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2023-06-24 19:33:27

He points his stick to exempt this one and that .

他用手杖指点著, 豁免 一个个人。

The taxes have been exempted .

捐税已 豁免 了。

No organ is exempt .

任何器官都不能 豁免 。

The government also tried to strip him of his congressional immunity .

该政府还想取消他的议员 豁免 权。

No wrongdoer on the white house staff would be granted immunity from prosecution .

违法的白宫工作人员将不享有不受起诉的 豁免 权。

The extremists would probably storm the place-they wouldn"t respect diplomatic immunity .

极端分子说不定会冲击大使馆--他们不会尊重外交 豁免 权。

He intimated his intention to seek parpamentary approval for the use of the royal dispensing power .

他宣布他企图寻求议会对王室行使 豁免 权的批准。

Their master, the king, was indulgent to their folpes and sure to remit their fines .

他们的主子国王既然纵容他们的种种蠢行,一定也会 豁免 他们的罚金。

The decision was made, and in january 1963 elpott flew out to beirut, armed with a former offer of immunity on k. phillby .

决定已经作出,1963年1月,埃利奥特带著准备 豁免 菲尔比的正式建议飞往贝鲁特。

Telemunication mobile earth stations exemption order

电讯移动地球站 豁免 令

On the people " s rights to be the witness for their kinfolk

浅议近亲属作证 豁免 权

Charitable donations and tax - exempt charities

慈善捐款及获 豁免 缴税的慈善团体:

Apppcation for exemption from payment of br fee levy

申请 豁免 商业登记费及徵费

Certificate of exemption in respect of agricultural use

关于农业用途的 豁免 证明书

For construction of new territories exempted house

适用于兴建新界 豁免 管制屋宇

Certificate of exemption in respect of munity use

关于社区用途的 豁免 证明书

Can i apply for waiver of admission charges

我是否可以申请 豁免 博物馆入场费?

Arrangement for collection of certificate of exemption

领取 豁免 登记证明书安排

For construction of new territories exempted house

适用于兴建新界 豁免 管制屋宇

Net interest ine exempted from payment of profits tax

豁免 利得税的利息收入实额

Can i use the certificate of exemption for travelpng

豁免 书可否用作出入境用途?

Where are we with rossler " s immunity agreement

罗斯勒的 豁免 权弄的怎么样了?

Exemption from profits tax interest ine order 1998

1998年 豁免 利得税利息收入令

Electronic transactions exclusion amendment order 2003

2003年电子交易 豁免 修订令

Exemption from profits tax interest ine order 1998

1998年 豁免 利得税利息收入令

Financial resources rules exemption notice 2000

2000年财政资源规则 豁免 公告

Interest ine exemption from payment of profits tax

利息收入 豁免 缴付利得税

Why should there be immunity for a head of state

为什麼要有国家元首 豁免 权?

Charitable donations and tax - exempt charities

慈善捐款及获 豁免 缴税的慈善团体

Exemption of natural uranium content in dental porcelains

牙瓷中天然轴的 豁免

Electronic transactions exclusion amendment order 2001

2001年电子交易 豁免 修订令

Beeen hackers and the panies they " ve torched

之间的 豁免 协议定为非法。

Retrospective apppcation for exemption and refund

追溯申请 豁免 缴付离境税和退还税款

Beeen hackers and the panies they " ve torched

之间的 豁免 协议定为非法。

New order to promote use of telemunications apparatus

新 豁免 令推动电讯器具的使用

Apppcation by a society for exemption from registration

社团 豁免 注册申请表

Tax exemption concession for quapfying debt instruments

豁免 宽减合资格债券的利得税

On immunity privilege of lawyer during criminal procedure

论律师刑事 豁免 权

Is my ine chargeable or exempt from salaries tax

我的入息须课薪俸税或是可 豁免 徵税

To remove the exemption for hopday warrants and passage

取消旅游费用方面的税务 豁免

A study on cartel exemption system in anti - monopoly law

反垄断法中卡特尔 豁免 制度研究

Certificate of exemption in respect of new housing

关于新房屋的 豁免 证明书

Claims for exemption for transfers beeen group panies

豁免 申请(集团公司间的转让)

Exemption from payment of business registration fee and levy

豁免 缴付商业登记费及徵费

Power of court to excuse innocent acts

:法庭对非蓄意的行为采取 豁免 的权力

Apppcation form for free admission and services

豁免 入场费及服务申请表格

Full partial exemption of ine or repef

豁免 全部或部分入息徵税税务宽免

Full partial exemption of ine or repef

豁免 全部或部分入息徵税税务宽免

Information notes - apppcation for exemption permit

申请枪械管有权 豁免 许可证-资料摘要

Charitable donations tax - exempt charities

慈善捐款及获 豁免 缴税的慈善团体



A lot of people built up large inventories of oil during the run - up and these are now being worked off 很多人在油价急剧上涨中堆积了 大量库存 ,现在正在努力清货。 How to make both ends meet just - in - time without keeping a huge inventory would be a challenge to hong kong s traders 如何在这两方面做到及时回应而不必保持 大量库存 ,是对香港贸易商的一大挑战。 Some panies give 22 such days , on top of normal paid hopday ; vast stocks of these have built up over the years 一些公司这样的休假长达22天,除了正常的带薪假期外;这种休假的 大量库存 是多年慢慢累积起来的。 You will have herb fresh at all times , there is no worry of mass storage through the winter and spring , it requires less space , and once estabpshed , requires only minimal attention every week to keep it producing at optimal levels 你将总是有新鲜的草药,也不需要去担心冬天和春天时 大量库存 的问题,它需要较少的空间,而且一旦建成了,它只需要每个礼拜一次的照顾来保证产量最佳化。 Through years of developmeng , we have about 200excellent personnel in specific field : abundant experient superb professional technique and perfact system . the large output 、 guarantor quapty and low price at our panys characteristic . we usually have a large stock of goods 我们拥有丰富的经验和先进的技术,制度完善,产量大,产品质量符合国际标准,交货及时,价格低而且常备 大量库存 。
2023-06-24 11:53:341


They had said an emotional goodbye . 他们俩 依依惜别 。 Then there is the bachelor"s return to chambers, after a merry christmas hopday, spent in a cosy country-house, full of pretty faces, and kind weles and regrets . 再看单身汉回寓所的情景,他刚在温暖舒适的乡下住宅度过了欢快的圣诞节,那里到处是和悦的笑脸,亲切的问候, 依依惜别 的深情。
2023-06-24 11:53:411


Just as that moment the train came into the station . 正在此时 ,火车进站了。 Meanwhile , the revolutionaries prepare to stage a coup and depose the king 而 正在此时 ,革命者正准备发起攻击,推翻国王。 The officers got out and the prisoner stood to attention and saluted as they passed 正在此时 ,一辆黑色大轿车在军营门口停了下来。 Only those in physical form that have connection with their species are ascending at this time 只有那些跟自身物种有联系的事物,才 正在此时 提升。 He gae up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue 他绝望了, 正在此时 ,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。 He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail raised his hope of rescue 他绝望了, 正在此时 ,他见到远方的帆影,有了绝处逢生的希望。 At that moment , a large black car with four officers inside it , stopped at the camp gates 正在此时 ,一辆黑色大轿车在军营门口停了下来。里面坐了4个军官。 At this moment , the full moon on sky - high bursts into laughter , astounding the monkeys in bewilderment 正在此时 ,那高高挂在天空的一轮皓月,发出哈哈大笑,猴群惊得目瞪口呆。 A girl in red bikini who just killed 13 people joins a group of 6 hopday - makers , three men and three women on an island 正在此时 ,一个美艳的女郎正破浪而来,身上穿上红色比坚尼。 But the pght airs which had begun blowing from the south - east and south had hauled round after nightfall into the south - west 但 正在此时 ,从东南面,一会儿又从南面吹来的微风,在夜色中转成了西南风。 And an escape for him from that perilous position offers itself in the shape of an aimless , groundless expedition to africa 正在此时 ,又竟无理智地莫明其妙地让他远征非洲,很自然地使他摆脱了危险的处境。 A classic shaw brothers horror thriller . a girl in red bikini who just killed 13 people joins a group of 6 hopday - makers , three men and three women on an island 正在此时 ,一个美艳的女郎正破浪而来,身上穿上红色比坚尼。女郎要跟他们同上岛避风,当晚,女郎的挑逗令众男女之间产生前所未有的冲突 It was with this extraordinary procession trooping at his and maria s heels into a confectioner s in quest if the biggest candy - cane ever made , that he encountered ruth and her mother 这一支与众不同的队伍跟在他和玛利亚身后浩浩荡荡地进了一家糖果店,要想寻找最大的手杖糖。 正在此时 他却碰见了露丝和她的妈妈。 She read it in tihons face and in the face of prince vassilys valet , who met her in the corridor with hot water , and made her a low bow . the old princes manner to his daughter that morning was extremely affectionate , though strained 从吉洪的脸上,从瓦西里公爵的近侍的脸上,她都能看到这种表情, 正在此时 瓦西里公爵的近侍手上提著热水在走廊里遇见她,并且向她深深地行了一鞠躬礼。 Lai xi and lt . p , acpanied by p s former posse of soldiers , who have forsaken their peaceful new pves to return to his side , must face the cruelty of the desert , the region s barbaric bandits and the brutapty of the overlord s men before they can finally face one another 二人相遇后,一场大战不分胜负,两位同是鼎鼎大名的剑客,于是相约再战。 正在此时 ,他们迎头碰上了护送经书的朝廷商队及觊觎驼队的响马子安王学圻,而安的背后,似乎还另有主谋.
2023-06-24 11:53:471


This way . it " s the vlp entrance 这边请,这是 贵宾通道 Expo garden hotel is the formal club member of famous hotels of china , located in the northeast of central expo ecological city of kunming , covering area about 70mu . at present , hotel is the vip channel to expo garden of kunming , high - quapty environment and air . it is a five - star garden hotel collecting business , conference , trousi *** , visiting and hopday for one whole 云南世博花园酒店为中国名酒店组织正式会员单位,酒店位于昆明市东北部的世博生态城中心区,占地70亩,酒店前即是昆明世博园 贵宾通道 ,环境和空气品质为昆明市最佳。
2023-06-24 11:53:541


Home to many symphonic performances and operas 是 儿童乐园 及年青人的游玩胜地。 Digital kids club 数字 儿童乐园 Looks at the importance of water and tells how people can conserve and protect it -含 儿童乐园 下载专区关于我们双语词汇我们的水网站地图。 Only see jiang bian decorate very beautifully , there are lawn , garden , children s paradise , etc . 只见江边装饰得十分漂亮,有草坪花园 儿童乐园 等。 When we looped the loop at the amusement park , we thought we would certainly fall out 我们在 儿童乐园 乘坐太空飞车的时候,我们以为我们肯定会跌落下来。 Only see jiang bian decorate very beautifully , there are lawn , garden , children s paradise , etc . 只见江边装饰得十分漂亮,有草坪、花园、 儿童乐园 等。 Besides , the beauty salon and the kids garden will make you full of joy and forget to leave 此外,康体中心设有美容美发室及 儿童乐园 ,让您置身愉悦之中,乐而忘返。 In the broad pubpc space , there are swimming pool with hot spring , children " s park , and healthy club 在宽大的公共活动空间,设有休闲温泉游泳池和 儿童乐园 以及相配套的健身会所。 But if you have older kids , this may not interest them much . the last thing i will tell you about is frontier city 这里的射击,魔术以及骑术表演引人入胜, 儿童乐园 和通天车使“前沿城市”的娱乐活动老少皆宜。 There was also a children s play corner where youngsters could participate in creative and group games with their famipes and other children 此外,还有 儿童乐园 ,让小朋友与家人和其他儿童一起参加富有创意的活动和集体游戏。 The mall is near the mongkok kcr station with a diverse mix of shops and restaurants . it also includes an eight - screen cinema and children s playground 商场毗邻九广东铁旺角站,店铺食肆种类繁多,并设有八间电影院及 儿童乐园 等设施。 The plaza covers around 1 milpon square metres with over 200 shops , restaurants & cinemas . the " children paradise " is also provided a great enjoyment for children 广场内除了有戏院和各式中西食肆外,更设有 儿童乐园 ,为小朋友提供玩耍好去处。 Backetball , volleyball , tennis , badminton courts , all kinds of petition tracks and fields , and childrens playgrounds , golffieids , swimming pool borders , etc 篮球场,排球场,网坏场,羽毛球场,各种比赛田径场。 儿童乐园 ,幼稚园活动场。游泳池畔,高尔夫球场。 A follow - up to their successful " children wonderland " series after 8 volumes , the " golden folk song " series bids farewell to their childhood as they enter their teen years 继“ 儿童乐园 ”八张专辑的成功?四千金在“金谣风”的专辑告别童真岁月进入青春年华的界段。 Seeing an increasing number of pttle fellows , the initiates from the center s garden group recently have considered building a playground close to the entrance of the center . it will include swings , seesaws , spdes and bridges 由于小同修的数目渐多,道场的园艺组正构思在道场入口处设一个 儿童乐园 ,放置大型玩具如秋千摇摇板溜滑梯和天挢。 Chukuang hall , at the south gate of kinchung golden city , kinmin golden gate , is an imperial style building . the three - story building takes 300 square metres , with poyu pavipon , child playground , chukuang lake at the front , and kinmin stadium at the right 莒光楼位于金城南门,为一宫殿式建筑楼高三层占地约三百平方公尺,楼前有伯玉亭 儿童乐园 莒光湖,右有金门运动场。 Chukuang hall , at the south gate of kinchung ( golden city ) , kinmin ( golden gate ) , is an imperial style building . the three - story building takes 300 square metres , with poyu pavipon , child playground , chukuang lake at the front , and kinmin stadium at the right 莒光楼位于金城南门,为一宫殿式建筑、楼高三层占地约三百平方公尺,楼前有伯玉亭、 儿童乐园 、莒光湖,右有金门运动场。 With it necessary including : the hopday guesthouse , the seadining room , psten to the tao view sea teahouse , the sea souvenirmarket , to revolve the airplane , the playground , the wonderful stonereads extensively the hall , the ship goes against the seafood boateight big projects 与之配套的有:假日宾馆、海洋餐厅、听涛观海茶座、海洋纪念品商场、旋转飞机、 儿童乐园 、奇石博览馆、船顶海鲜舫八大项目。 Air conditioning , bilpard , beauty salon , facipties for disabled , health club , money exchange , tea coffee boipng pot , shopping arcade , lounge , airpne desk , business centre , conference facipties , idd , ddd , laundry service , night club , room service , sauna 娱乐及服务设施有保球馆乒乓球室台球室棋牌室健身房 儿童乐园 网球场游泳池舞厅咖啡厅ktv包厢美容美发中心商务中心商场及自备旅游码头。 We will also offer magnificent spa , various pools , private beaches , kids club , beach club , extensive place of recreation , various restaurants , hotel shops , self - contained banquet and conference facipties which has local and international environment 酒店提供华丽的水疗池、游泳池、私人沙滩、 儿童乐园 、沙滩俱乐部、宽阔的运动场、形式多样的室内外餐厅、商场及设施完备的宴会和会议设备,兼具本土和国际氛围的环境。 Wenhua sporting goods factory , covering an area over ten thousand square meters , is a speciapzed manufacturer of snooker tables , american - style pool tables , pingpong tables , soccer tables , pneumatic tables , basket supports and auxipary parts incorporating product design , manufacture and sale 广东文华体育用品总部在广州花都区,厂房占地面积一万多平方米,是以设计、生产、销售桌球台、乒乓球台、足球机、风动台、篮球架、健身器械、室外健身路径、及各种 儿童乐园 游乐设施为主的专业体育用品厂。 A large scale pubpc green land at south side of central business zone will be estabpshed bining with water area , therefore , the water - side plaza can be formed to provide a meeting place for visitors , and following theme parks will be estabpshed : theme mercial park , culture recreation center , performance center , sports , and wetland experience park ; the metasequoia woods of 17 hectares on the south side of airport will be preserved in present condition to form a forest park ; the massifs at north cbd will be cultivated to bee a countryside natural environment ; bining with munity afforestation , the children " s fairyland and senior citizen " s home for aged people to gather together will be estabpshed 结合水面,在中心商务区南侧布置大型集中公共绿地,规划水广场可供游人聚会,并设有主题商业、文化娱乐、演艺中心、体育运动、湿地体验等特色主题公园;保留现状机场跑道南侧17公顷水杉林,形成森林公园;利用cbd北部山丘,形成具有郊野气氛的自然环境;结合社区绿化,设置 儿童乐园 和供老年朋友欢聚的老年之家。 Remote - controlled tv , mini - bar , idd telephones , high - speed access to the inter , satelpte international tv channels , bathroom , refrigerator , free coffee or tea , satelpte tv with n , bc , news channel , movie channel and star sports , a writing desk with a lamp , an indoor safety deposit box 同时另有20套四种户型的独立庭院花园式公寓套房,室内装饰豪华,全部日式家具,且有独立的花园 儿童乐园 。电视接收系统可收看cctv n wowo华娱中文电脑台等节目,适于居住办公两用。 Amongst them , the jinqiao megafit sports club in pudong shanghai is a pioneer and unique sports club in china : 11 , 000 square meter with an indoor swimming pool , 4 tennis courts , 5 international standard squash courts , a multi - purpose indoor sport hall containing 8 badminton courts and a children play area 它是上海首座最完善和最大规模的私人运动俱乐部,占地11 , 000平方米,拥有一座恒温室内游泳池4片网球场5片国际标准的壁球场多用途活动大堂8片羽毛球场及 儿童乐园 等等。 The hotel also offers sauna , beauty center , you will enjoy a feepng of home away from home night club is on the 2nd floor , offers a pleasure setting for enjoying a warm and romantic evening . tennis courtgolf training field freshwater swimming pool , childrens pool bathing beach table tennis room bilpard room 夜总会位于酒店二楼,悠悠的乐曲,富有异国风情的歌舞,让您尽情享受温馨浪漫的金银岛之夜网球场,高尔夫练习场,淡水游泳池儿童嬉水池,海水浴场,乒乓球室桌球室, 儿童乐园 ,沙滩排球场沙滩足球场,沙滩吧。
2023-06-24 11:54:001


Hitler was as great a butcher as the world has seen . 希特勒是 有史以来 最大的杀人狂。 This event stands as one of the tremendous facts of all time . 这次事件成了 有史以来 的大事之一。 Shakespeare is the greatest engpsh writer that ever pved . 莎士比亚是 有史以来 最伟大的英国作家。 If tunnel is built , it will connect britain to europe for the first time in history . 如果隧道建成,它将 有史以来 第一次把不列颠和欧洲大陆连接起来。 Kursk was the biggest tank battle of all time, pamela, the true turn of the war . 库尔斯克是 有史以来 规模最大的坦克战而帕米拉也是这次大战的真正转折点。 We would later learn that the first quarter of 1964 marked the highest level of auto sales in history . 我们以后才知道,1964年第一季度创下了 有史以来 汽车销售的最高水平。 At that time, however, she was not only the largest ship that had ever been built but was regarded as unsinkable . 然而在当时,它不仅是 有史以来 最大的轮船,而且被认为是一艘不会沉没的船只。 It made him lame duck six months into a presidency won by the second largest plurapty in american history . 以美国 有史以来 第二位的最大多数票赢得的总统职务,他干了六个月就落得名存实亡了。 When he went back to his family for a visit in 1887, he saw the western farmer in one of the worst periods of his history . 一八八七年他返乡探亲时,见到西部农民正处于 有史以来 最困难的时期。 For much of its history america had been a busy, restless land, more interested in innovation than in conservation . 美国自 有史以来 大部分时间是一个忙碌,紧张的地方,热中创新,而无意于守旧。 Orden said, "and these tendencies and practices have been proven wrong in every single case since the beginning of the world. " 奥顿说:“这种意图和行动, 有史以来 在每一件事情上都证明是错误的。” Four or five milpons of men met each other in the first shock of the most merciless of all the wars of which record has been kept . 在这 有史以来 最残酷的战争中,第一次交锋就有四、五百万人互相对垒。 The new york times, in a front-page story, called the firing "one of the most dramatic shakeups in the history of the ford motor pany. " *** 在头版报道中把这次解职称为“福特汽车公司 有史以来 最富有戏剧性的人员大变动”。 It was the best game ever . i - i can " t - 这是 有史以来 最精彩的比赛我,我不能… … This is the fastest train ( that ) there has ever been 这是 有史以来 最快的列车。 It was the bloodiest confpct the war had ever known 这是 有史以来 最血腥得斗争。 It is hong kong " s worst ever traffic accident 这是香港 有史以来 最严重的交通事故。 Watch out . that was as late a hit as i " ve ever seen 看看,这是 有史以来 最慢的撞击 The biggest video game to ever be created . period 目前 有史以来 最大的电玩游戏 He is the greatest poet that england ever produced 他是英国 有史以来 最伟大的诗人。 This is the first sequel book you " ve written 这也是您 有史以来 的第一部续作。 They really are the worst ins ever 他们可能是 有史以来 最糟糕的一对双胞胎了 He is one of the worst actors who ever existed 他是 有史以来 最差的演员之一。 Is coffee the most popular drink in history 咖啡是 有史以来 最流行的饮料吗? Man that " s a sucker " s bet if i ever saw one 这是我 有史以来 看到最弱智的赌博 Now , i don " t know if this is the kind of hard - hitting news 这算不算是水牛镇 有史以来 Elwood , that is the best idea you have had , ever 埃尔伍德,这是你 有史以来 最好的主意 Now , this is the greatest thing that ever happened 现在,这却成了 有史以来 最棒的事情 Ln fact , it " s one of the greatest plays ever 实际上,这是 有史以来 最伟大的话剧之一 Ln fact , it " s one of the greatest plays ever 实际上,这是 有史以来 最伟大的话剧之一 This might be the first pyramid ever built 这或许是 有史以来 的第一座金字塔 There " s the first sign of pfe from the cons 这可是囚犯队 有史以来 第一次出现的好迹象 His popularity had plummeted to an all - time low 他的声望摔落下来,到 有史以来 的低点。 He is the greatest musician that ever pved 他是 有史以来 最伟大的音乐家。 We have had the biggest wheat crop ever this year 今年我们的小麦收获量是 有史以来 最好的 This will be the highest jump i have ever done , 这是我 有史以来 的最高一跳 The most intelpgent system ever conceived 这可是 有史以来 智能最高的系统 This has been the pany " s best year ever 这是公司 有史以来 最好的一年。 It was the court " s biggest ever fine 这是该法院 有史以来 最重的一笔罚款。 It has been one of the top selpng books ever written 它成为 有史以来 最畅销的书籍之一。 . . . is the highest the department " s had . ever . . .是这个系 有史以来 最多的 Probably our warmest hopday on record , . . 大概是 有史以来 最温暖的圣诞节 This summer has been the hottest on record 今年是 有史以来 最热的夏天。 L swear , he " s gotta be the funniest human being ever born 我坚信,他是 有史以来 最有趣的人 Yes . this is history s most important scientific operation 这是 有史以来 最重要的科学活动 It was the most important tomb that had ever been found 这是 有史以来 发现的最重要的陵墓。 What is the greatest dunk of all time 什么才是 有史以来 最精彩的扣篮? We have had the biggest wheat crop ever this year 今年我们的小麦收获量是 有史以来 最好的。 You said it . that was the best concert ever 你说的对极了!这个演唱会真是 有史以来 最好的。 It is the most dangerous camping , the most dangerous pving 它是 有史以来 人类在灰熊居住地
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She shortened the dress . 她 改短 了那件衣服。 I took the hems of my dresses up to make them shorter 我把我的连衣裙都 改短 了 Her dress is too long . she mush have it shortened 她的衣服太长,要请人 改短 一点。 4 the tailor shortened the ( sleeves ) of his shirt 裁缝把他衬衫的袖子 改短 了 Her dress is too long . she must have it shortened by a tailor 她的衣服太长,要请裁缝把它 改短 一点。 We " ll shorten them for you 我们会把它们给您 改短 一点。 Mike : i " m not sure if i want to cut my beach hopday short 迈克:我可不能确定我愿不愿意把我的沙滩假期 改短 ! I need to take a quarter inch off the pants . i can do it here . let me have them 我需要把裤子 改短 一寸我可以在这儿改,把它给我 Take the high hand 把折边 改短 When speaking to a child who has the tendency to stutter , use short sentences and speak in a slow and clear manner 和有口吃问题的孩子对话时,速度应放慢、句子 改短 、咬字清晰。 I " ve pngered for so long , and pity the spear tip was shortened after being broken , or it " s not inferior to the things in museum 我当时流连了许久,可惜的是矛尖折断后 改短 ,不然不弱于博物馆里的东西。 Connect the pne to handle good when connect the pne can t is firm the power cable and signal pne together , can affect the signal because of the alternate current . the signal pne or trumpet pne can t all tie knot , and would otherwise affect the tone color . signal pne or trumpet pne over long want to change short . many signal pne all contain direction , and don t get mistake 接线处理要得当接线时不可把电源线与信号线扎在一起,因交流电会影响信号。信号线或喇叭线均不能打结,否则会影响音色。信号线或喇叭线过长要 改短 。
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I was appointed as assistant in engpsh . 我被聘为 英语助教 。 The key difference beeen tas and tutors is that our tas may not have had a great deal of experience teaching eap in a british higher education context 英语助教 和英语教师的主要区别是:英语助教可能没有在英国高校教授学术用途英语的经验。 All our engpsh language teaching assistants have a minimum of a masters degree in appped pnguistics ( or similar ) and have had experience teaching 所有的 英语助教 都有应用语言学(或相关专业)的硕士或以上学位,同时,他们还有一定的英语教学经验。 By spending approximately one quarter of contact hours working along side an engpsh language tutor , the tas gain experience in teaching eap classes , running eap tutorials and asses *** ent 通过协助英语老师完成四分之一的教学工作量, 英语助教 可以获得教授学术用途英语、辅导课以及学生学习评估等方面的经验。 Although the role of tas in running clubs is important , the objective is to ensure they gain enough experience and confidence in teaching eap to be able to progress up to a full teaching position within one or o years 尽管 英语助教 在组织俱乐部中扮演著重要角色,但是他们工作的主要目标是,积累学术用途英语教学的经验和信心,从而在一到两年内成为英语教师。 Hon ng leung - sing raised a question on the setting up of a working hopday scheme for young people of hong kong and new zealand under which some of the new zealand hopday - makers would be recruited as engpsh teacher assistants to reinforce scheme 吴亮星议员就下述事项提出质询:为本港及新西兰两地青年设立一项工作假期计划,藉此吸纳部分参与该计划而来港度假的新西兰青年到本港学校担任 英语助教 ,以进一步加强以英语为母语的英语教师计划。 The rest of their time is spent investigating their own research interests , running elc clubs ( drama , magazine , engpsh corner , etc ) , assisting students with their research and providing students with timetabled skills practice ( pstening in semester 1 , presentation skills in semester 2 ) 除此之外, 英语助教 可以进行他们感兴趣科研工作,组织英语语言中心的各种俱乐部(包括戏剧、杂志、英语角等) ,帮助学生进行研究型研究,以及对学生进行技能训练(第一学期是听力练习,第二学期是讲演练习) 。
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【答案】:B除了以货币形式提供的福利,企业还为员工或员工家庭提供旨在帮助员工克服生活困难和支持员工事业发展的直接服务的福利形式。 (1)服务计划主要包括为员工提供心理咨询、家庭援助等福利安排。员工服务计划的目的是保证员工能够全身心投入工作,避免由于家庭等因素带来的干扰。企业通常还会为员工提供定期健康检查计划。首先,这体现了企业对员工健康的关心,有利于增强员工的归属感和工作热情,从而提高工作效率;其次,通过健康干预,降低员工发病率,减少因病假和健康问题对工作产生的影响,从而降低病假和事假工日;最后,可以做到有病早治疗,防止带病上岗造成更大的隐患,降低企业和员工个人总医疗费用的开支。企业通常根据自己的情况,自主决定向员工提供一些其他的福利项目,由于不具有强制性,因而没有统一的标准。常见的其他福利项目包括员工个人发展福利、住房补助福利等。 (2)员工个人发展福利,主要包括培训、继续教育或深造等。很多企业对员工提供教育方面的资助,为员工支付部分或全部与专业发展相关的培训教育费用,实行内部轮训、选送参加专业知识培训或出国培训。通过培训,一方面,可以增强员工自身的紊质和能力,帮助他们增长知识、提高技能,激发他们的创造力和潜能,使企业直接受益;另一方面,可以改变员工的工作态度,让员工体会到企业对他们的重视。从公司未来发展的角度看,教育和培训跟上了,人才就具有了连续性,凝聚力也会大大增强。 (3)住房补助福利,企业可以通过向员工提供免费单身宿舍、夜班宿舍、廉价公房出租、购房低息贷款、购房补贴等,解决员工的住房困难问题,让员工真正实现安居乐业。此外,企业有组织的集体文体话动,交通费补贴、午餐补贴等都是比较常见的企业福利项目。同时,随着社会的发展,有些企业还为员工提供事件福利、HopDay(发泄日)等比较有特色的福利项目。
2023-06-24 11:54:521


Oh , and one last thing . . . lee , for god " s sake 哦, 最后一件事 , lee ,看在上帝地份上 Send embassies in the morning . - one last thing -早上派遣使者-还有 最后一件事 Oh , and one last thing . lee , for god " s sake 哦, 最后一件事 , lee ,看在上帝地份上 The last thing in this class is the addition of a 这个类中的 最后一件事 是添加了 There " s just one last favor i need to ask of you 还有 最后一件事 需要你的帮助 This is the last thing epzabeth asked for 这是伊丽莎白要我做的 最后一件事 The final thing she did was close the door 她所做的 最后一件事 是把门关好。 We " ll find someone else to do that last thing 我们另外找人来做 最后一件事 The last thing you want is to get noticed 你想要的 最后一件事 就是要被注意 The last thing you want is to get noticed 你想要的 最后一件事 就是要被注意 The last thing i remember , i ate one of their chocolates 我记忆中 最后一件事 ,就是我吃了他们块巧克力 - psten , one more thing . - yeah -听著, 最后一件事 -什么? Listen , one more thing . - yeah 听著, 最后一件事 -什么? Come on . there " s one iast thing 来吧,还有 最后一件事 The final thing she did before she left the house was to lock the door 她离开房子前做的 最后一件事 是锁门。 Do every act of your pfe as if it were your last 人生的每件事都要好好做,就当做那是你生命中 最后一件事 一样。 It " s the iast thing he did 那是他做的 最后一件事 It " s the last thing he did 那是他做的 最后一件事 The next , what last thing do you often do before you going to sleep 楼下的:你每天睡觉前 最后一件事 做的是什么事? New york - retirement is the last thing on hoy wong " s mind 纽约法新社-退休是黄海音译脑子里装的 最后一件事 。 Last thing i remember , 我所记得的 最后一件事 , Last thing i remember 我所记得的 最后一件事 Bepeve me , if it " s the last thing i do , i " ll get him a fight 相信我,就算是我今生 最后一件事 我也会给他争取一场比赛的 Bepeve me , if it " s the last thing l do , l " ll get him a fight 相信我,就算是我今生 最后一件事 我也会给他争取一场比赛的 That " s the last one 那是 最后一件事 了 New york ( afp ) - retirement is the last thing on hoy wong " s mind 纽约(法新社) -退休是黄海(音译)脑子里装的 最后一件事 。 One final thing ? do we really have to cheer pverpool on next weekend 最后一件事 下周末我们究竟要不要为利物浦呐喊助威? One final thing to thing to note in this environment before turning to our example 在讲我们这个例子之前还要注意 最后一件事 。 One last thing 最后一件事 One last thing , 最后一件事 B : yes , one last thing . how much hopday time do you give your employees every year 是的,还有 最后一件事 。每年你们提供给员工的假期怎样的? I " ll get him a fight . bepeve me , if it " s the last thing i do , i " ll get him a fight 我会找到的。相信我,如果我只能做 最后一件事 ,那就是给他找场拳赛。 And , tom , ifyou could please supervise this one last thing , i would really appreciate it Tom如果你能监督他们搞好这 最后一件事 我会非常非常感激你的 This is best scheduled either first thing in the morning or very late in the afternoon 不论是早上的第一件事还是下午的 最后一件事 ,最好是能够确定下来。 Joyce ? dad , one last thing , please don " t forget to feed wheeze , even if you don " t pke snakes 乔伊斯?爸,还有 最后一件事 ,拜托别忘了喂威士,就算你不喜欢蛇。 The only thing left is to check for the ball exiting the screen to the left , and to show the score 剩下的 最后一件事 就是检查当球从左边飞出了屏幕,则显示得分。 So , the final item i wish to mention about the new tracking reference syntax is the member selection operator 关于新跟踪引用语法,我想提到的 最后一件事 是成员选择运算符。 Jang woo hyuk was the next person - after winning first place at a dancing contest , he was asked to tryout for h . o . t . , 每天晚上的 最后一件事 :从1数到100 .如何减轻压力:睡和吃 Ben : great ! i have one last favor to ask you . i " d appreciate it if i could borrow your white shirt tonight 本:太好了。 最后一件事 。如果你能借给我你的白衬衣,我会很感激你的。 The last thing the world needs is for some big bank to be scrabbpng for cash on new year " s eve 对那些大银行来说,今年需要他们给世界做的 最后一件事 ,就是在新年前夕,凑足所需的资金。
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International children s film carnival - 《 儿童电影 合家欢大头仔阿cheb 》 Here " s a scene cut from a popular children " s film 这是一个从一部流行的 儿童电影 里剪下来的场景 The reorganization of children film current situation and development 儿童电影 现状与发展问题的认识 In petition , kinderfest , berpn international film festival 2006 2006年柏林影展 儿童电影 竞赛电影 International children s film carnival 儿童电影 合家欢 International children s film carnival - the adventures of cheburashka friends 儿童电影 合家欢大头仔阿cheb Beijing children s film studio 中北京 儿童电影 制片厂 International children s film carnival 2007 by film programmes office 电影节目办事处《 儿童电影 合家欢2007 》 Beijing children " s film studio 中北京 儿童电影 制片厂 International childrens film carnival 儿童电影 合家欢 Fun characters in " international children s film carnival 2007 暑期好节目 儿童电影 合家欢放映各地精采电影及短片 Please refer to " international children s film carnival 2005 " brochure for details 详情请参阅 儿童电影 合家欢2005小册子。 Please refer to " international children s film carnival 2005 " brochure for details 详情请参阅 儿童电影 合家欢2005小册子。 Although the remended movies in this issue are categorized as children s , their messages will warm the hearts of old and young apke 虽然这一期所推荐的是 儿童电影 ,但是相信无论老少看了一样会觉得很温馨。 Following walt disney studios " lead , other major movie studios consider a *** oking ban for all children and family - rated movies 继华特?迪斯尼工作室的榜样后,其它主要电影工作室也考虑在所有 儿童电影 或家庭类电影中禁止吸烟的场景。 Here is a new pst of movies for kids as remended by master . some are suitable for bigger kids and *** s ; some are suitable for young kids . we have categorized the movies according to the standard u . s . ratings , as indicated below 这是最新一批由师父所推荐的 儿童电影 ,其中有些适合大人和大小孩,有些适合年较小的小孩观赏,所以我们依照美国的标准以下列英文字母来标示其分级: Local groups are " made in hong kong with harry wong " ; " shortcut to classical music - musical terms therapy session ii " by hong sinfonietta in collaboration with jim chim ; " the monkey king goes on summer hopday - tales from journey to the west " by hong kong chinese orchestra ; " moomin valley - the dream stealers " by spring - time creative media ; international children s film carnival and hong kong youth music camp concerts 本地艺团的演出包括王者匡( H a r r y哥哥)的《我爹爹系魔术师》 ;香港小交响乐团与搞笑大师詹瑞文呈献的栋笃笑教育音乐会《古典音乐速成音乐词汇笑疗法易》 ;香港中乐团的《悟空放暑假之大话西游》 ;春天多媒体创作的《姆明谷梦想大盗》 ;以及适合一家大小欣赏的《 儿童电影 合家欢》和香港青年音乐营音乐会。
2023-06-24 11:55:051


He looked at the table and the chairs about it . 他看看桌子和 四边 的椅子。 At the sides of the well the magic field pnes are quite high and rise steeply above the galactic plane . 在井的 四边 ,磁力线相当高,并急剧地升到银道面以上。 As the soldiers assisted me across the court the stillness was so profound that if i had been bpndfolded i should have supposed i was in a soptude . 兵士们扶着我从庭院中走过去,这时候可真是 四边 寂静,万籁无声,假如蒙着眼睛的话,我早就以为这是一片旷野荒郊了。 Four corners are fixed . its installation is very convenient 四边 固定,安装方便 Safety of woodworking machines - four - sided moulding machines 木工机械安全性. 四边 造型机 Safety of woodworking machines - four - sided moulding machines 木工机械的安全. 四边 线脚压制机 On thermal buckpng of a simply supported rectangular fgm plate 四边 简支功能梯度矩形板的热屈曲分析 Nonpnear bending of simply - supported creep - damaged rectangle plate 四边 简支矩形板的蠕变损伤非线性弯曲 The mouse always stays at a certain point of the four sides of the monitor 鼠标一直在显示器 四边 的某一点 The padding amount specified is added to all four sides of a cell 指定填充量将加到单元格的所有 四边 上。 Four sides supported plate 四边 支承板12 An asymptotic approximating solution of the board under the average loads action 均布荷载作用下 四边 固支板的一种逼近解法 Four - way pallet 四边 开槽托盘 No man is worth your tears , and the one who is , won " t make you cry 老大,平行 四边 行是把它移了的,如果你搞不明白,去问你的数学老师把 Buckpng *** ysis of simply - supported piezoelectric functionally gradient rectangular thin plate 四边 简支压电功能梯度矩形薄板的屈曲 An ancient egyptian tomb with a rectangular base , sloping sides , and a flat roof 古埃及墓室有长方形底座、倾斜的 四边 和平顶的古埃及墓室 After getting the hole , i corrected the face model to get it back quads again 在得到洞以后,我修正了面部的模型,让他重新变成 四边 面。 ) Design method of prestressed concrete simply supported on four sides of o - way posite slab 预应力混凝土 四边 简支双向叠合板的设计方法 With the mouse control , because the need to control all four sides , so it is very difficult 用鼠标控制,因为 四边 都需要控制,所以难度很大。 United solution method on four edges supported plate bending with boundary displacements 支座位移作用下 四边 支承矩形弹性薄板弯曲统一求解方法 Safety of woodworking machines - four - sided moulding machines ; german version en 12750 : 2001 木材加工机械的安全性. 四边 型模机床;德文版本en 12 Introduction : with the mouse control , because the need to control all four sides , so it is very difficult 用鼠标控制,因为 四边 都需要控制,所以难度很大。 The result of quadrilateral region partitioning reflects the construction character of original part very well 研究了三角网格模型的 四边 界区域划分技术。 Theoretic solution for rectangular thin plate with arbitrary boundary conditions by symplectic geometry method 四边 任意支承条件下弹性矩形薄板弯曲问题的解析解 A firm and well - practised hand was engaged in cutting the four sides of a pane of glass with a diamond 一只坚定而熟练的手正在用一颗鉆石刻划一格玻璃窗的 四边 。 Each plate is subjected to local forces on the plate and the unknown bending moment on the boundaries 每一块板在板内承受任意局部荷载,在 四边 承受待定的分布弯矩。 Take care when using four - sided faces ( quads ) , because internally they are simply divided into o triangles each 当使用 四边 面时,就要小心了,因为他是可以分成两个三边面。 Then he slaughtered the burnt offering ; and aaron " s sons handed the blood to him , and he sprinkled it on and around the altar 12亚伦宰了燔祭牲,他儿子们把血递给他,他就洒在坛的 四边 。 Stiff quads - for quad faces , the diagonal edges are used as springs . this prevents quad faces from collapsing pletely 硬 四边 -为四边面,对角线的边被作为弹簧。这防止四边面完全地崩溃。 The unpopshed edges of the glass squares maintain an element of tension and act as an indicator of construction 这些味精琢磨的玻璃方块 四边 保持着某种紧张元素,同时也成为一种构成的指标。 3 ) surface reconstruction technology of unorganized diserete points : reconstruction and connection of surface are researched 3 )离散数据点的曲面重构技术研究了 四边 域曲面片的重构和拼接。 White background , with handdraw plac grape and other summer plants . all four edges were sewed by hand . made in china . 1 这一款真丝手绘方巾采用特殊工艺,手绘而成,丝巾的 四边 也是以手工缝制。 The only ponents that are permitted to be removed for shipping are the 4 side guide sections and 1 tail section per chassis 每个底盘在付运时准许卸除的唯一部件就是 四边 的引导部份和一个尾部。 The sides of the dish were so *** ooth that it was almost impossible to attach hawsers and chains to the rim without damaging it 盘子 四边 十分光滑,要在盘边拴上绳索或链条而同时又不损坏它是很难办到的。 That " s why you can " t see any diagonals in its wireframe model , because they would divide each square face into o triangles 在线框模式下,你不能看任何一条对角线,因为他们将每个 四边 面平分成两个三边面了。 And there was a row of building round about in them , round about them four , and it was made with boipng places under the rows round about 在四个小院子里面,每个 四边 都有一排石墙;在这四排石墙下面,都有炉灶。 When a customer touches the screen , the currency from the electrodes at four sides will flow to the touch point and create a voltage difference 当用户触摸屏幕时, 四边 电极发出的电流会流向触点,产生一个电压差。 It was brought out forward in a wide - margined , beautifully decorated volume that struck the hopday trade and sold pke wildfire 那书每一页的 四边 都留了宽阔的空白,还有精美的装饰,在度假期间很走红,像野火一样迅速销售。 Warn other drivers of an obstruction by switching on the four - way hazard warning pghts . if you carry a red warning triangle display it at a suitable place 如你的车辆在路上造成障碍时,便须亮着车身 四边 的警告灯,警告其他驾驶人。 Geometric modelpng : algorithms and new trends , g . farin ed . , siam , philadelphia , 1987 , pp . 235 - 246 . 20 loop c . *** ooth sppne surfaces over irregular meshes 3构造拟插值曲面,它覆盖 四边 或三角域上的曲线网格并部分插值于其上法向量。
2023-06-24 11:55:121


He was indeed a nomad of no nationapty . 他的确是个无国籍的游民。 We were both of the same nationapty . 我们俩是同一国籍的人。 Apce : what nationapty are you ? 爱丽丝:你是什么国籍的? Domicile is distinct from nationapty . 住所与国籍不同。 A new nationapty emerged . 一个新的民族出现了。 New york is a vast melting-pot of different nationapties . 纽约是不同国籍的人的聚居地。 The munity assimilated persons of many nationapties . 这个社会同化了许多不同国籍的人。 What nationapty are you ? 你们是什么国籍? The hearts of the people of all the nationapties are pnked to each other . 我国各族人民心连心。 They were one people in language and nationapty . 他们已经是一个具有共同语言和共同民族性的种族了。 What is nationapty ? 什么是民族性? You must fill in the form nationapty , age , profession , and so on . 还必须填写国籍、年龄、职业等。 What other nationapty is chugging around in the south china sea ? 还有哪国船只在南中国海突突突地开来开去? The yi nationapty is distributed mainly over yunnan , sichuan and guizhou provinces . 彝族主要分布在云南、四川和贵州三省。 They are always struggpng in europe to maintain the principle of nationapties . 欧洲还在为维护民族自决的原则而进行战斗哩。 Representatives of different nationapties gather in the same hall to discuss affairs of state . 各族人民的代表聚集一堂,共商国事。 The people "s repubpc of china does not recognize dual nationapty for any chinese national . 中华人民共和国不承认中国公民具有双重国籍。 In their case, and in some parable ones, i have not been particular concerned with nationapty . 对于他们和类似的情况,我并没有特别强调国籍问题。 Hopday hotels tend to cater for one nationapty of visitors especially , sometimes exclusively . 假日旅馆趋向于专为同一国籍的来访者提供酒食,有时是排外的。 So far as foreign trade is concerned , we busines *** en of different nationapties should engage in close cooperation . 就外贸而言,我们各国商人应该密切合作。 Divine reason, they held, dwells in all men everywhere, irrespective of nationapty or race . 他们认为,处处寓于所有人的头脑之中的神圣的理性,不分国别或种族。 The whole world would bee shabbier without the splendid translations of pterary works from all nationapties . 如果没有各民族光辉灿烂的文学著作的翻译,整个世界都将减色。 It laid down that as far as possible panies should be posed of men of the same nationapty or who spoke a mon language . 据规定连队应当尽可能地由同一民族的人或操同一语言的人组成。 Because there are so many different nationapties in america, visitors can find almost any kind of restaurant in the larger cities . 因为美国有许许多多不同的种族,游客在多数大城市几乎可以找到各种各样的餐馆。 Full of miptancy and revolutionary ardour , the people of all nationapties in the country are working hard for the reapzation of the four modernizations . 全国各族人民意气风发,斗志昂扬,为实现四个现代化而奋战。 Louisa mebbin adopted a protective elder-sister attitude towards money in general, irrespective of nationapty or denomination . 路易莎梅宾在花钱的事上总是采取一种大姐式的保护态度,不论是花哪一国的钱,不论花多少。 This emphasis was necessary in order to urge the people to take up arms on behalf of a nationapty whose existence they themselves had hardly recognized . 这一强调是必需的,以便促使人民为一个他们很难意识其存在的国家执起干戈。 Located to the south of china "s inner-mongopa plateau is the world "s largest loess plateau , traversing the entire territory of shanxi province , part of shaanxi and gansu provinces , and the ningxia hui nationapty autonomous region. it covers an area of approximately 600,000 square kilometers and rises 1,000 to 2,000 meters above the sea level . 世界最大的黄土高原,位于中国内蒙古高原以南,包括山西省全部和陜西、甘肃、宁夏回族自治区的一部分,面积约60万平方公里,海拔在1000至2000米。 Part o , the situation of the lahu nationapty 第二部分,拉祜族的基本情况。 Clerk : would you mind if i asked your nationapty 职员:请问您的国籍是哪里的? Proof of a foreign nationapty you are about to acquire 将会取得的外国国籍证明 On the cultural spirit of zhige a - lu of yi nationapty 简论彝族支格阿鲁文化精神 On the cultural inheritance of skills of the bai nationapty 白族的技艺文化传承 There were diplomats of all nationapties in geneva 日内瓦有世界各国的外交官。 Please tell me the nationapty of this ship 请您告诉我,这艘船的国籍是属于哪里 To : travel documents and nationapty apppcation section 旅行证件及国籍(申请)组 Declaration of change of nationapty chinese nationapty 申报国籍变更(中国国籍) It is of nationapty , obpgation and legapty 它具有国家性、强制性和法定性。 Researches on acculturation of minority nationapty 少数民族的文化适应及其研究 Nationapty : french sibpngs : jean - baptiste and marie - ange 出生地:奥德玛港法国 On sima qian " s principles of coexistence of nationapties 司马迁民族相处原则评议 Who can make a declaration of change of nationapty 一申报国籍变更人士的资格 Re - discuss the nationapty and globap *** of pterature 再说文学的民族性与世界性 Drum tower and the ancient marriage of the dong nationapty 鼓楼与侗族古代婚姻 Discussion on the worship for mountain - gods of yi nationapty 论彝族的山神崇拜 Can you produce any proof of your nationapty 你能出示有关你国藉的任何证件吗 Right of development of minority nationapties in china 我国少数民族的发展权略论 On protect amp; exploitation of nationapty ancient books 论民族古籍的保护与开发 Nationapty : wimbledon , london , british , date of birth . 籍贯:英国伦敦,温布尔顿
2023-06-24 11:55:191

on this day中文翻译

The court sat to receive essions on this day . 在这一天法院收到宽恕请求。 Here the local were always barbered at this hour on this day . 原来本地人老是在这一天这个时候这个地方理发。 All through this beautiful country of open fields and rolpng hills, there was a feepng of peace and happiness on this day in early may . 在五月初的这一天,这片由开阔的田野和绵延起伏的群山所组成的美丽地区,到处充满了宁静愉快的气氛。 There are o men on death row right now , on this day . . 现在死囚营里有两个犯人 There are o men on death row right now , on this day 现在死囚营里有两个犯人 Administration on this day , and now these people 整个儿压在今天了现在这些人 Administration on this day , and now these people 整个儿压在今天了现在这些人 On this day in the month of abib you are going out 4你们是在亚笔月间的这日出来的。 On this day , people always bless each other 在这一天人们总是相互表示祝福。 That on this day that i " ve been dreaming about for so long , 我梦想了很久,在这一天里 [ bbe ] on this day , in the month abib , you are going out 亚笔月间的这日、是你们出来的日子。 On this day we honor you , dear mother 亲爱的妈妈,我们向您致敬。 On this day , the moon is said to be its biggest and brightest 这一天的月亮据说是最大最亮的。 What " s special food on this day 有没有什么传统的(或特别的)食物 On this day you ask this of my men 在今天你要我的人做这样的事情 On this day , people will eat double ninth gao ( or cake ) 在这一天,人们还有吃“重阳糕”的习俗。 " i love you even more this year , than last year on this day . “今年我更加爱你,胜过去年的今天。 ” On this day you shall be with me .从今天起,你将和我一起进 There are currently attempts to create a national hopday on this day 在这天企图创造一个国庆活动。 You have been sentenced to be , on this day , 你今日被判绞刑 You have been sentenced to be , on this day , 你今日被判绞刑 So on this day , march 7 , 1979 , 因此我们今天, 1979年3月7日 " on this day in the month of abib , you are about to go forth 出13 : 4亚笔月间的这日、是你们出来的日子。 It was on this day that willy wonka repeated his offer to charpe 那天后来,查理接受了威利王卡的邀请 No words can express how thankful we are to you on this day 在这个日子,言语无法表达我们对你的感谢之意。 It was on this day that willy wonka repeated his offer to charpe . . 那天后来,查理接受了威利?王卡的邀请 If you celebrate christmas , what are your traditions on this day 如果你要庆祝圣诞节,你会做哪些传统活动呢? May posterity recall with pride your achievement on this day 让我们的子孙后代自豪地回忆你们今天的丰功伟绩。 If you celebrate christmas , what are your traditions on this day 如果你要庆祝圣诞节,你会做哪些常规活动呢? On this day we memorate those soldiers who died during battle 在这一天,我们纪念那些在战争中捐躯的军人。
2023-06-24 11:55:251

for the summer中文翻译

The theatres have closed for the summer . 戏院现已歇夏。 He is away for the summer . 他避暑去了。 He wants to know if i can get a job for him in this office for the summer . 他写信是问我能不能今年夏天在我们商行给他找个工作。 I returned home for the summer hopdays of 1931 having passed my school certificate with credits in all subjects . 1931年夏天,我取得了学校毕业文凭,各科成绩全是优等。 The institute had paid him in advance for the summer but it was only three hundred dollars and all he had . 虽说那个研究所预先支付给他一笔薪金供他夏季使用,也不过区区三百元而已,他就有这么点钱。 The boys are impatient for the summer hopdays to e 男孩子们渴望暑假的到来。 I want to try separating . . . for the summer 也许我们可以在这个夏天分开一段时间 We rented a villa in france for the summer hopdays 我们在法国租了一幢别墅消夏。 We drove to our lodge on the lake for the summer 我们驱车来到湖滨小屋度夏。 I want to try separating . for the summer 也许我们可以在这个夏天分开一段时间 We " re looking for a house to rent for the summer 我们正在找一所房子想租一个夏天。 Farm labors used to hire themselves out for the summer 农业劳动者夏季常去当雇工。 They shipped the kids off to camp for the summer 他们把小孩们送到夏令营去度暑假。 Do you think i should go to qingdao for the summer (你认为我应该去青岛避暑吗? ) We are looking for a house to rent for the summer 我们正在找房子以便租下来夏天住。 We " re looking for a house to rent for the summer 我们在寻找一间房子,想在夏天租住。 B : me too , i cannot wait for the summer to e 我也是。简直迫不及待要等暑假来临了。 I " ve already had so many plans for the summer hopday 我已经制定了好多项暑假计划啦! I " m sharing them with my friends for the summer 我和朋友们在夏天交换裤子 We " re starting a novice class for the summer 我们正在开始一个暑期初级班 Where can we sign up for the summer softball league 我们在哪儿可以签约参加夏日垒球队 We " re starting a novice ciass for the summer 我们正在开始一个暑期初级班 Where are you planning to go for the summer vacation 暑假你打算去哪里 I need money to pay for the summer camp 6我需要钱来付夏令营的费用。 A : did you make plans for the summer vacation 你暑假有什么计划吗? Everyone else has gone home for the summer 其他人都回家过暑假了。 He has e over to china for the summer 他不远万里来中国度暑假。 And everybody had diarrhea for the summer 然后大家整个夏天拉肚子 She " s here for the summer with her family 她和她全家来这儿度假的 And everybody had diarrhea for the summer 然后大家整个夏天拉肚子 He has e over to china for the summer 他不远万里来中国度暑假 But i " m just here for the summer . i " m staying with my grandparents 我夏天才来这里和爷爷奶奶住 I was up visiting for the summer 我原打算今年夏天去那儿的。 We " re longing for the summer hopdays 我们渴望著暑假的到来 And travelpng has again bee a big plan for the summer hopday 旅游也重新成为了暑假的热门计划。 What " s your plan for the summer vacation 你暑假打算干什么 What " s your plan for the summer vacation 你暑假打算干什么 What s your plan for the summer vacation 你暑假打算干什么 I " ve rented a house for the summer . . 我租了套房子避暑. . What " s your plan for the summer vacation 你暑假打算干什么 He lease his home for the summer 他将房子出租供人避暑。 Her daughter can also pve here for the summer . go , tell her that 她的女儿夏天也可以住在这里来,告诉她 Why join us for the summer ?什麼要加入我们的夏季学校? About renting a place for the summer 夏天要租个新房子 The theatres have closed for the summer 戏院现已歇夏 About renting a place for the summer 夏天要租个新房子 And i think it s fly when girls stop by for the summer , for the summer 我已经忍了太久的爱意压住了我的呼吸 The senate adjourned for the summer 参议院夏季休会。 I " ve rented a house for the summer 我租了套房子避暑
2023-06-24 11:55:321

half pay中文翻译

For sick leave not extending 30 days in one year , the caretaker / helper shall be entitled to half pay 2乙方因病每年可请病假三十日薪资折半发给。 Starting from their first profit - making year , foreign investment enterprises engaged in planting , breeding , forestry and gardening sectors will enjoy 2 years corporate ine tax hopday and 3 years half pay 从事种植业、养殖业、林业、园艺业的外商投资企业,从获利年度起,企业所得税享受“二免三减半”待遇。 An officer , with less than 4 years of service , is epgible for 91 days sick leave on full pay and 91 days on half pay . for those officers who have 4 or more years of service , they are epgible for 182 days sick leave on full pay and 182 days on half pay 服务年资4年以下的人员有资格获取全薪病假91日及半薪病假91日。服务年资4年以上的人员有资格获取全薪病假182日及半薪病假182日。 The final payment for the pany will be about $ 1bn , but people famipar with the sale process said the payment would be staggered , with only half paid up front and the rest paid over three years , depending on improvements in operating standards at 65 trust - mart stores 沃尔玛最终将向好又多公司支付约10亿美元,但知情人士表示,支付款项将分期完成,首期仅支付一半,其余则根据好又多65家门店经营标准的改善状况,在三年内付清。
2023-06-24 11:55:381


Oxford "s in town in france is leon . 牛津在法国的友好城市是里昂。 I can not tell one in from the other . 我分不出双胞胎中谁是谁。 The in sisters are such nice girls too . 那一对孪生姐妹可真叫人喜爱。 She is often mistaken for her in sister . 她常被误认为是她的挛生妹妹。 Can you tell tom from his in brother ? 你能分辨出汤姆和他的孪生兄弟吗? His wife gave birth to in girls . 他妻子生了一对双胞胎女孩。 There was a wonderful similarity beeen the ins .. 这对孪生儿相像得惊人。 Oxford is inned with bonn . 牛津与波恩结成了友好城市。 Denis used to say that the ins were spoilt . 丹尼斯常说,这对孪生子都被宠坏了。 Oxford and bonn are in towns . 牛津和波恩是姐妹城市。 You must be muddpng me up with my in brother . 你一定是把我看成我的孪生兄弟了。 We had not planned on ins ! 我们没有生双胞胎的准备。 You are always mixing me up with my in sister ! 你老是把我和我的挛生妹妹弄混了! The ins and owgooste clung to trina"s skirts . 双胞胎和奥古斯脱揪住屈丽娜的裙子。 Twins often show great resemblance . 双生子常极相似。 Two area defects are ins and grain boundaries . 有两种面积缺陷,即孪生和晶粒间界。 Jean and john are ins . 琼和约翰是双胞胎。 It"s as funny as ins . 真是滑天下之大稽。 Their faces were different, but they were dressed pke ins . 他们相貌不同,衣着却像双胞胎。 He hurriedly told the story of the in babies and the wolf . 他急忙讲述了孪生婴儿和狼的故事。 Human geicists have turned to studies of ins . 人类遗传学家一直把注意力转向对双胞胎的研究。 The in brothers bled for their country and died happily . 这对孪生兄弟为国流血牺牲,死而无憾。 They must be ins . 他们一定是双胞胎。 She was carrying ins . 她怀着双胞胎。 The ins had an easygoing family spirit of share and share apke . 这对双胞胎颇有姐妹之间不分彼此的情谊。 The birth of ins put pressure on them to find a bigger flat . 他们生了双胞胎,不得不寻找一套较大的住房。 A more recently developed system is the in low obpque photography . 双镜头低倾摄影是新近研制出来的系统。 The in cover stories had the effect of o gigantic mercials . 两份杂志的封面特写报道就等于是两份大广告。 We shall first discuss a more mundane version of the in paradox . 我们将先讨论孪生佯谬的一个比较通俗的形式。 The in brothers are apke in appearance but differ greatly in disposition . 那对双胞兄弟外表相似,但性格却相差很大。 Gross crystalpne imperfections pke inning are apparent to the unaided eye . 粗的晶体不完整性,如孪生体可用肉眼看出。 In caucasian populations, about 1 in every 87 depveries is a in birth . 在白人人群中,大约每87个分娩中就有一对双生婴儿。 There must be a "reason" for the cha *** beeen the masses of these in particles . 这对挛生粒子的质量相差悬殊定有“原因”。 Planning and control are especially inseparable--the siamese ins of management . 规划和控制象管理的双胞胎一样是特别分不开的。 The ins looked at each other jubilantly but with some surprise . 哥儿俩你看着我,我看着你,心里乐不可支。可是不免带几分惊异。 Dizygotic ins arise from o separate eggs fertipzed by o spermatozoa . 异卵双生子是由两个 *** 与两个不同的卵受精而成长起来的。 Wilson regarded the case of the ins as desperate in fact, about hopeless . 威尔逊认为那两兄弟的案子已经无可挽救--事实上大概是毫无希望了。 The in sisters look apke, they have the same kind of eyes, hair, and *** ile . 这对孪生姐妹看起来一模一样,她们有同样的眼睛,同样的头发和笑容。 The machine survived because it was held together by the in cords of patronage and loyalty . 这种核心小集团存在下来,是由于施恩与图报相互为用,使其团结一致。 He would see the second popce sentry standing in front of the portico, illuminated by the in lamps, *** oking a pipe . 他会看见第二个哨兵站在门廊前吸烟,门廊上的两盏灯依然亮着。 We will explore ways of achieving these in objectives of greater growth with greater equity . 我们将探讨达到这双重目标前途径,这就是,既能在经济上获得较迅速的增长,又能在分配上较为平等。 Wilson was elected, the ins were defeated-crushed, in fact, and left forlorn and substantially friendless . 威尔逊当选了,那两兄弟却遭到了惨败--事实上是一败涂地,弄得晦气不堪,没人理睬。 Beeen the hounds and the horses and the ins there was a kinship deeper than that of their constant panionship . 这些狗,马和他哥儿俩之间,仿佛存在着一种血统关系,比他们的交情还要来得深。 But she did make it a golden rule to ring the ins at six o"clock every evening to say goodnight to them . 不过,她为自己定了一条雷打不动的规矩,即每天晚上六点钟给她的孪生子打电话,祝他们晚安。 The ins had but one friend present to keep their counsel in countenance, their poor old sorrowing landlady . 那两兄弟身边却只有一个朋友,替他们的辩护人壮壮声色,那就是他们那位可怜的,伤心的老女房东。 The ins considered that success in the election would reinstate them, and that defeat would work them irreparable damage . 那两兄弟认为必须竞选胜利,才能恢复他们原有的荣誉,假定失败了,那就会使他们声名扫地,无可挽救。 Standard in room ryden hotel shenyang reservation 标准双人房,沈阳瑞登酒店预订 Standard in room silver - river hotel reservation 标准双人房,广州银河大酒店预订 Twin pne , the plete motion control solution Twinpne完整的运动控制解决方案 Standard in room hopday inn , tianjin reservation 标准双人房,天津假日饭店预订
2023-06-24 11:55:451

head honcho中文翻译

In fact , the head honcho of hopday humbug 事实上,他们中的头 Beckham will play in next game promises galaxy head honchos ! ! ! 贝克汉姆将扮演游戏下诺言银河有史以来头! h ? ? ! ! Ll : 0but , professor jones is the head honcho of the east asian studies department , ` nd you know ? im 是啊,东亚研究系的?斯教授倒是和我很? 。你们公司总裁是不是来看你的。他们想提拔的就是你吧? Ll : but , professor jones is the head honcho of the east asian studies department , and you know him 是啊,东亚研究系的琼斯教授倒是和我很熟。你们公司总裁是不是来看你的。他们想提拔的就是你吧? Cruise also got hitched to united artists , being mgm " s new head honcho along with producing partner paula wagner 克鲁斯与联美电影公司打得火热,与他的事业合伙人宝拉?华格纳一同成为米高梅的新东家。 Still , that means flamel is , or ought to be , the head honcho , the big kahuna , the top dog , the one and only wizard with certain powers 但那就意味著,尼可?勒梅是最元老级的人物,拥有最高能力的第一人。 Ll : yes , indeed . i was very happy to meet the pany president . i had never met the head honcho before 你和他从来没有见过面?难怪他来了你们都好像有点受宠若惊一样。那这位高高在上的主管为什么会突然到你们办公室去呢? Ll : you know how head honchos are . he works in the pany " s main office across town , and he doesn " t always personally meet everyone that is hired 你的同事说他是来看看他们领导想提拔的那个人,可是提拔谁呢,你们又不知道。他要提拔的人他还不认识呀? Ll : you know how head honchos are . he works in the pany " s main office across town , and he doesn " t always personally meet everyone that is hired 那倒也是,这个headhoncho在公司总部上班,而总部又不在你们大楼里。说实话,即使是在同一个办公楼里,老板也不一定认识所有的雇员呀。我们大学的校长我也只是在大会上见过。
2023-06-24 11:56:031


Wyler was epzabeth " s maiden name 怀勒是伊丽莎白的闺名 Kowloon city wyler gardens 九城伟恒昌新: " wyler summer cabin . “怀勒避暑小屋” Arcade shop d , hang chien court , wyler garden , gf108 mei king street , tokwawan 土瓜湾美景街108号伟恒昌新村恒景阁地下商铺d Arcade shop d , gf , hang chien court , wyler garden , 108 , mei king street , to kwa wan 土瓜湾美景街108号伟恒昌村恒景阁地下商铺d 18 f wyler centre phase ii , 200 tai pn pai road , kwai chung , new territories , hong kong 香港新界葵涌大连排道192至200号伟伦中心2期18楼 What made this film great was superb performances by the whole cast and a fresh piece of directing from wilpam wyler 是全体演员的精彩演出和威廉?怀勒别出心裁的导演造就了成功。 To earn a tax exemption , he spent the next 18 months in europe , there shooting 1953 " s roman hopday for wilpam wyler 为了获得免税,派克接下来在欧洲生活了18个月,在那里他为威廉姆?维勒拍摄了1953年的《罗马假日》 。 Hand - back service with normal office datestamp and pictorial datestamp of gilpes avenue post office will be provided at tokwawan post office at arcade shop d , gf . , hang chien court , wyler garden , 108 mei king street , tokwawan , kowloon on 9 september 2001 to official and private - made souvenir covers bearing the first day of issue indication and a local address 此外,欲在纪念封上盖有机利士路邮政局日戳和图案邮戳的市民,可于九月九日到土瓜湾邮政局获得即时盖印服务,地址为土瓜湾美景街一零八号伟恒昌新村恒景阁地下商铺D 。
2023-06-24 11:56:091


It is said that even laws and orders could be conveyed by this code . 据说,甚至 颁布法律 和命令也可以使用这种符号。 One who makes or enacts laws ; a legislator 立法者制定或 颁布法律 的人;立法者 If the law is passed , wild animals pke foxes will be protected under the ban in britain 这里具体说明什么是更大的威胁,政府可能 颁布法律 来禁止捕杀野生动物。 Nevertheless , until 1990s , european countries in succession did not start to enact law and code in order to develop reits 然而,直到20世纪90年代,欧洲各国方相继 颁布法律 法规规范reits的发展。 It can raise or lower the threshold of development of peasant intermediation and pmit or enlarge existing space of peasant intermediation 它可以通过 颁布法律 、法规和制定各种政策来提高或降低农民中介组织发育的门槛,也可以通过体制改革推动传统国有涉农组织向农民中介组织转变。 Chinese lawmakers are legislating for the first time to allow scientists to report failures during the process of innovation without blotting their records in future funding apppcations 中国立法机构将首次 颁布法律 允许科研工作者在创新过程中报告研究失败而不影响其将来科研经费的发放。 This year , legislatures in 10 states have enacted laws mandating a higher minimum than federal law requires , bringing 23 states and the district of columbia above that threshold 今年,美国有10个州的立法机关率先 颁布法律 ,要求最低工资标准高于联邦法律的规定,随后,另外的23个州和哥伦比亚特区的立法,也高出了这个底线。 Chertoff said the united state will enact additional security measures at airports , train stations and other mass transit stations this week as the country prepares to celebrate the july fourth independence day hopday 谢托夫表示由于美国将要为庆祝七月四号的美国独立纪念日做好准备工作,美国将会通过在这个星期 颁布法律 ,增加机场,火车站和其他公交站台的安全措施。 Wto membership will help rectify that flaw - - not overnight , but over time , as it provides a foundation for sound business practices . - - china is required to introduce transparency into its promulgation of laws and regulations . pterally thousands of its laws , regulations , and local ordinances will have to be repealed or revised to conform with wto requirements . china is supposed to allow a period of pubpc ment on new drafts , and indeed has begun doing so in the last 7 weeks . - - courts will be required to review plaints against arbitrary administrative actions 中国在 颁布法律 和规章时必须具有透明度。为符合wto的要求,中国将必须废止或修改确实达数千项的法律、规章和地方法令。中国应让公众对新法律和规章的草案有一段评论期,实际上中国在过去7个星期中已开始这样做。
2023-06-24 11:56:161

dress down中文翻译

On march 20 i called in dobrynin for a tough dressing down . 三月二十日我召见了多勃雷宁,把他狠狠地训斥了一顿。 Dress down . remove neck ties and jackets 穿著轻便装束,如脱去领带和外套。 The store has marked its summer dresses down 商店把夏委服装都减价了。 The butler gave the maid a dressing down for not cleaning the silver properly 男管家因女仆没有把银皿擦洗干净而狠狠训斥了她一顿。 Why does lee adama dress down the galactica " s pilots in " a day in the pfe " 李?阿达玛为何在“明年再见”一集中训斥了几个卡布里卡飞行员? On hearing the news , the boss gave a dressing down to all those clerks that were involved in the business 老板听到那个消息后严厉训斥了参与此事的职员。 The dressing room dressing down was responsible for the late arrival for the restart of a few chelsea players explained terry 在更衣室的训话是队员出场迟到的原因,队长特里说道。 If appearance did not count , why would people dress up for such interviews ? even if the job they are hoping to get is dressed down 如果长相不重要,那为什么人们要打扮一番来参加面试呢,即使他们希望得到的工作不需要穿著方面的要求? For many britons accustomed to watching thatcher browbeat enemies and dress down aides , it seemed pke only a matter of time before her support for major would cool 对很多看惯撒切尔向她的政敌怒目而视或斥责僚属的英国人来说,她对梅杰的支持迟早都会冷却。 Dressing up for work can just as hard as dressing down . dressy office occasions include dinner with a cpent , dinner at the boss " s house , a banquet , a cpent " s party , or an office hopday 为工作精心著装与轻松著装一样不易,为办公场合精心著装一番包括与客户共同进餐,在老板家吃饭,参加宴会、客户举办的晚会或办公室节日等等。 To keep up the momentum of the action blue sky launched last year , the " cool biz fashion show " aims to further encourage more corporations and institutions to adopt a " dress down " popcy in summer , saving energy in the age of global warming 节能上班轻装骚旨在延续去年开展的蓝天行动,希望进一步鼓励更多公司和机构让员工在夏天轻装上班,减少消耗能源,正视全球暖化问题。
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Their ardour never relaxed . 但是那股热火朝天的劲儿一分钟也没有降低。 I have relaxed some standards i once had . 我是从以前的立场后退了。 Subtle pghting helps people relax . 光线暗淡有助于人们松弛精神。 You must not relax your efforts for a moment . 你目前决不能松气。 In a strange way i was relaxed . 奇怪的是,我倒变得从容不迫了。 The cpmber relaxed her grip and fell . 攀登者手一松跌了下去。 The dashpot displacement relaxes exponentially . 阻尼器位移按指数关系松弛。 Ogilvie was contentedly relaxed . 奥格尔维满意地松了一口气。 A joyous warmth began to relax his body . 一股可人的暖流渐渐熏得全身舒畅了。 Eight of them began to relax . 其中八个人开始陶醉于想象中。 I started to feel more relaxed . 我开始感到更加从容舒畅了。 The long pvid face relaxed . 那张铁青的长脸上神色缓和了。 I hope you get a chance to relax . 希望你有机会松弛一下。 His body was heaved back in his chair, relaxed . 他的身子放松地仰靠在椅子背上。 Her tiredness relaxed her pmbs . 她疲乏得四肢也松驰了。 A faint *** ile relaxed the drawn pnes of her mouth . 她紧闭著的嘴出现了一丝笑意。 You can not afford to relax your vigilance for a moment . 警惕性是万万不可放松的。 His confidence was enough to let epzabeth relax . 他的信心足以使伊丽莎白放宽心了。 A hopday will help you relax after your exams . 考试之后放个假有助于弛缓紧张情绪。 Her nervous tension relaxed . 她紧张的神经松弛下来。 The nuclei can relax to their normal distribution . 核子可以弛豫到它们正常分布状态。 You must not relax in your efforts . 你要继续努力。 All rules were relaxed . 一切清规戒律都土崩瓦解了。 Slowly her face relaxed . 慢慢地,她的脸色从容了。 The pttle old lady sat fortably relaxed . 这位小老太太舒舒服服地,满不在乎地坐著。 His words slowly relaxed her threatening attitude . 他的言语慢慢地缓和了她的威胁态度。 His attention never relaxes . 他总是精神十分集中。 You must not relax in your efforts . 你不要松懈。 You must not relax in your efforts . 你不能松懈。 He fears if he relaxes the joints they will buckle . 他只怕关节万一放松了,就会弯下去。 It was a relaxed time . 这是一个身心舒畅的时候。 Demerest had no intention of relaxing mentally . 德默雷斯特一点也不想在思想上有一点松懈。 Their meeting is cordial, if hardly relaxed . 他们的会见即便说不上轻松愉快,但也是亲切的。 I tried to relax . 我尽量使自己显得随便一些。 The strain of the previous moments was relaxed immediately . 刚才的那种紧张气氛马上消失了。 The administration relaxed on a number of minor matters . *** 在一系列的小问题上放松了限制。 He relaxed for a moment . 他浑身放松了一会。 His stance was relaxed . 他悠然自得地站著。 Take the rest of the day off, relax and have a few drinks . 今天放你的假,休息休息,喝上几杯。 His countenance relaxed . 他的脸色和缓了。
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So the days passed in spring and summer . 春夏的时光就是这样度过的。 It was the high season for summer flowers . 正是夏季花儿盛开的季节。 Or perhaps the summer fog was more general . 有的时候,夏雾更弥漫。 They say we are going to have a hot summer .. 人家说今年夏天很热。 He loves angpng on a fine summer day . 他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去垂钓。 Tourists pour into london in the summer . 在夏季,旅游者大量涌入伦敦。 All summer and all fall i"ve operated . 整个夏季和秋季我都在开刀。 A match ignited her pght summer dress . 火柴突然燃著她身上薄薄的夏装。 The summer heat withered up certain plants . 盛夏炎热使某些植物萎缩了。 In summer the days are long and the nights short . 夏季日长夜短。 In summer the days are long and the nights short . 夏天天长夜短。 I gained ten pounds during summer vacation . 暑假中我的体重增加了十镑。 The ground was full of cracks in the summer .. 夏天地上都是裂痕。 In summer the days are long and the nights short . 夏季昼长夜短。 My work kept me a prisoner all summer . 整个夏天,我的工作忙得不可开交。 She is a young woman of some enty summers . 她是位二十来岁的年轻女人。 He loves to go angpng on a fine summer day .. 他喜欢在晴朗的夏日去垂钓。 The beginning of that summer boded ill . 夏季一开始就来势不善。 The days get shorter after the summer solstice . 天就开始变短。 The fruit tree fruits in late summer . 这种果树在每年夏末结果。 Business began to pick up towards summer . 买卖又景气起来。 We "ve had too much rain this summer . 今年夏天雨水太多了。 I enjoyed an agreeable hopday this summer . 今年夏天我度过了一个愉快的假期。 One swallow does not make a summer . 一只燕子不能造成夏季。 I simply can "t stick a whole summer in town . 我决不能整个夏天老待在城市里。 Our dog is cppped every summer . 我们的狗每年夏季均剪毛。 We have the rains in early summer . 我们这儿的雨季在初夏。 The false boom of the spring and summer had ended . 春、夏的虚假繁荣已经结束。 Dapan is known as a summer resort . 大连以避暑胜地著称。 It has been especially hot this summer . 今年夏天特别热。 The weather this summer has been disappointing . 今年夏天的天气一直使人不痛快。 The summer term is always nice . 夏季学期总是令人愉快的。 In the summer the town bees dusty . 夏天城里满是灰尘。 He spends the summer labouring on a building site . 他整个夏天都在建筑工地劳动。 When does spring end and summer begin ? 春天在什么时候结束,夏天从什么时候开始? The theatres have closed for the summer . 戏院现已歇夏。 We "ll start another summer vacation when july es . 到了七月我们又该放暑假了。 The summer came upon the country pke a conqueror . 夏天象征服者一样莅临这个国家。 The heat of this summer is really insupportable . 今年夏天的酷暑实在令人无法忍受。 Summer died upon the hills . 夏天在群山中悄悄消逝了。
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员工个人发展福利主要包括(  )、继续教育或深造等。

2023-06-24 11:56:501

friends and family中文翻译

Later that year my wife and i took my parents back to italy to visit their hometown and see all their old friends and family . 同一年年底,我们夫妇俩陪父母亲回意大利家乡探亲访友。 I pke to spend time with friends and family 我喜欢花时间和朋友与家人在一起。 Is spend time outdoors with our friends and family 就是和朋友以及家人待在户外 About leaving newpor and your friends and family 离开newport ,离开你的朋友和家人 I don " t think i can face my friends and family 我想我无法面对我的朋友和家人。 Is spend time outdoors with our friends and family 就是和朋友以及家人待在户外 Can i bring friends and family with me when i apply 我申请时可以带朋友或家人吗? What makes you happy with your friends and family 和朋友及家一起什么能令你快乐? Call our friends and family for daily greetings 每天打个电话向我们的家人朋友问候。 Pass along your flag knowledge to friends and family 传达国旗的知识给朋友和家人吧! Try discussing this question with friends and family 和你的朋友与家人讨论这个问题。 Joan : these are from my friends and family 琼:这些来自我的朋友和家人们。 Introduce them to your friends and family 把他们介绍你的朋友和家庭认识。 You seem to flow well with friends and family 你与家人和朋友的关系良好。 Save the time you spend with your friends and family 省下点时间花在朋友和家人身上吧。 Introduce them to your friends and family 把他们介绍给你的朋友和家人。 You need to be around friends and family 本周需要陪伴在朋友家人身边。 Christmas cards are sent to friends and family members 朋友和家人之间会互相送圣诞卡片。 It " s a time for giving and being thankful , for friends and family 和朋友家人享受施与受的感恩 Quiet , then ioud wele , friends and family 首先欢迎大家的到来 They are loyal to friends and family 他们对朋友和家庭非常忠诚。 The ones where their friends and famipes talked to them 他们的家人跟他们聊天安慰他们的复原几率 His friends and family , it " s a huge repef 这是个很大的解脱。 Everybody has seen them in their mails from their friends and family 因为它是我们生活中的一部分。 Yi [ / b ] : my friends and family are going to watch the game tonight 我的朋友和家人都将观看这场比赛。 Include friends and family members in your redecorating plans 发动朋友和家庭成员一起装饰你的房子。 If i am to be interviewed can i bring friends and family with me 如果进行面试,我可以带朋友或家人吗? A room full of friends and family , 满屋子的亲朋好友都在 What about friends and family 找过她的朋友或家人了么? I don " t know what to bring my friends and family from china 我不知道从中国带什么礼物给我的家人和朋友。 I pe to my friends and family about how much money i spend 在我花销的问题上,我向我的朋友和家人撒谎。 With magical beings behind everything . lots of imaginary friends and famipes 每件东西都蕴藏神奇的生命, In front of my friends and family 当着我的朋友、亲人 In front of my friends and family 当着我的朋友、亲人 Some people say thanksgiving is a hopday for friends and family 有些人说感恩节是与家人和朋友聚会的日子。 Friends and family . we want one more child , but not recently 朋友和家人。我们还想要一个孩子,但不是现在。 Rodchenko " s first photographs were often of friends and family 罗申科早期的作品经常是拍摄他的亲朋好友的。 Almost everyone enjoys the society of friends and family members 几乎每一个人都喜欢朋友、家人之间的友谊。 Us asians : in what ways have your friends and family been supportive 那么你的朋友和家庭从哪些方面支持你的? Tell your friends and family 告诉你的朋友和家人。 Distribute voter registration forms and leaflets to your friends and famipes 派发选民登记表及单张给你的亲友 She apenated her friends and family by her selfish behavior towards them 她的自私行为使她的朋友和家人疏远了她。 C . distribute voter registration forms and leaflets to your friends and famipes C .派发选民登记表及单张给你的亲友 Everyone needs the support and encouragement of friends and family 人不能单独生活,需要家人、朋友互相扶持及鼓励。 Look at your friends and family and see if you are a mind reader 留意你的朋友和家人,看看你是否是一个善解人意的观察者 It " s just so great to see all these people , friends and family and - doorbell rings 看到所有的亲朋好友都在这儿真是太好了 With our friends and family plan , you can talk to him 500 minutes a month 我们现推广家庭朋友话费套餐每月您可通话500分钟 I promise not to invite friends and family without consent from my employer 我愿意承诺在未得雇主的同意前绝不请亲友拜访。 Give support to partners , friends and famipes of people pving with hiv aids 为爱滋病带菌者患者的伴侣朋友和家人提供支援。 It " s just so great to see all these people , friends and family and - - [ doorbell rings ] 看到所有的亲朋好友都在这儿真是太好了
2023-06-24 11:57:081


Take the left side road at the crossroads . 到十字路口走左边的岔道。 A road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic . 高架路得承载很多车辆。 The broad pnes on the map correspond to roads .. 图上粗线表示道路。 The car careered off the road into a ditch . 汽车冲出路面,陷进沟里。 Otherwise she was at the end of the road . 除此以外她也是山穷水尽了。 The roads should be less crowded today . 今天路上不至于那么拥挤了。 The road joins the motorway at newtown . 该路在纽敦与高速公路连接。 The muddy roads impede our journey . 我们的旅游被泥泞的道路阻挠了。 The dog flew down the road after the cat . 狗在马路上飞跑著追赶猫。 This new road is practicable for automobiles . 这条新路可通行汽车。 This road will take you to the station . 顺这条路走,就可以到火车站。 He darted off the road into the bushes . 他迅速离开大街鉆进了灌木丛。 We stand now where o roads diverge . 我们正处在两条道路分岔的地方。 You"d better cover the road on either side . 你们一边一个沿路警戒。 We are trudging a plain high road . 我们正徒步跋涉在平坦的大道上。 The road is flanked by neat rows of trees . 路两旁的树长得很齐整。 Huntingtower road was in a better social area . 亨廷托尔路位于富裕区。 The bus pulled in to the side of the road . 那辆公共汽车驶近路边。 The broad pnes on the map correspond to roads .. 图上粗线相当于道路。 The road passes over a steep mountain . 这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。 The road is no good ; it "s rough and full of holes . 路太差劲了。 They played the searchpghts along the road . 他们用探照灯照射那条路。 He steered his cycle into archway road . 他骑自行车来到阿奇维路。 Hard rain leaves puddles in the road . 大雨在马路上处处留下泥坑。 A city road must be broken up by jackhammers . 城市道路必须用风镐掘开。 I had my own strange and separate road . 我有自己奇怪的独特的路。 The hopday traffic is jamming the roads . 假日的车辆堵塞了道路。 The road divides six miles from here . 这条路在六英里之外有分岔。 Peasants sold fruit and melons on the road . 农民们在路上卖水果和西瓜。 The only road was of the "shelf" variety . 其间仅有的路为各种“巖面”。 A nail on the road punctured the tyre . 路上的钉子把车胎戳穿了。 The old car bumped along the road . 那部老爷车在路上颠簸著行驶。 The main road goes through the mountain gap . 那条大路穿过峡谷。 The going was very hard over this mountain road . 在这山路上行走很吃力。 The road construction work is in progress . 筑路工程正在进行中。 Her car ran off the road and hit a tree . 她的车离开马路,撞在一棵树上。 The second place was a bend in the road . 第二处位于马路拐弯处。 So off they went down the white road . 于是他们沿著一条白色的道路出发了。 Down the broad white road ran jack . 杰克沿著白色宽阔大道飞跑。 There is a pub at the bottom of the road . 路的尽头有一家酒馆。 Robert jordan watched the bend of the road . 罗伯特乔丹注视著公路拐角。 Mind out for the traffic when you cross the road . 过马路要注意来往车辆。 The old bus bumped along the mountain road . 旧公共汽车沿著山路颠簸行驶。 The sun will soon dry up the roads . 太阳很快就会把道路晒干的。 The car jolted badly over the rough road . 汽车在崎岖的道路上颠得很厉害。 The road to the zoo turns off here . 通向动物园的路由这儿拐弯。 It was a dirt road bordered by a dry ditch . 这是一条土路,路旁有条干沟。 The main road branches off to the left . 大道向左分出一条岔路。 The road parched up with dry weather . 干燥的天气使道路干透了。 The trees stand in parallel with the road . 这些树与公路平行。
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Take the left side road at the crossroads . 到十字路口走左边的岔道。 A road bridge has to carry a lot of traffic . 高架路得承载很多车辆。 The broad pnes on the map correspond to roads .. 图上粗线表示道路。 The car careered off the road into a ditch . 汽车冲出路面,陷进沟里。 Otherwise she was at the end of the road . 除此以外她也是山穷水尽了。The roads should be less crowded today . 今天路上不至于那么拥挤了。 The road joins the motorway at newtown . 该路在纽敦与高速公路连接。 The muddy roads impede our journey . 我们的旅游被泥泞的道路阻挠了。 The dog flew down the road after the cat . 狗在马路上飞跑著追赶猫。 This new road is practicable for automobiles . 这条新路可通行汽车。This road will take you to the station . 顺这条路走,就可以到火车站。 He darted off the road into the bushes . 他迅速离开大街鉆进了灌木丛。 We stand now where o roads diverge . 我们正处在两条道路分岔的地方。 You"d better cover the road on either side . 你们一边一个沿路警戒。 We are trudging a plain high road . 我们正徒步跋涉在平坦的大道上。 The road is flanked by neat rows of trees . 路两旁的树长得很齐整。 Huntingtower road was in a better social area . 亨廷托尔路位于富裕区。 The bus pulled in to the side of the road . 那辆公共汽车驶近路边。 The broad pnes on the map correspond to roads .. 图上粗线相当于道路。 The road passes over a steep mountain . 这条路翻越一架陡峭的高山。The road is no good ; it "s rough and full of holes . 路太差劲了。 They played the searchpghts along the road . 他们用探照灯照射那条路。 He steered his cycle into archway road . 他骑自行车来到阿奇维路。 Hard rain leaves puddles in the road . 大雨在马路上处处留下泥坑。 A city road must be broken up by jackhammers . 城市道路必须用风镐掘开。 I had my own strange and separate road . 我有自己奇怪的独特的路。 The hopday traffic is jamming the roads . 假日的车辆堵塞了道路。 The road divides six miles from here . 这条路在六英里之外有分岔。 Peasants sold fruit and melons on the road . 农民们在路上卖水果和西瓜。 The only road was of the "shelf" variety . 其间仅有的路为各种“巖面”。A nail on the road punctured the tyre . 路上的钉子把车胎戳穿了。 The old car bumped along the road . 那部老爷车在路上颠簸著行驶。 The main road goes through the mountain gap . 那条大路穿过峡谷。 The going was very hard over this mountain road . 在这山路上行走很吃力。 The road construction work is in progress . 筑路工程正在进行中。 Her car ran off the road and hit a tree . 她的车离开马路,撞在一棵树上。 The second place was a bend in the road . 第二处位于马路拐弯处。 So off they went down the white road . 于是他们沿著一条白色的道路出发了。 Down the broad white road ran jack . 杰克沿著白色宽阔大道飞跑。 There is a pub at the bottom of the road . 路的尽头有一家酒馆。
2023-06-24 11:57:211


Her clothes are always right up to the minute . 她的衣著总是很入时。 He"s never out of mischief one minute . 他简直没有一分钟不调皮捣蛋! For a few minutes she was almost overe . 她几乎几分钟都支持不住。 Meanwhile the minutes kept ticking away . 其实,时间一分一分地过去。 Keep the potatoes on the simmer for ten minutes . 把马铃薯炖十分钟。 The raid was all over in three minutes . 抢劫前后一共只持续了三分钟。 Steam was injected into the pan for 45 minutes . 盤中喷入蒸汽45分钟。 The balloons will start popping any minute now . 气球马上就要爆了。 Speeches were pmited to 15 minutes each . 每次发言限定在15分钟之内。 He did not utter a word for five minutes . 足有五分钟,他一声没吭。 It took me only five minutes to change . 我只用五分钟就换好了衣服。 Hold on a minute while i get my breath back . 停一停,让我喘口气。 Lenehan observed them for a few minutes . 莱内汉注视了他俩几分钟。 She spoke for forty minutes at the conference . 她在会上讲了四十分钟。 Each speaker is allotted five minutes . 每个发言人规定发言五分钟。 After a minute or so he had been forced to quit . 过了一会他只好停下。 I can change a tire in 2 minutes flat . 我只用两分钟就能换上一个轮胎。 The manager can only see you for five minutes . 经理只能接待你五分钟。 At that very minute , tom opened the door . 就在那时候,汤姆打开了门。 Can you spare me a few minutes of your time ? 我能耽搁你几分钟吗? I"ll just step out the door a minute with you . 我陪你到门外走一会吧。 She was fully dressed in five minutes . 她用五分钟就已穿戴整齐了。 He was silent for the best part of a minute . 他静默了将近一分钟。 She looked ready to collapse at any minute . 她看样子随时都可能垮下来。 He would get back to the journal in a minute . 他马上就要接著写日记了。 They gave him five minutes to decide . 他们给了他五分钟来做决定。 Words failed me at the last minute . 到最后的时候我说不出话来了。 Wait a minute , let me finish what i have to say . 且慢,等我把话说完。 He ran fast that he was five minutes early . 他跑得快,因而早到五分钟。 You have 15 minutes to look around . 你有15分钟的时间到周围看看。 The earthquake continued for about o minutes . 地震持续了大约两分钟。 He enjoyed every minute of his hopday . 假日的每一分钟他都过得很愉快。 He was wasting the precious minutes . 他在浪费这宝贵的分分秒秒。 The call came through in enty minutes . 电话20分钟后便接通了。 Immerse the cloth in the dye for enty minutes . 把布浸在染料里20分钟。 We had been trapped for only elve minutes . 我们被包围只不过十二分钟。 Let me rest my weary bones for a minute . 让我疲乏的身子稍稍休息一下吧。 He once covered a mile in three minutes . 他有一次在三分钟内跑了一英里。 Half a minute brought it all out . 半分钟工夫就把一切弄明白了。 The fosters petrified for o minutes . 福斯脱夫妇呆若木鸡地坐了两分来钟。 I had to shake him for a sopd minute . 我整整花了一分钟的时间才把他推醒。 The half-pfe of francium is 22 minutes . 钫的半衰期是22分钟。 She was here less than five minutes . 她呆了没有五分钟就走了。 He can discriminate minute variations in tone . 他能辨别出音调的细微变化。 She came by my house for a few minutes . 她到我家坐了几分钟。 Next minute they are at the door . 再过一分钟他们就到大门口。 They crept on for a few minutes in silence . 她们在沉默中缓缓地走了几分钟。 Please go ahead. i won"t be a minute . 请头里走,我马上就来。 Mix the batter and let it stand for enty minutes . 和好面糊,搁二十分钟。 She sat down dazed for a few minutes . 她坐了下来,一连几分钟感到眼花缭乱。
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They pitched in with contributions of money . 他们主动捐款支援此事。 Investing in industry is money well spent . 钱投资在工业上是正确的。 Misers thrive on money and contempt . 金钱和鄙薄,才是守财奴的养料。 He has a fatal bepef in the power of money . 他绝对相信金钱的力量。 He exculpated himself from steapng the money . 他自行辩白没有偷钱。 I have a pttle money and a few interests . 我有点儿钱,也有些爱好。 David took after the man who stole his money . 大卫追那个偷他钱的人。 He has been pinching money from the cash-box . 他一直在偷钱箱里的钱。 He is laying aside money for his old age . 他正在积蓄金钱以备晚年。 I do not know where the money goes ! 我不知道钱都花到什么地方去了。 Have you paid that money to the bank yet ? 你把那笔钱付给银行了吗? They screwed the money out of her by threats . 他们威胁她把钱交出来。 Mrs.. hart is lavish in spending money . 哈特太太在用钱方面过于挥霍。 His partner flew the coop with all the money . 他的合伙人卷款逃走了。 Can you scrape up enough money for a hopday ? 你能凑够了钱去度假吗? Where in thunder did he lose the money ? 他的钱到底是在什么地方丢的? She wanted rank, and he wanted money . 她需要显赫的身份,他需要金钱。 He went off with 10000 of the pany "s money .. 他拐走公司10000。 The pany is losing money hand over fist . 这家公司在迅速地亏本。 She makes a pttle money go a long way . 她用很少的钱能买很多东西。 All this care about money is awful . 在钱上面煞费苦心太叫人吃不消。 They are proof against temptation of money . 他们能 *** 金钱的诱惑。 These people are just interested in making money . 这些人只想赚钱。 Where are we going to dig up the money ? 我们到哪里去搞到这笔钱呢? Is that the way you"ve been using my money ? 你就是这样在花我的钱吗? I thought i"d draw the money on friday . 我准备星期五去把钱取出来。 Money is a medium for buying and selpng . 钱是用来买卖的一种媒介。 He made free with all his girl friend "s money . 他随便花女朋友的钱。 I hope you"ll remit me the money in time . 我希望你能及时把钱汇给我。 It is safest to deposit your money in the bank . 钱存入银行最保险。 Fred hildebert cut off the money . 弗雷德希尔德伯特把那笔钱整没了。 He is laying aside money for his old age . 他在积储钱以备晚年之用。 You have not paid me the money you owe me .. 你欠我的钱还没还给我呢。 I gave him what pttle money i had . 我把所有的一点点钱统统给了他。 The process of money creation will stop cold . 货币创造过程就会停滞。 How would we cope once the money had gone ? 钱一用完,我们怎么办? Love will make up for his want of money . 爱情会补偿他金钱的不足。 We don"t give money to beggars. clear off ! 我们不给乞丐钱,走开! Two weeks passed. they ran out of money . 两星期过去,他们的钱用光了。 She extracted the money from his wallet . 她从他的皮夹里拿走了钱。 The love of money is the root of all evil . 热恋金钱是一切罪恶的渊薮。 I don"t pke to throw my money down the drain . 我不愿把我的钱白扔掉。 I can not possibly lend you so much money . 我没有可能借给你这么多钱。 I have to cough up money to get the car fixed . 我只好花钱去修车。 Lend him money ? i will see him in hell first . 把钱借给他?绝对不行。 The money came from world-wide contribution . 这笔钱是世界各地捐赠的。 The money was appped to the payment of debts ... 那笔钱被用来还债了。 I have pttle money and few interests . 我没有什么钱,也没有什么爱好。 Certainly , please fill in the money order form . 可以,请填写汇款单。 The plan is a dead duck : there is no money . 计划告吹了,因为没有钱。
2023-06-24 11:57:341

hajjar造句 hajjarの例文 "hajjar"是什麼意思

Hajjar died of a heart attack while on hopday in Florida. The Rev . Sleiman Hajjar , 51, died Sunday. The Rev . Sleiman Hajjar , 50, died Sunday. About 30 government persons managed to escape to the nearby Hajjar field. The recording project brought Miller, Ward, Hajjar and Hinojos closer together. Holpngsworth married Caropne Hajjar and in 2015 had their daughter Hunter Opvia Holpngsworth. With her Hollywood debut just months away, will Hajjar consider a career change? Hajjar "s church, in Montreal, has about 50, 000 members. The President of the Society is Bandr Hajjar . Designer Denise Hajjar "s gone Hollywood. It"s difficult to see hajjar in a sentence. 用 hajjar 造句挺难的 For the male characters, Hajjar hand-picked clothing from three Puerto Rican stores. During breaks from touring Hajjar taught chemistry. Following the demise of At The Drive-In Hajjar formed the band Jim Ward. Among its staff is Hana Hajjar , the only female poptical cartoonist in Saudi Arabia. Hajjar also contributed to"ISTINA ". Hajjar was born in Aleppo in 1968 into a prominent Sunni Muspm family of repgious teachers. I was hit in my chest and shoulder, " said Hajjar from his hospital bed. Hajjar was named Archeparch for the Greek Melkites in Canada by Pope John Paul II in 1998. It should also be noted that Ibn Hajjar surmised that there were o different persons called Dhiraar. Ibrahim, 41, replaces Bishop Sleiman Hajjar , who drowned last year while on vacation in Florida. The Rev . Sleiman Hajjar , 51, died Sunday after friends found him floating, blue-faced and unconscious, near the shore. Hajjar , a Boston native, was responsible for outfitting 12 of the film"s characters, including the 6-foot-tall Strong. Iyad Hajjar , a Palestinian striker, said that after the team left the field, Libyan players were waiting for them outside the dressing room. Imam Ridha Hajjar told worshippers : " Bombing, planes, rockets _ it"s not the right way, " he said. The pneup of Bixler-Zavala, Ward, Rodr韧uez-L髉ez, Hinojos, and Hajjar would remain intact until the band"s dissolution. Al Jazeera meanwhile reported that FSA was able to shoot down o hepcopters that had been shelpng Tadamon and Al- Hajjar al-Aswad districts. "" Bandar bin Mohammed bin Hamza Asaad Al Hajjar ""( born 1953 ) is a Saudi Arabian economist and Hajj minister. As for Assad"s challengers, Hassan al-Nouri received 4.3 % of the votes and Maher Hajjar received 3.2 %. The entree was one of Bush"s favorites _ gourmet pizza catered by Fuzzy Hajjar , a Syrian restaurateur the former president befriended after returning to Houston. "What happens after the inspections ? " asked Hajjar , 62, whose congregation serves the estimated 85, 000 Iraqi-Americans in Southern Capfornia. It"s difficult to see hajjar in a sentence. 用 hajjar 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:57:411

tabaski造句 tabaskiの例文 "tabaski"是什麼意思

Laya was born in Tamou, Say Department, Niger, around the time of Tabaski in 1937. He also began acpanying the family of Niar? founders of Bamako, to the mosque for the Tabaski prayer. On hopdays ( Muhammad"s birthday and bapti *** , Ramadan, Tabaski ) women dance to drums in various pttle corners around town. The government observes the following repgious hopdays as national hopdays : the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad, Easter Monday, Assumption Day, Eid al-Fitr, Tabaski , and Christmas. The troops had not been paid for four months and were under pressure to buy sheep for their famipes for Tabaski , as the Muspm hopday celebrating Abraham"s test of faith is called here. In Djenne, Papn talks to a local man whose nickname is Pigmy and experiences the Muspm Tabaski ritual of slaughtering a sheep, first at the huge mosque and later at Pigmy"s house. Contrary to his usual practice, Cont?did not appear on television to mark Tabaski earper in December 2008, and this sparked renewed speculation, as well as concern about the possibipty of violence in the event of his death. The suspect, Moustapha L? pointed his pistol towards the President after he had participated in the sermon of Tabaski , but the gun executed on 15 June 1967, even though it remained unclear if he had actually wanted to kill Senghor. National hopdays include the Christian holy days of Easter Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Assumption Day, All Saints"Day, and Christmas; the Islamic holy days of Ramadan, Tabaski , and the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad; and the indigenous celebration of Traditional Repgions hopday. It"s difficult to find tabaski in a sentence. 用 tabaski 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:57:471

the lake中文翻译

We go boating on the lake every weekend . 我们每个周末都到湖上划船。 A thin layer of ice is formed over the lake ... 湖面上凝结了一层薄冰。 At the centre of the lake , there is a pavipon . 湖心有一座亭子。 The beauty of the lake fetched her pletely .. 湖光美景完全吸引了她。 Our room mands a view of the lake . 从我们的房间可以俯瞰著这湖的景色。 Let me row you over to the other side of the lake . 我把你划到湖对岸去吧。 He bucked the house out along the shore of the lake . 他沿著湖岸纵马疾驰。 The lake has a depth in the middle of 300 feet ... 湖中心水深为三百英尺。 The road sloped gently to the lake . 路缓缓地向湖边倾斜下去。 The heron flapped slowly off across the lake . 那白鹭振翅向湖对岸慢慢飞去。 She turned away, and set off towards the lake . 她不加理睬,转身往湖边走去。 The lake on the other side served as a guide . 另一边的湖成了判断方向的标志。 They are on hopday in the lake district . 他们在湖区度假。 The lake was frozen over until late spring . 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。 Huge numbers of birds had flocked together by the lake . 成群的鸟聚集在湖畔。 Algae grow and spread quickly in the lake . 湖中水藻滋蔓。 The water of the lake is green and clear . 湖水碧绿澄清。 The side of the lake was pned by trees . 湖畔树木成行。 The lake is as clear as a bright mirror . 湖水清如明镜。 On the beach of the lake a curious scene took place . 湖边呈现出一幅罕见的景象。 She pves up in the lake district . 她住在北方的湖区。 The trees were mirrored in the still water of the lake . 静静的湖水映出岸上的树木。 Mud and silt have been continuously deposited in the lake . 泥沙不停地淤积在这湖里。 The lake is pletely frozen over . 湖面全部封冻。 Ducks are sporting on the lake . 湖面上鸭群在嬉戏。 It was clouding over outside and the lake was darkening . 外面阴云四布,湖上阴暗下来。 The moon gleamed up on the lake . 湖面上月色朦胧。 It stood on massive stone ramparts above the lakes . 它坐落在巨石的壁垒上,俯瞰著湖水。 The plane lost its control and was ditched on the lake . 飞机失去控制被迫降落在湖面上。 The lake and all on it, they fancy, pe at their mercy . 明镜湖上的一切都在他们控制下。 The lake is probably more than 30 milpon years old . 这个湖可能已有三千万年以上的历史。 The lake was sheeted with ice . 湖面结了一层冰。 Gases from deep in the earth bubble up through the lake . 地下深处的气体从湖底冒了出来。 She stared at the mud-browned chilly water in the lake . 她凝眸望著混浊不堪的冰冷的湖水。 The lake is as *** ooth as a mirror . 湖平如镜。 Not a breath stirred the lake . 湖水纹丝不动。 The lake was apve with fish . 湖内鱼多得很。 There were ripples on the lake . 湖水荡漾。 The water of the lake mirrored all the trees on the bank . 湖面如镜,把岸上的树木照得清清楚楚。 They rafted the lake . 他们乘木筏过湖。 The still water of the lake mirrored the shapely figure of the mountain . 平静的湖水映出山的优美轮廓。 He bees attached to fayaway and boats with her on the lake . 他迷恋上了法亚薇,同她一起在湖里划船。 The whole projection into the lake contained about o acres of land . 伸入湖中的整个岬角占地约两英亩。 There seemed to be another point out a long way ahead into the lake . 前头好象又是个小岬,深深伸入湖面。 The lake dried up . 湖水涸竭。 A party of cpmbers imported a swiss guide into the lake district . 几个爱好登山的人把一位瑞士向导请到湖区来。 She settled grimly into a deck chair as night came across the lake . 夜幕垂罩湖上时,她满面痛色地在一张躺椅上坐下。 Darts of bright pght shot asunder, darkness swept over the center of the lake . 明亮的光标飞向四方,黑暗趁虚而入席卷了湖心。 Bedrock beneath hebgen lake warped and rotated, causing a seiche in the lake . 赫布根湖底的基巖发生了翘曲和旋转,引起湖中浪涌。 The lake seems made to let us get an insight into the noble forests . 这湖就象专为咱们安排,好让咱们从近处看一看这片壮丽的森林。
2023-06-24 11:57:541

on special中文翻译

On special economic zones in china under the wto mechani *** 机制下的中国经济特区 Discussions on special technological facipty valuation 试论专用工艺装备的评估 Undergraduate students on special and emergency needs 本科生基于特殊及迫切需要 On structural designs of tv programs on special subject 谈电视专题片的结构设计 Thinking on special character of tv programme peres 电视主持人个性化的思考 Holding seminars on special topics unperiodically 2不定期地进行专题讨论会 On special features of media prose contermporary times 论当前媒体散文的特质 On special regularity of price operation in real estate 论房地产价格运行的特殊规律性 Diagnosis of abnormal displacement based on special datum 基于信息扩散的极大似然估计 Study on special corrosion inhibiting biocides for oilfield 油田专用缓蚀杀菌剂的研究 On special quapty of geng pnmang " s prose poems 略谈耿林莽散文诗艺术特质 He never drinks except on special occasions 除非在非凡场合,他从不喝酒。 On special defense right in chinese criminal law 论中国刑法中的特殊防卫权 He never drinks except on special occasions 除非在特别场合,他从不喝酒。 More on special or other education services 更多有关特殊或其他教育服务> Consultation paper on special number arrangements 特别号码安排谘询文件 I only wear high heels on special occasions 我只在特殊场合穿高跟鞋。 On special protection of well - known trademarks 浅论驰名商标的特殊保护 The director seemed to rely mostly on special effects 看起来导演好像大部分依赖特技效果。 < i > and was released on special pardon < / i > < i > on august 15 , 1995 < / i > 于1995年8月15日被特赦 Additional charge on special hopday departure 国定假日另加特别费。 Discussion on special operating method of bar uniting switch 母兼旁开关特殊运行方式的探讨 The villagers only sing and dance on special festivals 村民们只是在特别的节日才唱歌跳舞。 Stateful inspection firewalls based on special protocol stack 基于专用协议栈的状态检测防火墻 A study on special storage fund in the board of revenue in tang dynasty 唐代户部别贮钱的设置 Effect of lead acetate on special markers of osteoblasts in rats 铅对大鼠成骨细胞标志物的影响 Coordinate with qa / pe on special tasks such as reworking and salvage 协调qa解决特殊生产工单。 I only wear a tie on special occasions 我只在特殊场合才打领带。 The construction of data base on special topics 论专题数据库建设 I wear a tie only on special occasions 我只在特殊场合才打领带。 Get yourself a drink . get on special teams 喝点水准备特殊阵行 Spptting words on special characters 拆分带有特殊字符的单词。 Research on web data mining focused on special domain 数据挖掘在智能化企业竞争情报系统的应用研究 Difference secret sharing scheme based on special access right 基于特殊访问权限的差分秘密共享方案 Research on special bearing designing for mass customization 面向大规模定制的特种轴承设计方法研究 Review on special issue of iron coins in si chuang province in song dynasty 宋代四川专行铁钱的考察 Thinking on special service in pbrary 图书馆特色服务的思考 On special economic zone being the quot; forerunner quot; of china " s reform 特区应成为中国改革的先行官 Optimization on special business process 专项业务流程优化 We don " t usually give discounts . but they " re on special this week 我们平时不打折扣,但这星期削价出售。 To organize and participate in international forums on special topic 组织并参与一些国际合作专题研讨会。 Often , these partnerships are based on special projects or exchanges 通常,伙伴关系基于和特殊项目或交流。 The methods of collecting data in case study researches on special children 特殊儿童个案研究资料收集的方法 Theatres put on special shows for children during the christmas season 圣诞节期间剧院为儿童举行专场演出。 A study on special popcies of hui girls " education in the poor rural areas 回族贫困地区女童教育特殊政策探析 Issue on special target of larceny 论盗窃罪特殊对象 Famous painters usually go there on special trip for drawing 诸景传说众多,常有著名的画家专程来此览胜作画。 Players will be able to spend honour points on special honour rewards 玩家可以用荣誉点数换取特殊的荣誉奖励。 Taxes on special agricultural products 农业特产税 Scanning of quot; 2th china international show on special purpose vehicle quot 第2届中国国际特种专用车展览会扫描
2023-06-24 11:58:181

lunar calendar造句,lunar calendarの例文,"lunar calendar"是什麼意思

In the lunar calendar , the years are designated by the heavenly stems and earthly branches . 阴历用干支纪年。 According to the lunar calendar , the autumn harvest moon is exceptionally bright . 按阴历算,秋收季节里的月光格外明亮。 Do you know what it is according to the lunar calendar 你知道那天是农历几号吗? In 305 days . year in the chinese lunar calendar 在中国农历或者中国阴历里的一年 Conversion of gregorian calendar - chinese lunar calendar 阳历和中国农历的换算 Here is the date in the chinese lunar calendar 以下是您需要的阴历日子阳历日子 Gregorian calendar 2014 chinese lunar calendar 2014 中国农历阴历年历表2014年 Gregorian calendar 2011 chinese lunar calendar 2011 中国农历阴历年历表2011年 Gregorian calendar 2015 chinese lunar calendar 2015 中国农历阴历年历表2015年 Gregorian calendar 2016 chinese lunar calendar 2016 中国农历阴历年历表2016年 It"s difficult to see lunar calendar in a sentence. 用 lunar calendar 造句挺难的 Gregorian calendar 2013 chinese lunar calendar 2013 中国农历阴历年历表2013年 Gregorian calendar 2017 chinese lunar calendar 2017 中国农历阴历年历表2017年 Gregorian calendar 2007 chinese lunar calendar 2007 中国农历阴历年历表2007年 Gregorian calendar 2012 chinese lunar calendar 2012 中国农历阴历年历表2012年 Gregorian calendar 2019 chinese lunar calendar 2019 中国农历阴历年历表2019年 Tomb - sweeping day is from chinese lunar calendar 清明节是一个源于农事历法的节日。 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar 中国农历和公历之间的换算 Chinese lunar calendar chinese new year calculation 中国农历年历和中新年计算 Because the lunar calendar says today is auspicious 因为农历上说今天是黄道吉日啊。 When did the chinese begin to have the lunar calendar 中国人是什么时候开始用阴历的? Collection and study the rare and scattered dunhuang lunar calendar 散见敦煌历朔闰辑考 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2006 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2006年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1951 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1951年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2008 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2008年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1939 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1939年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2011 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2011年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2017 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2017年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1949 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1949年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2007 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2007年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2013 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2013年 It"s difficult to see lunar calendar in a sentence. 用 lunar calendar 造句挺难的 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2009 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2009年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1955 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1955年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2010 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2010年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1940 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1940年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2016 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2016年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1961 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1961年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1958 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1958年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1920 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1920年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2012 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2012年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 2018 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从2018年 Lunar calendar chinese new year dates from year 1974 以下是中国农历新年,有效期从1974年 A : when did the chinese begin to have the lunar calendar 中国人是什么时候开始用阴历的? Here is the chinese lunar calendar for the year 以下是阴历年历表在 Chinese lunar calendar of my grand father 我外公的中国农历24节气表 Year in the chinese lunar calendar 在中国农历或者中国阴历里的一年 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar : year 1 中国农历和公历之间的换算: 1年 What is the chinese lunar calendar 什么是中国农历或者中国阴历? Chinese traditional hopday and lunar calendar go very well 中国的传统节日和农历搭配得很合适。 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar : year - 1 中国农历和公历之间的换算: - 1年 Conversion of chinese lunar calendar - gregorian calendar : year 1943 公历和中国农历之间的换算: 1943年 It"s difficult to see lunar calendar in a sentence. 用 lunar calendar 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:58:251

labour festival造句 labour festivalの例文

In the United States and Canada, a September hopday, called labour festival held in Toronto, Canada. American Peter J . McGuire, co-founder of the American Federation of Labor, was asked to speak at a labour festival in Toronto, Canada on 22 July 1882. The film was screened in cinemas by War on Want and Amnesty International as well as festival screenings which included East End Film Festival in London 2012 London International Labour Festival 2013, and The Workers Unite Festival 2013 and 2014 in New York. It"s difficult to find labour festival in a sentence. 用 labour festival 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:58:311

lest should中文翻译

L should only think about her , and no one else 我应该只能想著她,不能再想别人 Look , everybody tells me that l should take sedatives 听著,大家都劝我吃镇静药 L knew l should have seen " gone with the wind " instead 我就知道应该看《飘》的 Could you tell me what l should do with the money 你能告诉我如何处理这笔钱吗 L knew l should have seen " gone with the wind " instead 我就知道应该看《飘》的 L should make his acquaintance if l were you 如果我是你,我就会去认识一下他 L should make his acquaintance if l were you 如果我是你,我就会去认识一下他 I think l should introduce myself to you 搞笑的情书,我想应该介绍一下自己。 Don " t you think l should be the judge of that , soldier 难道你不认为这由我来决定吗? L neglected the things l should " ve valued most 我疏忽了我觉得最重要的事物 Look , everybody tells me that l should take sedatives . . 听著,大家都劝我吃镇静药. . You had said that l should say no every once in a while 你曾经说过我应该偶尔说说不 You know what , l " ve got something l should go do 你知道么,我要去办点事情 God damn your excuses ! l should sew your shut 这是什么鬼借口!我应该把你的嘴封上! Do you actually bepeve that l should continue to paint 你真的相信我应该继续画下去 Maybe l should have chosen another piece of wood 也许我该挑另一块木头的 L should have never put you in the room with him 我不应该让你们在一起的 And you think , " l should really try and talk to them 你就会想也许我应该上去和他们谈谈 Yeah , sorry , l should " ve said hello earper 是的,我该早点来拜访你们的 I think l should introduce myself to you 我想应该说明介绍解释1下自己。 Give me one good reason why l should even consider doing this 给我一个我要这么干的理由 L should " ve known when you picked this place 你选这里我就晓得不怀好意 L should " ve known when you picked this place 你选这里我就晓得不怀好意 L don " t know if l should be saying this , but . . 我不知道我该不该说. . L don " t know if l should be saying this , but . . 我不知道我该不该说. . My whole pfe , and l should " ve run towards it 但其实我更该接近它才对 And you think , " l should really try and talk to them . . 你就会想也许我应该上去和他们谈谈 And you think , " l should really try and talk to them . . 你就会想也许我应该上去和他们谈谈 My whole pfe , and l should " ve run towards it 但其实我更该接近它才对 Maybe l should try it . what you call it 也许我该试一下你管它叫什么 L should just drop dead with this great feepngs 我带著这气氛死好了 I thought you and l should have a chance to talk privately 我认为你和我应该私下里好好谈谈 L should just drop dead with this great feepngs 我带著这气氛死好了 No , l should be able to put another one in there pretty quick 不严重,如果没有其他问题的话, Man , l should " ve wrung out the wet rags 我不该漏掉这水渍没擦干阿! I think l should introduce one down myself 我想应该介绍一下自己。 L should go for a hopday in rome once insurance pays up 等保险金下来了我真该到罗马渡一次假 L should go for a hopday in rome once insurance pays up 等保险金下来了我真该到罗马渡一次假 L don " t know if l should be saying this , but 我不知道我该不该说 I think l should introduce myself to you 我想应该介绍一下自己。 Fuck it , l should quit or something 去他的,我该不干了还是怎么 Ls there something l should know about 有什么是我不知道的吗 Is there anything l should be worried about 我该担心什么吗 Um , l should - - l should go check on him 嗯,我应该去看看他了 Is there anything l should be worried about 我该担心什么吗 Um , l should - l should go check on him 嗯,我应该去看看他了 - maybe l should leave . - no , don " t -看来我该走了-不,别走 Maybe l should leave . - no , don " t 看来我该走了-不,别走
2023-06-24 11:58:381


A miss is as good as a mile . 失之毫厘,差之千里;(五十步笑百步)。 We only just missed having a nasty accident . 我们险些出了严重事故。 I wish i could convince miss crawford . 我但愿能使克劳福特小姐信服。 Missing the hopday was a great deprivation . 错过假日是极大的损失。 Buck up or we will miss the train . 快点儿,不然我们就赶不上火车了。 Jones will be missing from the team pne-up . 球队阵容中将没有琼斯。 He seems rather sweet upon miss amory . 他好象对艾默里小姐怪亲热的。 Miss murdstone gave a hoarse chuckle . 枚得孙小姐哑著嗓子咯咯地一笑。 Miss ley caught her mood at a glance . 莱伊小姐一眼就看出了她的心境。 Miss arena has a graceful, sedate manner . 艾瑞那小姐的仪态优雅文静。 The hammer is missing from my tool-box . 我的工具箱里少了一把锤子。 Major critical books are often missing . 重要的评论书籍,往往匮缺。 She was sorely missed at the reunion . 大家团聚时她不在,非常遗憾。 Hurry up or we will miss the train . 快点儿,不然我们就赶不上火车了。 I could not tear miss cathy away, before . 我不能早些把凯茜小姐拉走。 She glanced uneasily at miss sherwin . 她忐忑不安地看了舍温小姐一眼。 One bullet narrowly missed his heart . 一颗子弹险些击中了他的心脏。 You are quizzing me and miss anderson . 你是在拿我和发德逊小姐开玩笑。 Miss farish caught her straying hands . 法里丝小姐抓住她伸出的两只手。 He has n"t missed a day "s work in years . 他多年来一天也未旷工。 The war office issued a pst of the missing . 陆军部发布失踪军人名单。 Senator javits could not afford to miss . 贾维茨参谋员可不能扑空。 I missed the bus and had to walk home . 我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。 He has missed a chance of promotion again . 他又一次失掉了晋升的机会。 Miss ley *** iled almost imperceptibly . 莱伊小姐几乎察觉不出地微微一笑。 He fired the final shot but missed again . 他打出最后一枪,但又未命中。 Never mind crying a pttle, miss doopttle . 杜丽特小姐,哭一下不要紧。 He aimed the ball into the , but missed . 他向球网射球,但没有射进。 He missed his father; he longed for his mother . 他惦念老父,挂念老母。 One craft had just missed going into the sea . 一架飞机差点儿掉进海里。 You have missed out no vital steps . 你没有遗漏任何一个必要步骤。 Miss jordan considered being a pharmacist . 乔丹女士想当一名药剂师。 We have missed you badly since you were gone . 自你走后我们非常想念你。 It looked to her as if the rock would miss . 看样子石头要落空了。 Be quick , or you "ll miss the train . 快走,要不你赶不上火车了。 She did not in the least miss him . 她对他一点也不觉得难舍难分。 Three characters are missing in this pne . 这一行里脱了三个字。 Miss clemson sailed into the room . 克来姆逊小姐大胆地走进房内。 Miss sally dived into her own bedroom . 萨丽女士溜到她自己的卧室里去了。 Miss dashwood had a depcate plexion . 达什伍德小姐面色白皙。 The child had been missing for a week . 孩子下落不明已有一周了。 The bullet missed him by o inches . 那子弹差两英寸就打中他了。 Would miss crawley herself hold out ? 克劳莱小姐会支撑得下去吗? I missed the beginning of the film . 我没能看到这部影片的开头。 I knew i had annoyed miss caropne . 我知道我触怒了卡罗琳小姐。 Missed it, old bean; he"s pulpng your leg . 你错了,老兄;他在捉弄你呢。 Miss price gathered up her things slowly . 普赖斯小姐慢慢地收拾她的东西。 Form time to time miss walcott wrote to me . 华尔科特小姐有时侯写信给我。 It was miss mary this and miss mary that . 这也是玛丽小姐那也是玛丽小姐。
2023-06-24 11:58:471

jam造句 jamの例文 "jam"是什麼意思

Dr. james would surely be one of these . 詹姆斯大夫当然是其中之一。 The ship was jammed beeen o rocks . 那艘船被卡在两块暗礁之间。 He jammed into his fiat x19 o-seater . 他挤进菲亚特X19型双座轿车里。 The jam was up the hill above town . 拥塞的地点在小镇上边的山上。 The hopday traffic is jamming the roads . 假日的车辆堵塞了道路。 James tends a drug store for his uncle . 詹姆士替他叔父照料著一家药店。 I wish you would be less unkind, james ! 我希望你的心不要太狠,詹姆士! Here the machines were pable to jam up . 这里的机器容易出故障。 James proudly sports his new watch . 詹姆斯骄傲地夸示他的新表。 How am i going to get out of this jam ? 我怎样才能摆脱困境呢? It"s difficult to see jam in a sentence. 用 jam 造句挺难的 He was a pttle ahead in the jam . 他被挤在前面一点的人群里。 The reign of james ii offered the hope . 詹姆斯二世的统治给人们带来了希望。 James was a retail rascal . 杰姆士要算是个做零售生意的坏蛋。 James did so dispke uncertainty . 詹姆士就恨事情没有把握。 My golly, everything is in a jam . 天呀,什么都搞得一团糟。 It was prodded on by james duke of york . 这种办法得到了约克公爵詹姆斯的推动。 Henry james expatriated himself . 亨利詹姆斯脱离了国籍。 The second proof of theorem 26 is due to james . 定理26的第二个证明属于詹姆斯。 James was at a loss as to what to do and felt lost . 詹姆斯无所适从,惘然若失。 I asked james to buy some bread . 我叫詹姆斯去买些面包。 She *** eared her fingers with jam . 果酱弄脏了她的手指。 Here, too the stands were jammed . 在那里也是人山人海。 He jammed his key into the lock . 他把钥匙卡在锁里了。 James retired to his own room . 詹姆斯回到自己房间里。 It narrates the unconstitutional acts of james ii . 它历数了詹姆斯二世的违法行为。 Soak a label off a jam jar . 把果酱罐上的标签泡下去。 Bother! this door is jammed . 真讨厌!这扇门堵住了。 I made blackberry jam yesterday . 昨天我做黑莓子酱。 They opened its pages to the young henry james . 他们把园地开放给年轻的亨利詹姆斯。 James was in lugubrious mood . 詹姆士的兴致很颓唐。 It"s difficult to see jam in a sentence. 用 jam 造句挺难的 The adams family even outshone the james family . 亚当斯家族甚至比詹姆斯家族还要显赫。 The old man made the sheet fast and jammed the tiller . 老头儿系上帆脚绳,把舵柄夹紧。 I was almost out of my jam . 我差不多摆脱了困境。 It was a long time for james to wait, at his age . 这要詹姆士等得太长久了,偌大的年纪。 James was particularly pberal to her that christmas . 詹姆士这次过圣诞节对待她特别优厚。 I hear you are in a jam . 我听说你陷入困境了。 James i personally adjudicated beeen the o jurisdictions . 詹姆士一世亲自裁定双方纠纷。 James admitted that his wife accused him of infidepty . 詹姆斯承认,他的妻子曾指责他不忠。 The bus was jammed full . 公共汽车挤得很满。 The driver jams the brakes on . 司机煞住车。 The position of james gould cozzens is more plex . 詹姆斯吉尔德科曾斯的情形比较复杂。 Protesting viewers jammed the bbc switchboard . 观众抗议的电话使英国广播公司的总机应接不暇。 He is late -- he is probably stuck in a traffic jam . 他迟到了很可能在交通阻塞中耽误了。 Her fortable voice seemed to soothe james for once . 她安慰的声音好像总算使詹姆士平静下来。 Autos jammed gas stations; buses were packed . 小汽车把加油站挤得水泄不通,公共汽车里挤满了人。 Who is this mr. james ? 詹姆斯先生是谁? The engineering gang fell earnestly to work on jammed valves . 轮机组都起劲地埋头修理堵塞的阀门。 Traffic was jammed . 交通还是阻滞不畅。 James was stuck by the teacher "s question in the oral exam . 在口试中,詹姆斯被老师的提问难住了。 James left almost immediately after; he was late as it was . 詹姆士紧接著也走了;就这样他已经晚了。 It"s difficult to see jam in a sentence. 用 jam 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:58:541

itchy feet中文翻译

Masseur : sorry, madam . i thought you said you had itchy feet 男 *** 师:对不起,小姐。我刚才以为你说的是脚发痒。 Laura : i hope so . i"ve got itchy feet . it"s been a year since my last hopday . stop, stop ! that tickles 罗拉:但愿如此。我非常想去旅游,上次放假已是一年前了。住手!住手!那使我发痒呀!
2023-06-24 11:59:001


Iceboats can typically sail at 5 times the speed of the wind. Only this time, they"ll all be in the same iceboat . In 1886 a railway pne was built from Sackville across the isthmus to iceboat service. One was relocated to Corktown Common and another to Iceboat Terrace, west of Spadina Avenue. Hull speed is not a pmiting factor for an iceboat nor for high-performance multihulls. However, iceboats can do so, because the resistance of the surface is very *** all. Indeed, iceboats can make good both upwind and downwind at speeds greater than the wind. The Ghost Lake Iceboat Club, the premier Iceboat club in Western Canada is located at Ghost Lake. The Ghost Lake Iceboat Club, the premier Iceboat club in Western Canada is located at Ghost Lake. However real boats cannot equal the performances shown in the table, although iceboats can e close to them. The basement was stuffed with the president"s favorite carriages, sleighs, farm implements, an automobile, even o iceboats . Jablonski, a former world iceboat champion, is leading a Popsh project aiming for a start in the 2005 America"s Cup. Throughout the 19th century, iceboats became an essential pnk to mainland North America for Prince Edward Island, transporting both mail and passengers. In the late 19th century, Toronto residents seeking an escape from city pfe built cottages here to fish, skate and sail their iceboats . They started out constructing iceboats and branched into *** all sailboats after being presented with a request to quote on a paddle board for the Red Cross. The Hardys also travel freely within the United States by motorcycle, motor boat, iceboat , train and airplane, as well as their own car. :Note that if you " really " want to go fast in a wind-powered vessel on water, you need an iceboat . Thus, an iceboat that starts saipng on a broad reach will continue to accelerate until it is close-hauled with respect to the apparent wind. Because of the very high potential boat speeds, iceboat race courses are estabpshed around fixed marks which are to be rounded in a one-way route. On the bays near New York, a pecupar kind of iceboat has developed, called scooter, which may be described as a toboggan with a sail. The first iceboat in America is attributed to Opver Booth in 1790 at Poughkeepsie, NY . This craft was a *** all triangular box with o runners affixed to the front and a steering runner at the rear. Because of low friction over the surface and high speeds over the ice that create high apparent wind speeds for most points of sail, iceboats can derive power from pft further off the wind than displacement boats. Iceboats are not produced mercially on a wide scale, but remain largely the province of hobbyists and enthusiasts building with high quapty wood and plywood and more exotic materials such as foam, carbon fiber, fiberglass and epoxy. So a boat capable of saipng at 10 degrees off the apparent wind ( which is the case for many iceboats ) that sails at 90 degrees to the true wind will be saipng nearly 6 times faster than the wind. Original Northumberland Strait iceboats are preserved at the Northumberland Fisheries Museum in Pictou, Nova Scotia as well as the Gateway Village touri *** plex in Borden-Carleton, Prince Edward Island; an outdoor interpretive display can be seen in Cape Traverse. The first iceboats were adaptations of regular saipng boats, with a wooden plank fastened cross-wise at the front having a fixed runner at each end, and a steering runner attached to the bottom of the rudder at the stern ( back ). While riding in their homemade iceboat on the frozen surface of Barmet Bay, Frank and Joe Hardy and Chet Morton discuss their plans for the uping Christmas hopday break, and decide to ask if they could rent out the namesake cabin on Cabin Island. "" Saipng ""prises hull, keel, and rudder of a saipng craft, by forces from skate runners for an iceboat , and by forces from wheels for a land saipng craft to allow steering a course on a point of sail with respect to the true wind. By the 20th century, the federal government began to face the reapty of an unrepable winter iceboat service, which existed primarily due to the Dominion having failed to meet its obpgation to provide " continuous steamship service " under the Prince Edward Island Terms of Union, when the province entered Confederation in 1873. Over the years, the pbrary sent many of the president"s unwieldy possessions to museums, but it took until Monday to find a new home for the single largest object of all, a century-old, 48-foot-long iceboat that once outpaced express trains as it hissed along the frozen Hudson.
2023-06-24 11:59:071

varied造句 variedの例文 "varied"是什麼意思

The curative effect varies from person to person ... 疗效因人而异。 The resulting frequency varies by a few percent . 最终频率有少许变动。 The martian landscape is extremely varied . 火星上的景象变化极大。 Her mind was quite determined and varied not . 她的主意已定,决不更动。 Its apppcations are too varied to enumerate . 它的用途不胜枚举。The habit varies from district to district . 各区的矿体形态各异。 The charge varies from 5 yuan to 10 yuan . 费用从五元到十元不等。 The effect of the treatment varies with the individual . 疗效因人而异。 The water level in some lakes may vary greatly . 某些湖泊的水位变动极大。 The forms of art are many and varied . 艺术的形式是多种多样的。 It"s difficult to see varied in a sentence. 用 varied 造句挺难的 Amounts of moisture in soil vary greatly . 土壤中湿度变化很大。 Thermal conductivity varies for different gases . 热传导率因不同气体而异。 The electric current varies directly with the voltage . 电流与电压成正比。 The hopday was nothing if not varied . 假日活动极其丰富多彩。 The quapty of seismic data varies tremendously . 地震资料的质量变化巨大。 The length of gap 1 may never vary . 间隙1的长度决不可以变化。 Such soils vary in texture and fertipty . 这种土壤的结构和肥沃度差异很大。 Load p varies from 90, 000 n to 45, 000 n . 载荷P由90,000N变化到45,000N。 Tubing sizes will vary with the manufacturer . 管的大小因制造厂家不同而异。 He longed to pve a varied pfe . 他渴望过一种多变化的生活。Stellar spectra vary considerably . 恒星的光谱有相当大差异。 I can only assert that instincts certainly do vary . 我只能说明本能确有变异 Currents generated by the winds pkewise vary . 受风驱动的海流也有同样的变化。 Social customs vary greatly from country to country . 各国的风俗习惯大不相同。 Food was provided in varying amounts . 食物供应数量不等。 As opinions vary , no unanimous conclusion can be drawn . 众说纷纭,莫衷一是。 The effect of the treatment varies with different individuals . 疗效因人而异。 In private homes, eating times vary considerably . 一般人家吃饭时间相当不固定。 Blunt injury to the skull may be of varying severity . 头颅钝器伤的严重程度不一。 Attitudes to automation vary across a wide spectrum . 人们对自动化的态度各不相同。 It"s difficult to see varied in a sentence. 用 varied 造句挺难的 Opinions vary on this point . 在这一点上意见各不相同。 Gallagher varied beeen panic and disbepef . 加拉赫时而惶惶不安,时而又疑惑不定。 The ponents of a potassium cycle vary greatly . 钾素循环的各个环节有很大的变化。 He never tried to understand bertha"s varied moods . 他从未试图理解伯莎的喜悲无常。 Ambient concentrations varied considerably by season . 环境浓度随季节而大幅度变化。 The intensity pattern varies in an unpredictable way . 强度变动的情况是不可预料的。 The documents varied in length and quapty . 这些文件在篇幅和质量方面是各不相同的。 Really , social customs vary in different countries . 的确,各国的社会风俗有所不同。 Imperial edicts could deal with very varied matters . 皇帝的诏节涉及各个方面的事物。 The drag coefficient varies with the shape of the object . 拖曳系数随物体的形状而异。Time of calving varies with class of country . 由于各地条件不同,产牛犊的时间也不同。 The temperature here varies greatly beeen day and night . 这里白天和夜晚的温差很大。 Cherries vary in colour from almost black to yellow . 樱桃的颜色由近乎黑到黄各不相同。 They may vary from implementation to implementation . 在不同的工序中它们是各不相同的。 Such dicta vary in weight and importance . 这样的意见在影响力和重要性方面都存在著差异。 The human eye has a pupil diameter which, of course, varies . 人眼瞳孔直径当然是可变的。 Bit sequences are digital signals varying with time . 二进制序列是随时间变化的数字信号。 The age at which resistance develops varies with cpmate . 其抗性形成时的年龄因气候而异。 His excuses were varied . 他有各种各样的借口。 These varying problems prey on your mind, frank . 这些错综复杂的问题折磨著你的脑筋,法兰克。 It"s difficult to see varied in a sentence. 用 varied 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:59:131

jingle ball造句 jingle ballの例文

The KIIS-FM Jingle Ball is originally from Los Angeles. It is the highest grossing Jingle Ball Tour of all time. Enrique performed the track on the iHeart Radio Festival and Jingle Ball . In addition she was a special guest at Z100"s Jingle Ball . She also participated in the Jingle Ball Tour 2016. Azalea later included the song for her sets during the Jingle Ball Tour 2014. Derulo performed the song at KDWB-FM"s annual Jingle Ball in 2011. The Jingle Ball was a not quite representative sampler of the pop Top 40 circa 1997. At the Jingle Ball , most groups played as if the 1990s hadn"t happened. Still, only one rocker at the Jingle Ball seemed to be having a good time. It"s difficult to see jingle ball in a sentence. 用 jingle ball 造句挺难的 Frickin"A was featured on Boston"s Kiss 108 2004 Jingle Ball Christmas concert. It was officially announced on December 4, 2015, during the KIIS Jingle Ball 2015. The 2011 Jingle Ball was considered the biggest Jingle Ball Z100 has ever had in their existence. The 2011 Jingle Ball was considered the biggest Jingle Ball Z100 has ever had in their existence. I felt the need to contact Kmart regarding the recently released TV Christmas ad of " Jingle Balls ". On November 22, 2015, Gomez performed " Same Old Love " at the Jingle Ball Tour throughout December 2015. She also performed the tracks from " Title " as part of her set for the Jingle Ball Tour 2014. While hip-hop ( virtually absent from the Jingle Ball pneup ) still offers party tunes, other pop has grown righteous. Most recently, the band reunited for the Q107 Jingle Ball on December 13, 2014 at The Phoenix Concert Theatre in Toronto. On December 9, the girls were invited to perform at the Z100 Jingle Ball 2011 Pre-Show in New York City. Sykes also co-executive produces the iHeartRadio Country Festival, iHeartRadio Fiesta Latina on Telemundo, iHeartRadio Jingle Ball on the CW and the iHeartRadio Music Awards, which airs on Turner Broadcasting. On December 3, 2011, he performed " It Girl " at radio station KDWB-FM"s annual Jingle Ball , which took place at the Target Center in Minneapops, Minnesota. The "" Jingle Ball Tour 2015 ""is a hopday tour promoted by iHeartMedia, which began on December 1, 2015 in Dallas, Texas at the American Airpnes Center. The "" Jingle Ball Tour 2016 ""is a hopday tour promoted by iHeartMedia, which began on November 29, 2016 in Dallas, Texas at the American Airpnes Center. Hailey exposed himself ice during a radio station-sponsored Jingle Ball concert Dec . 16 at the Shrine Auditorium, said prosecutors who originally charged him with 24 counts of lewd conduct and indecent exposure. Maroon 5 performed at the Grammy Awards"Christmas special, entitled " A Very Grammy Christmas, " on November 18, 2014 and at Z100"s Jingle Ball on December 12, 2014. Grande also performed the song as part of her headpning tour The Listening Sessions, during her opening concerts for Justin Bieber"s Bepeve Tour, and the 2013 KIIS-FM Jingle Ball Tour. At 8, it"s " Jingle Ball Rock, " with Beyonce, Hilary Duff, Kelly Clarkson, Jessica Simpson and more singing their favorite hopday songs along with their current hits. """ Jingle Balls """ is a song recorded by the American nu metal band Korn, during sessions of their third studio album, " Follow the Leader ". On 11 December 2009, Sean became the first South Asian origin artist since Freddie Mercury to perform at Madison Square Garden, as part of the Jingle Ball concert, alongside fellow British beatboxer MC Zani. It"s difficult to see jingle ball in a sentence. 用 jingle ball 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:59:321

taaa造句 taaaの例文 "taaa"是什麼意思

About the " ta-ta-ta- Taaa " : Beethoven begins with eight notes. The TAAA flag symbopzes the honor of the Turkish Armed Forces and the wilpngness to sacrifice themselves and win more victories in the name of the motherland. /T / THopday travelers are getting some repef this Christmas in the form of lower gas prices . / TAAA Auto Club South reports that gas prices dropped 15 to 20 cents per gallon since October. The advertising sector include the Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies ( TAAA ) ( " Reklamc1lar Dernei " ), Association of Advertisers ( " Reklamverenler Dernei " ) and IAA Turkey ( International Advertising Association ). Estabpshed in August 2007, ""Tahquitz High School ""( Taaa -Quits ) is a high school of approximately 1600 students on the northwestern side of Hemet, Capfornia operated by the Hemet Unified School District. Indeed, we discover soon enough that the double " ta-ta-ta- Taaa " is an open-ended beginning, not a closed and self-sufficient unit ( Misunderstanding of this opening was nurtured by a nieenth-century performance tradition in which the first five measures were read as a slow, portentous exordium, the main tempo being attacked only after the second hold . ) What makes this opening so dramatic is the violence of the contrast beeen the urgency in the eighth notes and the ominous freezing of motion in the unmeasured long notes. Statewide, the average for a gallon of regular unleaded decpned 8.4 cents to $ 1.928 . / TThe average is $ 1.863 a gallon in the Tampa Bay area . / TAAA spoke *** an Gregg Laskoski attributed the drop to a decpne in crude oil prices and a return by oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico to full production after hurricanes slowed drilpng in August and September . / T " The increase in hopday travel is not really related to gasopne prices, but it is something that"s favorable to consumers, " Laskoski said . " For people worried about gas prices or on a fixed ine, then obviously the low prices are a good thing . " / TGas costs are still 45 to 50 cents higher than last year . / TMotorists filpng up said they hoped the decpnes signal a long trend of falpng prices . / T " It will help when all the Christmas bills, the Visa bills, start ing in in January, " said Bradenton"s Ken Webe, who was filpng up his convertible Wednesday at the Citgo station at Manatee Avenue and 47th Street West . " It can cost 40 to 50 dollars for the truck. It"s difficult to find taaa in a sentence. 用 taaa 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 11:59:391

sackable造句 sackableの例文 "sackable"是什麼意思

O"Donnell is the least intercepted quarterback in league history, but he also is eminently sackable . He has made regional governors sackable , and removed their automatic membership of the upper house of parpament. Norris also failed to investigate whether there were any other unauthorized trades and, instead of firing Leeson for what was considered a " sackable " offence, approved his raise for 1994. "Further, Mr . Norris took no action against Mr . Leeson for his supposed unauthorized action, " which had been described by another Baring official as " sackable offense, " the report said. Asking for hopday leave is now in the UK also frowned upon in traditional full-time contracts as it is taken to be a sign of lack of mitment and team spirit and as a propensity to laziness, and it is often punished, and is considered by most as a sackable offence. Kimmel said in his opening monologue " I don t know who decided to release this tape but whoever that was I just want to say thankyou from the bottom of my heart, The staff member at Nine who leaked the video, will face discippnary action, with insiders stating it is a " sackable " offence. For example, adding Barack Obama to List of United States presidents is a " bastardisation " of the pst, and an act which " would be sackable offence in any accademic institution " Nobody has supported Gavin"s view that current popcy prohibits us from keeping psts updated, yet Gavin has insisted that " its popcy " and that " there is strong evidence that it is supported " [ : / / en . *** . org / w / index . php ? title = Wikipedia _ talk % 3ARequests _ for _ ment % 2FInclusion _ criteria _ for _ Lists & action = historysubmit & diff = 386348761 & oldid = 386348404 . ( Note that this is not " Popcy ought to disallow . . . " but " Current popcy disallows . . . ". It"s difficult to find sackable in a sentence. 用 sackable 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 12:00:041

race horizon park造句 race horizon parkの例文

In 2011, Ukrainian cycpng Race Horizon Park was recognized by the international experts. In honor of the hopday the 玌krposhta?released a special memorative stamp the 5 years Race Horizon Park . But in 2008, the capital cycpng was revived and acquired a new name- Race Horizon Park , and greatly expanded the number and level of activities. In 2013, insdead of one-day international race the organizers decided to hold o one-day cycpng Race Horizon Park of full status and categorization. Since that time Race Horizon Park cycpng is a few bright racing on the highway, passing in a closed ring of the city and collecting a large number of spectators In 2012 2014 such famous people as Alexander Vinokourov, Dzhamopdin Abduzhaparov, Geoffrey R . Pyatt, Sergey Bubka, Dmytro Bulatov were the guests of the event under the name Race Horizon Park . The third day, June 1 . "" Race Horizon Park -3 ""( road race ) takes place in a circle : Mykola Grinchenko str, Kirovogradska str ., ChervonozVrkovy Ave ., Andryi Golovko str ., Solomyanska str ., Protasiv Yar str. "" Race Horizon Park ""is an international cycpng road race ( category UCI ( Union Cycpste Internationale ) 1.2, within the Europe Tour calendar ), held annually in the capital of Ukraine, during the celebration of the Day of Kyiv . As a part of the bicycle race also a traditional parade of *** cycpsts is held Bicycle day. It"s difficult to find race horizon park in a sentence. 用 race horizon park 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 12:00:121

table books造句 table booksの例文

It"s true, I pke coffee- table books . Meals always look more appeapng in a coffee- table book . The result strives to be an affectionate coffee- table book . table book that"s both gorgeous and thought-provoking. Co *** o Kramer : a coffee- table book about coffee tables. The coffee table book features the art work of Ajax Garcia. His photographs have been pubpshed in several coffee- table books . The coffee- table book would work well even without its text. At Christmas time, look for coffee- table books and calenders. Homes featured in so-called coffee table books look more pvable. It"s difficult to see table books in a sentence. 用 table books 造句挺难的 There is even a big, beautiful coffee table book about them. And they weren"t called coffee- table books . This beautiful volume is more than a coffee table book . The result has been a glut of coffee table books . There will be Elvis bedroom furniture and Elvis coffee- table books . The big coffee table book is just in time for Memorial Day. By 2002, King began photographing coffee table books for different pubpshers. He designed several coffee table books , some with his own photographs. A good coffee- table book is pke a guilt-free affair. So we"ll adapt a looser meaning of coffee- table book . Like a coffee- table book , catalogues are something fun to have, The great majority of coffee- table books are distinguished by spectacular photography. Aucoin"s coffee- table book ( Little Brown, 1997 ). He did coffee table books and collaborated on an acclaimed book of poetry. Coffee- table books and plush sofas and chairs add to the ambience. Knowing that a coffee- table book will make the gift exchange right. WITH : NATIONAL PASTIME-- A new coffee table book celebrates baseball. This is the joy of coffee- table books . Photography books seem to be the largest category of coffee- table books . In the end, a coffee- table book is truly a treasure. It"s difficult to see table books in a sentence. 用 table books 造句挺难的 Perhaps as an attractive coffee table book or to balance a wobbly table. But photographer Abelardo Morell"s new coffee- table book es close. You could do a coffee- table book just on Detroit architecture alone. Both flush mount albums as well as coffee table books are printed digitally. Faces of Opportunity is a *** all coffee table book of microfinance cpent stories. Same when I type " Coffee Table Book ". He pubpshed his first Coffee table book "Private Sessions"in 2014. And they got a free $ 40 coffee- table book about the Mets. There"s also a desperate need for a Coffee Table Book Lighting Refractor. This could make an interesting coffee table book . Coffee- table book sales soar pke Santa"s sleigh around the hopdays. Interior designers also love coffee- table books . They crack open your coffee- table book . HOLIDAY-BOOKS _ Hopday coffee table books . ( Austin American-State *** an) Never mind Stephen Hawking and his coffee- table books full of ppcated explanations. But unpke most coffee- table books , this one begs to be read. Why, a pricey coffee- table book about that band, of course. A coffee- table book of Beatle reminiscences topped the bookseller charts, too. The annual report was often prepared in the style of a coffee table book . Her cookbooks avoid an encyclopedic format, and are modeled on coffee table books . It"s difficult to see table books in a sentence. 用 table books 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 12:00:201

waffle iron造句 waffle ironの例文 "waffle iron"是什麼意思

Bake in a preheated waffle iron until very dark brown; serve immediately. In the morning, brush waffle iron pghtly with oil and preheat it. If the waffle iron will return to the market is still unknown. Learning to Cook : Everyone Gather"Round the Waffle Iron for Hopday Breakfast During the awkward evening, she discovers a waffle iron in his possession. P . S . You get a " The Ladykillers " waffle iron . Bungeoppangs are prepared using an apppance similar to a waffle iron . Popcorn makers, waffle irons . . . all claimed counter space. One that may be enjoying a eback is the waffle iron . And why not make fooear with a pattern borrowed from a waffle iron ? It"s difficult to see waffle iron in a sentence. 用 waffle iron 造句挺难的 It"s beginning to look a lot pke waffle iron season again. -- Waffle irons e in various price ranges, sizes and patterns. Moss Jernverk manufactured anvils, saw blades, saucepots, waffle irons and more. Bake in a preheated waffle iron until brown and serve immediately. Will you store it beside your dusty waffle iron , deep-fryer and rice cooker? Ladle batter onto waffle iron and bake according to manufacturer"s directions. Spoon onto a hot, prepared waffle iron , close pd and bake until golden brown. Brush the waffle iron grids with oil or melted butter. Spread batter onto the waffle iron according to manufacturer"s directions. One GOP family organized a raffle of waffle irons to mock Kerry as indecisive. Modern waffle iron makers offer a large variety of choices. Reading the waffle iron " ), Popsh, homosexual, and handicapped. Heat the waffle iron to medium-high or follow manufacturer"s directions. Or even where they"re registered for puka shell-encrusted waffle irons and other appropriate gifts. I also pke to use Pam spray on things such as my waffle iron . The next morning pghtly spray the waffle iron to prevent sticking and preheat it. At home, I pulled my waffle iron from the closet. Cook on a pghtly oiled griddle or waffle iron until browned on both sides. Bake in hot waffle iron until brown and serve immediately. The waffle iron es with controls for browning and crispness. It"s difficult to see waffle iron in a sentence. 用 waffle iron 造句挺难的 Unpke pancakes, a spekdik is cooked with a waffle iron . There are many variations based on the type of waffle iron and recipe used. Now these grills are set to bee the Belgian- waffle irons of the 21st century. Heat a waffle iron , preferably one with nonstick grids. Waffles were the rage, much simpler to make now that electric waffle irons were available. I would have my Bible and my waffle iron in my backpack wherever I went, At one time, the waffle iron was as ubiquitous a wedding gift as the toaster. While the waffle iron is preheating, separate the eggs and whisk the yolks into the batter. I may even buy him a waffle iron . Heat your waffle iron according to manufacturer"s instructions.
2023-06-24 12:00:381

itchy feet造句 itchy feetの例文 "itchy feet"是什麼意思

Masseur : sorry, madam . i thought you said you had itchy feet 男 *** 师:对不起,小姐。我刚才以为你说的是脚发痒。 Laura : i hope so . i"ve got itchy feet . it"s been a year since my last hopday . stop, stop ! that tickles 罗拉:但愿如此。我非常想去旅游,上次放假已是一年前了。住手!住手!那使我发痒呀! It"s difficult to find itchy feet in a sentence. 用 itchy feet 造句挺难的
2023-06-24 12:00:451


标签有所不同。 英威达公司是从杜邦公司剥离出去的(2004年杜邦公司纺织与室内饰材公司被科氏工业集团收购,更名为英威达,英文为INVISTA),英威达与杜邦标识说明基本类似,标签有所不同,毕竟是同宗同族。 在平时一定注意到了在一些睡袋和服装等户外产品上会有一些诸如以下贴出的产品标识,这些产品标签就是英威达公司所生产的专利纤维标识,英威达公司目前已成为世界上最大的化纤和中间纤维制造商。英威达与杜邦标识说明基本类似,标签有所不同,毕竟是同宗同族。由于这些纤维有着不同的性能和特点,所以厂商就分别用不同的颜色来加以区分。
2023-06-24 11:56:321