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2023-06-22 20:51:48
TAG: iwill
下(くだ)り坂(さか) 踏(ふ)み切(き)りまで
ku da ri sa ka fu mi ki ri ma de
wa ta shi wa mu chu u de ha shi - ta

この恋(こい)を 遮(さえぎ)るよぅに
ko no ko i wo sa e gi ru you ni

den sha wa su gi sa - ta

远(とお)い日(ひ)の记忆(きおく) 海(うみ)の辉(かがや)く
to o i hi no ki o ku u mi no ka ga ya ku
遥远的记忆 海面闪烁着

ki se tsu wa me gu ru

hi kou ki gu mo ni me wo ho so me te

chi i sa ku yu re ta hi ma wa ri

sa yo na ra mo i e na i ma ma

hon no suu mi ri no su ki ma de so - to
ku su gu ru i ta mi

ma na tsu ni ki e ta ha na bi ga

na mi da no sa ki ni u tsu re ba

I will きっと思(おも)い出(だ )すわ
I will ki - to o mo i da su wa

a na ta ni to do ke

この场所(ばしょ)で  あたしは待(ま)っている
ko no ba sho de a ta shi wa ma - te i ru

chi i sa ku yu re ta hi ma wa ri

a no hi no ma ma no a ta shi wa

伸(の)びた前髪(まえがみ)も 认(みと)めたくない
no bi ta ma e ga mi mo mi to me ta ku na i
不肯承认 刘海已经变长

na ni mo ka wa - te na i

ka ze no o to ni fu ri ka e ru
听见风声 回首过去

kyoo mo ma da mi tsu ke ra re na i

I will そっと 愿(ねが)ってみる
I will so - to ne ga - te mi ru
我会悄悄 许下愿望

a na ta ni to do ke

この场所(ばしょ)で あたしは待っている
ko no ba sho de a ta shi wa ma - te i ru



2023-06-22 18:13:143

“i will”的缩写怎么读?

2023-06-22 18:13:281

I will英语是什么意思

2023-06-22 18:14:079


2023-06-22 18:14:492


你好!i will我会的
2023-06-22 18:15:163


iwill后面加动词原型。 will: modal 将; (表示愿意)愿,要,会,定要; 烦劳别人做事时用。 v. 想要; 希望; 愿意; 喜欢。 v. 立定志向; 决心; 决意; 想要(某事发生); 立遗嘱将(财产等)赠与(某人); 立遗嘱赠与。 n. 意志; 毅力; 自制力; 意愿; 心愿; 遗嘱。 扩展资料   I will attempt to answer all your questions.   我将努力回答你的全部问题。   I will contact you by letter.   我会给你写信联系的"。   I will not rest until the murderer is under lock and key.   杀人凶手一天不关起来我一天不罢休。   I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916.   我将把自己考察的范围限定在1900年至1916年这段时间以内。   I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear anything to the contrary.   我星期天等你,除非你说不来了。
2023-06-22 18:15:221


1. 用I will 写一篇将来时描述 I will go to the beach with my parents this weekend. We will stay there for o days. My father will drive a car. We"ll book a hotel first so that we"ll stay there for a night. We will walk on the beach and pick up beautiful shells. We will go boating and swim in the sea. Of course we"ll eat all kinds of sea food. I am sure we will have a good time. 还可以写暑假计划,20年后的生活等 希望对你有所帮助,祝你快乐每一天!(*^__^*) 2. 用if If we read more books,we will know more.如果我们多读书,就会懂得更多.If we treat people sincerely,we will have more friends.如果我们待人真诚,就会有更多的朋友. If I don"t write my homework,I will be criticized by the teacher.如果我不写作业,我就会被老师批评. If we don"t care for the animals,they are endangered.如果我们不爱护动物,它们就会濒临灭绝. If you use sincerely treats people,they will treat you sincerely.如果你用真心待人,他们会真诚地对待你 If you work hard, you will make greater progress。如果你努力工作,你会取得更大进步 望采纳 3. 用will写一遍不少于6句话的作文. I have a lovely bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a desk near my bed. There is a pink doll on my bed. I sleep with it every night. There is a big window in my bedroom. The yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening, I do my homework under the lamp. I have a big shelf in my bedroom. There are many books on the shelf. I like reading very much. Do you like reading? You can borrow the books from me if you like? My bedroom is so nice. I like it 4. 用will造句4句话怎么做急 Remember, keep a positive attitude and good things will happen. 记住:保持乐观的心态,好事自然会发生。 2. If you love life, life will love you back. 热爱生活,生活也会厚爱你。 3. Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.--Zig Ziglar 决定你人生高度的,不是你的才能,而是你的态度。 4. I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame. 我会回去,找到你,爱你,娶你,活的光明正大。 5. What will be the effect of the alliance beeen IBM and Apple? 若IBM公司和苹果公司联合将会有什么效果呢? 6. Three hundred million dollars will be nothing like enough. 3亿美元远远不够。 7. I have $100m hidden away where no one will ever find it. 我把1亿美元藏到了一个永远没人会找到的地方。 8. The road to peace will be long and drawn-out. 通往和平的道路将很漫长。 5. if I( ) I"ll( )作文 If I can fly, I"ll make a big house for the birds. They can sing and dance in the house, and they will not worry again. If I can fly, I"ll send a cloud pillow to my sister. I think she"ll have a beautiful dream, and sleep well. If I can fly, I"ll dance with snow. People will see,snow is floating, oh,it isn"t snow___it"s me! If I can fly, I"ll embrace the moon. Because, the time is five o"clock, I don"t want she leaves me alone. If I can fly, I"ll send a lot of seeds of flowers、grasses and trees to the Earth. I think that, the Earth will be very beautiful! ~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问者在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~~如还有新的问题,请另外向我求助,答题不易,敬请谅解~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助祝学习进步! 6. 求一篇英语作文,I will be I have a beautiful dream. That"s I will be a teacher in the future. I like be a teacher very much. Teacher is a good job. They can teach many students to be good at. That"s very good. I"m a good student, because I have so many good teachers. The books often tell me: A father like the son. But I think: A teacher like the student. Teachers are people"s soul"s engineers. I want to be the people"s soul"s engineers. I want to be a good teacher. If I am a teacher, I will make all the student be good at, then I will very happy.
2023-06-22 18:15:311


iwill ,2013年,艾薇儿致力于在美容化妆品领域的长足发展,投资兴建占地80亩地的大规模现代化化妆品生产基地,并获得GMP和ISO9001-2000和CAT认证。为了加速发展步伐与国际市场接轨,先后在香港建立了全球优质化妆品原料采购中心,在澳洲建立了天然植物化妆品研究中心和天然化妆品原料种植园,所有这一切均为艾薇儿产品的生产提供了良好的品质保证,令艾薇儿在市场发展中赢得了消费者们所给予的极高的美誉度和忠诚度。 艾薇儿最初源天然植物活性成份的研究”开始发展而来的,企业首先选择了全世界天然资源保护最好的国家之一------澳洲作为了天然植物化妆品的研究基地并同时拥有了占地150亩的天然植物种植农场,开创出艾薇儿具有历史意义的“一站式”绿色美容服务。艾薇儿顺应现代人们对绿色环保的需求和对天然植物化妆品的热捧,为都市女性和家庭提供了“绿色、专业、时尚、健康”的美容护肤新生活,用一辈子都安全的护肤品。 总体来说还算好用点的
2023-06-22 18:15:391


1. 用will写一遍不少于6句话的作文. I have a lovely bedroom. There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a desk near my bed. There is a pink doll on my bed. I sleep with it every night. There is a big window in my bedroom. The yellow lamp is on my desk .Every evening, I do my homework under the lamp. I have a big shelf in my bedroom. There are many books on the shelf. I like reading very much. Do you like reading? You can borrow the books from me if you like? My bedroom is so nice. I like it 2. 用一般将来时态,写一篇小短文,5 I will go to the park in a few days.I will set off on foot to exercise my body.I hope that the scenery in the park will be very beautiful and awe-inspring. I wish that various flowers will be in full blossom there ,which I will take photos of.。 3. 用i will be I will Never Be Careless Again Everybody knows that carelessness is the most dangerous enemy in our life. But we sometimes can"t realize it. So it is necessary to think ice when starting to do something. I suffered from my carelessness a month ago. One day I was going to my auntie"s home, mom told me to bring an umbrella in case it mined. I answered casually and went out without taking the umbrella. But on my way back, I was caught in the rain and fell iii. I could do nothing but stayed in bed for half a month. 4. 以MyBirthdayParty为题写一篇不少于5句话的作文 I"am so exited because I will have a birthday party to celebrate on this Friday.I will invent all my friends and prepare everything about my birthday party.I will shop a birthday cake.The cake is delicious.Fruit cake is my favourite.My friends send my lots of brithday cards on all my brithday.I will dance with them and then they will say Happy Birthday! I will be very happy。 5. 用If I Chapter Four 第四章 虚拟句型 38. If I were you, I… 如果我是你,我会…… 例句:If I were you, I would choose another one. 如果我是你,我会选另一个。 If I were you, I would have given up. 如果我是你,我早就放弃了。 If I were you, I wouldn"t worry about it. 如果我是你,我不会为此而担忧。 搭配:接一个表示意愿的从句。 功能:这是虚拟语气中最常用的说法,要注意要用were,而不是was。 39. If I did… , I would… 如果我……,我会…… 常用句型:If I had known the truth, I wouldn"t have blamed him. 如果我知道真相,我就不会责备他了。 If I had his phone number, I would phone him immediately. 如果我知道他的电话号码,我会立刻给他打电话。 If I had enough money, I would buy a new house. 如果我有足够的钱,我会买一套新房子。 搭配: If I后面接动词的过去式,表示虚拟,后面一句表示意愿。 40. I wish… 但愿…… 常用句型:I wish you had told me before. 你要是早告诉我就好了。 I wish I were a millionaire. 我要是个百万富翁就好了。 I wish that beautiful girl were my girlfriend. 那个漂亮的女孩要是我女朋友就好了。 搭配:接过去时形式的从句,从句中be动词只能用were的形式。 例句:I wish I were 20 years younger. 我要是能年轻20岁就好了。 I wish I had a better job. 我要是有一份更好的工作就好了。 I wish my grandma were still alive. 外婆要是还活着就好了。 功能::表达与事实相反或不太可能实现的愿望。 41. It"s time… 该……了。 常用句型:It"s time we went. 我们该走了。 It"s time I started my work. 我该开始工作了。 It"s time we had dinner. 到时间吃饭了。 搭配:接过去时形式的从句。 例句:It"s time you started to prepare for the final exams. 你该开始准备期末考试了。 It"s time you slept. 你该去睡了。 功能:用过去时形式的从句表示该做的事还没有做。 在朋友家呆 久了该离开了,用这样的表达方式听起来会比较委婉。 Chapter Five 第五章 名词性从句句型 42. What surprises me most is that… 最令我惊讶的是…… 常用句子:What surprises me most is that he speaks English so well. 最让我惊讶的是他的英语说得很棒。 What surprises me most is that you o are brothers. 最让我惊讶的是你们两个是亲兄弟。 What surprises me most is that he is a spy. 最让我惊讶的是他居然是个间谍。 搭配:宾语从句。接陈述语气从句。 例句:What surprises me most is that you live next to me. 最让我惊讶的是你住在我隔壁。 What surprises me most is that he died 10 years ago. 最让我惊讶的是他早在10年前就死了。 What surprises me most is that it was the kind old lady who had poisoned the 6 men. 最让我惊讶的是那个慈祥的老妇人居然是毒死那6个男人的凶手。 功能:表达十分十分出人意料的意思。 43. It is a pity that… 很遗憾,…… 例句:It is a pity that I couldn"t go with you. 很遗憾,我不能和你一起走。 It is a pity that your mother is ill. 很遗憾,你妈妈病了。 It is a pity that you couldn"t catch the train. 很遗憾,你没能赶上火车。 搭配:主语从句。 接陈述语气从句。 功能:在别人遇到不顺心的事情的时候用这个句型,是很好的安 慰方式。 44.That… seems unlikely. ……似乎不太可能。 例句: That the beautiful girl agreed to be his girlfriend seems unlikely. 那个漂亮女孩似乎不太可能同意当他的女朋友。 That such a poor man could bee a millionaire seems unlikely. 这样的一个穷光蛋竟然能成为百万富翁,这似乎不太可能。 搭配:主语从句。 接陈述语气从句。 功能:在语气上显得比较正式,大多用在正式问题中。 45. I cannot understand (that)… 我不明白…… 常用句子:I cannot understand why you made such a silly decision. 我不明白你为什么作出这样一个愚蠢的决定。 I cannot understand why you care for her so much. 我不明白你为什么那么在乎她。 I cannot understand how you could overlook such an important man. 我不明白你为什么会忽略这么重要的一个人物。 搭配:宾语从句。 接由疑问词引导的疑问从句。 例句:I cannot understand why you left without telling any of your friends. 我不明白你为什么不跟你任何一个朋友说一声就离开了。 I cannot understand why he betrayed his country. 我不明白他为什么要叛国。 46. I have been hoping that… 我一直希望…… 例句:I have been hoping that some day I"d have a chance to visit the USA. 我一直希望有天能有机会到美国看看。 I have been hoping that she would e back to me some day. 我一直希望她有一天能回到我身边。 I have been hoping that I could have a puter. 我一直希望能有一台电脑。 I have been hoping that Mom and Dad would never quarrel. 我一直希望爸爸妈妈永远都不吵架。 I have been hoping that China would bee the strongest country in the world. 我一直希望中国有一天能成为世界上最强大的国家。 搭配:宾语从句。接陈述语气从句。 47. There can be no doubt that… 毫无疑问,…… 例句:There can be no 。 6. 以"l can I can success I can be a successful person by doing my best in differnt roles in my life. Being a student, I can be successful by showing respect to teachers and students as well as getting better grades. Greeting teachers and students is a way of respectation. When a clas *** ate is in trouble, do your best to help him is another way of showing respect. Better grades can be got by working harder. Being a child, I can be successful by helping my parents with housework and municating with them. Parents are busy working to earn money for the family. A child"s role in the family is trying to reduce the burden. Parents are always worrying about their children and trying to know about their children better. If we can municate with them actively and tell them our ideas, there will be less conflicts result from generation gap. Being a successful student at school and a good child in the family can make me a successful peron. 7. 用至少五句话来描述你的周末计划(用英语来写),提示词(:where 用至少五句话来描述你的周末计划(用英语来写) I will go to Beijing this weekend. I will go with my parents. We will go there by plane. We will visit our grandparents there. They miss me very much, and they want to take me to many places of great interests in Beijing. Besides, they promised to take me for a big shopping. It will be cool.
2023-06-22 18:15:591


I"ll=I will我愿意或我将要做什么...
2023-06-22 18:16:062


Do not push me, or I wil impale you on my horns! 别推我,要不我会用我的角顶你。 2I wil never quit on you. 同样,我也不会放弃你的。 3I also thanks you for your questions which I wil give you answer. 谢谢你的提问,以下是我给你的答复。 4I shall consult with you, and I wil respect your idea! 我们共同商量一下,我将尊重你的想法! 5I will read English every morning. I wil make the best use of every spare minute. 每个清晨七点我都会读英语,我会充分利用闲暇的每一分钟。 6But I will surely go there because I do not know whether I wil have chances to see him in the future. 不管我下午有什么事情,我都要去,因为我不知道今朝一别,以后是否还会有重逢的机会。 7If I cannot find that person, I wil immediately report back, and put myself at the elder"s service instead. 如那人不在,自己要马上回来向长者报告,并且要代替那人为长者服务。 8"Pardon me while I write down that," answered the mouse," Then, I wil tell to an ant." “请再告诉我一次,我要写下你所说的话来。”老鼠说,“然后我再这样对蚂蚁说。” 9I expect they wil have everything ready directly. 我估计他们马上就可把一切准备好哩。 10I don"t think Bertha wil take Marlin"s advice in good part. 我认为博萨不会好好听取马琳的建议的。 11I trust you are a smart girl that wil be outstanding. 你是聪明的女孩,有主见的宝宝。 12I can get 2 phone books without charge from the phone company. Our telephone number and fax wil remain unchanged. 我可以从电话公司免费得到两本电话簿。本公司电话及传真号码会维持不变。
2023-06-22 18:16:131


Iwill 后面应该加谓语用动词原型, 如果是表达我将要做 建议使用 I am going to do 句式
2023-06-22 18:16:211


I will be there on five minutes.I will take it for you.I will do my best.I will go there tommorow.I will go with my best friend.
2023-06-22 18:16:302

用i will造句十句话 四年级

l will do homework
2023-06-22 18:16:404

Who willrun100meters?Iwill.什么意思

Who will run 100 meters? I will.的中文翻译Who will run 100 meters? I will. 谁会跑100米?我会。
2023-06-22 18:16:481


  翻译:我会许一个愿  满意请采纳,谢谢
2023-06-22 18:16:552


星愿 I Will 张力尹 不知不觉的月亮悄悄照亮夜空 在想你的这一夜寂寞伴随我身旁 痴心如梦想疲惫已无力再飞翔 真心的翅膀追随你的影子到天亮 我真的好想就这样 飞入你温暖心房 你是否看到我的爱正在为你而闪亮 在你的怀中 爱你疼你呼吸都停止燃烧 长在这甜蜜的梦只想和你飞翔到永远 轻轻说爱你 你是我无悔追随的方向 baby you"ll last forever my love 细雨般的思念细数对你无尽思念 等所有空白都填满 也说不尽我的爱 这一夜 我的心 被寂寞悄悄的融化 原来我的爱依然是个纯真的小孩 今天也守在电话旁 装作偶然也无妨 哪怕是一次打错的电话也难以入睡 在你的怀中 爱你疼你呼吸都停止燃烧 长在这甜蜜的梦只想和你飞翔到永远 轻轻说爱你 你是我无悔追随的方向 baby you"ll last forever 没有你在身旁我会怎么样 为你憔悴为你落泪为爱枯萎 是你的爱温暖我 钻石玫瑰一般的珍贵 我早就已经知道 你是我永恒的爱 在你的怀中 爱你疼你呼吸都停止燃烧 长在这甜蜜的梦只想和你飞翔到永远 轻轻说爱你 你是我无悔追随的方向 baby you"ll last foreve my love
2023-06-22 18:17:021


2023-06-22 18:17:103


I will not
2023-06-22 18:17:295


2023-06-22 18:17:421


I Will be quick的中文翻译_百度翻译I Will be quick 全部释义和例句>>我会很快
2023-06-22 18:17:491


歌曲:I Will歌手:Matchbox Twenty所属专辑:North播放收藏分享下载(625)Tonight今夜Looking back on all this life回想这一生It"s funny how the time goes by时光过得很有趣And how, sometimes当然,有时候It slides away它太快了Time时间Sliding through the dead of night从夜深人静时溜走Shaking "til you start to cry震撼到足以让你哭泣Your eyes won"t dry你的眼睛一直湿润"Til light of day直到白天来临And sleep away多希望静静地睡下去Don"t let it go就能让它留下Don"t let it fade就能让它不消失Your dreams may cave你的梦也许就深陷其中And falling apart最后变得破碎不堪Is the only way这是我们不如意的We go so low唯一原因When you don"t know如果你不知道I will我知道I will我知道If you go如果你要走Take a little piece of me把我的一部分也带走吧Hang it by the place you sleep就挂在你睡觉的地方And dream of me然后梦着我Don"t leave不要离开Just sleep away就靠睡眠Don"t let it go来留住它Don"t let it fade别让它消失Your dreams may cave你的梦也许也沉醉其中And falling apart然后散落一地Is the only way这是我们不如意的We go so low唯一原因When you don"t know如果你不知道I will我会知道的We go so low我们不如意When you don"t know如果你不知道I will我会知道的I will我会的Tonight今夜Looking back on all this life回想这一生It"s funny how the time goes by时光过得多有趣啊And how, sometimes当然啦,有时候It slides away它走的太快了
2023-06-22 18:17:561

i would和i will有什么区别

2023-06-22 18:18:042


2023-06-22 18:18:1215


I WILL BE THERE 我会在那里?我永远都在?
2023-06-22 18:18:352


I will carry you意为我会支持你,我将背着你。重点词汇解释:1、willaux. 将;总是;愿意;(表示能力、容量等)能;惯于;可能;必须v. 愿意;(诗、文)想要;决心要;用意志力使;遗赠n. 意志,决心;心愿;遗嘱;意旨双语例句:I will call you tonight.我今晚将会打电话给你。2、carryvt. 拿,扛;携带;支持;搬运vi. 能达到;被携带;被搬运n. 运载;进位;射程双语例句:She carried her son to the car.她抱着儿子向车走去。扩展资料:carry的用法:carry的基本意思是运输,传送,可指人自身提,搬,拿,抱,背,扛,也可指人役使牲畜或使用交通工具如飞机,汽车将某物由一地运往另一地。作此意思时,carry多用作及物动词,主语多为人,也可为天然或人工的通道等,宾语则为运送的有形物或无形物。carry也可用作不及物动词,这时多与hardly,easily之类的状语连用,主动形式含有被动意义。carry用作及物动词时还可作支撑,支承的意思时,指承受静止物体的重量,接抽象名词时意为经得住,承受得了。carry也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to的宾语。
2023-06-22 18:18:431


2023-06-22 18:19:412


这句话要看语境。如果是只有2句对话时候,那肯定是错的,老外讲话很直白的,只有Yes,I will.和No,I won"t.只不过我们翻译的时候把它变得委婉了。而在一个很长的涉及了多项事情也有可能用No,I will.
2023-06-22 18:20:166

Iwill take it还是I will buy it?

I will take it和I will buy it的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、I will take it:我要这个。2、I will buy it:我要买这个。二、用法不同1、I will take it:take是英语中含义最多,搭配能力最强的动词之一,基本意思是“拿,取,带,抓”,指用手取物、接受东西、把人或物移到某处。2、I will buy it:buy在句中主要用作及物动词,偶尔用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。三、侧重点不同1、I will take it:更口语化,且发生在购物现场。2、I will buy it:只是计划打算买东西。
2023-06-22 18:20:301

bianca ryan 的单曲《i will》中文翻译!

2023-06-22 18:20:531


I"ll 啊爱奥
2023-06-22 18:21:034

一首英文歌,比较舒缓听着很舒服,每句开头好像都有Iwill……或者I can……。很耳熟的

Dream it possible,第一句就是I will run, I will climb
2023-06-22 18:21:113


耶和华007LV.1 2018-05-10i will(全称“爱唯尔上海企业发展有限公司”),作为一家打着基督教旗号的精神传销公司,以爱为饵,近几年蒙蔽和欺骗了很多青年朋友,特别是没有社会经验的大学生。爱唯尔的领导班子,是前安利人员,现在商教合一,对涉世不深的大学生灌输宗教信仰,让他们深陷他们制造的幸福中。1、爱唯尔iwill的企业文化爱唯尔iwill他们的信仰被外界教会否定了。马磊红原安利出身,由于在教会做安利,赚取经济利益,被教会驱逐,后来照搬安利的模式,创立爱爱唯尔,现在商教合一,来榨取信众的血汗钱。2、爱唯尔的赢利模式所有的业务,只有家教和家洁,其他的都是在给大家造梦,没有合同。“我们是合作,不是打工”,所以也没有基本的五险一金,没有交一分钱的税。即使向爱唯尔交了保险,爱唯尔也没有给保险单。不仅没有工作,所有的市场开拓、宣传、培训都自己承担,开支很大。爱唯尔还有在自己的血汗钱中,收取15%到20%的管理费,。马磊红等管理层,来一趟,所有的头等舱、总统套房的钱,都是这里的人给AA掉。大家入不敷出,马磊红的孩子上贵族学校,上高价的培训班。3.违法行为每个幸福之家所租的房子(包括培训之家)都差不多超过10人一起居住,房东并不知情,欺骗房东。幸福之家没有营业执照,不用交税!当网络上有负面文章,会想尽办法找到该文章作者,不断威胁并给钱直到把文章删除为止。正规公司是这样做的吗?网络几乎找不到任何负面消息,又能轻易删除。
2023-06-22 18:21:284


I will carry you意为我会支持你,我将背着你。重点词汇解释:1、willaux. 将;总是;愿意;(表示能力、容量等)能;惯于;可能;必须v. 愿意;(诗、文)想要;决心要;用意志力使;遗赠n. 意志,决心;心愿;遗嘱;意旨双语例句:I will call you tonight.我今晚将会打电话给你。2、carryvt. 拿,扛;携带;支持;搬运vi. 能达到;被携带;被搬运n. 运载;进位;射程双语例句:She carried her son to the car.她抱着儿子向车走去。扩展资料:carry的用法:carry的基本意思是运输,传送,可指人自身提,搬,拿,抱,背,扛,也可指人役使牲畜或使用交通工具如飞机,汽车将某物由一地运往另一地。作此意思时,carry多用作及物动词,主语多为人,也可为天然或人工的通道等,宾语则为运送的有形物或无形物。carry也可用作不及物动词,这时多与hardly,easily之类的状语连用,主动形式含有被动意义。carry用作及物动词时还可作支撑,支承的意思时,指承受静止物体的重量,接抽象名词时意为经得住,承受得了。carry也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化成介词to的宾语。
2023-06-22 18:21:531


2023-06-22 18:22:333


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题:.I will我将要我准备等于I"ll
2023-06-22 18:22:421

用I will造句,10句。

2023-06-22 18:22:511

I will be 与 I will 的区别?

2023-06-22 18:23:002


I will show you我会给你看.....例句:1.I will show you things. 我要给你看一些东西.2.I will show you, follow me. 我会给你看得,跟着我.
2023-06-22 18:23:081


2023-06-22 18:23:324


2023-06-22 18:23:426


I"ll=I will我将要(做某事)一般将来时可以用。
2023-06-22 18:24:351


spoil:破坏、搞坏、糟蹋、毁掉、溺爱、娇惯、宠坏、善待、格外关照、变坏。I will spoil you的意思是“我会宠你”。
2023-06-22 18:24:421


i will wait for ever的中文翻译i will wait for ever 我将永远等待
2023-06-22 18:24:492


i will love you意思是我会一直爱你。 例句:I will love you till the end of my life. 直到我的生命终结,我都会爱着你。 扩展资料   I will love you when you"re blue.   当你消沉时我将给予你爱。   I will love you whole life!   我将爱您一生!   I will love you until my love die.   我将爱你直到我的`爱死亡的那天。   I will love you even more tomorrow.   明天我将更爱你。   I vow that I will love you forever.   我承诺我会永远爱你。   I will love you to the end of my life.   我会爱你直到我生命的结尾。
2023-06-22 18:24:571


2023-06-22 18:25:041 you什么意思?

i will love you 我会爱你; 一般将来时; 我仍会爱你; [例句]I will love you for life, believe me!我会爱你的生活,相信我!
2023-06-22 18:25:121


2023-06-22 18:25:201

iwill的缩写怎么读 iwill的缩写如何读

1、I will= Ill。读音:英[au026al] 美 [au026al]。。 2、Some of the days Ill clean the house for him .我迟早要跟他算帐。 3、Ill help you for your sister s sake .看在你姐姐面上,我来帮你。 4、Ill give you a pound in part payment .我会给你一镑作为先付部分。 5、Ill have a go at mending your bike today .我今天修修你的自行车。
2023-06-22 18:25:271


是表示将来时的。如:I will be a teacher in the future.将来我会成为一名教师。
2023-06-22 18:25:381