barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-23 19:55:38










关于LaCROSSE的解释:LaCROSSE的本意是,长曲棍球这种年轻人的体育项目源于美国土著几百年前玩耍的一些游戏。今天长曲棍球在它的诞生地仍然受到很多人的珍爱。 长曲棍球在美国东部非常流行。这种运动同冰球和足球相似的地方在于,它的目标简单明了,把球打入对手的球门里即得分.别克用LaCROSSE来表示他的产品,含义简单明了:它最能代表美国,历史悠久,文化底蕴深,多人喜爱...等等至于君越应该是超越君威的意思
2023-06-23 14:07:361


别克英朗是分为excelle gt和excelle xt 别克君越是lacross,买车就去00,可以少花钱
2023-06-23 14:07:462


问题一:我要一辆商务车用英语怎么说 I want one business car. 问题二:商务车,MPV)用英语怎么说 车子的款式:type (of an automobile) 或 body style 例:1. The factory is able to build any type of automobile: trucks, racing cars, anything you can think of. 2. There are many body styles to choose from, sedan, truck, hatchback and SUV. 小车 car, 商务车 business car, MPV = multi-purpose vehicle 车子的型号:model 例:Toyota plans to release several new models of Camry and Corrolla in 2009. 君越 LaCross,福克斯 Fox,POLO 问题三:别克“商务车”如何翻译成英文 Buick mercial 问题四:高铁商务车英语怎么说 你好,很高兴为你解答,答案如下: High speed rail car 希望我的回答对你有帮助,满意请采纳。 问题五:"商务有限公司"英文怎么说 Shenzhen Qianxunyi E-business Co., Ltd Shenzhen Qianxunyi E-merce Co., Ltd 问题六:商务英语用英语怎么说 business engli贰h 商务英语business english department 商务英语系 问题七:英语的商务款式怎么说 Business casual 问题八:st商务用英语怎么说 BEC初中高级连读连读签约保障 BEC中高级连读专业商务英语备考 零基础BEC中级班送BEC高级班 商务_有道词典 商务 business;business affairs;[贸易] merce;mercial更多释义>> [网络短语] 详细用法>> 商务 Commerce;Business;Commercial 电子商务 E-Business;E-Commerce;Electronic Commerce 商务管理 Business management;Business Administration;MSc in Business Management 问题九:商务人士首选 英文怎么说 this is the first choice for business personages. 例如: public personages 社会贤达 He is fast being a personage. 他很快成为名人。 She is stately in personage. 她仪容端庄。
2023-06-23 14:09:451


Circumstances which will appear hereafter,
2023-06-23 14:09:535


别克车系中的英文名包括以下:CENTURY、GL、GS、REGAL、EXCELLEHRV、LaCross、ROYAUM、 Park Avenue、 GL8 、FristLand、 ENCLAVE。补充说明:别克旗下包括众多知名车型:英朗、君威、君越,GL8及雷昂达,昂科雷,昂科拉等。别克在美国的汽车历史中占有相当重要的地位,它是美国通用汽车公司的一大台柱,带动了整个汽车工业水平的进步,并成为其他汽车公司追随的榜样。
2023-06-23 14:10:081


问题一:别克凯越是什么车系 美国品牌 ,但是,设计是韩国大宇的,所以,应该是杂交车型 问题二:别克凯越车属于什么系 美国品牌 ,但是,设计是韩国大宇的,所以,应该是杂交车型 问题三:凯越的原型车是什么 三厢凯越原型车来自大宇Nubira(部分市场如韩国、澳洲亦称Lacetti),两厢凯越HRV来自大宇Lacetti,而国产凯越旅行车则源自大宇Nubira旅行款,三者出自同一平台。别克凯越也是目前国内唯一拥有三款车型的轿车品牌。 问题四:别克新凯越属什么级别的车 属于A级车,也就是紧凑级别车型。 2015款凯越在外观方面与2013款车型基本保持了相同的设计,但全系车型取消了前雾灯的配置,并将提供两种全新的轮圈样式。在内饰方面,新车中控台采用了全新的浅色系木纹饰板,并在全系车型标配了蓝牙电话系统。动力方面,2015款凯越将继续搭载1.5L自然吸气发动机,最大输出功率11郸马力,峰值扭矩141牛u30fb米。传动系统匹配5速手动和6速手自一体变速箱。 问题五:别克车后的excelle是什么意思?别说是凯越的意思,我看见君越gt上也有! EXCELLE 是凯越 EXCELLE GT是英朗GT EXCELLE XT 是英朗XT LACROSS 是君越 英朗理论上是凯越的换代车型,但这两款车实际是两个不同血统的车型。凯越实际是韩国大宇,在国内只是贴牌别克销售。 而英朗实际是欧洲的欧宝血统,其原型车是欧宝雅特。 问题六:什么车和别克凯越是一个级别 别克也有不同价位的车,如果是中端车型就与广本的雅阁和广丰的凯美瑞为同一档次。 问题七:别克凯越h0ld 指是什么 请确认是否按下了HOLD键,该功能用于雪地或爬坡的档位锁定。可以使发动机保持高转速低档位以获得高扭力。 问题八:2013别克凯越是什么发动机? 2013款凯越发动机:S-TEC DVVT(发动机正时链条)(产地:上海通用东岳汽车动力总成有限公司---烟台) S-TEC 是什么意思呢? S-TEC是P-TEC发动机的改进型,燃油更经济。上海通用泛亚研发中心针对新凯越开发了1.5 升DVVT 直列四缸发动机。它采用双可变气门正时技术,配合可变进气歧管系统一起实现了高效率、低消耗、低噪音的目的。而新一代的6 挡手自一体变速箱同样出现在君威、君越上,平顺的换挡哗新凯越的行驶性能得以提升,达到欧五排放标准. 问题九:比别克凯越小的别克车是什么车 可能是之前的 老别克赛欧,就是当年红得发紫的羽泉代言的 现在划分到雪佛兰了,雪佛兰赛欧 问题十:凯越怎么样?同款价位还有什么车型? 美系车油耗本来就高,凯越的发动机又比较陈旧,油耗不是一般的大,堪称油老虎。小毛病倒不多,保养也不贵。只是,这款车除了别克的车标,实在不知道哪里值得购买。外观那么丑,开出去一样没面子的。同价位的推荐雪弗兰科鲁兹,品牌也不错,车型也很漂亮,尤其是白色和红色。保有量大,保养维修便宜。呃,,,桑塔纳和捷达是一汽大众很低端的系列了,配置内饰堪比出租车,又是大家熟识的低端车,开出去都认识,,,还有,我相信你去过大众的4s店,光受气您都受不了,您去尝试一下就知道了
2023-06-23 14:10:171


问题一:汽车用英文怎么说啊 car,automobile 小汽车 bus 公共汽车 taxi,cab 出租汽车 lorry 运货汽车,卡车 Mercedes 奔驰 Vo耽vo 沃尔沃 BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) 宝马 问题二:汽车用英语怎么说 car 问题三:轿车的英语怎么说? 轿车 sedan limousine passenger car saloon car 轿车(saloon car)是指用于载送人员及其随身物品,且座位布置在两轴之间的汽车。包括驾驶者在内,座位数最多不超过九个。一般轿车强调的是舒适性,以乘员为中心。而且是从经济性考虑出发,选择马力适中、排量小、耗油量小的发动机。在中国内地的行驶证管理方面,轿车特指区别于货车、皮卡、SUV、大巴、中巴的胆型汽车,俗称为“小轿车”。在香港,轿车又称私家车。 问题四:家用汽车用英语怎么说? 家用汽车 private car 有时候也说成domestic car,但易被误会为“国内汽车” google/...=&aq=f 没有home或house的说法,那是中国式英语 问题五:车款,型号用英语怎么说 车子的款式:type (of an automobile) 或 body style 例:1. The factory is able to build any type of automobile: trucks, racing cars, anything you can think of. 2. There are many body styles to choose from, sedan, truck, hatchback and SUV. 小车 car, 商务车 business car, MPV = multi-purpose vehicle 车子的型号:model 例:Toyota plans to release several new models of Camry a互d Corrolla in 2009. 君越 LaCross,福克斯 Fox,POLO 问题六:跑车用英语怎么说 20分 跑车 sports car roadster racing bike (赛车;竞赛自行车) 问题七:"车牌号"用英语怎么说? 20分 车牌号 license plate number 车牌照是 license plate 牌号 [简明汉英词典] shop sign trademark 问题八:大排量汽车用英语怎么说? high-emission vehicles 问题九:裸车用英语怎么说 裸车_有道翻译 翻译结果: Naked car 问题十:汽车用英文怎么说啊 car,automobile 小汽车 bus 公共汽车 taxi,cab 出租汽车 lorry 运货汽车,卡车 Mercedes 奔驰 Vo耽vo 沃尔沃 BMW (Bayerische Motoren Werke) 宝马
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2023-06-23 14:13:141


[ti:Save Me][ar:LaCross][al:][by:牛金翔][00:00.00]Title:Save Me[00:03.01]Artist:LaCross[00:05.01]T_time:03"52"[00:07.01][00:08.01]Lrc by:千千歌词组★rumi祥祥[00:10.01]QQ:495535780[00:12.01][00:12.91]What"s wrong with live[00:15.49]I don"t know[00:20.13]C"mon![00:21.85][00:31.78]Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trust [00:34.24]Just haters in your back, ready tu bust [00:36.93]All alone on your own and I can feel your pain [00:39.49]Because heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtain [00:42.29]And now you"re running around searching for the right [00:45.05]What"s wrong or right, is it worth to fight[00:47.49]I don"t know, believe me it"s truth [00:50.36]If I get the chance I will save you[00:52.75][00:53.25]Save me, from the rain and hold me [00:56.80]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [00:59.37]And leave me into life (I wll save you) [01:03.26]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [01:06.46]And make me feel love again so free [01:10.00]All the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me) [01:14.41][01:17.13]On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strange [01:20.30]Live slipping out of your hands, is this the best way [01:23.11]Just to get it right[01:24.97]shadows passing by in the middle of the night [01:27.55]Just tell me why it"s gotta be like that [01:30.14]The gamble of the live keeps your neck in check [01:32.63]And now you"re crying out for help [01:34.70]And believe me it"s truth [01:36.13]If I get the chance I will save you[01:38.17][01:38.67]Save me, from the rain and hold me [01:42.41]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [01:44.99]And leave me into life (I wll save you) [01:48.35]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [01:51.67]And make me feel love again so free [01:55.24]All the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)[01:59.54][02:00.98]What"s wrong with live[02:06.62]Just haters in the back [02:12.08]Searching for the life [02:16.79]What"s wrong or right[02:18.83]I don"t know… [02:20.60][02:30.60][02:31.60]Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stop [02:34.59]And open it up to make you fly away [02:36.93]to make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faith [02:39.47]But I guess it"s to late [02:40.79]You"re already made yourself up, ready to die [02:44.85]God knows you cry and I can"t lie[02:47.43]It makes me going mad [02:49.11]And believe me it"s truth [02:50.59]If I get the chance I will save you[02:53.74][02:55.64]Save me, from the rain and hold me [02:59.62]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [03:02.21]And leave me into life (I will save you) [03:06.05]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [03:09.22]And make me feel love again so free [03:12.76]All the things I"ve got to hide[03:16.02][03:27.78]Save me, from the rain and hold me [03:31.52]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [03:34.16]And leave me into life (I will save you) [03:37.75]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [03:41.12]And make me feel love again so free [03:44.62]All the things I"ve got to hide[03:47.38][03:48.33]-=End=-[03:50.11]2009.07(QQ:495535780)
2023-06-23 14:13:222


英朗XT是两厢车,GT是三厢车 英朗GT 即为新一代凯越 也没有什么特别的意思,就是区别一下版本吧,你可以当凯越是三厢,硬朗是两厢,不过英朗
2023-06-23 14:13:312

Buick 的标准发音是什么? 要权威的解释!

2023-06-23 14:13:416


2023-06-23 14:13:572


别克车型别克阿波罗(Buick Apollo)(1973年-1975年)别克诱惑 (Buick Allure) (2005年至今,仅限加拿大地区)别克骑士(Buick Caballero)Buick Centurion (1971年-1973年)别克世纪 (Buick Century) (1936年-1942年、1954年-1958年、1973年-2005年)Buick Eight别克依勒克拉 (Buick Electra)(1959年-1990年)Buick Estate Wagon (1970年-1983年、1985年-1996年)别克凯越(Buick Excelle)(2003年至今,仅限中国地区)别克GL8(Buick GL8) (2000年至今,仅限中国地区)Buick Gran Sport (1968年-1972年)Buick GSX (1970年-1971年)Buick Invicta (1959年-1964年)别克君越Buick LaCrosse (2005至今)Buick LeSabre (1959年-2005年)Buick Limited (1936年-1942年、1958年)Buick Lucerne (2005年至今)Buick Luxus (1973年-1974年)别克林荫大道(Buick Park Avenue)(1991年-2005年,2007年4月,重新在中国上市成功)Buick Rainier (2004年至今)Buick Reatta (1988年-1991年)别克君威(Buick Regal) (1973年至今)Buick Regal Grand National (1984年-1987年)Buick Regal GNX (1987年)别克昂科拉Buick Rendezvous (2001年至今)Buick Riviera (1963年-1999年)Buick Roadmaster(1936年-1958年、1991年-1996年)别克荣御(Buick Royaum)(2005年至今,仅限中国地区)Buick Skyhawk (1975年-1980年、1982年-1989年)Buick Skylark (1953年-1954年、1961年-1972年、1975年-1998年)Buick Somerset (1985年-1987年)Buick Special (1936年-1958年、1961年-1969年)Buick Sport Wagon (1964年-1971年)Buick Super (1940年-1958年)Buick Terraza (2004年至今)Buick Wildcat (1963年-1970年)别克英朗XT(Buick Excelle XT) (2010年至今)别克英朗GT(Buick Excelle GT)(2010年至今)Buick Encore (2012年至今)Marquette概念车型Buick Y-Job (1938)Buick LeSabre (1951)Buick XP-300 (1951)Buick Wildcat I (1953)Buick Wildcat Ⅱ (1954)Buick Wildcat Ⅲ (1955)1956 Buick Centurion (1956)Buick Riviera Silver Arrow I (1963)Buick Questor (1983)1985 Buick Wildcat (1985)1988 Buick Lucerne (1988)Buick Bolero (1990)Buick Sceptre (1992)Buick XP2000 (1996)Buick Signia (1998)Buick Cielo (1999)2000 Buick LaCrosse (2000)Buick Blackhawk (2000)Buick Bengal (2001)Buick Centieme (2003)Buick Velite (2004)Buick Riviera (2007)Buick Envision (2011)别克Verano(2012)
2023-06-23 14:14:072


2023-06-23 14:14:183


1.the saltwater room -owl city2.valder fields-Tamas Wells3. letting go - Jo De La Rosa4 .just the way you are - Bruno Mars5 .stay-Joy Williams6.Dilemma -Nelly7.stuck in my heart - C218.with him - baby face
2023-06-23 14:16:1410

save me Swan Lake 歌词是什么呀,这首歌很好听啊

save me Swan Lake - LaCrossWhat"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right is it worth to fightI don"t know believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save you!ChorusSave me from the rain and hold meEase that pain don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on and nothing really changed it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands is this the best wayJust to get it right shadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save you!ChorusSave me from the rain and hold meEase that pain don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lie It makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save you!ChorusSave me from the rain and hold meEase that pain don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)
2023-06-23 14:17:221


问题一:别克凯越是什么车系 美国品牌 ,但是,设计是韩国大宇的,所以,应该是杂交车型 问题二:别克凯越车属于什么系 美国品牌 ,但是,设计是韩国大宇的,所以,应该是杂交车型 问题三:凯越的原型车是什么 三厢凯越原型车来自大宇Nubira(部分市场如韩国、澳洲亦称Lacetti),两厢凯越HRV来自大宇Lacetti,而国产凯越旅行车则源自大宇Nubira旅行款,三者出自同一平台。别克凯越也是目前国内唯一拥有三款车型的轿车品牌。 问题四:别克新凯越属什么级别的车 属于A级车,也就是紧凑级别车型。 2015款凯越在外观方面与2013款车型基本保持了相同的设计,但全系车型取消了前雾灯的配置,并将提供两种全新的轮圈样式。在内饰方面,新车中控台采用了全新的浅色系木纹饰板,并在全系车型标配了蓝牙电话系统。动力方面,2015款凯越将继续搭载1.5L自然吸气发动机,最大输出功率11郸马力,峰值扭矩141牛u30fb米。传动系统匹配5速手动和6速手自一体变速箱。 问题五:别克车后的excelle是什么意思?别说是凯越的意思,我看见君越gt上也有! EXCELLE 是凯越 EXCELLE GT是英朗GT EXCELLE XT 是英朗XT LACROSS 是君越 英朗理论上是凯越的换代车型,但这两款车实际是两个不同血统的车型。凯越实际是韩国大宇,在国内只是贴牌别克销售。 而英朗实际是欧洲的欧宝血统,其原型车是欧宝雅特。 问题六:什么车和别克凯越是一个级别 别克也有不同价位的车,如果是中端车型就与广本的雅阁和广丰的凯美瑞为同一档次。 问题七:别克凯越h0ld 指是什么 请确认是否按下了HOLD键,该功能用于雪地或爬坡的档位锁定。可以使发动机保持高转速低档位以获得高扭力。 问题八:2013别克凯越是什么发动机? 2013款凯越发动机:S-TEC DVVT(发动机正时链条)(产地:上海通用东岳汽车动力总成有限公司---烟台) S-TEC 是什么意思呢? S-TEC是P-TEC发动机的改进型,燃油更经济。上海通用泛亚研发中心针对新凯越开发了1.5 升DVVT 直列四缸发动机。它采用双可变气门正时技术,配合可变进气歧管系统一起实现了高效率、低消耗、低噪音的目的。而新一代的6 挡手自一体变速箱同样出现在君威、君越上,平顺的换挡哗新凯越的行驶性能得以提升,达到欧五排放标准. 问题九:比别克凯越小的别克车是什么车 可能是之前的 老别克赛欧,就是当年红得发紫的羽泉代言的 现在划分到雪佛兰了,雪佛兰赛欧 问题十:凯越怎么样?同款价位还有什么车型? 美系车油耗本来就高,凯越的发动机又比较陈旧,油耗不是一般的大,堪称油老虎。小毛病倒不多,保养也不贵。只是,这款车除了别克的车标,实在不知道哪里值得购买。外观那么丑,开出去一样没面子的。同价位的推荐雪弗兰科鲁兹,品牌也不错,车型也很漂亮,尤其是白色和红色。保有量大,保养维修便宜。呃,,,桑塔纳和捷达是一汽大众很低端的系列了,配置内饰堪比出租车,又是大家熟识的低端车,开出去都认识,,,还有,我相信你去过大众的4s店,光受气您都受不了,您去尝试一下就知道了
2023-06-23 14:17:311


别克车系新世纪 CENTURYGL、GS君威、新君威 REGAL凯越、英朗 EXCELLEHRV君越、新君越 LaCross荣御 ROYAUM林荫大道 Park Avenue别克商务车 GL8别克商务车 陆尊 GL8 FristLand昂科雷 ENCLAVE(进口)
2023-06-23 14:17:391


一项体育运动 意思君子之选
2023-06-23 14:18:012


2023-06-23 14:18:111


2023-06-23 14:18:201

请问有朋友知道save me 男女对唱版本的歌词吗?知道的朋友麻烦告诉一下,谢谢!

歌手:elenown歌名:save me 歌词:Like a cannon ball to my chestHer words ripped me in twoI wished all of the bestAnd she wished me the truthSo what am I supposed to do?Now that I"ve lost all I"ve knownThe heavy heart that"s inside of meIs sinking like a stoneSinking like a stoneSave meSave meI need more than just a hand to holdI need to be carriedSave meSave meBring your sweet redemption and promise promise to never leaveLike a soldier going off to warIt hurt to let him goI did what needed to be doneBut now I"m feeling so aloneWe built a home out of sandBut the tide kept coming strongLooking back at calloused handsI can only stand so longNow all my hope is goneSave meSave meI need more than just a hand to holdI need to be carriedSave meSave meBring your sweet redemption and promise promise to never leave
2023-06-23 14:18:402


别克车系中的英文名包括以下:CENTURY、GL、GS、REGAL、EXCELLEHRV、LaCross、ROYAUM、 Park Avenue、 GL8 、FristLand、 ENCLAVE。补充说明:别克旗下包括众多知名车型:英朗、君威、君越,GL8及雷昂达,昂科雷,昂科拉等。别克在美国的汽车历史中占有相当重要的地位,它是美国通用汽车公司的一大台柱,带动了整个汽车工业水平的进步,并成为其他汽车公司追随的榜样。
2023-06-23 14:18:491

Jon English的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Jon English专辑:Calm Before the StormTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide
2023-06-23 14:18:581


别克GL8:GL8,别克GLS:GLS,别克赛欧:Salt,别克君越:LaCROSS,别克林荫大道:Park Anvenue, 别克凯越:Excelle, 别克荣御:RoyaumPS:凯越不是正宗的美国车,其原型车是韩国大宇的,在北美市场上是没有这辆车的。荣御和林荫大道都是上海通用的失败车型,销量一直不佳,其中荣御已经在上海通用停产了。另以上的车型是国产的别克车,在北美还有其他的别克车,如最近在北京车展展出的SUV别克Enclave等...以上回答你满意么?
2023-06-23 14:19:071

Aretha Franklin的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Aretha Franklin专辑:30 Greatest HitsTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide
2023-06-23 14:19:151


2023-06-23 14:19:254


别克最常见是君威君越。还有别克GL8:GL8,别克GLS:GLS,别克赛欧:Salt,别克君越:LaCROSS,别克林荫大道:Park Anvenue, 别克凯越:Excelle, 别克荣御:RoyaumPS
2023-06-23 14:19:331

Save Me (Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me (Remix)歌手:The Tea Party专辑:Tangents - The Tea Party CollectionTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide
2023-06-23 14:19:521


[ti:Save Me][ar:LaCross][al:][by:牛金翔][00:00.00]Title:Save Me[00:03.01]Artist:LaCross[00:05.01]T_time:03"52"[00:07.01][00:08.01]Lrc by:千千歌词组★rumi祥祥[00:10.01]QQ:495535780[00:12.01][00:12.91]What"s wrong with live[00:15.49]I don"t know[00:20.13]C"mon![00:21.85][00:31.78]Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trust [00:34.24]Just haters in your back, ready tu bust [00:36.93]All alone on your own and I can feel your pain [00:39.49]Because heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtain [00:42.29]And now you"re running around searching for the right [00:45.05]What"s wrong or right, is it worth to fight[00:47.49]I don"t know, believe me it"s truth [00:50.36]If I get the chance I will save you[00:52.75][00:53.25]Save me, from the rain and hold me [00:56.80]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [00:59.37]And leave me into life (I wll save you) [01:03.26]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [01:06.46]And make me feel love again so free [01:10.00]All the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me) [01:14.41][01:17.13]On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strange [01:20.30]Live slipping out of your hands, is this the best way [01:23.11]Just to get it right[01:24.97]shadows passing by in the middle of the night [01:27.55]Just tell me why it"s gotta be like that [01:30.14]The gamble of the live keeps your neck in check [01:32.63]And now you"re crying out for help [01:34.70]And believe me it"s truth [01:36.13]If I get the chance I will save you[01:38.17][01:38.67]Save me, from the rain and hold me [01:42.41]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [01:44.99]And leave me into life (I wll save you) [01:48.35]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [01:51.67]And make me feel love again so free [01:55.24]All the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)[01:59.54][02:00.98]What"s wrong with live[02:06.62]Just haters in the back [02:12.08]Searching for the life [02:16.79]What"s wrong or right[02:18.83]I don"t know… [02:20.60][02:30.60][02:31.60]Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stop [02:34.59]And open it up to make you fly away [02:36.93]to make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faith [02:39.47]But I guess it"s to late [02:40.79]You"re already made yourself up, ready to die [02:44.85]God knows you cry and I can"t lie[02:47.43]It makes me going mad [02:49.11]And believe me it"s truth [02:50.59]If I get the chance I will save you[02:53.74][02:55.64]Save me, from the rain and hold me [02:59.62]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [03:02.21]And leave me into life (I will save you) [03:06.05]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [03:09.22]And make me feel love again so free [03:12.76]All the things I"ve got to hide[03:16.02][03:27.78]Save me, from the rain and hold me [03:31.52]Ease that pain, don"t rape me [03:34.16]And leave me into life (I will save you) [03:37.75]Don"t ever take me, the must in me [03:41.12]And make me feel love again so free [03:44.62]All the things I"ve got to hide[03:47.38][03:48.33]-=End=-
2023-06-23 14:20:001


2023-06-23 14:20:071

Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Maylene & The Sons Of Disaster专辑:IvTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide
2023-06-23 14:20:141


2023-06-23 14:20:242

Jordin Sparks的《Save Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Save Me歌手:Jordin Sparks专辑:Jordin SparksTitle:Save MeArtist:LaCrossT_time:03"52"What"s wrong with liveI don"t knowC"mon!Caught in the mess, got nobody tu trustJust haters in your back, ready tu bustAll alone on your own and I can feel your painBecause heaven on earth it"s really hard to obtainAnd now you"re running around searching for the rightWhat"s wrong or right, is it worth to fightI don"t know, believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide (Don"t leave me)On and on, and nothing really changed, it"s strangeLive slipping out of your hands, is this the best wayJust to get it rightshadows passing by in the middle of the nightJust tell me why it"s gotta be like thatThe gamble of the live keeps your neck in checkAnd now you"re crying out for helpAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I wll save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide(Don"t leave me)What"s wrong with liveJust haters in the backSearching for the lifeWhat"s wrong or rightI don"t know…Like a swan in a cage, what does it take to stopAnd open it up to make you fly awayto make your beauty shine thru the deserts of faithBut I guess it"s to lateYou"re already made yourself up, ready to dieGod knows you cry and I can"t lieIt makes me going madAnd believe me it"s truthIf I get the chance I will save youSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hideSave me, from the rain and hold meEase that pain, don"t rape meAnd leave me into life (I will save you)Don"t ever take me, the must in meAnd make me feel love again so freeAll the things I"ve got to hide
2023-06-23 14:20:321


katherine mcphee-terrifiedtracie spencer-unbelievablemizrock-not youcolbie caillat-luckycolbie caillat-oxygencolbie caillat-fearlesscolbie caillat-battlenext phaze-i sure rememberbackstreet boys-how did i fall in love with youcarrie underwood-what can i sayolivia ong-you and meleona lewis-i will bejason mraz-make it mineceline dion-taking chancestoni braxton-spanish guitartonya mitchell-stay
2023-06-23 14:20:415


Buick Park Avenue 林荫大道LaCrosse 君越GL8Enclave 雷克昂
2023-06-23 14:20:585


2023-06-23 14:21:155


lark the clear air,Je T"Aime,not over yet,I been hoping, pink song(Natasha),my bloody valentine,太多了
2023-06-23 14:21:316


2023-06-23 14:22:153


yesterday once moreyou are not alonecountry roadbig big world
2023-06-23 14:22:2412


2023-06-23 14:22:491


2023-06-23 14:22:581


车标:名车的灵魂和象征- -在你未真正看到一款车前,它的名字成了你认知它的第一感觉。一个好的名字不仅发音圆润、与本土文化契合、更能展现车子本身的特性。这样的名字在筑就营销和产品历史中的作用不可低估。然而,取一个既能体现产品特性又能闪现品牌光芒的好车名并非易事。 据调查,全球汽车品牌已从二战后全球的55个增加到了240个。这表明汽车制造商们面对的问题就越来越多,而其中的一大麻烦就是为自己的品牌找到一个好名字。正如福特品牌总裁SteveLyons表达的:“这甚至比给自己的小孩取名字更有难度”。名字并不是汽车不朽的唯一理由,但是,好的名字,如福特Explore“探索者“和““野马“确实有自己的意义。Explore的中文译名是探索者。在面市之初,Explore是福特革命性的新产品,它运用具有指向性的名字则向人们传递着一种信念:你驾驶的是一款越野汽车,而这正是福特最想要传达的一种信息。也许是英文单词的单一性和发音具有的世界通用性,这局限了一件事情———同一产品的英文名可能与不同市场的地域文化产生冲突,生出不少“尴尬”来…… 比如,通用汽车不幸地发现他们即将在加拿大推出的别克轿车LaCross是法籍加拿大小孩口中的粗口。而大众SUV车Touareg则让大多数美国人不知道应该如何拼读,更可怕的是,Touareg同时也是20世纪北美一个热衷于奴隶贸易的游牧民族的名字。像上面这种所指的名字还有很多。前两年,福特汽车曾2次使用其引以为傲的历史故事中的名字来命名自己的原型车,最后却发现福特已经不再拥有对其的所有权。如超级跑车GT的原名是GT40,这是根据他们在60年代推出的传奇轿车命名的。而将要上市的一款新中型轿车本意是为了复苏Futura品牌,现在已经不再隶属于福特公司。所以,至今,它都还没有一个正式的名字。 在这里最被批判的车名多半在于那些冠以奇异英文名字的日本汽车。比较有代表性的名字有裸体大发(DaihasuNaked、生命大灌篮(LifeDunk)、日产的淑女Z(FairladyZ),他们的名字都有一定的怪异性。 一个地域的取名特征肯定与地域文化和汽车工业发展的成熟度有关系。看看我们国家的车名,还未有形成鲜明的车名文化特征。除了一些引进汽车的音译名,最有特征的就是吉利、中意、锐意、路宝、赛马、云雀等吉祥的事物或意愿名,用他们来谈论车名文化可能还有些俗气,相比之下,像君威、千里马、飞度这样的汽车名字似乎也有了值得品评的意义。
2023-06-23 14:23:061