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2023-06-24 19:29:57


negligent homicide; involuntary manslaughter

【法】 crime of negligent homicide; involuntary manslaughter

例句 Sentences

The law must draw a between murder and manslaughter.


Later in the year Nichols was convicted of the less severe charges of manslaughter and conspiracy,and he was sentenced to life in prison in June 1998.


involuntary manslaughter; involuntary servitude; an involuntary shudder; It (becoming a hero) was involuntary. They sank my boat- John F.Kennedy.


He was guilty of murder.


He was found guilty of homicide









































2023-06-24 11:09:374

homicide, muder, manslaughter 的分别?

homicide 是杀人的统称. 包含了严重的谋杀 或不小心错手杀错了人. 可以是合法或不合法. murder 是谋杀. 一定是不合法的. 心存恶意 存心的杀人. 一定不能是无心之失的不小心杀了人. mlaughter 一般是没有murder这么大罪的杀人 不是存心的杀人. 例: 冲红灯撞死了人就是mlaughter的一种: Involuntary mlaughter. 例2: 如果是因当时情况太过激烈 精神一时失去控制 而失手杀了人也是mlaughter的一种:Voluntary mlaughter. ps 法律上的定义 会因不同国家而不同.
2023-06-24 11:09:471


murder:蓄意谋杀manslaughter:一般意义上的杀人negligent homicide或negligent manslaughter:过失杀人
2023-06-24 11:09:552


  黑色人种即黑种人,又称尼格罗人种,尼格罗-澳大利亚人种、赤道人种,是根据体质上可遗传的性状而划分的人群。在中世纪时期和中世纪以前,他们主要分布在非洲撒哈拉以南地区。后来因为欧洲国家的帝国主义和重商主义,大批量的黑人被迫作为奴隶送于南美洲和北美洲。那么你知道吗?下面来学习一下吧。    黑人英语说法1:   Black people    黑人英语说法2:   Negro    黑人的相关短语:   黑人法令 Black Codes ; Black Codes in the USA ; Black Codes in Northern USA   美国黑人 African American ; Afro-American ; BLACK AMERICANS ; Aframerican   黑人研究 Black Studies   亲近黑人 negrophili ***   黑人超人 Black Supaman   黑人似的 Negroid    黑人的英语例句:   1. He was a champion for Latinos and blacks within the educational system.   他一直致力于在教育系统内为美籍拉美人和黑人争取权益。   2. Blacks have been hurt by racial inequalities in housing and education.   住房与教育方面的种族不平等现象让黑人深受伤害。   3. Mr Jackson had a natural constituency among American blacks.   杰克逊先生在美国黑人中拥有自发的支援。   4. The police haven"t really done anything for the black munity in particular.   警方并未真正特意为黑人群体做什么.   5. Some Afro-Caribbeans are rejecting the whole race relations industry.   一些加勒比黑人在 *** 整个种族关系运动。   6. There is a *** ouldering anger in the black munity.   在黑人社群里,人们的心中都揣著一团怒火。   7. Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands.   许多生活在土地贫瘠的边境地区的奈米比亚黑人农场主的收成仅够维持自身的口粮。   8. There is increasing polarization between the blacks and whites in the US.   美国黑人和白人之间的分化在加剧。   9. He says the new document will guar-antee fairness for blacks in Georgia.   他说这个新档案将保证佐治亚州的黑人受到公平对待。   10. Bill Bradley says too much is going unsaid between blacks and whites.   比尔·布莱德利说黑人和白人之间有太多没有明说的东西。   11. Farrakhan was a poor standard-bearer for the causes of African-Americans.   法拉坎算不上是美国黑人运动的一位模范领袖。   12. It"s a school that"s brought blacks and whites and Hispanics together.   那所学校里会聚了黑人、白人和西班牙裔人。   13. There are about thirty-one million blacks in the US.   美国大约有3,100万黑人。   14. Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men.   谋杀是黑人死亡的主要原因。   15. To the radical blacks of the Sixties, he was an Uncle Tom.   在20世纪60年代那些激进的黑人看来,他就是一个“汤姆叔叔”。
2023-06-24 11:10:021


provision 一般是指的广义的条款,法律英语词汇。但是也有供应;供养;预先准备的意思。clause 一般是指狭义的条款和规定,一般法律文书用语,而且具体到第几条的条款时应用此词。item 有条款,项目还有一件物品的意思,也有一篇报道和一对的意思,非法律词汇,一般多用于商品讲解和商业文件里。term的意思为条款时,一般多用于条约和协议里,法律文书少用,但是大部分条约(政治上的)和协议会用。平时主要用学期的意思。
2023-06-24 11:10:093

life sentence for homicide翻译

life sentence for homicide的意思是杀人罪无期徒刑。life sentence的意思是无期徒刑;homicide是英文单词,名词,意思是(蓄意)杀人罪。相似短语有:life sentence(无期徒刑之判决);sentence to life(判处无期徒刑);sentence of life imprisonment(判处无期徒刑)sentence to(宣判,判决)。无期徒刑是介于有期徒刑和死刑之间的一种严厉的刑罚。无期徒刑的适用对象和执行对象具体如下:1、适用对象无期徒刑主要适用于那些不必判处死刑,而又需要与社会永久隔离、罪行严重的危害国家安全的犯罪分子和其他重大刑事犯罪分子以及严重的经济犯罪分子。2、执行对象根据刑法和监狱法的有关规定,被判无期徒刑的犯罪分子,在监狱或者其他场所执行。根据刑法有关减刑和假释的规定,被判处无期徒刑的犯罪分子在执行期间,认罪伏法、接受教育、改造,确有悔改立功表现的,可获得减刑,由无期徒刑减为有期徒刑;如果实际执行13年以上,还可以获得假释。但对累犯以及因故意杀人、强奸、抢劫、绑架、放火、爆炸、投放危险物质或者有组织的暴力性犯罪被判处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑的犯罪分子,不得假释。
2023-06-24 11:10:161


2023-06-24 11:11:136


2023-06-24 11:11:334


2023-06-24 11:11:511

corey HOMICIDE williams科里·杀手·威廉姆斯的故事有哪些? 25K 2008-8-23 - 百度快照看上面
2023-06-24 11:12:022


cent 分,一分钱的硬币century 100年 一个世纪 percent 百分数 百分比 centennial一百周年centenary 一百周年 地名:森特纳里 centipede 蜈蚣 percentage百分比 百分率cide 毁坏 破坏 杀菌剂 杀毒剂cis 顺式的 独联体csissor precise 精确的 准确的确切的 明确的 decide 决定 下决心 选定 insecticide 杀虫剂suicide 自杀 homicide 杀人 嗜杀成性的 germicde incision 切开 切口 suicidal (想)自杀的 可能导致自杀的 decisive决定性的dic 字典 predict 预言 预测 预示 预告dictation听写 口授 dictionary字典 indicate 指示 指出dictaphone录音机 录音电话机 contradiction不一致 矛盾 对立dictum宣言 声明dictate指示 指定 指令contradictory矛盾的 抵触的indicator 指示者;指示物
2023-06-24 11:13:014

古汉语中解释为“我” 、 “他(她它)”的字?

2023-06-24 11:13:112

美国WWE摔跤中JAMIE NOBLE的个人资料是什么啊?

选手资料  选手名:Jamie Noble   中文名:吉米·诺布尔   真实姓名:James Howard Gibson   中文名:詹姆斯·霍华德·吉布森   出生日期:1976年12月23日。   家乡:西弗吉尼亚汉诺威,此后移居至佛罗里达奥兰多。   婚姻状况:已婚。   身高:172.5cm(5英尺8英寸)   体重:76.5kg(170磅)   教练:   Dean Malenko (1997)   WCW Power Plant   Bill Weaver   初次登台:1995年。   曾用角色名:   Jamie San -masked- (WCW)   Jamie Howard   Jamie Knoble (WCW)   Jamie Noble (WWE)   James Gibson (NJPW)   终结技:   Slingblade   The Trailer Hitch   Jumping Tombstone Piledriver (WCW)   常用招式:   Top Rope Guillotine Legdrop   Tiger Driver   Paydirt   长期不和:   Three Count   Jung Dragons   Hurricane   Billy Kidman   The Hurricane   Tajiri   Rey Mysterio   Nidia   C.M. Punk (ROH)   Homicide (ROH)   Spanky (ROH)   Paul London   Brian Kendrick职业生涯介绍  PWI2002年全球职业摔角手五百强排名第42位。   IPW轻量级冠军。   HWA轻量级冠军(于2001年9月2日击败Matt Stryker获得)。   WWE轻量级冠军(于2002年6月23日击败The Hurricane获得)。   ROH (Ring of Honor)世界重量级冠军(于2005年8月12日击败C.M. Punk获得)。   Jamie Noble开始是作为Tough Enough冠军Nidia的新男友被人所认识,在2002年6月6日的SmackDown!中他攻击了Nidia的前男友The Hurricane。Noble在2002年的King of the Ring大赛中打败The Hurricane首度成为WWE轻量级冠军,当然,这得感谢他的女友Nidia的帮忙。
2023-06-24 11:13:281


网页链接这个网页可以直接带到,但是可能加载要很久很久,如果加载出来了,点击这个的proceed to game,进去之后翻翻能找到download的图标,点击下载即可(当然如果实在不行那我也暂时不知道该咋办了,不过我下下来之后再说叭,不知道会不会这个被吞,看你啥时候看到了)
2023-06-24 11:13:351

杀人罪 比较

2023-06-24 11:13:483


1 .多记,尤其是多掌握单词; 2 .多背,课文范例,背得越多越好,越熟越好; 3 .敢说,象李阳那样,大胆说,大声说,不怕错,错了及时纠正; 4 .多写,好记性不如烂笔头,天天写,熟能生巧; 5 .多听,收音机广播,还有录音等; 6 .多看,尤其象国外经典原文片,反复看; 7 .再就是有机会与外国人接触最好!
2023-06-24 11:13:595


2023-06-24 11:14:313


法律术语,指:  1.[manslaugh-ter]∶非故意或预谋的杀人  2.[negligent homicide]∶由于疏忽造成的杀人  是指由于普通过失致使他人死亡的行为。   (1)客体是他人的生命权利   (2)客观方面表现为过失致人死亡的行为。只有发生了过失致人死亡的结果才构成本罪。   (3)主观方面,是过失,包括梳忽大意的过失和过于自信的过失。   (4)主体是已满16周岁的自然人。   过失致人死亡罪的认定   (1)对过失重伤进而引起被害人死亡的,应直接定过失致人死亡罪,不能定过失致人重伤罪,即使过失致人重伤中不包括致人死亡的情况。
2023-06-24 11:14:391


  阅读理解是专八考试中的一个测试单元,在平时的英语学习中同学们要多多积累,多记多背多做练习,下文《专八阅读模拟题及答案》由英语频道整理,欢迎您访问浏览更多考试资讯。    Passage Sixteen (Crime in Computer)   New and bizarre crimes have come into being with the advent of computer technology.Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and financially related crimesu2026   Theft of data, or data crime, has attracted the interest of organized criminal syndicates.This is usually the theft or copying of valuable computer grogram.An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.Buyers for stolen programs may range from a firmu2019s competitors to foreign nations.   A competitor sabotages a companyu2019s computer system to destroy or cripple the firmu2019s operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the government sector.This computer sabotage may also be tied to an attempt by affluent investors to acquire the victim firm.With the growing reliance by firms on computers for their recordkeeping and daily operations, sabotage of their computers can result in internal havoc, after which the group interested in acquiring the firm can easily buy it at a substantially lower price.Criminal groups could also resort to sabotage if the company is a competitor of a business owned or controlled by organized crime.   Politically motivated sabotage is on the increase; political extremist groups have sprouted on every continent.Sophisticated computer technology arms these groups with awesome powers and opens technologically advanced nations to their attack.Several attempts have already been made to destroy computer facility at an air force base.A university computer facility involved in national defence work suffered more than $2 million in damages as a result of a bombing.   Computer vulnerability has been amply documented.One congressional study concluded that neither government nor private computer systems are adequately protected against sabotage.Organized criminal syndicates have shown their willingness to work with politically motivated groups.Investigators have uncovered evidence of cooperation between criminal groups and foreign governments in narcotics.Criminal groups have taken attempts in assassinating political leadersu2026.Computers are used in hospital life-support system, in laboratories, and in major surgery.Criminals could easily turn these computers into tools of devastation.By sabotaging the computer of a life-support system, criminals could kill an individual as easily as they had used a gun.By manipulating a computer, they could guide awesome tools of terror against large urban centers.Cities and nations could become hostages.Homicide could take a now form.The computer may become the hit man of the twentieth century.   The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and international.It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts, because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting a vast network of fences.Although criminals have adapted to computer technology, law enforcement has not.Many still think in terms of traditional criminology.    1.How many kinds of crimes are mentioned in the passage?   [A]7   [B]8   [C]9   [D]10    2.What is the purpose of a competitor to sabotage a companyu2019s computer?   [A]His purpose is to destroy or weaken the firmu2019s operational ability.   [B]His purpose is to weaken firmu2019s competitive capability and get it.   [C]His purpose is to buy the rivalu2019s company at a relatively low price.   [D]His purpose is to steal important data.    3.Which of the following can be labeled as a politically motivated sabotage of a computer system?   [A]Sabotage of a university computer.   [B]Sabotage of a hospital computer.   [C]Sabotage of computer at a secret training base.   [D]Sabotage of a factory computer.    4.What does the author mean by “Homicide could take a new form”?   [A]There is no need to use a gun in killing a person.   [B]Criminals can kill whoever they want by a computer.   [C]The computer can replace any weapons.   [D]The function of a computer is just like a gun.    Vocabulary   1.bizarre 奇怪的   2.vandalism 破坏,故意破坏文化,艺术的行为   3.cripple 使瘫痪,削弱   4.fence 贼市,脏品买卖处   5.neutralize 使成为无效   6.affluent 富裕的   7.recordkeeping 记录存贮   8.havoc 浩劫,大破坏   9.resort to 求助于,借助于   10.motivate 作为u2026u2026的动机,激发   11.extremist 过激分子,极端主义分子   12.sprout 萌发迅速发展   13.awesome 令人惊惧的,引起敬畏的   14.vulnerability 易受攻击,脆弱   15.devastation 劫持,破坏 life-support system 医院的生命维持系统   17.hit man 职业凶手(杀手)   18.pool 集中(资金)合办,入股   19.criminology 犯罪学,刑事学    难句译注   1.Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data crimes, theft of services, property-related crimes, industrial sabotage, politically related sabotage, vandalism, crimes against the individual and financially related crimesu2026   [结构简析] 句子很长,都是简单句,中间有分号隔开,后面是举例。   [参考译文] 有组织犯罪团伙也直接参与:计算机新技术较为犯罪提供了无限的机会,如数据信息犯罪,偷窃服务项目,跟财产有关的犯罪,工业破坏,跟政治有关的破坏,破坏文化艺术,对个人和财经方面的罪行等等。   2.An international market already exists for computerized data, and specialized fences are said to be playing a key role in this rapidly expanding criminal market.   [结构简析] 并列句,and 作对比连接词用。   [参考译文] 一个计算机信息的国际市场已经存在,而专门从事脏品交易的市场据说在迅速扩展的犯罪市场中起着关键的作用。   3.A competitor sabotages a companyu2019s computer system to destroy or cripple the firmu2019s operational ability, thus neutralizing its competitive capability either in the private or the government sector.   [结构简析] 主谓宾补结构,后跟thus+从句表示结果。   [参考译文] 竞争对手破坏一个公司的计算机系统为的是摧毁或削弱公司的操作运行能力,从而使其丧失在私人或政府部门中的竞争力。   4.The computer opens vast areas of crime to organized criminal groups, both national and international.It calls on them to pool their resources and increase their cooperative efforts, because many of these crimes are too complex for one group to handle, especially those requiting a vast network of fences.   [结构简析] 两句话。前一句为主谓宾,后一句为主从句,从句内采用toou2026to 句型,后跟分词独立结构进一步说明。   [参考译文] 计算机为国内和国际有组织犯罪集团开辟了犯罪的广泛领域。它要求它们集中资源,提高通力协作力量,因为许多犯罪太复杂,一个集团难以驾驭,特别是那些需要巨大的脏品交易时常网络的罪行。    写作方法与文章大意   文章介绍“计算机犯罪”,采用分类写作手法,先列出种种计算机犯罪项,下面逐一说明。文本只选四种犯罪——信息数据偷窃或信息(数据)犯罪,产业破坏,政治破坏,对个人生命破坏。分四段叙述,每段为一种罪行,最后是对比罪犯势力越来越有组织,势力请大,而司法部门却没有准备好。    答案祥解   1.B.8种,具体罪行。见难句译注1。   2.B.他的目的是削弱公司竞争力进而得到它。答案见难句译注2及第二段第二句起:“计算机破坏也可以和富裕的投资者欲得到对手的公司的企图相连。随着公司对计算机记录存储的信赖性加强,破坏他们的计算机可以造成内部大破坏。之后,对取得这个公司感性趣的集团很容易在级低价格上买进。”   A.削弱公司运转能力。   C.在相当低的价格上买进对手的公司。这两个选项都只是破坏目的的一个方面。  D.偷窃重要资料,文内没有讲。   3.C 破坏秘密训练基础。这可以标以政治目的的破坏计算机。   A.大学   B.医院    D.工厂。 这三个地方都难以和政治直接相连,第三段讲的大学是“参与国防保卫工作的大学计算机措施”,和一般大学不一样。只有秘密训练的基地和真正相连的可能性最大,所以选C.   4.B.犯罪可以通过计算机任意杀人。答案在第五段:“犯罪集团曾采取步骤暗杀政治领袖。医院的生命维护系统,实验室,大型外科手术中都用计算机。罪犯们很容易把这些计算机转变成破坏的工具。通过破坏生命维护系统计算机,罪犯们就像用枪一样很容易杀死人。通过控制计算机,他们可以指导这可怖的工具攻击大城市中心。城市和国家都可以成为人质。谋杀具有新的形式,计算机可能成为21世纪的事业杀手。”   A.杀人不需要用枪。这话太笼统,不用枪,用什么。用毒药,用刀?  C.计算机可以取代任何武器。      D.计算机的功能就像枪,错误的。
2023-06-24 11:14:531

请高手帮 帮忙,将此文翻译成英语

Film is an art, film producers on the purpose, they not only help the film art form to achieve a rich cultural life of the people and promoting interpersonal communication, but also make a profit, that is, it must have a social and economic benefits . In other words, it must have commercial value. In today"s society, investment in a good movie,Its box office is also considerable, the film"s name has become the top priority, the first time to attract the attention of the audience an important means of one of the Mi-Qing Liu (1999:49) pointed out that "Since the language contained in the original content Worthy of translation (that is, there is commercial value), then the community should be acceptable to achieve the target language conversion, and should not rigidly adhere to the primitive level of readability. "The commercial value of the film is often on the title to attract viewers, the film will have a direct bearing on the level of box office receipts. It is well known that levels of the audience, they also understand that the title is different, so the translation should be entitled to take into account the public"s understanding of the title is a basic requirement.If the Sound of Music in Taiwan have been translated as "The Sound of Music where they heard" on the audience rather puzzled. After the film was translated as "The Sound of Music", has been widely accepted. A number of classic films such as Oscar Waterloo Bridge translated as "Waterloo Bridge" has become a classic.This is the most basic principles. By more than one classification can be seen, the film contains a wealth of information. As a title, although the objective requirements of the concise, clean, but one word, a word contains a wealth of information, people can see it belongs to guess what kind of movies, talk about the main story.Such as Pulp Fiction (Pulp Fiction); Meet the Parents (Meet the Father of the Bride); American Beauty (American Beauty) Growing Pains (Growing Pains). A Rather English Marriage (duet widower). Another example, the Third Man has been translated as "third party" gives people the impression that I love in the vortex of Sanjiao Lian,The film and the third is the fact witnessed the murder of a third witness. And the actual content of the original have been translated into very large. As a result, the translation of the information disclosed could directly reflect the main content of the film as well as the ability to attract viewers to watch the sentiment.Reflect the cultural values. Cultural value principle, The translation of cultural value is considered to be one of the most difficult to translate. On "a specific culture (culture-specific)", translation theorists Baker (2000:21) said that "translated vocabulary words may not convey a target language culture to understand the concept of the concept or abstract or concrete May be related to religious beliefs, social customs, and even about some things. "This shows that the cultural differences of translation difficulties. The film is a reflection of life around, the film reflects the content of the film also contains a lot of natural and cultural factors that reflect the cultural variety of ways, such as the word culture, idioms, and so on. Such as First Blood, is an idiom, which means "won the first battle," but has been translated as "the first drop of blood."2001: A Space Odyssay in, Odyssay with cultural background, which means dangerous section of the course, if the direct transliteration of "The Odyssey", will the audience confused. All About Eve in Eve for the fairy tale of Eve, the same token, if the literal translation for Eve, is also hard to understand. Therefore the light of the specific cultural differences, the translation of the title image of the film contained.
2023-06-24 11:15:1410


2023-06-24 11:15:554


2023-06-24 11:16:043

法语里 什么是哑音h 什么是虚音h

2023-06-24 11:16:171


2023-06-24 11:16:286


homicide 杀人,他杀 The act of killing someone. 杀死他人的行为。 例句: Police are investigating the homicide of a prostitute. 警方正在调查一起妓女被杀案件。 hot wire(汽车)电启动 To electrically start a vehicle without using an ignition key. 不用点火钥匙而用电来发动汽车。 Seasoned crooks can hot wire a car in seconds. 手段高明的窃贼可在几秒钟内用电启动来发动汽车。 impulse crime 冲动犯罪 Crimes such as shoplifting, raping, vandalizing, etc. that are done on an impulse. 在冲动之下所犯的罪行,如商店扒窃、强*、损坏公物等。 juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 Criminal behavior by adolescents and children. 少年和儿童的犯罪行为。 例句: Some parents aren"t concerned about juvenile delinquency. 一些家长对青少年犯罪漠不关心。 labor racketeering 工会诈骗 Corrupt practices and organized crime that involve organized labor. 涉及工会的腐败行为和团伙犯罪。 例句: The New York union leader was convicted of labor racketeering. 纽约的工会领袖被判有工会诈骗罪。 larceny 偷盗 The stealing of another person"s property. 偷取别人财产的行为。 例句: Have you over been arrested for larceny? 你有偷盗被捕的经历吗?
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2023-06-24 11:17:011


吾好梦中杀人英文:I kill in good dreams。
2023-06-24 11:17:082


2023-06-24 11:17:151


cern,cert,cret=sure,separate,表示搞清,区别concern 关系到discern 辨别;区分(dis分开+cern→分开搞清→区别)discernmible能够分辨的discernment 辨别能力centain 肯定的(cert+ain→搞清楚的→肯定的)ascertain 确定,发现certify 证明;保证certificate 证明书;执照(certify+icate→证明的东西)certitude 确信;确实discrete 分立的(dis分开+creet区别→分开区别→不同的)discretion 谨慎,小心discreet 慎重的,谨慎的secret 秘密的(se分开+cret区别→分开来放→秘密的)22.chron=time,表示时间chroic 长期的chronicle 编年史(chron+icle表名词)chronology 年代学;年表chronograph 精密计时器anachronism 年代错误synchronize 同时发生(syn共同+chron+ize→时间相同→同时发生)synchronous 同期的;同步的23.cid,cis=cut,kill,表示切开,杀decide 决定,决心(de加强+cide切→切下去→下决心)homicide 杀人(homi人+cide)insecticide 杀虫剂(insect昆虫+cide)suicide 自杀(sui自己+cide)pesticide 杀虫剂(pest害虫+cide)circumcise 行割礼,割包皮concise 简明的decision 决心,决议(decide的名词)excise 割去,删去(ex出+cise)excision 删除,灭绝(excise+ion)incisive 一针见血的,锐利的(incise+ive→切人的→一针见血的)incisor 门牙(incise+or→切东西的东西→门牙)precise 精确的,清楚的(pre预先+cise→预先切好→精确的)precision 精密,正确24.circ,cycl=ring,circle,表示圆,环circlet 小环,小圈circular 圆的;循环的(circ+ular表形容词)circulate 循环,流通(circ+ulate→绕圈走→循环)circulation 发生,流通(circulate+ion)circuit 环行;电路(circu+it走→环行)circuitous 迂回的,绕圈子的(circuit+ous)circus 马戏团;圆形广场encircle 环绕,包围(en进入+circle;圆→进入圆→包围)cycle 周期cyclone 旋风bicycle 自行车recycle 再循环;回收25.cit=quote,call,表示引用,唤起cite 引用;引证citation 引用,引证(cote+ation表名词)excite 使兴奋,刺激(ex出+cite→引出情绪)ecitement 兴奋(excite+ment)incite 鼓励,incitation 激动recite 背诵;演奏recital 背诵;独奏(recite+al)resuscitate 复活;恢复26.claim,clam=cyrout,shout,表示呼喊,叫喊claim 要求;论断clamor 喧哗;吵闹(clam+or表名词)clamorous 吵闹的acclaim 欢呼;喝采(ac一再+claim→一再喊→欢呼)acclamation 喝采,称赞declaim 朗诵declamation 慷慨演说;雄辩exclaim 叫喊;大声说exclamation叫喊;感叹proclaim 公布;声明(pro在前+claim→在前面喊→公布)proclamation 宣告;宣言reclaim 收回reclamation 收复;矫正27.clear,clar,clair=clear,bright,表示清楚,明白clearance 清算;清除(clear+ance表名词)clarify 澄清,弄清clarity 清楚clarification 澄清;纯化edclare 宣称;断言declaration 定言;陈述(declare+ation)clairvoyance 透视;洞察力clairaudient 有超人听力的(clair+audi听+ent→听力清楚)28.clin,cliv=lean,slope,表示倾斜,斜坡decline 倾斜;衰退declination 衰退;下倾(de向下+cline→向下斜)declination 衰退;下倾incline 倾斜;偏向(in进入+cline→进入斜→偏向,喜爱)disinclined 不愿意的(dis不+inclined喜欢的)proclivity 倾向;癖好(pro预先+cliv+ity→先斜好→癖好)29.clos,clud,clus=close,表示关闭closure 关闭;停止(clos+ure;close的名词)closet 壁橱;秘室disclose 揭发;泄露(dis打开+close→把关的打开→揭发)enclose 包围,围绕(en进入+close→被关起来→包围)enclosure 包围,围绕conclude 结论;终结conclusive 决定性的;结论性的(conclude+ive)exclude 排除,隔绝
2023-06-24 11:17:221

my home sweet homicide 歌词

歌曲名:my home sweet homicide歌手:wednesday 13专辑:fang bangI"ve got nothing to lose that"s why I"m with youMy X-Ray glasses don"t lieAnd the best thing about our futureIs knowing that I"m gonna dieIt"s a simple mistake that anyone could makeAnd I guess I won the grand prizeA lifetime supply of miseryMy home sweet homicideAnd I"m so love sick, sick of youI guess I"ll see you in hellBut I"m sure you"d ruin that tooYou"ll be the death of meBaby you"re my home sweet homicideYou"re the reason why I never even triedYou"re the biggest star in your own mindNo anti-dote, it"s a fucking jokeAnd I"ll never get out aliveNow on the count of threeWon"t you bury meClose the casket and say goodbyeAnd its ashes to ashes, dust to dustMy home sweet homicideAnd I"m so love sick, sick of youI guess I"ll see you in hellBut I"m sure you"d ruin that tooYou"ll be the death of meBaby you"re my home sweet homicideAnd I"m so love sick, sick of youI guess I"ll see you in hellBut I"m sure you"d ruin that tooYou"ll be the death of meBaby you"re my home sweet homicide
2023-06-24 11:17:291

Living Proof 歌词

歌曲名:Living Proof歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:Lucky TownBad Meets Evil - Living ProofWe bout to get into a tail of gunner that details the dungeonThis is the pale moon illuminates the hail and thundering"01"s the year where I fell from blunderingShady lifted his wing than I fell from under itNow I"m freefallin", my career is gone into re-callin"Regardless of who"s fault I was speedballin"God bubble wrapped me and dropped me on top of the EarthMarshall doubled back and got me from on top of the HearseI"m alive n*gga, Justin T ain"t got nothing on meCause I done cried Mary J. Blige riversI realised that God"s with us as soon as I decidedTo put that bottle down and pick up my Todd BridgesThe writing"s on the wallSince n*ggas seen me at the baseball game with Shady and Jay-ZSuddenly everybody calls like "I"m just checking on you dog"While I just throw up this message on the stall..When them bottles stop poppin" and them dollars start stoppingDo what you did to get it and don"t stopI made a promise to my momma, I"mma out live herHow can I be a quitter when haters don"t stopI"m living proof n*gga, it"s pretty safe to sayGod giveth and God taketh awayIt"s the Worldwide American way, I"m living proof n*ggaYour body language is sayin" your confidence is goneWell pick ya ass up lil homie, come onYou just gone sit there and take it or make "em suck itTell em where to shove it straight upYou gon" make love to the world or you gon" f*ck itThe last time that life kicked me in the assI pulled down it"s pants and put a foot up its assMan what a catastrophe it"d be for me to be a b*tch ass pussyAnd not open a can of whoop ass, did ya piss ants whoop meWill be the day I say I ate poop, shit, the day thatI don"t straight shoot, I"ll drop outta my anti-women hate groupSay I"m a sissy fagot, record it play it backAnd put it on straight loop, you haters look like you ate a grape fruitYou see me climbing back on that wagon got my swagger backI was dragging, hop back on it, grab the reigns on that bastardAnd came back on "em without remorse manMan of course I"m a one trick ponyCause I"ll be screaming on these whores "til I"m hoarse!Nah I ain"t fading yet, I"d rather stay and rep, I mighta made a dentBut I find excitement in wondering what I"ma write nextSo I don"t stay in debt me broke, you might as well cut the embryoOut my momma and play catchWith the baby with AKs with baby bayonetsI"ma get rich or I"ma die tryingThat"s why its either kill or be killed, so call me suicide homicide RyanThere"s a bomb inside my head, I"m a live wireI am on the edge, teetering on it like I tore the iron micGet on a nut like a tyre iron, I have no desire stoppingSo why would I drop and roll, that"s how much on fire I amRappers are fun and I"m the time cause I"m just flying by ‘emMan I"m laughing at ‘em the entire time, why am I up?Cause tribulations I have triumphed b*tch I"m fired upSo it"s time for me to slit your f*cking lighter, light the sky up
2023-06-24 11:17:541

Disturbed的《Innocence》 歌词

歌曲名:Innocence歌手:Disturbed专辑:AsylumDISTURBED - INNOCENCE(Who is innocent? No one is innocent. Who is innocent?)Who is innocent?Is it relevant in the world today?I shake my head in disbeliefThe killer walks againFreed by evil men in their dark charadeThis can"t be happeningA mother"s selfish prideHer child"s homicideCan she be to blame?The suited vultures circlingA father"s crueltyA murdered familyIs the world insane?Their defenders ready to embrace their liesWith their devious smilesYour corruption is likeA cancer growing insideYou owe the world an apologyYou"ve been taught all your lifeThat truth is easy to hideYou"ll face your judgement another dayAnd suffer eternally(Who is innocent? No one is innocent. Who is innocent?)Presumed innocentJustice fails again in the masqueradeA battered woman tremblingHer lover drunk againWhen will the torture endIn her web of shame?Is death the only way?A child victimizedThe crime politicizedFor the counselor"s gainThe rabid media congregatesHis tortured memoriesA pervert"s fantasiesIs the world insane?The parasitic devastation seenOn your TV screenYour corruption is likeA cancer growing insideYou owe the world an apologyYou"ve been taught all your lifeThat truth is easy to hideYou"ll face your judgement another dayAnd suffer eternallyFalse defender, burn foreverCold and spineless, have you no soul?Wicked-minded, out of control and guidedBy their hunger, they will find newWays to betray usYour corruption is likeA cancer growing insideYou owe the world an apologyYou"ve been taught all your lifeThat truth is easy to hideYou"ll face your judgement another dayAnd suffer eternallyWho is innocent?Is it relevant in the world today?I shake my head in disbeliefPresumed innocentJustice fails again in the masqueradeHas the whole world become insane
2023-06-24 11:18:021

Crackout的《Volume》 歌词

歌曲名:Volume歌手:Crackout专辑:This Is Really NeatGucci Mane Ft. Wooh Da Kid - Volume(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)(Verse 1 - Gucci Mane)I pulled up in a 4 door porshe set trippin3 young dread head niggas ridin wit meI don"t think they like me and I don"t like em neitherBut if they move wrong I"ll red up they white beaterI do it for da hood I do it like no equalI do it for the red black yellow white peopleI just bought a kay Just the other dayAnd I don"t play with grown men I don"t like to playI"m so mothafuckin turned up right nowNiggas hang on me I don"t give a fuck right nowWell you niggas keep on trying like ? And jenna couldYou think you can you think you could I think you pussies should(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)(Verse 2 - Gucci Mane)Call me gucci flocka flame I den changed my nameCall me frenchie mane la flare gucc the kid its all the sameI be runnin gunnin stuntin with 100 killers ridinYou snitchin bitchin tattle tellin scared to stand beside meI just bought another house just to house my goonsSo icey entertainment boy we just like a platoonThe colors in my chainI"m with ? baby find that boy the june ?I wish they found him august so that"s like tomuch too soonHis face was swoll and puffy bout the color of a pruneBricksquad movement and no your not apart of itMe waka and woo juice and frenchie mane started it(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)(Verse 3 - Wooh Da Kid:)Iced out bar ? got me ballin like the lakersHomicide around the corner where you in jamaicaMy volume on max you boys better runIma nigga with an attitude holdin on the gun17 niggas I left 16 hit last nigga hit the corner got his whole head splitTold you your a goner ima leave you dead quick I"m like ?Wooh the kid thugged out we don"t give a fuckLet your soul meet the sole of the bottom of my chucksBlack car black tint with the baby ? tags stay low to the floorMy midget out bag. My midget out the bag(Chorus)I"m so mothafuckin turned up right now (volume)Someone please turn Gucci mane down (volume)Bricksquad thugged out we don"t give a fuck (volume)We hit the club,shoot the club, tear the club up (volume)So you should hit the floor get low and shut up (volume)Hit the floor get low and shut the fuck up (volume)Yous a bitch yous a snitch you a mothafuckin scrub (volume) (x2)
2023-06-24 11:18:261

跪求BON JOVI的《Wanted Dead Or Alive》完整歌词!

Artist: Kool G Rap & DJ Polo Album: Wanted: Dead or Alive Title: Wanted: Dead or Alive License plates reads: K-O-O-L-G-R-A-PBe alert, suspect is armed and extremely dangerousAnd also, he"s wanted dead or aliveFind him...>I"m wanted dead or aliveI stalk the New York sidewalkAll the girls hawk, but I don"t stop to talkI keep stepping with a nine on my waistlineGot 16 shots and I don"t waste mineNever fess cause I"m dressed with a bulletproof vestTry to test, I leave a bloody-ass messDriving a Saab that connects with the mobBank job, plenty niggers I robBlood stains are on my BallysA sucker got rowdy, so I shot him in an alleyPumped his face full of dum-dumsThen left him for the cast of rats and the bumsYo a lot of suckers hate me with a passionCause they know I can catch them one night and I ain"t flashingI got a crazy big posse or should I say a crew?Of niggers that belong in the zooWatch you spit up, blood when you get hit upOne in the head, making sure you don"t get upThis is what happens and nobody can"t stop itCrackheads searching a dead man"s pocketsStreets are filled with brothers that kill like IllvilleThey murdered before and they still willPosse"s roar in a drug warCause some believe in death before poorShooting galleries, for a rich man"s salaryPockets so fat they need dough or low caloriesI got an order for another manslaughterWear the musty badge like his ass fell in waterI had to run up in the kid"s cribFor something he did, I didn"t dig, the little pigAnyway I didn"t have itIn fact now the little faggot is crawling with maggotsTry to bother the neighborhood godfatherAnd I"ll burn your ass up like lavaTook alive the suckers that tried to get liveI never fronted, I"m wanted dead or aliveUnit One, 10-13, suspects in pursuit between 7th and Broadway...This is Unit Two, we"re closing in...Proceed with caution...>Here"s the plan: Shannon, you bring the vanEverybody"s wearing gloves on their handStrictly army suits and long black Timberland bootsI want us all to roll like troopsSee now we get the roll on themCause the punk little sucker they shot up came and told on themI want him bagged them tooCause ain"t no telling of what he might do to my crewShoot a sucker at point-blank rangeIf he seems like he"s acting strangeDump the chump chain, go straight for the green and the jewelsAnd we can even take niggers" jewelsShoot to kill and don"t leave no witnessSurvivors try to get live and get with thisSnatch up the top man and start slapping himAnd put a cap in him and then start wrapping himUp and pass no time to shiverStop on the bridge and deliver bodies into the riverNext stop, blow away that pain-in-the-ass copThe one that keeps getting niggers knockedPut an end to his shit and he ain"t about making collarsThe crooked-ass rookie wants dollarsMy man Ron"s on the rooftop, waiting to snipeTwo bullets went right through his windpipeCold blooded, shot down taking his very last breathLeft to bleed to deathSkip the jive, suckers that try to get liveYo, I"m wanted dead or aliveUnit Three, requesting back-upI repeat, officer requesting back-up...Yo this is Unit TwoYo I"m in pursuit of him right nowI got him, I got him, I got himBut when you see him, he won"t be aliveCause I"m gonna get him...>I"m wanted dead or aliveSo you better go and pin up posters Souls are burning like bread in the toasterYou stand in a trance with your pants full of manureFlesh and blood clogs up the street sewersReady to kill some one else andCause I"m wanted dead or alive like Baby Face NelsonKick butts, a lot of heart, a lot of gutsAnd I"m quick to kick a nigger in his nutsArmed robbery, homicide, third degree murderPlus shit you never heard ofCome in my face with the he say, she sayAnd I"mma kick you up your ass like PeléOne night some kids went for brokeAnd you can almost choke from the gunsmokeSomebody got robbed and got fed upSo he set up the block to get wet upOne kid got caught down a dead-end streetGunned him down from his head to his feetOne brother got smoked in a car chaseThrough the windshield, a bullet in the faceLeft his head wide open like a basketWent to his funeral, shot up his casketThis is the type of shit on the street I surviveYo, I"m wanted dead or aliveI repeat, all units cease pursuit, cease pursuitRoadblock is now being set upOver and out...>
2023-06-24 11:18:393

枪花 Civil War 中文歌词

"What we"ve got here is failure to communicate.Some men you just can"t reach...So, you get what we had here last week,which is the way he wants it!Well, he gets it!N" I don"t like it any more than you men." *Look at your young men fightingLook at your women cryingLook at your young men dyingThe way they"ve always done beforeLook at the hate we"re breedingLook at the fear we"re feedingLook at the lives we"re leadingThe way we"ve always done beforeMy hands are tiedThe billions shift from side to sideAnd the wars go on with brainwashed prideFor the love of God and our human rightsAnd all these things are swept asideBy bloody hands time can"t denyAnd are washed away by your genocideAnd history hides the lies of our civil warsD"you wear a black armbandWhen they shot the manWho said "Peace could last forever"And in my first memoriesThey shot KennedyI went numb when I learned to seeSo I never fell for VietnamWe got the wall of D.C. to remind us allThat you can"t trust freedomWhen it"s not in your handsWhen everybody"s fightin"For their promised landAndI don"t need your civil warIt feeds the rich while it buries the poorYour power hungry sellin" soldiersIn a human grocery storeAin"t that freshI don"t need your civil warLook at the shoes your fillingLook at the blood we"re spillingLook at the world we"re killingThe way we"ve always done beforeLook in the doubt we"ve wallowedLook at the leaders we"ve followedLook at the lies we"ve swallowedAnd I don"t want to hear no moreMy hands are tiedFor all I"ve seen has changed my mindBut still the wars go on as the years go byWith no love of God or human rights"Cause all these dreams are swept asideBy bloody hands of the hypnotizedWho carry the cross of homicideAnd history bears the scars of our civil wars"We practice selective annihilation of mayorsAnd government officialsFor example to create a vacuumThen we fill that vacuumAs popular war advancesPeace is closer" **I don"t need your civil warIt feeds the rich while it buries the poorYour power hungry sellin" soldiersIn a human grocery storeAin"t that freshAnd I don"t need your civil warI don"t need your civil warI don"t need your civil warYour power hungry sellin" soldiersIn a human grocery storeAin"t that freshI don"t need your civil warI don"t need one more warI don"t need one more warWhaz so civil "bout war anyway
2023-06-24 11:18:461


美国刑法英语词汇 Year and a Day Rule 满一年原则(如受害者满一年未死亡,不得以杀人罪起诉被告)   Wharton"s Rule 沃顿原则(如果某种罪最少得由N人所犯,那么N+1人才构成同谋罪   voluntary manslaughter 故意杀人   voluntary intoxication 故意醉酒   VOCA 《犯罪受害人法案》   victim/witness assistance programs 服务组织提供的对犯罪受害人及证人的安慰及帮助   victims rights 刑事司法过程中受害人的基本权利   victimless crime 无受害者犯罪   victim impact statement 受害人影响陈述   victim 受害人   vehicular homicide 车祸致人死命罪   uttering 故意提供或传递伪造文件罪   unlawful assembly 非法集会   Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA) 《统一死亡判定法案》   truth in sentencing 判决及释放之间   trespassory taking 非法盗窃   treason 叛国罪   three-strikes legislation 重罪加长刑期法   theft of computer services 非法窃取计算机服务   tangible property 有形资产   syndrome-based defense 基于综合症的犯罪   syndrome 综合症   sudden passion 突然情感爆发(可能导致故意杀人)   substantive law 实体法(规定基本权利及义务)   substantive criminal law 实体刑法   substantial step 实质措施   substantial capacity test 实质行为能力测试   subornation of perjury 非法教唆他人作伪证   strict liability crimes 严格责任犯罪(无犯罪意图或过错仍然有罪)   strict liability 严格责任(无犯罪意图或过错仍然有责任)
2023-06-24 11:19:051


规则比较多,希望楼主耐心看完:三条固定规则:后接au的h均是嘘音:la hausse (提髙),le hautbois (双簧管),le haut (高度) 等。 后接ou的h均是嘘音:la houe (锄),la houille (煤),la houle (涌浪) 等。 后接y的h均是哑音:l"hydrogne (氢),l"hygine (卫生),l"hypothse (假设) 等。 五条常规性的规则,规律性较差:后接a的h大多是嘘音:le hameau (小付庄),le hangar (厂棚),le hasard (偶然)等,例外的如:l"habitant (居民),l"harmonica (口琴),l"hallucination (幻觉),l"haltre (哑铃) 以及其他。  后接e或的h一般均是哑音:l"hlice (螺旋桨),l"herbe (草),l"heure (小时)等,例外的如:le hennissement (马嘶声),le hrisson (刺猬),le hritage (继承),le heurt (碰撞)以及其他。 后接i的h一般均为哑音:l"hirondelle (燕子),l"histpire (历史),l"hippopotame (河马) 等,例外的如:la hideur (丑恶),la hirarchie (等级) 以及其他。 后接o的h大多为哑音:l"homicide (杀人犯),l"hommage (尊敬),l"horizon (地平线) 等,例外的如:le hochement (摇动),la honte (耻辱) 及其他。 后接u的h以哑音居多:l"huile (油),l"humanit (人道),l"humilit (谦恭) 等,少部份为嘘音:les hues (嘲骂声),la huitaine (八个),le hurlement(狼嚎) 以及其他。
2023-06-24 11:19:122


在法语中,辅音字母h不发音,但有嘘音和哑音的区别。当词首是哑音h时,前面的词和它之间须省音或联诵,如:l"heure(时间);当词首是嘘音h时,前面的词和它之间不省音或联诵,la houille(煤)。h是嘘音还是哑音的规律如下:后接au的h均是嘘音。如:la hausse(提髙)。后接ou的h均是嘘音。如:la houe(锄)。后接a的h大多是嘘音。如:le hameau (小村庄)。后接y的h均是哑音。如:l"hydrogne(氢)。后接e或的h一般均是哑音。如:l"herbe(草)。后接i的h一般均为哑音。如:l"hirondelle(燕子)。后接o的h以哑音居多。如:l"homicide(杀人犯)。后接u的h以哑音居多。如:l"huile(油)。
2023-06-24 11:19:202


1. 基本文法说明 cause 指的是让某件事发生,单纯而直接的起因,所以有可能是一个动作、一个事件或者是一个情况。reason 则是一种对于动机的解释、一种原因,一种理由。 例 the cause of the fire still remained a mystery. 这场火灾的起因仍旧是个谜。 i believe that monica must have good reasons for wanting to study abroad. 我相信莫妮卡想要出国念书一定有好理由。 2. 错误发生情况及修正练习 仔细看看下列的句子,哪里出了错?又该如何修正? a. the cause why i want to change my mind is as follows. 我想改变心意的理由如下。 b. the police wanted to know the cause for the fight. 警方想知道这起打架事件的肇事原因。 c. smoking is the most important cause of lung cancer. 抽烟是导致肺癌最主要的起因。 d. air pollution is caused by several reasons. 空气污染有好几种成因。 3. 错误修正及解释 正确的句子如下: a. the reason why i want to change my mind is as follows. 混淆「起因」和「原因」 「改变心意」牵涉到人较复杂的动机,所以应该是用 reason 而非 cause。 b. the police wanted to know the cause of the fight. 搭配错介系词 记得「~的起因」是用 the cause of~,「~的理由」是用 the reason for,两者不要搞混。 c. smoking is the major cause of lung cancer. 误用 important 来形容「重要的起因」 形容 cause 应该用 major (主要的)/chief (主要的)/primary (最初的)等的形容词而非 important。 d. air pollution has several causes. 把 be caused by~ (由~导致引起)和 reason 混在一起用 如果已经用了 be caused by 后面就不要累赘的加上 reason 来搅局。词组正确的用法如下: 例 his death is caused by homicide. 他的死因是他杀。 cheap/expensive 和 low/high 的对照 1. 基本文法说明 cheap (便宜的)/expensive (昂贵的)这两个形容词是用来形容东西本身的价值,而 low (低的)/high (高的)则是用来形容价格 (price)、花费(cost)、收入(income)、赋税(tax)、费用(fee) 等等实质金钱上的名目。 例 this shirt is quite cheap. 这件衬衫满便宜的。 例 the price of this shirt is quite low. 这件衬衫的价格满低的。 2. 错误发生情况及修正练习 仔细看看下列的句子,哪里出了错?又该如何修正? a. the living costs in taiwan are very cheap. ≡谔ㄍ宓纳ue30a罨ǚ押艿汀? 3. 错误修正及解释 正确的句子如下: a. the living costs in taiwan are very low. 误用 cheap/expensive 来形容金钱的名目 记得只要是 cost, payment, rent, wage, salary, income, expense, tax, fee 等 金钱上的名目,一律用 low/high 来形容高低。
2023-06-24 11:19:461

法语里 什么是哑音h 什么是虚音h

字母h都不发音,但是它在词首有两种情况,一种是哑音h(h muet),一种是嘘音h(h aspiré), 即法语辅音字母“h”在任何时候都不发音,但区分为“哑音”和“嘘音”,词典上有注明,主要分别为哑音开头的词其后面的元音要和前面词的末尾辅音联诵,而嘘音开头的词则不能联诵。 最好的区别方法就是背字典,因为都不是很多,所以你单选一样背下来,例如背全部的嘘音h,和全部的阴性冠词,剩下的没有背的就是哑音h了。
2023-06-24 11:20:085

歌词了love me could you hands i get it get it

1.Feel Good Time Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo..... [laughs] we go where we like, we got over time, we get paid to rattle our, chains we go in the back, paint our money black, spend it on the enemy sleeping in the church, riding in the dirt, put a banner over my grave Make a body work, make a begger hurt, sell me something big and untamed [Chorus] Now our time, real good time, (doo doo doo doo doo doo..) now our time, a real good time (doo doo doo doo doo doo..) now our time, (SAID NOW OUR TIME), a real good time (ITS A REALLY GOOD TIME!) HEY AAAAAAA BE ALL MINE we know how to pray, party everyday, make our desolation look plain riding in a rut, till the powers cut, we dont even have a good name sleeping in the church, riding in the dirt, put a banner over my grave Make a body work, make a begger hurt, sell me something big and untamed [Chorus] ...Now our time, real good time, oohh (doo doo doo doo doo doo..) now our time, a real good time (doo doo........) now our time, (NOW IT OUR TIME), a real good time hey BAAAABY OF MINE doo doo doo can fly...yeh (sell me sumthin big and untamed) now are time, real good time ......oh, (doo doo doo doo doo doo doo) now our time (I SAID NOW OUR TIME), (doo doo doo doo doo doo) real good time (ITS A REALLY GOOD TIME) now are time, real good time ..... Feel good, Real good, its the same old same Real good, Feel good, dont got no more brains Feel good, Real good, its the same old same....yeh Feel good, Real good, i dont got no more brain! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.Saturday Night"s Alright For Fighting Vocal:Nickelback Feat.Kid Rock It"s getting late have you seen my mates Ma tell me when the boys get here It"s seven o"clock and I want to rock Want to get a belly full of beer My old man"s drunker than a barrel full of monkeys And my old lady she don"t care My sister looks cute in her braces and boots A handful of grease in her hair Don"t give us none of your aggravation We had it with your discipline Saturday night"s alright for fighting Get a little action in Get about as oiled as a diesel train Gonna set this dance alight `Cause Saturday night"s the night I like Saturday night"s alright alright alright Well they"re packed pretty tight in here tonight I"m looking for a dolly who"ll see me right I may use a little muscle to get what I need I may sink a little drink and shout out "She"s with me!" A couple of the sound that I really like Are the sounds of a switchblade and a motorbike I"m a juvenile product of the working class Whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.Rebel Rebel Vocal:David Bowie Got your mother in a whirl She"s not sure if you"re a boy or a girl Wey babe your hair"s alright Hey baby let"s go out tonight You like me and I like it all We like dancing and we look divine You love bands when they play it loud You want more and you want it fast Put you down and say I"m wrong And put them on. Rebel Rebel you"ve torn your dress Rebel Rebel your face is a mess Rebel Rebel how could they know Hot tramp I love you so. Got your mother in a whirl Cos she"s no sure if you"re a boy or a girl Hey babe your hair"s alright . . . Rebel Rebel you"ve torn your dress . . . You"ve torn your dress your face is a mess You can"t get enough but it don"t fake the test Transmission and a live wire you got Your cue lines and a handful of ludes you wanna But you love your dress your face is a mess You"re a juvenile success because your face is a mess So how could they know I said how could they know. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.Danger high voltage Fire in the disco Fire in the taco bell Fire in the disco Fire in the gates of hell Don"t you want to know how we keep starting fires? It"s my desire, It"s my desire, It"s my desire -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.Livin on a prayer Vocal:Bon Jovi Once upon a time Not so long ago Tommy used to work on the docks Union"s been on strike He"s down on his"s tough, so tough Gina works the diner all day Working for her man, she brings home her pay For love - for love She says we"ve got to hold on to what we"ve got "Cause it doesn"t make a difference If we make it or not We"ve got each other and that"s a lot For love - we"ll give it a shot [Chorus:] Whooah, we"re half way there Livin" on a prayer Take my hand and we"ll make it - I swear Livin" on a prayer Tommy"s got his six string in hock Now he"s holding in what he used To make it talk - so tough, it"s tough Gina dreams of running away When she cries in the night Tommy whispers baby it"s okay, someday We"ve got to hold on to what we"ve got "Cause it doesn"t make a difference If we make it or not We"ve got each other and that"s a lot For love - we"ll give it a shot [Chorus] We"ve got to hold on ready or not You live for the fight when it"s all that you"ve got [Chorus] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.Any way you want it Any way you want it, you can call me any day, hey, hey, hey Any way you want it, you will always hear me say, hey, hey, hey It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright (it"s alright) It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright So any way you want it, that"s the way it will be You don"t want money, you don"t want a diamond ring, hey, hey, hey You say you want my lovin" more than any other thing, hey, hey, hey It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright (it"s alright) It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright So any way you want it, that"s the way it will be Any way, any way you want it, that"s alright by me Any way, any way you want it, that"s the way it will be Any way you want it, you can call me any day, hey, hey, hey Any way you want it, you will always hear me say, hey, hey, hey It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright (it"s alright) It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright So any way you want it, that"s the way it will be Any way, any way you want it, that"s alright by me Any way, any way you want it, that"s the way it will be Any way you want it, you can call me any day, hey, hey, hey Any day you want it, you will always hear me say, hey, hey, hey It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright (it"s alright) It"s alright (it"s alright), it"s alright So any way you want it, that"s the way it will be That"s the way it will be That"s the way it will be -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.Surfer Girl Vocal:The Beach Boys Little surfer little one Made my heart come all undone Do you love me, do you surfer girl Surfer girl my little surfer girl I have watched you on the shore Standing by the ocean"s roar Do you love me do you surfer girl Surfer girl surfer girl We could ride the surf together While our love would grow In my Woody I would take you everywhere I go So I say from me to you I will make your dreams come true Do you love me do you surfer girl Surfer girl my little surfer girl Well Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl Well Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl Well Girl surfer girl my little surfer girl 10.The flyest [Nas] Geah [AZV] Peace king [Nas] Peace king [AZV] Listen, they wrote a book on your life [Nas] Right [AZV] You think anybody"ll read it? [Nas] No fuckin doubt! [AZV] Let"s make history homey [Nas] Aight then [AZV] You know we brought the hoes clothes and money rolls to the table [Nas - laughing] No, fuckin, doubt [AZV] It"s time to manifest this [Nas] Shit we the flyest nigga [AZV] Bring it to a whole, y"know? [Nas] Gangsta nigga [Chorus] Niggaz better watch ya back, it"s so cold Pinky rings shinin, so act like y"don"t know Bitches in heat for niggaz that got dough We the flyest gangsters What you don"t got is my natural glow Countin out stacks and mackin out hoes Pushin big dicks and packin our chrome We the flyest gangsters [AZ] Follow, I"m like a Lamborghini green Diablo Coupe VT, it"s like DVD when I flow Feel me, I"m loved like the great late Malik Sealy The one the player haters hate dearly, but can"t near me Homicide can"t scare me I o-bide by the laws of these streets sincerely, a real nigga The type that can build with ya Verbalize bring life to a still picture, it"s God-given Been blessed with Allah"s vision, strength and beauty Truly my only duty is to dodge prison Play wit me, I"m modest "til them strays hit me Regardless the circumstances I"ma stay filthy Dough forever, the live stay low forever And fuck niggaz, cause it"s hard to keep them close together One dependant, no wife, one co-defendant No forms of weakness, I flow with vengeance [Chorus] [Nas] I do what I can do when I can do it Feel how I feel when I feel what I"m feelin Live how I live it"s only cause I been through it Learn to try it like to eat it and shit it"s nuttin to it Burn it light it weed it and off the liquor, while drivin outside I"ll never catch a vehicular homicide My music is a description of my vibe of course My life, my sites, my thoughts, what I like on my fork Cause you are what you eat, you eat what you can You pray to bless the food but first you wash your hands to wash away them bad spirits, don"t bring it in your home Once you let them in they stayin, evil be gone, say it I"m proud of Mase for givin himself to the lord I"m proud I"m ace but givin himself to the Lord Wanted his Faith, think about Big anymore Of course my nigga Horse got married, see shit is changin We ain"t these little niggaz no more, runnin dangerous I like to bone, I"m a peaceful brother Eat up so much the girls call me seafood lover Be havin they legs shakin, stab "em, break "em I"m Hercules Hercules when havin relations, the flyest
2023-06-24 11:20:442

Vlad the Impaler 歌词

歌曲名:Vlad the Impaler歌手:Kasabian专辑:iTunes Festival London 2011 - EP (2011)Kasabian - Vlad The ImpalerFace check I walk this beachI"m frying in the heat in the cauldron stir meChomp down my diamond teeth I ain"t gotThe simple things in life I feel likeYou have got to witnessThis is your last retreatMy last repeatAll my friends are as sharp as razorscut you down if you touch the fadersHigh class girls hung in elevatorsNow we have got the floorGet loose get looseYou can"t miss me I"m still aliveSnake skin shoes I"m pleading homicideCome on and feel this I"m still aliveJoker meet you on the other sideBanshie I hear you callWe need to raise the dead we need to raise the peopleCut throat this blood runs thickIt is true the simple things in life have been lostYou have got to witnessWe are the last beatniksThe lost hereticsAll my friends are as sharp as razorscut you down if you touch the fadersListen up all you masqueradersNow we have got the floorGet loose get looseYou can"t miss me I"m still aliveSnake skin shoes I"m pleading homicideCome on and feel this I"m still aliveJoker meet you on the other side
2023-06-24 11:20:511


这次在WWE官网所精心挑选出来的“Top 25”主题,所选出的是“25 大终结技”( The Top 25 Finishing Moves )。虽然每个人都知道终结技是什么东西,但大家其实对终结技的观念却还是有些模糊。所以我们先来好好探讨一下这个有点深奥的问题。一般最普遍的说法:终结技是一个选手最强的招式,总是在最后比赛最后用来给予对手最后一击。最一般的想法,摔角迷会认为选手所用的必杀技,一定是最强的,一但中了之后就几乎是难以逃过败阵的命运。对于终结技一词,WWE 官网也有给予一个相当明确的定义,而且还比上面更广义。每一个选手或Diva 都会依据自己的能力、风格、体型,挑选出一个摔角招式来定义他们自己。所以在WWE 之中,到底什么是终结技?终结技并不只是单纯有强大的攻击力,或著是什么特别的难度,而是终结技是用来强化个人风格所用。例如Rey Mysterio 就以619 来代表了他的墨西哥技巧,或著是Randy Orton 用R.K.O 来代表他喜爱猎杀猎物的个性。所以当你在看其他摔角时,看到有人用出了619 这个招式时,你就会不自觉的想到Rey Mysterio。当你看到Cutter 时,你也会自然而然的想到,他也会用R.K.O. 耶!所以WWE这次在这25 的排行榜里面,请各位注意,这并不是依据招式的破坏力或伤害度来排行,而是依据选手和其终结技的组合,进行前25名最有特色、组合起来最完美的招式。当你看到有人用出以下的摔角招式,你一定会自然而然的想到某个人!No. 25 - R.K.O. ( Jumping Cutter )R.K.O. 比较正式一点的名字,是为Jumping Cutter,也就是以跳跃式扣住对方颈部,并且用成Cutter 的招式,当然大家都很清楚R.K.O. 的使用者,就是WWE第三世代的选手Randy Orton。这招R.K.O. 可是 Randy Orton过往用来打遍天下胜利宝典,Randy 不仅在多场比赛,以突击、快速无法防御的步调,将对手给猎杀成功。常常在敌人还无法反应过来时,脖子就被锁住,然后就掰掰了。类似的招式及使用者:Dimond Cutter - Dimond Dallars PageTwist of Fate - Matt HardyGringo Cutter - HomicideNo.24 - Camel Clutch 骆驼式固定到今天都还可以在很多选手身上,看到这招恐怖的关节技的影子。是的,Camel Clutch 可是 WWE 的名人堂选手、钢铁酋长 ( Iron Sheik ) 的得意终结技,每次一看到Iron Sheik 用出时,就会听见食招者痛苦的大喊放弃。事实上Camel Clutch 这招是由拉丁裔选手,葛瑞葛雷洛 ( Gory Guerrero ) 所发明,也就是 Eddie Guerrero 的爸爸!而原始酋长 ( Original Sheik ) 将这招给取名为 Camel Clutch,最后在 1980 年代,由伊朗籍的Iron Sheik 给发扬光大。No.23 - Twist of Fate 致命扭曲 ( Front Facelock Cutter )这招常常会被用来和Randy Orton的R.K.O. 作比较讨论,但其实两招都是属于Cutter 系列的呀~。Twist of Fate 这招并不只是Matt Hardy 在使用而已,在过去WWE 的三人团体Team Xtreme,也就是Matt Hardy、Jeff Hardy 还有Lita 都会使用。虽然三人都会用,但其中用的最为代表性的,就是照片中的Matt Hardy。Twsit of Fate 比较正式一点的名称是颜面固定式Cutter,和R.K.O. 不同点是在于他的前置动作是Facelock (只是Matt 或Jeff锁的不够用力,所以看起来不像而已。)之后在进行旋转变成Cutter落下。No.22 - Crossface Chickenwing蒙面折臂固定这招关节技由美国传奇选手,包柏贝克朗 ( Bob Backlund ) 所使用的关节技,也是Chickenwings的一种变化版本,如照片中一样,除了将对手一只手臂折到背后之外,再将对手的头部给锁住,同时造成呼吸的困难和对手臂的伤害。No.21 - Macho Man Elbow Drop - 猛男肘击 ( Diving Elbow Drop )肘击在摔角中,也是非常基础的招式,而如果从角柱上飞下来落下的飞身肘击,将也会照成强大的伤害。WWF 时期的 Randy Savage 所使用的飞身肘击,就已经击败了无数的对手,不只带来胜利和腰带,也带来了,猛男( Macho Man ) 的外号。No.20 - FU ( Fireman"s Carry Takeover )FU 在当时,是Cena 为了要抗衡Brock Lesnar的F-5所使用的招式,FU 的名字是在当时由播报员Michael Cole 所讲出,这招比较正式一点的名称是Fireman"s Carry Takeover (背负式翻摔落下)。其实也算是弱化的“死亡谷落下”( Death Valley Driver ),不过也就这样分出来变成一种翻摔招式了。John Cena 也是一样用这招打遍天下无敌手,比较有名的回忆,就是当Cena 扛起体重有500 磅的Big Show 完成终结技,以及在2006 年的Backlash 大赛上,一次扛起Triple H和Edge使出双人份的FU 。(不过可惜没有完成,双人份的攻击被破解。)类似的招式及使用者:Green Bay Plunge - Mr. KennedyDeath Valley Driver - Eric YoungSpicy Drop - Curry ManNo.19 - Total Elimination这第19 名的终结技,也是整个排行中唯一一个双打队伍的联合技啊!这支队伍由派利撒旦 ( Perry Saturn ) 及约翰克罗奴斯 ( John Kronus ) 所组成的"The Eliminators",在过去的ECW可是相当有名的双打队伍之一,到现在还是非常多ECW迷心目中最喜爱的队伍。Total Elimination,说起来感觉好像在现在也可以在很多轻量级的双打队伍身上看到。当对手站立著时,Perry Saturn将会以扫堂腿,将对手给扫倒,而John Kronus同时也进行"Spinning Heel Kick",以后脚跟击中对方头部,将对手打倒并同时打击,是ECW 迷最喜欢的合体技之一。No.18 - Stratusfaction ( Springboard Bulldog )当加拿大女选手Trish Stratus 从一名新进的年轻女孩,成长为七任的女子冠军,这段期间,Trish 就是和他的Stratusfaction一起成长。Stratufaction,也就是跳板式的牛头犬落下,Trish会先扣住对手的头部,然后用力的往缆绳前进,接下来再以脚利用缆绳,进行大翻转、变成牛头犬落下。Trish 就已经以这招打败了许多他的老对手,包括Lita、Victoria等人。我个人倒是有觉得,Trish会因为他的角色定位,而有终结技上的变换。当他是正派时,就是用这招Stratusfaction,而反派时则是用踢击技Chick Kick。但 Trish 在他生涯的最后一场比赛、在2006 年的Unforgiven 上,就是用Stratusfaction打败Lita,再次拿下女子冠军腰带。No.17 - Shooting Star Press 流星式压击说起来也有点小小的悲哀,因为讲到这招,大部分的人会想到的就是重量级选手 Brock Lesnar 在 WrestleMania XIX 上使出过此招,倒不一定会马上浮现出 Billy Kidman 的脸。流星重压是由日本的选手 兽神莱卡,因为曾经在格斗漫画「北斗神拳」中看到类似的动作,有了点子而发明出此招。在 WWE 中用这招用出名堂的,就是轻量级选手 Billy Kidman。每一次 Billy 站上角柱后,都会开始受到观众的期待。但这招流星重压,在 WWE 却被列入了禁招中,原因是因为这招太危险。WWE 的考量并不只是因为这招看起来很危险,而是因为在 WWE 比赛中就曾经发生两次失手的状况。最有名的就是在 2004 年的 SmackDown!! 节目上,Billy Kidman 用出后却击中了 Chavo Guerrero 的头部,让 Chavo 昏迷了一段时间。再来就是在 WrestleMania XIX 上,虽然大家都有见证到 Lesnar 用出此招,但其实 Lesnar 却有些失手,最后翻转落下时,Lesnar 是变成额头著地,非常的危险。所以从此之后,WWE 就将此招列入禁招中。现在在 WWE 也几乎没办法在看到此招从角柱上的落下,只有另一位轻量级选手 Paul London 会用出助跑式的流星压制,或著是 John Morrison 使用出原地式的流星压制。在近期刚加入到了 ECW 的独立摔角选手 Evan Bourne 也将此招当作终结技,而 Evan 还在 WWE 面前使用出多次,表示他已经将这招练的炉火纯青,绝对不会失手,WWE 这才破例让他使用。No.16 - Million Dollar Dream ( Cobra Clutch )这招关节技,是由现任世界双打冠军Ted DiBiase Jr. 他老爸 "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase 所用的终结技。如照片中所示,施招者会先以半尼尔森固定 ( Half Nelson ) 锁住对方一只手臂,接下来在拉住同一只手臂来增加食招者的痛苦。这招Million Dollar Dream是Ted DiBiase稍微改变了Cobra Clutch而变成的一种变形版Cobra Clutch。No.15 - Rude Awakening ( Hangman"s Neckbreaker )就如同照片中所示,这招由已过世的WWF传奇选手、瑞奇鲁德 ( Rick Rude ) 所使用的终结技,也是“颈部破坏技”( Neckbreaker ) 的一种,不过F.C. 我个人看到他的招式影片时,Rick Rude 似乎是以和 Stone Cold 的断头台落下、一样是用坐式的耶,这也就是说这招会比普通的 Neckbreaker 更有破坏力就是了!至于Rick Rude 裤子上的女人脸是怎么回事……我之后如果有完成新的文章"SpicestMoments"这篇的话,里面就会告诉你罗!No.14 - Van Terminator当Rob Van Dam在WWE 时进行普通的单打赛,那Van Dam最强的终结技当然就是五星级蛙扑。但是一旦是武器战或是所谓的“极限规则”,那接下来可就不得了了。这招所谓的"Van Terminator",正如同照片中所示,他并不单单只是摔角招式而已,而是融合了ECW最大精神“极限”在里头,当对手倒在角柱,或著是站立、或著是正在爬梯子时,那么就要随时提防会乱飞过来的RVD,尤其是当RVD手上已经拿好椅子,开始助跑的时候,每一次一看到RVD 准备出击,现场所有观众可都是站起来聚集精神,就怕是不小心漏掉了那零点零零零一秒。在过去ECW时期,有时候RVD身旁的好友Sabu或著是经纪人比尔艾方索 ( Bill Alfonso ) 会特别帮忙拿著椅子,从缆绳下方挡在对手的前面,接下来RVD就要使命往前冲、用力的飞踢踹击铁椅还有对手。当然RVD 也会面对到没有帮手的时候,但无所谓,自己来也成!接下来就看到助跑,然后飞起时顺势将铁椅给送到脚上,然后就是“碰”。No.13 - Razor"s Edge 剃刀边缘 ( Crucifix Powerbomb )第十三名的终结技,是现在也比要少会看到的招式、由剃刀雷蒙 ( Razor Ramon,也就是Scott Hall ) 所使用,比较正式一点的招式名称就是传说中的十字架炸弹摔。Razor可就是靠这招来赢得他四度的洲际杯冠军腰带。类似的招式及使用者:Border Toss - HernendezCrucifix Powerbomb - Mordecai (也就是Kevin Thron)No.12 - Frog Splash 蛙跳式身体扑一讲到Frog Splash,就一定会想到Eddie Guerrero。其实当F.C. 第一次听到这招的名字叫做Frog Splash,真的有一种很可爱的感觉,“青蛙”?这种从角柱上跳下来压人的飞扑技其实非常的“老旧”,打从一有角柱架设在旁边开始就一定会有这招,但尽管老旧,威力却绝对不会减弱。这招其实是由另一位选手、同时也是Eddie年轻时在墨西哥的搭档、亚特巴尔 ( Art Barr ) 所创新,之后再由天蝎 ( 2 Cold Scorpio ) 所命名为"Frog Splash"。而当Art Barr过世后,Eddie 为了纪念他的搭档,所以开始使用这招当做终结技。在Eddie Guerrero 过世之后,Eddie 的侄儿 Chavo Guerrero,还有好友Rey Mysterio 还有TNA 的Christian Cage ,为了纪念Eddie,也开始在比赛中使用Frog Splash。类似的招式及使用者:Five-Star Frog Splash - Rob Van DamNo.11 - Swanton Bomb ( High-Angle Senton Bomb )一讲到这招,大家一定会想到WWE 最会飞的选手之一、Jeff Hardy。也是啦,Jeff Hardy可以说是将Senton Bomb 给用的最有名的选手。所谓的Senton Bomb,其实就是大家所看到的Swanton Bomb,不过Jeff Hardy 在跳跃时,会增加身体倾斜的角度,变成一种高角度式的Senton Bomb,并且压制对手。No.10 - Mandible Claw这招由Mick Foley 或著是他的Gimmick Mankind 所使用的招式,其实是相当的可怕,不过Foley 亲爱的小老弟“袜子先生”( Mr. Socko ) 却是把这招给可爱化、且稍微恶心化了点?Mandible Claw 就是以你的手,伸进对方的嘴巴并且扣住对方的下颚,这种画面其实非常的可怕,而且食招者会非常的痛苦,当手指伸进喉咙时那感觉真是可怕毙了,况且要是对手够狠,还会用力扳你的下颚的话,那就可说是不知道该如何脱身。但自从Mankind的小老弟袜子先生出现在大家面前之后,每次当Mankind要攻击前,都会先将袜子先生套上手,接下来才进行攻击。这样倒是可爱了不少,至少画面没那么恐怖。我还记得我第一次看到这招时,我还以为是因为吃到了Mick Foley穿过没洗过的臭袜子,所以被恶心死的。不过那样也蛮可怕的。No.9 - Tazzmission ( Nelson Choke )过去被称之为“人间翻摔机器”的现任ECW场边播报员Tazz,虽然现在播报起比赛非常的幽默轻松,但他站在擂台上时可就一点都不可爱。Tazz过去在ECW,不仅创下无数的辉煌战绩和历史,更以他的致命关节技、Tazzmission 让无数对手求饶过。Tazzmission 或著是"Nelson Choke",施招者会先以半尼尔森固定,扣住对手的其中一只手臂,接下来再以另一只手勒住对方的颈部。当然Tazz 是不会这么简单而已,在两只手臂的工作完成后,接下来Tazz 再以剪刀脚"Body Scisscors"扣住对方的身体,完成了非常恐怖的关节技。No.8 - Rock Bottom ( Leg Hook Lifting Side Slam )我相信一定还是有很多人,非常的怀念我们电影巨星 The Rock 还在擂台上奋战时的日子。Rock Bottom是Rock的得意终结技之一,这招Roclk Bottom 是Side Slam 的一种,以手臂用力的举起对方,然后摔在地板上。当Rock 和Steve Austin 还在较劲的时候,Rock Bottom 常常要好多发才能躺平德州响尾蛇呀~类似招式及使用者:Book End - Booker TST"Joe - Samoa JoeNO.7 - Sweet Chin Music ( Superkick )几乎是只要待过WWE 的男选手,都曾经被Shawn Michaels 以他得意的"Sweet Chin Music"踢倒过,包括了:John Cena、Chris Jericho、Ric Flair、Hulk Hogan等等数不清的人。Sweet Chin Music是Michaels 得意的踢击技,当然如同字面上所述,Michael 的攻击点是正中对手的下颚。Sweet Chin Music 其实就是很普通的“超级强力踢”( Superkick ),当然就不须要问说一般的踢击和Shawn Michaels的有什么不同,只不过Michaels总是攻击力相当集中的击中目标,而且还会发出非常响亮的声音,这就是为什么会变成Shawn Michaels最独特的终结技。No.6 - Perfect Plex - 完美翻摔 ( Fisherman Suplex )完美的人,用的摔角技也要很完美,这样才能在比赛中达到最完美的战积。这招“渔夫式背摔”又被其发明者,完美先生、寇特海宁 ( Mr. Perfect、Curt Henning ) 给称之为“完美翻摔”。完美翻摔他最为人熟知的名称当然就是渔人翻摔,而这招翻摔技又有著“摇篮翻摔”( Cradle Suplex ) 或著是“勾腿式翻摔”( Leg Hook Suplex ) 的名字,动作基本上和一般的吊车翻摔是一样的,不过接下来的动作就是用手钩住对方的腿,接下来举起、落下。Mr. Perfect 在使用这招后,还会顺势变成了相当完美的腰桥姿势,对于事情讲究完美的他,这招可说是和他的个性相扣起来。No.5 - Pedigree ( Double Underhook Facebuster )这招当然还是以万王之王Triple H 使用时最有名,正如照片所见,这招的前置动作是先将对方的头部给塞进胯下,并且扣住对方的手臂落下,是“颜面破坏技”的衍生招式之ㄧ。因为动作上较为小复杂,所以 Pedigree无法说用就用,因此Triple H会和对手以较长一点的时间周旋,等到对方体力有些消耗后才会施以此招。据说过去在Triple H会将这招给用成Piledriver的形式、让对手脑袋落地,不过当然基于危险性,当然还是用成颜面破坏技形式。CM Punk当还在独立摔角圈中发展时,也会将对手从最高层的扣环使出这样的雪崩式名门必杀技,名字称为"Pepsi Plunge",当然威力是比普通的Pedigee 更大,不过进入到WWE 后就不再使用,大概是怕会和Triple H的终结技冲到,所以就不使用。不然你想想,一个毛头小CM Punk竟然把万王之王的必杀技当作是普通招式用,而且还用的比万王之王狠,这面子往哪摆啊!其实据说还有所谓的,逆向式Pedigree,但我还没把那段文字叙述给理解,所以无法在这边解释什么是逆向式的名门必杀技。类似招式及使用者:Pepsi Plunge - CM PunkNo.4 - Figure Four Leglock - 四字腿部固定当然,现在只要看到足部四字,大家一定会情不自禁的想要给他大声,Woooooooooo一下。足部四字使用最代表的选手,就是今年名人堂入围者之一、才在今年退役的“自然小子”Ric Flair 。这招以自己的双腿,和对方交缠而成的关节技,其疼痛程度当然用肉眼就可以感受的出来,如果仔细去研究食招者的两腿,一想就觉得痛。在Ric Flair使用时,有时还会藉以扭转对方的脚踝(如照片中)来增加压力,或著是抓住较上层的缆绳来提高身体高度,就可以施以更多的压力在对手身上。至于为什么要叫做足部四字呢?因为食招者的脚会在固定技完成时,会变成阿拉伯数字的4。但我们Flair 老先生,在你还没出生就已经在打摔角,他现在不管是正4 还是倒4 都不是问题。所以这招要写成中文,应该要写成“足部4字”才对啊XD。而当选手被锁住这招关节技时,常常可以看见他们努力的翻转过来,变成是肚子朝下,这时关节技造成的压力就会转过来变成是施在使用者的腿部上,这种被逆转过来的足部四字,也会被人称为是“变形版印地安死亡锁”或者是“变形版神射手固定”。其实Figure Four 也是一种相当基础的关节技,现在也衍生出越来越多种足部四字的衍生关节技,当然族繁不及备载,就不在这边列出来了。No.3 - Sharpshooter - 神射手固定技在WWE中,会使用Sharpshooter 比较有名的有三个选手,其中一个是Chris Benoit ,再来是The Rock ,最后也是最有名、在历史上已经让无数选手哭爹喊娘过的布雷特哈特 ( Bret Hart )。这招关节技是由日本摔角选手,长州力所发明,同时这招也有著非常多的名字,例如“反式足部四字”、"Cloverleaf leg-lace Boston Crab"、"Grapevine Boston Crab"、“蝎式死亡锁”,但最耳熟能详的就是由Bret Hart所取的"Sharp Shooter"在Bret Hart过去的时候,常常是先将对手给打趴在地上,然后将对手的腿部给盘出形状后才拉起、变成关节技。这招不仅可以造成腿部的压力,而最大的攻击重点就在对方的腰部,是非常痛的名关节技之一。现在常常会以有些复杂的动作,最后才形成关节技。类似招式及使用者:Cleverleaf Leg Lock - Terry FunkNo.2 - Tombstone Piledriver - 插墓碑落下技 ( Belly - to - Belly Kneeling Piledriver )WWE的传奇大魔头Undertaker,就是靠这招“插墓碑”创下了无数的不朽传奇。正如同他的死神形像一般,将已经战死的敌人竖立墓碑一般,宣扬对手的失败,“插墓碑”至今已经树立了不知道有多少人的墓碑。其实插墓碑也是"Belly-to-Belly Piledriver"的一种小变形版本,这招在“垂直落下技”( Piledriver ) 类型的招式中,也是最常见的一种,不论是在日本或著是墨西哥,都可以看到非常凶恶的这招。但插墓碑当然也是相当危险的招式,如果选手的护身动作没有做好,那么脑袋就垂直的落下,就算不死也一定会半身不遂。果然墓碑就是要由“死人”来用,才会刚刚好啊!No.1 - Stone Cold Stunner - 断头台落下技 ( Seated Three-Quarter Facelock Jawbreaker )在第一名的终结技,没想到竟然是由德州响尾蛇拿下这宝座,Stone Cold Steve Austin 的断头台落下 - Stone Cold Stunner,到今天还是最令人兴奋的招式啊!当然,这招似乎是没有什么好说的,Stunner 也是可以在状况危及的情况之下使用的招式,而且常常杀的令对手措手不及。先踢击对方腹部,让对手弯下邀来且暂时无法作出反应,接下来就是勾住头往下一坐了!经典的断头台!希望论坛不要再有小吉米们说什么RKO华丽啊,兰迪牛逼啊!DB没有好看终结技啊!要是WWE没有PG,DB早就逆天了,支持DB!尊重摔跤手!
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职业摔角画报(Pro Wrestling Illustrated)公布了2010年500强摔角手名单。TNA选手AJ Styles位列第一,约翰塞纳屈居第二,CM朋克排名第三。下面列出排名前300的选手:1. AJ Styles2. John Cena3. C.M. Punk4. Randy Orton5. Chris Jericho6. Batista7. Shinsuke Nakamura8. The Undertaker9. Kurt Angle10. Sheamus11. Triple-H12. The Miz13. Rey Mysterio Jr.14. Takashi Sugiura15. Rob Van Dam16. Dr. Wagner Jr17. The Big Show18. Edge19. Tyler Black20. Jeff Hardy21. Jack Swagger22. Christian23. Abyss24. Ryota Hama25. Austin Aries26. Kofi Kingston27. John Morrison28. Desmond Wolfe29. Ultimo Guerrero30. Drew McIntyre31. Samoa Joe32. Davey Richards33. Mr. Anderson34. Ted DiBiase Jr.35. Hirooki Goto36. D"Angelo Dinero37. Eddie Edwards38. Matt Morgan39. Hiroshi Tanahashi40. Yoshihiro Takayama41. Cody Rhodes42. Mistico43. James Storm44. Daniel Bryan45. Douglas Williams46. Roderick Strong47. Christopher Daniels48. Mesias49. Eric Young50. Dolph Ziggler51. Robert Roode52. Naomichi Marufuji53. Kevin Nash54. Kevin Steen55. R-Truth56. Jeff Jarrett57. Electroshock58. Tyson Kidd59. Montel Vontavious Porter60. Sting61. Adam Pearce62. Jay Briscoe63. Evan Bourne64. Minoru Suzuki65. Blue Demon Jr.66. Matt Hardy67. Rob Terry68. Go Shiozaki69. David Hart Smith70. Satoshi Kojima71. Hernandez72. Cibernetico73. Brother Devon74. Chris Hero75. Togi Makabe76. Shelton Benjamin77. Brother Ray78. Yoshi Tatsu79. Kane80. Claudio Castagnoli81. Volador Jr.82. Takeshi Rikio83. Dos Caras Jr.84. JTG85. Shad Gaspard86. Mark Briscoe87. Amazing Red88. Alex Shelley89. Mohammad Yone90. Luke Gallows91. La Sombra92. Kazarian93. Ezekiel Jackson94. Carlito95. Chris Sabin96. Kenny King97. Phil Shatter98. BxB Hulk99. Mark Henry100. Heath Slater101. Colt Cabana102. Homicide103. Jon Moxley104. Averno105. Yuji Nagata106. Delirious107. Magnus108. Jerry Lynn109. Wade Barrett110. Naruki Doi111. Mephisto112. Steve Corino113. Goldust114. Joe Hennig115. Masakatsu Funaki116. Max Buck117. Zach Ryder118. El Generico119. Jeremy Buck120. Keiji Muto121. Suwama122. Karl Anderson123. Rhett Titus124. Shannon Moore125. Primo Colon126. William Regal127. Yujiro128. Erick Stevens129. Brian Kendrick130. The Great Khali131. Tyson Dux132. KENTA133. Chessman134. Jay Lethal135. Orlando Jordan136. Finlay137. Toshiaki Kawada138. Negro Casas139. Rhino140. Kensuke Sasaki141. Justin Gabriel142. Kenny Omega143. Masato Tanaka144. Paul London145. Marco Corleone146. Tetsuya Naito147. Ray Gonzalez148. La Parka149. Joe Lider150. Jimmy Jacobs151. Kaz Hayashi152. Naoya Ogawa153. Mikal Judas154. Trent Beretta155. Vladimir Kozlov156. Katsuhiko Nakajima157. Silver King158. CIMA159. Caylen Croft160. Paul Birchill161. Chuck Taylor162. Perro Aguayo Jr.163. Scott Steiner164. Brett DiBiase165. Brent Albright166. Extreme Tiger167. Tajiri168. Vance Archer169. Sean Waltman170. Shawn Daivari171. Joey Ryan172. Chris Masters173. Tomko174. Sami Callihan175. Latin Lover176. Alex Koslov177. Chavo Guerrero178. Sonjay Dutt179. Felino180. Tyler Reks181. Jun Akiyama182. Martin Stone183. Pac184. Kiyoshi185. Manabu Nakanishi186. Petey Williams187. Shinjiro Otani188. Atlantis189. Austin Creed190. Necro Butcher191. Drake Brewer192. Giant Bernard193. Tommy Dreamer194. Stevie Richards195. Joe E. Legend196. Bison Smith197. Darren Young198. Nicho El Millionario199. Blue Panther200. Jason Hades201. Alex Riley202. Kory Chavis203. Arik Cannon204. Cody Deaner205. Jason Blade206. Takeshi Morishima207. David Otunga208. Mr. Niebla209. Kaval210. Jack Evans211. Jon Davis212. Toru Yano213. Osamu Nishimura214. Mike Knox215. Ryusuke Taguchi216. Rasche Brown217. Prince Devitt218. Skip Sheffield219. Ultimo Gladiator220. Icarus221. Shawn Spears222. Mike Quackenbush223. Jesse Neal224. Teddy Hart225. 2 Cold Scorpio226. Gran Akuma227. Yuko Miamoto228. Tommaso Ciampa229. Kohei Sato230. Okada231. Scott Lost232. Hector Garza233. Tiger Mask IV234. Maasaki Mochizuki235. Brodie Lee236. Super Crazy237. Billy Ken Kid238. Percy Watson239. Lince Dorado240. Mascara Dorado241. T.J. Cannon242. Dragon Kid243. Zorro244. Ruckus245. Drake Younger246. Shocker247. Raven248. Oliver John249. B-Boy250. Kota Ibushi251. El Hijo Del Santo252. Eddie Kingston253. N8 Mattson254. Rocky Romero255. Curt Hawkins256. Cody Hawk257. Masahiro Chono258. B.J.259. Jigsaw260. Rey Bucanero261. Koji Kanemoto262. Johnny Devine263. Bruce Maxwell264. El Sensacional Carlitos265. Akebono266. Christopher Gray267. Ryan Eagles268. Sterling James Keenan269. El Terrible270. Ares271. Michael Elgin272. Sebastian Suave273. Yamato274. Texano Jr.275. Tommy Taylor276. Hallowicked277. Vampiro278. Mike Rollins279. Metal Master280. Josh Daniels281. Dustin Cutler282. Derek Wylde283. Johnny Curtis284. Nick Gage285. Shadow Jackson286. Brandon Cutler287. Darrin Corbin288. Jimmy Wang Yang289. Quiet Storm290. Tursas291. Jules Uso(Jay Uso)292. Ace Rockwell293. Ryan Kruz294. Pepper Parks295. Konnan296. Jimmy Uso297. Sean Morley298. Johnny Prime299. Slam Master J300. Glen Osbourne
2023-06-24 11:21:141


Aww Look At Daddy"s Baby Girl 看看爸爸的小宝贝   That"s Daddy Baby 我是爸爸 宝贝   Little Sleepy Head 昏昏欲睡的小脑袋   Yesterday I Changed Your Diaper 昨天我给你换了尿布   Wiped You And Powdered You 给你擦洗 给你喝奶   How Did You Get So Big 你怎么长这么大了   Can"t Believe It Now Your Two 简直不敢相信   Baby You"re So Precious 宝贝你是如此的珍贵   Daddy"s So Proud Of You 爸爸真为你骄傲   Sit Down Bitch 给我坐好 婊子   If You Move Again I"ll Beat The Shit Out Of You 在动的话我就狠狠揍你   Eminem Eminem As Kim   Okay 好的   Don"t Make Me Wake This Baby 别让我吵醒孩子   She Don"t Need To See What I"m About To Do 她不用看我将要做什么   Quit Crying Bitch Why Do You Always Make Me Shout At You 别再嚎叫了婊子 你怎么总是让我对你大叫   How Could You 你怎么能   Just Leave Me And Love Him Out The Blue 就这样离开我去爱他   Oh What"s A Matter Kim 哦 kim 怎么了   Am I Too Loud For You 我是不是对你太大声了   Too Bad Bitch Your Gonna Finally Hear Me Out This Time 太糟了 婊子 现在听我说完   At First I"m Like All Right 首先 我看起来很好   You Wanna Throw Me Out That"s Fine 你想把我丢掉 很好   But Not For Him To Take My Place Are You Out You"re Mind 但不要因为要让他代替我 疯了吗   This Couch This Tv This Whole House Is Mine 这床,这电视,整个房子都是我的   How Could You Let Him Sleep In Our Bed 你怎么能让他躺在我们的床上   Look At Kim 看呀 kim   Look At Your Husband Now 现在看着你的丈夫   No 不   I Said Look At Him 我说看看他   He Ain"t So Hot Now Is He 他现在不那么火辣了对吧   Little Punk 小朋克   Why Are You Doing This 你为什么这样做   Shut The Fuck Up 他妈的闭嘴   You"re Drunk You"re Never Going To Get Away At This 你喝醉了 你从没做出过这种事   You Think I Give A Fuck 你懂个p  Come On We"re Going For A Ride Bitch 来呀婊子那咱们就去兜兜风  No 不   Sit Up Front 坐好   Well I Can"t Just Leave Haley Alone What If She Wakes Up 我不能把helie一个人留下 她醒了怎么办   We"ll Be Right Back 我们很快回来   Well I Will You"ll Be In The Trunk 不,我会回来的 而你会被装进后备箱  1 So Long Bitch You Did Me So Wrong 很长时间以来你对我做错太多了   I Don"t Wanna Go On 我不想再这样下去   Living In This World Without You 活在没有你的世界中   Repeat 1   You Really Fucked Me Kim 你真的欺骗了我kim   You Really Did A Number On Me 你真的欺骗我太多了   Never Knew Me Cheating On You Would Come Back To Haunt Me 你从来不了解我你对我的不忠真的伤害了我   But We Was Kids Then Kim I Was Only 18 但我们那时还是孩子 我只有18岁   That Was Years Ago 许多年过去了   I Thought We Wiped The Slate Clean 我觉得我们可以把旧账一笔勾销   That"s Fucked Up 太糟了   I Love You 我爱你   Oh God My Brain Is Racing 天呐我的脑子紊乱了   I Love You 我爱你   What Are You Doing 你在做什么   Change The Station I Hate This Song 换台 我讨厌这首歌   Does This Look Like A Big Joke 这看起来是不是像个笑话   No 不   There"s A Four Year Old Boy Lyin" Dead With A Slit Throat In Your Living Room Ha Ha 一个4岁儿童在你的起居室里被割破喉咙   What You Think I"m Kiddin" You 你是不是觉得我在骗你   You Loved Him Didn"t You 你爱他对不对   No 不   Bullshit You Bitch Don"t Fucking Lie To Me 胡说 别他妈的骗我   What The Fuck"s This Guy"s Problem On The Side Of Me 我旁边这个混蛋怎么了  Fuck You Asshole Yeah Bite Me 曹,咬我啊   Kim Kim   Why Don"t You Like Me 你为什么不喜欢我   You Think I"m Ugly Don"t You 你是不是我太丑了   It"s Not That 不是那样的   No You Think I"m Ugly 不 你就是觉得我丑   Baby 宝贝   Get The Fuck Away From Me Don"t Touch Me   I Hate You I Hate You 别再骗我了!别碰我! 我恨你!我恨你   I Swear To God I Hate You 对天发誓我恨你   Oh My God I Love You 上帝啊 我爱你   How The Fuck Could You Do This To Me 你他妈的怎么能这样对我呢   Sorry 抱歉   How The Fuck Could You Do This To Me 你他妈的怎么能这样对我呢   Repeat 1 2x   Come On Get Out 过来 出来   I Can"t I"m Scared 不 我害怕   I Said Get Out Bitch 我说了给我过来婊子   Let Go Of My Hair Please Don"t Do This Baby 别揪我的头发别这样做宝贝   Please I Love You Look We Can Just Take Haley And Leave 我爱你,你看我们可以带着haley离开  Fuck You You Did This To Us 靠 是你对我们做错了   You Did It It"s Your Fault 你做的 你的错   Oh My God I"m Crackin" Up 天啊我要崩溃了   Get A Grip Marshall   Hey Remember The Time We Went To Brian"s Party 还记不记得在Brian的聚会么   And You Were Like So Drunk That You Threw Up All Over Archie 你醉的吐了Archie一身   That Was Funny Wasn"t It 那很可笑对吧   Yes 是的   That Was Funny Wasn"t It 那很可笑对吧   Yes 是的   See It All Makes Sense Doesn"t It 看,这一切都有意义脑倒不是吗  You And Your Husband Have A Fight 你跟你丈夫打架了   One Of You Tries To Grab A Knife 你们中的抓起了一把刀  And During The Struggle He Accidentally Gets His Adam"s Apple Sliced 一阵打斗之后 他不小心割了自己的喉咙   No 不   And While This Is Goin" On   His Son Just Woke Up And He Just Walks In 他的儿子醒了 然后走了进来   She Panics And He Gets His Throat Cut 她害怕了然后她割了他的喉咙  Oh My God 天呐   So Now They Both Dead And You Slash Your Own Throat 所以他们全都死了 而你也割向自己的喉咙   So Now It"s Double Homicide And Suicide With No Note 所以这有两个死人 还有个没留遗嘱的自杀者   I Should Have Known Better When You Started To Act Weird 我应该知道当你表现的奇怪时   We Could"ve Hey Where You Going Get Back Here 我们… 嘿 你去哪 给我回来   You Can"t Run From Me Kim 你逃不掉的kim   It"s Just Us Nobody Else 这里除了我们没有别人   You"re Only Making This Harder On Yourself 这只会让你更难受   Ha Ha Got"cha   Ahh   Ha Go Ahead Yell 随便你叫   Here I"ll Scream With You 来啊我和你一起叫   Ah Somebody Help 救命啊  Don"t You Get It Bitch No One Can Hear You 懂了吗 没人能听到你   Now Shut The Fuck Up And Get What"s Comin To You 现在你他妈的给我闭嘴,面对你将要得到的惩罚.  You Were Supposed To Love Me 你假装很爱我   Kim Choking Kim 窒息   Now Bleed Bitch Bleed 现在流血吧   Bleed Bitch Bleed Bleed 流血吧
2023-06-24 11:21:342


Chen, aged 17, was sentenced to prison for intentional homicide.Chen, Zhang suspected behind the students said that he"s ill, but also to the teachers sue "black letter", then while on duty, when Zhang, Chao Zhang chaos poke with a knife, causing the death of Zhang.Soon after the incident, Chen regret, saying that the reasons for his crime, the most important one is the favorite childhood by his father over the mother.Have been coddled since childhood are used to, and Chen has been conceited, whether in school or in society, eat not the slightest loss, Shoubu De slightest gas, arguing at every turn Jiugen students fighting.
2023-06-24 11:21:411

电影《赤焰战场》那个CIA的女特工的资料谁有 就是古柏的上司辛西娅 最后被古柏杀死的那个女的

2023-06-24 11:21:503

Nas的《Get Down》 歌词

歌曲名:Get Down歌手:Nas专辑:God"S SonArtist: NasAlbum: God"s SonSong: Get DownTyped by: OHHLA Webmaster DJ Flash"Get-get.. get down!" - James BrownUh.. uh.. uh..New York streets where killers"ll walk like Pistol PeteAnd Pappy Mason, gave the young boys admirationPrince from Queens and Fritz from HarlemStreet legends, the drugs kept the hood from starvinPushin cars, Nicky Barnes was the 70"sBut there"s a long list of high-profile celebritiesWorldwide on the thorough side of thingsLivest kings, some died, one guy, one timeone day grabs me, as I"m about to blast heat40-side of Vernon, I turned well he asked me"Whatchu up to, the cops gon" bust you"I was a teen drunk off brew, stumbled I wonderedif God sent him, cause two squad cars entered the blockand looked at us, I ain"t flinch when they watchedI took it upstairs, the bathroom mirror, brushed my hairStarin at a young disciple, I almost gave my life to what the dice doYeah man, throwin them bonesHopin my ace get his case thrownHis girl ain"t wait for him, she in the world straight hoeinWhile he lookin at centerfolds of pretty girlsshowin they little cooch, gangstas don"t die he"s livin proofThe D.A. who tried him was lyinA white dude, killed his mother durin the caseHung jury, now the D.A. is bein replacedPre-trial hearin is over, it"s real for the soldierWalks in the courtroom, the look in his eyes is wildTriple-homicide, I sit in the back aisleI wanna crack a smile when I see himThrow up a fist for black power, cause all we want is his freedomHe grabbed a court officer"s gun and started squeezinThen he grabbed the judge, screams out -- nobody leavin everybody"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" - James BrownEverybody"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" - James BrownSome niggaz fuck they enemies in they ass when they catch "emWeird-ass niggaz are dangerous, so don"t test "emThey make you, dissapear, this a year that I won"t forgetSold CD"s double platinum, met mo" execsSouthern niggaz, independent label, real killersKnow the business, ran Tennessee for years, now they chillinThey had the coke game somethin crazySold music out the trunk of they car, that shit amazed mePut me onto heron blunts, sherm or somethinTook a puff, what the fuck, I turned to punch themSouthern niggaz ain"t slow, nigga tried to play meI left from around them dudes, they cool but they crazyNow I"m back around the old school that raised meNew York gangstas, we loungin, out in L.A. seeA dude wrote my dawg from Pelican BayThe letter say, "Nas I got your back - the fools don"t play"I rolled with some Crips down to a Crenshaw funeralNever saw so many men slaughtered and I knew the ho responsibleThe nigga still alive in a hospitalMidnight they crept in his room and shot the doctor tooSee my cousin"s in the game, thuggin and thingsHe plugged me with a dame who was half-MexicanoGave the ass up, I"ma mack daddy SopranoShe passed me the indigo, but the imbecileshoulda never tippy-toed, thought my eyes were closedOpenin the hotel room do", to let her goons inBut I moved in a manner, on some Jet Li shitI let the hammers blow, wet three kidsSee honey thought I had somethin to do, with all the dramaCause I was with a crew, that had her people killedCalled up my cousin, told him I ain"t fuckin witchuHe responded cool, but told me out here this how motherfuckers"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" - James BrownEverybody"Get down, get down! Get down, get down!" - James BrownAll I really gotta say is thatif that"s how our people gon" get down, how we ever gon" get up?How we ever gon" get up if that"s how we get down?A shame when you ain"t look at itMy folk is yo" folk, but we all kinfolkSomebody gotta make a change
2023-06-24 11:21:571

急急急!!!有谁看过电影《邦妮和克莱德》(Bonnie and Clyde)?

The background is a fun, "that in their era, a unified national police force has not been established: the states have state police. Later, Ford produced V-8 model car, it is enough to make police cars far behind, when the gang also be shipped and birth. "They have cars as their home, which is Westerns turned to new types of crime films, or films with the integration of road, obviously, automobile replaced the horse. Payne characters and the audience of this film is also the psychological interaction if the candle hole. Because of economic recession, the banks and the police working hand in glove to play the role of a vicious, Bonnie and Clyde of looting and violence becomes legitimate, even heroic. "I do not think that is very funny to see police officers were killed, although this does not mean that in a very terrible thing in a little ridiculous things have not. I experienced a protracted war, it is very frightening and laughable. There is no doubt, the humor of the hidden violence is a direct and constant correlative. They attendant, and almost equally divided between + This is my personal experience. we are seeking to re-create the movie of this. homicide less and less funny becoming more and more specific, because only those who murder became like a homicide. In this sense, we are beginning to understand the murder motive. So, the more a person"s sexual homicide, the more it is not ridiculous. "" I think violence is the United States personality part of it. It originated in the Wild West and the era. The United States is a violent means of expressing their views of the nation, it lacks advised evil from good, strong tradition of enlightenment and the law. "
2023-06-24 11:22:052

civil war的中英文对照歌词.

内战 (独白)我们在这儿一无所获,沟通以失败告终 某些人你无法与之交流 所以你明白了吧?上周我们什么也没干成。 正如他所愿,的确达到了他的目的! 这是我不想看见的结果,再也不想。 看看男人们的奋力挣斗吧 听听女人们的悲伤哭泣吧 看着年轻人都相继死去 那就是我们一直以来的所作所为 看看我们滋生的仇恨吧 看看我们散播的恐惧吧 再看看我们所过的生活吧 那就是我们一直以来的所作所为 我的双手已被缚 数以万计的人们流离失所 战争仍在持续,而我们被洗脑 以上帝之爱和人权之名 用那沾满鲜血的双手,横扫一切,没有什么能逃脱 它轻轻松松就洗去了大屠杀的罪恶血迹 而历史藏匿了战争的谎言 你是否带上了黑袖章 当他们枪杀了那个男人 那个高喊“和平将永存”的男人 在我最初的记忆里 他们就这样刺杀了肯尼迪 而在我学着看清世事时开始麻木不仁 所以我从未去到越南 华盛顿的纪念墙时时都在提醒我们 你绝不能相信自由这种东西 它非你所能掌控 当所有人都为他们的应许之地战斗时 我不需要你们的战争 它喂肥了富人,却埋葬了穷人 那些在食品店里被出卖的士兵们 不过只是在满足你贪婪的权欲 肉很新鲜吧? 我不需要你们的战争。 看看遍地狼藉的战场吧 看看我们抛洒的热血吧 看看这个杀戮的世界吧 那就是我们一直以来的所作所为 看看我们内心的挣扎吧 看看我们追随的领袖吧 看看我们强咽的谎言吧 我再也不想听到了 我的双手已被缚 因为我所看见的一切已然改变了我的思想 然而时间流逝,战争仍在继续 再也没有什么上帝之爱和人权之名 那些施了催眠术,沾满鲜血的双手 已将这些美梦一扫而空 是谁为杀戮者戴上圣洁的十字架 而历史独自容忍了内战的创伤 (独白)我们来做个试验吧,比如选择性地迁灭那些市长和政府官员, 然后由我们去填补权力的真空 使战争进一步获得民心 那和平就会临近了 (REPEAT) 我再也不需要任何战争了 不管怎样,这都是一场真正意义上的内战。 "What we"ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can"t reach... So, you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it! Well, he gets it! N" I don"t like it any more than you men." * Look at your young men fighting Look at your women crying Look at your young men dying The way they"ve always done before Look at the hate we"re breeding Look at the fear we"re feeding Look at the lives we"re leading The way we"ve always done before My hands are tied The billions shift from side to side And the wars go on with brainwashed pride For the love of God and our human rights And all these things are swept aside By bloody hands time can"t deny And are washed away by your genocide And history hides the lies of our civil wars D"you wear a black armband When they shot the man Who said "Peace could last forever" And in my first memories
2023-06-24 11:22:153