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2023-06-25 06:37:39

问题一:小王子用英语怎么说 little prince

问题二:《小王子》的英文名字 为了回答你的问题,我从新看了遍小王子的英文版。

小王子的名字是the little prince

作者的名字是Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

小王子住的地方叫Asteroid B-612


问题三:小王子用英语怎么说 little prince

问题四:小王子的英语怎么说,用语音读出来。 小王子


princeling; [电影]The Little Prince




The media"s obsession with the young prince continues.



So the youngest boy and his bride became king and queen.

问题五:小王子经典语录英文翻译 You know ― one loves the sunset, when one is so sad…


If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, Somewhere, my flower is there… But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important!


Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her…


For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower…


My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone!


His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden!


I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a mon rose. A mon rose…


To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your ......>>

问题六:某某王子用英语怎么表达?比如爱德华王子 Prince Edward - 他名字叫Edward,所以是Prince X

正式时候还要His Royal Highness Prince Edward (爱德华王子殿下)

《小王子》那本书本文是法文,Le Petit Prince,英文一般翻译为The Little Prince.

如果是王子的儿子,那么儿子也是有封号的,按照封号称呼。比如查尔斯太子的儿子就叫做威廉王子(Prince William)。

总统是President X,"总统‘放在前面。英文里好像没有直接的称呼某某"X老板‘,"X经理"(一般还是‘Mr/Ms X"),但是一般来说都是头衔放在前面,后面放名字。

问题七:英文翻译,是小王子里的句子 把中间的副词去掉就很容易看了: I pondered over the adventures of the jungle.




问题一:小王子用英语怎么说 little prince 问题二:《小王子》的英文名字 英文名 The Little Prince 法文定 ""Le Petit Prince"" 作者 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900C1944). 问题三:小王子用英语怎么说 little prince 问题四:小王子的英语怎么说,用语音读出来。 小王子 词典 princeling; [电影]The Little Prince 双语例句 1 新闻媒体继续对小王子进行连篇累牍的报道。 The media"s obsession with the young prince continues. 2 就这样,小王子和他的新娘当上了国王和王后。 So the youngest boy and his bride became king and queen. 问题五:小王子经典语录英文翻译 You know ― one loves the sunset, when one is so sad… 你知道的―当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落…… If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, Somewhere, my flower is there… But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important! 倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。他会喃喃自语:“我的花就在星河的某个角落……”可是,这花一旦被羊吃掉了,一瞬间,所有星星都将随之黯淡无光……那你也认为这不重要吗? Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her… 花总是表里不一,而我太年轻了,不知道该怎样爱护她…… For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower… 她其实是不愿意让小王子看到自己哭泣。她曾经是多么高傲的一朵花…… My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone! 我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了! His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden! 他的花朵曾经告诉他,自己是宇宙间仅有的一种花;可是仅仅在这座花园里,就有五千朵和她一模一样的花! I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a mon rose. A mon rose… 我总以为自己很富有,拥有一朵世上独一无二的花;实际上,我所拥有的不过是一朵普通的玫瑰而已。一朵普通的玫瑰花…… To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your ......>> 问题六:英文翻译,是小王子里的句子 把中间的副词去掉就很容易看了: I pondered over the adventures of the jungle. 句子翻译可以是:随即,我的思绪深深地进入了雨林冒险的情境中。 问题七:英语加翻译小王子30句话 1) I own the stars, because nobody else before me ever thought of owning them. 因为在我之前没有任何人想到拥有星星,我想到了,所以我就拥有它们。 2)Good morning. Why have you just put out your lamp? 早上好。为什么你已经把你的街灯熄灭了? 3) And he lighted his lamp again. 他又一次点亮了他的街灯。 4)My flower is ephemeral,” the little prince said to himself, “and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left her on my planet, all alone!” “我的花是短暂的,”小王子对自己说,“她只有四根刺来保护自己不受到外来的伤害。可是我还把她留在我的星球上,把她单独留在那里。” 4) Minster of Cof Justice! 嗯?司法大臣! 5)But you are the only man on your planet! 可是你是你的星球上惟一的一个人呀! 6)Do me this kindness. Admire me just the same. 求求你,就像我刚才说的那样崇拜我吧。 7)That was his first moment of regret. (p210) 这是他第一次感到很后悔。 8) --- “Ashamed of what?” insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him. --- “Ashamed of drinking!” The tipper brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence. ――“为什么羞愧呢?”小王子追问着,希望能帮助他。 ――“因为酗酒而羞愧。”酒鬼说完了这句话,就陷入了难以开启的沉默中,再也不说一句话。 9)The busines *** an suddenly realized that there was no hope of being left in peace until he answered this question. 这位商人忽然意识到,除非他回答了小王子的问题,否则就没有一点安静下来的机会。 10)If I ordered a general to fly from one flower to another like a butterfly, or to write a tragic drama, or to change himself into a sea bird, and if the general did not carry out the order that he had received, which one of us would be in the wrong? the king demanded. The general, or myself? ---“You,” sai......>> 问题八:小王子的英语怎么读 princeling 英[?pr?nsl??] 美[?pr?nsl??] n. 幼年王子,青年王子; [例句]But he thought, It is too royal a wine for a mere princeling. 但是他想:“他不过是个小小的王子,不配喝那么高贵的美酒。” 问题九:小王子的英文名怎么写? little prince
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小王子 The Little Princeprince英 [prɪns]美 [prɪns]n. 王子,国君;亲王;贵族n. (Prince)人名;(英、葡)普林斯;(法)普兰斯;
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小王子的解释[princeling] 小的或不 重要 的王子 详细解释 明 景泰 二年, 也先 杀 鞑靼 可汗 脱脱不花 而 自立 为可汗,不久, 也先 被杀, 脱脱不花 子 麻儿 可儿 立,号小王子。后遂以“小王子”为 鞑靼 酋长称号。至 嘉靖 中期尚沿用。见 《明史·外国传八·鞑靼》 。 词语分解 小的解释 小 ǎ 指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量不及一般或不及所比较的 对象 ,与“大” 相对 :小雨。矮小。短小精悍。 范围窄, 程度 浅, 性质 不重要:小事。小节。小题大作。小打小闹。 时间 短:小坐。小住。 年幼小 王子的解释 ∶帝王的 儿子 王子皇孙。;;唐; 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 ∶古时也泛指贵族子弟王子犯法,与民同罪详细解释.天子或王的儿子。《书·微子》:“父师若曰:‘王子,天毒降灾荒 殷 邦。"” 孔 传:“ 微子 , 帝
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little prince
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小王子 [词典] princeling; [电影] The Little Prince; [例句]新闻媒体继续对小王子进行连篇累牍的报道。The media"s obsession with the young prince continues.
2023-06-24 23:16:244

复仇者联盟观后感 英文 100个单词以上

The Avengers I have seen a lot of classic movies in my elective course of this semester. The one which give me a deep impression is “The Avengers”. Marvel"s “The Avengers” (titled Avengers Assemble in the UK and Ireland) is an American superhero film which produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Pictures. It was based on the Marvel Comics superhero team of same name. It was the sixth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film is written and directed by Joss Whedon and features an ensemble cast that includes six heroes named the Avengers. In the Avengers, Nick Fury, director of the peacekeeping organization S.H.I.E.L.D, recruits them to form a team that must stop Thor"s brother Loki from enslaving the human race. The story was beginning as the evil Loki got the Cosmic Cube and he want to occupy the earth. When an unexpected enemy emerges that threatens global safety and security, Nick Fury, Director of the international peacekeeping agency known as S.H.I.E.L.D., finds himself in need of a team to pull the world back from the brink of disaster. Spanning the globe, a daring recruitment effort begins. None of the supper heroes could fight against him alone. Then the S.H.I.E.L.D got all the supper heroes together and made a team named the Avengers to fight against Loki and war together for peace. They are Iron Man、Captain America、Hulk、Black Widow and Hawkeye. Iron Man"s real name is Tony Stark. He can fly and fighting after the armor. Iron Man is complete a playboy who also happens to be an engineering genius. He creates an armored suit and became a super hero. Steve Rogers/Captain America, he is the only super-soldiers in the world. Steve Rogers, he took part in the “Super Soldiers Plan” in the World War Ⅱ. Then he become the first and only survivor, as Captain America. Bruce Banner/Hulk, he is a scientist and researcher. Once he was wounded by radiation for a experiment. He would turn to be Hulk when he became angry or fear. Black Widow and Hawkeye, the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, they were couple. Thor, is Odin(The king of the gods)"s son, he is the god in Norse mythology. He learn compassion under the earth and he can control the Thunder with his hammer. Without his magic hammer, Thor is just a quit strong. He came to the mortal world to protect the Earth. Loki, Thor"s brother, in fact Loki was adopted by Thor"s father Oudin. Loki is the enemy of Avengers. Loki is a disgraced Asgardian princeling with a spear and magic helmet, is after the tesseract, a glowing blue cube of pure energy. With the help of a couple of brainwashed turncoats, Loki has pried it away from Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson), a world-government spymaster with a lot of semi-secret projects up his sleeve. “The Avengers” premiered on April 11, 2012, at the Capitan Theatre in Hollywood, California. The film has received positive reviews from most film critics and set numerous box office records, including the biggest opening weekend in North America. A sequel is currently in development. “The Avengers” is hardly worth raging about, its failures are significant and dispiriting. The light, amusing bits cannot overcome the grinding, hectic emptiness, the bloated cynicism that is less a shortcoming of this particular film than a feature of the genre. “The Avengers” is probably the best superhero movie made by director Joss Whedon. He did everything right in this movie. It"s definitely a movie which worth watching for us. The story was excellent, the action of the heroes was amazing and special effects WOW. Not only is The Avengers the superhero movie we had to have. It is the superhero movie we have to see. This truly epic action picture positively pulses with panache, wit and excitement throughout. In The Avengers, the all-star ensemble must thwart a possible world-ending scheme devised by Thor"s villainous brother Loki. In bringing their blood feud to Earth, the warring sibling gods have left open a mystical door that puts the entire mortal world in danger. Although the story of saving the world we have seen time and again, but when placed in the assured hands of such an A-list cast and amazing action, it also makes perfectly compelling sense. In particular, Robert Downey Jr is back in ripping form after a lackluster display in Iron Man 2. He supplies an infectious comic spark that lights up plenty of interplay between the egocentric major players.。 The welcome inclusion of Jeremy Renner as rogue marksman Hawkeye also prevents the movie from ever slipping into a rut. Before the film was made, the questioDirector Joss Whedon has done a good job, by managing to stir all the personalities and ingredients together. The resulting dish, however familiar, is irresistibly tasty again. That it works and it"s as satisfying a tent-pole movie as you could hope for, is something close to a miracle.
2023-06-24 23:16:432


通货膨胀是经济上的问题 主要是原因是中国人口太多 了
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2023-06-24 23:17:003


问题一:小王子用英语怎么说 little prince 问题二:《小王子》的英文名字 英文名 The Little Prince 法文定 ""Le Petit Prince"" 作者 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (19001944). 问题三:小王子用英语怎么说 little prince 问题四:小王子的英语怎么说,用语音读出来。 小王子 词典 princeling; [电影]The Little Prince 双语例句 1 新闻媒体继续对小王子进行连篇累牍的报道。 The media"s obsession with the young prince continues. 2 就这样,小王子和他的新娘当上了国王和王后。 So the youngest boy and his bride became king and queen. 问题五:英语加翻译小王子30句话 1) I own the stars, because nobody else before me ever thought of owning them. 因为在我之前没有任何人想到拥有星星,我想到了,所以我就拥有它们。 2)Good morning. Why have you just put out your lamp? 早上好。为什么你已经把你的街灯熄灭了? 3) And he lighted his lamp again. 他又一次点亮了他的街灯。 4)My flower is ephemeral,” the little prince said to himself, “and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left her on my planet, all alone!” “我的花是短暂的,”小王子对自己说,“她只有四根刺来保护自己不受到外来的伤害。可是我还把她留在我的星球上,把她单独留在那里。” 4) Minster of of Justice! 嗯?司法大臣! 5)But you are the only man on your planet! 可是你是你的星球上惟一的一个人呀! 6)Do me this kindness. Admire me just the same. 求求你,就像我刚才说的那样崇拜我吧。 7)That was his first moment of regret. (p210) 这是他第一次感到很后悔。 8) --- “Ashamed of what?” insisted the little prince, who wanted to help him. --- “Ashamed of drinking!” The tipper brought his speech to an end, and shut himself up in an impregnable silence. ――“为什么羞愧呢?”小王子追问着,希望能帮助他。 ――“因为酗酒而羞愧。”酒鬼说完了这句话,就陷入了难以开启的沉默中,再也不说一句话。 9)The busines *** an suddenly realized that there was no hope of being left in peace until he answered this question. 这位商人忽然意识到,除非他回答了小王子的问题,否则就没有一点安静下来的机会。 10)If I ordered a general to fly from one flower to another like a butterfly, or to write a tragic drama, or to change himself into a sea bird, and if the general did not carry out the order that he had received, which one of us would be in the wrong? the king demanded. The general, or myself? ---“You,” sai......>> 问题六:小王子经典语录英文翻译 You know ― one loves the sunset, when one is so sad… 你知道的―当一个人情绪低落的时候,他会格外喜欢看日落…… If someone loves a flower, of which just one single blossom grows in all the millions and millions of stars, it is enough to make him happy just to look at the stars. He can say to himself, Somewhere, my flower is there… But if the sheep eats the flower, in one moment all his stars will be darkened… And you think that is not important! 倘若一个人对一朵花情有独钟,而那花在浩瀚的星河中,是独一无二的,那么,他只要仰望繁星点点,就心满意足了。他会喃喃自语:“我的花就在星河的某个角落……”可是,这花一旦被羊吃掉了,一瞬间,所有星星都将随之黯淡无光……那你也认为这不重要吗? Flowers are so inconsistent! But I was too young to know how to love her… 花总是表里不一,而我太年轻了,不知道该怎样爱护她…… For she did not want him to see her crying. She was such a proud flower… 她其实是不愿意让小王子看到自己哭泣。她曾经是多么高傲的一朵花…… My flower is ephemeral, and she has only four thorns to defend herself against the world. And I have left on my planet, all alone! 我的花生命是短暂的,她只有四根刺可以保护自己,抵御世界,我却将她独自留在我的星球上了! His flower had told him that she was only one of her kind in all universe. And here were five thousand of them, all alike, in one single garden! 他的花朵曾经告诉他,自己是宇宙间仅有的一种花;可是仅仅在这座花园里,就有五千朵和她一模一样的花! I thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a mon rose. A mon rose… 我总以为自己很富有,拥有一朵世上独一无二的花;实际上,我所拥有的不过是一朵普通的玫瑰而已。一朵普通的玫瑰花…… To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your ......>>
2023-06-24 23:17:071


小王子的解释[princeling] 小的或不 重要 的王子 详细解释 明 景泰 二年, 也先 杀 鞑靼 可汗 脱脱不花 而 自立 为可汗,不久, 也先 被杀, 脱脱不花 子 麻儿 可儿 立,号小王子。后遂以“小王子”为 鞑靼 酋长称号。至 嘉靖 中期尚沿用。见 《明史·外国传八·鞑靼》 。 词语分解 小的解释 小 ǎ 指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量不及一般或不及所比较的 对象 ,与“大” 相对 :小雨。矮小。短小精悍。 范围窄, 程度 浅, 性质 不重要:小事。小节。小题大作。小打小闹。 时间 短:小坐。小住。 年幼小 王子的解释 ∶帝王的 儿子 王子皇孙。;;唐; 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 ∶古时也泛指贵族子弟王子犯法,与民同罪详细解释.天子或王的儿子。《书·微子》:“父师若曰:‘王子,天毒降灾荒 殷 邦。"” 孔 传:“ 微子 , 帝
2023-06-24 23:17:211


小王子的解释[princeling] 小的或不 重要 的王子 详细解释 明 景泰 二年, 也先 杀 鞑靼 可汗 脱脱不花 而 自立 为可汗,不久, 也先 被杀, 脱脱不花 子 麻儿 可儿 立,号小王子。后遂以“小王子”为 鞑靼 酋长称号。至 嘉靖 中期尚沿用。见 《明史·外国传八·鞑靼》 。 词语分解 小的解释 小 ǎ 指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量不及一般或不及所比较的 对象 ,与“大” 相对 :小雨。矮小。短小精悍。 范围窄, 程度 浅, 性质 不重要:小事。小节。小题大作。小打小闹。 时间 短:小坐。小住。 年幼小 王子的解释 ∶帝王的 儿子 王子皇孙。;;唐; 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 ∶古时也泛指贵族子弟王子犯法,与民同罪详细解释.天子或王的儿子。《书·微子》:“父师若曰:‘王子,天毒降灾荒 殷 邦。"” 孔 传:“ 微子 , 帝
2023-06-24 23:17:281


小王子英文版重点词汇有:1、小王子princeling2、安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩Antoine de Saint exupe3、外星球Alien planet4、飞行员pilot5、故事叙述者Story narrator6、前往地球Go to earth7、各种历险Various adventures8、孩子式的眼光Childlike vision9、空虚emptiness10、盲目blind11、愚妄Foolishness12、死板教条Rigid dogma13、浅显天真Simple and naive14、孤独寂寞Lonely15、真善美Truth, goodness and beauty
2023-06-24 23:17:351


2023-06-24 23:18:032


小王子的解释[princeling] 小的或不 重要 的王子 详细解释 明 景泰 二年, 也先 杀 鞑靼 可汗 脱脱不花 而 自立 为可汗,不久, 也先 被杀, 脱脱不花 子 麻儿 可儿 立,号小王子。后遂以“小王子”为 鞑靼 酋长称号。至 嘉靖 中期尚沿用。见 《明史·外国传八·鞑靼》 。 词语分解 小的解释 小 ǎ 指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量不及一般或不及所比较的 对象 ,与“大” 相对 :小雨。矮小。短小精悍。 范围窄, 程度 浅, 性质 不重要:小事。小节。小题大作。小打小闹。 时间 短:小坐。小住。 年幼小 王子的解释 ∶帝王的 儿子 王子皇孙。;;唐; 杜牧《阿房宫赋》 ∶古时也泛指贵族子弟王子犯法,与民同罪详细解释.天子或王的儿子。《书·微子》:“父师若曰:‘王子,天毒降灾荒 殷 邦。"” 孔 传:“ 微子 , 帝
2023-06-24 23:18:251


小王子英文版重点词汇有:1、小王子princeling2、安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩Antoine de Saint exupe3、外星球Alien planet4、飞行员pilot5、故事叙述者Story narrator6、前往地球Go to earth7、各种历险Various adventures8、孩子式的眼光Childlike vision9、空虚emptiness10、盲目blind11、愚妄Foolishness12、死板教条Rigid dogma13、浅显天真Simple and naive14、孤独寂寞Lonely15、真善美Truth, goodness and beauty
2023-06-24 23:18:321


小王子 小王子英语 princeling小王子 小王子英语 princeling
2023-06-24 23:18:491


小王子英文版重点词汇有:1、小王子princeling2、安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩Antoine de Saint exupe3、外星球Alien planet4、飞行员pilot5、故事叙述者Story narrator6、前往地球Go to earth7、各种历险Various adventures8、孩子式的眼光Childlike vision9、空虚emptiness10、盲目blind11、愚妄Foolishness12、死板教条Rigid dogma13、浅显天真Simple and naive14、孤独寂寞Lonely15、真善美Truth, goodness and beauty
2023-06-24 23:18:561


小王子英文版重点词汇有:1、小王子princeling2、安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩Antoine de Saint exupe3、外星球Alien planet4、飞行员pilot5、故事叙述者Story narrator6、前往地球Go to earth7、各种历险Various adventures8、孩子式的眼光Childlike vision9、空虚emptiness10、盲目blind11、愚妄Foolishness12、死板教条Rigid dogma13、浅显天真Simple and naive14、孤独寂寞Lonely15、真善美Truth, goodness and beauty
2023-06-24 23:19:131


小王子英文版重点词汇有:1、小王子princeling2、安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩Antoine de Saint exupe3、外星球Alien planet4、飞行员pilot5、故事叙述者Story narrator6、前往地球Go to earth7、各种历险Various adventures8、孩子式的眼光Childlike vision9、空虚emptiness10、盲目blind11、愚妄Foolishness12、死板教条Rigid dogma13、浅显天真Simple and naive14、孤独寂寞Lonely15、真善美Truth, goodness and beauty
2023-06-24 23:19:301


指小后缀:-letpiglet 小猪 booklet 小书-lingprinceling 小王子duckling 小鸭
2023-06-24 23:20:001


rock prince
2023-06-24 23:20:083


2023-06-24 23:20:162


小王子英文版重点词汇有:1、小王子princeling2、安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩Antoine de Saint exupe3、外星球Alien planet4、飞行员pilot5、故事叙述者Story narrator6、前往地球Go to earth7、各种历险Various adventures8、孩子式的眼光Childlike vision9、空虚emptiness10、盲目blind11、愚妄Foolishness12、死板教条Rigid dogma13、浅显天真Simple and naive14、孤独寂寞Lonely15、真善美Truth, goodness and beauty
2023-06-24 23:22:031


小王子princeling; [电影]The Little Prince
2023-06-24 23:22:201

I KnewYouWereTrouble的歌词是什么?

I know you weretrouble Taylor SwiftOnceupon a time, a few mistakes ago  在很久很久之前, 范了不少的错误Iwas in your sights you got me alone  只身一人,我在你的视线里youfound me,you found me, you found me 你寻寻觅觅地找到了我,是的,你找到了我Iguess you didn"t care, and I guess I liked that我猜你一定毫不在乎,这却是我喜欢上你的理由andwhen I fell hard,you took a step back 当我深陷爱河,你却往后退withoutme,without me, without me   离我而去,你离我而去andhe"s long gone when he"s next to me  当他近在咫尺,但他的心永不属我,千里之外andI realize the blame is on me   我蓦然忆起所有问题的差错都在我身上causeI knew you were trouble when you walked in 当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now   现在只能深深地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我私奔,流亡到一个我未曾落足的边际tillyou put me down oh   直至你狠狠地将我放下Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now 现在只能深深地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景nowI"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能躺在冰冷的地面上ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避noapologies, he"ll never see you cry 没有半句道歉,他永远不会看到你的哭泣pretendshe doesn"t know, that he"s the reason why 装作毫不知情, 他就是你哭泣的原因you"redrowning, you"re drowning, you"re drowning 你哭得一塌糊涂heardyou moved on, from whispers on the street 从大街小巷八卦的讨论得知你移情别恋anew notch in your belt is all I"ll ever be 而我仅是你发亮的皮带上的一个小孔罢了andnow I see, now I see, now I see he has long gone 此刻,我如梦惊醒,他早已离开whenhe met me and I realize the joke is on me 他遇到我时,我意识到这是自己的一个笑话Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been  你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际tillyou put me down oh  直至你狠狠地将我放下Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地责怪自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景nowI"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能躺在冰冷的地面上ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避andthe saddest fear comes creeping in 最悲伤的恐惧永无止尽地蔓延在我的脑海里thatyou never loved me, or her, or anyone or anything, yeah你不曾爱我,爱她,或任何人,任何事Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地埋怨自己youflew me to places I"ve never been  你带我飞去,我不曾落足的边际tillyou put me down oh  直至你狠狠地将我放下Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难soshame on me now  只能傻傻地责怪自己youflew me to places I"ve never been 你带我领略我未曾浏览的风景nowI"m lying on the cold hard ground而此刻,我却只能躺在冰冷的地面上ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避Iknew you were trouble when you walked in当你走进我的生活时,我知道你是我的劫难ohoh trouble trouble trouble,oh oh trouble troubletrouble 劫难,陷阱,无法躲避
2023-06-24 23:17:164


2023-06-24 23:17:231

有baseball trouble 歌词是什么歌,好像是这个

正确的歌词是“Oh~a, oh~a,oh,trouble, trouble, trouble”,出自歌曲《i knew you were trouble》基本资料:外文名称:i knew you were trouble所属专辑:Red 发行时间:2012年10月9日歌曲原唱:泰勒·斯威夫特作词:泰勒·斯威夫特、马克斯·马丁、Shellback作曲:泰勒·斯威夫特、马克斯·马丁、Shellback歌词:(Verse 1)Once upon a time, a few mistakes agoI was in your sights, you got me aloneYou found me, you found meYou found me-e-e-e-eI guess you didn"t care and I guess I liked thatAnd when I fell hard, you took a step backWithout me, without meWithout me-e-e-e(Pre-Chorus)And he"s long goneWhen he"s next to meAnd I realize, the blame is on me(Chorus)"Cause I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me now, flew me to places I"d never beenTill you put me downOh I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me now, flew me to places I"d never beenNow I"m lying on the cold hard groundOh~a, oh~a, oh,trouble, trouble, troubleOh~a, oh~a,oh,trouble, trouble, trouble(Verse 2)No apologies, he"ll never see you cryPretends he doesn"t know that he"s the reason whyYou"re drowning, you"re drowningYou"re drowning-ing-ing-ing-ingAnd I heard you moved on from whispers on the streetA new notch in your belt is all I"ll ever beAnd now I see, I now I seeI now I see-e-e-e-e(Pre-Chorus)He was long goneWhen he met meAnd I realize the joke is on meHey!(Chorus)I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me now, flew me to places I"d never beenTill you put me downOh I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me now, flew me to places I"d never beenNow I"m lying on the cold hard groundOh~a, oh~a,oh,trouble, trouble, troubleOh~a, oh~a,oh,trouble, trouble, trouble(Bridge)When the saddest fearComes creeping inThat you never loved me... or her or anyone or anythingYeah!(Chorus)I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me now, flew me to places I"d never beenTill you put me downOh I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me now, flew me to places I"d never beenNow I"m lying on the cold hard groundOh~a, oh~a,oh,trouble, trouble, troubleOh~a, oh~a,oh,trouble, trouble, troubleI knew you were trouble when you walked inTrouble, trouble, troubleI knew you were trouble when you walked inTrouble, trouble, trouble
2023-06-24 23:17:231

yoursolf ,have,ever,you,seen,ieopard,a,?连词成语

1.It"s a quarter to ten. 2c e a h f b i g d
2023-06-24 23:17:241


2023-06-24 23:17:241


《Believe It》--Cimorelli
2023-06-24 23:17:302


2023-06-24 23:17:313


HYUIONAI是韩国现代品牌,但是是柏悦显示器。  基本介绍:  柏悦数码,已经得到韩国现代(HYUNDAI)的品牌授权,并可以生产和销售HYUNDAI品牌的数码相机、数码摄像机。柏悦数码摄像机品牌还有:柏悦、米狗、MEEEGOU等.
2023-06-24 23:17:311


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2023-06-24 23:17:381


操作步骤: 1、打开Altium Designer软件; 2、先用输出生成制造用的gerber文件,点Output-> Gerber/Excellon Output; 3、弹出CADCAM (Gerber and Excellon)Output设置对话框; 4、按默认设置点击OK。
2023-06-24 23:17:431


2023-06-24 23:17:142

如何将hog 特征进行svm matlab

(1)准备训练样本集合;包括正样本集和负样本集;根据机器学习的基础知识我们知道,要利用机器学习算法进行样本训练,从而得到一个性能优良的分类器,训练样本应该是无限多的,而且训练样本应该覆盖实际应用过程中可能发生的各种情况。(很多朋友,用10来个正样本,10来个负样本进行训练,之后,就进行测试,发现效果没有想象中的那么好,就开始发牢骚,抱怨。。。对于这些人,我只能抱歉的说,对于机器学习、模式识别的认识,你还处于没有入门的阶段);实际应用过程中,训练样本不可能无限多,但无论如何,三五千个正样本,三五千个负样本,应该不是什么难事吧?(如果连这个都做不到,建议你别搞机器学习,模式识别了;训练素材都没有,怎么让机器学习到足够的信息呢?)(2)收集到足够的训练样本之后,你需要手动裁剪样本。例如,你想用Hog+SVM来对商业步行街的监控画面中进行行人检测,那么,你就应该用收集到的训练样本集合,手动裁剪画面中的行人(可以写个简单程序,只需要鼠标框选一下,就将框选区域保存下来)。(3)裁剪得到训练样本之后,将所有正样本放在一个文件夹中;将所有负样本放在另一个文件夹中;并将所有训练样本缩放到同样的尺寸大小。OpenCV自带的例子在训练时,就是将样本缩放为64*128进行训练的;(4)提取所有正样本的Hog特征;(5)提取所有负样本的Hog特征;(6)对所有正负样本赋予样本标签;例如,所有正样本标记为1,所有负样本标记为0;(7)将正负样本的Hog特征,正负样本的标签,都输入到SVM中进行训练;Dalal在论文中考虑到速度问题,建议采用线性SVM进行训练。这里,不妨也采用线性SVM;(8)SVM训练之后,将结果保存为文本文件。(9)线性SVM进行训练之后得到的文本文件里面,有一个数组,叫做support vector,还有一个数组,叫做alpha,有一个浮点数,叫做rho;将alpha矩阵同support vector相乘,注意,alpha*supportVector,将得到一个列向量。之后,再该列向量的最后添加一个元素rho。如此,变得到了一个分类器,利用该分类器,直接替换opencv中行人检测默认的那个分类器(cv::HOGDescriptor::setSVMDetector()),就可以利用你的训练样本训练出来的分类器进行行人检测了。
2023-06-24 23:17:081

Gerber file文件可以反转出PCB Layout图吗?具体操作方法。

2023-06-24 23:17:072


hog显示器是皓捷牌子 这是一个华强北的杂牌显示器,碰瓷的aoc。 显示器(display, screen)是属于电脑的I/O设备,即输入输出设备。它是一种将一定的电子文件通过特定的传输设备显示到屏幕上再反射到人眼的显示工具。它可以分为CRT、LCD等多种类型。
2023-06-24 23:17:011

求Midnight Star 的《 Electricity》歌词!

i got the power to energy i got the power to end the timei feel you walk in my energy you give my talk i will be the electicity you got my hand o my loveit seems never can get it over my feel is all in by it hardfeel so good dont you ever startyour never let me touch you loving bodyyou making hard that i wont clubso wont you come on get it close to meyou give my talk i will be your electricity electricity~~.......~~~~~~~~~~your got the key we wont controli will be your strange my body so just brougt me up let the party beginwe will guess all night never let it inso give it sweet baby let me slovei;m good for you baby disinlov~so wont you come on let it close to me you be my talk i wll be your electricity!!!!
2023-06-24 23:17:001


2023-06-24 23:16:592

在美国 怎么在线看NBA直播

2023-06-24 23:16:574

matlab hog函数怎么用

2023-06-24 23:16:541

Little Jackie的《One Love》 歌词

歌曲名:One Love歌手:Little Jackie专辑:The StoopBlue - One LoveIt"s kinda funnyHow life can changeCan flip 180 in a matter of daysSometimes love works inMysterious waysOne day U wake upGone without a traceI refuse to give upI refuse to give inYou"re my everythin"I don"t wanna give upI don"t wanna give inSo everybody singOne love for the mother"s prideOne love for the times we criedOne love gotta stay alive...I will surviveOne love for the city streetsOne love for the hip hop beatsOne love oh I do believeOne love is all we needLate at night I"m still wide awakeFeelin" this is one more than I can takeI thought my heart couldNever breakNow I know that"s one big mistakeI refuse to give upI refuse to give inYou"re my everythin"I don"t wanna give upI don"t wanna give inEverybody singBaby just love me love me love meBaby just hold me hold me hold meOoooh love me love me love meOh loveBaby just love me love me love meBaby just hold me hold me hold meOoooh love me love me love me
2023-06-24 23:16:531


2023-06-24 23:16:492

一首英文歌 女歌手 歌词是 呷哺呷哺

I KNOW YOU WERE TROUBLEOnce upon a time, a few mistakes agoI was in your sights, you got me aloneYou found me, you found me, you found me...I guess you didn"t care and I guess I liked thatAnd when I fell hard, you took a step backWithout me, without me, without me...(Pre-Chorus)And he"s long gone when he"s next to meAnd I realize the blame is on me, cause(Chorus)I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me nowFlew me to places I"d never been till you put me downOh I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me nowFlew me to places I"d never beenNow I"m lying on the cold hard groundOh oh trouble, trouble, trouble(呷哺呷哺)23333Oh oh trouble, trouble, trouble(呷哺呷哺)(Verse 2)No apologies, he"ll never see you cryPretends he doesn"t know that he"s the reason whyYou"re drowning, you"re drowning, you"re drowning...And I heard you moved on from whispers on the streetA new notch in your belt is all I"ll ever beAnd now I see, I now I see,I now I see...(Pre-Chorus)He was long gone when he met meAnd I realize the joke is on meHey!(Chorus)I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me nowFlew me to places I"d never been till you put me downOh I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me nowFlew me to places I"d never beenNow I"m lying on the cold hard groundOh oh trouble, trouble, troubleOh oh trouble, trouble, trouble(Bridge)When the saddest fearComes creeping inThat you never loved meOr her... or anyone... or anythingYeah(Chorus)I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me nowFlew me to places I"d never been till you put me downOh I knew you were trouble when you walked inSo shame on me nowFlew me to places I"d never beenNow I"m lying on the cold hard groundOh oh trouble, trouble, troubleOh oh trouble, trouble, troubleI knew you were trouble when you walked inTrouble, trouble, troubleI knew you were trouble when you walked inTrouble, trouble, trouble
2023-06-24 23:16:461