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2023-06-23 07:15:38




有很多呢,比如: godly ["ɡɔdli] adj. 正直的,神圣的 godlike ["ɡɔdlaik] adj. 似神的,庄严的,与神相称的
2023-06-22 21:37:161


2023-06-22 21:37:245


2023-06-22 21:37:522


=================================c, d, e, g, l, m, o, t, x, y 能组成:=================================melody, comedy, xylem, codex, coxed, cloyed, decoy, godly, comet, dogy, come, coted, model, clog, code, coed, cold, deco, demo, dye, lodge, meld, metol, mode, mold, motel, colt.=================================加上 f, h, i, j, p, q, z 能组成:=================================complexify,complexity,complex, chiefly, copyleft, eightfold, epoxy, modify, pixel, zip.
2023-06-22 21:38:134

你们的 虔诚的。。英语翻译 究竟哪个是形容词喔。。?

2023-06-22 21:38:217


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2023-06-22 21:39:321


读书破万卷,下笔如有神Reading tens of thousands of books successively, writing articles, writing quickly seems to be a god
2023-06-22 21:40:0015


魔炼尊铠 rsps嗜血魔尊 KVDemonor魔尊——鬼神界的统治者。Demonor , the Lord of the Demon plane. 世界在圣战之后渐渐恢复魔尊叛乱没有事成,但玉帝知道人间是一团糟。After recovering from the godly battle, Supremor saw that the mortal plane was still a mess and Mortalor was nowhere to be found. 玉帝首先魔尊,但是失败了,狂怒之中,他咆哮魔尊的名字魔尊魔界与凡间的封印。Supremor first tried contacting Mortalor telepathically, but when that failed , he roared Mortalor "s name and ordered him to fix the broken seals .
2023-06-22 21:40:271


在小说《面纱》中,沃尔特发现妻子凯蒂与查理偷情后,便带着报复心理将凯蒂带到了每天有上百人死亡的霍乱疫区湄潭府。 结果凯蒂却安然无恙,并顺利经由香港返回英国故乡,而沃尔特自己却身染霍乱命丧湄潭府(他或许在实验室故意为之)。 死前他跟凯蒂说的最后一句话便是:“死的那个是狗。” “死的那个是狗。”选自一首诗《一只疯狗之死的挽歌》。这首诗是由十八世纪英国著名剧作家奥利弗·哥德史密斯所创作。大意是一个好心人领养了一条狗,起初相处融洽,突然一天,狗发疯咬了主人。大家都为即将死去的好心人哀叹,但是人好好地活了下来,狗却死了。 对于小说中作者借用这句诗想表达什么意思,读者众说纷纭,见仁见智。 今天在此把这首诗的全文分享一下,并附上作者简介。奥利弗·哥德史密斯,十八世纪著名的英国剧作家。1728年生于爱尔兰,毕业于都柏林圣三一学院(Trinity College),并于爱丁堡就读医科。写作风格:以嬉笑怒骂的形式,藉以讽刺时弊。《一只疯狗之死的挽歌》英文全文:Good people all,of every sort, Give ear unto my song, And if you find it wondrous short, It cannot hold you long. In Islington there was a man, Of whom the world might say That still a godly race he ran, Where"er he went to pray. A kind and gentle heart he had, To comfort friends and foes. The naked every day he clad, When he put on his clothes. And in that town a dog was found, As many dogs there be, Both mongrel,puppy,whelp and hound, And curs of low degree. This dog and man at first were friends, but when a pique began, the dog,to gain some private ends, went mad and bit the man. Around from all the neighbouring streets The wondering neighbours ran, And swore the dog had lost his wits, To bite so good a man. The wound it seemed both sore and sad To every Christina eye. And while they swore the dog was mad, They swore the man would die. But soon a wonder came to light, That showed the rogues they lied: The man recovered of the bite, The dog it was that died.中文网译:善良仁翁齐聚堂, 且听小儿把歌唱; 莫嫌此曲未够长, 唯恐匆匆将其忘。 伊斯林顿一善人, 口碑在外有名声, 教堂祷告表虔诚, 俨然上帝好仆人。 温柔和善见宽仁, 劝慰不将敌友分。 遮体避寒显慈恩, 衣冠楚楚勤助人。 偶遇一狗镇上逛, 好似同伴一模样, 杂种幼犬贱又脏, 卑微低等可怜相。 初与善人喜结友, 终惹怨怼怒成仇, 不达目的誓不休, 猛咬主家变疯狗。 左邻右里围四周, 惊讶万分互奔走。 断言此狗失心疯, 丧心病狂使人愁, 岂可咬此大恩人, 不分好歹妄争斗。 重创看在信徒眼, 凄惨苦痛个个怜。 誓言狗疯招罪愆, 论断此兄气奄奄。 然有奇事忽显现, 戳破谎言假嘴脸。 仁翁犬口来脱险, 重获新生乐颠颠。 疯狗黄泉把命捐, 空留玄机在人间。
2023-06-22 21:40:341

英文名字 男孩 武字开头的名字 什么英文名好呢 拜托帮取一个 或者是包含Y、S字母开头的英文名 先谢谢各位

Woody Lerry。。。。。 遁走
2023-06-22 21:40:432


1. 我的英雄英语作文 您好:my father is my heroWhen I was young he would kiss me every night and sing to me as I awoke. He made me feel so special. I knew that my father loved me. It made me feel strong enough to do almost everything. He got sick, but strength(力气) kept him alive. He loved his children so much. He gave up years of his life caring for the woman, his wife. She was going to die. Day and night he struggled(努力) for years with her disease. (疾病)Despite disease of his own, he still stood by her side caring for her and loving her until the day she died.Twenty days later, he died. I lost my hero, my father, a man who was my friend.A few years have passed, and the life has changed a lot. But the love for my father won"t change and it will never end.希望对您的学习有帮助62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333335343265满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢。 2. 我的英雄英语作文带翻译五句话 Everybody"s heart has a hero live in.The hero in my heart is my father.He didn"t has a lot of vigorous deeds,but he influence me at every detail.He can always save me in difficult and show me a new way again.He can give me an enough sense of security which can keep danger away from me.He say less but do more,he loves me and expected nothing in return.I hope I can bee a person like him,holding fast to the belief in the plex environment and never say no. 每个人心中都有一个英雄.我心中的英雄就是我的父亲.他没有很多轰轰烈烈的事迹,却在每个细节处影响着我.他总能解救我于困顿之时并给我重新指点新的方向.他能给我足够的安全感,因为他总可以让危险远离我.他说的少做的多,爱我不求回报.我希望自己可以成为像他那样的人,在复杂的环境中坚守自己并永不言败。 3. 用英语写英雄的作文要有翻译 When people say theword "hero", what will you think? Do you have a hero in your heart? Maybeyour hero is a famous singer, a movie star or a great-man. But my hero isaround me, who gives me more love than others. She is my mother, the hero in myheart. My mother isn"t great in the way of a famous singer or a movie star. Shedoes nothing big, but what she does make others inferior. From her, I learn alot. 当人们说“英雄”一词的时候,你会想到谁?你心中是否有一个英雄?也许你的英雄是个著名歌手,电影明星或者一个伟人。但是我的英雄就在我身边,给予我比别人更多的爱。她就是我的妈妈,我心目中的英雄。我的妈妈没有像著名歌手或电影明星的那种伟大。她没有做出什么伟大的事,但是她做的也不会比别人逊色。从她身上我学到了很多。 When I was a baby,she taught me how to walk and how to speak. When I go to school, she helps mesolve many problems. She also tells me be kind to others. When I do badly instudy, she encourages me and tries to cheer me up. My mother is a teacher, and sheis always busy with her work. When she corrects students" homework, she isalways very serious. My mother is responsible to all of her students. She care *** uch about students study and life, and she tries her best to help students inneed. 当我还是个婴儿的时候,她教我怎样走路,怎样说话。当我去上学的时候,她帮我解决了很多问题。她还告诉我要对别人友善。当我在学习上做得不好的时候,她鼓励我,试图逗我开心。我的妈妈是一名老师,她总是忙于工作。当她批改学生的作业的时候,她总是很严肃认真。我妈妈对她所有的学生都很负责。她很关心学生的学习生活,并尽她最大的努力帮助需要的学生。 My mother is aloving mother, a qualified teacher, and a real hero in my heart. 我的妈妈是位充满爱的妈妈,一位合格的老师,我心目中真正的英雄。 4. 【我的英雄MyHero英语作文】 As I ponder the love that I saw in his eyes,A Godly love, given without promise。 .I recall many times that he stood by my side,And prodded me on with great vigor and pride.His voice ever confident, firm and yet fair,Always speaking with patience, tenderness and care.The power and might of his hands was so sure,I knew there was nothing we couldn t endure.It s true, a few others provided insight,Yet, he laid the foundation that kept me upright.He s the grandest of men to have lived on this earth,Although he s not royal by stature or birth.He s a man of great dignity, honor and strength.His merits are noble, and of admirable length.He s far greater than all other men that I know,He s my Dad, he s my mentor, my friend and hero.。 5. 谁给我写一篇 我的英雄 英语作文 my father is my hero When I was young he would kiss me every night and sing to me as I awoke. He made me feel so special. I knew that my father loved me. It made me feel strong enough to do almost everything. He got sick, but strength(力气) kept him alive. He loved his children so much. He gave up years of his life caring for the woman, his wife. She was going to die. Day and night he struggled(努力) for years with her disease. (疾病)Despite disease of his own, he still stood by her side caring for her and loving her until the day she died. Twenty days later, he died. I lost my hero, my father, a man who was my friend. A few years have passed, and the life has changed a lot. But the love for my father won"t change and it will never end. 欢迎采纳。 6. 我的英雄英语作文 您好:my father is my hero When I was young he would kiss me every night and sing to me as I awoke. He made me feel so special. I knew that my father loved me. It made me feel strong enough to do almost everything. He got sick, but strength(力气) kept him alive. He loved his children so much. He gave up years of his life caring for the woman, his wife. She was going to die. Day and night he struggled(努力) for years with her disease. (疾病)Despite disease of his own, he still stood by her side caring for her and loving her until the day she died. Twenty days later, he died. I lost my hero, my father, a man who was my friend. A few years have passed, and the life has changed a lot. But the love for my father won"t change and it will never end. 希望对您的学习有帮助 满意请采纳O(∩_∩)O谢谢 欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O谢谢 7. 我心目中的英雄 英语作文 钱学森 My hero Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart. He has the greatest intelligence in the world. When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the world, being very hard-working. Then he won many big prizes and had many famous discoveries.The most famous thing he did is the first Bomb and Rocket in China.Now, he is the person who make our country stronger and developing. Everyone in China will not fet him 周杰伦My Hero I think lots of students like the pop singer named Jay. I also like him very much. When he released his first album, I started to buy his album. And I never miss any album of his. Do you know as a boy, Jay was called Dull Stupid. But his mother Yeh Huimei, noticed that the quiet, shy boy seemed to dance practically when he heard the Western Pop music she used to play. His mother sent him to a piano school when he was four. When he has grown up, he had developed an ability for instant playing beyond his years. I learned to play the piano from 7 years old to 13 years old. I often feel bored when I practise playing the piano. But Jay was always crazy about playing the piano. I think he really likes music. So I admire him very much, and I call him “hero”32313133353236313431303231363533e58685e5aeb931333332643265. I admire Jay. The real reason is when the others all denied him, he never gave up. He tried his best to change his life. I think it is good for everybody. I hope that everyone can learn from him---try their best to do everything. Then I think we will make the grade.谢谢采纳。 8. 英语作文(我的英雄)怎么写啊 我心目中的英雄(The hero in my heart)Everyone"s heart have a hero,maybe a person who save the people,maybe a animal who have got good spirit. So far,I can"t fet a person who helped plenty of people.His name is Leifeng.I think he was a good person I can"t understand why he was so friendly,but I really know,he was a hero in my heart.I looked up upon him.and I will do all things I can do,I want to be the 2nd Leifeng。 9. 英语作文.主题.我的英雄,写得好追加20分. My HeroMy hero she is, and she loves me, as all other mothers would their children. I remember the time when I was struck on my bed by severe illness, and she used to pick up the coursework for me, journeying from her workplace to school, from school to home. My tears nearly ran out of control when I saw bruises on her knees. She got thoses bruises when retrieving my homework. I feel regret for having said nothing to her; an adolescent sense of rebellion kept me silent. Perhaps to others my mother is merely an ordinary hairdresser and stylist, but she is of the most beautiful and elegent style in my mind。
2023-06-22 21:40:512


泰拉瑞亚是一款很经典的生存类游戏,在游戏中武器可谓种类繁多,而且武器在游戏中有着很重要的作用,下面给大家分享下泰拉瑞亚全武器深入分析,有需要的玩家可以参考下。全武器图鉴特点解析一、消耗类武器雪球 也可以当做雪球枪弹药伤害 4击退 4.5射速 7使用间隔 18骨头 也是做骨头系列各种东西的材料伤害 22击退 4射速 8使用间隔 11手里剑伤害 10击退 0射速 9使用间隔 14 飞刀伤害 12击退 2射速 10使用间隔 14毒飞刀 50%几率使敌人中毒十秒伤害 13击退 2射速 11使用间隔 14刺球伤害 15击退 1射速 5使用间隔 14神圣之瓶 让土地神圣化伤害 20击退 3射速 9使用间隔 14邪恶之瓶 腐蚀土地伤害 20击退 3射速 9使用间隔 14臭鸡蛋 万圣节之夜googie bag开出可以击杀NPC 也可以伤害未开PVP是的其他玩家伤害 10击退 6.5射速 9使用间隔 18 蜜蜂手雷 炸出来一群蜜蜂攻击敌人(没数过)蜜蜂不能进水伤害 14击退 1射速 6使用间隔 14炸药 电路党的XXX可破坏最多314个格子,造成250伤害炸药头上不能再放一个炸药炸弹伤害 100射速 5使用间隔 24 粘性炸弹 三秒后爆炸伤害 100射速 5使用间隔 24手雷 不会炸毁物块碰到有效目标或3秒后爆炸伤害 60击退 8射速 5.5使用间隔 44(⊙o⊙)… 炸药? explosive 和dynamite什么区别来的伤害 25射速 4使用间隔 39对mob(是指怪物们么)造成250伤害对玩家造成500伤害僵尸手臂 僵尸稀有掉落伤害 12击退 4.5攻击间隔 19仙人掌剑 十个仙人掌块合成伤害 9击退 5攻击间隔 24冰刃 传说中的魔法武器 会发射魔法冰箭(大致有1.5s冷却)A一下biu一下 法爷再也不用mana了伤害 13 魔法箭伤害一样击退 4.75魔法箭射速 8攻击间隔 19light‘s bane (光之灾祸?)10个恶魔锭伤害 17击退 5攻击间隔 19ムラマサ 妖刀村正 各种回忆地牢金箱子可得伤害 18击退 1攻击间隔 19骨剑(qitan?) 地下骷髅稀有掉落 初期可得豪装伤害 17击退 4.5攻击间隔 21附魔剑 射出魔法箭(也有cd)伤害 18击退 5魔法箭射速 9攻击间隔 9在洞穴打掉背景里的这玩意儿会出这个是假的 ,打了就没有相位剑20个陨铁锭加10个各类宝石伤害 21击退 3攻击间隔 24鲜血屠杀者 10个猩红锭伤害 22击退 5攻击间隔 24starfury群星之怒有一个同名小游戏我觉得很经典,是一个引入了即时策略要素的太空塔防,可以拉扯炮塔还T之类和其他很新颖的设定,推荐给大家挥击掉下一颗星星造成22点伤害(有cd) 可穿透两次伤害 22击退 5攻击间隔 21养蜂人 杀人蜂 召唤一只杀人蜂造成12伤害 10%几率造成混乱伤害 23击退 5.2攻击间隔 21艹刃 12个丛林孢子加15个尖刺攻击 28击退 3攻击间隔 29火焰巨剑 20/35个狱岩锭(版本不同)一半几率使敌人着火伤害 36击退 6.5攻击间隔 33夜刃伤害 42击退 4.5攻击间隔 26在处合成钴蓝之剑 10个钴蓝锭按住自动挥(哎,前面有这属性的是不是忘说了╮(╯▽╰)╭)伤害 34击退 3.85攻击间隔 23钯金剑 10个钯金锭伤害 36击退 4.75攻击间隔 24秘银剑 10个秘银锭 秘银砧(前面大部分都是铁砧就行了)伤害 39击退 6攻击间隔 25 破坏者巨剑 肉山掉落由于剑身巨大,一次挥击可造成多次判定游戏中最大的剑,拥有最大的距离 ,而草剃是第二大伤害 39击退 8攻击间隔 29 冰镰 掉落自装甲维京肉山后地下雪地挥动发出一道冰月弯刀。。。射出后会在原地旋转伤害多个敌人,可以造成击退和伤害这个发射物可以叠加伤害 40击退 5.5攻击间隔 24弯刀 掉落子海盗入侵中的海盗水手攻速很快 按住连发。。。而在和npc对话时则不能伤害 51击退 4攻击间隔 16相位军刀 对应颜色phaseblade+50个在铁砧合成伤害 43击退 3攻击间隔 24山铜剑 10个山铜锭(秘银砧)伤害 41击退 6攻击间隔 25叶绿军刀 挥动时放出短距离的孢子毒云(毒云可穿墙、攻击多数敌人)1s cd带连发12个叶绿锭在秘银砧合成伤害 43击退 4攻击间隔 16精金剑 12个精金锭在秘银砧合成伤害 44击退 6攻击间隔 26钛金剑 12个钛金锭在秘银砧合成伤害 46击退 6攻击间隔 25如雷贯耳的ex咖喱棒 12个神圣锭在秘银砧合成自带连发,挥动发光1.2后可以继续向上合成伤害 47击退 4.5攻击间隔 24冰霜巨剑 掉落自宝箱怪(28.5%)是ice mimic 蓝色的那个才会爆挥动向鼠标悬停方向发射一枚冰球造成49伤害,可穿过单个敌人可对某些boss造成两次伤害好像前面都忘了写爆率了喂伤害 49击退 4.5攻击间隔 22 电波剑 bi bi bi挥动发出一道金色的剑气(真的是剑气啊喂)一直挥的话四次射一次剑气装甲骷髅掉落 (0.67%)不自带连发伤害 52击退 6.5剑气射速 11攻击间隔 14键刃 掉落自肉山后打完普兰戴拉大王花boss后的地牢怪伤害 55击退 4攻击间隔 21真。ex咖哩棒⑨版+英雄断剑在秘银砧合成另外断剑由日食期间的 1/250几率掉落攻击时会发出一道粉色的剑气和旧版不一样的是无法连发伤害 65击退 4.5剑气射速 11攻击间隔 15tizona好像是西班牙传说里的一把剑,又名希德之剑只有控制台或移动版才有,可造成流血效果是excalibur的重新上色版2+15+20在秘银砧合成伤害 56击退 4攻击间隔 26死神镰刀 日食期间由掉落(0.4%)挥动时发出一道旋转的紫色镰刀,可穿墙 照明,到达最大距离后在原地旋转一小会儿伤害 58击退 7攻击间隔 24发出的镰刀在消失前最多可攻击6次用此装备击杀怪物有更高几率掉落souls系列材料正常情况下飞出的镰刀会飞12格 ,而手套系的饰品能让它飞到20格装备和一个非手套系重铸为violent前缀的饰品则会让飞行物飞到24格 真。夜刃原夜刃+英雄断剑在秘银砧合成挥动发射出一把旋转的绿色剑气伤害 70击退 4.75发射速度 10攻击间隔 23叶绿大剑 12个叶绿锭 挥动射出一个光球,造成72伤害增加近战速度也会增加光球的射速和距离伤害 72击退 6发射速度 8攻击间隔 27狂叼酷帅霸的 terra之刃(都以游戏名命名了)不过也可以译为大地之剑(拉丁语terra为大地,terraria也是大地之名)++在秘银砧或山铜砧合成挥动时发出一把绿色的剑气这个剑气享受各种buff加成可穿透两个敌人,最多在5000ft消失,可享受近战攻速加成伤害 80击退 6.5发射速度 12攻击间隔 15无头骑士之刃 掉落自万圣节之夜1.19-14.29%挥动召唤追踪南瓜头对付多段节肢型敌人时会射出许多南瓜头,dps暴涨当然用雕像刷许多怪也会让南瓜头暴增The Horseman"s Blade 加前缀时加在 the 之前穿冰霜套的话南瓜头会变成蓝光伤害 75击退 6发射速度 12攻击间隔 25-29Scourge of the Corruptor 出现在一个要用腐蚀钥匙开启的腐蚀宝箱内使用后射出一个造成全额伤害的快速投射物,它之后会分裂成2-4个小灵魂吞噬者冲向 物块或敌人。吞噬者有追踪能力,可移动700ft,可在墙上反弹5次,每只造成武器一半伤害。吞噬者没有击退能力,但大量吞噬者可让敌人无法移动。在游戏中它是一个近战武器,虽然玩家一般都认为它是远程武器。伤害 57击退 4-5发射速度 14攻击间隔 13-19吸血鬼飞刀 出现在地牢中的尽管攻击方式是远程,但是是近战武器。使用发出4-8个飞速的吸血小刀,7.5%吸血。不受重力影响,伤害减小很快,发出后很快消失。自1.2.0.3起,它的攻击效率被降低,但仍被逐渐认为是游戏中最好的近战武器之一。最佳附魔为godly。穿寒霜套+ 再喝彩纸瓶攻击很华丽在多人游戏中疯狂使用会引发自动hack检测功能导致掉线。伤害 29击退 2.75发射速度 15攻击间隔 16 装上刀刃的拳套之类的吧在万圣节之夜掉落自弱怪 (条件<20 防, <40 伤害 and <5 银币掉落)掉率0.05%伤害 13击退 4攻击间隔 7伤害链球 打破暗影球获得伤害 15击退 6.5速度 12攻击间隔 44血肉之球 10+5伤害 16击退 6.5速度 12攻击间隔 44链刀 宝箱可得 0.4%掉率 说骷髅也掉但掉落列表里没找到伤害 11击退 3.5速度 12攻击间隔 19鱼叉 受重力影响略大 哥布林入侵掉落伤害 25击退 6速度 10攻击间隔 29蓝月 地牢箱子出挥动发光伤害 23击退 7速度 12攻击间隔 44sunfury 太阳之怒 暗影宝箱出品挥动发光,攻击使敌人着火伤害 33击退 7速度 12攻击间隔 44 Dao of Pow 33%几率使敌人混乱,混乱后敌人头上冒出问号并远离玩家,持续3s。1+1+7+7在秘银砧合成伤害 49击退 7速度 15攻击间隔 44Flower Pow16.67%名字来源于”Flower Power“1960年代末至1970年代初美国反文化活动的口号伤害 52击退 7.5速度 15.9攻击间隔 39 KO加农炮 射出一个拳击手套。。。肉山后 血月怪物稀有掉落0.1%,可以用兔子或鱼雕像在血月刷无视重力,和其他连枷类不一样的一点自带连发,最佳附魔godly伤害 35击退 6.5速度 15攻击间隔 27魔像之拳12.5%掉率wiki说可能参考了这货伤害 50击退 8速度 14攻击间隔 29 地表宝箱获得的基础矛伤害 8击退 6.5攻击速度 3.7攻击间隔 30三叉戟 顾名思义 水下宝箱出,通常是海底宝箱伤害 10击退 5攻击速度 4攻击间隔 30黑暗长枪 地底暗影宝箱出 可发光伤害 27击退 4攻击速度 5攻击间隔 24钴蓝剃刀 Cobalt NaginataNaginata是日文咩?10个钴蓝锭合成伤害 29击退 4攻击速度 4,.3攻击间隔 27秘银长戟 10个秘银锭伤害 35击退 5攻击速度 4,.5攻击间隔 25精金长刀 12个精金锭伤害 38击退 6攻击速度 5攻击间隔 24钯金长矛 10个钯金锭伤害 32击退 4.5攻击速度 4.4攻击间隔 26山铜长戟 10个山铜锭伤害 36击退 5.5攻击速度 4.5攻击间隔 24钛金三叉戟 12个钛金锭伤害 40击退 6.2攻击速度 5攻击间隔 22 腐烂之叉 掉落自 恶魔心脏25%伤害 14击退 5攻击速度 4攻击间隔 30冈格尼尔之枪 奥丁使用的神枪 看过eva的应该也知道吧。。。12个神圣锭 合成伤害 42击退 6.4攻击速度 5.6攻击间隔 21Tonbogiri 只在控制台或移动版有蜻蜓切 日本名将本多忠胜所使之枪伤害 53击退 1攻击间隔 14Mushroom Spear 大家喜闻乐见的蘑菇矛30G从NPC蘑菇人出购买 强力武器扎出后会在直线上生成旋转的蘑菇,造成伤害,持续一秒,无击退最强附魔godly伤害 60击退 6.8攻击速度 5.5攻击间隔 39Chlorophyte Partisan 12个叶绿锭合成挥击时带出一片孢子毒云伤害 49击退 6.2攻击速度 5攻击间隔 22回旋镖都是属于近战武器,造成近战伤害,享受近战类的buff加成并且在飞回来的时候可以穿墙。 木制回旋镖 在地表附近宝箱获得伤害 7击退 5射速 6.5攻击间隔 15附魔回旋镖 地下或地牢宝箱出现 稀有扔出后会在路径上发光伤害 13击退 8射速 10攻击间隔 14 鲜血飞刀在万圣节之夜由任何弱怪 (<20 防, <40 伤害 and <5 银币掉落) 0.05%掉落和之前说的这个差不多它飞出后到达最大距离会垂直下落,直到碰到物块或敌人是黑色星期五中Jason Voorhees的标志性武器伤害 15击退 5射速 15攻击间隔 14冰霜回旋镖 在冰霜宝箱中获得 飞行中发光伤害 14击退 8.5射速 11.5攻击间隔 14Thorn Chakram 圆环刺刃 6 个丛林孢子+15个尖刺合成Chakram是印度的一种环刃,一般用来近战和其他回旋镖不一样,它不会在碰到一个物体后迅速返回,而是会在物体间反弹一会有一定几率造成中毒效果控制台版的存档图标是它伤害 25击退 8射速 11攻击间隔 14烈焰回旋镖 附魔回旋镖+10/15个狱岩锭合成(版本不同)20%几率使敌人着火比更快,发出更多的光,并且光亮颗粒可以穿墙wiki说这个Flamarang的梗来自Ty the Tasmanian Tiger没听说过啊。。有谁知道是什么啊伤害 32击退 8射速 11攻击间隔 14光辉飞盘 4个神圣锭+3个光亮之魂+5个力量之魂合成可以有五个堆叠,扔出时独立计算,所以攻速飞快可以按住连发发出微弱的光因为他的可堆叠特性,无法重铸出前缀(除非修改器)伤害 35击退 8射速 13攻击间隔 14香蕉回旋镖 小丑 3.33%掉落可以看做的升级版,他可以有10个堆叠但不能按住自动攻击,不过你手速够快就可以很鬼畜(再配上各种攻击特效)伤害 40击退 8、5射速 14攻击间隔 7魔化飞斧12.5%掉率有追踪能力和圣骑士之锤相比攻击力一样,但击退和速度略逊一筹,不过有些玩家更喜欢它因为他可以追踪怪物圣骑士之锤有穿刺效果,这个它完全比不了伤害 90击退 5射速 12攻击间隔 14圣骑士之锤 当然是圣骑士掉落2.86%具有穿刺效果,很强的击退效果伤害 90击退 9射速 14攻击间隔 14当你跑的很快的时候,如果将锤子朝与你运动方向相反的方向掷去,在近战攻速足够的情况下可以在第一把回来前扔出第二把锤子。
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scared 和 sacred 两个词很相近,昨天看错了,首先来说scared:scared 是scare 的被动形式,意思是害怕,担心,畏惧,是adj,形容词;holy 也是形容词,除了神圣的,圣洁的意思,holy也有个很偏的用法,那就是表示语气很强烈,吃惊等,比如 holy cow,holy shit 等。再来说sacred 和holy,两者均表示与宗教有关的神圣的意思,两者都是形容词,实际上两者的差别很小,如果用英文词典查词,sacred 和holy 互为解释,基本上可以说是synonymous,但是查阅所有的单词短句,基本上人类奉献给神的或者是自发的集会,一般是sacred assembly ,但是如果是神自己创造或者使用的,一般则是holy flame, holy shrine之类。至于说sacred多用于具体描述,holy 用于抽象,这个不是很正确,Holy Bible ,圣经的说法就已经打破这个规律了。
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范围输出武器有:1、泰拉之刃上榜理由:这个大家都用过吧-w-,都已游戏名字命名了,没什么好说的了,攻击很高,得心应手。2、吸血飞刀上榜理由:站撸boss必备啊尽管攻击方式是远程,但是是近战武器。使用发出4-8个飞速的吸血小刀,7.5%吸血。不受重力影响,伤害减小很快,发出后很快消失。自1.2.0.3起,它的攻击效率被降低,但仍被逐渐认为是游戏中最好的近战武器之一。最佳附魔godly。3、南瓜剑(无头骑士之刃)上榜理由:挥动召唤追踪南瓜头,对付多段节肢型敌人时会射出许多南瓜头,dps暴涨 ,当然用雕像刷许多怪也会让南瓜头暴增,这把武器挺不错的,但是我没有QAQ,还是让南瓜神教的大神来吧。4、死亡镰刀上榜理由:可能有人会奇怪,这个攻击还没上100的武器怎么能排第四?!那么我要告诉你,(传说)死亡镰刀的攻击可以达到80↑,和普通的自有短柄斧差了不到15左右,挥动时发出一道旋转的紫色镰刀,可穿墙照明,到达最大距离后在原地旋转一小会儿,发出的镰刀在消失前最多可攻击6次。5、真永夜之刃上榜理由:看好了,是真永夜之刃,合成泰拉之刃的必要武器之一,攻击也不用多说,还可以当开荒照明必备。挥动时发射出一把旋转的绿色剑气。
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英文名:Aaron Eckhart 原名:Aaron E. Eckhart 中文名:阿伦·艾克哈特 性别:男 出生地:美国加利福尼亚州Santa Clara County 生日:1968年3月12日 星座:双鱼座 身高:1.83米 角色:演员 生平 [编辑本段] 艾伦·艾克哈特1968年出生在美国圣塔克拉拉县的郊区城市库比提诺,父亲是一位电脑主管,为他带来艺术天赋的母亲则是一位儿童书作家和诗人,此外他还有两位兄弟。少年时期,父亲的工作让艾伦和家人经常往返于英国和澳洲悉尼等地,高中阶段他曾休学三年时间用来在夏威夷和法国进行冲浪和滑雪,另外还作为耶稣基督后期圣徒教派(摩门教派)的使者被派遣到法国和瑞士地区。此后,艾克哈特进入了位于犹他州的全美最大教会大学杨百翰大学主修电影,于1994年毕业,期间出演了一部名为《Godly Sorrow》的摩门题材影片,此外还和大学同窗的演员女友Emily Cline订婚但于1998年分手。 1997年,艾克哈特在看似波澜不惊实则有趣而动人的爱情喜剧片《男人最贱》(In the Company of Men)中出任主角,角色是一位外表老实的厌恶和希望报复女人的男子,这为他赢得了独立精神奖的最佳出道表演奖和卫星奖的杰出新人表演奖的肯定,艾克哈特同本片的导演尼尔·拉布特此后继续合作了《挚友亲邻》、《急救爱情狂》以及《无可救药爱上你》等影片,他们也是同样毕业于杨百翰大学大学的同窗挚友,那时艾克哈特就曾出演了拉布特导演的一些戏剧,而在他的朋友转行电影界并决定将反响不错的《男人最贱》拍成电影之后,艾克哈特也就自然而然地登上了大银幕。 1997年,他在史蒂文·索德伯格执导、朱莉娅·罗伯茨主演的《永不妥协》中出演了来自匈牙利的摩托族邻家男子乔治,表面潇洒不羁但其实内心非常渴望家庭,艾克哈特也是索德伯格为这个角色亲自挑中的演员,称赞他能将“男性的阳刚和弱点集于一身”;朱莉娅·罗伯茨之外他还和令外三位影后级人物格妮温斯·帕特洛、蕾妮·齐薇格以及希拉里·斯旺克分别合作过影片《急救爱情狂》、《无可救药爱上你》和《地心抢险记》。《地心抢险记》还汇聚了Delroy Lindo、史坦利·图齐等全都是第一次出演科幻片的演员,艾克哈特本人的想法也是拍摄一部让家人和孩子们一起观看的有趣的影片,但它在上映后惨不忍睹的票房表现却让艾克哈特的事业蒙上了一层阴影。直到05年凭借黑色喜剧片《感谢你抽烟》获得了金球奖音乐喜剧类长片最佳男演员提名之后,艾伦·艾克哈特才终于算扳回了一城,接下来又在短期内重新塑造起了自己的银幕形象。 他在《黑色大丽花》中出演了和乔什·哈奈特搭档追凶的警官,07年暑期末尾上映的爱情喜剧片《美味情缘》中则和复出的凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯合作,出演一位成熟包容的完美男人,导演斯科特·希克斯便是在观看了《感谢你抽烟》之后决定请来艾克哈特出演,多变的精彩演技和无法遮掩的个人魅力都让他成为闪耀的人气明星。备受期待的《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》的续集《The Dark Knight》中,艾伦·艾克哈特出演了地区检察官哈维·丹特一角,尽管编剧David S. Goye称这一角色只有到了第三部才会转变成邪恶的“双面人”,但是艾克哈特表示自己将在本部中就将展现出角色的一些黑暗特质。艾克哈特也是曾有望将弗兰克·米勒经典漫画《Batman: Year One》搬上大银幕的导演Darren Aronofsky心目中出任警长James Gordon一角的最佳人选。
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回旋镖类的武器目前一共有11种,分别是木质回旋镖,魔化回旋镖,回旋冰刃,鲜血屠刀,水果蛋糕旋刃,荆棘旋刃,破空之炎,光辉飞盘,香蕉回旋镖,魔化飞斧,圣骑士之锤。而这类武器最好的前缀都是“超神Godly”。  所有的斧头、锤子、斧锤、镐、挥动的近身武器都可以重铸拥有新的前缀,其中最好的是传奇/传说Legendary,但是这似乎并不适用与回旋镖类的圣骑士锤。  这里我们便来展示下超神的圣骑士之锤,伤害、暴击、击退都有很大提升。泰拉瑞亚圣骑士锤附魔传奇,圣骑士锤前缀附魔超神的武器  想要获得这把武器需要在打完世纪之花后去怪物刷新后的地牢,寻找有战旗的地方,喝战争药剂、点蜡烛,只要运气不差的相信就会出现圣骑士,多刷几次就会获得这把武器。如果不想刷的话,还可以通过修改id来获得这把武器,圣骑士锤的ID是:1513。  有关泰拉瑞亚相关的更多资讯,欢迎关注巴士单机游戏频道。
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2023-06-22 21:45:461

泰拉瑞亚世纪之花掉什么 世纪之花打法攻略

【Plantera】普兰黛拉,普兰特拉,世纪之花,植物君王,大花,花花,大嘴花,大菊花。。。【基础属性】出现场所:地下丛林HP:30000伤害:50防御:14重要:在1.的版本中,打败这个BOSS后地牢才会刷新出肉山后的那些新怪。【召唤方式】肉山后,弄死一个机械BOSS,地下丛林之中就会刷出一个普兰黛拉的花苞(Plantera"s Bulb),用镐子或者钻头摧毁它,即可召唤这个BOSS。嗯,就是这个样子,会发出粉色的光,粉嫩嫩的但不能吃等等。。。这东西好像有点眼熟啊。。。让我们默哀3秒钟吧。。。花苞会随机地刷新在地下丛林的各种奇葩地方不过如果它刷在了你已经探索的的地方,就会在小地图上显示为一个粉色的4格大小的方形所以,如果你的丛林探索率很高,找这个东西就不是很难了一个花苞只可以召唤一次BOSS一个花苞被摧毁后过一段时间会在地下丛林随机的另一个地方再刷一个(不需要再打机械boss)花苞可以刷新在人造的地下丛林环境中如果一个大嘴花存活中,你再敲掉一个花苞,不会出现又一个大嘴花一片丛林里最多可以刷出4个花苞!【活动特性】这个BOSS分为两个阶段第一阶段它会通过它的三根钩爪(有伤害,无敌的)移动并追赶你,嗯,其实它和它的钩爪都是无视地形的,不过也必须要抓到东西,如果目标方向上没东西可以抓的话(它也抓不到平台和绳子),它也就无法继续移动了除了撞你丫的,第一阶段它还会两种远程攻击手段,一是突出粉色的尖刺(大概率),二是突出可以弹跳的粉色大钉刺球(低概率)。如果你离它比较远的话,它突出尖刺的速度会变快~~~~如果你离它太远的话(比如你回老家和树妖结婚了)那它就会直接消失。它的HP低于15000时会展开第二阶段,变成大嘴花。。。好吧就是下面这样第二阶段它没有了前面两种攻击手段,但会移动的更快更鬼畜,而且它终于向玩家们伸出了邪恶的触手——8个连接在它身上的小食人花(Plantera"s Tentacle,HP1000,伤害60,防御10,最长可以延伸20多格,参考肉山的触手们,不过没血后会直接消失而不是像肉山的触手们还会飞过来给你一下)第二阶段的另一种攻击方式是喷出一种浮游的粉红色孢子(Spore),和肉山后蘑菇地里的大蘑菇苞喷出来的蘑菇孢子一样,会先被射到你上放,然后一左一右地飘下来,伤害不低,不过,它是能被打掉的~【应对策略】正常打法:巨兽鲨机枪+魔晶弹或者脓水弹(Ichor Bullets)对这个BOSS效果拔群,它的爪子和触手伤害都相当高,所以战前请净空周边环境,尽量不要和它打近战。建议混成神圣或者叶绿的远程套再来挑战它~地表打法:对,就是将它引到地表的打法,虽然它现在到地表后会暴走,但还是到不了高处,事先在高于周围地表最高处36格左右的地方修一条木质平台,挖出或者炸出一条方便移动的通道,第一阶段会变成弹幕游戏,第二阶段很无脑,随便向下面无脑输出就行觉得不放心就加上红心雕像啊,火堆啊,蜂蜜槽什么的其实地表打法是用来告诉别人你可以干掉暴走的大嘴花的。【战利品】不爆钱也不爆血瓶,专心爆装备的模范BOSS啊~~~每次必掉神庙的钥匙(Temple Key)嗯,就是用来打开地下丛林里那个挖不动的建筑的门钥匙1.你是不要指望能用绿矿钻头或者用促动器或传送器黑进神庙了,但貌似还是能用传送杖直接飞进去第一次打大花必掉榴弹发射器(Grenade Launcher)和一定数量的一号火箭弹(RockerⅠ)之后如果你家有合适的空房子,半机械人(Cyborg)就会来你家了榴弹发射器的特点是射出去的子弹碰到敌人才会爆炸,不过如果在玩家附近炸了,也会对你造成伤害的~5%爆率的种子(Seeding)使用后得到一只妙蛙种子并获得爆种的能力。。。好吧,这个东西只能召唤一个树苗宠物嗯0.5%爆率的吉他斧头(The Axe)这把概率坑爹而且长得像吉他一样的斧头其实还有锤子的功能,好吧其实它还有吉他的功能。。。它可以像Excalibur一样一边倒退一边挥动,而且挥动时还会发出电吉他的声音= =这货是游戏里最强的斧头锤子,而且它的攻击力和击退都不错,砍起人来伴着吉他音还特别带感呢~25%爆率的俾格米召唤杖(Pygmy Staff)单机时建筑,挂机刷东西或者联机时装逼刷存在感的好工具,召唤一个俾格米小人投掷长矛来给你助攻,如果你装备上提基套装(巫医卖)和俾格米骨链(巫医晚上卖),那么你可以召唤一共六个小人为你刷存在感。顺便一提,有了这套装备后你用史莱姆杖也可以召唤出六只史莱姆,不过会把小人全替换掉。而没有这套装备时你可以召唤一个小人,却能再召唤一只史莱姆16.67%爆率的金星马格南左轮枪(Venus Magnum)这奇怪的名字。。。好吧这是一把马格南左轮,所以。。。它不是连发的,这直接造成了它的悲剧地位~~~虽然它的理论DPS高于大鲨鱼,但用起来感觉却不怎么好,除非你是个左轮控或者手速党或者你有连发器16.67%爆率的荆棘突刺法杖(Nettle Burst)升级版的荆棘魔杖,更快更远更强,喜欢躲在墙后面猥琐的同学们务必入手~~~16.67%爆率的叶子喷射器(Leaf Blower)快使用飞叶快刀!!!这是个魔法武器而不是枪械嗯,它会快速地射出一堆锋利的叶子,不过它的弹道会有一些偏移,叶子不会穿透敌人,所以一般用来对付单个或者小股敌人使用它的时候你背后会出现一个装满了叶子的箱子,这点和某把热线枪很像~嗯,那就是传说中的阳光烈焰(泥垢。。。16.67%爆率的花链球(Flower Pow)这个让汉化组蛋疼的名字应该是Neta了Flower Power(权利归于花儿)的口号,这个口号起源于加利福尼亚州伯克利,是反越南战争运动。。。好吧你们去看百科吧这个链球很重,你不按住鼠标的话它很快就掉下来了,而且拖着甩也不好甩远使用时它还会向附近的敌人射出高速的花瓣这货最多只能附魔到超神(Godly)16.67爆率的大黄蜂枪(Wasp Gun)这货还是一个魔法武器,是蜂后爆的那把蜜蜂枪(Bee Gun)的升级版,再次体现了更大更快更强的奥林匹克精神~~~一次射出2-4只蜜蜂,它们遇到物块会反弹,遇到水和岩浆就跪了,飞过一定距离后还会飞回来哦~~~如果穿着幽灵套准备用这玩意吸血,那就注意,如果伤害低于13是吸不到血的10%爆率的荣耀之证(Plantera Trophy)不解释【喜闻乐见的杂项】Plantera这个名字是模仿了米国的一支激流金属乐队Pantera,为什么是这只乐队呢?嗯,因为Redigit,也就是作者,这是他的妹子最喜欢的乐队。。。上面那把吉他斧头,其实就是这只乐队里吉他手的吉他~~~而且,这个BOSS的战斗BGM,也含有大量的金属风电吉他音这个BOSS的外形可能是来自哥斯拉里面的一只很牛逼的植物怪兽碧奥兰蒂(Biollante)嗯,这货也有两个阶段
2023-06-22 21:45:531

请问大佬有神枪手2009年由 任贤齐主演的高清视频在线观看资源吗

《 神枪手 》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:goye凌靖(黄晓明 饰)连续四年成为香港警察狙击手队伍的第一神枪手,上司与队友对他赞赏有嘉,可自视甚高的他却不大喜欢跟人家打交道,他唯一的幸福就是太太的陪伴。一次剿匪行动中,凌靖失手打死人质——城中首富独子。富商向警察部不断施压,最后凌靖被判误杀入狱四年。自从凌靖离开,原来警队第二的克明(任贤齐 饰)成为了最强的一个,当年正是他做假证害凌靖入狱。凌靖发誓要向出卖他的警队和克明报仇。
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2023-06-22 21:46:184

虔诚 名词和形容词 怎么说

piety n.虔诚pietisticadj.虔诚的 虔诚派的。
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2023-06-22 21:46:451

di rr ei英语歌词

Back Up - Big Sean&Dej LoafBack up off me, back up off meBack up off me, back up off meYah yah bitch, back up off meYou don"t know me, I"m too clean, I"m too holy, bitch I"m godlyI only go for real niggas who don"t brag "bout what they bought meCause they know I got a bag, gotta fuck me up some commasIf I fuck and make you cum, you got to promise not to stress meDon"t be blowin" up my phone and don"t be leavin" voice messagesAnd I can do you right, do you better than your exesI told that nigga to stop it, he was talkin" out his necklaceSee the difference with me, I never needed niggas, everI"ll leave "em where I met "em, I ain"t trippin" off no, everGoons in the cut try to talk you out your necklaceIf you ever disrespect me, pussy, don"t be disrespectfulI said woo, I said I know, I know, I knowHe heard about me, he was waitin" on me at the doorI said woo, yeah that mink all on the floorUsed to bust the skatin", 6 to 9, come in at 4We got glow sticks for you ho chicks, bitch don"t act like you don"t know thisI"m very antisocial, social network ain"t my motion (I don"t move like that)I sure know emotions, niggas, bitches is disgustin"Bananas with the Trojans, pop that pussy for a legendI said woo, I said I know, I know, I knowI said bitch back up off meI said woo, I said bitch back up off meI said woo... get this niggaI said woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meI said woah woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meI said woah woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meI said woah woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meBack up off me, back up off me, I said bitch back up off meBack up off me, back up off me, I said bitch back up off meBack up off me, back up off me, I said bitch back up off meI said... back up off me, I said bitch back up off meBack up off me, they want my backs in coffinsGets so cold in the D and they still wanna take my jacket off meBack when I couldn"t afford to get it mixed and mastered, homieMy mama fronted me that money so it"s no backup, homieBitch so back up off meBank account look like a ballot, homie, yeah it"s checked upMy niggas packin", you get to trippin", they unpackin", homieYeah I overdo it, yeah that"s tailored, homieYeah I"m overdressed and ain"t no salad on meMe and DeJ together, holy matrimonyOhhh, it"s hard to smile and shitWhen they ain"t free Juan, I got real ones on trial and shitFuck all my peers unless we talkin" bout Belle Isle and shitThe check is seven figures, I might try and dial the shitAnd if I fuck and make you cum, don"t be blowin" up my phoneLately I"ve been messin" with girls who tend to own shit on their ownI turn dusk into dawn, turn my chair to a throneFuck her off in the whip, make her take Uber homeCold to the chromosome, I grew up without a hammockI did everything except panic, feel me? Finally Famous the familyAnd we expandin" on the top floor like we tannin"She throwin" tantrumsShe gon" hold this dick like a GrammyI give her bomb D and do damageI said woo, I said I know, I know, I knowI said bitch back up off meI said woo, I said bitch back up off meI said woo... get this niggaI said woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meI said woah woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meI said woah woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meI said woah woah, yah yah, bitch back up off meBack up off me, back up off me, I said bitch back up off meBack up off me, back up off me, I said bitch back up off meBack up off me, back up off me, I said bitch back up off meI said... back up off me, I said bitch back up off meYeah that"s right mane(I said woah, yah yah)For the city(Woah, yah yah, bitch back up off me)You got Queen DeJ, Sean Don, straight upIt"s time to boss up on everything, I"m gettin" everything
2023-06-22 21:46:521


It is very popular and important for a couple to sign a prenuptial agreement before wedding, but I think it is not advisable.Prenuptial agreement refers to which the prenuptial agreement a couple signed will be force adeffect after wedding, it purposes of many problems for a couple, such as premarital property ownership and debts etc, if they were divorce or he/she was dead.Love is priceless and godly not only physical, prenuptial agreement is overemphasized to personal proterties and it is too utilitarian, that profanes a love. also that indicates you don"t trust your lover, to be a everlasting love, you must trust each other. so I think it is not good for a family, it may arise many family problems and the divorce rate will be rising.for that, I want to say we need not sign a prenuptial agreement, be sincere to veryone will be better, and to operate a peaceful family is the most important and valuable responsibility for a family. Finally,may all perfect matches happiness!
2023-06-22 21:47:011

grieved love歌词求翻译,求终极翻译

the night of separation分手的夜the street of our meeting相遇的街the beloved that falls into the dreams美梦中的爱人the happ (chance,luck) can"t be seen幸福(机会,运气)看不见了the happiness can"t be sussed (sensed)幸福模糊了(感觉到)the beloved doesn"t know this suffering of mine爱人不知道我的煎熬This love is truely the rose-garden爱真的是玫瑰花园The heart is liveless-poorly with worrying心灰意冷Tonight, the eyes of love今晚,爱的双眸Are passionate with much longing (passionate because of longing)望穿秋水(期待所以激情)The love is grieved, love is bewitched爱情让人伤感,爱情让人迷惑tonight the eyes of love is drunk-oozed-wearied今夜爱意的双眸迷离失身the eyes of love tonigh are drunk-wearied今晚爱意的双眸迷离失望The love is grieved, love is bewitched爱情让人伤感,爱情让人迷惑Why love? why is your eyes damp with tears?为何要爱?为何泪流满面?now a longing现在憧憬and now a sweet happ-good chance现在一个甜美的好机会you are my feeling that can"t be mimicked (literal translation: unrepeatable)你的感觉我无法模仿(字面解释:无法重复)can"t be lived without you没有你我无法活下去you can"t be abandoned (literal translation: can"t be gone from you)你不能被抛弃(字面解释:不能离你而去)My heart exist (only) with you我的心(只)为你存在this is love; it has been called-named the rose-garden这就是爱:它被称为-叫做 玫瑰花园In it (also) the thorns在花园中(也)有刺the eyes of love tonigh are attractive爱意的双眸今晚如此迷人Passionate with longing激情中带着渴望the eyes of love is helpless爱意的双眸那么无助the longing is endless渴望没有止境The nights are making you suffer always.黑夜总是让你煎熬It is only pitying that fills up your love cup只是填满爱情的酒杯很遗憾(that is) what is being always with you(那是)与你形影不离的东西I have a heart that lives (only) with-by you我的心 只能与你-为你跳动Love sometime is a worry and sadness爱情有时是担忧与哀伤Love sometime is a sweet pain and trouble爱情有时是甜蜜的痛楚和麻烦And it is sometime a beatiful rose有时是美丽的玫瑰花Love a thorny rose爱上带刺的玫瑰Love is a world of it"s own爱情是自私的Love isn"t a fantasy, it is a dream爱情不是幻想,是个梦It is a feeling, that is heavenly-godly是种感觉,是天堂般的神圣的Love is eternal.爱是永恒
2023-06-22 21:47:081


2023-06-22 21:47:183

Busta Rhymes的《genesis》 歌词

歌曲名:genesis歌手:Busta Rhymes专辑:GenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisAs we welcome you after the futureOh! we come to give you thatOperating like we be officialYeah! we come to mutiplyAnd were planning a scheme for the long winYeah!our shit be always rightEvery move you"ll see how it"s relatedGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisWhile we continuosly stay sculpturing bombsLove, unconditional greetings with opening armsAnd for my worthy niggas i"m a die tyrin for ya"llWith the blessing of an angel tear cryin" for ya"llBack to the foundation, takin you, wander back where it all startedWith a whole new beginning and a brand new hungerStarving to where my skin was suffocating my ribsNow we got bitches interior decorating my cribTouch the love I got like you holdin my heart in my handAnd watch my manifest that shit was all a part of the planThe fashion that I choose to deal with this shitSometimes it"s so hard to describe the passion that I feel for this shitHow many struggles I survived just to eat this mealNever thought ya"ll maybe thinkin" that it could be this realFlipmode up in this bitch now let me make you awareToo late for turning back my nigga cause we takin" it thereGenesisGenesisGenesisAnd leave!And leave a mark until it"s deep in the floorYa"ll niggas fucked up never should"ve let let me get my feet in the doorAnd then I step through, fuck wiping my feet at the doorI be the deacon i"m beatin" niggas and speaking of rawStrictly raw shit is what niggas be seeking me fortesting my strenght, that"s what the devil"s trying to weaken me forC"mon, yes! and ya"ll off to the next step for sureRep and make you wanna accept moreNiggas analyze the jewel that I reveal in a rhymeI"m like something that has evolved about a million timesPeep the display with all the new featuresThe way we really doin it, these mu-fuckas probably wouldn"t believe itFlipmode Squad by all means I pledge of allegianceWith the great feeling of people like the comin" of JesusWhile a lot of other niggas don"t be telling you nothingThat be the same bullshit that"s always pushin" my buttonsGodly is how we rep this undeniable forceYou like a weak preacher, sware, you smack dead on a crossSmack ya fingers for tryin" to put your hands in the sauceSometimes i think that it would be best if you runAnd do yourself a favor, cause you got your whole life ahead of you son!A whole new thang starting for meSmell so much ass in a spot, the beat got the world fartin" for meWhen I spit you know I always love to gun a shit hardWhile you loving, hating niggas trying to tarnish the GodI know some dudes that would love to bring the hatred to ya"llWhile I continue to bless you with shit that"s is sacred to ya"llEven if I had to bend you in placeI always put it down and rep my niggas from the most genuine placeFrom my street corner niggaz to my live niggas everywhereToo late for turning back, we takin" it thereGenesis
2023-06-22 21:47:461

Nas的《Nasty》 歌词

WordGot some Remy Martin, some good-ass cigarsCheck it outAyo, late night, candlelight, fiend wit" diesel in his needleQueensbridge leader, no equal, I come from the Wheel of EzekielTo pop thousand-dollar bottles of scotch, smoke purp, and heal the peopleAny rebuttal to what I utter get box-cutteredCount how many bad honeys I slut, it"s a high numberName a nigga under the same sky that I"m underWho gets money, remain fly, yeah, I wonderEyes flutter as love when Nas pops upStars get starstruck, panties start drippin"The ways of Carlito, blaze, torpedo cigarsDrop moves, drop clothesLouis the XIII freaks, women nice sizeI ride like Porsches, thick, brown and gorgeousIt ain"t my fault, semiautomatic weaponsI brought the world “Crazy,” I"m rich and I"m girl-crazyDick ‘em, convince ‘em all to praise meThey ideology is confusion, I lose ‘emFellates me, who hate me? My gun off safetySince a Tunnel escape key, my jewelry in HDSilent rage, pristine in my vintage shadesI"m not in the winters of my life or the beginner stage, I am the dragonMaserati, pumpin" Biggie, the great legendBlastin", I"m after the actress who played Faith EvansMy little Jackie Onassis, dig?I"m so high, I never land like Mike Jackson"s cribBest on .45, still crack ya rib sacrilegeWhen lids talk trash about the nasty kidPast nasty now, I"m gross and repulsiveTalk money, is you jokin"? Cash everywhere, in my bank, in the sofaIn the walls, in the cars, in my wallet, in my pocketOn the floors, ceiling, the safe, bitchI got all you envy, but don"t offendI"m skinny, but still I"m too big for a BentleyYou are your car, what could represent?Too Godly to be a Bugatti, you honestlyMust design me somethin" Tommy Mottonic from Queens had before the "90sDrug dealer call, rush to the barMove, niggas, we don"t give a fuck who you areBlack card heavy like a magnet, in my stitched denimsPretty women see them them saggin"Bet a hundred stacks, niggas"ll run it backJust havin" fun, I ain"t even begun to blackLight another blunt in fact(Nasty)Nasty kid(Nasty)Yeah(Nasty)The kid!(Nasty)Nasty kidFor the hustlers, thick as yellow bitches for the suck of itGot a bunch of niggas in prison braggin", sayin" “It was Nas I used to hustle wit"”I display fashions while my lungs engage hashes, guns on my waist past hisSince I"m cakin" up, put funds in my safe, laughin"And joining the niggas passin" you niggas was straight assin"Excuse the vulgarity, I"m still not fully adjustedOr used to the new fans hearin" me spit rapidlyI never see the whips niggas be claimin" they drivin"I guess entertainment means blatantly lyin"Fake it "til you make it, I"ve driven those toysBeen in the wars, in the streets, cops kickin" in doorsFor my deen niggas, your flow cheap as limousine liquorI"m no fake rap CD listener, sit back and roll a mean swisherFor my Gs, tell these clowns make room for the king, nigga
2023-06-22 21:47:533

求JOHN BUNYAN的资料,英文资料更好

Bunyan was born in 1628 near Bedford, in the agricultural midlands of England. He was the son of a tinker (a maker and mender of metal pots). He had little schooling. During the English Civil War, he served in the Parliamentary Army. He underwent a period of acute spiritual anxiety, and finally found peace in a Baptist congregation. He became a lay preacher, while earning his living as a tinker. After the Restoration in 1660, Bunyan (under suspicion for having fought on the anti-Anglican side) was ordered to preach no more, and, since he refused to desist, he was several times sentenced to jail, where he spent his time studying, preaching to his fellow prisoners, and writing. His first substantial work was an autobiography, GRACE ABOUNDING TO THE CHIEF OF SINNERS. This was followed by other works, of which by far the most read and most loved is his PILGRIM"S PROGRESS. The work recounts in allegorical form the experience of a person (called Christian), from his first awareness of his sinfulness and spiritual need, to his personal conversion to Christ, to his walk as a believer. He is shown as a pilgrim in this world on his way to the "Celestial City," which will be his true home forever. The work was an immediate sensation, and its popularity endured. For a century and more thereafter, there were many English-speaking Christians who were thoroughly familiar with only two books, THE BIBLE and PILGRIM"S PROGESS. John Bunyan was born in Bedforsdhire, England in 1628. Bunyan came from the working class and understood poverty early in life. His early life included a good deal of degradation as well as a stint in the army. Even after he had married, Bunyan was what we would call today a wayward Christian. He later realized he was no Christian at all. The story is oft told of how Bunyan heard a sermon one Sunday morning against the evils of Sunday sports. That afternoon, while playing "cats", Bunyan heard a voice in his heart which said, "Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to Heaven, or have thy sins and go to hell?" Those words would not leave him over the next few months. In one of God~{!/~}s divine encounters, John Bunyan began to turn from religion in form to Christ in fact. One day Bunyan tried to join in on a conversation about religion with several poor women he heard talking as he walked down the street. He thought himself to be quite knowledgeable about such things so he attempted to reason along with these godly women. Instead, Bunyan had no idea what they were speaking of. He wrote: "Their talk ... was about a new birth, the work of God on their hearts, also how they were convinced of their miserable state by nature. They talked how God had visited their souls with His love in the Lord Jesus, and with what words and promises they had been refreshed, comforted, and supported against the temptations of the devil." (John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 65)Later those same women introduced Bunyan to their pastor, John Gifford. While not Baptist, Gifford and the church he pastored were definitely congregational and definitely not "high church." The church was comprised of both Congregational and Baptist believers. It was under Gifford~{!/~}s preaching and teaching that Bunyan at last came to Christ. Bunyan"s, Grace Abounding is his own spiritual biography. In it he tells how the verse, "He hath made peace by the blood of His cross" (Colossians 1:20), finally broke through to his heart and he was truly saved.Several years (1656) after coming to Christ, Bunyan began to preach at the same church which Gifford had pastored. He was above all a preacher who would proclaim God"s Word anywhere and everywhere:"He himself ... went out to preach the Word in the open air on village greens, in barns, in private houses, and sometimes even in parish churches. Bedfordshire and neighboring shires are full of traditions of his preaching, and several Congregational and Baptist churches claimed to have been founded through his preaching."(John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 79)It was not long before Bunyan~{!/~}s willingness and drive to preach the gospel everywhere got him into trouble. By 1660, Anglican royalists had stepped up their attacks on non-conformist preachers (Baptists, Congregationalists, and Puritans in general). It became illegal to preach in non-sanctioned places. So on Nov 12, 1660, John Bunyan was arrested for preaching in a field near a farmhouse. Upon his arrest, Bunyan was informed that if he would apologize to the magistrates and refrain from preaching, he would be released. Bunyan replied that such a promise was not possible and thus began a twelve year imprisonment. His refusal to cease preaching reminds one of Peter and John"s reply to the Jewish leaders when they were instructed to refrain from preaching:Acts 4:18-20 - "Then they called them in again and commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God"s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."During those 12 years of imprisonment, Bunyan wrote Grace Abounding, Confessions of Faith, and A Defense of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Ernest Bacon speculates that it was in the last part of his imprisonment that Bunyan began to formulate his greatest work, Pilgrim"s Progress. Finally, King Charles II released most religious prisoners including John Bunyan. Bunyan emerged a leader among non-conformist and the pastor of the church at Bedford. He wouldn"t have long to spend with his wife and seven children, however. On Feb 1675, Charles II changed his mind and Bunyan along with others was arrested again. This time more legally minded friends accomplished the release of Bunyan after a short time. On leaving prison this second time, Bunyan released for publication part one of his monumental The Pilgrims Progress in 1678.By the time of Bunyan~{!/~}s death in 1688, eleven editions of The Pilgrim~{!/~}s Progress had been published with over 100,000 copies in print. He left a legacy of many other great books and poems. None of these, however, are his greatest legacy to us. Bunyan~{!/~}s greatest gift to the church was his demonstration that the Doctrines of Grace are not static or cold. The gospel is Christ! Grace is how God brings us to Christ. Above all Bunyan loved Christ. He preached Christ and exalted Christ."There was first and foremost in John Bunyan a deep personal love for his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ ... Bunyan"s books are full of Christ - His welcome, His unshakable truth, his advocacy for sinners ... His preaching and writing were Christ-centered, and it was this that carried men"s hearts captive to Christ. If our present day preachers and theologians had the same emphasis a very different spirit would prevail in both the Church and the State." (John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 178)
2023-06-22 21:48:011


神枪手5.9分主演:洪天明钟丽淇梁铮秦川导演:张成吉类型:动作枪战剧情时长:86分钟年代:2004地区:香港语言:粤语 英语别名:The Sniper Godly Gunslingers简介
2023-06-22 21:48:083

what good qualifications should a businessman ha

Business is regarded as a game of skill with a great deal of chance thrown in. As in the game, every player cannot succeed, so in the business, every man should not hope to succeed. No rigid qualification can be stated for a businessman because a village shopkeeper is as much as a businessman as Tata or Birla. Qualifications required for both these businessman are not equal. Different types of business require different qualifications. The followings are the general qualifications of a businessman:The businessman should have tact, intelligence, courage, vision, imagination and organizing ability.He must be a man of attention, time sense and punctuality because these are essential for successful business.He should be a well balanced man and should apply consistency in his approach.He must be religious and godly man and should not be a mere tample bell-ringer.He should be friendly towards the employees and the customers.He should be imbused with social interest.
2023-06-22 21:48:161


ATM OF EREBUS 得到1000黄金 TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE 得到1000木头 JUNK FOOD NIGHT 得到1000食物 MOUNT OLYMPUS 眷顾值全满 LAY OF THE LAND 显示地图(仅地形和建筑等) UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT 隐藏地图 THRILL OF VICTORY 直接获胜(非战役) CHANNEL SURFING 跳到下一关(战役) DIVINE INTERVENTION 已有神力使用次数增加(注:使用多次可累积) PANDORAS BOX 获得随机4个非亚特兰蒂斯神力 WRATH OF THE GODS 获得闪电风暴、地震、流星和龙卷风4个神力,且使用次数无限 FEAR THE FORAGE 获得“行动浆果丛”神力 BAWK BAWK BOOM 获得“鸡风暴”神力 SET ASCENDANT 地图上所有动物归你控制,可吃,占人口 IN DARKEST NIGHT 变成夜晚 RED TIDE 水变红 CONSIDER THE INTERNET 减慢游戏速度 LETS GO! NOW! 加快游戏速度(注:GO!后面打两个空格) ENGINEERED GRAIN 家畜变肥(肉长到最大值) GOATUNHEIM 把所有人变成山羊(你的英雄会因此而死亡) L33T SUPA H4X0R 快速建造/研究/训练 MR. MONDAY Godly AI(不清楚) 注意下面几个作弊码都是获得单位,必须要有城镇中心才能生效,否则单位出不来,而且获得的单位是会占人口的 I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! 获得一大群猴子(可控制,可吃)(注:没有拼错) WUV WOO 获得“飞行的紫河马” TINES OF POWER 获得“刀叉男孩” O CANADA 获得“懒散的熊”(速度惊人的快,120穿刺攻击,全99%防,可回血,几乎无敌) ISIS HEAR MY PLEA 获得一批原版战役中的英雄
2023-06-22 21:48:252


大众化的前缀,最好的前缀是Godly  所有武器(含锤子、镐、电钻、电锯、斧头)都能拥有大众化的前缀,大众化的前缀最好的是Godly。其中链球类(含鱼叉、无极)、矛(长矛、圣枪等)、回旋镖类(光盘不能强化)、电锯、电钻(包括圣钻)都只能拥有大众化的前缀(因为他们不能强化速度),电钻等没有击退能力的武器最好前缀是Demonic恶魔的。
2023-06-22 21:48:331

求 后弦 - 单车恋人.mp3 百度云资源

后弦歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:yb7f简介: 后弦(Hoho),出生于广西柳州,中国内地男歌手,词曲创作人。
2023-06-22 21:48:551


萨利机长杰夫·斯基尔斯扮演者艾伦·艾克哈特个人资料性别: 男星座: 双鱼座出生日期: 1968-03-12出生地: 美国,加利福尼亚州,库比提诺职业: 演员 / 制片更多外文名: Aaron E. Eckhart (本名)更多中文名: 阿伦·艾克哈特 / 亚伦·艾克哈特艾伦·艾克哈特1968年出生在美国圣塔克拉拉县的郊区城市库比提诺,父亲是一位电脑主管,为他带来艺术天赋的母亲则是一位儿童书作家和诗人,此外他还有两位兄弟。少年时期,父亲的工作让艾伦和家人经常往返于英国和澳洲悉尼等地,高中阶段他曾休学三年时间用来在夏威夷和法国进行冲浪和滑雪,另外还作为耶稣基督后期圣徒教派(摩门教派)的使者被派遣到法国和瑞士地区。此后,艾克哈特进入了位于犹他州的全美最大教会大学杨百翰大学主修电影,于1994年毕业,期间出演了一部名为《Godly Sorrow》的摩门题材影片,此外还和大学同窗的演员女友Emily Cline订婚但于1998年分手。
2023-06-22 21:49:251


2023-06-22 21:49:345


艾伦·艾克哈特艾伦·艾克哈特,1968年出生在美国圣塔克拉拉县的郊区城市库比提诺,父亲是一位电脑主管,为他带来艺术天赋的母亲则是一位儿童书作家和诗人,此外他还有两位兄弟。少年时期,父亲的工作让艾伦和家人经常往返于英国和澳洲悉尼等地,高中阶段他曾休学三年时间用来在夏威夷和法国进行冲浪和滑雪,另外还作为耶稣基督后期圣徒教派(摩门教派)的使者被派遣到法国和瑞士地区。此后,艾克哈特进入了位于犹他州的全美最大教会大学杨百翰大学主修电影,于1994年毕业,期间出演了一部名为《Godly Sorrow》的摩门题材影片,此外还和大学同窗的演员女友Emily Cline订婚但于1998年分手。1997年,艾克哈特在看似波澜不惊实则有趣而动人的爱情喜剧片《男人最贱》中出任主角,角色是一位外表老实的厌恶和希望报复女人的男子,这为他赢得了独立精神奖的最佳出道表演奖和卫星奖的杰出新人表演奖的肯定,艾克哈特同本片的导演尼尔·拉布特此后继续合作了《挚友亲邻》、《急救爱情狂》以及《无可救药爱上你》等影片,他们也是同样毕业于杨百翰大学大学的同窗挚友,那时艾克哈特就曾出演了拉布特导演的一些戏剧,而在他的朋友转行电影界并决定将反响不错的《男人最贱》拍成电影之后,艾克哈特也就自然而然地登上了大银幕。
2023-06-22 21:49:551


ATM OF EREBUS 得到1000黄金 TROJAN HORSE FOR SALE 得到1000木头 JUNK FOOD NIGHT 得到1000食物 MOUNT OLYMPUS 眷顾值全满 LAY OF THE LAND 显示地图(仅地形和建筑等) UNCERTAINTY AND DOUBT 隐藏地图 THRILL OF VICTORY 直接获胜(非战役) CHANNEL SURFING 跳到下一关(战役) DIVINE INTERVENTION 已有神力使用次数增加(注:使用多次可累积) PANDORAS BOX 获得随机4个非亚特兰蒂斯神力 WRATH OF THE GODS 获得闪电风暴、地震、流星和龙卷风4个神力,且使用次数无限 FEAR THE FORAGE 获得“行动浆果丛”神力 BAWK BAWK BOOM 获得“鸡风暴”神力 SET ASCENDANT 地图上所有动物归你控制,可吃,占人口 IN DARKEST NIGHT 变成夜晚 RED TIDE 水变红 CONSIDER THE INTERNET 减慢游戏速度 LETS GO! NOW! 加快游戏速度(注:GO!后面打两个空格) ENGINEERED GRAIN 家畜变肥(肉长到最大值) GOATUNHEIM 把所有人变成山羊(你的英雄会因此而死亡) L33T SUPA H4X0R 快速建造/研究/训练 MR. MONDAY Godly AI(不清楚) 注意下面几个作弊码都是获得单位,必须要有城镇中心才能生效,否则单位出不来,而且获得的单位是会占人口的 I WANT TEH MONKEYS!!!1! 获得一大群猴子(可控制,可吃)(注:没有拼错) WUV WOO 获得“飞行的紫河马” TINES OF POWER 获得“刀叉男孩” O CANADA 获得“懒散的熊”(速度惊人的快,120穿刺攻击,全99%防,可回血,几乎无敌) ISIS HEAR MY PLEA 获得一批原版战役中的英雄 仅泰坦资料片中有效: TINFOIL HAT 地图上所有建筑、单位随机分配所有者 RESET BUTTON 重置 (不清楚) ZENOS PARADOX 获得随机4种神力(包括亚特兰蒂斯神力) 注意下面几个作弊码都是获得单位,必须要有城镇中心才能生效,否则单位出不来,而且获得的单位是会占人口的 TITANOMACHY 获得一个泰坦巨人 ATLANTIS REBORN 获得一批泰坦战役中的英雄 BARKBARKBARKBARKBARK 获得贝拉(狗狗)攻击100,防御75%
2023-06-22 21:50:094


这要看你喜欢哪种类型了 法师型 幽灵套需要用地牢出的幽魂合成召唤型 提及套 记得是哪个NPC卖的近战 玄武吧 防御绝对高 神圣套 攻速不错 冰霜套 远近皆宜还带冰霜远程 蘑菇套吧 神圣好像也有远程套可以试试
2023-06-22 21:50:343


Zeus is the King of the Gods in Greek Mythology. Zeus was viewed as a king who oversaw the universe. In Hesiod"s Theogony, he assigns the various gods their roles. In the Homeric Hymns he is referrred to as the chieftain of the gods. He is also called the "Father of Gods and men", according to Hesiod"s Theogony. He ruled the Olympians of Mount Olympus in ways representative as both a father as head of the family and a king. He was the god of sky and thunder in Greek mythology. His symbols are the thunderbolt, eagle, bull, and oak. In addition to his Indo-European inheritance, the classical "cloud-gatherer" also derives certain iconographic traits from the cultures of the Ancient Near East, such as the scepter. Zeus is frequently depicted by Greek artists in one of two poses: standing, striding forward, with a thunderbolt leveled in his raised right hand, or seated in majesty.Zeus was the child of Cronus and Rhea, and the youngest of his siblings. In most traditions he was married to Hera, although, at the oracle of Dodona, his consort was Dione: according to the Iliad, he is the father of Aphrodite by Dione. He is known for his erotic escapades. These resulted in many godly and heroic offspring, including Athena, Apollo and Artemis, Hermes, Persephone (by Demeter), Dionysus, Perseus, Heracles, Helen, Minos, and the Muses (by Mnemosyne); by Hera, he is usually said to have fathered Ares, Hebe and Hephaestus。
2023-06-22 21:50:541

求JOHN BUNYAN的资料,英文资料更好

分类: 教育/学业/考试 >> 学习教材 解析: Bunyan was born in 1628 near Bedford, in the agricultural midlands of England. He was the son of a tinker (a maker and mender of metal pots). He had little schooling. During the English Civil War, he served in the Parliamentary Army. He underwent a period of acute spiritual anxiety, and finally found peace in a Baptist congregation. He became a lay preacher, while earning his living as a tinker. After the Restoration in 1660, Bunyan (under suspicion for having fought on the anti-Anglican side) was ordered to preach no more, and, since he refused to desist, he was several times sentenced to jail, where he spent his time studying, preaching to his fellow prisoners, and writing. His first substantial work was an autobiography, GRACE ABOUNDING TO THE CHIEF OF SINNERS. This was followed by other works, of which by far the most read and most loved is his PILGRIM"S PROGRESS. The work recounts in allegorical form the experience of a person (called Christian), from his first awareness of his sinfulness and spiritual need, to his personal conversion to Christ, to his walk as a believer. He is shown as a pilgrim in this world on his way to the "Celestial City," which will be his true home forever. The work was an immediate sensation, and its popularity endured. For a century and more thereafter, there were many English-speaking Christians who were thoroughly familiar with only o books, THE BIBLE and PILGRIM"S PROGESS. John Bunyan was born in Bedforsdhire, England in 1628. Bunyan came from the working class and understood poverty early in life. His early life included a good deal of degradation as well as a stint in the army. Even after he had married, Bunyan was what we would call today a wayward Christian. He later realized he was no Christian at all. The story is oft told of how Bunyan heard a sermon one Sunday morning against the evils of Sunday sports. That afternoon, while playing "cats", Bunyan heard a voice in his heart which said, "Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to Heaven, or have thy sins and go to hell?" Those words would not leave him over the next few months. In one of God~{!/~}s divine encounters, John Bunyan began to turn from religion in form to Christ in fact. One day Bunyan tried to join in on a conversation about religion with several poor women he heard talking as he walked down the street. He thought himself to be quite knowledgeable about such things so he attempted to reason along with these godly women. Instead, Bunyan had no idea what they were speaking of. He wrote: "Their talk ... was about a new birth, the work of God on their hearts, also how they were convinced of their miserable state by nature. They talked how God had visited their souls with His love in the Lord Jesus, and with what words and promises they had been refreshed, forted, and supported against the temptations of the devil." (John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 65) Later those same women introduced Bunyan to their pastor, John Gifford. While not Baptist, Gifford and the church he pastored were definitely congregational and definitely not "high church." The church was prised of both Congregational and Baptist believers. It was under Gifford~{!/~}s preaching and teaching that Bunyan at last came to Christ. Bunyan"s, Grace Abounding is his own spiritual biography. In it he tells how the verse, "He hath made peace by the blood of His cross" (Colossians 1:20), finally broke through to his heart and he was truly saved.Several years (1656) after ing to Christ, Bunyan began to preach at the same church which Gifford had pastored. He was above all a preacher who would proclaim God"s Word anywhere and everywhere: "He himself ... went out to preach the Word in the open air on village greens, in barns, in private houses, and sometimes even in parish churches. Bedfordshire and neighboring shires are full of traditions of his preaching, and several Congregational and Baptist churches claimed to have been founded through his preaching."(John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 79) It was not long before Bunyan~{!/~}s willingness and drive to preach the gospel everywhere got him into trouble. By 1660, Anglican royalists had stepped up their attacks on non-conformist preachers (Baptists, Congregationalists, and Puritans in general). It became illegal to preach in non-sanctioned places. So on Nov 12, 1660, John Bunyan was arrested for preaching in a field near a farmhouse. Upon his arrest, Bunyan was informed that if he would apologize to the magistrates and refrain from preaching, he would be released. Bunyan replied that such a promise was not possible and thus began a elve year imprisonment. His refusal to cease preaching reminds one of Peter and John"s reply to the Jewish leaders when they were instructed to refrain from preaching: Acts 4:18-20 - "Then they called them in again and manded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John replied, "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God"s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard." During those 12 years of imprisonment, Bunyan wrote Grace Abounding, Confessions of Faith, and A Defense of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith. Ernest Bacon speculates that it was in the last part of his imprisonment that Bunyan began to formulate his greatest work, Pilgrim"s Progress. Finally, King Charles II released most religious prisoners including John Bunyan. Bunyan emerged a leader among non-conformist and the pastor of the church at Bedford. He wouldn"t have long to spend with his wife and seven children, however. On Feb 1675, Charles II changed his mind and Bunyan along with others was arrested again. This time more legally minded friends acplished the release of Bunyan after a short time. On leaving prison this second time, Bunyan released for publication part one of his monumental The Pilgrims Progress in 1678. By the time of Bunyan~{!/~}s death in 1688, eleven editions of The Pilgrim~{!/~}s Progress had been published with over 100,000 copies in print. He left a legacy of many other great books and poems. None of these, however, are his greatest legacy to us. Bunyan~{!/~}s greatest gift to the church was his demonstration that the Doctrines of Grace are not static or cold. The gospel is Christ! Grace is how God brings us to Christ. Above all Bunyan loved Christ. He preached Christ and exalted Christ. "There was first and foremost in John Bunyan a deep personal love for his Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ ... Bunyan"s books are full of Christ - His wele, His unshakable truth, his advocacy for sinners ... His preaching and writing were Christ-centered, and it was this that carried men"s hearts captive to Christ. If our present day preachers and theologians had the same emphasis a very different spirit would prevail in both the Church and the State." (John Bunyan: Pilgrim and Dreamer by Ernest W. Bacon, Baker Book House: Grand Rapids, MI, 1983., p. 178)
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