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2023-06-24 19:40:57
TAG: NCE ance


佛罗浪丝(Prorance) 韩国品牌



显卡的好坏取决于它的核心,它的带宽,建议到AGP 6600GT

如果你买显卡玩游戏的最有效和最经济的卡是6600GT,支持DX9.0和SM3。 0效果




2023-06-24 12:59:414


2023-06-24 12:59:503


2023-06-24 12:59:571


这是一款来自韩国的古龙水,(古龙水就是淡香,译名EAU DE TOILETTE))香水名叫弗罗伦斯,一共有五款。你这款是男香,又名“光男”。配料有:前调:佛手柑,柠檬,姜,豆蔻中调:玫瑰,兰花,小苍兰,百合基调:麝香,檀香,雪松,琥珀一般都是30ml瓶装,按当地零售价折算为100人民币左右,不会超过100,进口零售价不清楚。
2023-06-24 13:00:061


亲爱的,应该是佛洛伦丝Prorance 吧? 目录 第一课:学习一些商家常用的名词是什么含义 (正品、水货、港货、行货的区别) 第二课:想在网上购真货护肤、化妆品的MM要注意的几点 第三课:真假护肤化妆品公开大对决!(分成国产、日产、韩产、欧美分别讲解)第三课主要讲国产的 玉兰油、雅倩真假识别法 第四课:日系护肤化妆品识别大法(资生堂、嘉娜宝、KOSE、SKII真假识别法) 第五课 韩国护肤化妆品识别大比拼(VOV、爱丽、兰芝 真假识别法) 第六课、欧美护肤化妆品识别大比拼(h2o、兰蔻、欧珀莱、倩碧、CD ) 第七课 世界著名化妆护肤品官方网站大全(算是收罗的比较全面了,你用的这里可能都有好大一串啊!还有台湾版的网站我也贴出来了,方便不识英文的MM们) 第一课:学习一些商家常用的名词是什么含义 正品:正品可能水货也可能是行货,说法没有统一,但一定是真货。 水货:水货其实也是真货,只是渠道不正规,没有经过关税,没有中文说明书。比如说你到美国专柜买到的碧欧泉,带回来以后卖掉,这种没有经过关税,自己带回来的,就是水货,但是绝对是真货。而且价格比正规渠道的便宜。 仿货:仿货有很多种,分超A货、A货、B货、C货等,服装、皮包、化妆品等一般都是这样分的,服装、皮包是仿货到是无所谓,反正便宜,我们喜欢的只是款式,但是化妆品?!也就是假货啦。做的比较好的仿货化妆品不会伤皮肤,可能也有些效果,但是效果不及正品的10%。 行货:正规渠道的真货,经过关税、国家检验、有中文说明书。 港货:港货分两种,一种是指从香港正规商场带回来的,也就是水货;还有一种所谓港产的,也叫港货,但是你要看这种化妆品,在香港有没有生产过啊。比如说兰蔻,只在台湾和法国有厂,那么所谓的港产兰蔻就是仿的很真的假货啦,反正我是没有听过香港有兰蔻的厂子,不过用上去效果也不会很差,就是没有真货好:)。 怎样识别是否香港带回来的货?小样和比较便宜的化妆品告诉大家一个最简单有效的办法:直接看看有没有透明薄膜包装和贴过标签的痕迹!一般香港的莎莎和卓悦等一些化妆品连锁超市出售的东东都会有透明薄膜包装的,而且都会在上面打上自己logo的标价签,而带来大陆以后为了价格的保密,往往个人都会撕去标价签。但是大多都不大好撕,这样就会在货品上留下痕迹。 佛罗浪丝Prorance保湿隔离:特性: 1.内含的吸油粉粒能吸收多余的油脂,防水,防汗,呈现自然而美丽的肌肤,以柔和的使用感和密贴感,提高彩妆效果。 2.高保湿成分,提供肌肤充分的水分,令肌肤无紧绷感,始终保持肌肤的滋润状态。 3.含丰富的维他命成分,令肌肤永远保持健康状态。
2023-06-24 13:00:151


专柜价:188元prorance water drop佛罗伦丝水分BB霜35ml三重功能 紫外线隔离 改善皱纹 美白效果采用植物成分,滋润而柔和的调理干燥疲惫的肌肤,具有营养霜同样的效果,赋予肌肤生机,美肤的同时更加健康的保护皮肤采用水滴型成分,涂抹时出现细小水珠,及时补充肌肤水分,让肌肤立时像丝绸一般光滑主要成分:维他命E 灵芝提取物 钛氧化物 咪唑啉磷酰胺 表皮细胞生长因子 EGF等自然遮盖肌肤瑕疵,使肌肤更加光滑润泽。使用方法:基础护肤后,取适量本品按照皮肤纹理,柔和地涂于整个面部,立时塑造出明亮的裸妆效果。使用前轻轻摇晃瓶身,让内容物充分融合,补水效果会更佳
2023-06-24 13:00:241


香奈儿的好用。 脸上的东西,不要怕花钱呀
2023-06-24 13:00:3215


韩国 佛罗伦丝PRORANCE隔离霜100RMB左右吧剩下的就不用我告诉了,各种网均有售。
2023-06-24 13:00:561


欧莱雅 ZA
2023-06-24 13:01:056


2023-06-24 13:01:402


2023-06-24 13:01:4911


2023-06-24 13:02:1213


腮红颜色的选择——  白皙肌肤——浅色系列的腮红适合肌肤白暂的女性使用,如粉色,浅桃色等。这类颜色的胭脂容易与整体妆容搭配,看上去自然不突兀,就像皮肤本身的颜色和光泽一样。需要注意的是,粉红色的胭脂可能会和酒红发生冲突。  黄色肌肤——亮粉色、玫瑰色或金棕色的胭脂都非常适合亚洲女性的黄色肌肤,它能中和肌肤本身的厚重感和不太健康的颜色,令人看上去健康活泼。肤色偏红的女性要特别注意,如果你涂抹了玫瑰色胭脂,会令人看上去像喝多了酒。  健康肤色——桔红色、橄榄色和深桃红色的胭脂都很适合肤色健康的女性,它不但能起到调整肤色的效果,还会令人看上去个性十足。特别是深桃红色胭脂,俏丽而不失庄重,而桔色胭脂又能与金棕色妆容相得益彰。  晦暗肌肤——大红色、酒红色和深紫红色的胭脂比较适合肌肤晦暗的女性,这类胭脂在化妆时无需遮盖肤色,只要确定哪一种颜色能让自己看上去更加亮丽就足够了。酒红色胭脂尤其适合灯光明亮的场所,以避免光线削弱你的面部光泽。腮红的上妆方法----介绍两种基本的:1、体现可爱效果:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,以打圈的手法均匀扫在颧骨处,范围不要太大(不要低过嘴角,高过眼角),色彩最重处在颧骨最高处注意色彩一定要柔和,过度自然,不要扫成“高原红”的感觉哦!2、体现瘦脸感觉:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,从颧骨靠近发际线处向颧骨最高处斜向涂抹,色彩最重处在颧骨靠近发际线处。同样注意色彩过度要柔和,自然。如不小心打的范围过大或过重,可扫一层蜜粉冲淡腮红色彩。扫蜜粉的方向与扫腮红的方向相反。腮红主要是让肤色更健康更漂亮,化妆时必不可少的,当然是价格高的效果也会更好.个人认为colourzone(色彩地带)的比较好.价格适中品种全而且效果很好.腮红有单色的也有双色的,因为有的腮红完全可以当眼影来用,我建议你买双色的.现在新产品还有好多新出的腮红的颜色.我觉得买个好的腮红刷也是非常重要的!另附其它品牌的腮红供你参考:avon雅芳新炫粉颊彩1.8g市场价:¥39.00ETUDE爱丽三色腮红市场价:¥68.00ETUDE爱丽花研映彩单色腮红8g市场价:¥68.00AREZIA雅丽莎36色眼影+3色腮红焕彩组合市场价:¥150.00VOV单(双)腮红市场价:¥60.00ANNASUI安娜苏魔彩腮红4g市场价:¥300.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝双色腮红市场价:¥126.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝单色腮红市场价:¥115.00雅丽莎超魅炫彩彩妆精美礼盒市场价:¥130.00EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛超值七件套(黄包)市场价:¥350.00
2023-06-24 13:02:391


腮红颜色的选择—— 白皙肌肤—— 浅色系列的腮红适合肌肤白暂的女性使用,如粉色,浅桃色等。这类颜色的胭脂容易与整体妆容搭配,看上去自然不突兀,就像皮肤本身的颜色和光泽一样。需要注意的是,粉红色的胭脂可能会和酒红发生冲突。 黄色肌肤—— 亮粉色、玫瑰色或金棕色的胭脂都非常适合亚洲女性的黄色肌肤,它能中和肌肤本身的厚重感和不太健康的颜色,令人看上去健康活泼。肤色偏红的女性要特别注意,如果你涂抹了玫瑰色胭脂,会令人看上去像喝多了酒。 健康肤色——桔红色、橄榄色和深桃红色的胭脂都很适合肤色健康的女性,它不但能起到调整肤色的效果,还会令人看上去个性十足。特别是深桃红色胭脂,俏丽而不失庄重,而桔色胭脂又能与金棕色妆容相得益彰。 晦暗肌肤—— 大红色、酒红色和深紫红色的胭脂比较适合肌肤晦暗的女性,这类胭脂在化妆时无需遮盖肤色,只要确定哪一种颜色能让自己看上去更加亮丽就足够了。酒红色胭脂尤其适合灯光明亮的场所,以避免光线削弱你的面部光泽。腮红的上妆方法----介绍两种基本的:1、体现可爱效果:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,以打圈的手法均匀扫在颧骨处,范围不要太大(不要低过嘴角,高过眼角),色彩最重处在颧骨最高处注意色彩一定要柔和,过度自然,不要扫成“高原红”的感觉哦!2、体现瘦脸感觉:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,从颧骨靠近发际线处向颧骨最高处斜向涂抹,色彩最重处在颧骨靠近发际线处。同样注意色彩过度要柔和,自然。如不小心打的范围过大或过重,可扫一层蜜粉冲淡腮红色彩。扫蜜粉的方向与扫腮红的方向相反。腮红主要是让肤色更健康更漂亮,化妆时必不可少的,当然是价格高的效果也会更好.个人认为colour zone(色彩地带)的比较好.价格适中品种全而且效果很好.腮红有单色的也有双色的,因为有的腮红完全可以当眼影来用,我建议你买双色的.现在新产品还有好多新出的腮红的颜色.我觉得买个好的腮红刷也是非常重要的!另附其它品牌的腮红供你参考:avon 雅芳新炫粉颊彩 1.8g 市场价: ¥39.00 ETUDE爱丽三色腮红 市场价: ¥68.00 ETUDE爱丽花研映彩单色腮红8g 市场价: ¥68.00 AREZIA雅丽莎36色眼影+3色腮红焕彩组合 市场价: ¥150.00 VOV 单(双)腮红 市场价: ¥60.00 ANNASUI安娜苏魔彩腮红4g 市场价: ¥300.00 PRORANCE 佛罗浪丝双色腮红 市场价: ¥126.00 PRORANCE 佛罗浪丝单色腮红 市场价: ¥115.00 雅丽莎超魅炫彩彩妆精美礼盒 市场价: ¥130.00 EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛超值七件套 (黄包) 市场价: ¥350.00
2023-06-24 13:02:474


2023-06-24 13:03:201


腮红颜色的选择——  白皙肌肤——浅色系列的腮红适合肌肤白暂的女性使用,如粉色,浅桃色等。这类颜色的胭脂容易与整体妆容搭配,看上去自然不突兀,就像皮肤本身的颜色和光泽一样。需要注意的是,粉红色的胭脂可能会和酒红发生冲突。  黄色肌肤——亮粉色、玫瑰色或金棕色的胭脂都非常适合亚洲女性的黄色肌肤,它能中和肌肤本身的厚重感和不太健康的颜色,令人看上去健康活泼。肤色偏红的女性要特别注意,如果你涂抹了玫瑰色胭脂,会令人看上去像喝多了酒。  健康肤色——桔红色、橄榄色和深桃红色的胭脂都很适合肤色健康的女性,它不但能起到调整肤色的效果,还会令人看上去个性十足。特别是深桃红色胭脂,俏丽而不失庄重,而桔色胭脂又能与金棕色妆容相得益彰。  晦暗肌肤——大红色、酒红色和深紫红色的胭脂比较适合肌肤晦暗的女性,这类胭脂在化妆时无需遮盖肤色,只要确定哪一种颜色能让自己看上去更加亮丽就足够了。酒红色胭脂尤其适合灯光明亮的场所,以避免光线削弱你的面部光泽。腮红的上妆方法----介绍两种基本的:1、体现可爱效果:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,以打圈的手法均匀扫在颧骨处,范围不要太大(不要低过嘴角,高过眼角),色彩最重处在颧骨最高处注意色彩一定要柔和,过度自然,不要扫成“高原红”的感觉哦!2、体现瘦脸感觉:用腮红刷沾取少量腮红,从颧骨靠近发际线处向颧骨最高处斜向涂抹,色彩最重处在颧骨靠近发际线处。同样注意色彩过度要柔和,自然。如不小心打的范围过大或过重,可扫一层蜜粉冲淡腮红色彩。扫蜜粉的方向与扫腮红的方向相反。腮红主要是让肤色更健康更漂亮,化妆时必不可少的,当然是价格高的效果也会更好.个人认为colourzone(色彩地带)的比较好.价格适中品种全而且效果很好.腮红有单色的也有双色的,因为有的腮红完全可以当眼影来用,我建议你买双色的.现在新产品还有好多新出的腮红的颜色.我觉得买个好的腮红刷也是非常重要的!另附其它品牌的腮红供你参考:avon雅芳新炫粉颊彩1.8g市场价:¥39.00ETUDE爱丽三色腮红市场价:¥68.00ETUDE爱丽花研映彩单色腮红8g市场价:¥68.00AREZIA雅丽莎36色眼影+3色腮红焕彩组合市场价:¥150.00VOV单(双)腮红市场价:¥60.00ANNASUI安娜苏魔彩腮红4g市场价:¥300.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝双色腮红市场价:¥126.00PRORANCE佛罗浪丝单色腮红市场价:¥115.00雅丽莎超魅炫彩彩妆精美礼盒市场价:¥130.00EsteeLauder雅诗兰黛超值七件套(黄包)市场价:¥350.00
2023-06-24 13:03:311


2023-06-24 12:59:342


2023-06-24 12:59:341

Akon的《Ghetto》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto歌手:Akon专辑:Trouble Deluxe EditionGhettoAkonGhetto, Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto we livinThese streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand)When your on it you"ll keep goin down (goin down)And there"s noone to hold on tooAnd there"s noone to pull you outYou keep on fallin (falling)And noone can here you callinSo you end up self destructingOn the corner with the tuli on the waist tightjust got outta the bing doin stay timeTeeth marks on my back from the canineDark Memories of when there was no sunshineCause they said that I wouldn"t make it(I remember like yesterday)Holdin on to what god gave meCause thats the life when urLiving in the (ghetto)andEating in the (ghetto)orSleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto)Cause thats the life when urLiving in the (ghetto)andEating in the (ghetto)orSleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)No need to cherish luxuries(cause everythin" come and go)Even the life that you have is borrowed(Cause your not promised tomorrow)So live your life as if everydays" gon be your lastOnce you move forward can"t go backBest prepare to remove your pastCause ya gotta be willin to prayYea There gotta be (there gotta be) a better way ohYea ya gotta be willing to prayCause there gotta be (there gotta be) a better day (ay)Whoever said that this drama would stop todayA lot of niggers dead or locked awayTeenage Women growing up with aidsCause thats the life when yourLiving in the (ghetto) ohEating in the (ghetto) orSleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto)Thats the life when urLiving in the (ghetto)ohEating in the (ghetto) orSleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)Gun shots every night in the (ghetto)Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)Every day is a fight in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)Got kids to feed in the (ghetto)Selling coke and weed in the (ghetto)Every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto)Thats the life when yourLiving in the (ghetto)ohLiving by the (ghetto)ohEating in the (ghetto, ghetto)Thats the life when yourLiving in the (ghetto)ohSleeping in the (ghetto)Living in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)(wooohhoohh)
2023-06-24 12:59:351


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 分别怎么使用? 解析: invent 是动词 发明 invention是名词 发明 就比如电视电灯都属于发明 inventor 也是名词 是发明者的意思。
2023-06-24 12:59:361


Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto we livin [verse one] These streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand) When your on it you"ll keep goin down (goin down) And there"s noone to hold on too And there"s noone to pull you out You keep on fallin (falling) And noone can here you callin So you end up self destructing time Teeth marks on my back from the canine Dark Memories of when there was no sunshine Cause they said that I wouldn"t make it (I remember like yesterday) Holdin on to what god gave me [chorus] Cause thats the life when ur Living in the (ghetto)and Eating in the (ghetto)or Sleeping in the (ghetto) (ghetto) Cause thats the life when ur Living in the (ghetto)and Eating in the (ghetto)or Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto) [verse two] No need to cherish luxuries (cause everythin" come and go) Even the life that you have is borrowed (Cause your not promised tomorrow) So life your life as if everydays" gon be your last Once you move forward can"t go back Best prepare to remove your past Cause ya gotta be willin to pray Yea There gotta be (there gotta be) a better way oh Yea ya gotta be willing to pray Cause there gotta be (there gotta be) a better day (ay) Whoever said that this drama would stop today A lot of niggers dead or locked away Teenage Women growing up with aids [chorus] Cause thats the life when your Living in the (ghetto) oh Eating in the (ghetto) or Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto) Thats the life when ur Living in the (ghetto)oh Eating in the (ghetto) or Sleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto) [bridge] Gun shots every night in the (ghetto) Crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto) Every day is a fight in the (ghetto) (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto) Got kids to feed in the (ghetto) Selling coke and weed in the (ghetto) Every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto) (oh oh oh oh oh) (ghetto) [chorus] Thats the life when your Living in the (ghetto)oh Living by the (ghetto)oh Eating in the (ghetto, ghetto) Thats the life when your Living in the (ghetto)oh Sleeping in the (ghetto) Living in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto) (wooohhoohh)这些街道上提醒我,流沙(流沙) 当您对您会继续走下来(走下来) 而且也没有一举行就太 而且也没有一拉你出去 你一直就fallin (下降) 没有人可以在这里,您callin 所以你最后的自我破坏 时间 牙印,我回从犬 黑暗的回忆,当时有没有阳光 原因,他们说我不会使 (我记得像昨天) holdin对什么上帝给了我 [合唱团] 造成这就是生活,当乌尔 居住在(聚居区)和 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(聚居区) (聚居区) 造成这就是生活,当乌尔 居住在(聚居区)和 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(犹太人区,贫民窟,贫民区) [诗二] 没有必要珍惜奢侈品(事业everythin "来来去去) 甚至生命,你是借来的 (原因:您不答应,明天) 因此,生活你的生活如everydays "坤是您的最后 一旦你向前迈进,不能回去 最好的准备,以消除您的过去 事业亚的宝贝,被willin祈祷 有雅的宝贝,被(有宝贝而定)更好的方法哦 雅亚的宝贝,愿意祈祷 原因有被奥谢(有宝贝而定)更好的一天(分) 谁说,这话剧将停止今天 很多niggers死亡或锁 十几岁的妇女成长与艾滋病 [合唱团] 造成这就是生活,当您的 居住在(聚居区)哦 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(犹太人区,犹太人区) 这就是生活,当乌尔 居住在(聚居区)哦 吃在(犹太人区)或 睡在(犹太人区,贫民窟,贫民区) [桥] 枪枪每晚在(聚居区) 弯曲的警察就在视线(聚居区) 每一天是一个打击,在(聚居区) (哦噢哦噢哦) (聚居区) 得到孩子饲料中(聚居区) 销售焦煤及杂草,在(聚居区) 每天有人流血,在(聚居区) (哦噢哦噢哦) (聚居区) [合唱团] 这就是生活,当您的 居住在(聚居区)哦 生活所(聚居区)哦 吃在(犹太人区,犹太人区) 这就是生活,当您的 居住在(聚居区)哦 睡在(聚居区) 居住在(犹太人区,贫民窟,贫民区) ( w )
2023-06-24 12:59:421

iPhone7/Plus Home键失灵怎么办

2023-06-24 12:59:433


名词:invention;发明家:inventor; invent v.发明;创造;编造;捏造;虚构; 第三人称单数: invents; 现在分词: inventing; 过去式: invented; 过去分词: invented 扩展资料   The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot.   发明工业机器人是那家公司的功劳。   What excuse did he invent this time?   他这次编了什么借口?   Many children invent an imaginary friend.   很多儿童都有一个假想朋友。
2023-06-24 12:59:431


ghetto, ghetto, ghetto, ghetto we livinthese streets remind me of quicksand (quicksand)when your on it you"ll keep goin down (goin down)and there"s noone to hold on tooand there"s noone to pull you outyou keep on fallin (falling)and noone can here you callinso you end up self destructingon the corner with the tuli on the waist tightjust got outta the bing doin stay timeteeth marks on my back from the caninedark memories of when there was no sunshinecause they said that i wouldn"t make it(i remember like yesterday)holdin on to what god gave mecause thats the life when urliving in the (ghetto)andeating in the (ghetto)orsleeping in the (ghetto)(ghetto)cause thats the life when urliving in the (ghetto)andeating in the (ghetto)orsleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)no need to cherish luxuries(cause everythin" come and go)even the life that you have is borrowed(cause your not promised tomorrow)so live your life as if everydays" gon be your lastonce you move forward can"t go backbest prepare to remove your pastcause ya gotta be willin to prayyea there gotta be (there gotta be) a better way ohyea ya gotta be willing to praycause there gotta be (there gotta be) a better day (ay)whoever said that this drama would stop todaya lot of niggers dead or locked awayteenage women growing up with aidscause thats the life when yourliving in the (ghetto) oheating in the (ghetto) orsleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto)thats the life when urliving in the (ghetto)oheating in the (ghetto) orsleeping in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)gun shots every night in the (ghetto)crooked cops on sight in the (ghetto)every day is a fight in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh)(ghetto)got kids to feed in the (ghetto)selling coke and weed in the (ghetto)every day somebody bleed in the (ghetto)(oh oh oh oh oh)(ghetto)thats the life when yourliving in the (ghetto)ohliving by the (ghetto)oheating in the (ghetto, ghetto)thats the life when yourliving in the (ghetto)ohsleeping in the (ghetto)living in the (ghetto, ghetto, ghetto)
2023-06-24 12:59:503


前者是 “创造”的意思后者是 “发明”的意思
2023-06-24 12:59:513

iPhone7/Plus Home键失灵怎么办

2023-06-24 12:59:543


2023-06-24 12:59:545

Ghetto (Album Version) 歌词

歌名:Ghetto(贫民窟)演唱:幼稚园杀手●●街头让我联想到流沙,只会让人不断深陷没人会拉你一把,一直在坠落也没有人能听见你的求救停止自我毁灭,在角落里准备好武器我背部被狗咬过残留着牙齿的痕迹记载着那些没有阳光的阴暗的回忆他们说我永远不能够,我坚信上帝赐给我的所有没有必要珍惜,因为一切都来去匆匆甚至是生命就好象是出租,因为明天没有保障所以把每一天都当作是自己的末日踏出去就再也不能后悔,最好准备好忘记你的过去我祈祷着有一条更好的路更好的一天无论谁说今天挣扎将会过去数不清的人死去,被关进监狱女孩们的成长伴随着各种病菌每晚都有争斗,燃烧着怒火,罪恶的警察每天都是一顿毒打,还有孩子要养大,贩卖毒品每天都会有人死在血泊这就是贫民窟的生活,生活在街头的结果需要一次重生的机会可是没人能够借我以上歌词是Akon对他的Ghetto Life的描述真正的Hip-Hop属于底层无论是在哪国,回到中国贫民窟的孩子们根本没有机会接触什么饶舌文化每天都是一场恶梦,饥饿伴随着寒冷父母在城市的角落贩卖着各种小商品非法交易,或者乞讨,或者捡垃圾,或者偷盗看来天生注定没机会再回到学校没有城市户口,各种歧视,被人们认为影响市容市貌滋生肮脏和危险,犯罪,吸毒,卖淫.家庭暴力,社会的阴暗面都和贫民联系在了一起城市管理者们都想消除破烂的贫民窟,许多人将会失去梦想的阶梯这并不是平衡的前提Real Rap Lyrics是被Real Society Life的灵魂附体Cos that"s the life when ur living in the ghettoAnd eating in the ghetto,or sleeping in the ghetto幼稚园杀手,一半充足一半贫穷上天让我体验不同的生活,在Hip-Hop中寻找真实的自我sleeping in the ghetto幼稚园杀手﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^﹏﹏_﹏
2023-06-24 12:59:571


主动语态和被动语态不一样。及物动词的被动语态构成: be+ done(过去分词)He invented the first electric clock.他发明了第一个电动钟。改为被动语态如下:The first electric clock was invented by him.第一个电动钟由他发明。
2023-06-24 12:59:582


2023-06-24 13:00:051

Ghetto Ghetto 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto Ghetto歌手:will.i.am专辑:#willpowerGhetto Ghettowill.i.amGhetto, ghetto,I"ve been praying for youHallelujah.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.Little kids growing up without no education,Mom"s on drugs, cause that"s her only medication.Nobody"s home, but they ain"t on a vacation,But they left the kids alone watching the TV station.What"s wrong with the picture, please, someone give me the answersThey be wondering why the girls grow up to be dancersThen we wonder why the boys grow up to be dealersAnd they be angry at the whole world ready to kill us.After we start to resolve the whole problemsHow we let our little children destroying the goblinWhy we got them all killing and stealing and robbingWe need to plan a little seed to prevent the mobbingWhy don"t we teach them that science to reach for the stars?Cause they can beat the fire with the future worst than oddsDon"t want them looking in the past and covering scarsThey need a path out the ghetto, hello.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.Little boy had a dream of being a ball playerCause little homie wanna grow to be a rhyme slayer,Little missy wanna grow to be a modelWhile the momma at home just drinking out the bottle.How come little one to grow and be a councilman?Sitting in a governer, a mayor politicianman.Probably cause the politicians keep tricking "emPromise that they fixing it but they ain"t really fixing it.That"s why they want to be like meLike giga like B and Nicky and ReeEvery day in the ghetto is an emergencyBut the power that be don"t emerge in see.That"s why you see killing, that"s why you see crimes,That"s why you see homies in the prison doing timeThat"s why you see crack, that"s why you see blackstrapBut no access out the ghetto, ghetto.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.It is easy as 1, 2, 3,I wanna be what"s on TV,And if that"s wrong, please don"t blame me,Cause where I live we have nothingIn the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.In the ghetto, ghetto, ghetto.Ghetto, ghetto,I"ve been praying for youHallelujah.
2023-06-24 13:00:061


invent 或 discover
2023-06-24 13:00:1513


terrible:adj. 可怕的;很糟的;令人讨厌的adv. 很,非常terriblely写法是错的,terribly是对的,可以有极度的意思。You sing terriblely as my sister (does). 跟读你歌唱得与我姊姊一样动听。
2023-06-24 13:00:213


You can try to chat with chainese so that your mandarin must be improved.After all,do by yourself is a good thing.I am fine here .Don"t be worried about me.Just these,here,I wish you a well body!Please replay to me soon.
2023-06-24 12:59:186

digi ghetto属于什么风格

2023-06-24 12:59:161


invent的名词形式:invention n.发明;创意;创造;虚构;编造;虚构的故事 复数: inventions 扩展资料   It"s been a tricky business marketing his new invention   推广他的"新发明一直是件棘手的事情。   You can"t fault them for lack of invention   你不能因为他们缺乏创新就指责他们。   The spinning wheel was a Chinese invention.   纺车是中国人的发明。
2023-06-24 12:59:151

Cheryl cole - Ghetto baby 求歌词中英歌词

Ghetto Baby——应该是贫民窟的幼儿吧,看它的歌词好像还蛮接近这意思的[VERSE] You got a face like the Madonna crying tears of gold Been pumping gas at the Texaco road to road You"re on the run Oh baby yeah you"re on the run Oh baby I"m not a trick boy, I"m a trick for you You give me butterflies heart skipping one two I know you"re sick boy, I wanna get the flu I"m running temperatures thinking of your love, boo.[CHORUS] Brooklyn move my soul like this Kissing my stilettos move your mouth up to my lips Come on over ghetto baby (He said show me what you got girl) Come on over ghetto baby (Drop it like it"s hot girl)[VERSE] I know your lips say that you wanna but your heart"s a no But boy your hips say that your gonna when you hold me hold me You"re so fun B-baby you are so much fun B-baby My local rock star, The really big crew I"m feeling you boy, You"re liking me too I"m clocking chicks left and right just to get to you You"re out there on the grind now come home to your queen, boo.[CHORUS] Brooklyn move my soul like this Kissing my stilettos move your mouth up to my lips Come on over ghetto baby (He said show me what you got girl) Come on over ghetto baby (Drop it like it"s hot girl) Brooklyn move my soul like this Kissing my stilettos move your mouth up to my lips Come on over ghetto baby (He said show me what you got girl) Come on over ghetto baby (Drop it like it"s hot girl)[VERSE] We"re a match mad in heaven if they"re gonna talk let ‘em If they don"t think we"re good together baby just forget ‘em When he"s bad he"s bad but when he"s good no one"s better Cos we"re a match made in heaven and this kind of love"s forever[CHORUS X2] Brooklyn move my soul like this Kissing my stilettos move your mouth up to my lips Come on over ghetto baby (He said show me what you got girl) Come on over ghetto baby (Drop it like it"s hot girl)
2023-06-24 12:59:091


2023-06-24 12:59:074


2023-06-24 12:59:062


2023-06-24 12:58:592

2023-06-24 12:58:561


发明的英语怎么写 你好! 发明 The invention 发明用英语怎么说? Invent发明用英语怎么说 contrive 英 [ku0259n"trau026av]美 [ku0259nu02c8trau026av] vt.设计,发明; 创造; 策划; 设法做到 vi.计划或谋划 contrivance禒 英 [ku0259nu02c8trau026avu0259ns]美 [ku0259nu02c8trau026avu0259ns] n.发明; 发明才能; 想出的办法; 发明物 invent 英音 [u026an"vent]美 [u026anu02c8vu025bnt] vt.发明,创造; 虚构 invention 英音 [u026anu02c8venu0283n]美 [u026anu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259n] n.发明; 发明物; 捏造:内心捏造的东西,特指谎言; 发明才能 发明用英语怎么说 发明 [fā míng] 【1】. (创造) invent: 例句: Printing was first invented by the Chinese. 印刷术是中国首先发明的。 【2】. (创造出的新事物或新方法) invention: 例句: the latest invention;最新发明 Necessity is the mother of invention.需要乃发明之母。 【3】. (创造性地阐发) expound 短语 【1】. 发明构思 inventive concept; 【2】. 发明家 inventor; 【3】. 发明奖励条例 Regulations on Awards for Inventions; 【4】. 发明权 inventor"s patent right; 【5】. 发明人 inventor; 【6】. 发明一等奖 first-class invention award; 【7】. 发明专利 patent of invention; inventive patent “发明者”用英语怎么说?? 发明者 inventor contriver artificer
2023-06-24 12:58:541

art deco lana del rey歌词翻译

2023-06-24 12:58:546


2023-06-24 12:58:452


2023-06-24 12:58:402


属于开源软件,由digheto基金会维护,基金会是一个不属于任何特定的一家公司、组织或是基金会的民间组织。其目的是在于自由软件的传播和发展。目前, digheto的主要贡献者包括有Robert Nelson、 David Nelson、 David Peron、 Jonathon Le和John Kasian。由于其源代码托管在自由软件基金会的服务器上,因此digheto的用户能够对其代码进行复用和修改,同时也能够在自由软件基金会的网站上进行查阅。 digheto的用户主要是一些自由软件的支持者和维护者,包括有自由软件运动的先驱林纳斯·托瓦兹、自由软件基金会的创建者之一大卫·诺顿等人。目前, digheto的最新版本是0.9版,其发布的频率约为每周一次。
2023-06-24 12:58:382

eabulols story collectlon是什么意思

2023-06-24 12:58:322

英文歌~有句“all the children say”什么的

歌名:Ghetto Child 歌手:JoeI"m a ghetto childI"m a ghetto child (Check it, out)There"s a world out there that I wanna seeThere"s a man that I"m destined to beI won"t be stopped by the ghetto streetsI believe inside that I can"t be beatThis life could be a ball and chainIf you let yourself get caught in the gameI had some friends who sold drugs for doughBut I don"t intend to go down that roadJust because I"m a ghetto childI won"t live down to your expectations (No, no)Just believe that a ghetto childCan rise in the highest celebration (Oh)Know that I am a ghetto childBut I can see the best in me, can youI"m a ghetto childAll the ghettos around the world, dig thisOne day I"m gonna change the worldMake a better place for every boy and girlEveryone in need, homeless familiesHave a place to sleep and food to eatI"ll take every gun off the streetsSo another tear won"t be shed in griefAnd every thug in every hoodI will make "em change from bad to goodI believe that it can be doneGotta start somewhere and I"m that oneAll the children sing (Yeah, yeah)All the children sing (Yeah, yeah)Just because I"m a ghetto childI won"t live down to your expectationsJust believe that a ghetto childCan rise in the highest celebrationKnow that I am a ghetto childBut I can see the best in me, can youI"m a ghetto child (Ooh, yeah, ooh){Hey, yo", look at me inna different light}{Spare me all about those stereotypes}Ain"t no madness that"ll bring me downGonna take this life and turn it around{Now see, the sky"s the limit, I won"t be denied}{Ain"t no stoppin" me, I"m a ghetto child}And at the end when it"s said and doneWe will all be singin" this ghetto songI believe that it can be done (Yeah, oh)Gotta start somewhere and I"m that oneAll the children sing (Yeah, yeah)All the children sing (Yeah, yeah)Just because I"m a ghetto childI won"t live down to your expectationsJust believe that a ghetto childCan rise in the highest celebration (Oh...oh...oh...)Know that I am a ghetto childBut I can see the best in me, can youI"m a ghetto child (Let"s go to church now)Just because I"m a ghetto child (Uh)I won"t live down to your expectations (Take me tochurch now)Just believe that a ghetto child (Ooh)Can rise in the highest celebration (Hey, hey)Know that I am a ghetto child (Ooh, yeah)But I can see the best in me, can youI"m a ghetto child (Hey, ghetto child,whoa...oh...ooh...)Just because I"m a ghetto childI won"t live down to your expectations (Sing a songfor me)Just believe that a ghetto child (Sing a song for me)Can rise in the highest celebration (Everybody sing itnow, yeah)Know that I am a ghetto childBut I can see (Ooh, yeah) the best in me, can you (Oh)I"m a ghetto child (So I can see the best in me, canyou)It"s not where you"re from, it"s where you"re gonna be(Hey)It"s not where you"re from, it"s where you"re gonna be
2023-06-24 12:58:301


土葬 美国人传统葬礼多采用宗教仪式,通常在教堂举行,整个过程包括守灵、购买墓地和入葬三部分。现代葬礼的过程是买墓穴、买棺材、墓地仪式和其他悼念活动。 下面是土葬的介绍: 将尸体、尸骨或骨灰埋入地下的一种丧葬方法。这种方法,中国起源于旧石器时期,距今已约有三万多年的历史。 从中国旧石器时代的山顶洞人墓葬,到新石器时代的中国西安半坡村古人类遗址中的墓葬,都可以证明人类在很早以前就创造发明了土葬。当时人们之所以实行土葬,主要是怀着对死去亲人的一种朴素感情,认为将亲人埋入地下,能够回避人间烦恼和不幸,以便得到长眠安息。 在世界进入文明时代的今天,大多数国家和地区仍然沿用这一古老的丧葬传统。不同的国家和民族,对土葬也有不同的认识和讲究,虽然都叫土葬,但却具有各自的含义和风俗。在我国西藏,对土葬就有另一番解释。土葬是藏族中最低等的一种葬法。 一般对患有麻疯、天花、炭疽等传染病的人和强盗、杀人犯死后才使用土葬,为的是根绝瘟疫的流行,惩罚坏人的罪过。统观土葬的古今演变,土葬的方法主要有以下五种: 一是直埋式。即人死后,稍用会物包裹,挖一长约2米,宽约1米、深约1.5米的土坑,直接将尸体埋入地下。开始地表是平的,后来为了便于寻找和纪念,又逐渐发展为堆土堆,形成坟头。 二是葬棺式。随着社会的发展和宗教的产生,人们认为人死后灵魂仍然存在,仍然有感知。为了让死者日后有人较安定的归宿,除给死者着上新衣外,再制作一个较坚固的“小屋”,即棺材,让死者躺在里面得到安息。人死入棺后,埋在长约2.5米,宽约1.5米、深约2米的土坑中。比较讲究的丧家,土坑挖得较大较深,以防年久裸露或被盗。棺材多为木质,也有石棺,金属棺、玻璃棺等。 三是墓室式。由于宗教信仰和社会制度等诸因素的影响,丧葬文化也由简到繁,逐步发展,从直埋式,葬棺式,发展到墓室式。所谓墓室式,就是在地下修建墓穴,分为几室,主室放棺材,附室放陪葬品和用具,人死入墓,然后封闭墓道,以土掩之。墓室的大小,质量的高低,均由死者的身份地位和物质条件来确定,如帝王重臣,富家阔人,其死后的墓室构造复杂,造型精美,设施华贵,非平民死者所能比拟。 四是葬骨式。有的民族出于自己的信仰,认为将死者的骨头葬于地下,能给生者吉利,既可使死者灵魂得到净化,又可以福右子孙后代。所以,当亲人死后,先找个地方搁置尸体,待尸腐剩骨后,再将尸骨收殓,掘墓葬入地下,也有的架木烧遗体,然后捡骨埋葬的。 五是葬灰式。一些民族认为,人死将其火化,灵魂就能升天转世,获得新的幸福。因此当亲人死后,先将死者火化成灰,而后将骨灰收殓,或入棺,或入瓮等,埋于地下,讲究的堆一坟头,也有的填平葬坑,不留坟头。参考资料: 和http;//
2023-06-24 12:58:254

bigbang highig 歌词

[GD](ah~)소리쳐 알아서 모셔TOP class and Mr.G in the the club in ma b-boys"s dance진짜 놀 줄 아는 도 제대로 터진 감 속everybody makin" move makin" move 땡겨 쭉[TOP]손꼽아 기다리던 freedom 정원초과드센 여우들만의 씨름 일분 일초가너에게 영원을 약속해 hey come on and make some noise난 이밤의 대통령 나의 소녀 yo fly![GD&TOP]high high I"m so highhigh high up in the skyhigh high I"m so highfly fly touch the skyha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)[GD]Ok 콧노래 부르며마치 butturfly high 번개처럼 높게 뛰어올라 like 닌자서로 의견은 안 맞지만 결국 뜻은 같아복창에 미쳐 다 타 하늘로 자유낙하[TOP]모든걸 해탈한 듯 즐기는 저사람들어쩌면 그냥 별뜻없이 그저 내숭없이 다만 순수할뿐날 잡고 놀아봐요 싫다면 도망가요이 도시 위 중심이 나는 묻지 누군지[GD&TOP]high high I"m so highhigh high up in the skyhigh high I"m so highfly fly touch the skyha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)[GD]Baby 잠깐 stop now 시간이 없잖아인생이란 한 방 이유없는 방황[TOP]Baby 잠깐 stop now 시간이 없잖아인생이란 한 방 이유있는 방황ghetto electro 미칠 지 모르죠 말리지마 here we goghetto electro 지칠 줄 모르죠 멈추지마 here we go(go go go go go go)[GD&TOP](ah~)high high I"m so highhigh high up in the skyhigh high I"m so highfly fly touch the skyha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)【中文歌词】尖叫吧 自觉点靠过来TOP class and Mr.G in the the club in ma b-boys"s dance在这让真正爱玩的人完全疯狂的感觉中everybody makin" move makin" move 拉住我数着手指期待的freedom 人数超限凶悍狐狸之间的颤抖 一分一秒我和你约定至永远 hey come on and make some noise我就是今夜的领头人 我的少女 yo fly!high high I"m so highhigh high up in the skyhigh high I"m so highfly fly touch the skyha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)Ok 哼着小曲儿有如 butturfly high 闪电般高高蹦起吧 like忍者虽然彼此意见不同 但其实用意一样疯狂地重复 都跟上来 从空中自由落体这些就像一切都解脱了般的愉快人们如果就这样简简单单 没有做作 只是纯真而已拉着我的手和我玩吧 不喜欢的话就逃开这都市上方的中心 让我问问看是谁high high I"m so highhigh high up in the skyhigh high I"m so highfly fly touch the skyha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)Baby 稍等 stop now 时间所剩无几人生就是一次毫无缘由的彷徨Baby 稍等 stop now 时间所剩无几人生就是一次充满缘由的彷徨ghetto electro 不知早已疯狂 不要拦我 here we goghetto electro 根本不知疲倦 不要停歇 here we go(go go go go go go)(ah~)high high I"m so highhigh high up in the skyhigh high I"m so highfly fly touch the skyha ha ha ha hasay la la la la laha ha ha ha ha(ah~)
2023-06-24 12:58:232