barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-25 10:28:53

我要开始了 请保护好你的耳朵……

I"m going to start now, so protect your ears.

究竟怎么样学好英语口语? 我希望以后这样的问题大家不要在问了

How do we learn spoken English? I hope you won"t have to ask this question again.

我觉得大家没有理解什么是英语口语 还记得那个外教Jim吗?

I don"t think you completely understand what "spoken English is"

Remember that foreign TA Jim? 是助理还是教授,教授是foreign professor. 我写得是助教。

那天下课 说来可笑 我挣扎了整整1天 第二天鼓足勇气敲开了Jim办公室的门 看见他我愣 了大概10秒钟 我真的不知道该说什么 最后终于说出来了:what"s your name?

It"s funny when I think about it. After an entire day of contemplation and debating with myself, I knocked on Jim"s door. I froze for like ten seconds when I saw him, my mind blanked, I honestly didn"t know what to say. Finally, I said, "what"s your name"

后来倒是他问了我一大堆问题 但问的人本应是我 你们觉得这就叫我精通

spoken English 吗?

After that, he asked me a bunch of questions. But I should have been the one asking the questions. You think I"m good at spoken English?

说实在的 考试之外 我们的英语水平近乎于零

To be honest, outside of exams, our English level is infinitely close to zero.

你们眼中所谓我的spoken English 只不过看重了发音而已 对吗?所以想学好口语 只能到大学了 我们还有很长的路要走 我能教你们的便是发音了

The "spoken English" that you"re thinking of it just my pronunciation, isn"t it? So, to study proper spoken English, you"ll have to wait till university. We have a long wait to go. The only thing I can help you with is your pronunciation.

如果你硬要问我怎么说的英语 我将把我全部的努力都归结于……模仿多看多听美国人究竟是怎么表达的 高一时我的发音是这样的(……)现在大多数人都是这样发音的 自从进了16班 听到童XX同学的发音我就放弃了我的这种发音 just give up 要想学好口语

If you really want to know how I learned spoken English, all I can say is: imitation. To look at, to study, to take apart how Americans speak English. I used to speak like this back in my first year of high school (...) That"s still how most people speak English. After entering into Class 16 and hearing Tong... (英文没有什么同学,可以说classmate tong, 但是非常不地道,最好说名字)"s pronunciation, I gave up my old accent. Just gave it up, to learn to speak English properly.

必须要有这样的勇气 葵花宝典第一句知道是什么吗? 要练此功,必先自宫只有这种破釜沉舟的态度才能够真正地使你自己理解地道的美式发音,否你永远不可能有提高

You"ll need courage like this. Remember the first line in 葵花宝典? To study this, you have to give up your manhood. Only attitudes like this can afford you proper American pronunciation in the end, else you can never improve.

有很多人抱怨没有素材 那只能说你不会寻找素材 一般人等待素材 聪明人寻

找素材 达人创造素材 平时我喜欢玩魔兽 我放弃发音后学的第一个句子是在

魔兽争霸比赛的美国解说那学的 他报出场玩家时震撼的发音至今令我记忆犹新

Most people complain that there"s no materials to practice with, all I can say is that you haven"t been looking for it. Most wait for material, the smart ones seek out materials, only the truly intelligent would know how to create materials. I like playing Warcraft. After giving up my old pronunciation, the first sentence I learned was in the American broadcast of the Warcraft competition. I can still remember his astounding pronunciation like it was yesterday.

( 中国玩家sky……)这就是我的第一句美式发音 为了把player

说好 我练了上千遍

"Chinese play Sky..." That was my first sentence in American English. I practiced no less than a thousand times to get "player" right.

有很多人说我有音色上的天赋 现在你应该明白我为什么有这样的音色了

那并不是与生俱来 美国人也不是人人音色都像我这样 所以每个人都能说好英语

Some people say that I have a gift with vocals, now you know I wasn"t born with that gift. I can proudly say that not every Americans have pronunciation as good as mine. So, everybody can speak English well.

可能你不爱魔兽 但你应该看过《想挑战吗》 有一次有个美国人来挑战他说 I"ll make a challenge 但是我们不是这样发音怎么样调整? 像这样(……) 直到模仿到一样为止 一年多了 我才说成了现在这样

Maybe you"re not a fan of Warcraft, but you"ve probably watched "Want to Challenge" Once an American came to challenge him, and said "I"ll make a challenge". But we don"t talk like that. How do we improve it? Like this (...) Until we can imitate their accent exactly as it is. It took me over a year to talk like this.

学口语要摆正态度 有些人学英语 也只为了学英语 但忘记了更重要的是

communication 平时我和别人讲英语 他会觉得我不正常 或着说一句:()

这种态度还是很普遍的 我们本身就失去了语言环境 却还这样……

The most important thing in studying oral English is attitude. Many people study English for the sake of studying English, but forget that the ultimate goal is communication. Sometimes when I speak English to people, they think that there"s something wrong with me, so say something like:()

These attitudes are very common. We don"t have an English atmosphere, and yet we still...

我们在最好的班级 你我都是聪明人 我相信你的目标不只是为了高考拿个好分数吧? 学英语的最终目的是学会在独立场合用英语来表达 为了我们的大学 为了我们的将来 学好口语吧

We"re in the best class, we"re all smart. I trust that you have higher goals than getting a good score in the university entrance exam. The ultimate goal of learning English is to be able to express yourself clearly, independently. For the sake of our universities, for the sake of our future, study oral English.

以上说法是本人的一点小小经验 如有雷同 纯属捏造

The above is some experience of mine. Any similarities to other material is a false accusation.


Thank you for bearing with me and my English.



i would like to begin, please take good care of your ears ....

What should i learn English spoken in the future? i hope that this question we do not ask i think we do not understand what is spoken English and Chinese teachers also remember that Jim day lesson?

i struggle to say funny solidhours 1 day in the second day of courage opened the Jim office door and wondering what i saw him

about 10 seconds i really don"t know what to say finally to say this: what"s your name?

pleeth daoshi he asked me a lot of questions asked centerecl but should i do you think this is just call me well versed in

spoken English? to be honest examination we English proficiency of akinto in the eyes of the so-called zero you my spoken English pronunciation but only on their usefulness?

i would like to learn spoken only to the University of us is still a long way to go before i could teach your

is the pronunciation

If you hard to ask me how to speak English i will put all my efforts have been poetrycan from…… imitational

see more Americans to listen to what the expression of tenth - grade when my pronunciation is the case of (…)

now most people are so pronounced since the ban went into 16 students hear pronouncethe schistosomulum XX

i"ll give up my pronunciation just give up if you want to learn spoken must have this courage sunflowerseeds bestdamn first sentence of know what? to ryongwang this feature first Palace

only this kind of crossing the Rubicon attitude will be able to truly make your own understanding of authentic American pronunciation, otherwise, you

can never have to improve the

many people complain that there is no material that can only say you won"t find the material most people wait for the material wise man seeking

find material Daren create material in peacetime, i like playing Warcraft pronounceit postism i gave up the first sentence is

Warcraft game of the United States explanation of his report that appeared when the player quiverof pronouncethe breathe fresh in my mind

(players sky ...) this is my first sentence of the American pronunciation in order to keep a good player that i trained thousands of times

There are many people say that i have the gift of colours now you should know why i have such a voice

It was not born with the Americans are not everyone timbre are like me so everyone can speak good English

Maybe you don"t love wow but you should read the challenge? "there is a time there is a challenge to Americans

He said i"ll make a challenge but we are not so prounciations

How to adjust? like this (...) until the imitation to the same date more than a year before i say now

in such a

to learn spoken to straighten the attitude of some people to learn English only in order to learn English but have forgotten more important is

communication in peacetime, i speak English and others he will feel like i do not function properly or to say one sentence: ()

This kind of attitude is still very common in our own lost language environment yet so …

We in the best of class you are a wise man i"m sure your target is not just to get a good minute nmet

the number of studiedenglish, huh? the ultimate goal is to learn English in a separate occasion to express to our universities to

our future 《selected students"oral u2022say

more than below"are i draun small experience if you have to endure the same thing happened fabrication ~ thank you


私は始まります あなたの耳をしっかり保护して下さい……

一体どのように英语の口语をマスターしますか? 私はこのような问题は后でみんなが闻かないでくださいを望みます

私はみんなが何が英语の口语ですかを理解すると感じます またその外国人教师Jimを覚えていますか? その日に授业が终わりました

言うなればおかしいです 私はもがいて1日整えます 翌日勇気を十分に奋い立たせてJim事务室の扉をたたき始めました 彼は私がぽかんとすることが见えます

约10秒间 私は本当に何を言うべきですかを知りません 最后についに言い出しました:what"s your name?

それから一体彼は私に一大が问题を积み上げることを闻きました しかし闻く人间本位は私のはず あなた达はこれで私を精通と感じます

spoken English ですか? 诚実だと言います 试験の外 私达の英语のレベルはあやうく0で

あなた达の目の中でいわゆる私のspoken English ただ発音だけを重视しました いいですか?

だから口语をマスターしたいです 大学に着くことしかできませんでした 私达は歩くとても长い道があります 私はあなた达のを教えることができます


もしあなたはあくまで私のどのように言う英语を闻くならば 私は私の全部の努力をすべて帰结します……まね

多く多くアメリカ人を闻くのが一体どのようにの表现なことを见ます 高い1时に私の発音はこのようなです(……)

今大きい多くの人はすべてこのようにする発音のです 16クラスに入ってから 童XX学友の発音を耳にします

私は私のこのような発音を放弃しました just give up 口语をマスターしたいならば

必ずこのような勇気があるなくてはなりません ヒマワリの宝典の第1は何なことを知っていますか? この功を训练して、必ず先に宫から



多くの人は素材がないことに不平をこぼします それではあなたが素材を探すことはでき(ありえ)ないと言うことしかできません 普通の人は素材を待ちます 聡明な人は探します

素材を探します 人に达して素材を创造します ふだん私は悪魔のけものを游ぶことが好きです 私は発音の后から勉强する第一个のセンテンスがになるのなことを放弃します

悪魔のけものは试合の米国に覇権を争ってそれでは学のを解说します 彼は出场のプレーヤーの时揺り动かす発音が今なお私を今なお记忆に生々しくならせることを申し込みます

( 中国のプレーヤーsky……)これは私の第1のアメリカンの発音です player ためを

话をして决めます 私が训练した上に千遍

多くの人は私が音色の上の素质があると言います 今あなたが私に分かるべきでどうしてこのような音色がありました

あれはと别に生んで全部来ません アメリカ人もみなの音色がすべて私のようでこのようにするのではありません だからすべての人すべて话をして决める英语

あなたは悪魔のけものを爱しませんかもしれません しかしあなたは《挑戦したいです》を见たことがあるべきです ある时アメリカ人は挑戦しにきます

彼は言います I"ll make a challenge しかし私达はこのようにする発音ではありません

どのように调整しますか? 像はこのようにします(……) 同じになりますまでまねに至ります 1年余りになりました 私はやっと言いなした现すことです


口语を学んで态度をきちんと并べます 人がいくらかあって英语を学びます 同じくただ英语を学ぶためだけ しかし更に重要なのがそうなことを忘れました

communication ふだん私と他の人は英语を话します 彼は私が正常だと感じることができ(ありえ)ます あるいは1つ言っています:()

このような态度はまだとても普遍的です 私达の自身は言语の环境を失いました またこのようにします……

私达は最も良い学年とクラスにになります お互いはすべて聡明な人です 私はあなたの目标が大学入试のために个を持って分けることができるだけでないことを信じます

数か? 英语を学ぶ最终の目的は独立して场所英语で表现することをマスターするのです 私达の大学のため …(の)ために

私达の将来 口语をマスターするようにしましょう

以上の言い方は本人の1时(点)小さい経験です もし付和雷同があるならば 全くのでっち上げです



Started I would like to please protect your ears ... ...

Over how to learn English? I hope that such a problem after that we will not ask the

I think we do not understand what is spoken English teacher Jim also remember that it? Day of school

Ridiculous to say I struggled for a whole 1 day the next day Jim courage to open the office door and I saw him stare blankly

About 10 seconds, I really do not know what to say that finally came out: what"s your name?

But later he asked me a lot of people ask the question but I should think that you called me master

you spoken English? That the examination is outside the standard of English of our near-zero

Your eyes so I just value of the spoken English pronunciation just right?

I would like to learn spoken only to the university we still have a long way to go before I can teach you

Pronunciation is a

If you insist on asking me how to say in English I will, all of which I attributed to the efforts ... ... to imitate

Listen more and more Americans to see how the expression is high time that my pronunciation of the (... ...)

Now the majority of people are making the same sounds into the 16 classes since the child to hear the pronunciation of XX students

I gave up this pronunciation, I just give up in order to learn spoken language

Must have the courage to do the first sentence of sunflower Baodian you know what? To practice this skill, since the palace first

Only burn his attitude that can really make your own understanding of authentic American pronunciation, otherwise you

Can never be a need to raise

Many people complain that there is no material that can only say that you do not search for material is generally wise to wait for people seeking material

Of people looking for material to create material normally I prefer玩魔兽school I gave up after the pronunciation of the first sentence in the

Warcraft game study the United States to explain the reported appearance of the player when he shocked me so far sounds fresh

(China players sky ... ...) This is my American pronunciation of the first sentence to the player

I practiced that thousands of good times

There are a lot of people say that I have the natural colors you should now understand why I have such a sound

That is not the birthright of Americans are not all sound like me so everyone can say that the English language

Perhaps you do not love WoW but you should read "would like to challenge you," there is time to challenge Americans

He said I"ll make a challenge but we do not pronounce

How to adjust? Like this (... ...) to mimic the same date until more than a year that I became now

In such

Learn spoken to some people put themselves in a correct attitude towards learning English only in order to learn English but have forgotten the more important is

communication usually speak English to me and others I do not think he would normally say, or: ()

This attitude is very common on the loss of our own language environment still do ... ...

We are in the best class you and I are smart people, I believe your goal is not only to get a good sub-test

A few, right? The ultimate goal of learning English is to learn English in a separate occasion to express to our universities to study for our future now spoken


I"m going to start, so, please, take care of your ears.

How exactly can we learn Spoken English well? I hope no questions like this should be asked in the future.I think you haven"t understood what Spoken English is. Remember Jim, the foreign teacher? That day after class, a bit funny actually, I felt twisted for all the rest of the day. The next day, I went to the door of his office and knocked it open. Seeing him, I was dumnfounded for about ten seconds before I asked "What"s your name?" at last. Afterwards he asked me a lot of questions. I should have been the one who asked. So do you think it"s the so-called "I have a good master of spoken English"? Frankly, except exams, our English level is almost zero. The spoken English you think is just pronunciation, right? So, if you want to learn spoken English well, you"ll have to wait till college. We have a long way to go. What I can teach you is pronunciation only.

If you insist on asking me how to, I"ll say all my efforts were attributed to imitatiion. Read and listen more to the Americans, see how they expressed themselves. In the first year of my Senior school, my pronunciation was like this...

Now most of the people pronounced like that. After entering Class Sixteen, I heard Classmate Tong"s pronunciation and I gave up mine. Just give up, if you want to learn spoken English well. You have to be brave. Know the first sentence of Quihuabaodian? Castrate yourself before starting. Only when you have the right attitude can you understand the real American accent. Otherwise you"ll never make any progress. Many people complaign for not having enough material. That is to say they don"t know how to find material. Plain people wait for material while smart ones look for it, and advanced ones create it. I play WOW in my spare time. The first sentence I learned, after giving up my old pronunciation, was from the American"s explanation in a WOW competion. His pronunciation while stating the names of players just shocked me and left me a deep and fresh impression. Chinese player Sky...that"s my first word in American accent. To speak Player well enough, I practiced thousands of times. Many people say I was gifted a good voice. But now you see how I was gifted the voice. I was not born with it. Not even the Americans were. Everyone can speak English well. Maybe you don"t like WOW. But have you ever watched Want to Challenge? Once it was an American. He said, "I"ll make a challenge." But we don"t speak like that. So how can we? Now like this...go with me...keep practicing until you can do the same. It took us more than a year to speak like this. A good attitude is the key to learning English well. Some people learn English just because they need to learn. But they almost forget the key point - Communication. When I speak English to people, they say I"m abnormal in return or ... That attitude is quite common. We don"t have the social environment for speaking English, because we let it go ourselves. We are in the best class. You are smart guys like me. I bet your aim"s not just a better mark in the College Entrance Exam, right? The final aim of learning English is to use it in certain occasions. So now, for our college, for our future, let"s work hard to learn English well. The above was just a little experience summary of mine. Hope we can learn from each other and make progress. Thanks.


I"m going to start, so, please, take care of your ears.

How exactly can we learn Spoken English well? I hope no questions like this should be asked in the future.I think you haven"t understood what Spoken English is. Remember Jim, the foreign teacher? That day after class, a bit funny actually, I felt twisted for all the rest of the day. The next day, I went to the door of his office and knocked it open. Seeing him, I was dumnfounded for about ten seconds before I asked "What"s your name?" at last. Afterwards he asked me a lot of questions. I should have been the one who asked. So do you think it"s the so-called "I have a good master of spoken English"? Frankly, except exams, our English level is almost zero. The spoken English you think is just pronunciation, right? So, if you want to learn spoken English well, you"ll have to wait till college. We have a long way to go. What I can teach you is pronunciation only.

If you insist on asking me how to, I"ll say all my efforts were attributed to imitatiion. Read and listen more to the Americans, see how they expressed themselves. In the first year of my Senior school, my pronunciation was like this...

Now most of the people pronounced like that. After entering Class Sixteen, I heard Classmate Tong"s pronunciation and I gave up mine. Just give up, if you want to learn spoken English well. You have to be brave. Know the first sentence of Quihuabaodian? Castrate yourself before starting. Only when you have the right attitude can you understand the real American accent. Otherwise you"ll never make any progress. Many people complaign for not having enough material. That is to say they don"t know how to find material. Plain people wait for material while smart ones look for it, and advanced ones create it. I play WOW in my spare time. The first sentence I learned, after giving up my old pronunciation, was from the American"s explanation in a WOW competion. His pronunciation while stating the names of players just shocked me and left me a deep and fresh impression. Chinese player Sky...that"s my first word in American accent. To speak Player well enough, I practiced thousands of times. Many people say I was gifted a good voice. But now you see how I was gifted the voice. I was not born with it. Not even the Americans were. Everyone can speak English well. Maybe you don"t like WOW. But have you ever watched Want to Challenge? Once it was an American. He said, "I"ll make a challenge." But we don"t speak like that. So how can we? Now like this...go with me...keep practicing until you can do the same. It took us more than a year to speak like this. A good attitude is the key to learning English well. Some people learn English just because they need to learn. But they almost forget the key point - Communication. When I speak English to people, they say I"m abnormal in return or ... That attitude is quite common. We don"t have the social environment for speaking English, because we let it go ourselves. We are in the best class. You are smart guys like me. I bet your aim"s not just a better mark in the College Entrance Exam, right? The final aim of learning English is to use it in certain occasions. So now, for our college, for our future, let"s work hard to learn English well. The above was just a little experience summary of mine. Hope we can learn from each other and make progress. Thanks.

完全手工 累死了


I need to have begun to invite the ear finishing protecting you, ... After all how do learn spoken English? I hope that such master of problem no essential points hereafter in having asked about I think that everybody does not understand that what is that spoken English keeps that foreign teacher Jim in memory? Finish class in that day As a matter of fact laughable I have struggled 1 day second days muster up courage to knock the door having opened Jim office seeing him wholly I stand in amazement 10 rough seconds I do not know should deliberately say the at last has finally spoken out really: What"s your name? On the contrary it is him to have asked my crop of questions that the people who only ask about should be that I your feel like will be accomplished in by me immediately afterwards Spoken English? Our English is horizontal besides saying honest have an exam friendly in zero In your eye so-called my spoken English have thought highly of pronunciation only to what? Therefore wanting to learn spoken language being able to only arrive at university, we still have the very long road needing to can teach you along me Be to have been pronounced If you are obstinate to ask me that why speaks English, I will to all with my all make great efforts, ... Copy Looking at many can of American what actually happened much is that the height how to express is momentary my pronunciation is such (,) Now the most people all is such since pronunciation"s having entered 16 class of the pronunciation hearing the child XX schoolmate The just give up asks this pronunciation I am moved towards having abandoned me to want to learn spoken language What is that the sunflower valuable book the first knows the courage must need to have such? Need to practise this meritorious service, necessarily first from the palace Only when this breaks the caldrons and sink the boats, the attitude is able to make yourself understand dyadic up to standard US pronunciation, otherwise, your really just now Have rise forever impossibly Have many person complain that not having material that wait for material the average man being able to only criticize you being able to not seek material the clever people searches Looking for material to reach person creates material that I like to make fun of devil beast the first sentence of my give up pronunciation younger scholar in the ordinary time is to be around Devil beast the pronunciation competing for hegemony being shocked when the competition USA narrates his newspaper that learns appearing on the scene to make fun of a family makes me be still fresh in memory so far (China plays with the sky, ,) This it is the first beautiful style of sentence of me to be pronounced mounting thousand time for having come to an agreement that I practise with the player Have many person criticize me having upper natural gift of tone colour you have ought to know that why I tone colour having such now That is really not born-with American is that everybody"s tone colour all resembles my this way therefore everyone all can come to an agreement neither English You do not love the devil beast but you ought to have watched "think of challenge having an once to there is American coming to challenge possibly He said I"ll make a challenge but we are not to be pronounced like this How do adjust? Such as such (,) Until I speak much just now for 1 year till copying arriving at one kind have become now Be member of such Mimic spoken language should be also single for having learned English but having forgot more important being swaying rectifying attitude some people learning English Communication I and others say English in the ordinary time he is able to feel I am abnormal or is burning saying one: () This attitude it is but fairly sucher we have lost the language environment very commonly per se right away, ... We you and I all are a clever people in best class I believe that your target is not fond of dividing with only for college entrance examination Number? Mimic English ultimate purpose being that institute university coming to express for us in English in independent occasion is We learn the spoken language bar in the future All above statement is that my one point is little if experience having identical sheer fabrication Thank put up with ~

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


I started to protect your ears, please...

What learn oral English well? I hope that you don"t ask a question

I think you do not understand what is spoken English still remember the teacher Jim? Day after class

Funnily enough, I struggled a whole day 1 day courage to open the door of the office of Jim I saw him

About 10 seconds I really don"t know what to say to finally say: "s your name on?

Later, but he asked me a lot of questions but ask: what do you think I should humanistic is called my master

Two spoken? We truly said the test of English almost to zero

Your eyes I spoken of as the pronunciation just spending just value for?

So I want to learn English to university, we still have a long way to go, I can teach you

Is the pronunciation

If you ask me how marring English I will put all my efforts were attributed to... imitate

Look how to American express high at my pronunciation is so (...),

Now, most people are so pronunciation 16 class since into children hear the XX classmate pronunciation

I gave up my pronunciation can nullified up if you want to learn English

Must have such courage sunflower treasure dian 1 know what it is? To practice this, will start from the palace

Only with this attitude can truly make yourself understood authentic American pronunciation, otherwise, you

Never could have improved

Many people complain that no material that can only say that you won"t find materials for ordinary people wait for material wise

Material: for creating material usually I like playing warcraft I give up his pronunciation is in the first sentence

The American warcraft game interpretation of the players play he has made my pronunciation of shock

(China) sky players... This is my first sentence to the American pronunciation player

Say I practiced for thousands of times

Many people say that I have the talent now tone you should understand why I have such a tone

That wasn"t born americans also not everyone tone are like me, so everyone can speak English

Could you love, but you should have seen the warcraft to challenge? "once a americans to challenge

He said I "l l a challenge but we not pronunciation

What adjustments? Like (...), So far as to imitate a year until I become more

In such

Learning English should adjust attitude to learn some English also only to learn English but forget is more important

Communication with others I speak English, I don"t think he will say: the normal or),

This attitude is very common we itself lost language environment but also so...

We in the best of the class, you and I are smart, I believe your goal is not just to get a good points

Several? The ultimate purpose of learning English is to learn to use English in separate occasions to express to our university

We learn English in the future

Above is my small experience as a similar sheer fabrication

Thank you endure



the height how to express is momentary my pNow the most people all is such since pronunciation hearing the child XX schoolmate The just give up asks this pronunciation I am moved towards me to wstandard US pronunciatioyour really just now Have rise forever imponot having material that wait for material the average man being able to only criticize you being able to not seek material the clever people searches Looking for material to reach person cr



英 [pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n]美 [pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n]。pronunciation。发音。pronunciation指一种语言的“发音(法)”,也指一个人的“发音”或“发音方式”,是不可数名词。指一个词的“读法”时,是可数名词。英英释义:the manner in which someone utters a word。翻译:某人说话的方式。pronunciation的相关词组:acquire pronunciation 学习发音。correct pronunciation 纠正发音。improve pronunciation 改善发音。learn pronunciation 学习发音。practise pronunciation 练习发音。bad pronunciation 发音不好。excellent pronunciation 很标准的发音。
2023-06-25 07:57:491


2023-06-25 07:58:266

at which 和where区别

首先你得明白两个词的词性: where 是个方位副词 which 是个疑问代词或者是引导连词. where is my room?(adv) which is my romm?(proun) 上面是单句,下面看从句: He asked where we should go.是去的不确定的方位或者地点,而且在从句中充当的是个状语的成分,只能用where. He asked me which color i like. 作为是一个疑问代词,而且有相对的固定的领域:颜色选择.从句和主句都却少一个宾语.疑问副词where是不能充当这个成分的. 在来看看你说的可以替换的情况: 前提要搞清楚:他们的替换只能在表示方位地点的时候才可以,而且是替代句子中的定语的时候才会出现:地点状语从句中,where 只能指一个模糊的地点,而which则有一个定向的限定区域,意思不近相同: 例如: I didn"t know where he lived in the village. I didn"t know in which village he lived. 再如: where he comes from is a secret which province/state he comes from is a secret. 定语从句中: it is the shelf where i put my book. it is the shelf on which i put my book. 就可以替换,意思只能说是十分相近而已
2023-06-25 07:59:081

tips for prounciation什么意思

tips for pronunciation英文发音:[tu026aps fu0254u02d0(r) pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n]中文释义:发音小贴士;发音提示词汇解析:1、tips英文发音: [tu026aps]中文释义:n.尖端;尖儿;端;(装在顶端的)小部件;指点;实用的提示例句:It shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs.它说明了如何准备简历,并就如何申请职位提了些建议。2、pronunciation英文发音:[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsiu02c8eu026au0283n]中文释义:n.发音;读音;(某人的)发音例句:She gave the word its French pronunciation她读出了该词的法语发音。扩展资料pronunciation 的同根词:1、pronounceable英文发音:[pru0259"nau028ansu0259bl]中文释义:adj. 读得出的;可发音的;可断言的例句:We wonder if there is a way to generate random but pronounceable passwords.我们想知道是否有方法可以产生随机但可读的密码。2、pronounce英文发音:[pru0259"nau028ans]中文释义:vt. 发音;宣判;断言例句:First, you should have the right pronunciation of the words in your mind so learn to pronounce them correctly.首先,在你的头脑中对每个单词应该有一个正确的发音以便准确的学习他们的发音。
2023-06-25 07:59:161

我们老师出一英语作文题目叫 我曾经读过的一本书 ,怎么写,初二英语,完成时

are you tried of selecting thousends of books in the huge book store?Do you want to be successful in communicating in english?now,just look at this book:,it not only give you the most popular slang,but provide the background matter the english standerd you are now, you surely can use it,for the content is simple and fresh,even if you are a excellent speaker of english,you still can learn lots of helpful idiom or the American value,and this will help you understand the other phrese better.besides,togerther with the book,are two useful cds which help you listen how their speaker say,actually, you know,there are lots of prouncation skills in American english ,if you can say them beautifully,eveyone will definatly admaire your english.How fantastic !well,to sum up ,i just want to call on all the students,just pay more attention on your prouncation and usage of english,that is the best way and only way to better your english,why not?the book and practise,that is perfect!now ,everybody,just open up your mouth,open up your mind,open up your soul,to learn english,esp.spoken english!
2023-06-25 07:59:411


并不是这样的。装置艺术强调观众于空间中的在场必然导致如何保存作品这一问题。如果观众没有亲临过作品现场就只能依靠想象。但是就像笑话会在复述中失去笑点一样,观众最好还是亲临现场。尽管存在如此主观的局限,大多数书写者还是一致认同这一艺术流派的发展历史:包括早期一系列现代主义先驱的重要作品,比如埃尔·李西茨基(El Lissitzky)1923年的《普朗恩之屋》(Proun Room)、库尔特·施威特斯(Kurt Schwitters)1933年的《梅兹堡》(Merzbau)、卡普罗(Kaprow)1960年代早期的环境和偶发作品,以及1970年代围绕极简主义和后极简主义装置艺术的一系列辩论。书写者们还注意到,1980年代装置艺术已经推广到全世界,到了1990年代更是因为被各大艺术机构认定属于出类拔萃的艺术形式而达到荣耀的巅峰,最明显的一个表现就是宏伟壮观的装置作品纷纷进驻美术馆,比如纽约古根海姆博物馆和泰特现代艺术馆涡轮大厅等。
2023-06-25 07:59:501

英语作文how to use tour smart phone correctly范文

2023-06-25 08:00:154

求英语作文 介绍一本你读过的书

最佳答案are you tried of selecting thousends of books in the huge book store?Do you want to be successful in communicating in english?now,just look at this book:,<how American people say english everyday>it not only give you the most popular slang,but provide the background matter the english standerd you are now, you surely can use it,for the content is simple and fresh,even if you are a excellent speaker of english,you still can learn lots of helpful idiom or the American value,and this will help you understand the other phrese better.besides,togerther with the book,are two useful cds which help you listen how their speaker say,actually, you know,there are lots of prouncation skills in American english ,if you can say them beautifully,eveyone will definatly admaire your english.How fantastic !well,to sum up ,i just want to call on all the students,just pay more attention on your prouncation and usage of english,that is the best way and only way to better your english,why not?the book and practise,that is perfect!now ,everybody,just open up your mouth,open up your mind,open up your soul,to learn english,esp.spoken english!
2023-06-25 08:00:411

英语作文how to use tour smart phone correctly范文

As time goes by,smart phone is becoming cheaper and cheaper.As a result,more and more university students start to using smart phone. Wherever you are,you can see many students equipped with a smart phone,it makes our world becomes smaller.But,most of the students are just using smart phone to play game and surf the Internet that influent their study. In my opinion,smart phone also can be used in study. During morning independent study time,I always use my smart phone to download English App to memorize English words without a lot of heavy English books.Smart phone is just like an English teacher teaches me to read the right English prounciation methods patiently.In the other time,I also use my phone to listen English songs to enrich my life and improve my listening ability.Before going to bed at night,I use my smart phone to do some English listening practice.
2023-06-25 08:00:481


are you tried of selecting thousends of books in the huge book store?Do you want to be successful in communicating in english?now,just look at this book:,<how American people say english everyday>it not only give you the most popular slang,but provide the background matter the english standerd you are now, you surely can use it,for the content is simple and fresh,even if you are a excellent speaker of english,you still can learn lots of helpful idiom or the American value,and this will help you understand the other phrese better.besides,togerther with the book,are two useful cds which help you listen how their speaker say,actually, you know,there are lots of prouncation skills in American english ,if you can say them beautifully,eveyone will definatly admaire your english.How fantastic !well,to sum up ,i just want to call on all the students,just pay more attention on your prouncation and usage of english,that is the best way and only way to better your english,why not?the book and practise,that is perfect!now ,everybody,just open up your mouth,open up your mind,open up your soul,to learn english,esp.spoken english!
2023-06-25 08:01:091

How to improve your oral English?

Practice more
2023-06-25 08:01:162


2023-06-25 08:01:242


2023-06-25 08:01:442

谁帮忙做下 英语阅读

这个是选项5.According to the author,________pronouncing foreign languages. A.only a few people are really proficient in one is really an expert in the skill of C.there aren"t many people who are even fairly good at D.there are even some people who are moderately proficient in 6.The author argues that going about the problem of pronunciation in the wrong way is ________. obvious cause of not grasping the problem correctly B.a fundamental result of not speaking well C.a result of not grasping the problem correctly D.not an obvious cause of speaking poorly 7.The best way of learning to speak a foreign language is by________. A.picking it up natrallly as a child B.learning from a native speaker C.not concentrating on pronunciation as such D.undertaking systematic work 8.Teachers tend to forget________. A.the practical teaching of languages B.the importance of a good accent C.the principles of phonetic theory D.the teaching of prounciation in the classroom 9.The value stedents put on correct speech habits depends on________. closely he attends to the matter B.whether it is English that is being taught C.his teacher"s approach to pronunciation D.the importance normally given to grammar and spelling 10.A teacher might waste his time by________. A.spending lesson time on pronunciation B.making ill-informed comments on pronunciation C.not using books on phonetics in the classroom D.not giving students a clear mental picture of the difference between sounds
2023-06-25 08:01:522

英语作文:How I Use My Dictionary?— 如何使用字典)

2023-06-25 08:02:014

英语语法详解: 问题,下面的句子中破折号是属于什么用法?没有谓语看上去不像一个完整的句子,属于句子

2023-06-25 08:02:512


生产编号注册号  发动机版本首飞状态拆解日期注册信息  20998/275  EP-IAA  PW JT9D-7FSP86  1976-02-05  退役    20999/278EP-IABPW JT9D-7FSP861976-04-22  退役  2007-05-18小时数:57777 21022/265N140UA  PW JT9D-7ASP211975-07-04拆解1998-02-01  N747SP1975-05-19~1976-04-26N530PA1976-04-26~1986-07-01N140UA1986-07-07~1998-02-01 21023/268N141UAPW JT9D-7ASP211975-08-14拆解1998-01-21N247SP1975-08-14~1976-05-17N531PA1976-05-17~1986-09-01N141UA1986-09-01~1998-01-21 21024/270N142UA  PW JT9D-7ASP211975-09-10拆解1998-02-01N347SP1975-09-10~1976-03-29N532PA1976-03-29~1986-06-01N142UA1986-06-01~1998-02-01 21025/273N143UA  PW JT9D-7ASP211975-11-03拆解1997-12-22  N401351975-10-08~1976-03-05N533PA1976-03-05~1986-03-01N143UA1986-03-01~1997-12-22 21026/286N144UAPW JT9D-7ASP211976-05-07  拆解2002-01-01  N534PA1976-05-07~1986-05-01N144UA1986-05-01~2002-01-01总小时数:78870.52 21027N535PA      取消    21028N536PA      取消    21093/307  EP-IAC  PW JT9D-7FSP861977-05-16服役中    21132/280ZS-SPAPW JT9D-7FWSP441976-02-17拆解2002-10-17ZS-SPA1976-01-27~1987-04-013B-NAJ1987-04-01~1994-05-311997-10-31小时数:63325/13090ZS-SPA1994-05-31~2002-10-17 21133/282  N747KV  PW JT9D-7FWSP441976-03-10拆解2005-04-01  ZS-SPB1976-03-10~1985-04-127Q-YKL1985-04-12~1985-05-11ZS-SPB1985-05-11~1987-11-01LX-LGX1987-11-01~1993-09-02ZS-SPB1993-09-02~2000-04-12N747KV2000-04-12~2005-04-01 21134/288ZS-SPCPW JT9D-7FWSP441976-06-04退役  N8297V1976-05-17~1976-06-11ZS-SPC1976-06-11~1984-10-283B-NAG1984-10-28~1994-10-11ZS-SPC1994-10-11~2006-09-30总小时数:82313.23在QRA展览 21174/284YK-AHA  PW JT9D-7A SP94  1976-04-15  退役    与21175在RUH存放,可见于卫星图像  21175/290  YK-AHB  PW JT9D-7A SP94  1976-07-01  退役    与21174在RUH存放,可见于卫星图像  21253/293  F-GTOM  PW JT9D-7J SP44  1975-08-27  退役    ZS-SPD1975-08-27~1985-03-14CN-RMS1985-03-14~1994-10-18LX-ACO1994-10-18~1996-03-22F-GTOM1996-03-22~2002-09-16总小时数:78148/14983在CHR存放,引擎拆下,可见于卫星图像 21254/298  ZS-SPEPW JT9D-7FWSP441976-05-11拆解2008-06-06  1997-10-31小时数:60850/12916 21263/301ZS-SPFPW JT9D-7FWSP441977-01-14拆解2000-02-01ZS-SPF1976-12-22~1990-07-08V5-SPF1990-07-08~1998-04-30ZS-SPF1998-04-30~2000-02-01 21300/304  J2-SHFPW JT9D-7ASP09  1977-03-18  退役  N8290V1977-01-01~1977-04-06B-18621977-04-06~1999-07-17B-182521999-07-17~1999-12-01P4-GFC1999-12-01~2000-10-295Y-GFC2000-12-19~2002-12-269Q-CWY2002-12-26~2007-06-15J2-SHF2007-06-15尽管注册号更改,21300自2002年起在SHJ存放,从未起飞,可见于卫星图像 21441/306  N747NAPW JT9D-7JSP211977-04-25服役  N536PA1977-04-25~1986-11-01N145UA1986-11-01~2004-12-17N747NA2004-12-17SOFIA望远镜 21547/325  N146UA  PW JT9D-7A SP21  1978-05-05  拆解  2003-10-06  N537PA1978-05-05~1986-03-011999-08-01小时数:70184/9220N146UA1986-03-01~2003-10-06 21548/331  N147UA  PW JT9D-7A SP21  1978-06-30  服役    N538PA1978-06-30~1986-09-01N147UA1986-09-01~2001-05-301997-01-01小时数:71476/91972000年被FAA用于TWA800调查测试,仍服役于FAA 21648/367  VP-BAT  PW JT9D-7A SP21  1979-03-30  服役    N539PA1979-03-30~1986-06-01N148UA1986-06-01~1995-11-16VP-BAT1995-11-16卡塔尔政府专机 21649/373VQ-BMSPW JT9D-7ASP211979-05-01服役  N540PA1979-05-01~1986-06-01N149UA1986-06-01~1995-11-01V8-JBB 文莱政府1995-11-01~1996-04-01V8-AC11996-04-01~1999-02-05A9C-HHH 巴林政府1999-02-05~2002-08-01A9C-HMH2002-08-01~2008-06-01VQ-BMS 金沙赌场2008-06-01 21652/329HZ-HM1B  RR RB211-524C2SP681978-08-28服役  阿拉伯政府专机21758/371  EP-IADPW JT9D-7FSP861979-04-26退役    21785/405A4O-SOPW JT9D-7JSP27  1979-10-07服役  N603BN1979-10-07~1981-01-23N351AS 波音回购1981-01-23~1984-07-02A4O-SO 阿曼政府1984-07-02 21786/4137O-YMNPW JT9D-7JSP271979-11-29服役  N604BN1979-11-29~1980-09-12LV-OHV1980-09-12~1990-05-303B-NAQ1990-05-30~1996-02-07A7-ABM1996-02-07~2001-07-017O-YMN 也门政府2001-07-01 21932/433N135SWPW JT9D-7JSPJ61980-02-14拆解2005-03-01B-24421980-01-24~1999-11-14N135SW1999-11-14~2005-03-01 21933/455N136SWPW JT9D-7JSPJ61980-06-06  拆解2006-09-08B-24441980-06-06~1992-06-03Registration changed because the last three digits (444) of the old registration was considered unlucky - In Chinese, the pronunciation of 4 is nearly identical to the prounciation of death.B-24381992-06-03~1999-12-30N136SW1999-12-30~2006-09-082005-01-21小时数:52889/13528 21934/467C-FPAWPW JT9D-7JSPJ61976-02-20服役  B-24461976-02-20~1980-07-11N1304E1980-07-11~1988-01-01B-24521988-01-01~1999-11-12N139SW1999-11-12~2001-10-29N747UT 普惠引擎2001-10-29~2009-06-252005-01-18小时数:57553/13914C-FPAW2009-06-25 21961/415  VP-BLKPW JT9D-7ASP311979-12-02服役  N582011979-12-02~1985-02-21A6-SMR 阿拉伯政府1985-02-21~2007-06-21N992MS2007-06-21~2007-08-14VP-BLK 金沙赌场2007-08-142010-01-09小时数:26364/6275 21962/439P4-AFEPW JT9D-7ASP311980-03-12拆解2002-06-14  N572021980-02-19~1987-02-01N601AA1987-02-01~1994-01-061992-07-21小时数:32692/4759UN-001 哈萨克斯坦政府1994-01-06~1996-04-05P4-AFE1996-04-05~2002-06-14 21963/441P4-FSH  PW JT9D-7AHSP311980-04-11  服役  N572031980-04-11~1987-02-01N602AA1987-02-01~1994-04-07A6-SMM 迪拜政府1994-04-07~2004-11-142004-03-18小时数:46829/7514P4-FSH2004-11-14 21992/447N747APW JT9D-7ASP271980-05-19服役    N606BN1980-05-13~1983-10-25N529PA1983-10-25~1986-02-11N150UA 购买价格:1美元1986-02-11~1992-07-20A4O-SP1992-07-20~2005-07-012004-12-01以800万美元出售,小时数:46076/7820N747FU2005-07-01~2007-10-19N747A2007-10-19 22298/445  YI-AOXPW JT9D-7ASP09  1980-04-18  退役  B-18801980-03-16~1999-07-15B-182531999-07-05~1999-11-29P4-GFD1999-11-29~2000-07-015Y-GFD2000-07-01~2000-11-16YI-AOX 礼物送给伊拉克2000-11-16弃置在巴格达机场,可见于卫星图像 22302/473D6-OZXPW JT9D-7JSP27  1980-12-02拆解2009-06-18  N1608B1980-12-02~1988-07-01B-24541988-07-01~2000-02-01N142SW2000-02-01~2000-03-26VH-OZX2000-03-26-2009-06-182004-06-01小时数:52097/12894 22483/501N769BAPW JT9D-7ASPB51980-12-23拆解  2006-02-16HL74561980-12-23~1998-11-15N709BA1998-11-15~2006-12-16总小时数:67500/9650 22484/507C-GTFFPW JT9D-7ASPB51981-01-30  服役  HL74571981-01-30~1998-10-14N708BA1998-10-14~2010-12-172004-11-08小时数:66576/9487C-GTFF 普惠引擎1010-12-17 22495/505  VH-EAARR RB211-524D4SP381981-01-11拆解2002-07-25总小时数:75238/1401122503/529HZ-AIFRR RB211-524C2SP681981-06-04服役  沙特政府专机,目前在JED存放,可见于卫星图像  22547/534N4508HPW JT9D-7ASP091981-07-20拆解  2008-11-15N1875B1981-07-20~1981-08-01B-18821981-08-01~1981-09-01N4508H1981-09-01~2008-11-152004-11-08小时数:59100/15000 22672/537  VH-EABRR RB211-524D4SP381981-08-03拆解2002-04-23N1971B1981-08-03~1981-08-31VH-EAB1981-08-31~2002-04-23总小时数:69469/15098 22750/560HZ-HM1CRR RB211-524C2SP681982-04-13服役  N6046P1982-04-13~1982-05-25HZ-AIJ 沙特政府专机1982-05-25~2013-01-16HZ-HM1C2013-01-16 22805/564N4522VPW JT9D-7ASP091982-06-10退役  注册号无变动,原属于华航,2002-04-30由世界和平大使购入,目前存放于TIJ,可见于卫星图像1985-02-19执行航班CI006时发生事故 22858-567YI-ALMPW JT9D-7FWSP701982-08-02退役  伊拉克政府专机,1991年为躲避海湾战争而存放于TOE至今,可见于卫星图像总小时数:1970/688 23610/676A9C-HAKRR RB211-524C2SPZ51987-03-31服役  N606591987-03-13~1989-12-09A6-ZSN 阿曼政府专机1989-02-09~2006-11-17A9C-HAK 巴林政府专机2006-11-17该机内饰在1986年价值1亿美元
2023-06-25 08:03:121

急急急!求英特尔D845GERG2 网卡驱动

2023-06-25 08:03:242

To be honest your prounciation is not so good句子成分?

To be honest,your pronunciation is not so good.To be honest口语话表达,用于你要告诉某人你的真实想法 ,一般放在句首,还加个逗号!后面的句子很明显,就是主系表结构句子成分!
2023-06-25 08:03:331


2023-06-25 08:03:412


2023-06-25 08:03:512


英文原文:pronunciation英式音标:[pru0259u02ccnu028cnsu026au02c8eu026au0283(u0259)n] 美式音标:[pru0259u02c8nu028cnsu026au02c8eu0283u0259n]
2023-06-25 08:04:132


pronunciation中的 p读清辅音 /p /一般一般情况下,辅音字母发音不变的
2023-06-25 08:04:311


2023-06-25 08:05:203


2023-06-25 08:05:412


pronunciation(问题里拼写错了) 是名词 意思是发音pronounce (也拼错了)是动词
2023-06-25 08:06:162


pronunciationn. 发音; 读法; 发音方法; 发音方式pronouncevt.& vi. 发音,读vt. 宣布,宣称; 演讲,讲述vi. 宣判词性不同,前者是名词,后者是动词。
2023-06-25 08:06:292

Pronounce与Pronunciation区别 怎么用啊具体一点

2023-06-25 08:06:383


The pronouncement of judgement of the first trial of the law suit brought by 8 KTV businesses against AVCA
2023-06-25 08:06:512


vchfxxgchvhhxdhcjxgxtcg,vzfavu cgxxgchcfydd 4758cggsshcdff ffgxsfjcdryfd ffhvxsggcx cvccvbhgdchj shy fdgfdxc
2023-06-25 08:07:413


第一部分:1. pro"nounce2. "syllable3. ex"ample4. prounci"ation5. "object6. disagr"ee7. co"rrectly8. "carefully9. de"tective10. "different11. a"ttention第二部分第一音节:president, confident, celebrate, difficulty, realize, medium, anyway第二音节:divide, impatient, forgive, creative, explain, informal, suggestion, discover
2023-06-25 08:07:502


2023-06-25 08:07:595

on english learning 写高中英语作文一篇

I guess this has a lot to do with your current English knowledge, including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and understanding of English. I do not agree with learning a language in a short time. How short? One week? one month? It is hard to say.    If you are really interested in English, you will surely make progress if you keep working on it; if you are not interested and don"t persist with it at all, it will become really difficult. To speak fluent English is not too difficult provided you practice enough with enthusiasm; but to speak perfect English, or, in other word, as well as you speak Chinese, will be very, very challenging.    Frankly, I think I speak English well, meaning I can express myself clearly and accurately in English. But I am not at all satsified, as each time I speak I feel that it is not a language of my own, that it is different from I speak Chinese!     Therefore, I am a little frustrated. But I won"t give up trying. I wish that I could really feel that I am using this language as I use Chinese some day. How much longer time I need before I achieve this goal is yet to be found out.     Last, let me reassure you that it is not difficult to speak English well if you keep practicing! Easier said than done, not many people can KEEP going, and there are another major group of people who are always struggling with opening up their mouth to utter their first English sentence. Once they succeed, they will get over the first stumbling block, and it is not too long before they can surprise themselves!仅供参考,也许有没达到的要求,LZ再加加就可以了
2023-06-25 08:08:232


整篇文章描述了在英语语言环境下,用自然方式,学习英语口语是比较容易 并且能学到地道语音语调。This article let us know if let alone in english language country, we can produce good prounciation and intonation.
2023-06-25 08:08:322


2023-06-25 08:08:421


北京航天飞行控制中心最新消息显示:北京时间11月17日19时30分左右,中国“神舟八号”飞船返回舱在内蒙古预定区域成功着陆。  11月1日,中国成功发射“神舟八号”飞船。11月3日凌晨,“神舟八号”飞船与此前于9月29日发射升空的中国首个目标飞行器“天宫一号”,成功实现首次空间交会对接。在随后的11月14日,组合体实现了第二次交会对接试验。按照计划,“神舟八号”飞船于11月17日晚返回地面。
2023-06-25 08:08:521

Proud Of You 歌词

Proud Of You演唱:冯曦妤Love in your eyesSitting silent by my sideGoing on Holding handWalking through the nightsHold me up Hold me tightLift me up to touch the skyTeaching me to love with heartHelping me open my mindI can flyI"m proud that I can flyTo give the best of mineTill the end of the timeBelieve me I can flyI"m proud that I can flyTo give the best of mineThe heaven in the skyStars in the skyWishing once upon a timeGive me love Make me smileTill the end of lifeHold me up Hold me tightLift me up to touch the skyTeaching me to love with heartHelping me open my mindI can flyI"m proud that I can flyTo give the best of mineTill the end of the timeBelieve me I can flyI"m proud that I can flyTo give the best of mineThe heaven in the skyCan"t you believe that you light up my wayNo matter how that ease my pathI"ll never lose my faithSee me flyI"m proud to fly up highShow you the best of mineTill the end of the timeBelieve me I can flyI"m singing in the skyShow you the best of mineThe heaven in the skyNothing can stop meSpread my wings so wide
2023-06-25 08:09:013


I1 speed2 mistakes3 pronounce4 improve5 partnerII1 pronounciation2 reading3 mistakes4 speaking5 to spellIII1 C2 C3 D4 A
2023-06-25 08:09:575


1, mad 2, sugar 3, tastes 4, biscuits 5, sandwiches 6, plates
2023-06-25 08:10:152

English, which was only spoken by the people living in England in the _________century,

16th;moving;first;second;native;even if;the same;changing;German;different from;French;usage;identityue003
2023-06-25 08:10:231


2023-06-25 08:10:301


u3000Many people worry about learning English.I will tell you some ways to learn English.I hope that these can help.u3000u3000You should improve your prounciation by having a lot of reading.Morning is the best time for reading.Because this time the air is pure and fresh and the mind is clear.If you can keep reading every day.Then,you will have a good prounciation.u3000u3000You should improve your writing by writing e-mails and keeping diaries.The more you write,the better you feel about it,so that you will not be worried about writing a compositiong.u3000u3000you should improve your spoken English by watching English movies and listening to English songs you like.This way you will not get bored.And your brain will more active.u3000u3000Keep on learning English ,dong"t give up ,you will get good grades you want.
2023-06-25 08:10:431

received prouncation名词的解释

2023-06-25 08:10:545

prounciation of Japanese

2023-06-25 08:11:131


There are great differences between the pronunciation of Chinese and English.
2023-06-25 08:11:352

The other two areas in which the two varieties di

in which the two varieties differ 是定于从句,修饰the other two areas句子的主干是The other two areas are spelling and pronunciation. 句法无误
2023-06-25 08:11:442


English is more and more important in the world. We should use it everyday. So it is very important to learn it well. In my opion, we have three ways to learn English. Firstly, we should listen. We can watch English movie or news. We should learn the prounciation every day.We had better just listen one movie for many times. Secondly, we should say it as many as possible. English is a language. So we need to speak it. Oral English is very important. Maybe we can have foreniger friends. Thirdly, we should know many words. We should remember how to spell each word. And the most important thing is we should love English. And then we can learn it well.
2023-06-25 08:12:001

翻译句子 汉译英

2023-06-25 08:12:164


2023-06-25 08:12:287


2023-06-25 08:12:491