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英语语法问题。被告这个词用accuse表示为什么不是写成the accusing man 而是用the accused man

2023-05-19 15:22:00

英语语法问题。He stated that he had never seen the accused man被告这个词用accuse表示为什么不是写成the accusing man 而是用the accused man

TAG: cc use ccu cu 英语

accuse表示指责,指控,主控者,原告称为the accuser;被控者,被告则为the accused (person),也就是收到指控的,因此要用含有被动概念的过去分词表示



2023-01-02 03:44:141


2023-01-02 03:44:191


1. 指责,谴责;找毛病,找…的差错(of):例句: We accused him of immortal conduct toward her.我们指责他对她的不道德行为。2. 指控,控告,控诉(of):例句: He was accused of murder.他被控犯有谋杀罪。3. 把…归咎于;把…归罪于:例句: The chairman accused the committee for the delay in passing his program.主席把拖延通过他的计划的责任推到委员会身上。
2023-01-02 03:44:252


1、accuse什么意思中文。 2、accused什么意思。 3、Accuse什么意思?。 4、accuse什么意思中文翻译。1.accuse:v.控告。 2.控诉。 3.谴责。 4.第三人称单数:accuses。 5.现在分词:accusing。 6.过去式:accused。 7.过去分词:accused。 8.例句:Hewasaccusingmymumofhavinganaffairwithanotherman.他指责我妈妈和另一个男人有染。
2023-01-02 03:44:331


表示因某事而控告、指控、指责某人,其后不能接that从句或动名词作宾语。若表示“指控某人为…”,则用介词as。常用搭配:accuse sb of (doing) sth控告某人(做)某事;accuse sb as指控某人为...;the accused被告。【例句】1、I didnt want to accuse him of anything.(也不想指责他任何事。)2、But nobody can accuse him of not trying.(然而不会有人指责他没有尝试了。)
2023-01-02 03:44:391

accuse 的名词形式 是什么

2023-01-02 03:44:504


accuse名词:accusation n.控告;起诉;告发;谴责 复数: accusations 扩展资料   例句:   The accusation is wholly without foundation.   这项指控完全没有依据。   The government denied the accusation that it was involved in the murders.   政府否认了参与谋杀案的指控。   She was surprised that he had no words of blame or accusation for her.   使她惊讶的`是,他竟然没有对她说任何怪罪或指责的话。
2023-01-02 03:45:041


sue,prosecute,accuse的区别:sue的重点是在于起诉这个动作。prosecute 作控告时,一般是指公诉。accuse 作控告的时候一般会用到一个词组叫 accuse of,这里重点就在于控告的内容,比如对方的罪行啊,对方周扒皮黄世仁抢了你家的田地啊丧尽天良不是东西啊xxx(此处省略一万字)。sue (通常为索赔而)控告,对某人提起诉讼,如:The company could be sued for damages。该公司可能会被起诉,要求其赔偿损失。If you don"t pay me the money, I"ll sue you。如果你不付给我钱,我就告你。记住用法的技巧:不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住。在英语常用词汇8000多个中,有超过50%的词汇是同义词,近义词,想要避免混淆,只有把它们找出来放在一起对照,归纳它们近似及差异的地方,才能分得清楚。
2023-01-02 03:45:091


accuse = 指责charge = 指控
2023-01-02 03:45:183


to accuse someone of doing something wrong, 意为指控某人犯了错误。例如:someone can be accused of being dishonest, or of a fault like laziness.意为某人被指责不诚实或懒惰等过错。to be accused of a crime意思是被指控犯罪。 He himself was accused of incompetence. 他本人被指控为不称职。 And then you would start crying and accusing us of not caring if you died. 然后,你会哭起来,指责说即使你死了我们也不会在乎。 They were in great distress because they had been wrongfully accused of theft. 因为被冤枉为窃贼,他们深感痛苦。 He is accused of killing ten young women. 他被指控杀害十名年轻女子。 the police charge someone or charge them with committing a crime.指警方正式控告(formally accuse)某人或正式控告他们犯某罪。警方掌握犯罪证据有,正式指控某人犯罪,可以说to charge a person with a crime。指控某人玩忽职守或说谎等,可以说to charge someone with not doing their duty or lying。对于一些小过失一般不用charge。总之,charge比accuse更正式。 Colonel Burr was arrested by order of President Thomas Jeffson and charged with treason. 根据汤姆斯·杰弗逊总统的命令,伯尔上校被指控犯叛国罪被捕。 He was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences. 他被捕并被指控犯有多种罪行。 He was declared not responsible for the criminal acts with which he had been charged. 法庭宣布他与被控的罪行无关。 Mr Horta charged the premier with being politically weak. 霍塔先生指责总理政治上软弱无能。
2023-01-02 03:45:351


charge against控告accuse of 谴责,控告
2023-01-02 03:45:432

accuse 与charge with作为控告时候的区别是什么?

例如:someone can be accused of being dishonest, or of a fault like laziness.意为某人被指责不诚实或懒惰等过错。to be accused of a crime意思是被指控犯罪。He himself was accused of incompetence.他本人被指控为不称职。And then you would start crying and accusing us of not caring if you died.然后,你会哭起来,指责说即使你死了我们也不会在乎。They were in great distress because they had been wrongfully accused of theft.因为被冤枉为窃贼,他们深感痛苦。He is accused of killing ten young women.他被指控杀害十名年轻女子。the police charge someone or charge them with committing a crime.指警方正式控告(formally accuse)某人或正式控告他们犯某罪。警方掌握犯罪证据有,正式指控某人犯罪,可以说to charge a person with a crime。指控某人玩忽职守或说谎等,可以说to charge someone with not doing their duty or lying。对于一些小过失一般不用charge。总之,charge比accuse更正式。Colonel Burr was arrested by order of President Thomas Jeffson and charged with treason.根据汤姆斯·杰弗逊总统的命令,伯尔上校被指控犯叛国罪被捕。He was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences.他被捕并被指控犯有多种罪行。He was declared not responsible for the criminal acts with which he had been charged.法庭宣布他与被控的罪行无关。
2023-01-02 03:45:511

sue和accuse的区别 两个单词都有控告的意思,用法的意思有什么区别吗?

sue一定是法律上的控告,法庭上的. accuse也有指责,(不一定是法庭上的)控告的意思,比如he accused her of taking his pen (他accuse她拿了他的笔-这个没闹到法庭上,但是也是指责了. 所以accuse范围比sue广.
2023-01-02 03:45:561


blame n. 过失,责备 v. 责备 accuse [�0�5"kju:z] v. 责备,控告记得采纳啊
2023-01-02 03:46:012

accuse sb of sth 中的 of怎么理解的?

2023-01-02 03:46:093


accuse, charge两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同.accuse v.指控,控诉,与介词of连用.The police accused him of theft.警察指控他犯有盗窃罪.charge v.可以指因为小错而受的责备,也指因违法...
2023-01-02 03:46:241


2023-01-02 03:46:333


2023-01-02 03:46:451

accuse sb.of(doing)sth. 这个词组带(doing),表达的是什么意思?

accuse somebody of doing something意思是指责某人做错某事。accuse somebody of something和accuse somebody of doing something是两种用法。accuse somebody of something 意思是指控某人犯罪,违反法令或规则,of后跟名词。例如:He was accused of murder. 他被指控犯有谋杀罪。accuse somebody of doing something 意思是指责某人做错某事,of 后跟动名词短语。例如:Please don"t accuse me of forgetting to lock the door. 请不要指责我忘记了锁门。扩展资料:accuse的用法:accuse的基本意思是“控告; 控诉; 谴责”,在正式场合或非正式场合、私人或法律上都可使用。在主语方面,主要指官方或个人对某人或他人进行直接地、尖刻地、当面地指责,有时含有诋毁或非难的意思。在宾语方面,多指因粗心、失信或不负责任而受指责。accuse是及物动词,以被指责的人作宾语,所指责的具体内容须以of引出。不接动词不定式、双宾语或从句。accuse还可接由as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。accuse后接for短语则表示“把某事归罪于某人”。accuse of可接表示罪行错误的名词,也可接动名词的一般式和完成式。accuse可用于被动结构。accuse的宾语一定要是被控的人的词,宾语后接of和指所控的罪或过失的词。accuse后不可接that从句,如不可说She was accused that ...。
2023-01-02 03:46:516


2023-01-02 03:47:192


accuse是指控,还没判刑,例句,He was accused of murder.sentence 判决,例 he was sentenced to death.charge也是指控,和accuse的差别是,charge是正式的由检察机关提起的指控,而accuse可以是没有确凿证据下的一般指控。也就是先有accuse 再有 charge 最后 sentence, 例, The boss accused John of theft and called the police. The police arrested John and charged him with theft.scold 是责骂,与法律领域毫无关系。accuse英英解释claim that (someone) has done something wrong. 谴责(因为某人做了错事)而scold是 rebuke (someone) angrily. 生气地指责、责骂(某人),一般用于大人骂小孩,上司骂下属等。例句,Mum took Anna away, scolding her for her bad behaviour. 母亲一边责骂安娜的不良表现一边带走了她。
2023-01-02 03:47:281

accuse 与charge有什么区别,怎么用,说清楚点如题 谢谢了

2023-01-02 03:47:334

sue accuse implead indict charge的区别及固定搭配,最好能用例句说明一下,谢谢~

sue 就是按照某理由控告你,特指去法院控告一般是民事诉讼 他一般只有原告Plaintiff没有公诉人prosecutor 而且被SUE不一定你就是错了 例句 We decided to sue the company for $8,000 damages ACCUSE 比SUE 的范围广 不一定是和违法有关,例句 tom accuse me of turning his back on himIndict 在美国是特指被大陪审团起诉 一般是比较重的罪行。谋杀什么的,中国没有大陪审团我也不知道怎么解释 在起诉前要有证据才能起诉 类似过堂,大陪审团认可就是 INDICTMENT 例句比如最近很红的Caylee Anthony案子(CASEY涉嫌谋杀自己的女儿) Casey Anthony, was indicted on October 14, 2008Charge 是犯法,依照法律上正式控告 例如 tom was charged with tax evasion 这些例句其实都差不多,关键掌握什么时候用哪个词 希望可以帮到你建议你看 LAW & ORDER 里面很多法律词汇
2023-01-02 03:47:471

accuse 可以接双宾吗

2023-01-02 03:47:521


accuse表示某人做了违法的事情,而受到控告。A accuse B of C,C就是B的罪行,B就是被告,A就是公诉方或者原告。和charge差不多。accuse核心意思给我一个说法,讨个说法。condemn表示不赞成不喜欢某人的做法,而这通常是基于道德上的评判。condemn的核心意思是宣判,也就是宣判xxx是不被赞成的应受到谴责的。condemn的另外的意思就是宣判某人应受到xxx惩罚。这和accuse有一定的差距。accuse只是说这个错事是谁干的,它主要指向当事人,而condemn已经得到明确的判断是错的而应该接受惩罚,毁灭,谴责。很显然accuse只是强调是xxx做的,condemn是强调惩罚。sanction,这个一般不对个人进行处罚,而且也是一个专门的术语。这个词中包含了一对矛盾的意思奖惩。也就是核心意思是强制约束。一般都是强对弱上对下。
2023-01-02 03:47:581

condemn,criticize,blame, scold的区别是什么?

第一种解析:blame,accuse,condemn,scold,denounce,reproach,rebuke这些动词均含有“责备,非难”之意。blame普通用词,语气较弱,仅是一般的责难、归咎于,不含用语言责骂之意。accuse语气比blame强,本义为归罪,可用作指非难或谴责之义。condemn正式用词,表示谴责,有较强的司法意味,侧重从道义或原则上的谴责。scold普通用词,多指上级对下级、长辈对后辈或雇主对雇员的态度粗暴、言词激烈的数落。denounce与condemn同义,但着重公开性。reproach侧重指因他人粗心、自私等引起不满而去指责、找岔。rebuke多指上级对下级进行的公开、强烈、严正而不宽容的责备。隐含一定权威的意味第二种:以上五个都是大学英语四级词表所列必须掌握的词语,其中blame和chatg。早在中学阶段即已列为必须掌握四会的常用词;悦。,比鱿ge和soold还被列为必考词,收人历年英语自学考试大纲词表。从实际使用情况看,据国内外语料库统计,charge一词使用频率最高,属五星级词;日ame, accuse属四星级外condemil属三星级娜只有scold一词属一星级词。但是我国学生在历届实考中使用这些词的频率并不称据统计,除“佣de功n和 scold外,在百万考生中实际使用这些词的频率均在n%以上,其中charge和accuse在中学和自学考中的实际使用率甚至超过大学四级考。不过,突出的问题是,我国学生对这些词的释义较熟悉,对其搭配用法却比较生疏。
2023-01-02 03:48:032

be accused of complicity in the crime 这里动词accuse后边为什么有of

2023-01-02 03:48:441


accuse 普通用词,正式或非正式场合,私人或法律上均可用。被指控的情节可轻可重。常与介词 of 搭配连用。如:If convicted, an accused person may appeal. 如果宣告有罪,被告可以上诉。He was accused of smuggling. 他被指控走私。He accused me of taking the money. 他指责我拿了钱。They accused him of taking bribes. 他们指控他接受贿赂。appeal: 上诉A litigant dissatisfied with the outcome of a lawsuit may exercise certain rights of appeal. To appeal means to have a lower court proceeding reviewed by a superior court. sue: 控告, 控诉, 普通人用的字眼, 包括民事及刑事 To initiate a lawsuit or continue a legal proceeding for the recovery of a right; to prosecute, assert a legal claim, or bring action against a particular party.prosecute: 控诉, ?业用词, 主要是刑事控告To follow through; to commence and continue an action or judicial proceeding to its ultimate conclusion. To proceed against a defendant by charging that person with a crime and bringing him or her to trial.The state, on behalf of the people, generally prosecutes a defendant accused of a crime.charge: 起诉, 罪名, 追诉, 追控To impose a burden, duty, obligation, or lien; to create a claim against property; to assess; to demand; to accuse; to instruct a jury on matters of law. To impose a tax, duty, or trust. To entrust with responsibilities and duties (e.g., care of another). In commercial transactions, to bill or invoice; to purchase on credit. In criminal law, to indict or formally accuse.
2023-01-02 03:48:492


2023-01-02 03:48:581

accuse谴责 excuse是借口

2023-01-02 03:49:032


有. accuse sb of:因...指责/控告某人 charge sb with:因...指责/控告某人
2023-01-02 03:49:111


有,如be accused of
2023-01-02 03:49:172


sue一定是法律上的控告,法庭上的。accuse也有指责,(不一定是法庭上的)控告的意思,比如he accused her of taking his pen (他accuse她拿了他的笔-这个没闹到法庭上,但是也是指责了。所以accuse范围比sue广。
2023-01-02 03:49:251


accuse you that....可以
2023-01-02 03:49:312


2023-01-02 03:49:391

accuse sb.of sth.是什么意思

accuse sb.of sth指责某人某事。
2023-01-02 03:49:443


accuse及物动词意思:指责,控告。比如:I don"t want to accuse anyone. 我不想要指责任何人。希望能帮到你!
2023-01-02 03:49:591

accuse 和charge 的区别是什么

accuse, charge, sue 都有指控、控告的意思。1、accuse指责(某人)。可以是一般意义上的谴责、责备;也可以指法律上的控告。常用于句型:accuse sb. of (doing) sth.【例句】He was accused of favouritism. 他被指责偏袒。【例句】He was accused of murdering his wife"s lover. 他被指控杀害了他妻子的情人。2、charge  以(一罪行)控告(某人)。 强调根据法律在法庭上控告。常用于句型:charge sb. with (doing)sth.【例句】The police charged the prisoner with stealing the jewels.警方指控那个囚徒偷窃了珠宝。如:The police charged the driver with reckless driving.3、另外sue 也可以表示控告,sue常与for搭配。如:Smith sued his neighbor for damaging his house.扩展资料:例句(1)Brian sided with his sister, which led his mother to accuse him of being disloyal. 布赖恩站在他姐姐这一边,他母亲就此指责他不忠。(2)His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties 他的父亲会指责他不尽孝道。(3)Hard for anyone to accuse you of treason again. 很难有人再指控你叛国了。(4)He is charge with three serious offence. 他被指控犯有3种严重罪行。(5)They were charge with doctoring the election results. 他们因窜改选举结果而受到控告。(6)She faced the charge with a clear conscience. 面对指控,她问尽无愧。
2023-01-02 03:50:071

accuse 和charge 的区别是什么

accuse :vt. 控告,指控;谴责;归咎于;vi. 指责;控告;一般与of搭配使用charge:n. 费用;电荷;掌管;控告;命令;负载;vt. 使充电;使承担;指责;装载;对…索费 ;向…冲去vi. 充电;控告;索价;向前冲;记在账上;一般后面接某人,指责某人。 望采纳,谢谢!
2023-01-02 03:50:156

accuse的用法 有被告,还有什么?

accuse vt. 非难,控告归罪 the accused 【律】被告,刑事被告 《习惯用语》 accuse sb.of ...指控某人... 《联想记忆》 横眉冷对千夫"指" sue[sju:,su:] sb.for sth. criticize["kritisaiz] sb.for sth. find fault with sb. charge sb.with sth. complain to sb.about sth. blame sb.for = blame sth.on sb. 《辨析》 accuse,charge ,impeach charge 表示“指控,控告”,一般用于较严重的错误或罪行,常用结构为 charge sb with sth. accuse 所表达的“指控,控告,非难”比较直接和尖锐,但指控对方的事不一定很严重,有时可与charge通用,但accuse通常的搭配为accuse sb.of sth.. impeach 是正式法律用语,意为“控告”某人,尤其表示“检举,弹劾”,其常用结构为impeach sb.for(of,with) sth.和impeach sb.for doing sth.. 《例句》 They accused him of taking bribes. 他们控告他受贿. I charge you not to forget what l have said.我告诫你不要忘记我所说的话. We must impeach the judge for taking bribes. 我们一定要检举法官收受贿赂. The boy complained of a pain in his stomach. 这孩子说他肚子痛.
2023-01-02 03:50:431


1. 指责,谴责;找毛病,找…的差错(of):例句: We accused him of immortal conduct toward her.我们指责他对她的不道德行为。2. 指控,控告,控诉(of):例句: He was accused of murder.他被控犯有谋杀罪。3. 把…归咎于;把…归罪于:例句: The chairman accused the committee for the delay in passing his program.主席把拖延通过他的计划的责任推到委员会身上。
2023-01-02 03:50:492


2023-01-02 03:50:573

accuse 和charge 的区别是什么

accuse 和charge 的区别:1、使用范围不同accuse 使用范围较广,主要用于一般的指责,也可用于法律上的正式控告,charge 比 accuse 正式,通常指在法庭上依法控告,也可以引申地使用于指责某人违反公认的行为准则。2、严重性不同charge所指控的内容比accuse更严重。3、短语搭配不同accuse后一般接of,而charge后一般接with。扩展资料一、accuse英 [əˈkju:z]   美 [əˈkjuz]  v.指控;指责,谴责例句1、How can you accuse me of such a motive? 你怎么可以怀疑我是出于这样的目的?2、What new victim is going to accuse you of weakness before God? 是哪一个新的牺牲者又要到上帝面前去控告您软弱无能了?3、Neither can they prove the things whereof they now accuse me. 他们现在所告我的事并不能对你证实了。二、charge英 [tʃɑ:dʒ]   美 [tʃɑ:rdʒ]  vt.装载;控诉;vi.充电;索价;n.电荷;指控;例句1、All the ferries carry bicycles free or for a nominal charge.所有的渡船都免费或以极低的收费运载自行车。2、He pleaded guilty to a charge of first-degree robbery. 他对一级抢劫罪的指控表示服罪。3、Some companies charge a fee up front, but we don"t thinkthat"s right. 有些公司预先收费,但我们认为那是不对的。
2023-01-02 03:51:081


accused 的基本解释n. 被告v. 指责(accuse的过去式和过去分词);控告adj. 被控告的accused 用法和例句The militants had accused western humanitarians of being anti-muslim .这些激进分子指责西方人道主义机构反穆斯林。Altima accused telenor of sabotaging its growth .altima即控告telenor蓄意阻挠它的发展。He was accused of stigmatising black africans .他因此被告侮辱了非洲黑人。Then people accused their own countries .然后,人们开始指责自己的国家。Democrats accused bp of sacrificing safety for profit .民主党人指责英国石油公司为利润牺牲安全。
2023-01-02 03:51:161

accuse,appeal的区别 RT.好像都有点控告,申诉的意思.,怎么区别呢.

accuse "kju:z] 基本翻译 vt.控告,指控;谴责;归咎于 vi.控告;指责 网络释义 accuse:控告|指责|指控? to accuse:攻击|是控诉 accuse vt:指控 appeal "pi:l] 基本翻译 n.上诉;吸引力,感染力;呼吁,请求;诉诸裁判 vi.呼吁,恳求;有吸引力,迎合爱好;诉诸,求助;上诉;(体育比赛中)诉诸裁判 vt.[美]将…上诉,对…上诉 网络释义 appeal:上诉|呼吁,恳求,上诉|申诉 appeal to:呼吁,恳求|上诉|呼吁,要求 appeal for:魅力,吸引力|请求|呼吁,请求
2023-01-02 03:51:331


accuse意为“控告,谴责”,一般搭配为accuse sb. of sth. (表过失或罪行的词)。 His assistant was accused of theft and fraud by the police He was accusing her of having an affair with another man. prosecute意为“对……起诉,告发”,一般搭配为prosecute sb. for sth. He is being prosecuted for two criminal offences. 反义:defend 补充:charge意为“控诉,指责”,一般搭配为charge sb. with sth. (表做错或罪行的词)。 The police have charged him with rape.
2023-01-02 03:51:381


accused,accuse的过去分词和过去式英 [əˈkjuːzd]   美 [əˈkjuːzd]  n.(刑事)被告v.控告;控诉;谴责1How do you find the accused? 你如何裁定被告?《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》2The accused was found innocent. 被告被判定无罪。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》3They accused the government of a surrender to business interests. 他们指责政府唯工商界的利益是从。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》4She accused her husband of setting the children against her. 她指责丈夫唆使孩子们跟她作对。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》5He accused the government of relying on paint-by-numbers policies. 他指责政府依赖一成不变的政策。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》6A local man was accused of the murder. 有一本地人被指控为这起谋杀案的凶手。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》
2023-01-02 03:51:441


2023-01-02 03:51:581


to accuse someone of doing something wrong, 意为指控某人犯了错误。例如:someone can be accused of being dishonest, or of a fault like laziness.意为某人被指责不诚实或懒惰等过错。to be accused of a crime意思是被指控犯罪。 x0dx0ax0dx0aHe himself was accused of incompetence. x0dx0a他本人被指控为不称职。 x0dx0aAnd then you would start crying and accusing us of not caring if you died. x0dx0a然后,你会哭起来,指责说即使你死了我们也不会在乎。 x0dx0aThey were in great distress because they had been wrongfully accused of theft. x0dx0a因为被冤枉为窃贼,他们深感痛苦。 x0dx0aHe is accused of killing ten young women. x0dx0a他被指控杀害十名年轻女子。 x0dx0ax0dx0athe police charge someone or charge them with committing a crime.指警方正式控告(formally accuse)某人或正式控告他们犯某罪。警方掌握犯罪证据有,正式指控某人犯罪,可以说to charge a person with a crime。指控某人玩忽职守或说谎等,可以说to charge someone with not doing their duty or lying。对于一些小过失一般不用charge。总之,charge比accuse更正式。 x0dx0ax0dx0aColonel Burr was arrested by order of President Thomas Jeffson and charged with treason. x0dx0a根据汤姆斯·杰弗逊总统的命令,伯尔上校被指控犯叛国罪被捕。 x0dx0aHe was arrested and charged with committing a variety of offences. x0dx0a他被捕并被指控犯有多种罪行。 x0dx0aHe was declared not responsible for the criminal acts with which he had been charged. x0dx0a法庭宣布他与被控的罪行无关。 x0dx0aMr Horta charged the premier with being politically weak. x0dx0a霍塔先生指责总理政治上软弱无能。
2023-01-02 03:52:041

accuse和blame 怎么区别啊

accuse,,blame的区别和用法accuse vt.①指责,指控②归咎于   经典例句He was accused of many marital infidelities, most famously with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.他多次被控对婚姻不忠,其中最有名的是和白宫实习生莫尼卡•莱温斯基。   词汇辨析accuse, charge, blame:   accuse 控告;控诉   blame 指责,责怪
2023-01-02 03:52:101