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be insisted in还是be insisted on

2023-05-19 15:15:26
TAG: on be insisted

be insisted on正确。insist用作不及物动词时,其后常须加介词on,然后接名词、代词或动名词。该动名词前可加物主代词或名词、人称代词的宾格形式作其逻辑主语,该动名词的否定形式是在其前直接加not。



vt. 坚持;坚决主张。

vi. 坚持;强调。





They insist that I stay there for supper.






v. 拿着;控制;容纳;握住;持有;保持;掌握;认为;举行。

n. 握住;控制;把握;立足点;延误;影响。




He has been trying hard to hold his temper.




2023-01-02 01:07:152


不是。意思为:坚持,坚持认为,坚决认为,强调,坚决主张,一定要,硬要,坚决要求,定要,执意继续做,坚决宣称,坚持说,固执己见,断言。例如:He insisted that he had done right.他坚决认为自己做对了。He insisted on paying for the meal.他坚持要付饭钱。
2023-01-02 01:07:221


insistKK: []DJ: []vt.1. 坚持;坚决认为[+(that)]She insisted that he was wrong.她坚持认为他错了。2. 坚决主张;坚决要求[+(that)]He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts.他一定要我们收下这些礼物。Jane insisted that he be present.珍坚持要他出席。vi.1. 坚持,坚决认为;强调[(+on/upon)]2. 坚决主张;一定要[(+on/upon)]He insisted on/upon my going with him.他坚持要我跟他一起去。I insist on seeing it.我一定要见到它。insisted 是 insist的过去式
2023-01-02 01:07:281


没有确切例子,无法给出解析。insist用法一般是insist on doing sth 或者后面跟从句。如果insist在句子中的意思是“坚持要求做”的话,后面跟的从句用should do 结构的虚拟语气, should可以省略。例如:He insisted that the thief (should) be sent to prison.
2023-01-02 01:07:331


insist[英][ɪnˈsɪst][美][ɪnˈsɪst]vt.& vi.坚持; 强调; 坚决要求; 坚决认为; 第三人称单数:insists过去分词:insisted现在进行时:insisting过去式:insisted例句:1.The imf and the international community should insist. imf和国际社会应坚持这一点。2.China will doubtless insist that the americans can hardly complain. 中国必然会将坚称美国毫无抱怨的立场。
2023-01-02 01:07:382

insist 的用法要详细的 并给解析。

2023-01-02 01:07:463


  以下是我为大家整理的insist的用法 总结 ,希望能帮助大家更好地认识insist这个词组,提高英语水平。   insist意思和用法讲解:   vt.& vi.坚持; 强调; 坚决要求; 坚决认为;   insist在中学阶段,只要掌握以下三种用法即可: 1、insist on/upon (sb/one"s) (doing) sth 如:You should insist on your dream.   You should insist upon doing exercise every day. You should insist on her apologizing to you. 2、insist + that引导的宾语从句   1)如果insist翻译为“坚持说/坚持认为”,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句该用什么时态就用什么时态,当然还要和主句时态保持呼应。 如:She insisted that she was right.   She insisted (that) she had been to Beijing the year before.   2)如果insist翻译为“坚持要求/坚持主张”,即that从句的动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。 如:He insisted that she (should) say sorry to him frist.   insist在中学阶段,只要掌握以下三种用法即可:   1、insist on/upon (sb/one"s) (doing) sth   如:You should insist on your dream.   You should insist upon doing exercise every day.   You should insist on her apologizing to you.   2、insist + that引导的宾语从句   1)如果insist翻译为“坚持说/坚持认为”,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句该用什么时态就用什么时态,当然还要和主句时态保持呼应。   如:She insisted that she was right.   She insisted (that) she had been to Beijing the year before.   2)如果insist翻译为“坚持要求/坚持主张”,即that从句的动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。   如:He insisted that she (should) say sorry to him frist. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   insist的用法相关 文章 : 1. 动词insist 的用法归纳 2. insist的意思和用法总结 3. 特殊的should虚拟语气词用法分析 4. 虚拟语气的用法总结归纳 5. 虚拟语气的用法 6. 宾语从句的用法详解
2023-01-02 01:07:571


insist【用法一】 v.坚决要求;坚持要;一定要 例1:we insisted on his apology. 我们要他赔礼道歉. 例2:she insisted on seeing us home. 她坚持要送我们回家. 例3:i insisted on their arriving there ahead of time. 我坚持要他们提前赶到那. 注:1)insist on 后面不能接由“名词或代词 + 动词不定式”构成的复合宾语.不能说:the teacher insisted on all the compositions to be handed in on monday. 2)insist +宾语从句(从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形或 省去should).例如:the young men insisted that they (should) be sent to the front. 那些年轻人坚持要求被派往前线去. 【用法二】v.坚持认为,坚持说,强调 1) insist on +名词. 例如:he insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己无罪. 2)insist on + 宾语从句在表示一个客观事实时(谓语动词不用虚拟语气,而应用陈述语气). 例如:the boy insisted that he hadn"t broken the glass. 那小男孩坚持说他没有打烂玻璃杯.
2023-01-02 01:08:021

请问 persist 和 insist 和 maintain 有什么区别?

persist v. 坚持; 固执; 存留; 继续存在;insist vt.& vi. 坚持; 强调; 坚决要求; 坚决认为maintain vt. 保持,维持; 保养,维护; 抚养,赡养
2023-01-02 01:08:114


insist通常用作不及物动词和及物动词,有坚持,坚决要求等含义;作坚决要求、一定要讲时,其宾语从句常用与将来事实相反的虚拟语气。一.用作不及物动词 I will have another glass if you insist. 你这样坚持,我就再喝一杯。 二.用作及物动词 They insisted that she should be invited. 他们坚持要邀请她。 I insisted that you should be there on time. 我坚持认为你应该准时到那儿。 三.引出直接引语 “Surely he did right,” she insisted. “肯定他做对了,”她坚持说。 四.insist on (doing) sth. 坚持某种做法、意见、主张。 They insisted on leaving that day. 他们坚持要在那天走。 五.insist作坚决要求、一定要讲时,其宾语从句常用与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。 Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school. 她父亲坚持说她放学后应该学音乐。
2023-01-02 01:08:411


insist 用法与suggest 相似。insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气。如:When the son suggested that they should go to the park on Sunday, the expression on his father"s face suggested that he agreed with him. 当儿子提议星期天去公园时,父亲用表情表示了默许。They insisted that he (should)be present at the ceremony.他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼。He insisted that he was innocent.=He insisted on his innocence.他坚持说自己是无辜的。 insist[in5sist]vi.坚持; 坚决主张; 坚决认为(on, upon)坚决要求, 定要insist on sb."s innocence坚持认为某人无罪insist on a point强调一点insist on being present坚持要求出席I insisted on his coming with us.我坚持要求他和我们一起来。I insist that you (should) be present.请您务必到场。They insisted that she (should) be invited.他们坚持要邀请她。insist on坚持; 坚决主张; 一定要insist upon支持满意请采纳哦,谢谢,祝学习进步!
2023-01-02 01:08:461


大家 学习英语 的时候,应该遇到过insist这个单词,那么insist的意思是什么呢?有哪些insist的相关知识值得注意呢?下面是我给大家带来的insist的用法 总结 _insist的常用 短语 ,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ insist的意思 vt.& vi. 坚持;强调;坚决要求;坚决认为 ▼ insist的常用短语 insist on/upon 1.declare firmly 坚持;坚决认为 Throughout the trial,the prisoner insisted on his lack of guilt.在整个审讯中,犯人坚持认为他没有罪。 2.urge;strongly demand坚决要求 He insisted upon a doctor being sent for.他坚持要去请医生。 I insisted on paying for my share of the meal.我坚持要付我的那份饭钱。 3.make emphatically or repeat an assertion 主张;强调 He insisted on the importance of being punctual.他强调准时的重要性。 There is a gentleman who insists on seeing you.有一位先生坚持要见你。 ▼ insist的用法总结 ● 用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) I will have another glass if you insist. 你这样坚持,我就再喝一杯。 ● 用作及物动词 S+~+(that-)clause Our English teacher insists that we should speak English in and out of class. 英语老师坚持要我们在课堂内外都讲英语。 They insisted that she should be invited. 他们坚持要邀请她。 I insisted that you should be there on time. 我坚持认为你应该准时到那儿。 He insisted that we should take up the matter at the meeting. 他坚持要我们在会上谈这个问题。 引出直接引语 “Surely he did right,” she insisted. “肯定他做对了,”她坚持说。 “You"ll go together with us,” he insisted. “你和我们一道去,”他坚持说。 ▼ insist的用法例句 1. They insist on tastier chocolate than the anaemic British stuff. 他们坚持要比淡而无味的英国货味道更好的巧克力。 2. The psychologists insist, however, that they are not being prescriptive. 然而,心理学家坚称他们并非一味灌输。 3. Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials. 我们的买主对工艺和材料坚持要高标准。 4. Always insist upon seeing your room before booking in. 在住进旅馆之前一定要坚持先看一下你的房间. 5. If you insist, we have to declare the meeting off. 如果你坚持的话, 我们不得不取消这次会议. 6. If you insist on leaving now , please go ahead. 你一定要走, 那就请便吧. 7. We insist upon a definite answer. 我们一定要得到一个肯定的答复. 8. The tourists insist on keeping to their plan. 旅行者坚持按旅行计划行事. 9. Anyhow I must insist that you cannot steal. 不管怎么说,你都不能偷东西. 10. I will have another glass if you insist. 你这样坚持我就再喝一杯. 11. We"ll insist on discussing this issue. 我们将抓住这个问题不放. 12. I insist that you ( should ) be present . 请您务必 到场. 13. The analysts applaud the cuts in marginal businesses, but insist the company must make deeper sacrifices. 分析家们赞同削减边缘业务,但坚持认为公司必须作出更大牺牲。 14. You feel that it"s uneconomic to insist that people work together in groups. Why is this? 你觉得要求大家分组工作不划算,这是为什么呢? 15. He began to insist upon a bullet-proof limousine, just for peace of mind. 他开始坚持要防弹豪华轿车,仅仅是为了安心而已。 insist的用法总结相关 文章 : ★ insist的用法总结 ★ 动词insist的用法归纳 ★ insist的用法 ★ insist的用法 ★ 有关insist的用法整理 ★ 关于insist的用法及解释 ★ insist的过去式和用法例句 ★ 动词insist的用法与语法 ★ demand的用法总结干货get! var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-02 01:08:511

insisted the mother是什么用法

insisted 是动词 insist 的过去式,不是形容词。 这个短语就好比 "You are my friend.", says Tom. 一样,倒装。
2023-01-02 01:08:592

请教insist的用法, 谢谢.

insist [in"sist] v. 坚持,强调 例句与用法:The bank will insist on collateral for a loan of that size. 银行对这样的大笔贷款一定要有抵押物。Since you insist, I must amend the letter of credit. 既然你坚持,我就只好修改信用证。He insisted that he had done right. 他坚决认为自己做对了。He insisted on paying for the meal. 他坚持要付饭钱。
2023-01-02 01:09:073

请教insist的用法, 谢谢.

2023-01-02 01:09:361


虚拟语气:坚持做宾语从句:坚持做最方便的区分方法就是,当动词是已经做过的时候用宾语从句,还没做的就用虚拟语气例:He insisted that he didn"t steal her money He insisted that she should be sent to school.
2023-01-02 01:09:442


2023-01-02 01:10:273

坚持做是insist doing还是insist on doing?on可以省略吗

2023-01-02 01:10:391


"insist" 一. 当"insist" 表示“坚持说;坚决认为”,接that从句,用陈述语气.(从句常为系表结构或从句谓语动作发生于主句谓语动作之前)即是陈述已知或发生过的事.例:(1)She insisted that he was wrong. 她坚持认为他错了(2)He insisted that he had done right. 他坚决认为自己做对了二.当"insist" 表示“坚决主张;坚持要求”,接that从句,用虚拟语气。即“should+动词原形”,should可省略。表示对将来事实"可能相反"的一种虚拟.一般考试多考的是insist接虚拟语气的用法,区别主要还是在于"insist"在句中所表达的意思.
2023-01-02 01:10:451


insist, 英语单词 ,主要用作及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“坚持,强调”,作不及物动词时意为“坚持,强调”。下面我给大家带来关于insist的用法搭配_insist的用法及 短语 ,供大家参考。 目录 insist的用法归纳 insist短语搭配 insist双语例句 insist的用法归纳 一、 作不及物动词用时,后跟on或upon引起的短语 1) insist on / upon +动名词(或动名词的复合结构) She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible. He insisted on a second message being sent (不用to be sent) to them. We insisted upon his staying with us for another week. 2) insist on/ upon+名词 They insisted on a definite answer. I insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bike. Our English teacher insists upon the importance of the correct pronunciation. 注意: insist on (doing) sth. , stick to (doing) sth.与persist in (doing) sth.的区别: 这三个短语都有坚持的意思,但侧重点不同。 insist on (doing) sth.是坚持某种做法、意见、主张。 如: They insisted on leaving that day. 他们坚持要在那天走。 stick to (doing ) sth. 是坚持原则、计划、诺言、决定、真理、路线等。如: He always sticks to his promise / his plan. 他总是坚守自己的诺言/计划。 如果表示继续努力从事于某项工作,stick to后也可接动名词。 如: If you stick to practising English, you"ll make great progress. 要是你每天坚持练习英语,就会取得很大进步。 而persist in (doing )sth.指不作任何改变地坚持某事,可能是一件好事,也可能是一件坏事。常包含固执己见的意思,但也可指意志的坚定。如: She persists in her opinion. He persists in his sparetime studies. She persisted in wearing that old-fashioned dress. The old woman persists in taking half an hour"s exercise every day. (表示意志的坚定,不用insist on来代替) 二、 insist 作及物动词的用法 insist的此种用法只能接从句作宾语。 1)insist作坚决要求、一定要,其宾语从句常用与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。如: Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school. 。如: Alice insisted that she had done nothing wrong. 3) insist that...有时与insist on / upon互换。如上面1)、2)中的两个例句可分别改写为: Her father insists on her learning music after she leaves school. Alice insisted on her having done nothing wrong. <<< insist短语搭配 Mo insist莫强求 ; 莫坚持 ; 袁武议员坚持 Insist now坚持现在 insist energetically充满活力地坚持 insist unfortunately不幸地坚持 insist painfully痛苦地坚持 insist largely大体上坚持 insist inexpressibly无法形容地坚持 insist noiselessly悄悄地坚持 insist strenuously艰难地坚持 <<< insist双语例句 I insist that you go with me.我坚持要你跟我一起去。 What do they insist?他们坚持什么? I insist she (should) go there with her parents.我坚持要她同她父母一起去那儿。 <<< insist的用法搭配相关 文章 : ★ insist的用法 ★ 有关insist的用法整理 ★ 动词insist的用法与语法 ★ insist的用法总结 ★ insist的用法 ★ 关于insist的用法及解释 ★ 动词insist的用法归纳 ★ insist的过去式和用法例句 ★ insist的第三人称单数 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-01-02 01:10:511


2023-01-02 01:10:561


persist:顽强地坚持。insist:坚决要求。persist指坚持行动或行为,persist后搭配介词in。insist主要指坚持某种意见或主张等,insist后搭配介词on。 persist、insist区别如下 1. 从含义上看: insist 主要指坚持某种意见或主张等,persist 则指坚持行动或行为,或固执地坚持某种意见。如: He insisted on my staying there. 他坚持要我留在那儿。 He persists in reading in bed. 他老爱在床上看书。 2. 从搭配上看: 用作不及物动词后接介词时,insist 后搭配介词on,persist 后搭配介词 in。如: I always insist on wholesome bread. 我一贯主张要吃全麦面包。 He persists in his bad habit. 他坚持不改坏习惯。 另外 ,insist 可用作及物或不及物动词,用作及物动词时,其后通常接 that 从句(是否用虚拟语气,视情况而定,即看从句内容是否为事实),而 persist 通常只用作不及物动词(其后不接 that 从句)。如: He insisted that she (should) do it. 他坚持要她做那事。 He insisted that she had done it. 他坚持说她做过那事。 persist和insist的区别为 一、意思不同 1、persist:vi. 存留,坚持;持续,固执、vt. 坚持说,反复说 2、insist:vt. 坚持,强调、vi. 坚持,强调 二、用法不同 1、persist:persist的基本意思是尽管遭到反对,受到警告或遇到失败,还是固执地坚持自己的信念、行为,导致令人遗憾的后果,用于不好或不正确的一面。 2、insist:insist的基本意思是“坚持”,常用于坚持意见、看法、主张等。insist既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。 三、侧重点不同 1、persist:指坚持行动。 2、insist:指坚持某种意见。
2023-01-02 01:11:021


insist【用法一】 v.坚决要求;坚持要;一定要 例1:we insisted on his apology. 我们要他赔礼道歉. 例2:she insisted on seeing us home. 她坚持要送我们回家. 例3:i insisted on their arriving there ahead of time. 我坚持要他们提前赶到那. 注:1)insist on 后面不能接由“名词或代词 + 动词不定式”构成的复合宾语.不能说:the teacher insisted on all the compositions to be handed in on monday. 2)insist +宾语从句(从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形或 省去should).例如:the young men insisted that they (should) be sent to the front. 那些年轻人坚持要求被派往前线去. 【用法二】v.坚持认为,坚持说,强调 1) insist on +名词. 例如:he insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己无罪. 2)insist on + 宾语从句在表示一个客观事实时(谓语动词不用虚拟语气,而应用陈述语气). 例如:the boy insisted that he hadn"t broken the glass. 那小男孩坚持说他没有打烂玻璃杯.
2023-01-02 01:11:111


有如下两种用法:1、insist on/upon (sb/one"s) (doing) sth.如:You should insist on your dream. You should insist upon doing exercise every day. 2、insist + that引导的宾语从句1)如果insist翻译为“坚持说/坚持认为”,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句该用什么时态就用什么时态,当然还要和主句时态保持呼应。 如:She insisted that she was right. She insisted (that) she had been to Beijing the year before. 2)如果insist翻译为“坚持要求/坚持主张”,即that从句的动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。如:He insisted that she (should) say sorry to him frist. 扩展资料:柯林斯词典insit用法:insist(on sth) 坚决要求;坚持 to demand that sth happens or that sb agrees to do sth[V]   I didn"t really want to go but he insisted.我并不真的想去,但他硬要我去。1、VERB   坚持;坚决认为(或主张、要求)If you insist that something should be done, you say so very firmly and refuse to give in about it. If you insist on something, you say firmly that it must be done or provided.          My family insisted that I should not give in, but stay and fight...家里人坚持认为我不应让步,而应该留下来继续抗争。2 、VERB   坚称;坚持说 If you insist that something is the case, you say so very firmly and refuse to say otherwise, even though other people do not believe you.        The president insisted that he was acting out of compassion, not opportunism...总统坚持说他如此做是出于同情而不是为了投机。参考资料来源:百度翻译-insist
2023-01-02 01:11:161


2023-01-02 01:11:253


insist 用法与suggest 相似.insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气.如: When the son suggested that they should go to the park on Sunday,the expression on his father"s face suggested that he agreed with him. 当儿子提议星期天去公园时,父亲用表情表示了默许. They insisted that he (should)be present at the ceremony. 他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼. He insisted that he was innocent.=He insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己是无辜的. insist [in5sist] vi. 坚持; 坚决主张; 坚决认为(on,upon) 坚决要求,定要 insist on sb."s innocence 坚持认为某人无罪 insist on a point 强调一点 insist on being present 坚持要求出席 I insisted on his coming with us. 我坚持要求他和我们一起来. I insist that you (should) be present. 请您务必到场. They insisted that she (should) be invited. 他们坚持要邀请她. insist on 坚持; 坚决主张; 一定要 insist upon 支持
2023-01-02 01:11:361


2023-01-02 01:11:412


insist在中学阶段,只要掌握以下三种用法即可:1、insist on/upon (sb/one"s) (doing) sth如:You should insist on your dream.You should insist upon doing exercise every day.You should insist on her apologizing to you.2、insist + that引导的宾语从句1)如果insist翻译为“坚持说/坚持认为”,即that从句表示已经发生的动作时,则宾语从句使用陈述语气,即从句该用什么时态就用什么时态,当然还要和主句时态保持呼应。如:She insisted that she was right.She insisted (that) she had been to Beijing the year before.2)如果insist翻译为“坚持要求/坚持主张”,即that从句的动作当时尚未发生的话,则宾语从句必须使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语动词由“should + 动词原形”构成,且should可以省略。如:He insisted that she (should) say sorry to him frist.
2023-01-02 01:11:503

insist 的用法
2023-01-02 01:12:017

请问 persist 和 insist 和 maintain 有什么区别

一、词义辨析不一样1、persist v. 坚持,执意〔辨析〕指不顾困难或他人的反对而坚持做某事。〔例证〕He persisted in his refusal to apologize.他坚持不道歉。2、insist v. 坚决认为,坚称;坚决要求〔辨析〕指坚持认为某种想法正确或坚称某种说法属实,尤指与他人的想法或说法相左,也可指坚决要求做某事。〔例证〕She insisted on her innocence.她坚称自己无罪。3、maintain v. 坚持说,坚持认为〔辨析〕指坚决维护某种主张或观点等。〔例证〕He maintains that he once saw a UFO.他坚称自己曾看见过飞碟。二、词义广泛性不一样1、persist英 [pə"sɪst]  美 [pɚ"sɪst] v. 存留,坚持;持续,固执2、insist英 [ɪnˈsɪst]   美 [ɪnˈsɪst]  v.坚决要求;坚持;坚持说;固执己见3、maintain英 [meɪnˈteɪn]   美 [meɪnˈteɪn]  v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见)三、变形词不一样1、persist第三人称单数: persists 现在分词: persisting 过去式: persisted 过去分词: persisted2、insist第三人称单数: insists 现在分词: insisting 过去式: insisted 过去分词: insisted3、maintain第三人称单数: maintains 现在分词: maintaining 过去式: maintained 过去分词: maintained
2023-01-02 01:12:242

insist 的用法

insist 用法insist【用法一】 v. 坚决要求;坚持要;一定要例1:we insisted on his apology. 我们要他赔礼道歉。例2: she insisted on seeing us home.她坚持要送我们回家。例3: i insisted on their arriving there ahead of time.我坚持要他们提前赶到那。注:1)insist on 后面不能接由“名词或代词 + 动词不定式”构成的复合宾语。不能说:the teacher insisted on all the compositions to be handed in on monday.2)insist +宾语从句(从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形或省去should)。例如: the young men insisted that they (should) be sent to the front.那些年轻人坚持要求被派往前线去。【用法二】v. 坚持认为,坚持说,强调1) insist on +名词。例如: he insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己无罪。2)insist on + 宾语从句在表示一个客观事实时(谓语动词不用虚拟语气,而应用陈述语气)。例如: the boy insisted that he hadn"t broken the glass.那小男孩坚持说他没有打烂玻璃杯。
2023-01-02 01:12:441

insist to do ,insist doing 和insist on doing的意思和用法最好能举例子

2023-01-02 01:12:491

insist 的用法,坚持认为,坚持要求的用法区分。

2023-01-02 01:12:573


insist on doing sth坚持做某事
2023-01-02 01:13:083


insist作反复说、一定要、坚决要求解,可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词。一、 作不及物动词用时,后跟on或upon引起的短语1) insist on/ upon+名词  They insisted on a definite answer. I insisted on a replacement for the broken part on my bike.   Our English teacher insists upon the importance of the correct pronunciation.2) insist on / upon +动名词(或动名词的复合结构)  She insisted on seeing the manager as soon as possible. He insisted on a second message being sent (不用to be sent) to them.We insisted upon his staying with us for another week. 二、 insist 作及物动词的用法insist的此种用法只能接从句作宾语。1)insist作坚决要求、一定要,其宾语从句常用与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,即should+动词原形,其中should可以省略。如:Her father insists that she (should) learn music after she leaves school. 2) insist作坚持说、坚持认为时,用陈述语气。如:Alice insisted that she had done nothing wrong. 3) insist that...有时与insist on / upon互换。如上面1)、2)中的两个例句可分别改写为:Her father insists on her learning music after she leaves school.Alice insisted on her having done nothing wrong.
2023-01-02 01:13:181


insist的基本意思是“坚持”,常用于坚持意见、看法、主张等。insist用作不及物动词时,其后常须加介词on〔upon〕,然后接名词、代词或动名词。该动名词前可加物主代词或名词、人称代词的宾格形式作其逻辑主语,该动名词的否定形式是在其前直接加not。insist作及物动词时,不能用名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,只能接that引导的从句。若指尚未发生的动作,从句谓语常用虚拟语气(should+动词原形或直接用动词原形),若表示一个已发生的动作或已存在的状态时,从句谓语多用陈述语气。词汇搭配:1、insist absolutely 绝对坚持2、insist desperately 不顾一切地坚持 例句:They insist that I stay there for supper.译文:他们坚决要求让我留下吃晚饭扩展资料:相近词语:claim意思:要求,要求权,主张语法:claim用作动词时的基本意思是“声称,断言”,可接动词不定式、that从句作宾语,也可接由“to be/as n./adj. ”充当补足语的复合宾语。claim作“对…提出要求,索取”解时,多是指根据权利要求对方承认身份、所有权等,其语气表现出不卑不亢的特点。词汇搭配:claim payment 要求付钱 例句:Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?译文:出了车祸后,你向保险公司要求赔偿了吗?
2023-01-02 01:13:245


insist【用法一】 v. 坚决要求;坚持要;一定要例1:we insisted on his apology. 我们要他赔礼道歉。例2: she insisted on seeing us home.她坚持要送我们回家。例3: i insisted on their arriving there ahead of time.我坚持要他们提前赶到那。注:1)insist on 后面不能接由“名词或代词 + 动词不定式”构成的复合宾语。不能说:the teacher insisted on all the compositions to be handed in on monday.2)insist +宾语从句(从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形或省去should)。例如: the young men insisted that they (should) be sent to the front.那些年轻人坚持要求被派往前线去。【用法二】v. 坚持认为,坚持说,强调1) insist on +名词。例如: he insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己无罪。2)insist on + 宾语从句在表示一个客观事实时(谓语动词不用虚拟语气,而应用陈述语气)。例如: the boy insisted that he hadn"t broken the glass.那小男孩坚持说他没有打烂玻璃杯。
2023-01-02 01:14:011

insist 的用法要详细的 并给解析。

know- the right tense
2023-01-02 01:14:076


2023-01-02 01:14:282


insist 用法与suggest 相似.insist作“坚持”说时,要用陈述语气;作“坚决主张;坚决要求”讲时,用虚拟语气.如: When the son suggested that they should go to the park on Sunday,the expression on his father"s face suggested that he agreed with him. 当儿子提议星期天去公园时,父亲用表情表示了默许. They insisted that he (should)be present at the ceremony. 他们坚决要求他出席这次典礼. He insisted that he was innocent.=He insisted on his innocence. 他坚持说自己是无辜的. insist [in5sist] vi. 坚持; 坚决主张; 坚决认为(on,upon) 坚决要求,定要 insist on sb."s innocence 坚持认为某人无罪 insist on a point 强调一点 insist on being present 坚持要求出席 I insisted on his coming with us. 我坚持要求他和我们一起来. I insist that you (should) be present. 请您务必到场. They insisted that she (should) be invited. 他们坚持要邀请她. insist on 坚持; 坚决主张; 一定要 insist upon 支持
2023-01-02 01:14:361

insist 后虚拟语气用法

2023-01-02 01:14:411


insist" 一.当"insist" 表示“坚持说;坚决认为”,接that从句,用陈述语气.(从句常为系表结构或从句谓语动作发生于主句谓语动作之前)即是陈述已知或发生过的事.例:(1)She insisted that he was wrong. 她坚持认为他错了(2)He insisted that he had done right. 他坚决认为自己做对了二.当"insist" 表示“坚决主张;坚持要求”,接that从句,用虚拟语气。即“should+动词原形”,should可省略。表示对将来事实"可能相反"的一种虚拟.一般考试多考的是insist接虚拟语气的用法,区别主要还是在于"insist"在句中所表达的意思还有 insist on sth.
2023-01-02 01:14:462

insist 虚拟语气的用法

2023-01-02 01:14:574


2023-01-02 01:15:151


2023-01-02 01:15:202

insist和insist on的区别

2023-01-02 01:15:291

InsisteD on什么意思?

insisted on 是insist on 的过去式 “坚持”的意思
2023-01-02 01:15:343

insist to do还是insist doing来着?

2023-01-02 01:15:491


2023-01-02 01:16:361

求解,persist insist 区别

insist 后面可以加从句表示“坚持”或者“坚持说”,表示“坚持”的时候用虚拟语气,即should + 动词原形,should可以省略。你的句子里就省略了should.persist加从句的话是指“坚持说”,不用虚拟语气。所以用insist。
2023-01-02 01:16:412