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2023-05-19 15:19:55

排序算法 所谓排序,就是使一串记录,按照其中的某个或某些关键字的大小,递增或递减的排列起来的操作。



计算的复杂度(最差、平均、和最好表现),依据串列(list)的大小(n)。一般而言,好的表现是O。(n log n),且坏的行为是Ω(n2)。对於一个排序理想的表现是O(n)。仅使用一个抽象关键比较运算的排序算法总平均上总是至少需要Ω(n log n)。



一般的方法:插入、交换、选择、合并等等。交换排序包含冒泡排序(bubble sort)和快速排序(quicksort)。选择排序包含shaker排序和堆排序(heapsort)。


(4, 1) (3, 1) (3, 7) (5, 6)


(3, 1) (3, 7) (4, 1) (5, 6) (维持次序)

(3, 7) (3, 1) (4, 1) (5, 6) (次序被改变)





冒泡排序(bubble sort) — O(n2)

鸡尾酒排序 (Cocktail sort, 双向的冒泡排序) — O(n2)

插入排序 (insertion sort)— O(n2)

桶排序 (bucket sort)— O(n); 需要 O(k) 额外 记忆体

计数排序 (counting sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(n+k) 额外 记忆体

归并排序 (merge sort)— O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体

原地归并排序 — O(n2)

二叉树排序 (Binary tree sort) — O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体

鸽巢排序 (Pigeonhole sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(k) 额外记忆体

基数排序 (radix sort)— O(n·k); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体

Gnome sort — O(n2)

Library sort — O(n log n) with high probability, 需要 (1+ε)n 额外记忆体


选择排序 (selection sort)— O(n2)

希尔排序 (shell sort)— O(n log n) 如果使用最佳的现在版本

Comb sort — O(n log n)

堆排序 (heapsort)— O(n log n)

Smoothsort — O(n log n)

快速排序 (quicksort)— O(n log n) 期望时间, O(n2) 最坏情况; 对於大的、乱数串列一般相信是最快的已知排序

Introsort — O(n log n)

Patience sorting — O(n log n + k) 最外情况时间, 需要 额外的 O(n + k) 空间, 也需要找到最长的递增子序列(longest increasing subsequence)


Bogo排序 — O(n × n!) 期望时间, 无穷的最坏情况。

Stupid sort — O(n3); 递回版本需要 O(n2) 额外记忆体

Bead sort — O(n) or O(√n), 但需要特别的硬体

Pancake sorting — O(n), 但需要特别的硬体









































插入排序 O(n2)

冒泡排序 O(n2)

选择排序 O(n2)

快速排序 O(n log n)

堆排序 O(n log n)

归并排序 O(n log n)

基数排序 O(n)

希尔排序 O(n1.25)

















2023-01-02 02:55:184


People often not put the garbage
2023-01-02 02:55:324


网络流行语的英文翻译   导语:随着网络的日常化,不少网络语言横空出世,下面是我收集整理的网络流行语的英文翻译,欢迎参考!   1.神马都是浮云 it"s all fleeting cloud。(everything is nothing!)   2.山寨 fake, counterfeit, copycat   3.宅男 otaku (“homebody” in english); geek   4.被雷倒(到)了 in shock   5.纠结 ambivalent   6.忐忑 anxious   7.悲催 a tear-inducingmisery   8.坑爹 the reverse of one"s expectation   9.哥只是传说 brother is only a legend。   10.伤不起 vulnerable; be prone to getting hurt   11.你懂的 it goes without saying that…   12.吐槽 disclose one"s secret   13.小清新 like [好似] a breath of fresh air   14.穿越剧 time-travel tv drama   15.至于你信不信,反正我是信了。whether you believe it or not, i am convinced。   16.拼爹 daddy-is-the-key; parents privilege competition   17.做人呢,最重要是开心。 happiness is the way。   18.卖萌 act cute   19.腹黑 scheming   20.折翼的天使 an angel with broken wings   21.淡定 calm; unruffled   22.羡慕嫉妒恨 envious, jealous and hateful   23.团购 group purchasing microblog   25.官二代the officiallings是相对于富二代2g rich(the second generation rich)   26.林来疯 linsanity   27.凡客体 vanclize/vancl style   28.微博控 twuilt (来自于twitter和guilt两个字,表示不发微博心里就内疚)   29.海归(海龟) overseas returnee   30.搏出位 be a famewhore; seek attention   31.自主招生 university autonomous enrollment   32.北约、华约 beijing university-led enrollment allianc tsinghua university-led enrollment alliance   33.犀利哥 brother sharp   34.蚁族 ant-like graduates   35.范儿 style   36.萝莉 lolita   37.秒杀 seckill; speed kill   38.剩女 leftover ladies; 3swomen (3s=single, seventies, stuck)   3s女人,seventies七十年代出生single单身stuck被困住的女性。   她们生于20世纪70年代,按照传统观念,已经属于步入高龄的女性,60年代比她们年纪大的女人早就当妈妈了,比她们年纪小的80年代女孩子也来势汹汹成为‘抢婚一族"。80年代女孩子比她们聪明的没她们漂亮,比她们漂亮的没她们聪明,但偏是她们尴尬地被剩下来,卡在单身状态,赢得个“剩女”的尴尬头衔。   不是她们不想结婚,她们也并不信奉独身主义,可越是优秀的女人,越是容易被围城的窄门卡住,始终想进却进不去,想出又放不开。   一般3s女人又被称sinbad   sinbad singleincome单身有一定收入noboyfriend没有男朋友absolutlydesprate绝望   39.蜗居 dwelling narrowness; a bedsitter   电视剧的名字翻译成“dwelling narrowness”。在日常表达中可以说“dwelling in a narrow space” 。用作名词的时侯,蜗居译为“pigeonhole”似乎更贴切一些   40.人肉搜索 human flesh search engine   41. to give strength or ungelivable 给力&不给力   source:from a funny comic novel of the westward journey   六集《搞笑漫画日和》的`《西游记——旅程的终点》一集中,画面一开始,师徒三人(动画设定为八戒仙去了)历经磨难到达天竺后,却发现所谓的天竺只有一面小旗子,上书“天竺”二字。弄得师徒三人都愣了神,悟空不无抱怨地说:“这就是天竺吗,不给力啊老湿。”悟空的这番话也成为后来“给力”一词的渊源。网友根据“给力”造出一个新的英文单词——ungelivable(不给力)   42. a tough and difficult decision 非常艰难的决定   43. life is like a tea table, with cups placed all over it.   人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具   44. don"t be obsessed with me. i am only a legend!   不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说!   45. what makes you unhappy? tell us to make us happy.   你有什么不开心的?说出来让大家开心一下   source:   life is full of pain. happy is a hard thing to us.   so we must get rid of unhappy,speak it out,   and do something to make others happy   46. lei feng does good things without leaving a name, but he records everything in his diary.   雷锋做好事不留名,但把每一件事情都记到日记里。   source:   many bbs discused leifeng and his diary.someone said:"chairman mao told us to learn from leifeng,but i never write a diary."   47. what i am smoking isn"t a cigarette, but loneliness!   哥抽的不是烟,是寂寞!   48. she stood me up. 她放我鸽子。 ;
2023-01-02 02:55:541


principle的意思:英 [ˈprɪnsəpl]  美 [ˈprɪnsəp(ə)l] 。n. (行为)准则,(道德)原则;道义,正直;基本原则,基本法则;(机器等或自然界的)原理,定律;(宗教或政治的)主义,信条;起源,本原;本质,实质;(化)成分,要素短语Pareto principle 帕雷托法则 ; 帕拉图原理 ; 帕累托法则 ; 帕累托原理anthropic principle 人择原理 ; 人本原理 ; 人择道理 ; 人类原则Fermat"s principle 费马原理 ; 根据费马定律 ; 里提到费马原理Peter Principle 彼得原则 ; 彼得定律 ; 彼得原理equivalence principle 等效原理uncertainty principle 不确定性原理 ; [量子] 测不准原理 ; 不确定原理 ; 测不准定理pigeonhole principle 鸽巢原理 ; 鸽笼原理 ; 抽屉原理词语辨析law, principle, theorem, fundamental这组词都有“原理、原则”的意思,其区别是:law 指一直公认的。陈述各种现象的条理或关系的公理或定理等。principle 普通用词,含义广。指作判断的基础或行动的普通准则;也指自然科学的规律。theorem 多指经过推理或演算能得到证明的原理、定理或定律。fundamental 通常指原理、原则。
2023-01-02 02:55:591


中国学术研究所……应该是指Institute for Chinese Studies 寄信写法如下:XXXInstitute for Chinese Studies Walton StreetOxford OX1 2HG(邮编)你在中国写地址的时候,还用中文写一下,只写“英国”就可以了,也可以多写“英国牛津”之类的,但只要让中国方面知道是寄到英国就行了,然后就到英国邮局接手,他们是不会看中文的。但另外有话要说:(注意最后一段)每个学院还是部门都有自己的pigeonhole(个人小信箱)。根据你所寄信的那人所属学院或部门寄去才对,而且每个学院邮编也不一样。牛津大学的地理位置是:英国-英格兰-牛津郡-牛津市。但邮件收发是各自学院独立的,所以你直接寄“牛津大学”“University of Oxford”的话,那样是寄不到的。比如我是Balliol的,你就要寄:XXXBalliol collegeBroad Street(其实这个有没有都可以,邮差都知道)OxfordOX1 3BJ(Balliol的邮编)如果你寄去数学系某人,则是:XXXMathematical Institute24-29 St Giles"(其实这个有没有都可以,邮差都知道)OxfordOX1 3LB (数学系的邮编)但一般来说,系部门的只有是老师和一些做TA的学生会有pigeonhole在那里,所以要是你给学生寄信的话,是要寄到他的学院去。另外,牛津不是按系别分学院的,要注意清楚。所以你寄信给个大四普通学生,你应该是向他学院里面寄,而不是写到系里,因为系里没他的pigeonhole,而我们一般也不会去系里查有没有信件。
2023-01-02 02:56:101


put [lay] on the shelf;have (sth.) shelved and forgotten;brush sth. aside;bundle [tie] sth. up and place it on the top shelf; 例句那个自私的人把自己束之高阁。The selfish man put himself on the shelf.让更多的人知道你的个人挑战,这能阻止你将梦想束之高阁。Letting more people know about your personal challenges will help keep you from letting the desire die.但豪斯从来没有一个打包的童星,始终抗拒被束之高阁。But winehouse was never a packaged teen star, and always resisted being pigeonholed.在长达10多年时间里,在东帝汶没有一个印尼裔官员因任一犯罪行为被判决有罪,而关于建立国际法庭的想法在事实上已束之高阁。Ten years on not a single indonesian official has been convicted of any crime in east timor, and the idea of an internationaltribunal has been, in effect, ditched.但是未来的雇主把大多数未经请求的“墓碑式的”简历束之高阁,而宁愿面试那些灵活的求职者而不是死板的求职者。But prospective employers throw away most of those un-requested tombstone lists, preferring to interview the quickrather than the dead.我与大家拥抱这种素质和文化斗争不接受人民和思想观念束之高阁『好』或『坏』.I embrace such qualities and with all people struggle not to accept cultural stereotypes or pigeonhole people and ideas as"good" or "bad".就他们所谓的对于应对紧急突发公共卫生事件南非政府的迟钝反应发表的不少关切被束之高阁,事实证明将付出昂贵代价控制该疾病蔓延并可能威胁整个撒哈拉以南非洲的数百万人。Several expressed concern at what they called south africa"s sluggish response to a health emergency that, leftunchecked, could prove hugely expensive to contain and could threaten millions across sub-saharan africa.但是,如果伊朗的法律是关于狗的问题,因为动物是几十年来保持沉默-在宠物的能力-被束之高阁,作为恐龙的日常生活。But if iran"s laws were silent for decades on the question of dogs, that is because the animals in the capacity of pet were asirrelevant to daily life as dinosaurs.
2023-01-02 02:56:161


作家英语:writer,读法:/ˈraɪtər/。writer:美 /ˈraɪtər/,英 /ˈraɪtər/。n. 作家;作者;期权卖方。例句1、“你?是作家?”她不屑地说。"You? A writer?" she sneered.2、作为作家,他似乎缺少创作激情。As a writer he seemed to lack creative spark.3、这个节目大力宣扬不太知名的作家。The programme did much to popularize little-known writers.4、作家试图再现他童年的所见所闻。The writer attempts a recreation of the sights and sounds of his childhood.5、作为作家,我对人物刻画感兴趣。As a writer, I am interested in characterization.6、他硬被归入儿童文学作家之列。He has been pigeonholed as a children"s writer.
2023-01-02 02:56:241


动物 [词典] animal; creature; zoon(pl. zoa); beast; beastie; [例句]有各种各样的动物,包括熊、猪、袋鼠和企鹅。There are all sorts of animals, including bears, pigs, kangaroos, and penguins
2023-01-02 02:56:3315


  主持人是指具有采、编、播、控等多种业务能力,在一个相对固定的节目的个人。那么你知道主持人用英语怎么说吗?接下来跟着我来学习一下吧。   主持人的英语说法1:   compere   主持人的英语说法2:   emcee   主持人的英语说法3:   host   主持人相关英语表达:   电视主持人 TV Presenter   节目女主持人 Hostess   音乐主持人 disc jockey ; music dj ; DJ   最佳综艺主持人 Best Variety Show Host   虚拟主持人 virtual host   游戏主持人 Game Master   主持人的英语例句:   1. Her blushes were saved by a prompt from one of her hosts.   幸亏一位主持人提示,她才不至于尴尬脸红。   2. He acted as grand marshal of a stock car race.   他担任过改装 赛车 大赛的主持人。   3. Being a good game-show host means getting to know your contestants.   要想做一个优秀的游戏节目主持人就要了解你的参赛选手。   4. I don"t want to be pigeonholed as a kids" presenter.   我不想被归类为 儿童 节目主持人。   5. I am host of a live radio programme.   我是一个电台直播节目的主持人。   6. In her new film, Victoria plays a prima donna television presenter.   维多利亚在她的新片里扮演一位妄自尊大的电视节目主持人.   7. The programme dispensed with its most popular presenter.   这个节目最受欢迎的主持人被换掉了.   8. Who will be the host for tonight"s program?   谁是今晚的节目主持人?   9. After the adverts, the presenter tried to pretend that everything was back to normal.    广告 过后,主持人努力假装一切恢复正常。   10. That makes her the first TV presenter to work the full term of her pregnancy.   那样,她就成了首个怀孕期间一直上班的电视节目主持人。   11. Marcel Berlins is the presenter of the BBC radio programme Law in Action.   马塞尔·柏林斯是英国广播公司《法治进行时》节目的主持人。   12. Alliss retired from golf in 1969 and went on to become a successful broadcaster.   阿利斯于1969年从 高尔夫球 界退役,继而成为一名成功的节目主持人。   13. He worked in the news division of ABC — he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast.   他在美国广播公司的新闻部工作——他是晚间15分钟新闻播报的主持人。   14. The presider intended to open with an important piece of news in order to attract the attention of the reporters present.   主持人准备挑一项重要新闻作为开场白,以引起与会记者的注意.   15. The TV presenter found himself on the wrong side of the law after hitting a cyclist while driving.   那位电视节目主持人开车撞了一个骑自行车的人,他意识到自己惹上官司了.
2023-01-02 02:57:391


1.稳定的排序冒泡排序(bubble sort) — O(n2) 鸡尾酒排序 (Cocktail sort, 双向的冒泡排序) — O(n2) 插入排序 (insertion sort)— O(n2) 桶排序 (bucket sort)— O(n); 需要 O(k) 额外 记忆体 计数排序 (counting sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(n+k) 额外 记忆体 归并排序 (merge sort)— O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 原地归并排序 — O(n2) 二叉树排序 (Binary tree sort) — O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 鸽巢排序 (Pigeonhole sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(k) 额外记忆体 基数排序 (radix sort)— O(n·k); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 Gnome sort — O(n2) Library sort — O(n log n) with high probability, 需要 (1+ε)n 额外记忆体 2.不稳定的排序选择排序 (selection sort)— O(n2) 希尔排序 (shell sort)— O(n log n) 如果使用最佳的现在版本 Comb sort — O(n log n) 堆排序 (heapsort)— O(n log n) Smoothsort — O(n log n) 快速排序 (quicksort)— O(n log n) 期望时间, O(n2) 最坏情况; 对於大的、乱数串列一般相信是最快的已知排序 Introsort — O(n log n) Patience sorting — O(n log n + k) 最外情况时间, 需要 额外的 O(n + k) 空间, 也需要找到最长的递增子序列(longest increasing subsequence)
2023-01-02 02:58:021

gasp for breath是什么意思

gasp for breath英[ɡɑ:sp fɔ: breθ]美[ɡæsp fɔr brɛθ][释义] 喘息; 喘; 呼吸十分困难,上气不接下气;全部释义>>[例句]If I teacher, I will certainly not assign a lot of homework, pigeonhole student gasp for breath.假如我是老师,我一定不会布置一大堆作业,压得学生喘不过气来。更多例句>>
2023-01-02 02:58:101


2023-01-02 02:58:178


公文 [词典] document; archives; official document; bumf; bumph; [例句]这份公文压了不少时间。This document was pigeonholed for quite some time.
2023-01-02 02:58:501

eminem 《8 Mile》歌词 带翻译

歌名:8 Mile歌手:Eminem作词:Eminem作曲:EminemIt"s okay, it"s okay. I"m gonna make it anyway没事的,无论如何我会办到的Sometimes I just feel like, quitting I still might有时我甚至想要,放弃我仍有能力做的Why do I put up this fight, why do I still write为什么我要(与命运)英勇搏斗,为什么我仍固执的在创作?Sometimes it"s hard enough just dealing with real life有时应付现实生活就足够艰难了Sometimes I wanna jump on stage and just kill mics有时我只想跳上舞台,去吼爆麦克风And show these people what my level of skill"s like并向这群观众展示我说唱的水平到底如何But I"m still white, sometimes I just hate life但我仍是个白鬼, 有时我会憎恨生活Something ain"t right, hit the brake lights有时这些不切实际,(他说他能)吸引那些聚光灯Case of the stage fright, drawing a blank like事实上他会怯场,甚至害怕那些聚光灯Da-duh-duh-da-da, it ain"t my faultDa-duh-duh-da-da,这并不是我的错Great big eye*****, my insides crawl惊恐的睁大了眼睛,我的内心在挣扎And I clam up I just slam shut我拒不开口,紧闭我的嘴I just can"t do it, my whole manhood"s我只是不能够做到,我整个人格Just been stripped, I have just been vicked都被剥去,我整个人都被撕开So I must then get, off the bus then split所以我只能下车,然后离开Man ***** this *****t; yo, I"m going the ***** home这该死的人生,我还要回那个凌乱的家World on my shoulders as I run back to this 8 Mile Road当我逃回八英里路,仿佛整个世界都在我肩膀上I"m a man, I"mma make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back(8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路I"m walking these train tracks, trying to regain back重走这些火车轨道,试着找回我曾经的斗志The spirit I had fore I go back to the same crap在我回到这个同样的滥地方之前To the same plant, in the same pants穿着同样的裤子,回到原来的工厂Trying to chase rap, gotta move ASAP尽力赶上节拍,尽快动身And get a new plan, momma"s got a new man我有了新的计划,妈妈有了新男人Poor little baby sister, she don"t understand但可怜的小妹她不懂Sits in front of the TV, buries her nose in the pad坐在电视前,把她的鼻子埋在垫子里And just colors until the crayon gets dull in her hand不停的画,直到蜡笔在她的手里变得同样的沉闷While she colors her big brother and mother and dad当她画她的哥哥,妈妈,爸爸时Ain"t no telling what really goes on in her little head没人知道她小脑袋里到底在想些什么Wish I could be the daddy that neither one of us had希望我能成为超越我们父辈的那种父亲But I keep running from something I never wanted so bad!但是我一直在试着逃离那些我不曾预料的糟糕事情Sometimes I get upset, cause I ain"t blew up yet有的时候我变得沮丧,那是因为我还没有爆发It"s like I grew up, but I ain"t grow me two nuts yet就好像我长大了,但仍不是真男人一样Don"t gotta rep my step, don"t got enough pep别斥责我的脚步慢,(我只是)没攒够劲头The pressure"s too much man, I"m just trying to do what"s best男人压力太大了,我只是想尽力做到最好And I try, sit alone and I cry我(不断)孤独地尝试,(尽管)噙着泪花Yo I won"t tell no lie, not a moment goes by我不会说谎,我生命中的每一刻都不会That I don"t pray to the sky, please I"m begging you God我不会对天祈祷,但上帝我现在要祈求你Please don"t let me be pigeonholed in no regular job别让我像个没有固定工作的妓女一样可怜Yo I hope you can hear me homey wherever you are我期望你无论你是否在我身边都像家人般注视着我Yo I"m telling you dawg I"m bailing this trailer tomorrow我现在只想告诉狗一般的你,我只想在明天逃离这个该死的拖车Tell my mother I love her, kiss baby sister goodbye告诉妈妈我爱她,临别前吻下小妹Say whenever you need me baby, I"m never too far告诉他们,无论何时她们需要我,我都不会离她们太远But yo I gotta get out there, the only way I know但是我现在要离开这儿,这是我唯一知道的And I"mma be back for you, the second that I blow在我席卷乐坛的一刻,我将归来On everything I own, I"ll make it on my own我会走自己的路,去赢得(渴望)一切Off to work I go, back to this 8 Mile Road一下班我就走,回到八英里路I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路You gotta live it to feel it, you didn"t you wouldn"t get it你会为了体验它而生存,如果你不那么做你是不会得到你想要的Or see what the big deal is, why it was and it still is你会看到什么是我们一直想得到的大生意,为什么它以前不是,可它现在却是了To be walking this borderline of Detroit city limits穿梭于底特律城市的边缘线It"s different, it"s a certain significance, a certificate感觉非常与众不同,这个正是重要的、确凿的、可靠的证明Of authenticity, you"d never even see你也许绝不会明白But it"s everything to me, it"s my credibility但是这对我来说是一切,这是我的信誉You never seen heard smelled or met a real MC你绝不会听见、闻见、或遇见个真实的MCWho"s incredible upon the same pedestal as me谁都会难以致信,像我这样被人狂热崇拜的人But yet I"m still unsigned, having a rough time也曾没有厂牌来签我,(也)会有一段艰苦的岁月Sit on the porch with all my friends and kick dumb rhymes坐在货物上和我朋友玩弄着愚蠢的韵律Go to work and serve MCs in the lunch line并一起工作,然后排队吃工厂提供的免费午餐But when it comes crunch time, where do my punchlines go?但是当吃饭的时间来临的时候,我却想不出的那些精妙的押韵唱给谁听Who must I show, to bust my flow?我一定要爆发自己的潜能给谁看Where must I go? Who must I know?我该去哪儿,又该认识谁Or am I just another crab in the bucket?或许我只是被困在桶里的另外一只螃蟹Cause I ain"t having no luck with this little Rabbit so ***** it我甚至没有TMD《八英里》的里面的Rabbit幸运Maybe I need a new outlet, I"m starting to doubt *****t也许我需要一个新发泄途径,我开始有点怀疑,I"m feeling a little skeptical who I hang out with怀疑我是否应该坚持下去I look like a bum, yo my clothes ain"t about *****t我看上去衣衫褴褛、像个乞丐At the Salvation Army trying to salvage an outfit我想像救世军一样去尝试解放芸芸众生And it"s cold, trying to travel this road不过独自走这条路太艰难了Plus I feel like I"m on stuck in this battling mode另外我觉得我有点陷入战斗模式中了,My defenses are so up, but one thing I don"t want我的防御是那么高, 某些事(只是)我不想做(并不是不能做)Is pity from no one, the city is no fun我没有遗憾, 这个城市也毫无乐趣There is no sun, and it"s so dark这里没有阳光,暗淡又阴冷Sometimes I feel like I"m just being pulled apart有时我觉得我要被撕碎了From each one of my limbs, by each one of my friends被每个朋友簇拥着,他们拉着我手脚般围在我的身旁It"s enough to just make me wanna jump out of my skin我受够了,这让我TMD想跳出这副皮囊Sometimes I feel like a robot, sometimes I just know not有时我觉得我像个机器人. 有时我都不知道我在做什么What I"m doing I just blow, my head is a stove top我只是在冒气,我的头像个已烧开水的壶盖I just explode, the kettle gets so hot困扰我的太多了, 我的头都快爆炸了Sometimes my mouth just overloads the ass that I don"t got有时我的嘴确实说了些我未曾体验到的的酸楚But I"ve learned, it"s time for me to U-turn但是我已经想通了, 是到我人生掉头的时刻了Yo it only takes one time for me to get burned这只是我的一次受伤, 而不是堕落Ain"t no falling no next time I meet a new girl不会有下次了, 我会邂逅一个新的女孩I can no longer play stupid or be immature我将再也不会那么蠢, 也不会那么嫩了I got every ingredient, all I need is the courage我有一切必要的品格, 我现在只是需要勇气Like I already got the beat, all I need is the words我已经准备去战斗了, 所需要的就只是一些话来鞭策Got the urge, suddenly it"s a surge有了这种强烈愿望,突然间(内心)就会像浪潮般奔腾汹涌Suddenly a new burst of energy has occurred于是突然一种新的力量在我身体中迸发了Time to show these free world leaders the 3 and a third是到了让那些free world的SB看看时间的时侯了I am no longer scared now, I"m free as a bird我再也不会恐惧了,我像鸟一样的自由Then I turn and cross over the median curb于是我转身跃过了人群中的极限Hit the "burbs and all you see is a blur from 8 Mile Road猛烈回击(质疑我的言论),(因为)你所见的(我的过去)只不过是八英里路上(那些毫不足道的)污点而已I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路扩展资料:歌手Eminem演唱的这首歌曲《8 Mile》的歌曲总时长为6分钟,歌手发行的《8 Mile》专辑之中收纳了这首歌曲,专辑于2002年1月1日开始发行,专辑包含了16首歌曲。这首歌曲也是该专辑的主打歌曲。《8 Mile》这首歌曲也是歌手的众多优秀作品之一,这首歌曲发行之后,深受歌迷的追捧。歌手Joey Mizers / Papa Doc演唱这首歌曲,收纳于其专辑《NOTHIN"BUT !LLUSION》之中,专辑收纳了9首歌曲。专辑于2016奶奶11月15日开始发行。
2023-01-02 02:58:576


排序算法 所谓排序,就是使一串记录,按照其中的某个或某些关键字的大小,递增或递减的排列起来的操作。分类在计算机科学所使用的排序算法通常被分类为: 计算的复杂度(最差、平均、和最好表现),依据串列(list)的大小(n)。一般而言,好的表现是O。(n log n),且坏的行为是Ω(n2)。对於一个排序理想的表现是O(n)。仅使用一个抽象关键比较运算的排序算法总平均上总是至少需要Ω(n log n)。 记忆体使用量(以及其他电脑资源的使用) 稳定度:稳定排序算法会依照相等的关键(换言之就是值)维持纪录的相对次序。也就是一个排序算法是稳定的,就是当有两个有相等关键的纪录R和S,且在原本的串列中R出现在S之前,在排序过的串列中R也将会是在S之前。 一般的方法:插入、交换、选择、合并等等。交换排序包含冒泡排序(bubble sort)和快速排序(quicksort)。选择排序包含shaker排序和堆排序(heapsort)。 当相等的元素是无法分辨的,比如像是整数,稳定度并不是一个问题。然而,假设以下的数对将要以他们的第一个数字来排序。 (4, 1) (3, 1) (3, 7) (5, 6)在这个状况下,有可能产生两种不同的结果,一个是依照相等的键值维持相对的次序,而另外一个则没有: (3, 1) (3, 7) (4, 1) (5, 6) (维持次序)(3, 7) (3, 1) (4, 1) (5, 6) (次序被改变)不稳定排序算法可能会在相等的键值中改变纪录的相对次序,但是稳定排序算法从来不会如此。不稳定排序算法可以被特别地时作为稳定。作这件事情的一个方式是人工扩充键值的比较,如此在其他方面相同键值的两个物件间之比较,就会被决定使用在原先资料次序中的条目,当作一个同分决赛。然而,要记住这种次序通常牵涉到额外的空间负担。 排列算法列表 在这个表格中,n是要被排序的纪录数量以及k是不同键值的数量。 稳定的冒泡排序(bubble sort) — O(n2) 鸡尾酒排序 (Cocktail sort, 双向的冒泡排序) — O(n2) 插入排序 (insertion sort)— O(n2) 桶排序 (bucket sort)— O(n); 需要 O(k) 额外 记忆体 计数排序 (counting sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(n+k) 额外 记忆体 归并排序 (merge sort)— O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 原地归并排序 — O(n2) 二叉树排序 (Binary tree sort) — O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 鸽巢排序 (Pigeonhole sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(k) 额外记忆体 基数排序 (radix sort)— O(n·k); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 Gnome sort — O(n2) Library sort — O(n log n) with high probability, 需要 (1+ε)n 额外记忆体 不稳定选择排序 (selection sort)— O(n2) 希尔排序 (shell sort)— O(n log n) 如果使用最佳的现在版本 Comb sort — O(n log n) 堆排序 (heapsort)— O(n log n) Smoothsort — O(n log n) 快速排序 (quicksort)— O(n log n) 期望时间, O(n2) 最坏情况; 对於大的、乱数串列一般相信是最快的已知排序 Introsort — O(n log n) Patience sorting — O(n log n + k) 最外情况时间, 需要 额外的 O(n + k) 空间, 也需要找到最长的递增子序列(longest increasing subsequence) 不实用的排序算法Bogo排序 — O(n × n!) 期望时间, 无穷的最坏情况。 Stupid sort — O(n3); 递回版本需要 O(n2) 额外记忆体 Bead sort — O(n) or O(√n), 但需要特别的硬体 Pancake sorting — O(n), 但需要特别的硬体 排序的算法 排序的算法有很多,对空间的要求及其时间效率也不尽相同。下面列出了一些常见的排序算法。这里面插入排序和冒泡排序又被称作简单排序,他们对空间的要求不高,但是时间效率却不稳定;而后面三种排序相对于简单排序对空间的要求稍高一点,但时间效率却能稳定在很高的水平。基数排序是针对关键字在一个较小范围内的排序算法。 插入排序 冒泡排序 选择排序 快速排序 堆排序 归并排序 基数排序 希尔排序 插入排序 插入排序是这样实现的: 首先新建一个空列表,用于保存已排序的有序数列(我们称之为"有序列表")。 从原数列中取出一个数,将其插入"有序列表"中,使其仍旧保持有序状态。 重复2号步骤,直至原数列为空。 插入排序的平均时间复杂度为平方级的,效率不高,但是容易实现。它借助了"逐步扩大成果"的思想,使有序列表的长度逐渐增加,直至其长度等于原列表的长度。 冒泡排序 冒泡排序是这样实现的: 首先将所有待排序的数字放入工作列表中。 从列表的第一个数字到倒数第二个数字,逐个检查:若某一位上的数字大于他的下一位,则将它与它的下一位交换。 重复2号步骤,直至再也不能交换。 冒泡排序的平均时间复杂度与插入排序相同,也是平方级的,但也是非常容易实现的算法。 选择排序选择排序是这样实现的: 设数组内存放了n个待排数字,数组下标从1开始,到n结束。 i=1 从数组的第i个元素开始到第n个元素,寻找最小的元素。 将上一步找到的最小元素和第i位元素交换。 如果i=n-1算法结束,否则回到第3步 选择排序的平均时间复杂度也是O(n²)的。 快速排序 现在开始,我们要接触高效排序算法了。实践证明,快速排序是所有排序算法中最高效的一种。它采用了分治的思想:先保证列表的前半部分都小于后半部分,然后分别对前半部分和后半部分排序,这样整个列表就有序了。这是一种先进的思想,也是它高效的原因。因为在排序算法中,算法的高效与否与列表中数字间的比较次数有直接的关系,而"保证列表的前半部分都小于后半部分"就使得前半部分的任何一个数从此以后都不再跟后半部分的数进行比较了,大大减少了数字间不必要的比较。但查找数据得另当别论了。 堆排序 堆排序与前面的算法都不同,它是这样的: 首先新建一个空列表,作用与插入排序中的"有序列表"相同。 找到数列中最大的数字,将其加在"有序列表"的末尾,并将其从原数列中删除。 重复2号步骤,直至原数列为空。 堆排序的平均时间复杂度为nlogn,效率高(因为有堆这种数据结构以及它奇妙的特征,使得"找到数列中最大的数字"这样的操作只需要O(1)的时间复杂度,维护需要logn的时间复杂度),但是实现相对复杂(可以说是这里7种算法中比较难实现的)。 看起来似乎堆排序与插入排序有些相像,但他们其实是本质不同的算法。至少,他们的时间复杂度差了一个数量级,一个是平方级的,一个是对数级的。 平均时间复杂度 插入排序 O(n2) 冒泡排序 O(n2) 选择排序 O(n2) 快速排序 O(n log n) 堆排序 O(n log n) 归并排序 O(n log n) 基数排序 O(n) 希尔排序 O(n1.25)
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排序算法 所谓排序,就是使一串记录,按照其中的某个或某些关键字的大小,递增或递减的排列起来的操作。分类在计算机科学所使用的排序算法通常被分类为: 计算的复杂度(最差、平均、和最好表现),依据串列(list)的大小(n)。一般而言,好的表现是O。(n log n),且坏的行为是Ω(n2)。对於一个排序理想的表现是O(n)。仅使用一个抽象关键比较运算的排序算法总平均上总是至少需要Ω(n log n)。 记忆体使用量(以及其他电脑资源的使用) 稳定度:稳定排序算法会依照相等的关键(换言之就是值)维持纪录的相对次序。也就是一个排序算法是稳定的,就是当有两个有相等关键的纪录R和S,且在原本的串列中R出现在S之前,在排序过的串列中R也将会是在S之前。 一般的方法:插入、交换、选择、合并等等。交换排序包含冒泡排序(bubble sort)和快速排序(quicksort)。选择排序包含shaker排序和堆排序(heapsort)。 当相等的元素是无法分辨的,比如像是整数,稳定度并不是一个问题。然而,假设以下的数对将要以他们的第一个数字来排序。 (4, 1) (3, 1) (3, 7) (5, 6)在这个状况下,有可能产生两种不同的结果,一个是依照相等的键值维持相对的次序,而另外一个则没有: (3, 1) (3, 7) (4, 1) (5, 6) (维持次序)(3, 7) (3, 1) (4, 1) (5, 6) (次序被改变)不稳定排序算法可能会在相等的键值中改变纪录的相对次序,但是稳定排序算法从来不会如此。不稳定排序算法可以被特别地时作为稳定。作这件事情的一个方式是人工扩充键值的比较,如此在其他方面相同键值的两个物件间之比较,就会被决定使用在原先资料次序中的条目,当作一个同分决赛。然而,要记住这种次序通常牵涉到额外的空间负担。 排列算法列表 在这个表格中,n是要被排序的纪录数量以及k是不同键值的数量。 稳定的冒泡排序(bubble sort) — O(n2) 鸡尾酒排序 (Cocktail sort, 双向的冒泡排序) — O(n2) 插入排序 (insertion sort)— O(n2) 桶排序 (bucket sort)— O(n); 需要 O(k) 额外 记忆体 计数排序 (counting sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(n+k) 额外 记忆体 归并排序 (merge sort)— O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 原地归并排序 — O(n2) 二叉树排序 (Binary tree sort) — O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 鸽巢排序 (Pigeonhole sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(k) 额外记忆体 基数排序 (radix sort)— O(n·k); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 Gnome sort — O(n2) Library sort — O(n log n) with high probability, 需要 (1+ε)n 额外记忆体 不稳定选择排序 (selection sort)— O(n2) 希尔排序 (shell sort)— O(n log n) 如果使用最佳的现在版本 Comb sort — O(n log n) 堆排序 (heapsort)— O(n log n) Smoothsort — O(n log n) 快速排序 (quicksort)— O(n log n) 期望时间, O(n2) 最坏情况; 对於大的、乱数串列一般相信是最快的已知排序 Introsort — O(n log n) Patience sorting — O(n log n + k) 最外情况时间, 需要 额外的 O(n + k) 空间, 也需要找到最长的递增子序列(longest increasing subsequence) 不实用的排序算法Bogo排序 — O(n × n!) 期望时间, 无穷的最坏情况。 Stupid sort — O(n3); 递回版本需要 O(n2) 额外记忆体 Bead sort — O(n) or O(√n), 但需要特别的硬体 Pancake sorting — O(n), 但需要特别的硬体 排序的算法 排序的算法有很多,对空间的要求及其时间效率也不尽相同。下面列出了一些常见的排序算法。这里面插入排序和冒泡排序又被称作简单排序,他们对空间的要求不高,但是时间效率却不稳定;而后面三种排序相对于简单排序对空间的要求稍高一点,但时间效率却能稳定在很高的水平。基数排序是针对关键字在一个较小范围内的排序算法。 插入排序 冒泡排序 选择排序 快速排序 堆排序 归并排序 基数排序 希尔排序 插入排序 插入排序是这样实现的: 首先新建一个空列表,用于保存已排序的有序数列(我们称之为"有序列表")。 从原数列中取出一个数,将其插入"有序列表"中,使其仍旧保持有序状态。 重复2号步骤,直至原数列为空。 插入排序的平均时间复杂度为平方级的,效率不高,但是容易实现。它借助了"逐步扩大成果"的思想,使有序列表的长度逐渐增加,直至其长度等于原列表的长度。 冒泡排序 冒泡排序是这样实现的: 首先将所有待排序的数字放入工作列表中。 从列表的第一个数字到倒数第二个数字,逐个检查:若某一位上的数字大于他的下一位,则将它与它的下一位交换。 重复2号步骤,直至再也不能交换。 冒泡排序的平均时间复杂度与插入排序相同,也是平方级的,但也是非常容易实现的算法。 选择排序选择排序是这样实现的: 设数组内存放了n个待排数字,数组下标从1开始,到n结束。 i=1 从数组的第i个元素开始到第n个元素,寻找最小的元素。 将上一步找到的最小元素和第i位元素交换。 如果i=n-1算法结束,否则回到第3步 选择排序的平均时间复杂度也是O(n²)的。 快速排序 现在开始,我们要接触高效排序算法了。实践证明,快速排序是所有排序算法中最高效的一种。它采用了分治的思想:先保证列表的前半部分都小于后半部分,然后分别对前半部分和后半部分排序,这样整个列表就有序了。这是一种先进的思想,也是它高效的原因。因为在排序算法中,算法的高效与否与列表中数字间的比较次数有直接的关系,而"保证列表的前半部分都小于后半部分"就使得前半部分的任何一个数从此以后都不再跟后半部分的数进行比较了,大大减少了数字间不必要的比较。但查找数据得另当别论了。 堆排序 堆排序与前面的算法都不同,它是这样的: 首先新建一个空列表,作用与插入排序中的"有序列表"相同。 找到数列中最大的数字,将其加在"有序列表"的末尾,并将其从原数列中删除。 重复2号步骤,直至原数列为空。 堆排序的平均时间复杂度为nlogn,效率高(因为有堆这种数据结构以及它奇妙的特征,使得"找到数列中最大的数字"这样的操作只需要O(1)的时间复杂度,维护需要logn的时间复杂度),但是实现相对复杂(可以说是这里7种算法中比较难实现的)。 看起来似乎堆排序与插入排序有些相像,但他们其实是本质不同的算法。至少,他们的时间复杂度差了一个数量级,一个是平方级的,一个是对数级的。 平均时间复杂度 插入排序 O(n2) 冒泡排序 O(n2) 选择排序 O(n2) 快速排序 O(n log n) 堆排序 O(n log n) 归并排序 O(n log n) 基数排序 O(n) 希尔排序 O(n1.25)
2023-01-02 02:59:582


排序算法 所谓排序,就是使一串记录,按照其中的某个或某些关键字的大小,递增或递减的排列起来的操作。 分类 在计算机科学所使用的排序算法通常被分类为: 计算的复杂度(最差、平均、和最好表现),依据串列(list)的大小(n)。一般而言,好的表现是O。(n log n),且坏的行为是Ω(n2)。对於一个排序理想的表现是O(n)。仅使用一个抽象关键比较运算的排序算法总平均上总是至少需要Ω(n log n)。 记忆体使用量(以及其他电脑资源的使用) 稳定度:稳定排序算法会依照相等的关键(换言之就是值)维持纪录的相对次序。也就是一个排序算法是稳定的,就是当有两个有相等关键的纪录R和S,且在原本的串列中R出现在S之前,在排序过的串列中R也将会是在S之前。 一般的方法:插入、交换、选择、合并等等。交换排序包含冒泡排序(bubble sort)和快速排序(quicksort)。选择排序包含shaker排序和堆排序(heapsort)。 当相等的元素是无法分辨的,比如像是整数,稳定度并不是一个问题。然而,假设以下的数对将要以他们的第一个数字来排序。 (4, 1) (3, 1) (3, 7) (5, 6) 在这个状况下,有可能产生两种不同的结果,一个是依照相等的键值维持相对的次序,而另外一个则没有: (3, 1) (3, 7) (4, 1) (5, 6) (维持次序) (3, 7) (3, 1) (4, 1) (5, 6) (次序被改变) 不稳定排序算法可能会在相等的键值中改变纪录的相对次序,但是稳定排序算法从来不会如此。不稳定排序算法可以被特别地时作为稳定。作这件事情的一个方式是人工扩充键值的比较,如此在其他方面相同键值的两个物件间之比较,就会被决定使用在原先资料次序中的条目,当作一个同分决赛。然而,要记住这种次序通常牵涉到额外的空间负担。 排列算法列表 在这个表格中,n是要被排序的纪录数量以及k是不同键值的数量。 稳定的 冒泡排序(bubble sort) — O(n2) 鸡尾酒排序 (Cocktail sort, 双向的冒泡排序) — O(n2) 插入排序 (insertion sort)— O(n2) 桶排序 (bucket sort)— O(n); 需要 O(k) 额外 记忆体 计数排序 (counting sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(n+k) 额外 记忆体 归并排序 (merge sort)— O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 原地归并排序 — O(n2) 二叉树排序 (Binary tree sort) — O(n log n); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 鸽巢排序 (Pigeonhole sort) — O(n+k); 需要 O(k) 额外记忆体 基数排序 (radix sort)— O(n·k); 需要 O(n) 额外记忆体 Gnome sort — O(n2) Library sort — O(n log n) with high probability, 需要 (1+ε)n 额外记忆体 不稳定 选择排序 (selection sort)— O(n2) 希尔排序 (shell sort)— O(n log n) 如果使用最佳的现在版本 Comb sort — O(n log n) 堆排序 (heapsort)— O(n log n) Smoothsort — O(n log n) 快速排序 (quicksort)— O(n log n) 期望时间, O(n2) 最坏情况; 对於大的、乱数串列一般相信是最快的已知排序 Introsort — O(n log n) Patience sorting — O(n log n + k) 最外情况时间, 需要 额外的 O(n + k) 空间, 也需要找到最长的递增子序列(longest increasing subsequence) 不实用的排序算法 Bogo排序 — O(n × n!) 期望时间, 无穷的最坏情况。 Stupid sort — O(n3); 递回版本需要 O(n2) 额外记忆体 Bead sort — O(n) or O(√n), 但需要特别的硬体 Pancake sorting — O(n), 但需要特别的硬体 排序的算法 排序的算法有
2023-01-02 03:00:192


2023-01-02 03:00:292


你好,很高兴为您解答(^o^)/~祝你学业有成n.节目主持人,演播员; 推荐者; 提出者; 赠送者1. I don"t want to be pigeonholed as a kids" presenter. 我不想被归类为儿童节目主持人。来自柯林斯例句2. She is going on the air as presenter of a new show. 她即将上电视主持一档新节目。来自柯林斯例句3. In her new film, Victoria plays a prima donna television presenter. 维多利亚在她的新片里扮演一位妄自尊大的电视节目主持人.来自《简明英汉词典》4. The programme dispensed with its most popular presenter. 这个节目最受欢迎的主持人被换掉了.来自《简明英汉词典》5. After the adverts, the presenter tried to pretend that everything was back to normal. 广告过后,主持人努力假装一切恢复正常。来自柯林斯例句
2023-01-02 03:00:372

关于美国黑人女作家June Jordan

One of the most widely published African-American writers, she provided a constant challenge to oppression June Jordan, who has died aged 65, after suffering from breast cancer for several years, defied all pigeonholes. Poet, essayist, journalist, dramatist, academic, cultural and political activist - she was all these things, by turn and simultaneously, but above all, she was an inspirational teacher, through words and actions, and a supremely principled person. Among African-American writers, she was undoubtedly one of the most widely published, the author of well over two dozen books of non-fiction, poetry, fiction, drama and children"s writing. She emerged onto the political and literary scene in the late 1960s, when the movements demanding attention were for civil rights and women"s liberation, and anti-war. 黔驴技穷!中文的网上实在找不到,要不你就去图书馆翻翻。英文的倒是有点介绍,链接是一个英文网站,也挺详细。要不你就翻译,作品名反正也都是音译的,著名的哈里波特7还有好几种翻译呢,没有绝对地非要按谁的翻译嘛。没准以后你就成标准了。
2023-01-02 03:00:451


Lon_fee 经理 五级(3414) | 我的百科 | 我的知道 | 我的消息(0/39) | 我的空间 | 百度首页 | 退出 新闻 网页 贴吧 知道 MP3 图片 视频 百科 帮助 添加到搜藏 返回百度百科首页 编辑词条 鸽巢原理 鸽巢原理也叫抽屉原理,是Ramsey定理的特例 。 它的简单形式是 : 把n+1个物体放入n个盒子里,则至少有一个盒子里含有两个或两个以上的物体 。 下面再给出Ramsey定理的简单形式: 设p,q是正整数,p,q>= 2,则存在最小的正整数R(p,q),使得当n>=R(p,q)时,用红蓝两色涂色Kn的边,则或者存在一个蓝色的完全p边形,或者存在一个红色的完全q边形 。 Ramsey的定理还有适用范围更广的推广形式,这里不再赘述 。有兴趣的可以查看组合数学方面的书籍。 已知n + 1个正整数,它们全都小于或等于2n,证明当中一定有两个数是互质*的。 这道问题由匈牙利大数学家厄杜斯 (Paul Erdös, 1913 - 1996) 向当年年仅11岁的波沙 (Louis PÓsa) 提出,而小波沙思考了不足半分钟便能给出正确的答案,而他的解答又是那么巧妙和精采,令厄杜斯赞叹不已。 在列出波沙的解答前,同学可先自己想一想解决方法,之后便能更深刻体会小波沙的解答的奥妙之处。 波沙的解法是这样的: 假设有n个盒子,在第1个盒子中放1和2、在第2个盒子中放3和4、在第3个盒子中放5和6、……、在第n个盒子中放2n - 1和2n。 若从在这n个盒子中随意抽出n + 1个数,其中最少有一个盒子的两个数均会被抽出。由此,可知这n + 1个数中必定有一对连续数,而明显地连续数是互质的。 这道问题便这样轻易解决了! 以较显浅的说法来阐明上述的问题,可以这样说: 对于一个高6层,而每层有4个间隔的鸽巢,它共有6 4 = 24个鸽房。现把25只鸽子放进鸽巢,必定可以看到其中一个鸽房会有2只鸽子挤在一起! * 互质:设a和b为正整数,若a和b的最大公因数是1,则a和b互质。 一、一个匈牙利数学家小时的故事 路易·波萨(Louis Pósa)是匈牙利的年青数学家,1988年时约40岁。他在14岁时就已能够发表有相当深度的数学论文。大学还没有读完,就已获得科学博士的头衔。 他的妈妈是一个数学家。小时他受母亲的影响,很爱思考问题。母亲看他对数学有兴趣,也鼓励他在这方面发展。她给他一些数学游戏,或数学玩具启发他独立思考问题。在母亲的循循善诱之下,他在读小学时已经自己拿高中的数学书来看了。真正训练他成为一个数学家的是匈牙利鼎鼎有名的大数学家。 厄杜斯在数论、图论等数学分支有很深入的研究,他把一生献给数学,从来没有想到结婚,只和自己的母亲为伴,他经常离开自己的祖国到外国去作研究和演讲。在东欧国家里像厄杜斯能这样随意离开自己的国家进出西方世界的数学家并不太多。他到处以数学会友,他在数学方面的多产,以及在解决问题上有巧妙的方法,使他在世界数学界上享有甚高的声誉。对于他的祖国来讲,他重要的贡献不单是在数学的研究,而是他一回到自己的国家就专心致志地培养年青一代的数学家,告诉他们外国目前数学家注意的问题,扩大他们的视野。 我这里要讲他怎么样发现路易·波萨的才能的故事。 有一次他从国外回来后,听到朋友讲起有一个很聪明的小东西,在小学能解决许多困难的数学问题,于是就登门拜访这小鬼的家庭。 波萨的家人很高兴请厄杜斯教授共进晚餐。在喝汤的时候,厄杜斯想考一考坐在他旁边的12岁小孩的能力,于是就问他这样的一个问题: “如果你手头上有n+1个整数,而这些整数是小于或等于2n,那么你一定会有一对数是互素的。你知道这是什么原因吗?” 这小鬼不到半分钟的思考,就很快给出这个问题的解答。他的解答又是那么巧妙,使得厄杜斯教授叹服。认为这是一个难得的“英才”,应该好好地培养。 厄杜斯以后系统地教这小鬼数学,不到两年的时间波萨就成为一个“小数学家”了,而且发现在图论一些深湛的定理。 二、波萨怎样解决厄杜斯提的问题 对于许多离开学校很久的读者,我想做一点解释厄杜斯提出的问题。 首先我们解释:一对数是互素是什么意思? 我们知道如果把自然数1,2,3,4,5,…照大小排起来,从2开始像2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,…,等数都有这样特别的性质:除1和本身以外,再找不到比它小的数能整除它。 具有这样特殊性质的数我们称它为素数(Prime number)。 我们小学时不是学习过把整数因子分解吗?那就是把整数用素数的乘积来表示。例如50=2×5×5,108=2×2×3×3×3 两个自然数称为互素(Coprime),如果把它们表示成素数乘积时,找不到它们有公共的素因数。例如{8,11}一对数是互素。10和108不是互素,因为它们有公共的素因数2。 现在让我们来理解厄杜斯的问题。先对一些特殊的情况来考虑: 当n=2时,我们手头上有3个整数,这些整数是小于或等于4,可以选出的只是{2,3,4},不包含1,很明显的看出{2,3}或{3,4}是互素的。 n=3时,在小于或等于6的整数找4个整数组(不包含1),可能找出的有{2,3,4,5},{2,3,4,6},{3,4,5,6},{2,4,5,6}等等。你一个个检查一定会在每组中找出最少一对互素的数。 可以看出随着n增大时,构造n+1个不同数的数组的个数就会增加很大。如果我们是这样一个一个地对这些数组来检查证明,这真会成为:“吾生也有涯,而数无涯”,那时候皓首不但穷尽不了,最后真是要“呜呼哀哉”了! 如果读者中有人说:“我有苦干和拚命干的精神!”我还是要劝他不要用这样的苦干法,应该学会“巧干”,这才是最重要的。不然的话,人家小孩子用不到半分钟就解决了的问题,而我们苦干再加上拚命干却花一生还没法子解决,这不是太浪费生命吗? 我现在准备介绍波萨对这问题的解法。可是我希望读者先自己想想看怎么样解决这问题。如果你能找到和下面不同的解决方法,请来信告诉我。如果你花过一些时间还想不出,那么就请读下去,你这时就会欣赏波萨解决方法的巧妙,而最重要的你会学懂“鸽笼原理”,说不定以后你成为业余数学家或者专业数学家还会用到这个原理呢! 波萨是这样考虑问题:取n个盒子,在第一个盒子我们放1和2,在第二个盒子我们放3和4,第三个盒子是放5和6,依此类推直到第n个盒子放2n-1和2n这两个数。 现在我们在n个盒子里随意抽出n+1个数。我们马上看到一定有一个盒子是被抽空的。因此在这n+1个数中曾有两个数是连续数,很明显的连续数是互素的。因此这问题就解决了! 你说这个解法是不是很容易明白又非常巧妙呢?! 三、鸽笼原理 波萨在证明过程中用到在数学上称为鸽笼原理(PigeonholePrinciple)的东西。这原理是这样说的:如果把n+1个东西放进n个盒子里,有一些盒子必须包含最少2个东西。 有高六层的鸽笼,每一层有四个间隔,所以总共有6×4=24个鸽笼。现在我放进25只鸽进去,你一定看到有一个鸽笼会有2只鸽要挤在一起。 鸽笼原理就是这么简单,3岁以上的小孩子都会明白。 可是这原理在数学上却是有很重要的应用。 在19世纪时一个名叫狄利克雷(Dirichlet 1805—1859)的数学家,在研究数论的问题时最早很巧妙运用鸽笼原理去解决问题。后来德国数学家敏古斯基(Minkowski 1864—1909)也运用这原理得到一些结果。 到了20世纪初期杜尔(A.Thue 1863—1922)在不知道狄利克雷和敏古斯基的工作情况下,很机巧地利用鸽笼原理来解决不定方程的有理数解的问题,有12篇论文是用到这个原理。 后来西根(C.L.Siegel,1896—?)利用杜尔的结果发现了现在称为西根引理的东西,这引理(Lemma)是在研究超越数时是最基本必用的工具。 因此读者不要小看这个看来简单的原理,你如果善于运用是能帮助你解决一些数学难题的。 四、鸽笼原理的日常运用 我这里举一些和日常生活有关的一些问题,你可以看到数学在这里的运用。 (1)月黑风高穿袜子 有一个晚上你的房间的电灯忽然间坏了,伸手不见五指,而你又要出去,于是你就摸床底下的袜子。你有三双分别为红、白、蓝颜色的袜子,可是你平时做事随便,一脱袜就乱丢,在黑暗中不能知道哪一双是颜色相同的。 你想拿最少数目的袜子出去,在外面借街灯配成同颜色的一双。这最少数目应该是多少? 如果你懂得鸽笼原理,你就会知道只需拿出去四只袜子就行了。 为什么呢?因为如果我们有三个涂上红、白、蓝的盒子,里面各放进相对颜色的袜子,只要我们抽出4只袜子一定有一个盒子是空的,那么这空的盒子取出的袜子是可以拿来穿。 (2)手指纹和头发 据说世界上没有两个人的手指纹是一样的,因此警方在处理犯罪问题时很重视手指纹,希望通过手指纹来破案或检定犯人。 可是你知道不知道:在12亿中国人当中,最少有两个人的头发是一样的多? 道理是很简单,人的头发数目是不会超过12亿这么大的数目字!假定人最多有N根头发。现在我们想像有编上号码1,2,3,4,…一直到N的房子。 谁有多少头发,谁就进入那编号和他的头发数相同的房子去。因此张乐平先生的“三毛”应该进入“3号房子”。 现在假定每间房巳进入一个人,那么还剩下“九亿减N”个人,这数目不会等于零,我们现在随便挑一个放进一间和他头发数相同的房子,他就会在里面遇到和他有相同头发数目的同志了。 (3)戏院观众的生日 在一间能容纳1500个座位的戏院里,证明如果戏院坐满人时,一定最少有五个观众是同月同日生。 现在假定一年有三百六十五天。想像有一个很大的鸽子笼,这笼有编上“一月一日”,“一月二日”,至到“十二月三十一日”为止的标志的间隔。 假定现在每个间隔都塞进四个人,那么 4×365=1460个是进去鸽子笼子里去,还剩下1500-1460=40人。只要任何一人进入鸽子笼,就有五个人是有相同的生日了。 五、鸽笼原理在数学上的运用 现在我想举一些数学上的问题说明鸽笼原理的运用。 (1)斐波那契数的一个性质 斐波那契数列是这样的数列:1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,…。从1,1以后的各项是前面两项的数的和组成。 在18世纪时法国大数学家和物理学家拉格朗日(J.L.La-grange)发现这斐波那契数有这样有趣的性质: 如果你用2来除各项,并写下它的余数,你会看到这样的情形1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,… 如果用3来除各项,写下它的余数,你就得到 1,1,2,0,2,2,1,0,1,1,2,0,2,2,1,0,… 如果用4来除各项,写下它的余数,你就会得到 1,1,2,3,1,0,1,1,2,3,1,0,… 现在观察用2除所得的数列,从开头算起每隔三段,后面的数列就重复前面的数列。用3除所得的数列,从开头算起每隔八段,后面的数列就重复前面的数列样子。对于以4除所得的余数数列也有同样的情况:每隔六段,后面的数列就重复前面的数列样子。 拉格朗日发现不管你用什么数字去除,余数数列会出现有规律的重复现象。 为什么会有这样的现象呢? 如果我们用一个整数K来除斐波那契数列的数,它可能的余数是0,1,2,…,K-1。 由于在斐波那契数的每一项是前面两项的和,它被K除后的余数是等于前两项被K除余数的和。(注意:如果这和是大过K,我们取它被K除后的余数)只要有一对相邻的余数重复出现,那么以后的数列从那对数开始就会重复出现了。不同对相邻余数可能的数目有K2个,因此由鸽笼原理,我们知道只要适当大的项数,一定会有一对相邻余数重复。因此斐波那契数列的余数数列会有周期重复现象。 (2)五个大头钉在等边三角板里的位置 有一个每边长2单位的正三角形(即三边都相等的三角形)的三角板。 你随便在上面钉上五个大头钉,一定会有一对大头钉的距离是小过一单位。 你不相信的话,可以做几次实验看看是否一直是如此。我现在要用鸽笼原理来解决这个问题。 在三角板的每边取中点,然后用线段连结这些中点,把这正三角形分成四个全等的小正三角形图。现在在每一个小三角形里任何两点的距离是不会超过1个单位。 由于我们有五个大头钉,不管怎么样放一定有两个要落进同一个小正三角形里,因此这两个大头钉的距离是不会超过一个单位。 六、动脑筋 想想看 (1)给出任意12个数字,证明当用11来除时,一定有一对数的余数是相同。 (2)如果在一个每边都是2单位的正三角形板上随便钉上17个大 (3)如果在一个每边都是2单位的正方形板上随便钉上5根钉, (4)我们一定能够在一个每边都是2单位长的正方形板上适当的钉上9根钉,使它们之中不存在有两根钉的距离是小于1单位。 (5)(英国数学奥林匹克1975年的问题)在一个半径为1单位的圆板上钉7个钉,使得两个钉的距离是大过或等于1,那么这7个钉一定会有一个位置恰好是在圆心上。 (6)任意6个人在一起,一定会有其中两种情形之一发生:第一种情形——有3个人互相认识。第二种情形——有3个人,他们之间完全不认识。 (7)(a)你能不能在从1到200的整数里挑选出100个自然数,使到任何其中之一不能整除剩下的99个数。 (b)证明如果在从1到200间随便取101个自然数,那么一定最少有两个自然数,其中之一能整除另外的数。 (8)随便给出10个10位数的数字,我们一定能把它分成两部分,使到每一部分的整数的和是等于其他一部分的整数的和。[编辑本段]简单形式 如果n+1个物体被放进n个盒子,那么至少有一个盒子包含两个或更多的物体。 例1:在13个人中存在两个人,他们的生日在同一月份里。 例2:设有n对已婚夫妇。为保证有一对夫妇被选出,至少要从这2n个人中选出多少人?(n+1)[编辑本段]加强形式 令q1,q2,...qn为正整数。如果将 q1+q2+...+qn-n+1个物体放入n个盒子内,那么或者第一个盒子至少含有q1个物体,或者第二个盒子 至少含有q2个物体,...,或者第n个盒子含有qn个物体. 例1:一篮子水果装有苹果、香蕉、和橘子。为了保证篮子内或者至少8个苹果或者至少6个香蕉或者至少9 个橘子,则放入篮子中的水果的最小件数是多少?(21件)
2023-01-02 03:00:511


2023-01-02 03:00:562


2023-01-02 03:01:065

有谁能告诉我 里那个男主角 比格(又叫big.或者 大人物) 的那个男演员的资料?非常感谢.

2023-01-02 03:01:282

鸽巢排序的鸽巢排序(Pigeonhole sort)

鸽巢排序, 也被称作基数分类, 是一种时间复杂度为(Θ(n))且在不可避免遍历每一个元素并且排序的情况下效率最好的一种排序算法. 但它只有在差值(或者可被映射在差值)很小的范围内的数值排序的情况下实用.当涉及到多个不相等的元素, 且将这些元素放在同一个鸽巢的时候, 算法的效率会有所降低.为了简便和保持鸽巢排序在适应不同的情况, 比如两个在同一个存储桶中结束的元素必然相等我们一般很少使用鸽巢排序, 因为它很少可以在灵活性, 简便性, 尤是速度上超过其他排序算法. 事实上, 桶排序较鸽巢排序更加的实用.鸽巢排序的一个比较有名的变形是tally sort, 它仅仅适用非常有限的题目, 这个算法因在Programming Pearls一书中作为解决一个非常规有限集问题方法的例子而著名.显然, 快速排序可以当作只有两个(有些情况下是三个)鸽巢的鸽巢排序
2023-01-02 03:01:371

lunatic fringe是什么意思

lunatic fringe n.狂热者,极端主义者lunatic fringe noun an extreme or eccentric minority within society or a group 极端分子集团,狂热分子集团;极端主义少数派集团
2023-01-02 03:01:512


功能:实现输入数组,自动排序,并从小到大排序输出。原理:冒泡排序代码:public static void bubbleSort(int[] arr) {for (int i = 0; i < arr.length - 1; i++) {boolean flag = true;//设定一个标记,若为true,则表示此次循环没有进行交换,也就是待排序列已经有序,排序已然完成。for (int j = 0; j < arr.length - 1 - i; j++) {if (arr[j] > arr[j + 1]) {swap(arr,j,j+1);flag = false;}}if (flag) {break;}}}main(){int[] arr={3,2,4,1,5,6,33,7,8,9};bubbleSort(arr);}
2023-01-02 03:02:027


2023-01-02 03:02:402

蜗居 可以翻译成 Needle in a haystack吗?

你好 Needle in a haystack 是大海捞针的意思,因为其直译为“干草堆里找针”,并不能表达蜗居蜗居的翻译应该是dwelling narrowness这也是小说和电视剧的翻译(如图)因为在日常表达中可以说“dwelling in a narrow space” 。用作名词的时侯,蜗居则译为“pigeonhole”似乎更贴切一些。希望可以帮助到你有问题请继续追问:)
2023-01-02 03:02:491

put people into pigeonholes 什么意思

put people into pigeonholes 把人放进小房间pigeonholes n. 鸽舍出入口( pigeonhole的名词复数 ); 小房间; 文件架上的小间隔;v. 把…搁在分类架上( pigeonhole的第三人称单数 ); 把…留在记忆中; 缓办; 把…隔成小格;
2023-01-02 03:02:582

唯美经典的英语美文 带翻译

  学习英语可以是一个枯燥的过程,也可以是一个有趣的过程。我在此献上经典英语美文,希望对大家喜欢。    双语美文:愿得一人心,白首不分离   One warm evening many years ago…   犹记得多年前,那个让人暖心的夜晚   After spending nearly every waking minute with Angel for eight straight days, I knew that I had to tell her just one thing. So late at night, just before she fell asleep, I whispered it in her ear. She smiled – the kind of smile that makes me smile back – and she said, “When I"m seventy-five and I think about my life and what it was like to be young, I hope that I can remember this very moment.   ”整整8天除了睡着其余的时间我都陪着安吉尔,酝酿已久,我想我一定要告诉她一件事。于是这天夜里,就在她刚刚睡下,我便在她耳边轻声说起来,说完她就笑了,是那种希望得到我回应的笑,接着说道:“真希望我老到75岁的时候,开始回忆,这一刻须臾会变成永恒。”   A few seconds later she closed her eyes and fell asleep. The room was peaceful – almost silent. All I could hear was the soft purr of her breathing. I stayed awake thinking about the time we"d spent together and all the choices in our lives that made this moment possible. And at some point, I realized that it didn"t matter what we"d done or where we"d gone. Nor did the future hold any significance.   很快她就闭上眼睛睡着了,整个房间祥和安静,甚至有些寂静。耳畔起伏着安吉尔轻柔的呼吸声,我清醒的回忆我们共度的这些美好时光,是冥冥之中的选择成就了我们在一起的时刻。我们做过什么,去过哪里都不重要,甚至未来也不重要。   All that mattered was the serenity of the moment.   眼下最重要的就是此刻的和谐安宁。   Just being with her and breathing with her.   只要能与她同呼吸共命运,便别无所求。   The moral: We must not allow the clock, the calendar, and external pressures to rule our lives and blind us to the fact that each individual moment of our lives is a beautiful mystery and a miracle – especially those moments we spend in the presence of a loved one.   启示:时间、日常事务、以及其他的外部压力都不能左右和束缚我们的生活,因为每个人,尤其是与心爱之人一起度过的美好时光,才是我们生命中最让人心驰神往,美妙动人的追寻。    双语美文:在逆境中学到了人生最重要的一课   Everybody has to face bad days in their life. Some face ailments, some face fears, some face poverty, some face helplessness etc etc. No one can escape from it. It is a rule of life. Two things always combines together like joy and sadness, laugh and cry, health and illness, profit and loss, morning and night, confidence and inferiority complex, victory and failure likewise good days and bad days.   每个人都会有不如意的时候,有人身体欠佳,有人面临恐惧,有人贫困不堪,有人迷惘无助,等等,没有人能够一帆风顺,直至终老。如影随形,此消彼长的事物,比如,高兴与悲伤,欢笑与哭泣,健康与疾病,获得与失去,早晨和晚上,自信与自卑,成功与失败,顺境和逆境也是如此。   You know what is the biggest advantage of bad days? You come to know GOD. What is God? What he can do? He is so friendly, understanding, loving and moreover God is the Superman he can do anything in a second. Yes true he can do anything. He is the only light in darkness. God is so merciful he always forgives and never complaint whether you ignore him many times that is why according to me God is the only best and faithful friend who never cheats.   你知道不顺的日子带给你最大的感悟是什么?就是你开始信奉神明。上帝是谁?他能够帮我做些什么?他是那么的亲切和蔼,善解人意,胸怀广博,不仅如此他就像超人瞬间排除一切障碍。是的上帝无所不能,他是黑暗中的一丝曙光。之所以上帝是人类完美的朋友,是因为他是如此坦诚布公,慈悲为怀,予取予求,不图回报,原谅世人的无数次薄情。   When bad days come a person first of all cannot understand what is going on, why me? But after sometimes he realises his strength and start doing every single thing to come out of it. And he comes out but that journey is though very painful but when you once crossed it you will find your journey very meaningful, you will feel like as your rebirth. You have totally changed your thoughts, your perception, and you can understand life better. You get the meaning of your life. In short you start becoming wise.   当不幸降临,一开始我们总会怨天尤人。但是为了摆脱困境,我们竭尽所能。当一切过去,回头来看,这段经历对你来说非比寻常,如同凤凰涅槃。而且你的思想观念都会发生翻天覆地的变化,对人生也会有更加深刻的领悟,简而言之,你会变得更加睿智。   The biggest lesson of life during bad days according to me is that a person becomes spritual and a giver which he wasn"t before. Life means to creat it. First think what you want in your life then start giving the same think. This is one of the most important thing I have learnt in my life. You want love then start spreading it, you want money then start giving to needy, you want happiness then start doing all things which give happiness. Everything is in your hand you only need to give first. If don"t have everything then give or share what you have. Still you feel you have nothing to share then give smile. You can"t imagine that your smile can do wonder for someone. So start smiling from today onwards.   逆境给我最深的领悟是,变得更加注重精神层面,懂得给予。生命的真谛在于,遵循你的内心先去履行赋予它的意义,这是我的感悟。比如,你想要得到爱你先要懂得如何传播爱,你想要钱,你先要懂得施舍,你想要快乐,那就先做让别人快乐的事情。你想要得到就必须先付出。如果你一无所有,那么你至少可以面对他人,面带微笑。微笑的魔力超乎想象,那让我们从今天开始就坚持面带微笑吧。   The most beautiful lesson I have learnt in my life is that If you are in pain then remember one thing: time is though hard but it would be the best time of your life. You know why we have to face hard days? Did you think about it? No!!!! Ok I will tell you. We always forget two unforgettable things. First is God and second is family. Nowadays money is everything. Money is important, in fact very important but it is not a life so why to spend whole life in earning money. When will we live? What you can do now you can"t do it tomorrow so don"t let the day pass without enjoying.   逆境中让我感到的最美好的是,体会到上帝和家庭的重要性,这两样东西是我们平常最容易忽略的。每日碌碌只为功名利禄,钱财物质固然重要,但不是生活的唯一,活在当下,感受生活的美好安逸,不要让这些轻易的溜走。   One thing I must share with you is that if you want to grow and learn more than you know, then do whatever you want to do but beyond your comfort zone. Always try to think that I can, then nothing is impossible for you. Difficulty is in the mind not in work.You know one thing when we accept life as it comes or we accept that everything happens for a reason or for our betterment. Believe me you will find your hard days as an adventure but you need to trust God and at the end you will find yourself a winner.   如果你们想要很好的学习成长,那么我倒有条建议,就是在你们的舒适区之外尝试任何你们想做的事情。困难只是心魔,克服它便没有什么可以阻挡你。坦然面对并接受人生的起落,不管是什么原因,亦或是让我们成为很好的自己。我保证当你回忆起这段不顺,你会发现就像经历了一场冒险,但你依然要相信上苍,最后你会发现,你自己也能成为救世主。   I hope you like it. Love you all and God bless you all with healthy wealthy long life and good destiny.   希望你们喜欢这篇鸡汤文。爱你们,上帝保佑你们都长命百岁,平顺喜乐。    美文欣赏:没有颜值又如何?同样能有精彩的活法   When I was seven years old, I would put my school book bag on both my shoulders and had it sit plumb in the middle of my back, as backpacks were made to do.   在我七岁那年,我会用双肩背书包,让它处在我背部的正中央,感觉双肩包就应该这么背。   One morning, when it was so frigid outside you could barely muster getting out of bed, my older brother joined me at the bus stop, and told me I was wearing my backpack wrong. He grabbed it, tossed it over my right shoulder with both straps on the same side and said, “There, that"s better.”   某天早晨,外面寒风萧瑟,冷到你根本不想起床,我的哥哥跟我一同在车站等车,他告诉我我的双肩包背错了。他一把抓过来,将书包和两侧的背带甩至我的右肩,然后说“看,这就好多了。”   Then he said, “You"re not pretty, so you have to try harder. OK?”   然后他说,“你不漂亮,所以你要更加努力,明白吗?”   I stayed smiling because even at a young age, I understood the importance of pretending to not have emotions. In my household, it was a matter of survival. But what he said crushed me.   我的笑容凝固了,因为即便在青少年时期,我也知道假装不露声色的重要性。在我家里,这是一种生存技能。但是他说的让我感到崩塌。   Soon thereafter, I started picking up on the signs one receives when they aren"t attractive. This was made more complicated because I had a lot of friends and people who, for the most part, liked me. I was good at sports. I had various musical talents and up until life completely fell apart at home, I was a good student. I was also a fighter so people didn"t dare make fun of me overtly, at least before growth spurts kicked in and the playing field was still even.   此后,我开始关注人们对于低颜值人的反应。这可是比较浩大的工程,因为我有许多朋友和家人,他们大部分时候还是挺喜欢我的。我擅长体育,具有各式的音乐天赋,而且直到我的家庭生活彻底支离破碎前,我也是个好学生。我同时也很好强,所以人们不太敢公然地开我玩笑。至少,在发育高峰之前,生活还是比较公平的。   Mostly, I paid for not being conventionally attractive by being ignored or not included in “moments” – the many moments attractive people experience.   很多时候,我因为没有高颜值而被人忽略或无法经历“某些时刻”——那些具有高颜值的人所经历的时刻。   Many times, I walked into a room with all of my friends and witnessed them receiving compliments – everyone except me. It"s not that people look at you say, “My god, you"re incredibly ugly. Tell me, how do you not kill yourself?” It"s how you can stand next to an attractive person and the people around you, even the unattractive ones themselves, will say, “Wow, your friend is pretty. Look at her, have you ever seen a girl so pretty?”   不知多少次我和我朋友一起走进教室然后看着她们接受别人的赞美,除了我之外每个人都有。也并非人们看着你说“天哪,你真是丑啊,你为什么还活着呢?”,而是你站在美女或帅哥旁边,人们围着你,甚至毫不起眼的人他们都会说“噢,你的朋友真漂亮。看看她,还有谁能美过她呢?”   It took me being observant and honest to see I didn"t belong. It took studying the aesthetics in photos taken by my friends and knowing something wasn"t quite right. It"s a lack of pride you know would be there if you were just prettier, or sexier. It"s that you simply know that no matter what you do, sans literal plastic surgery, you will never belong to a certain club.   我善于察言观色,而且很诚实,所以我知道我注定不合主流。我仔细研究我朋友照片中的美学,然后发现某些东西并非是真理。如果你仅仅是姿色更上一层或性感尤物,你却缺乏油然而生的自豪感。你明白无论你怎改变,除非整形,你永远不会属于高颜值的团体。   But here is where I throw you a curve ball: my being unattractive hasn"t stopped me from living the other side"s life. Most people never figure out how to navigate this world I live in. I will just tell you I rejected the rules of the beautiful, and learned how to make them work for me.   但是现在我给你一剂药方:我的不出众的相貌并不能阻止我拥有自己的生活。许多人在处于和我一样的境地时都不知道如何掌控他们自己的方向。我想告诉你的是:我打破了颜值定律并让他们变得有利于自己。   I decided I would shoot out of my league. I made friends and dated people I shouldn"t be allowed to date. I stepped over the line. I surrounded myself with individuals who are more educated, prettier or smarter than me, even in the face of people saying, quite literally, “they are out of your league.”   我决定扩展我的圈子,我和以前觉得不能交朋友的人交朋友,和以前觉得不能约的人约会。我越过了那条线,周围全是比我更有学识、更漂亮的人,甚至人们告诉我,非常实事求是的说“他们可不是你圈子里的人啊”。   I may not technically be the smartest or most beautiful person, but I run with those who are. I become by association, even a touch of such, even at a lower rank – beautiful. I buck the system.   我也许不会是最聪明最漂亮的人,但是我和这些人一同奋斗,哪怕仅有一点点提升,哪怕仍然没那么漂亮,我踢爆了这个固有的规则。   To do so, yes, means you may be painfully aware of what you are and will never be. You will be defined by what you have the nerve to aim at being. In doing so, you will challenge and question what smart is. You will not be generic, or predictable. Attractive is only what we define it to be. Don"t pigeonhole yourself so quickly. Live the life you want to live – even if you didn"t win the genetic lottery.   是的,这样做你也许会痛苦的发现自己的真想并再也不可能成为“漂亮”的人。你前进的目标将定义你自己。如此一来,你会挑战和质疑“聪慧”。你将成为个例或非等闲之辈。美丽仅仅是我们给的定义。别那么快的给自己归类,即使你没有天赋,也要活出自己的精彩。
2023-01-02 03:03:071


  新概念英语难句解析汇总   1. The only way that they can preserve their history is to recount it as sagas--legends handed down from one generation of story-tellers to another.   解读:legends作sagas的同位语,后接被动分词短语做定语。   基本结构:主+定+谓+宾+同位。   翻译:他们保存历史的唯一方法是把历史作为英雄故事讲述--由说书者代代相传。   2.One can tell the difference almost at a glance for the spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.   解读:主谓宾 原因状语(省略句)   an insect never more than six 应该理解为昆虫只有六条腿而不是昆虫绝不多于六条腿,全句翻译如下:   翻译:谁都可以一眼就看出蜘蛛与昆虫不同,蜘蛛都是八条腿,而昆虫最多只有六条。   3. Such inns as there were dirty and flea-ridden; the food simply local cheese accompanied by bread often twelve months old, all washed down with coarse wine.   解读:第二个分句中,simply是副词,意为“食物只有.......”,而accompanied含被动意思,说明人们把陈面包和乳酪搭配着吃,并不是乳酪自己同面包相配。第二句作者把谓语省略了。   翻译:那里的小旅店通常又肮脏,跳蚤又多.吃的食物仅仅是当地产的乳酪加上存放了一年之久的面包,大家只能就着下等酒把它们吞下去.   4.The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene.   解读:这里的paradox并不是说猩猩是自相矛盾的动物,而是指人们对其捉摸不透。   翻译:大猩猩是非洲景观中有点让人捉摸不透的家伙。   5.All this and many other things remain almost as much a mystery as they were when the French explorer Du Chaillu first described the animal to the civilized world a century ago.   解读:句子是一个比较复杂的主从复合长句,应该采用分句法,逆序法来译,先将when引导的状语从句译,再译出主句。   翻译:100年前法国探险家Du Chaillu第一次向文明世界叙述过这种动物,如今这一切和其他许多事情几乎像100年前一样,仍然是个谜。   6.I would have been very pleased to be regarded as something so interesting as a problem. For one thing, being a problem gives you a certain identity, and that is one of the things the young are busily engaged in seeking.   解读:identity指的是与众不同的个性,不是指身份   翻译:假如有人认为我是一个麻烦的话,我一定会感到十分得意。至少,被人看成问题会使别人在某种程度上认识我是谁。这点正是年轻人所热衷追求的事情之一。   7.On the village green, where you pick up sides and no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise.   解读:local patriotism是热爱本乡本土之心,注意不要理解成地方主义(localism)   翻译:当你在乡村的草坪上比赛时,随意分为两边,并不存在热不热爱本地区的问题,只有这个时候才有可能为了娱乐和锻炼而进行比赛。   8.In textile areas it has long been customary for mothers to go out to work, but this practice has become so widespread that the working mother is now a not unusual factor in a child"s home life, the number of married women in employment having more than doubled in the last twenty-five years.   解读:作为一个复合句,原文包含三个意思,主要应当注意几个动词的不同时态,从而分清楚三层意思之间的关系。   翻译:虽然在那些纺织工业区,母亲出去上班早已司空见惯,但是现在这种现象更为普遍,如今儿童的家庭生活中,母亲去上班已经是习以为常的事情了。因为在最近二十五年中,已婚妇女就业的人数已经增加了一倍多。   9. It is unusual now for father to pursue his trade or other employment at home, and his children rarely, if ever, see him at his place of work.   翻译:现在做父亲的一般都不在家里干本行活计或者其他行当,而他的孩子们即便有可能的话,也很少能在他的工作场所见到他。   10. Everyone knows that if he shouts in the vicinity of a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come back.   翻译:大家都知道,假如一个人在墙壁附近或是山腰里大声呼喊,就会产生一个回音。   11. In our new society there is a growing dislike of original, creative men. The manipulated do not understand them; the manipulators fear them. The tidy committee men regard them with horror, knowing that no pigeonholes can be found for them.   解读:主要考虑"tidy"的讽刺语气。   翻译:在现代社会里,人们对开拓型的有创造力的人有一种与日俱增的厌恶情绪。受人摆布的人不理解他们,摆布别人的人害怕他们。衣冠楚楚的委员们知道不可能使他们就范,因此怀着恐惧的心理看待他们。   12. These days, it is differences in national regulations, far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries.   解读:强调句型,put sand in the wheels v.妨碍, 捣乱   翻译:当前,是各国管理条例上的.差异,而不是关税阻碍了发达国家之间的贸易。   13.As it happens, a razor that is safe in Europe is unlikely to electrocute Americans. So, ask businesses on both sides of the Atlantic, why have two lots of tests where one would do?   解读:So......?为直接引语的一种表述方法。   翻译:实际上,在欧洲使用安全的剃须刀不大可能使美国人触电身亡,因此,大西洋两岸的企业都在问,当一套测试可以解决问题时,为什么需要两套呢?   14.The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and then hammer out different pacts covering, say, electronic goods and drug manufacturing.   解读:hammer out指经过不断的或艰苦的努力达到,实现;say=for example   翻译:美国人很愿意就医疗器械的标准达成一个协议,然后推敲出不同的合同,用以涵盖 -- 比如说 -- 电子产品和药品的生产。   15.They lived well, on the proceeds of raids on neighbouring regions. There they collected women as well as food and drink, and a life of ease had made them soft.   解读:proceeds:某种活动的收入   翻译:他们靠掠夺附近的地区的财物过着舒适的生活。他们不仅搜刮吃的喝的,而且抢掠妇女,安逸的生活已使他们(丹麦军队)变得软弱无力。a life of ease had made them soft. 生于忧患,“死于安乐”。   16.As the time and cost of making a chip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars, engineers may soon be free to let their imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failures.   解读:chip:芯片   翻译:由于制造一块芯片的时间已缩短至几天,费用也只有几百美元,因此,工程技术人员可能很块就可充分发挥他们的想像力,而不会因失败而造成经济上的损失。   17.Mead predicts that inventors will be able to perfect powerful customized chips over a weekend at the office -- spawning a new generation of garage start-ups and giving the U.S. a jump on its foreign rivals in getting new products to market fast.   解读:perfect:使完美,生产出完美的...   spawing到最后为结果状语。   garage start-ups:车库起家者,戴尔?   翻译:米德预言发明者可以在办公室用一个周末的时间生产了完美的、功能很强的、按客户需求设计的芯片 -- 造就新一代从汽车间起家的技术人员,在把产品推向市场方面使美国把它的外国对手们打个措手不及。   18.As the heads of next-generation start-ups, these Asian innovators can draw on customs and languages to forge tighter links with crucial Pacific Rim markets.   解读:draw on 利用 rim 边缘   翻译:作为新掘起一代的带头人,亚裔发明家可以凭借他们在习惯和语言上的优势,与关键的太平洋沿岸市场建立起更加牢固的联系。
2023-01-02 03:03:141


  【成语释义】指容貌艳丽的女子。   【成语出处】明 梅鼎祚《玉合记 砥节》:“看他虽是禅踪,自然冶态,正是那天生尤物,世不虚名。”   【感情色彩】中性   【成语结构】偏正式成语   【成语用法】偏正式;作宾语;指天生容貌艳丽的女子   【产生年代】古代成语   相关成语   孳蔓难图 丹楹刻桷 毁家纾难 避君三舍 外强中干 秦庭之哭 出口入耳 从长计议 狡焉思启   英语释义   born siren;   sex-kitten   网络英语释义   1. Natural Beauty   双语例句   1. Miss Costigan was a paragon of virtue and delicacy!   科斯蒂根小姐是一位高尚完美的天生尤物!   来自《辞典例句》   2. But her sex kitten persona left her pigeonholed in shallow roles and alone.   但是她天生性感尤物的形象把她局限于出演肤浅银幕角色中.
2023-01-02 03:03:201

必须声明标量变量 "@isConfirm"。 如果不是SQL连接出错的话 是不是SQL数据库的问题新人求教育大神帮忙啊!

不是很明确吗,Pr_UpdateOI这个存储过程没有@IsConfirm这个参数 ,你把Pr_UpdateOI存储过程贴出来
2023-01-02 03:03:262


I deeply appreciate your kindness in ing so far to meet me . 有劳 远迎。 His hands bear the marks of toil . 他手上 有劳 动标记(老茧)。 Captain henry bothered slote because he did not quite fit the pigeonhole . 亨利上校 有劳 斯鲁特费心之处,是因为他不太符合这个框框。 His hands bear the marks of toil 他手上 有劳 动标记(老茧) 。 A . would you please repair the tv for me 有劳 你参理我的电视。 So we know if you want to gain something , you will have pains 因此,我们应明白 有劳 才有获这个道理。 But the labour department is making it much easier to find a job 不过说到找工作, 有劳 工处协助就好多了 Uh - huh . have you got a key to miss hunt " s house up in the country 啊哈,你 有劳 拉小姐的乡村房子的钥匙吗? Able bodied population 有劳 动能力的人口 Not was engaged in the personnel that any societies that have work reward work 没有从事任何 有劳 动报酬的社会劳动的人员。 So am i made to possess months of vanity , and wearisome nights are appointed to me 照样,我有空虚的岁月,也 有劳 苦的黑夜为我派定。 Yes , i " ll be happy to cash these for you . would you mind countersigning them here 好的,我很高兴为您效劳。 有劳 您将支票副签一下,好妈 [ kjv ] so am i made to possess months of vanity , and wearisome nights are appointed to me 照样,我有空虚的岁月,也 有劳 苦的黑夜为我派定。 You " re not going to study all weekend , are you ? remember , all work and no play makes jack a dull boy 你不会把整个周末用于学习,是不是?要记住, 有劳 无逸,有害无益 You " re not going to study all weekend , are you ? remember , all work and no play makes jack a dull boy 你不会把整个周末都用于学习,是不是?要记住, 有劳 无逸,有害无益。 These require the labor - and time - intensive processes of gestation and child rearing to reach *** hood 这就要求必须 有劳 动和时间密集的孕育和抚养过程使克隆婴儿长大成人。 You " re mot going to study all weekend , are you ? remember , all work and no play makes jack a dull boy 你不会把整个周末周末都用于学习,是不是?要记信, 有劳 无逸,有害无益。 Prison labor china " s law stipulates that all prisoners able to work should take part in physical labor 关于罪犯的劳动中国法律规定,凡是 有劳 动能力的罪犯,必须参加劳动。 In 2004 , sales of brand - name cars in hangzhou were 11 . 5 bilpon yuan , but the figure jumped to 15 . 5 bilpon yuan last year 70余家名牌汽车商家参加了本次车展,其中 有劳 斯莱斯、奔驰、奥迪。 Some labour organisations have told me they are worried that the local employment situation might not improve despite an economic recovery 有劳 工团体向我表示,担心经济复苏未必一定能改善本地就业情况。 Some labour organisations have told me they are worried that the local employment situation might not improve despite an economic recovery 有劳 工团体向我表示,担心经济复苏未必一定能改善本地就业情况。 10 . some labour organisations have told me they are worried that the local employment situation might not improve despite an economic recovery 1 有劳 工团体向我表示,担心经济复苏未必一定能改善本地就业情况。 I " m interested in attending stanford university and would pke to have catalog and other information about your entrance requirements 我对到斯坦福大学读书很感兴趣, 有劳 寄来招生简章和其他有关录取方面的材料。 A participant disagreed on the ground that workers were already represented in the legislative council by the labour functional constituency 但有嘉宾并不同意,因为现时劳工阶层在立法会内已 有劳 工团体代表他们的声音。 The designs of safety facipties in mine construction projects must be examined with the participation of the petent department of labour administration 矿山建设工程安全设施的设计必须 有劳 动行政主管部门参加审查。 Tara ! home , i " ll go home . and i " ll think of some way to get him back . after all , tomorrow is another day 到了“后天” ,话就该这么说了: “我拼命读书为了将来,谁知道没有将来! ” (谁有《后天》里的这句英文对白, 有劳 发一下哈! ) Participate in the pubpc activity and offer intermediary service or offer the chance of working voluntarily for old man , disabled person with labour capacity 为 有劳 动能力的老人、残疾人自愿参加公益活动提供中介服务或给予劳动机会。 For it to work , a country has to have an environment in which labor and capital can start producing , say , labor - intensive garments or cut flowers 要想奏效,一个国家得 有劳 动和资本结合,开始生产的环境,比如劳动密集型的服装和鲜切花产业。 Since there are always pkely to be areas of spare labour round the world , panies may be able to expand for some time without pushing wages higher 由于世界各地总 有劳 动力富余的地区,因此企业或许可以在不提高薪资的情况下扩张一段时间。 Working only produces value , other productive elements just transfer their value , and only laborers could join in the distribution of the newly created value 只有劳动才创造价值,其它生产要素仅转移价值,唯 有劳 动者才能参与新创造价值的分配。 The overwhelming majority of the capitapsts with the capacity to work have transformed themselves into working people who earn their own pving in our sociapst society 他们中 有劳 动能力的绝大多数人已经改造成为社会主义社会中的自食其力的劳动者。 The stock prices of nyse group and euro next both double last year . this has other big exchange considering deal of their own 在去年,纽约证券交易所和欧盟证券交易所的股票价格都翻倍了,这都值得两家各自考虑。 (这句也不知道怎么翻译才好, 有劳 高人们指点了。 ) Unit embezzle part of what should be issued my salary , i think of labor bureau to plain , but city and area have labor bureau , should i arrive which labor bureau is plained 单位克扣我的工资,我想到劳动局投诉,但是市和区都 有劳 动局,我应到哪个劳动局投诉? All working people in state enterprises and in urban and rural economic collectives should perform their tasks with an attitude consonant with their status as masters of the country 劳动是一切 有劳 动能力的公民的光荣职责。国营企业和城乡集体经济组织的劳动者都应当以国家主人翁的态度对待自己的劳动。 If you have previously signed any employment contract or labour contract with any other panies prior to accepting our offer , you are required to terminate such contracts with your previous employments 如阁下应聘本公司前已与其他单位签 有劳 动合同,在接受公司的聘用前,应与原单位正式办理离职手续。 Chinese diaspora in africa now numbers perhaps 80 , 000 , including labourers and busines *** en , who bring entrepreneurial wit and wisdom to places usually visited only by land cruisers from international aid agencies 在非洲,中国人的数量可能有80 , 000之多,包括 有劳 工和商人,他们给那里带来了商业的智慧和创业的精神。 A chinese diaspora in africa now numbers perhaps 80 , 000 , including labourers and busines *** en , who bring entrepreneurial wit and wisdom to places usually visited only by land cruisers from international aid agencies 在非洲,中国人的数量可能有80 , 000之多,包括 有劳 工和商人,他们给那里带来了商业的智慧和创业的精神。 Chinese diaspora in africa now numbers perhaps 80 , 000 , including labourers and busines *** en , who bring entrepreneurial wit and wisdom to places usually visited only by land cruisers from international aid agencies 在非洲,中国人的数量可能有80 , 000之多,这其中包括 有劳 工和商人,他们给那里带来了商业的智慧和创业的精神。 Today britain does pttle of the mass manufacturing that countries such as italy are struggpng to defend against lower - cost petitors , and its workforce is much more flexible than france " s or germany " s 今天的英国很少 有劳 动密集型行业,而意大利等国却在努力保护这些行业免受低成本竞争者的侵害;英国的劳动力与法国与德国相比更加灵活。 The spoke *** an added that a special task force prising representatives of the labour department , official receivers office , popce s ccb and legal aid department has been set up to further prevent possible abuse of the fund 发言人续说: *** 已成立一个包括 有劳 工处、破产管理署、警方商业罪案调查科及法律援助署代表的特遣队,以防止滥用破产欠薪基金。 About the quapficatory certificate of nutrient respect main ponent is 3 kinds : one kind is the quapficatory letter that domestic government sector estabpshs , have labor and social security department " certificate of quapfication of profession of munal nutrition division " with ministry of pubpc health " nutrient division certificate " ; one kind is the certificate that social organization and career branch roll out , have chinese nutrition society " certificate of case of nutrient persons quapfied to teach " flow with talent of whole nation of human affairs ministry center and association of chinese health care roll out " division of nutrient health care " ; one kind is association of international nutrition division roll out " international registers nutrient division certificate " 有关营养方面的资格证书主要分为三类:一类是国内 *** 部门设立的资格证书, 有劳 动和社会保障部的《公共营养师职业资格证书》和卫生部的《营养师证书》 ;一类是社会团体和事业部门推出的证书,有中国营养学会的《营养师资格证书》和人事部全国人才流动中心和中国保健协会推出的《营养保健师》 ;一类是国际营养师协会推出的《国际注册营养师证书》 。 Countries dependent on external sources of energy criticize russia for assuming its naturally large role in the global energy sector . however , those countries should recognize that energy dependence is reciprocal , since hoarding is not a wise choice for an energy exporting country . that is why russia has never failed to fulfill any of its hydrocarbon - supply contracts with importing countries 有劳 动能力的子女长期在俄罗斯联邦境内居住并拥有俄罗斯联邦国籍的、被认定没有劳动能力的人员,需提交子女的出生证和身份证,以及由俄罗斯联邦卫生主管部门发放的证实申请人没有劳动能力的证明; In interviews on friday , several epidemiologists and tb experts said the disease had probably moved into lesotho , swaziland and mozambique ? countries that share borders and migrant work forces with south africa ? and perhaps to zimbabwe , which sends hundreds of thousands of destitute refugees to and from south africa each year 周五的访问中,几位流行病学家和结核病专家称该病可能已经扩散至莱索托、斯威士兰和莫桑比克这些与南非交界并且 有劳 工流动的国家,可能也已经传播至每年与南非都有几十万名难民往返的津巴布韦。 Upon pletion , the safety facipties in mine construction projects shall be subject to inspection for acceptance by the authorities in charge of mining enterprises , with participation of the petent department of labour administration ; those faipng to ply with the safety rules and technological standards for mining industry may not pass inspection for acceptance , and may not be put into operation 矿山建设工程安全设施竣工后,由管理矿山企业的主管部门验收,并须 有劳 动行政主管部门参加;不符合矿山安全规程和行业技术规范的,不得验收,不得投入生产。
2023-01-02 03:03:341


稳定的  冒泡排序(bubblesort)—O(n2)  鸡尾酒排序(Cocktailsort,双向的冒泡排序)—O(n2)  插入排序(insertionsort)—O(n2)  桶排序(bucketsort)—O(n);需要O(k)额外记忆体  计数排序(countingsort)—O(n+k);需要O(n+k)额外记忆体  归并排序(mergesort)—O(nlogn);需要O(n)额外记忆体  原地归并排序—O(n2)  二叉树排序(Binarytreesort)—O(nlogn);需要O(n)额外记忆体  鸽巢排序(Pigeonholesort)—O(n+k);需要O(k)额外记忆体  基数排序(radixsort)—O(n·k);需要O(n)额外记忆体  Gnomesort—O(n2)  Librarysort—O(nlogn)withhighprobability,需要(1+ε)n额外记忆体不稳定  选择排序(selectionsort)—O(n2)  希尔排序(shellsort)—O(nlogn)如果使用最佳的现在版本  Combsort—O(nlogn)  堆排序(heapsort)—O(nlogn)  Smoothsort—O(nlogn)  快速排序(quicksort)—O(nlogn)期望时间,O(n2)最坏情况;对於大的、乱数串列一般相信是最快的已知排序  Introsort—O(nlogn)  Pati...稳定的  冒泡排序(bubblesort)—O(n2)  鸡尾酒排序(Cocktailsort,双向的冒泡排序)—O(n2)  插入排序(insertionsort)—O(n2)  桶排序(bucketsort)—O(n);需要O(k)额外记忆体  计数排序(countingsort)—O(n+k);需要O(n+k)额外记忆体  归并排序(mergesort)—O(nlogn);需要O(n)额外记忆体  原地归并排序—O(n2)  二叉树排序(Binarytreesort)—O(nlogn);需要O(n)额外记忆体  鸽巢排序(Pigeonholesort)—O(n+k);需要O(k)额外记忆体  基数排序(radixsort)—O(n·k);需要O(n)额外记忆体  Gnomesort—O(n2)  Librarysort—O(nlogn)withhighprobability,需要(1+ε)n额外记忆体不稳定  选择排序(selectionsort)—O(n2)  希尔排序(shellsort)—O(nlogn)如果使用最佳的现在版本  Combsort—O(nlogn)  堆排序(heapsort)—O(nlogn)  Smoothsort—O(nlogn)  快速排序(quicksort)—O(nlogn)期望时间,O(n2)最坏情况;对於大的、乱数串列一般相信是最快的已知排序  Introsort—O(nlogn)  Patiencesorting—O(nlogn+k)最外情况时间,需要额外的O(n+k)空间,也需要找到最长的递增子序列(longestincreasingsubsequence)
2023-01-02 03:03:441


Arrive;Get To;Reach;Draw In
2023-01-02 03:03:493


冒泡排序 n^2;堆排序 nlogn
2023-01-02 03:04:003

求eminem在8 mile中最后一段battle的原版歌词

歌名:8 Mile歌手:Eminem作词:Eminem作曲:EminemIt"s okay, it"s okay. I"m gonna make it anyway没事的,无论如何我会办到的Sometimes I just feel like, quitting I still might有时我甚至想要,放弃我仍有能力做的Why do I put up this fight, why do I still write为什么我要(与命运)英勇搏斗,为什么我仍固执的在创作?Sometimes it"s hard enough just dealing with real life有时应付现实生活就足够艰难了Sometimes I wanna jump on stage and just kill mics有时我只想跳上舞台,去吼爆麦克风And show these people what my level of skill"s like并向这群观众展示我说唱的水平到底如何But I"m still white, sometimes I just hate life但我仍是个白鬼, 有时我会憎恨生活Something ain"t right, hit the brake lights有时这些不切实际,(他说他能)吸引那些聚光灯Case of the stage fright, drawing a blank like事实上他会怯场,甚至害怕那些聚光灯Da-duh-duh-da-da, it ain"t my faultDa-duh-duh-da-da,这并不是我的错Great big eye*****, my insides crawl惊恐的睁大了眼睛,我的内心在挣扎And I clam up I just slam shut我拒不开口,紧闭我的嘴I just can"t do it, my whole manhood"s我只是不能够做到,我整个人格Just been stripped, I have just been vicked都被剥去,我整个人都被撕开So I must then get, off the bus then split所以我只能下车,然后离开Man ***** this *****t; yo, I"m going the ***** home这该死的人生,我还要回那个凌乱的家World on my shoulders as I run back to this 8 Mile Road当我逃回八英里路,仿佛整个世界都在我肩膀上I"m a man, I"mma make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back(8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路I"m walking these train tracks, trying to regain back重走这些火车轨道,试着找回我曾经的斗志The spirit I had fore I go back to the same crap在我回到这个同样的滥地方之前To the same plant, in the same pants穿着同样的裤子,回到原来的工厂Trying to chase rap, gotta move ASAP尽力赶上节拍,尽快动身And get a new plan, momma"s got a new man我有了新的计划,妈妈有了新男人Poor little baby sister, she don"t understand但可怜的小妹她不懂Sits in front of the TV, buries her nose in the pad坐在电视前,把她的鼻子埋在垫子里And just colors until the crayon gets dull in her hand不停的画,直到蜡笔在她的手里变得同样的沉闷While she colors her big brother and mother and dad当她画她的哥哥,妈妈,爸爸时Ain"t no telling what really goes on in her little head没人知道她小脑袋里到底在想些什么Wish I could be the daddy that neither one of us had希望我能成为超越我们父辈的那种父亲But I keep running from something I never wanted so bad!但是我一直在试着逃离那些我不曾预料的糟糕事情Sometimes I get upset, cause I ain"t blew up yet有的时候我变得沮丧,那是因为我还没有爆发It"s like I grew up, but I ain"t grow me two nuts yet就好像我长大了,但仍不是真男人一样Don"t gotta rep my step, don"t got enough pep别斥责我的脚步慢,(我只是)没攒够劲头The pressure"s too much man, I"m just trying to do what"s best男人压力太大了,我只是想尽力做到最好And I try, sit alone and I cry我(不断)孤独地尝试,(尽管)噙着泪花Yo I won"t tell no lie, not a moment goes by我不会说谎,我生命中的每一刻都不会That I don"t pray to the sky, please I"m begging you God我不会对天祈祷,但上帝我现在要祈求你Please don"t let me be pigeonholed in no regular job别让我像个没有固定工作的妓女一样可怜Yo I hope you can hear me homey wherever you are我期望你无论你是否在我身边都像家人般注视着我Yo I"m telling you dawg I"m bailing this trailer tomorrow我现在只想告诉狗一般的你,我只想在明天逃离这个该死的拖车Tell my mother I love her, kiss baby sister goodbye告诉妈妈我爱她,临别前吻下小妹Say whenever you need me baby, I"m never too far告诉他们,无论何时她们需要我,我都不会离她们太远But yo I gotta get out there, the only way I know但是我现在要离开这儿,这是我唯一知道的And I"mma be back for you, the second that I blow在我席卷乐坛的一刻,我将归来On everything I own, I"ll make it on my own我会走自己的路,去赢得(渴望)一切Off to work I go, back to this 8 Mile Road一下班我就走,回到八英里路I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路You gotta live it to feel it, you didn"t you wouldn"t get it你会为了体验它而生存,如果你不那么做你是不会得到你想要的Or see what the big deal is, why it was and it still is你会看到什么是我们一直想得到的大生意,为什么它以前不是,可它现在却是了To be walking this borderline of Detroit city limits穿梭于底特律城市的边缘线It"s different, it"s a certain significance, a certificate感觉非常与众不同,这个正是重要的、确凿的、可靠的证明Of authenticity, you"d never even see你也许绝不会明白But it"s everything to me, it"s my credibility但是这对我来说是一切,这是我的信誉You never seen heard smelled or met a real MC你绝不会听见、闻见、或遇见个真实的MCWho"s incredible upon the same pedestal as me谁都会难以致信,像我这样被人狂热崇拜的人But yet I"m still unsigned, having a rough time也曾没有厂牌来签我,(也)会有一段艰苦的岁月Sit on the porch with all my friends and kick dumb rhymes坐在货物上和我朋友玩弄着愚蠢的韵律Go to work and serve MCs in the lunch line并一起工作,然后排队吃工厂提供的免费午餐But when it comes crunch time, where do my punchlines go?但是当吃饭的时间来临的时候,我却想不出的那些精妙的押韵唱给谁听Who must I show, to bust my flow?我一定要爆发自己的潜能给谁看Where must I go? Who must I know?我该去哪儿,又该认识谁Or am I just another crab in the bucket?或许我只是被困在桶里的另外一只螃蟹Cause I ain"t having no luck with this little Rabbit so ***** it我甚至没有TMD《八英里》的里面的Rabbit幸运Maybe I need a new outlet, I"m starting to doubt *****t也许我需要一个新发泄途径,我开始有点怀疑,I"m feeling a little skeptical who I hang out with怀疑我是否应该坚持下去I look like a bum, yo my clothes ain"t about *****t我看上去衣衫褴褛、像个乞丐At the Salvation Army trying to salvage an outfit我想像救世军一样去尝试解放芸芸众生And it"s cold, trying to travel this road不过独自走这条路太艰难了Plus I feel like I"m on stuck in this battling mode另外我觉得我有点陷入战斗模式中了,My defenses are so up, but one thing I don"t want我的防御是那么高, 某些事(只是)我不想做(并不是不能做)Is pity from no one, the city is no fun我没有遗憾, 这个城市也毫无乐趣There is no sun, and it"s so dark这里没有阳光,暗淡又阴冷Sometimes I feel like I"m just being pulled apart有时我觉得我要被撕碎了From each one of my limbs, by each one of my friends被每个朋友簇拥着,他们拉着我手脚般围在我的身旁It"s enough to just make me wanna jump out of my skin我受够了,这让我TMD想跳出这副皮囊Sometimes I feel like a robot, sometimes I just know not有时我觉得我像个机器人. 有时我都不知道我在做什么What I"m doing I just blow, my head is a stove top我只是在冒气,我的头像个已烧开水的壶盖I just explode, the kettle gets so hot困扰我的太多了, 我的头都快爆炸了Sometimes my mouth just overloads the ass that I don"t got有时我的嘴确实说了些我未曾体验到的的酸楚But I"ve learned, it"s time for me to U-turn但是我已经想通了, 是到我人生掉头的时刻了Yo it only takes one time for me to get burned这只是我的一次受伤, 而不是堕落Ain"t no falling no next time I meet a new girl不会有下次了, 我会邂逅一个新的女孩I can no longer play stupid or be immature我将再也不会那么蠢, 也不会那么嫩了I got every ingredient, all I need is the courage我有一切必要的品格, 我现在只是需要勇气Like I already got the beat, all I need is the words我已经准备去战斗了, 所需要的就只是一些话来鞭策Got the urge, suddenly it"s a surge有了这种强烈愿望,突然间(内心)就会像浪潮般奔腾汹涌Suddenly a new burst of energy has occurred于是突然一种新的力量在我身体中迸发了Time to show these free world leaders the 3 and a third是到了让那些free world的SB看看时间的时侯了I am no longer scared now, I"m free as a bird我再也不会恐惧了,我像鸟一样的自由Then I turn and cross over the median curb于是我转身跃过了人群中的极限Hit the "burbs and all you see is a blur from 8 Mile Road猛烈回击(质疑我的言论),(因为)你所见的(我的过去)只不过是八英里路上(那些毫不足道的)污点而已I"m a man, gotta make a new plan我是个爷们,我已经制定了个新计划Time for me to just stand up, and travel new land是我站起来,去新环境去闯荡的时候了Time to really just take matters into my own hands是我用自己的手得到我想要的东西的时候了Once I"m over these tracks man I"mma never look back (8 Mile Road)我曾经超越过那些路上(碌碌无为)的人,我一定不能回头看And I"m gone, I know right where I"m going我要走了,我已经知道哪里才是我要去的地方了Sorry momma I"m grown, I must travel alone对不起妈妈,我长大了,我必须独自去探索Ain"t gonna follow the footsteps I"m making my own再也不会沿着(别人)脚印走了,我要做我自己Only way that I know how to escape from this 8 Mile Road我知道的唯一的方法就是逃离八英里路扩展资料:歌手Eminem演唱的这首歌曲《8 Mile》的歌曲总时长为6分钟,歌手发行的《8 Mile》专辑之中收纳了这首歌曲,专辑于2002年1月1日开始发行,专辑包含了16首歌曲。这首歌曲也是该专辑的主打歌曲。《8 Mile》这首歌曲也是歌手的众多优秀作品之一,这首歌曲发行之后,深受歌迷的追捧。歌手Joey Mizers / Papa Doc演唱这首歌曲,收纳于其专辑《NOTHIN"BUT !LLUSION》之中,专辑收纳了9首歌曲。专辑于2016奶奶11月15日开始发行。
2023-01-02 03:04:116


Divergences of Massive Yang-Mills Theories: Higher Groups,(with S. L. Glashow and J. Illiopoulos),Physical Review,D4 (1971),1918-1919.2 Standing Pion Waves in Superdense Matter,(with R. F. Sawyer),Physical Review,D7 (1973),1579-1586.3 An O (|E| log log |V|) Algorithm for Finding Minimum Spanning Trees,Information Processing Letters,4 (1975),21-23.4 Analysis of the Subtractive Algorithms for Greatest Common Divisors,(with D. E. Knuth),Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,72 (1975),4720-4722.5 On Computing the Minima of Quadratic Forms,Proceedings of Seventh ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Albuquerque,New Mexico,May 1975,23-26.6 The Complexity of Non-uniform Random Number Generation,(with D. E. Knuth),in Algorithms and Complexity: New Directions and Recent Results,edited by J. F. Traub,Academic Press,1976,pp.357-428.7 On the Evaluation of Powers,SIAM J. on Computing,5 (1976),100-103.8 Resource Constrained Scheduling as Generalized Bin Packing,(with M. R. Garey,R. L. Graham and D. S. Johnson),J. of Combinatorial Theory,A21 (1976),257-298.9 Bounds on Merging Networks,(with F. F. Yao),Journal of ACM,23 (1976),566-571.10 Tiling with Incomparable Rectangles,(with E. M. Reingold and W. Sanders),Journal of Recreational Mathematics,8 (1976),112-119.11 A Combinatorial Optimization Problem Related to Data Set Allocation,(with C. K. Wong),Revue Francaise D"Automatique,Informatique,Recherche Operationnelle,Suppl. No. 5 (1976),83-96.12 On a Problem of Katona on Minimal Separation Systems,Discrete Mathematics,15 (1976),193-199.13 An Almost Optimal Algorithm for Unbounded Searching,(with J. Bentley),Information Processing Letters,5 (1976),82-87.14 On the Average Behavior of Set Merging Algorithms,Proceedings of Eighth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Hershey,Pennsylvania,May 1976,192-195.15 The Complexity of Searching an Ordered Random Table,(with F. F. Yao),Proceedings of Seventeenth IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Houston,Texas,October 1976,222-227.16 Probabilistic Computations: Toward a Unified Measure of Complexity,Proceedings of Eighteenth IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Providence,Rhode Island,October 1977,222-227.17 On the Loop Switching Addressing Problem,SIAM J. on Computing,7 (1978),82-87.18 On Random 2-3 Trees,Acta Informatica,9 (1978),159-170.19 K + 1 Heads are Better than K,(with R. L. Rivest),Journal of ACM,25 (1978),337-340.20 Addition Chains with Multiplicative Cost,(with R. L. Graham and F. F. Yao),Discrete Mathematics,23 (1978),115-119.21 The Complexity of Pattern Matching for a Random String,SIAM J. on Computing,8 (1979),368-387.22 A Note on a Conjecture of Kam and Ullman Concerning Statistical Databases ,Information Processing Letters,9 (1979),48-50.23 Storing a Sparse Table,(with R. E. Tarjan),Communications of ACM,22 (1979),606-611.24 On Some Complexity Questions in Distributive Computing,Proceedings of Eleventh ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Atlanta,Georgia,May 1979,209-213.25 External Hashing Schemes for Collections of Data Structures,(with R. J. Lipton and A. L. Rosenberg),Journal of ACM,27 (1980),81-95.26 New Algorithms for Bin Packing,Journal of ACM,27 (1980),207-227.27 Information Bounds are Weak for the Shortest Distance Problem,(with R. L. Graham and F. F. Yao),Journal of ACM,27,(1980),428-444.28 A Stochastic Model of Bin Packing,(with E. G. Coffman,Jr.,M. Hofri and K. So),Information and Control,44 (1980),105-115.29 An Analysis of Shellsort,Journal of Algorithms,1 (1980),14-50.30 On the Polyhedral Decision Problem,(with R. L. Rivest),SIAM J. on Computing,9 (1980),343-347.31 Bounds on Selection Networks,SIAM J. on Computing,9 (1980),566-582.32 Some Monotonicity Properties of Partial Orders,(with R. L. Graham and F. F. Yao),SIAM J. on Algebraic and Discrete Methods,1 (1980),251-258.33 A Note on the Analysis of Extendible Hashing,Information Processing Letters,11 (1980),84-86.34 Optimal Expected-Time Algorithm for Closest-point Problems,(with J. L. Bentley and B. W. Weide),ACM Trans. on Math. Software,6 (1980),561-580.35 Efficient Searching via Partial Ordering,(with A. Borodin,L. J. Guibas and N. A. Lynch),Information Processing Letters,12 (1981),71-75.36 An Analysis of a Memory Allocation Scheme for Implementing Stacks,SIAM J. on Computing,10 (1981),398-403.37 Should Tables be Sorted?,Journal of ACM,28 (1981),615-628.38 A Lower Bound for Finding Convex Hulls,Journal of ACM,28 (1981),780-787.39 The Entropic Limitations on VLSI Computations,Proceedings of Thirteenth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Milwaukee,Wisconsin,May 1981,308-311.40 Average-case Complexity of Selecting the k-th Best,(with F. F. Yao),SIAM J. on Computing,11 (1982),428-447.41 The Complexity of Finding Cycles in Periodic Functions,(with R. Sedgewick and T. G. Szymanski),SIAM J. on Computing,11 (1982),376-390.42 On the Time-Space Tradeoff for Sorting with Linear Queries,Theoretical Computer Science,19 (1982),203-218.43 Lower Bounds to Algebraic Decision Trees,(with J. M. Steele,Jr.),Journal of Algorithms,3 (1982),1-8.44 On Parallel Computation for the Knapsack Problem,Journal of ACM,29 (1982),898-903.45 On Constructing Minimum Spanning Trees in k-dimensional Spaces and Related Problems,SIAM J. on Computing,11 (1982),721-736.46 Equal Justice for Unequal Shares of the Cake,(with M. Klawe),Congressus Numerantium,36 (1982),247-260.47 Rearrangeable Networks with Limited Depth,(with N. Pippenger),SIAM J. on Algebraic and Discrete Methods,3 (1982),411-417.48 Space-Time Tradeoff for Answering Range Queries,Proceedings of Fourteenth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,San Francisco,California,May 1982,128-136.49 Theory and Applications of Trapdoor Functions,Proceedings of Twenty-third IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Chicago,Illinois,November 1982,80-91.50 Protocols for Secure Computations,Proceedings of Twenty-third IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Chicago,Illinois,November 1982,160-164.51 On the Security of Public Key Protocols,(with D. Dolev),IEEE Trans. on Information Theory,29 (1983),198-208.52 Strong Signature Schemes,(with S. Goldwasser and S. Micali),Proceedings of Fifteenth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Boston,Massachusetts,April 1983,431-43953 Lower Bounds by Probabilistic Arguments,Proceedings of Twenty-fourth IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Tucson,Arizona,November 1983,420-428.54 Context-free Grammars and Random Number Generation,Proceedings of NATO Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms on Words,Maratea,Italy,July 1984,edited by A. Apostolico and Z. Galil,Academic Press,357-361.55 Fault-tolerant Networks for Sorting,(with F. F. Yao),SIAM J. on Computing,14 (1985),120-128.56 On the Expected Performance of Path Compression,SIAM J. on Computing,14 (1985),129-133.57 On Optimal Arrangements of Keys with Double Hashing,Journal of Algorithms,6 (1985),253-264.58 Uniform Hashing is Optimal,Journal of the ACM,32 (1985),687-693.59 On the Complexity of Maintaining Partial Sums,SIAM J. on Computing,14 (1985),253-264.60 A General Approach to d-dimensional Geometric Queries,(with F. F. Yao),Proceedings of Seventeenth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Providence,Rhode Island,May 1985,163-168.61 Separating the Polynomial-time Hierarchy by Oracles,Proceedings of Twenty-sixth IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Eugene,Oregon,October 1985,1-10.62 How to Generate and Exchange Secrets,Proceedings of Twenty-seventh IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Toronto,Canada,October 1986,162-167.63 Monotone Bipartite Graph Properties are Evasive,SIAM J. on Computing,17 (1988),517-520.64 Computational Information Theory,in Complexity in Information Theory,edited by Y. Abu-Mostafa,Springer-Verlag,1988,1-15.65 Selecting the k Largest with Median Tests,Algorithmica,4 (1989),293-300.66 On the Complexity of Partial Order Productions,SIAM J. on Computing,18 (1989),679-689.67 On the Improbability of Reaching Byzantine Agreement,(with R. L. Graham) Proceedings of Twenty-First ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Seattle,Washington,May 1989,467-478.68 Circuits and Local Computations,Proceedings of Twenty First ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Seattle,Washington,May 1989,186-196.69 Computing Boolean Functions with Unreliable Tests,(with C. Kenyon-Mathieu) International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,1 (1990),1-10.70 Coherent Functions and Program Checkers,Proceedings of Twenty-second ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Baltimore,Maryland,May 1990,84-94.71 On ACC and Threshold Circuits,Proceedings of Thirty-first IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,October 1990,619-627.72 Lower Bounds to Randomized Algorithms for Graph Properties,Journal of Computer and System Sciences,42 (1991),267-287.73 Lower Bounds for Algebraic Computation Trees with Integer Inputs,SIAM J. On Computing,20 (1991),655-668.74 Program Checkers for Probability Generation,(with S. Kannan) Proceedings of Eighteenth International Colloquium on Automata,Languages and Programming,Madrid,Spain,July 1991,163-173.75 Linear Decision Trees: Volume Estimates and Topological Bounds,(with A. Bj&Ouml;rner and L. Lovász) Proceedings of Twenty-fourth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,May 1992,170-177.76 A Circuit-Based Proof of Toda"s Theorem,(with R. Kannan,H. Venkateswaran and V. Vinay) Information and Computation,104 (1993),271-276.77 Towards Uncheatable Benchmarks,(with J. Cai,R. Lipton,and R. Sedgewick) Proceedings of Eighth IEEE Annual Structure in Complexity Conference,San Diego,California,May 1993,2-11.78 Quantum Circuit Complexity,Proceedings of Thirty-fourth IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Palo Alto,California,November 1993,352-361.79 A Randomized Algorithm for Maximum Finding with Parity Tests,(with H. F. Ting),Information Processing Letters,49 (1994),39-43.80 Near-Optimal Time-Space Tradeoff for Element Distinctness,SIAM J. On Computing,23 (1994),966-975.81 A Lower Bound for the Monotone Depth of Connectivity,Proceedings of Thirty-fifth IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,Santa Fe,New Mexico,November 1994,302-308.82 On Computing Algebraic Functions Using Logarithms and Exponentials,(with D. Grigoriev and M. Singer) SIAM J. on Computing,24 (1995),242-246.83 Algebraic Decision Trees and Euler Characteristics,Theoretical Computer Science,141 (1995),133-150.84 On the Shrinkage Exponent for Read-Once Formulae,(with J. Hastad and A. Razborov),Theoretical Computer Science,141 (1995),269-282.85 Minimean Optimal Key Arrangements in Hash Tables,Algorithmica,14 (1995),409-428.86 Security of Quantum Protocols Against Coherent Measurements,Proceedings of Twenty-seventh ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,Las Vegas,Nevada,May 1995,67-75.87 Decision Tree Complexity and Betti Numbers,Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences,55 (1997),36-43.88 Dictionary Look-Up with One Error,(with F. F. Yao),Journal of Algorithms,25 (1997),194-202.89 Read-Once Branching Programs,Rectangular Proofs of the Pigeonhole Principle and the Transversal Calculus,(with A. Razborov and A. Wigderson),Proceedings of Twenty-ninth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,May 1997,739-784.90 RAPID: Randomized Pharmacophore Identification for Drug Design,(with L. Kavraki,J. Latombe,R. Motwani,C. Shelton,and S. Venkatasubramanian),Proceedings of 1997 ACM Symposium on Applied Computational Geometry,Nice,France,1997,324-333.91 A Lower Bound on the Size of Algebraic Decision Trees for the MAX Problem,(with D. Grigoriev and M. Karpinski),Computational Complexity,7 (1998),193-203.92 Quantum Cryptography with Imperfect Apparatus,(with D. Mayers),Proceedings of Thirty-ninth IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,October 1998,503-509.93 NQP C = co - C = P,(with T. Yamakami),Information Processing Letters,71 (1999),63-69.94 Quantum Bit Escrow,(with A. Aharonov,A. Ta-Shma and U. Vazirani),Proceedings of Thirty-second ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,May 2000,715-724.95 Informational Complexity and the Direct Sum Problem for Simultaneous Message Complexity,(with A. Chakrabarti,Y. Shi and A. Wirth),Proceedings of Forty-second IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science,October 2001,270-278.96 Classical Physics and the Church-Turing Thesis,Journal of ACM,50 (2003),100-105.97 On the Power of Quantum Fingerprinting,Proceedings of Thirty-fifth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,June 2003,77-81.98 Graph Properties and Circular Functions: How Low Can Quantum Query Complexity Go? (with X. Sun and S. Zhang),Proceedings of 19th IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity,Amherst,Massachusetts,June 2004,286-293.99 Graph Entropy and Quantum Sorting Problems,Proceedings of Thirty-sixth ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing,June 2004,112-117.100 Incentive Compatible Price Sequence in Dynamic Auctions,(with N. Chen,X. Deng and X. Sun),Proceedings of Thirty-first International Colloquium on Automata,Languages and Programming,Turku,Finland,July 2004 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science # 3142,Springer),320-331.101 Fisher Equilibrium Price with a Class of Concave Utility Functions (with N. Chen,X. Deng and X. Sun),Proceedings of Twelfth Annual European Symposium on Algorithms,Bergen,Norway,September 2004 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science # 3221,Springer),169-179.102 Discrete and Continuous Min-energy Schedules for Variable Voltage Processors,(with M. Li and F. Yao),Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA,103
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pigeons的意思是鸽子[英]["pɪdʒənz][美]["pɪdʒənz]n.鸽子( pigeon的名词复数 );例句:1.Now they"re adding pigeons to their must-have list.现在他们把鸽子也列入了必须拥有的清单。2.Imagine that 3 pigeons need to be placed into 2 pigeonholes.设想要将3只鸽子装进2个鸽子洞里。Roast Pigeon 红烧石岐项鸽 ; 吊烧乳鸽王 ; 烧白鸽 ; 烧焗白鸽crested pigeon 凤头鸠 ; 冠鸠属Snow Pigeon 雪鸽Rodrigues Pigeon 罗岛蓝鸠Clay Pigeon 陶土飞靶 ; 靶子 ; 野外飞靶 ; 泥质活动靶Hill Pigeon 岩鸽Spicy pigeon 五香白鸽Minced pigeon 生炒鸽松carrier pigeon 信鸽 ; 传书鸽
2023-01-02 03:05:031


不适合用这个写情华唐浩强的C 2版里面详细有章讲排序问题的
2023-01-02 03:05:156


2023-01-02 03:05:401


pigeons[英]["pɪdʒənz][美]["pɪdʒənz]n.鸽子( pigeon的名词复数 ); 例句:1.Now they"re adding pigeons to their must-have list. 现在他们把鸽子也列入了必须拥有的清单。2.Imagine that 3 pigeons need to be placed into 2 pigeonholes. 设想要将3只鸽子装进2个鸽子洞里。
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孩子们的复数用英文翻译是:childrens. 例句:He has been pigeonholed as a childrens writer. 他硬被归入儿童文学作家之列。 扩展资料   He"s very good with children.   他对孩子很有一套。   They have three small children.   他们有三个年幼的孩子。   She spoils the children rotten.   她很溺爱孩子。   Divorce is bad for children.   离婚对孩子不好。   The couple have no children.   这对夫妇没有孩子。
2023-01-02 03:05:501


  1.神马都是浮云 it"s all fleeting cloud。(everything is nothing!)   2.山寨 fake, counterfeit, copycat   3.宅男 otaku (“homebody” in english); geek   4.被雷倒(到)了 in shock   5.纠结 ambivalent   6.忐忑 anxious   7.悲催 a tear-inducingmisery   8.坑爹 the reverse of one"s expectation   9.哥只是传说 brother is only a legend。   10.伤不起 vulnerable; be prone to getting hurt   11.你懂的 it goes without saying that…   12.吐槽 disclose one"s secret   13.小清新 like [好似] a breath of fresh air   14.穿越剧 time-travel tv drama   15.至于你信不信,反正我是信了。whether you believe it or not, i am convinced。   16.拼爹 daddy-is-the-key; parents privilege competition   17.做人呢,最重要是开心。 happiness is the way。   18.卖萌 act cute   19.腹黑 scheming   20.折翼的天使 an angel with broken wings   21.淡定 calm; unruffled   22.羡慕嫉妒恨 envious, jealous and hateful   23.团购 group purchasing microblog   25.官二代the officiallings是相对于富二代2g rich(the second generation rich)   26.林来疯 linsanity   27.凡客体 vanclize/vancl style   28.微博控 twuilt (来自于twitter和guilt两个字,表示不发微博心里就内疚)   29.海归(海龟) overseas returnee   30.搏出位 be a famewhore; seek attention   31.自主招生 university autonomous enrollment   32.北约、华约 beijing university-led enrollment allianc tsinghua university-led enrollment alliance   33.犀利哥 brother sharp   34.蚁族 ant-like graduates   35.范儿 style   36.萝莉 lolita   37.秒杀 seckill; speed kill   38.剩女 leftover ladies; 3swomen (3s=single, seventies, stuck)   3s女人,seventies七十年代出生single单身stuck被困住的女性。   她们生于20世纪70年代,按照传统观念,已经属于步入高龄的女性,60年代比她们年纪大的女人早就当妈妈了,比她们年纪小的80年代女孩子也来势汹汹成为‘抢婚一族"。80年代女孩子比她们聪明的没她们漂亮,比她们漂亮的没她们聪明,但偏是她们尴尬地被剩下来,卡在单身状态,赢得个“剩女”的尴尬头衔。   不是她们不想结婚,她们也并不信奉独身主义,可越是优秀的女人,越是容易被围城的窄门卡住,始终想进却进不去,想出又放不开。   一般3s女人又被称sinbad   sinbad singleincome单身有一定收入noboyfriend没有男朋友absolutlydesprate绝望   39.蜗居 dwelling narrowness; a bedsitter   电视剧的名字翻译成“dwelling narrowness”。在日常表达中可以说“dwelling in a narrow space” 。用作名词的`时侯,蜗居译为“pigeonhole”似乎更贴切一些   40.人肉搜索 human flesh search engine   41. to give strength or ungelivable 给力&不给力   source:from a funny comic novel of the westward journey   六集《搞笑漫画日和》的《西游记——旅程的终点》一集中,画面一开始,师徒三人(动画设定为八戒仙去了)历经磨难到达天竺后,却发现所谓的天竺只有一面小旗子,上书“天竺”二字。弄得师徒三人都愣了神,悟空不无抱怨地说:“这就是天竺吗,不给力啊老湿。”悟空的这番话也成为后来“给力”一词的渊源。网友根据“给力”造出一个新的英文单词——ungelivable(不给力)   42. a tough and difficult decision 非常艰难的决定   43. life is like a tea table, with cups placed all over it.   人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具   44. don"t be obsessed with me. i am only a legend!   不要迷恋哥,哥只是个传说!   45. what makes you unhappy? tell us to make us happy.   你有什么不开心的?说出来让大家开心一下   source:   life is full of pain. happy is a hard thing to us.   so we must get rid of unhappy,speak it out,   and do something to make others happy   46. lei feng does good things without leaving a name, but he records everything in his diary.   雷锋做好事不留名,但把每一件事情都记到日记里。   source:   many bbs discused leifeng and his diary.someone said:"chairman mao told us to learn from leifeng,but i never write a diary."   47. what i am smoking isn"t a cigarette, but loneliness!   哥抽的不是烟,是寂寞!   48. she stood me up. 她放我鸽子。
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1.high-paying job     Decades ago, there were plenty of high-paying jobs that only require a high-school diploma. But not any more. 2.put your best foot forward     People who have learned many different skills are more likely to put their best foot forward. 3.a rival to     Though money is often regarded as a smaller rival to advancement, salary is still a huge factor when job seekers try to weigh their options. 4.all walks of life     E-commerce has a huge impact on all walks of life. 5.harbor a dream of     She"s harbored a dream of becoming a botanist, which explains why documentary movies about plants are her favorite. 6.make ends meet     Trying to make ends meet also takes time, which is spend away from children who need a parent"s guiding or influence. 7.have what it takes     Self-doubt makes you think you don"t have what it takes, but diligence can  help you regain confidence. one"s line of work     Teachers who are committed to this line of work are bound to focus on their students, rather than to be self-centered. overtime     Living in the city means fierce competition, and inevitably, you will have to work overtime. tempted to do     Money is amoral, meaning it is neither good nor evil. It is merely a tool than can be used toward helpful or harmful ends. Some people are tempted to indulge while others focus on how to invest, save, and budget wisely.  11.think outside the box     It"s easy to get pigeonholed at work, so to develop a hobby outside of work enables one to think outside the box. 12.accumulate wealth/possessions     Parents who tell children stories about the famous entrepreneurs plant the seed of inspiration to accumulate wealth. 13.flesh out     A good business partner helps open you up to a new network of important people, flesh out your ideas, and even help you get funded. 14.a contingency plan     A contingency plan will come in handy when things do go wrong. 15.execute/implement a plan     A challenging plan will be successfully executed if it is a team that takes no interest in limitations or status quo. 16.exaggerate and distort facts     Advertising would inevitably employ tactics,such as exaggeration and distortion of facts, to attract viewership. 17.big break     Don"t get upset.  Your big break will come eventually. 18.have wiggle room in     Pick a free or inexpensive hobby if you don"t have much wiggle room in your budget. 19.bread and butter     As for people who choose a job as hobby, how long do you think you can keep the fire burning for your passion when it becomes your bread and butter? 20.a work in progress     A success in peer review may still be a work in progress if students" opinions haven"t been taken into account. 21.put in time/efforts     People who put in long hours a day to work can concentrate better and achieve more if they engage in a hobby outside of work. 22.fall behind     If asked to consistently work long hours, people might get burned out and inevitably start falling behind in their duties. 23.set in     Fatigue sets in when you work extended hours over a long period of time. 24.interpersonal skills     Interpersonal skills are the skills we use to interact with other people. entry-level job     When you just finished your undergraduate or graduate degree, chances are you will start with an entry-level job. the expense of     Often, a generous salary comes at the expense of your-life balance. 27.give pause for thought to sb.     It is not clear why working long hours has an adverse effect on the brain, but this study should give pause for thought to workaholics. 28.escape from     Reading can be a wonderful escape from the stress of everyday life. the hopes that     Some people propose a short workday schedule in the hopes that workers will feel better mentally and physically. 30.blow sb. away     There will always be twists and turns in your journey; the ability to rise above it all can blow people away. 31.make ... a cinch     Eloquence and charisma can make public speech a cinch. 32.come up with     People who think critically tend to come up with unconventional ideas and they are not afraid to provoke others, including senior management. 33.take pride in = pride oneself on     Young people take pride in their ability to control the steering wheel to their destinies. 34.flexible work arrangement      Lately more talented people have been drawn to companies with flexible work arrangements. 35.make it through     If you can find the courage to make it through the hardest times, then you have nothing to worry about. blind to     Teachers who are blind to students " needs can never make progress in their line of work. in demand     Sharp thinkers and proactive resources are in demand today as they can help a company grow in the right direction. 38.look good on a resume     Don"t take a job that you think is going to look good on your resume. Take a job you love. 39.exceed expectations     By thinking outside the box, they can exceed expectations and take up jobs with greater passion. 40.a rewarding experience     Traveling can rewarding experience with challenges to take and different opportunities to explore. 41.grapple with     The government has yet grapple with the problem of the air pollution. 42.measure up to     We tend to let our expectations sap the joy out of genuine experiences because we"d feel disappointed when things don"t measure up to fantasies. 43.complement one another     Leaders meed to not only match employees" skills to the tasks of the project but also identify personalities that complement one another. 44.a perspective on     People with varied experience will provide abroad perspective on your project. on board with     To achieve success, it is important to get every teammate on board with the plan. 46.remain open to sth.     Facilitating communication does not mean holding meetings all the time. Instead, it means setting an example by remaining open to suggestions and concerns. 47.conduct experiment/research/debate     When conducting experiments, a research team needs to take all possibilities into consideration. 48.bounce ideas off sb.     Taking a team from ordinary to extraordinary means remaining open to suggestions and bouncing ideas off teammates. 49.cater to     When you take different preferences into account, your brand stand a better chance of catering to more needs and enlarging the customer base. 50.embrace change     It"s important for people in a position of authority to motivate the entire team to embrace change. 51.match A with B     In a less-than-ideal economy, job hunters may have a hard time matching their career expectation with the reality. 52 .balance A and B     Having to balance two big priorities can be fairly overwhelming. 53.score an offer     All your efforts finally paid off when you scored an offer. 54.rush hour     People are most likely to experience road rage during rush hour. qualified to do     While your friends can be reliable to talk about stuff, they are just not qualified to offer you professional opinions about selection of products. 56.take control over sth.     Unlike traditional commuting patterns that force everyone to work roughly the same timetable, a flexible teleworking approach means individuals can take control over work plans according to what works best. confined to     Thanks to social progress, education is no longer confined to a select few. distracted by     Working in company"s office can save people from getting distracted by family issues. 59.recruit and retain     In order to recruit and retain more talent, companies are now willing to have virtual or remote employees. 60.round the clock Having remote and virtual employees is a good way to get things done round the clock. 61.find a path to sth.     When you go out of your way to help people out and make them happy, you"re also found a path to self-satisfaction. 62.weigh out     To decide whether or not to accept an job offer, one  has to weigh out pros and cons. due diligence     Since you have already done your due diligence, there is nothing to feel regretful for. 64.optimize one"s efforts     By recruiting more talented staff, the company can optimize its efforts in research and development. 65.cancel out     The advantages and disadvantages would appear to cancel each other out. 66.take a pay cut     Some people are willing to take a massive pay cut to work somewhere they love, because they value job prospect over the current paycheck. 67.word-of-mouth     Word-of-mouth adds a layer of credibility and is more effective than other more formal forms of promotion. 68.feature     A people-first company culture features a strong service mentality of helping others thrive. 69.gain popularity     If pop starts go out of their way to establish a rapport with their groupies, they are more likely to gain popularity. 70.reap benefits     When you bring bliss to others, you can also reap benefits. a minor role     When it comes to job satisfaction, the ability to balance family issues with job duties never plays a minor role. 72.gain satisfaction from     More often than not, employees can gain satisfaction from due recognition. sought after     Interpersonal skills can be the most sought-after attribute that allows people to build rapport with colleagues and clients. 74.toot one"s horn     Some people believe your work should speak for itself, and that the idea of tooting your own horn sounds obnoxious. sb. over     If you want to win over customers merely by advertising, chances are it"s not going to work. 76.profit motive      What inspired these companies was a combination of the profit motive and the desire to innovate and improve people"s lives. 77.come to a close     As for young people, living far from family wouldn"t be an issue because parents" role as guider and instructor should have come to a close. critical of     Some people are critical of choosing a high-paid job over living close to family. In my opinion, this issue should be analyzed case by case 79.pull out the stops     Most companies seem willing to pull out the stops to create jobs and raise incomes. 80.put sb. down     You should set some boundaries if your friends keep putting you down and intrude upon your life. 81.climb the corporate ladder     Good people skills, which include working with cultural diversity, will allow you to climb that corporate ladder more quickly than others. in charge of     As an entrepreneur, you"ll be in charge of not only making decisions but also following things through. 83.take on challenges     Learning new things, taking on challenges, and rebounding after making mistakes are all a natural part of life and help train your brain to grow stronger over time. 84.take on responsibilities     Don"t take on responsibilities that you cannot handle. 85.extensive experience     People are qualified for a particular job because they have extensive experience and highly developed technical skills. 86.establish an image     Government must establish an image that is both secure and prudent. 87.stay ahead     In order to stay ahead of the competition, people would knuckle down and work around the clock. 88.nuts and bolts     You can recruit an outside marketing professional to help you come up with the nuts and bolts, but ultimately, it"s your job to finalize your company"s marketing plans. 89.take it upon oneself     The public figures should take it upon themselves to help people in need. 90.a plum job     Many of the plum jobs involve specialized skills, such as those in the info-tech industry or in editorial services. 91.sticking point     To promote a
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