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2023-06-22 17:00:27
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b a r e f o o t 的中文意思

barefoot英 ["beu0259fu028at]美 ["bu025br"fu028at]n. (Barefoot)人名;(英)贝尔富特adj. 赤脚的adv. 赤着脚地更多释义>>[网络短语]Barefoot 赤足,赤脚,赤脚情缘Barefoot doctor 赤脚医生,赤脚医生Barefoot Immortal 赤脚大仙
2023-06-22 16:51:292


赤足的解释[barefoot] 光着脚 详细解释 (1).红色的脚。 《 山海 经·北山经》 :“有鸟焉,其状如乌,文首白喙赤足,名曰精卫。” 《初刻拍案惊奇》 卷三:“这首诗所言‘蝍蛆",是甚么?就是那赤足蜈蚣,俗名‘百脚"。” (2).光脚,不着鞋袜。 唐 韩愈 《山石》 诗:“当流赤足蹋涧石,水声激激风吹衣。” 清 袁枚 《消夏杂咏》 :“科头赤足 徜徉 过,一领蕉衫尚觉多。” 艾芜 《南行记·山官》 :“那个 汉子 跟一般 克钦 男子,并没什么差别,短衣长裤,打着赤足。” (3).指婢仆。 清 黄遵宪 《拜 曾祖 母墓》 诗:“问讯日百回,赤足足奔忙。” 参见 “ 赤脚婢 ”。 词语分解 赤的解释 赤 ì 红色,比朱色稍暗的 颜色 :赤血。赤字。 真诚, 忠诚 : 赤诚 (极其真诚)。赤忱。 赤子 ( 纯洁 无暇的 初生 婴儿,古代亦指百姓)。赤胆忠心。 空 无所 有:赤手空拳。赤地千里。 裸露:赤脚(光脚)。 笔画数: 足的解释 足 ú 脚: 足下 (对对方的敬称)。 足迹 。足球。足坛。失足。 高足 (敬辞,称 别人 的学生)。 举足轻重 。画蛇添足。 器物下部的支撑部分:鼎足。碗足。 充分 ,够量:足月。足见。足智多谋。 完全: 足以 。足色。 值
2023-06-22 16:51:361


2023-06-22 16:51:462


2023-06-22 16:51:555


Of Monsters and Men - Love Love Love 百分之百正确,希望对你有帮助。
2023-06-22 16:52:211

Miley barefoot cinderella中文歌词

2023-06-22 16:52:282


英盛观察在印度的拉贾斯坦邦,有一所非常特别的学校。这学校主要教育农村成年人(其中很多是文盲),使他们成为他们自己村里的太阳能工程师,艺术家,牙医和医生。这所学校就叫做赤脚大学。赤脚大学(Barefoot College)1972年由Bunker Roy在印度Tilonia创立。在其成立的30年间,赤脚大学帮助了超过300万生活在贫困线以下的穷人,使他们通过自己的努力摆脱贫困。在2013年Global Journal评选的世界100强NGO中,赤脚大学位列第15位,教育类排名第二。学院的创始人Roy也曾凭借其卓越的成就成为2010年世界100位最具影响力人物之一(Time 100 most influential people)。 赤脚大学走向世界 鉴于赤脚大学的发展在印度的成功,尤其是在偏远的喜马拉雅山区。学校决定走向全球,在其它发展中及未发展国家复制这个计划。伊索匹亚和阿富汗是第一批受惠的地区。 2004年以后,有了Ensemble基金和荷兰Het Groene Woud组织 (绿色森林组织)的支持,赤脚大学成功地训练了来自贝南、波利维亚、不丹、喀麦隆、干比亚、马拉威、毛利塔尼亚、卢安达、狮子山、坦尚尼亚偏远地区来的妇女。这些人接受培训后,都回到家乡帮村落安装及维护太阳能发电系统。赤脚大学便在这样的过程中不断走向世界。目前还没发现中国有“赤脚大学”,如果有应该一些农业大学算是一部分吧!
2023-06-22 16:52:431


我 把那谁的改了一下,把很多不适当的词以及语法都纠正了一下,但我肯定也有错误,望指正too much complaint about this world跌倒了就不敢继续往前走 too afraid to move on when u fall 为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落 why so fragile, why so so frail请你打开电视看看 open your tv then u can find out多少人为生命在努力勇敢的走下去 how many people are striving for a happy life我们是不是该知足 and content珍惜一切 就算没有拥有To cherish, even u own nothing at all还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑 I still remember, u said home is your only castlerun along the bank, with air full of barley aroma微微笑 小时候的梦我知道 With a smile flashback of NY chiLdhood不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠DO not cry, escape with the light of fireflyhome folk is always for u to rely on回家吧 回到最初的美好 back to home, back to the beautiful days in very beginning不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的do not give up so easilyJust as i said 追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了 Be flexibleif u can never reach it为自己的人生鲜艳上色 先把爱涂上喜欢的颜色 paint on your lifeFirstly paint it with your beloved color笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的 So just smileTo be successful is not your goal让自己快乐快乐这才叫做意义 be happy is the only thing that"s meaningful童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里 the paper flightnow flies back into my hand所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了 So called happiness, is chasing the dragonfly until u r tired偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢is afraid of the sting of the beewho"s chuckling我靠着稻草人吹着风唱着歌睡着了 i fall asleep lean on the scarecrew and enjoy the wind blows哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆 oh oh the music of guitar is joyful with the chrirp哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎oh oh my heart will never break apart in the sun珍惜一切 就算没有拥有 To cherish, even u own nothing at all还记得你说家是唯一的城堡 随着稻香河流继续奔跑 I still remember, u said home is your only castlerun along the bank, with air full of barley aroma微微笑 小时候的梦我知道 Laugh and recall the dreams of childhood不要哭让萤火虫带着你逃跑 乡间的歌谣永远的依靠Do not cry, escape with the light of fireflyhome folk is always for u to rely on回家吧 回到最初的美好 back to home, back to the beautiful days in very beginning
2023-06-22 16:52:545


2023-06-22 16:53:211

谁知道Barefoot MicroMain12

2023-06-22 16:53:422


试试这两首吧Ke$ha-TiK ToKAvril Lavigne-What the Hell应该有你要找的祝你好运
2023-06-22 16:53:584


跑鞋英语running shoes。running shoes 相关例句Don"t sell that exercise bike or those running shoes just yet.现在尚不要出售那健身单车或运动鞋。Sometimes they wore running shoes. Other times they ran barefoot.有时他们穿着跑鞋, 有时他们光脚跑。Because, in war time, they are the biggest buyers of running shoes.由于在战斗期间,他们是跑鞋的最大买家。Series of slow running shoes blended in popular feelings and colour.慢跑鞋系列融入了流行的风情和色彩。Without bootlace, again good running shoes also can be slipper only。没有鞋带,再好的跑鞋也只能是拖鞋。You need running shoes that are roomy enough to accommodate your insoles.你需要跑步鞋足够的宽敞容纳你的鞋垫。Industry Running shoes Basketball Shoes Other Slippers Chiffon Scarf Sports cap Cleaning.所属行业慢跑鞋篮球鞋其他拖鞋雪纺围巾运动帽清洁用具。Dont use the treads of your running shoes to determine whether you should replace your shoes.不要用鞋跟来决定是否应该换鞋子了。Earlier studies found that running shoes could increase the risk for plantar fasciitis and ankle sprains.早期调查发现跑鞋会增加患上脚疣和脚踝扭伤得风险。Old running shoes don"t feel as good as new ones, but Ronald Demon, a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) may have developed an athletic shoe that stays comfortable forever.旧跑鞋不像新跑鞋穿着那样舒适,但是麻省理工学院一名学生罗纳德·戴蒙发明的一种运动鞋可能认人穿着一直很舒适。
2023-06-22 16:54:041


2023-06-22 16:54:214


"MBT" 可以是多种不同的含义,具体视上下文而定。例如,在医学中,"MBT" 可以是 "多基因测试" 的缩写;在运动鞋领域,"MBT" 则是 "马赛比亚" 的缩写,指的是一种设计独特的健康鞋。MBT 运动鞋是一种专为健康而设计的鞋子。其特点是鞋底采用弧形设计,可以提供更好的支撑和平衡,从而减轻脚部疲劳和压力。这种鞋子还可以帮助改善步态和姿势,从而缓解关节疼痛和其他身体问题。由于其特殊的设计,MBT 运动鞋在使用时需要逐步适应,初次穿着时可能会感到不适,需要慢慢习惯。MBT 运动鞋是一种以健康为设计理念的运动鞋,它采用独特的弧形设计,可以有效减轻脚部压力和疲劳,改善步态和姿势,缓解关节疼痛和其他身体问题。因此,MBT 运动鞋成为了很多人追求健康生活方式的选择。MBT 运动鞋的适用范围:1、MBT 运动鞋适合那些长期需要站立或走路的人群,如医护人员、服务员、导游等,以及长时间坐着的人群,如办公室工作人员。这种鞋子还适合那些需要改善姿态和步态、缓解脚部或关节疼痛的人群,如老年人或运动员。2、除了 MBT 运动鞋之外,还有其他一些健康鞋可以选择,如瑞典玛丽健康鞋、医护鞋等。无论选择何种健康鞋,使用者应该逐步适应,注意正确的使用方法,以达到最佳的健康效果。
2023-06-22 16:54:283

Ocean Rose歌词的翻译

2023-06-22 16:56:185


歌名叫"Don"t Look Back"Peter Tosh and Mick Jagger - Don"t Look BackIf it"s love that you"re running fromThere is no hiding placeJust your problems, no one else"s problemsYou just have to faceIf you just put your hand in mineWe"re gonna leave all our troubles behindGonna walk and don"t look backGonna walk and don"t look backNow if your first lover let you downThere"s something that can be doneDon"t kill your faith in loveRemembering what"s becomePlaces behind you, there to remind youNow if your first lover let you downThere"s something that can be doneGonna heal your faith in loveRemembering what"s been doneNow if your first lover let you downThere"s something that can be doneGonna heal your faith in loveRemembering what"s been doneHow far you been walkin" now about hundred milesYou still got some more to walkI know, I got a little more to goI"m gettin" kind of tired but I got to keep on walkin"I"m walkin" barefootYou"ve got to walk and don"t look back
2023-06-22 16:56:331

Dancing Barefoot 歌词

歌曲名:Dancing Barefoot歌手:Patti Smith Group专辑:Land (1975-2002)DancingbarefootU2She is benedictionShe is addicted to heShe is the root connection andShe is connecting with meHere I go and I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselesslyCould it be he"s taking over meI"m dancing barefootHeaded for a spinSome strange music drags me inIt makes me come up like some heroineShe is sublimationShe is the essence of theeShe is concentrating onHe who is chosen by sheHere I go when I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselesslyCould it be he"s taking over meI"m dancing barefootHeaded for a spinSome strange strange music drags me inIt makes me come up like some heroineShe is recreationShe intoxicated by theeShe has the slow sensation thatHe is levitating with sheHere I go when I don"t know whyI spin so ceaselessly"Til I lose my sense of gravityI"m dancing barefootHeading for a spinSome strange music drives me onMakes me come up like some heroineOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for youOh God I feel for you
2023-06-22 16:56:591

Underworld的《Air Towel》 歌词

歌曲名:Air Towel歌手:Underworld专辑:Second Toughest In the Infantsshould i want it...bunny girlhappy shopperbouncing balltelephone dialshifting sunare you waiting for a busbarefoot barefootwomen sleepwho knows whathappened tobe my wishthe shop wasopen nowhow bout somethingsome more thingsbouncing ballbunny girlhappy shopperbouncing balltelephone dialsetting sunare you waiting for your busUnderworldhuman pleasuretrust that girlhuman wirei receivehuman gladi rememberi come womani come womeni come one man...bunny girlhappy shopperbouncing balltelephone dialshifting sunyou are waitingfor a busbedford sunin the endhuman pleasuretransmit lovehuman wirei"m the samei am glad thingi come one mani come one manjane is waitingin your blousein your denimcarryingher new softwarelittle black thingis electricand the breathingand the breathingand the braveall she says nowand he sayscome on fuck thisi"m no womani"m a maniaci"m on tradei"m not payingsenseless geezerwhere the doors are openingwith electricarm or pistonin the tubeholeit is slidingfull of moisturegetting on nowwith his both handson the red poleson the red polesshould i want
2023-06-22 16:57:501


1、Alone[ 孤身一人] 2、Cappuccino 3、Barefoot 4、傀儡 Puppet▼ 5、冷瞳丶Sunshine 6、Not stingy. 不吝啬 7、Safe 8、Disease 9、Tearful eyes 10、Renounceヾ(放弃) 11、Tempted 12、Since 莋 13、禁忌smoke 14、Estrange(形同陌路) 15、Heart Att 16、Detour 绕道 17、Catnip. 18、ERosIon 腐朽 19、simple love[简单爱] 20、Lost in city 21、Abandon.放弃. 22、|▍简爱╮Simple 23、Memory痴情 24、C-arnalism 25、Super_man 26、Mockingjay 27、shadow 影子 28、Yoke(羁绊) 29、Red Light危险信号* 30、帅哥cindy 31、deep sea 深海 32、Karma 33、Alien、外星人 34、Destiny 35、Deep breaths 36、Betrayal 37、Ridiculous.(可笑的) 38、cherry╔╣樱花 39、La noyade. 溺水. 40、By My Side 41、My people 42、Awesome 43、so long 44、只因、SEHUN 45、Feel sad 感到悲伤 46、**** 47、Arjun 48、分岛花音 DeathSword * 49、screaming声嘶力竭 50、Cavalier 51、碍人【AiRen] 52、Her man; 53、旧情人 Scent fl ぅ 54、浓情chocolate 55、颜2。baby 56、假装smile- 57、_Corner幻梦^ 58、Renaissance 59、SKULL\ 60、-安于此生丶ˉTaurus 61、Dusk 62、forever 63、shoulder (依靠) 64、naive-小丫头 65、?oq╄uetry┆ 66、Temptation 无奈 ▼ 67、状况外beside▼ 68、MY TYPE 69、-Continue to fly 70、Silent}{ill 71、Later on 72、HaDean丨名流 73、Scar▁ 74、A suny girl 75、- Blue friend 76、prey 77、Hecate 78、永远 Eternally 79、ンHero丶卡门 80、let it be.顺其自然 81、╰Somnusヽ回眸 82、T_back撩拨
2023-06-22 16:58:001

Southern Star 歌词

歌曲名:Southern Star歌手:Alabama专辑:The Essential Alabama 3.0I see her climbing my fenceShe"s throwing stones up at my windowShe loves the midnight hourShe wants to play and that"s all I need to knowI open the door to the back porchbarefoot on the cold floordidn"t know where she was coming frombut that"s what I"m going forand it seems like the sun never goes downwhen the daylight fades on this side of townand we"re dancing around under the southern starsand it feels like there"s nothing but wide open skywhen your spreadin your wings and learnin to flyand you get so high you can forget where you areI can"t come down I"ve gone too farwishing on a southern starwe take the long way homethat"s where you find your dreams come truelayin under the fallen leavesthat"s when you change your point viewI fell in love that summerand I tried to tell herjust try to catch an eaglelike you could everand it seems like the sun never goes downwhen the daylight fades on this side of townand we"re dancing around under the southern starsand it feels like there"s nothing but wide open skywhen your spreadin your wings and learnin to flyand you get so high you can forget where you areand I can"t come down I"ve gone too farwishing on a southern staryeah it seems like the sun never goes downwhen the daylight fades on this side of townand we"re dancing around under the southern starsI can"t come down I"ve gone too farwishing on my southern starmy southern star
2023-06-22 16:58:191


whistling drive
2023-06-22 16:58:282


barefoot play water求采纳~
2023-06-22 16:58:341


Flower lavender - Wait for Love Lavender is a fragrance of violet blue flowers. It"s like the same location it has romantic feelings. That Adams was born in the French Provence Flower & P, there is a beautiful love story: One legend: Ancient beauty of Provence has a girl, one day, she alone in the cold in the mining of the Moon Valley of the flowers, on the way to go home, met a traveler from afar injured road to her question. Girl holding a bouquet of flowers with, soulful eyes at the handsome youth, at thatAs soon as checks on, she has been the heart of passionate young people occupied smile. Regardless of family objections, insisting that young girls to stay at home until the full recovery of the healing rooms. Day by day as the day of the past, young people"s leg has been good, they are also the feelings of the rapid heating.Micro cool in a morning, bid farewell to young people want to leave, but girls do not want to have to object to their families as young people go a long way to distance the youth full of roses ... the village home of the grandmother in adolescent girls before they leave, shake with a lavender flowers open in early, so infatuated with this girl lavender flowers open in early youth the true test ... It is said that the aroma of lavender flowers make unclean thing ... is that the Valley edition of the morning full of lavender, While the hands of young girls readyPulls travel, the girls will be hidden in a coat of lavender flowers, throwing them at young people, it is so, then a purple Smoke Poly ... then scattered and vague valley of blow wind blow could be heard, such as young people ... I am theChanting in a low voice you want to travel the hearts of young girls ah ... lone figure left alone ... not long melancholy, girls have disappeared, someone said that she follow the flowers are young people go to look for, and someone said that she has been young people, turned into a journey into the disappearance of Smoke in the valley ... ... This one appears on the flower represents the love and commitment as it is the same as the Flower, Wait for love. Two legends: Lavender can be stylish these groups favor, because they are also much better romantic meaning. Lavender has a great deal of content, hiddenyun the right attitude to life. Lavender has been considered to be pure, clean, protect, a symbol of thanksgiving and peace. Lavender also means "Wait for love." Legend that one day Mary would wash the baby clothes of Jesus, hanging on in the lavender, lavender then be given the symbol of paradise on the meaning of taste. It was also noted that the direct use of Mary are soaked in lavender water to wash the baby clothes of Jesus, which is perhaps why the last person so to enjoy lavender washing clothes with the reasons for it. But someone said that the Virgin Mary had been at prayer lavender, lavender therefore not only have continued to leave the smell, the ability to have the expulsion of the Devil. "Lavender on behalf of true love" is the most representative of the time Elizabeth lyrics. Therefore, at that time will be popular lavender lovers give each other gifts to an IM conversation. In this period, Charles I of England is also a sentimental Han, Nell Gwyn in the pursuit of him when he will be a bag of dried lavender, golden line on the ribbon, to the people loved him. Provence is a love of poetry, no one could live in this rather than moving. As there is a folk custom is to use lavender incense bride dress. In Ireland, local people are at the bridge will be tied lavender in order to pray for the arrival of good luck. Fang is said to kill one of the lavender sachet in the body, allowing you to find her dream lover. And separation of lovers when you can be in possession of a sprig lavender lovers inside the book, at your next get together, then take a look at the color lavender, the smell of lavender smell to know how love you lover. Up at the wedding, you canSprinkles lavender flowers, you can bring happiness to your marriage. Three legends: Lavender Flower is waiting for the love, there is such a touching story: It is said that a long time ago, an angel with a woman namedWorld of mortals theFumigates the clothes love. For her to leave the first drops of tears, as her wings off an angel every day whileIs enduring the severe pain , but they are still very happy. Happiness can be a very short Angels were recaptured the kingdom of heaven, that he delete theFumigates the clothes happy time that was down underWorld of mortals tear before he left, tears into a butterfly to accompany him the most beloved girl.and still waiting for him to come back and accompany her only only butterflies. The days and nights at the park waiting for Angel to leave, finally, into a grass.Will start out lavender flowers each year. They fly around, looking for that to be derogatoryWorld of mortals under the angel. PlantThat people called "Lavender." Legend of four: Remember that one of the people called Andy said: "As long as you go the Provence, they will not want to leave. Because there"s something you want to have." Since this sentence is also to enable him to find their own happy. Years later, Andy is still clearly remember the first go-Provence summer. Yes, you might see vast wilderness, the sky deep lofty, low wind breeze, the distant valleys vaguely heard the bell sound of a flock of sheep, dense and quiet. The weather in June, the boundless from delicate lavender light green mature into dark purple. 18-year-old Andy was here all the deep attention. Him carrying a backpack, walk alone in the village between the streets and fields, Provence was a paradise, it is entirely false picture of the different Paris, everywhere is full of freedom and fresh air. He secretly thought, until suddenly a vision of romantic, like a vast ocean of purple lavender. He hurriedly ran to the display of this, did not pay attention to the arm has been bitten by an insect. Discrepancies in the actual pain of a hit, he can not help but stopped. "Rubbed with lavender essence of what the fine."Supple a voice came from the side, Andy found a small roadside inn sitting under the windows of a purple linen skirt wearing girl, she took out a bottle of cream, saying that it was Tiger Balm Provence, mosquito bites or scratches can drop a few drops of anti-inflammatory. When she gently wipe for him, he had a faint smell of lavender fragrance is very intoxicating. I do not know the role of drug or psychological, Andy had the wound does not hurt immediately. At the meeting, he knew that this small girl is the daughter of hotelier named Sofia. What he did not read the book, but there is a deep lavender interest. "You can guide me to do it? I am thinking to take a look at the hills in front of that. ""I, I. . . . . "Sofia"s blood red" in my childhood, my legs in a traffic accident in the loss of consciousness, can only sit here all day long look into the distance far from the ocean Almost purple. "Andy is found that Sofia was wearing a long skirt and ankle, to cover her legs. Him for his bold are very sorry, but it becomes incoherent; "ah? I"m sorry, I had太粗心." "In fact, it may not necessarily enjoy Provence day to day go barefoot at lavender flowers in ah! "Sofia smiled," far to appreciate the beauty of her, maybe give themselves more room for imagination! "" Well, you get to see me back it. "Andy epiphany:" look open heart you lookTurning one"s thoughts toward a loved one the Kingdom of the lavender. "Sofia surprised at first, and then took to a touching. When they finally arrived at the top of the hills, Sofia against Andy solid shoulder, shouted: "I saw, they would also like to than I imagined beauty, each one is a bud of shaking dance Yat Elven purple. " In the next few days to get along in Sofia feel Andy can be said to be a lavender expert. Andy at her bedside to help put a lavenderSachet , so that full house is full of faint scent that can ease emotional anxiety, sleep safely. She also put olive oil or vinegar bottle Lavender 12, fills the air with warmth of summer can make the Permanent Italy. . . She also said that if at the time of the advent of winter, put on dry lavender burning fireplace will be overflowing fragrance. Andy finds himself more and more like the girl, and she kind of lively and attracts him deeply. However, he found that he had fallen into a love being able to extricate themselves, he is sweet. At the same time also feel confused, because he knew he could not give this beautiful girl any commitment. The evening, silver-white moon hung in a dark blue sky, air dry, warm and filled with the smell of lavender. Adams is also quiet, filled with the smell of lavender, alsoRecites lightly wind. Andy talked about his home: "My family in Paris, with an investment company, the parents hope that I can cause them to inherit. And so I graduated from university, I will expand on in the market." Sofia looked gentle vision, he can not help but kiss her, love her like lavender him as calm and elegant, but he can not imagine that one day, when the elite become a shopping mall, the legs with a disability at theCountry girl dinner Cup staggered discs appeared on the scene. Sofia clever that his hesitation, he deliberately said to him: "I do not like big cities you go, here is my home. Every day sitting in the doorway, watching the distant hills on the lavender, that is, I am most happy to do ah. me away from my homeland. "Andy silent. Finally to the departure date. Sofia, do not put a lavender shirt in his pocket on, smiling at him: "In fact, people do not have to love aMornings and evenings . Must enjoy Provence is not to go barefoot in the day day of lavender flowers. Any time, any place, as long as the chance to see the ray of sunshine, a ray of fragrant smell can be aRipples purple hearts at the field. "Andy"s heart a sting that he hurt her so, and he has not the slightest resentment Instead, for his rescue. He hurriedly left the beauty of this field, there is no looking back, he saw her tears of fear. Andy returned to his own world, leaving the Provence has been a decade. The sea of hard to let him becomeSupercilious . But at the same time feel tired. The aromatic lavender purple skirt girl has been gradually fading out of his living circle. Her parents started to worry about his marriage, he and those who flirtDemure door, but he did not want to get married, because after each business, he will feel a sense of emptiness, he sometimes encountered by those enchanting aroma Miss will stop and sniff the smell on them. Sprinkle them with violets and red roses perfume, but he usually will not find the sense of lavender fragrance and irritability. Andy, when 34-year-old Paris has become the president of a large company, and he was prepared to invest in Provence a production base flavor. At the same time, a desire to have him, that is the hope of finding Sofia, regardless of whether she was married, he must tell her all these years, his only favorite lavender flower.Time flies enough to be a lot of things therein non-person, when he rushed to where, when the roadside near a small hotel long gone, replaced by a modern farm. 因文字数量限制,上述也许不够全面,还望采纳!
2023-06-22 16:58:521


完美《Perfect》Ed SheeranI found a love for meDarling just dive right in, and follow my leadWell I found a girl, beautiful and sweetI never knew you were the someone waiting for meCause we were just kids when we fell in loveNot knowing what it was, I will not give you up this timeBut darling just kiss me slow, your heart is all I ownAnd in your eyes you"re holding mineBaby I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite songWhen you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breathBut you heard it, darling you look perfect tonightWell I found a woman, stronger than anyone I knowShe shares my dreams, I hope that someday I"ll share her homeI found a love, to carry more than just my secretsTo carry love, to carry children of our ownWe are still kids, but we"re so in love, fighting against all oddsI know we"ll be alright this timeDarling just hold my hand, be my girl, I"ll be your manI see my future in your eyesBaby I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite songWhen I saw you in that dress, looking so beautifulI don"t deserve this, darling you look perfect tonightBaby I"m dancing in the dark, with you between my armsBarefoot on the grass, listening to our favourite songI have faith in what I seeNow I know I have met an angel in personAnd she looks perfect, no I don"t deserve thisYou look perfect tonight
2023-06-22 16:58:591

求莱昂纳多 电影《篮球日记》中的插曲

2023-06-22 16:59:072

Gimmie That Girl 歌词

歌曲名:Gimmie That Girl歌手:Joe Nichols专辑:Old Things NewJoe Nichols - Gimme That GirlSpledidyang of MAXRNBHang up that red dressLet down your hairCancel those reservationsThere"s no need to go no whereAs good as your looking right nowGirl bet your thinkin I"m crazyThere"s a side of you that I wanna seeThat never ceases to amaze meGimmie that girl with the hair in a messSleepy little smile with her head on my chestThats the you that i like bestGimmie that girlGimmie that girl lovin up on meOld t-shirt and a pair of jeansThats the you i wanna seeGimmie that girlGimmie the girl thats beautifulWithout a trace of makeup of onBarefoot in the kitchenSinging her favorite songDancing around like a foolStarring in her own little showGimmie the girl the rest of the worldAin"t lucky enough to knowGimmie that girl with the hair in a messSleepy little smile with her head on my chestThats the you that i like bestGimmie that girlGimmie that girl lovin up on meOld t-shirt and a pair of jeansThats the you i wanna seeGimmie that girl, gimmie that girlGimmie that girl with the hair in a messSleepy little smile with her head on my chestThats the you that i like bestGimmie that girlGimmie that girl lovin up on meOld t-shirt and a pair of jeansThats the you i wanna seeGimmie that girl, gimmie that girlMaxRnb
2023-06-22 16:59:201

perfect歌词 歌曲perfect歌词

Perfect-EdSheeran Ifoundaloveforme 我找到属于我的爱 Darlingjustdiverightin,andfollowmylead 亲爱的就坠入爱中跟着我来 WellIfoundagirl,beautifulandsweet 我寻得这么一个女孩漂亮窝心让人爱 Ineverknewyouwerethesomeonewaitingforme 我从没想过你就是那个为我等候着的人 Causewewerejustkidswhenwefellinlove 因为沦陷爱河时我们像是单纯的孩子 Notknowingwhatitwas,Iwillnotgiveyouupthistime 不知道未来将会是怎样这一次我不会放弃你 Butdarlingjustkissmeslow,yourheartisallIown 亲爱的温柔吻我吧你的真心就是我的所有 Andinyoureyesyou"reholdingmine 在你眼里你拥有我的真心 BabyI"mdancinginthedark,withyoubetweenmyarms 亲爱的夜幕中你在我怀里翩然起舞 Barefootonthegrass,listeningtoourfavouritesong 光着脚丫踩在草地上听着我们最爱的歌 Whenyousaidyoulookedamess,Iwhisperedunderneathmybreath 当你说自己狼狈不堪时我在心底默默低语 Butyouheardit,darlingyoulookperfecttonight 你会听到亲爱的今夜的你如此美丽 WellIfoundawoman,strongerthananyoneIknow 你是我认识的女人中最坚强的一个 Shesharesmydreams,IhopethatsomedayI"llshareherhome 你进入我的梦境我希望有一天能给你一个家 Ifoundalove,tocarrymorethanjustmysecrets 我意识到原来爱可以承载很多不仅是我的秘密 Tocarrylove,tocarrychildrenofourown 还有未来我们的孩子 Wearestillkids,butwe"resoinlove,fightingagainstallodds 那么相爱的你我依然像个孩子般对抗世俗追寻心中的梦 Iknowwe"llbealrightthistime 我知道这一次我们会安然无恙 Darlingjustholdmyhand,bemygirl,I"llbeyourman 亲爱的紧握我的手女孩我会专属于你 Iseemyfutureinyoureyes 在你眼里我看到了未来的无限可能 BabyI"mdancinginthedark,withyoubetweenmyarms 亲爱的夜幕中你在我怀里翩然起舞 Barefootonthegrass,listeningtoourfavouritesong 光着脚丫踩在草地上听着我们最爱的歌 WhenIsawyouinthatdress,lookingsobeautiful 一身裙装的你是那么动人 Idon"tdeservethis,darlingyoulookperfecttonight 我如此幸运亲爱的今夜的你如此美丽 BabyI"mdancinginthedark,withyoubetweenmyarms 亲爱的夜幕中你在我怀里翩然起舞 Barefootonthegrass,listeningtoourfavouritesong 光着脚丫踩在草地上听着我们最爱的歌 IhavefaithinwhatIsee 我坚信眼前的一切 NowIknowIhavemetanangelinperson 如今我知道我遇到了天使般的你 Andshelooksperfect,noIdon"tdeservethis 你如此美丽我如此幸运 Youlookperfecttonight 今夜的你如此美丽
2023-06-22 16:59:271

搜汉娜蒙塔娜第四季13里面的一首歌 歌词:when you ask do you wanna dance?my barefoot cinderella

Hannah Montana - Barefoot Cinderella 试听:下载:
2023-06-22 16:59:343


2023-06-22 16:59:431


The Chimney Sweeper is a poem by William Blake, published in Songs of Innocence and of Experience in 1794. It is located early in Songs of Experience, between The Little Girl Found and Nurse"s Song. This poem is best understood when read in conjunction with the corresponding poem, The Chimney Sweep, in the Songs of Innocence.The first stanza is a testimony that describes the situation of a little chimney sweeper in the snow who is crying and calling for his parents while they are praying at the church. In the second and third stanzas, the child explains his situation. He describes that he had been happy and “smiled among the winter snow,” but also he was taught to suffer when he says “and taught me to sing the notes of woe.” Adults are mentioned in the poem when he questioned “Where are thy father and mother?” and when he says “God & his Priest & King.” Finally he blames “they” and adds “who make up a heaven of our misery.”The poem is pictured by an engraving made by Blake himself. It shows the child walking along a street, it is a rainy day and he is alone. Furthermore, the boy is barefoot and dirty. With his right hand he is holding a brusher and is carring a dirty, big bag on his back. The rain is particularly dark. The final point is that the child is looking at the storm with what it seems a sad expression in his face.A little black thing among the snow: 风雪里一个满身乌黑的小东西Crying weep, weep, in notes of woe! “号呀,号”在那里哭哭啼啼!Where are thy father & mother? say? “你的爹娘上哪儿去了,你讲讲?”They are both gone up to the church to pray. “他们呀都去祷告了,上了教堂。Because I was happy upon the heath, “因为我原先在野地里欢欢喜喜,And smil"d among the winters snow: 我在冬天的雪地里也总是笑嘻嘻,They clothed me in the clothes of death, 他们就把我拿晦气的黑衣裳一罩,And taught me to sing the notes of woe. 他们还叫我唱起了悲伤的曲调。And because I am happy & dance & sing, “因为我显得快活,还唱歌,还跳舞,They think they have done me no injury: 他们就以为并没有把我害苦,And are gone to praise God & his Priest & King, 就跑去赞美了上帝、教士和国王,Who make up a heaven of our misery. 夸他们拿我们苦难造成了天堂。
2023-06-22 17:00:021

莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 演的篮球日记里的插曲分别叫什么名字

i don"t know.
2023-06-22 17:00:093

求这3张图的原图和大图 画师其他作品及主页 (主页有的话最好是P站的)

1出自抱け枕工房 (==!~貌似是一个专门制作抱枕的工坊)P站名アンキ~ 原图:http://danboo和谐站主页:http://www.pix和谐其他作品:http://danboo和谐 2 出处同上 原图:http://www.dake和谐抱け枕工房主页:http://www.dake和谐 3画师cherrypin作品 原图:http://e-shuus和谐站主页:http://www.pix和谐个人主页:http://cherryp和谐其他作品:http://e-shuus和谐
2023-06-22 17:00:241


"Daoxiang" Words: Jay Chou MzeiC(^-^): Jay Chou Of the world if you have too many complaints Fall on a dare to go forward Why are people so vulnerable to degradation Please turn on the TV to see How many man-made life in the brave efforts to go We are not the content Even if not all have to treasure You will recall that the family is the only castle as the river continues to run Daoxiang Smile when he was a boy I know dreams Do not cry to let you escape the country with a firefly"s songs always in accordance with the KAO You go home back to the beginning of a beautiful Do not want to give up so easily like I said Fail to recover the dream of dreams do not have to change the For his first love life painted bright color like the color Laughter is not married to it a purpose Happy is happy to let his name meaning Childhood paper airplane to fly back to me now finally in the hands Happy that the so-called Barefoot dragonflies in the fields catch up tired Picking fruit to the bee sting to be afraid of who it Touxiao I kao scarecrow with the wind blowing singing asleep Ee Chong Ming in the afternoon guitar in a more clear Oe sunlight onto the road on the heart are not afraid Even if not all have to treasure You will recall that the family is the only castle as the river continues to run Daoxiang Smile when he was a boy I know dreams Do not cry to let you escape the country with a firefly"s songs always in accordance with the KAO You go home back to the beginning of a beautiful
2023-06-22 17:00:454


英文译:lt looks a bird, hesd, white beak barefoot. 中文译:有一种鸟,它的形状像乌鸦,头部有花纹,白色的嘴,红色的脚。
2023-06-22 17:00:542

2023-06-22 17:01:032

perfect歌词 歌曲perfect歌词

Perfect-EdSheeran Ifoundaloveforme 我找到属于我的爱 Darlingjustdiverightin,andfollowmylead 亲爱的就坠入爱中跟着我来 WellIfoundagirl,beautifulandsweet 我寻得这么一个女孩漂亮窝心让人爱 Ineverknewyouwerethesomeonewaitingforme 我从没想过你就是那个为我等候着的人 Causewewerejustkidswhenwefellinlove 因为沦陷爱河时我们像是单纯的孩子 Notknowingwhatitwas,Iwillnotgiveyouupthistime 不知道未来将会是怎样这一次我不会放弃你 Butdarlingjustkissmeslow,yourheartisallIown 亲爱的温柔吻我吧你的真心就是我的所有 Andinyoureyesyou"reholdingmine 在你眼里你拥有我的真心 BabyI"mdancinginthedark,withyoubetweenmyarms 亲爱的夜幕中你在我怀里翩然起舞 Barefootonthegrass,listeningtoourfavouritesong 光着脚丫踩在草地上听着我们最爱的歌 Whenyousaidyoulookedamess,Iwhisperedunderneathmybreath 当你说自己狼狈不堪时我在心底默默低语 Butyouheardit,darlingyoulookperfecttonight 你会听到亲爱的今夜的你如此美丽 WellIfoundawoman,strongerthananyoneIknow 你是我认识的女人中最坚强的一个 Shesharesmydreams,IhopethatsomedayI"llshareherhome 你进入我的梦境我希望有一天能给你一个家 Ifoundalove,tocarrymorethanjustmysecrets 我意识到原来爱可以承载很多不仅是我的秘密 Tocarrylove,tocarrychildrenofourown 还有未来我们的孩子 Wearestillkids,butwe"resoinlove,fightingagainstallodds 那么相爱的你我依然像个孩子般对抗世俗追寻心中的梦 Iknowwe"llbealrightthistime 我知道这一次我们会安然无恙 Darlingjustholdmyhand,bemygirl,I"llbeyourman 亲爱的紧握我的手女孩我会专属于你 Iseemyfutureinyoureyes 在你眼里我看到了未来的无限可能 BabyI"mdancinginthedark,withyoubetweenmyarms 亲爱的夜幕中你在我怀里翩然起舞 Barefootonthegrass,listeningtoourfavouritesong 光着脚丫踩在草地上听着我们最爱的歌 WhenIsawyouinthatdress,lookingsobeautiful 一身裙装的你是那么动人 Idon"tdeservethis,darlingyoulookperfecttonight 我如此幸运亲爱的今夜的你如此美丽 BabyI"mdancinginthedark,withyoubetweenmyarms 亲爱的夜幕中你在我怀里翩然起舞 Barefootonthegrass,listeningtoourfavouritesong 光着脚丫踩在草地上听着我们最爱的歌 IhavefaithinwhatIsee 我坚信眼前的一切 NowIknowIhavemetanangelinperson 如今我知道我遇到了天使般的你 Andshelooksperfect,noIdon"tdeservethis 你如此美丽我如此幸运 Youlookperfecttonight 今夜的你如此美丽
2023-06-22 17:01:091


  A very special teacher in a high school had a husband who died suddenly of a heart attack. About a week after his death, she shared some of her thoughts with a classroom of students. As the late afternoon sunlight shined through the classroom windows, and when the class was nearly over, she moved a few things aside on her desk and sat down there.   With a gentle look on her face, she paused and said,"Before class is over, I would like to share with all of you a thought which I feel is very important. Each of us is put here on earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves...and none of us knows when this fantastic experience will end. It can be taken away at any moment. Perhaps this is a sign that we must make the most out of every single day."   Her eyes beginning to water, she went on,"So I would like you all to make me a promise...from now on, on your way to school, or on your way home, find something beautiful to notice. It doesn"t have to be something you see---it could be a scent---perhaps of freshly baked bread wafting out of someone"s house, or it could be the sound of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground. Please, look for these things, and remember them.   "For, although it may sound silly to some people, these things are the "stuff" of life. The little things we are put here on earth to enjoy. The things we often take for granted. We must make it important to notice them, for at any can all be taken away."   The class was completely quiet. We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently. That afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had that whole semester. Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and remember what an impression she made on all us, and I try to appreciate all of those things that sometimes we all overlook.   Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today. Go barefoot . Or walk on the beach at sunset. Stop off on the way home tonight to get a double dip ice cream cone . For as we get older, it is not the things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn"t do.    译文   一个很特别的高中老师,其丈夫死于突发性心脏病。在他死后大约一周,她便把她的一些所思所想讲给全班学生。下午的阳光透过教室的窗户照射进来,快要放学了,她把一些东西放在讲桌上,坐了下来。   她脸上带着温柔的表情,稍稍停顿了一下,便开始讲话:“在放学前,我想跟你们分享一种我认为很重要的想法。我们每个人都生活在地球上,学习、分享、爱护别人、欣赏和付出自我,却没有一个人知道这种美好的体验什么时候就会结束了。它随时都可能被带走。也许这预示着我们必须最大限度地利用每一个日子。”   她的眼睛开始湿润了,她接着说:“因此我想让你们每个人答应我:从今以后,在你上学或者放学的路上,要发现一些美丽的事物。它不一定是你看到的某个东西----它可能是一种香味----也许是新鲜烤面包的味道从某一座房里飘出来,也许是微风轻拂树叶的声音,或者是晨光照射在轻轻飘落的秋叶上的方式。请你们寻找这些东西并且记住它们吧。”   “因为,尽管听起来有些傻气,这些东西却就是生活的内容,是我们活在世上要欣赏的一些小东西。这些东西我们经常认为是理所当然的。我们必须注意它们,这很重要,因为说不定在什么时候,它就被带走了。”   整个教室里非常安静。我们都收拾起课本,整理好,一个个默默地走出教室。那天下午,在放学回家的路上我注意到很多事物,比我以前整个学期发现的事物还要多。不时地,我会想到那位老师,回忆起她给我们留下的深刻印象,我便会尽力去欣赏有时我们都忽略的东西。   今天中午吃饭的时候专注一下你所看到的特别事物。光着脚丫散散步。或在日落时分在沙滩上漫步。今晚在回家的路上,要驻足仔细品味一下冰淇淋蛋卷。因为随着我们年龄的增长,并不是做过的`事情值得我们后悔,而是那些没有去做的事情。   1.appreciate 赏识,鉴赏,感激   2.give of 奉献,贡献   3.fantastic 美好的,幻想的,奇异的   4. waft吹送,飘荡   5.rustle 发出沙沙声   6.file out 鱼贯而出 赤脚的   8.stop off 中途停留   9.cone 圆锥体,锥形物   Enjoy the little things in life, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.   享受生命中的小事情,因为有一天你回首往事,也许会发现它们其实是很重要的事情。   If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.   如果看见蓝天会使你快乐,如果从地里拱出的小草会给你以感动,如果你能明白自然中简单的事物所传达的信息,那么你就该欢欣喜悦,因为你的灵魂还活着。   Learn to appreciate: A song that takes you away, for there are those who cannot hear. The beauty of a sunset, for there are those who cannot see. The warmth and safety of your home, for there are those who are homeless. Time spent with good friends for there are those who are lonely. The little things are what life is all about.   学会欣赏一首使你着迷的歌,因为还有人听不到;学会欣赏日落的美景,因为还有人看不到;学会享受家庭的温暖与安全,因为还有人无家可归;学会享受与朋友共度的时光,因为还有人感到孤独。这些点点滴滴的小事其实就是生活的全部。
2023-06-22 17:01:171


Easter commemorates the resurrection of Jesus, one of the most important Christian festival is. According to the Bible, God"s son Jesus was born in a manger, when he was thirty years old, selected twelve students, began missionary work. Three and a half years, his patient, preaching, cast out the demons, to help all people in need, will be the reason that the kingdom to listen. Until God"s arrangements to Jesus Christ was betrayed, disciples of Judah, was arrested, interrogated, Rome and was crucified, died before the predicted three days later will rise. And on the third day, the resurrection of Jesus! According to the interpretation of the Bible, Jesus Christ is the incarnate Son of God, the world in order to redeem the sins of the world, become the scapegoat of the world, which is why Easter is so important.Although Jesus like a criminal crucified on the cross, he died because he was not guilty, but according to God"s plan for world redemption. He rose from the dead, said he atone for our success. Anyone who trust him, and confess, you can have God"s pardon. The resurrection of Jesus, on behalf of him is better than death, so that those who trust him, have eternal life, is that we can together forever and Jesus. Because, Jesus is still alive, so he could hear our prayers to him, will take care of our daily life, give us power, so that every day is full of hope. Jesus is still alive, every day with us.The holiday eggOne Christmas, Easter chocolate eggs will be placed in the candy store. The smallest and simplest chocolateVery cheap, the children in their own pocket money can buy. Egg period listed in two. A called fondant small, a little more than an inch long, the outside is a thin layer of chocolate, which is sweet and soft dough, then use the color of the aluminum foil packaging into various shapes. Another empty eggs, slightly larger, than the duck "s egg is bigger. There is nothing, just a wrapped chocolate shell. You break the shell, eat chocolate chip. Easter approaching, the candy shop window will be filled with more beautiful than the eggs. There is also used a variety of attract children gifts. Decorated with fluffy wool do chicken, chicken beaks and feet are glued to the card. Lucky children may receive several such gifts from friends and relatives there.The Easter egg is to bring happiness to the people -- indeed! These are pretty and decorative, they represent the people"s good wish, and to share with you the joy of the seasons.In the past, in most western countries, generally held a grand Easter procession. Marchers wearing robes, holding a cross, barefoot. They dress up as historical figures of Christianity, singing carols celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Now holiday parade has lost a strong religious color. Parade filled with festive holiday atmosphere, with strong characteristics of the civil society and local characteristics. In the United States, the parade is wearing jeans on stilts clown, also have lively and lovely cartoon character Mickey Mouse (Mickey). In the UK, many processions to introduce local Easter eggsHistory (History) and local customs and practices, marchers make-up become Scotland Bagpipe Band and palace guards, attracted many visitors (tourist). The arrival of Easter, people have also put on new clothes. The last Christian Church will do before the baptism, and then put on their new robe, to celebrate the new life of christ. Wearing a new custom has been retained, because people don"t think festival clothes is to provide. During Easter, people still like to clean thoroughly, said from the beginning of a new life.During the festival, people traditionally put cooked egg painted red, on behalf of the Swan River, also said that after the birth of the goddess of life happiness; adults and children in groups of three and four more together in one place, with eggs for the game; they put eggs on the ground or soil on rolling, and finally the breakdown of who is winning, the winner can get all the egg game. The event is very ordinary, even the White House, must organize this kind of game in Easter, but here is the Easter egg roll on the lawn; people believe, the eggs on the ground rolling back and forth can make the devil constantly shiver, suffering. This custom has a long history, the egg is a symbol of Easter, because it signals the arrival of new life, I believe that new life will be born from the salt off.The Easter BunnyAnother Easter bunnies, the reason is that it has the ability to reproduce very strong, people regarded it as a new life creator. During the festival, adults will vividly tell children Easter eggs will hatch into small rabbit. Many families will put some color eggs in the garden the lawn, let the children play find Easter egg games. Easter Bunny and eggs has also become a hot commodity. During the holiday shopping malls selling every kind of rabbit and the egg shape goods, still small food stores and candy store filled with chocolate bunnies and eggs, these "food rabbit" look cute, eggs in different shapes, tastes sweet, to friends is also very suitable.Food characteristicsEaster in American food is also very special, with mutton and ham. According to legend, once God for mutton and hamTest Abraham loyalty, ordered him to kill the son of Isaac as a sacrifice, Abraham very pain, finally, he decided to do God"s will. In his knife Kanxiang son moment, God sent an angel to stop him. Abraham will be a ram as offerings to God. Then, use the a sheep as a sacrifice worship God became the festival custom. Eat ham habits, is said to be the British immigration into the. Initially, the British said with contempt for the Jewish taboo eat ham meat dish containing blood; today, has become the traditional food of easter. However, people still often eat during Easter Easter canned.Holiday giftEaster is a Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus. The legend of Jesus was crucified, died third days after the resurrection. Each of the church to celebrate Easter refers to the full moon after the vernal equinox is the first Sunday, if the full moon happens to be Sunday, Easter was postponed a week. Easter may result in between March 22nd to April 25th any day.Easter gift is related with typical spring and regeneration: egg, chicken, rabbit, flowers, especially the lily is a symbol of the season. Easter Eve, the children for friends and family to dress up a colored egg. Boiled eggs and some of these very old, some only the empty shell. Easter morning, children will find the bed before Easter basket filled with chocolate eggs, Easter Bunny, chicks and baby plush toys. It is said that the Easter Bunny Easter eggs hidden in the room or the grass to get the kids to find. Once a year the American the White House Easter egg roll activities often live television.
2023-06-22 17:01:251


My Fault Send Eminem polyphonic ringtone to your cell phone* Eminem does the voices of all characters in the song *[G] Eminem as Susan (the girl)[D] Eminem as Dave[J] Eminem as John[R] Eminem as RonChorus: repeat 2X {Eminem singing}I never meant to give you mushrooms girlI never meant to bring you to my worldBut now your sitting in the corner cryingAnd now it"s my fault- my fault[Eminem]I went to John"s rave with Ron and DaveAnd met a new wave blonde babe with half of her head shavedA nurse aid who came to get laid and tied upwith first aid tape and raped on the first dateSusan -- an ex-heroin addict who just stop usinwho love booze and alternative music (Whattup?)Told me she was goin back into usin again (Nah!)I said, "Wait, first try this hallucinogenIt"s better than heroin, Henn, the booze or the ginC"mere, let"s go in here" *knocks on the door*"Who"s in the den?"[R] "It"s me and Kelly!""My bad, (sorry) let"s try another room"[G] I don"t trust you!"Shut up slut! Chew up this mushroomThis"ll help you get in touch with your rootsWe"ll get barefoot, buttnaked, and run in the woods[G] Oh hell, I might as well try em, this party is so drab"Oh dag!!"[G] What?"I ain"t mean for you to eat the whole bag!"[G] Huh?!Chorus: 1st repeat Em says "I"m sorry!" at the end2nd repeat same as original Chorus"Yo Sue!"[G] Get away from me, I don"t know youOh shoot, she"s tripping..[G] I need to go puke!! (Bleahh!)I wasn"t tryin to turn this into somethin majorI just wanted to make you appreciate natureSusan, stop cryin, I don"t hate yaThe world"s not against you, I"m sorry your father raped yaSo what you had your little coochie in your dad"s mouth?That ain"t no reason to start wiggin and spaz outShe said,[G] Help me I think I"m havin a seisure!I said, "I"m high too bitch, quit grabbin my t-shirt" (Let go!)"Would you calm down you"re startin to scare me"She said,[G] I"m twenty-six years old and I"m not marriedI don"t even have any kids and I can"t cook(Hello!) I"m over here Sue, (hi) you"re talkin to the plant, look!We need to get to a hospital "fore it"s too late Cause I never seen no-one eat as many shrooms as you ateChorus: 1st repeat Em says "Whoops!" after first lineand "It was an accident!" at the end2nd repeat same as original ChorusSusan (wait!) Where you goin? You better be careful[G] Leave me alone dad, I"m sick of gettin my hair pulledI"m not your dad, quit tryin to swallow your tongueWant some gum? Put down the scissors, "fore you do somethin dumbI"ll be right back just chill baby please?I gotta go find Dave he"s the one who gave me these"John, where"s dave at before I bash you? [J] he"s in the bathroom; I think he"s takin a crap dude!Dave! pull up your pants, we need an ambulanceThere"s a girl upstairs talkin to plantsChoppin her hair off, and there"s only two days leftOf spring break, how long do these things take to wear off? [D] well it depends on how many you hadI took 3, She ate the other 22 capsNow she"s upstairs cryin out her eyeballs, drinkin" lysol[D] she"s gonna die dudeI know and it"s my fault![D] my god!!!Chorus: 1st repeat em says I"m sorry! after second lineAnd what do I do? at the end2nd repeat same as original chorusMy god, I"m so sorry!I"m so sorry! susan please wake up!Please! please wake up!! what are you doing? !You"re not dead!! you"re not dead!I know you"re not dead!
2023-06-22 17:01:451

Friday Night 歌词

歌曲名:Friday Night歌手:Lady Antebellum专辑:Own The NightLady Antebellum - Friday NightI don"t wanna be your Monday morning heading back to workStuck in traffic going slow nothing on the radioI don"t wanna be another chore to check off on your listof things you gotta do and places that you gotta goOh NoI wanna be your Friday night sweet rideSummertime sunshine barefoot in the moonlightI wanna be your jackpot hot spot wide open road in a candy apple rag topI wanna set you freeI wanna take you highI wanna beWanna be your Friday NightWe can rock together let the good times roll foreverFill up our cup make a memory drink it upI don"t wanna miss another minute wanna live it with youNeath the blue sky fallin in loveI wanna be your Friday night sweet rideSummertime sunshine barefoot in the moonlightI wanna be your jackpot hot spot wide open road in a candy apple rag topI wanna set you freeI wanna take you highI wanna beWanna be your Friday NightI wanna be your lemonade in the shadeMoney in your pocket cause you just got paid babeI wanna be your Friday night sweet rideSummertime sunshine barefoot in the moonlightI wanna be your jackpot hot spot wide open road in a candy apple rag topI wanna set your freeI wanna take you highI wanna beWanna be your Friday NightOhhh,yeahWanna be ur Friday night fri-fri-fri friday night
2023-06-22 17:01:531


一直很喜欢徒步旅行。无论到哪里旅行,我都会四处走走看看,时间或长或短。我觉得很多细节的美只有通过步行中才能慢慢体会。但光着脚丫子徒步,这还真的是第一次。 光脚徒步 从迈林根往南进入haslital山谷,是瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉矿藏最丰富的地区,一串串美丽的高山湖泊和水电站蓄水池,色彩艳丽的巨大岩石,让这里成为一个深度游少女峯地区的密宝。 这里矿藏丰富 沿路采摘蓝莓 在GrimselHospizal酒店吃午餐时,领队Christine说下午分组徒步。原本我是想参加爬山组的,因为我很好奇。活动手册上说这条一小时的徒步线是steeptrail for sporty peopleonly,我想看看到底有多难。但当导游说休闲线路现在正是采野生蓝莓的季节时,贪吃的我实在是经受不住蓝莓的诱惑呀。 我一直都很爱蓝莓,曾经在美国佛罗里达的农场里也亲手采过。但瑞士这条徒步线是全然不同的感觉呢。蓝莓都是野生的,而且走这条徒步线是要barefoot!光着脚丫子在森林中采蓝莓,多有趣的事情呀。 壮美的景色 爬山组呢是从 Chuenzetennlen to LakeGelmer一路在山脊中翻越,时间约1小时。而休闲组则需要乘车到Handeck然后在森林里逛1.5公里,时长约30分钟(当然,我们组全是些馋猫,一路走一路吃一路拍,最后也花了近1个小时)。 光脚吧 车开到Handeck,草原路畔有个农庄。据说他家还有自己的奶酪加工厂。可惜我依然没能看到奶牛,不过却看到好大一羣猪啊。真的很肥很肥。 好肥的猪 就从这里,我们在路边的草地上把鞋子脱了,开始赤脚走路。脱了鞋子,袜子,踩在草地上。略微有一点点刺,但是那种很舒服的 *** ,像做足底 *** 。一下子有了孩童时代,肆意妄为的感觉呢。 路上还遇到采蓝莓的当地人,她的工具可比我们的专业多了,好喜欢那腰间藤编的小篮子啊。问了下她,是采回去做蓝莓果酱用的。而且她告诉我们,在这里的灌木丛中,有种很像蓝莓的果实,但其实不是蓝莓,没毒,但味道很难吃。而俄罗斯MM盒子里那种好看的红色浆果,是有毒的,千万别吃。原来采摘也是技术活呢。不小心不但会遇到不好吃的果子,还可能中毒呢。 专业装备 往草地走 森林里的步道上都是掉落的松针,走起来也蛮轻松的。但回程的道路是石子路,就有些咯脚了。不过路边蛮多草的,踩着草地走也还好。巨石,松林,蓝色的天。我笑着给说,我觉得我有回到优山美地的感觉了。难怪美国的优山美地一直都有小瑞士的称号,我找到原产地了。 自己采摘
2023-06-22 17:02:001


2023-06-22 17:02:104


  1、Every law has no atom of stregth, as far as no public opinion supports it.  若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律是丝毫没有力量的。(Wendell phillips, American leader against slavery 美国废奴运动领袖 菲力普斯 W)  2、Good order is the foundation of all things.  良好的秩序是一切的基础。(E.Burke, Btritish statesman 英国政治家 伯克 E)  3、Guilt always hurries towards its complement , punishment; only there does its satisfaction lie.  犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处罚才能使犯罪得到偿还。(Lawence Durrell, British writer 英国作家 达雷尔 L)  4、I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.  我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。(Voltaire, Frech writer 法国作家 伏尔泰)  5、If there were no bad people, there would be no good lawyer/awyers.  倘若世上没有坏人,也就不会有好的律师。(Charles Dickens, British novelist 英国小说家 狄更斯 C)  6、If we only had some God in the country"s laws, instead of beng in such a sweat to get him into the Constitution, it would be better all around.  如果我们国家的法律中只有某种神灵,而不是殚精竭虑将神灵揉进宪法,总体上来说,法律就会更好。(Mark Twain, American writer 美国作家 马克吐温)  7、In nature there are no rewards or punishments; there are consequences.  自然界中没有奖赏和惩罚,只有因果报应。(Horacl Annexley Vachell,British writer 英国作家 瓦谢尔 H A)  8、It is better to fight for justice than to rail at the ill.  与其责骂罪恶,不如伸张正义。(Alfreds Tennyson, Bitish writer 英国作家 丁尼生 A)  9、Laws are generally found to be nets of such a texture, as the little creep through, the great break through, and the middle-sized are alone entangled in .( William Shensto, British poet)  人们通常会发现,法律就是这样一种的网,触犯法律的人,小的可以穿网而过,大的可以破网而出,只有中等的才会坠入网中。(英国诗人: 申斯通)  10、Law can nerver be enforced unless fear supports it.  (Sophocles, Ancient Greek dramatist)  如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。  (古希腊剧作家 索福克勒斯)  11、Law is the crystallizaton of the habit and thought of society.  (Woodrow Wilson, American president)  法律是社会习俗和思想的结晶。  (美国总统 :威尔逊 )  12、Law is order , and good law is good order.  (Aristole, Ancient Greek philosopher)  法律就是秩序,有好的法律才有 好的秩序。  (古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德)  13、Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law.  (Oliver Goldsmith, British writer)  法律吸吮穷人的膏血,而富人却掌握着权柄。  (英国作家 哥尔德斯密斯 )  14、Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it.  (Plato, Ancint Grek philosopher)  人类对于不公正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。  (古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)  15、No society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law.  (Thomas Jefferson, America president)  没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远适用的宪法,甚至一条永远适用的法律。  (美国总统 杰斐逊)  16、One of the most striking and salutary thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law.  (Alexis de Tocqueville ,French judge)  美国人life/index.htm">生活中最显著而又有益的事情莫过于对法律的广泛研究了。  (法国法官 托克维尔 )  17、Punishment is justice for the unjust.  (Augustine British writer)  惩罚是对正义 的伸张。  (英国 奥古斯丁)  18、Really, what we want now, is not laws, against crime, but a law a -gainst insaity.  (Mark Twain, American writer)  实际上,我们想要的不是针对犯罪的法律,而是针对疯狂的法律。  (美国作家 马克吐温)  19、Singularity is almost invariably a clue. The more featureless and commonplace a crime is , the more difficult is it to bring it home.  (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, British writer)  奇特几乎总能提供一种线索。一种犯罪越是普通,越是不具特点,就越难以查明。  (英国作家 柯南道尔爵士)  20、The administration of the law can never go lax where every individual sees to it that it grows not lax in his own case, or in cases which fall under his eyes.  (Mark Twain, Arerican writer)  在个人自己的案件中或是他所看到的案件中不能有疏忽,因此执法从来不能疏忽。  (美国作家 马克吐温)  21、The law cannot make all men equal, but they are all equal before the law.  Frederick Pollck ,British jurist  法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律面前人人是平等的  (英国法学家 波洛克)  22、The laws of Nature, that is to say the laws of God, plainly made every human being a law unto himself, we must steadfastly refuse to obey those laws, and we must as steadfastly stand by the conventions which ignore them , since the statutes furnish us peace, fairly good government and stability, and therefore are better for us than the laws of God, which would soon plunge us into confusion and disorder and anarchy if we should adopt them.  (Mark Twain, American writer)  自然法即神灵法,只是用来约束每一个个体的法律,我们必须坚定地拒绝遵守。我们应该坚定地遵守忽视神灵法的规章制度,因为规章制度赋予我们和平、比较好的政府和稳定,因而对我们来说,规章制度比神灵法更好,因为如果我们采用神灵法的话,他会将我们陷入迷惑、无序和无政府状态。  (美国作家 马克吐温)
2023-06-22 17:02:203

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在2019年中与苹果合作,推出AppleCard的高盛银行,发行了一款免费字体:GoldmanSans,完全免费使用,唯独使用条件是不能直接或间接、暗喻等方式批评高盛银行,高盛银行保有可以在不告知使用者的情况下中止提供该字体授权等权益。虽然有些许使用上的限制,但是字体本身实用度以及美感还是很值得下载使用。 数字设计精准、判读度提升 GoldmanSans字体在设计时就有特别针对辨识度需求调整,例如字母「a」的开口处特别加宽,字母「i」则加强的上方的衬线设计,小写字母像是「b」、「h」也加高,每个字母本身也缩窄,让字与字之间的空间更紧密却又不失判读性,字体也做了微小的斜切设计,其他像是「@」、「&」都重新绘制更容易判读的样式。 原本就用于金融业使用的GoldmanSans字体,在数字部分设计也更精准,不管在多细小的表格中都不能判读错误,所以像是「S」和「5」这两个容易混淆的字,就会利用斜切角的设计做出差异。字重方面也不会因为字体加粗所以失去这个字体的判读优势。GoldmanSans字体共推出了11种字种,含包极细体、极粗体、斜体等等,官方下载网址在这边:GoldmanSans ▲字母开口加宽。 ▲衬线部分加长。 ▲小写字母加高。 ▲字体整体调窄。 ▲「@」、「&」、「g」都有特别设计过。 ▲数字方面设计也很考究。 ▲不管多细的表格都能看清楚。 ▲尤其是「S」、「5」这类容易混淆的字。 ▲字体边角也做了斜切设计。
2023-06-22 16:53:341


2023-06-22 16:53:431

我为什么离开高盛 Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs

OK. 没问题。
2023-06-22 16:53:432


《豪杰春香》插曲-Intro申栋宇 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-希望你幸福 林亨朱 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-希望你幸福 林亨朱铃声 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-自由 II Jiny 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-急救室 Izi 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-急救室 Izi铃声 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-有必要不好意思吗 as one 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-有必要不好意思吗 as one铃声 下载 铃声/有必要不好意思嗎.mp3 《豪杰春香》插曲-我爱你 金亨舍 下载 我爱你金亨舍 片段 mp3铃声 下载 铃声/我爱你金亨舍%20豪杰春香.mp3 《豪杰春香》插曲-Queen 朴勇石 下载 片段 朴勇石 Queen 豪杰春香 铃声 mp3 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-如今 他 Izi 下载 在其中 (纯音乐版)在其中(真人唱版)申东宇 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-Bud 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-最爱你(婚礼上唱的歌) 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-ALIVE 《豪杰春香》插曲-KISS ME 下载 《豪杰春香》插曲-A Lover"s 下载 15.《豪杰春香》插曲-pieces of me 16.《豪杰春香》插曲-男儿当自强 17.《豪杰春香》插曲-BILLY S 18.《豪杰春香》插曲-NYSNC 19.《豪杰春香》插曲-Stop - Jamelia 希望你幸福(钢琴曲版) 12)Kissing You - Des"ree 13)Kiss Me - Blink 182 14)Pop - N"Sync 15)alive(日语版) ai 16)Sugar Town - Nancy Sinatra 17)Stop - Jamelia 18)A Lover"s Concerto - 陈慧琳 All that I want - C21 下载 20)My own Ture Love《乱世佳人》主题曲 21)Pieces of me - ASHLEE SIMPSON 22)Colours In Her Hair - Mcfly 23)Banana Girls - Disco Remix 24)我比任何人都爱你 (男生版)金在元 25)Bye bye my friend 我比任何人都爱你 徐英恩 26)男儿当自强 27)东修的手机铃声《幻化成风》 28)梦龙手机铃声 《V3》 1. Kiss Me - Blink 182 第2集 44“40‘梦龙和春香在音乐教师,梦龙假装要吻春香 第11集 40“17‘志赫和丹姬Kiss 2. Kissing You - Des‘ree 第3集 1:2“20‘演出罗密欧与茱丽叶 第10集 18“50‘梦龙幻想春香和大叔罗密欧与茱丽叶中的情节 3. Pop - N‘Sync 第5集 41“28‘丹姬、志赫和梦龙在餐厅等春香时餐厅放的歌 4. I like that - Houston 第5集 21“43‘梦龙在车上要放音乐,后来被春香关掉了 第6集 7“27‘蔡林和梦龙开车时听的音乐 5. Sugar Town - Nancy Sinatra 第6集 56“04‘春香没能上大学,蔡琳和梦龙在餐厅里放的歌 第9集 30“17‘大叔让春香作电影用的道具,两人在餐厅里放的歌 6. Stop - Jamelia 第8集 24“42‘梦龙和春香在志赫和丹姬布置的新房里,收音机里面放的歌 7. A Lover‘s Concerto - 陈慧琳 第9集 08“46‘春香醉酒向大叔道歉,两人在餐厅里放的歌 第14集55“11‘春香走后,蔡琳去安慰梦龙时,两人在餐厅里时餐厅里放的歌 8. All that I want - C21 第9集 51“48‘春香和大叔公司的人聚餐,蔡林给梦龙打电话时放的歌 9. My own Ture Love《乱世佳人》主题曲 第10集 19“48‘梦龙幻想 10. Billy S - Skye Sweetnam 第11集 38“42‘志赫被导演看中要拍广告,四人在餐厅吃饭时放的歌 11. Pieces of me - ASHLEE SIMPSON 第13集 21“36‘大叔和被雇用的那个明星在餐馆里谈话是放的歌 12. 5 Colours In Her Hair - Mcfly 第15集 2“47‘梦龙和志赫谈话 外加一首舞厅歌曲 Banana Girls - Disco Remix 第4集 29‘13“舞厅歌曲,就是春香他们去联谊跳舞时的那首Disco 1.Intro 申栋宇 2.希望你幸福 林亨朱 希望你幸福.mp3 3.自由II Jiny 4.急救室 Izi 5.有必要不好意思吗 as one 金亨舍 我爱你.mp3 7.Queen 朴勇石 8.如今,他 Izi 9.Bud 10.在其中 (纯音乐版) 11.在其中(真人唱版)申东宇 12.我想要和你道歉 As one 13.希望你幸福(钢琴曲版) wmv下载,KIM YOON的版本 mid下载,这个不是KIM YOON的那个版本,只是纯钢琴曲 14.Kiss Me - Blink 182 第2集 44"40"梦龙和春香在音乐教师,梦龙假装要吻春香 第11集 40"17"志赫和丹姬Kiss 15. Kissing You - Des"ree 第3集 1:2"20"演出罗密欧与茱丽叶 第10集 18"50"梦龙幻想春香和大叔罗密欧与茱丽叶中的情节 16. Pop - N"Sync 第5集 41"28"丹姬、志赫和梦龙在餐厅等春香时餐厅放的歌 mms:// 17. alive(日语版) ai 第五集29"24的插曲 18. Sugar Town - Nancy Sinatra 第6集 56"04"春香没能上大学,蔡琳和梦龙在餐厅里放的歌 第9集 30"17"大叔让春香作电影用的道具,两人在餐厅里放的歌 19. Stop - Jamelia 第8集 24"42"梦龙和春香在志赫和丹姬布置的新房里,收音机里面放的歌 20. A Lover"s Concerto - 陈慧琳 第9集 08"46"春香醉酒向大叔道歉,两人在餐厅里放的歌 第14集55"11"春香走后,蔡琳去安慰梦龙时,两人在餐厅里时餐厅里放的歌 - A Lover`s Concerto.mp3 21. All that I want - C21 第9集 51"48"春香和大叔公司的人聚餐,蔡林给梦龙打电话时放的歌 22. My own Ture Love《乱世佳人》主题曲 第10集 19"48"梦龙幻想 23. Billy S - Skye Sweetnam 第11集 38"42"志赫被导演看中要拍广告,四人在餐厅吃饭时放的歌 24. Pieces of me - ASHLEE SIMPSON 第13集 21"36"大叔和被雇用的那个明星在餐馆里谈话是放的歌 25. 5 Colours In Her Hair - Mcfly 第15集 2"47"梦龙和志赫谈话 26. Banana Girls - Disco Remix 第4集 29"13"舞厅歌曲 27. Bye bye my friend (很多人都在找这首喔,就是Bye bye my friend Bye bye my love那首啊) 28. 我比任何人都爱你 (男生版)金在元 春香和梦龙结婚时他们的同学一起唱的那首歌; 他们老师和学生结婚时梦龙和春香唱的那首歌。 小新娘/小新娘-我比任何人都爱你.mp3 29. 我比任何人都爱你 徐英恩(这个女生版超好听喔^_^) 30. 男儿当自强 春香叫梦龙去买拉面 ,途中遇到大叔时播放的歌 (下载地址大家可以自己搜喔,很多) 31. 东修的手机铃声《幻化成风》 宫崎骏的《猫的报恩》的主题曲《幻化成风》,梁静茹的大手拉小手和曾宝仪的专注是翻唱。 幻化成风-猫的报恩.mp3 32.梦龙手机铃声 《V3》 是贝多芬悲怆奏鸣曲第三乐章
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第一章: 脱困 Kate:我们的援军还未抵达! James:可能是一次恐怖袭击,留心D! Kate:你觉得这次他们会把门都拆了吗? James:哇,地动山摇啊!外面发生什么事了? (地面开始剧烈震动!) Kate:什么声音?援军到了? James:不可能! (电视屏幕里出现了一大群丧尸,血腥恐怖!) Kate:我只能找到这些武器啦! James:他们在这儿干什么?哇!他们来啦! (丧尸推倒大门冲入!) 这些是什么东西? James:Kate,摇你支Q摆脱它们! Kate:我真不敢相信! (一起从地上爬起) 地面究竟发生什么事了? 选择分岔路 James拿出随身带着的PDA Kate:这是什么?我从没见过迷你型武器。 James:这是AMS开发的PDA,方便又好用。 (PDA开始确认行走路线) 我们前面有分岔。 迷路时就向左走。 选择向右的路线 Kate:你确定要走下去?下面破坏得不成样子啦。 地面凹陷成洞 电梯大厅就在门后边。 James:此路不通,我们再找其他的出路。 就在折返时,洞中伸出一只大手抓住二人。 Kate,我们要逃出去! 逃出巨手后,Justice(第一关大野)登场。 James:恶梦重现啊!这次更糟了! Kate:它来啦! (打退Justice的第一轮攻击后) James:一切正像三年前发生的那样……战斗再次展开…… Justice被打败后 Kate:我们出去后你得补偿我一笔干洗费! 第二章 迷失 两人回忆几天前在AMS总部里发生的事: Kate:你是第一次到这儿吗? James:是啊,我想调查一些东西。我老是觉得事情不会像我们3年前想的那样轻易就结束。 Kate:我很希望能成为你的助手,和你一起工作是一种荣幸。 两人走入地下资料库 很难相信我们现在是在地下吧?哈哈!哎,这是一套错综复杂的下水道系统,下面应该有出路。 突如其来的地震使档案架开始翻侧。 Kate:发生什么事? 回忆结束 两人且打且退,已进入下水道里面 James:我对这次事件有一种很不好的感觉。外面究竟发生什么事? Kate:前面的建筑物下面有一块空地,也许我们可以从那儿走出地面 这时James手上的PDA发出信号,显示附近有生物接近。 James:看来我们有伴囖! Kate(作苦面状):唉,让我歇一会好不?! 两人边打边退,进入下水道深处 透过铁门他们看到外面的水路 两人尝试打开铁门 Kate:我们在打开它之后就把门重新锁上,开啊! 开门成功时: Kate:我可真的不想和这帮丧尸斗! 成功打开门后继续进入未知分支 不能打开铁门时: James:另觅出路吧! Kate:那就尽快离开这儿。 不能打开铁门两人往后走,途中一群丧尸把铁门撞倒 Kate:哇!不要这样吓我好不? 两人且打且走,沿下水道走到地下通道前。 Kate:我感觉我们就像迷宫中的老鼠一样! 第二局的分支路线选择 左边往楼下走,右边到水管支路 James:尽管这不是一个好办法,看来我们还得绕道走。 Kate:其实我很畏高的,我倒想知道他们究竟畏高不。 如果玩家向右走: Kate:你确定要在水管上面走? 然后进入支路 如果玩家向左走: Kate:啊!!!老是这样湿身真烦死了! 然后两人进入蓄水池范围,与肥仔等丧尸苦战 Kate:难闻死了! 两人见到入口了 Kate:我们可以通过这里穿出去吗? 走着走着又见到一大群丧尸! Kate:这不是真的吧! James:就走这条路出去吧,先把他们打远一点! 打到AMS的地下仓库。打烂门锁可以进入隐秘分支 没打烂的话没对白。 打烂的话: Kate:从这些集装箱里穿出去! 穿过集装箱后来到AMS的地下会议室,出现小量丧尸。 James:想办法另觅去路! 看到会议室隔壁的小室 Kate:机密情报室?我们可以在这里找点有用的情报。 情报室内: James快步走到一台电脑前操作,敲击键盘。 Kate:你找到什么了? James:我之前的不祥预感应验了,自己看看显示器吧。 只见显示器上显示有人正预备向全世界发射核导弹,导弹在整装待发状态。 James:有人想发射核弹毁灭我们! Kate:什么?我们得阻止他! James:Kate,我们得马上回到地面去,快走! 两人从情报室出来后 James:附近应该有一个建筑专用的升降电梯。 两人见到电梯了。 James:看来我们可以搭它上去了。 调用应急电源 James:看起来有电,它可以开动了。 两人进入电梯,电梯开始上行。突然电梯大幅度地摇动 Kate:哇!地震啊? 一只巨大的蜘蛛触手出现在电梯旁。 James:这儿太危险了!快开门! James:我们得马上跳过去! Kate:这简直就好似电影上的动作场面一样! 门开了,两人趁机跳到对面的电梯上。 躲过一击的他们接着就看到第二局关目巨型蜘蛛Lover出场。 打倒Lover后的过场 James:我成了动作英雄囖! Kate:对不起,我没时间和你纠缠下去。 第三局:空白 回忆中James和Gary在《死亡之屋2》最后与Goldman对峙的场面: Goldman:你们想过未来没有?如果人类继续繁衍下去世界将会变成怎样?你们看不到吗?人类已经把自己推向一条不可避免的毁灭之路(不归路)。 回想结束。两人继续走着,受刚才的战斗影响,电梯坏了。 James:电梯坏了。 这时他们发现附近的墙壁上穿了个大洞,可通往外面的去路。 Kate:我们可以从这里穿出去。 走过一段阴暗的道路他们来到地铁之中。 James:看起来我们最后来到地铁干线,附近就是一个站台。 Kate:去吧。 两人正向站台迈进,突然发现附近有丧尸活动,正不断逼近他们。 James:好嘛,我们已经厌倦了这种热烈欢迎! 战斗开始! Kate:我想我记得这个站台。 James:这里有其他生还者吗? 且打且退中两人顺着楼梯走 Kate:往上走吧,在那儿我们应该可以抵达另一个站台。 楼梯上也有丧尸。 Kate:妈呀!想歇多口气都不行。(想抖多啖气都难啊!) 打完后两人开始探路 James:没时间了,尽快觉得走哪儿吧。 Kate:我会看看前面有没有路。 两人兜来兜去还是回到原来地震产生的瓦砾中。 James:没用的,这边封死了。 Kate:这边也是。我的手机一点信号也收不到。感觉上这儿没有生人。 既然找不到路,两人只有顺着手扶电梯走 James:我们应该坐电梯还是另觅去路? 突然一只半身丧尸从旁边飞出,由得他拖入可以进入另一分支,不然摆脱他后直接上电梯 摇Q摆脱丧尸后直上电梯 Kate:我有不祥预感,他们会在上面等着我们…… 电梯上杀机处处,有丧尸飞斧头,前面果然有几只丧尸。 James:看来我们上到顶了。 Kate:(对丧尸喊)死开点!别挡路! 接着扫射前方的丧尸。 James:Kate,小心后面! 先打退后面的丧尸,再处理其他丧尸。 引入分支画面 右边分支: Kate:看起来他们正在前面等着我们。 下面的地铁站台群尸尽出,黑压压一片估计至少有30只。 Kate:太多了吧?! James:太危险了,我们必须想办法摆脱他们。 Kate:天啊!要消灭这么多丧尸太惨了吧?!他们正往这边走过来! 经过一番苦战,两人熬到电车出现。 Kate:这是什么声音? James:电车来得正是时候。 从车窗看不到有人。 Kate:这车没人坐…… 车停后从车厢内涌出一堆丧尸! Kate:恶梦啊!上帝请让我醒来吧! 消灭丧尸后 Kate:我们该怎么办? James:里面危机四伏,但我们无处可逃了,进去吧! 进入车厢后电车顶部突然被人用电锯锯开一个巨大裂口! Kate:发生什么事? 顶部的裂缝突然跳出第三关关目Empress(电车男) 电车男用锯开的车厢碎片扔向两人。 James:噢!快跑!!! 两人被碎片困住,无法逃生。 James:我被困住了! 摇Q脱困。 James:这里很危险,快离开这。 Kate:我们得撤退啦。 车辆仍在前进,邻线的车辆接近,车上的丧尸飞斧头攻击。Empress电车男的攻击杀到,打退他后两人趁机逃走。 James:还没到站台! Kate:那家伙埋紧身啦,快点啦! 电车男从屋顶开锯,两人先把它打退。 James:它还没死!不要放过它。 电车男开始从车外开锯! James:什么? Kate:你有完没完啊?! 打退电车男后两人继续逃走,但是发现前方是死胡同。 电车男出现埋身肉搏,手持双锯开片。 Kate:噢,天哪!没路可走了! 两人开始射击,电车男最后只剩下两丝血都冲埋身边肉搏,最后被射杀。 James:看来你搭过龙囖!!!! 在James说话的时候Kate看见电车正要撞向前方的瓦砾堆! Kate:James,小心前面! James:Kate!我们要马上跳车! 跳车成功,两人脱困,电车撞在瓦砾上。 James:Kate,你没事吧? Kate:好悬啊! James:我们都不知要去哪儿,真的迷失在这儿了。 两人开始往回走。 第四局 绝望 回忆中Goldman说的话: 连绵不断的战祸、饥荒、不知名的疾病、天灾频仍……你们觉得很奇怪吧?这么多灾难同时发生是不是有点巧合?有人注意过这点吗?我们是不是只能坐再这儿等待灾难自己结束? 回想结束:电车男被击杀后,两人沿着地铁出口走去。 Kate:人都到哪儿去了? James:希望他们都能逃出去就好了。 Kate:希望如此。你真的觉得我们还有希望吗? James:当然。现在没时间回头细想了。 顺着地铁出口两人来到别的地铁站。 Kate:看起来我们可以从这里走到地面。 前面就是地铁的自动检票口。 Kate:我以前经常来这儿。 说话间一大群丧尸站在附近的卷闸门后,其中一只高大的丧尸正撑着门,其他的丧尸正等门全开然后冲出来袭击两人。 Kate:我们必须快点把门关上! 关门失败时的台词: Kate:你们死缠不休是吧?! 带翼的丧尸从屋顶飞出。 Kate:James,看我们头上!走这边好不好? 地铁的商业街,Kate带着James闯入一家商店内。 Kate:我以前很喜欢来这家店的,今天是我最倒霉的一天! James:看来我们可以从这里穿过去。 穿过通道两人看见前面有台阶通往地面 Kate:我们可以从这里走出去! James:何以见得?! Kate:恐怕我们在这里说不清楚。 James:啊!!!还有另一条路! 地面上出现大批丧尸 杀退丧尸后 第四关关目出现,肥胖的身躯令它每走一步都发出极大的响声和震动! James:小心! James拖着Kate走到安全的地方。 两人开Q,子弹都被肥仔Temperance身体上厚厚的脂肪吸收,攻击全无作用。 James:它太强大了,我们的攻击都被它吸收掉了! 打退两轮攻击后James看到钟楼上面悬挂的大钟。 Kate:James,那是什么? James:好啦,就用这东西打败它! 两人冲入钟楼,边打边上楼。 Kate:走这边。 James:看起来可以从这边上楼。 Temperance从钟楼外追着两人展开攻击。 Kate:你有完没完啊?! 打退肥仔Temperance最后两轮的挥拳攻击后,两人继续上楼,打退带翼丧尸后两人发现拉动大钟的吊机。 Temperance也位于大钟下方。 James:摇那吊机! 摇Q Kate:死肥仔,别挡路啦! 大钟直直落下命中肥仔脑门,Temperance被砸死! James:肥仔,这个你吃不下了吧?! Kate:想不想试试我的低脂减肥餐? 两人走上钟楼的屋顶。 James:我们可以从楼顶看到整个城市。 Kate:是啊! 但是两人看到的是满目苍痍的可怕景象,到处都是断垣残瓦,废墟处处,一副世界末日的样子。 James:(痛苦地)天啊!!!!! Kate:这不可能发生的!!!!!!!!不!!!!!!!! 两人呆立当场。 第五局:故人重逢 James陷入第三次回想 Goldman:有些时候当人类打破他们在自然界的繁衍数量,他们会变成一种不顾其他物种生存,最贪婪的生物……他们也不想想他们毫无节制的繁衍会为世界带来怎样的浩劫…… 回想结束。 James毅然回头不再看废墟,转身鼓励Kate James:Kate,不要绝望! 这是James手上的PDA显示收到一份邮件。 邮件内容: 亲爱的AMS特工们: 一切都设定好了! 1:00:00 离核弹发射还有1小时! James:(愤怒地)我知道是你在背后捣鬼!我们必须采取行动!我知道事件的起源在哪里,走! 走出钟楼,来到街中。 James:Goldman究竟想搞什么鬼? 为了阻止核弹发射,两人匆忙奔走,James看到路边的汽车。 James:我们没时间了,开车走啦! James坐在司机席,Kate坐在旁边的副驾驶席。 James:核弹的目的地是A0063。 车子在街上走,无数丧尸见到活物纷纷冲过来袭击两人。 James:简直就是恶梦!Kate,你没事吧? Kate:我想没事的。小心前面! James:死远点!!!!我们没时间了,必须赶快走! 突然有一辆大卡车冲向两人所在的车子,James在两车擦身而过的时候时险险避过。 Kate:小心那卡车!噢!!!这样开可不安全。 两人开车上大桥 James:自从上次事件之后这地方一直都没变过。 Kate:我们要去哪儿? James:我收到的邮件更肯定了我的猜测,一切都是由Goldman大厦开始! 过了桥后后面有丧尸驾车追至! Kate:他们从后边来啦! 摇Q和丧尸驾驶的汽车角力 经过一番恶斗两人终于来到Goldman大厦。 James:我从未想过我会再次来到这儿…… 第五关关目Star出现。 Kate:看起来有人请君入瓮! James:什么?! Star:来吧!你们必须在力量的考验面前证明自己的力量,这也是Goldman大人的夙愿! James:滚!别挡道! 于是双方展开激战,最后Star被击败。 Kate:现在看来你才是不能通过考验的那位! Star全身爆裂,一声巨响后全身爆炸化为灰烬。 Kate发出闷哼,而James显然是中招了,腹部呈现紫光,旧伤发作。 Kate发现后: Kate:James!!! James:不用担心我……只是旧伤而已……呜!!! James:好了,至少现在我知道还有你和我并肩作战! Kate:当然!我一直都是你的好搭档嘛! 第六局 希望 3年前2000年2月26日 Goldman 大楼50层 Goldman:地球一直通过顺其自然的法则去调控世上各个物种数量,(拍桌子)之前人类不管自己知不知道一直都顺从这个调节系统和法则,但是今天,潘多拉的盒子正在被人类自己慢慢打开…… (Hod2)场景:James 和 Gary出现在Goldman面前 James:这就是你最后要说的东西吗?Goldman! 回忆结束 Kate:走! 打死一只带激光剑的机器人后,两人乘电梯上楼。 Kate:James,Are you sure you are right? Kate:James,你肯定你没事? James:是的……我没事,我刚刚想起一些旧事。今天这一切都可以追溯回2000年,走吧,今天我们就可以一次过了结这次事件! 两人且打且向Goldman办公室迈进,沿途与机械忍者和其他机械人混战。 Kate:我想这儿的摆设需要换一下了! Kate:我们最后都来到这里了! 两人打倒敌人后来到一条楼梯上,但是James旧伤又再发作,痛苦的他只有停下来捂着伤处。 Kate:坚持住!不要放弃啊! James:不用担心,我不会就这么死掉! James:Goldman的办公室就在上边!快走! Kate上到Goldman办公室,开始联网 Kate:我们搞定了! James:Goldman! Goldman在电脑中留言 Goldman:首先,我得恭喜你们!别担心,我不想用核弹毁灭世界,因为我并不想杀光所有人类,我的目的只是把他们重新回复到初始状态。但是潘多拉的盒子已经打开了,我也没办法阻止它。如果你们能来到这儿,那事情还是有转机的。 Kate:James,那是……!!! 窗外轰隆作响,广场中心慢慢升起,最终生物(Ultimate Thing)The World在科技和巫术的作用下驾临人世! James:Kate,我们走! The World出场,两人跑到Goldman广场 The World:我是最终生物……世人已无希望,看我的死亡灭世之锤如雨般落下! James:Kate,这就是我们最后的敌人,竭尽全力打败它吧! The World第一形态打倒后进化成第二形态!两人陷入苦战! 打败The World后: James:终于结束啦! Kate:什么?!这东西竟然还在进化! James:没办法了,我们必须把潘多拉的盒子关上,要不然我们就没有机会了!这是我们最后的希望,希望这东西能阻止它!Kate,永别了,记住永远不要放弃希望! James手持微型定W器接近尚在进化中的最终生物,核弹如期击中目标,发生极其强烈的爆炸! Kate:James!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 大爆炸后,空中漂浮着The World的碎片及残骸,Kate沮丧地发问 Kate:James...(喘气)接下来我应该怎么做? 爆机: 不同路线的结局。 Kate漫无目的的走出Goldman大楼,画面交错,音乐带有强烈宿命感和悲哀之情。 G出现在Goldman大楼广场中。 G:James,事情还没有完。我们会接着调查,直到查出事件的根源为止,现在你是时候休息了,安息吧,James。 G做了个再见的手势, 画面打出End字,End字下面的字幕显示故事会在《死亡之屋3》中继续。 另一结局: 画面切换到Goldman大楼的办公室 Goldman桌上的电脑还没有关机。 画面显示 Goldman慢慢地走着,突然回头挥手说话。 Goldman:希望还真奇妙,噢,对了,人类尚未完全灭绝,往北走吧,那儿还有希望的。 视频镜头出现Goldman的模样,竟然是一副骇人的丧尸形相,双目赤红,面部肌肉绽开,仿佛预示着下一场浩劫的来临……
2023-06-22 16:53:271