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2023-06-23 18:40:53

2.将结果导入Fatigue进行疲劳寿命预测从而得出想要的结果。 存在的问题:1....它的计算结果fatigue求解是不认的,你用nastran里面的solution 600或者把载荷...



fatigue的意思是疲劳。名词性词义n.疲劳;劳累;厌倦;(金属或木材的)疲劳。动词性词义v.疲劳;使疲乏;(士兵)担任杂役。网络词义为疲倦;疲惫;使疲劳。搭配:形容词加名词adj.+n.physical fatigue,metal fatigue,mental fatigue,chronic fatigue,extreme fatigue;动词加名词v.+n.feel fatigue同义词为n.exhaustion,tiredness,weariness,weakness,lethargy;反义词为。fatigue的例句为:They were shedding their fatigue.身上疲劳的感觉渐渐都消失了。She works hard as if she never knew fatigue .她工作努力,仿佛不知疲倦似的。The gentle drizzle had soaked his fatigues .细雨早已把他的衣裤打得湿透。And then an immense fatigue would grip her .接着,她全身感到一阵极度的疲倦。He was too fatigued to care much .他累成这样,也无心过问。She felt a stealing sense of fatigue as she walked .她一边走一边感到疲倦不堪。He is dropping off with fatigue .他已经疲倦得昏昏欲睡。His eyes were bleary with fatigue .他累得头晕眼花。Exposure may produce olfactory fatigue or habituation .接触可以引起嗅觉疲劳或成瘾。
2023-06-23 04:08:151


tired累,很累,累死了。就是强调累。exhausted累的都废了。强调废了。A tired person can continue working until he becomes exhausted.累了的人可以继续工作到废。
2023-06-23 04:08:362

Fatigue 和tired的区别。详解。谢谢

2023-06-23 04:08:512


fatigue意思是:疲劳,疲乏;劳务杂役;(士兵穿的)工作服;使疲劳;使疲乏;疲劳。fat-,来自拉丁语fatisci,拟声词,破裂声,开始裂开。-isci是起始动词后缀。-ig,意为做,驱动,词源同exigent,agent,即快断裂的,接近极限点的,词义引申人的极度疲劳,极限。fatigue用法和例句:1、Maria"s eyes were puffy from crying and fatigue.玛丽亚的眼睛因为哭泣和疲劳而肿胀。2、So far there is no sign of fatigue with the brand.到目前为止,还没有迹象表明人们对此品牌感到疲倦。3、Follow this advice to save your eyes from strain,fatigue and overwork.按照以下建议,把你的眼睛从疲惫,劳累和过度工作中解脱出来。4、Another fear is donor fatigue.国内的另一担忧是援助疲劳。5、Chronic fatigue is utterly debilitating.慢性疲劳使人处于完全衰弱的状态。
2023-06-23 04:09:101


fatigue[英][f ti:ɡ][美][f tiɡ]过去式:fatigued过去分词:fatigued现在分词:fatiguing名词复数:fatigues基本释义同反义词行业释义英英释义更多资料n.1. 疲劳, 劳累2. 〈军〉杂役3. (士兵穿的)工作服4. 厌倦展开词典例句fatherlinessfatigue capabili...网络释义以下结果来自互联网1. 疲劳undergo,动词,“经历、忍受”...fatigue,名词,“疲劳”...2. 疲劳,劳累a.可定义的,可确定的...fatigue[fE5ti:g] n.疲劳,劳累3. 疲乏chest pain [tFest pein] 胸痛...fatigue[f[5ti:g]疲乏...malaise [mA5leiz] 乏力4. 疲倦Eyelid swollen 眼皮肿...fatigue疲倦...fatigues easily 容易全身无力
2023-06-23 04:10:282


2023-06-23 04:10:352


  疲劳是一种主观不适感觉,但客观上会在同等条件下,失去其完成原来所从事的正常活动或工作能力。那么你知道吗?下面一起来学习一下吧。    疲劳英语说法1   fatigue    疲劳英语说法2   tired    疲劳的相关短语:   疲劳测试 Fatigue Test ; Endurance Test ; endurance load   弯曲疲劳 Bending fatigue ; flexural fatigue   声疲劳 acoustic fatigue   听觉疲劳 auditory fatigue ; fatigue auditory   过度疲劳 overfatigue ; overtoil ; excessive tiredness ; defatigation   疲劳分析 Fatigue Analysis ; Fe-safe ; fatigue of concrete in tension   疲劳载荷 fatigue load   疲劳的英语例句:   1. Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion.   缺乏锻炼会导致抑郁和疲劳。   2. Peppermint leaves are believed to relieve tiredness and nasal stuffiness.   据信薄荷叶可以减轻疲劳和鼻塞。   3. Symptoms of anaemia include weakness, fatigue and iron deficiency.   贫血的症状包括虚弱、疲劳和缺铁。   4. Losing a lot of blood makes you tired and anaemic.   失血过多会导致你疲劳并且贫血。   5. Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression.   慢性疲劳也是抑郁症的显著特点之一。   6. Cucumber is good for soothing tired eyes.   黄瓜有助于舒缓眼部疲劳。   7. Reactions were slowed by fatigue.   疲劳使反应变得迟缓。   8. She tired easily and had a weak heart.   她很容易疲劳,心脏也不好。   9. Staff say he is suffering from exhaustion.   员工说他极度疲劳。   10. physical and mental fatigue   身体和精神的疲劳   11. Although fatigue shows readily on Carter, he bounces back quickly.   卡特虽然容易显出疲劳的样子, 但他恢复得很快.   12. We are all liable to make mistakes when we"re tired.   我们疲劳的时候都容易出错.   13. He was evidently too tired to go any further.   他显然太疲劳,一步也走不动了.   14. You need to rest from your labor; you look very tired.   你的样子很疲劳, 需要放下工作休息一下.   15. He felt very tired, for he preached for a long time.   由于讲道太久,他感觉非常疲劳.
2023-06-23 04:11:361

疲劳 英语

说到最实惠的骁龙710手机,360N7 Pro自然不能缺席。在之前曾将360N6Pro做到骁龙660机型最低,如今故技重施。4G+32GB版已低至1099,不过最划算的还是1598元的6G+128GB版。360N7 Pro同样没有异形屏的加入,双面玻璃加金属中框,外观经典不落伍。在电池容量上保持了4000mAh+18W快充的组合,还有Type-C的加入,毕竟这在以往的360手机上多没能实现
2023-06-23 04:11:466


fatigue 是名词tired 是形容词
2023-06-23 04:12:013

安装完fatigue standalone 运行时提示需要msc.patran怎么办

2023-06-23 04:12:091


2023-06-23 04:12:163

tiredness fatigue有何区别?

fatigue:great tiredness, usu resulting from hard work or exercise 疲乏; 疲劳; 疲倦: We were all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey. 我们到旅程终点时全都累垮了. tire:(cause a person or an animal to) become weary or in need of rest (使人或动物)疲劳, 疲倦: She"s got so much energy she never seems to tire. 她精力充沛--似乎从不感到疲倦. * Old people tire easily. 老年人容易疲倦. * The long walk tired me (out). 我长途步行之后很累.
2023-06-23 04:12:261

fatigue tired 有区别吗

fatigue可以作名词;及物动词不及物动词 tired是形容词
2023-06-23 04:12:332

fatique fatigue 两者做形容词的区别【机械方面】

朋友,与你分享 1)无论是不是机械方面还是建筑、医药等行业,fatique和fatigue的意思都是一样和“疲劳”有关系.均可翻译为“疲劳” 2)英文对fatique的解释是 Fatique:Fatique is listed as an alternate name or description for symptom:Fatigue fatique只是fatigue的另一种写法而已. 3)所以fatique和fatigue其实就是同一个意思,没有任何区别. ====供朋友参考
2023-06-23 04:12:391


fatigued的英文解释是extremely tired. 可见,区别仅在于疲劳的程度.
2023-06-23 04:12:471


2023-06-23 04:13:553


MSC Fatigue是MSC.Software公司与英国谢非尔德nCode国际公司(nCode International)紧密合作的基础上发展起来的高级疲劳分析软件。nCode公司在全球的疲劳与寿命领域久负盛誉。
2023-06-23 04:14:021

法语 书里写着 je suis fatigué,。。。但是我查法语助手的字典 fatigué只出现fatigue,和fatiguer 没有

fatigué是形容词“疲劳的,累的 ”fatigue是名词 疲劳的意思fatiguer是动词 指“使……累”
2023-06-23 04:14:153

fatigant和fatiqué 区别

二楼说的有误~~没听说过 fatigué就和 exited 有关系,是被动吗~~好像有别的时态表示。
2023-06-23 04:14:255


疲劳程度英文:Degree of fatique疲劳英文:tired; fatigued; fatigue; strain fag 程度英文:level; degree; extent; grade how
2023-06-23 04:14:422


科技名词定义中文名称:热疲劳英文名称:thermal fatigue定义1:工作部件在温度反复变化时产生较大交变热应力,从而导致裂纹萌生和扩展的过程。应用学科:电力(一级学科);汽轮机、燃气轮机(二级学科)定义2:在材料和结构中,由温度梯度和不均匀膨胀的循环变化产生的循环热应力和应变所导致的疲劳损伤。应用学科: 航空科技(一级学科);推进技术与航空动力装置(二级学科)以上内容由全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定公布   thermal fatigue当容器或构件由于其温度的反复变化而引起其金属材料的疲劳现象称为热疲劳。有一些材料构件,在高温环境下受力,很容易产生“热疲劳”。
2023-06-23 04:14:534

法语的 fatigant 和fatiguer 怎么区分

fatigant 会让人累的fatiguer 累人fatigué(e) 累
2023-06-23 04:14:591


2023-06-23 04:15:201


2023-06-23 04:15:411


1. When did you feel fatigued?I felt fatigued when I had too much mental pressure and had a cold.2. how did you eliminate fatigue when you felt fatigued?I eliminated fatigue with body building and ample sleeping.
2023-06-23 04:16:204

fatigue resistance是什么意思

fatigue resistance英[fu0259u02c8ti:ɡ riu02c8zistu0259ns]美[fu0259u02c8tiɡ ru026au02c8zu026astu0259ns][释义] 抗疲劳性; 耐[抗]疲劳性,动强度;
2023-06-23 04:16:273


2023-06-23 04:16:351

fatigue proof是什么材料

fatigue proof 耐疲劳的这是英文词组,不是材料。如:Result High strength and high stiffness, light weight, anti fatigue and shock proof were achieved for the whole module structure.结果舱体结构达到了整体强度高、刚度大、重量轻、抗疲劳和减振等效果。yclic fatigue strength and lifetime of soda lime glass after proof testing 保证试验后钙钠玻璃的循环疲劳强度及寿命
2023-06-23 04:16:431

英语选择题 I suffered from mental _____ becaus

你的答案错了选择 fatigue
2023-06-23 04:16:523


2023-06-23 04:17:041

Je suis fatiguée~前面俩个我清楚了最后一个是什么意思。

Je 我 suis 是 相当于英语的am fatigué 累的,疲惫的 très 非常,很全句就是“我累了,非常累” 我很累,非常累! 我累了,非常累 .
2023-06-23 04:17:143


fatigue (名词)是医学名词, 如chronic fatigue syndrome 慢性疲劳综合征exhaustedadj.耗尽的, 枯竭的,筋疲力尽的,无用的, 废的exhausted tea泡得无味的茶叶exhausted tear哭干了的眼泪exhausted lye废碱液tiredadj疲乏的,疲倦的;劳累的I felt tired after work. 我下班之后很疲劳。 Tired as he was, Peter tried to finish all the homework that day.尽管彼得很累了,他还是努力完成当天的所有家庭作业。The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.孩子们感到累了,所以他们扑灭了火,爬进了帐篷。(感到)厌烦的,厌倦的I"m tired of your conversation. 你的讲话我听腻了。Everybody"s tired of your everlasting complaints!大家对你喋喋不休的抱怨感到厌倦了。
2023-06-23 04:18:201


fatigue 指尽力后变得疲倦、劳累 ,strain指尽力使用,使紧张、使疲劳,
2023-06-23 04:18:431


问题一:缓解疲劳英文怎么写 缓解疲劳 Alleviate fatigue 麻烦采纳,谢谢! 问题二:消除疲劳英语怎么说 to get rid of fatigue 问题三:缓解疲劳和挑战极限英文怎么说? 缓解疲劳 alleviate fatigue 挑战极限 challenge the extremes 问题四:疲劳用英语怎么说 tierd 如果满意,请记得采纳 问题五:英语作文:如何缓解疲劳? 让利宝能写,但不能给你写,那样是害你,不是帮你,。解除疲劳的方法很多。深呼吸、打哈欠、伸懒腰、喝咖啡、闭目养神、 *** 等都是不错的小方法。 问题六:身心疲惫用英语怎么翻译 身心疲惫 mental/physical exhaustionfeel exhaustion of body and mind. 问题七:疲倦 英文怎么说? tired疲倦 问题八:因。。。而疲劳用英语怎么说 be tired for...
2023-06-23 04:19:001


疲倦的解释 [fatigue;weary] 劳累困倦。同疲乏 疲倦得 甚至 连冷饮也不去喝了 详细解释 疲乏;困倦。 《六韬·火战》 :“ 三军 行数百里, 人马 疲倦休止。” 《后汉书·寇恂传》 :“今士马疲倦,方履险阻,非万乘之固。” 元 赵孟頫 《题耕织图》 诗之四:“朝朝荷锄往,薅耨忘疲倦。” 秦牧 《花城·土地》 :“他们疲倦极了, 饥饿 极了。” 词语分解 疲的解释 疲 í 身体劳累的感觉:疲乏。疲倦。疲劳。疲惫。疲敝。 精疲力尽 。 懈怠 ,不起劲:疲塌。疲软。 部首 :疒; 倦的解释 倦 à 疲乏:疲倦。 倦怠 。倦意。倦容。倦色。 对 某种 活动失去 兴趣 :厌倦。倦飞(喻厌倦仕宦而归隐)。倦游(厌倦游宦 生涯 )。 部首:亻。
2023-06-23 04:19:091

安装fatigue后打开图标总出现Your request to run MSC.Patran has been denied.fatigue没法用怎么解决啊?

2023-06-23 04:19:162

weary ,tired , fatigued区别

2023-06-23 04:19:231

Je suis fatigue是什么意思?求解

我很累(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
2023-06-23 04:19:301


2023-06-23 04:19:451

法语tu es tres fatigue是什么意思

2023-06-23 04:19:544

为什么ansys 18经典界面找不到fatigue

我的ansys17 general post里面也是没有 fatigue,不知道怎么回事,你现在解决没有
2023-06-23 04:20:093


If you"re not feeling very well, constant headaches fever and feeling weak and fatigue, you may have a bad cold.
2023-06-23 04:20:356

international journal of fatigue是什么期刊

2023-06-23 04:20:512


Time to take exercise
2023-06-23 04:22:062

He works with such enthusiasm as if he never ____fatigue. know 2.knew 选项多,缩写了,选哪?

knew 他工作起来很有激情好象从不疲惫 对现在情况的虚拟用过去时态
2023-06-23 04:22:343

法语用现在分词,如何表示我累了我要去睡觉了呢? 这样说对吗?étant fatigue je vais dormir

2023-06-23 04:22:444

学习方面劳逸结合 的一篇英语作文., 麻烦帮我找下,

Fatigue and Rest Fatigue and Rest Scientists have made an interesting experiment about fatigue. When a muscle in the body works, it produces lactic acid, and it is this lactic that makes the muscle tired. Fatigue is not just a chemical process, it is also a biologi cai process. We can"t just "remove" fatigue;we must allow the cells of the body to rest. Damages must be repaired, nerve cells of the brain must be "recharged," the joints of the body must replace used up lubricants. Sleep will always be necessary as a way of restoring the body" s energy after fatigue. However, a person who has been working hard at his desk for hours may not want to lie down at all when he is tired. He"d rather takea walk!Or when children come home from school they want to run out to play... not to lie down and rest. The reason is that if only a certain part of the body is tried the best way to make that part feel fresh again is to make other parts of the body active! We can actually rest by means of activity. Of course, if you are totally exhausted, the best thing to do is to go to sleep!
2023-06-23 04:23:052


Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Statistical planning and analysis of data Objectives This International Standard presents methods for the experimental planning of fatigue testing and the statistical analysis of the resulting data. The purpose is to determine the fatigue properties of metallic materials with both a high degree of confidence and a practical number of specimens.Fatigue properties to be analysed This International Standard provides a method for the analysis of fatigue life properties at a variety of stress levels using a relationship that can linearly approximate the material"s response in appropriate coordinates. Specifically, it addresses: a) the fatigue life for a given stress, and b) the fatigue strength for a given fatigue life. The term "stress" in this International Standard can be replaced by "strain", as the methods described are also valid for the analysis of life properties as a function of strain. Fatigue strength in the case of strain-controlled tests is considered in terms of strain, as it is ordinarily understood in terms of stress in stress-controlled tests.Limit of application This International Standard is limited to the analysis of fatigue data for materials exhibiting homogeneous behaviour due to a single mechanism of fatigue failure. This refers to the statistical properties of test results that are closely related to material behaviour under the test conditions. In fact, specimens of a given material tested under different conditions may reveal variations in failure mechanisms. For ordinary cases, the statistical property of resulting data represents one failure mechanism and may permit direct analysis. Conversely, situations are encountered where the statistical behaviour is not homogeneous. It is necessary for all such cases to be modelled by two or more individual distributions. An example of such behaviour is often observed when failure can initiate from either a surface or internal site at the same level of stress. Under these conditions, the data will have mixed statistical characteristics corresponding to the different mechanisms of failure. These types of results are not considered in this International Standard because a much higher complexity of analysis is required.
2023-06-23 04:23:124


2023-06-23 04:23:222


2023-06-23 04:23:281