而哭。 ”Well, they"d not been gone“他们并未离去, But about three weeks只是离开了大约三周。 I"m sure it was not four我确定不是四周。 ”Our gallant ship sprang a leak and sank我们堂皇的大船断裂然后沉没, Never to rise anymore再也不会浮起。 One time around spun our gallant ship我们堂皇的大船旋转了一圈, Two times around spun she她旋转了两圈, Three times around spun our gallant ship我们堂皇的大船旋转了三圈, And sank to the bottom of the sea然后沉入海底。 What hills, what hills are those, my love“那些小山是什么,我的爱人, That rise so fair and high?如此美丽又高耸? ”Those are the hills of heaven, my love“那些是天堂的小山,我的爱人, But not for you and I但不是你和我的。 ”And what hills, what hills are those, my love“那些小丘又是什么,我的爱人, Those hills so dark and low?如此阴暗又低矮?” Those are the hills of hell, my love“那些是地狱的小丘,我的爱人, Where you and I must go是你我的归宿。”《House Carpenter》讲述了少妇遇到了过去的情人,情人用财富诱惑她抛弃丈夫(即House Carpenter)和孩子,坐船私奔到了海上,最后双双淹死在海里的故事。看了下维基百科,这首歌又名《 The Daemon Lover 》(恶魔爱人),诱惑少妇的情人其实是恶魔,这与结尾处的歌词Those are the hills of hell, my love.Where you and I must go相呼应。 又找来其他几个版本的《House Carpenter》来听,故事主线大致相同,歌词略有出入,演唱者的演绎却各具特色,各有风味。 这首民谣被 Francis James Child 收录在 The English and Scottish Popular Ballads ( Child Ballad ) 中。这个选集收录了305首英格兰和苏格兰民谣,包括下面的《Henry Martin》和《Mary Hamilton》。Henry Martin-Joan Baez-网易音乐 Henry Martin(自译歌词) There were three brothers in merry Scotland 在快乐的苏格兰有三兄弟 In merry Scotland there were three 三兄弟在快乐的苏格兰 And they did cast lots which of them should go Should go should go And turn robber all on the salt sea 他们抓阄决定谁去盐海上当海盗 The lot it fell first upon Henry Martin The youngest of all the three 三兄弟中最年轻的Henry Martin中了签 That he should turn robber all on the salt sea Salt sea the salt sea For to maintain his two brothers and he 为了养活自己和两个哥哥,他要去海上当海盗 They had not been sailing but a long winter"s night A part of a short winter"s day 他们在昼短夜长的冬日里航行 When he espied a stout lofty ship Lofty ship lofty ship Come bibbing down on him straight way 突然看见有艘结实的大船出现在面前 Hello hello cried Henry Martin What makes you sail so nigh 嗨嗨,Henry Martin大喊,你们为什么在这里航行? I"m a rich merchant ship bound for fair London Town London Town London Town 我是一艘富有的商船,要驶往美丽的伦敦城 Would you please for to let me pass by 求你让我通过吧 Oh no oh no cried Henry Martin This thing it never could be 哦,不行不行,Henry Martin喊道,这样可不行 For I have turned robber all on the salt sea Salt sea the salt sea For to maintain my two brothers and me 为了养活我自己和两个哥哥,我已经在海上当了海盗 Come lower your tops"l and brail up your mizz"n 降下顶帆,困住后桅 And bring your ship under my lee 把你的船开过来 Or I will give you a full cannon ball Cannon ball cannon ball 否则吃我一炮 And all your dear bodies drown in the salt sea 你们高贵的身子都会沉入盐海里 Oh no we won"t lower our lofty topsail Nor bring our ship under your lee 不,我们不会降下顶帆,也不会把船开过去 And you shan"t take from us our rich merchant goods Merchant goods merchant goods 你拿不走我们珍贵的货物 Nor point our bold guns to the sea 也不能迫使我们屈服 Then broadside and broadside and at it they went For fully two hours or three 他们在海上周旋了足足两三个小时 Till Henry Martin gave to them deathshot The deathshot the deathshot 然后Henry Martin给了对方致命一击 And straight to the bottom went she 船径直沉入海底 Bad news bad news to old England came 坏消息传到了古老的英格兰 Bad news to fair London Town 坏消息传到了美丽的伦敦城 There"s been a rich vessel and she"s cast away Cast away cast away 一艘富有的大船沉没了 And all of her merry men drowned 船上可爱的人们都淹死了《Henry Martin》讲的是三兄弟中的老幺Henry Martin为了生活而当海盗,劫掠并击沉了一艘驶往英格兰的商船的故事。据维基百科,这首歌的歌名和主角曾是 Andrew Barton ,后来才改成了Henry Martin。Andrew Barton曾在苏格兰国王詹姆斯四世的授权下,对葡萄牙商船进行武装劫掠。但因做得太过火被指控有罪,在经历了最后一次海战之后,被英格兰人杀死。在最初的版本的歌词中,叙述了Andrew Barton的生平,但后来逐渐变短,才有了现在的版本。Mary Hamilton-Joan Baez-网易音乐 Mary Hamilton(自译歌词) Word is to the kitchen gone, and word is to the Hall 流言传到了厨房,流言传到了大厅 And word is up to Madam the Queen, and that"s the worst of all 最糟的是流言传到了皇后耳边 That Mary Hamilton has borne a babe To the highest Stuart of all Mary Hamilton为斯图尔特国王生了个孩子 Oh rise, arise Mary Hamilton Arise and tell to me 噢,平身吧Mary Hamilton,平身然后告诉我 What thou hast done with thy wee babe 你对你的孩子做了什么? I saw and heard weep by thee 我看见了你的眼泪,也听见了你的哭声 I put him in a tiny boat 我把他放到小船上 And cast him out to sea 让他漂向大海 That he might sink or he might swim 他可能沉入水中,也可能漂在海上 But he"d never come back to me 但他永远不能回到我身边了 Oh rise arise Mary Hamilton Arise and come with me 噢,平身吧Mary Hamilton,平身然后跟我来 There is a wedding in Glasgow town 在格拉斯哥城里有场婚礼 This night we"ll go and see 我们今晚去看看 She put not on her robes of black 她没有穿黑色的长袍 Nor her robes of brown 也没穿棕色的长袍 But she put on her robes of white 而是穿上了白色的长袍 To ride into Glasgow town 骑马去了格拉斯哥城 And as she rode into Glasgow town The city for to see 她骑马进入格拉斯哥城时,整个城市都来看她 The bailiff"s wife and the provost"s wife Cried Alack and alas for thee 地方长官的妻子和教务长的妻子都为你唉声叹气 You need not weep for me she cried You need not weep for me 你们不用为我哭泣,她喊道 For had I not slain my own wee babe This death I would not dee 因为如果我没有杀死自己的孩子,我也不会死。 Oh little did my mother think When first she cradled me The lands I was to travel in And the death I was to dee 当我的母亲第一次把我放到摇篮里时,她不会想到我会去的地方和我的死亡 Last night I washed the Queen"s feet 昨晚我为皇后洗脚 And put the gold in her hair 并为她戴上头上的金饰 And the only reward I find for this 我得到的唯一奖赏 The gallows to be my share 就是绞刑架 Cast off cast off my gown she cried 脱掉我的外衣,她喊道 But let my petticoat be 留下衬裙 And tie a napkin round my face 在我的脸上绑上餐巾 The gallows I would not see 这样我就看不见绞刑架了 Then by them come the king himself 这时国王来了 Looked up with a pitiful eye 带着怜悯的眼神抬头看 Come down come down Mary Hamillton 下来吧,Mary Hamillton,下来吧 Tonight you will dine with me 今晚与我共进晚餐 Oh hold your tongue my sovereign liege 噢,闭嘴吧,我尊敬的陛下 And let your folly be 你真是太荒唐了 For if you"d a mind to save my life You"d never have shamed me here 如果你真想救我的命,就不会在这羞辱我了 Last night there were four marys 昨晚有四个mary tonight there"ll be but three 而今晚就只剩了三个 T"was Mary Beaton nd Mary Seton And Mary Carmichael and me. 她们是Mary Beaton、Mary Seton、 Mary Carmichael,还有我歌中的Mary Hamilton是苏格兰王后的侍女,怀了国王的孩子。她淹死了孩子,被判绞刑。在刑场她痛骂国王的虚伪,慷慨赴死。 有人考证过Mary Hamilton的真实身份。根据歌词结尾处出现的四个Mary,Mary Hamilton可能是苏格兰女王玛丽一世的侍女,她有四个名叫Mary的侍女。但玛丽一世的生平与歌词并不相符,而且在歌词中出现的是苏格兰国王,不是女王。与歌词最相符的人物在俄国,名叫 Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova 。她是Tsarina Catherine,即后来叶卡捷琳娜一世的侍女,也是彼得一世的情妇。在叶卡捷琳娜还是彼得一世的妻子时候,Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova曾溺毙了自己的孩子,后因堕胎、杀婴、偷窃和诽谤被判死刑,并被斩首。Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova是苏格兰裔,家族姓氏为Hamilton。所以《Mary Hamilton》可能是从多个历史人物中吸取灵感,经过加工而创作出来的。 又看了看Mariau2005Danilovau2005Gamentova的介绍,除了彼得大帝之外,她还另有一个情夫Ivan Mikhailovich Orlov。为了留住情夫,她不惜从叶卡捷琳娜处偷东西送给Orlov。后因其他事情,Orlov供出了与Maria的关系,并指控她堕胎。搜查Maria的房间时,发现了叶卡捷琳娜失窃的物品。Maria承认了盗窃和杀婴的事情,但拒绝提供对Orlov不利的证词。Maria被判死刑后,叶卡捷琳娜向彼得求情但没有回应。Maria上刑场时穿的正是白色的衣服。她被人用剑斩首,而不是用斧子,因为彼得向她许诺刽子手不会触碰她的身体。斩首后,彼得大帝拿起头,作了一番关于解剖的演讲,亲了一下,然后扔掉了。之后Maria的头被保存在俄罗斯科学院中,一直到叶卡捷琳娜二世的时代。好一个痴情又薄命的红颜啊。 彼得大帝对解剖学和观看死刑的兴趣是他不为人知的一面,他的大儿子被处死时,监斩的也正是他自己。
2023-06-25 11:15:331

新概念英语第2册11~19篇课文只要英文不需汉意 希望尽快得到解答 谢谢

Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来 I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. Harry worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Harry saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me &2. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Harry said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!" Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 Our ncighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail.Tapsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock so we shall have plenty of time. We shall see his boat and then we shall say good-bye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年 The Greenwood Boys are a group of popular singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions. Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself! Lesson 15 Good news 佳音 The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when. I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. "Mr. Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice. "Don"t interrupt," he Said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra &100 a year! Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求 If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car:" Sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder." If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it! Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻 My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asked her how old she is, she always answers, "My dear, it must be terrible to be grown up!" lesson18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事! After I had had lunch at a village inn, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn"t there ! As I was looking for it, the inn-keeper came in. "Did you have a good meal ?" he asked. "Yes, thank you," I answered, "but I can"t pay the bill. I haven"t got my bag." The inn-keeper smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. "I"m very sorry," he said " My dog had taken it into the garden. He often does this." Lesson19 Sold out 票已售完 "The play may begin at any moment," I said. "It may have begun already," Susan answered. "I hurried to the ticket-office."May I have two tickets please ?" I asked."I"m sorry, we"ve sold out," the girl said."What a pity!" Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket-office."Can I return these two tickets?" he asked. "Certainly," the girl said. "Could I have those two tickets please ?" I asked. "Certainly, "the girl said, "but they are for next Wednesday"s performance. "I might as well have them," I said sadly. 希望能帮到你啊!!!带单词或译文的我也有啊!
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Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another礼尚往来 I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!" New words and expressions 生词和短语 turn n. 行为,举止deserve v. 应得到,值得lawyer n. 律师bank n. 银行salary n. 工资immediately adv. 立刻 参考译文 我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼。斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。“我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!” Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck再见,一路顺风Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. New words and expressions 生词和短语 luck n. 运气,幸运captain n. 船长sail v. 航行harbour n. 港口proud adj. 自豪important adj. 重要的 参考译文 我们的邻居查尔斯。艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”号小艇。“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,它已经多次横渡大西洋。艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月,我们真为他感到自豪,他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。The Greenwood Boys绿林少年The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions. New words and expressions 生词和短语 group n. 小组,团体pop singer 流行歌手club n. 俱乐部performance n. 演出occasion n. 场合 参考译文 “绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出,明天就要到达此地。他们将乘火车来,镇上的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们。明晚他们将在工人俱乐部演出。“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。在此期间,他们将演出5场。同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过,他们将设法维持秩序。每逢这种场合,情况都是这样。Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself!" New words and expressions 生词和短语 amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的experience n. 经历wave v. 招手lift n. 搭便车reply v. 回答language n. 语言journey n. 旅行 参考译文 去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语吗?” 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!Lesson 15 Good news佳音The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. "Mr.Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice. "Don"t interrupt," he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! New words and expressions 生词和短语 secretary n. 秘书nervous adj. 精神紧张的afford v. 负担得起weak adj. 弱的interrupt v. 插话,打断 参考译文 秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。请给分!谢谢
2023-06-25 11:16:331

翻译我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森(Charles Alison)船长明天就要从朴次茅斯(Portsmouth )启航(set out)了

Our neighbor captain Charles Alison is going to set out from Portsmouth. We are meeting him at the harbor in the morning. He"s going to take his Topsail sailboat(小艇不知道咋翻) Topsail is a famous sailboat, it has crossed Atlantic Ocean several times. Captain is going to set out at 8 o"clock, so we have plenty of time. We are going to visit his boat and say good-bye to him. He is going to leave for two months, we are so proud of him, he is going to take part in a significant Atlantic Ocean crossing contest.
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Lesson 10 Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father"s.§ Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!"§ Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见, 一路顺风Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.§ Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.§ Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself!"§ Lesson 15 Good news 佳音The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. "Mr. Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice. "Don"t interrupt," he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!§ Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: "sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder." If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!§ Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, "Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!"§ Lesson 18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事!After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn"t there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in. "Did you have a good meal?" he asked. "Yes, thank you," I answered, "but I can"t pay the bill. I haven"t got my bag." The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. "I"m very sorry," he said. "My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!"§ Lesson 19 Sold out 票已售完 "The play may begin at any moment," I said. "It may have begun already," Susan answered. I hurried to the ticket office. "May I have two tickets please?" I asked. "I"m sorry, we"ve sold out," the girl said. "What a pity!" Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office. "Can I return these two tickets?" he asked. "Certainly," the girl said. I went back to the ticket office at once. "Could I have those two tickets please?" I asked. "Certainly," the girl said, "but they"re for next Wednesday"s performance. Do you still want them?" "I might as well have them," I said sadly.§ Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything -- not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. "You must give up fishing!" my friends say. "It"s a waste of time." But they don"t realize one important thing. I"m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!
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新概念英语第2册课文详注Lesson10   1 we have an old musical instrument.我家有件古乐器。   instrument常用的意思是“器械”、“器具”,尤指医疗、机器等方面的。但它可以用来泛指各种乐器。   2 It is called a clavichord。被称做古钢琴。   call在这里的意思是“把……称为”、“称呼”,既可用于主动语态,也可用于被动语态:   What do you call this?   你们把这称为什么?   They call him big Tom.   他们叫他“大个子汤姆”。   3 It has belonged to our family for a long time.我们家有这件乐器已经很久了。   belong为不及物动词,因此不能用于被动语态。另外,它是一个表示状态的动词,而不是行为动词,所以它也不能用于进行时。它最常用的时态是一般现在时和一般过去时:   This farm belong to me and it belonged to my father before me.   这个农场现在属于我;在此之前它属于我父亲。   4 She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken.   她在击琴键时用力过猛,损坏了两根琴弦。   并列连词and在这里的意义相当于so,表示后一句是前一句的结果。再如:   He fell heavily and broke his arm.   他摔得很重,手臂都摔断了。 新概念英语第2册课文详注Lesson11   1.One good turn deserves another,(标题)礼尚往来。   (1)名词turn的含义之一是“(帮助或损害他人的)举动”、“行为”:   Yesterday George did me a good/ an ill turn.   乔治昨天做了一件对我有利/不利的事。   He is always ready to do a turn for others.   他总是乐于为他人做好事。   (2)deserve的意义为“应受”、“应得(奖赏、惩罚等)”、“值得”,通常为及物动词:   His words deserve attention.   他的话值得注意。   Mary deserves the prize.   玛丽应得这个奖。   2.He gets a good salary…他的薪水很高……   good在这里的意思是“相当大/多的”、“相当可观的”:   It takes me a good three hours to get there.   我花了整整3小时才到达那里。   3.…but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. ……但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。   (1)连词and在这句话中可解释为“并且”、“另外”(in addition)。   (2)pay在这里的意思是“偿还(债务等)”。   pay还可以解释为“付”、“支付(价款、账单等)”,如课文的最后一句话:   …so now you can pay for my dinner!   …所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!   pay 既是及物动词也可以是不及物动词:   How much did you pay for that dress?   那件衣服你花了多少钱?   I paid the bill.   我付了账。 新概念英语第2册课文详注Lesson12   1.Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. 我们的邻居查尔斯·艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。   (1)这个句子以及本课的大部分句子用的是一般将来时(cf. 本课语法)   (2)句子的主语部分our neighbour 和Captain Charles Alison为同位语。(cf. 第4课语法)下文 He will be in his small boat,Topsail 中的Topsail 也为同位语。   2.We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. 明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。   在表示时间的短语 in the morning, in the afternoon等前面可以再加上early, late等副词,以便更确切地表示时间:   Tony will arrive late in the afternoon.   托尼下午晚些时候才能抵达。   3.Topsail is a famous little boat.“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇。   little除了表示形体上小的意义之外,还含有“可爱”的意思,是个带有感情色彩的词。如little Tom(小汤姆)就有一种亲昵的味道。   4.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.它已经多次横渡大西洋。   across 是对某个细长物“横切”、“横断”、“横渡”等,尤指河流、马路等等。   5.Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock…艾利森船长将于8点钟启航……   set out在这里的意思是“出发”、“动身”,是固定短语。   6.We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. 我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。   表示告别通常用 say goodbye (to sb.):   I have come to say goodbye (to you).   我是来(向你)告辞的。   7.We are very proud of him. 我们真为他感到自豪。   be proud of (sb.) 是个常用搭配,表示“为(某人)感到自豪”:   Mr. Baker is proud of his son.   贝克先生为他的儿子感到自豪。   8.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic. 他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。   take part (in) 是固定短语,表示“参加”、“参与(某项活动)”:   We all took part in the competition.   我们都参加了这次竞赛。
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缩写下面的英语文章goodbye and good luck,不超过四句

Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison will be away for two months take part in a race across the Atlantic. He will sail in his famous little boat Topsail. We will meet him at the harbor before 8 o"clock. We will say goobye to him.你看一下这样行不行~
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中世纪时代,欧洲人的造船技术分为南北两种风格。中世纪前期,以北欧人的造船术最富特色。 北欧地区水域宽广,居民们很早就建造了船只作为水上交通工具。考古学家曾在丹麦发现了许多属于青铜时代的船只的图画。这些图画有的刻在岩石上,有的刻在武器上甚至男子的剃须刀上。画中船只船体较长,船首十分高大,类似天鹅颈状,上面还刻有各类动物头像,船只中央画着一株竖立起来的树木。在日德兰南部的约尔斯普林沼泽地区,发掘了一只大约建造于公元前后的船,与青铜时代的图画船颇为相似。船身细长,长达42英尺,结构精巧,宛如一艘竞赛快艇。每块船板都很窄,不用钉拢,而是合了缝之后再绑缚在骨架上。中世纪早期,北欧船又有一些新的发展。1863年,在丹麦的尼达姆地区发现了两艘大船。其中一艘现存石勒苏维格的一个博物馆里,船长60多英尺。此船已显示了北方船不同于南方船的三个特点: 1.船板“塔接”法(Clinker—built),即船板相叠而成,而地中海船舶是“平接”(cravel—built),船板合缝拼平,所以表面光滑。 2.尼达姆船是“双头”,即船首和船尾都高昂,造型没有什么区别,而南方船只的头尾很不一样。 3.无甲板。船主要靠桨来推动,还没有桅和帆。此船略带圆形,只有一个粗糙的龙骨。 8世纪,维京人的船开始发展为帆船。在瑞典果特兰群岛上所留下的一系列这个时期的雕刻中,已发现帆不是一小块布,而是满面的方帆,帆面还涂有红蓝等条状色带,成为一种夺目标识。帆的下底系得很松,没有置一根横桁。从8世纪末开始,维京人驾驶着帆船向各个方向的海洋推进。他们迁徙的范围很广,是当时世界上优秀的航海民族。在英格兰他们被称为丹麦人,在法兰克、意大利他们被称为诺曼人,在罗斯、爱尔兰他们被称为瓦兰几亚人。他们还敢到远海去冒险,航迹往西达到了冰岛、格陵兰岛,公元1000年左右他们甚至到了北美洲的陆地上。毫无疑问,他们的大规模航海活动是与具有先进的造船及航海技术相联系的。 已发现的一些船体很能说明维京船的特点。典型的是挪威的两艘船。一艘是1880年在挪威的戈斯塔德找到的。另一艘是1903年发现于挪威的奥塞伯格。两地都在奥斯陆附近。据鉴定,奥塞伯格船建造年代约800年左右,是一艘长型船,长21米,宽4米,船身只有1.5米高,因而是干舷低、吃水浅,适宜于在近海水域中航行。戈斯塔德船则是一艘典型的战船,宽度虽与奥塞伯格船同样,但长达24米左右,深2米左右。后来在丹麦哥本哈根北面的一河口处发现了5艘双艄船,年代约为10世纪,船上装满了石头等物,据分析是有意沉下封锁水道以防入侵者。虽为同一船型,但式样、体积及年代都各有不同。其中的大船肯定是帆船而非划船,吃水深,船舷较高,可能是运兵船。 根据各种船体材料分析,诺曼人的船只大约有如下特点。这些特点大多是在前述尼达姆船时代形成的,也有部分是在9至12世纪间进一步发展而新出现的。 1.船体为长船状,但中部要比南方地中海的长船宽得多,船的头尾接近对称,都呈尖翘状,离海面很高,称为双头船(double—ends)。整个地看船身,为平滑弯曲的线条,从高船首到中间的近乎圆形再到高船尾,曲线很优雅,头尾都似蛇龙昂头,遇到危险时还可将头尾去掉。 2.动力以扬帆为主,兼以划桨助推。“有一根或者最多两根张着纵帆的桅杆”,桅杆一般立在中心处,如戈斯塔德船桅杆就树立在中心处一块形状象鱼的坚硬石块上,并有支桅索。为了抗击北部海域上的大风,维京人船上设置的大方帆(单帆)一般都用皮革制成,或用加进了皮革条的布制成。船上还设计有帆脚索,可以牵动帆顶风的那一面,使船在横风的情况下仍能顺风航行。专门设有固定船桨的装置,如戈斯塔德船每侧均有16个桨洞,从船舷的上边穿下,形似锁孔,扬帆不用桨时,用滑动的形似梭状的木栓将桨孔盖住,以使水不进入。桨片上也置有盖板,划桨时将盖板撤走。 3.船底及外壳板的构造比较独特。船底有龙骨,肋骨横接其上时有平斜两种方式,因此出现了龙骨似乎看不见的平底船和龙骨凸出的尖底船两种船型。两种船各有用途。尖底船瘦削,耐波性好,这是北欧船优于地中海船之处,是诺曼人的主要船型。但平底船易于登沙滩,适合于诺曼人侵入别地时涉滩深入内河,故也很多见。外壳船板用塔接方法连成一体,如戈斯塔德船用的就是每块都有41厘米厚的橡木板。最下面的8块船板均用绑扎方法固定在肋骨上,而不是用铁钉闩钉,因此增加了弹性和灵活性,减少了船在海上所受到的压力。船仍无甲板,所以诺曼人的航行基本上是处在露天无遮拦的状况之下,据说1066年诺曼底的威廉征服英格兰时用的就是这一类船。前述哥本哈根5条船中一只大船船舱就是空敞的。 4.使用舵桨。舵桨很长,安装在船尾的右侧,一直伸到龙骨底部之下,可以保持稳定。舵桨靠摇动右舷上的舵柄来控制,故而导致了用“船舷”(steer—board)一词来表示船的右侧。 按照恩格斯的说法,正是诺曼人的船只(主要应该是尖底船)给航海技术带来了一场全面的革命:“他们的船是一种稳定的、坚固的海船,龙骨凸起,两端尖削,他们在这种船上大都只使用帆,并且不怕在波涛汹涌的北海上受到风暴的突然袭击。……而诺曼人则乘这种船进行了海盗式的探险,东面到达了君士坦丁堡,西面到达了美洲。这种敢于横渡大西洋的船只的速成,在航海业中引起了全面的革命,因此还在中世纪结束以前,在欧洲所有沿海地区就都采用新式尖底海船了”。 12至14世纪里,以维京人船为代表的北方船又有一些新发展。首先是船尾舵的出现,取代了过去的舵桨。关于尾舵及连用舵柄的最早图画,发现于一个1200年的英国城市印章里,它表明最初的尾舵是弯曲的,以适应船尾曲线。后来船尾成了直线型,尾舵也随之改进,一个1242年的德国北部印章表明了这一点。尾舵使用有助于船向风行驶,加上船体加深,船在逆风情况下可以斜向航行了。其次是维京船的低干舷也在1100年后发生了变化,即在船头和船尾都建立了上层结构,称之为“堡”(castle)。“堡”原出于军事目的而建。那时海战船靠得很近,头尾堡可在敌人登上船腰时起一定的防卫作用。后也扩及到了商船。船上有这种高层建筑,给人一种外观“头重脚轻”之感。为此,船首甲板(forecastle)实际成了船头的“水手舱”。再次是北方商船的出现和演进。北方商船称为“诺尔”船(knorr),船身比长船宽、深,是北方最早能利用逆风的船。14世纪时,诺尔船发展为标准的商船,其型式统治了北欧达400年之久。北方闻名的“科格”船(cog)实际上也是其翻版。科格船有名副其实的船尾舵来控制方向,有一个长长的伸向前方的船首斜桅,挂方帆,船体特别坚固。1400年左右,在科格船的基础上,北方又出现了更大的“霍尔克”船(holk)。 南部欧洲的造船技术 欧洲南部的造船历史可溯源于接受过地中海东岸文明的克里特人。公元前2世纪中期的克里特帆船两端起翘,单桅,悬一方帆,这是以后几千年地中海的基本船型。差不多同时的希腊迈锡尼文明遗址中,也发现有带树木的船只图画。这种树木可能兼有桅和帆两重作用。在整个古希腊罗马时代,造船业无论是战舰还是商船,都在埃及人和腓尼基人技术的基础上有新的发展,基本形成了“长船”(galley)和“圆船”(roundship)两种船式。 长船原是一种敞开甲板的船,长约30米,靠单层划桨共50只推进。到前480年希波战争中的萨拉米海战时,希腊战船长者达45米,舷外装有桨架,使船的宽度达6米。有2至3层长度不同的桨。再到后来,长形船发展为有完整的甲板和撞角的大笨船,称为“五力船”(quinquiremes),指船有5层桨片。长船上装有桅,但帆只在顺风时偶用。作战时划桨更重要,可控制速度、掌握方向,不受风力、风向所局限。长船长且狭,空间过小,不能储存水和食物,也不能载货,一般只用于军事。 圆船则大多作商业用途。圆船长宽之比约为5:2亦有稍长些的。吃水比长船深,尾高首低,上甲板两侧成格子状。起初它仅有一桅一帆,后到公 元前后,船首另加一小桅小帆,有时还有二面三角形的小上顶帆。或有一大桁在船头斜伸前方成一陡角,上挂一小方帆用以控向。帆之升降索也成为桅杆的辅助性支柱,沿船两舷贴有一厚带来代替绑索。这种大船笨拙,主要用帆来推动,虽然不能顶风走,但能将帆转向而利用船尾45°角以内吹来的侧风。此外也须划桨助力,需用船尾两侧舵桨控向。圆船载物多,如罗马运谷物的船体积就较大,长有27米,宽为9米,运载能力载物为250吨,载人达300乘客。 中世纪时,南欧船既继承了古代地中海船型的传统,亦受到了同时代阿拉伯船只的影响。其主要特点是船的外壳板合缝平接,并用铁钉钉在肋骨上,缝中填以沥青等物,船面光滑,船上有甲板。但各国各时代的船各有特点。 9世纪左右,拜占廷人建造的平滑船体的船,使用新式大三角帆装置(接受阿拉伯人技术),船能在风向的60°角内行驶。船的圆体形状、平滑表面均减少了船身同水的磨擦,使这些庞大的船有一个很好的航行质量。船在不太需要关心风向的情况下仍能基本按预定方向行驶。这类船在随后的二三个世纪里越来越大、越笨重,称为“内夫”(nef)船,有2至3桅,都采用大三角帆装置,排水量超过千吨。意大利船两头都有船楼。中世纪盛期,一种结合了长船和帆船特点的称为“泰里达”(tarida)的船舶广泛使用。之所以要结合长船特点,是因为商用帆船上还得对付海盗们的进攻。用水手,既能在无风的情况下行驶,也具有一定的战船功能。 12世纪中期,热那亚船有两层甲板,13世纪后期出现3层甲板。二桅,前桅略高、略大,挂三面大三角帆,后帆挂两面三角帆。最好的桅,用的是热那亚或马赛所产的硬质的棉或麻帆布。13世纪中期,有些地中海船只长达30米。控制方向的装置是侧舵。侧舵有一对,安装在船尾附近,两侧各一。14世纪时,地中海船只也开始用船尾舵。同时,北方式的科格船大约也在13世纪里开始出现在地中海上。14世纪初,意大利人已广泛造用这种单桅大船来装载远航货物了。 14世纪末以后,南北船特点开始混合,产生了一种新的大型船只“卡拉克”(carrack)船。此船后来成为西欧远洋航船的最初式样,也是西方世界在大帆船时代(16—18世纪)到来之前的最典型船只,既可军用更可商用。据说,南北特点的混合源于十字军时代,因为那时各国的十字军都有机会观看别人的的船型及其建造方法。北方的船上装置技术,如固定船舱、单面大帆,南方的船体构造技术,如甲板、平接船板技术,都被视为长处而结合在新型船只中。卡拉克船最先出现于威尼斯、热那亚和西班牙等地,船体既深且宽,有一个很高的船尾,巨大的前船楼凸出了船头,船身平滑,整个侧形颇似过去的北方船,有一条优雅的圆弧形线条。船舵已不再在一侧,而是安装在船体中心线上。 15世纪后,卡拉克船从一桅一帆演变成为三桅大船。三桅是前桅(foremast),较矮,主桅(mainmast),较高,以及后桅(mizzenmast)。最初,前桅挂一大三角帆。后来,在船首置一杆后送,上挂一方形斜杠帆,这就可使前桅后移并增加高度。后又增加了一些横桅索来做辅助用途,增加梯索(系于横桅索上)取代了以往用于攀缘桅杆的木梯。在行驶过程中,由于感觉到驾驭大帆太累,结果导致了一系列小帆的使用。先是有些大船在主桅上挂三面帆,从下到上依次为主帆(course)、顶帆(topsail)和上桅帆(topgallant),后来船的每桅上一般都有三截帆。也出现了四桅船,前桅挂若干方形帆,后三桅则挂大三角帆。后来还发明了一些缩帆的方法。方帆不再象以往那样靠收帆来减小帆面,而是用一块块小旗似的帆布系上,不需时解开带子拿走就行。微风时如需增加帆的面积,也用一些窄布条系加在小块帆布上。15世纪时,装有帆桅装置的卡拉克船一般长度24至27米不等。三桅多帆的卡拉克船,奠定了16至18世纪大帆船时代船的桅帆装置的基本样式。 葡萄牙船则是轻便的“卡拉维尔”(cararel)船。它起源于一种叫“巴尔卡”(barca)的渔船,此种渔船仅有20至30吨。卡拉维尔船之深大约不如卡拉克船。它更多地使用前后三角帆,使船能行驶横风。这两种帆结合使用能够有效地改变风向。一种装置方法是前桅、主桅用方帆,主帆上有一方形上顶帆,后桅上挂一高的大三角帆。挂方帆是为了顺风行驶,挂大三角帆则是为了抢风调向。还有一种卡拉维尔船,全都用大三角帆。航海家亨利五子晚年所用的帆船,是一种特殊的三桅杆带尖形体所谓斜帆装置的船只。帆为三角形,或者其上半部为三角形,一般都安装在与龙骨平行的位置上。葡萄牙船航速很快,顺风时每小时可达22公里。船轻巧且易于操纵。逆风时能向风曲线前进,一会把一侧船舷转向风,一会又把另一侧船舷转向风,走之字形路线。 卡拉克和卡拉维尔这两种新式船,虽然船型迥然相异,但都适宜航海,能去任何地方。哥伦布航海船队中的“品塔”号(Pinta)和“尼娜”号(Nina),就是轻型平底的卡拉维尔式船,而“圣玛丽亚”号(SantaMaria)则是装置完善的卡拉克船。达·伽马1497至1499年开辟印度新航路的船只,在体积和形状上也与哥伦布船相差无几,基本上是这两种船型。 不过,不论是哪种船,中世纪欧洲船的吨位一船都不大,船体远小于中国船。北方船更小,南方地中海船稍大。1066年诺曼底人渡英吉利海峡所乘的船,每只载重不过30吨。14世纪初,英国船只平均载重为200吨,最大的船也不过300吨。而威尼斯在十字军东征时所提供的船只平均能载运500多吨。14世纪以后,威尼斯开始建造商船队。其船为长船形,吨位原为100吨,后达300吨。而15世纪时热那亚的卡拉克船中竟有达到甚至超过了1000吨的。14世纪初,一艘普通汉萨商船的吨位大约是75吨。1440年时,汉萨商船主要是霍尔克船,平均载重大约为150吨。三十年后,汉萨船队中出现了“卡维尔式”(carvel—type)快帆船,其平均吨位在300吨左右。在法英酒类贸易中,155世纪早期没有船能装载100吨以上的酒。但到这个世纪的中叶,来自波尔多的船只平均可载150吨,少数船还可装运500吨酒。在威尼斯,1450年左右,超过200吨的船被看成是大船了,但对随后的大多数科格船来说,400吨只能算是一个普通吨位。16世纪中叶,威尼斯的卡拉克船中很有些达到600吨甚至700吨。葡萄牙的船只在1450至1550年间,平均吨位至少翻了一番。从事波罗的海谷物贸易的荷兰人,15世纪里用的有几种船。没有龙骨、圆形船身的霍尔克船吨位从200吨到400吨不等。长型中底的快船吨位则从250吨到500吨左右。不能简单地以船的大小来判断船的航海能力,因为哥伦布和达·伽马他们在进行远洋航海时,各自所乘的旗舰也不过载重150吨左右。航船的耐波性和续航能力也非常重要。当然更重要的是航海(主要是导航)技术。
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Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another礼尚往来I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!"Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.
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This is a village. It is in the mountains. There are many small house and a river. There is a bridge over the river.There are many fish in the river. There is a road beside the river. There are many flowers near the road. There is green grass and many trees. We can run on the grass. There is a lake near the village.The water is clean.It"s a beautiful village.这是一个村庄,它坐落在大山里.这里有许许多多的房子还有一条小河.有一座桥在河上.还有许多鱼在小河里.河的旁边有很多花.那里还有青青的小草,许多的绿树.我们可以在草地上自由自在地跑步.在村庄的附近还有一个湖.那里的水很清澈.这是一个美丽的村庄.Winter is a cold and beautiful season.There are many snowflakes dance in the sky in winter,everything is all white. It"s so beautiful! In the winter, we can play with snow , make a snowman ,go ice—skating,and do some things. everyone are so very happy. In this cold season,we are the beautiful happy angel!冬天是一个寒冷而美丽的季节.在冬天里,会有许多雪花在空中飞舞,瞬间,所有的事物都成白色的了,非常得美丽!在冬天里,我们可以玩雪,堆雪人,滑冰,还可以一些有趣的事情.每个人都感觉很开心.在这个寒冷的季节里,我们是最美丽的快乐天使!
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Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Who paid for Tony"s dinner?I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!"New words and expressions 生词和短语turn n. 行为,举止deserve v. 应得到,值得lawyer n. 律师bank n. 银行salary n. 工资immediately adv. 立刻参考译文我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。“我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!”Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Where is Captain Alison going and how?Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.New words and expressions 生词和短语luck n. 运气,幸运captain n. 船长sail v. 航行harbour n. 港口proud adj. 自豪important adj. 重要的参考译文我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”号小艇。“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,它已经多次横渡大西洋。艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月,我们真为他感到自豪,他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why will the police have a difficult time?The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.New words and expressions 生词和短语group n. 小组,团体pop singer 流行歌手club n. 俱乐部performance n. 演出occasion n. 场合参考译文“绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出,明天就要到达此地。他们将乘火车来,镇上的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们。明晚他们将在工人俱乐部演出。“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。在此期间,他们将演出5场。同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过,他们将设法维持秩序。每逢这种场合,情况都是这样。Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗?First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Did the young man speak English?I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself!"New words and expressions 生词和短语amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的experience n. 经历wave v. 招手lift n. 搭便车reply v. 回答language n. 语言journey n. 旅行参考译文去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语吗?” 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人! Lesson 15 Good news 佳音First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the good news?The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries. Twenty people had already left. I knew that my turn had come. "Mr.Harmsworth," I said in a weak voice. "Don"t interrupt," he said. Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!New words and expressions 生词和短语secretary n. 秘书nervous adj. 精神紧张的afford v. 负担得起weak adj. 弱的interrupt v. 插话,打断参考译文秘书告诉我说哈姆斯沃斯先生要见我。我走进他的办公室,感到非常紧张。我进去的时候,他连头也没抬。待我坐下后,他说生意非常不景气。他还告诉我,公司支付不起这么庞大的工资开支,有20个人已经离去。我知道这次该轮到我了。 “哈姆斯沃斯先生,”我无力地说。 “不要打断我的话,”他说。 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到1,000 英镑的额外收入。Lesson 16 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the polite request?If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: "sir, we welcome you to our city. This is a "No Parking" area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs. This note is only a reminder." If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!New words and expressions 生词和短语park v. 停放(汽车)traffic n. 交通ticket) n. 交通违规罚款单note n. 便条area n. 地段sign n. 指示牌reminder n. 提示fail v. 无视,忘记obey v. 服从参考译文一旦你把汽车停错了地方,交通警很快就会发现。如果他没给你罚单就放你走了,算你走运。然而,情况并不都是这样,交通警有时也很客气。有一次在瑞典度假,我发现我的车上有这样一个字条:“先生,欢迎您光临我们的城市。此处是‘禁止停车"区。如果您对我们街上的标牌稍加注意,您在此会过得很愉快的。谨此提请注意。”如果你收到这样的恳求,你是不会不遵照执行的! Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why doesn"t Aunt Jennifer tell anyone how old she is?My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old. In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, "Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!"New words and expressions 生词和短语appear v. 登场,扮演stage n. 舞台bright adj. 鲜艳的stocking n. (女用)长筒袜sock n. 短袜参考译文我的姑姑詹妮弗是位演员,她至少也有35岁了。尽管如此,她却常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。詹妮弗很快又要参加一个新剧的演出。这一次,她将扮演一个17岁的少女。演出时她必须穿一条鲜红色的裙子和黑色的长筒袜。去年在演另一个剧时,她不得不穿短袜和一件鲜艳的橘红色的衣服。一旦有人问起她有多大年纪,她总是回答:“亲爱的,长成大人真可怕啊!”Lesson 18 He often does this! 他经常干这种事!First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What had happened to the writer"s bag?After I had had lunch at a village pub, I looked for my bag. I had left it on a chair beside the door and now it wasn"t there! As I was looking for it, the landlord came in. "Did you have a good meal?" he asked. "Yes, thank you," I answered, "but I can"t pay the bill. I haven"t got my bag." The landlord smiled and immediately went out. In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. "I"m very sorry," he said. "My dog had taken in into the garden. He often does this!"New words and expressions 生词和短语pub n. 小酒店landlord n. 店主bill n. 帐单参考译文我在一家乡村小酒店吃过午饭后,就找我的提包。我曾把它放在门边的椅子上,可这会儿不见了!当我正在寻找时,酒店老板走了进来。 “您吃得好吗?”他问。 “很好,谢谢。”我回答,“但我付不了帐,我的提包没有了。” 酒店老板笑了笑,马上走了出去。一会儿工夫他拿着我的提包回来了,把它还给了我。 “实在抱歉,”他说,“我的狗把它弄到花园里去了,他常干这种事!”Lesson 19 Sold out 票已售完First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 When will the writer see the play?"The play may begin at any moment," I said. "It may have begun already," Susan answered. I hurried to the ticket office. "May I have two tickets please?" I asked. "I"m sorry, we"ve sold out," the girl said. "What a pity!" Susan exclaimed. Just then, a man hurried to the ticket office. "Can I return these two tickets?" he asked. "Certainly," the girl said. I went back to the ticket office at once. "Could I have those two tickets please?" I asked. "Certainly," the girl said, "but they"re for next Wednesday"s performance. Do you still want them?" "I might as well have them," I said sadly.New words and expressions 生词和短语hurry v. 匆忙ticket office 售票处pity n. 令人遗憾的事exclaim v. 大声说return v. 退回sadly adv. 悲哀地,丧气地参考译文“剧马上就要开演了,”我说。 “也许已经开演了呢,”苏珊回答说。 我匆匆赶到售票处,问:“我可以买两张票吗?” “对不起,票已售完。”那位姑娘说。 “真可惜!”苏珊大声说。 正在这时,一个男子匆匆奔向售票处。 “我可以退掉这两张票吗?”他问。 “当然可以,”那姑娘说。 我马上又回到售票处。 “我可以买那两张票吗?”我问。 “当然可以,不过这两张票是下星期三的,您是否还要呢?” “我还是买下的好,”我垂头丧气地说。Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why is fishing the writer"s favourite sport?Fishing is my favourite sport. I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not worry me. Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. I am even less lucky. I never catch anything -- not even old boots. After having spent whole mornings on the river, I always go home with an empty bag. "You must give up fishing!" my friends say. "It"s a waste of time." But they don"t realize one important thing. I"m not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting in a boat and doing nothing at all!New words and expressions 生词和短语catch v. 抓到fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民boot n. 靴子waste n. 浪费realize v. 意识到参考译文钓鱼是我特别喜爱的一项运动。我经常一钓数小时却一无所获,但我从不为此烦恼。有些垂钓者就是不走运,他们往往鱼钓不到,却钓上来些旧靴子和垃圾。我的运气甚至还不及他们。我什么东西也未钓到过 -- 就连旧靴子也没有。我总是在河上呆上整整一上午,然后空着袋子回家。“你可别再钓鱼了!”我的朋友们说,“这是浪费时间。”然而他们没有认识到重要的一点,我并不是真的对钓鱼有兴趣,我感兴趣的只是独坐孤舟,无所事事! Lesson 1A private conversation私人谈话First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Why did the writer complain to the people behind him?Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. "I can"t hear a word!" I said angrily."It"s none of your business," the young man said rudely. "This is a private conversation!"New words and expressions 生词和短语private adj. 私人的conversation n. 谈话theatre n. 剧场,戏院seat n. 座位play n. 戏loudly adv. 大声地angry adj. 生气的angrily adv. 生气地attention n. 注意bear v. 容忍business n. 事rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地参考译文上星期我去看戏。我的座位很好,戏很有意思,但我却无法欣赏。一青年男子与一青年女子坐在我的身后,大声地说着话。我非常生气,因为我听不见演员在说什么。我回过头去怒视着那一男一女,他们却毫不理会。最后,我忍不住了,又一次回过头去,生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!”“不关你的事,”那男的毫不客气地说,“这是私人间的谈话!”Lesson 2Breakfast or lunch?早餐还是午餐?First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。Why was the writer"s aunt surprised?It was Sunday. I never get up early on Sundays. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime. Last Sunday I got up very late. I looked out of the window. It was dark outside. "What a day!" I thought. "It"s raining again." Just then, the telephone rang. It was my aunt Lucy. "I"ve just arrived by train," she said. "I"m coming to see you.""But I"m still having breakfast," I said."What are you doing?" she asked."I"m having breakfast," I repeated."Dear me," she said. "Do you always get up so late? It"s one o"clock!"New words and expressions 生词和短语until prep. 直到outside adv. 外面ring v. (铃、电话等)响
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Lesson 3 Please send me a card 请给我寄一张明信片 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How many cards did the writer send? Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens. A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book. I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Everyday I thought about postcards. My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!New words and expressions 生词和短语send v. 寄,送postcard n. 明信片spoil v. 使索然无味,损坏museum n. 博物馆public adj. 公共的friendly adj. 友好的waiter n. 服务员,招待员lend v. 借给decision n. 决定whole adj. 整个的single adj. 唯一的,单一的参考译文 明信片总搅得我假日不得安宁。去年夏天,我去了意大利。我参观了博物馆,还去了公园。一位好客的服务员教了我几句意大利语,之后还借给我一本书。我读了几行,但一个字也不懂。我每天都想着明信片的事。假期过得真快,可我还没有给我的朋友们寄过一张明信片。到了最后一天,我作出了一项重大决定。我早早起了床,买来了37张明信片。我在房间里关了整整一天。然而竟连一张明信片也没写成!Lesson 4 An exciting trip 激动人心的旅行 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why is Tim finding this trip exciting? I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has been there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working for a big firm and he has already visited a great number of different places in Australia. He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never been abroad before, so he is fending this trip very exciting.New words and expressions 生词和短语exciting adj. 令人兴奋的receive v. 接受,收到firm n. 商行,公司different adj. 不同的centre n. 中心abroad adv. 在国外参考译文 我刚刚收到弟弟蒂姆的来信,他正在澳大利亚。他在那儿已经住了6个月了。蒂姆是个工程师,正在一家大公司工作,并且已经去过澳大利亚的不少地方了。他刚买了一辆澳大利亚小汽车,现在去了澳大利亚中部的小镇艾利斯斯普林斯。他不久还将到达达尔文去,从那里,他再飞往珀斯。我弟弟以前从未出过国,因此,他觉得这次旅行非常激动人心。Lesson 5 No wrong numbers 无错号之虞 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What does "No wrong numbers" mean? Mr.James Scott has a garage in Silbury and now he has just bought another garage in Pinhurst. Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage, so he has just bought twelve pigeons. Yesterday, a pigeon carried the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury. The bird covered the distance in three minutes. Up to now, Mr.Scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent messages from one garage to the other. In this way, he has begun his own private "telephone" service.New words and expressions 生词和短语pigeon n. 鸽子message n. 信息cover v. 越过distance n. 距离request n. 要求,请求spare part 备件service n. 业务,服务参考译文 詹姆斯.斯科特先生在锡尔伯里有一个汽车修理部,现在他刚在平赫斯特买了另一个汽车修理部。平赫特离锡尔伯里只有5英里,但詹姆斯.斯科特先生未能为他新的汽车修理部搞到一部电话机,所以他买了只鸽子。昨天,一只鸽子把第一封信从平赫特带到锡尔伯里。这只鸟只用了3分钟就飞完了全程。到目前为止,斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。就这样,他开始自己的私人“电话”业务。Lesson 6 Percy Buttons 珀西.巴顿斯 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Who is Percy Buttons? I have just moved to a house in Bridge Street. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door. He asked me for a meal and a glass of beer. In return for this, the beggar stood on his head and sang songs. I gave him a meal. He ate the food and drank the beer. Then he put a piece of cheese in his pocket and went away. Later a neighbour told me about him. Everybody knows him. His name is Percy Buttons. He calls at every house in the street once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.New words and expressions 生词和短语beggar n. 乞丐food n. 食物pocket n. 衣服口袋call v. 拜访,光顾参考译文 我刚刚搬进了大桥街的一所房子。昨天一个乞丐来敲我的门,问我要一顿饭和一杯啤酒。作为回报,那乞丐头顶地倒立起来,嘴里还唱着歌。我给了他一顿饭。他把食物吃完,又喝了酒。然后把一块乳酪装进衣袋里走了。后来,一位邻居告诉了我他的情况。大家都认识他,他叫珀西.巴顿斯。他每月对这条街上的每户人家光顾一次,总是请求给他一顿饭和一杯啤酒。Lesson 7 Too late 为时太晚First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Did the detectives save the diamonds? The plane was late and detectives were waiting at the airport all morning. They were expecting a valuable parcel of diamonds from South Africa. A few hours earlier, someone had told the police that thieves would try to steal the diamonds. When the plane arrived, some of the detectives were waiting inside the main building while others were waiting on the airfield. Two men took the parcel off the plane and carried it into the Customs House. While two detectives were keeping guard at the door, two others opened the parcel. To their surprise, the precious parcel was full of stones and sand!New words and expressions 生词和短语detective n. 侦探airport n. 机场expect v. 期待,等待valuable adj. 贵重的parcel n. 包裹diamond n. 钻石steal v. 偷main adj. 主要的airfield n. 飞机起落的场地guard n. 警戒,守卫precious adj. 珍贵的stone n. 石子sand n. 沙子参考译文 飞机误点了,侦探们在机场等了整整一上午。他们正期待从南非来的一个装着钻石的贵重包裹。数小时以前,有人向警方报告,说有人企图偷走这些钻石。当飞机到达时,一些侦探等候在主楼内,另一些侦探则守候在停机坪上。有两个人把包裹拿下飞机,进了海关。这时两个侦探把住门口,另外两个侦探打开了包裹。令他们吃惊的是,那珍贵的包裹里面装的全是石头和沙子!Lesson 8 The best and the worst 最好的和最差的 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why is Joe"s garden the most beautiful one in the town? Joe Sanders has the most beautiful garden in our town. Nearly everybody enters for "The Nicest Garden Competition" each year, but Joe wins every time. Bill Frith"s garden is larger than Joe"s. Bill works harder than Joe and grows more flowers and vegetables, but Joe"s garden is more interesting. He has made neat paths and has built a wooden bridge over a pool. I like gardens too, but I do not like hard work. Every year I enter for the garden competition too, and I always win a little prize for the worst garden in the town!New words and expressions 生词和短语competition n. 比赛,竞赛neat adj. 整齐的,整洁的path n. 小路,小径wooden adj. 木头的pool n. 水池参考译文 乔.桑德斯拥有我们镇上最漂亮的花园。几乎每个人都参加每年举办的“最佳花园竞赛”,而每次都是乔获胜。比尔.弗里斯的花园比乔的花园大,他比乔也更为勤奋,种植的花卉和蔬菜也更多,但乔的花园更富有情趣。他修筑了一条条整洁的小路,并在一个池塘上架了一座小木桥。我也喜欢花园,但我却不愿意辛勤劳动。每年的花园竞赛我也参加,但总因是镇上最劣的花园而获得一个小奖! Lesson 9 A cold welcome 冷遇 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What does "a cold welcome" refer to? On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes" time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and waited, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted. "It"s two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!" I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.New words and expressions 生词和短语welcome n. 欢迎;v. 欢迎crowd n. 人群gather v. 聚集hand n. (表或机器的)指针shout v. 喊叫refuse v. 拒绝laugh v. 笑参考译文 星期三的晚上,我们去了市政厅。 那是一年的最后一天,一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面。再过20分钟,大钟将敲响12下。15分钟过去了,而就在11点55分时,大钟停了。那根巨大的分针不动了。 我们等啊等啊,可情况没有变化。突然有人喊道:“已经12点零2分了!那钟已经停了!”我看了一下我的手表,果真如此。那座大钟不愿意迎接新年。此时,大家已经笑了起来,同时唱起了歌。Lesson 10 Not for jazz 不适于演奏爵士乐 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What happened to the clavichord? We have an old musical instrument. It is called a clavichord. It was made in Germany in 1681. Our clavichord is kept in the living room. It has belonged to our family for a long time. The instrument was bought by my grandfather many years ago. Recently it was damaged by a visitor. She tried to play jazz on it! She struck the keys too hard and two of the strings were broken. My father was shocked. Now we are not allowed to touch it. It is being repaired by a friend of my father"s.New words and expressions 生词和短语jazz n. 爵士音乐musical adj. 音乐的instrument n. 乐器clavichord n. 古钢琴recently adv. 最近damage v. 损坏key n. 琴键string n. (乐器的)弦shock v. 使不悦或生气,震惊allow v. 允许,让touch v. 触摸参考译文 我家有件古乐器,被称作古钢琴,是1681年德国造的。我们的这架古钢琴存放在起居室里。我们家有这件乐器已经很久了, 是我祖父在很多年以前买的。可它最近被一个客人弄坏了,因为她用它来弹奏爵士乐。她在击琴键时用力过猛,损坏了两根琴弦。我父亲大为吃惊,不许我们再动它。父亲的一个朋友正在修理这件乐器。Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 礼尚往来 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Who paid for Tony"s dinner? I was having dinner at a restaurant when Tony Steele came in. Tony worked in a lawyer"s office years ago, but he is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Tony saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. "I have never borrowed any money from you," Tony said, "so now you can pay for my dinner!"New words and expressions 生词和短语turn n. 行为,举止deserve v. 应得到,值得lawyer n. 律师bank n. 银行salary n. 工资immediately adv. 立刻参考译文 我正在一家饭馆吃饭,托尼.斯蒂尔走了进来。托尼曾在一家律师事务所工作,而现在正在一家银行上班。他的薪水很高,但他却总是向朋友借钱,并且从来不还。托尼看见了我,就走过来和我坐到一张桌子前。他从未向我借过钱。当他吃饭时,我提出向他借20英镑。令我惊奇的是,他立刻把钱给了我。“我还从未向你借过钱,”托尼说道,“所以现在你可以替我付饭钱了!”Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck 再见,一路顺风 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Where is Captain Alison going and how? Our neighbour, Captain Charles Alison, will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow. We"ll meet him at the harbour early in the morning. He will be in his small boat, Topsail. Topsail is a famous little boat. It has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o"clock, so we"ll have plenty of time. We"ll see his boat and then we"ll say goodbye to him. He will be away for two months. We are very proud of him. He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.New words and expressions 生词和短语luck n. 运气,幸运captain n. 船长sail v. 航行harbour n. 港口proud adj. 自豪important adj. 重要的参考译文 我们的邻居查尔斯.艾利森船长明天就要从朴次茅斯启航了。明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。他将乘坐他的“涛波赛”号小艇。“涛波赛”号是艘有名的小艇,它已经多次横渡大西洋。艾利森船长将于8点钟启航,因此我们有充裕的时间。我们将参观他的船,然后和他告别。他要离开两个月,我们真为他感到自豪,他将参加一次重大的横渡大西洋的比赛。Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why will the police have a difficult time? The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers" Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.New words and expressions 生词和短语group n. 小组,团体pop singer 流行歌手club n. 俱乐部performance n. 演出occasion n. 场合参考译文 “绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出,明天就要到达此地。他们将乘火车来,镇上的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们。明晚他们将在工人俱乐部演出。“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。在此期间,他们将演出5场。同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过,他们将设法维持秩序。每逢这种场合,情况都是这样。Lesson 14 Do you speak English? 你会讲英语吗? First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Did the young man speak English? I had an amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, "Do you speak English?" As I soon learnt, he was English himself!"New words and expressions 生词和短语amusing adj. 好笑的,有趣的experience n. 经历wave v. 招手lift n. 搭便车reply v. 回答language n. 语言journey n. 旅行参考译文 去年我有过一次有趣的经历。在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。途中,一个青年人向我招手。我把车停下,他向我提出要求搭车。他一上车,我就用法语向他问早上好,他也同样用法语回答我。除了个别几个单词外,我根本不会法语。旅途中我们谁也没讲话。就要到达那个镇时,那青年突然开了口,慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语吗?” 我很快了解到,他自己就是个英国人!Lesson 15 Good news 佳音 First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 What was the good news? The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me. I felt very nervous when I went into his office. He did not look up from his desk when I entered. After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad. He told me that the firm could not af
2023-06-25 11:18:451


选B.Topsail是船的名字.所以是物体.所以是which. whom不可能代替物体.除非是宠物.
2023-06-25 11:18:541

新概念英语2Lesson 12摘要写作

Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck We shall meet out neighbour,Captain Charles Alison,at Portsmouth Harbour eraly tomorrow mouning.He will be in his small boat,Topsail.He will leave at eight o"clock.We shall say goodbye to him.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.
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9世纪左右,拜占廷人建造的平滑船体的船,使用新式大三角帆装置(接受阿拉伯人技术),船能在风向的60°角内行驶。船的圆体形状、平滑表面均减少了船身同水的磨擦,使这些庞大的船有一个很好的航行质量。船在不太需要关心风向的情况下仍能基本按预定方向行驶。这类船在随后的二三个世纪里越来越大、越笨重,称为“内夫”(nef)船,有2至3桅,都采用大三角帆装置,排水量超过千吨。意大利船两头都有船楼。中世纪盛期,一种结合了长船和帆船特点的称为“泰里达”(tarida)的船舶广泛使用。之所以要结合长船特点,是因为商用帆船上还得对付海盗们的进攻。用水手,既能在无风的情况下行驶,也具有一定的战船功能。 12世纪中期,热那亚船有两层甲板,13世纪后期出现3层甲板。二桅,前桅略高、略大,挂三面大三角帆,后帆挂两面三角帆。最好的桅,用的是热那亚或马赛所产的硬质的棉或麻帆布。13世纪中期,有些地中海船只长达30米。控制方向的装置是侧舵。侧舵有一对,安装在船尾附近,两侧各一。14世纪时,地中海船只也开始用船尾舵。同时,北方式的科格船大约也在13世纪里开始出现在地中海上。14世纪初,意大利人已广泛造用这种单桅大船来装载远航货物了。 14世纪末以后,南北船特点开始混合,产生了一种新的大型船只“卡拉克”(carrack)船。此船后来成为西欧远洋航船的最初式样,也是西方世界在大帆船时代(16—18世纪)到来之前的最典型船只,既可军用更可商用。据说,南北特点的混合源于十字军时代,因为那时各国的十字军都有机会观看别人的的船型及其建造方法。北方的船上装置技术,如固定船舱、单面大帆,南方的船体构造技术,如甲板、平接船板技术,都被视为长处而结合在新型船只中。卡拉克船最先出现于威尼斯、热那亚和西班牙等地,船体既深且宽,有一个很高的船尾,巨大的前船楼凸出了船头,船身平滑,整个侧形颇似过去的北方船,有一条优雅的圆弧形线条。船舵已不再在一侧,而是安装在船体中心线上。 15世纪后,卡拉克船从一桅一帆演变成为三桅大船。三桅是前桅(foremast),较矮,主桅(mainmast),较高,以及后桅(mizzenmast)。最初,前桅挂一大三角帆。后来,在船首置一杆后送,上挂一方形斜杠帆,这就可使前桅后移并增加高度。后又增加了一些横桅索来做辅助用途,增加梯索(系于横桅索上)取代了以往用于攀缘桅杆的木梯。在行驶过程中,由于感觉到驾驭大帆太累,结果导致了一系列小帆的使用。先是有些大船在主桅上挂三面帆,从下到上依次为主帆(course)、顶帆(topsail)和上桅帆(topgallant),后来船的每桅上一般都有三截帆。也出现了四桅船,前桅挂若干方形帆,后三桅则挂大三角帆。后来还发明了一些缩帆的方法。方帆不再象以往那样靠收帆来减小帆面,而是用一块块小旗似的帆布系上,不需时解开带子拿走就行。微风时如需增加帆的面积,也用一些窄布条系加在小块帆布上。15世纪时,装有帆桅装置的卡拉克船一般长度24至27米不等。三桅多帆的卡拉克船,奠定了16至18世纪大帆船时代船的桅帆装置的基本样式。
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cbadaac 一名士兵用力打保安...直到把他打倒在地.knock out同knock down 都是打倒的意思
2023-06-25 11:19:413