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2023-06-24 19:22:28
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MJ在1997年发行的《Blood on the dance floor》,其中长达38分钟的MV《Ghosts》开创了Mv的一个电影模式,是必看经典,LZ说的就是这个,其中包含3首歌第一首叫做《Too bad》 http://www.g****.com/search?search=Too+bad&id=45第二首《Is it scary》 http://www.g****.com/search?search=Is+it+scary&id=45(MJ变成骷髅)第三首《Ghosts》 http://www.g****.com/search?search=Ghosts&restype=-1&id=10000045&ty=0&pattern=0《Ghosts》的百度百科: http://baike.b***.com/view/325921.htm



英 ["ɡu0259u028asts] 美 ["ɡou028asts]
2023-06-24 09:58:141


鬼魂不过得结合上下文。有的时候可以形容一些狡猾的老手,有点像中文的“老狐狸”例如 gray ghost 在特定环境中就可以理解为 踏雪无痕的高手
2023-06-24 09:58:291

ghosts杰克逊-鬼怪 《鬼怪》《幽灵》(Ghosts)艺术家:michael jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊) 简介:《

《鬼怪》(Ghosts)艺术家:Mchael Jackson(迈克尔·杰克逊)   简介:《Ghosts》《Too bad》《Is it scary》本身并不是组歌,单独听哪一首也不是绝对吸引人,MJ是这个世界上最精明,最懂得如何宣传的人,他于1996年拍摄了一部伟大的狂想音乐录影带,总共35分钟长。改编自Michael Jackson和恐怖小说之王史蒂芬·金的原创概念。Jackson在片中一人饰五角。导演是好莱坞特效大师Stan Winston。这在当时是最长的音乐录影带,(《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》有记载)其中的背景音乐就是上述三首歌,在MJ劲爆的舞姿衬托下,三首歌被表达得淋漓尽致,起到了相当好的宣传效果。(这三首歌一直是我比较中意的歌)。《Too bad》本意表达的是一种惋惜的心理,放在MV中可以就说是对没有吓 倒镇长的惋惜,但歌曲中又含有一点谴责,当镇长对迈斯卓说:“我不喜欢你。”时,两人的敌对关系就完全表现在迈斯卓的眼神当中了,谴责之意无可置疑。至于《Is it scary》这首歌,我一直怀疑是不是专门为MV所创作的,或者说MV是根据这首歌有的灵感,总之,整个MV的主题就是以“吓人”展开的,台词中也多次出现迈斯卓带着有些狡黠的笑容问道:“Is it scary?”,MV的经典片段:迈斯卓变成骷髅跳舞的背景音乐就是这首歌,鬼怪们的尖叫使整个场面看起来怪诞又疯狂。就这首歌而言,创作得还是相当出色的,一个人在黑暗和极端寂静的场所听这首歌的感觉可以说是身临其境,棒极了,同样配上MJ和演员们没有章法的舞,十分震撼。歌曲《Ghosts》可以说是完全的狂想曲,讲述的完全是另一个世界,伴奏似乎掺杂了砸碎玻璃制品的声音,让人不禁联想到了僵尸们僵硬的身体,音乐与主题结合得非常完美,MJ再一次使用制作MV宣传歌曲的方法,震撼了世界人。   说起MV的另一层意思,不禁感到一阵凄凉,MJ是最会用艺术表达自我的艺人,这部MV看似是一部喜剧,却映射了MJ生活的悲剧。先看片中迈斯卓的生活环境:一所孤零零的别墅。说明迈斯卓是个孤独的人。而现实中的MJ也是一个孤独的人,他曾对媒体说:“我是这个星球上最孤独的人,有很多女孩都试图帮助我摆脱孤独,但她们都没有做到。”他的忘年交伊丽莎白 泰勒的话很好的诠释了MJ的孤独:“如果说他看起来与这个世界是那么的格格不入的话,只能说他已经超越了人们所能做到的极限。”镇民的安排也别有用心,从人种上来看,有黑人、 白人、拉丁美洲人(很可惜没有亚洲人),从年龄上来看,有幼儿、青少年、成年人、老人,镇民的构成可以说就是MJ歌迷群体的缩影——他的歌迷是不分种族、不分年龄的。MV的第一幅画面是一帮人手持火把走向迈斯卓的住宅,很明显的探险人的装备。联想现实,在MJ没有出现在歌坛的时候。世界人对音乐还是处于一种尝试与探险的状态,正像最初MV中的镇民,对于迈斯卓的“把戏”一无所知。当镇民们刚接触迈斯卓的时候,还有一丝恐惧,他们从没有听过这样的音乐,看过这样的舞蹈,一切太突然了!然而很快的,他们被这音乐、舞蹈吸引,身体不禁摇摆起来,尤其是那些孩子们,眼里闪现出发现真理的光芒,生活中的MJ不就非常受孩子们的欢迎吗?想想看,我们刚接受MJ的音乐的时候,一定也有点不习惯,因为实在太特别了,然而逐渐得就陷了进去,无法自拔。因此MV中对镇民们表情变化的表现正是人们接受MJ音乐的过程。    镇长这个人不得不说,他是MV中最让人痛恨的角色,这个角色是由MJ扮演的,化装过程相当复杂,这个角色的原形应该是MJ的歌《D.S.》中所唱的那个可恶的检察汤姆 斯奈登。MV拍摄于1996年,第一起娈童丑闻是在1993年,也就是说拍摄时正好在娈童丑闻平息的时候,再加上他1995年的专辑《History: past,present and future book1》中收录了《D.S.》,这无疑是拍摄的最佳时间。   因为汤姆 斯奈登是个官员,所以在MV中就给了他一个镇长的职位,镇长一开始就和迈斯卓过不去,而且还百般辱骂他,并用“吓坏了孩子”为借口遮掩自己的丑恶,和汤姆一个德行,殊不知迈斯卓的表现说明他是很喜欢孩子们的,经常给他们变一些魔术,跟生活中的MJ一样。当看到镇长的种种刁难行为,很多观众都想,为什么迈斯卓仅仅是吓唬他,而不是给他点颜色看看呢?在这里就体现了迈斯卓的人性美,迈斯卓总喜欢搞一些花样,说明他是很孩子气的,这让我们联想到MJ就喜欢一些玩偶之类的东西,他的心理年龄不足五岁。试想,一个五岁的孩子怎么会伤害别人呢?何况MJ也不想让孩子们看到他伤害别人,因而作为以MJ为原型的迈斯卓没有理由伤害镇长。在MV中有很多对镇长的嘲讽,例如跳舞那一段,美妙的舞蹈安在一个肥胖的身躯上是不是很可笑呢?MJ算是出了一口气。    MV中还有一处很吸引人的地方就是那些形态各异的鬼怪们,其实这些鬼怪也不仅仅是普通的角色,迈斯卓称他们为“家人”,这就反映了MJ正过着如同腐尸一般的生活,实在让人揪心。然而有一段情节:鬼怪们纷纷倒立走在天花板上,随音乐缓慢下来,在悠扬的圣歌中,迈斯卓张开双臂,鬼怪们不再舞蹈了,而是正立着飘在空中,缓缓下落,之前的欢闹场面不见了,而是突然变得神圣了,人们瞪大了眼睛,被眼前的景象所感动。当我看到这里,不禁流泪了,这个片断告诉我们,尽管MJ的生活并不好,但他仍旧能够到达超越一切的高尚境界,这也是为什么它能创作出感动世界人的作品。   当迈斯卓从镇长的身体里出来后,问大家是否还要赶他走,镇长大声说:“是的,是的。”看到还有人希望他离开,迈斯卓的心在流血,他双膝跪地砸碎了自己,变成粉末,任由风吹走。事实上,后期的MJ可以说已经是一种自我毁灭的行为了,他不愿去外界,只是把自己囚禁在家中,不去寻找欢乐,这部MV可以说是一部预言。镇民们看到迈斯卓消失了,都伤心不已,他们已被迈斯卓的艺术吸引,于是从他们渴望的眼神中可以看到:他们希望迈斯卓复活,镇民的心理不正是我们歌迷现在的心理吗?然而结局是好的,迈斯卓复活了,镇长也不知去向了,但愿这部分的预言也是真的。   《Ghosts》的确是一部伟大的音乐录影带,他的伟大不仅仅在于出色的音乐和舞蹈,而是他的内涵。   不知迈迷们看了有何感想?
2023-06-24 09:58:371


2023-06-24 09:59:036


2023-06-24 09:59:182

ghosts歌词翻译 james Vincent 唱的

歌名:Ghosts歌手:JAMES VINCENT MCMORROWThe moon holds the light月儿蕴含着光华And the moon"s this spinning globe它是一个旋转的球体Shedding light upon the road将月光洒在路面上The bird won"t fly那鸟儿飞不起来And a bird without its wings is a low and tragic thing鸟儿没有翅膀真是一件令人沮丧又悲伤的事We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵From the trees of velvet green从如天鹅绒般柔绿的树林To the ground beneath our feet到我们脚下坚实的土地We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来The mountain song山岳在歌唱Matters not the thoughts of thirds这歌并不为其他什么想法Matters only to be heard这歌只为听者而作And though I"m gone虽然我已离去I will come again in Spring但是我会随着春天回归When the harvest can begin那时我们将开始收获We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵From the trees of velvet green从如天鹅绒般柔绿的树林To the ground beneath our feet到我们脚下坚实的土地We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来翻译水平不高,还请见谅= =此曲颇有意境,建议结合影片分析(毕竟我没看过暮光= =)
2023-06-24 09:59:251


2023-06-24 09:59:349


There"s a ghost down in the hall/大厅里有幽灵 There"s a ghoul under the bed/床下面有盗墓者 There"s something in the walls/四周的墙壁上似乎有什么 There"s blood up on the stairs/沿着楼梯的台阶有血 And it"s floating through the room/并且流如了房间 And there"s nothing I can see/我什么也看不见 And I know that that"s the truth/我知道这是真实的 Because now it"s onto me./因为它正发生在我的身上 I don"t understand it/难以置信 Hey!/嘿! I don"t understand it!真的难以置信 Aaow! There"s a tappin" in the floor/地板上有轻敲的声音 There"s a creak behind the door/门后吱吱作响 There"s a rocking in the chair/椅子在摇摆 But there"s no-one sitting there/但里面却没有坐人 There"s a ghostly smell around/周围的气息恐怖 But nobody to be found/但却没有发现任何人 And a coughin" and a yawnin"/咳嗽声打哈泣声 Where a restless soul is going不安宁的灵魂在游走 And who gave you the right to shake my family?/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby,/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的身体, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back/你用一把到刺如了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!/把一支箭射入了我! Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你嫉妒的灵魂 The ghost of jealousy/嫉妒的灵魂 Don"t understand it!/难以置信 Yeah Yeah!/耶耶! Don"t understand it!/难以置信 And who gave you the right to scare my family?/是谁给你的权利来恐吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to scare my baby,是谁给你的权利来威吓我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back,你用一把刀刺入我的背部 Shot an arrow in me!/把一支箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你的嫉妒之魂吗? A suckin" ghost of jealousy/一个乳臭未干的嫉妒之魂 Aaow! And who gave you the right to shake my family?/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby,/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? And who gave you the right to take,/是谁给你的权利抢走我的物品, Intrusion ?/侵如我的领地? to see me?/质问我? And who gave you the right to hurt my family?./是谁给你的权利来伤害我的家人? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby,/是谁给你的权利来伤害我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back/你用一把刀刺入了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!/用一把箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你是嫉妒之魂
2023-06-24 09:59:571

迈克尔杰克逊ghosts 含义

2023-06-24 10:00:203

林一峰的《Ghosts》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghosts歌手:林一峰专辑:Back To The StarsGhosts词曲:林一峰Pick a timePick a placeWhere everything is stillStill the sameAnd you know I"ll be there to stayTrapped in timeTrapped in a placeWhere everything is stillStill the sameJust waiting for you to come my wayDrunk on happinessDrunk on sorrowWhen everything"s moved onI"m still ashamedAshamed of why"sAshamed of what"sForgetting I"m the only one to blameCount my lossesCount my gainsLight up my dreams then kill all the flamesDreams leave no stainTime leaves no traceBut on my faceOh my faceTime is a cageA walking cageImprisons shadows of our pastNo one can get awayNothing"s the sameWhile nothing"s changedNothing"s changedNothing"s changedNothing"s changed
2023-06-24 10:00:301


歌名:Ghosts歌手:JAMES VINCENT MCMORROWThe moon holds the light月儿蕴含着光华And the moon"s this spinning globe它是一个旋转的球体Shedding light upon the road将月光洒在路面上The bird won"t fly那鸟儿飞不起来And a bird without its wings is a low and tragic thing鸟儿没有翅膀真是一件令人沮丧又悲伤的事We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵From the trees of velvet green从如天鹅绒般柔绿的树林To the ground beneath our feet到我们脚下坚实的土地We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来The mountain song山岳在歌唱Matters not the thoughts of thirds这歌并不为其他什么想法Matters only to be heard这歌只为听者而作And though I"m gone虽然我已离去I will come again in Spring但是我会随着春天回归When the harvest can begin那时我们将开始收获We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵From the trees of velvet green从如天鹅绒般柔绿的树林To the ground beneath our feet到我们脚下坚实的土地We are ghosts我们都是幽灵We are ghosts amongst these hills我们是穿梭于这山野间的幽灵Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来Pressing out along the shore沿着海岸被渐渐挤压出来
2023-06-24 10:00:391


Blood on the dance floor
2023-06-24 10:00:514

Enik的《Ghosts》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghosts歌手:Enik专辑:Chainsaw BuddhaSiobhan Donaghy - GhostsFull mug my friends certainly familiarAh, hear that glitch say search the orbsTree-ann said it his seize the circusRam"s wool that cause way a cricusFull mug my friends certainly familiarWarmy funny Anna say say maluskaSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahPhwoar so spirit smother me inAh, hear that glitch fought and oughtFuel full fat her glass of milkWarm sitting here, sitting in bedSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahFull mug my friends certainly familiarAh, hear that glitch say search the orbsSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeahSworn under an oath to war oh oh~yeah
2023-06-24 10:00:581


2023-06-24 10:01:086


Ghost 幽灵 here"s a ghost down in the hall 大厅里有鬼 There"s a ghoul upon the bed 床下有盗尸者 There"s something in the walls 似乎有什么东西在墙上 There"s blood up on the stairs 楼上有血 And it"s floating through the room 正穿过房间流动 And there"s nothing I can see 但我什么也没看见 And I know it"s bless the tune ??? Because now it"s haunting me 因为那使我难以忘怀 Don"t understand it 难以理解 Don"t understand it 根本无法理解 There"s a thumpin" in the floor 地板咚咚作响 There"s a creak behind the door 门后吱吱作声 There"s a rocking in the chair 椅子摇晃不稳 But there"s no-one seem there 但那里似乎没人 There"s a ghostly smell around 周围散发出可怕的气味 But nobody to be found 但找不到任何人 And a coffin inlay open 棺材被打开 Where a restless soul is pokin" 一个不安的灵魂四处闲荡 Don"t understand it 不能理解 Don"t understand it 真得不能理解 (Got a ghost Got a break in the walls 鬼怪从墙壁闯入 Got a ghoulGot a break in the halls 盗尸者闯入大厅 Got to see itWant to) ??? And who gave you the right to scare my family? 你有什么权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shame my baby? She needs me!谁给你的权利来羞辱我的宝贝?她需要我! And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? 谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? They put a knife in my back 他们用刀向我背后捅去 Shot an arrow in me 用弓箭向我射来 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy 告诉我你是嫉妒之鬼吗? The ghost of jealousy 嫉妒之鬼! There"s a thumpin" in the floor 地板咚咚作响 There"s a creak behind the door 门后吱吱作声 There"s a rocking in the chair 椅子摇晃不稳 But nobody"s seem there 但似乎没有任何人There"s a ghostly smell around 周围散发出可怕的气味 But nobody to be found 但看不到任何人 And a coffin inlay open 棺材被打开 Where a restless soul is going & 一个不安的灵魂四处闲荡 Don"t understand it 无法理解 Don"t understand it 永远无法理解 (Got a ghost Got a break in the walls 鬼怪从墙壁闯入 Got a ghoulGot a break in the halls & 盗尸者闯入大厅 Got to see itWant to) ??? And who gave you the right to scare my family? 你有什么权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shame my baby? She needs me!谁给你的权力来羞辱我的宝贝?她需要我! And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? 谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? And who gave you the right to take, intrusion? To see me! 谁给你的权利抢走我的物品,闯入我的居室,拷问我? And who gave you the right to shame my family? 谁给你的权利来侮辱我的家人? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby? 谁给你的权利来伤害我的宝贝? She needs me! 她需要我! And who gave you the right to shake my family trees? 谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back 你用刀朝我背后捅去 Shot an arrow in me 用弓箭向我射来 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy 告诉我你是嫉妒之鬼吗? A suckin" ghost of jealousy 一个恶心的嫉妒之鬼! And who gave you the right to scare my family? 你有什么权利来恫吓我的家人 And who gave you the right to shame my baby? She needs me! 谁给你的权力来羞辱我的宝贝?她需要我! And who gave you the right to shake my family tree? 谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? And who gave you the right to take, intrusion? To see me! 谁给你的权利抢走我的物品,闯入我的居室,拷问我? And who gave you the right to shame my family? 谁给你的权利来侮辱我的家人? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby? 谁给你的权利来伤害我的宝贝? She needs me! 她需要我! And who gave you the right to shake my family trees? 谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back 你用刀朝我背后捅去 Shot an arrow in me 用弓箭向我射来 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy 告诉我你是嫉妒之鬼吗? The ghost of jealousy 嫉妒之鬼 Come on! 来吧! But it"s dynamite 但你失败了 A peace of mine ??? Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy 告诉我你是不是嫉妒之鬼?
2023-06-24 10:01:312

Michael jackson歌曲Ghosts和Jam的歌词(要中文注解)

Jam 困境 作词、作曲:Michael Jackson Do You Wanna Get Out 想跳出去吗 Do You Wanna Get Out Of Jam… 想走出困境吗…… Nation To Nation All The World 全世界所有的国家 Must Come Together 必须团结起来 Face The Problems That We See 去面对我们所看到的问题 Then Maybe Somehow We Can Work It Out 如此我们才可能将它解决 I Asked My Neighbor For A Favor 我请邻居帮个忙 She Said Later 她说下回吧 What Has Come Of All The People 人们这都是怎么了 Have We Lost Love Of What Its About 我们是否遗失爱的真谛了 I Have To Find My Peace Cuz 我得让自己冷静一下 No One Seems To Let Me Be 因为人们似乎不愿成全我 False Prophets Cry Of Doom 伪先知哭泣着世界末日 What Are The Possibilities 究竟会发生什么 I Told My Brother Therell Be Problems,Times And Tears For Fears, 我曾告诉过我的同胞定会多次因畏惧而生问题、痛哭流涕 We Must Live Each Day Like Its The Last 我们必须珍惜眼前每一天 Go With It 解决它 Go With It 解决它 Jam 困境 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题 It Aint Too Much 不算什么 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题 It Aint 这不算 It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题 It Aint 不算 Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本…… The World Keeps Changing 世界片刻不停地变化 Rearranging Minds And Thoughts 冲击着思想和观念 Predictions Fly Of Doom 预言飞来横祸 The Baby Boom Has Come Of Age 生于这时代的婴孩如今已主沉浮 Well Work It Out 我们会处理好 I Told My Brothers 我曾告诉我的同胞们 Dont You Ask Me For No Favors 别指望我能帮你什么忙 Im Conditioned By 我已融入了 The System 这个体系 Dont You Talk To Me 我不要听你们说话 Dont Scream And Shout 别叫叫嚷嚷 She Pray To God, To Buddha 她求神拜佛 Then She Sings A Talmud Song Confusions Contradict The Self 在唱犹太圣歌的惶惑中迷失自我 Do We Know Right From Wrong 我们能从错误中汲取教训吗? I Just Want You To Recognize Me 我要要你认清我 (Recognize Me) (看清我的脸) I"m The Temple 我便是圣人, (In The Temple) (在圣殿里) You Cant Hurt Me Within Myself 坚不可摧, I Found Peace Within Myself 我终于寻得真谛。 Go With It 解决它 Go With It 解决它 Jam 困境 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这不算什么问题 It Aint Too Much 不算什么 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 对我来说根本不是问题 It Aint 这不算 It Aint Too Much Stuff 不算什么问题 It Aint 不算 Dont You It Aint Too Much For Me To... 告诉你这对我来说根本… (Rap Performed By Heavy D) (Heavy D说唱:) Jam Jam 困境 困境 Here Comes The Man 他来了 Hot Damn 老天 The Big Boy Stands 看他踮起脚尖 Movin Up A Hand 抬起一只手。 Makin Funky Tracks With My Man 跟我兄弟一同做这醉人音乐 Michael Jackson 迈克尔 杰克逊 Smooth Criminal 犯罪高手 Thats The Man 就是此人 Mikes So Relaxed 麦克是如此无拘无束 Mingle Mingle Jingle 联手团结 In The Jungle 敲响警钟 Bum Rushed The Door 3 And 4s In A Bundle 游民三五成群冲破门槛 Execute The Plan 要执行这个计划 First I Cooled Like A Fan 我得先拿扇子冷静下来 Got With Janet 先是和珍妮合作如此 Then With Guy 然后是那个家伙 Now With Michael 如今是迈克尔 Cause It Aint Hard To... 这难不倒…… (Michael) (说唱束) Jam 困境 It Aint 这可不是 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这可不算什么问题 It Aint Too Much 还够不上 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这无法难倒我 Get On It 拿出冲劲 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这根本不算 It Aint 不算 Dont Stop 片刻别停 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会怯步 It Aint 这不是 It Aint Too Much Stuff 不是什么问题 It Aint 不是 Dont You 听好了 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我 It Aint 这算什么 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题 It Aint 算不上 Dont You 告诉你 It Aint Too Much For Me To 它不过是…… It Aint Too Hard For Me 这对我称不上 To Jam (x9) Get On It 继续努力 Jam 束手无策了 It Aint 这是什么 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算什么问题 It Aint Too Much 算不上 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本就难不倒我 It Aint 就这个 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这点问题 It Aint 算什么 Dont You 告诉你 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 这根本难不倒我 It Aint Too Much Stuff 这算得上什么 It Aint Too Much 算不上 It Aint Too Much For Me To Jam 我不会被这些给难倒 It Aint? 这也? It Aint Too Much Stuff 这也算问题? It Aint 这也? Dont You 听好了 It Aint Too Much For Me To 这点问题对我来说…… Get On It 拿出冲劲 Get On It 勇往直前 Give It Baby 努力吧 Give It To Me相信我吧 Come On 来吧 You Really Give It Too Me 我值得你信任 Got To Give It 必须奉献出 You Just Want To Give It 你正想奉献出ghosts鬼怪There"s a ghost down in the hall大厅里有幽灵 There"s a ghoul under the bed床下面有盗墓者 There"s something in the walls四周的墙壁上似乎有什么 There"s blood up on the stairs沿着楼梯的台阶有血 And it"s floating through the room并且流如了房间 And there"s nothing I can see我什么也看不见 And I know that that"s the truth我知道这是真实的 Because now it"s onto me因为它正发生在我的身上 I don"t understand it难以置信 Hey!/嘿! I don"t understand it!真的难以置信 Aaow! There"s a tappin" in the floor地板上有轻敲的声音 There"s a creak behind the door门后吱吱作响 There"s a rocking in the chair椅子在摇摆 But there"s no-one sitting there但里面却没有坐人 There"s a ghostly smell around周围的气息恐怖 But nobody to be found但却没有发现任何人 And a coughin" and a yawnin"咳嗽声打哈泣声 Where a restless soul is going不安宁的灵魂在游走 And who gave you the right to shake my family?是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby是谁给你的权利来践踏我的宝贝, She needs me她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back你用一把刀刺如了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!把一支箭射入了我! Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy告诉我你嫉妒的灵魂 The ghost of jealousy嫉妒的灵魂 Don"t understand it!难以置信 Yeah Yeah!耶耶! Don"t understand it!难以置信 And who gave you the right to scare my family?是谁给你的权利来恐吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to scare my baby是谁给你的权利来威吓我的宝贝 She needs me她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back你用一把刀刺入我的背部 Shot an arrow in me!把一支箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy告诉我你的嫉妒之魂吗? A suckin" ghost of jealousy一个乳臭未干的嫉妒之魂 Aaow! And who gave you the right to shake my family?是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的宝贝, She needs me她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? And who gave you the right to take是谁给你的权利抢走我的物品, Intrusion ?侵如我的领地? to see me?质问我? And who gave you the right to hurt my family?.是谁给你的权利来伤害我的家人? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby是谁给你的权利来伤害我的宝贝, She needs me她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back你用一把刀刺入了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!用一把箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy告诉我你是嫉妒之魂 ----------------- Mayor: STOOOOOP!!!
2023-06-24 10:01:513

万圣节英文介绍 万圣节英文介绍简述

1、Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. By tradition, Halloween begins after sunset. Long ago, people believed that witches gathered together and ghosts roamed the world on Halloween. Today, most people no longer believe in ghosts and witches. But these supernatural beings are still a part of Halloween. 万圣节前夜是在10月31日庆祝的一个节日,根据传统,万圣节前夜的庆祝活动从太阳落山开始。在很久以前,人们相信在万圣节前夜女巫会聚集在一起,鬼魂在四处游荡。现在,大多数人们不再相信有鬼魂和女巫的存在了,但是他们仍然把这些作为万圣节前夜的一部分。 2、The colors black and orange are also a part of Halloween. Black is a symbol for night and orange is the color of pumpkins. A jack-o"-lantern is a hollowed-out pumpkin with a face carved on one side. Candles are usually placed inside, giving the face a spooky glow. 黑色和橙色仍然是万圣节前夜的一部分,黑色是夜晚的象征,而橙色代表着南瓜。南瓜灯是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的,带来一个毛骨悚然的灼热面孔。 3、Dressing up in costumes is one of the most popular Halloween customs, especially among children. According to tradition, people would dress up in costumes (wear special clothing, masks or disguises) to frighten the spirits away. 盛装是最受欢迎的万圣节风俗之一,尤其是受孩子们的欢迎。按照传统习俗,人们会盛装(穿戴一些特殊的服饰,面具或者装饰)来吓跑鬼魂。 4、Popular Halloween costumes include vampires (creatures that drink blood), ghosts (spirits of the dead) and werewolves (people that turn into wolves when the moon is full). 流行的万圣节服装包括vampires(吸血鬼),ghosts(死者的灵魂)和werewolves(每当月圆时就变成狼形的人)。 5、Trick or Treating is a modern Halloween custom where children go from house to house dressed in costume, asking for treats like candy or toys. If they dont get any treats, they might play a trick (mischief or prank) on the owners of the house. 欺骗或攻击是现代万圣节的风俗。孩子们穿着特殊的衣服走街串巷,讨取糖果和玩具之类的赏赐。如果他们得不到任何的赏赐,就可能会对屋主大搞恶作剧或者胡闹了。 6、The tradition of the Jack o Lantern comes from a folktale about a man named Jack who tricked the devil and had to wander the Earth with a lantern. The Jack o Lantern is made by placing a candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin, which is carved to look like a face. 南瓜灯的传统来自于一个民间传说。一个名叫Jack的人戏弄了恶魔,之后就不得不提着一盏灯在地球上流浪。南瓜灯是用雕刻成脸型,中间挖空,再插上蜡烛的南瓜做成的。 7、There are many other superstitions associated with Halloween. A superstition is an irrational idea, like believing that the number 13 is unlucky! 和万圣节有关的迷信还有很多。迷信是一种不合常理的想法,比如认为13是不吉利的数字! 8、Halloween is also associated with supernatural creatures like ghosts and vampires. These creatures are not part of the natural world. They dont really exist... or do they? 万圣节还和一些诸如鬼魂和吸血鬼之类的超自然的生物有关。这些生物不是自然界的一部分。他们实际上是不存在的......或许他们其实真的存在? 9、Witches are popular Halloween characters that are thought to have magical powers. They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks. 女巫是万圣节很受欢迎的人物,人们认为她们具有强大的魔力。他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫把上飞来飞去。 10、Bad omens are also part of Halloween celebrations. A bad omen is something that is believed to bring bad luck, like black cats, spiders or bats. 恶兆也是万圣节庆祝活动的一部分。人们相信恶兆会带给坏运气,黑猫、蜘蛛或者蝙蝠都算是恶兆。
2023-06-24 10:02:151

MJ的ghosts和is it scary是一样的吗?

一样啊ghosts的歌词:There"s a ghost down in the hallThere"s a ghoul upon the bedThere"s something in the wallsThere"s blood up on the stairsAnd it"s floating through the roomAnd there"s nothing I can seeAnd I know that that"s the truthBecause now it"s onto meI don"t understand itHeyI don"t understand it!AaowThere"s a tappin" in the floorThere"s a creak behind the doorThere"s a rocking in the chairBut there"s no-one sitting thereThere"s a ghostly smell aroundBut nobody to be foundAnd a coughin" and a yawnin"Where a restless soul is goingDon"t understand itHey!Don"t understand itHey.And who gave you the right to shake my family?And who gave you the right to shake my baby, she needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?You put a knife in my backShot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyThe ghost of jealousyThere"s a tappin in the floorThere"s a creak behind the doorThere"s a rocking in the chairBut nobody"s sitting thereThere"s a ghostly smell aroundBut nobody to be foundAnd a coughin" and a yawnin"Where a restless soul is goingDon"t understand it!Yeah Yeah!Don"t understand it!Your just a dog gone!Aaow!And who gave you the right to scare my family?And who gave you the right to scare my baby, she needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?And who gave you the right to take intrusion, to see me?And who gave you the right to shake my family?And who gave you the right to hurt my baby, she needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?You put a knife in my back,Shot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyA suckin" ghost of jealousyAaow!And who gave you the right to shake my family?And who gave you the right to shake my baby, she needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?And who gave you the right to take, intrusion to see me?And who gave you the right to hurt my family?And who gave you the right hurt my baby, she needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?You put a knife in my backShot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyThe ghost of jealousyAaowDog goneBut there"s no doubt about it, piece of mindTell me are you the ghost of jealousy is it scary的歌词:there"s a ghost down in the hallthere"s a ghoul beneath the bednow it"s coming through the wallsnow it"s coming up the stairsthere"s a spirit in the darkhear the beating of his heartcan you feel it in the airghosts be hiding everywherei"m gonna beexactly what you wanna seeit"s you who"s taunting mebecause you"re wanting meto be the strangerin the nightam i amusing youbut just confusing meam i the beastyou visualizedand if you wanna seeeccentric odditiesi"ll be grotesquebefore your eyelet them all materializeis that scary for you babyam i scary for you oh boyis it scary for you babyis it scary for youyou know the stranger is youis it scary for you babythere"s a creaking in the floorthere"s a creak behind the doorthere"s a rocking in the chairbut nobody"s sitting therethere"s a ghastly smell aroundbut nobody to be foundand a coffin inlay openwhere restless soul"s spokei"m gonna beexactly what you gonna seeso did you come to meto see your fantasiesperformed beforeyour very eyesa haunting ghostly treatthe ghoulish trickeryand spirits dancingin the nightbut if you came to seethe truth the purityit"s here insidea lonely heartso let the performance startis that scary for you babyam i scary for you oh boyam i scary for you babyam i scary for you oh boyso tell meis it scary for you babytell meso tell meis that realism for you big babyam i scary for youyou know the stranger is youam i scary for youmasquerade the heartis the height of hurting soulsjust not what you see of mecan hardly reveal the prooflike a mirror reveals the truthsee the evil one is youis that scary for you big babyam i scary for you oh boyam i scary for you babyam i scary for you oh boyso tell meam i scary for you babyam i scary for you babyis it scary for you babyam i scary for you oh boywanna talk abouti wanna talk abouti don"t wanna talk aboutwanna talk aboutam i scary for you babyis it scary for you babyi"m tired of being abusedyou know you"re scaring me tooi see the evil is youis it scary for you baby boy 两首歌的歌词一样啊·不过ghosts是个大专辑,里面有很多的歌。当中就有is it scary的。
2023-06-24 10:02:261

迈克尔杰克逊在Speed Demon的MTV中的摩托车是哈雷吗?

2023-06-24 10:02:494


Is it scary
2023-06-24 10:02:573


2023-06-24 10:03:136


故事讲述了一个爱恶作剧的神秘人的故事,他与孩子们有着深厚的友谊,并为他们表演魔法与歌舞;而迂腐的镇长却执意要把“不正常的”Michael赶出镇去。双方终于冲突并进行赌赛:谁先把对方吓倒,输家就必须得离开。Michael Jackson随即召来了一群鬼魂助阵,在众人面前“群魔乱舞”,最终赢得了镇民欢心,赶走了居心叵测的镇长。
2023-06-24 10:03:354


2023-06-24 10:03:564


2023-06-24 10:04:021

there are no ghosts与there is no ghost有什么不同?

前一个是复数 后一个是单数,其实应该是用单数的
2023-06-24 10:04:213


2023-06-24 10:04:3012

求David sylvian的ghosts的歌词,谢谢~

When the room is quietThe daylight almost goneIt seems there"s something I should knowWell, I ought to leaveBut the rain it never stopsAnd I"ve no particular place to goJust when I think I"m winningWhen I"ve broken every doorThe ghosts of my lifeBlow wilder than beforeJust when I thought I could not be stoppedWhen my chance came to be kingThe ghosts of my lifeBlew wilder than the windWell, I"m feeling nervousNow I find myself aloneThe simple life"s no longer thereOnce I was so sureNow the doubt inside my mindComes and goes, but leads nowhere
2023-06-24 10:05:031

谁能给我Michael Jackson Ghosts 歌词,要音乐短片的那个39分钟的噢!谢谢!

2023-06-24 10:05:113

英语ghost buffalo怎么翻译?

出现GRUB的原因是机子在引导的过程中找不到引导文件,可能原因为: 你的GHOST系统没有引导记录。解决办法:如果以前没有安装过操作系统(指WINDOWS系统),则不能直接用GHOST,而要用原版光盘安装一遍系统,否则你的硬盘上是没有Windows的引导记录的,当然会起不来。
2023-06-24 10:05:209

Michael Jackson

2023-06-24 10:05:445

迈克杰克逊的一个MV 里边有一个小男孩儿还一只海豚,那个MV的名字?

will you be there,是free willy(人鱼传说)的主题曲。那个是鲸鱼。。。
2023-06-24 10:05:592

ghost kiss什么意思

ghost kiss幽灵之吻ghost[英][gu0259u028ast][美][gou028ast]n.鬼,幽灵; (尤指可怕事物的)记忆; 隐约的一点点; (电视屏幕上的)重影; vt.悄悄地行进; vi.替人代笔; 第三人称单数:ghosts复数:ghosts现在进行时:ghosting过去式:ghosted
2023-06-24 10:06:072


第一个是too bad 第二个是Is it scary 第三个是Ghosts 还有这个录影带叫《鬼怪》
2023-06-24 10:06:152


ghost_百度翻译ghost 英[gu0259u028ast] 美[gou028ast] n. 鬼,幽灵; (尤指可怕事物的) 记忆; 隐约的一点点; (电视屏幕上的) 重影; vt. 悄悄地行进; vi. 替人代笔; [例句]The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children.死去的孩子们的幽灵常在该村出没。[其他] 第三人称单数:ghosts 复数:ghosts 现在分词:ghosting过去式:ghosted
2023-06-24 10:06:441

群星的《Ghosts》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghosts歌手:群星专辑:Vent 0004 - A Drum & Bass DocumentGhostsby Michael JacksonCreated By M.J From Chengde City in Hebei ProvinceThere"s a ghost down in the hallThere"s a ghoul under the bedThere"s something in the wallsThere"s blood up on the stairsAnd it"s floating through the roomAnd there"s nothing I can seeAnd I know that that"s the truthBecause now it"s onto me.I don"t understand itHey!I don"t understand it!Aaow!There"s a tappin" in the floorThere"s a creak behind the doorThere"s a rocking in the chairBut there"s no-one sitting thereThere"s a ghostly smell aroundBut nobody to be foundAnd a coughin" and a yawnin"Where a restless soul is goingI don"t understand itHey!I don"t understand itAnd who gave you the right to shake my family?And who gave you the right to shake my baby,She needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?You put a knife in my backShot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyThe ghost of jealousyThere"s a tappin" in the floorThere"s a creak behind the doorThere"s a rocking in the chairBut there"s nobody sitting thereThere"s a ghostly smell aroundBut nobody to be foundAnd a coughin" and a yawnin"Where a restless soul is goingDon"t understand it!Yeah Yeah!Don"t understand it!You"re just the doggone!And who gave you the right to scare my family?And who gave you the right to scare my baby,She needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?And who gave you the right to take,intrusion to see me?And who gave you the right to shake my family?And who gave you the right to hurt my baby,She needs me.And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?You put a knife in my back,Shot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyA suckin" ghost of jealousyAaow!And who gave you the right to shake my family?And who gave you the right to shake my baby,She needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?And who gave you the right to take,intrusion to see me?And who gave you the right to hurt my family?And who gave you the right to hurt my baby,She needs meAnd who gave you the right to shake my family tree?You put a knife in my back,Shot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy!The ghost of jealousy!Awoa!Come on!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy!
2023-06-24 10:06:521


《Ghosts》《2bad》《Is it scary?》本身并不是组歌,单独听哪一首也不是绝对吸引人,MJ是这个世界上最精明,最懂得如何宣传的人,他于1996年拍摄了一部伟大的狂想音乐录影带,总共35分钟长。改编自Michael Jackson和恐怖小说之王史蒂芬·金的原创概念。Jackson在片中一人饰五角。导演是好莱坞特效大师Stan Winston。这在当时是最长的音乐录影带,(《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》有记载)其中的背景音乐就是上述三首歌,在MJ劲爆的舞姿衬托下,三首歌被表达得淋漓尽致,起到了相当好的宣传效果。(这三首歌一直是我比较中意的歌)。《2bad》本意表达的是一种惋惜的心理,放在MV中可以就说是对没有吓倒镇长的惋惜,但歌曲中又含有一点谴责,当镇长对迈斯卓说:“我不喜欢你。”时,两人的敌对关系就完全表现在迈斯卓的眼神当中了,谴责之意无可置疑。至于《Is it scary?》这首歌,我一直怀疑是不是专门为MV所创作的,或者说MV是根据这首歌有的灵感,总之,整个MV的主题就是以“吓人”展开的,台词中也多次出现迈斯卓带着有些狡黠的笑容问道:“Is it scary?”,MV的经典片段:迈斯卓变成骷髅跳舞的背景音乐就是这首歌,鬼怪们的尖叫使整个场面看起来怪诞又疯狂。就这首歌而言,创作得还是相当出色的,一个人在黑暗和极端寂静的场所听这首歌的感觉可以说是身临其境,棒极了,同样配上MJ和演员们没有章法的舞,十分震撼。歌曲《Ghosts》可以说是完全的狂想曲,讲述的完全是另一个世界,伴奏似乎掺杂了砸碎玻璃制品的声音,让人不禁联想到了僵尸们僵硬的身体,音乐与主题结合得非常完美,MJ再一次使用制作MV宣传歌曲的方法,震撼了世界人。 说起MV的另一层意思,不禁感到一阵凄凉,MJ是最会用艺术表达自我的艺人,这部MV看似是一部喜剧,却映射了MJ生活的悲剧。先看片中迈斯卓的生活环境:一所孤零零的别墅。说明迈斯卓是个孤独的人。而现实中的MJ也是一个孤独的人,他曾对媒体说:“我是这个星球上最孤独的人,有很多女孩都试图帮助我摆脱孤独,但她们都没有做到。”他的忘年交伊丽莎白 泰勒的话很好的诠释了MJ的孤独:“如果说他看起来与这个世界是那么的格格不入的话,只能说他已经超越了人们所能做到的极限。”镇民的安排也别有用心,从人种上来看,有黑人、白人、拉丁美洲人(很可惜没有亚洲人),从年龄上来看,有幼儿、青少年、成年人、老人,镇民的构成可以说就是MJ歌迷群体的缩影——他的歌迷是不分种族、不分年龄的。MV的第一幅画面是一帮人手持火把走向迈斯卓的住宅,很明显的探险人的装备。联想现实,在MJ没有出现在歌坛的时候。世界人对音乐还是处于一种尝试与探险的状态,正像最初MV中的镇民,对于迈斯卓的“把戏”一无所知。当镇民们刚接触迈斯卓的时候,还有一丝恐惧,他们从没有听过这样的音乐,看过这样的舞蹈,一切太突然了!然而很快的,他们被这音乐、舞蹈吸引,身体不禁摇摆起来,尤其是那些孩子们,眼里闪现出发现真理的光芒,生活中的MJ不就非常受孩子们的欢迎吗?想想看,我们刚接受MJ的音乐的时候,一定也有点不习惯,因为实在太特别了,然而逐渐得就陷了进去,无法自拔。因此MV中对镇民们表情变化的表现正是人们接受MJ音乐的过程。 镇长这个人不得不说,他是MV中最让人痛恨的角色,这个角色是由MJ扮演的,化装过程相当复杂,这个角色的原形应该是MJ的歌《D.S.》中所唱的那个可恶的检察汤姆 斯奈登。MV拍摄于1996年,第一起娈童丑闻是在1993年,也就是说拍摄时正好在娈童丑闻平息的时候,再加上他1995年的专辑《History: past,present and future book1》中收录了《D.S.》,这无疑是拍摄的最佳时间。 因为汤姆 斯奈登是个官员,所以在MV中就给了他一个镇长的职位,镇长一开始就和迈斯卓过不去,而且还百般辱骂他,并用“吓坏了孩子”为借口遮掩自己的丑恶,和汤姆一个德行,殊不知迈斯卓的表现说明他是很喜欢孩子们的,经常给他们变一些魔术,跟生活中的MJ一样。当看到镇长的种种刁难行为,很多观众都想,为什么迈斯卓仅仅是吓唬他,而不是给他点颜色看看呢?在这里就体现了迈斯卓的人性美,迈斯卓总喜欢搞一些花样,说明他是很孩子气的,这让我们联想到MJ就喜欢一些玩偶之类的东西,他的心理年龄不足五岁。试想,一个五岁的孩子怎么会伤害别人呢?何况MJ也不想让孩子们看到他伤害别人,因而作为以MJ为原型的迈斯卓没有理由伤害镇长。在MV中有很多对镇长的嘲讽,例如跳舞那一段,美妙的舞蹈安在一个肥胖的身躯上是不是很可笑呢?MJ算是出了一口气。 MV中还有一处很吸引人的地方就是那些形态各异的鬼怪们,其实这些鬼怪也不仅仅是普通的角色,迈斯卓称他们为“家人”,这就反映了MJ正过着如同腐尸一般的生活,实在让人揪心。然而有一段情节:鬼怪们纷纷倒立走在天花板上,随音乐缓慢下来,在悠扬的圣歌中,迈斯卓张开双臂,鬼怪们不再舞蹈了,而是正立着飘在空中,缓缓下落,之前的欢闹场面不见了,而是突然变得神圣了,人们瞪大了眼睛,被眼前的景象所感动。当我看到这里,不禁流泪了,这个片断告诉我们,尽管MJ的生活并不好,但他仍旧能够到达超越一切的高尚境界,这也是为什么它能创作出感动世界人的作品。 当迈斯卓从镇长的身体里出来后,问大家是否还要敢他走,镇长大声说:“是的,是的。”看到还有人希望他离开,迈斯卓的心在流血,他双膝跪地砸碎了自己,变成粉末,任由风吹走。事实上,后期的MJ可以说已经是一种自我毁灭的行为了,他不愿去外界,只是把自己囚禁在家中,不去寻找欢乐,这部MV可以说是一部预言。镇民们看到迈斯卓消失了,都伤心不已,他们已被迈斯卓的艺术吸引,于是从他们渴望的眼神中可以看到:他们希望迈斯卓复活,镇民的心理不正是我们歌迷现在的心理吗?然而结局是好的,迈斯卓复活了,镇长也不知去向了,但愿这部分的预言也是真的。 《Ghosts》的确是一部伟大的音乐录影带,他的伟大不仅仅在于出色的音乐和舞蹈,而是他的内涵。 具体可以看这里:
2023-06-24 10:06:591

Japan的《Ghosts》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghosts歌手:Japan专辑:Tin Drum【GHOSTS】5:13-歌词如有出入~请自调较适应Michael Jacksonby Alex|There"s a ghost down in the hallThere"s a ghoul under the bedThere"s something in the wallsThere"s blood up on the stairsAnd it"s floating through the roomAnd there"s nothing I can seeAnd I know that that"s the truthBecause now it"s onto meI don"t understand it!(Hey!)I don"t understand it!(AOW!)There"s a tappin" in the floorThere"s a creak behind the doorThere"s a rocking in the chairBut there"s no-one sitting thereThere"s a ghostly smell aroundBut nobody to be foundAnd a coughin" and a yawnin"Where a restless soul is goingI don"t understand it!Got a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)(Hey!)I don"t understand it!Got a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)Got to see it wontchaGot a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)Got to see it wontchaGot a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)Got to see it wontchaAnd who gave you the right to scheme my family?And who gave you the right to shame my baby?She needs me...And who gave you the right to shame my family tree?You put a knife in my back!Shot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyThe ghost of jealousyThere"s a tappin" in the floorThere"s a creak behind the doorThere"s a rocking in the chairBut there"s no-one sitting thereThere"s a ghostly smell aroundBut nobody to be foundAnd a coughin" and a yawnin"Where a restless soul is goingDon"t understand it!Got a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)(Yeah~Yeah!)Don"t understand it!Got a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)You"re just the doggoneGot to see it wontchaGot a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)Got to see it wontchaGot a ghost, got a break in the walls (2x)Got to see it wontchaAnd who gave you the right to scheme my family?And who gave you the right to shame my baby?She needs me...And who gave you the right to shame my family tree?And who gave you the right to take intrusionto see me?And who gave you the right to shame my family?And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?She needs me...And who gave you the right to shame my family trees?You put a knife in my back!Shot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyA suckin" ghost of jealousy(Aow!)|And who gave you the right to scheme my family?And who gave you the right to shame my baby?She needs me...And who gave you the right to shame my family tree?And who gave you the right to take intrusionto see me?And who gave you the right to hurt my family?And who gave you the right to hurt my baby?She needs me...And who gave you the right to shame my family tree?You put a knife in my back!Shot an arrow in me!Tell me are you the ghost of jealousyThe ghost of jealousy(AOW!)(Come on)(But it"s)(Dynamite a peace of mine)Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy
2023-06-24 10:07:061


There"s a ghost down in the hall/大厅里有幽灵 There"s a ghoul under the bed/床下面有盗墓者 There"s something in the walls/四周的墙壁上似乎有什么 There"s blood up on the stairs/沿着楼梯的台阶有血 And it"s floating through the room/并且流如了房间 And there"s nothing I can see/我什么也看不见 And I know that that"s the truth/我知道这是真实的 Because now it"s onto me./因为它正发生在我的身上 I don"t understand it/难以置信 Hey!/嘿! I don"t understand it!真的难以置信 Aaow! There"s a tappin" in the floor/地板上有轻敲的声音 There"s a creak behind the door/门后吱吱作响 There"s a rocking in the chair/椅子在摇摆 But there"s no-one sitting there/但里面却没有坐人 There"s a ghostly smell around/周围的气息恐怖 But nobody to be found/但却没有发现任何人 And a coughin" and a yawnin"/咳嗽声打哈泣声 Where a restless soul is going不安宁的灵魂在游走 And who gave you the right to shake my family?/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby,/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的身体, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back/你用一把到刺如了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!/把一支箭射入了我! Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你嫉妒的灵魂 The ghost of jealousy/嫉妒的灵魂 Don"t understand it!/难以置信 Yeah Yeah!/耶耶! Don"t understand it!/难以置信 And who gave you the right to scare my family?/是谁给你的权利来恐吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to scare my baby,是谁给你的权利来威吓我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back,你用一把刀刺入我的背部 Shot an arrow in me!/把一支箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你的嫉妒之魂吗? A suckin" ghost of jealousy/一个乳臭未干的嫉妒之魂 Aaow! And who gave you the right to shake my family?/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的家人? And who gave you the right to shake my baby,/是谁给你的权利来恫吓我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? And who gave you the right to take,/是谁给你的权利抢走我的物品, Intrusion ?/侵如我的领地? to see me?/质问我? And who gave you the right to hurt my family?./是谁给你的权利来伤害我的家人? And who gave you the right to hurt my baby,/是谁给你的权利来伤害我的宝贝, She needs me/她需要我 And who gave you the right to shake my family tree?/是谁给你的权利来践踏我的家园? You put a knife in my back/你用一把刀刺入了我的后背 Shot an arrow in me!/用一把箭射向我 Tell me are you the ghost of jealousy/告诉我你是嫉妒之魂
2023-06-24 10:07:132

ghost什么意思 解释ghost一词的含义?

大小写变形:GhostGHOST 点击金山快译,了解更多 人工释义 词态变化 复数:ghosts; 第三人称单数:ghosts; 过去式:ghosted; 现在分词:ghosting; 实用场景例句 全部 幽灵 记忆 重影 Theyghostedup the smooth waters of the river. ...ghost的意思、解释 过去式:ghosted; 现在分词:ghosting; 复数形式:ghosts; ghost 基本解释 名词鬼,幽灵; (尤指可怕事物的)记忆; 隐约的一点点; (电视屏幕上的)重影 及物动词悄悄地行进 不及物动词替人代笔 ghostghost 相关例句 及...大小写变形:GhostGHOST 点击金山快译,了解更多 人工释义 词态变化 复数:ghosts; 第三人称单数:ghosts; 过去式:ghosted; 现在分词:ghosting; 实用场景例句 全部 幽灵 记忆 重影 Theyghostedup the smooth waters of the river. ...ghost的意思、解释 过去式:ghosted; 现在分词:ghosting; 复数形式:ghosts; ghost 基本解释 名词鬼,幽灵; (尤指可怕事物的)记忆; 隐约的一点点; (电视屏幕上的)重影 及物动词悄悄地行进 不及物动词替人代笔 ghostghost 相关例句 及...参考文档参考文档参考文档参考文档参考文档参考文档参考文档参考文档参考文档参考文档
2023-06-24 10:07:211


2023-06-24 10:07:294


2023-06-24 10:07:386

Nick Lachey的《Ghosts》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghosts歌手:Nick Lachey专辑:What"S Left Of MeGhostsLeon MengYou think,To look at all the angles.As the quiet workings of a broken man.The time is burning like a candle,And it makes you think of how it all began."Ghosts"Well step inside your skin and walk around.And from the other side,I see it now.Well somewhere in the night,They are a pair of lovers,Looking to see the ghosts of what we used to be.And somewhere in the night,Back in another time.I"ll smile as I rescue moments from my memory.And somewhere in my my mind...So why,Picking up the pieces,And I"m trying not to cut my eager hands.Its strange,Its not even sadness,To accept the things that you cannot understand.I don"t remember all that you said,A million corners in one tiny head.Well somewhere in the night,They are a pair of lovers,Looking to see the ghosts of what we used to be.And somewhere in the night,Back in another time.I"ll smile as I rescue moments from my memory.It is easy to have fallen into a world,That it is smaller than every time, everytime.I will leave it to exist somehow,Like a restless man whose learn to die.Soul in rhyme, a soul in rhyme.Well somewhere in the night,They are a pair of lovers,Looking to see the ghosts of what we used to be.And somewhere in the night,Back in another time.I"ll smile as I rescue moments from my memory.And somewhere in my mind.Well somewhere in the night,They are a pair of lovers,Looking to see the ghosts of what we used to be.And somewhere in my my mind...
2023-06-24 10:08:031

迈克尔杰克逊Ghosts MV最后那一段像一个悲剧

能把音乐剧演绎到那个地步的 全世界就MJ能做到
2023-06-24 10:08:135


2023-06-24 10:08:294


2023-06-24 10:08:361


2023-06-24 10:08:585


你慢慢搜吧,很难下到的,我几年前就没找到提个醒,怕你弄错:完整版是半个多小时的 我已经下载完毕,近200M,所以清晰度一般
2023-06-24 10:09:172

杰克逊 一首华尔兹

2023-06-24 10:09:362


ghost 英[gu0259u028ast] 美[gou028ast] n. 鬼,幽灵; (尤指可怕事物的) 记忆; 隐约的一点点; (电视屏幕上的) 重影; vt. 悄悄地行进; vi. 替人代笔; [例句]The village is haunted by the ghosts of the dead children.死去的孩子们的幽灵常在该村出没。[其他] 第三人称单数:ghosts 复数:ghosts 现在分词:ghosting过去式:ghosted
2023-06-24 10:09:431


他自己的歌的MV 主角不都是他吗? 电影貌似么有哦,
2023-06-24 10:09:514