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2023-06-24 23:53:30




本文适合初级爱好者 内容标签:俯卧撑 原文 Dr Joel Seedman 编译Ash 如果我告诉你,在座的各位还有人不知道俯卧撑怎么做,你一定觉得我太小看大家了。 我知道大家都是练过一段时间人,俯卧撑起步就可以做30个。 没错,俯卧撑是最简单也是最常见的一种动作,而且人人都做过(不管能做几个)。 但我感觉有些人一次性可以做40个俯卧撑,但实际上其中却没有1次“完美的俯卧撑”。 哪怕是某些能一次做80次俯卧撑的运动员,也不一定能做20次完美俯卧撑。 还是不信?按照下面这个要求,看看你到底能做几个。 俯卧撑在顶部停留1秒,在底部停留1秒,别作弊。 你会惊讶,这样做的成绩远远小于你的常规能力。 如果再按照我今天将要介绍的俯卧撑方法,你会发现原来的俯卧撑简直是“幼儿园”级别。 初学者不适合做俯卧撑 与主流观点相反,俯卧撑并不适合新人,它比大多数人想象的都要更复杂,更具挑战性。 大多数人,包括初学者做的俯卧撑都是错误的,一旦使用正确的动作,专业健身训练者也会感到很吃力,它需要很强的力量,功能性,稳定性,核心力量,姿势控制能力,个体感受和肌肉运动感觉。
2023-06-24 21:15:341


相信有许多的人都发现为何六块肌会大小不平均,甚至于有的还会看起来歪歪的。关于这点首先我们要知道,大家常说的六块肌其实就是腹部肌群中的腹直肌(Rectus abdominis),它是属于一种长而扁平的形状,从耻骨一路延伸至肋骨的正下方,并位于器官上方有助于将其固定在正确的位置上,另外,这块肌肉也会分为左右两半,每个半边会分为结缔组织的三段,因此,又被称为六块腹肌。 大家常说的六块肌其实就是腹部肌群中的腹直肌(Rectus abdominis),这块肌肉分为左右两半每半边会再分三段。 了解完六块腹肌的基本构造之后,就会有人开始发现为何自己辛苦训练的腹肌,看起来弯曲又不平均?其实,这样的状态才是属于正常现象,只要少数的人可以拥有对称又均衡的块状腹肌,这是因为遗传所带来的问题,当然还有一些原因会造成不平均的腹肌形状,这篇我们就来让你了解一下,不平衡的腹肌有可能是如何造成的。 腹肌形状歪斜除了遗传导致的原因之外,运动训练方式及肌力不平衡也有可能! 腹肌不均衡的原因 关于腹肌会出现不均衡的形状,有以下这几种不同的解释: 1.遗传问题 大多数肌肉形状的问题都是由遗传所造成的现象,也被称为交错的腹肌。当腹肌交错排列时,腹直肌左右两侧的大小会相同,但组成六块腹肌的三段结缔组织却不会左右对齐,这也就是会造成不同大小的效果。2013年有一篇发表于科学指导(ScienceDirect)期刊的「遗传对人体脂肪分布的影响」的研究文章指出,遗传因素与体内的脂肪分布也有相对的关系及作用,因此,每个人在腹部脂肪的堆积也不会均衡,所以,就会导致腹肌外观形状的不对称。 2.机能障碍 无法形成漂亮块状的腹肌与腹部肌肉力量关系较小,反而是与其它相关连的肌肉有较大的关系。例如背部的肌群可以为我们的脊椎提供稳定性,但背部肌肉只要有受损或无力就可能会导致脊椎对齐出现问题,这时候有可能会造成身体的一侧较高,这样也就可能导致该侧的肌肉与相关的结缔组织过度拉伸,因此,就有可能会拉长或伸展腹壁的那侧肌肉,同时,造成另一侧的肌肉缩短,让六块肌形成不对称的状况。这就是肌肉机能失调的原因,所以,你可以注意一下两边的肩膀是否不同高,甚至于还会伴随着腰背酸痛的问题。 3.运动训练失衡 亚特兰大的力量专家乔尔·斯德曼(Joel Seedman)博士说,专注于单侧训练运动会导致核心肌群过度发展。例如棒球、网球或是高尔夫球的人都容易让肌肉发育不均,甚至可能因为过度的劳累让肌肉出现紧绷的状态,让单侧的肌肉变大变粗,这样不平衡的肌肉状态也会使得六块肌呈现不均衡的现象。 让腹肌看起来更对称 关于要解决腹肌看起来不对称的方式,力量专家乔尔·斯德曼(Joel Seedman)博士说,最主要的要处理核心的两个方面,分别是旋转式训练以及延长腹肌肌肉的训练。他也特别推荐了以下这八个训练动作,做为解决不对称腹肌的最佳练习。 1.单手平板式 2.侧平板式 3.延伸式平板撑体 4.风车平板式 5.绳索推拉式 6.单手哑铃卧推 7.俯身哑铃划船 8.单侧农夫走路 资料参考/mensjournal、ScienceDirect 责任编辑/David
2023-06-24 21:15:411


2023-06-24 21:15:514


2023-06-24 21:15:281


  China, one of the four oldest civilizations in the world, has a writtenhistory of 4,000 years and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites. It is the inventor of compass, paper-making, gunpowder and printing. The Great Wall, Grand Canal and Karez irrigation system are three great ancient engineering projects built 2,000 years ago. Now they are the symbols of the rich culture of the Chinese nation. China has gone over a long history of primitive society, slavery society, feudal society and semi-feudal semi-colonial society and the present socialist society.
2023-06-24 21:15:312


2023-06-24 21:15:336


2023-06-24 21:15:386

以中国历史为主的英语演讲 五分钟

一:《Chinese Cuisine Food Culture》 As a country that pays great attention to courtesy, our cuisine culture is deep rooted in China""s history. As a visitor or guest in either a Chinese home or restaurant you will find that table manners are essential and the distinctive courtesies displayed will invariably add to the enjoyment of your meals and keep you in high spirits! Respect First It is really an admirable custom to respect others at the table, including the aged, teachers and guests while taking good care of children. Chinese people stress filial piety all the time. The practice of presenting the best or fine food first to the senior members of the family has been observed for countless generations. In ancient times the common people led a needy life but they still tried their best to support the elder mother or father who took it for granted. Although the hosts in China are all friendly and hospitable, you should also show them respect. Before starting to eat dinner, the host may offer some words of greeting. Guests should not start to eat until the host says, ""Please enjoy yourself"" or something like that, otherwise it suggests disrespect and causes displeasure. When hosts place dishes on the table, they will arrange the main courses at the center with the supporting dishes evenly placed around them. When the main dishes are prepared in a decorative form either by cut or other means they will be placed facing the major guests and elder people at the table. This also embodies virtue. On Chopsticks China is the hometown of chopsticks. The culture of chopsticks has a long history in China. The tradition of using chopsticks as tableware was introduced to many other countries in the world such as Vietnam, North Korea and South Korea. The invention of chopsticks reflects the wisdom of Chinese ancient people. A pair of chopsticks, though they look simple, can nip, pick, rip and stir food. Nowadays, chopsticks are considered to be lucky gifts for marriage and other important ceremonies. For more details, please click Chinese Chopsticks. At Important Moments To celebrate the birthday is important moment in one""s life. When one is young, usually he will eat noodles before his birthday, because the long noodles indicate the longevity in China, and birthday cake on the actual day. After middle age, his birthday will grander. In addition to the above, peaches in many forms will be added symbolizing the longevity and immortality, as well as delightful couplets and candles. On the wedding day, it is also customary to serve Chinese dates, peanuts, longan and chestnuts together as wish that the couple will soon have a baby in accord with the Chinese proclamation. To most Chinese people, returning home after long absence or departure from home are both significant and there are food customs associated with this. The return home is greeted with noodles and off home while a farewell is offered with dumplings. This is especially popular in northeast China. During the Dragon Boat Festival, though many people cannot reach the river zone to watch the boat race, almost all of them eat the unique food -zongzi, a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves. The festival on that day it is to venerate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan and the people fearing his lack of food, made the special meal for him. Now the food is made in various shapes and sorts. On the eighth day of the last month in the Chinese lunar calendar, people will enjoy a nourishing porridge called ""La Ba Zhou"". In ancient times, monks would kindly share all sorts of food grains with people and made them flavorful porridge on this particular day. People still keep this convention. In Central China, when a baby is born, the happy father will send red boiled eggs to announce the news. Eggs with a black pointed end and dots in an even number such as six or eight, indicates a boy""s birth; those without a black point and in an odd number like a five or seven will say the baby is a girl. In addition to these, fish has always been used to suggest the accumulation of prosperity and wealth with meals on New Year""s Eve.二:history of China(中国历史)China, one of the four oldest civilizations in the world, has a written history of 4,000 years and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites. It is the inventor of compass, paper-making, gunpowder and printing. The Great Wall, Grand Canal and Karez irrigation system are three great ancient engineering projects built 2,000 years ago. Now they are the symbols of the rich culture of the Chinese nation. China has gone over a long history of primitive society, slavery society, feudal society and semi-feudal semi-colonial society and the present socialist society.Condensed China is an introduction to Chinese history. It exists to inform, enlighten, and attract netizens interested in China. It is not a complete history of China; I deliberately skipped over and left out a lot of information. This is more like ""Chinese History: the Cliff Notes version" or "Chinese History"s Greatest Hits" than a full-fledged history.The state examination system with its 1500 years long history was the most important means of recruiting state officials in the large administration system of the Chinese imperial state. Still today, the Chinese Taiwan perpetuates this institution in the shape of the Examination Yuan , altough the Taiwan government thinks about abolishing this institution because of its uselessness in a modern state. The method to recruit state officials by subjecting them to an examination on the one side opened access to higher posts to everyone who had fortune enough to finance ten years or more of intensive studies, but on the other side tied up manforce and capital that could otherwise serve for investment in business or in politics. And the intensive studies of Confucian Classics that was imposed on the candidates could also divert their thoughts and activities from critique or even rebellion - not always successful, like the case of the successless and disappointed candidate Hong Xiuquan, leader of the Taiping rebellion,,其中四个最古老的文明,在世界上有文字记载的历史, 4000年,拥有丰富的文物和历史遗迹。它是发明指南针,造纸,火药和印刷。万里长城,大运河和坎儿井灌溉系统三大古代工程建成2000多年前。现在,他们正象征丰富中华民族文化。中国已经超过历史悠久的原始社会,奴隶制社会,封建社会和半封建半殖民社会和当前社会主义社会。简明中国是一个介绍中国历史。它存在的通知,启示,并吸引有兴趣的网民在中国。这不是一个完整的中国历史;我故意跳过了,离开了很多资料。这是更像""中国历史:悬崖笔记版"或"中国历史上最伟大的点击"较全面的历史。国家考试制度,其1500年的悠久历史是最重要的手段招揽国家官员在大型管理系统中皇国。直到今天,中国的高新技术产业在台湾这个机构中形成的考试院,虽然台湾政府认为取消这一机构,因为它无用,在一个现代国家。方法招揽国家官员对他们进行检查,对其中一方开获得更高职位,以每个人的财富,足以融资10年或更长时间的密集研究,但对对方捆绑manforce和资本,否则担任投资业务或政治。和集约化研究儒家经典,是对考生也可疏导他们的思想和活动,从批判甚至反叛-并不总是成功的,像这样的s uccessless和失望候选人洪秀全领导的太平天国运动,证明了。
2023-06-24 21:15:491


我好像2小时前才回答过一样的问题……~~~~~~~~~~~~酔舟行曲编:kide词:BenjaminChong调教/后期:人形兔歌:兎眠海报:画雪末监督:小穆出品:月蚀桥の脇の 流るる水の音hashi no waki no nagaruru mizu no oto 川面に逸れの叶泛ばせkawamo ni hagure no ha ukabase 帰る雁を 急がす秋の暮kaeru kari wo isogasu aki no kure 想ひも冷ますomoi mo samasu 漕がぬ舟の 漂ふ舻にkoganu fune no tadayou funadomo ni 寄る辺なき身を预くるかなyorube naki mi wo azukuru ka na 独り酌がひ 觞映る翳hitori tsugai sakazuki utsuru kege 酔ひ痴るる幻深しeishiruru maboroshi fukashi 下つ弓张月 祈ぐ 欠くる事毋れshimotsuyumi harizuki negu kakuru koto nakare 过ち重ぬ 道违はふ生涯にayamachi kasanu michi tagawau shougai ni 悔ゆることでさへ 无かりせば在りせば 迁らじkuyuruu koto de sae nakariseba ariseba kawaraji 今は逝にし故人よ (むくいやらむ)ima wa inishi furubito yo (mukui yaran) 几度か 梦路に见えikutabi ka yumeji ni mie 偲ぶ事 (かなはねば)shinobu koto (kanawaneba) 顾みる事も恕されず (かへりみるにあへず)kaerimiru koto mo yurusarezu (kaerimiru ni aezu) 然らばsaraba 悲歌へ 孤吟へ 忧喜もutae utae urei yorokobi mo 悉く 忘河へ渡らせよ kotogotoku wasuregawa e watarase yo 问うて过ぐる 无常の因果を 苟且の浮世もtoute suguru mujou no inga wo karisome no ukiyo mo 钟の声の 明け六つにて动めてkane no koe no akemutsu ni te doyomete 小舟 徐に 往くは何処とも无しやkobune omomuro ni yuku wa izuko tomo nashi ya 涸れざるは泪karezaru wa namida
2023-06-24 21:15:561


get out here离开这里
2023-06-24 21:15:591


廻り続ける时计の针が刻んでゆく 刹那を mawari tsuduke ru tokei no hari ga kizan deyuku 刹 na wo 动き始めた心の音が响いている ugoki hajime ta kokoro no oto ga hibii teiru その日々は幼い顷の记忆の隅 隠して sono hibi ha osanaikoro no kioku no sumi kakushi te 过ぎてゆく程 失ってしまう梦のよう sugi teyuku hodo utte shimau yume noyou 泣き出せそうな 気持ちが胸を nakidase souna kimochi ga mune wo 缚り付けてしまっても... shibari duke teshimattemo ... 过去を巡り廻る言叶の意味を kako wo meguri mawaru kotoba no imi wo 私は気付いていたはずよ watashi ha kidui teitahazuyo 谁にも気づかれず 儚く消えてしまう dare nimo kidu karezu bou ku kie teshimau その弱い心を见つけて... sono yowai kokoro wo mitsu kete ... あなたが今その手を伸ばせばきっと anataga ima sono te wo noba sebakitto 信じていられるから... shinji teirarerukara ... 流れ続ける心の波を辿ってゆく 刹那を nagare tsuduke ru kokoro no nami wo tadotte yuku 刹 na wo 通り过ぎたら见えてくる贵方の面影 toori sugi tara mie tekuru anata no omokage 优しい风は私の髪を yasashii kaze ha watashi no kami wo 抚でて通り过ぎて行く nade te toori sugi te iku どんな未来だって怖がらないと... donna mirai datte kowaga ranaito ... 私は决めていたはずよ watashi ha kime teitahazuyo あなたに伝えたい気持ちはどこまでも anatani tsutae tai kimochi hadokomademo ]そう、あの日见つけた世界は... ] sou , ano nichi mitsu keta sekai ha ... 私が今この手を伸ばせばいつか watashi ga ima kono te wo noba sebaitsuka 描けると知ったから... egake ruto shitta kara ... 悲しみだけが 広がってゆく kanashimi dakega hiroga tteyuku それは言叶を失う程... soreha kotoba wo ushinau hodo ... 受け止めてゆく この痛みも uke tome teyuku kono itami mo 戻るわ あの人の元へ modoru wa ano nin no moto he だから dakara 谁にも気づかれず 儚く消えてしまう dare nimo kidu karezu bou ku kie teshimau その弱い心を见つけて... sono yowai kokoro wo mitsu kete ... あなたが今その手を伸ばせばきっと anataga ima sono te wo noba sebakitto 信じていられるから... shinji teirarerukara ... あなたに伝えたい気持ちはどこまでも anatani tsutae tai kimochi hadokomademo そう、あの日见つけた世界は... sou , ano nichi mitsu keta sekai ha ... 私が今この手を伸ばせばいつか watashi ga ima kono te wo noba sebaitsuka 描けると知ったから...egake ruto shitta kara ...
2023-06-24 21:16:031


2023-06-24 21:16:101

我下载了一个 点讯梅花输入法 想装到我的N81手机上

放在installs文件夹里试试。我用过段时间5700,你只是需要找到把放在内存卡上的文件所对应的自身手机菜单上的目录,点它就能装了 。。。 Images 图像 ,installs 安装,music 音乐,others 其他,sounds 声音,vindeos 视频
2023-06-24 21:16:111


Winamp的安装.... 屏幕8 :安装完成因此建议保持下列选项checkmarked : 发射器后,安装程序结束单击" Finish " 注:以下Winamp的设置1-3屏幕上只出现,如果你没有选中上述的"启动器后,安装程序关闭"选项。 屏幕9 : Winamp的设置1 :选择皮肤选择其中两个盒饭皮肤选择(标准或大) 。 选择"的"选择,无论是皮活跃之前安装(有用就升级) 。 抑或选择Winamp的现代皮肤,或内置在Winamp的经典为2.x基地皮肤,或任何其他第三党皮肤(如果安装) 。 点击"下一步" 屏幕10 : Winamp的设置2 :档案协会音频文件:选择其中的音频扩展名你想要Winamp中被默认播放器。 其他档案:列出任何文件扩展补充,由第三党的输入插件。 播放列表档案:选择播放扩展名你想要Winamp中被默认播放器。 视频档案:选择视频扩展名你想要Winamp中被默认播放器。 启动Winamp的音频CD :使Winamp的默认CD播放机显示Winamp中,在文件夹菜单,在Windows档案总管:增加"播放/ enqueue在Winamp的"等,以菜单当你右键点击文件夹在Windows Explorer 。 让Winamp的代理人:地方Winamp的Agent的图标systray 。 点击"下一步" 屏幕11 : Winamp的设置3 :用户反馈电子邮件地址,邮递区号(或国家)及性别是可选(不要求) 。 勾选任何其他选项,如果你想( "给我发信息约Winamp的" , "允许匿名使用统计" ) 。 如果按"取消"点击,然后设置刚出口。没有设置都会被保存下来,和Winamp的不开放。 否则,请点击"完成" (推荐) 。 一个小型"开始Winamp的"对话框。 Winamp中打开祝贺
2023-06-24 21:16:191

Miscreated 睡袋怎么放

2023-06-24 21:16:211

求恩施大峡谷英文介绍 ,最好是双语的

  恩施大峡谷概况  被专家誉为与美国科罗拉多大峡谷难分伯仲的湖北清江恩施大峡谷位于长江三峡附近的鄂西南恩施土家族苗族自治州恩施市屯堡乡和板桥镇境内,是清江大峡谷中的一段。峡谷全长108千米,总面积300多平方千米。峡谷中的百里绝壁、千丈瀑布、傲啸独峰、原始森林、远古村寨等景点美不胜收。自然景区则主要由大河碥风光、前山绝壁、大中小龙门峰林、板桥洞群、龙桥暗河、云龙河地缝、后山独峰、雨龙山绝壁、朝东岩绝壁、铜盆水森林公园、屯堡清江河画廊等组成。  华中理工大学著名的建筑与旅游专家张良皋教授实地考察对比后认为,恩施大峡谷是世界上最美丽的大峡谷,“即使走马观花也令人如痴如醉”。与美国的科罗拉多大峡谷论壮观,清江大峡谷与之难分伯仲;若论风景之秀美、景观之丰富、层次之多样,恩施大峡谷的沐抚段则远胜于科罗拉多大峡谷。而且这里还是巴文化发源地,人文特色浓郁,而科罗拉多大峡谷仅有少数印第安人居住。  “八百里清江,每一寸都是风景。极具开发价值的恩施大峡谷如不向世界推介,绝对是一大遗憾。”张良皋说,这里的峡谷山峰险峻,山头高昂,有仰天长啸之浩气;谷底的清江水质清幽,令人有脱胎换骨之感受。沐抚大、小龙门6 平方千米的范围内就有200米以上的独立山峰30余座;静水清江,虹桥卧波、青山倒影,让人产生海市蜃楼的幻觉;沿清江乘船顺流而下,云雾缭绕,白鹤翩跹,情景交融,仿佛置身于浩缈悠远的世外天地之间。  恩施大峡谷有五大奇观:  壮美无比的恩施大峡谷空间宏伟开阔,景观层次丰富,山体变化多端,清江河谷深切,具有别于五岳的五大奇观:  一是清江升白云。与大多数名山的云海显得闲散无序不同的是,沐抚大峡谷里从清江上升起的云海象一条腾飞的巨龙,蜿蜒曲折,延绵百里,形态丰润,美不胜收。  二是绝壁环峰丛。喀斯特地貌一般情形是有绝壁者无峰丛,有峰丛者无绝壁,沐抚大峡谷不仅兼而有之,而且面积大、品位高。有四面绝壁凹陷于丛峰之中的,也有四面绝壁突出似凌架于丛峰之上的。世界上目前尚未发现类似奇景。  三是天桥连洞群。洞穴群落是大峡谷中又一特点。据不完全统计,大峡谷沿线有大小洞穴200余个。如板桥的热云洞,有石壁相隔形成两个洞口,一洞通热风,一洞出冷风,冷热交融烟雾缭绕;而且洞内的大厅可容纳数万人;更有天桥匹配,水天相谐、人物相映,犹如仙境。  四是地缝接飞瀑。恩施大峡谷内的云龙河地缝全长7.5千米,最深达75米,地缝怪石遍布,五彩斑斓,古木苍翠,碧流潺潺,尤其是地缝两岸的数条飞瀑流泉,令人震撼而神怡。  五是地缝配竖井(天坑与地缝相通)。中法探险队历经十年考察于最近宣布,奉节龙桥河至恩施大峡谷的地下暗河全长50千米,为世界之最。仅暗河之上的竖井就有108个,形似著名的新疆坎儿井,非常壮观和罕见。  英文版:  Enshi general situation of the grand canyon  Praised by experts and the United States to the grand canyon in the two points of hubei enshi grand canyon located in the Yangtze river three gorges qingjiang river near the southwest of hubei enshi tujia and miao autonomous prefecture enshi "BaoXiang and BanQiaoZhen territory in tuen mun, is the grand canyon in a long qingjiang river. The canyon 108 km, with a total area of more than 300 square kilometers (square miles). The cliffs in the valley, cubits the waterfall, screaming peak, proud alone primeval forest, the ancient village, and other attractions is amazing. Natural scenic area is mainly by the river Bian scenery, former mountain cliffs, medium, board of longmen peak forest little, LongQiao river, the river DeFeng, HouShan yunlong alone, the rain cliffs, longshan peak toward the east rock cliffs, copper pot of water forest park, tun clear rivers gallery etc.  Huazhong university of science and technology of the famous buildings and tourism experts ZhangLiangGao professor on-the-spot investigation that contrast, enshi grand canyon is one of the world"s most beautiful grand canyon, "even if it was inconceivable also typically". And the United States of the grand canyon in a spectacular, the grand canyon and difficult points of qingjiang river "; If of the beautiful scenery, the rich, the level of the landscape diversity, the grand canyon of the stroke segment enshi bathing is far better than the grand canyon. And it is home to ba cultures, humane flavor, and the grand canyon in only a few Indian people live.  "In eight hundred, every inch of qingjiang river is the scenery. Most of the development value of enshi to promote the world such as the grand canyon, the absolute is a big regret." ZhangLiangGao said, here"s steep mountain valley, high mountains, long face upwards of HaoQi; The bottom of qingjiang river water quality peaceful, a person have the feeling changed forever. Mu caresses big, little dragon gate 6 square km within the scope of the 200 meters of above more than 30 independent mountain block; Static qingjiang river water, hongqiao lie wave, castle peak of reflection, let a person produce a mirage of illusion; Along qingjiang take a boat trip down the river, the clouds wind, vain crane, scene blend, as if place oneself YuHao they pass from distant between heaven and earth.  Enshi grand canyon have five wonders:  So the grand canyon of the magnificent grand open enshi space, landscape rich administrative levels, mountain change multiterminal, deep qingjiang river valley, with five different from the mountains wonders:  One is the qingjiang river rose white clouds. Most famous mountains and sea of clouds appear idle disorder different is, "in the grand canyon touch from rising qingjiang river cloud walrus a take-off of dragons, twists and turns to extend inside, form plump, beautiful.  2 it is a precipice ring peak plexus. Karst landscape is the general case is a unique without the peak plexus, the peak plexus without a precipice, mu caresses the grand canyon both not only, and the area is large, high grade. Have all around a precipice sag of CongFeng in, also have all around like a precipice prominent bullying frame in CongFeng based. The world is not yet found similar wonders.  Three is LianDong group of bridge. The cave is canyon in the community and characteristics. According to not complete count, the grand canyon along more than 200 caves have size. If the cloud (hot hole, a rock formation apart two the mouth of the cave, and a hole the hot air, a hole out the cold wind, heat and cold, blend smoky; And the hole hall can accommodate tens of thousands of people; More overpass matching, water day photograph come, the character set each other off, like a fairyland.  Four is DeFeng meet waterfalls. The grand canyon of enshi in the 7.5 km DeFeng yunlong river, the most up to 75 m, DeFeng peak around, multicolored, tall ancient trees stand lush, green bubbling stream, especially DeFeng on both sides of the article number one stream, impressive and expanded.  Five is DeFeng match well (tiankeng and DeFeng interlinked). After 10 years in the law in the investigation recently announced that LongQiao fengjie river to the grand canyon of enshi underground river is 50 km, for most of the world. Only the vertical shaft above river, has 108, similar to a famous xinjiang KanErJing, very spectacular and rare.
2023-06-24 21:16:217


2023-06-24 21:16:2311


问题一:手机缓存满了,怎么清除? 清理手机垃圾,却又怕误删文件?附清理方法 使用y-管理器(或者自己使用的管理器)打开c盘: 1:cache文件夹是缓存目录,建议大家定时清空。 2:所有temp文件夹是临时目录建议清空。 3:依次打开C:/system/dmgr,里面有两个文件夹了,各有一个contents的文件夹,进去之后发现里面的文件是不是似曾相识?嘿嘿,这就是平时上网下载的一些视频啦音乐还有一些文本文件,可以安全删除,不放心的话,这里的文件可以直接打开。 4:c盘data目录下的installs是软件的安装目录,可以清空。 5、打开C盘--打开system--删除system.ini文件,重新启动手机,还能恢复这个文件,但是,文件已经没那么大了,再看接收短信彩信,速度已经快多了,机器运行也顺多了。 (PS:此方法非高手慎用,万一你删错了必须格机不要怪偶!) 我们在使用文件管理软件如Y管理器进入System系统目录看一下 SystemApps存放的是安装的软件,有些软件尽管安装在E盘,但是运行后还是会在C盘SystemApps中建立目录存放一些记录程序状态的数据或者其他数据,不用删除他们,它们占用的空间很少 再说一下SystemAppsPhone目录,如果你使用软件对网标进行过更改的话,在这个目录中会有oplogo的子目录,在里面还会有一个bmp文件,删除这个文件就可以恢复原来的网标 Systemootdata目录里存放着手机启动的相关文件,不需要去改动它们 SystemData目录里存放着很多ini,dat,cdr等文件,它们都是程序所保存设置的数据文件,请不要随意删除和修改它们,除非你知道它们的确切意义,在这个目录里有一些重要文件SystemDataCalendr记录着日程表数据 SystemDataContacts.cdb和SystemDataCntModel.ini记录着名片夹数据(正常情况下你不可以复制Contacts.cdb文件进行保存名片数据) SystemdataNotepad.dat保存着记事本中的内容 Systemdataackgroundimage.mbm是桌面墙纸图片文件 SystemdataApplications.dat是程序数据文件 Systemdatawapstore目录中保存着wap的相关数据 Systemfavourites目录下保存着所有的收藏夹的快捷方式文件*.lnk文件,你可以将这些文件移动到E:Systemfavourites中,你的收藏夹不会受到影响的 Systeminstall目录保存了软件的安装记录,可以删除它们来节约空间,但是删除程序时只能手动删除了 SystemLibs这个目录里存放着软件相关的dll文件,上面已经提到过了 SystemLocalization这个目录只有当你安装了World Clock Pro才会在里面产生相关文件,这个目录中记录着World Clock Pro中城市数据,删除它可以节约空间,但在World Clock Pro中将不能显示城市数据 SystemMagic101这个目录在安装MGS平台后才会出现 SystemMail目录下存......>> 问题二:如何清理手机网络缓存 这个你自己就能做把,安装过系统清理软件就成了,另外关机重启的话,缓存也会得到释放的, 当然了,你找买手机的那地方的客服也行,但是找移动的客服未必能解决的,因为这个是你的手机问题,而不是他们的网络问题 问题三:如何完全清理手机内存? 手机的内存,分为两类,一个是运行内存,一个是存储内存。 运行内存总是满,可以用杀进程软件来清除内存,存储内存,可以卸载一些不需要的软件。如果还是占用大,说明需要清理缓存了。 安卓手机,用的时间长了,不少手机在安装程序的时候,明明有空间,但还是会显示系统内存不足,解决方法: 1、用专用工具清除存储内存中的缓存及垃圾文件。 比如LBE安全大师的清理功能,或猎豹清理大师。都有双重清理功能,既可清除运行内存,也可以清除程序缓存、垃圾文件,并且都有深度清理功能,可以发现占空间特别大的文件予以清除。 2、如果以上方法还不管用,则99%的是Dalvik缓存占了空间。解决方法: a.下载安装幸运破解器。 b.点工具箱里“清除Dalvik缓存”,有的版本翻译为“清除虚拟机缓存并立即重启”,就是把/data分区里的dalvik-cache的全部文件删除。 c.自动重启或提示重启,重启后即可以有效解决此问题。 问题四:如何清除app缓存 1、先打开菜单-进入设置菜单。 2、选择应用。 2、选择软件(比如支付宝)。 3、点击支付宝进(或其他软件)入。 4、点击清除缓存,退出完成。 问题五:手机百度云怎么清除缓存 1 首先打开手机“百度云”; 2 点击右下角的“更多”; 3 点击右上角的“设置”; 4 在最下端找到“本地空间清理”选项; 5 在本页面可以选择三项清理内容,如果感觉没有必要的话,完全可以全部清理,当然也可以分别清理; 6 清理完成。 问题六:手机网络缓存如何清除 可以用一些**手机助手,也可以打开程序管理,打开每个应用程序进行清理 问题七:手机QQ怎么清理缓存?太占空间了。 1,其实在手机QQ中,本身自带了清理功能,在QQ的设置功能,我们先打开手机QQ,然后在里面点击打开【我】这个分类 2,打开这个分类后,可以看到最下面一项有一个【设置】按钮,这里面包含了QQ功能的所有这只,包括声音啊、截图啊等等功能都是在这里设置的 3,打开设置后,可以在里面看到很多的功能,其中有一项是聊天记录,但是千万别以为他是查看聊天记录的功能!QQ的缓存就是在这个分类下清理的 4,打开聊天记录功能后,有3个清理功能,分别是清空消息列表、清空聊天记录、清空缓存数据,就根据这个提示,然后直接对手机中的缓存进行清理就可以了。 【第三方软件清理】 1,除了可以用自带清理功能外,其实用第三方软件清理的话要更干净彻底一些,比如用腾讯手机管家――健康优化――清理垃圾功能 2,打开这个清理垃圾的功能后,先进行垃圾扫描,然后直接进行一键清理就可以了,不管是手机QQ还是其他缓存垃圾都可以清理的干净,而且不存在误删问题 问题八:手机缓存怎么清理,缓存是什么意思 缓存就是数据交换的缓冲区(称作Cache),当某一硬件要读取数据时,会首先从缓存中查找需要的数据,如果找到了则直接执行,找不到的话则从内存中找。由于缓存的运行速度比内存快得多,故缓存的作用就是帮助硬件更快地运行。 因为缓存往往使用的是RAM(断电即掉的非永久储存),所以在用完后还是会把文件送到硬盘等存储器里永久存储。电脑里最大的缓存就是内存条了,最快的是CPU上镶的L1和L2缓存,显卡的显存是给显卡运算芯片用的缓存,硬盘上也有16M或者32M的缓存。 1. 在安卓手机中,本身就自带了清理缓存的功能,需要先打开手机的菜单,然后在里面找到【设置】这个选项,打开后寻找下一步解决方案。打开后寻找下一步解决方案。 2. 打开设置后,可以看到很多关于手机的设置功能,但是并没有我们要的清理缓存,不要着急,安卓系统这个功能设置的比较隐蔽,选择【应用】这个选项。 3.打开应用选项后,选择全部分类,可以看到手机中全部已安装的软件,拿美团这个软件为例吧,我们只需要点击一下就会弹出一个设置该软件的窗口。 4.打开后在这里可以看到有卸载、移动至手机内存、清除数据和清除缓存功能,好了相信看到这里大家也都能知道怎么清理了,就是点击【清除数据】和【清除缓存】就可以把如那件产生的缓存清理了。 问题九:安卓手机缓存怎么清理 方法一、系统清除按Menu键“按大小排序”选项 这时会有手机中所用应用程序。选择要清除缓存的软件,就会出现“清除缓存”选项,点击清除缓存这样就会把清除缓存文件占据的空间是放出来。方法二、利用RE管理器此方法首先手机要获取过ROOT高级权限,然后安装了RE管理器。打开RE管理器。打开data / dalivik-cahce把dalivik-cache里面的文件全部都删掉即可。重启手机即可。(重启的过程中可能会比较慢就像刷完机后第一次开机一样)方法三、用助手软件清理这里以用手机管家清理缓存为例。(手机助手软件很多,如安卓优化大师、ET优化大师、手机优化大师等都有清理手机缓存功能)打开手机管家。点击“一键清理”。等待扫描完成,点击“一键清理加速”即可。四、手动清理应用软件的缓存如比较常用的微信、QQ的AAPP应用在使用一段时间后机会有大量的缓存占用时间的储存空间,可以直接在应用中清理缓存(以微信为例)。登陆微信,点击右下角“我”。点击“设置”。点击“通用”。找到“清理微信存储空间”点击他。等待扫描完成,点击“清理微信存储空间”即可。四、卸载软件、重装将不常用的应用软件卸载掉,或者将常用软件卸载了以后出现安装,缓存都会比原来少好多的。
2023-06-24 21:16:261


要触发鸣人的假期黑土的剧情,您需要将小樱培养到5级制造方剂,将方剂带去给每天吃,每天触发小李剧情。 在拉面店选择吃东西选择最阔绰的拉面,黑土就会呈现。
2023-06-24 21:16:292

误造miscreated 怎么开始游戏

进安全模式调回低分辨率就好了 WindowsXP环境下进入安全模式: 1、在计算机开启BIOS加载完之后,迅速按下F8键,在出现的WindowsXP高级选项菜单中选择“安全模式”; 2、如果有多系统引导,在选择WindowsXP启动时,当按下回车键,就应该迅速地按下F。
2023-06-24 21:16:291

火影忍者 73集3代火影用尸鬼封尽封印1.2代火影时回忆的那个插曲

2023-06-24 21:16:386


沙盒 游戏 (Sandbox Games)是由沙盘 游戏 慢慢演变而来,自成一种 游戏 类型,由一个或多个地图区域构成,往往包含多种 游戏 要素,包括角色扮演,动作、射击、驾驶等等。能够改变或影响甚至创造世界是沙盒 游戏 的特点。创造性是该类型 游戏 的核心玩法,利用 游戏 中提供的物件制造出玩家自己独创的东西。 中文名: 森林 原版名称: The Forest 内容主题: 动作冒险、恐怖、探险、 写实 开发商: Endnight Games Ltd 游戏 价格: 5.5折 售价70,打折38, 平史低 如果你热爱沙盒生存类 游戏 ,不妨在尝试一下这款 游戏 ,或许能够给你带来和其他同类 游戏 不一样的全新体验。 中文名: 腐蚀 原版名称: RUST 内容主题: 末日、生存 开发商: Facepunch Studios 游戏 价格: 2.5折 售价103,打折25, 平史低 游戏 简评: 《Rust》是采用Unity 3D引擎制作的一款丧尸类生存网络 游戏 , 游戏 是采取PVP方式(注意 游戏 没有单人模式),玩家看见其他玩家的时候,可以选择结伴、无视、或是直接杀了对方,抢夺其身上的任何资源。 游戏 除了注重战斗部分外,还拥有非常丰富的生存要素。玩家在 游戏 中除了要防范动物、僵尸、玩家的袭击,并依靠各类物品进行生存。 中文名: 方舟:生存进化 原版名称: ARK: Survival Evolved 内容主题: 生存、恐龙 开发商: Studio Wildcard 游戏 价格: 4折 售价138,打折55, 平史低 游戏 简评: 《方舟:进化生存》采用的是虚幻引擎4打造, 游戏 的画面相当之华丽,无论是怪物模型的质感还是场景内的铺垫都相当的真实和强大,都是制作方的用心付出才有这样子的回报。所以我建议大家,在 游戏 初期,不要因为这个 游戏 的一点困难就放弃 游戏 ,因为到了中期这个 游戏 才刚刚开始,如果觉得 游戏 难度太高,可以去和小伙伴们联机游玩哦! 中文名: 僵尸末日 原版名称: DayZ 内容主题: 生存 丧尸 开放世界 开发商: Bohemia Interactive 游戏 价格: 6.7折 售价199,打折133, 平史低 游戏 简评: 《DayZ》 游戏 玩家需要在黑俄罗斯的Chernarus进行生存,作为一个幸存者,玩家必须通过获取食物、饮用水、武器以及医疗物资进行生存, 游戏 特点是地图比较大,有载具,设有自行车、 汽车 、武装 汽车 、海上汽艇、游轮和空中载具,玩家必须避开或者和僵尸作战来生存,但充满丧尸的世界,最可怕的却不是丧尸,而是和你一样幸存下来的人类。 中文名: 误造 原版名称: Miscreated 内容主题: 生存、开放世界 开发商: Entrada Interactive LLC 游戏 价格: 4折 售价80,打折32, 平史低 游戏 简评: 《Miscreated》结合了世界末日风格,是一款以生存为基础的多人在线 游戏 。 游戏 以硬核生存为主题。但也因为过于硬核,部分玩家无法适应,在某种程度上来说,它有些丢失了沙盒 游戏 本该有的“休闲”。 中文名: 未转变者 原版名称: Unturned 内容主题: 生存、丧尸、末日、沙盒 开发商: Nelson Sexton 游戏 价格: 免费 游戏 简评: 《unturned》是一款相当不错的 游戏 ,对于生存向 游戏 感兴趣, 游戏 的画风太抽象了,人物是属于卡通类型,看起来相当喜感。而且 游戏 配置方面几乎没什么要求,非常适合低配党们进行游玩。 这款 游戏 的成功点在于允许玩家用编辑器制作地图和Mod,并且可以发布到创意工坊。值得一提的是《未转变者》是2014年Steam最受欢迎的 游戏 之一。 中文名: 七日杀 原版名称: 7 days to die 内容主题: 生存、恐怖、僵尸 开发商: The Fun Pimps Entertainment 游戏 价格: 3.4折 售价78,打折26, 平史低 游戏 简评: 《七日杀》 游戏 部分中的僵尸元素则会效仿求生之路,可以“抓、跳跃、攀爬和打破玻璃。可以看、闻和听到玩家角色,可以组队出击。玩家需要小心特殊的感染敌人,可以吐出绿色酸液,腐蚀你的身体。”在僵尸来袭和合作对抗僵尸这方面显示出了一个好 游戏 的迹象,并且对于同类型的 游戏 提供了非常棒的想法,其实这是灾难中的灾难。 还有哪些沙盒 游戏 ,欢迎在评论去讨论呦!
2023-06-24 21:16:421


  1、install读音:   英[u026anu02c8stu0254u02d0l]美[u026anu02c8stu0254u02d0l];   2、install释义:   安装;安顿,安置;任命;使……正式就职;   3、词态变化:   第三人称单数:installs;过去式:installed;过去分词:installed;现在分词:installing;   4、实用例句:   The unit is comparatively easy to install and cheap to operate.这种设备比较容易安装而且用起来便宜。   Another change that Sue made was to install central heating.休所作的另一个改变是安装中央供暖系统。
2023-06-24 21:16:441


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2023-06-24 21:16:573

getoutmyface 什么意思

2023-06-24 21:15:203

get out in front of 是什么意思

2023-06-24 21:15:131


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2023-06-24 21:15:051


installpurely例句:同样是水,何必装纯呢! Similarlyisthewater,whyinstallspurely。希望可以帮助您,满意采纳哦,O(∩_∩)O谢谢(以后还有什么需要帮助的话,乐意效劳)
2023-06-24 21:14:536

求一篇“中国历史”的英语作文,大约60字。 感谢!!!

画龙点睛(Putting the Finishing Touch to the Picture of a Dragon) In the Southern and Northern Dynasties Period (420-589), there was a painter called Zhang Sengyou. Once he visited a temple and painted on the wall four dragons, but gave none of them eyes. The onlookers felt that this was odd, and asked why he hadn"t painted the eyes. He answered, "Eyes are crucial for dragons. With the eyes painted on, the dragons would fly away." Nobody believed this, so Zhang Sengyou took up his brush and added eyes to two of the dragons. No sooner had he finished than the two dragons flew into the sky amid a thunderstorm. The two without eyes stayed painted on the wall.
2023-06-24 21:14:482

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2023-06-24 21:14:371

从…中出来 的英文

2023-06-24 21:14:311


The Beijing-Hangzhou GrandCanal, is in the world the longest mileage,EngineeringThe largest, oldest and one of the the Great Wall canal, and known as the two ancient Chinese great project. The Grande Canale north of Beijing (Zhu County, South to Hangzhou ()Yuhang), via Beijing, Tianjin two city and Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang four provinces, throughThe Haihe River, the Yellow River, Huaihe, the Yangtze River, the Qian Tang river fiveRiver system, length of approximately 1794 km, cutting to now has 2500 years of history. The part of the river is still navigable function.The Beijing-Hangzhou GrandCanalYesChinaBetween North and South RegionEconomics, cultural development and exchanges, especially on the areas of industrial and agricultural economy development has played a tremendous role. The Grande Canale is also the most ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Canal. It andThe Great Wall,KarezAre known as China"s three major ancient works, known throughout the world. Beijing HangzhouThe Grande CanaleIs the ancient Chinese people created a great project, are the ancestors left us a precious material and spiritual wealth, is alive, the flow of important heritage of humanity. The Grande Canale beganThe spring and Autumn PeriodIn the Sui Dynasty, formed, developed in the Tang and Yuan Dynasty, eventually become communication in Haihe river,The Yellow River, Huaihe,The Yangtze River,Qian TangjiangThe big fiveRiver system, north-south north-south water traffic thoroughfare. In two thousand years of history, the Grande Canale as China"s economic development, national unity, social progress and cultural prosperity made important contribution, still plays a great role. Beijing Hangzhou the Grande Canale shows the ancient Chinese irrigation worksShippingEngineering technology leader inThe worldRemarkable achievement, left a richHistory and cultureRelics, gave birth to a bright pearl in the city.The ancient town ofLong, accumulated profound culture, embodies the Chinese politics, economy, culture, society in many fields of the huge information. The Grande Canale and the Great Wall and the culture of the Chinese nation is one heck of a status symbol.
2023-06-24 21:14:282

Install Shideld 软件在那里找,怎么用?

在InstallShield 5.5产品系列中,除了本身的InstallShield专业版外,还有express(简明版)、JavaEdition(用于跨平台的Java安装)、Application Repackager(用于应用程序的包装,它自动检测与应用程序相关的DLL等内容)、Packagefortheweb(用于将安装媒介打包成一个自运行文件)以及Installfromtheweb(创建用于WEB的安装项目)等。 当然,InstallShield产品目前已发展到跨平台、支持更多操作系统的程度,其中InstallShield Professional - Standard Edition 6.2 和InstallShield Professional - Windows Installer Edition 2.0 就是两个功能强大、界面新颖的最新产品。 Standard Edition 6.2是从InstallShield专业版5.5发展而来,它在原有的基础上增加许多功能,尤其是在Internet安装上更是如此,这主要体现在: (1) 耳目一新的"Project Wizard"使用得开发者更快捷地创建最新应用程序的安装项目,其功能非常强大. (2) "One-Click Install"解决方案,它使得用户只需在网页上简单地点击一下,就可进行安装,其下载和安装是同时进行的;安装过程中显示出安装进度、当前下载速度以及所需要的时间. (3) 可视化的对话框编辑功能使用户很容易地修改如标题、元素等内容,并可方便将其他安装项目中已有的对话框添加进来.其下载地址:易游贝贝祝你好运
2023-06-24 21:14:281

get out of与get out from有什么区别?或者说,根本就没有get out from这个词语?

get out of 1、离开某地 外出(尤指参观或会友) 2、逃避、规避、摆脱 放弃、戒除、抛弃
2023-06-24 21:14:221


history of China(中国历史) China, one of the four oldest civilizations in the world, has a written history of 4,000 years and boasts rich cultural relics and historical sites. It is the inventor of pass, paper-making, gunpowder and printing. The Great Wall, Grand C *** and Karez irrigation system are three great ancient engineering projects built 2,000 years ago. Now they are the symbols of the rich culture of the nation. China has gone over a long history of primitive society, slavery society, feudal society and semi-feudal semi-colonial society and the present socialist society. Condensed China is an introduction to history. It exists to inform, enlighten, and attract izens interested in China. It is not a plete history of China; I deliberately skipped over and left out a lot of information. This is more like "" History: the Cliff Notes version" or " History"s Greatest Hits" than a full-fledged history. The state examination system with its 1500 years long history was the most important means of recruiting state officials in the large administration system of the imperial state. Still today, the Taiwan perpetuates this institution in the shape of the Examination Yuan , altough the Taiwan government thinks about abolishing this institution because of its uselessness in a modern state. The method to recruit state officials by subjecting them to an examination on the one side opened access to higher posts to everyone who had fortune enough to finance ten years or more of intensive studies, but on the other side tied up manforce and capital that could otherwise serve for investment in business or in politics. And the intensive studies of Confucian Classics that was imposed on the candidates could also divert their thoughts and activities from critique or even rebellion - not always successful, like the case of the successless and disappointed candidate Hong Xiuquan, leader of the Taiping rebellion, proves.
2023-06-24 21:14:221


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2023-06-24 21:14:1713

申请LSE 地方经济发展硕士的文书

申请专业: LSE-MSc Local Economic Development ( 伦敦政治经济学院地方经济发展硕士) Personal Statement 个人陈述 Some policies are simply imitating other local governments, but do not know the purpose behind the policies; and the actual situation of farmers is not taken into account in policy formulation. There are still many problems in the development plan and policy making of local government. Therefore, I am determined to become a member of a local economic development institution, to formulate local economic development plans and policies according to local conditions, so as to contribute to the economic development of rural areas in China. 有些政策只是简单的模仿其他地方政府,却不知道政策背后的目的;在制定政策时没有考虑到农民的实际情况。地方政府的发展规划和政策制定还存在很多问题。因此,我决心成为一个地方经济发展机构的成员,因地制宜地制定地方经济发展计划和政策,为中国农村的经济发展做出贡献。 (本段提出了自己的发展及职业目标) In order to put forward reasonable development plans and policies, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the conditions and current policies in rural areas. During my undergraduate study, I have studied many courses on China"s agricultural economy and agricultural policy, such as agricultural economics and agricultural policy. This has made me deeply understand the characteristics of China"s agriculture and rural areas, as well as the development process and trend of China"s agricultural policy, which has laid the foundation for my future work in the local economic development department. (different from western agriculture, China"s agriculture is a kind of small-scale peasant economy. Farmers take their families as the unit and make decentralized management decisions. However, China"s policy is to achieve the goal of "integration and separation, double-layer management", and organize small-scale farmers without harming their interests, so as to promote the scale effect and make agriculture develop towards modernization.) I also went to Sichuan Province, Beijing and other areas of rural areas for research and found specific problems in rural development from the practical level, which pointed out the direction for my future work. 为了提出合理的发展规划和政策,必须充分了解农村的条件和现行政策。本科期间,我学习了很多关于中国农业经济和农业政策的课程,比如农业经济学和农业政策。这使我深刻了解了中国农业和农村的特点,以及中国农业政策的发展过程和趋势,为我今后在地方经济发展部门的工作奠定了基础。(与西方农业不同,中国农业是一种小农经济。中国农户以家庭为单位,分散经营决策。 中 国的政策是实现“统分结合、双层经营”的目标,在不损害小规模农户利益的前提下,将他们组织起来,从而促进规模效应,使农业向现代化发展。)我还到四川省、北京市等地区的农村进行调研,从实践层面发现农村发展中的具体问题,为我今后的工作指明了方向。 (本段叙述了自己的本科经历,以及对中国农业和农村的理解,非常有个人特色) Making a proper economic development plan requires a solid knowledge of economics. I have taken economics principles, intermediate microeconomics, intermediate macroeconomics and other courses, many of which have obtained good grades of more than 90 points. I have also studied econometrics, statistical software application and other courses, mastered Stata, R, SPSS, Eviews and other data analysis software, self-taught structural equation model, hyperbolic rate discount model and other econometric models, which are very important in the process of studying economic development. 制定适当的经济发展计划需要扎实的经济学知识。我学过经济学原理,中级微观经济学,中级宏观经济学等课程,很多都取得了90多分的好成绩。还学习了计量经济学、统计软件应用等课程,掌握了Stata、R、SPSS、Eviews等数据分析软件,自学了结构方程模型、双曲率贴现模型等计量经济模型,这些模型在学习经济发展的过程中非常重要。 (本段强调了自己的经济学知识,软件技能,建模技能等等) After mastering the basic knowledge, I have tried to use the economic knowledge I have learned to formulate a specific regional economic development strategy. Here, using the example of Xinjiang Karez, I highlight the combination of the more popular rural tourism and the sixth industry, and propose to create Karez tourism. 在掌握了基础知识之后,我已经尝试运用所学的经济学知识来制定具体的区域经济发展战略。这里,我以新疆坎儿井为例,突出了比较流行的乡村旅游与第六产业的结合,提出打造坎儿井旅游。 (本段讲了自己利用知识做了什么) I also use my knowledge to analyze the mortgage loan policy of land management right in Keshan County of Heilongjiang Province to promote rural finance, and put forward some policy suggestions. After reading a large number of research reports, I found that the farmers in Keshan County not only mortgaged the land management rights, but also mortgaged the farmers" property rights and other rights, which not only damaged the interests of farmers, but also did not conform to the original intention of policy-making. After professional analysis, I think this may be caused by two reasons. First, it is difficult for financial institutions to deal with the mortgage of land management right, that is, it is difficult for financial institutions to make up for their losses through this management right after farmers are unable to repay. Therefore, financial institutions need to increase collateral to reduce their own risks. Second, at present, the credit information of farmers is still incomplete, leading to the low degree of trust of financial institutions. Based on the above analysis, I put forward two policy suggestions: first, speed up the construction of rural land management rights circulation market and professional collection and storage platform, so that farmers" mortgage land management rights can be realized. Secondly, we should strengthen the training of farmers" awareness of performance and accelerate the construction of rural financial credit reporting system. The policy analysis report finally got a good score of 90. 我还运用我的知识分析了黑龙江省克山县促进农村金融的土地经营权抵押贷款政策,并提出了一些政策建议。我看了大量的调研报告,发现克山县农民不仅抵押了土地经营权,还抵押了农民的财产权利和其他权利,既损害了农民的利益,也不符合政策制定的初衷。经过专业分析,我认为这可能是两个原因造成的。一是金融机构难以处理土地经营权抵押,即农民无力偿还后,金融机构难以通过这种经营权弥补损失。因此,金融机构需要增加抵押品来降低自身风险。第二,目前农户的信用信息还不完整,导致对金融机构的信任度低。基于以上分析,我提出两点政策建议:一是加快农村土地经营权流转市场和专业收储平台建设,让农民抵押土地经营权得以实现。其次,要加强农民履约意识的培养,加快农村金融征信体系建设。政策分析报告最后得了90分的好成绩。 (本段提了自己如何运用知识分析了黑龙江省克山县促进农村金融的土地经营权抵押贷款政策,并提出了一些政策建议。) The development of regional economy is a very interesting subject, and I would like to make a further research on this aspect. As a strong subject of LSE, it is very attractive to me. I think this project of LSE is a good platform. From this project, I can communicate with people from other parts of the world and learn from each other"s development experience. I also believe that my knowledge of China"s agricultural and rural development process can help many other countries. In addition, I am also interested in the project courses. I especially like the course of local capacity and economic development policy. As mentioned above, I am very interested in how to promote the cooperation between financial institutions and farmers in rural areas. I hope to further promote the development of rural finance through this course. I sincerely hope to have the opportunity to join LSE to explore the knowledge of regional economic development. 区域经济的发展是一个非常有趣的课题,我想在这方面做进一步的研究。作为LSE的强势学科,很吸引我。我觉得LSE的这个项目是一个很好的平台。从这个项目中,我可以与世界其他地方的人交流,学习彼此的发展经验。我也相信,我对中国农业和农村发展进程的了解可以帮助许多其他国家。此外,我还对项目课程感兴趣。特别喜欢《地方能力与经济发展政策》这门课。如上所述,我对如何促进金融机构和农民在农村的合作非常感兴趣。希望通过这门课程进一步推动农村金融的发展。我真诚地希望有机会加入LSE,探索区域经济发展的知识。 (本段描述了LSE课程的优势以及如何能帮助自己)笔者点评: 本篇PS并未按照常规的PS架构去写作,而是另辟蹊径,重点讲述了自己对中国经济,特别是农业和农村经济的理解。另外,作者分析了黑龙江省克山县促进农村金融的土地经营权抵押贷款政策,并提出了一些政策建议。其中,作者做了大量的调研报告,说明其是一个有钻研精神和研究能力的人。总的来说,这篇PS突出了自己对农业经济的深刻理解,而不是简单地罗列自己的教育背景、科研、实习等等,令人耳目一新和印象深刻。其写作手法非常值得我们借鉴和效仿。
2023-06-24 21:14:141

qq安装不上 好像之前把那个windows installs给删了

恩 我也遇到过....这个方法你要先清理注册表..一般类似windows优化大师里有..别的注册表清理工具我没试过..然后重新安装 另外不是做广告.360软件管家卸载的非常彻底 呵呵
2023-06-24 21:14:132


火影-HOKAGE 旗木卡卡西-Hatake Kakashi「はたけカカシ先生」 漩涡鸣人-Uzumaki Naruto「うずまきナルト」 宇智波佐助-Uchiha Sasuke「うちはサスケ」 春野樱-Haruno Sakura「春野サクラ」 猿飞阿斯玛-Sarutobi Asuma 「猿飞アスマ先生」 山中井野-Yamanaka Ino 「山中いの」 奈良鹿丸-Nara Shikamaru 「奈良シカマル」 秋道丁次-Akimichi Choji 「秋道チョウジ」 夕日红-Yuuhi Kurenai 犬冢牙-Kiba「犬冢キバ」 赤丸-Akamaru「赤丸」 油女志乃-Shino「油女シナ」 日向雏田-Hinata「日向ヒナタ」 阿凯-Gai「ガイ先生」 李洛克-Rock Lee「ロック·リー」 日向宁次-Hyuga Neji「日向ねじ」 天天-Tenten「テンテン」 伊鲁卡-IRUKA「イルカ先生」 木叶丸-KONOHAMARU「木ノ叶丸」 萌黄-MOEGI 乌冬-UDON 惠比斯-EBISU「エビス先生」 水木-MIZUKI 神月出云-IZUMO 森乃伊比喜-Morino Ibiki 「森乃イビキ先生」 御手洗红豆-Mitarashi Anko 「みたらしアイコ先生」 月光疾风-Gekkou Hayate 「月光カヤテ」 自来也-Jiraiya 蛤蟆文太-GamaBunta 日向花火-Hyuga Hanabi 日向日足-Hyuga Hiashi 日向日差-Hyuga Hizashi 纲手-Tsunade 马基-Baki 我爱罗-Gaara「砂瀑の我爱罗」 勘九郎-Kankuro「カンクロウ」 手鞠-Temari「テマリ」 大蛇丸-Orochimaru 「オロチまる」 兜-Kabuto「カブト」 赤胴铠-YOROI 桃地再不斩-Zabuza 冥头-Meizu 业头-Gouzu 白-Haku 达兹纳-Tazuna「タズナ」 伊那里-Inari「イナリ」 卡多-GATO 凯沙-Kaiza 基奇-Giichi 阿卡纳-Akane 胧-OBORO 梦多-MUBI 篝-KAGARI 宇智波鼬-Uchiha Itachi 干柿鬼鲛-Hoshigaki Kisame 九尾-Kyubi 癞蛤蟆吉-GamaKichi
2023-06-24 21:14:081

高手请进!电脑安装软件时出现问题,关于Windows Installs

2023-06-24 21:14:062


2023-06-24 21:14:041


2023-06-24 21:14:013