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husband hello什么意思

2023-06-22 15:44:00
TAG: ello


英 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd]

n.丈夫; 〈英〉管家; 〈古〉节俭的管理人; 船舶管理人

vt.节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做…的丈夫

复数: husbands 过去式: husbanded 过去分词: husbanded 现在分词: husbanding 第三人称单数: husbands

派生词:husbander husbandhood husbandless husbandly


英 [hu0259"lu0259u028a] 美 [hu0259u02c8lou028a]

int.哈喽,喂; 你好,您好; 表示问候; 打招呼




husband 什么意思

husband 英[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] n. 丈夫; 〈英〉管家; 〈古〉节俭的管理人; 船舶管理人; vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做…的丈夫; [例句]Husbanding precious resources was part of rural life.节约地使用宝贵的资源是乡村生活的一部分。[其他] 第三人称单数:husbands 复数:husbands 现在分词:husbanding过去式:husbanded 过去分词:husbanded
2023-06-22 14:23:421


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2023-06-22 14:26:054


丈夫的英文是husband。直接源自古英语的husbonda,意为住房的主人。husband指结婚后相对于妻子而言的男人。与husband相对应的阴性名词是wife。 扩展资料   husband解析   n.丈夫;【英】管家;【古】节俭的管理人;船舶管理人   vt.节俭地使用;【罕】做……的`丈夫   复数:husbands第三人称单数:husbands过去式:husbanded过去分词:husbanded现在分词:husbanding   易混淆的单词:Husband   发音:英[?h?zb?nd]美[?h?zb?nd]   词汇搭配   1、good husband好老公   2、get a husband结婚   3、love one"s husband爱自己的丈夫   4、marry a husband嫁人   5、former husband前夫   造句   1、Her husband often rated at her,but he loved her none the less.   她的丈夫经常骂她,但他仍然很爱她。   2、Her husband"s death heartbroke her greatly.   丈夫的去世让她悲痛欲绝。   3、I don"t know what will become of me if my husband divorces me.   如果我丈夫与我离婚,我真不知道我会有什么样的遭遇。   Her husband often buys her a lot of jewellery.   她丈夫常给她买很多珠宝首饰。   4、My husband is out.   我的丈夫出去了。   5、Her husband is a hard drinker.   她丈夫酗酒。   6、Her husband is rather mean over money matters.   她的丈夫在金钱问题方面非常小气。
2023-06-22 14:26:381

husband 有什么意思

2023-06-22 14:26:575


丈夫。n. 丈夫。v. 节约使用(资源)。n. (Husband) (美、爱、英)赫斯本德(人名)。变形:过去式husbanded,过去分词husbanded,现在分词husbanding,第三人称单数husbands,复数husbands。1、My husband is picking me up.我的丈夫来接我了。2、My husband never loses his temper.我的老公从不发脾气。3、She had husbanded her stock with great care.她对她的存款是一直精打细算地用的。
2023-06-22 14:27:111


  关于老公的英文单词,我们具体来看看是怎么拼写的吧。关于它的一些小故事也来看看如何?下面是我给大家整理的老公的英文单词是什么,供大家参阅!   老公的英文单词是什么   英 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd]   husband   n. 丈夫; 〈英〉管家; 〈古〉节俭的管理人; 船舶管理人;   vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做u2026的丈夫;   变形 过去分词: husbanded 复数: husbands 过去式: husbanded 现在分词: husbanding 第三人称单数: husbands   关于老公丈夫的英语作文:我理想中的丈夫   My ideal husband   I think every girl in the world has lots of opinions about this topic.When we are just little girls,all dreams come out.When we read fairy tales,we think the fate of beautiful princess is our future.When we grow up,we know that tales about prince and princess are not true,but the dream still exit.   I have a dream that one day some guy,whom I really love,hold my hands,fix his eyes on me and say:” Be my wife,I will take care of you and be true to you.I will make sure you have a strong roof over your head.If your answer is yes,then no one will ever love you as much as I love you.If your answer is yes,you will make me the happiest man on the Earth.”   I have a dream that one day I will seat beside the window,read my favorite book.Suddenly,a cup of tea appears to my sight,I look over my shoulder and smile because I know he is behind me.Then I relax myself in his arms,listening to the rain hitting leaves.   I have a dream that one day when I would be sad for something about work,he will make a wonderful dish for,tell some funny things in order to make me smile,and after dinner we could wash dishes together in soft music.   I have a dream that one day when we both growing old,with gray hair over our head,we walk should by should along the street and look back our time together while enjoying the warm sun shine in the winter.May be we will buy a bunch of beautiful flower in a little shop to prettify our house.   Of course,there will be some quarrel between us,some difficulties in our way,some news making us sad,and so on,but we will overcome all these.We could trust each other,help each other and love each other forever.   We believe that we may have enough happiness to keep us sweet,enough trials to keep us strong,enough hope to keep us happy,enough friends to give us comfort,and enough determination to make each day a better day than yesterday.   Above all,these are some beautiful dreams in the bottom of my heart.I really hope that one day all these dreams will come true.   关于老公丈夫的英语作文:我的理想老公   Although I"m only sixteen years old now, I already have a picture of my ideal husband in my mind.   I don"t put much emphasis on his appearance because I don"t agree with judging people by their appearances. I consider it more important to have a kind heart. I don"t wish for a rich husband, but I hope that he will work hard and will be enthusiastic about what he does.   He doesn"t need to have the same job as me, but I think that if we both have some similar interests that we both love, it will be easier to communicate with each other. This way, we can prevent ourselves from arguing over small things. Besides this, we should be patient with our children and take good care of them.   My ideal husband should be my faithful companion during my journey through life; someone who will share his work, his pleasures, his misfortunes with me.   关于老公丈夫的英语作文:新好老公守则   New Code of good husband   1 concern for his wife, care of his wife, loved his wife, my wife eat delicious, fun to play the first wife of course, may not play at their own do not like, and specific assessment methods can be free to play.   (2) working hours shall not excuse harassing his wife his wife, two small things such as playing a sneeze, the knee was cut through a piece of leather and the like may not disturb his wife.   3. My wife not to call time tracking entertaining or harassment, but not his wife suddenly appeared in place of activities, to bring her "surprise."   4. If the wife asked the whereabouts of every day should frankly say so, not to hide the truth, my wife asked if not, you can chat with his wife when active statements.   5. Serious work, make money, so my wife not to worry about.   6, when his wife mentioned to tell from past violations old boyfriend, lover, not shamelessly jealous temper, to listen carefully, give reviews, and timely to comfort his wife might have been injured in the sinking, fragile heart.   7 When my wife was invited to go out late at night shall not try to stop the performance unhappy time of 5 minutes, when his wife finished kissing, hugging, full of joy apology steps to help his wife changing dress, and smiling to send his wife out.   8. When his wife came home drunk, not sober when she did not give the verbal abuse, physical punishment or give swoop, tea and bottled water to help his wife clean, careful wife waited to sleep.   9 When the wife did not return at night, not paranoid cranky, his wife explained to absolutely believe that.   10 When his wife returned home to be with a smile, changing his shoes locker to help his wife, put the hot water bath when tired, when his wife said to help his wife to act as a massage girl loose bone when the wife of hunger must be within 30 minutes on the hot side juicy and delicious meals. his wife"s comments or suggestions for dishes to be taken seriously, with an open mind to accept, in order to constantly improve their own cooking.   11. To treat his wife"s small problems, such as when his wife walked barefoot on the floor directly to bed without cleaning it, and smoking in bed, the room filled with smoke and soot four every now and then, the wife may not be verbal criticism and physical punishment, to find their own reasons to response measures, such as sweeping the floor to increase efforts to ensure the cleanliness of the floor consistent with the bed; bed long-term placement ashtrays, and select a variety of indoor air purification methods, such as potted plants and put Aroma lamp with clean air or spray air freshener and so on.   12. To treat his wife"s family and friends to be warm and friendly, gentle and considerate man to play the full performance of his wife"s love. Everywhere with his wife first, the event by his wife make a decision.   13 a month from the inside out to his wife to purchase at least 1-2 pieces of brand new clothes, not the random picking up a few stalls filled up. His wife"s clothing to ensure clean and tidy, get up every morning at his wife as his wife prepared the day before clothing.   14. To create a clean and warm home, we must constantly improve their own self-cultivation, the size of things at home and abroad to pay attention, increase their knowledge, to look at fashion magazines, to improve their taste, foreign to give the impression of a clean and tidy, not to his wife shame.   15 when his wife encountered difficulties or setbacks, must do its utmost to help his wife, if not help my wife, we should have been guarding his wife encouraged his wife, never betray.   1.关心老婆,呵护老婆,宠爱老婆,好吃的给老婆先吃,好玩的让老婆先玩.当然,可能是自己不爱吃不爱玩的,具体评定方法可自由发挥.   2.老婆工作时间不得借故骚扰老婆,小事情如打了两个喷嚏,膝盖被划破了块皮之类的不得惊动老婆.   3.老婆应酬时间不得打电话跟踪或骚扰,更不可突然出现在老婆的活动场所,带给她"意外的惊喜".   4.每天的行踪如果老婆问起要坦诚相告,不得瞒骗,老婆如果没问起,可在与老婆聊天时主动陈述.   5.认真工作,努力赚钱,让老婆没有后顾之忧.   6.当老婆诉说起过往情事提及昔日男友,情人时,不得吃醋耍赖发脾气,要认真倾听,给予点评,并适时安慰老婆那颗或许曾经受伤的脆弱的心.   7.当老婆应邀深夜外出时不得强行阻止,表现不悦时间不得超过5分钟,当老婆完成吻别,拥抱,致歉步骤后要满心欢喜的帮助老婆更衣打扮,并面带微笑的送老婆出门.   8.当老婆酒醉回家时,不得在她不清醒时给予谩骂,或趁虚而入给以肢体惩罚,要端茶送水,帮老婆清洗,小心侍候老婆睡觉.   9.当老婆一夜未归时,不得疑神疑鬼胡思乱想,老婆的解释要绝对相信.   10.当老婆回家时必须面带微笑,帮老婆换鞋换衣,放热水洗澡.当老婆说劳累时要充当按摩女郎帮老婆松骨.当老婆饥饿时必须在30分钟内端上热腾腾的可口饭菜.老婆对菜肴的意见或建议要认真对待,虚心接受,以不断提高自身厨艺.   11.对待老婆的小毛病,如当老婆光着脚在地板上走来走去不清洗便直接上床睡觉,以及躺在床上吸烟,房间烟雾弥漫和烟灰四处飘飞时,不得对老婆进行言语批评和肢体惩罚,要寻找自身原因作出应对措施,如加大地板清扫力度,确保地板与床的洁净程度一致;床边长期放置烟灰缸,并选择多种净化室内空气的方法,如放盆栽及用香熏灯净化空气或喷洒空气清新剂等等.   12.对待老婆的家人和朋友要热情友爱,要扮演体贴温柔好男人,充分表现对老婆的疼爱.处处以老婆为先,大事都由老婆拿主意.   13.每月由内到外至少给老婆添置1-2件名牌新衣,不得在小摊上随意捡几件充数.老婆的衣物确保整齐洁净,每天早上在老婆起床前为老婆准备好当日服饰.   14.创造一个洁净和温暖的家的同时,要不断提高自身修养,要关注国内外大小事,增长见识,多看时尚杂志,提高自身品味,对外要给人以干净整洁的印象,不得给老婆丢脸.   15.当老婆遇到困难或挫折时,必须尽全力帮助老婆,如果没有能力帮助老婆,就要一直守着老婆鼓励老婆,不离不弃.   
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2023-06-22 14:27:345


husband[英]["hu028czbu0259nd] [美][u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 生词本简明释义n.丈夫;〈英〉管家;〈古〉节俭的管理人;船舶管理人vt.节俭地使用;〈罕〉做…的丈夫复数:husbands第三人称单数:husbands过去式:husbanded过去分词:husbanded现在分词:husbanding
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2023-06-22 14:27:571


Husband 老公
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2023-06-22 14:28:4615


husband ,请读“哈日蹦的”
2023-06-22 14:29:135


husband 英[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] n. 丈夫; 〈英〉管家; 〈古〉节俭的管理人; 船舶管理人; vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做…的丈夫; [例句]Eva married her husband Jack in 1957.伊娃和丈夫杰克于1957年结的婚。[其他] 第三人称单数:husbands 复数:husbands 现在分词:husbanding过去式:husbanded 过去分词:husbanded
2023-06-22 14:29:271


2023-06-22 14:29:384

husband 读什么

2023-06-22 14:29:542


2023-06-22 14:30:036

husband baby的缩写

husband baby没有缩写形式,意思是:老公宝贝。重点词汇:husband英['hu028czbu0259nd]释义:n.丈夫。v.节约使用。【名】(Husband)(英、美、爱)赫斯本德(人名)。[复数:husbands;第三人称单数:husbands;现在分词:husbanding;过去式:husbanded;过去分词:husbanded]短语:Husband and wife夫妻;夫妇;夫妻那些事;伉俪。词语使用变化:husbandn.(名词)1、husband的基本意思是“丈夫”,指结婚后相对于妻子而言的男人。2、与husband相对应的阴性名词是wife。词源解说:直接源自古英语的husbonda,意为住房的主人。
2023-06-22 14:30:161


2023-06-22 14:30:473


  虽然她的丈夫不够出色,但是对她却很好。下面我为大家带来丈夫的英语意思和相关用法,欢迎大家一起学习!   丈夫的英语意思   husband   丈夫的相关英语例句   我儿子生病时,丈夫给了我极大的安慰。   My husband was a great comfort to me when my son was ill.   她丈夫睡得很熟。   Her husband was sound asleep.   我的丈夫信任我,所以我不想失去这种信任。   My husband trusts me and I don"t intend to break that trust.   我丈夫是一个善良的人。   My husband is a kind person.   我丈夫是个集邮者。   My husband is a stamp collector.   我丈夫有好几件颜色不同的衬衫。   My husband has several shirts of different colors.   肯定是个好丈夫一个关心自己母亲的男人肯定是个好丈夫。   A man who cares about his mother makes a wonderful husband.   她为求离婚而控告丈夫;她控告丈夫要求离婚。   She sued her husband for a divorce.   他指责我的丈夫,说他不是个好丈夫。   He criticised my husband and said that he was not a true husband to me.   丈夫的英文例句   1. She feels devalued because she knows her husband has had affairs.   她觉得自己掉价了,因为她知道丈夫有了外遇。   2. Her husband had never before had any heart trouble.   她丈夫以前从来没得过任何心脏疾病。   3. Deep down, she supported her husband"sinvolvement in the organization.   在心底里,她支持丈夫参加这个组织。   4. In many respects Asian women see themselves as equal to their men.   在很多方面,亚洲女性都认为自己和丈夫是平等的。   5. She is, first and foremost, her husband"s alter ego.   她首先是丈夫的知己。   6. My husband is constantly thrown together with young people through his work.   我丈夫由于工作关系经常遇到年轻人。   7. He recalled her devotion to her husband during his hour of need.   他回忆起她在丈夫困难之时的忠贞奉献。   8. Her husband was sympathetic at first but his patience soon wore thin.   一开始她丈夫还抱以同情,可不久就失去耐心了。   9. Her husband laboured at the plant for 17 years.   她丈夫在厂里辛勤工作了17年。   10. She has yet to spend a Christmas with her husband.   她还从没和她的丈夫一起过过圣诞节。   11. She decided to divorce her increasingly faithless and unreliable husband.   她决定与越来越花心、越来越靠不住的丈夫离婚。   12. Usually his cases involved errant husbands and wandering wives.   通常他接的案子都涉及出轨的丈夫和离家出走的妻子。   13. She insisted that she had remained faithful to her husband.   她坚持说自己对丈夫一直是忠诚的。   14. Eleanor would later blame her mother-in-law for her husband"sfrequent absences.   埃莉诺过后会因丈夫经常不在家而责怪婆婆。   15. She was adamantly opposed to her husband travelling to Brussels.   她坚决反对丈夫前往布鲁塞尔。   丈夫的双语例句   他诱骗她离开她的丈夫。   He enticed her away from her husband.   她珍视和丈夫相处的每一刻。   She treasured every moment with her husband.   他企图引诱她离开丈夫和家庭。   He attempted to lure her away from husband and family.   她为一些家庭琐事对丈夫大发雷霆。   She raged against her husband for some household affairs.   她丈夫的去世使她在生活中感到茫然空虚。   The death of her husband left a big blank in her life.   我不能没有我的丈夫。   Not with my husband.   他对我说,“我的夫人,离开你的丈夫,跟我们一起走。   He said to me, u2018My lady, leave your husband, and come with us.   未婚女子不要别的,只要丈夫,有了丈夫以后,一切都要。   Maids want nothing but husbands, but when they have them they want everything.   我与我丈夫一道向你祝贺。   My husband joins with me in congratulating you.   有时她抱怨她丈夫。   Sometimes she bitched her husband.   她和她丈夫闹翻了。   She is out with her husband.   她为了要一些钱跟她丈夫纠缠不休。   She dunned her husband for some money.
2023-06-22 14:31:041


husband.哈斯本得老公_百度翻译老公 [词典] [方] (丈夫) husband; [例句]她老公绝对不是个拈花惹草的人。Her husband was not a womaniser by any stretch of the imagination双语例句 汉英大词典 中中释义
2023-06-22 14:31:133


  英语中的老公和我们中文说的老公还是不一样的,毕竟我们可以直接称呼使用,但是英语的话很少用的。下面是我给大家整理的老公的英语单词,供大家参阅!   老公的英语单词   husband   vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做u2026的丈夫;   变形 过去分词: husbanded 复数: husbands 过去式: husbanded 现在分词: husbanding 第三人称单数: husbands   husband的英语例句   1. This past May, Susan Buffett was the second largest holder of Berkshire shares behind herhusband.   2. She lives in a FEMA trailer in Pass Christian, Mississippi with her husband and five children.   3. My husband also - his job, he"s a surveillance technician in one of the local casinos.   4. Esfandiari"s husband said her mother used the deed to her Tehran apartment to post bail.   5. Esfandiari"s husband and the Wilson Center have said she was not permitted to speak to lawyers.   6. Even then, male Roshan managers deal with the father, the husband or a son.   7. But where does that leave the children, or the husband she has nothing but complaints about.   8. American expatriate in Paris Samantha Gadenne, 33, has already submitted an entry destined for her husband.   9. She talked about the way her husband helped her deal with multiple sclerosis and breast cancer.   10. Soon I realized this wasn"t Mommy and Me, it was Mommy, Me and My Slacker Husband.   11. Before panning Ebay, she complains about it to her husband over the breakfast table.   12. They point to the exchange over the National Archives" release of her husband"s papers.   13. Stone recently adopted a baby boy, Roan, with her husband, newspaper editor Phil Bronstein.   14. In a typical case, the husband has founded a closely held business and is its driving force.   15. Her husband, Praveen, has said that several times over a three-day period they asked for a termination.   husband的双语例句   I had no idea your husband had passed over.   你丈夫去世的消息我一点也不知道。   Her husband left the firm for a better position in a bank.   她丈夫离开这个公司在一家银行谋到了一个更好的职位。   As a husband,I constantly subordinated my wishes to yours.   作为丈夫,我总把我个人的意愿从属于你的。   Sometimes she carked about the health of her husband.   有时她为丈夫的健康情况担忧。   She parrots every view her husband has.   她是她丈夫每一个观点的应和者。   She split on her husband to the government.   她向当局告发了她的丈夫。   Her husband always differs with her.   她丈夫常常与她意见相左。   My husband housekeeps in our family.   在我家由我丈夫管理家务。   She leafed through some old magazines while waiting for her husband.   在等她的丈夫时,她翻阅了一些旧杂志。   Don"t let her insults bias you against your husband.   别让她的辱骂使你对你丈夫抱有偏见。   He married well and happily and was a devoted father and husband.   他婚姻美满幸福,是位尽职尽责的父亲, 忠实的丈夫。   The husband discorded with his wife.   丈夫与他妻子不和。   The wife appeased her husband and went back home.   妻子对她丈夫的要求做了让步,回家去了。   She sat beside her husband through the livelong night.   她坐在她丈夫的身边度过一个漫漫长夜。   She sat beside her husband through the livelong night.   她坐在她丈夫的身边度过一个漫漫长夜。   
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2023-06-22 14:33:154


husband 英[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] n. 丈夫; 〈英〉管家; 〈古〉节俭的管理人; 船舶管理人; vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做…的丈夫; [例句]I discovered my husband rifling through the filing cabinet.我发现我丈夫正在档案柜里匆匆翻找着什么东西。[其他] 第三人称单数:husbands 复数:husbands 现在分词:husbanding过去式:husbanded 过去分词:husbanded 形近词: disband
2023-06-22 14:33:231


丈夫的英文是husband。直接源自古英语的husbonda,意为住房的主人。husband指结婚后相对于妻子而言的男人。与husband相对应的阴性名词是wife。 husband解析 n.丈夫;【英】管家;【古】节俭的管理人;船舶管理人 vt.节俭地使用;【罕】做……的丈夫 复数:husbands第三人称单数:husbands过去式:husbanded过去分词:husbanded现在分词:husbanding 易混淆的单词:Husband 发音:英[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd]美[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 词汇搭配 1、good husband好老公 2、get a husband结婚 3、love one"s husband爱自己的丈夫 4、marry a husband嫁人 5、former husband前夫 造句 1、Her husband often rated at her,but he loved her none the less. 她的丈夫经常骂她,但他仍然很爱她。 2、Her husband"s death heartbroke her greatly. 丈夫的去世让她悲痛欲绝。 3、I don"t know what will become of me if my husband divorces me. 如果我丈夫与我离婚,我真不知道我会有什么样的遭遇。 Her husband often buys her a lot of jewellery. 她丈夫常给她买很多珠宝首饰。 4、My husband is out. 我的丈夫出去了。 5、Her husband is a hard drinker. 她丈夫酗酒。 6、Her husband is rather mean over money matters. 她的丈夫在金钱问题方面非常小气。
2023-06-22 14:33:301


老公的英语单词是husband。词汇分析音标:英 ["hʌzbənd] 美 ["hʌzbənd] 释义:节约地使用(或管理);丈夫短语Merciful husband 仁慈的丈夫Unfortunate Husband 无语问苍天courier husband 快递丈夫First husband 第一老公 ; 第一先生 ; 第一丈夫Fourth Husband 第四个丈夫例句1、Her husband"s death heartbroke her greatly. 丈夫的去世让她悲痛欲绝。2、She does not like to contradict her husband in public. 她不喜欢当众与丈夫顶嘴。3、Not with my husband. 我不能没有我的丈夫。4、Sometimes she bitched her husband. 有时她抱怨她丈夫。5、She is out with her husband. 她和她丈夫闹翻了。
2023-06-22 14:33:396

husband 什么意思?

丈夫 老公
2023-06-22 14:33:537


名次意思是丈夫,动词意思是节俭使用。名词复数:husbands 动词第三人称单数:husbands现在分词:husbanding 过去分词:husbanded 过去式:husbanded
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2023-06-22 14:34:542


husband[英]["hu028czbu0259nd] [美][u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 生词本简明释义n.丈夫;〈英〉管家;〈古〉节俭的管理人;船舶管理人vt.节俭地使用;〈罕〉做…的丈夫复数:husbands第三人称单数:husbands过去式:husbanded过去分词:husbanded现在分词:husbanding易混淆的单词:Husband以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 同反义词1.N-COUNT丈夫A woman"s husband is the man she is married to. Eva married her husband Jack in 1957...伊娃和丈夫杰克于1957年结的婚。Are they husband and wife?他们是夫妻吗?2.VERB节约地使用;节省If you husband something valuable, you use
2023-06-22 14:35:271


husband 英[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美[u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] n. 丈夫; 〈英〉管家; 〈古〉节俭的管理人; 船舶管理人; vt. 节俭地使用; 〈罕〉做…的丈夫; 全部释义>>[例句]EVA married her husband Jack in 1957.伊娃和丈夫杰克于1957年结的婚。更多例句>>复数:husbands 过去式:husbanded 现在分词:husbanding过去分词:husbanded 第三人称单数:husbands相关单词: Husband
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2023-06-22 14:37:333

国民老公 英语怎么说

2023-06-22 14:37:422

老公英语怎么说 老公的英语是什么

1、老公的英语:husband。发音:英 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 美 [u02c8hu028czbu0259nd] 。 2、她老公绝对不是个拈花惹草的人。Her husband was not a womaniser by any stretch of the imagination。 3、对于晚餐,沃尔夫喜欢约会的感觉,所以常常和老公迈克(Mike)外出就餐。For dinner, she enjoys date nights and often eats out with her husband, Mike。 4、我已经告诉Dawn,我们的老公因为公司机器方面的问题,周六晚上要晚点回家。I had called her to let her know our husbands would have to work very late that Saturday night due to some machinery problems。
2023-06-22 14:38:051


["hu028czbu0259nd] 在爱词霸上搜一下网址是
2023-06-22 14:38:137