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2023-06-25 06:53:13

问题一:飞机的英语单词怎么读 plane

英 [ple?n] 谐音 puleiyin

美 [plen] 谐音pulen

问题二:飞机的英文怎么写 plane: [ plein ] a. 平的

n. 飞机,平面,刨子

v. 刨

[ 名词planeness ]

[ 过去式planed 过去分词planed 现在分词planing 第三人称单数planes ]


1. Let"s keep the conversation on a friendly plane.

让我们友好地谈话。 2. He has planed the plank *** ooth.

他已把木板刨平。 3. Are you going to America by boat or by plane?

你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? 4. The quickest means of travel is by plane.

最快的交通工具是飞机。 5. The plane circled the airport before landing. 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。 6. The plane flew high above.


问题三:打飞机读英语怎么读? Masturbation

Playing with yourself

Choking the chicken

Shake the sausage

have a wank

A date with Mrs Palmer

Jerk off

Grease the pipe

polish the sword


问题四:飞机的英语怎么读 首先要全面搜集考研信息,听免费讲座。












问题五:飞机用英文怎么说 飞机

aircraft; plane; airplane; aeroplane

[例句] 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。

A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday.

问题六:各种类型的飞机用英语怎么说?比如说直升机,无人机等等 helicopter- 直升机

Cargo Aircraft-载货飞机





jet fighter-喷气式战斗机

fighter plane-战斗机

torpedoplane -鱼雷机

spy plane-侦察机

attack plane -强击机

unmanned aerial vehicle -无人机

early warning airplane-预警机

anti submarine warfare air plane-反潜机

interceptor -截击机

问题七:坐飞机的英文怎么说? by plane

问题八:上飞机用英语怎么说 上飞机.. 1. board a plane, 2. get into a plane



pleu026an] 美 [plen]n. 水平;平面;飞机;木工刨adj. 平的,平坦的vt. 用刨刨平;小船等擦着水面疾驶vi. 鸟滑翔网 络飞机; 平面; 机上; 架飞机 复数:planes 过去式:planed 过去分词:planed 现在分词:planing 第三人称单数:planes词条标签:CET4 CET6 考研 GRE柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典 现代英汉综合大词典 英汉双向大词典1. N-COUNT 可数名词飞机 A plane is a vehicle with wings and one or more engines, which can fly through the air.He had plenty of time to catch his plane...他有足够的时间赶飞机。Her mother was killed in a plane crash.她母亲在一次坠机中遇难。...fighter planes.战斗机2. N-COUNT 可数名词(可能带有斜度的)平面 A plane is a flat, level surface which may be sloping at a particular angle....a building with angled planes.带有坡面的建筑物3. N-SING 单数名词(想象中的)平面 If a number of points are in the same plane, one line or one flat surface could pass through them all.All the planets orbit the Sun in roughly the same plane, round its equator.所有的行星大致在同一平面上绕太阳赤道运转。
2023-06-25 01:18:093


plane英 [pleu026an]美 [plen]n. 飞机;平面;程度,水平adj. 平的;平面的vt. 刨平;用刨子刨;掠过水面vi. 刨;乘飞机旅行;翱翔n. (Plane)人名;(塞、瑞典、法)普拉内[网络短语]Plane 飞机,平面,刨Paper plane 纸飞机,纸飞机,纸飞行机ground plane 接地层,地平面,水平投影
2023-06-25 01:18:311


2023-06-25 01:18:572


2023-06-25 01:19:306


steamer 蒸汽船,rickshaw 人力车,jetfoil 喷射船 ,Bus 巴士,school bus 校巴,underground / metro地铁 ,light-van 小型货车 ,garbage truck 垃圾车, automobile carrier 货运卡车 ,fire engine 消防车 ,tractor 牵引车 ambulance 救护车 。aeroplane 飞机,bicycle 单车,carriage 马车,coach旅游巴,boat 船,junk 帆船,ferry 渡海轮,helicopter 直升机,ship 汽船,lorry 货车,motor-car 汽车,motorcycle 摩托车,scooter 小型电单车,train 火车,tram 电车,peak-tram 缆车,truck 货车,taxi 的士,wagon 蓬车。taxi 出租车, 计程车 ,trailer truck 拖车 ,sports car 跑车 ,formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车 ,mail car 邮车 ,jeep 吉普车 ,bloodmobile 血浆车 ,bumper car 碰撞用汽车 ,camper 露营车 ,police car 警车 ,wrecker 清障车 ambulance 急救车。
2023-06-25 01:20:038

the aeroplane is flying over the bridge.这句话对吗?

The airplane is flying over the bridge.意思是:这架飞机正在飞越大桥。
2023-06-25 01:20:362

2023-06-25 01:20:463


1、crush crash smash clash的区别2、crash是什么意思3、Crash怎么读4、碰撞英文crash5、crash中文是什么意思6、crash是什么意思中文翻译crush crash smash clash的区别crush、crash、smash、clash的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、crush:把?挤入,将?塞进(狭小的空间内),压碎,捣碎,碾成粉末。2、crash:碰撞,撞击,(使)猛撞,使发出巨响。3、smash:(使)猛烈撞击,猛烈碰撞,(用力)撞开。4、clash:冲突,比赛,公开地争论。二、用法不同1、crush:crush的基本意思是“压碎”“压榨”,多指在两个坚硬物体的表面之间挤压,所施加的力量会对原物体的形状与完整造成破坏。2、crash:crash的基本意思是“撞碎,坠毁”,表示猛跌或猛撞并发出突然猛烈而又宏大的声音,引申可表示商业或金融机构突然破产或垮掉”。3、smash:smash的基本意思是“打碎,捣乱”,可指不小心把某物打碎,也可指用暴力把某物粉碎,有被粉碎物变得毫无用处的意味。4、clash:clash的基本意思是“撞”“击”或“冲撞”,同时伴有尖利而刺耳的金属撞击声。引申可表示尖锐的冲突、抵触或对立等意思,即表示“交锋”“冲突”或“不合”“不一致”。三、侧重点不同1、crush:拥有独特的意思,它没有碰撞的意思。2、crash:描述的是碰撞这个动作或事件。需要使用非常具体的主语。3、smash:表示撞击,可及物也可不及物,多用于球类。4、clash:描述碰撞造成的声响,尤其是金属碰撞的声响。crash是什么意思坠毁;碰撞声等等。详细释义:v.碰撞;(使)坠毁;(使)摔碎;使发出巨响;(金融企业等)破产;(机器、系统等)崩溃;(比赛中)惨败;(在临时安排的地方)入睡;心脏停止跳动;擅自闯入n.(交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声;暴跌;(机器、系统的)崩溃;睡觉;粗棉布adj.应急的,速成的变形:复数crashes、第三人称单数crashes、现在分词crashing、过去式crashed、过去分词crashedcrash词语辨析:crack, crashcrack (使)破裂,砸开。如:I can crack it, but I can"t break it. (我能把它弄裂,但不能把它弄破。)crash 摔坏,坠毁。如:The plane crashed shortly after the take-off.(飞机起飞不久就坠毁了。)Crash怎么读Crash的读音是:英[kr??]。Crash的读音是:英[kr??]。Crash的词语用法是v.(动词)crash的基本意思是“撞碎,坠毁”,表示猛跌或猛撞并发出突然猛烈而又宏大的声音,引申可表示商业或金融机构突然破产或垮掉”。Crash名词:crasher;过去式:crashed;过去分词:crashed;现在分词:crashing;第三人称单数:crashes。一、详尽释义点此查看Crash的详细内容v.(动词)倒下,坠落垮台冲,闯碰撞,撞击发出撞击声,发出爆裂声(免费)宿夜,睡使撞坏,使猛撞无票进入、闯入会场等【计】死机砰的碎掉,哗啦一声坏掉哗啦啦地倒塌隆隆地响碰到,撞在使(飞机)坠毁,击落(敌机),使(汽车)碰撞失败,破产坠毁,摔死,撞坏恢复常态发出撞击声,发出爆裂声使成碎片,使撞碎,使破碎,击碎,砸碎,粉碎,毁坏n.(名词)失败破产坠毁,相撞(事故),迫降(事故)垮台睡崩溃,瓦解撞击声,爆裂声【计】死机轰隆声,猛烈声音【戏】轰隆声发声装置粗(麻)布粉碎毁坏撞击鸣adj.(形容词)应急的,紧急的,速成的adv.(副词)砰地一声二、双解释义v.(动词)vi.vt. 撞碎; 撞坏; 坠毁 fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisily, especially, of things that breakvi. 发出轰然响声 make a sudden, loud noisevi. 破产 (of a business company, government, etc.) to come to ruin; meet disastern.(名词)[C]撞车事故,失事 a violent vehicle accident[C]突然发出的巨响,碰撞声 a sudden loud noise made e.g. by a violent blow, fall, break, etc.[C]破产,失败 a sudden severe business failure三、英英释义Noun:a loud resonant repeating noise;"he could hear the clang of distant bells"a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles);"they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane"a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)the act of colliding with something;"his crash through the window""the fullback"s smash into the defensive line"(computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative;"the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since"Verb:fall or come down violently;"The branch crashed down on my car""The plane crashed in the sea"move with, or as if with, a crashing noise;"The car crashed through the glass door"undergo damage or destruction on impact;"the plane crashed into the ocean""The car crashed into the lamp post"move violently as through a barrier;"The terrorists crashed the gate"break violently or noisily; smash;occupy, usually uninvited;"My son"s friends crashed our house last weekend"make a sudden loud sound;"the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night"enter uninvited; informal;"let"s crash the party!"cause to crash;"The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace""Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost"hurl or thrust violently;"He dashed the plate against the wall""Waves were dashing against the rock"undergo a sudden and severe downturn;"the economy crashed""will the stock market crash again?"stop operating;"My computer crashed last night""The system goes down at least once a week"sleep in a convenient place;"You can crash here, though it"s not very comfortable"四、例句He crashed his car into a wall.他的汽车撞到了墙上。The rocks crashed down onto the car.岩石轰隆一声砸在汽车上。She was frightened that the plane would crash.她害怕飞机会坠毁。The plane crashed (into the mountain).飞机撞毁(在山上)了。The thunder crashed.雷声隆隆。What did you type in wrong to get it to crash?你输错了什么使系统崩溃了?Mind if I crash (out) on your floor tonight?今晚我在你家打地铺行吗?Can I crash with you for tonight?今晚能在你这里借宿吗?The building fell with a crash as loud as thunder.建筑物轰隆一声倒塌了,声如雷鸣。It"s a marvel that he wasn"t killed in the car crash.他在撞车中没撞死真万幸。His car was badly wrecked after a crash with the wall.他的车撞上墙以后被严重破坏了。It was a miracle that most the passengers survived the plane crash.大部分乘客从撞机事件中生还,这真是个奇迹。The stock market crash ruined many people.股票市场的崩溃使很多人破产。The great financial crash in 1929 ruined international trade.1929年的经济大萧条摧毁了国际贸易。A stock market crash means it"s time to reinvest.股市暴跌意味着再次买入。The project was launched on a crash basis.此计划作为最优先项目而付诸实施。They gave me a three-day crash course.他们给我上了三天的速成课程。About a week was spent in the first semester on a crash course in computing.第一学期里差不多用了一周来进行计算的速成课程。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)crash about〔around〕1 (v.+adv.)在某处踢踢腾腾 make a lot of noise by moving awkwardlycrash aboutI don"t want any of you children crashing about upstairs while your father"s asleep.你爸爸睡着了,你们这些孩子谁也不许在楼上踢踢腾腾。crash about〔around〕2 (v.+prep.)在(某处)踢踢腾腾 make (one place) a lot of noise by moving awkwardlycrash about sthPlease don"t crash about the living room while I have visitors in there.我有客人时,请不要在起居室里踢踢腾腾的。crash down (v.+adv.)哗啦一声或咔嚓倒下或摔下 fall heavily with a loud noisecrash sth ? downShe crashed the plates angrily down on the table.她生气地把盘子摔在桌子上。crash into (v.+prep.)撞上,坠毁 fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisilycrash into sthI crashed into a street light and hurt my knee.我撞到了路灯上,把膝盖碰伤了。The car crashed into a bus on the bridge, and the driver was killed on the spot.在大桥上这辆车与一辆公共汽车相撞了,司机当场被撞死。The bus crashed into a big tree.公共汽车撞在一棵大树上。The aeroplane crashed into the house.那驾飞机撞在了房子上。crash out (v.+adv.)逃出 escapecrash outThree men crashed out of the prison yesterday.昨天三人从监狱里逃了出来。Are you one of the prisoners who crash out?你是不是越狱犯人中的一个?crash to (v.+prep.)撞碎,坠毁 fall or strike suddenly, violently, and noisilycrash to sthThe flowerpot crashed to the sidewalk.花盆砰地一声摔碎在人行道上。The cup crashed to the floor.杯子砰地一声摔碎在地板上。An aircraft was crashed to pieces.一架飞机坠毁成碎片。crash with (v.+prep.)〈美·非正〉与某人凑合着住或挤在一起 sleep or lodge in the home of (sb) informallycrash with sbMy parents have thrown me out, can I crash with you for tonight?我父母把我赶出来了,我能不能和你挤一宿呢?六、经典引文The whole forest in one crash descends.出自:PopeThe crash of the sea outside.出自:J. CheeverA distant crash of colliding vehicles.出自:A. AyckbournYour guns may crash around me. I"ll not hear.出自:W. OwenThe glass crashed into pieces on the floor.出自:I. MurdochShe heard them crashing through the undergrowth, close behind her.出自:D. M. Thomas七、词义辨析v.(动词)crash into, rush into这组词语都可以表示“撞上”,其区别是:前者表示非主观因素而发生的动作,其后果是意想不到的; 而后者表示“为着某种目的”而采取的动作,其后果是早有预料的。Crash的相关临近词crass、crap、Crashaw、crasher、crashee、crashing、crashboat、crash pad、crash out、crash bar、crash box、crashstop点此查看更多关于Crash的详细信息碰撞英文crashcrash[英]v.碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉;n.碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃;adj.应急的; 速成的;第三人称单数:crashes过去分词:crashed复数:crashes现在进行时:crashing过去式:crashe1. 撞击,砸碎;坠毁smashstrikeshatterbreak其他释义crack-upthunderbreaktragedyjanglefailureexplosionshattersmashhurtlestrikecollapsen.碰撞,坠落,坠毁,撞击声,爆裂声v.碰撞,坠落,坠毁,(指商业公司,政府等)破产,垮台Then comes the crash of 2008.然后是2008年的经济崩溃。1、Crash,英语单词,动词、名词、形容词,作名词时的意思是“(交通工具)坠毁;碰撞声;暴跌;(机器、系统的)崩溃;睡觉;粗棉布”,作动词时的意思是“碰撞;(使)坠毁;(使)摔碎;使发出巨响;(金融企业等)破产.(机器、系统等)崩溃;(比赛中)惨败;(在临时安排的地方)入睡;心脏停止跳动;擅自闯入”,作形容词时的意思是“应急的,速成的”。2、crash的读音:英[kr__]美[kr__]crash中文是什么意思crash释义:1、v、 碰撞; 使发出巨响; 暴跌; 睡觉;2、n、 碰撞; 碰撞声; 暴跌; 崩溃;3、adj、 应急的; 速成的;ash的基本意思是“撞碎,坠毁”,表示猛跌或猛撞并发出突然猛烈而又宏大的声音,引申可表示商业或金融机构突然破产或垮掉”。crash可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。crash后常接介词to〔into〕表示“撞毁”,接down表示“摔下”,接out表示“冲出”等。扩展资料词组习语:1、crash and burn(N. Amer. informal)come to grief or fail spectacularly(北美,非正式)悲痛欲绝;一败涂地。2、crash and burnI{【俚语】}①To fail utterly.彻底失败。②To fall asleep from exhaustion.精疲力尽后入睡。crash是什么意思中文翻译 crash表达的意思有很多种,那么crash做动词,名词和形容词分别都有哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来crash的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家学习!crash作名词的意思: 崩溃;碰撞;碰撞声;暴跌crash作动词的意思: 碰撞;使发出巨响;暴跌;睡觉crash作形容词的意思: 应急的;速成的crash的英语音标: 英 [kr__] 美 [kr__]crash的时态: 现在分词: crashing 过去式: crashed 过去分词: crashedcrash的英语例句: 1. A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。 2. Investigators say that a fuel explosion may have caused the crash. 调查员说燃料爆炸有可能是失事的根源。 3. I just want to crash out on the sofa. 我只想在沙发上睡会儿。 4. The helicopter crash landed when one of its two engines cut out. 直升机的两个发动机中有一个停止运转,只好迫降了。 5. The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids. 坠机是导航不力的直接后果。 6. His stockbroking firm was hit by the 1987 crash. 他的证券经纪公司在1987年的股市狂跌潮中遭受重创。 7. Officials said there were no survivors of the plane crash. 官方说这次飞机失事无一人生还。 8. She was suffering from whiplash injuries received in a car crash. 她在车祸中颈部扭伤。 9. Poor chap— he was killed in an air crash. 不幸的家伙,他死于空难。 10. His plane made a crash-landing during a sandstorm yesterday. 昨天他的飞机在沙尘暴中紧急降落。 11. He hit the metal steps with a ringing crash. 只听他咣当一声,摔在了金属台阶上。 12. Her voice was drowned out by a loud crash. 她的声音被一声响亮的撞击声所淹没。 13. The car shattered into a thousand burning pieces in a 200mph crash. 汽车在时速为200英里时发生撞车,炸成了数以千计燃烧的碎片。 14. The front door closed with a crash behind him. 前门在他身后砰的一声关上了。 15. A man in a crash helmet was mounting a motorbike.
2023-06-25 01:21:101


溜溜球英文怎么说查看全部4个回答我来答我来答 查看全部4个回答今天我好高兴2知道合伙人教育行家 2017-07-19溜溜球英文是yo-yo。解释:Yo-Yon. (一种玩具) 悠悠,溜溜球;[例句]This is my yo-yo.这是我的溜溜球。I know! It"s Andy"s yo-yo.我知道!这是安迪的悠悠球。It"s a little yo-yo.这是一个小悠悠球。Don"t forget to bring your yo-yo!不要忘了把你的溜溜球带来玩哦!Make your yo-yo up and down.使你的溜溜球上下动。That"s Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman playing just before the swearing-in.就在总统宣誓前马友友和伊扎克。帕尔曼在演奏。The yo-yo had been confiscated from one of his pupils.他的一名学生的溜溜球被充公了。 24
2023-06-25 01:21:205

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《How to Travel with a Salmon》(Umberto Eco)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: g6su书名:How to Travel with a Salmon作者:Umberto Eco豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:Vintage出版年份:2001-04-16页数:240内容简介:"Between a bottle of Epsom salts or one of twenty-year-old cognac, which would you choose? Would you rather spend your vacation with an eighty-year old leper or with Demi Moore? Do you prefer being sprinkled with ferocious red ants or sharing a sleeping compartment with Claudia Schiffer?" From the celebrated author of The Name of the Rose, here is a dazzling compendium of advice offering the correct answers to these and many other important questions. Tackling topics as diverse as the coffee pot from hell, eating on an aeroplane, how not to use a cellular phone and recognising porn movies, Umberto Eco guides us with all his customary wit and brilliance through the complexities of the modern world.作者简介:安伯托·艾柯(Umberto Eco)是一位享誉世界的哲学家、符号学家、历史学家、文学批评家和小说家。艾柯极为博学多才,他的作品有140多种,横跨多个领域,并在这些领域中都有经典性的建树。艾柯还是位积极的公共知识分子,他为多家报纸撰写专栏,透过日常小事进行社会批评。他在欧洲已成为知识和教养的象征,许多家庭都会收藏他的作品,无论读懂或读不懂。在我国,艾柯也逐步产生越来越大的影响。
2023-06-25 01:22:251


介词在英语用词里也属于难缠的一个项目。因为它涉及方面很广,而且变化多端,往往令人捉摸不定,记起来很麻烦。因此就有有心人弄了一个《介词口诀》来帮助学习者;也有人写了《Preposition Song》令学习者一面唱歌一面轻松地记忆介词的用法。介词英文叫作Preposition (简称prep),它由pre和position组成,pre是前面的意思,而position是位置的意思。因此以前中文译作“前置词”,就是一种放在名词(或相当于名词的词语)前面的虚词。一、常用的介词about,above,across,after,against,around,at,before,behind,below,beneath,beside,besides,between,beyond,by,down,during,except,for,from,in,inside,into,like,near,of,off,on,out,outside,over,since,through,throughout,till,to,toward,under,until,up,upon,with,without,according to,because of,by way of,in addition to,in front of,in place of,in regard to,in spite of,instead of,on account of,out of.哇,这么一大堆!别怕别怕,大部份的介词都不难理解,比较令人头痛的只是下列几个:at, by, to, in, for, of, on, from, with其中又以 at, by, in, on 为四大“要犯"!学习介词就是要抓住这几"要犯",看招吧,嘿嘿!!这回就谈到这里吧,噢,对了,下回就让我们先来一道《Preposition Song》洋餐吧。谈谈介词(Preposition)(二)二、Preposition Song (括号内是一部份介词用法提示,是我加的)(本曲找不到原谱,但你可以自己配上适当的。如下面简单曲子就是例子:3212/333-/222-/333-/3212/333-/2232/111-//)1. In the summer at the seaside (季节用in, 在海边用at)On the coast we like it fine (在海岸用on)but in winter ,yes ,at Christmas (在圣诞用at)By the fireside we recline (放置) (在炉边用by)2. In July we went to Kenya (月份用in)Stayed in Lamu by the sea, (住在Lamu用in)We came back to TanzaniaThen across Victoria sea3. Did you come here in a taxi? (乘出租汽车用in)Or by bus, or on the train? (乘公共汽车用by, 乘火车用on)Did you come on foot this evening (步行用on)Or perhaps by aeroplane? (乘飞机用by)4. Will you come to tea on Monday? (在星期一用on)I′ll be home at half past three (时间三点半用at)Yes, I′ll stay for half an hour (长达半小时用for)if you buy some beer for me (给我for me)5. In the morning I drink coffee (早晨用in the morning)In the afternoon there′s tea (下午用in the afternoon)In the evening I have cocoa (傍晚用in the evening)Yes, at night ,it′s good for me. (晚上用at night)6. Where′s my pencil?In the kitchen (厨房里in the kitchen)On the table near the chair (在桌上on the table, 在椅边near the chair)Underneath the cup and saucer (在杯和碟的下面 underneath...)Just behind the teapot there (在茶壶后边behind...)7. Can you tell me how to get toMr. Johnson′s coffee-bar?Down the street and round the corner (down the street 沿着街道,round...绕过)Past the church and there you are8. Where′s the bookshop? Over there,dear (over there 那里)First turn left,then go straight on,Along the road,across the market (沿着路along the road, 穿过市场 across...)It′s in front of you, dear John (在你前面 in front of you)9. There is nothing on the radio (广播on the radio)"Songs with orchestra" they said. (with后orchestra为有形物,无形物则用by)I′m not interested in music (interested in 兴趣于)so I think I′ll go to bed10. In a moment I′ll be finished (in a moment 片刻里)With these prepositions-soI will say to you in Englishtill the next time, cheerio (加油呀) (till... 直到)怎样?唱完十段歌词,你就学到许多介词用法喽。其中包括四大“要犯”at, by, in,on。另外再加上许多虫虫蚁蚁,有的还得劳驾找一找喔,呵呵。大家多唱几遍,下回我们再见时,你就更加胸有成“介”了,哈哈。谈谈介词(Preposition)(三)这里提供一个学习介词at, in, on 的幻灯片文件(PowerPoint),可供初学者使用。其内容包括有关介词用法课文、通过歌曲学介词、通过一个请柬学习介词、测验题。其中所有中文都是我附上的。为了配合这个幻灯片所介绍的三个介词:at, in, on,下面我们较深入地介绍它们(附带谈by) 的用法。二、介词at, in, on, by 表示地方、地点、位置:2.1 at 把地方、地点、位置当作一个“点”:1. The begger is sitting at the corner. 那乞丐坐在角落里2. Jane is waiting for you at the bus stop. Jane在巴士站等你。3. at home 在家4. Who"s standing there at the door? 谁站在门口?5. at the top of the page 在一页的上面6. The shop is at the end of the road. 那商店就在路的尾端。7. at the entrance 在进口处8. at the crossroads 在十字路口9. When will you arrive at the office? 你什么时候会到公司呢?10. I"m in France, at Paris. 我住在法国巴黎。(相对法国来讲,巴黎只是一个“点”)11. There is a small hut at the foot of the hill. 山脚下有一座小屋子。12. My aunt lives at 55 Boretz Road in Durham. 我的姑妈住在Durham,Boretz 路门牌55号。(地址要用at,不能用in)13. at the side 在一边14. at reception 在招待会上15. I"m at work. 我在工作。16. at class/ home/ the library/ the office/ school 在班上/家里/图书馆/公司/学校2.2 in 把地方、地点、位置当作一个范围或一个封闭的空间:1. I live in London. 我住在伦敦。(大城市用in)2. I live in England, at London. 我住在英国伦敦。(England大过London喔)3. I live in a big city, my sister lives at a small town. 我住在大城市,我姐姐住在一个小市镇。(如果把city看做一个圆圈,small town就成一个点。因此就ina city, at a small town. 呵呵)4. We have a meeting in Beijing. 我们有北京有一个会议。5. Mars is in the Solar System. 火星在太阳系里。6. in a car 乘汽车 (不是 on a car 也不是 by a car 喔)7. in a taxi 乘的士 (不是 on a taxi 或 by a taxi )8. in a helicopter 乘直升机9. in a boat 乘小船10. in a lift (elevator) 乘电梯 (电梯像个笼子,当然要用 in 啦)11. in the newspaper 在报上12. in the sky 在空中13. in the bed 在床上 (也可用 on the bed)14. in the bedroom/ class/ library/ school 在寝室/课室/图书馆/学校2.3 on 把地方、地点、位置当作一个平面:1. The author"s name is on the cover of the book. 在书的封面上有作者的名字。2. There are no prices on this menu. 在这菜单上没有价钱。3. You are standing on my foot. 你踏到我的脚了。4. There was a "no smoking" sign on the wall. 在那墙上有个“不准吸烟”的牌子。5. I live on the 7th floor at 21 Oxford Street in London. 我住在伦敦牛津街21号八楼。(7th floor 就是八楼;注意句中的 on, at, in 的用法)6. on a bus 乘巴士 (不是 in a bus 喔)7. on a train 乘火车 (可想像“骑”在火车上,哈哈)8. on a plane 乘飞机 (可想像“骑”在飞机上)9. on a ship 乘轮船10. on a bicycle, on a motorbike 骑自行车/摩托车11. on a horse, on an elephant 骑马/象12. on the radio, on television 听广播、看电视13. on the left, on the right 在左边、在右边14. on the way 在路上15. on the bed 在床上 (也可用 in the bed)16. on the ceiling 在天花板上17. on the floor 在地板上2.4 by 用在表示位置(有在旁、贴近、靠近之意):1. by the fire 在炉边2. by the seaside 在海边3. a path by the river 沿河道路4. by the nearest road 走近路我想要记忆介词的用法,就得用一点想象力加以联想。如:at home, at the door, atthe corner等等,可想象“at家门口的角落里”。再比如: in Beijing, in a car, ina taxi, in a boat, in a helicopter, in the sky ... 可想象为“In 北京,乘汽车,乘的士,再乘小船,乘上直升机在空中飞”。下回我们将要谈的是 at, in, on 用来表示时间的方面。再会!谈谈介词(Preposition)(四)三、at, in, on, by 用来表示时间3.1 at (在、于)用指明一特定的时间、节日、年龄:1. at dawn/ at night/ at noon/ at midnight /at daybreak 在黎明/在夜里/在中午/在午夜/在日出时2. I go to school at seven in the morning. (at seven) 我早上七点钟去上学。3. at half past five (五点过半小时) 在五点半4. at a quarter to seven (过四分之一小时就到七点) 六点四十五分5. The train is due at 12.15 p.m. (at 12.15p.m.) 那班火车的到站时间是12点15分。6. at mid-autumn festival/ at Christmas / at Spring Festival 在中秋节/ 在圣诞节 /在春节7. at forty 在四十岁时3.2 in (在、在…之内、在…期间、在…后、过…后) 指明:天、年、月、季节、周次:1. in the morning 在早上 (不可说at the morining。鬼才知道为什么不可用at,大约因为at 没有“在…期间”的意思吧 )2. in the afternoon 在下午 (在下午这段期间,呵呵,举一反三喔)3. She likes to work in the evening. (或in the night) 她喜欢在晚上工作4. in the day time 在白天5. in 2002 (2002可读作two thousand two) 在2002年6. He"s to quit in May. (in May)他在五月就辞职了。7. He went to Tokyo in June 2002. (in June 2002)他于2002年六月去东京。8. in the second week of July 在七月份的第二周9. It"s too cold in winter to run outside. (in winter) 冬天里出外跑步是太冷了。10. in two months 在两个月内11. in those days 在当时3.3 on (在…时、在(某日)、在某日早/午/晚、当…时候、和…同时、刚一…)指明:日子、日期、星期加上早午晚1. on the first 在一号(指某月一号,如二号要说second等。其实意思是指某月的第几天)2. We"re having a party on the fifth of June. (或 on June the fifth) 我们会在六月五日举行一个晚会。3. on July the third 1990 在1990年7月3日4. My brother is coming on Sunday. (on Sunday) 我的哥哥会在星期天来。5. on Sunday morning /afternoon 在星期天早上/下午6. on Friday evening 在星期五晚上7. on the next morning 隔天早上8. on the following afternoon 在下一个傍晚9. on the night before 在前一个晚上10.on the morning of 5th 在五号的早上(你可能会说为什么不是in the morning? 如果你把morning of 抽掉,就可看出原来是on the 5th喽。morning 也可换成evening, afternoon)11. on the afternoon of his birthday 在他生日那天下午 (on the afternoon 不可用 in...,同上)3.4 by (的时候、到、等到…已经) 用在天、时间:1. by day 白天(的时候)2. by 2 o"clock 到两点钟3. by this time 等到现在(已经)…4. miss by a minute 迟一分钟要记住这些规则,可以用上回我们提到的“联想法”。加油喔!再会。谈谈介词(Preposition)(五)四、for, since 用于表示时间:4.1 我们用 for 用计量时间(年、月、日、时、分、秒等)1. He held his breath for five minutes. 他闭息达五分钟。2. She"s lived there for ten years. 她住在那里已有十年。3. The British and Irish have been quarreling for seven centuries. 英国人和爱尔兰人之间的争吵已有七个世纪了。4.2 我们用 since 表示明确的日期或时间:1. He"s woked here since 1980. 自从1970年他就在此工作。2. She"s been sitting in the waiting room since two-thirty. 自两点半她就坐在等候室了。五、表示动作的介词:to ,toward或不用介词:5.1 我们用 to 表示向某处移动:1. They were driving to work together. 他们一同开车去工作。2. She"s going to the destist"s office this morning. 今早她去看牙医。5.2 toward 表示移向某处:1. We"re moving toward the light. 我们向灯光处移动。2. This is a big step towards the project"s completion. 这是对于工程的完成前进了一大步。5.3 不需要介词的词:home, downtown, uptown, inside, outside, downstairs,upstairs ...1. Grandma went upstairs.2. Rama went home.3. She came inside.六、介词与名词、形容词、动词的组合: 在英语里介词有时和其他的字紧密地组合在一起,可以当作一个词来看待。这种组合很多,需要平时多加注意。6.1 名词+介词:1. approval of 批准2. awareness of 意识到3. grasp of 把握住4. hatred of 憎恶5. desire for 要求、愿望6. fondness for 爱好 (I"ve a fondness for collecting stamps.)7. hope for 希望、期待 (hope for the best 乐观)8. need for 必要 (There is no need for hurrying.)9. reason for 有必须……的理由 (have reason for...)10. respect for 尊敬 (have respect for...)11. belief in 信任于12. interest in 对……有兴趣13. success in 成功、成就
2023-06-25 01:22:411


飞机的英语是plane,读音是:[pleu026an]。n. 飞机,水平,平面n. 刨子n. 悬铃木adj. 平的,飞机的vt. 磨平,刨vi. (鸟、飞机)滑翔例句:The plane circled the airport before landing.翻译:飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。短语:fuel plane 给飞机加油用法1、plane的基本意思是“水平,程度;标准”,可指在思想、存在或发展各方面的水平,程度。plane也可作“平面”解,可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。2、plane作“飞机”解时是aeroplane的缩写形式,但现在人们更习惯用plane。
2023-06-25 01:22:481


by bus英 [bai bʌs] 美 [baɪ bʌs] adv. 坐公车;中文谐音:白 霸斯
2023-06-25 01:25:371

mommy什么意思怎么读 mommy什么意思

1、mommy妈妈,英 [u02c8mu0252mi] 美 [u02c8mɑu02d0mi]。 2、When Mommy comes, just tell her Im up here。妈妈来了就告诉她我在这上面。 3、Mommy and I went in an aeroplane。我和妈妈登上一架飞机。 4、My mummy/ mommy always makes cakes for me。妈咪经常做蛋糕给我吃。
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2023-06-25 01:26:153


问题一:飞机的英语单词怎么读 plane 英 [ple?n] 谐音 puleiyin 美 [plen] 谐音pulen 问题二:飞机的英文怎么写 plane: [ plein ] a. 平的 n. 飞机,平面,刨子 v. 刨 [ 名词planeness ] [ 过去式planed 过去分词planed 现在分词planing 第三人称单数planes ] 例句与用法 1. Let"s keep the conversation on a friendly plane. 让我们友好地谈话。 2. He has planed the plank *** ooth. 他已把木板刨平。 3. Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? 4. The quickest means of travel is by plane. 最快的交通工具是飞机。 5. The plane circled the airport before landing. 飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。 6. The plane flew high above. 飞机高高地在上空飞。 问题三:飞机用英文怎么说 飞机 aircraft; plane; airplane; aeroplane [例句] 一架轻型飞机昨天在一个高尔夫球场的球洞区紧急降落了。 A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday. 问题四:考研究生现在开始应该怎么样去准备?(一个准备考但是毫无头绪的人) 首先要全面搜集考研信息,听免费讲座。 然后确定考研目标,听考研形势的讲座。选择专业,全面了解所报专业的信息。准备复习。 4月-5月第一轮复习,可以报一个春季基础班,特别是数学班和英语班。不要急于做模拟试题,着重于基础的复习。 6月全面关注考研 公共课的考试大纲,购买最新的辅导用书,准备暑期复习。 7月-8月制定一个全面复习计划,开始第二轮复习。可以参加一个有权威性的正规大学举办的辅导班,有选择地做一些必要的题目。 9月关注各招生单位的招生简章和专业计划,购买专业课辅导用书,联系导师,获取专业课考试信息。 10月确定十一黄金周复习计划,对前两个阶段的复习进行总结。同时,开始专业课的复习,可报一个长期班系统复习。 11月10-14日研究生考试报名工作开始,报名、填报专愿。 11月中下旬第三轮复习阶段开始,政治、英语、数学、专业课的冲刺复习,购买辅导冲刺的内部资料。冲刺班报名。 12-1月进行模拟实训,报一个冲刺班,做考前整理。 以上我也是从别的地方转载过来的,希望能对你有所帮助,我也是正在备战中,并未参加过考试,也希望原文作者念在是转贴考验经验的份上,不要怪我转载,大家一起努力,祝你成功 问题五:打飞机读英语怎么读? Masturbation Playing with yourself Choking the chicken Shake the sausage have a wank A date with Mrs Palmer Jerk off Grease the pipe polish the sword 还有多的不得了 问题六:乘飞机用英语怎么说? 乘飞机的英文。。By plane 问题七:飞机的英语怎么读 首先要全面搜集考研信息,听免费讲座。 然后确定考研目标,听考研形势的讲座。选择专业,全面了解所报专业的信息。准备复习。 4月-5月第一轮复习,可以报一个春季基础班,特别是数学班和英语班。不要急于做模拟试题,着重于基础的复习。 6月全面关注考研 公共课的考试大纲,购买最新的辅导用书,准备暑期复习。 7月-8月制定一个全面复习计划,开始第二轮复习。可以参加一个有权威性的正规大学举办的辅导班,有选择地做一些必要的题目。 9月关注各招生单位的招生简章和专业计划,购买专业课辅导用书,联系导师,获取专业课考试信息。 10月确定十一黄金周复习计划,对前两个阶段的复习进行总结。同时,开始专业课的复习,可报一个长期班系统复习。 11月10-14日研究生考试报名工作开始,报名、填报专愿。 11月中下旬第三轮复习阶段开始,政治、英语、数学、专业课的冲刺复习,购买辅导冲刺的内部资料。冲刺班报名。 12-1月进行模拟实训,报一个冲刺班,做考前整理。 以上我也是从别的地方转载过来的,希望能对你有所帮助,我也是正在备战中,并未参加过考试,也希望原文作者念在是转贴考验经验的份上,不要怪我转载,大家一起努力,祝你成功
2023-06-25 01:26:221


nose[英][nu0259u028az][美][noz]n.鼻子; 嗅觉; 芳香,香气; 突出的部分; vt.嗅出,闻出; 用鼻子触; 用鼻子品评(酒)等; 探出; vi.小心探索着前进; 探问; 第三人称单数:noses过去分词:nosed复数:noses现在进行时:nosing过去式:nosed以上结果来自金山词霸柯林斯高阶英汉词典网络释义短语词组同反义词百科释义1.N-COUNT鼻子Your nose is the part of your face which sticks out above your mouth. You use it for smelling and breathing.语法信息She wiped her nose with a tissue...她用纸巾擦了擦鼻子。2.N-COUNT(汽车或飞机的)前部;车头;机头The nose of a vehicle such as a car or aeroplane is the front part of it.语法信息Sue parked off the main street, with the van"s nose pointing away from the street.休把小货车停在远离大街的地方,车头背对着大街。3.N-COUNT嗅觉You can refer to your sense of smell as your nose .The river that runs through Middlesbrough became ugly on the eye and hard on the nose.穿过米德尔斯伯勒的那条河变得污秽不堪、臭不可闻。
2023-06-25 01:26:291


off的读音是:英[?f]。off的读音是:英[?f]。off的例句是用作介词(prep.)The singer was led off the stage by the maestro.歌唱家由那位著名的指挥领着离开了舞台。off的词义辨析是prep.(介词)off, from, out of。一、详尽释义点此查看off的详细内容adv.(副词)开除隔开休息距,离离开完,光不再供应,停止,不再工作切断,关掉取消直到最后变坏,变质不如通常水平向那边prep.(介词)离开从,由偏离,脱离,离,掉【海】在...海面从...撤走脱出,摆脱并不在隔着...从...脱落,从...掉下失去...通向...adj.(形容词)远的,较远的休假的,休息的,不上班的右侧的,右边的那一边的离开大路的横的枝节的掉,落没事的腐坏的不合时令的情况不好的腐败的关着的,切断的v.(动词)离开,走开通知中止,中止(和人)交涉宰了,除去,杀掉,谋杀停约死亡脱下abbr.(缩略词)=officer 军官n.(名词)【板】右前方送断主球或的球偶然轻碰另一球起跑击球手前方面向的情况二、双解释义prep.(介词)(表示位置)在…的外面,在…的沿海 at the outside of(表示时间)在…之前 ahead of(表示方向)从…,通向,偏离,从…离开 from; away from(表示比较)低于,不及 be lower than(表示否定)不想,不做 not wishing or needing to take(表示来源)从 …from(表示依附)依靠 depend onadv.(副词)离开 at or to a point distant in space; away脱落 into a state of being disconnected or removed断开 disconnected at the mains; not being supplied光,完 so as to be completely finished or no longer休息 away or free from regular workadj.(形容词)[A]休息的; 闲散的; 安静的 with less than usual activity; quiet[P]不新鲜的 no longer fresh三、词典解释In addition to the uses shown below,off is used after some verbs and nouns in order to introduce extra information.Off is also used in phrasal verbs such as ‘get off", ‘pair off", and ‘sleep off".除下列用法外,off 可以用在某些动词和名词之后引出附加信息。off 还可用于 get off,pair off, sleep off 等短语动词中。The preposition is pronounced /?f, am ??f/. The adverb is pronounced /"?f, am 美 "??f/. 介词读作 /?f, 美 ??f/,作副词时在句中重读。1.从…移开;从…脱离If something is takenoff something else or movesoff it, it is no longer touching that thing.e.g. He took his feetoff the desk...他把脚从桌上移开。e.g. I took the key for the roomoff a rack above her head...我从她头上方的架子上拿走了房门钥匙。2.从(交通工具)上下来When you getoff a bus, train, or plane, you come out of it or leave it after you have been travelling on it.e.g. Don"t try to get on oroff a moving train!...火车运行时请勿上下车!e.g. As he steppedoff the aeroplane, he was shot dead.他一走下飞机便中枪身亡。3.不去,不涉足(某处)If you keepoff a street or piece of land, you do not step on it or go there.e.g. Locking up men does nothing more than keep themoff the streets...把这些人关起来只是做到了不让他们上街而已。e.g. The local police had warned visitors to keepoff the beach at night.当地警方告诫游客不要在夜间去海滩。4.离(某地)不远;在…附近If something is situatedoff a place such as a coast, room, or road, it is near to it or next to it, but not exactly in it.e.g. The boat was anchoredoff the northern coast of the peninsula...这艘船停泊在离该半岛北部海岸不远的地方。e.g. Lily lives in a penthouse justoff Park Avenue...莉莉住在公园大道附近的一套顶层豪华公寓里。5.离开If you gooff, you leave a place.e.g. He was just about to driveoff when the secretary came running out...他正打算驾车离开,这时秘书跑了出来。e.g. She gave a hurried wave and setoff across the grass...她匆匆地挥了挥手便穿过草地离开了。6.(用于非正式及有时具冒犯性的短语动词)(走)开,(滚)开Off is used in a number of informal and sometimes offensive phrasal verbs, such asbuzz off ,clear off, or in British Englishbugger off, which are used to tell someone angrily to go away.off的解释7.(脱)掉(衣服);(取)下(首饰)When you takeoff clothing or jewellery that you are wearing, you remove it from your body.e.g. He tookoff his spectacles and rubbed frantically at the lens...他摘下眼镜,疯狂地擦着镜片。e.g. He hastily strippedoff his old uniform and began pulling on the new one.他匆匆地脱下旧制服,开始穿上新的那件。8.(因生病、放假等等)休息,不工作If you have timeoff or a particular dayoff, you do not go to work or school, for example because you are ill or it is a day when you do not usually work.e.g. The rest of the men had the dayoff...其他人这天没上班。e.g. You can even snatch a few hoursoff, and perhaps negotiate the occasional nightoff too...你甚至可以抽空休息几小时,商量一下的话没准还能偶尔不用上晚班。9.避开(某话题)If you keepoff a subject, you deliberately avoid talking about it.e.g. Keepoff the subject of politics...勿谈政治。e.g. Keep the conversationoff linguistic matters.避谈语言学问题。10.取消;中止If something such as an agreement or a sporting event isoff, it is cancelled.e.g. Until Pointon is completely happy, however, the deal"soff...但是,在波因顿完全满意之前,这一协议不再作数。e.g. The vacant W.B.C. junior-lightweight title has been calledoff...空缺的世界拳击理事会次轻量级头衔被取消了。11.停服,停用(药物等);戒…If someone isoff something harmful such as a drug, they have stopped taking or using it.offe.g. She felt better and the psychiatrist took heroff drug therapy...她感觉好些了,那位精神科医生让她停止了药物治疗。e.g. Most pregnant women remainoff cigarettes while carrying the child.大多数孕妇都在孕期戒了烟。12.不再喜欢;不再想If you areoff something, you have stopped liking it.e.g. I"moff coffee at the moment...我眼下不再嗜咖啡了。e.g. Diarrhoea can make you feel weak, as well as putting youoff your food.腹泻会让人感到乏力,而且没有胃口。13.(机器、电灯等)关掉,停掉,不再运转When something such as a machine or electric light isoff, it is not functioning or in use. When you switch itoff, you stop it functioning.e.g. As he pulled into the driveway, he saw her bedroom light wasoff...当他把车开进车道时,他看到她卧室的灯已经熄了。e.g. We used sail power and turned the engineoff to save our fuel...我们借助风帆的动力航行,且关掉了发动机以节省燃油。14.(价格)减掉,降低If there is moneyoff something, its price is reduced by the amount specified.e.g. ...Simons Leatherwear, 37 Old Christchurch Road. 20 per centoff all jackets this Saturday.本周六老基督堂路37号的西蒙斯皮衣店所有夹克降价20%。e.g. ...discounts offering thousands of poundsoff the normal price of a car.比平时车价低几千英镑的折扣15.(空间上)离,距If something is a long wayoff, it is a long distance away from you.e.g. Florida was a long wayoff...佛罗里达离这儿很远。e.g. ...animals that from a long wayoff look like flies...远看像苍蝇的动物16.(时间上)离,距If something is a long timeoff, it will not happen for a long time.e.g. An end to the crisis seems a long wayoff...这场危机看来远未结束。e.g. The required technology is probably still two yearsoff.所需技术可能还要两年才能开发出来。17.从…(获得)If you get somethingoff someone, you obtain it from them.e.g. I don"t really get a lot of information, and if I do I get itoff Mark...我得到的信息其实不多,即使有也是马克告诉我的。e.g. I can"t find the boys" shampoo. I can"t think where I put it when I took itoff them...我找不到那帮家伙的洗发水了,从他们那里拿来后我就忘了搁在什么地方。18.(与well,badly,worse等副词连用构成形容词)表示“处于…境况的”Off combines with adverbs such as "well", "badly", and "worse" to form adjectives that indicate how poor or rich someone is.e.g. Most of these people aren"t very welloff...这些人大都不算太富裕。e.g. Surely you can"t be that badlyoff?...你肯定没那么穷吧?19.(食物)腐坏的,变质的,变味的If food has goneoff, it tastes and smells bad because it is no longer fresh enough to be eaten.e.g. Don"t eat that! It"s mouldy. It"s goneoff!别吃那个!它已经发霉变质了!in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 spoiled20.依靠(食物、钱等生存)If you liveoff a particular kind of food, you eat it in order to live. If you liveoff a particular source of money, you use it to live.e.g. Her husband"s memories are of livingoff roast chicken and drinking whisky...她丈夫只记得过去吃烤鸡、喝威士忌的日子。e.g. Antony had been livingoff the sale of his own paintings.安东尼一直靠卖自己的画为生。21.(机器)靠(某种燃料或动力运转)If a machine runsoff a particular kind of fuel or power, it uses that power in order to function.e.g. The Auto Compact Disc Cleaner can runoff batteries or mains.这种光盘自动清洗机可用电池或电源两种方式驱动。22.(行为)过头的,不当的,无法接受的If you say that someone"s behaviour isa bit off, you mean that you find it unacceptable or wrong.off的意思e.g. ...coming home with make-up all over his clothes — it"s a bitoff isn"t it...衣服上到处沾着化妆品回到家——他这样有点过分了,是不是。e.g. Some of the dialogue is slightlyoff.部分对话有些不太得体。23.偶尔;有时;断断续续地If something happenson and off, oroff and on, it happens occasionally, or only for part of a period of time, not in a regular or continuous way.e.g. I was still working on andoff as a waitress to support myself...我为了糊口仍然间或去做服务员。e.g. We lived together,off and on, for two years.我们断断续续在一起生活了两年。四、例句The singer was led off the stage by the maestro.歌唱家由那位著名的指挥领着离开了舞台。Off campus, they faced hostility.在校园之外,他们遭人敌意。The plane took off and ascended steadily until it was out of sight.飞机起飞之后平稳地逐渐升空直到消失在视野之外。He forgot to turn off the gas torch when he left.他离开的时候忘记关掉气焊焊炬了。Please switch the lights off as you leave.你离开的时候请把灯关了。Make sure the central heating is off.集中供暖设备一定要关掉。Boring! We should just off him and be done with it!无聊!我们应该干掉他,这样一切就搞掂了。He pulled off his overcoat and began to work.他脱下大衣,开始工作。The girl peeled her sweater off over her head.小姑娘从头上把毛衣脱下来。五、词汇搭配用作介词 (prep.)动词+~come off脱离,从…上掉下来,从…中去除,放弃fall off从…落下get off下,离开let off让…下,放掉,放过,免除live off以…为食; 以…为生turn off转向,拐弯,使离开,(使)厌烦…,(使)对…失去兴趣fly off the handle发怒get sth off sb"s hands摆脱某事物knock sb off his perch击败某人wipe off the map从地图上抹去,彻底除掉名词+~hands off...不许碰the skin off your nose干杯~+名词off key不合调的off line不在工作off the map不重要的off the wind顺风用作形容词 (adj.)名词+~fish off变质的鱼六、情景对话打折off的意思B:It"s (thirty percentoff / seventy percent of / 30 percent cheaper than) the regular price.(七折/让利30%/便宜30%)出售。A:Well, that"s a good deal.哇,这到很划算。接、送机场A:I need a taxi to the airport.我想要辆出租车去机场.B:It is unnecessary, I"ll see youoff at the airport.没有必要,我将去机场送你。进修A:Everybody has (cable/ garage/ a car).家家都有(有线电视/车库/小汽车)。offB:Well, if everybody jumpedoff a bridge, would you jump too?哦,如果人人都去跳河,你也跟着跳吗?七、词义辨析prep.(介词)off, from, out of这三者均可表示“离开,脱离”。off表示与物体的表面或边缘的运动; from表示运动的起点,不指明具体方向; out of表示从物体的内部向外的运动。a
2023-06-25 01:26:371


飞机的英语是 "airplane" 或 "aeroplane",这两个词在美式英语和英式英语中都可以使用。此外,有些人也会把飞机简称为 "plane"。
2023-06-25 01:26:443


2023-06-25 01:26:535


tyransaur 霸王龙 龙的后缀一般是-saur
2023-06-25 01:23:093


lsqnonlin可以求解带约束的多函数多变量的最小值问题。你的问题没有约束,用一个简单明了的fminumc函数就可以了。具体如下: 先建立函数文件distance.m求距离。 distance.m的内容为: function zx=distance(x) xf=x(1); yf=x(2); x(1)=1340;x(2)=1656; x(3)=2370 ;x(4)=2339.8; x(5)=1562 ;x(6)=1948 ;x(7)=1433; x(8)=1765; x(9)=1275;x(10)=1096; y(1)=2547 ;y(2)=2667; y(3)=3782 ;y(4)=3600.7; y(5)=4298; y(6)=2074 ;y(7)=3143; y(8)=2924; y(9)=2427 ;y(10)=1893; fun=zeros(10,1); for i=1:10 fun(i)=sqrt((x(i)-xf)*(x(i)-xf)+(y(i)-yf)*(y(i)-yf)); end zx=fun(1)+fun(2)+fun(3)+fun(4)+fun(5)+fun(6)+fun(7)+fun(8)+fun(9)+fun(10); 保存distance.m 在command window中输入(或另建立一个m文件输入): x0 = [2000,3500]; %随意猜测一个起始值 [x,fval] = fminunc(@distance,x0) 得到结果: x = 1634.9 2795.2 fval = 7258.1
2023-06-25 01:23:101


2023-06-25 01:23:184


主要有四种调节方法,分别是脚后跟法、109°法、莱蒙德法和霍姆斯法。四种方法的具体操作如下:最近的一个研究表明,如果把鞍座高度设得太低,会使你在相同的路程用多12%的时间。让我们一起看看各种调整自行车鞍座高度的方法。脚后跟法:这是个非常普遍且简单的方法,当你坐上鞍座时,把你的脚后跟放在脚蹬上,并调整鞍座高度,让你的腿与脚蹬成垂直状态,看最低点时是否与髋骨呈现水平。但是,这个方法是没有经过科学验证,而且常常容易导致鞍座过低。密西西比女子大学的Will Pelever教授曾发表多篇论文来比较各种调整方法,她说:“这个方法(脚后跟法)的主要问题在于没有考虑每个人的生理结构不同,如大腿、小腿和脚板的长度差异。”109%法:在1967年Hamley 和Thomas提出一个更好方法,他们试验了各种不同的鞍座高度,并且认为理想的鞍座高度的位置是inseam长度(从会阴至脚底的长度或是从踏板的轴顶端到鞍座最高位置的长度) 的109 %。通过各种实践,这个方法受到广泛的欢迎,并得到行内顶级教练的肯定。莱蒙德法:这个方法首先由三次环法自行车赛冠军Greg LeMond提出,也是利用inseam长度作为标准,主要是BB到鞍座最高位置的长度是inseam长度的88.3 %。但Pelever教授表示,尽管这个方法对许多人有效,但大腿特别长的人例外。霍姆斯法:个方法最初目的是减少骑车过程中的过度劳损。霍姆斯法跟上述三种方法截然不同,必须使用量角器,使用量角器来度量膝盖与踏板最低位置的角度(如图)。Holmes建议这个角度在25至35度间,且越接近25度对于那些旧伤(髌骨肌腱炎)越有利。但这个方法可能技术性过强,平时最好选择以上的inseam方法。刚刚调整之后可能身体会不太习惯,但这不代表不适合。不要太依赖舒服的感觉。Pelever说“如果你踩脚踏时鞍座位置比最佳位置低很多,刚开始你会觉得笨拙碍脚”,“然而,当你的身体适应(通常在两到三个星期)新的鞍座位置,不仅会感觉很舒服,也会长期获得良好的骑行效果。” 当然,如果在几周后仍然感到鞍座不舒服,你将需要进行再调整。
2023-06-25 01:23:191


2023-06-25 01:23:205


进matlab,点击菜单File-》Set Path; 弹出一选项框,选择Add Folder,添加你要的目录。祝你顺利。
2023-06-25 01:23:243


推荐以下的美白办法:   希望以下的一些回答对你有用了!   1,感觉皮肤很干时,不妨尝试做下面膜,可以让皮肤水嫩有弹性   2,用爽肤水和护肤品时,不妨试着轻拍下脸部,以脸部感觉舒适的力道为主,每天护肤时都轻拍打一下,不但可以帮助皮肤吸收护肤品,还可以让你的皮肤水嫩光滑,轻轻一摸就弹回来,真是喜欢上摸脸的感觉,试下,在脸上弹钢琴吧,保证你会爱上这种摸脸的感觉,不过容易长痘的MM此方法不推荐,只会让你的皮肤更糟哦!   3,觉得皮肤肤色不好,想变白吗?可以不妨试试用牛奶洗脸,或者豆浆也行,也可以让你的皮肤光滑哦!   然后,以下是几个让皮肤变白的小招:   首先是三个自制护肤面膜的DIY方法:   不过在选择DIY的方法护肤前,千万要想清楚了,并且试用后确定不会敏感后再用了,不然护肤不成反毁肤可就糟糕了,千万要注意啦!   一,抗氧化抗暗黄DIY护肤:红色蛋白的物语面膜   材料:番茄酱两茶匙,蛋白两茶匙   制作方法:将番茄酱与蛋白放入碗中,调和均匀即可   使用方法:将面膜敷于脸上十到十五分钟,再用清水清洗,该方法可以每天都用的哦!不过没有需要还是不要用太多次了,以免伤害皮肤就惨哒::   二,去暗沉和死皮面膜:维它命恋人面膜   材料:半根胡萝卜,鸡蛋黄一个,无糖藕一茶匙   制作方法:将新鲜胡萝卜洗净后磨碎,加入藕粉及蛋黄一起搅匀   使用方法:洁肤后,将面膜远均匀涂于脸部二十分钟后用清水洗净就行   该办法可以用于熬夜后的皮肤护肤,能使过度劳累的皮肤恢复元气哦!   三,持续美白,抗衰老面膜:花漾美人之面膜   材料:准备槐花3克,玉米须10克,麸皮25克,水500毫升,面粉适量   制作方法:将槐花,玉米须和麸皮一起放入锅中,加水煮沸后续煮五分钟,过滤取汁,冷却后加入面粉调匀(   使用方法:将面膜轻拍在脸上,15分钟后洗净,每周使用二至三次,连续五周   PS:因为植物里面的天然成分不一定适合每个人,可能会有剌激性,所以建议各位MM在使用前,先在手上或耳后做过敏测试后再决定哦!敏感性MM最好是不要用了   苹果十VE,光泽皮肤抗氧化!   材料:红苹果,维生素E   做法:将红苹果洗干净榨汁然后加入维生素E,用面膜纸贴上脸上就可以了哦!(不过可以先试一点在耳后或感觉比较敏感的地方,一小时后此处没有出现过敏反应便可放心用了!)   上面的回答是在女刊看到的,感觉不错,因此发给你共享啦   以下的却是本人自己亲身试过比较有效果的美白小招,不妨考虑看下吧:   如果还想让皮肤变白,可以试试用牛奶洗脸,奶粉化的和纯牛奶的都可以的了。每天早上起来后,把已经化好的牛奶倒在洗脸盆里面,用水轻轻洗一会就行了!时间由自己决定,但切忌时间不要少于一分钟,然后洗好后及时补水保湿就可以了!   如果担心脸上的脏东西只用牛奶洗根本洗不干净的话,可以先用洗面奶洁完肤后,再用牛奶洗一会儿脸就可以了!然后不要忘 了护肤和防晒哦!生活中少吃或尽量不吃酱油和醋类会让皮肤色素沉下去的东东,记得补水,皮肤自然会白暂起来的哦!楼主加油了!   另外,再给你推荐几种美白护肤品与面膜:   Skin Food的蕃茄纳米亮白乳液   Sana得豆乳极白系列美白保湿乳液   ESSENCe地蚕丝美白凝霜   The face shop的白树美白乳液   露得清的细白修护面膜   POLYNIA酒粕美白滋养面膜   TFS白树美白睡眠面膜   燕窝面膜   美丽加芬红酒多酚面膜、   SANA豆乳美肌面膜   本人原创回答,谢绝复制抄袭转载!
2023-06-25 01:23:261


  BOTTOM HEM OPENING 下摆边高   SHOULDER WIDTH 肩宽   ACROSS FT(front) 前上胸   ACROSS BK(back) 后上胸   ARMHOLE CURVED 袖窿弯量   ARMHOLE - STRAIGHT 袖窿直量   SLEEVE LENGTH 袖长   PRINTED T-SHIRT 印花T恤   BODY LENGTH FROM HPS 身长(肩点量) HPS:High Point Shoulder)   CHEST WIDTH 1" blw(below) A/H 胸围(袖窿下1") A/H: armhole 袖窿,夹圈   WAIST 16" frm(from) HPS 腰围(肩下16")   BOTTOM OPENING 下摆   MUSCLE 1" FRM(from) A/H 袖肥 袖窿下1"   SLEEVE OPENING 袖口   CUFF BINDING 克夫滚边   NECK WIDTH 领宽   FRONT NECK DROP frm HPS 前领深(肩点量)   BACK NECK DROP frm HPS 后领深 (肩点量)   NECK BINDING 3/8" 领滚边3/8"   WOMAN"S "V" STYLE SHIRT 女式V型衫   Body length from HSP   Chest 1" below armhole   Mid Armhole 5" below HPS 上胸宽(肩点下5")   Bottom opening 下摆   Shoulder 肩宽   Shoulder Slope 肩斜   Waist 16" from HSP 腰围肩点下16"   Neck Width(from seam to seam) 领宽(缝到缝)   Front neck drop(from HSP to CF seam) 前领深(肩点到前中缝)CF:Center Front   Bottom finish 下摆边   Neck finish 领边   Placket length 门襟长   5" side slit at Bottom chain stitch 下摆侧边开5"链形缝   Back neck drop(from HSP to CB seam) 后领深(肩点到后中缝)CB:Center Back   Sleeve length from Center Back 袖长 后中   Armhole Measure Straight 挂肩直量   Muscle 1" from Armhole 袖肥(袖窿下1")   Cuff opening 6" 袖口宽6"   BOYu2018S SHORTS   Waist width relaxed 腰围(放松量)   Waistband height 腰头高   High hip 3" Below WB 上臀围(腰下3"不含腰)   Low hip 7" Below WB 下臀围(腰下7"不含腰)   Sweep along edge 下摆(沿边量)   Length from TOP of WB 裤长(含腰)   Length at CB below WB 后中(不含腰)   Side seam length - Straight 侧缝长直量,P.S: 有客人将侧缝缩写成S s   Front rise below WB 前裆(不含腰)   Back rise below WB 后裆(不含腰)   Thigh- 1" from crotch 大腿围(胯下1")   Knee 12" from crotch 膝围(胯下12")   Leg opening 脚口   Inseam 内长   Zip Length 拉链长   Drawstring length 绳长   一款带帽的.夹克   HOODED ZIP FRONT JACKET HOOD: 风帽,兜帽;头巾   BODY LENGTH FROM HPS 身长肩点   有关服装部位的词汇其实也不是很多,有的缩写经常可以看到,e.g: HPS,CB,CF,A/H,N.P,WB,等等,另不同的客户表达的方式有所不同,大家遇到时注意积累相关表达就行了。
2023-06-25 01:23:271


2023-06-25 01:23:281


建筑仿生是从仿生学的角度出发来研究建筑,模拟其活动、感知、调整、控制过程然后开发相应的建筑技术,从而致力于解决建筑和城市规划方面的某些问题,协调建筑和环境的关系,创造出与自然融为一体的生态建筑,以保持生态平衡。其中,仿生建筑节能设计原则是怎样的?下面是建筑网带来的关于仿生建筑节能设计原则的内容介绍以供参考。仿生建筑节能设计原则德国著名仿生学家WernerNachtigall在其著作 “PatternofNature”中提出了“适合功能之造型的仿生学设计原则”,其中包括:整体化而不是附加构造,整体的最优化而不是零件的最大化,多功能而不是单一功能,对环境的微调,节能,直接和间接的太阳能利用,整体的循环代替不必要的垃圾堆积,网络化关联而不是线状联系等。 仿生学的设计原则给予建筑节能设计一些有益的启示。整体优化原则美国建筑师富勒从结晶体和蜂窝的棱形结构得到启发,提出:“世界上存在着能以最小结构提供最大强度的系统,整体表现大于部分之和”。他依据“少费多用”的原则,设计了最有效率的活动住宅(DymaxionHouse)和装配形球架(GeodesicDome)。福斯特和格雷姆肖得益于富勒的直接教诲,在资源优化的建 筑设计上成了高技派建筑师的典范。德国建筑师奥托在20世纪60年代组织了“BiologicandArchitecture”研究小组,探索材料的高效应用及与环境亲和的建筑。奥托也崇尚“Lessis More”,奥托关注资源的整体优化。奥托认为他的建筑创作不是从形式出发,而是从高效的生物适应性得到启发。材料科学的发展使得奥托的钢索张膜高效结构在全世界得到广泛应用。适应性原则适应性是生物经过长期的进化得到的为适应周围环境而形成的积极共生策略。动物教会我们如何应付高温或低温,植物又展示给我们如何应对太阳光辐射的生存模式,二者都提供了抵抗恶劣天气的崭新的处理方法。把这种方法应用在建筑上是很有利的。例如,人们研制了“特朗布壁”外墙系统(TrombeWalls),它利用热虹吸管/温差环流原理,使用自然的热空气或水来进行热量循环,从而降低供暖系统的负荷。在寒冷季节,墙体可以利用自身收集太阳辐射的能力加热空腔内的空气或水,新鲜空气则从墙体底部进入其空腔中,被热空气或水加热后进入室内,使热空气在室内循环流动。托马斯·赫尔佐格设计的青年教育学院学生公寓即运用了这种外墙系统, 在冬季室外空气仅8℃时,室内在无暖气状态下可达20℃。多功能原则从某种意义上讲,人有3层皮。第1层是人的自然皮肤,热的时候它可以出汗,冷的时候会起鸡皮疙瘩,能以不同的方式对所处环境作出微调;第2层是人的衣服,随着四季的交替人们可以增减衣服,以适应季节变化;第3层则是建筑物的表皮,过去,建筑表皮是僵化不变的,不随季节的变迁而变化。但在仿生学研究中,建筑不再仅仅是“保温箱”,除了被动的保温,以防止热量散失,它还应主动地利用太阳能;在冬季,白天要充分吸收阳光,夜晚则要防止热量散失;在夏季,则要满足防热要求。仿生学的多功能原则为满足这些多重需要提供了思路。生物气候缓冲层(BBL=BioclimateBufferingLayer)就是典型的多功能策略。它是指通过建筑群体之间的组合关系、建筑单体的组织和建筑各种细部的设计,在建筑与周围生态环境之间建立一个缓冲区域,在一定程度上防止各种极端气候条件变化对室内的影响,同时强化使用者需要的各种微气候调节手段。生物气 候缓冲层具体可以大到街道、 广场等空间,也可以是建筑的外维护结构,还可以小到建筑的细部构造。 双层皮玻璃幕墙是生物气候缓冲层设计原则的具体体现。这种光、薄、透的新型表皮构造,在冬季的白天可以保证室内获得足够的日照,以高效实现太阳能的被动式利用,晚上除了中空玻璃可以有效地阻止长波辐射以外,关闭的特制金属百叶相当于增加了一道保温层,有效地阻止了室内热量的散失;而在夏季,空腔内因热压而上升的空气能将金属百叶吸收的热量带至窗外,通过调节双层幕墙之间的特制遮阳构件还可以起到遮阳和热反射作用,从而实现了建筑的被动式降温。更多关于标书代写制作,提升中标率,点击底部客服免费咨询。
2023-06-25 01:23:361


2023-06-25 01:23:3610

男生擦什么护肤产品显得白啊? 内有详细问题 100分哦

有时候也是灯光的原因 比如你去照相馆照照片 照出来后你就会发现比镜子里的你要白很多
2023-06-25 01:23:379


2023-06-25 01:23:389


  有三种科学使用的方法。   1、脚后跟法这是个非常普遍且简单的方法,当你坐上鞍座时,把你的脚后跟放在脚蹬上,并调整鞍座高度,让你的腿与脚蹬成垂直状态,看最低点时是否与髋骨呈现水平。   2、109%法:在1967年Hamley 和Thomas提出一个更好方法,他们试验了各种不同的鞍座高度,并且认为理想的鞍座高度的位置是inseam长度(从会阴至脚底的长度或是从踏板的轴顶端到鞍座最高位置的长度) 的109 %。通过各种实践,这个方法受到广泛的欢迎,并得到行内顶级教练的肯定。   3、霍姆斯法:这个方法最初目的是减少骑车过程中的过度劳损。霍姆斯法跟上述三种方法截然不同,必须使用量角器,使用量角器来度量膝盖与踏板最低位置的角度。Holmes建议这个角度在25至35度间,且越接近25度对于那些旧伤(髌骨肌腱炎)越有利。
2023-06-25 01:23:421


morning 英[u02c8mu0254:nu026au014b] 美[u02c8mu0254:rnu026au014b] 谐音“猫宁”望采纳。
2023-06-25 01:23:452


Stars reveal carbon "spaceballs"By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC News The football-shaped molecules are the largest molecules ever found in spaceScientists have detected the largest molecules ever seen in space, in a cloud of cosmic dust surrounding a distant star.The football-shaped carbon molecules are known as buckyballs, and were only discovered on Earth 25 years ago when they were made in a laboratory.These molecules are the "third type of carbon" - with the first two types being graphite and diamond.The researchers report their findings in the journal Science.Continue reading the main story“Start QuoteThis provides convincing evidence that the buckyball has... existed since time immemorial in the dark recesses of our galaxy”End Quote Harry Kroto Chemistry Nobel laureateBuckyballs consist of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a three-dimensional sphere. The atoms are linked together in alternating patterns of hexagons and pentagons that, on the molecular scale, look exactly like a football.They belong to a class of molecules called buckministerfullerenes - named after the architect Richard Buckminister Fuller, who developed the geodesic dome design that they so closely resemble.The research group, led by Jan Cami from the University of Western Ontario in Canada, made its discovery using Nasa"s Spitzer infrared telescope.Professor Cami and his colleagues were not specifically looking for buckyballs, but spotted their unmistakable infrared "signature"."They oscillate and vibrate in lots of different ways, and in doing so they interact with infrared light at very specific wavelengths," explained Professor Cami.When the telescope detected emissions at those wavelengths, Professor Cami knew he was looking a signal from the largest molecules ever found in space."Some of my undergraduate students call me a world record holder," he told BBC News. "But I don"t think there"s a record for that." The molecules were named after the developer of the geodesic domeThe signal came from a star in the southern hemisphere constellation of Ara, 6,APB Power leveling,500 light-years away.Professor Cami said the discovery was perhaps not surprising, but was "very exciting"."Lots of scientists have expected that they would exist in space, because they are amongst the most stable and durable of materials," he said."So once they"ve formed in space, would be very hard to destroy them."But this is clear evidence of an entirely new class of molecule existing there."The researchers now want to find out what fraction of the Universe"s carbon might be "locked up" in these spheres.They also want to use the known properties of buckyballs to gain a better understanding of physical and chemical processes in space.The discovery may even help shed light on other unexplained chemical signatures that have already been detected in cosmic dust.Third way Back on Earth, the discovery of buckyballs" existence was also accidental. Researchers were attempting to simulate conditions in the atmospheres of ageing, carbon-rich giant stars, in which chains of carbon had been detected."The experiments were set up to make those long carbon chains, and then something unexpected came out - these soccer ball type molecules, which just looked weird," said Professor Cami."And now it turns out that those conditions that were deliberately created in a laboratory actually occur in space too - we just had to look in the right place."Sir Harry Kroto, now at Florida State University in the US, shared the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for the discovery of buckyballs.He commented: "This most exciting breakthrough provides convincing evidence that the buckyball has, as I long suspected, existed since time immemorial in the dark recesses of our galaxy."It"s so beautiful that it"s been hiding from us and it took an experiment trying to uncover what was going on in stars to find it."He told BBC News: "All the carbon in your body came from star dust,APB Cash, so at one time some that carbon may have been in the from of buckyballs."
2023-06-25 01:23:012


2023-06-25 01:23:0012


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2023-06-25 01:22:3413


2023-06-25 01:22:295


2023-06-25 01:22:244

如何提取网页中的shockwave flash 文件!多谢

2023-06-25 01:22:232


ea的vc美白胶囊 雪水
2023-06-25 01:22:196


从菜单中的选项->Mathon选项->广告猎手 仔细看看里面的内容
2023-06-25 01:22:163


2023-06-25 01:22:104


2023-06-25 01:22:091


2023-06-25 01:22:002


2023-06-25 01:21:532