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2023-06-24 08:45:54





















































一般般啦 因为自己也喜欢化妆 所以经常回去了解 用了那么多还是觉得avon好 彩妆是avon和美宝莲的好
2023-06-24 07:09:532


2023-06-24 07:10:081


“一个健康的人,不仅包括身体没有疾病,而且还包括与社会、与自然的和谐相处!”Spaland诗泊蓝把对健康的诠释融入身心的自由之中,将对身心的舒缓Spa体验紧密拥抱大自然的生态感应,性灵互通,休戚与共。让享有Spaland诗泊蓝的每一个生命体都散发着舒畅、自由和愉悦的浪漫气息,让美丽健康高尚、和谐自然。简单是一种本质——褪去浮华,剥掉伪装,真正的本质其实异常简单;简单是一种安全——没有渲染,没有掩饰,不要包裹,不要神秘,简单才更安全;简单是健康——无需添加,有效的原汁成分不允许任何稀释和干扰,健康依赖于纯净;简单是一种修养和格调——身心静谧,情致贤雅,返璞归真,简单是美; 所以,简单是生活的灵魄,是共处的基础,是真挚的体验,是朴素的关爱;简单是感触萌发的信仰,是悟道的最终结晶,是无尚的精神境界,是灵魂交融的儒雅快感。 努力发现这样的简单,努力追求这样的简单,努力实现这样的简单,令自己变得极致,把自己带向纯粹。简单生活,静心体会,触摸真谛,宁静致远。Spaland诗泊蓝,简单生活,尽其在我。
2023-06-24 07:10:151


对于很多人来说,提起韩国,更多的是想到首尔和济州岛,殊不知东南端的釜山其实也很迷人!上周,应韩国釜山旅游局、韩国釜山航空公司邀请,小编随大方旅游前往釜山进行四天三晚的考察。根据行程安排,前两天主要参观景点,后两天主要以购物为主。江门旅游俱乐部将分两期对本次考察之旅进行推送,让喜欢旅游、喜欢韩风、喜欢购物的小伙伴们能从中获得最新的旅游资讯!1新世界SPALAND6月16日早上6点半,小编到达了韩国釜山。由于是凌晨的飞机,几乎一夜没睡。为消除旅途疲劳,此次考察第一站来到了新世界Spa Land。釜山的新世界Spa Land,其设施十分高大上,有22个温泉浴池和13个主题桑拿房和汗蒸房,并且还有室外的足浴池等其他洗浴设施。它天然温泉水全部取自地下1000米处。(网络图片)你是不是也想像韩剧的男女主角一样,戴着可爱的毛巾羊角帽,吃着代表美食烤鸡蛋,在对方额头上一磕?釜山的新世界Spa Land很干净,工作人员实时清扫,小编瞪大眼睛都看不到一根头发。泡完温泉澡,在不同温度的汗蒸房里蒸一下,让体内毒素随着汗液排出,促进新陈代谢并消除疲劳,这感觉就是一个字:爽!2海东龙宫寺说起寺庙,很多人都认为那是需要藏在深山的,但在韩国,有一座建于海边的寺庙——海东龙宫寺。据说,到龙宫寺祈福非常灵验,因而每天都会有很多人前来许愿。龙宫寺最特别的景致当属108阶和日出岩。以前我们去寺庙,往往需要向上攀登,但龙宫寺并非如此。从龙宫寺入口必须下108阶,才能来到寺庙,而日出岩就位于108阶中间。韩国也有个龙门石窟?海东龙宫寺里有很多这种小佛像,人们还捡了花瓣放在头上,显得特别可爱站在岩石上可以聆听到海浪拍打岩壁的声音,欣赏日出的壮观美景。眺望蓝色大海,听着不时传来的诵经声,人也宁静了很多。3冬柏岛说冬柏岛是釜山最美的地方,不足为奇。冬柏岛非常小,四周生长着茂盛的冬柏树和松树。在冬柏岛散步,可欣赏到海云台的大海和岛上的密林,空气十分清新,而且岛上还曾举办过APEC峰会,其会议纪念馆还被称为“最美丽的会场”,所以这里也成为许多观光客到釜山旅游的必到之地。在冬柏岛看出去的景色4五六岛在冬柏岛,还可以遥望远处的五六岛。
2023-06-24 07:10:281


2023-06-24 07:10:463


<混浴> 二字 就是不相识的男女都在同一个温泉水池 *** 下水那一种 不是男女老少穿泳衣那种 <温泉泳池> 混浴在日本都很少了 只有少数地方的个别旅馆或公共浴堂保留. 大阪附近的近畿地区几乎完全没有. 最近都要到 : 1. 兵库県的汤原温泉 2. 和歌山新宫的熊野 有一个 "川汤温泉" 其实是一条流着温泉水的河. 夏天时 男女老少都穿泳衣到河里玩 (毕竟是天然河流 不用像浴堂的温泉池那般要保持清洁 不可穿泳衣). 到了冬天的11-2月 有关方面会把河水截流 形成一个大温泉池 是男女混浴的. 如果讲的是男女老少规定穿泳衣下水的 "温泉泳池" 就要找些 "温泉PARK" / "温泉水上乐园"例如 1. 大阪弁天町有 "汤之国JAPON" 的温泉水上乐园 .. eeoyu/konamiyu/benten/benten 2. 位于爱知県桑名市的 NAGASHIMA RESORT 距离大阪两个多小时火车 是全套温泉水上乐园
2023-06-24 07:10:541


2023-06-24 07:11:121

cmr sca,scc,ipf 在国际贸易中是什么意思,我是外贸新手。谢谢各位了

2023-06-24 07:10:392


檀香山汉语拼音:[ tán xiang shan ];檀香山市(The city of Honolulu)又称火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu),为美国夏威夷州首府和港口城市。在夏威夷语中,火奴鲁鲁意指"屏蔽之湾"或"屏蔽之地"。因为早期本地盛产檀香木,而且大量运回中国,被华人称为檀香山。位于北太平洋夏威夷群岛中瓦胡岛的东南角,延伸于滨河平原上。檀香山市主城商业区是夏威夷的经济、商业与政治中心。在海岸地区有过去多年来皆为夏威夷最高建筑物的阿啰哈塔(Aloha Tower)。而现在夏威夷最高的建筑物是137米的第一夏威夷中心(First Hawaiian Center),位于主教街和国王街(King and Bishop Streets)上。视觉艺术:位于火奴鲁鲁下城商业区附近的火奴鲁鲁艺术学院 (Honolulu Academy of Arts)是夏威夷最主要的视觉艺术活动场地。火奴鲁鲁艺术学院拥有全夏威夷数量最多西方与亚洲的艺术收藏品,学院内的桃乐丝公爵剧院 (Doris Duke Theatre) 整年都有关于艺术及世界电影的影片放映。而马奇奇高地上的现代美术馆 (The Contemporary Museum)则是夏威夷州主要的现代艺术展览馆。
2023-06-24 07:10:391


2023-06-24 07:10:482


氧疗 可以改善患者的缺氧情况。推荐参照慢性阻塞性肺疾病氧疗指征,静息状态低氧血症(Pa O2<55 mmHg或Sp O2<88%)的IPF患者应该接受长程氧疗。 2.机械通气 IPF伴呼吸衰竭的患者大多数不采用气管插管机械通气治疗。无创正压通气可能改善部分IPF患者的缺氧,延长生存时间。对于预后不良的终末期肺纤维化患者,一般不主张气管插管机械通气治疗。 3.肺康复 是针对有症状及日常活动能力下降的慢性肺病患者的一项全面干预治疗手段,旨在减轻症状,改善机体功能,稳定或延缓疾病发展,从而降低医疗费用。肺康复的内容包括呼吸生理治疗,肌肉训练(全身性运动和呼吸肌锻炼),营养支持,精神治疗和教育。
2023-06-24 07:10:582


2023-06-24 07:11:005


2023-06-24 07:11:016


2023-06-24 07:11:072


夏威夷:阿洛哈之州Hawaii: The Aloha State As one of the most beautiful places on earth, the 137 islands, islets and shoals that make up the Hawaiian Island chain sit at the northern tip of the Polynesian Triangle, an expanse of ocean roughly the size of Europe and North America combined. However, most people know Hawaii only by six of these islands: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and the Big Island Honolulu. Every year, millions of people come to this beautiful resort to visit and enjoy their vacation. It is generally believed Hawaii"s first permanent inhabitants sailed in voyaging canoes from the southern hemisphere islands of the Marquesas, between 300 and 800 A.D. Later waves of settlers arrived by the 12th century, this time from Tahiti. Hawaii is a land of many contrasts. Urban Honolulu, the state capital, is a cosmopolitan metropolis with a population of more than 370,000; the entire island of Molokai, a scant 50 miles away, has only 7,400 residents. State FlagThe state flag has eight stripes representing the Hawaiian archipelago"s major islands: Nihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii. The colors are red, white and blue. From top to bottom on the flag the stripes are, in order, white, red, blue, white, red, blue, white, red. The upper left corner closely resembles the Union Jack of Great Britain. Designed for King Kamehameha I in the early 1800"s, the flag"s resemblance to the Union Jack symbolizes King Kamehameha"s friendship with the British. State MottoUa mau ke ea o ka ‘aina i ka pono (The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness). King Kamehameha III is said to have uttered these words on July 31, 1843, when a British admiral once more raised the Hawaiian flag after a brief usurpation of authority.Hawaii"s Attractions The Big Island (Honolulu)You can try dancing the hula and taking part in an authentic luau (feast). Head upcountry and discover the uniquely blended Hawaiian, Portuguese, and Mexican cultures — still alive and well among Hawaiian paniolo (cowboys) on the island"s giant ranches. Or perhaps you can visit historical Kealakekua Bay where Captain James Cook dramatically lost his life in 1779. Finally, don"t miss Puukohola Heiau. This sacred spot was built in 1790 by King Kamehameha as an offering to the gods, where he asked for success in his campaign to unite the Hawaiian Islands. . Maui From the timeless grandeur of Haleakala Crater to the historic charm of 19th Century Lahaina, Maui offers a wealth of historic and cultural attractions that will captivate your imagination and reveal the extraordinary traditions of this magical isle. The town of Lahaina is a National Historic District, with timeless charm and a variety of important historic sites that take one back to the days when the town served as an important whaling port. No matter where you travel on Maui you are sure to find points of historic and cultural significance. LanaiA place of deep cultural significance, Lanai boasts many historical sites, old fishing villages, and unique topographical features like the boulder-strewn Keahikawelo. In the center of the island, Lanai City features thoroughly and lovingly restored landmarks, including the lovely Lanai Playhouse and Theater and the charming Hotel Lanai, both dating from the 1920"s. A prehistoric mystery lingers in Luahiwa, where visitors will find 34 boulders featuring intriguing petroglyphs carved by ancient Hawaiians. MolokaiMolokai residents show a deep regard for tradition and take great care to preserve the island"s unique cultural heritage. Here, it often seems as if the past and the present exist simultaneously. One of the island"s most popular cultural attractions is the Kalokoeli Fishpond, where ancient Hawaiians once practiced a remarkably sophisticated form of aquaculture. As many as 60 of these fish ponds once operated along the southern shore, and most of them were constructed at least 700 years ago. Another must-see is the Iliiliopae Heiau, one of the largest ancient temple platforms in all of Hawaii. Set deep within a thriving forest, this historic site offers a palpable sense of wonder and spirituality. OahuOahu"s rich cultural heritage may be something you seek out, but you"ll most certainly find it without even trying. There are several ways to soak up Oahu"s colorful history. Museums, temples, cultural centers and festivals just to name a few. Historical artifacts can be found at both the Bishop Museum and Iolani Palace, home to the last reining monarch, Queen Liliuokalani. Take in turn-of-the-century architecture with a stroll through Chinatown, or ride the trolley through Waikiki and you"ll see historical hotels such as the Sheraton Moana Surfrider and the Royal Hawaiian Hotel made famous in the early 1900"s. Kauai Archaeologists speculate that the first “tourists” to Hawaii landed on Kauai perhaps as early as 500 A.D. The gentle Pacific Ocean trade winds that brought settlers from Marquesas, Tahiti, Samoa and other South Pacific islands were the same that eventually led Captain James Cook to make his first landing in Hawaii on the shores of Waimea, Kauai in 1778. Educational displays of the artifacts and contemporary crafts of the Native Hawaiians can be found at the Kauai Museum. Discover ancient sacred sites on the banks of rivers, near fishponds, in parks or set among the cliffs. Attend a luau (feast) at one of the resorts to see the dances and hear legends of Kauai.Other places where Kauai"s culture and beauty pervade are botanical and cultural gardens, the Kokee Natural History Museum, the Waioli Mission, and the charming historical towns of Hanalei, Hanapepe and Lihue. Hawaii Weather Weather on all of the Hawaiian Islands is very consistent, with only minor changes in temperature throughout the year. This is due to year-round warm sea surface temperatures, which keep the overlying atmosphere warm as well. In practical terms, there are only 2 seasons: the summer months (called Kau in Hawaiian) that extend from May to October and the winter months (Ho"oilo) that run from November to April. The average daytime summer temperature at sea level is 85 degrees F. (29.4 C) while the average daytime winter temperature is 78 degrees (25.6 C). Temperatures at night are approximately 10 degrees F. lower.? ActivitiesHiking through Hawaii"s lush rainforests... Lounging on a secluded beach... Cruising down a volcano on a mountain bike at top speed... These are just a few of the myriad of activities you can do while in Hawaii — The Islands of Aloha. From catching a sunset sail on a balmy, tropical evening to hitting the ski slopes at Mauna Kea crater, Hawaii offers activities to please each individual. You can snorkel, hike, explore and catch an afternoon luau (feast) all in one day. The choice is yours. All you have to do is figure out what you want to do while on vacation in Hawaii. Then again, you may want to do nothing at all. The Language Although more than 100 different languages are spoken in Hawaii, the state"s two official languages are Hawaiian and English. The melodious Hawaiian language is a Polynesian dialect and has only 12 letters in its alphabet: vowels a, e, i, o, u and consonants h, k, l, m, n, p and w. Some of the most popular words you"ll hear in Hawaii are: Aloha love, hello, goodbye Mahalo thank you Keiki child Kane man Wahine woman Kama"aina Hawaii resident Pua flower Mauna mountain Words of Caution Many visitors are drawn to the natural beauty found in higher elevations such as Kokee on Kauai, or Haleakala on Maui, or Kilauea on the Big Island. To prepare for the trip, bring long pants and several layers of cool weather clothing because the temperature in the higher locations drops 3.5 degrees for every 1,000 feet above sea level that you climb. For example, the summit of Haleakala at an elevation of 10,023 feet can be as much as 30 degrees F. cooler than resort areas on the coast. These peaks rise through the earth"s atmosphere so there is less protection from the sun"s powerful burning rays. This burning effect can be easily masked by the cool temperatures on the mountain, so be sure to use sun block liberally, and bring a hat and sunglasses.夏威夷为所有人提供各种活动,一天里,你可以潜水、徒步旅行、探险,或参加夏威夷宴会。一切尽由你决定。你所需要明白的就是在夏威夷度假期间想干什么。当然,你也可以什么都不做。 作为世界上最美丽的胜地,由137个岛屿、小岛和沙洲组成的夏威夷岛链位于波利尼西亚三角洲的北部,此地所涵盖的海洋面积几乎等于整个欧洲和北美的面积。但是,大多数人仅仅知道夏威夷的六个岛屿:考艾岛、瓦胡岛、莫洛凯岛、拉奈岛、毛伊岛以及火奴鲁鲁岛。每年都有成百上千万的游客来到这个美丽的度假胜地旅游或度假。据说,夏威夷的首批居民是在公元300年至800年期间,从南半球的马克萨斯群岛乘船来此。此后,从12世纪开始,大批人从塔希提岛来此定居。夏威夷是一个多姿多彩的地方。火奴鲁鲁市作为州的首府,是一个拥有370,000人口的国际性大都会,而50英里之外的莫洛凯岛仅有7,400居民。 州旗州旗是八条旗,代表夏威夷群岛的主要岛屿:尼华岛、考艾岛、瓦胡岛、毛伊岛、莫洛凯岛、拉奈岛、卡霍奥拉维岛以及大岛等。旗的颜色包括红色、白色和蓝色。旗帜从上到下的条纹颜色依次为:白色、红色、蓝色、白色、红色、蓝色、白色、红色。在左上角是英国国旗。旗帜于19世纪专为卡美哈美哈国王一世设计,旗帜与英国国旗的相似处代表了卡美哈美哈国王与英国的友好关系。 州格言(Ua mau ke ea o ka 悭ina i ka pono.)(守正义则存)。据称,卡美哈美哈国王三世于1843年7月31日说出这样一番话。当时一位英国海军上将在一次短暂的篡位之后,再次举起夏威夷旗帜。夏威夷风光 大岛(火奴鲁鲁)你可以跳草裙舞,参加真正的夏威夷宴会。继续深入,你会看到独特的混杂的夏威夷、葡萄牙、以及墨西哥文化依然存在,而且在岛上的大牧场的夏威夷牛仔身上得到了充分发挥。或者你可以访问历史悠久的凯阿拉凯库亚湾,詹姆斯·库克船长就是于1779年在这里去世。最后,不要错过Puukohola Heiau,这个神圣的地方是由卡美哈美哈国王于1790年建立,作为对神的供奉,以祈求成功统一夏威夷群岛。 毛伊岛从壮观的哈雷卡拉火山到拉海纳19世纪的历史名胜,毛伊岛具有一系列珍贵的历史和文化名胜,可以使您被深深迷住,并向您展示这一神奇小岛的独特的传统。拉海纳镇是一个国家历史区,具有历史悠久的名胜和各种重要的历史遗迹,可以将人们带回到小镇作为重要捕鲸港口的时代。在毛伊岛,不论到哪里,您一定能够找到历史和文化的足迹。 拉奈岛拉奈岛是一个拥有深厚文化底蕴的地方,具有众多的历史名胜,古老的渔村,以及独特的地貌特征,例如科艾雷巨石。位于岛中心的拉奈市具有十分有趣的地标,其中包括可爱的拉奈儿童剧院以及拉奈旅馆,都是在二十世纪二十年代建立的。在陆亚希瓦有一个史前遗迹,游客在此能够看到34块巨石,每一块都具有由古代夏威夷居民雕刻的神奇岩雕。 莫洛凯岛莫洛凯岛的居民非常尊崇传统,并尽力保护岛上独特的文化遗迹。在这里,好像历史与现实是同在的。岛上最流行的文化名胜是Kalokoeli Fishpond,古代的夏威夷人曾经在此形成了成熟的水产业形式。在南海岸大约有60个鱼塘,其中大多数都是在至少700年前建造的。另外一处不容错过的地方就是Iliiliopae Heiau,这是夏威夷最大的一处祖庙平台。穿过一处茂密的树林,这一历史胜地将给你带来无尽的惊奇。 瓦胡岛瓦胡岛丰富的文化遗迹可能是你最希望探索的,但是毫无疑问,您可以毫不费力地找到。了解瓦胡岛的多彩历史有多种方式。博物馆、神庙、文化中心和节日只是其中的一部分。在主教博物馆和伊奥拉尼皇宫(最后一个统治者利留卡拉尼女王的居所),您可以看到各种史前文物。漫步穿过唐人街,观赏跨世纪的建筑,或乘电车穿过怀基基海滩,你可以看到许多历史悠久的旅馆,例如在20世纪早期就已经非常著名的Moana Surfrider希尔顿和皇家夏威夷酒店。 考艾岛 考古学家推测第一批到夏威夷的“游客”约公元500年在考艾岛登陆。太平洋温和的信风带来了来自马克萨斯、塔希提岛、萨摩亚群岛、以及其他南太平洋岛屿的定居者,也带来了詹姆斯·库克船长,他最先于1778年在外米亚海岸登陆夏威夷的考艾岛。在考艾岛博物馆,可以看到手工精密的史前文物,也能看到当代夏威夷土著人的手工艺制品。在河岸、附近的鱼塘、或在悬崖中间探索古人神圣之所。在其中的一个胜地,参加夏威夷式宴会,观看舞蹈,并欣赏考艾岛的美妙音乐。 考艾岛的其他文化名胜和景观包括植物园和文化公园、寇基自然历史博物馆、怀奥里传教所,以及哈纳雷、哈纳佩佩、里呼依等迷人的历史小镇。 夏威夷的气候 夏威夷群岛的气候非常稳定,全年的气温只有很少的变化。这主要是由于全年温暖的海洋表面温度,使整个环境都非常温暖。实际上,这里只有两个季节:夏季月(夏威夷语为Kau)从五月持续到十月;冬季月(Ho抩ilo)从十一月持续到四月。夏季白天的平均温度为华氏85度(29.4摄氏度),而冬季白天的平均温度为华氏78度(25.6摄氏度)。夜间温度比白天约低华氏10度。 活动 徒步穿越夏威夷茂密的雨林,在隐蔽的沙滩散步,骑山地车从火山上高速驶下。这些仅仅是你在夏威夷(阿洛哈岛)可以参加的众多活动中的一部分。在温暖的热带的晚上迎着落日航行到茂那基山,夏威夷为所有人提供各种活动。一天里,你可以潜水、徒步旅行、探险,或参加夏威夷宴会。一切尽由你决定。你所需要明白的就是在夏威夷度假期间想干什么。当然,你也可以什么都不做。 语言 虽然夏威夷有100多种不同的语言,州的两种官方语言为夏威夷语和英语。声调优美的夏威夷语是一种波利尼西亚方言,在其字母表中仅有12个字母:元音a, e, I, o, u以及辅音h, k, l, m, n, p和w。在夏威夷你会经常听到这些话: Aloha 爱,你好,再见 Mahalo 谢谢 Keiki 孩子 Kane 男人 Wahine 女人 Kama抋ina 夏威夷居民 Puaa 花 Mauna 山 敬告 许多游客非常喜欢海拔很高的自然景观,诸如位于考艾岛的寇基、毛伊岛的哈雷卡拉,或者位于大岛的基劳伊亚等。在准备行程时,要带着长裤以及一些防寒的衣物,因在海平面以上的高地,每上升1,000英尺其温度就会下降3.5度。例如,哈雷卡拉山顶的海拔为10,023英尺,比海岸地区的温度要低华氏30 度。 这些山顶都超过了地球的大气层,因此对于太阳射线的防护大大减少。这些射线很容易被山顶的凉爽温度所掩盖,因此,一定要使用防晒护肤霜,并携带帽子和太阳镜。
2023-06-24 07:11:162


who is going to supervisor 主谓regulate and operate 宾as lender of last resort with gigantic banks 状补that are being created 定语从句,修饰gigantic banks
2023-06-24 07:11:162


不用安装了, 打印头没有烧,但是 打印头超过320个喷嘴不出墨的话 就会提示清洁打印头,一直清洁大约3次左右,然后报错2F2F 或是2F30 等错误。
2023-06-24 07:11:172


给你个网址,然后输入dinosaur 搜一下就行了.
2023-06-24 07:11:253

i.p 在医学上是什么意思

2023-06-24 07:11:271


GFAS-X1 Destory Gundam/毁灭高达 开发经过 地球联合军所开发的巨型可变形机动战士,加进了之前开发的MS、大型MA的经验技术的所制成的巨型MS。 机体介绍 GFAS:Gressorial Fortress Armament Strategic,战略装甲兵器要塞[1] 。是地球连合军所制造的全新巨型机动战士,身高是普通机动战士的3倍,全身配备了武器,也装备了能让光束武器无效化的阳电子反射器,只须一机便可轻易破坏整个城市,是一部攻守俱全的大型MS,主要针对集团战及要塞攻略战方面。此外,本机能变成巨型MA型态,火力比MS型态还要强。 Destroy Gundam名称中「高达」的全写是「Gigantic Unilateral Numerous Dominating AMmunition」,即是「战略装脚兵装要塞」。 战斗史 最初本机是由毁灭高达所属生物CPU成员史黛拉驾驶,之后本机在准备发射的1580mm 复数列能量炮的时候,被自由高达击破。[1] 后来,本机变成量产型,在连合军参与天堂基地的一战中出现了5部毁灭高达,被命运高达、传说高达和冲击高达合力击破。 后来在宇宙的一战中,再次出现了2部毁灭高达,被命运高达和传说高达击破。 另外,在单行本「Delta Astray」中,亦曾出现一部本体,最后被击毁。 机体型式 隶属:地球连合军 类型:少数量产MS 驾驶:史汀娜·露茜、史汀·奥古利、生物CPU 全高:56.30公尺 重量:404.93公吨 颜色涂装:黑 特殊配备 变形功能 机体武装 「冲击十三」高能源炮 × 2(装设於背部中央,仅在MA形态使用) 「睡莲神503」热等离子复合炮 × 20(装设於背部的边缘,左右各十) 「怒火Mk2」200mm能源炮 × 1(装设於口部) 「豪猪阵」75mm 自动近接防御系统 × 2(装设於头部,左右各二) 「超级海妖魔兽」1580mm复列位相能源炮 × 3(装设於胸口,左、中右并排) 「疾风拳」腕部光束炮 × 2(装设於两手手腕可脱离使用) MJ-1703 5连装分离式光束步枪 × 2(装设於双手,每手各一,每指尖为一分离式光束步枪) 「马克62」 6连装多用途飞弹发射器 × 4(装设於背部,上下〔MS形态时〕或前后〔MA形态时〕两个一组,分别在左右内侧) 「捍卫先锋 SX1021」阳电子反射器
2023-06-24 07:11:321


你好 都不怎么样 还是换成飞利浦的比较好 。 希望对你有帮助。如还有疑问欢迎追问。 感谢你对汽车大师的支持 你的支持就是我们的动力 。祝你行车愉快【汽车有问题,问汽车大师。4S店专业技师,10分钟解决。】
2023-06-24 07:11:361


排山倒海的解释[topple the mountains and overturn the seas (fig)forcible;gigantic] 把山推开,把海翻过来。 形容 声势浩大,来势凶猛 风浪以排山倒海之势 猛扑 过来 详细解释 推开山,翻倒海。极言势 大力 猛。 宋 杨 万里 《病起喜雨闻莺》 诗:“病势初来敌颇强,排山倒海也难当。” 清 沉用济 《 黄河 大风行》 :“大风一起天茫茫,排山倒海不可当。” * 《 辛亥 革命 杂咏》 :“排山倒海人民力,引起 中华 革命先。” 词语分解 排山的解释 推开山岳。极言势大力猛。《晋书·秃发傉檀载记》:“ 吕氏 以排山之势,王有西夏,率土崩离,衔璧 秦雍 。” 明 陈子龙 《平陵东》诗:“东郡太守建旗鼓,排山动地连关辅。” 清 林昌彝 《渡海》诗: 海的解释 海 ǎ 靠近 大陆,比洋小的水域:海洋。海域。海拔。海疆。海内。海岸。 海誓山盟 。五湖四海。 用于 湖泊 名称:青海。中南海。 容量大的 器皿 , 巨大 的:海碗。 海涵 (敬辞,称对方大度包容)。夸下海口。 喻数量多的
2023-06-24 07:11:391


2023-06-24 07:11:431

求【镜音レン】Gigantic O.T.N 的mp3和歌词

已发 查收
2023-06-24 07:11:461


首字母填空3,Guangzhou is at south of Shanghai
2023-06-24 07:11:487


2023-06-24 07:11:532

huge.big.giant.large.great 有什么不同

2023-06-24 07:11:563

“天灯” (就是孔明灯)的英文翻译?

天灯Sky lanterns 天灯是一种特制的灯笼,上面写了人们的心愿。Sky lanterns are special lanterns that people write prayers on. 孔明灯.. Kongming Lantern Kongmin Light 欢庆中秋,让我们放飞孔明灯!Happy Mid-autumn Festival: Let"s Fly Kongming Lantern! 孔明灯:是三国时,诸葛亮发明的,用来传递信息。Kongmin Light: It is invented by Zhu Guoliang. It is used to pass the message.
2023-06-24 07:12:051

歌词里有magic stops at midnight的是哪首英文歌。

前两首很有可能Magic (Robin Thicke)Robin Thicke - MagicHey…Wooo…Alright baby….Ohhh…Oh….Yeah…I can make the pain disappearAnd I can erase the past ohhI can make the future shine so brightAnd I can make right now alright yeahI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlAll I got is concrete all around me wooo…But I can see the countrysideYou can be rich when you"re poorPoor when you"re richIt can be raining and I can make the sun shineI got it you got it we got (wooo) the magic girlI got it (you know you got it baby) you got it we got the magic girlI got it (I"ve got it baby) you got it we got the magic girlI got it (You know I got it baby) you got it we got the magic girlI know sometimes sometimes you feel no hopeBut I"ve been down off that lonely roadI took whatever gift he offered meBecause I knew that he would set me free(whoa) I got it you got it (wooo) we got the magic girlI got it (magic baby) you got it we got the magic (woo) girlI got it (we got the magic baby) you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girlI got it you got it we got the magic girl woooScience they can"t prove itBut I know I can do itI can flyI can bend metal with my mindI can wake up in a paradise ohhhhWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicWe got that magicGot that magic come onI got it you got it we got that magic girlI got it you got it we got that magic girlI got it you got it we got that magic girlI got it you got it we got that magic girlEverydayLRC by Kevin Boul from LK Lyrics GroupMagic (Pussycat Dolls)Pussycat Dolls - MagicPick a card any card that"s what he told meI took it to rodeo and it worked like magic for meSpa massage a lap of the luxHis" and her"s flying spurs automatical rushI"m charming, don"t charm I"m on a chainDon"t hate me hate the gameI can wave my hand and like thatNow we all aloneJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicLike MagicNa na na na na-naNow you see, now you don"tI got this trick to show yaDisappear when he act upon yaFor you know I"ll be alright up on yaJuicy coutures and night at the barsTurning back -Valet lift up the doorI"m charming, don"t charm I"m on a chainDon"t hate me hate the gameI can wave my hand and like thatNow we all aloneJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicLike MagicAbracadabra I got to have yaHe don"t realize what were doin"Ain"t no science by illusions in the clubAbracadabra I got to have yaSpread your eyes wear attention blow your mindWhen I get you out the clubYou"re at my hand tonightMake him my man tonightI"m charming, don"t charm I"m on a chainDon"t hate me hate the gameI can wave my hand and like thatNow we all aloneJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicJust like that your mineLike magic magic magicWith just one blink of an eyeLike magic magic magicI know I caught you by surpriseLike magic magic magicWon"t be the same outfit toniteLike magic magic magicLike MagicNa na na na na-namagic stick (50 Cent)50 cent-magic stickI got the magic stickI know if I can hit once, I can hit twiceI hit the baddest chicksShorty don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) MaaagicI got the magic stickI"m a freak to the coreGet a dose once, you gon" want some moreMy tongue touch ya girl, ya toes bound to curlThis exclusive shit I don"t share with the worldI have you up early in the mornin, moaninBack shot, proper or low can"t stop usBeen a fiend for this since Rakim made hitsGet the position down pat, then it"s time to switchI"ll rock the boat, I"ll work the middleI skeet it up, straight beat it up.... and I ain"t in the hood with my toast out loc"nI"m in the telly workin up a sweat strokinTonight"s the night, you can fall in loveYou can call your mama right now, tell her you met a thugI pop a lot of shit cause I can back it upMy left stroke"s the death strokeI got the magic clitI"m on fire, lick once, I get licked twiceI am the baddest chickShorty you don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) Maaagic, uh-huh uh-huhI got the magic clitLil" Kim not a whoreBut I sex a nigga so good, he gotta tell his boysWhen it, come to sex don"t test my skillsCause my head game have you HEAD over heelsGive a nigga the chills, have him pay my billsBuy matchin Lambo"s with the same color wheels.. and I ain"t out shoppin spendin dudes C-notesI"m in the crib givin niggaz deep throatTonight Lil" Kim gon" have you in the zoneGirls, call ya crib, I"m answerin the phoneGuys wanna wife me and give me the ringI"ll do it anywhere, anyhow, I"m down for anythingCouple of humps, give a nigga goosebumpsThis junk in my trunk ain"t made for chumpsWhen Lil" Kim"s around you don"t need to lieIt"s the "Drugs" baby, I"m makin ya HIGH!!I got the magic stickI know if I can hit once, I can hit twice(I am the baddest chick)(Shorty you don"t believe me, then come with me tonight)(And I"ll show you maaagic - what? What?)Maaagic (uh-huh, uh-huh)(I got the magic clit)Now put your face in itI know you sprung off in your tongue, I know you tastin it(Sex ain"t a race) But I have a thug nigga breakin recordsAnd the time is (one minute, six seconds)(Magic stick) I got the magic bopHAVE THAT ASS TRICKIN AFTER ONE BACK SHOT(The gifts, the ice, I like that a lot)The minks, the leathers, the CL dropI got the magic stickI know if I can hit once, I can hit twiceI hit the baddest chicksShorty don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) MaaagicI got the magic stickI got the magic clitI"m on fire, lick once, I get licked twiceI am the baddest chickShorty you don"t believe me, then come with me tonightAnd I"ll show you maaagic(What? What?) Maaagic, uh-huh uh-huhI got the magic clitPuff (The Magic Dragon) (Peter, Paul and Mary)歌曲:Puff Magic Dragon歌手:Paul Peter & MaryPuff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Little jackie paper loved that rascal puff,And brought him strings and sealing wax and other fancy stuff. ohPuff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sailJackie kept a lookout perched on puffs gigantic tail,Noble kings and princes would bow whenever they came,Pirate ships would lower their flags when puff roared out his name. oh!Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.A dragon lives forever but not so little boysPainted wings and giant rings make way for other toys.One grey night it happened, jackie paper came no moreAnd puff that mighty dragon, he ceased his fearless roar.His head was bent in sorrow, green scales fell like rain,Puff no longer went to play along the cherry lane.Without his life-long friend, puff could not be brave,So puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave. oh!Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee,Puff, the magic dragon lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mist in a land called honah lee.Three Is A Magic Number (Blind Melon)Three is a magic number歌手:various artists专辑:schoolhouse rockLyrics & Music by: Bob DoroughPerformed by: Bob DoroughThree is a magic number,Yes it is, it"s a magic number.Somewhere in the ancient, mystic trinityYou get three as a magic number.The past and the present and the future.Faith and Hope and Charity,The heart and the brain and the body,Give you three as a magic number.It takes three legs to make a tripodOr to make a table stand.It takes three wheels to make a vehicleCalled a tricycle.Various ArtistsEvery triangle has three corners,Every triangle has three sides,No more, no less.You don"t have to guess.When it"s three, you can seeIt"s a magic number.A man and a woman had a little baby,Yes, they did.They had three in the family,And that"s a magic number.3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.3-6-9, 12-15-18, 21-24-27, 30.Now the Multiples of 3come up three times in each set of 10.3 x 10 is 30, 3 x 9 is 27, 3 x 8 is 24, 3 x 7 is 21,3 x 6 is 18, 3 x 5 is 15, 3 x 4 is 12,And 3 x 3 is 9, and 3 x 2 is 6,And 3 x 1 is 3 of course.Now dig the pattern once more:3-6-912-15-183 x 10 is 30, 3 x 9 is 27, 3 x 8 is 24,3 x 7 is 21, 3 x 6 is 18, 3 X 5 is 15, 3 x 4 is 12,And 3 x 3 is 9, and 3 X 2 is 6.And 3 x 1 ...What is it?!Three!Yeah.A man and a woman had a little baby,They had three in the family,That"s a magic number.
2023-06-24 07:12:101


anvil造句:1、For new applications we highly recommend looking at Anvil and seeing if it fits.对于崭新的应用程序,我们强烈建议先浏览一下Anvil,看看它是不是合适你。2、Combat is the anvil of will!战斗是铁砧的意志。3、The hammer was to strike the anvil during the first week of April.在四月的第一周结束后,以千钧之势,苏军开始了进攻。4、Anvil also provides the ant scripts to easily compile flex applications.Anvil还提供了ant脚本来方便地编译flex应用程序。5、Individual cirrus cloud formations can be the remnants of anvil clouds formed by thunderstorms.单独的卷云的形成可以通过雷暴砧状云形成的残余。6、Scientists recently used a diamond anvil like this one to squeeze tiny samples of metallic glass.最近,科学家用一种像图中所示的菱形铁砧来压制金属玻璃的小样品。7、We are looking at ways to test individual modules in Anvil using Flex Monkey.我们一直在寻找办法使用Flex Monkey测试Anvil中的各个模块。8、Soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops, and the clouds reveal their darker nature.顷刻间,棉花糖状的云彼岸变得像铁砧一样平展,云层也露出了阴暗的本来面目。9、A good anvil does not fear the hammer.好砧不怕锤。10、It was less a hill than a gigantic anvil jumping out of the mountain range.那座他指着的山更象是一个从山脉里蹦出来的铁砧。
2023-06-24 07:10:231


2023-06-24 07:10:226

佳能IPF710替代墨水 BK跟MBK能混用吗

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2023-06-24 07:10:133

求文档: iPF8010写真机提示错误E161-403E,是怎么回事?

2023-06-24 07:10:113


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2023-06-24 07:09:553

windows server2019有几个版本啊

两个版本:服务器系统(Microsoft Windows Server System)和家用(工作站)版本。Windows Server是微软在2003年4月24日推出的Windows 的服务器操作系统,其核心是Microsoft Windows Server System(WSS),每个Windows Server都与其家用(工作站)版对应(2003 R2除外)。Windows Server最新版本是Windows Server 2019。扩展资料Windows Server 2019的发布,微软为其HCI平台推出了三年的更新。微软现在使用的渐进式升级计划,包括了其所称的半年度渠道(Semi-Annual Channel)版本——随着服务的可用性而进行增量型升级。然后每隔几年,微软就会推出一个名为“长期服务渠道(LTSC)版本”的主要版本,该版本包含了之前的半年度渠道版本的升级。随着Windows Server 2019的发布,微软将正式发布他们的Honolulu项目服务器管理工具。Honolulu是一个中央控制台,它可以让IT专业人员在他们的环境中轻松地管理GUI和GUI-less的Windows server 2019、2016和2012 R2。早期采用的用户已经发现了Honolulu项目所带来的管理的简单性,包括执行诸如性能监控(PerfMon)、服务器配置和设置任务等常见任务。以及管理在服务器系统上运行的Windows服务。这使得管理员可以更容易地管理环境中的服务器组合。微软继续保留了内置的安全功能,以帮助组织访问安全管理的“预期违约”模式。Windows Server 2019的理念是假定服务器和应用程序在数据中心的核心位置已经被破坏,而不是在企业的外围设置防火墙来防止任何和所有的安全问题。Windows Server 2019包括Windows防御系统高级威胁保护(ATP),用于评估安全漏洞的公共矢量,并自动屏蔽和警告潜在的恶意攻击。在过去的几个月中,Windows 10的用户已经获取了许多Windows防御系统ATP功能。在Windows Server 2019上,包括Windows防御系统ATP,可以利用数据存储、网络传输和安全完整性组件来防止Windows Server 2019系统的被入侵。参考资料来源:microsoft-Windows Server 2019 中的新增功能参考资料来源:百度百科-windows server
2023-06-24 07:09:491


怎么把图片转换为.ico图标文件? 制作 方法一,打开ps,直接 新建ctrt+N,新建高宽为256像素大小的图像,(本人亲测,当高宽任一大于256像素的话,保存时都不能为ico格式),控制高宽像素小于256,然后拖进自己的图像,另存为ctrt+shift+s——选择保存ico格式.即可,出现对话框,就选择第二个选项。即可 方法二,打开ps,打开自己的图片,ctrt+alt+i调整图像大小,控制高宽小于256像素,这个也实验过了,当大于256像素时如图: 3 当小于或等于256像素时,如图,那么可以保存了,保存时就有ico格式可以选择,此时文件差不多小于150K 4 选择保存路径后,点击保存,然后选择第二个选项:png(vista).....。点击OK即可。(如果选择第一个,那么文件基本是失败 怎样把图片文件转换为图标文件 如果我没理解错的话,你是想将图片格式转成ico格式(通常图标格式) 解决办法是去网上下一个 “图片转ICO”软件。 用什么工具可以把图片转换为IcO文件? 可以用格式工厂,也可以使用PHOTOSHOP 把图片转换为ICO后,为什么很小 呵呵,这个没法,大多ico转换器支持最大应该是128x128而已。用来当图标的当然不会太大的!不过你可以直接把扩展名“.,jpg”该为“.ico”,但能不能用就没有试过哦 希望采纳 图标的话可以右击桌面——属性——外观——效果——使用大图标 要想和JPG一样大小那是不怎么可能的了吧。 如何将图片转换为图标文件 用转换器把图片转成ICO文件就行了,然后就设置一下 怎么把图片转换为ipf格式? 帮你查阅了一下,网络上有一块名为“格式工厂”的软件 最新为2.50 软件的介绍: [格式工厂(FormatFactory)是套万能的多媒体格式转换器,提供以下功能:所有类型视频转到MP4/3GP/MPG/AVI/WMV/FLV/SWF。所有类型音频转到MP3/WMA/MMF/AMR/OGG/M4A/WAV。所有类型图片转到JPG/BMP/PNG/TIF/ICO/...。抓取DVD到视频文件,抓取音乐CD到音频文件。MP4文件支持iPod/iPhone/PSP/黑霉等指定格式。源文件支持RMVB。] 里的格式很全,能转换所有的视频格式,图片格式和音频格式! :dl.pconline../download/51244. 这是该软件 太平洋电脑网 下载地址 请问我的回答哪里出了问题? ps怎么把图片转换为矢量图 你好,位图是不能转为矢量图的,即便在PS里面也不行。如果你想要一个那样的矢量图,则只有按照原图重新画一个矢量图。希望可以帮到你,望采纳,谢谢。 怎么把图片转换为WORD格式 打开word,把图片贴进去,保存就可以了 怎么把图片转换为bbk形式? 很简单,用windows的图画打开,另存为,选择bbk格式就行
2023-06-24 07:09:461


 教育部认可的美国夏威夷州大学一览   一、基本情况   根据美国宪法规定,各州政府负责注册并审批各类高等院校,但各院校是否被社会所认可则取决于政府承认的认证机构的认证。   美国高等院校包括公立与私立两种。主要实行二年学制或四年学制,二年制的多为技术专科学校和社区学院。据统计,目前美国各类高等院校有3600多所。   美国高等院校的质量认证一般由专业认证机构负责,经美国教育部认可的专业认证机构主要有六大区域认证机构及近百个专业认证机构。联邦政府通过认证机构间接起到对各院校的管理与规范。全美高等教育认证委员会(CHEA)是协调并审核认证机构的专业机构。 通过区域性认证协会或其它专业认证机构的认证,各院校可实现学分相互转换,所颁发的学位证书或文凭证书能获得社会的广泛认可。   二、认可名单   一共有53个所在州或地区,首先奉上的是夏威夷州的认可大学名单。   Hawaii:   Brigham Young University - Hawaii Campus (Oahu)   The Center for Asia-Pacific Exchange (Honolulu)   Chaminade University of Honolulu (Honolulu)   Hawaii Business College (Honolulu)   Hawaii Community College (Hilo)   Hawaii Institute of Hair Design (Honolulu)   Hawaii Pacific University (Honolulu)   Hawaii Technology Institute (Honolulu)   Hawaii Tokai International College (Honolulu)   Hollywood Beauty College (Aiea)   Honolulu Community College (Honolulu)   Intercultural Communications College (Honolulu)   International College & Graduate School (Honolulu)   International Mid Pac College (Honolulu)   James E. Varner & Associates, Inc. (Honolulu)   Kapi"Olani Community College (Honolulu)   Kauai Community College (Warning Issued) (Lihue Kauai)   Leeward Community College (Pearl City)   Maui Academy of Cosmetology LLC (Kahului)   Maui Community College (Kahului)   Med-Assist School of Hawaii (Honolulu)   New York Technical Institute (Honolulu)   Remington College - Honolulu Campus (Honolulu)   Transpacific Hawaii College (Formerly Kansai Gaidai Hawaii College) (Honolulu)   Travel Institute of the Pacific (Honolulu)   University Of Hawaii Community Colleges (Honolulu)   University of Hawaii at Hilo (Hilo)   University of Hawaii at Manoa (Honolulu)   University of Hawaii, West Oahu (Pearl City)   Windward Community College (Kane"ohe)   注:此名单根据有关情况将定期调整,目前为教育部更新的最新版本,更新时间为2013年2月18日。
2023-06-24 07:09:401

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2023-06-24 07:09:184


2023-06-24 07:09:111

IPF5100 用什么软件打印

2023-06-24 07:09:091


一、lion狮子——fierce凶猛fierce1、含义:adj. 强烈的;凶猛的;酷烈的2、用法13世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古法语的fers,意为勇猛的;最初源自古典拉丁语的ferus,意为野生的,未驯化的。作形容词含“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”之意,fierce普通用词,指人或兽的凶猛残酷。The fierce sun parched the bare earth.灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。二、cat猫——lazy懒懒的lazy1、含义:adj. 懒惰的;懒散的2、用法直接源自中古低地德语的lasich,意为虚弱的,疲惫的。lazy的基本意思是“懒惰的”,是贬义词,指日常工作中懒惰、磨蹭、不喜欢甚至讨厌下工夫做事。在句中可用作定语,也可用作表语。Lazy people seldom succeed.懒惰的人很少会成功。三、dog狗——loyal忠诚的loyal1、含义:adj. 忠诚的;忠心的2、用法1530年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的loial,意为忠心的。They were loyal to their motherland.他们忠于自己的祖国。四、rabbit兔子——cute可爱的cute1、含义:adj. 可爱的;聪明的,精明的,伶俐的;漂亮的。n. 智取敌方的策略或手段;灵巧2、用法cute就是俗称Q,也就是可爱,伶俐的,漂亮的,逗人喜爱的 ,但也有解释作装腔作势的,做作的。我们常常称赞美丽小巧的女孩cute。I walked in the damp and dark path of the hill, in the light of this cute orange latern.我提着这灵巧的小橘灯,慢慢地在黑暗潮湿的山路上走着。五、mouse老鼠——dirty肮脏的dirty1、含义:adj. 脏的;肮脏的;下流的;卑鄙的;腐败的;不正当的。v. 弄脏;玷污2、用法dirty的基本意思是“肮脏的”,可引申形容人的行为、语言或思想的不健康,常译为“下流的”“卑劣的”“淫秽的”,形容天气时往往表示“恶劣的”。dirty在句中可用作定语、表语或宾语补足语,其比较级为dirtier,最高级为dirtiest。The tourist complained that the room was too dirty.游客抱怨说房间太脏了。
2023-06-24 07:09:041


2023-06-24 07:09:021

夏威夷檀香山 夏威夷檀香山属于哪个国家

今天小编辑给各位分享夏威夷檀香山的知识,其中也会对夏威夷檀香山属于哪个国家分析解答,如果能解决你想了解的问题,关注本站哦。檀香山在哪?檀香山位于北太平洋夏威夷群岛中瓦胡岛的东南角,延伸于滨河平原上。地理坐标为北纬21度18分32秒,西经157度49分34秒。一、名称的由来檀香山城(英语:City of Honolulu),或称火奴鲁鲁城,为美国夏威夷州檀香山市县最大的城区首府。在夏威夷语中,火奴鲁鲁意指“屏蔽之湾”或“屏蔽之地”。因为早期本地盛产檀香木,而且大量运到中国,在华语圈中称为檀香山。二、地形和气候檀香山虽然位于热带地区,但夏威夷群岛位在海洋中央,又有加利福尼亚洋流经过能调节温度,因此气候较为温和。1月的最高与最低日均温分别为18/27℃,7月则为23/31℃。全年任何一天的最高气温都极少高过33.5℃。常年盛吹东北风,年降水量600多毫米,山地达2000毫米以上。檀香山是哪个国家的呢?美国。檀香山位于美国夏威夷群岛,檀香山市(The city of Honolulu)又称火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu),是美国夏威夷州首府和港口城市。在夏威夷语中,火奴鲁鲁意指“屏蔽之湾”或“屏蔽之地”。因为早期本地盛产檀香木,而且大量运回中国,被华人称为檀香山。檀香山位于北太平洋夏威夷群岛中瓦胡岛的东南角,延伸于滨河平原上。市区面积217__,人口约37万 。都市区包括瓦胡岛各县 ,面积1544__ ,人口约85万 ,约占全州人口的4/5 。气候温和,年均温24℃,年降水量600多毫米 。檀香山历史背景:1000多年前,波利尼西亚人划着独木舟踏海数千公里来到夏威夷定居。18世纪末,他们建立了以火奴鲁鲁为首都的夏威夷王国。1778年英国探险家詹姆斯·库克航海经此。1794年英国航海家威廉·布朗抵达这里,此后成为过往船只的停靠处。1894年,一批外来的白人举事,废除王位,成立了夏威夷共和国。19世纪初因檀香木贸易和作为捕鲸基地而兴起,外来移民日增。1850年起成为夏威夷王国首府。根据当时原住民对夏威夷继续独立还是归入美国的不同争议,进行了全民公投,最后决定归并美国,1898年美国政府宣布夏威夷并入美国,1959年正式把夏威夷列为美国的第50个州。夏威夷归属美国后,美国开始在瓦胡岛上兴建海、空军基地。夏威夷为什么叫檀香山?准确来说是夏威夷州的首府火奴鲁鲁叫檀香山,因为它盛产檀香木,故被华人称为檀香山。火奴鲁鲁(Honolulu)是美国夏威夷州的首府,位于北太平洋夏威夷群岛中瓦胡岛的东南角,延伸于滨河平原上。火奴鲁鲁气候温和,年均24℃,在夏威夷语当中,火奴鲁鲁意为“屏蔽之湾”。由于早期盛产檀香木,并且大量运到中国,而被华人称为檀香山。夏威夷历史及旅游:一千多年前,波利尼西亚人划着独木舟踏海数千公里来到夏威夷定居。18世纪末,他们建立了以火奴鲁鲁为首都的夏威夷王国。1894年,一批外来的白人举事,废除王位,成立了夏威夷共和国。19世纪初因檀香木贸易和作为捕鲸基地而兴起,外来移民日增。1850年起成为夏威夷王国首府。夏威夷海滩位于火奴鲁鲁岛上。在夏威夷海滩上,可以充分感受到带有世界性特点的舒适的海岛魅力,因为世界各地的游客们和很多名人一起来到了这里。游览夏威夷海滩的最佳时间是从12月的中旬到第二年的3月底,但是在4月到12月中旬之间,可以享受到最好的价格。夏天的气温保持在30℃左右。以上内容参考_百度百科-夏威夷海滩__俣劝倏-火奴鲁鲁 (美国夏威夷州首府)檀香山是哪个国家的?檀香山是美国夏威夷州的檀香山市与县包括整个欧胡岛和附近一些小岛,如西北夏威夷群岛(除中途岛外,所有你好岛以西的岛屿)。因为这个特殊现象,檀香山市与县被列为吉尼斯世界纪录里面积最大的城市。根据2000年人口普查,市县总人口为87万6156人,是美国的第12大城。成立于1905年7月1日。县名是夏威夷语“避风港”的意思。檀香山的由来因为早期本地盛产檀香木,而且大量运回中国,被华人称为檀香山。檀香山位于北太平洋夏威夷群岛中瓦胡岛的东南角,延伸于滨河平原上。市区面积217__,人口约37万。都市区包括瓦胡岛各县,面积1544__,人口约85万,约占全州人口的4/5。气候温和,年均温24℃,年降水量600多毫米。早期为波利尼西亚人小村,19世纪初因檀香木贸易和作为捕鲸基地而兴起,1850年为夏威夷王国首府,1898年夏威夷归属美国,1909年设市,1959年成为州首府。檀香山在什么地方檀香山是夏威夷七大岛屿中第三大岛欧胡岛的一个市,是夏威夷的州府。 夏 威 夷 州 名 称 来 自 波 里 尼 西 亚 语, 意 为“ 原 始 的 家”Original home。 一 千 多 年 前 波 里 尼 西 亚 人 向 本 州 各 岛 殖 民。 一 九 ○ ○ 年 并 入 美 国。 一 九 五 九 年 八 月 二 十 一 日 成 为 美 国 第 五 十 州。 以 芙 蓉 花 Hibiscus为 州 花。 本 州 别 名 叫 做“ 爱 洛 哈 之 州”Aloha State(夏 威 夷 人 向 人 问 候 或 离 别 之 时, 常 说:“ 爱 洛 哈”。 其 意 义 为 爱)。 本 州 箴 言:“ 守 正 义 则 存”The Life Of The Land Is Perpetuated In Righteousness。 州 府 是 檀 香 山Honolulu, 为 旅 游 胜 地。 最 引 人 的 地 方 是 外 基 基海 滩 Waikiki Beach全 年 风 和 日 丽 水 蓝 天 青, 宜 游 泳, 冲 浪, 可 以 荡 舟, 也 可 以 捕 鱼。 每 年 进 出 檀 香 山 的 船 舶, 约 两 千 艘。 每 天 进 出 檀 香 山 国 际 机场 的 旅 客, 多 至 四 ○ 万 人。 市 内 有 夏 威 夷 大 学, 创 于 一 九 ○ 七 年, 学 生 两 万 多。 校 内 设 立 之 东 西 研 究 中 心The East West Center, 甚 著 名。 本 州 特 征 有 三: 第 一, 本 州 全 是 火 山 岛。 夏 威 夷 群 岛 包 括 一 三 二 个 岛。 这 是 太 平 洋海 底 上 一 座 高 大 的 火 山 锥, 露 出 海 面 的 部 分。 太 平 洋 底 部 发 生 大 裂 缝, 熔 岩 外 流, 形 成 高 大 的 火 山, 其 上 有 许 多 火 山 口, 形 成 许 多 山 峰。 有 些 山 峰 露 出 海 面, 即 成 为海 岛。 第 二, 本 州 属 于 热 带 气 候。 这 使 美 国 有 寒(阿 拉 斯 加)、 温(美 国 大 陆 四 十 八 州)、 热(夏 威 夷 群 岛)三 带 的 领 土 。 第 三, 本 州 是 美 国 的 太 平 洋海 空 军 基 地, 及 美、 亚、 澳 三 州 航 运 中 心, 地 位 十 分 重 要。 群 岛 气 候 属 于 回 归 型, 因 为 它 位 于 北 回 归 线 附 近, 受 东 北 信 风 的 影 响, 迎 风 坡 多 雨, 北 风 坡 少 雨。 主 要 物 产 为 蔗 糖 与 凤 梨(菠 萝 或 黄 梨)。 后 者 产 量 约 占 全 世 界 产 量 四 分 之 三。 本 州 主 要 收 入: 第 一, 为 国 防 工 业。 第 二 是 旅 游 业。 第 三 是 蔗 糖 业。 第 四 是 菠 萝 业。 欧 胡 岛 在 夏 威 夷 岛 之 西 北 方。 岛 的 南 岸 有 珍 珠 港Pearl Harbor及 檀 香 山(火 奴 鲁 鲁Honolulu)。 前 者 是 美 国 在 太 平 洋 内 最 大 军 港; 后 者 是 本 州 工 商 业 中 心。 此 岛 东 距 旧 金 山 三, 八 ○ ○ 公 里; 西 距 香 港 八, 八 九 ○ 公 里。“檀香山”是美国的哪个地方,夏威夷吗?檀香山是夏威夷首府,檀香山(火奴鲁鲁)在瓦湖岛的南部,坐落在科劳山脉和怀阿奈山脉之间的一片滨海低地上。它在夏威夷语中称为火奴鲁鲁。“火奴”意为“连接两座山的一块低地”,“鲁鲁”意为“避风处”。还在夏威夷王国时代,这里就是当地居民停泊独木舟的地方。经过一百多年的建设,现在已成为太平洋海、空中交通枢纽和国际商港,发展了制糖、菠萝罐头,石油提炼、水泥、钢筋、炼铝、服装等工业,人口35万人。 火奴鲁鲁旧称檀香山。19世纪初期,中国人喜欢用从夏威夷运来的檀香木做檀香扇的工艺品,就把整个夏威夷称为檀香山。
2023-06-24 07:09:021


一篇英语寒假作文不少于60个单词速记 This winter holiday, I went to Kunming with my family. Kunming is a very beautiful city, I think. The sky is blue and the air is clean. You can see many kinds of nice flowers everywhere. The weather there is great. It′s never too hot or too cold all the year round, so people always call it "Spring City". Kunming is surrounded by beautiful scenery. And one of the most famous views is "The Stone Forest". It is really scenic. We just stayed in Kunming for six days, but I felt very happy, and I like Kunming very much. 一篇关于寒假的英语作文不少于100个单词 This winter holiday, I went to Kunming with my family. Kunming is a very beautiful city, I think. The sky is blue and the air is clean. You can see many kinds of nice flowers everywhere. The weather there is great. It′s never too hot or too cold all the year round, so people always call it "Spring City". Kunming is surrounded by beautiful scenery. And one of the most famous views is "The Stone Forest". It is really scenic. We just stayed in Kunming for six days, but I felt very happy, and I like Kunming very much. 一篇寒假的英语作文不多于200单词不少于100单词 his winter holiday, I went to Kunming with my family. Kunming is a very beautiful city, I think. The sky is blue and the air is clean. You can see many kinds of nice flowers everywhere. The weather there is great. It′s never too hot or too cold all the year round, so people always call it "Spring City". Kunming is surrounded by beautiful scenery. And one of the most famous views is "The Stone Forest". It is really scenic. We just stayed in Kunming for six days, but I felt very happy, and I like Kunming very much. 英语寒假(新年)周记4篇(不少于60字) 1.I watched television late last night so I woke up late. My mother asked me to go to the market to buy some eggs for her. When I played with a little dog on the street, I dropped the eggs on the ground. They were all broken. My mother was very angry with me when I went home. I am very unhappy to-day. 2. I woke up early this morning. I went out to play with my neighbor. We watched cartoon at his home. After I went home about 4 O"clock in the afternoon, I helped my mother to do some house work. She is very happy so I am happy too. 3.I am sick to-day. When I woke up in the morning, I didn"t feel well. My mother took me to the doctor and the doctor gave me a shot. It was very painful. Since I didn"t feel well, I went to bed real early. 4.I felt better to-day. Since I was sick yesterday, my mother didn"t let me go out to play. I had to stay home and watch television. There was a good movie on the television in the afternoon. It"s about a dog. It was so much fun and I enjoyed it very much. 5. I am much better this morning. I am very happy. My cousin came to see me. We played puter games together for a long time. My parents took us to have dinner in the restaurant. I like the food very much. 6.My mother told me that I have to do some home work at home. I did o hours of home work and getting tired. I went to bed to take a nap. When I woke up, it was in the evening. My father and I watched television to-gether for an hour. Then I went to bed. 7.Today it was raining. It was raining so hard that I could"t go out. It was very boring. I took out the English story book that me uncle gave me for my birthday last year. I read it and found there were many words that I don"t know. But I found it very intereating. 8.Tomorrow is New Year"s Day, my family have had a pletely cleaning for o days. Then my father and I decorated our flat and my mother cooked delicious food for our meal. After supper we watched TV program. How happy we were! 9.Today my parents took me to my grandfather"s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. “that"s a good idea.” I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunch, the sky turned dark. After that , it rained heavily. It meant our plan is impossible. What a pity day! 10.I always like doing housework when i am free in weekends.And On saturday this week,I washed my clothes and shoes.I am really fond of doing it because i feel happy when i put myself in busy.And i did cook some dishes.And my parents enjoy it very much.They said it was delicious and i was happy. 11.Latern festival is one of my favorite festivals.My parents always take me to grandma‘s home to spend some time with them.We eat dumplings together and we always have a great time!and in this Year‘s Lantern Festival,i also went to my grandparents‘ home.It seemed that they are happy to see me.then we went out to have a great was really cool! 寒假你去哪的英语作文(不少于35个单词) This winter holiday,I went to Kunming with my family.Kunming is a very beautiful city,I think.The sky is blue and the air is clean.You can see many kinds of nice flowers everywhere.The weather there is great.It′s never too hot or too cold all the year round,so people always call it "Spring City". Kunming is surrounded by beautiful scenery.And one of the most famous views is "The Stone Forest".It is really scenic. We just stayed in Kunming for six days,but I felt very happy,and I like Kunming very muc 一篇关于“生日”的英语作文,不少于60个单词 Birthday is the date of your birth, which you can calculate your age. Normally people just tell the date without year cause they do not want others know her age. Many people will eat birthday cake and receive gifts on the birthday, some of them will have party even, I do not know why, but looks like the birthday is important day for people what ever young or old. it is alway somthing you will remember during your birthday. 一篇英语寒假日记(不少于6句话)过去式 I had a wonderful holiday.My parents took me to a lot of places of interest.I took many nice photos with my parents.And I went to learn swimming during the holiday.It was very interesting that I could swim in the pool like a happy fish.I thought my holiday was fantastic. 英语寒假日记(不少于120字) 1.It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 2.It was the second day of our winter holiday. I felt good. I felt I"m free. I had a lot of time to do things I like. My parents are in Beijing. So I live alone but I don"t feel lonely. But I didn"t do something special. I stayed at home and watched TV. Oh! I wrote an English daily position. It was my homework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thought I was very tired. It was time for dinner. I must go! I am very hungry. 3.It was the third day of our winter holiday. Today, there are many business in my mother"s pany. So my mother told me to help my uncle who is the manager of my mother"s pany. I sat in my mother"s office and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writing my homework. Although I also have a lot of time to do my homework, I still do it. Because in my mother"s office, I had nothing to do. If I did nothing, I was wasting my time and my life. I can"t do the foolish thing. We should take good use of our time. 4.It is a special day today. My mother sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nice. When they arrived in Shanghai, they were still fresh. But most of them would be sent to my mother"s business friends. I chose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the rest in my refrigerator. Red bayberry is my hometown"s special product. It is well-known in china. Many people like to eat it. 5.Today, I still went to my mother"s office. My mother was very busy, so was my father. They always live in Beijing. They must get up early. Because they will manage the factory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save my money. Also I should help them. Although I can"t do something useful, but I think I should share the work with them. I am one of my family member. In the future, I will take a job and work. It" time for me to begin to learn how to work. 6.I have rested for a week. I began to feel bored. So I went out with my friends. They are my best friends in the middle school. We didn"t go to someplace special. We just saw the other. We had lunch together. While we were having lunch, we were still talking about the new school and new friends. Yes! A year later, we have grown riper. And we learned much more things and got new life. We haven"t enough time to play, to waste and to lose the way. We only have o years. Two years to go, we will get the real life which belongs to us. 7.My most interesting day yesterday is my most interesting day in my winter vacation . i went to park and saw lots of people who were playing games there. Then i went to the aquarium.i saw a shark show and watched a movie about the sea. and i bought a lot of gifts for my clas *** ates,friends,parents. Last,i went back home.This is really a interesting day. 8.My new year"s resolutionthe new year is ing and i have lots of resolutions in the new year. i am going to eat less meat and more vegetables so that i can bee healthier and healthier. Also i am going to exercise more .Because it can make my body stronger and stronger. i am going to take part in some activities which can let me get more knowledge. Oh,the good year,i can"t wait. 9.My planthe winter vacation is ing. i make a plan for my vacation. first,i will spend a week finishing my homework. Because i want to have more time to play. second,i will do some houseworks in the vacation,i think i can make my parents happy. next i will read some famous books because i can get many knowledge from them. 10.I have stayed in Shanghai alone for a week. It"s time for me to go to my real home—it is in Beijing. My parents are waiting for me. Although outside is no matter how beautiful, Beijing is still my home. In fact, there is many fresh things. Like red bayberries. In the afternoon, I took a bus to Beijing. I was very unlucky that my mp3 was stolen. I was very sad. I didn"t know why thieves went to steal other"s things. Why don"t they hunt for a job? I don"t why! I hope there is no thief in our motherland. 11.When I got home, it was very dark. Why? There is no electric. Every year in Beijing, there is lack of electric to supply. Because there are a lot of factories. And it is very cold in winter. So the government decided: supply electric to resident and the factories must s working. My house is in the manufacturing district. I was unlucky. It was very cold. So my father use the electric making machine to make electric. Oh! What a unlucky winter! 12.It was cooler than yesterday. One of my father"s friends invited me to eat red bayberries. You must know it is unusual. Because we will climb the hill to eat red bayberries. There is no chance to eat red bayberries in the hill for the people who don"t live in Beijing. On the hill, you can breathe the fresh air, you can listen birds singing and you can eat red bayberries. It was enjoyable. It is said there are wild pigs in the hill. What a beautiful natural. 13.Today I found time was a cruel thing. Whatever man is, time always goes on. It won"t stay to wait for somebody. You can"t use anything to exchange time. Time is also a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money or you enjoy high reputation, time won"t leave them more. Today I found I hadn"t enough time. Although I have 50-day holiday, but I found I had a lot of things to do. I had a lot of homework to do and I had something necessary to do. 14.I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn"t know to do what. Although I had a lot of things to do, I felt unfortable. I was ill because of the cold weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strength. My parents are worried about my health. in fact, it didn"t matter. I was always in the room with air-conditioner and opened it in a low temperature. So when I went out, the high temperature disagreed to me. Finally, I was ill. 15.Today, when I awaked up, I found the air-conditioner didn"t work. I used the control, but it still didn"t work. I knew the air-conditioner was in trouble. I went downstairs. My father told me o air-conditioner and o puter had been broken. Because my father used electric making machine to make electric, so the voltage was not stable. It led to the trouble. Oh! Whenever the government will let the factory use electric? If it lasts longer, I will be crazy!! 16.It doesn"t matter that the air-conditioner has been broken. But my notebook-puter also was broken. I really don"t know what to do. So I went to play basketball. I didn"t know any one in that place. And I was the first time to go there to play basketball. At first, there was no person playing basketball. So I played basketball alone. A few minutes later, some students came to play. So we played together. Of course, we had a match. And It lasts o hours. After the match, I felt I would be dead. I was too tired. 17.No puter, I will not know to do what. I have no solution to the problem. So I sent my notebook-puter to the Asus puter pany. I must have my puter repaired. And the other one, it was thoroughly broken. It can"t be repaired again.The puter pany told me that my notebook puter needed one week to repair. The electric led to all trouble. And many electrical appliances are broken. I don"t know when our country can solve the problem. 18.I have lost o puters, but I had another one. I bought it about five years
2023-06-24 07:08:571


是个地名 在太平洋上的一个岛 地图上看过 再具体就不知到了
2023-06-24 07:08:554