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iPhone上 ins的个人简介怎么换行?

2023-06-25 07:35:12
TAG: pho iph





1,100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等


3, 平行和放射状移轴模糊特效可提供额外的景深效果


5, 通过接收和发送赞和评论与朋友互动

6, iPhone前置和后置摄像头的全面支持




















  墨水是一种含有色素或染料的胶体,墨水被用于书写或绘画。最早的墨水有使用金属、胡桃壳或种子制作的染料或使用鱼、章鱼等水生动物的墨汁。那么你知道吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   墨水的英语说法1:   ink   墨水的英语说法2:   writing ink   墨水相关英语表达:   墨水池 inkwell;   墨水瓶 ink bottle; inkpot;   墨水瓶架 inkstand;   墨水容器 ink tank;   墨水台 inkstand   墨水的英语例句:   1. She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write.   她将羽毛笔在墨水里蘸了一下,随后开始书写。   2. a blob of ink   一滴墨水   3. written in ink   用墨水写的   4. There is a blot of ink on the paper.   纸上有一滴墨水渍.   5. The *** all boy spoilt the picture by *** earing it with ink.   那孩子往画上抹墨水把画给毁了.   6. I changed the ink cartridges in my ballpoint pen.   我换了圆珠笔里的墨水芯.   7. We have a lot of pens, but we"re shy on ink.   我们有许多钢笔, 但墨水不够.   8. He knocked over a bottle of ink and ruined the table cloth.   他打翻了一瓶墨水把桌布弄脏了.   9. Most people now use ballpoints rather than ink.   现在多数人舍墨水而使用圆珠笔了.   10. A blob of ink fell on the desk.   一滴墨水掉到了写字台上.   11. This ink stain won"t rub out.   这墨水渍擦不掉.   12. The ink has spilt on the desk.   墨水撒在桌子上了.   13. She soiled her dress with ink.   她的衣服被墨水弄脏了.   14. This ink will not change colour.   这种墨水不会变色.   15. The ink is used up.   墨水用完了.
2023-06-25 06:32:011


2023-06-25 06:32:094


Tip pex 涂改液 biro 圆珠笔Prit stick 固体胶 plastic wallet (透明的)文件袋Sello tape 透明胶 board marker 白板笔(写白板的笔)Post-it note 便条贴 planner 记事本teachers" planner 备课本 Blue tac 胶泥 (很好用,但国内没见过)flash card 画片、图片 Sticky label 标签贴high lighter 荧光笔 Felt-tips 水彩笔OHP(over head projector) 投影仪 Crayons 蜡笔pigeon hole 信箱 Hole puncher 打孔机1 尺子 rule 2 计算尺slide rule 3 钢笔 pen4 圆珠笔 ball point pen 5 自来水笔(fountain) pen 6 光笔highlighter7 头笔permanent marker 8 水性笔roller ball pen 9 白板笔whiteboard marker 10 铅笔 pencil11 自动铅笔propelling pencil12 蜡笔crayon 13 计算器 calculator 14 圆规 compasses 15 三角板 set square 16 量角器 protractor 17 复读机 repeater18 文具盒 writing case19 橡皮擦 rubber, eraser20 教科书 textbook 21 练习册 exercise book 22 黑板blackboard 23 粉笔(a piece of) chalk 24 石板笔slate pencil 25 课本text book26 参考书 reference book27 百科全书encyclopedia 28 地图集atlas 29 练习本exercise book 30 草稿本rough not book31 吸墨纸blotting paper32 描图纸tracing paper 33 坐标纸squared paper, graph paper 34 地球仪globe35 挂图wall map 36 轮廓图,示意图skeleton map 37 铅笔盒pencil case38 耳机earphone 39 字典;词典 dictionary 40 文件夹 paper file;folder 41 卷笔刀,转笔刀pencil sharpener 42 墨水 ink43 墨水池inkwell铅笔刀 pencil sharpener 44刀子:knives 45书包:satchel 46书:book or notebook你自己先想想中文里还有哪些文具我再帮你翻译
2023-06-25 06:32:183


初三关于文具类的英语单词:  1 尺子 rule  2 计算尺slide rule  3 钢笔 pen  4 圆珠笔 ball point pen  5 自来水笔(fountain) pen  6 光笔highlighter  7 头笔permanent marker  8 水性笔roller ball pen  9 白板笔whiteboard marker  10 铅笔 pencil  11 自动铅笔propelling pencil  12 蜡笔crayon  13 计算器 calculator  14 圆规 compasses  15 三角板 set square  16 量角器 protractor  17 复读机 repeater  18 文具盒 writing case  19 橡皮擦 rubber,eraser  20 教科书 textbook  21 练习册 exercise book  22 黑板blackboard  23 粉笔(a piece of) chalk  24 石板笔slate pencil  25 课本text book  26 参考书 reference book  27 百科全书encyclopedia  28 地图集atlas  29 练习本exercise book  30 草稿本rough not book  31 吸墨纸blotting paper  32 描图纸tracing paper  33 坐标纸squared paper,graph paper  34 地球仪globe  35 挂图wall map  36 轮廓图,示意图skeleton map  37 铅笔盒pencil case  38 耳机earphone  39 字典;词典 dictionary  40 文件夹 paper file;folder  41 卷笔刀,转笔刀pencil sharpener  42 墨水 ink  43 墨水池inkwell铅笔刀 pencil sharpener  44刀子:knives  45书包:satchel  46书:book or notebook
2023-06-25 06:32:251


pencil.ruier.pencil sharpener.eraser.pen.pencil book.
2023-06-25 06:32:367


文具类英语词汇有pen、ruler、rubber、pencil 、sharpener等。具体如下:一、pen 英 [pen] 美 [pɛn]n.笔,笔尖;笔法,文笔;作家;围栏vt.写;把…关入栏中;关押,囚禁例:Oh, dear! My pen is missing.哎哟,我的笔不见了!二、 ruler英 [ˈru:lə(r)] 美 [ˈrulɚ]n.统治者;尺;直尺例:The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces尺子裂开了,碎成了小片。三、rubber英 [ˈrʌbə(r)] 美 [ˈrʌbɚ]n.橡胶;橡皮;决胜局;避孕套adj.橡胶制成的vt.涂橡胶于;用橡胶制造vi.扭转脖子看;好奇地引颈而望例:You can erase pencil marks with a rubber.你可以用橡皮擦掉铅笔记号。四、pencil 英 [ˈpensl] 美 [ˈpɛnsəl]n.铅笔,彩色铅笔;笔状物;画风,画法;[物]光线锥vt.用铅笔写;用画笔画例:Have a pencil and notepad ready.准备好铅笔和笔记本。五、sharpener 英 [ˈʃɑ:pnə(r)] 美 [ˈʃɑ:rpnə(r)]n.卷笔刀;磨具;磨床;磨器例:The pencil case contains pencils, a pencil sharpener and an eraser.铅笔盒里有铅笔、一个削铅笔刀和一块橡皮。
2023-06-25 06:32:544

Flutter 开发笔记

下面这种情况下,为 InkWell 设置的 splashColor 不会生效: 需要用 Material 去除背景色,然后将颜色设置在 InkWell 外部: 在 Dialog builder 中使用 WillPopScope 禁用返回键返回: 注意:使用此方法同时也会禁用 iOS 上的手势滑动返回功能,推荐判断平台后再使用。 修改对话框中的复选框状态,最简便的方法是通过 Element 中的 markNeedsBuild 方法: 当然,更推荐的做法是通过 StatefulBuilder ,然后就可以在 Dialog 中调用 setState 方法了,不过在调用 setState 时需要判断 Dialog 是否已经关闭,否则会造成 setState() called after dispose() 的错误,可以通过添加一个标志位来解决,如下: 在 Web 中加载网络图片有时会失败,遇到这样的报错: Exception caught by image resource service... ,造成该错误的原因通常是,图片跨域了(见 跨域资源共享 )。最简单的解决办法是, 使用 HTML 渲染加载 ,而不是默认的 CanvasKit。 Flutter 中所有的 list 默认都是没有 ScrollBar 的,必须使用 ScrollBar 组件。ScrollBar 组件通过监听 ScrollView 的 ScrollNotification 来刷新位置,所以 List 的长度必须是固定的。 当使用 WebView 等高度不定的组件时会出现内容被截断的情况,通常可以使用 NestedScrollView 来解决该问题,需要在 WebView 外部嵌套 SingleChildScrollView。 虽然使用了缓存,而且也是用 builder 加载图片的,但是发现一个现象:滑动屏幕后图片短暂消失并重新加载了。图片高度很高时这种现象更加明显,其原因是超出屏幕范围一定距离的组件被重新渲染了。解决方法是在 ListView 上设置 cacheExtent 参数: 该参数的作用是改变超出屏幕高度后继续渲染的范围(以像素为单位),比如设置成 9999 后意味着超出屏幕 10000 像素以内的内容都会被保留下来。 借助 IntrinsicHeight 组件: 另外,IntrinsicHeight 还可以用于 Dialog 或者 BottomSheet 中,使得其中的元素 显示内在元素的高度 ,从而避免元素因为约束的存在而不显示或者高度太高(比如在使用了 Column 或者 Row 的时候)。 在通过 Uri 的 queryParameters 获取 query 参数时,发现有些链接会抛出下面异常: 造成该异常的原因是 Uri 默认使用 utf-8 解码超链接字符串,如果链接中包含非 utf-8 字符,就会造成上面的错误,相关 issue 见: issue #31621 。目前该 issue 处于 open 的状态,暂时的解决办法是,在所有使用到 queryParameter 的地方用 try..catch 捕捉可能抛出的异常。 Flutter 开发非常依赖各种官方或第三方的插件,而在使用这些插件时多少都会遇到一些问题,大部分问题都可以通过搜索和查找 issue 来解决。这里记录下一些我在使用部分插件时遇到的问题及其解决方法。 目前该库没有图片加载完成的回调(见 issue #545 ),不过我们可以通过在 imageBuilder 中来添加回调: 这是一个应用内更新插件,安卓 10 以上安装时需要在 manifest 中添加以下内容: 目前功能最强大的 WebView 插件,基本能满足绝大部分移动端网页加载的需求,而且可定制化程度高。 一般通过 CookieManager 修改 Cookie,拦截请求并修改请求对象的 Header 不会生效。 InAppWebViewOptions 的 userAgent 只在 iOS 上生效,而 applicationNameForUserAgent 只在 Android 上生效,所以最好的做法是分平台设置 InAppWebViewOptions ,而且需要注意,由于设置 userAgent 后会覆盖默认的 UserAgent,所以如果需要在默认的 UserAgent 上添加其它参数,iOS 上需要通过 InAppWebViewController.getDefaultUserAgent() 获取默认 UserAgent 参数,而 Android 不需要添加。 如果图片源或者请求是 http 的,为了在 Android 上正常加载请求,必须在 AndroidInAppWebViewOptions 中将 mixedContentMode 设置为 AndroidMixedContentMode.MIXED_CONTENT_ALWAYS_ALLOW 。 当我们想要设置全屏图片的时候,由于默认的 Constraint 会将图片居中显示,所以图片四周会留有空隙。为了去除这个限制,我们需要 Xcode 中打开 LaunchScreen.storyboard,然后在 View Controller 的 View 和 LaunchImage 上的 Safe Area 去掉。 具体设置方法:右侧 Inspector 面板 > Show the Size inspector > 解选 Layout Margins 中的 Safe Area Relative Margins,拖动图片占满全屏,然后根据 View Controller Scene 的 Warning,更新 Constraint 就可以了。 在集成某些三方库之后,在使用命令行运行 iOS 模拟器的时候可能会遇到下面这个报错: 这是因为 iOS 模拟器未来将会兼容 arm64 架构,但是目前还不支持,所以我们需要修改 Build Setting 使得能够在 x86_64 的模拟器上运行,操作步骤见 这里 。
2023-06-25 06:33:141


2023-06-25 06:33:346


茶杯头DLC的新成就该怎么做呢?想必大家还不太清楚,下面给大家带来的是茶杯头DLC奖杯列表分享,感兴趣的玩家可以一起来看一看。茶杯头DLC新成就完成方法野外度假击败Inkwell Isle IV中的所有boss护林员在Inkwell Isle IV的所有BOSS上获得A级或更高级别活蹦乱跳用Chalice女士击败Boss堕落用Chalice女士击败10位Boss点金术用Chalice女士的大招击败一位Boss最新轰动用Porkrind的一种新武器击败一个boss将死击败所有国王游戏的冠军国王的崇拜击败国王的挑战向厨师致意完成你在Inkwell Isle IV的任务完美的烹饪在Inkwell Isle IV的Boss上获得S级高帽击败Inkwell Isle IV上的一名Boss,但不杀死其任何小怪衷心一次性获得9HP
2023-06-25 06:33:511


2023-06-25 06:34:313


INS就是instagram,是一款运行在移动端上的社交应用,以一种快速、美妙和有趣的方式将你随时抓拍下的图片彼此分享。Instagram这个名字源自于Instamatic,是柯达从1963年便开始销售的一个低价便携傻瓜相机的系列名。Instagram允许用户在任何环境下抓拍下自己的生活记忆,选择图片的滤镜样式。Instagram上充斥着风格多样的贴图和视频Instagram已不再仅仅是朋友间社交的工具,更是博主网红们工作的重要平台,以及全球企业引流、与消费者互动的渠道。Instagram还颠覆性地推出了IGTV功能,允许用户上传长达1小时的视频,从而形成了与YouTube等视频门户的有力抗衡,并且保留了竖屏比例,对手机用户更友好,为营销创造了更多可能。Instagram有100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等。
2023-06-25 06:35:051


2023-06-25 06:35:213


"I feel a great sense of obligation and gratitude toward the Order of DeMolay for the important part it played in my life. Its precepts have been invaluable in ma-ki-ng decisions, facing dilemmas and crises. DeMolay stands for all that is good for the family and for our country. I feel privileged to have enjoyed membership in DeMolay." "People like to think their world is somehow more grown up than Papa"s was." "I sell corn, and I love corn." "My big brother Roy was already in Los Angeles as a patient in the Veteran"s Hospital. When he got out, we had more in common than brotherly love. Both of us were unemployed and neither could get a job. We solved the problem by going into businefor ourselves. We established the first animated cartoon studio in Hollywood." 来源:Walt Disney"s Speech - "Showman of the World" 10/1/66 "Well, in order to crack the field, I said, "I"ve got to get something a little unique," you see. Now they had the clown out of the inkwell who played with the live people. So I reversed it. I took the live person and put him into the cartoon field. I said, "that"s a new twist." And it sold. I was surprised myself. (ANIMATED CARTOONS) 来源:ABC Radio Portrait - Walt Disney with Pat McGinnis 1/30/65 (相关话题为DREAMS, MONEY, PERSONNEL, TELEVISION) 华特迪士尼和迪士尼乐园地图 "Disneyland will never be completed, as long as there is imagination left in the world." 只要幻想存在于这个世界,迪士尼乐园就永远不会完工。 来源:KNBC Survey between Walt Disney and Bob Wright 8/24/66 Disneyland Tencennial newspa-pe-r supplement Dateline Disneyland TV show (Disneyland opening) Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967 "When we opened Disneyland, a lot of people got the impression that it was a get-rich-quick thing, but they didn"t realize that behind Disneyland was this great organization that I built here at the Studio, and they all got into it and we were doing it because we loved to do it." (ORGANIZATION) 来源:Walt Disney"s interview with Bert Reisfeld 1965 "Disneyland is a thing that I can keep molding and shaping. It"s a three-dimensional thing to play with. But when I say, "play with it," I don"t mean that. Everything I do I keep a practical eye towards its appeal to the public." 来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 11 "Disneyland would be a world of Americans, past and present, seen through the eyes of my imagination-a place of warmth and nostalgia, of illusion and color and delight." 来源:Walt"s Files - Disneyland folder "When I started on Disneyland, my wife used to say, "But why do you want to build an amusement park? They"re so dirty." I told her that was just the point - mine wouldn"t be." 当我开始建造迪士尼乐园的时候,我的妻子曾经对我说:‘你为什么要建一个游乐园?游乐园都很脏。"我告诉她那就是原因,我要建的.不会那样。 来源:Walt Disney Interviews from newspa-pe-r clippings on Walt Disney World "Disneyland is like Alice stepping through the Looking Glass, to step through the portals of Disneyland will be like entering another world." 来源:Walt"s Files - Disneyland folder "Physically, Disneyland would be a small world in itself - it would encompathe essence of the things that were good and true in American life. It would reflect the faith and challenge of the future, the entertainment, the interest in intelligently presented facts, the stimulation of the imagination, the standards of health and achievement, and above all, a sense of strength, contentment and well-being." 来源:Walt"s Files - Disneyland folder "A word may be said in regard to the concept and conduct of Disneyland"s operational tone. Although various sections will have the fun and flavor of a carnival or amusement park, there will be none of the "pitches," game wheels, sharp practices and devices designed to milk the visitor"s pocketbook." 来源:Walt"s Files - Disneyland folder "Almost everyone warned us that Disneyland would be a Hollywood spectacular - a spectacular failure. But they were thinking about an amusement park, and we believed in our idea - a family park where parents and children could have fun - together." 来源:Total Image Presentation Walt Disney 1965 "A lot of people don"t realize that we have some very serious problems here, keepin" this thing going and gettin" it started. I remember when we opened, if anybody recalls, we didn"t have enough money to finish the landscaping and I had Bill Evans go out and put Latin tags on all the weeds." 来源:Disneyland Tencennial Disneyland Hotel 7/17/65 "I had different cost estimates; one time it was three and a half million and then I kept fooling around a little more with it and it got up to seven and a half million and I kept fooling around a little more and pretty soon it was twelve and a half and I think when we opened Disneyland it was seventeen million dollars." 来源:Walt Disney"s interview with Fletcher Markel for the Canadian Broadcasting Co. 9/25/63 "It came about when my daughters were very young and Saturday was always daddy"s day with the two daughters. So we"d start out and try to go someplace, you know, different things, and I"d take them to the merry-go-round and I took them different places and as I"d sit while they rode the merry-go-round and did all these things - sit on a bench, you know, eating peanuts - I felt that there should be something built where the parents and the children could have fun together. So that"s how Disneyland started. Well, it took many years ... it was a period of maybe 15 years developing. I started with many ideas, threw them away, started all over again. And eventually it evolved into what you see today at Disneyland. But it all started from a daddy with two daughters wondering where he could take them where he could have a little fun with them, too." 来源:Walt Disney"s interview with Fletcher Markel for the Canadian Broadcasting Co. 9/25/63 "I just want to leave you with this thought, that it"s just been sort of a drerehearsal and we"re just getting started. So if any of you start resting on your laurels, I mean just forget it, because...we are just getting started." 来源:Disneyland Tencennial Disneyland Hotel 7/17/65 "To all who come to this happy place: Welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past - and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and the hard facts that have created America - with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world." 来源:Dateline Disneyland TV show (Disneyland opening) "Disneyland is like a piece of clay, if there is something I don"t like, I"m not stuck with it. I can reshape and revamp." 来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 2 "Whenever I go on a ride, I"m always thinking of what"s wrong with the thing and how it can be improved." 不管什么时候,只要我搭乘一个游乐设施我总是会想这个设施有什么问题、怎么去改进它。 来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 2 "It"s no secret that we were sticking just about every nickel we had on the chance that people would really be interested in something totally new and unique in the field of entertainment." (ENTERTAINMENT) 来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 1 "We did it, in the knowledge that most of the people I talked to thought it would be a financial disaster - closed and forgotten within the first year." 来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 1 "The more I go to other amusement parks in all parts of the world, the more I am convinced of the wisdom of the original concepts of Disneyland. I mean, have a single entrance through which all the traffic would flow, then a hub off which the various areas were situated. That gives people a sense of orientation - they know where they are at all times. And it saves a lot of walking." 来源:Disneyland PreClippings - Tencennial Publicity Book 1 "Disneyland will be the essence of America as we know it, the nostalgia of the past, with exciting glimpses into the future. It will give meaning to the pleasure of the children - and pleasure to the experience of adults. It will focus a new interest upon Southern California through the mediums of television and other exploitation. It will be a place for California to be at home, to bring its guests, to demonstrate its faith in the future. And, mostly as stated at the beginning - it will be a place for the people to find happineand knowledge." 来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967 "The idea of Disneyland is a si-mp-le one. It will be a place for people to find happineand knowledge. It will be a place for parents and children to share pleasant times in one another"s company; a place for teachers and pupils to discover greater ways of understanding and education. Here the older generation can recapture the nostalgia of days gone by, and the younger generation can savor the challenge of the future. Here will be the wonders of Nature and Man for all to see and understand. Disneyland will be based upon and dedicated to the ideals, the dreams and hard facts that have created America. And it will be uniquely equipped to dramatize these dreams and facts and send them forth as a source of courage and inspiration to all the world. Disneyland will be sometimes a fair, an exhibition, a playground, a community center, a museum of living facts, and a showplace of beauty and magic. It will be filled with accomplishments, the joys and hopes of the world we live in. And it will remind us and show us how to make these wonders part of our own lives." 来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967 "Disneyland is a show." 迪士尼乐园是个演出。 来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 1 (1961) "In the wintertime you can go out there during the week and you won"t see any children. You"ll see the oldsters out there riding all these rides and having fun and everything. Summertime, of course, the average would drop down. But the overall, year-round average, it"s four adults to one child." 来源:Walt Disney"s interview with Fletcher Markel for the Canadian Broadcasting Co. 9/25/63 "The idea for Disneyland lay dormant for several years. It came along when I was taking my kids around to these kiddie parks...I took them to zoos, I took them everywhere, and while they were on the merry-go-round riding 40 times or something, I"d be sitting there trying to figure what I could do. When I built the Studio I thought we ought to have a three-dimension thing that people could actually come and visit - they can"t visit our Studio because the rooms are small. So I had a little dream for Disneyland adjoining the Studio, but I couldn"t get anybody to go in with me because we were going through this depression. And whenever I"d go down and talk to my brother about it, why he"d always suddenly get busy with some figures so, I mean, I didn"t dare bring it up. But I kept working on it and I worked on it with my own money. Not the Studio"s money, but my own money." 来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 9 "Disneyland is a work of love. We didn"t go into Disneyland just with the idea of ma-ki-ng money." (MONEY) 迪士尼乐园是爱的结晶,我们想到建造迪士尼乐园,不仅仅是一个赚钱的创意。 来源:Walt Disney"s interview with Bert Reisfeld 1965 [ "When we were planning Disneyland, we hoped that we could build something that would command the respect of the community and after 10 years, I feel that we"ve accomplished that, not only the community but the country as a whole." 来源:Florida PreConference 11/15/65 "Drawing up plans and dreaming of what I could do, everything. It was just something I kind of kept playing around with." 来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 9 "It"s something that will never be finished. Something that I can keep developing, keep plussing and adding to. It"s alive. It will be a live breathing thing that will need change. A picture is a thing, once you wrap it up and turn it over to Technicolor you"re through. Snow White is a dead issue with me. A live picture I just finished, the one I wrapped up a few weeks ago, it"s gone, I can"t touch it. There"s things in it I don"t like; I can"t do anything about it. I wanted something alive, something that could grow, something I could keep plussing with ideas; the Park is that. Not only can I add things but even the trees will keep growing. The things will get more beautiful each year. And as I find out what the public likes and when a picture"s finished and I put it out, I find out what the public doesn"t like, I can"t change it, it"s finished, but I can change the Park, because it"s alive. That is why I wanted that Park." 来源:Peter Martin transcript reel 9 "I don"t want the public to see the world they live in while they"re in the Park. I want them to feel they"re in another world." 来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967 "Disneyland is not just another amusement park. It"s unique,and I want it kept that way. Besides, you don"t work for a dollar - you work to create and have fun." 来源:Walt Disney World Background and Philosophy by Marty Sklar 1967 "Everybody thinks that the Park is a gold mine - but we have had our problems. You"ve got to work it and know how to handle it. Even trying to keep that park clean is a tremendous
2023-06-25 06:36:011

Was Einstein a Space Alien?课文译文译文。。。

2023-06-25 06:36:243


2023-06-25 06:37:195


2023-06-25 06:37:331


《茶杯头》(Cuphead)游戏成功地在特斯拉汽车的车载电脑上运行,目前支援的车型包含了TESLA MODEL 3、MODEL S以及MODEL X。特斯拉作业系统版的《茶杯头》需要一个连结 USB 的控制器,并不支援触控荧幕游玩。Studio MDHR 以及特斯拉目前将这个版本的推出时间锁定在今年夏天,而车用版的《茶杯头》只包含了游戏的 Inkwell Isle 关卡,而这是因为特斯拉车用作业系统的储存空间限制。对于储存空间的问题,Elon Musk 希望车主在下载新游戏之前能够先删除一些旧资料。《茶杯头》特斯拉版将可使用车载屏幕的触摸、方向盘按键,或是Xbox/PS的手柄进行控制,如果不用手柄,这将是进行此类平台动作游戏新体验,原本困难度就并不一般的《茶杯头》可能会更容易把人玩到自闭。特斯拉汽车的车主目前已经能够在车上玩到一些隐藏的雅达利游戏:这些都能够利用车用面板,甚至是方向盘来控制。Elon Musk 也表示了他们目前还在测试一款以Unity引擎制作的“沙滩车驾驶游戏”,也将会在特斯拉车用系统上推出。
2023-06-25 06:38:251

It is doing something better than other people that makes us unique. 帮忙翻译下谢谢了0 0

这是做一些比其它人,使我们的独特之处。但令人惊讶的人数仍然能看到个性作为一个表面的东西。他们穿明亮的衣服,把头发染成奇怪的色彩和装饰自己的皮纹(纹身)作出某种社会的声明。 个性是唯一的目的。那些理解简单的原则是独特性能使我们通过整个政治和经济制度的工作。那些发明、改进、谁知道更多关于一个比别人做的,和谁拿东西不能工作,使人的灵魂深处work-these资本主义的。 查尔斯Kettering并不喜欢这个主意的启动汽车使它开始,所以他发明了电起动。亨利·福特悟出了生产线工艺,使它能够批量生产的汽车。刘易斯·特曼认为没有必要去到一笔蘸了,所以他把威力的钢笔墨水进入。乔治西屋告诉世界如何停止一列火车,以利沙奥的斯电梯,发明家,间接地创造了城市地平线。这些人明白个人主义的工作方法的能力。 幸运的是,有足够的美国人一直激励我去做某件事,我们的唯一性在不到三个世纪从边疆前哨站到不仅是一个自由的国家,而且有强大到足以保护自由。这些珍贵的观念在所有的事物和卓越的个性,从而把大机器运转。紫色的头发和horrorable珠宝只是玩玩,试着“不同”,不知道怎样去做。 那位学生在他挣了的成绩单掌握了这个想法,已经找到了真正意义上的个性。那少年人设计了自己的宇宙飞船,画画,在他周围的世界,谁能说出所有各州和他们的资金。
2023-06-25 06:38:533


2023-06-25 06:39:099


ruler rubber pen pencil
2023-06-25 06:40:345


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2023-06-25 06:42:075


bag pen pencil ruler eraser knife pencil case paper dictionary backpack
2023-06-25 06:42:223


2023-06-25 06:42:293

关于文具的英文单词 1 尺子 rule 2 计算尺slide rule 3 钢笔 pen 4 圆珠

2023-06-25 06:42:373


pen 钢笔
2023-06-25 06:42:476


stationery n. 1.文具;信纸[U]stationery and envelopes 信纸信封
2023-06-25 06:43:043


1 尺子 rule 2 计算尺slide rule 3 钢笔 pen4 圆珠笔 ball point pen 5 自来水笔(fountain) pen 6 光笔highlighter7 头笔permanent marker 8 水性笔roller ball pen 9 白板笔whiteboard marker 10 铅笔 pencil11 自动铅笔propelling pencil12 蜡笔crayon 13 计算器 calculator 14 圆规 compasses 15 三角板 set square 16 量角器 protractor 17 复读机 repeater 18 文具盒 writing case19 橡皮擦 rubber, eraser20 教科书 textbook 21 练习册 exercise book 22 黑板blackboard 23 粉笔(a piece of) chalk 24 石板笔slate pencil 25 课本text book26 参考书 reference book27 百科全书encyclopedia 28 地图集atlas 29 练习本exercise book 30 草稿本rough not book 31 吸墨纸blotting paper32 描图纸tracing paper 33 坐标纸squared paper, graph paper 34 地球仪globe35 挂图wall map 36 轮廓图,示意图skeleton map 37 铅笔盒pencil case 38 耳机earphone 39 字典;词典 dictionary 40 文件夹 paper file;folder 41 卷笔刀,转笔刀pencil sharpener 42 墨水 ink43 墨水池inkwell
2023-06-25 06:43:241

电影绝命悍将 那两个女的叫什么名字啊???

2023-06-25 06:43:382


2023-06-25 06:43:473

INS 是要下载个什么软件

2023-06-25 06:43:572


INS就是instagram,是一款运行在移动端上的社交应用,以一种快速、美妙和有趣的方式将你随时抓拍下的图片彼此分享。Instagram这个名字源自于Instamatic,是柯达从1963年便开始销售的一个低价便携傻瓜相机的系列名。Instagram允许用户在任何环境下抓拍下自己的生活记忆,选择图片的滤镜样式。Instagram上充斥着风格多样的贴图和视频Instagram已不再仅仅是朋友间社交的工具,更是博主网红们工作的重要平台,以及全球企业引流、与消费者互动的渠道。Instagram还颠覆性地推出了IGTV功能,允许用户上传长达1小时的视频,从而形成了与YouTube等视频门户的有力抗衡,并且保留了竖屏比例,对手机用户更友好,为营销创造了更多可能。Instagram有100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等。
2023-06-25 06:44:101


INS就是要下载instagram,ins是instagram的缩写。Instagram是一款运行在移动端上的社交应用,以一种快速、美妙和有趣的方式将你随时抓拍下的图片彼此分享。Instagram这个名字源自于Instamatic,是柯达从1963年便开始销售的一个低价便携傻瓜相机的系列名。Instagram允许用户在任何环境下抓拍下自己的生活记忆,选择图片的滤镜样式。相关信息Instagram上充斥着风格多样的贴图和视频,它已不再仅仅是朋友间社交的工具,更是博主网红们工作的重要平台,以及全球企业引流、与消费者互动的渠道。Instagram还颠覆性地推出了IGTV功能,允许用户上传长达1小时的视频,从而形成了与YouTube等视频门户的有力抗衡,并且保留了竖屏比例,对手机用户更友好,为营销创造了更多可能。Instagram有100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等。
2023-06-25 06:44:241


2023-06-25 06:45:042


ins中文意思是照片墙。Instagram是一款支持iOS、Windows Phone、Android平台的移动应用,允许用户在任何环境下抓拍下自己的生活记忆,选择图片的滤镜样式,一键分享至Instagram、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr、Tumblr、foursquare或者新浪微博平台上。不仅仅是拍照,作为一款轻量级但十分有趣的App,Instagram 在移动端融入了很多社会化元素,包括好友关系的建立、回复、分享和收藏等,这是Instagram 作为服务存在而非应用存在最大的价值。扩展资料:Instagram现在已经可以在Windows操作系统中进行注册、关注、评论、点赞等操作了,但是发帖功能还是需要使用手机客户端才可以。在相关的栏目中填上有效的邮箱(每个邮箱只能注册一个账户),邮箱一定要是有效的,否则会有红色大叉(蓝色为正确讯息)、全名(可以使用中文)、用户名(登录使用)不能使用中文、密码(六位以上)之后,再点击注册按钮即可。注意:这里没有相关出错的提示显示可供借鉴,主要是观察对(蓝色)错(红色)的提示,所以还需要注册者格外关注注册讯息的正确性。参考资料来源:百度百科-Instagram
2023-06-25 06:45:122


2023-06-25 06:45:341


Лев Толстой 《Бедные люди 》找了好久
2023-06-25 06:45:432

All of his 1905papers unraveled problems being worked on,这里的being是什么用法

2023-06-25 06:46:132


有两种方式进行注册:电话号码或者电子邮箱。国内的电话号码可以进行,但是验证码可能比较忙,请耐心等待。将会收到6位验证码,验证填入后进行下一步注册。或者选择邮箱注册。Instagram是国外一个功能非常强大的相机软件,他可以让你充分的发挥你的相片滤镜效果,你可以分享到facebook以及你能想到的社交圈。这不仅仅是一个照相机,更是一个社交软件。☆ 100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等☆ 实时分享到新浪微博、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr、Tumblr和Foursquare☆ 平行和放射状移轴模糊特效可提供额外的景深效果☆ 上传不受限,即拍即传即分享☆ 通过接收和发送赞和评论与朋友互动☆ iPhone前置和后置摄像头的全面支持
2023-06-25 06:46:201


如何体现当代的个性化  It is doing something better than other people that makes us unique. Yet a surprising number of people still see individuality as a surface thing. They wear bright clothes, dye their hair strange colors and decorate their skin with tattoos (纹身) to make some kind of social statement.  The whole purpose of individuality is excellence. The people who comprehend the simple principle of being unique through performance make our entire political and economic system work. Those who invent, who improve, who know more about a subject than other people do, and who take something that doesn"t work and make it work—these people are the very soul of capitalism.  Charles Kettering didn"t like the idea of cranking a car to make it start, so he invented the electric starter. Henry Ford figured out the assembly-line technique and made it possible to mass-produce automobiles. Lewis Waterman saw no need to go on dipping a pen into an inkwell, so he put the ink into the pen. George Westinghouse told the world how to stop a train, and Elisha Otis, inventor of the elevator, indirectly created the city skyline. These people understood that individualism means working at the top of one"s capacity.  Fortunately, enough Americans have been inspired to do something with their uniqueness that we have developed in less than three centuries from a frontier outpost into not only a country of freedom but a country strong enough to protect that freedom. These people prized the notions of individuality and excellence above all things and thus kept the great machine functioning. The ones with the purple hair and the horrorable jewelry are just along for the ride, trying to be "different" and not knowing how to go about it.
2023-06-25 06:46:281


用 5ains 就可以在国内看了,速度和体验还是蛮好的 上面有超多明星和知名的ins博主
2023-06-25 06:46:484


有两种方式进行注册:电话号码或者电子邮箱。国内的电话号码可以进行,但是验证码可能比较忙,请耐心等待。将会收到6位验证码,验证填入后进行下一步注册。或者选择邮箱注册。Instagram是国外一个功能非常强大的相机软件,他可以让你充分的发挥你的相片滤镜效果,你可以分享到facebook以及你能想到的社交圈。这不仅仅是一个照相机,更是一个社交软件。☆ 100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等☆ 实时分享到新浪微博、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr、Tumblr和Foursquare☆ 平行和放射状移轴模糊特效可提供额外的景深效果☆ 上传不受限,即拍即传即分享☆ 通过接收和发送赞和评论与朋友互动☆ iPhone前置和后置摄像头的全面支持
2023-06-25 06:47:291


2023-06-25 06:47:371


文具的英语单词有哪些 blackboard 黑板 (a piece of) chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图skeleton map 轮廓图,示意图 globe 地球仪 text book 课本 dictionary 词典 encyclopedia 百科全书 atlas 地图集 exercise book 练习本 rough not book 草稿本 (美作:scribbling pad) blotting paper 吸墨纸 tracing paper 描图纸 squared paper, graph paper 座标纸 (fountain) pen 自来水笔 ballpoint (pen) 圆珠笔 pencil 铅笔 ballipen圆珠笔 brush画笔 rubber橡皮 paper纸 ruler尺子 passes圆规 school bag书包 propelling pencil 自动铅笔 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,转笔刀 ink 墨水 inkwell 墨水池 rubber, eraser 橡皮 ruler, rule 尺 slide rule 计算尺 set square 三角板 protractor 量角器 pass, pair of passes 圆规 钢笔pencil 铅笔pen 笔盒pencil box 书包book bag 书 book Adhesive Tape胶带 Axe斧子 常见文具英语单词英文乐园 2010-05-20 11:20:53 阅读463 评论0 字号:大中小 订阅 pencil 铅笔 pen 钢笔 paper 纸 ink 墨水 book 书 desk 桌子 chair 椅子 ruler 尺子 bag 书包 backpack 双肩包 sharpener 卷笔刀 ballpen 圆珠笔 crayon 蜡笔 pass圆规 pencil-box pencil-case 铅笔盒 pass圆规 correcting liquid 修正液 stapler 订书机 stationery文具 pad便条纸簿 stationery 文具 staple 钉书针 note pad 笔记本 bookshelf 书架 file holder 文件夹 pen container 笔筒 pin 别针 clip 架子 blade 刀片 blackboard 黑板 (a piece of) chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图 skeleton map 轮廓图,示意图 globe 地球仪 text book 课本 dictionary 词典 encyclopedia 百科全书 atlas 地图集 exercise book 练习本 rough not book 草稿本 (美作:scribbling pad) blotting paper 吸墨纸 tracing paper 描图纸 squared paper, graph paper 座标纸 (fountain) pen 自来水笔 ballpoint (pen) 圆珠笔 propelling pencil 自动铅笔... 关于文具的英文单词有哪些 第一类:笔 Pen 笔 Pigment Liner 描线笔 Marker 记号笔 Water Color Pen 水彩笔 Correction Tape 修正带,涂改带 Tippex Liquid 涂改液 Pencil 铅笔 Cluth Pencil 自动铅笔 Polymer Leads 自动笔铅芯 Eraser 橡皮擦 Sharpener 铅笔刀 第二类:纸品 Hard Cover Book 硬皮抄(笔记本) Writing Pad A4 A4手帐 (一般是皮质的,比如X47。还有一些是塑料的,上面有个夹子固定纸,写字的时候垫在下面那种东东) Brown Envelope 牛皮纸信封 Bubble Envelope 泡泡袋的那种信封(就是包快递特别常见的那种泡泡袋。个人经验是Fedex国际件会提供这种里面是泡泡,外面是防水涂层的信封,超级好用。) Filing Paper Bag 文件袋 Filing String 文件袋上绕来绕去的那个绳 第三类:文件收纳 Binder-A4,2-ring, 1.5" A4双孔活页夹,其中binder就是常说的活页夹的那个大夹子 Binding Rings 活页圈 A4 Clear Book File 塑料封皮的A4的那种里面是一页一页塑料袋的那种文件袋 Plastic Folder- A4, A4 塑料文件夹(这种不用打孔,就是把文件放进去,然后有个夹子一样的东西夹着) Paper File 文件夹 Box File 文件盒(放在桌子上有个盒子,然后可以在里面放n多文件夹就是paper file的东东。明白他们的关系了吧,解释死我了。) Document Tray 文件档(这是横著放在桌上,一层一层的那个东东(一层叫一个layer),类似抽屉) Magazine Tray 杂志架 Book Stand 书立、书挡(就是那个放在书架上挡书不让书倒了的那个东东) 第四类:小工具 Caculator 计算器 Electron for Calculator 计算器电池 Rechargable Battery 充电电池 Hole Puncher- 2hole 打孔机(2孔) Stapler 订书机 Staples 订书钉 Foldback Clip 燕尾夹 Paper clip 曲别针(就是我们小时候用来一凹就能变成桃心的那个东东) Tag Needle 5"s (standard size) 别针、回形针 Paper Fastener 扣钉(这个东东现在用的少了。很难形容啊,不懂的去搜图片,看了你们就明白了,财务的人用的多。) Rubber Band 橡皮筋(粗的,宽的,不是用来扎头发的那个啊) Post-it Pop-up Note 便签纸(这是彩色的那种可以在上面写好多字的那个) Label 标签 (这个是用在活页本分类什么的贴在书本上面为了分类用的那个东东啦) Name Badge 名牌 Name card holder 名片夹 Self Adhesive Tape 透明胶 Taper Dispenser/ tape 透明胶带(前面那个是胶带台,就是可以帮你把胶带撕开的那个东东) Double Sided Adhesive Tape 双面胶 Double Sided Foam Tape 双面海绵胶 Glue 胶水 Super Glue 2g 万能胶 Tagging Gun 热熔枪(也是手工必备的东东,公司里用的少吧) Scissors 剪刀 Cutter 戒刀 ...... 下电影什么最好? 用BT下载,站点多,速度快,信息量大,下载源多,而且提供的电影应有尽有 ! 文具的英文是什么 文具 Stationery 所以,选取了与学生紧密联系的文具作为理念传达的载体之一。 Therefore, I choose stationery which closely related to the students as one of the mediums to convey ideas. 文具类所有英语单词 1 尺子 rule 2 计算尺slide rule 3 钢笔 pen 4 圆珠笔 ball point pen 5 自来水笔(fountain) pen 6 光笔highlighter 7 头笔permanent marker 8 水性笔roller ball pen 9 白板笔whiteboard marker 10 铅笔 pencil 11 自动铅笔propelling pencil 12 蜡笔crayon 13 计算器 calculator 14 圆规 passes 15 三角板 set square 16 量角器 protractor 17 复读机 repeater 18 文具盒 writing case 19 橡皮擦 rubber, eraser 20 教科书 textbook 21 练习册 exercise book 22 黑板blackboard 23 粉笔(a piece of) chalk 24 石板笔slate pencil 25 课本text book 26 参考书 reference book 27 百科全书encyclopedia 28 地图集atlas 29 练习本exercise book 30 草稿本rough not book 31 吸墨纸blotting paper 32 描图纸tracing paper 33 座标纸squared paper, graph paper 34 地球仪globe 35 挂图wall map 36 轮廓图,示意图skeleton map 37 铅笔盒pencil case 38 耳机earphone 39 字典;词典 dictionary 40 文件夹 paper file;folder 41 卷笔刀,转笔刀pencil sharpener 42 墨水 ink 43 墨水池inkwell 各种文具用英语怎么说 blackboard 黑板 (a piece of) chalk 粉笔 slate pencil 石板笔 wall map 挂图 skeleton map 轮廓图,示意图 globe 地球仪 text book 课本 dictionary 词典 encyclop搐dia 百科全书 atlas 地图集 satchel 书包 exercise book 练习本 rough not book 草稿本 (美作:scribbling pad) blotting paper 吸墨纸 tracing paper 描图纸 squared paper, graph paper 座标纸 (fountain) pen 自来水笔 biro, ballpoint (pen) 圆珠笔 pencil 铅笔 propelling pencil 自动铅笔 pencil sharpener 铅笔刀,转笔刀 ink 墨水 inkwell 墨水池 rubber, eraser 橡皮 ruler, rule 尺 slide rule 计算尺 set square 三角板 protractor 量角器 pass, pair of passes 圆规
2023-06-25 06:47:531


2023-06-25 06:48:013


全称为Instagram story. Instagram,这是一个社交软件,意为Instagram的故事,instagram story就是你发布的一些东西,但是会在24小时之内消失。微博也有类似的。一点开微博,上面有一些圈圈的那些。它们叫做“故事”。 也可以说是你一天分享的事。基本特性1、100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等2、实时分享到新浪微博、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr、Tumblr和Foursquare3、平行和放射状移轴模糊特效可提供额外的景深效果4、上传不受限,即拍即传即分享5、 通过接收和发送赞和评论与朋友互动6、 iPhone前置和后置摄像头的全面支持扩展资料ins.story主要功能1、传统功能Instagram提供了这样一套顺畅的操作流程:拍照--滤镜特效(以lomo风为主的11种照片特效)--添加说明/添加地点--分享(可以共享到Twitter、Facebook、Tumblr、Flickr以及Foursquare,甚至新浪微博这些主流社交网络)。同时Instagram基于这些照片建立了一个微社区,在这里你可以通过关注、评论、赞等操作与其他用户进行互动。2、视频功能北京时间11月22日上午消息,Instagram加入视频直播的游戏,同时加强与Snapchat之间的竞争。在Instagram直播:只需点击相机图标,并滑动到“live”(直播)标签,点击“start Live video”( 开始现场视频)按钮。使用Facebook Live录制视频,在屏幕顶部会出现一个图标,显示你正在直播,并能看到目前观看的人数有多少。那些追随你的粉丝并在视频中与你互动的人将看到通知,显示你正在直播,就像他们在Facebook上看到的一样。然而,与Facebook Live不同的是,Instagram进行直播时,直播一结束,视频内容随即删除,从这一点看,它没有继承母公司的基因,反倒与其竞争对手Snapchat更为相似。参考资料百度百科——Instagram
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instagram分类功能在:打点击首页顶端“你的快拍”,选择下方“菜单”,点击“浏览特效”,根据自己的喜欢选择特效即可,还可以查看作者更多的作品,进行选择特效。选择图片的滤镜样式(Lomo/Nashville/Apollo/Poprocket等10多种胶圈效果),一键分享至Instagram、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr或者新浪微博平台上。不仅仅是拍照,作为一款轻量级但十分有趣的App,Instagram 在移动端融入了很多社会化元素,包括好友关系的建立、回复、分享和收藏等,这是Instagram 作为服务存在而非应用存在最大的价值。基本特性:100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等。实时分享到新浪微博、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr、Tumblr和Foursquare。平行和放射状移轴模糊特效可提供额外的景深效果。上传不受限,即拍即传即分享。通过接收和发送赞和评论与朋友互动。iPhone前置和后置摄像头的全面支持。
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有两种方式进行注册:电话号码或者电子邮箱。国内的电话号码可以进行,但是验证码可能比较忙,请耐心等待。将会收到6位验证码,验证填入后进行下一步注册。或者选择邮箱注册。Instagram是国外一个功能非常强大的相机软件,他可以让你充分的发挥你的相片滤镜效果,你可以分享到facebook以及你能想到的社交圈。这不仅仅是一个照相机,更是一个社交软件。☆ 100%免费自定义设计的过滤器和边框,例如XPro-II、Earlybird、Rise、Amaro、Hudson、Lo-fi、Sutro、Toaster、 Brannan、Inkwell、Walden、Hefe、Nashville、1977等等☆ 实时分享到新浪微博、Facebook、Twitter、Flickr、Tumblr和Foursquare☆ 平行和放射状移轴模糊特效可提供额外的景深效果☆ 上传不受限,即拍即传即分享☆ 通过接收和发送赞和评论与朋友互动☆ iPhone前置和后置摄像头的全面支持
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