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2023-06-25 07:34:44
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美[ "dʒentlmən ]

英[ "dʒent(ə)lmən ]

n. 有教养的人 / 绅士 / 先生 / 有身份的人

复数: gentlemen




( pl. -men )


a chivalrous, courteous, or honourable man


he behaved throughout like a perfect gentleman.


a man of good social position, especially one of wealth and leisure


a man of noble birth attached to a royal household


a Gentleman of the Bedchamber.



a polite or formal way of referring to a man

[对男子的礼貌称呼] 先生

opposite her an old gentleman sat reading.


( gentlemen )

used as a polite form of address to a group of men


Can I help you, gentlemen?


used as a courteous designation for a male fellow member of the House of Commons or the House of Representatives


the Right Honourable Gentleman opposite.




问题一:卧室用英语怎么念,要语音 bedroom 英 [?bedru:m] 美 [u02c8b?d?rum, -?r?m] n.卧室,寝室 adj.城郊住宅区的;两性关系的,男女 *** 的 例句: I was banished to the *** all bedroom upstairs 我被赶到了楼上的小卧室。 houseroom 英 [?ha?sru:m] 美 [?ha?s?rum, -?r?m] n.卧室;家里的收容能量,放东西的地方 bedchamber 英 [?bedt?e?mb?(r)] 美 [?b?d?t?emb?] n.卧室;(君主的)侍寝官 例句: I keep her hands in my bedchamber. 我把她的手珍藏在卧室。 问题二:卧室用英语怎么读 卧室 bedroom 问题三:卧室用英语怎么写 bedroom 问题四:让我来介绍一下我的卧室用英语怎么说 让我来介绍一下我的卧室 Let me introduce my bedroom. 问题五:这是我的卧室,用英语怎么说 机器人的战斗鸡,您好 This is my bedroom 这是最普遍的翻译 希望对你有帮助 问题六:可提供单独卧室用英语怎么说 isolate bedroom is offered 问题七:有其他的房间吗 用英文怎么说 is there any other room?
2023-06-25 06:29:571


2023-06-25 06:30:302

SQL Server 2008中表“Bedchamber”中的列与现有主键或UNIQUE约束不匹配 是什么 意思 怎么弄

类型 和长度一致吗?不一致不可以
2023-06-25 06:30:584


2023-06-25 06:31:0710


郭沫若评价说:“写鬼写妖高人一等,刺贪刺虐入骨三分。” [12] 老舍评价说:“鬼狐有性格,笑骂成文章。”
2023-06-25 06:31:374


2023-06-25 06:31:453

你喜欢我的卧室吗?用 英语说

Do you like my bedroom?
2023-06-25 06:32:042

mysql 如何四表查询

和你现在的语句类似,只需在后面把其他两个表也加上就行,然后select字段里面加上你需要的字段值即可。from Student,Speciality,class,bedchamber where Student.specialityid=Speciality.specialityidand student.classid = class.classid and student.bedchamberid = bedchamber.bedchamberid要使SQL达到最优,需要在表student中给字段specialityid,classid,bedchamberid分别建立索引
2023-06-25 06:32:111


Little I"s bedroom
2023-06-25 06:32:303


2023-06-25 06:32:3915

青海旅游英文介绍  Qing Lake travels the view orders  The lake of Qing Lake  The lake of Qing Lake locates the northeast of Qing Lake, being apart from the provincial capital west rather the municipal is 151 kilometers of, a long more than 360 kilometers, the area is 4635 square kilometers of, is a biggest inland in our country salt water lake.Lake elevation 3195 rice, contain salt degree as 6 ‰ , the average water is deep 19 rices are above, the most deep place amount to 30 rice.There is bird island, sea heart mountain, sea west mountain, three pieces of 石s in the lake with sand island, the brilliant sunlight is next, the rape flower one that wreath lake bloom is golden, flock of sheep resemble a white cloud in green shade,such as the steppe of the 毯 , afloat, all was filled with the poetry the painting the idea everywhere. Travel extensively steppe, high mountain, lake, sand dune, hear the high song in woman in herding, view sunrise sunset, make visitor infatuating with in the great universe of pleasing.Set up the cashier guest house here, receive the facilities perfect, stay it place contain 篝 fire evening party, the visitor can enjoy fully the excellent hiding the song and dance of 族 beautifully.  Tower 尔 temple  The tower 尔 temple building hides the language calls the " this wise the wood of 巴 in衮 ", meaning 100,000 statue of Buddha 弥勒 continent.It locates at in Qing Lake province 湟 the lotus mountain 坳 inside of the southwest corner in sand 尔 in鲁 in county, according to provincial capital west rather the municipal is 26 kilometers of, is naissance ground that our country hide to spread the 佛 teach space 鲁 parties( be so called the Shamanism) how to initiate the person a 喀巴 master, and also is to hide the area Huang teach the one of the six greatest monasteries.  The tower 尔 temple starts to set up in 1379, have been apart from now for more than 600 years, occupy the ground accumulate a more than 600 acre, monastery building is distributed in lotus mountain of a the ditch both sides 坡 is last, high and low mistake in宇 in殿 fall, handing over to reflect mutually, strong view in vehemence.Locate the central and big gold in temple tile 殿 , green wall gold tile, brilliant and glorious, the main building that is that temple, it with small gold tile 殿 ( 护 method sanctuary), big through hall, 弥勒殿 , release the 迦殿 , according to 诂殿 , text 殊 bodhisattva 殿 , year in祈殿 ( flower temple), big pull to let temple( good luck temple), four big through 院 ( show through 院 , esoteric doctrine through 院 , cure clear through 院 , ten round through 院 ) with 酥 oil flower 院 , do the absolute being dance the 院 , living Buddha official residence, such as come eight tower, bodhi tower, pass by door the tower, hour a tower, the 僧 gives up the etc. building became mistake fall with the result that, set up careful, the style is special, gathering 汉 is hidden the technique in integral whole of grand building cluster.The statue of Buddha shape inside the 殿 is vivid and beautiful, detached sacred.The lifelike the oil of 酥 spends, colorful mural in丽 in绚 with color bright a 绣 drive 誉 is" tower 尔 temple art three unique", the temple inside still collected as treasure many 佛s teach the 典籍 with the history, literature, philosophy, medicine, the scholarship 专著 of lawmaking etc..佛 matter activity held annually" four greatest methods meeting" also noisy uncommon, visitor,such as tide,.  In 1961 on March 4, State Department announcement that temple is a national point cultural object protection unit, the system stone tablet book 汉 hides two kinds of writings, keep both in temple inside.Middle of 90"s of 20 centuries, was repaired by national many appropriation, make ancient temple feature had a brand-new look.The tower 尔 temple of now is already a famous spot for domestic and internationally hiding spreading 佛 teaching holy land with traveling ancient temple.  Such as come eight tower  The tower 尔 temple square inside 矗立 has tidy beautiful a glimmer of eight such as come to pagoda, with glorification Gautama whole life eight greatest contribution.Set up in 1776.( pure Qianlong"s 41 years)These eight towers from east to west is:The tower of 莲聚 ;( memorial Gautama is born current walking seven step, open a lotus at every step)Bodhi tower;( memorial Gautama practices moral teachings positive 觉 )Four the tower of 谛 ;( memorial Gautama"s beginning turns four 谛 method round)The absolute being changes the tower;( all kinds miracles for memorial Gautama to subdue evil)Decline any tower;( memorial Gautama returns the human life from the hall of the day)The tower of 息诤 ;( memorial Gautama advises the point of dispute of the buddhist monk of 息诸 )Victory tower;( memorial Gautama war 胜 the whole devils)The tower of 涅磐 .( memorial Gautama into 涅磐 , do not living the immortalization)Such as come eight long 9:4 rice, bottom an area 5:7 square meter.  Big through hall  It is big to was hidden by hall( show a through 院 ) the language be so called" from work properly many live", locate the big gold tile 殿 right ahead, is a monkish gift in this temple 佛 , 颂 through of gathering and matching place.Start to set up in 1612.( clear ten thousand 42 years of 历ss)Original for 30 pillars son of small after hall, change to set up for 80 pillars son medium-sized through the hall, finally in the 1776 extension 168 pillars son(60 among those rootses are in fourth wall walls) of two even a hide type building in layers.The 1912( first year in republic) catches fire to burn down suddenly, at fill many a 资 for calling the living Buddha of 嘉措s help the bottom, using two years half time, rebuilding according to the original kind.Building area is 2750 square meter, week long for 210 rice. Was had by 108 pillars sub- upper part 雕 of an inside 矗立 beautiful pattern, round the color woolen blanket of the 裹蟠 dragon pattern on the pillar.The ground establishes long a 禅 , ascend to spread the multicolored a 毯 , provide the 喇 collective 颂 through hour use.Color the pillars, the arch of 斗 , the well of 藻 teaches the story mural with the 佛 , hanging the drapery of 帷 , through cloth, 幢 , 幡 , umbrella cover, embroidery with a 绣 etc..An inside four provide thousand made of copper the statue of Buddha of 镏 golds of a 喀巴 in wall shrines, two sides was deposited by tree with 100 account of through book.Establish to reach to depend on face to face, Panchan Lama with the 弘 magic weapon of the method set.The house crest puts the high and big the copper of 镏 gold in every kind of through the 幢 , 刹 type treasure bottle, a clock, pagoda, method round, gold deer etc., was decorated by hall big magnificent, brilliant, hand over with big gold tile 殿 to reflect mutually.It is big to is also this temple to show through the hall through 院 , hide the language calls the " three 尼札仓s", ising a research to show learns doctrinally Ministry of Economic Affairs door.Cultivate primarily five clear reason, analysis, argue the method mutually of talk point.Establish many 仁s 巴 ( show to teach the Doctor) academic degree, give to the doctrine that cultivate monk contain deep scholastic attainment.  It is big to pull to let temple( good luck temple)  It is big to pull to let( call the firm west 康 sand again), setting up in 1650.( pure follow to cure seven years)Is bedchamber that an official residence for fourth pillars third entering courtyard hide type building, for reach to depend on, Panchan Lama and successive holder method sets rest, the Chinese language calls the " good luck temple".1777( pure Qianlong"s 42 years), the artificial this temple in parties in emperor in隆 in乾 fixed to set up the temple wall, the door of 华 , memorial arch etc., combine to grant the a" the temple of 永慧 ".The good luck temple locates the west mountain half waist eminence, taking a distant look before temple, the tower 尔 temple panorama does to accept the eye bottom.  Tower 尔 temple method meeting  The method understands for orison, is a kind of religious 佛 matter activity.The tower 尔 temple holds annually four times large method would with two small scaled method meeting.In the four greatest methods session, the most solemn and impressive and grand 佛 matter activity is" jump the absolute being"," bask the big 佛 " with large 酥 oil flower show.  The 14 noons : lunar calendar January jumps the gold just the 怖 fears the 护 method dance  Lunar calendar January 15 hold the bath 佛 in the morning( 酥 oil flower show)  The large 酥 in 10 5 eveningses in lunar calendar January oil decorative lantern exhibits  The 14 noons : April in lunar calendar jumps the gold just the 怖 fears the 护 method dance  April in lunar calendar 15 bask the big 佛 in the morning  April in lunar calendar 15 afternoons vault a gold is just the 护 method dance  The beginning of June of lunar calendar seven bask the big 佛 in the morning  The beginning of June of lunar calendar seven jump the gold in the afternoon just the 怖 fears the 护 method dance  The beginning of June of lunar calendar eight turn in the morning through the 佛 ( turn for a week in outer circle in monastery)  The beginning of June of lunar calendar eight afternoon the vault a gold is just the 护 method dance  September in lunar calendar 22 whole days open all 佛s 殿 worships Buddha  September in lunar calendar 23 noon a vault a golds are just the 护 method dance  Jump the absolute being  Jumping the absolute being( do method king"s dance namely) is a 佛 matter activity that a kind of background music dance the form.Pure 57 years of 康熙s(1718 of A.D.), hour of tower 尔 temple the 20th method pedestal 嘉堪 cloth, seven a life times reach to depend on to suggest:" must establish a jumps the absolute being 院 , from dance the teacher teach 习 how to dance the music, combining to establish to jump the absolute being system".Give the text 武护 method mask at the same time 39 pairs and dance dress with method machine etc.. Established from now on the hour of four greatest methods meeting hold to jump the absolute being( namely jump the hole) activity jumps the absolute being 院 .( be so called the agency fire 院 )Its meaning is When the 佛 follower of a religion cultivation execute, for dissolve inside, outside, 密 three aspect of evil see, 逆缘 , exterminate the bane 佛 teach with the heterodox doctrines of the follower of a religion of 佛 , passing to do the 护 method absolute being dance to release the solution then.Jump the absolute being contents, the aspect of the 武 contain male warrior dance, woman warrior dance, male 怒 absolute being dance, woman 怒 absolute being dance;The aspect of the text has with the dance of 静 , teaching the inside dance, the 密 curses the dance, with single mind sex dance;Take offense aspect contain tiny 怒 absolute being dance, very 怒 absolute being dance etc., have the 360 kinds of dancing totally.  Bask the big 佛  Bask the big 佛 , lunar calendar in every year four, June two method meeting hour hold.The meaning livings for memorial Gautama"s 诞 , way, the 涅磐 is born with the 弥勒 and the 喀巴 bears, 涅磐 ; pass to bask the 佛 lets followers 瞻仰 statue of Buddha, 沐 bath 佛 boon, and defend the statue of Buddha encounter the 蛀 .The tower 尔 temple has" the lion roars the "," Gautama the "," a 喀巴 "," gold just 萨捶 " four kinds of huge big a 绣 statue of Buddhas, insolate only each time a kind of, on the monastery slope the exhibition basks.Bask the rites of 佛 very solemn and impressive, the audience is maximum amount, becoming the strong view.  Tower 尔 temple three unique  The oil of 酥 of the tower 尔 temple spends, mural with a 绣 drive 誉 is" art three unique", went to Qing Lake, do not go to tower 尔 temple is regret;Went to the tower 尔 temple, do not see" three unique" more sorry!  Mural  The mural is each 殿宇 the painting on the wall.Draw mostly on the cloth drapery, also have to draw directly is last with the pillars in the wall.The mural pigment adopts the quality mineral, fresh 艳 in color, through long constant.The mural belongs to the 喇 the Pope teaches to draw the department, different from the 汉 draws somely, have to print to hide the taste heavyly.The mural contents gets material from mostly the Buddhist sutra Shamanism 诸密 multiplies by the classic.The painting details belongs to the Shamanism contents, the person is much mainer to belong to the 密 multiplies by the doctrine.Whole appearance conceives outline skillful, arrange the 适 however, the tone is harmonious, choiceness fine and delicate, the level of structure is clear, thousand 资 100 态 , the 栩 livings.  酥 oil statue of Buddha  The 酥 oil flower is to uses the oil of 酥 ( the butter that handicraft make into) each color of gangplank pigment but the oil 塑 art article that make into.It is rumored 酥 oil the flower comes from Tibet. Tang"s text princess and soil 蕃 king the pine 赞 fucks When the cloth unite in marriage, once from take a statue of Buddha oblation Chang-an in pull big 昭 in萨 temple.Strict and cold winter, have no the fresh flowers dedicate the 佛 , follower for meaning the esteem, make into the flower with the oil of 酥 , oblation in statue of Buddha front.From now on and mutually along hide clansmen the people"s custom.In 1594, the 酥 oil flower spread to the tower 尔 temple, delving into with patience through the temple"s 艺僧 , making its had the new development in a material with the craft, become a kind of superb oil 塑 art that tower 尔 temple possess singly.Annually lunar calendar January 15 hour of light stanza, the oil of 酥 that 艺僧 will elaborate spends to exhibitmidnight in temple, grand occasion inside the temple becoming once a year.Millionsly each ethnicity from all dir
2023-06-25 06:33:041


2023-06-25 06:33:124


2023-06-25 06:33:216

我们寝室与教室离的很远 英语翻译

Our bedchamber is far away from the classroom
2023-06-25 06:33:497


Your beautiful bedroom
2023-06-25 06:34:042

What does he say in the letter?

2023-06-25 06:34:127


Before is the emperor"s Palace
2023-06-25 06:34:296


2023-06-25 06:34:422


The Ant and the Dove An ant went to the bank of a river to quench its thirst, and being carried away by the rush of the stream, was on the point of drowning. A Dove sitting on a tree overhanging the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to her. The Ant climbed onto it and floated in safety to the bank. Shortly afterwards a bird catcher came and stood under the tree, and laid his lime-twigs for the Dove, which sat in the branches. The Ant, perceiving his design, stung him in the foot. In pain the bird catcher threw down the twigs, and the noise made the Dove take wing. One good turn deserves another
2023-06-25 06:34:502


The Hound of the Baskervilles is a crime novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle featuring the detective Sherlock Holmes. Originally serialized in the British Strand Magazine from August 1901 to April 1902, it is set mainly on Dartmoor in Devon in England"s West Country but the beginning is set in London.PlotThe rich landowner Sir Charles Baskerville is found dead in the park of his manor, surrounded by the moorland of Dartmoor, in the county of Devon. He appears to have died from heart attack, but the victim"s close friend, Dr Mortimer, is convinced that the death was due to a supernatural creature, which haunts the moor in the shape of an enormous hound with blazing eyes and jaws. Fearing for the safety of Baskerville"s heir, his nephew Sir Henry, coming to London from Canada, Dr Mortimer appeals for help from Sherlock Holmes. The doctor also reveals that he found the footprints of a gigantic hound near Sir Charles" dead body but did not report it knowing that no one would have believed him.Dr Mortimer tells Holmes and Watson of the so-called Baskervilles" curse that has, he believes, been killing the Baskerville heirs for centuries, in revenge for the misdeeds of one Sir Hugo Baskerville, who lived at the time of Oliver Cromwell. According to the legend, Hugo Baskerville was an evil man with a sadistic streak. He became infatuated with a yeoman"s daughter and one evening kidnapped her and imprisoned her in his bedchamber. The maiden managed to escape while he was carousing with his friends. A drunken and furious Hugo cried that he would give his body and soul to the Powers of Evil if he could only overtake her. He rode after her onto the Moor, his hunting hounds upon her scent and his friends in pursuit. Some hours later his friends heard bloodcurdling screams and followed the sound to the bodies of Hugo and the girl. She had died from fear and fatigue, while a giant spectral hound stood over Sir Hugo"s body. With his friends watching, the hound ripped out Hugo"s throat and disappeared into the night.Holmes soon discovers that Sir Charles had been waiting for someone. He was found with his face contorted into a ghastly expression. His footprints suggested that he was desperately running away from something. It was known that elderly Sir Charles" heart was not strong, and that he planned to go to London the next day. Intrigued by the case, Holmes meets with Sir Henry, who has arrived from Canada and is visibly upset to have received a cryptic note delivered to his hotel room, where no one knew he would be staying, warning him to stay away from the moor. Holmes recognizes the cut-out letters from the previous day"s Times, suggesting that the sender was a person of education. Only the word "moor" is handwritten. He marks the sputtering of the pen and the lack of ink, suggesting that the pen and ink were from a hotel. The fact that the letters were cut with small nail scissors suggests a woman, as does the scent of perfume. The latter detail Holmes keeps to himself. Sir Henry has also had a new boot stolen.Holmes asked if there were any other relatives besides Henry. Mortimer tells him that Charles had two brothers. Henry was the son of the elder Sir Henry who settled in Canada raised him in both Canada and the USA. Another brother, Sir Roger, was known to be the family black sheep. A blackguard, wastrel, and inverterate gambler, he had left for South America to avoid creditors and died there alone.Despite the note"s warning, Sir Henry insists on visiting Baskerville Hall. As Sir Henry leaves Holmes" Baker Street apartment, Holmes and Dr Watson follow him and spy a man with a fake-looking black beard in a cab also following him. He escapes when chased but Holmes catches the cab number. Holmes then stops in at the messenger office and employs a young boy, Cartwright, to go around to the hotels and look through the wastepaper in search of a cut-up copy of the Times.By the time they return to the hotel, Sir Henry has had another boot stolen, an old one now. When the first missing boot is discovered before the meeting is over, Holmes begins to realize they must be dealing with a real hound (hence the emphasis on the scent of the used boot). When conversation turns to the man in the cab, Dr Mortimer says that Barrymore, the servant at Baskerville Hall, has a beard, and a telegram is sent to check on his whereabouts. The inheritance is also discussed – while it is a sizable amount, the next in line is James Desmond, an older man with few interests in wealth.At the end of the meeting, it is decided that, Holmes being tied up in London with other cases, Watson will accompany Sir Henry to the Hall and report back in detail. Later that evening, telegrams from Cartwright (who was unable to find the newspaper) and Baskerville Hall (where Barrymore apparently is) bring an end to those leads. Also, a visit from John Clayton, who was driving the cab with the black-bearded man, is of little help. He does say that the man told him that he was the detective Holmes, much to the surprise and amusement of the actual Holmes.Dr Mortimer, Watson, and Sir Henry set off for Baskerville Hall the next day. The baronet is excited to see it and his connection with the land is clear, but the mood is soon dampened. Soldiers are about the area, on the lookout for the escaped convict Selden. Barrymore and his wife tell the baronet that they want to depart from the area as soon as is convenient, and the Hall is, in general, a somber place. Watson has trouble sleeping that night, and hears a woman crying, though the next morning Barrymore denies that could have happened.Watson checks with the postmaster and learns that the telegram was not actually delivered into the hands of Barrymore, so it is no longer certain that he was at the Hall, and not in London. On his way back, Watson meets Jack Stapleton, a naturalist familiar with the moor even though he has only been in the area for two years. They hear a moan that the peasants attribute to the hound, but Stapleton attributes it to the cry of a bittern, or possibly the bog settling. He then runs off after a specimen, but Watson is not alone for long before Beryl Stapleton, Jack"s sister, approaches him. Mistaking him for Sir Henry, she urgently warns him to leave the area, but drops the subject when her brother returns. The three walk to Merripit House (the Stapleton"s home), and during the discussion, Watson learns that Stapleton used to run a school. Though he is offered lunch and a look at Stapleton"s collections, Watson departs for the Hall. Before he gets far along the path, Miss Stapleton overtakes him and dismisses her warning. Watson notices that the brother and sister don"t look very much alike.Sir Henry soon meets Miss Stapleton and becomes romantically interested, despite her brother"s intrusions. Watson meets another neighbor, Mr. Frankland, a harmless eccentric whose primary pastime is initiating lawsuits. Barrymore draws increasing suspicion, as Watson sees him walk with a candle into an empty room, hold it up to the window, and then leave. Realizing that the room"s only advantage is its view out on the moor, Watson and Sir Henry are determined to figure out what is going on.Meanwhile, during the day, Sir Henry continues to pursue Miss Stapleton until her brother runs up on them and yells angrily. He later explains to the disappointed baronet that it was not personal, he was just afraid of losing his only companion so quickly. To show there are no hard feelings, he invites Sir Henry to dine with him and his sister on Friday.Sir Henry then becomes the person doing the surprising, when he and Watson walk in on Barrymore, catching him at night in the room with the candle. Barrymore refuses to answer their questions, since it is not his secret to tell, but Mrs. Barrymore"s. She tells them that the runaway convict Bruce Selden is her brother and the candle is a signal to allow him to get food. When the couple returns to their room, Sir Henry and Watson go off to find the convict, despite the poor weather and frightening sound of the hound. They see Selden by another candle, but are unable to catch him. Watson notices the outlined figure of another man standing on top of a tor with the moon behind him, but he likewise gets away.Barrymore is upset when he finds out that they tried to capture Selden, but when an agreement is reached to allow Selden to escape out of the country, he is willing to repay the favor. He tells them about a mostly-burnt letter asking Sir Charles to be at the gate at the time of his death. It was signed with the initials L.L. Dr Mortimer tells Watson the next day that it could be Laura Lyons, Frankland"s daughter who lives in Coombe Tracey. When Watson goes to talk to her, she admits to writing the letter after Stapleton told her Sir Charles would be willing to help her, but says she never kept the appointment.Frankland has just won two law cases and invites Watson in, as his carriage passes by, to help him celebrate. Barrymore had previously told Watson that another man lived out on the moor besides Selden, and Frankland unwittingly confirms this, when he shows Watson through his telescope the figure of a boy carrying food. Watson departs the house and goes in that direction. He finds the dwelling where the unknown man has been staying, goes in, sees a message reporting on his own activities, and waits.Holmes turns out to be the unknown man, keeping his location a secret so that Watson would not be tempted to come out and so he would be able to appear on the scene of action at the critical moment. Watson"s reports have been of much help to him, and he then tells his friend some of the information he"s uncovered – Stapleton is actually married to the woman passing as Miss Stapleton, and was also promising marriage to Laura Lyons to get her cooperation. As they bring their conversation to an end, they hear a scream and the sounds of a man being pursued by the hound.They take off running and when they see the body, they mistake it for Sir Henry. As their misery and regret grow, they realize it is actually the escaped convict Selden, the brother of Mrs Barrymore, dressed in the baronet"s old clothes (which had been given to Barrymore by way of further apology for distrusting him). Then Stapleton appears, and while he makes excuses for his presence, Holmes pretends to be returning to London.Holmes and Watson return to Baskerville Hall, where over dinner, the detective stares at Hugo Baskerville"s portrait and then it hits him. Calling Watson over after dinner he covers the hair to show the face to reveal none other than Jack Stapleton. This provides the motive in the crime – with Sir Henry gone, Stapleton could lay claim to the Baskerville fortune. When they return to Mrs. Lyons"s place, they get her to admit Stapleton"s role in the letter setup, and then they go to meet a Det. Lt. Lestrade at the station whom Holmes has called in by a telegram .Under the threat of advancing fog, Watson, Holmes, and Lestrade lie in wait outside Merripit House, where Sir Henry has been dining. When the baronet leaves and sets off across the moor, the hound is soon let loose. It really is a terrible beast, but Holmes and Watson manage to shoot it before it can hurt Sir Henry, as well as discovering that its hellish appearance was acquired by means of phosphorus. They discover the beaten Mrs. Stapleton bound and gagged in the bedroom, and when she is freed, she tells them of Stapleton"s hideout deep in the Great Grimpen Mire. When they head out the next day to look for him, they are not able to find him, as he is dead having being sucked down into the foul and bottomless depths of the mire and Holmes and Watson only find Sir Henry"s boot used by Stapleton to give the hound Sir Henry"s scent.Gulliver"s Travels (1726, amended 1735), officially Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, in Four Parts. By Lemuel Gulliver, First a Surgeon, and then a Captain of several Ships, is a novel by Irish author Jonathan Swift that is both a satire on human nature and a parody of the "travellers" tales" literary sub-genre. It is Swift"s best known full-length work, and a classic of English literature.The book became tremendously popular as soon as it was published. (John Gay said in a 1726 letter to Swift that "it is universally read, from the cabinet council to the nursery" [1] ); since then, it has never been out of print.Plot summaryThe book presents itself as a simple traveller"s narrative with the disingenuous title Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World, its authorship assigned only to "Lemuel Gulliver, first a surgeon, then a captain of several ships". Different editions contain different versions of the prefatory material which are basically the same as forewords in modern books. The book proper then is divided into four parts,Part I: A Voyage to LilliputPart II: A Voyage to BrobdingnagPart III: A Voyage to LaputaPart IV: A Voyage to Houyhnhnms
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卧室 bedroom
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寝室长dormitory leaderbedchamber leader
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皇帝的新装Many years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of newclothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble himself inthe least about his soldiers; nor did he care to go either to the theatre orthe chase, except for the opportunities then afforded him for displaying hisnew clothes. He had a different suit for each hour of the day; and as of anyother king or emperor, one is accustomed to say, "he is sitting in council,"it was always said of him, "The Emperor is sitting in his wardrobe."Time passed merrily in the large town which was his capital; strangers arrivedevery day at the court. One day, two rogues, calling themselves weavers, madetheir appearance. They gave out that they knew how to weave stuffs of the mostbeautiful colors and elaborate patterns, the clothes manufactured from whichshould have the wonderful property of remaining invisible to everyone who wasunfit for the office he held, or who was extraordinarily simple in character."These must, indeed, be splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. "Had I such asuit, I might at once find out what men in my realms are unfit for theiroffice, and also be able to distinguish the wise from the foolish! This stuffmust be woven for me immediately." And he caused large sums of money to begiven to both the weavers in order that they might begin their work directly.So the two pretended weavers set up two looms, and affected to work verybusily, though in reality they did nothing at all. They asked for the mostdelicate silk and the purest gold thread; put both into their own knapsacks;and then continued their pretended work at the empty looms until late atnight."I should like to know how the weavers are getting on with my cloth," said theEmperor to himself, after some little time had elapsed; he was, however,rather embarrassed, when he remembered that a simpleton, or one unfit for hisoffice, would be unable to see the manufacture. To be sure, he thought he hadnothing to risk in his own person; but yet, he would prefer sending somebodyelse, to bring him intelligence about the weavers, and their work, before hetroubled himself in the affair. All the people throughout the city had heardof the wonderful property the cloth was to possess; and all were anxious tolearn how wise, or how ignorant, their neighbors might prove to be."I will send my faithful old minister to the weavers," said the Emperor atlast, after some deliberation, "he will be best able to see how the clothlooks; for he is a man of sense, and no one can be more suitable for hisoffice than be is."So the faithful old minister went into the hall, where the knaves were workingwith all their might, at their empty looms. "What can be the meaning of this?"thought the old man, opening his eyes very wide. "I cannot discover the leastbit of thread on the looms." However, he did not express his thoughts aloud.The impostors requested him very courteously to be so good as to come nearertheir looms; and then asked him whether the design pleased him, and whetherthe colors were not very beautiful; at the same time pointing to the emptyframes. The poor old minister looked and looked, he could not discoveranything on the looms, for a very good reason, viz: there was nothing there."What!" thought he again. "Is it possible that I am a simpleton? I have neverthought so myself; and no one must know it now if I am so. Can it be, that Iam unfit for my office? No, that must not be said either. I will never confessthat I could not see the stuff.""Well, Sir Minister!" said one of the knaves, still pretending to work. "Youdo not say whether the stuff pleases you.""Oh, it is excellent!" replied the old minister, looking at the loom throughhis spectacles. "This pattern, and the colors, yes, I will tell the Emperorwithout delay, how very beautiful I think them.""We shall be much obliged to you," said the impostors, and then they named thedifferent colors and described the pattern of the pretended stuff. The oldminister listened attentively to their words, in order that he might repeatthem to the Emperor; and then the knaves asked for more silk and gold, sayingthat it was necessary to complete what they had begun. However, they put allthat was given them into their knapsacks; and continued to work with as muchapparent diligence as before at their empty looms.The Emperor now sent another officer of his court to see how the men weregetting on, and to ascertain whether the cloth would soon be ready. It wasjust the same with this gentleman as with the minister; he surveyed the loomson all sides, but could see nothing at all but the empty frames."Does not the stuff appear as beautiful to you, as it did to my lord theminister?" asked the impostors of the Emperor"s second ambassador; at the sametime making the same gestures as before, and talking of the design and colorswhich were not there."I certainly am not stupid!" thought the messenger. "It must be, that I am notfit for my good, profitable office! That is very odd; however, no one shallknow anything about it." And accordingly he praised the stuff he could notsee, and declared that he was delighted with both colors and patterns."Indeed, please your Imperial Majesty," said he to his sovereign when hereturned, "the cloth which the weavers are preparing is extraordinarilymagnificent."The whole city was talking of the splendid cloth which the Emperor had orderedto be woven at his own expense.And now the Emperor himself wished to see the costly manufacture, while it wasstill in the loom. Accompanied by a select number of officers of the court,among whom were the two honest men who had already admired the cloth, he wentto the crafty impostors, who, as soon as they were aware of the Emperor"sapproach, went on working more diligently than ever; although they still didnot pass a single thread through the looms."Is not the work absolutely magnificent?" said the two officers of the crown,already mentioned. "If your Majesty will only be pleased to look at it! What asplendid design! What glorious colors!" and at the same time they pointed tothe empty frames; for they imagined that everyone else could see thisexquisite piece of workmanship."How is this?" said the Emperor to himself. "I can see nothing! This is indeeda terrible affair! Am I a simpleton, or am I unfit to be an Emperor? Thatwould be the worst thing that could happen--Oh! the cloth is charming," saidhe, aloud. "It has my complete approbation." And he smiled most graciously,and looked closely at the empty looms; for on no account would he say that hecould not see what two of the officers of his court had praised so much. Allhis retinue now strained their eyes, hoping to discover something on thelooms, but they could see no more than the others; nevertheless, they allexclaimed, "Oh, how beautiful!" and advised his majesty to have some newclothes made from this splendid material, for the approaching procession."Magnificent! Charming! Excellent!" resounded on all sides; and everyone wasuncommonly gay. The Emperor shared in the general satisfaction; and presentedthe impostors with the riband of an order of knighthood, to be worn in theirbutton-holes, and the title of "Gentlemen Weavers."The rogues sat up the whole of the night before the day on which theprocession was to take place, and had sixteen lights burning, so that everyonemight see how anxious they were to finish the Emperor"s new suit. Theypretended to roll the cloth off the looms; cut the air with their scissors;and sewed with needles without any thread in them. "See!" cried they, at last."The Emperor"s new clothes are ready!"And now the Emperor, with all the grandees of his court, came to the weavers;and the rogues raised their arms, as if in the act of holding something up,saying, "Here are your Majesty"s trousers! Here is the scarf! Here is themantle! The whole suit is as light as a cobweb; one might fancy one hasnothing at all on, when dressed in it; that, however, is the great virtue ofthis delicate cloth.""Yes indeed!" said all the courtiers, although not one of them could seeanything of this exquisite manufacture."If your Imperial Majesty will be graciously pleased to take off your clothes,we will fit on the new suit, in front of the looking glass."The Emperor was accordingly undressed, and the rogues pretended to array himin his new suit; the Emperor turning round, from side to side, before thelooking glass."How splendid his Majesty looks in his new clothes, and how well they fit!"everyone cried out. "What a design! What colors! These are indeed royalrobes!""The canopy which is to be borne over your Majesty, in the procession, iswaiting," announced the chief master of the ceremonies."I am quite ready," answered the Emperor. "Do my new clothes fit well?" askedhe, turning himself round again before the looking glass, in order that hemight appear to be examining his handsome suit.The lords of the bedchamber, who were to carry his Majesty"s train felt abouton the ground, as if they were lifting up the ends of the mantle; andpretended to be carrying something; for they would by no means betray anythinglike simplicity, or unfitness for their office.So now the Emperor walked under his high canopy in the midst of theprocession, through the streets of his capital; and all the people standingby, and those at the windows, cried out, "Oh! How beautiful are our Emperor"snew clothes! What a magnificent train there is to the mantle; and howgracefully the scarf hangs!" in short, no one would allow that he could notsee these much-admired clothes; because, in doing so, he would have declaredhimself either a simpleton or unfit for his office. Certainly, none of theEmperor"s various suits, had ever made so great an impression, as theseinvisible ones."But the Emperor has nothing at all on!" said a little child."Listen to the voice of innocence!" exclaimed his father; and what the childhad said was whispered from one to another."But he has nothing at all on!" at last cried out all the people. The Emperorwas vexed, for he knew that the people were right; but he thought theprocession must go on now! And the lords of the bedchamber took greater painsthan ever, to appear holding up a train, although, in reality, there was notrain to hold.卖火柴的小女孩儿Most terribly cold it was; it snowed, and was nearly quite dark, and evening--the last evening of the year. In this cold and darkness there went along thestreet a poor little girl, bareheaded, and with naked feet. When she left homeshe had slippers on, it is true; but what was the good of that? They were verylarge slippers, which her mother had hitherto worn; so large were they; andthe poor little thing lost them as she scuffled away across the street,because of two carriages that rolled by dreadfully fast.One slipper was nowhere to be found; the other had been laid hold of by anurchin, and off he ran with it; he thought it would do capitally for a cradlewhen he some day or other should have children himself. So the little maidenwalked on with her tiny naked feet, that were quite red and blue from cold.She carried a quantity of matches in an old apron, and she held a bundle ofthem in her hand. Nobody had bought anything of her the whole livelong day; noone had given her a single farthing.She crept along trembling with cold and hunger--a very picture of sorrow, thepoor little thing!The flakes of snow covered her long fair hair, which fell in beautiful curlsaround her neck; but of that, of course, she never once now thought. From allthe windows the candles were gleaming, and it smelt so deliciously of roastgoose, for you know it was New Year"s Eve; yes, of that she thought.In a corner formed by two houses, of which one advanced more than the other,she seated herself down and cowered together. Her little feet she had drawnclose up to her, but she grew colder and colder, and to go home she did notventure, for she had not sold any matches and could not bring a farthing ofmoney: from her father she would certainly get blows, and at home it was coldtoo, for above her she had only the roof, through which the wind whistled,even though the largest cracks were stopped up with straw and rags.Her little hands were almost numbed with cold. Oh! a match might afford her aworld of comfort, if she only dared take a single one out of the bundle, drawit against the wall, and warm her fingers by it. She drew one out. "Rischt!"how it blazed, how it burnt! It was a warm, bright flame, like a candle, asshe held her hands over it: it was a wonderful light. It seemed really to thelittle maiden as though she were sitting before a large iron stove, withburnished brass feet and a brass ornament at top. The fire burned with suchblessed influence; it warmed so delightfully. The little girl had alreadystretched out her feet to warm them too; but--the small flame went out, thestove vanished: she had only the remains of the burnt-out match in her hand.She rubbed another against the wall: it burned brightly, and where the lightfell on the wall, there the wall became transparent like a veil, so that shecould see into the room. On the table was spread a snow-white tablecloth; uponit was a splendid porcelain service, and the roast goose was steaming famouslywith its stuffing of apple and dried plums. And what was still more capital tobehold was, the goose hopped down from the dish, reeled about on the floorwith knife and fork in its breast, till it came up to the poor little girl;when--the match went out and nothing but the thick, cold, damp wall was leftbehind. She lighted
2023-06-25 06:37:061


The protagonist of Hamlet is Prince Hamlet of Denmark, son of the recently deceased King Hamlet, and nephew of King Claudius, his father"s brother and successor. Claudius hastily married King Hamlet"s widow, Gertrude, Hamlet"s mother. Denmark has a long-standing feud with neighbouring Norway, and an invasion led by the Norwegian prince, Fortinbras, is expected.The play opens on a cold winter midnight on "a platform before the castle" of Elsinore, the Danish royal castle. Thesentries Bernardo and Marcellus and Hamlet"s friend Horatio encounter a ghost that looks like the late King Hamlet. When it declines to talk to them they attack it with daggers, but it escapes. Marcellus admits: "We do it wrong... to offer it the show of violence / For it is... invulnerable." They vow to tell Prince Hamlet that his father"s ghost has been seen.The scene shifts to a "room of state in the castle." Various royal figures come in. Claudius and Gertrude talk with Laertes about his upcoming journey to France. Laertes"s father Polonius admits that he has agreed to his son"s trip. The King and Queen then turn to Hamlet. Perturbed by Hamlet"s continuing deep mourning for his father and his increasingly erratic behaviour, Claudius and Gertrude try to persuade him to be more cheerful. Claudius tells him that it is normal for fathers to die, but the prince is not comforted by this.When they leave, Hamlet complains in his first soliloquy ("O that this too too solid flesh would melt") that his mother has jumped into "incestuous sheets" with her brother-in-law too quickly after the death of Hamlet"s father. Horatio and the sentries come in and Hamlet warmly greets his friend, who has recently returned to court from the university at Wittenberg. The three tell Hamlet about the ghost they have seen at the castle and the prince resolves to see the apparition himself.Claudius and Gertrude send two student friends of his—Rosencrantz and Guildenstern—to discover the cause of Hamlet"s mood and behavior. Hamlet greets his friends warmly, but quickly discerns that they are spies. That night, the Ghost appears to Hamlet and tells him that Claudius murdered him by pouring "juice of cursed hebenon" in his ear, which caused his blood to "curd" and his skin to be covered with a "vile and loathsome crust." The Ghost demands that Hamlet avenge him. "Well said, old mole!" replies the prince, and he tells Horatio and the rest of his crew that he is going to "put on an antic disposition" from this point on and that if they run into him around the castle they should not say such things as "Well, we know," or "We could, an if we would," Or "If we list to speak," or "There be, an if they might,"[7] that would give him away. He is, however, uncertain of the Ghost"s reliability.Polonius is Claudius"s trusted chief counsellor; his son, Laertes, is about to resume studies in France; and his daughter, Ophelia, is courting Hamlet. Neither Polonius nor Laertes approves of the match, and both warn her off. Shortly afterwards, Ophelia meets Hamlet secretly but is so alarmed by his strange antics that she tells her father of Hamlet"s state. Polonius blames an "ecstasy of love"[8] for Hamlet"s madness and informs Claudius and Gertrude. At their next tryst, Hamlet rants at Ophelia, accusing her of immodesty and dismissing her to a nunnery.The "gravedigger scene"[9](Artist: Eugène Delacroix 1839)Hamlet remains unconvinced that the Ghost has told him the truth, but the arrival of a troupe of actors at Elsinore presents him with a solution. He will stage a play, re-enacting his father"s murder, and determine Claudius"s guilt or innocence by studying his reaction. The court assembles to watch the play; Hamlet provides a running commentary throughout. After seeing the Player King murdered with poison in the ears, Claudius abruptly rises and leaves the room: proof positive for Hamlet of his uncle"s guilt. Gertrude summons Hamlet to her bedchamber to demand an explanation. On his way, Hamlet passes Claudius in prayer. Claudius has just been talking to himself about the impossibility of repenting since he still had possession of the ill-gotten goods: state power, "my ambition," and sleeping with the queen he married. "There is no shuffling," he points out, " He talks to the state ("O wretched state!"), to his bosom ("O bosom black as death!"), to his soul ("O limed soul, that, struggling to be free, Art more engaged!"), to angels ("Help, angels! Make assay!"), and finally to his knees ("Bow, stubborn knees)". Hamlet then sneaks up behind them, but hesitates to kill him, reasoning that killing Claudius right after Claudius prayed and cleansed himself of his sins would send Claudius straight to heaven while his father is stuck in purgatory. After Hamlet unsheaths his sword and leaves, Claudius mutters that his praying doesn"t seem to be getting anywhere.A watercolor by John Richard Coke Smyth of Act III, Scene iv:Hamlet makes a pass through the arras.In the bedchamber, a furious row erupts between Hamlet and Gertrude. Polonius, spying on the conversation and hidden behind a tapestry, makes a noise; Hamlet, believing it is Claudius, cries "Dead, for a ducat, dead!" and stabs wildly, killing Polonius. Hamletthen pulls aside the curtain and sees his mistake. He does not feel too sorry about this, saying only "Thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell!" He then berates his mother for marrying Claudius for the sex. He claims her "sense" was "thrall"d" to her "ecstasy," and observes that "rebellious hell... can mutine in a matron"s bones." The castle ghost suddenly pops his head in and gripes that Hamlet still hasn"t killed Claudius yet and that he is annoying his mother even though he was instructed not to. Unable to see or hear the Ghost herself, Gertrude takes Hamlet"s conversation with it as further evidence of madness. Hamlet leaves, begging the queen to stop having sex with Claudius, and suggesting that she can get used to this if she makes it a habit to abstain. Hamlet hides Polonius"s corpse in "the lobby," and Claudius, fearing for his life, sends Hamlet along with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to England with a note to the King ordering Hamlet to be executed immediately.Demented by grief at Polonius"s death, Ophelia wanders Elsinore singing bawdy songs. Her brother, Laertes, arrives back from France, enraged by his father"s death and his sister"s madness. Claudius convinces Laertes that Hamlet is solely responsible; then news arrives that Hamlet is still at large. Claudius swiftly concocts a plot. He proposes a fencing match between Laertes and Hamlet with a poison-tipped foil, but tacitly plans to offer Hamlet poisoned wine if that fails. Laertes will be given a handicap, and Claudius intends to bet on Hamlet so that if Hamlet dies the murder will not appear staged. Gertrude interrupts to report that Ophelia has drowned.Two gravediggers discuss Ophelia"s apparent suicide, while digging her grave. Hamlet arrives with Horatio and banters with a gravedigger, who unearths the skull of a jester from Hamlet"s childhood, Yorick, causing Hamlet to contemplate the universal nature of mortality. Ophelia"s funeral procession approaches, led by Laertes. He and Hamlet grapple by Ophelia"s graveside, but the brawl is broken up.Back at Elsinore, Hamlet tells Horatio that he had written fake letters addressed from Claudius to the King of England ordering Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to be put to death instead. A courtier, Osric, interrupts to invite Hamlet to fence with Laertes. With Fortinbras" army closing on Elsinore, the match begins. Laertes pierces Hamlet with a poisoned blade but in the scuffle they switch swords and Hamlet wounds Laertes with his own poisoned sword. Despite a warning from Claudius, Gertrude drinks poisoned wine intended for Hamlet and dies. In his dying moments, Laertes is reconciled with Hamlet and reveals Claudius"s murderous plot. In his own last moments, an enraged Hamlet blames Claudius for his mother"s death and manages to stab and wound Claudius with the poisoned blade, and finishes him off by forcing him to drink his own poisoned wine. Horatio attempts to commit suicide by drinking the poison but Hamlet swipes the cup from his hands and orders him to live to tell the tale. When Fortinbras arrives, Horatio recounts the story and Fortinbras, seeing the entire royal family dead on the floor, takes the crown for himself.
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bedchamber英[u02c8bedtu0283eu026ambu0259(r)]美[u02c8bu025bdu02cctu0283embu025a]n.卧室; (君主的)侍寝官网络n. [古]卧室; 寝室; 卧房复数:bedchambers双语例句 Scrooge was left alone and exhausted in his bedchamber.scrooge在他的卧室里面独自一人,变的精疲力尽。
2023-06-25 06:38:031


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bedroom living room kitchen and washroom
2023-06-25 06:38:183

Delphi 判断SQL数据库某字段的值大于0 或不为NULL时,执行对数据库的UPDATA

update UserBasicInfo ubi set ... where (ubi.BedchamberId > 0 and ubi.BedchamberId is NUll)
2023-06-25 06:38:262


2023-06-25 06:38:355


2023-06-25 06:38:591


The History of John Bull will probably be found, nowadays, to be the most interesting of Arbuthnot"s works. To enjoy it, some knowledge of the history of the time is necessary; but the allegory, as the brief sketch that follows will show, is, for the most part, transparent, and the humour is well kept up. The book begins with an account of the quarrels since the death of Charles II of Spain (Lord Strutt), who settled his estate upon his cousin Philip Baboon, to the great disappointment of his cousin Esquire South (archduke Charles of Austria). John Bull and Nicholas Frog (the Dutch) were afraid that Lord Strutt would give all his custom to his grandfather Lewis Baboon, and they threatened Lord Strutt that, if he continued to deal with his grandfather, they would go to law with him; while there were other tradesmen who were glad to join against Lewis Baboon if Bull and Frog would bear the charges of the suit. The case was put into the hands of Hocus, the attorney (the duke of Marlborough), and the decision went in favour of John Bull and his friends; but repeated promises that the next verdict would be the final determination wre not fulfilled, and new trials and new difficulties continued to present themselves. Hocus proved himself superior to most of his profession: He kept always good clerks, he loved money, was smooth tongued, gave good words, and seldom lost his temper; he was not worse than an infidel, for he provided plentifully for his family; but he loved himself better than them all. The neighbours reported that he was henpecked, which was most impossible with such a mild-spirited woman as his wife was. 9 John Bull was so pleased with his success that he thought of leaving off his trade and turning lawyer. John, in the main, was an honest, plain-dealing fellow, choleric, bold, and of a very inconstant temper…. He was very apt to quarrel with his best friends, especially if they pretended to govern him. If you flattered him you might lead him like a child. John"s temper depended very much upon the air; his spirits rose and fell with the weather-glass. John was quick and understood his business very well: but no man alive was more careless in looking into his accounts, or more cheated by partners, apprentices and servants. This was occasioned by his being a boon companion, loving his bottle and his diversion; for, to say truth, no man kept a better house than John, nor spent his money more generously. 10 His mania for the law was checked by his discovery of an intrigue between Hocus and Mrs. Bull, his first wife (the late whig parliament). Violent scenes ensued and, at last, Mrs. Bull was maltreated and died, leaving three daughters, Polemia, Discordia and Usuria. John at once married again (the new tory parliament). This wife was a sober country gentlewoman, who gave him good advice, urging him to bring the litigation to an end. When he looked through his attorney"s bill, he was shocked at its length, and discovered that he had been egregiously cheated, and that the whole burden of the lawsuit had been thrown upon his shoulders. The other tradesmen abused Mrs. Bull, and said that their interests were sacrificed. 11 The second of the series of pamphlets begins with the discovery of a paper by the first Mrs. Bull containing a vindication of the duty of unfaithfulness incumbent upon wives in cases of infidelity of their husbands. This, of course, is a satire on the disloyalty of whigs. Then, Diego (earl of Nottingham) had an interview with the second Mrs. Bull, in the hope of satisfying her that John must not desert his friends; but she showed that Nick Frog had been deceiving John and endeavouring to make a private arrangement with Lewis Baboon. The guardians of Bull"s three daughters (the whig leaders) came to John and urged that the lawsuit should be continued; but John told them that he knew when he was ill-used; that he was aware how his family were apt to throw away their money in their cups; but that it was an unfair thing to take advantage of his weakness and make him set his hand to papers when he could hardly hold his pen. 12 The third pamphlet relates to John Bull"s mother (the church of England), and his sister Peg (the Scottish church) and her love affair with Jack (presbyterianism). The mother was of a meek spirit, and strictly virtuous. She always put the best construction on the words and actions of her neighbours; she was neither a prude nor a fantastic old belle. John"s sister was a poor girl who had been starved as nurse. John had all the good bits: his sister had only a little oatmeal or a dry crust; he had lain in the best apartments with his bedchamber towards the south; she had lodged in a garret exposed to the north wind; but she had life and spirit in abundance and knew when she was ill-used. The pamphlet ends with a letter from Nick Frog to John Bull urging him to mortgage his estate, and with an account of a conference between Bull, Frog, South and Lewis Baboon at the Salutation tavern (congress of Utrecht). The fourth part of John Bull is concerned, to some extent, with Jack and the bill against occasional conformity; and the fifth and last part refers to the meetings at the Salutation inn and the intrigues of the various tradesmen. John had interviews with Nick Frog and Lewis Baboon about Ecclesdown castle (Dunkirk) and other matters, and the lawsuit was brought to an end with John in possession of Ecclesdown, to his great satisfaction. 13 Arbuthnot"s masterpiece owed something to Swift"s Tale of a Tub, published eight years earlier; but the plot in Swift"s book is very slight, and there was nothing in the past history of satire to correspond to the clearly drawn characters and the well developed story designed to promote certain views on public policy in the minds of the people, which are to be found in John Bull. 14 The Art of Political Lying is a delightful skit, “like those pamphlets called ‘The Works of the Learned.”" Political lying is the “art of convincing the people of salutary falsehoods, for some good end.” A lie, it is suggested, is best contradicted by another lie; if it be said that a great person is dying, the answer should be, not that he is in perfect health, but that he is slowly recovering. One chapter of the promised treatise was to be an enquiry, which of the two parties are the greatest political liars. In both are to be found great geniuses; but they are prone to glut the market with lies. Heads of parties are warned against believing their own lies; all parties have been subject to this misfortune, due to too great a zeal in the practice of the art. There are many forms of political lies: the additory, the detractory, the translatory, which transfers the merit of a man"s good action, or the demerit of a man"s bad action, to another. When one ascribes anything to a person which does not belong to him, the lie ought to be calculated not quite contradictory to his known quality. For example, one would not make the French king present at a Protestant conventicle, nor the Dutch paying more than their quota. The wit of this jeu d"esprit is worthy of Swift at his best, and the method of gravely asserting impossible things and arguing from those assertions is often to be found in Swift"s work. The style, too, has the vigorous and idiomatic character of Swift"s, and there is abundance of humour.
2023-06-25 06:39:061


My birthday party My birthday is 14th May.At that day,my mother bought me a big birthday cake and cooked many delicious foods.I invent my friends to my party.After had a meal ,we sang songs and played games.In the afternoon,we went to the park in my dad"s car.In the evening,my grandfather and grandmother came to my house for dinner,my uncle,aunt and sister came too.My sister gave me a present and then,I went to bed.I had a very happy birthday party. The Spring Festival Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February. To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Year"s Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country. My favourite food My favourite food is hamburgers. I is very like there . can we but there . Hamburgers have vitamin A.C.D and there can give me some energy. but eat enough hamburgers is not very helthy . Hamburgers is my favourite food . what do you like?
2023-06-25 06:39:132

翻译成英语 我们寝室有秤 可以天天量体重

Our bedroom has the scale to be possible to measure the body weight daily
2023-06-25 06:39:213

"Had you any idea of his ing so soon?" said Mrs. Dashwood. "I had none. On the contrary if I have felt any anxiety at all on the subject it has been in recollecting that he sometimes showed a want of pleasure and readiness in accepting my invitation when I talked of his ing to Barton. Does Elinor expect him already?" “你认为他会来得这么快?”达什伍德太太说。“我并不这么想。正相反,加果说我对这件事有点担忧的话,那就是我记得当初邀请他来巴顿作客时,他有时接受得不够痛快。埃丽诺是不是已经在盼他来了?” "I have never mentioned it to her but of course she must. " “我从没和她提起这件事。不过,她当然在盼。” "I rather think you are mistaken for when I was talking to her yesterday of getting a new grate for the spare bedchamber she observed that there was no immediate hurry for it as it was not likely that the room would be wanted for some time. " “我倒是认为你想错了。昨天我和她说起:想给那间空卧室安个炉子,她说现在不急,那间屋子可能一时还用不着。” "How strange this is! what can be the meaning of it! But the whole of their behaviour to each other has been unaccountable ! How cold how posed were their last adieus ! How languid their conversation the last evening of their being together! In Edward"s farewell there was no distinction beeen Elinor and me: it was the good wishes of an affectionate brother to both. Twice did I leave them purposely together in the course of the last morning and each time did he most unaccountably follow me out of the room. And Elinor in quitting Norland and Edward cried not as I did. Even now her self-mand is invariable. When is she dejected or melancholy? When does she try to avoid society or appear restless and dissatisfied in it?"    “这就怪啦!这是什么意思呢?不过,他们两人之间的态度也真叫人不可思议!他们最后告别的时候有多么冷淡,多么镇静啊!他们最后聚会的那天晚上,说起话来多么无精打采啊!爱德华道别时,对埃丽诺和我不加区别,都像亲兄长似地祝愿一声。最后一天早晨,我有两次故意把他们两人抛在屋里,可是不知道怎么搞的,他两次都跟着我走了出来。而埃丽诺在离别诺兰庄园和爱德华时,还不及我哭得厉害。直到如今,她还一个劲地克制自己。她什么时候沮丧过?什么时候忧伤过?她什么时候想回避跟别人交往?在交往中,她什么时候显出烦躁不安过?”    iness["redinis] n. 准备就绪,预备,敏捷 She shows great readiness to learn. 她表现出强烈的学习愿望。 hamber n. 卧房,卧室,寝室 countable adj. 无法解释的,不能理解的,不负责任的 u n. 告别,辞别 int. 再见,再会 I now bid you a wele adieu. 我且向你说声该欢迎的再会。 uid adj. 不活泼的,无精打采的,迟缓的 He speaks with a languid drawl. 他慢吞吞拉着长调说话。
2023-06-25 06:39:281

奖30.急....romeo and juliet summary 帮我总结一个summary 300字以或以上

Romeo and Juliet Summary Romeo and Juliet Summary provides a quick review of the play"s plot including every important action in the play. Romeo and Juliet Summary is divided by the five acts of the play and makes an ideal introduction before reading the original text. PrologueArguably Shakespeare"s most famous play begins with a Prologue which establishes that this play will be a tragedy and that the children of two feuding families, Romeo of the Montague family and Juliet of the Capulet family, will both love and die in the course of this play...Act I.Sampson and Gregory, servants to the Capulets and Abraham and Balthasar, servants to the Montague family start a street fight, which is joined by Benvolio (Montague) and Tybalt (Capulet). Escalus, the Prince of Verona who angrily learns of this fight, declares a death penalty for further feuding between the two families. Romeo we learn is lovesick; Rosaline, the object of his affections will not requite (return) his love. His friend Benvolio tells Romeo to look at other girls... Meanwhile Capulet is keen for Paris to marry his daughter Juliet and plans a party to be held later that night. Romeo and friends decide to turn up uninvited, Romeo hoping to see Rosaline, whom he still pines for...Lady Capulet discusses the idea of marriage to Paris with Juliet. Juliet keeps her options open. The Nurse wishes Juliet every possible happiness... Meanwhile Mercutio attempts to cheer a lovesick Romeo up, telling him to be rough with love if need be.At the Capulet"s party, Romeo who is disguised by a masque (mask), falls in love with Juliet on sight. Capulet stops Tybalt from attacking Romeo at his party, telling him there will be other opportunities. Both Romeo and Juliet learn that they are each enemies of the other"s family... A Prologue sung by a choir dramatizes the conflict both Romeo and Juliet feel between their love for one another and their loyalty to their respective families.Act II. Ignoring the danger, Romeo scales the Capulet"s wall to be near Juliet, the woman he cannot forget... Unnoticed in Juliet"s orchard, Romeo learns of Juliet"s love for him. After declaring their feelings for each other, the two decide to marry. Juliet will send Romeo a messenger in the morning to make plans for their wedding...The very next day, we meet Romeo"s friend, Friar Laurence. He wonders how Romeo can forget Rosaline so quickly but agrees to marry the two since he hopes this marriage it will end the long running Montague / Capulet feud...Romeo catches up with his friends Mercutio and Benvolio. Juliet"s messenger, the Nurse, arrives and the wedding is set for later that day. The Nurse brings Romeo "cords" or ropes which will allow Romeo to climb into Juliet"s bedchamber as her husband later that night... Act II ends with Romeo and Juliet"s marriage. Act III. Benvolio and Mercutio (both Montagues) meet Tybalt (Capulet). Tybalt attempts to provoke Romeo into fighting. Mercutio fights Tybalt and is killed. Romeo then kills Tybalt. Escalus, the Prince of Verona banishes Romeo from Verona threatening death should he ever return. Juliet learns of Romeo killing Tybalt and despite being torn between her loyalty for her family and Romeo, mourns her husband Romeo"s banishment.Romeo learns of the banishment order, realizing he will not be able to see Juliet again. Friar Laurence suggests Romeo go to Juliet"s bed chamber to comfort his wife... Capulet, who does not know of Romeo and Juliet"s marriage, decides that the marriage of Juliet to Paris must now proceed, bidding his wife to make Juliet aware of Paris" love for her. The day of the marriage has been decided; it will be Thursday.We learn that Romeo has spent the night with his Juliet. Juliet who is now already secretly married to Romeo, learns that she is to marry Paris. She tries to fight her father"s wishes, failing to dissuade him. Juliet decides to commit suicide if all else fails... Act IV. Paris reveals that the wedding will occur on Thursday. Juliet is cold to Paris. Friar Laurence tells Juliet to take a potion simulating death, allowing Romeo to take her away, unopposed to Mantua since everyone will think she is dead at the Capulet"s ancient vault or burial ground.Capulet makes plans for Juliet"s wedding. Juliet, who has decided to drink Friar Laurence"s potion, no longer opposes the wedding, delighting Capulet.Hearing this good news, Capulet, who is keen to have Juliet marry Paris decides to move the wedding forward. It will now be on Wednesday morning, not Thursday as previously planned...Juliet succeeds in sleeping alone which allows her to take the potion in privacy. Juliet worries about the Friar"s intentions before the potion takes effect and she falls asleep...Lady Capulet and the Nurse are busy making preparations for the wedding. It is 3 o"clock in the morning and now Capulet hearing music announcing Paris" arrival, tells the Nurse to wake Juliet. The Capulet"s learn that their daughter Juliet is dead. The wedding preparations are changed to those of a funeral.Act V. In Mantua, Romeo learns of Juliet"s death, deciding to risk his own life by returning to Verona at once to see Juliet one last time. Romeo also buys some poison from a local Apothecary.Friar John explains to Friar Laurence that his letter informing Romeo that Juliet is not dead, did not reach Romeo. Friar Laurence tries again to inform Romeo of his plan and heads off to the Capulet burial chamber where Juliet will soon awaken.Paris mourns his bride that never was. Romeo arrives, opening Juliet"s coffin to look at his love one last time. Paris fights Romeo whom he believes is desecrating Juliet"s grave. Paris dies, Romeo placing him beside Juliet. Romeo takes his poison, kisses Juliet and dies. Friar Laurence arrives too late. Juliet, now awakens, asking for her Romeo. Friar Laurence leaves, leaving Juliet alone. Juliet kisses Romeo and stabs herself, dying. The Prince, Capulets, and Montagues arrive, Balthasar and Friar Laurence explaining all. Escalus scolds the two families who finally end their feud. The play ends with the Prince summarizing this tragic love story.
2023-06-25 06:39:361


2023-06-25 06:39:4611


( a ) products anti-dumping chain reactionWooden furniture anti dumping in open ground, the United States will continue to other varieties of furniture or other products to start anti-dumping. Like the 1994American ruling on China"s garlic376% levy anti-dumping duties, has been on China"s exports of the United States of America honey, bicycles and other products anti-dumping litigation, the total impact on China"s $300000000 in exports.( b ) national anti-dumping chain reactionIf the United States to our furniture anti-dumping tariffs, China furniture production to transfer, will flock to another market, resulting in a new comprehensive anti dumping lawsuit. Such as, China steel, sugar alcohol and other export products have been in a number of foreign markets has been the anti-dumping investigation, greatly influenced the normal export products.If the United States on imports of Chinese wooden furniture anti-dumping tariffs, will affect the United States hard wood for the Chinese furniture manufacturing industry in the high hundreds of millions of dollars of hardwood exports.At present, the United States of America hardwood manufacturers to export to China about 60% products. AFPA China Representative Office General Manager Matthew P . Brady said, anti-dumping duties will be damaged and the United States of America hardwood producers, because most of their export destination has moved to China, therefore, they pay more attention to target in overseas sales. The United States Department of business affairs of Chinese wooden furniture from the bedroom began a round of anti-dumping duty investigation. Before the United States of America, the Ministry of Commerce received by app
2023-06-25 06:40:093

汉译英 不要软件翻译的

aha!difee jsk
2023-06-25 06:40:173


B district用room就行啦把寝室翻译成bedchamber 或其它只会笑死人
2023-06-25 06:40:377


将内存卡插入手机,在下音频是修改下载路径,把它改为内存卡,这样就OK啦。假如你的手机有OTG功能的话,你需要一个OTG转换器一个读卡器(都不贵 一般手机店有卖的)然后把卡插在读卡器上把读卡器插在转换器上再把转换器插到手机上,从设置里打开OTG功能复制粘贴就可以啦,跟在电脑上用u盘差不多望采纳欧
2023-06-25 06:40:581


2023-06-25 06:41:0711


正确翻译:9 in the evening the job finished, I must go back to school, professional classroom finish my course work, often to 11 bedroom before closing had to end. Although very busy every day, but very substantial, better than every afternoon in the bedroom, and pay. Of course, the biggest effect is my courage greatens, want to know before that I did not dare to speak aloud so many strangers
2023-06-25 06:41:397

2023-06-25 06:41:544


the header of dormitory
2023-06-25 06:42:024


A court without ladies is a court without a court. —— 弗朗索瓦一世谈谈西欧古代宫廷的侍女官制度。侍女官或者侍女(法语 dame d"honneur 英文 lady-in-waiting)是西欧古代宫廷最常见的职位,最早是为王后或女王设置的服务性职位,属于家臣,它发源于中世纪,一直到16世纪西欧宫廷的侍女官等级体系基本成形,且大同小异。首先要理清一个概念,【侍女不是女仆】,而是由贵族女性担任的宫廷官职,主要工作职责是陪伴与服务,陪伴王后阅读、刺绣、听音乐、出游等,服务王后梳洗穿衣,为王后管理她的个人用品。身为贵族,她们不干“有失身份”的工作,譬如说洗衣叠被扫地倒马桶,这些都是女仆们的工作,她们有支配女仆的权力,并且也都有自己的仆人。作为宫廷女官,她们在宫廷拥有自己的套房,拿宫廷定时发放的薪酬。侍女们有一定的上下级关系,特别是法国、英国这种比较大的宫廷,侍女通常多达4/50人或者更多。第一等级:家庭总管 Surintendante de la Maison/ Mistress of the Robes 。顾名思义,她是所有侍女的老大,也是宫廷最高等级的女官,由国王本人才能任免。很多家庭总管都是心腹或密友,如玛丽·安托瓦内特王后的密友朗巴尔公主(图2),在大革命前就担任这一职务。英国的这个官职直译为“司袍女官”,除总管全局,还负责保管女主人的衣橱首饰等,这也是其最初的工作职能。第二等级:首席卧房女官 Première dame d"honneur/ First Lady of the Bedchamber 。总管助手,当总管空缺时,代理总管之职,主要负责监督管理侍女,安排女主人日常行程。第三等级:卧房女官 Dame d"atour/ Lady of the Bedchamber。1-2名,主要负责监督管理卧房内的事物,掌管女主人卧房钥匙,法国的卧房女官负责保管衣橱和首饰。卧房女官内部又分两级,法国低级别卧房女官叫Femme de chambres,英国叫Woman of the Bedchamber,有若干名,她们负责具体梳洗更衣等工作,受高级别卧房女官监督,但并不直接听命于她们。第四等级:侍女官 Dame d"honneur。若干名,主要负责陪伴女主人,包括出席各种公众场合。英国没有单设这个职位。第五等级:未婚侍女 Filles d"honneur/ Maids of honour。若干名,工作职能和前者一样,但必须是未婚少女,贵族送未婚女儿们进宫担任侍女,也有来宫廷接受礼仪教育的用意。宫廷女官们全部出身贵族,越高级别的女官,身份越显赫,一般都由前朝重臣、大贵族们的夫人们担任,侍女的选择常常也是ZZ斗争平衡各种派系后的结果。还有一部分女官是结婚时从娘家带来的伴嫁,譬如著名的苏格兰玛丽一世的侍女“四玛丽”(图1),她们中的很多人都陪伴王后终生,往往最为忠诚。但侍女官并非是个终身职位,可以退休也可以辞职。
2023-06-25 06:42:102


06-07 school year was the summer social practice "advanced individual" title Jiangsu University of Science and Technology by the 26th session of the 28th Games in South Xu Institute "Top Ten athletes," the title of 05-06,06-07,07-08 school year was "civilized personal bedroom advanced" title CAD, PRO / E-Cert Five Star Appliance in the 05-06 school year, made a summer促销员 Jiangsu University of Science and Technology 06-07 to participate in social practice Summer Students 07-08 to participate in Zhenjiang Shipyard, Zhenjiang Zhenjiang factory ship auxiliary main manufacturers of electrical and mechanical training, had a productive session.
2023-06-25 06:42:172


Aesop"s Fables The Wolf and the Lamb Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down. ‘There"s my supper," thought he, ‘if only I can find some excuse to seize it." Then he called out to the Lamb, ‘How dare you muddle the water from which I am drinking?" ‘Nay, master, nay," said Lambikin; ‘if the water be muddy up there, I cannot be the cause of it, for it runs down from you to me." ‘Well, then," said the Wolf, ‘why did you call me bad names this time last year?" ‘That cannot be," said the Lamb; ‘I am only six months old." ‘I don"t care," snarled the Wolf; ‘if it was not you it was your father;" and with that he rushed upon the poor little Lamb and .WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA WARRA .ate her all up. But before she died she gasped out ."Any excuse will serve a tyrant." 要的话还有. <狐狸和乌鸦> The Fox and the Crow A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree. ‘That"s for me, as I am a Fox," said Master Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree. ‘Good-day, Mistress Crow," he cried. ‘How well you are looking to-day: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds." The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox. ‘That will do," said he. ‘That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future ."Do not trust flatterers
2023-06-25 06:42:253