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This Could Be Love 歌词

2023-06-23 20:32:10
TAG: lov uld
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歌曲名:This Could Be Love
歌手:Craig David
专辑:Signed Sealed Delivered

This could be love
Alkaline Trio
good mourning
I"ve got a book of mathes
I"ve got a can of kerosene
I"ve got some bright ideas involving you and me
i don"t blame you for walking away
I touch myself at thoughts of flames
i shat the bed and laid there in it
thinking of you wide awake for days
and i found you tounge tied
in my twisted little brain
you couldn"t crack a smile
i didn"t catch your name
i don"t blame you for walking away
i"d do the same if i saw me
i swear it"s not contagious
in four short steps we can erase this
step one: slit my throat
step two: play in my blood
step three: cover me in dirty sheets and run laughing out of the house
step four: stop off at edgebrook creek and rinse those crimson hands
you took me hostage and made your demands
i couldn"t meet them so you cut of my fingers
one by one
Im like a broken record
Ive got a needle scratching me
It injects the poison of alchohol iv
I don blame you for walking away
Id do the same if I saw me
I swear it not contagious
I swear to God it not contagious
Step one, slit my throat
Step two, play in my blood
Step three, cover me in dirty sheets and run laughing
Out of the house
Step four, stop at berkley marina and wrinse your crimson hands
You took me hostage and made your demands
I couldnt meet them so you cut off my fingers
One by one
This could be love
(love for fire)
This could be love
(love for fire)
This could be love
For fire, for ever more
Step one, slit my throat
Step two, play in my blood
Step three, cover me in dirty sheets and run laughing
Out of the house
Step four, stop off at pittsburg peir and wrinse your crimson hands
You took me hostage and made your demands
I couldnt meet them so you cut off my fingers
One by one
One by one




2023-06-23 19:07:161

Hostage (Ep Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Hostage (Ep Version)歌手:Jeremy Lister专辑:Just One DayHostMuse( Cave single - September 99 )I"ve read you wellI just want to get awayCos you used my loveI just need to get awayMy trust in you has been abusedMy trust in you has been overusedSick of this spaceWish we could be far awayCos I wasted all my youthI"ve never see it againMy trust in you has been abusedMy trust in you has been overusedWhy can you get everything?Can you tell me why I just want to run away?Can you tell me why I just want to get away?I just wanted too muchI wish we could be far awayAnd if my wish comes trueYou never see me again
2023-06-23 19:07:521


词根:hospitaln.hospitality 好客;殷勤hospitalization 住院治疗;医院收容;住院保险(等于hospitalization insurance)hospitaler 教会慈善团体之团员(尤指照料有疾病和有急需者的人)hospitalisation 住院治疗(等于hospitalization)
2023-06-23 19:08:012


diedead,dying (形容词)deadly (副词)die (名词)die就是瞬间动作.而形容词性的dead 和dying表状态当然可以延续了
2023-06-23 19:08:095

Katy McAllister的 Hostage 中英文对照歌词

> 日记《人质(Hostage)》歌词2009-06-08 17:05:37人质 Hostage暴雨来临的前夜 The night before a storm is coming 在离城市最远的郊外 In the farthest suburb of the town 一个被绑架的人质 A kidnapped hostage 要告诉我一个关于把柄的故事 wanna tell me this story about handle          天低沉的像一块遮羞布 The gloomy sky is just like a fig leaf 包抄了所有的出路 Block all the way out 你逃不掉了,他说 you have no way to escape, he said你的罪恶已被我吸入肺里 your sins have been sucked into my lung 你可以封住我的嘴 you can shut my mouth 你可以封住我的眼睛 you can blind my eyes 你可以封住我的脑子 you can freeze my mind 你可以控制我的呼吸 you can hold my breathing 你可以弄死我 you can make me die 你的罪恶已被我吸入肺里 your sins have been sucked into my lung         我听到了不远处的风声 I hear the winds there not far 和炮火似的雷 and the thunder sounded like shellfire 雨就要下了 it is gonna rain 这其实是一个关于天气的故事 All about this is weather actually.
2023-06-23 19:08:242

英语句型分析 He was held hostage for almost a year 此处 我觉得hostage作状语,

同学你好!hostage 的确是名词。朗曼词典有:A British journalist was held hostage for over four years.牛津字典里有一句话:Three children were taken hostage during the bank robbery. 有动宾短语hold somebody prisoner/captive/hostage 和held hostage to。你的句子是该短语被动语态的变化。
2023-06-23 19:08:532


问题补充:A:下班后你当我的人质吧!Myhostageyouwill beafterwork!B:Whynot!A:都别动,人质在我手上!Stopmoving!Iamhavingthehostage!B:Help~C:请问你为什么要干掉人质?MayIknowwhyyoushotthehostage?!D:因为我救过她N次了。 BecauseIhaverescuedhersomanytimes!
2023-06-23 19:09:203


The Hire宝马系列广告电影:Hostage:吴宇森导,克里夫 欧文主演。广告片中以寻找并解救人质为线索,惯用商业大片以视听感官的刺激为方向的拍摄手法,为观众上演了一部英雄救美的仅长约十分钟的饕餮盛宴,其中展现了宝马炫酷的外形,令人咋舌的加速性能和高速性能以及男主角精湛的车技,让人体会到宝马的王者霸气。此外,BMW recommended you that you always wear your seat belt . 宝马也注重最基本的安全性能。
2023-06-23 19:09:521

hostage situation是什么意思

Hostage Situation 人质被劫持的状况。没有“解救人质”的意思。
2023-06-23 19:09:592


2023-06-23 19:10:061

英语:命运的人质为什么不是"hostage of fortune"而是"hostage to fortune"呢?

其实"hostage of" 与 “hostage to" 在意思上是一样的,两个都可以用。但要注意:当你要使用metaphor(隐喻;暗喻)手法时要用 ”to “。换句话说,as a hostage to fortune 这里的“命运的人质”只是一个比喻。
2023-06-23 19:10:143

holg 什么意思啦!

尿羟赖氨酸糖甙 2)尿羟赖氨酸糖甙(HOLG):反映骨吸收的指标,较HOP更灵敏,老年性骨质疏松症患者的HOLG可升高。基于10个网页-相关网页 报错羟赖氨酸糖苷 反映骨接收的生化标记物主如果血浆抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶(TRACP)、尿羟赖氨酸糖苷(HOLG)、Ⅰ型胶原交联梭基末端肽(ICTP)、尿胶原pyridine交联(PYD)等。基于6个网页-相关网页 报错豪格 兽人男名:丹契(Dench)、锋(Feng)、嘎尔(Gell)、哼克、豪格(Holg)、伊姆吁(Imsh)、凯斯、隆特(Ront)、夏普(Shump)和梭克。基于3个网页-相关网页 报错短语 Holg graphy, acoustic 声全息 Hydroxylysine-glycoside,HOLG 羟赖氨酸糖苷 你问的应该是hold吧 = =及物动词 vt. 1. 握着;抓住;夹住He held a knife in his hand. 他手里握着一把刀。 2. 托住;支承The roof was held up by pillars. 屋顶由柱子支撑着。 3. 使保持某种姿态等[O]She held herself erect. 她把身子挺直。 4. 拘留,扣留The highjackers held two women hostage. 劫机者扣留两名妇女作人质。 5. (船或飞机)沿...航行The ship held an easterly course. 船继续向东航行。 6. 继续唱(某音符) 7. 抑制,约束Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场斗殴。 8. 占据,守住;吸住(注意力等)He held this office for ten years. 他担任这一职务有十年。 9. 拥有,握有,持有[W]He holds much property in the town. 他在镇上拥有很多地产。 10. 容纳;包含[W]The box can hold all my clothes. 这箱子能装下我的全部衣服。 11. 认为;持有(见解等)[W][O2][O8][+that]She holds the same view. 她持有同样的看法。 12. 举行They will hold a meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow. 他们明天将开会讨论这个问题。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 持续,保持I hope this beautiful weather will hold. 我希望这种好天气将持续下去。 2. 顶住,支持The dike held during the flood. 洪水期间河堤没有崩溃。 3. 有效,适用My decision still holds. 我的决定仍然有效。 名词 n. 1. 抓住,握住;握法[C][U][(+of/on)]He lost hold of the rope and fell to the ground. 他没有抓住绳子,摔到地上。 2. 可手攀(或脚踏)的东西,支撑点[C]He couldn"t find a hold on the cliff. 他在悬崖上找不到一个可以站住脚的地方。 3. 掌握;支配(力)[U][C][(+of/on/over)]He"s got a good hold of his subject. 他很好地掌握了自己的学科。 4. 延迟;延期;耽搁It is time to put love on hold. 该是把爱情暂时搁下的时候了
2023-06-23 19:10:211


CS人物皮肤使用方法 :把下载的*.mdl文件任意命名成 W9 K5 f0 kgign,gsg9,sas,urban(Ct) Cleet,arctic,guerilla,terror(T)其中一个然后覆盖掉CScstrikemodelsplayer目录下的同名文件就okCS人质皮肤使用方法 :将hostage.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 把hostage.mdl复制重命名成hostage01.mdl到hostage08.mdl和scientist.mdl覆盖原文件 最好再下载一个声音文件" CS武器皮肤使用方法 :将*.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 -将*.wav解压到cstrikesoundweapons相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件.小鸡皮肤使用方法 :将*.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件准星模型使用方法 :将*.spr 放到 x:Counter-Strikecstrikesprite地图 :将*.bsp 放到 x:Counter-Strikecstrikemaps 将*.txt 放到 x:Counter-Strikecstrikemaps 将*.wad 放到 x:Counter-Strikecstrike 将*.tga 放到 x:Counter-Strikecstrikegfxenv 语音 :将*.wav 放到 x:Counter-Strikesound adio喷漆 将*.bmp 放到 x:Counter-Strikelogos 将*.wad 放到 x:Counter-Strikecstrike雷达模型使用方法 :将*.spr 放到 x:Counter-Strikecstrikesprites
2023-06-23 19:10:401

常用英语后缀有哪些 词性变换?

常用英语后缀后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义:一、名词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor 2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet 3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette 4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress 5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood 6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship 7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful 8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation 9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement 10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal 11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage 12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability 13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism 二、动词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify 2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten 3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate 三、形容词后缀: 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful 2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless 3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly 4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like 5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish 6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome 7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible 8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped 9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical 10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory 11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious 12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic 13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive 四、副词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.) 例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely 2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s) 3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(as far as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise
2023-06-23 19:10:481

求电影Treehouse Hostage

2023-06-23 19:10:566

一首英文歌 黑人唱的 在酒吧听见 很有节奏感

是 的,你说的对
2023-06-23 19:11:163

英文歌 啊的我的那的为beby犹的我的米次耐 是什么歌

Hostage - Katy McAllisterSee a flicker in the lightingComing from behind an open doorSee a silhouette liningI can"t help but move indoorsSuch a dangerous displayI"m closing in on a dark black alleyThrow myself into the flames I"m burningI"m yelling come and get meSo I guess its my fault put me on the standI said that I was suffering and grab you by the handYou were there in front of me telling me to stand downBut I couldn"t let go nowJust a glance and you tell meThere in a heartbeat I was in the dark and you found meCrawlin at your feet I couldn"t get out you see you got meYou got me hostage hostageTheres no need for holding holdingNo you got me hostage hostageYou know I wanted you to hold meI spent so much time pretending pointing fingers at youIn denial its so easy blame the pain on someone who knewYou knew just how to save me but you didn"t now did you nowInstead you took my by the heartstrings and I bet you"d tear it outSo I guess its my fault put me on the standI said that I was suffering and grab you by the handYou were there in front of me telling me to stand downBut I couldn"t let go nowJust a glance and you tell meThere in a heartbeatI was in the dark and you found meCrawlin at your feet I couldn"t get out you see you got meYou got me hostage hostageTheres no need for holding holdingNo you got me hostage hostageYou know I wanted you to hold meAnd if you hold me down I"m not a fighterBut if you could let me down slowI don"t plan on fighting this flame with fireI just need you to let me goAnd if you hold me down I"m not a fighterBut if you could let me down slowI don"t plan on fighting this flame with fireI just need you to let me goOh there in a heartbeatI was in the dark and you found meCrawlin at your feet I couldn"t get out you seeYou got me and you took me there in a heartbeatI was in the dark and you found meCrawlin at your feet I couldn"t get out you see you got meYou got me hostage hostageTheres no need for holding holdingNo you got me hostage hostageYou know I wanted you to hold meHold meJust hold me
2023-06-23 19:11:231

cs1.5枪 人物皮肤

你虽然表达得不太清楚,但我还是懂一些,首先你先要去下载一些你看中的人物模型和枪械模型文件,一定要注意文件的后缀。开始了,看好了。把下载的*.mdl文件任意命名成 gign,gsg9,sas,urban(警察) leet,arctic,guerilla,terror(恐怖份子) 其中一个然后覆盖掉CScstrikemodelsplayer目录下的同名文件就可以拉 CS人质皮肤使用方法 将hostage.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 把hostage.mdl复制重命名成hostage01.mdl到hostage08.mdl和scientist.mdl覆盖原文件 最好再下载一个声音文件 CS武器皮肤使用方法 将*.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 将*.wav解压到cstrikesoundweapons相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 准星 .spr 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikesprite 地图 .bsp 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikemaps .txt 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikemaps .wad 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrike .tga 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikegfxenv 语音 .wav 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikesound adio 喷漆 .bmp 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikelogos .wad 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrike
2023-06-23 19:11:301

"死亡"的名词,形容词,副词,动词分别是什么 就是die的那个,最好再举个例子

名词death,形容词/副词dead,动词die,副词deadly . 如: 1.动词和名词:They made sure that he died a horrible death.他们让他死得很惨. 2.形容词:Her husband"s been dead a year now.她的丈夫已经去世一年了. 3.形容词:The dead are people who are dead.死人就是死去了的人. 4.副词:The group had shot【dead】another hostage.该组织又开枪打死了一名人质. 5.副词:His face was deadly pale.
2023-06-23 19:11:481


1. 【急求一篇英文作文是关于去医院看病的过程】 Seeing a Doctor Last Friday afternoon,when I was playing football with my friends,it began to rain.We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home.The next day,I had a bad headache and had to lie in bed.In the afternoon,I got a high fever.My mother took me to the hospital.The doctor gave me some medicine and advised me to drink more water and have a good rest.He told me not to play in the rain any more.I took the doctor"s advice and now I feel much better.。 2. 医院英文怎么写 一、医院的英文单词:hospital 二、hospital音标:英 [u02c8hu0252spu026atl] 美 [u02c8hɑ:spu026atl] 三、释义:n. 医院;收容所;养老院;〈古〉旅客招待所 例句:A couple of weeks later my mother went into hospital 几周后我母亲住进了医院。 四、复数: hospitals 五、记忆技巧:hospit 客人 + al 表名词 → 把病人当客人的地方 → 医院 六、英美用法: 1、In BrE you say to hospital or in hospital when you talk about somebody being there as a patient. 在英国英语中,去医院看病或住院诊治用to hospital或in hospital I had to go to hospital. 我得去医院看病。 2、In NAmE you need to use the . 北美英语要用定冠词the: I had to go to the hospital. 我得去医院看病。 扩展资料: 一、hospital词根词缀: 词根:hospit, host= guest 客人 1、hospitableadj. 好客的 hospit 客人 + able …的 → 好客的 2、hospitaln. 医院 hospit 客人 + al 表名词 → 把病人当客人的地方 → 医院 3、hostn. 主人(原意指招待客人的人) 4、hostagen. 人质 host 客人 + age 表行为 → 把客人〔留住〕→ 人质 5、hosteln. 旅馆 host 客人 + el 表地点 → 客人住的地方 → 旅馆 6、hostessn. 女主人 host 客人 + ess 表女性 → 女主人 二、hospital与以下词性连用: 1、admit someone to a hospital 收治某人入院 2、bring/rush/take someone to a hospital 带/紧急送/送某人去医院 3、end up in a hospital 最终进了医院 4、go to a hospital 去医院看病 5、visit someone in a hospital 探病
2023-06-23 19:11:551


Toniee - Kick It糖果盒子 human sarcrificeTrust - Solid BaseGiulia - Ce Frumoasa E IubireaJoan Jett - I Hate Myself For Loving YouLove - Solid Base纯手打 请采纳
2023-06-23 19:12:022


玩命快递3 Transporter 3
2023-06-23 19:12:093


2023-06-23 19:12:163


2023-06-23 19:12:241


只有一个点的准星没见过 就知道在设置里能有几种准星能选择
2023-06-23 19:12:356

Hostage to the needs of

Hostage 是名词,后边却直接跟了to,想必前面肯定有文章。我猜大致意思是,用(劫持)人质来达到某种需要。
2023-06-23 19:13:321


2023-06-23 19:13:403


带age为后缀的单词有:   heritage n. 遗产,继承物;   hermitage n. 隐居处;   homage n. 效忠,崇敬;   hostage n.人质,抵押品;   image n.像;形象;映象;   intermarriage n. 通婚,异族结婚,近亲结婚 扩展资料   language n.语言;   leakage n.漏,泄漏;漏出物;   leverage n. 杠杆作用,杠杆装置,杠杆率;   lineage n. 血统;   linkage n.联系;连锁;联动;   luggage n.行李;皮箱,皮包;   mage n.魔术师; 施奇术者;   manage vt.设法;对付;   marriage n.结婚;   massage n. 按摩,揉;   message,消息;启示;   mileage n. 哩数;   mirage n. 幻影,海市蜃楼;   miscarriage n. 失败,误送,流产。
2023-06-23 19:13:471


模型 根目录cstrikemodels音效 根目录cstrikesound图片难说 具体要看哪些图片 - -
2023-06-23 19:13:543


2023-06-23 19:14:022

《The Hostage》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Hostage》(Duncan Falconer)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: qjfx书名:The Hostage作者:Duncan Falconer出版社:Little, Brown Book Group出版年份:2003-03-01页数:480内容简介:When an undercover operation monitoring the Real IRA goes horrifically wrong, British Intelligence turns to the one man who can get their agent out: Stratton, an SBS operative with a lethal reputation. It"s a dangerous race against time—if the Real IRA get to the Republic before Stratton gets to the Real IRA, his colleague is as good as dead. But the battle in the Northern Ireland borders is just the beginning. For there can only be one way the Real IRA knew about the British agent—someone inside MI5 is tipping them off.
2023-06-23 19:14:091


CS人物皮肤使用方法 : 把下载的*.mdl文件任意命名成 gign,gsg9,sas,urban(Ct) leet,arctic,guerilla,terror(T) 其中一个然后覆盖掉CScstrikemodelsplayer目录下的同名文件就ok CS人质皮肤使用方法 : 将hostage.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 把hostage.mdl复制重命名成hostage01.mdl到hostage08.mdl和scientist.mdl覆盖原文件 最好再下载一个声音文件 CS武器皮肤使用方法 : 将*.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 将*.wav解压到cstrikesoundweapons相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件. CS小鸡皮肤使用方法 : 将*.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件 准星模型使用方法 : 将*.spr 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikesprite 地图 : 将*.bsp 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikemaps 将*.txt 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikemaps 将*.wad 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrike 将*.tga 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrikegfxenv 语音 : 将*.wav 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikesound adio 喷漆 将*.bmp 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikelogos 将*.wad 放到 x:sierraCounter-Strikecstrike ft 友情提示: 使用CS枪支,人物等模型时,要注意先备份.!!! 如果不备份.想换回来都没有办法了.[除非祢去网吧把原文件给挖回来]
2023-06-23 19:14:241


CS人物皮肤使用方法  把下载的*.mdl文件任意命名成 gign,gsg9,sas,urban(警察)  leet,arctic,guerilla,terror(恐怖份子)  其中一个然后覆盖掉CScstrikemodelsplayer目录下的同名文件就可以拉  CS人质皮肤使用方法  将hostage.mdl解压到cstrikemodels 相应的文件名目录覆盖原文件  把hostage.mdl复制重命名成hostage01.mdl到hostage08.mdl和scientist.mdl覆盖原文件  最好再下载一个声音文件
2023-06-23 19:14:421

"死亡"的名词,形容词,副词,动词分别是什么 就是die的那个,最好再举个例子

名词death,形容词/副词dead,动词die,副词deadly . 如: 1.动词和名词:They made sure that he died a horrible death.他们让他死得很惨. 2.形容词:Her husband"s been dead a year now.她的丈夫已经去世一年了. 3.形容词:The dead are people who are dead.死人就是死去了的人. 4.副词:The group had shot【dead】another hostage.该组织又开枪打死了一名人质. 5.副词:His face was deadly pale.
2023-06-23 19:14:481


Qin Shihuang, named Own, eliminate after six countries, the unification of China, said that the first emperor, the founding emperor of the Qin dynasty.Two thousand years, evaluation of him is very controversial, the emperor what in the end is a figure?Li difficult childhood and youth born into imperial emperor"s son about his father (also known as different people) do has a direct relation with the hostages.He was born in the era of the late Warring States Period, and the struggle between the countries unusually fierce.Qin was one of Pharmacology, listened to the emperor"s great-grandfather Qinzhaowang Fan osprey "long diplomatic offensive" strategy.put offensive spearhead of the country"s first at the Han and Wei and Zhao joint and distant.Follow the practice, the two countries exchanged hostages to express their sincere.Zhao was sent to the Qin emperor"s son about his father because he is not very high in the Chancellor"s position.Chu is the grandson Qinzhaowang son, Prince Edward security monarch (emperor"s grandfather) son.Xia Ji son"s mother about not being cared for Guo, popular son about his son in more than 20 security monarch ranked in the middle, not the son,So low status, and when it chose to select him hostage.Chu Zhao very pleased with the son, but he did change the destiny of Lü Buwei, Prime Minister.Lü Buwei, Prime Minister at that time was a rich businessman, he will be speculation,Chu would think that he is like a son to see a precious commodity, like a rare commodity.He earned fame and fortune through the future (this is now "a rare commodity," the origins of this phrase).Lü Buwei, Prime Minister very familiar with the Chancellor of the Insider, while focusing on the most popular knows the value of his wife, but she has no son.would give up its mind about the value of his wife over son to son, then the security monarch ascended the throne after Prince Edward,Chu is the son Prince Edward, he was definitely going to make use of the enormous sums of money and political capital.Minds, it Lü Buwei, Prime Minister of those actions.He cited 1000 as the capital, about 500 elements of the gift, let him make a lot of friends,Jizhenyibao 500 payment for the purchase, then brought to the Chancellor.He was very clever, and not directly to see the value of focusing on his wife, but a more secure more effective diversionary tactics :looking for the value of his wife"s sister.Lü Buwei, Prime Minister display of eloquence, Setsuko about how wise and intelligent and how to make friends in the world, full of ambition.While living abroad, but miss the kind of everyday security monarch and his wife, the value of the Xian - hui,He often said to him, "his wife, Chu is the son of God", and sometimes at night have also miss tears.Lastly, see the value of his wife"s sister was so moved, she transferred to the value of the gift his wife.Huayang Lü Buwei, Prime Minister"s wife accepted the gift on behalf of her son to Chu, heard about her son"s attitude and security monarch,Chu will have goodwill toward.Huayang Lü Buwei, Prime Minister also persuaded his wife to persuade the value of his wife"s sister.let her in the House as soon as possible to select a good son as his own son, for saving immediately.Even in death Qinzhaowang then have to keep its status, and the son is clearly the most suitable candidate.Lü Buwei, Prime Minister of astute businessmen calculations, the value of his wife the night of the anxious feelings precisely, a sister to put the mattersuit.Thus, the value of focusing on the use of his wife would love to convince Ritsuko clear for his successor.Matter what the situation and status of the son about a lot of changes have taken place :An Guojun and his wife, the value of a son to clear enough money, Lü Buwei, Prime Minister also let him do the job, assisting son Chu.Since then, Lü Buwei, Prime Minister longer live in the Handan and son work together to make the world about the guests, waiting to return to do Prince,ready to inherit the throne after the arrival earlier in the day.To better befriend son talked about sending a good son Lü Buwei, Prime Minister returned to the beautiful singing and dancing, because it was the capital of Zhao.Therefore, the history of her ZHAO Ji.Later, ZHAO Ji Chusheng son to son, and this is the emperor.Started his surname, Zhao was born.Because it is born in the first lunar month, the name is now, and later on changed political.When returned to the Qin surname changed only win.Just born emperor of Qin and Zhao allies will by the enemy.The next year, Zhao Qin siege of the son was going to kill him and that the results clearly son Lü Buwei, Prime Minister"s help,Cheng Mun bribed the officials, escaped from the Handan City.In his grandmother"s and mother emperor under the cover to escape the disaster.Six years later, 475, 215, Qinzhaowang death, security monarch ascended the throne, which is Slight WENWANGGOU, Huayang wife of the queen,Chu is the son Prince Edward.At this time, Qin Zhao, and the friendly relations restored to its previous state, and the mother returned to the emperor Qin.An incumbent ruler is a very short time, the first year mourning for his father, died just three days after the formal enthronement.Chu son ascended the throne, Qin Zhuangxiangwang.Just turned out, I would let a prime minister Lü Buwei, Prime Minister, 1771 letter Hou.Son knew about but did not last long, only three years, then died.475, 247, just 13 years old emperor ascended the throne Own it, because young,Zhao Lü Buwei, Prime Minister and political affairs fall into the hands of the Empress.
2023-06-23 19:14:562


2023-06-23 19:15:032


2023-06-23 19:15:112


后缀是一种重要的构词法,通过后缀我们常常可以判断出一个词的词性。下面分四大类分别讲解一些常见后缀及其含义: 名词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ster,-eer,-er(or)意为:从事某种职业或参与某种活动的人(person engaged in an occupation or activity)例词:gamester,gangster,songster,engineer,profiteer,mountaineer,auctioneer,driver,teacher,director,actor,professor2.-let意为:小或者不重要的东西(small,unimportant things)例词:booklet,leaflet,starlet 3.-ette意为:1)小的东西(small)例词:cigarette 2)假的东西(imitation)例词:leatherette 3)女性(female)例词: usherette 4.-ess意为:女性(female)例词:actress,poetess,hostess,paintress 5.-hood意为:时期(status;etc.)例词:boyhood,childhood,manhood 6.-ship意为:才能,状态,资格,品质等(skill,state,condition,status,quality)例词:leadership,friendship,membership,lectureship,sportsmanship 7.-ful意为:量(the amount which noun contains)例词:cupful,handful, mouthful,spoonful 8.-tion,-ion意为:1)状态,行动等(state;action;etc.)例词:action,oppression,possession,education,starva- tion 2)机构等(institution;etc.)例词: organization,foundation 9.-ment意为:状态,行动等(state; action;etc.)例词:movement,enslavement,pavement 10.-al意为:动作(action)例词:arrival,refusal,revival,recital,removal 11.-age意为:程度,数量等(extent; amount;etc.)例词:wastage,coverage, acreage,shrinkage,breakage,hostage 12.-ness;-ity(ty)意为:状态,品质(state;quality;etc.)例词:happiness, usefulness,selfishness,kindness,rapidity,activity,sanity,changeability 13.-ism意为:道义,主义,学说等(doctrine of,practice of)例词:idealism, impressionism,absenteeism,racism 动词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ify意为:转为,变为(to turn into,to make or become)例词:beautify, diversify,simplify 2.-ize;-en意为:使……,变得……(to make or become ;to make into)例词:modernize,popularize,legalize,hospitalize,symbolize,ripen,widen,heighten,threaten 3.-ate意为:增加,使……(give or add,make or become)例词:originate, hydrogenate,validate,differentiate 形容词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ful意为:充满,有(full of;hav- ing;giving;etc.)例词:useful,pitiful, hopeful,helpful,forgetful,thankful, fearful 2.-less意为:没有,无(without;not giving)例词:speechless,childless,harmless,hopeless,meaningless 3.-ly意为:有……品质的(having the qualities of)例词:beastly,manly, brotherly,friendly 4.-like意为:像……的(like)例词: childlike,statesmanlike,tiger-like 5.-y;-ish意为:像……一般的(somewhat like)例词:meaty,sandy, silky,hairy,leafy,watery,foolish,girlish,blackish,thinnish 6.-some意为:像……一样的;引起……的;有……品质的(like;causing; having the quality of)例词:troublesome,burdensome,wholesome,tiresome,bothersome 7.-able(ible)意为:能……的;可以……的(able to be ;capable)例词: changeable,readable,drinkable,comfortable,expansible,convincible 8.-ed意为:有……的(having,etc.)例词:wooded,pointed,moneyed, odd-shaped 9.-al意为:有……属性的,……类型的(nature of,typical of)例词:cultural,personal,regional,musical 10.-ary(ory)意为:属于……的,与……相连的(belonging to;connected with)例词:revolutionary,imaginary, contradictory 11.-ous意为:富含……的;有……品质的;像……的(full of;having the quality of;like)例词:glorious,erroneous,malicious,gracious 12.-ic(ical)意为:……类的;属于……的(typical of;belonging to)例词: historic,historical,methodic,methodical,dramatic,heroic 13.-ive意为:有……属性的;有某种倾向的(having the nature or quality of;given or tending to)例词:attractive, talkative,restrictive,defensive,preventive,constructive,sensitive 副词后缀 常见的此类后缀及其具体含义如下: 1.-ly意为:以……方式(in a...manner;etc.) 例词:happily, boldly,attentive- ly,strangely 2.-ward(s)意为:表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),earthward(s),homeward(s),eastward(s) 3.-wise意为:1)按照……方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise2)就……而言(asfar as concerned)例词:weatherwise ,educationwise
2023-06-23 19:16:011


人质到达目的地说的是 人质已被解救 前面那个没印象了
2023-06-23 19:16:082


2023-06-23 19:16:271


Windows文件常见后缀名解释及作用 CA Microsoft的代理使用的角色文档acf 系统管理配置acm 音频压缩管理驱动程序,为Windows系统提供各种声音格式的编码和解码功能aif 声音文件,支持压缩,可以使用WindowsMediaPlayer和QuickTimePlayer播放AIF 音频文件,使用WindowsMediaPlayer播放AIFC 音频文件,使用WindowsMediaPlayer播放AIFF 音频文件,使用WindowsMediaPlayer播放ani 动画光标文件扩展名,例如动画沙漏。ans ASCII字符图形动画文件arc 一种较早的压缩文件,可以使用WinZip,WinRAR,PKARC等软件打开arj 压缩文件。可以使用WinZip,WinRAR,PKARC等软件打开asf 微软的媒体播放器支持的视频流,可以使用WindowsMediaPlayer播放asp 微软的视频流文件,可以使用WindowsMediaPlayer打开asp 微软提出的ActiveServerPage,是服务器端脚本,常用于大型网站开发,支持数据库连接,类似PHP。可以使用VisualInterDev编写,是目前的大热门asx WindowsMedia媒体文件的快捷方式au 是Internet中常用的声音文件格式,多由Sun工作站创建,可使用软件WaveformHoldandModify播放。NetscapeNavigator中的LiveAudio也可以播放.au文件avi 一种使用MicrosoftRIFF规范的Windows多媒体文件格式,用于存储声音和移动的图片bak 备份文件,一般是被自动或是通过命令创建的辅助文件,它包含某个文件的最近一个版本,并且具有于该文件相同的文件名bas Basic语言源程序文件,可编译成可执行文件,目前使用Basic开发系统的是VisualBasicbat 批处理文件,在MS-DOS中,.bat文件是可执行文件,有一系列命令构成,其中可以包含对其他程序的调用bbs 电子告示板系统文章信息文件bfc Windows的公文包文件bin 二进制文件,其用途依系统或应用而定bmp Bitmap位图文件,这是微软公司开发Paint的自身格式,可以被多种Windows和WindowsNT平台及许多应用程序支持,支持32位颜色,用于为Windows界面创建图标的资源文件格式。一种后缀名代表一个文件的作用吧
2023-06-23 19:16:356


要看上下文才能确定 held 的具体意思如:a long held hostage 一个被挟持已久的人质a long held dream 一个很久以来的梦想...
2023-06-23 19:17:053


绝望的主妇死亡顺序:1.Mary Alice Young: (1962-2004)-- Committed ( ) by shooting herself.(自杀)2. Martha Huber: (1962-2004)-- Strangled.(被勒死)3. Rex Van De Kamp: (1961-2005)-- Poisoned.(中毒)4. George Williams: (1965-2005)-- ( ) by overdose.(自杀)5. Matthew Applewhite: (1988-2006)-- Shot by the ( ) during a hostage standoff.(被( )射杀)6. Juanita Solis: (1935-2005)-- Fell down a flight of stairs.(从楼梯上摔下来)7. Nora Huntington: (1971-2007)-- Shot during a hostage standoff.8. Monique Polier: (1963-2001)-- Bludgeoned to death with a pipe wrench.9. Alma Hodge: (1963-2007)-- Fell from her roof during an attempt to escape having been locked in the attic.10. Deirdre Taylor : (1958-1989)-- Stabbed to death.(被刀刺死)11. Curtis Monroe: (1958-2006)-- Accidentally shot himself while trying to escape imprisonment in the Applewhite"s dungeon.(倒霉不小心枪走火而亡)12. Ralph the Gardener: (1963-2006) - Car accident.(车祸)13. Jane Hainsworth: (1969-2007)-- Went into a coma after a horse riding accident and died from complications following a fever.(死于并发症)14. Gilbert McCluskey: (????-1997)-- Natural causes; was kept in freezer.(自然原因)15. Melanie Foster: (????-2005) Murdered with an axe.(被斧头砍死)16. Caroline Bigsby: (????-2006)-- Shot by a woman whom she"d taken hostage in a grocery store.17. Noah Taylor: (????-2005)-- Involuntarily removed from life support.18. Rebecca Shepard: (????-2006)-- Cardiac arrest brought on by shock following a demonstration outside of her home led by neighborhood residents.19. Sylvia Greene: (????-2007)-- Sucked into a tornado.(死于龙卷风)20. Victor Lang: (????-2007)-- Impaled by a fence post during a tornado.21. Lillian Simms: (????-2007)-- Natural causes.(自然原因?)22. Edwin Hodge: (????-1979)-- Wrists slit.23. Ilene Britt : (????-1995)-- Unspecified.24. Ida Greenberg: (????-2007)-- Killed during a tornado.(被龙卷风吹来的东西砸死)25. Ellie Leonard: (????-2008)-- Shot.(枪杀)26: Wayne Davis: (????-2008)-- Shot.(枪杀)27. Al Kominsky: (????-2008)-- Car crashed into a utility pole during a tornado.(在龙卷风中开车,车幢在电线竿上)28. Dylan Mayfair: (1988-1994)-- Crushed by bookcase.(被书柜压死)29. Dr. Samuel Heller: (????-2013)-- Strangulation.(窒息而亡)30. Lila Dash: (????-2010) -- Car accident.(车祸)31. Paige Dash: (????-2010)-- Car accident.(车祸)32. Eli Scruggs : (????--2013) -- Heart attack.(死于心脏病)35. Bradley Scott : (????-2013) -- Stabbed to death.36. Edie Britt : (????-2013) -- Electrocution.(触电而亡)37. Emily Portsmith : (????-2014) -- Strangled by an unknown assailant.(被歹徒勒死)38. Shaun (Po1iceman): (????-1991) -- Unknown accident caused by Angela Deluca39. Iris Beckley (????-2014) -- Strangled to death.(勒死)40. Irina Korsakov (????-2014) -- Strangled to death.(勒死)41. Barbera Orlofsky (????-2014) -- Bludgeoned and Strangled to death.42. Patrick Scavo (2013-2014) - Miscarried(被流产)43. Teresa Pruitt (????-2014) - Natural Causes.(自然原因?)44. Patrick Logan (1967-2014) - Car Explosion.(汽车爆炸)45. Karl Mayer (????-2014) - Plane crash.(空难)46. Mona Clarke (????-2014) - Plane crash.(空难)47. Charlie/Aurora Solis: (2005) Miscarried (被流产)
2023-06-23 19:17:121

请帮翻译成中文 谢谢啊

when dreams and reasons for living are wiped out by the unexpected, most people"s prioritiesv change . My priorities? well. they just disappeared all together. Making my bed was not a priority , it simply went unmade. paying the bills was not a priority; most simply went unpaid. 梦境和原因消灭生活突发状况,大多数人的prioritiesv 改变。我的优先顺序?well.他们只是消失在一起。让我的床是不优先考虑去,只是unmade.付帐单并不是一个优先;去最简便拒绝支付报酬。most people"s priorities , 以及Making my bed was not a priority。。。 大多数人的优先考虑的目标,以及Making我的床上是不优先考虑…
2023-06-23 19:17:213

帮忙翻译 谢谢

阿吨海湾最高攻击火箭200%对水平 在IMB形象显露的Unprecedented海盗行为 Helen凯利和理查Meade - 星期一 19 一月 2009年 海盗行为和对运输的武装的攻击INCIDENTS上升了以史无前例的率在过去12个月,根据国际海局出版的最新的图。 The海盗行为报告组织记录了在它的年终报告在2008年, 11%增量的总共293个事件比较2007个图。 攻击近海索马里和阿吨海湾的,然而,根据报告去年迅速了上升200%。 The形象代表了在报告的人质采取的最高的IMB"s海盗行为报告中心记录的上升和抢劫。 “The 2008统计超过中华人民共和国记录的所有图,因为它在1991年开始了它的全世界报告作用, ”说IMB海盗行为报告中心Pottengal Mukundan主任。 “This是交付的,主要,对在索马里和阿吨海湾的情况,当总共42艘船被劫机的和815乘员组被采取的hostage.” Worldwide, 49艘船的一个总数被劫机, 889个乘员组被扣压的人质和另外46艘船报告了被射击。 三十二个乘员组被伤害了, 11被杀害了和21丢失,被假定死。 While报告抢劫和攻击显著减少了在过去二个月, Mukundam上尉注重了它太早期的以至于不能宣称海军反海盗行为操作在离索马里的海岸的附近完全成功。 “We由最近努力应付索马里海盗行为和希望鼓励更多政府在缴获将继续致力更多财产于区域和提供充分交战规则给海军司令员给他们有效地部署海盗船,小船、胳膊和相关设备如被要求在UNSCR 1851年,他说的”。 “International海军是唯一部分有能力在有效的反应上反对海盗行为在这个区域,并且可帮助获取这项主要沿海贸易route.”安全保卫 The IMB报告被出版了正索马里海盗发布了丹麦一般cargoship CEC未来,在11月7日在途中被夺取到运载6,000吨钢的印度尼西亚。 7,120 dwt船被拿着俘虏为超过与在机上13个的成员,所有的人的二个月被发布的未伤害的。 Copenhagen-based船东飞剪机小组拒绝透露赎金被支付的确切的相当数量,但是证实“going rate”在$1m-$2m之间每艘船。 赎金由对pirates"船的降伞空投。 在星期二Yemeni渔夫上星期是较不幸运,当二被杀死的和二更被伤害在与海盗的碰撞阿吨海湾的。 Yemen通讯社报道也门海岸警备队在俄国大型驱逐舰附近找到二条小船的三位被伤害的渔夫,其中一人尽管接受急救死了。 可能不太准 将就下吧
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Warners Melon
2023-06-23 19:17:536

gilbert 有特殊的含义吗

名词1. [男子名] [英格兰人姓氏] 吉尔伯特。来源于诺曼底人名+日耳曼语,含义是“人质,贵族青年+光明的,著名的”(hostage,noble youth+bright,famous) 昵称Gil 2. [苏格兰人、爱尔兰人姓氏] 吉尔伯特。Kilbride的英语形式
2023-06-23 19:18:211


2023-06-23 19:18:298


save rescue deliver
2023-06-23 19:18:572