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2023-06-24 19:45:12

donbook 韩国牌子 有很多种颜色(基本都是纯色) 有长款和短款 不知道你说的是不是这个 我也是才觉得好看







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2023-06-24 13:31:371

Most grateful did Elinor feel to Lady Middleton for observing at this moment "that it rained very hard " though she believed the interruption to proceed less from any attention to her than from her ladyship"s great dislike of all such inelegant subjects of raillery as delighted her hu *** and and mother. The idea however started by her was immediately pursued by Colonel Brandon who was on every occasion mindful of the feelings of others; and much was said on the subject of rain by both of them. 使埃丽诺感激不尽的是,恰在这时,米德尔顿夫人说了一句话:“雨下得好大呀!”不过她知道,夫人之所以打岔,并非出于对自己的关心,而是因为她对她丈夫和母亲热衷于这种低级趣味,深为厌恶。她提出的这个话头当即被布兰登上校接了过去,因为他在任何场合都很照顾别人的情绪。于是,两人下雨长下雨短地说了一大堆。 Willoughby opened the piano-forte and asked Marianne to sit down to it; and thus amidst the various endeavours of different people to quit the topic it fell to the ground. But not so easily did Elinor recover from the alarm into which it had thrown her. 威洛比打开钢琴,要求玛丽安坐下来弹一支曲子。由于大家都想结束这个话题,这样一来,谈话就不了了之。但是埃丽诺受了这场虚惊,却不那么容易恢复镇静。 A party was formed this evening for going on the following day to see a very fine place about elve miles from Barton belonging to a brother-in-law of Colonel Brandon without whose interest it could not be seen as the proprietor who was then abroad had left strict orders on that head. The grounds were declared to be highly beautiful and Sir John who was particularly warm in their praise might be allowed to be a tolerable judge for he had formed parties to visit them at least ice every summer for the last ten years. They contained a noble piece of water; a sail on which was to a form a great part of the morning"s amusement ; cold provisions were to be taken open carriages only to be employed and every thing conducted in the usual style of a plete party of pleasure. 当晚,大家组成一个观光团,准备第二天去参观一个景色十分优美的地方。此地离巴顿约有十二英里,归布兰登上校的姐夫所有,若是上校没有兴致,别人谁也别想去随意游览,因为主人当时出门在外,对此曾有言在先,十分严格,据说,这地方美极了,约翰爵士大为赞赏。近十年来,爵士每年夏天至少要组织两次游览,因而可以说是很有发言权。这里小湖风光旖旎,上午主要用来乘船游览。大家带上冷餐,乘上敞篷马车,一切都按观光团的通常规格行事。 To some few of the pany it appeared rather a bold undertaking considering the time of year and that it had rained every day for the last fortnight;-- and Mrs. Dashwood who had already a cold was persuaded by Elinor to stay at home.    在场的有几个人认为,这似乎是一次冒险的行动,因为时令不对,两周来每天都在下雨。达什伍德太太由于感冒,经埃丽诺劝说,同意留在家里。 转载请注明出处。 eful adj. 感激的,感谢的 These refugees are very grateful to the government"s succor. 这些难民非常感激 *** 的救援。 rruption n. 打岔,中断 He was impatient of any interruption. 他对任何打扰都感到不耐烦。 egant adj. 不优美的,不风雅的,粗野的 He dreamed the elegant homes of yore but give no thought to their inelegant plumbing. 他追忆着往昔雅致的屋舍,而不去回忆他们毫无风致可言的铅工业。 lery n. 善意的嘲弄,逗趣 oforte n. 钢琴 Alex only took up the pianoforte when he was 14. 亚历克斯到14岁时才开始学钢琴。 st prep. 在 ... 当中,在 ... 期间,由 ... 伴随 We groped amidst the darkness. 我们在黑暗中摸索。 avour v. 尽力,努力 n. 奋力,尽力 I shall endeavour to acmodate you whenever possible. 只要有可能,我将尽力帮你。 m n. 警报,警报器,警告,惊恐 vt. 向 ... 报警,警告,使惊恐 I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the *** oke. 我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。 rietor n. 所有人,业主,经营者 He is now sole proprietor of the business. 他现在一个人拥有这家公司。 rable adj. 可容忍的 adj. 还不错的 We had a very tolerable lunch. 我们吃了顿很不错的午餐。 ement n. 娱乐,消遣 I find amusement in collecting stamps. 我发现了集邮的乐趣。 ision n. 规定,条款; 供应(品); 预备 n. (pl.) 食物 vt. 向 ... 供应食物 We set out with enough provisions. 我们带上足够的食品出发了。 rtaking n. 任务,项目,事业;企业 He is too timid to venture upon a new undertaking. 他太胆小,不敢从事新的事业。 1. Most grateful did Elinor feel to Lady Middleton for observing at this moment "that it rained very hard " though she believed the interruption to proceed less from any attention to her than from her ladyship"s great dislike of all such inelegant subjects of raillery as delighted her hu *** and and mother. The idea however started by her was immediately pursued by Colonel Brandon who was on every occasion mindful of the feelings of others; and much was said on the subject of rain by both of them. 【句子翻译】 使埃丽诺感激不尽的是,恰在这时,米德尔顿夫人说了一句话:“雨下得好大呀!”不过她知道,夫人之所以打岔,并非出于对自己的关心,而是因为她对她丈夫和母亲热衷于这种低级趣味,深为厌恶。她提出的这个话头当即被布兰登上校接了过去,因为他在任何场合都很照顾别人的情绪。于是,两人下雨长下雨短地说了一大堆。 【难句解析】 Feel grateful to...“对...感到感激”; 例句: I"m so grateful for your great help! 对于你们的大力协助,我很感激! ... (1)“比…少,不如…多”; 例句: We drink less coffee than tea. 我们喝咖啡不如喝茶多。I got less money than the others did. 我比别人得到的钱少。 (2)不像、不如 He is less honest than his brother. 他不如他哥哥诚实。 (3)与其…不如…。 例句: I regard him less as my teacher than as my friend. 与其说我把他当作老师,不如说我是把他当作朋友。 注:表示此义时与可与 more…than结构替换(但要注意词序的变化)。如:He is less a teacher than an expert. / He is more an expert than a teacher. 与其说他是老师,不如说他是专家。 be mindful of 留心,注意 例句: We had to be mindful of every step we took on slippery sidewalk 在很滑的边道行走时 我们每行一步都必须小心。 on the subject of adj. 关于(论述,涉及) 例句: On the subject of marriage Judith and I are on the same wavelength. 在婚姻问题上, 我和朱迪思意见相同。 grounds were declared to be highly beautiful and Sir John who was particularly warm in their praise might be allowed to be a tolerable judge for he had formed parties to visit them at least ice every summer for the last ten years. 【句子翻译】 据说,这地方美极了,约翰爵士大为赞赏。近十年来,爵士每年夏天至少要组织两次游览,因而可以说是很有发言权。 【难句解析】 declared 被宣布,被声称 It will be declared to the whole world. 它将被昭示中外。
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  Unit 1   survey 调查;测验   add up 合计   upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的   ignore不理睬;忽视   calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的   calm(……)down (使)平静下来   have got to 不得不;必须   concern(使)担心;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系   be concerned about 关心;挂念   walk the dog 溜狗   loose adj 松的;松开的   vet 兽医   go through 经历;经受   Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)   Netherlands 荷兰(西欧国家)   Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的   German 德国的;德国人的;德语的。   Nazi 纳粹党人 adj. 纳粹党的   set down 记下;放下;登记   series 连续,系列   a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套   outdoors在户外;在野外   spellbind 迷住;疑惑   on purpose 故意   in order to 为了   dusk 黄昏傍晚   at dusk 在黄昏时刻   thunder vi 打雷雷鸣 n. 雷,雷声   entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的   entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地   power能力;力量;权力。   face to face 面对面地   curtain 窗帘;门帘;幕布   dusty adj 积满灰尘的   no longer /not … any longer 不再   partner 伙伴.合作者.合伙人   settle 安家;定居;停留vt 使定居;安排;解决   suffer vt &遭受;忍受经历   suffer from 遭受;患病   loneliness 孤单寂寞   highway公路   recover痊愈;恢复   get/be tired of 对…厌烦   pack捆扎;包装打行李 n 小包;包裹   pack ( sth ) up 将(东西)装箱打包   suitcase手提箱;衣箱   overcoat大衣外套   teenager 十几岁的青少年   get along with 与…相处。进展   gossip 闲话;闲谈   fall in love 相爱;爱上   exactly 确实如此;正是;确切地   disagree 不同意   grateful 感激的;表示谢意的   dislike 不喜欢;厌恶   join in 参加;加入   tip 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费 vt.倾斜;翻倒   secondly 第二;其次   swap 交换   item 项目;条款   Unit 2   subway <美>地铁   elevator n.电梯;升降机   petrol <英>汽油( = <美> gasoline )   gas 汽油;气体;煤气;毒气。   official adj.官方的;正式的;公务的   voyage n 航行;航海   conquer 征服;占领   because of 因为   native 本国的;本地的 n.本地人;本国人   come up 走近;上来;提出   apartment <美>公寓住宅;单元住宅   actually 实际上,事实上   AD 公元   base vt.以……为根据 n 基部;基地;基础   at present 现在;目前   gradual 逐渐的;逐步的   enrich 使富裕;充实;改善   vocabulary 词汇;词汇量;词表   make use of 利用;使用   spelling 拼写;拼法   latter 较后的后平的;(两者中)后者的   identity 本身;本体;身份   fluent 流利的;流畅的   fluently 流利地;流畅地   frequent adj.频繁的;常见的   frequently adv.常常;频繁地   usage 使用;用法;词语惯用法   command n.&vt.命令;指令;掌握   request n.&vt.请求;要求   Spanish adj.西班牙的;西班牙人的 n.西班牙人;西班牙语   dialect 方言   expression 词语;表示表达   midwestern 中西部的;有中西部特性的   eastern adj.东方的;东部的   southeastern adj.东南方的;来自东南的   northwestern adj.西北方的;来自西北方的   African adj 非洲的;非洲人的;非洲语言的   play a part ( in )扮演个角色;参与   recognize vt.辨认出;承认;公认   lorry n.卡车(=truck)   accent n.口音;腔调;重音   lightning 闪电   straight adv.直接;挺直 adj.直的;笔直的;正直的   block n.街区;块;木块;石块   cab 出租车   Unit 3   journal 日记;杂志;定期刊物   transport 运送;运输   prefer 更喜欢选择某事物而不选择其他事物   disadvantage 不利条件;不便之处   fare 费用   route 路线;路途   flow 流动;流出 n.流动;流量   ever since 从那以后   persuade 说服;劝说   cycle 骑自行车   graduate 毕业 n 大学毕业生   finally 最后;终于   schedule 进度表   fond 心喜爱的;慈祥的宠爱的   be fond of 喜爱;喜欢   shortcoming 缺点   stubborn 顽固的;固执的   organize 组织;成立   care about 关心;忧虑   detail 细节;详情   source n.来源;水源   determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心   determined adj.坚决的;有决心的   change one‘s mind 改变主意   journey 旅行;旅程   altitude 海拔高度;高处   make up one‘s mind 下决心;决定   give in 投降;屈服;让步   glacier 冰河;冰川   Tibetan adj.西藏的;藏族的;藏族人的 n.(西)藏语;西藏人;藏族人   rapids n.急流   valley (山)谷;流域   waterfall 瀑布   Pace 缓慢而行;踱步入一步;速度;步调   bend n.弯;拐角 vt.使弯曲 vi.弯身;弯腰   meander 蜿蜒缓慢流动   attitude 看法   boil vi.(指液体)沸腾;(水)开   forecast n.&vt.预测;预报   parcel 小包;包裹   insurance 保险   wool 羊毛;毛织   as usual 照常   reliable 可信赖的;可靠的   view n.风景;视野;观点;见解 vt.观看;注视;考虑   pillow 枕头;枕垫   midnight 午夜;子夜   at midnight 在午夜   flame 火焰;光芒;热情   beneath 在…下面   temple 庙宇;寺庙   cave 洞穴;地窖   Unit 4   earthquake 地震   right away 立刻;马上   well 井   smelly adj.发臭的;有臭味的   crack n.裂缝;噼啪声 vt.&vi.(使)开裂;破裂   farmyard n.农场;农家   pipe n.管;导管   burst vi.爆裂;爆发 n.突然破裂;爆发   million 百万   event 事件;大事   as if 仿佛;似乎   at an end 结束;终结   nation 民族;国家国民   canal 运河;水道   steam 蒸汽;水汽   dirt 污垢;泥土   ruin n.废墟;毁灭 vt.毁灭;使破产   in ruins 严重受损;破败不堪   suffering 苦难;痛苦   extreme 极度的   injure 损害;伤害   survivor 幸存者;生还者;残存物   destroy 破坏;毁坏;消灭   brick 砖;砖块   dam 水坝;堰堤   track 轨道;足迹;痕迹   useless 无用的;无效的;无益的   shock vt.&vi.(使)震惊;震动 n.休克;打击;震惊   rescue n.&vt.援救;营救   trap vt.陷入困境 n.陷阱;困境   electricity 电,电流;电学   disaster 灾害;灾祸   dig out 掘出;发现   bury 埋葬;掩埋;隐藏   mine 矿;矿山;矿井   miner 矿工   shelter 掩蔽;掩蔽处避身处   a(great)number of 许多;大量的   title 标题;头衔;资格   reporter 记者   bar n.条;棒;条状物   damage n.&vt.损失;损害   frighten 使惊吓;吓唬   frightened 受惊的;受吓唬的   frightening 令人恐俱的   congratulation 祝贺;(复数)贺词   judge n.裁判员;法官 vt.断定;判断;判决   sincerely 真诚地;真挚地   express vt.表示;表达 n.快车;速递   outline 要点;大纲;轮廓   headline 报刊的大字标题   cyclist n.骑自行车的人   Unit 5   quality 质量;品质;性质   warm-hearted 热心肠的   mean 吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的   active 积极的;活跃的   generous 慷慨的大方的   easy-going 随和的;温和宽容的   self 自我自身   selfish 自私的   selfless 无私的;忘我的   devote 献身;用心于   devoted 忠实的;深爱的   invader n.侵略者   found vt.建立;建设   republic 共和国;共和政体   principle 法则;原则;原理   nationalism n.民族主义;国家主义   livelihood n.生计;谋生   peaceful 和平的;平静的;安宁的   giant 巨大的;庞大的   mankind 人类   lawyer 律师   guidance 指导;领导   legal 法律的;依照法律的   fee 费(会费、学费等)   passbook 南非共和国有色人种的身份证   out of work 失业   helpful 有希望的   youth n.青年;青年时期   league 同盟;联盟;联合会   Youth League 青年团   stage 舞台;阶段;时期   vote vt.&vi.投票;选举 n.投票;选票;表决   attack 进攻;攻击;抨击   violence 暴力;暴行   as a matter of fact 事实上   blow up 使充气;爆炸   equal 相等的;平等的   in trouble 在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑的处境中   willing 乐意的;自愿的   unfair 不公正的;不公平的   turn to 求助于;致力于   release 释放;发行   lose heart 丧失勇气或信心   escape 逃脱;逃走泄露   blanket 毛毯;毯子   educate vt.教育;训练   educated 受过教育的;有教养的   come to power 当权;上台   beg 请求;乞求   relative 亲戚;亲属   terror n.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动   cruelty n.残忍;残酷   reward n.报酬;奖金 vt.酬劳;奖赏   set up 建立   sentence 判决;宣判   be sentenced to 被判处……(徒刑)   president 总统;会长;校长;行长   opinion 意见;看法;主张
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jue 二声
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袜子的英文单词是什么 袜子复数:Socks 袜子用英文怎么写 短袜socks;长筒袜stocking 男士袜子英文单词怎么写? 男袜men"s socks,女袜ladies" stockings,hose也可指长筒袜和短袜,如果你只要一个单词,那么sock指男袜应该最合适。 *** 的英语单词是什么 *** 用英语怎么说? *** 的英文是什么?*** panty-hose、pantihose、tights 情景对话( *** 用英语怎么说) Other men are erotically attracted to panty hose. 有的男人被 *** 异性吸引。 My pantihose was broken. 我的 *** 破了。 I have a snag in my best black tights. 我最好的一条黑 *** 给划破了。 短袜这个英语单词怎么写 sock 英[su0252k] 美[sɑ:k] n. 短袜; (尤指用拳头) 猛击,重击; vt. 重击; 给…穿袜; 想学学吉他,但是手指短,怎么办? 你可以先学习古典吉它. 因为古典吉它采用尼龙或羊肠弦.质地更软.相对来说更好按弦.等你练熟练了,可以再练习民谣吉它.民谣吉它的指板较窄,但是弦更硬(采用钢弦).如果不想学习民谣弹唱,你还还可以选择学电吉它. 电吉它的弦虽然也是钢弦.但比民谣的软多了.而且指板也比民谣的窄.通常为21-24品左右...等你体会了电吉它的乐趣,我想手指短并不是问题,应该可以克服的.有很多吉它大师手指也很短,经过一段时间得练习和掌握正确方法.他们都这样过来的,相憨你会成功的~~ 我的QQ 75439810 有问题我会帮你~ 袜子的英语单词怎么读 socks [英] [sɑks][美] [sɑks] n. 袜子; 短袜( sock的名词复数 ); (尤指用拳头)猛击,重击; 袜套; [例句] I put on a new pair of nylon socks. 我穿上了一双新尼龙袜。 [原型]sock
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培尼狄克 上帝保佑您小姐永远怀着这样的心情吧!这样某一位先生就可以逃过他命中注定的抓破脸皮的恶运了。 贝特丽丝 像您这样一副尊容,就是抓破了也不会变得比原来更难看的。 培尼狄克 好,您真是一位好鹦鹉教师。 贝特丽丝 像我一样会说话的鸟儿,比起像尊驾一样的畜生来,总要好得多啦。
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9月8日,“世界UFO大会”在大连召开。UFO尚未被主流科学界认同,与会的大约200人绝大多数没有相关专业领域的知识背景。 把“UFO大会”看作是一次民间UFO业余爱好者的聚会无可厚非。值得注意的是,一批声称曾经遭遇过外星人,有过“第三类接触”,及具有“特异功能”的人士,在这个聚会上亮相,给民间UFO研究蒙上一层神秘的面纱。专家对这些UFO经典案例一一批驳,并指出,所谓外星人与“第三类接触”迄今尚未被科学证实,因而是不科学的,如果民间UFO研究仍然要靠神秘哲学和迷信惑众,难免重蹈沦为伪科学的覆辙。 外星人背他飞行? 专家:当事人可能中度偏执。 黄延秋,河北省肥乡县北高村农民。1977年,黄延秋连续三次神秘地失踪,自称不乘任何人间交通工具,由两个不明飞行人携带,一夜之间腾空飞越到一千多公里以外的南京、上海,第三次失踪居然跨越了19个省市,飞遍了大半个中国。这件离奇的飞人事件被称为中国UFO三大悬案之一。 不借助任何交通工具怎么可能累计飞行1万多公里?作为摆脱不了地球引力的人类又怎么会飞?这究竟是真实故事还是一个谎言? 49岁的黄延秋看起来比他的实际年龄要年轻几岁。这个正在为二儿子筹盖婚房的河北农民走在大连的街道上时,常常下意识地朝天空某个不确定的远方眺望,似乎在等待着什么出现。 “你真的确信见过外星人吗?”记者问。 “其实我当时也不知道是怎么回事,我也不知道我是怎么到了南京和上海。”这个堪称中国UFO经典案例第一人的农民回想起自己21岁的那段“离奇”经历时陷入了苦恼。 1977年7月27日晚上,出工回家的黄延秋在吃完晚饭后就躺下睡觉了,然而“一觉醒来”居然发现身在南京。按黄延秋自己的描述,他是从头一天晚上10点到第二天早上7点就到了南京,这中间相差仅仅只有9个小时,在这9个小时里,黄延秋便从河北他的家乡北高村一下子到了江苏的南京。 邯郸和南京两地相距至少1000公里,而且从黄延秋的家里到邯郸还有45公里的路程,在交通不发达的上世纪70年代,黄延秋怎么可能在9个小时内从河北农村到达江苏的省会城市南京呢?这当然轰动一时。 接下来的事情更离奇,“两个民警又买车票把我送到了上海遣送站”。并且,在1977年7月28日,也就是黄延秋失踪后的第二天,一封电报就从千里之外的上海发到了肥乡县,要求乡里来上海领人。” 1977年9月初的一天晚上,已经回到家乡的黄延秋再次“遭遇神秘劫持”:当天晚上十点多钟回的家睡觉,然而“一觉醒来,我发现自己又在上海了”。这次是在上海的老乡把他送回了老家。 1977年9月,黄延秋第三次神秘失踪了,而且这次出去的时间最长,去的地方最多。按他的描述,9天之内他被两个能飞行的人背着飞越了19个省市,抵达了兰州、北京、天津、哈尔滨、长春、沈阳、福州、西安八个城市,累计飞行一万多公里,而且每到一个城市几乎都只花了一两个小时,据推算,平均每分钟至少飞行20公里,飞行速度接近音速。 就是这起典型的外星人劫持地球人事件,除了当事人的口述,至今并没有直接的证据能够证明这三次离奇的飞行。而事隔10年之后的1987年,有国内一些UFO调查者才写了第一篇报道认为,此事与外星人和UFO有关。 “其实当时我并不知道这事是外星人干的,是1987年他们采访我时,他们告诉我说可能是外星人干的。”事情过去了28年,埋在黄延秋心头的疙瘩并没有减轻,相反越来越重。 中国科学院心理研究所脑高级功能研究室博士后李春波认为:这是比较典型的“梦游症”,人一旦睡着,醒来之后,到了另外一个地方,他中间不能回忆,回忆不起来。“我也不理解,专家说我是梦游,我不承认,但是我也不知道中间发生了什么。”黄延秋说。 去年12月,黄延秋在北京市一家测谎中心进行了一次全面的测试。两个星期后,测试结果出来:黄延秋没有通过测谎。 北京市安定医院精神卫生科的专家说,正常人不可能会飞行,这种思维已经超过正常人的生理耐受性。但是黄延秋觉得很自然,还坚信自己,跟正常的思维逻辑就有偏差。医生怀疑黄延秋是“中度偏执”。 东北农场林工被外星人电击? 专家斥为“谎言” 在“UFO大会”上,主办单位称将邀请另一个和外星人及飞碟有过离奇遭遇的地球人来大连,但是直到结束,此人并没有出现。 据了解,这个当年自称被飞碟击伤的黑龙江林场职工叫孟照国。现在东北一家大学的食堂工作。 1994年,在黑龙江省红旗林场工作的孟照国自称在凤凰山上被外星人击倒,并被外星人带上了飞碟。此事被列为另一个重要的中国UFO悬案。 当年6月7日,孟照国自称在凤凰山南坡看见了会叫的大怪物,几次试图靠近它,都被一堵无形的电墙打了回来。消息很快传遍了整个林场。第三天,也就是1994年6月9日,孟照国带着林场的干部职工,直奔怪物停留的地方。人们准备了望远镜、照相机、录音机,希望留下怪物的证据。但是大约走了五公里,一直没有看到孟照国发现怪物的地方。 即便是拿望远镜,人们还是一无所获。奇迹就在这时发生。孟照国拿过望远镜,却大呼“看见了”,然后就倒在地上浑身抽搐。一副被“外星人击伤”的样子。此后,“林场职工被飞碟外星人击伤”的消息迅速传遍大江南北,并上了报纸。 和黄延秋的故事极为相似的是,孟照国“遭遇外星人”同样只是一个人的叙述,至今没有直接的证据加以佐证,有的不过都是人们的推断、猜测和想象,自然,此事又成为一桩UFO悬案。调查者认为,可以肯定的是,既然UFO的定义是不明飞行物,那么可以首先肯定的是,当年孟照国在山上“看见”的静止白色物体并不能称为UFO,因为“没有证据证明它以前飞过”。 UFO研究者张茜荑觉得这个故事听起来像弥天大谎,缺乏可信度。因为当时正好出现有关彗木相撞的新闻,所以有可能让这样的谎话有了一个圆满的疑似UFO的结局。心理专家杨宜音则认为:很多人都非常容易受到他人暗示,会不知不觉根据和别人的关系来形成自己的想法和判断。 专家认为,当一些人面对自己和面对他人的期望的时候,会对自己的经历做一个塑造,这并非是有意欺骗人,而是在潜意识里有要把经历做圆满的这样一个动力。“临床上是一种记忆障碍,术语叫虚构,这个情况在很多精神障碍当中出现。” 据介绍,公安部原测谎专题组组长、组织研制中国第一台测谎仪的专家杨承勋认为,孟照国的故事,“是刻意编造的,根本就没有这回事,我们可以判断他在说谎,但是还有另外一种情况,比如产生的一种幻觉,一些精神上的状态,我脑子里就有这个记忆,那么这种你要通过测谎就很难判断出。” 他认为,孟照国遭遇外星人“可能是一段很特殊的心理经历,而不是一个真实的经历”。 飞棍来自何方? 专家揭开谜底,原来是摄像镜头的光学机关作祟。 近几年,很多人声称见到了一种神秘的“飞棍”。 最早的飞棍是在1994年美国人拍摄到的。这是人类第一次将它记录下来。美国独立电视制片人朱斯在自己所拍的录像带上,发现有些不同寻常的东西飞过天空。 从外观上看,朱斯发现的是一个圆柱形物体,飞行的速度非常快。由于这种飞行物的形状像一条棍子,朱斯就将它命名为飞棍。朱斯将自己的发现公布出去,引起了人们广泛的关注。很快,世界各地的人们开始不断地拍摄到飞棍的画面。对它的描述是:身体细长像一根棍子,大到上百米,小到几厘米,在空中急速飞行。更有人把这当成外星人和地球人交流的信息。 有意思的是,几乎所有的“飞棍”都是当事人用摄像机或者照相机拍下的,在真实的空间,人们用肉眼并没有亲自见过这种来去无踪的“飞棍”。 就在今年5月,东北一家药厂声称自己拍到了“飞棍”。北京UFO研究者张靖平和中央电视台记者亲赴吉林,不仅拍到了“飞棍”,而且有幸解开了飞棍的奥秘。 张靖平对记者介绍:最早发现“飞棍”的是这个药厂的录像监控设备。5月21日晚,振国药厂的监控员突然发现显示器上一道白光迅速闪过。回放录像资料时,发现监视器拍摄到了一个长条形的飞行物迅速飞过厂房上空,大概三米长,飞行时速达到了200公里以上。从外形上看,显然不是人造。 不久,气象部门也排除了是闪电的可能,一个星期之后的某天夜晚,神秘飞行物又在药厂上空出现,而且这次是晴天。 起初张靖平他们认为可能是昆虫之类的东西,但是连续拍摄多日后,仍然没有发现飞棍的踪迹。就在准备放弃寻找时,由于脚底一滑,张靖平手里的摄像机剧烈地晃动了一下,就在摄像机晃动的过程中,他发现镜头里有些异样的东西。 张靖平开始怀疑飞棍的出现可能和摄像机的某些性能有关。因为此前所有的飞棍消息都是只在摄像机里出现。张靖平了解到药厂摄像头的拍摄快门速度是十六分之一秒,于是就把自己摄像机快门速度调整成接近的十二分之一秒。 当他路过一个地灯附近时,神奇的一幕出现了,原来正常飞行的各种小飞虫霎时间变成了无数个大大小小的飞棍,这些飞棍的形状与姿态和人们以前拍摄到的飞棍一模一样。 真相大白,原来飞棍的出现不过是摄像机的假相而已。比如拍摄行驶的车辆,用1/8秒的低速快门来拍摄时,由于车是运动的,用1/8秒的快门不能有效地“固定”汽车,车就显得略为模糊,但背景是静止的,所以是清晰的。这样就形成了动与静的对比。 张靖平拍到的飞棍是一种夜间活动的飞蛾。由于摄像头红外线的吸引,加上飞蛾的快速飞翔,再有摄像头十六分之一秒的快门,最终造就了飞棍。 “如果我们把摄像机的快门调整到这种速度,就会发现,飞棍无处不在。”张靖平说。 如何识破“第三类接触”骗局 关于UFO及外星人第三类接触,几乎没有一件被科学试验手段得到证实。人们的以讹传讹,加重了对UFO神话的误读和迷信。 北京天文台馆长朱进认为,地球上的生命肯定不是惟一的。地球只是很普通的绕着太阳的一个行星,太阳本身是很普通的一个恒星,在银河系里边像太阳这样的恒星,有2000亿颗左右。每一个恒星都可能像太阳一样,有它自己的行星系统,所以说在所有的这些星球里,如果只有地球上有生命,可以说是不可想象的。 同时他认为,即便地球的能力再发达,到目前为止人类绝对没有能力在有生之年飞到太阳系边上,如果说外星人再从其它的星球通过宇宙旅行到地球上来,从人类的角度考虑,也是非常非常不可能的。 紫金山天文台的王思潮研究员介绍说:很多声称和UFO亲密接触的案例都是不可信的。判断到底是否曾有发生过第三类接触,要有几个条件:首先要有证据,不能用排除法。比如,既然声称和外星人接触过,一定要拿到外星人的东西,不能空口无凭。而且拿到的这个东西必须是地球上的人类造不出来的,才可信。而且必须经过专家的鉴定,不能当事人自己说这是外太空和外星人的东西,而且必须是地球上没有的材料做的。这个条件并不苛刻,但是遗憾的是,目前所有的UFO和外星人接触案例,没有一个达到这个要求。 其次,声称见过外星人和飞碟,必须同时有非相关群体作证,比如,一个地方几个人看到一个飞碟是不作数的,必须要有好几个地方同时看到。 最后,外星人的DNA也肯定和地球人不一样,这同样要拿到科学证据,才能证明是真正的外星人。 他认为,以目前的科技水平推断,不排除存在地外文明的可能,但是这一切要依靠严谨的科学实验加以证实。希望采纳
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handmade cake
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talking friends 小动漫 望采纳 谢谢
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英语作文 汉堡的制作方法

Cheeseburger Heat oven to 400 degrees and grease a 10 inch pie pan. Cook hamburger with onion, drain grease. Add salt and pepper, spread in pie plate. Melt margarine, mix with flour, milk, and eggs (make sure mixture is smooth). Pour onto hamburger in pie pan. Bake 25 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven, top with sliced tomatoes, sprinkle with cheese. Bake another five to eight minutes, until cheese is melted. Cool five minutes before eating. Variations: shred carrot and/or zucchini and add to batter. Eliminate hamburger, use beans instead, or in addition to hamburger.
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  高中英语单词表必修一1   survey 调查,测验   add up 合计   upset 心烦意乱的,不安的,不适的(upset,upset)使不安,使心烦   ignore 不理睬,忽视   calm (使)平静,(使)镇定,平静的,镇定的,沉着的   calm down (使)平静下来,(使)镇定下来   have got to 不得不,必须   concern (使)担忧,涉及,关系到 ,担心,关注,(利害) 关系   be concerned about 关心,挂念,   walk the dog 遛狗   loose 松的,松开的   vet 兽医   go through 经历,经受   Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹   Netherlands 荷兰   jewish 犹太人的   German 德国的   set down 记下,放下,登记   series 连续,系列   a series of 一连串的,一系列,一套   Kitty 基蒂   outdoors 在户外,在野外   spellbind (spellbound,spellbound) 迷住,迷惑   on purpose 故意   in order to 为了   dusk 黄昏,傍晚   at dusk 在黄昏时刻   thunder 打雷 ,雷鸣   entire 整个的,完全的,全部的   entirely 完全地,全然地,整个地   power 能力,力量,权力   face to face 面对面地   curtain 窗帘,门帘,幕布   dusty 积满灰尘的   no longer/not any longer 不再   partner 伙伴,合作者,合伙人   settle 安家,定居,停留,使定居,安排,解决   suffer 遭受,忍受,经历   suffer from 遭受,患病   loneliness 孤单,寂寞   highway 公路,大路   recover 痊愈,恢复,重新获得   get/be tired of 对...厌烦   pack 捆扎,包装,打行李 小包,包裹   pack up 将 (东西)装箱打包   suitcase 手提箱,衣箱   Margot 玛戈   overcoat 大衣,外套   teenager十几岁的青少年   get along with 与...相处,进展   gossip 闲话,闲谈   fall in love 相爱,爱上   exactly 确实如此,正是,确切地   grateful 感激的,表示谢意的   dislike 不喜欢,厌恶   join in 参加,加入   tip 提示,技巧,尖,尖端,小费,倾斜,翻倒   secondly 第二,其次   swap 交换   item 项目,条款   高中英语单词表必修一2   subway 底下人行道,   elevator电梯 升降机   petrol 汽油(美gasoline)   gas 汽油,气体,煤气,毒气   official 官方的,正式的,公务的   voyage 航行,航海   conquer 征服,占领   because of 因为,由于   native 本国的,本地人   Amy 艾米   come up 走近,上来,提出   apartment <美>公寓住宅,单元住宅   actually 实际上,事实上   AD 公元   base 以...为根据,基部,基地,基础   at present 现在,目前   gradual 逐渐的,逐步的   gradually 逐渐地,逐步地   Danish 丹麦语   enrich 是富裕,充实,改善   vocabulary 词汇,词汇量,词表   Shakespeare 莎士比亚   make use of 利用,使用   spellintg 拼写,拼法   Samuel Johnson 塞缪尔杰克逊   Noah Webster 诺厄韦伯斯特   latter 较后的,后半的   identity 本身,本体,身份   fluent 流利的,流畅的`   fluently 流利地,流畅地   Singapore 新加坡   Malaysia 马来西亚   such as 例如,像这种的   frequent 频繁的,常见的   frequently 频繁地,常常   usage 实用,用法,   command 命令,指令,掌握   request 请求,要求   dialect 方言   expression 词语,表示,表达   midwestern 中西部的   African 非洲的   Spanish 西班牙的   play a part (in) 扮演一个角色,参与   eastern 东方的,东部的   southeastern 东南方的   northwestern 西北方的   recognize 辨认出,承认,公认   lorry 卡车(美 truck)   Loriginal罗丽   Houston 休斯顿   Texas 德克萨斯州   accent 口音,腔调,重音   Buford 布福德   Lester 莱斯特   catfish 鲶鱼   lighting 闪电   straight 直接,挺直,直的   block 街区,块,木块,石块   cab 出租车   高中英语单词表必修一3   journal 日记,杂志,定期刊物   transport 运送 运输   prefer 选择某事物,(而不选择其他事物)   disadvantage 不利条件,不便之处   fare 费用   route 路线,路途   Mekong 湄公河   flow 流动,流出   ever since 从那以后   persuade 说服,劝说   cycle 骑自行车   graduate 毕业,大学毕业生   finally 最后,终于   schedule 时间表,进度表,为某事安排时间   fond 喜爱的,慈爱的,宠爱的   be fond of 喜爱,喜欢   shortcoming 缺点 stubbom 顽固的,固执的   care about 组织 成立   care about关心,忧虑 惦念   detail 细节,详情   source 来源,水源   determine 决定,确定,下定决心   determined 坚决的,有决心的   change one^s mind 改变主意   journey 旅行,旅程   altitude 海拔高度,高处   make up one"s mind 下决心,决定   give in 投降,屈服,让步   atlas 地图,地图集   glacier 冰河,冰川   repids 急流   alley 谷,流域   waterfall 瀑布   pace 缓慢而行,一步   bend 弯,拐角,使弯曲,弯腰   meander 蜿蜒缓慢流动   delta 三角洲   attitude 态度,看法   Qomolangma 珠穆朗玛峰   boil 沸腾   forecast 预测,预报   parcel 小包,包裹   insurance 保险   wool 羊毛,毛织品   as usual 照常   reliable 可信赖的,可靠的   iew 风景,视野,观点,见解,观看,注视,考虑   yak 牦牛   pillow 枕头   midnight 午夜,子夜   at midnight 在午夜   flame 火焰,光芒,热情   beneath 在....下面   Laos 老挝   Laotian 老挝人   temple 寺庙   cave 洞穴,地窖   高中英语单词表必修一4   earthquake 地震   quake 地震   right away 立刻马上   well 井   crack 裂缝,使裂开   smelly 发臭的   farmyard 农场   pipe 管   burst 爆裂,突然爆发   million 百万   event 事件   as if 仿佛,好像   at an end 借宿   nation 民族,国家,国民   canal 运河,水道   steam 蒸汽,水汽   dirt 污垢,泥土   ruin 废墟,使破产   in ruins 严重受损,破败不堪   suffering 苦难,痛苦   extreme 极度的   injure 损害,伤害   survivor 幸存者,残存物   destroy 破坏,毁坏,消灭   brick 砖,砖块   dam 水坝   track 轨道,足迹,痕迹   useless 无用的,无效的   shock 使震惊,震动,休克,打击   rescue 援救,营救   trap 使陷入困境,陷阱   electricity 电,电流,电学   disaster 灾难   dig out 掘出,发现   mine 矿山   miner 矿工   shelter 掩蔽,掩蔽处   a (great) number of 许多,大量   title 标题,头衔,资格   reporter 记者   bar 棒   damage 损失   frighten 使惊吓   frightened 受惊的   frightening 令人恐惧的   congratulation 祝贺,贺词   judge 裁判员,法官,断定,判断,判决   sincerely 真诚地   express 表示,快车,速递   outline 要点,大纲,轮廓   headline 报刊的大字标题   cyclist 骑自行车的人   高中英语单词表必修一5   Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊,   quality 质量,品质,性质   warm-hearted 热心肠的   mean 吝啬的,自私的,卑鄙的   active 积极的,活跃的   generous 慷慨的,大方的、   easy-going 随和的,温和宽容的   self 自我,自身   selfish 自私的,   selfless 无私的,忘我的   selflessly 无私地,忘我地   devote 献身 专心于   devoted 忠实的,深爱的   William 威廉,廷戴尔   Bible 《圣经》   Norman Bethune 白求恩   invader 侵略者   found 建立,建设   republic 共和国,共和政体   principle 法则,原则,原理   nationalism 民族主义   livelihood 生计,谋生   Mohandas Gandhi 甘地   peaceful 和平的,平静的,安宁的   giant 巨大的   leap 飞跃,跳跃   mankind 人类   Elias 伊莱亚斯   lawyer 律师   guidance 指导,领导   legal 法律的   fee 费   passbook 南非人身份证   Johannesburg 约翰雷斯堡   out of work 失业   hopeful 怀有希望的   ANC 非洲国民大会   youth 青年,青春期   league 同盟,联合会   youth League 青年团   stage 舞台,阶段,时期   vote 投票选举   attack 进攻,攻击,抨击   violence 暴力   as a matter of fact 事实上   blow up 使充气,爆炸   equal 相等的,平等的   in trouble 在危险,受罚,痛苦,忧虑事物处境中   willing 乐意的   unfair 不公平的   turn to 求助于,致力于   quote 引用语,语录   release 释放,发行   lose heart 丧失信心   robben island 罗本岛   escape 逃脱,逃走   blanket 毯子   educate 教育,训练   educated 受过教育的   come topower 当权,上台   beg 请求,祈求   relative 亲戚,亲属   terror 恐怖,恐怖时期   cruelty 残忍,残酷   reward 报酬,酬劳   Transkei 特兰斯凯   set up 设立,建立   sentence 判决,宣判   be sentenced to 被判处..   anti-反,抗   anti-black 反黑人的   Cape Town 开普敦   president 总统,会长,校长   Nobel peace prize 诺贝尔和平奖   opinion 意见,看法,主张   高中英语单词表必修一6   classical古典的,古典文艺的   rolled滚动,(使)摇摆   rockn roll(rock_and_roll)摇滚乐   orchestra管炫乐队   rap说唱乐   folk民间的   jazz爵士乐   choral唱诗班的   theMonkees门基乐队   musician音乐家   dreamof梦想,梦见,设想   karaoke卡拉ok   pretend假装   tobe honest说实在的,实话说   attach系上,缚上,附加,连接   attach...to认为有,附上,连接   form(使)组成,形成,构成   fame名门,名望   passer-by过路人   earn赚,挣得,获得   extra额外的,外加的   instrument工具,乐器   perform表演,履行,执行   pub酒吧   cash现金   incash用现金   studio工作室   millionaire百万富翁   playjokes on戏弄   actor男演员,行动者   rely依赖,依靠   relyon依赖,依靠   broadcast(broadcast,broadcast)广播,播放   humorous幽默的,诙谐的   familiar熟悉的,常见的,亲近的   be/getfamiliar with熟悉,与....熟悉起来   orso大约   breakup打碎,分裂,解体   reunite再统一,在联合,重聚   attractive吸引人的,有吸引力的   addition加,增加,加法   inaddition另外,也   sortout分类   excitement兴奋,刺激   ballad歌谣,情歌,民谣   overnight在晚上,在夜里,很快,一夜之间   dip侵,占   tadpole蝌蚪   lily百合花   confident自信的,确信的   Freddy弗雷德   brief简短的,摘要,大纲   briefly简要地,短暂地   devotion投入,热爱   afterwards然后,后来   invitation邀请,招待   beard胡须   sensitive敏感的,易受伤害的,灵敏的   painful痛苦的,疼痛的   aboveall最重要的,首先   高中英语单词表必修一7   journalist n.记者   involve v.牵涉   editor n.编辑   photogragh n.照片   photogragher n.摄影师   photograghy n.摄影   unforgettable adj.难忘的   assignment n.任务   delighted adj.快乐的   admirable adj.值得赞扬的   unusual adj.不同寻常的   assist v.帮助   assistant n.助手   submit v.递交   profession n.职业   professional adj.专业的   colleague n.同事   eager adj.渴望的   concentrate v.集中   concentrate on集中   amateur n.业余爱好者   v.更新   acquire v.获得   assess v.评估   inform v.告知   deadline n.最后期限   interviewee n.参加面试者   meanwhile adv.其间   depend on依靠   case n.情况   accuse v.指责   accuse…of因……指责或控告……   accusation n.指责   deliberately adv.故意地   so as to (do sth)为了(做)……   deny v.否认   skeptical adj.怀疑的   guilty adj.犯罪的   dilemma n.窘境   demand n.需求   demanding adj.要求很高的   publish v.出版   scoop n.勺子   section n.部分   concise adj.简明的   imaginative adj.富于想象力的   technical adj.技术(上)的   technically adv.技术上   thorough adj.彻底地   gifted adj.有天赋的   idiomatic adj.惯用的   housewife n.家庭主妇   crime n.罪行   edition n.版次   ahead…of在……前面   department n.部门   accurate adj.精确地   senior adj.年长的   polish v.擦亮   chief adj.主要的   approve v.赞成   process v.加工   negative n.底片   appointment n.约会   高中英语单词表必修一8   unite v.联合   kingdom n.王国   consist v.组成   consist of由…组成   province n.省   divide…into把…分成   clarify v.澄清   accomplish v.完成   conflict n.矛盾   unwilling adj.不愿意(的)   break away(from)挣脱(束缚)   union n.联合   the Union Jack英国国旗   credit n.信任   to one"s credit为……带来荣誉   currency n.货币   institution n.制度   education adj.教育的   convenience n.便利   rough adj.粗糙的   roughly adv.粗略地   nationwide adj.全国性的   attract v.吸引   historical adj.历史(上)的   architecture n.建筑学   Roman n.(古)罗马   collection n.收藏品   administration n.管理   port n.港口   countryside n.乡下   enioyable adj.令人愉快的   leave out省去   &opportunity n.机会   description n.描写   furnished adj.配备好装备的   fax n.传真(机)   possibility n.可能性   plus prep.加上   quarrel n.争吵   alike adj.相同的   take the place of代替   break down损坏   arrange筹备   wedding n.婚礼   fold v.对折   sightseeing n.观光   delight n.快乐   royal adj.王室的   uniform n.制服   splendid adj.壮丽的   statue n.雕像   longitude n.经线   imaginary adj.想象中的   navigation n.导航   communism n.共产主义   original adj.最初的   thrill v.使激动   pot n.罐   error n.错误   tense n.时态   consistent adj.一致的
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梦幻里化生寺师门技能具体怎么加 顺序是什么

前10级,现在的沉船一般都有很多人带新人的,所以很好升。当时我还不知道加了点还要点更改属性才有效,现在很庆幸,我没有加错一点。要加的话,这个时期最好全加耐。 10-20级,由于入了门派,也能走出新人村了,首选练级点是大雁塔,进去后看见有人喊加的就硬去加,加起以后嘴甜些,自然就会有GGJJ带啦。领了双的话,一天之内到20级是很容易的。入门以后首先每种技能都学1级,然后把佛法,渡世步,歧黄升到10级。这期间加点依然是以防为主,建议1体4耐。早期把防的基础打好是很有必要的。 20-30级,技能跟着到30,有钱的话最好全部技能都到30,金刚伏魔加了攻,这期间自己的攻也上去了。并且歧黄25级会针灸,越来越被人喜爱,组队很容易了。这期间依然在塔里练,25级时推荐带高攻牛妖,我们化生需的就是攻,所以在攻宠的选择上一定要注意,虽然狼是一个很不错的宠,但在攻上和牛妖还是有一定差距,最好是带只GZ1500,会高防的牛妖,这会使你的练级速度得到质的提升。加点以血为主,大家都知道只要队伍里的医生不死他们就不会死而医生如何才能不死?血多是很重要的一点,建议4体1耐或是3体2耐。30级前化生最好不加魔。把自己的身体素质基础打好是最重要的。 30-35级,开始接触法术,这时在练级时可以使用GGYY,当然我是不推荐的,GGYY在秒3以前都不推荐使用。由于塔里只能练到30级,所以现在不能在塔里混了。有高手带的话,可以去PS,很快的。如果没有,就组队在长寿郊外打狼,比较稳当。此时加点建议3血2法或是4血1法。35带牛马,练级就简单多了。 35-45级,这时练级很轻松了,40级前在PS,40以后把装备换了在地三。如果之前有好的牛马,也就是高攻的,45级时可以不用换攻宠,没有的话,就去找只白熊,条件是要有高必高反。至于法宠,还是带一只吧。当然化生的用法宠会吃亏一些。本身自己的药就不够,带要给宝宝吃,哭死~~有几个和尚是富人嘛?所以攻宠依然是主打力量。这期间加点以魔法为主,建议4法1血或是4法1耐。注意,39级时一定要把技能补到49级,然后身上要存够升40级和学50 技能的经验,然后一次性升40级,并且佛法,歧黄,诵经,大悲这四样技能50级,其他技能30以上就行了,GGYY50秒3。 45-50级,练级不用说了,地三。加点建议全法。到50级时,三大技能一定要补到60级:佛法,歧黄,大悲。歧黄60级时群疗可以加3。 自此之后,化生之路便会一帆风顺!
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you 你,你们thou 你的古称,可翻成"尔"your+noun. 是敬称如:your ladyship 夫人
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好听到爆英文游戏名有pome光感、thebone刺骨、invader瑾年。一个好听好看的游戏名字无疑是富有魅力的,而将英文的时尚之感融入名字之中更显气质,游戏英文名字还有:loser、笨笨forever、born hater、sunshine、trailer park、exit wound、situation、mature、boxhead、fashion、storm ops、zombie shooter、dialect suds、罂粟poison、chan yeol、catsayer(隐痛)、漃拽爷、dont go、傀儡crossing out。bowman、palisade、遗忘forgotten、gdragon、brett布雷特、妖媚sunshine、zombie、偷腥的猫gen、sam绝情、move贝、guardiangibbets、aomr心渃相依、失忆小姐seve、wake觉醒、novideo、marksmen hunter、wedding dress、不清不楚review、glory、荣耀content、感情变质byedestiny、空景sadnes、Magic、heart弃心。男生喜欢玩手机游戏:《王者荣耀》是由腾讯游戏开发并运行的一款运营在Android,IOS平台上的MOBA类手机游戏。《龙之谷》是由上海盛大网络发展有限公司、上海欢乐互娱网络科技有限公司共同研发的一款角色扮演类的3D动作冒险手。《QQ飞车》是腾讯公司开发的一款3D赛车竞速休闲手机游戏,在玩法上传承了端游的操作。《绝地求生》由腾讯和PUBG联合开发,腾讯光子工作室群超过200人团队研发。《穿越火线》是一款由韩国Smilegate及腾讯游戏三年打造的CF正版第一人称射击手游。《问道手游》是由厦门吉比特网络技术股份有限公司研发、厦门雷霆网络科技有限公司运营的回合制手机游戏。
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In the mean time till all these alterations could be made from the savings of an ine of five hundred a-year by a woman who never saved in her life they were wise enough to be contented with the house as it was; and each of them was busy in arranging their particular concerns and endeavoring by placing around them books and other possessions to form themselves a home. Marianne"s pianoforte was unpacked and properly disposed of; and Elinor"s drawings were affixed to the walls of their sitting room. 一个妇女,一生从未攒过钱,现在居然要从一年五百镑的收入中攒钱完成所有这些改修工作。在改修工作没有完成之前,她们倒明智地认为,就按现在的样子,这房子也满不错了。她们都在各忙各的私事,在四周摆上自己的书籍等物,以便给自己建个小天地。玛丽安的钢琴给拆了包,放在恰当的位置。埃丽诺的图画挂在客厅的墙壁上。 In such employments as these they were interrupted soon after breakfast the next day by the entrance of their landlord who called to wele them to Barton and to offer them every acmodation from his own house and garden in which theirs might at present be deficient. Sir John Middleton was a good looking man about forty. He had formerly visited at Stanhill but it was too long for his young cousins to remember him. His countenance was thoroughly good-humoured ; and his manners were as friendly as the style of his letter. 第二天早饭后不久,正当母女们如此这般忙碌不停的时候,房东登门拜访来了。他欢迎她们来到巴顿,眼前如有短缺不便之处,从他邸园里可以提供一切方便。约翰.米德尔顿爵士是个四十来岁的美男于。他以前曾去过斯坦希尔,不过那是很久以前的事,他那几位年轻的表侄女记不得他了。 Their arrival seemed to afford him real satisfaction and their fort to be an object of real solicitude to him. He said much of his earnest desire of their living in the most sociable terms with his family and pressed them so cordially to dine at Barton Park every day till they were better settled at home that though his entreaties were carried to a point of perseverance beyond civility they could not give offence. His kindness was not confined to words; for within an hour after he left them a large basket full of garden stuff and fruit arrived from the park which was followed before the end of the day by a present of game. He insisted moreover on conveying all their letters to and from the post for them and would not be denied the satisfaction of sending them his newspaper every day. 他和颜悦色,那风度就像他的信一样亲切友好。看来,她们的到来使他感到由衷的高兴,她们的舒适成为他深为关切的问题。他一再表示,诚挚地希望他们两家能亲密相处,热忱地恳求她们在安顿好之前,每天到巴顿庄园用餐。他一个劲地恳求着,简直到了有失体统的地步,但是并不会惹得对方生气。他的一片好心不光挂在嘴皮上,他走后不到半个钟头,就打,发人从巴顿庄园送来一大篮子蔬菜水果,天黑之前又送来些野味。此外,他执意要替她们往邮局送取来往信件,还乐于把自己的报纸每天送给她们看。 Lady Middleton had sent a very civil message by him denoting her intention of waiting on Mrs. Dashwood as soon as she could be assured that her visit would be no inconvenience; and as this message was answered by an invitation equally polite her ladyship was introduced to them the next day. 米德尔顿夫人托丈夫捎了个十分客气的口信,表示愿意在她确信不会给她们带来不便的时候,立即来拜访达什伍德太太。作为回答,达什伍德太太同样客气地提出了邀请,于是,这位夫人第二天就被引见给达什伍德母女。 oforte n. 钢琴 About this time Jane Fairfax received the handsome gift of a pianoforte anonymously given. 大约就在这个时候 简收到了一份厚礼 这是一架钢琴 送礼者不知何人。 -humoured adj. 快乐的 愉快的 citude n. 担心,焦虑 渴望(复)solicitudes:担心的事情 Her letter showed deep solicitude for your welfare. 她的来信表示对您的安康甚为挂念。 eaty[in"tri:ti] n. 恳求 哀求 He felt very unfortable and looked entreaty at us. 他感到很不自在 用恳求的目光望着我们。 lity[si"viliti] n. 礼貌 端壮 They greeted us with civility. 他们很有礼貌地迎接了我们。
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United Forever in Friendship and Labour,Our mighty Republics will ever endure.The Great Soviet Union will Live through the Ages.The Dream of a People their fortress secure.Long Live our Soviet Motherland, built by the People"s mighty hand.Long Live our People, United and Free.Strong in our Friendship tried by fire. Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,Shining in Glory for all Men to see.Through Days dark and stormy where Great Lenin Lead usOur Eyes saw the Bright Sun of Freedom aboveand Stalin our Leader with Faith in the People,Inspired us to Build up the Land that we Love.Long Live our Soviet Motherland, built by the People"s mighty hand.Long Live our People, United and Free.Strong in our Friendship tried by fire. Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,Shining in Glory for all Men to see.We fought for the Future, destroyed the invader,and Brought to our Homeland the Laurels of Fame.Our Glory will live in the Memory of Nationsand All Generations will Honour Her Name.Long Live our Soviet Motherland, built by the People"s mighty hand.Long Live our People, United and Free.Strong in our Friendship tried by fire. Long may our Crimson Flag Inspire,Shining in Glory for all Men to see.中文歌词友谊与勤劳中我们永远联合,伟大的苏维埃联盟穿越时代,强大的联盟永远不会磨灭,成为人民梦想中可靠的要塞。万岁,我们的苏维埃祖国!人民用强健的双手建设。万岁,我们自由团结的人民!牢固的联盟久经考验,鲜红的旗帜勇往直前,荣誉的光芒照耀全世界!伟大的列宁带领我们走出黑暗,我们看到了耀眼的自由之光。斯大林,人民信任的伟大领袖,鼓励我们建设我们热爱的家园。万岁,我们的苏维埃祖国!人民用强健的双手建设。万岁,我们自由团结的人民!牢固的联盟久经考验,鲜红的旗帜勇往直前,荣誉的光芒照耀全世界!我们为未来奋斗,打败一切敌人,为我们的祖国带来光辉的荣耀。我们的荣誉永存祖国的记忆,人们会世代尊敬他的伟岸!万岁,我们的苏维埃祖国!人民用强健的双手建设。万岁,我们自由团结的人民!牢固的联盟久经考验,鲜红的旗帜勇往直前,荣誉的光芒照耀全世界!
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chapter 13-《pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见》精读

Chapter 13 Sir William stayed only a week at Mr. Collins"s house, but his visit was long enough to convince (使确信) him that his daughter was comfortably settled. The first two weeks of Elizabeth"s visit passed quietly. On most days, Mr. Collins and his wife would walk to Rosings to visit Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Occasionally Lady Catherine would also visit them, look at their work and advise them to do it differently, then go on to criticize (批评) the arrangement of the furniture, the way the house was cleaned, and even what they had to eat. The week before Easter was to bring another member of the family to Rosings. Elizabeth had heard soon after her arrival that Mr. Darcy was expected there in a few weeks. Even though he was very far from being a favorite of hers, his arrival would at least provide someone new for their Rosings parties. His arrival was soon heard of at Mr. Collins"s house, and the following morning Mr. Collins hurried to Rosings to welcome the gentleman. Mr. Darcy had brought with him a man named Colonel Fitzwilliam, who was the younger son of his uncle. To the great surprise of everyone, when Mr. Collins returned he brought these two gentlemen with him. Charlotte had seen them from her husband"s room, and immediately ran to tell the girls what an honor they might expect, adding: “I should thank you, Eliza, for this visit. Mr. Darcy would never have come so soon just to visit me.” Elizabeth barely had time to deny (否认) the compliment (赞美) , before the doorbell announced the gentlemen"s arrival. Colonel Fitzwilliam, who led the way, was about thirty.He was not handsome, but he was most truly a gentleman in speech and appearance. Mr. Darcy looked just as he had looked at Netherfield, and whatever his feelings might be toward Elizabeth, he greeted her with every appearance of calm. Elizabeth curtseyed to him without saying a word. ::Colonel Fitzwilliam spoke with the readiness and ease of a well-mannered man::, and talked very pleasantly. His cousin, however, sat for some time without speaking to anybody. Eventually the rules of polite behavior forced him to ask Elizabeth about the health of her family. She answered him in the usual way, and after a moment"s pause, added: “My elder sister has been in town for three months. Have you never happened to see her there?” She was perfectly aware that he never had, but she wished to see whether he would show any knowledge of what had passed between the Bingleys and Jane.She thought he looked a little confused as he answered that he had not had the good fortune to meet Miss Bennet.She asked no more on the subject, and the gentlemen soon afterward went away.It was some days before the Collinses and their guests received an invitation to Rosings.hey were clearly** not nearly** as welcome as when there were no other guests to entertain Lady Catherine.It was only on Easter Sunday that they were invited to visit Rosings after church, an invitation which they of course accepted. Colonel Fitzwilliam was obviously very pleased to see them all, especially Mrs. Collins"s very pretty friend, He asked Elizabeth to play the piano, but when she sat down Mr. Darcy came over so that he could look at her closely as she played. “Do you mean to frighten me, Mr. Darcy, by coming over like this to hear me? I am not afraid of you—I am a stubborn person, and my courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate (恐吓) me.” “I shall not argue with you,” he replied, “because you could not really believe that I want to frighten you, and I have known you long enough to know that you sometimes express opinions that are not your own.” Elizabeth laughed heartily (衷心地) at this picture of herself, and said, “Mr. Darcy, it is very ungenerous (胸襟狭窄的) of you to mention all that you know to my disadvantage—and unwise too— for it is_ provoking (激怒) me to retaliate _(报复) , and say things that may shock your relations.” “I am not afraid of you,” said he, smilingly. “Very well—but you should all prepare yourself for something very dreadful (可怕地) .The first time I ever saw him was at a ball—and at this ball, what do you think he did?He danced only four dances, though gentlemen were scarce; and more than one young lady was sitting down because she had no partner. Mr. Darcy, you cannot deny (否认) the fact.” “Perhaps,” said Darcy, “I should have done better, had I asked for an introduction, but I cannot bring myself to talk to strangers.” “Colonel Fitzwilliam,” said Elizabeth, “shall we ask him why a man of sense and education, and who has lived in the world, cannot bring himself to talk to strangers?” “I can answer your question,” said Fitzwilliam, “without consulting him. It is because he will not give himself the trouble.” “I certainly do not have the talent which some people possess,” said Darcy, “of talking easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone (语气) of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see other people do.” “My fingers,” said Elizabeth, “do not move over this piano in the masterly manner which I see so many women"s do.They do not have the same force or speed, and do not produce the same expression.But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault—::because I will not take the trouble of is not that I do not believe my fingers as capable as any other woman"s of playing well.::” Here Lady Catherine** interrupted with** many criticisms (批评) of Elizabeth"s piano playing, which Elizabeth, being a guest, put up with as politely as she could. At the request of the gentlemen, she continued playing until her ladyship (淑女) "s carriage was ready to take them all home.
2023-06-24 13:31:041

高中英语选择题提问2 worthy of + n./doing doing 可以看作是一种将来时的表达方式,再加will ?不累啊?25.what提问,不加that31.首先你没有理解时态,其次,those who? 作介词的时候,+ doing
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2023-06-24 13:30:5614

点亮照明空间,成就无限可能 怎么翻译

Brighting Space, Creating infinitely.
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fish and fishman
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Ma‘s homemade Steamed Pork Dumplings
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I may know 中的may 是不是表示对结果不大肯定啊

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Why do homemade chips be frozen
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[名] ball; sphere; globe; anything shaped like a ball; orb;
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f making which had opened up immen
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possiblely to;B;3.4.That a nice supper5.6.B
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2023-06-24 13:30:228

求各路大神帮忙啊!跪求速度 求帮助 关于"如何安全度过假期"的初三英语作文 写作要求: 1.出

The holiday comes and we are so happy.Some classmetes would like to go out to have fun.But I want to warn you don"t forget the secure. When you go shopping or play with friends in the downtown,don"t go to the place in which very crowded.Because there may be some thieves or other bad men.If you will go for an out with family,remember to remind the driver to obey the traffic rules,the safety is the most impotant of everything.If possiblely,you can take part in the safety exercise in order to improve your self-help ability. I wish everyone has a perfect holiday.
2023-06-24 13:30:221

what is homemade leverageuff1f

A substitution of risks that investors may undergo in order to move from overpriced shares in highly levered firms to those in unlevered firms by borrowing in personal accounts.
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  生活有很多的年轻人喜欢打羽毛球,羽毛球运动可以使人陶冶身心,同时羽毛球运动也有很多的英语作文。以下是我整理给大家的关于打羽毛球的英文作文,希望能给大家带来帮助!   打羽毛球的英文作文篇一   Last summer,my best friend XiaoMing invited me to join him in playing badminton. At first I was a bit nervous because I knew little about badminton. During the game I tried my best to catch the ball with my racket,although I failed in the last,but I developed an interest in badminton.   去年夏天,我最好的朋友小明邀请我和他一起去打羽毛球。起初我有点紧张,因为我对羽毛球所知甚少。在比赛中我尽力抓住球和我的球拍,虽然在最后我失败了,但我开发了一个对羽毛球的兴趣。   In order to master the skill of playing badminton quickly, I searched for more rmation on the Internet. From the Internet,I knew badminton is a popular sport with a long history. And modern badminton sport was born in England. In 1934,the international badminton association was set up. In 1992,it was accepted by Olympic Games as a formal petition. In China, there are large amount of badminton enthusiasts and excellent badminton players, among which my favorite player is LinDan. Not only because his handsome appearance but also for his spirit of hard work and never give up.   为了掌握技能的迅速打羽毛球,我在网际网路上搜索更多的资讯。从网上,我知道羽毛球是一项流行的运动有着悠久的历史。现代羽毛球运动诞生在英国。1934年,国际羽毛球协会成立。在1992年,它接受了奥运会正式比赛。在中国,有大量的羽毛球爱好者和优秀的羽毛球运动员,其中我最喜欢的球员是LinDan。不仅因为他帅气的外表,还为他的努力和永不放弃的精神。   As for me,playing badminton is a easy way to relax myself. You don"t need to have too many plicated skills to play it. In addition,playing badminton can not only stimimate you grow taller and healthier,but also can help you to make new friends. Therefore,I like playing badminton best. Do enjoy badminton too? e on and join us! I am here waiting for you!   至于我,打羽毛球是一个简单的方法来放松自己。你不需要有太多复杂的技能。此外,打羽毛球不仅可以stimimate你长高和健康,而且还可以帮助你结交新朋友。因此,我最喜欢打羽毛球。喜欢羽毛球吗?来吧,加入我们!我在这里等待你!   打羽毛球的英文作文篇二   "The ball is really beautiful!" The ans class ing waves wowing wwe from time to time.   In advance, I specifically for the game going to my grandma"s back to the badminton racket, happy in my heart, at ordinary times the short class ten minutes, for us, it is simply a drop in the ocean, when we are playing excitedly, the "brutal" always ring into the classroom, we now finally have the opportunity to and for a time to have a go!   Look! The "shoo-in" Huang Liwei and wen-xing wang is really wonderful. Shouted machine waves his side from time to time.   Then, is I and Wang Yi hits, right to serve in his hand, his right hand strongly hold badminton racket, left hand behind the badminton, and a *** oke, came, swift and fierce, buttoned the floor, so in order to "ball" of the hand of big man took the woman played me unprepared, however, played again beautiful also useless, because he had made "serve can"t brake ball" rules, the road sees rough, cheer for me, I"m not his general knowledge, haggle over every ounce! I"m a ball...   The sky did not make the United States, but played under light rain, but we still take minutes and marketers, usually say: the past, only owe the east wind. We don"t want to "wind mother-in-law" chez, but her ladyship hospitable people, we had to helplessly up badminton tournament draw a perfect full stop, but we fight with cold, confrontation with the east wind, although I have a pity, happy single one to four points and five points.   “这球打得真漂亮!”一阵阵赞叹声不时传出俺们班。   事先,我特意为这场比赛去外婆家拿回羽毛球拍,心里高兴不已,平时下课那短暂的十分钟,对于我们来说,简直就是杯水车薪,我们正打得起劲时,那“无情”的 *** 总是催促我们进教室,此刻总算有机会和充欲的时间大显身手一番了!   看!那“长胜将军”黄立伟和王文星打得真叫精彩。旁边还不时喊器一阵阵助威声。   接着,是我和王宜安打,发球权在他手里,只见他右手强有力地握住羽毛球拍,左手抛了羽毛球,使劲一抽,打了过来,又快又猛,直扣地上,这样以“大男子之手夺女子之球”打得我措手不及,然而,打得再漂亮也没有用,因为他犯了“发球不能刹球”的规则,众人路见不平,为我助威,我才不和他一般见识,斤斤计较呢!算我一球……   天空不作美,竟下起了小雨,但我们还是抓紧一分一秒,你争我夺,平时都说:往事具备,只欠东风。我们不希望“风婆婆”大驾光临,可她老人家是好客之人,我们只好无奈的收起了羽毛球比赛画上一个完美的句号,但我们和寒冷较量,与东风对抗,虽我有了一分遗憾,单有四分收获加五分快乐。   打羽毛球的英文作文篇三   This morning, the sun is shining, it"s sunny, it is a good day. Defeated by me and my - my dad picked up a shuttlecock and badminton racket to the game. We have chosen a good place, arrayed is started, the bird to sing for us, the ant to give us, this is an exciting race, I serve, first I sent a super invincible dragon ball, badminton, like dragon flying, the ball too high father not received, the second, three goals he still not received, a ball dad finally received, however, I still beat my dad in the ratio of three to one.   We had a short rest under the tree, and continue to fight... Ha ha, my bad!   今天早晨,阳光明媚,天气晴朗,是一个运动的好日子。我和我的手下败将——爸爸拿起羽毛球和羽毛球拍去比赛。我们选了一个好地方,就摆开阵势开始了,小鸟为我们唱歌,蚂蚁给我们打分,这是一场激烈的比赛,我先发球,我发了一个超级无敌火龙球,羽毛球就像龙一般的飞了出去,球太高了爸爸没有接到,第二、三个球他还是没有接到,最后一个球爸爸终于接到位,不过,我还是以三比一战胜了爸爸。   我们在树下休息了一会儿,继续战斗……哈哈,我厉害吧! 点选下页还有更多 >>>打羽毛球的英语作文
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