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2023-06-23 19:57:43
TAG: glasses


作眼镜讲时,glasses是固定形式。要说单数时就是a pair of glasses ,复数pairs of glasses 。




是可数名词 不过一般情况下用复数 总不能带一只眼镜吧 嘻嘻嘻



glasses 名词意思是 眼镜,玻璃杯(复数) He wears a pair of glasses.他戴着一副眼镜。 He bought two glasses yesterday.他昨天买了两个玻璃杯。
2023-06-23 14:31:201

with glasses和wear glasses有什么区别

一般with glasses 是做补语。比如,Lucy is a lovely girl with glasses.而wear glasses 是一个谓语+宾语的结构。比如,Lucy wears glasses all the time.
2023-06-23 14:31:561


13. I wear glasses every day.
2023-06-23 14:32:051


2023-06-23 14:32:131


如果是glasses单独做主语,则谓语动词用复数(are);如果是a pair of glasses做主语,则谓语动词的数和pair保持一致,此时用单数(is)。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。
2023-06-23 14:32:231


应该是are de
2023-06-23 14:32:455


glasses英语读法是[/u02c8ɡlɑu02d0su026az/],音译是个拉西斯。一、中文翻译:作名词,玻璃杯;玻璃;酒杯;一杯(的量);眼镜。二、用法:glass的第三人称单数和复数。三、例句:1.He wore glasses with thick rims.他戴了一副厚框眼镜。2.He is a person wearing glasses.他是一位戴着眼镜的人。3.There are two glasses on the table.桌子上有两个玻璃杯。4.Don"t break these glasses.这些玻璃杯千万别弄碎。
2023-06-23 14:34:471


glasses a pair of glasses
2023-06-23 14:35:154


glassesn. [轻] 眼镜;玻璃(glass的复数形式);双筒望远镜v. 把…装入玻璃容器内;给…装上玻璃(glass的第三人称单数形式)
2023-06-23 14:35:371

glasses 用法

2023-06-23 14:35:471


如果是glasses单独做主语,则谓语动词用复数(are);如果是a pair of glasses做主语,则谓语动词的数和pair保持一致,此时用单数(is)。 glasses的be用什么 如果是glasses单独做主语,则谓语动词用复数(are); 但如果是a pair of glasses做主语,则谓语动词的数和pair保持一致,此时用单数(is)。 此类短语如果pair是复数,谓语动词的数才用复数形式。 glasses双语例句 A screw had worked loose from my glasses. 我眼镜上有一个螺丝松了。 His glasses had slipped 他的眼镜滑掉了。 He wore glasses with thick rims 他戴了一副厚框眼镜。 I refilled our wine glasses. 我再次斟满了我们的酒杯。 I dropped my glasses and broke them. 我不小心把眼镜掉下来摔碎了。
2023-06-23 14:35:551


第一个复数:are.第二个单数:is 英语中讲究主谓一致,这是典型的例子.所有由两部分结构组成的物体,像是trousers(两条腿),glasses(两个镜片),shoes,scissors...单独出现的时候谓语用复数,但是一旦加了量词a pair of,谓语要与a一致,用单数.
2023-06-23 14:36:111

glasses是单数还是复数!eg:Where is my glasses?是用is还是are?

2023-06-23 14:36:191


二者指眼镜时可以通用,不过spectacles常用作文雅用语。牛津高阶英汉双解字典上说的很清楚:5.glasses(also spectacles,口语亦作specs)。不过glasses还指户外用的双筒的望远镜。
2023-06-23 14:36:391

glasses是什么意思 解释“glasses”的含义和用法?

n. 玻璃杯;眼镜(glass 的复数)v. 把……装入玻璃容器内;给……装上玻璃(glass 的第三人称单数)在句子中常用作名词,例如Your glasses are on crooked.你的眼镜歪了
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glass用a,因为glass第一个字母是辅音。不定冠词a和an的用法:1、一般以元音字母开头的单词前用an,比如an apple, an importapart part。2、a就是用于辅音字母开头的单词前面,比如 a sweet apple, a pencil。3、还有一些比较特殊的单词,比如useful,虽然是元音开头,但是它的发音是辅音开头,所以要用a,比如a useful suggestion,如单词usual,university等等。4、以辅音开头但是发音是以元音开头的单词要用an,比如an hour,an honest man等等。glass1、glass作为材质时属于不可数名词,零冠词适用。2、作为玻璃杯用时属于可数名词。a glass, 2 glasses。3、glasses作为眼镜用时,应该使用名词所有格表达数量。a pair of glasses一副眼镜。所以glasses前面绝对不可以用an,因为an用在元音音素开头的单词前。
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2023-06-23 14:38:403


答:glasses 英["glɑ:sɪz]美["glɑ:sɪz] n. 眼镜; 眼镜; 玻璃杯; glasses中的字母a 是发/ɑ:/音的。
2023-06-23 14:39:001

she has a glasses!这句话哪里错了?

She has a pair of glasses.这句才正确。因为眼睛是复数,不能用a,要用一双(a fair of)这句话才对。
2023-06-23 14:39:083


Glasses 指通常用于校正视力的眼镜,泛指,如近视镜、花镜等.也可指太阳镜sun glasses等. Goggle 专用防护眼镜,如防风镜、防水镜、电焊护目镜、强光护目镜等.也指有特殊功能的仪器,如夜视仪、瞄准镜等. Spectacles 与glasses同意,英国说法. Lens 本指镜头.但口语一般指隐形眼镜contact lens. eyewear 也是指专业用的护目镜.
2023-06-23 14:39:161

Glasses 有几个音节?

有几个元音字母,就有几个音节,元音字母是a e i o u,很明显里面有一个a一个e两个元音字母,所以有两个音节。
2023-06-23 14:39:231


glass 是玻璃, 不可数名词glasses是眼镜,可数名词。
2023-06-23 14:39:321

a pair of glasses 和glasses有什么区别

2023-06-23 14:39:524


specs除了指眼镜, 还指眼镜的规格,这是个比较正式的词,至于glasses,单指眼镜
2023-06-23 14:40:141

a pair of glasses和glasses区别 都是眼镜的意思时

a pair of glasses是一副,特指数量.glasses n.眼镜;双筒望远镜;玻璃( glass的名词复数 );玻璃杯;玻璃器皿;眼镜.
2023-06-23 14:40:211

wear glasses和with glasses的区别

wear glasses和with glasses都表示戴眼镜的,但是用法不同。wear glasses作为句子的定语 而with glasses是在句子中有定语是用的。比如: the girl with glasses is my sister.中my sister是定语,所以用with而不是wear I can see a girl wear glasses.中wear glasses是定语,表示戴眼镜的
2023-06-23 14:40:301

where is my glasses.句子那里有错

glasses是眼镜的意思,已经是复数,两只,所以前面的词要用are正确语法应该是:where are my glasses
2023-06-23 14:40:383

glasses是单数还是复数!eg:Where is my glasses?是用is还是are?

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good better best bad worse worstlittle less lestbig bigger biggestmany more mosttall taller tallest
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2023-06-23 14:36:191

it is the mosthottest day of the year有什么错?

it is the most hottest day of the year.这个句子错误的地方,使用了两次最高级,正确的是:it is the hottest day of the year.
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2023-06-23 14:36:221


chfd jgbvyh fdggj hdufgyguff01
2023-06-23 14:36:271

from EsTalib import * 和 import EsTalib 有什么区别

2023-06-23 14:36:281

summer is ______ (hot) season in a year.

答案:D 根据in Tianjin可知,此处表示比较的范围是"在天津",要用形容词的最高级;形容词最高级的表达是:the+形容词最高级+in/of+比较的范围.形容词hot最高级形式是hottest,故选D.
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2023-06-23 14:36:333


俄罗斯图-22M轰炸机图-22M轰炸机图-22M北约代号“逆火”(Backfire),是苏联图波列夫设计局研制的一款超音速可变后掠翼长程战略轰炸机。该机于1972年开始进入苏联空军服役,目前是俄罗斯空军的主要轰炸机之一。图-22M轰炸机也是一款可变翼远程战略轰炸机。图-22M轰炸机外形威猛,机身普通半硬壳结构,机翼前的机身截面为圆形,有一个大的椭圆形介电质机头罩。大部分的机身载荷、发动机载荷和尾翼载荷均由机身上部中心大梁承担。内部弹舱容积较小,机翼承力梁占去很大空间,另外大部分空间需要用来装燃油。从机翼前缘翼根线向前,机身被分为前轮舱、主电子设备舱,再往前是增压的驾驶舱,舱内前后共有4名机组人员。基本参数:服役时间: 1972年至今生产数量: 不详机长: 42.4米最大航程: 7000千米机高: 11.05米最大速度: 2327千米/小时翼展: 34.28米最大升限: 13300米空重: 58000千克最大起飞重量: 126000千克
2023-06-23 14:36:331

maroon 5 所有有歌的歌词(中英都要有)

nothing lasts forever 打印此页 歌手:maroon 5 专辑:it won t be soon before long It is so easy to seeDysfunction between you and meWe must free up these tired soulsBefore the sadness kills us bothI tried and tried to let you knowI love you but I"m letting goIt may not last but I don"t knowJust don"t knowIf you don"t knowThen you can"t careAnd I show upBut you"re not thereBut I"m waitingAnd you want toStill afraid that I will desert youEverydayMAROON 5With every word whispered we get more far awayThe distance between us makes it so hard to stayBut nothing lasts forever, but be honest babeIt hurts but it may be the only wayA babe that"s warm with memoriesCan heal us temporarilyThe misbehaving all he makesThe ditch between us so damn deepBuilt a wall around my heartNever let it fall apartStrangely I wish secretlyIt won"t fall down while I"m asleepIf you don"t knowThen you can"t careAnd I show upBut you"re not thereBut I"m waitingAnd you want toStill afraid that I will desert you, babeEverydayWith every word whispered we get more far awayThe distance between us makes it so hard to stayBut nothing lasts forever, but be honest babeIt hurts but it may be the only wayBut we have not hit the groundDoesn"t mean we"re not still falling, ohI want for mine to pick you upBut you"re still too reluctant to accept my helpWhat a shame, I hope you find somewhere to place the blameBut until then the fact remainsEverydayWith every word whispered we get more far awayThe distance between us makes it so hard to stayNothing lasts forever, but be honest babeIt hurts but it may be the only wayEverydayWith every word whispered we get more far awayThe distance between us makes it so hard to stayBut nothing lasts forever, but be honest babeIt hurts but it may be the only waymakes me wonder 打印此页 歌手:maroon 5 专辑:it won"t be soon before long I wake up with blood-shot eyesStruggled to memorizeThe way it felt between your thighsPleasure that made you cryFeels so good to be badNot worth the aftermath, after thatAfter that, try to get you back[Bridge]I still don"t have the reasonAnd you don"t have the timeAnd it really makes me wonderIf I ever gave a fuck about you[Chorus]Give me something to believe in"Cause I don"t believe in you anymore, anymoreI wonder if it even makes a difference to try, yeahSo this is goodbyeGod damn I"m standing hereDecisions that made my bedNow I must lay in itAnd deal with things I left unsaidI want to dive into youForget what you"re going throughI get behind, make your moveForget about the truth[Bridge]I still don"t have the reasonAnd you don"t have the timeAnd it really makes me wonderIf I ever gave a fuck about you[Chorus]Give me something to believe in"Cause I don"t believe in you anymore, anymoreI wonder if it even makes a differenceIt even makes a difference to try[Chorus 2]And it"s over, heard the feelingBut I don"t believe it"s true anymore, anymoreI wonder if it even makes a difference to cry(Oh no)So this is goodbyeI"ve been here beforeOne day a weekAnd it won"t hurt anymoreYou caught me in a lieI have no alibiThe words you say don"t have a meaning[Bridge]Cause I still don"t have the reasonAnd you don"t have the timeAnd it really makes me wonderIf I ever gave a fuck about youand I...and so this is goodbye[Chorus]Give me something to believe inCause I don"t believe in you anymore, anymoreI wonder if it even makes a differenceIt even makes a difference to try[Chorus 2]And it"s over, heard the feelingBut I don"t believe it"s true anymore, anymoreI wonder if it even makes a difference to cry(Oh no)So this is goodbye(Oh no)Yeah, so this is goodbye (x3)sunday morning 打印此页 歌手:maroon 5 专辑:1.22.03.acoustic Sunday morning rain is fallingSteal some covers share some skinClouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettableYou twist to fit the mold that I am inBut things just get so crazy living life gets hard to doAnd I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knewThat someday it would lead me back to youThat someday it would lead me back to youThat may be all I needIn darkness she is all I seeCome and rest your bones with meDriving slow on Sunday morningAnd I never want to leaveFingers trace your every outlinePaint a picture with my handsBack and forth we sway like branches in a stormChange the weather still together when it endsThat may be all I needIn darkness she is all I seeCome and rest your bones with meDriving slow on Sunday morningAnd I never want to leaveBut things just get so crazy living life gets hard to doSunday morning rain is falling and I"m calling out to youSinging someday it"ll bring me back to youFind a way to bring myself home to youAnd you may not knowThat may be all I needIn darkness she is all I seeCome and rest your bones with meDriving slow?br> these days 打印此页 歌手:maroon 5 专辑:it won"t be soon before long I was walking around, just a face in the crowdTrying to keep myself out of the rainSaw a vagabond king wear a styrofoam crownWondered if I might end up the sameTheres a man out on the cornerSinging old songs about changeEverybody got their cross to bare, these daysShe came looking for some shelter with a suitcase full of dreamsTo a motel room on the boulevardGuess shes trying to be james deanShes seen all the disciples and all the wanna besNo one wants to be themselves these daysStill theres nothing to hold on to but these daysThese days - the stars seem out of reachThese days - there aint a ladder on these streetsThese days - are fast, love dont last in this graceless ageThere aint nobody left but us these daysJimmy shoes busted both his legs, trying to learn to flyFrom a second story window, he just jumped and closed his eyesHis momma said he was crazy - he said momma Ive got to tryDont you know that all my heroes diedAnd I guess Id rather die than fade awayThese days - the stars seem out of reachBut these days - there aint a ladder on these streetsThese days are fast, love dont lasts-in this graceless ageEven innocence has caught the morning trainAnd there aint nobody left but us these daysI know romes still burningThough the times have changedThis world keepd turning round and round and round and roundThese daysThese days - the stars seem out of reachBut these days - there aint a ladder on these streetsThese days are fast, love dont lasts-in this graceless ageEven innocence has caught the morning trainAnd there aint nobody left but us these daysThese days - the stars seem out of reachThese days - there aint a ladder on these streetsThese days - are fast, nothing lastsThere aint no time to wasteThere aint nobody left to take the blameThere aint nobody left but us these daysback at your door 打印此页 歌手:maroon 5 专辑:it won t be soon before long From the moment the lights went offEverything had changedLie awake in an empty roomIn my head I don抰 feel the sameLike the taste of the day you leftIt still lingers on my breathAnd the dampness of tears that leftThat stain where you had weptAll alone with the negligeeThat still hangs over my bedI keep meaning to give it awayBut I just leave it there insteadNo need to cry about itI cannot live without itEvery time I wind up back at your doorMaroon 5Why do you do this to me?You penetrate right through meEvery time I wind up back at your doorCream or base 憈il I see your faceI抦 afraid it抯 far too muchCould come in and fix up the placeNow you抮e none but hanging upIf I took you for grantedI apologise for acting toughYou抮e my reason for livingAnd there抯 no way I抦 giving up, ohNo need to cry about itI cannot live without itEvery time I wind up back at your doorWhy do you do this to me?You penetrate right through meEvery time I wind up back at your doorNow every evening is a bitter fightAnd I抦 really holding on on a Friday nightAnd I know what your friends say揌e抯 just wasting your love and time?br>I will never let you change your mindNo need to cry about itI cannot live without itEvery time I wind up back at your doorWhy do you do this to me?You penetrate right through meEvery time I wind up back at your doorNo need to cry about itI may just die without itEvery time I wind up back at your doorWhy do you do this to me?You penetrate right through meEvery time I wind up back at your doorEvery time I wind up back at your doorEvery time I wind up back at your door
2023-06-23 14:36:031


恩莱科(Unluck)一个天生被认为不适合成为魔法师,却离奇的被扣上了禁咒法师头衔的家伙,创立父神论,实行宗教改革,统一宗教,创立民主制度,一手建立了联盟,创造了魔法骑士团。(事实上这一切都来自寄生在其灵魂中的恶魔)。更是阴差阳错让自己的老师——克丽丝长公主殿下成了自己的妻子。他在达到人生的顶点时,毅然拒绝担任联盟的首领一职,和妻子克丽丝,安其丽(正宫)一起归隐山岭。其实他有妖精的血脉,是魔法帝国时期入侵莱丁的冥皇赫利斯之直系后代,与希玲同为罗兰家族的子孙,是希玲的表弟(事实上是表哥)兼情人,被后世颂为四贤者之首,神圣先知,禁咒法师、禁咒魔导士、死灵君王等。费纳希雅(Fancier)恩莱科女装时曾使用的名字,对外宣称为卡敖奇禁咒法师科比李奥的侄女。实为恩莱科的里人格,传承自其生母留在恩莱科体内的精神印记,因此无论性格还是气质,都与其生母相仿,曾遭到众多卡敖奇男性的热烈追求。在卡敖奇被尊为护国女神。凯特最终率领联盟军队第三方面军攻入卡敖奇王国首都。原本是除恩莱科外,联盟首领理想继承人的他决定向恩莱科学习,也和他的妻子(法兰妮公主)一起退出了历史的舞台。被后世誉为四贤者之一,唯一的魔法骑士。杰瑞新拿城某巨贾之子,家中共有兄弟三人,杰瑞为次子。其父为谋得声望和地位,将拥有魔法天赋的杰瑞送入魔法学院学习。在恩莱科创立民主议会制之后,成为了民主制的大力拥护者,同时作为联盟的经济代言人,在其同伴相继退出历史舞台后,接过了联盟的领导权。后世称其为联盟的统一王,四贤者之一。贝尔蒂娜在恩莱科创立父神论,实行宗教改革,统一宗教中她是恩莱科的得力助手,同时她是新兴宗教的倡导者,被人们尊称为圣女,教宗指认的继承者。由于她最终选择了为新兴宗教献出她一生的精力,她同样拒绝了联盟首领的职务。四贤者之一。维克多(Victor,胜利者)恩莱科的老师,一个混吃混喝的平庸魔法师,不过他真的是那么平庸吗? 其500年前真实名字是莱福特。永生者之一。克丽丝(Crazy,疯子,疯狂的)索菲恩王国国王的妹妹——长公主殿下。恩莱科等四贤者的试练导师,一个醉心于魔法研究的疯狂强力魔法师,以实力来说,可以说她是最强的魔法师,即便是能够使用禁咒的科比李奥和充分掌握了魔法真谛的恩莱科,甚至是恢复本来面目的维克多也不一定是她的对手。在最终的血火决战中她是恩莱科的强力支援者。在莫斯特的操纵下,克丽丝成了恩莱科的妻子,后有了两个恩莱科的孩子。若和恩莱科联手,八大魔导士联手都不是他俩的对手。希茜莉亚塔王国的大魔导士同时也是蒙提塔王国的王后,克丽丝的天生死敌。安其丽母亲。科比李奥卡敖奇王国的大魔导士,恩莱科的知交好友,但是在最后的战场上,两个好朋友兵戎相见,生死相搏。梅龙卡敖奇王国的大主祭,两大降神者之一,历史的观察者,他是能够预知未来的人,但是,他并没有将他看到的未来告诉任何人,包括最好的朋友科比李奥。他对恩莱科的影响很大,是恩莱科的引路人之一。玛多士两大降神者之一,能够沟通幽冥死界的魔法师。他同样对恩莱科的成长起了指引作用。特罗德(Terror,恐怖的)没有完整身体的死灵法师。原名为马克米安,拥有飞扬的文采和高超的学识,心怀远大理想,曾经是维德斯克众多豪门千金纷纷追求的英俊潇洒的人物,后遭人迫害,被梅龙主祭救回,并成为其弟子,同时也开始走上死灵法师的道路。是恩莱科的好友之一,是达克托老爹、科比李奥的挚友,年轻时与海格埃洛的母亲赛丽是一对悲剧情侣,也是海格埃洛的导师。内心善良,永生者之一。法兰妮公主外表坚强的王族后裔,曾戏弄过恩莱科,费纳希雅就是因此而出现;同时也在出使期间找到了真正的自我, 与凯特相爱。荷科尔斯三世卡敖奇王国皇帝,他外表平凡,其实极具才华,他是恩莱科进行改革的强力支持者,在他的支持下,恩莱科在卡敖奇王国实行了一系列改革——宗教改革,教育改革,行政体制改革,税收改革。在恩莱科逃离卡敖奇王国后,他排除万难,坚决执行恩莱科的改革措施,使得在短短的时间里面,卡敖奇王国空前强盛,但是,在另一方面,他的内心也深藏著野心。是整个战争的挑动者,最终他成了自己野心的牺牲品。在最终的血火决战中他御驾亲征正面对敌恩莱科。最终战败,被赖特和德雷刻丝的混合体吞噬。妻子米琳达。老狼(梵陀思)卡敖奇王国的古代英雄,十二英雄之一,是十二英雄之中唯一的魔兽,他最早和恩莱科他们相识,在最终建立联盟的过程中,它起到了相当大的作用。使得最终联盟的建立成为可能。托德大叔莱丁联合王国情报网的情报人员,精灵仙奴的父亲。莫妮纱莱丁联合王国情报网的情报人员,后和相爱的人一起死去。同时给恩莱科不少启示。希玲(Siren)(名字源自塞壬海妖,一种在大海上歌唱,用其歌声让船员发疯的妖怪)莱丁联合王国的情报组织——掌控者的特使,大魔导士卡比留亚的弟子,罗兰家族的子孙,同为冥皇赫利斯的后代,传承了冥皇的诅咒,最后选择和恩莱科一同生活。菲安娜莱丁联合王国情报特使,大魔导士卡比留亚的弟子,后成为恩莱科的妻子。同时是希玲的好朋友,深深爱著恩莱科。安其丽(Angel,天使)蒙提塔王国教会的继承人,蒙提塔王国的公主,原本决定献身于宗教事业,后被恩莱科的光辉事迹所感动,并选择与恩莱科一同永生。人很温柔。海格埃洛(HugeError,巨大的错误)卡傲奇公爵,一个花花公子,对费纳希雅一见钟情,是卡敖奇三大圣骑士之一,同时也是出色的军事家,战略家。至死都不知道费纳希雅就是女装的恩莱科。真正的对手为米琳达。一个很可悲的人,从小就背负着家族的诅咒:爱上一个不该爱的人,最终付出生命。最终战败,被赖特和德雷刻丝的混合体吞噬,但并未完全失去意识,最后被费纳希雅修改了记忆,笑着死去。有个同父异母的哥哥。索米雷特卡傲奇贵族。是个很好的谋略家。有个妹妹叫米琳达。是个游戏人生的人,没有太大的野心。在最后的时间里,把生还的机会让给了妹妹米琳达。最终战败,被赖特和德雷刻丝的混合体吞噬。米琳达(Militant,好战的人)索米雷特的妹妹,因卡敖奇军中的性别歧视,曾化名为米达,卡敖奇三大圣骑士之一,蒙恩莱科传授,能够用斗气施展少数魔法。性格骄傲,爱讽刺别人。自认为最大的对手是海格埃洛,后打败了他。是卡傲奇国的皇后,但荷科尔斯临死前,把象征皇位的皇家戒指交给了她。性格奇怪,喜欢女人。莫斯特(Monster,怪物,残忍的人,恶人)魔族长老,拥有双重身份,其一为灵魂之神,莫斯特卡所弥雷斯;其二为魔族长老,莫斯特拉卡奥费斯。平时呆在魔界,后常寄居于恩莱科的灵魂深处,喜欢看着人类堕落,总是在关键时刻帮助恩莱科,实为期望将人类引入堕落,却总是事与愿违,恩莱科的所有成就都归结于他。与智慧之神同源。莱福特(Left,左边的)魔法帝国时期的左执政官。赖特(Right,右边的)魔法帝国时期的右执政官。德雷刻丝(Darkness,黑暗的)原为掌控者的一员,后为谋得更强大的力量而叛逃至卡敖奇。为了暗中取得 胜利祭坛下蕴藏的巨大神秘力量而成为了索米雷特的护卫魔法师。后被费纳希雅在胜利庆典上在不知情之下重创,又被精神风暴震慑,从此对费纳希雅怀恨在心,最终释放了被封印在祭坛下的魔法皇帝,并被其吞噬。赛丽(Silly ,无助的)海格埃洛的母亲,同时也是生命女神教的创始人之一。因被海格埃洛的父亲胁迫,被迫嫁入海格埃洛家。卡立特(Create,创造)莱丁的大魔导师之一,擅长打造魔法兵器,被誉为打造之神。只有恩莱科的手艺能与其相拼,与恩莱科有过交流。戈尔斯罗(Ghost,幽灵)沙漠的盗贼首领,卡敖奇三大圣骑士之一,是费纳希雅众多热切的追求者之一 。达克托老爹(Doctor,博士,博学者)原为卡敖奇皇室御用的老裁缝,为费纳希雅缝制了一套淡黄色的礼服,并一眼就发现了费纳希雅的真实身份。后因不想卷入恩莱科男扮女装的麻烦而告老还乡,后碰巧在旅途中被恩莱科施以援手,因此与恩莱科结伴而行,是恩莱科最得力的助手和知音。韦斯顿(Wisdom,智慧,, 学识, 贤人)莱丁的开国明君,掌控者的创始人之一,罗兰家的子孙,同为冥皇赫利斯的后代。
2023-06-23 14:36:021


2023-06-23 14:35:587


英语论文用后一种 "" (半角标点),这和英语句子中的句号是实心小点而不是空心的圆同个原理。
2023-06-23 14:35:551


TRD3 plus is 2015 TCG company launched the latest hifi desktop digital decoding amp one machine, taking into account the Android / USB / fiber / coaxial decode interface is a maximum of up to 32bit/384k asynchronous high-quality decoder, built-in thousand yuan headphone amplifier with (less than 300 ohm hifi earphone), show the TRD3 let you enjoy a carefree music strength.Used exclusive patent power module TRD3 plus, not USB powered decoder can be comparable to the excellent quality, using the rave reviews CM6631A upgraded version of +AKM4390 digital interface combination, independent left and right channel filtering, balanced circuit design. A full function MCU control is both practical and worry (with memory). Using the national electronic components to build, coupled with the TCG team of excellent circuit design and tuning, you are sure to enjoy high quality music ideal!Listen to technology companies have been developing HIFI audio system, as the name suggests is the hearing to enjoy the technology. Since we launched TRD/TRD2/TRD3 decoding amp integrated machine has been well received by fans favourite, this is no exception, we TRD3 plus upgrade the renewal of the digital decoding scheme, the indicators are improved accordingly. Let"s have a look at it.PLUS TRD3 aluminum alloy body, fine sand blasting process surface treatment, elegant appearance, feel fine. Especially the new design front panel structure process, acrylic hybrid aluminum alloy +, diamond cutting a seamless heavenly robe.TRD3 PLUS, the operation is simple and convenient, the design key touch full function (operation instructions attached).Rich interface (USB/ Android, optical fiber, coaxial input), to meet a variety of mainstream digital audio fancier access.High quality power adapter, powerful output dc9v to 1.3A, power of 12W, coupled with internal machine patent power processing module, TRD3 plus provides excellent power supply, adapter can be used for line design (enthusiasts can upgrade their own before the power line), popular authentication, global general.From the above test results show that the indicators are very good TRD3. Little TCG TRD3 odd harmonics, only two harmonics, this figure is very similar with the lark. This FFT, can reflect the machine voice is warmer, the bottom noise all below the -115dB, -60dBFS graphics reflect the dynamic range of the machine, this curve is very clean and the bottom of the noise is low, the dynamic range of the machine is quite good, reduction of small signal very good, rich in detail. The dynamic range is one of the most important indexes of DAC.The decoding part quality is quite high, and resistant to become part of the amp, TRD3 PLUS to enjoy high quality music standard.PLUS TRD3 standard:USB Rx: upgraded version of the CM6631A and decoding: AKM4390EF, three star temperature Bujing cheer clock asynchronous transmission, 24K Gold Plated RCA seat and 6.5mm headphone socket, Panasonic gold PJ level filtering & SMD capacitors, Elna SILMIC series coupling capacitance, patent power processing module, the two stars JRC2114 R & L mono balanced filter processing, American senior operational amplifier hifi class AD826 chip (AMP). Japan PYCOS high quality potentiometer, MCU controller: STC15W24XX.TRD3 PLUS TCG technical indicators:USB input: 32kHz-384kHz 16bit-32bitOptical fiber, coaxial input: 16bit-24bit32kHz-192kHzOutput level: 2 VrmsTHD+N:<0.0018%Dynamic range: >116dBSignal to noise ratio: >117dBChannel separation: >110dBAmp output power: 32 @210mW, 64 @270mW, 150 @220mW, 300 @120mWImpedance adaptation range: 32 -300@10mW THD+N:0.001%Machine size: 95*137*27mm (not included).Weight: 0.85kgPower adapter: output DC9V (12W) / input: AC100-240V (CE, FCC, CCC, PSE certification)Standard parts: host, power adapter, USB cable, manual, certificate of conformity.Premium: Android mobile OTG transfer line
2023-06-23 14:35:541


在英语中通常用下列方式表示的词:在形容词或副词前加more(如 more natural,more clearly )或加后缀 -er(newer,sooner )。典型的是指形容词或副词所表示的质、量或关系的增加。英语句子中,将比较两个主体的方法叫做“比较句型”。其中,像“A比B更……”的表达方式称为比较级;而“A最……”的表达方式则称为最高级。组成句子的方式是将形容词或副词变化成比较级或最高级的形态。一、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则 1.一般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est; (1)单音节词 如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest tall→taller→tallest great→greater→greatest (2)双音节词 如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest 2.以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st; 如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest able→abler→ablest 3.在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest fat→fatter→fattest 4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词, 把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est; 如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest busy→busier→busiest happy→happier→happiest 5.其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most; 如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful different→more different→most different easily→more easily→most easily 注意:(1)形容词最高级前通常必须用定冠词 the,副词最高级前可不用。 例句: The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world. (2) 形容词most前面没有the,不表示最高级的含义,只表示"非常"。 It is a most important problem. =It is a very important problem. 6.有少数形容词、副词的比较级和最高级是不规则的,必须熟记。 如:good→better→best well→better→best bad→worse→worst ill→worse→worst old→older/elder→oldest/eldest many/much→more→most little→less→least far →further/farther→ furthest/farthest 二、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法 1.“A + be +形容词比较级 + than + B” 意思为“A比B更……”。 如:This tree is taller than that one. 这棵树比那棵树高。 注意: ① 在含有连词than的比较级中,前后的比较对象必须是同一范畴,即同类事物之间的比较。 ②在比较级前面使用much,表示程度程度“强得多”。 如:A watermelon is much bigger than an apple. ③ very, quite一般只能修饰原级,不能修饰比较级。 2.“比较级 + and + 比较级”或“more and more +原级”表示“越来越……” 如:It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes. 春天来了,天气变得越来越暖和了。 It is getting cooler and cooler. 天气越来越凉爽。 The wind became more and more heavily. 风变得越来越大。 Our school is becoming more and more beautiful. 我们的学校变得越来越美丽。 3.在含有or的选择疑问句中,如果有两者供选择,前面的形容词要用比较级形式。 如:Who is taller,Tim or Tom? 谁更高,Tim还是Tom? 4. “the +比较级……, the+比较级”,表示“越……越……”。 The more money you make, the more you spend. 钱你赚得越多,花得越多。 The sooner,the better. 越快越好。 5. 表示倍数的比较级用法: ①. A is …times the size /height/length/width of B. 如:The new building is three times the height of the old one. 这座新楼比那座旧楼高三倍。(新楼是旧楼的四倍高) ②. A is …times as big /high/long/wide/large as B. 如:Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲是欧洲的四倍大。(亚洲比欧洲大三倍) ③. A is …times larger /higher/longer/wider than B. 如:Our school is twice bigger than yours. 我们学校比你们学校大两倍。 6.形容词、副词的最高级形式主要用来表示三者或三者以上人或事物的比较,表示“最……”的意思。 句子中有表示范围的词或短语。如:of the three, in our class等等。 如:He is the tallest in our class. 他在我们班里是最高的。 7."否定词语+比较级","否定词语+ so… as"结构表示最高级含义。 Nothing is so easy as this. =Nothing is easier than this. =This is the easiest thing. 8. 比较级与最高级的转换: Mike is the most intelligent in his class. Mike is more intelligent than any other student in his class 7.修饰比较级和最高级的词 1)可修饰比较级的词 ①.a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等。 ②. 还可以用表示倍数的词或度量名词作修饰语。 ③. 以上词(除by far)外,必须置于比较级形容词或副词的前面。 注意: 使用最高级要注意将主语包括在比较范围内。 (错) Tom is the tallest of his three brothers. (对) Tom is the tallest of the three brothers. 2)下列词可修饰最高级:by far, far, much, mostly, almost。 This hat is nearly / almost the biggest. 注意: a. very可修饰最高级,但位置与much不同。 This is the very best. This is much the best. b. 序数词通常只修饰最高级。 Africa is the second largest continent. 8.要避免重复使用比较级。 (错) He is more cleverer than his brother. (对) He is more clever than his brother. (对) He is cleverer than his brother. 9.要避免将主语含在比较对象中。 (错) China is larger that any country in Asia. (对) China is larger than any other country in Asia. 10.要注意对应句型,遵循前后一致的原则。 The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing. It is easier to make a plan than to carry it out. 11.要注意冠词的使用,后有名词的时候,前面才有可能有名词。 比较:Which is larger, Canada or Australia? Which is the larger country, Canada or Australia? She is taller than her two sisters. She is the taller of the two sisters. 呵呵,废话多了:D
2023-06-23 14:35:532


兽脚亚目(Theropoda) | |--艾雷拉龙科(Herrerasauridae) | |--艾雷拉龙(Herrerasaurus) | | | `--南十字龙(Staurikosaurus) |--始盗龙(Eoraptor) | `--新兽脚类(Neotheropoda) | |--角鼻龙下目(Ceratosauria) | |--腔骨龙超科(Ceolophysoidae) | | | |--双棘龙(Dilophosaurus) | | | `--哥斯拉龙(Gojirasaurus) | | `--腔骨龙科(Coelophysidae) | | | |--始美颌龙(Procompsognathus) | | | `--赛吉龙(Segisaurus) | | `--腔骨龙亚科(Coelophysinae) | | |--腔骨龙(Coelophysis) | | `--合踝龙(Syntarsus) | |+--轻巧龙(Elaphrosaurus)[未确定] | `--新角鼻龙下目(Neoceratosauria) | | `--阿贝力龙下目(Abelisauria) | | |--阿贝力龙(Abelisaurus) | | |--食肉牛龙(Carnotaurus) | | |--玛君颅龙(Majungatholus) | | `--胜王龙(Rajasaurus) | `--角鼻龙(Ceratosaurus) | | `--坚尾龙次亚目(Tetanurae) |--鸟兽脚类(Avetheropoda) | |--肉食龙类(Carnosauria) | | | |--单脊龙(Monolophosaurus) | | | `--冰脊龙(Cryolophosaurus) | | | | | `--异特龙超科(Allosauroidae) | | |--中华盗龙科(Sinraptoridae) | | | |--中华盗龙(Sinraptor) | | | `--永川龙(Yangchuanosaurus) | | `--异特龙科(Allosauridae) | | | `--高棘龙(Acrocanthosaurus) | | |--异特龙亚科(Allosaurinae) | | | `--异特龙(Allosaurus) | | `--鲨齿龙亚科(Carcharodontosaurinae) | | |--鲨齿龙(Carcharodontosaurus) | | `--南方巨兽龙(Giganotosaurus) | | | `--虚骨龙类(Coelurosauria) | |--美颌龙类(Compsognathidae) | |--嗜鸟龙(Ornitholestes) | |--虚骨龙(Coelurus) | |--三角洲驰龙(Delatadromeus) | |--伤龙(Dryptosaurus) | `--手盗龙形下目(Maniraptorifromes) | |--伤齿龙科(Troodontidae) | |--似鸟龙科(Ornithiomimidae) | | `--似鹈鹕龙(Pelecanimimus) | |---暴龙类(Tyrannosauroidae) | `--手盗龙目(Maniraptora) | |--窃蛋龙下目(Oviraptorosauria) | |--镰刀龙下目(Therizinosauria) | |--恐爪龙类(Deinonychosauria) | | |--驰龙科(Dromaeosauridae) | | |--恐爪龙(Deinonychus) | | `--伶盗龙(Velociraptor) | `--阿瓦拉慈龙类(Alvarezsauridae) | `--单爪龙(Mononykus)[未确定] |--蛮龙科(Torvosauridae) | |--巨齿龙(Megalosaurus) | |--蛮龙(Torvosaurus) | `--皮亚尼兹基龙(Piatnizkysaurus) `--棘龙科(Spinosauridae) |--棘龙(Spinosaurus) |--似鳄龙(Suchomimus) |--激龙(Irratator) `--重爪龙(Baryonyx) --------------------------------------------------------------------没有看到有K开头的啊,还请楼主指教
2023-06-23 14:35:461

求lana del rey的backfire的中文歌词

Everything I want I have一切我想要的都会拥有Money, notoriety and rivieras.金钱,名誉和里维埃拉I even think I found God直至我想若是上帝与我交集In the flash bulbs of the pretty cameras,摄像机对着我,在闪光灯下Pretty cameras, pretty cameras.浮华的照相机Am I glamorous? Tell me am I glamorous?我迷人极致,对吧?Hello? Hello?嘿!嘿!C-can you hear me?你在听吗I can be your china doll我能成为你的消遣If you want to see me fall.如果你想要看我堕落Boy you"re so dope,宝贝你已被麻痹Your love is deadly.你的爱是对我的致命一击Tell me life is beautiful,告诉我生活很美They all think I have it all.他们都觉得我早已拥有I"ve nothing without you.没有什么与你无关All my dreams and all the lights mean我的梦与那些众所周知的Nothing without you.你我息息相关Summertime is nice and hot,夏日炙热并美丽着And my life is sweet like vanilla is.我的生活甜如香草Gold and silver line my heart 金钱束缚着我的心But burned into to my brain are these stolen images, 盗梦般的想象灼伤着我的思想Stolen images, baby, stolen images. 盗梦般的,亲爱的Can you picture it 你能想象吗Babe the life we could"ve lived? 我们真正活过吗We were two kids, just tryin" to get out, 我们曾是孩子,迫切地希望长大Live on the dark side of the American dream. 生活在晦涩的美国梦中We would dance all night, play our music loud, 夜夜歌舞升平When we grew up nothing was what it seemed. 当我们长大时,一切不会含沙射影All my dreams and all the lights mean 我的梦与那些众所周知的Nothing if I can"t have you. 一切如果失去你
2023-06-23 14:35:421


提高相关代谢酶的活性意味着增强生物体对特定化合物或药物的代谢能力,使其更容易被分解并排出体外。通常,这种提高酶活性的方法可以通过多种方式实现,例如通过低温处理、光照、饮食控制、运动训练和特定药物等手段,来调节和促进相关酶的合成和功能活性。在医学与生物学领域,提高某些重要代谢酶(如肝脏内 cytokromes、三氧化钨 TDO 或 indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase IDO 等)的活性,被认为可以帮助治疗一些疾病,以及减少化学物质或毒素残留在体内的时间,从而降低其对人体的毒性和副作用。
2023-06-23 14:35:371