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2023-06-22 09:29:20

This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat.


Lamauge 一个牌子

gravy boat

英 [u02c8ɡreivi bu0259ut] 美 [u02c8ɡrevi bot]




I was in the room where we were keeping all the presents, and I was looking at this gravyboat. This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat. gravy boat

This really gorgeous Lamauge gravy boat. 非常漂亮的船形卤肉盘。



gorgeous的意思是:华丽的,灿烂的;极好的。gorgeous,英语单词,主要用作形容词,用作形容词译为“华丽的,灿烂的;极好的”。例句:For instance, in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous.例如,在1957年大部分的汽车都是华丽的。All of this in harmony with the usability of a clock and calendar makes it a truly gorgeous decoration for your screen!所有这些与时钟和日历的实用性相协调,使它成为您屏幕上真正华丽的装饰!I love the architecture of the city, and there is a huge culture here. We have museums everywhere, and you can find gorgeous places on each corner.我喜欢这座城市的建筑,这里有着巨大的文化。我们到处都有博物馆,你可以在每个角落找到美丽的地方。
2023-06-22 06:43:581


gorgeous一般是形容女的,意思是:美丽动人的。重点词汇:gorgeous英['ɡu0254:du0292u0259s]释义:adj.美丽动人的;令人愉快的;绚丽的,华丽的。短语:Gorgeous Gowns芭比华丽袍。词语辨析:splendid,gorgeous,glorious,superb,magnificent。这些形容词均含“华丽的,宏传的,辉煌的”之意。1、splendid侧重指给观察者留下壮丽辉煌或灿烂夺目的印象。2、gorgeous指色彩的富丽和豪华,有时含炫耀和卖弄意味。3、glorious指光芒四射的绚丽,也指值得称倾、赞美或扬名的壮丽辉煌。4、superb指壮丽辉煌、宏伟等的极点。5、magnificent侧重指建筑物、宝石等的华丽堂皇。
2023-06-22 06:44:111


gorgeous英 ["gu0254u02d0du0292u0259s]美 ["ɡu0254rdu0292u0259s]adj. 华丽的,灿烂的;极好的
2023-06-22 06:45:133


gorgeous[英][ˈgɔ:dʒəs][美][ˈgɔ:rdʒəs]adj.华丽的,艳丽的; 极好的,称心的; 美丽动人的,光彩夺目的; 令人愉快的,令人享受的; 易混淆单词:Gorgeous例句:1.Your girls are gorgeous. 你的姑娘们真漂亮。2.This man is gorgeous! 这爷们太赞了!
2023-06-22 06:45:211


2023-06-22 06:45:293


Gorgeous的用法 Gorgeous! 太漂亮了!形容词gorgeous,本来的意思是“华丽的、灿烂的”(Dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent)。   以下解释选自《小笨霖英语笔记本》:   Gorgeous 也是用来形容“美丽、漂亮”的事物。 例如上次我去参观纽约的大都会博物馆,当我逛到一个全部都是油画的展示厅时,身边的老美就情不自禁地喊了一声, "Gorgeous." 所以你就知道这个地方有多漂亮了。   虽然 pretty/beautiful 也作“美丽、漂亮”解释,但在程度上 gorgeous 比 beautiful 跟 pretty 还要再漂亮一点。所以在应用上我们可以视情况而决定要用 pretty/beautiful 或是 gorgeous。例如小美女的话我们就可以说, "She"s pretty." 但是大美女的话就可以说 "She"s gorgeous." 但是 gorgeous 可不限于美女专用喔! 老美也常会用 gorgeous 来形容美男的。例如, "Her brother is gorgeous. We all like him." (她的哥哥长得很好看, 我们都很喜欢他。)   如果是小美女用 pretty, 大美女用 gorgeous. 那“超级大美女”要怎么说?英文里有一个字眼叫“drop-dead gorgeous”,意思是说这种美女会让你看到之后。会让你因为惊艳而“昏倒”。 (drop-dead 原意是倒下去,双脚一伸,死了,但这里翻译成“昏倒”会比较好一点。)
2023-06-22 06:46:151


2023-06-22 06:46:563


gorgeous是一个形容词,意思是华丽的、灿烂的、极好的,我们先来看到gorgeous这个单词的读音,这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?这个单词可以划分为两个音节【gor】和【geous】,第一个音节gor的英式发音为【ɡu0254u02d0】,它的美式发音需要把卷舌音发出来,读作【ɡu0254u02d0r】,第二个音节geous的发音为【du0292u0259s】,重音在第一个音节上,合在一起的话这个单词的发音为【u02c8ɡu0254u02d0du0292u0259s】,我们再来看一下这个单词的用法,gorgeous可以作为形容词使用,意思是华丽的、灿烂的、极好的;例如下面这两个句子,The cosmetics industry uses gorgeous women to,sell its skincare products,化妆品行业用很性感的女人来推销护肤品,She is really gorgeous that almost all the men,in the party are looking at her,她实在是太美了,几乎派对上的所有男人都看着她,在这两个句子中,gorgeous都是作形容词使用,意思是华丽的、极好的,gorgeous华丽的、灿烂的、极好的,这个单词你学会了吗?
2023-06-22 06:47:021


2023-06-22 06:47:103


2023-06-22 06:48:012


  非常好的,非常美丽的   一种赞叹,对美丽事物的赞叹,虽然你会常常听到,但想要让人发出这种惊叹,是不容易的,不只美丽,还要稀有,或是让人眼睛一亮,让人极度享受,这个字是很生活化的,当你遇到无可挑剔的事物时,你就会脱口而出。   ——《大英字典》   Gorgeous是一种品位,Gorgeous是一种生活态度,她来源于奢华,引领着潮流。从Giorgio Armani到Louis Vuitton,从Gucci到Mont Blanc,Gorgeous伴随着这些奢华品牌的出现而散播着自身的魅力。   Gorgeous 是我们对捷豹的了解和对它热衷的一种表达方式,她传达奢华与品位的意义。Gorgeous就是捷豹,她完美的诠释了捷豹所赋予的引领潮流新奢华的理念。   任何捷豹想要与之连接,吸引并向全世界传播其品牌的要素将会是Gorgeous。
2023-06-22 06:48:091

taylor swift新歌Gorgeous百度云

2023-06-22 06:48:175


splendid 当adj时,是壮观的,豪华的;极好的或令人满意的;闪亮的;为众人所推崇的,多向别人选稿某件事非常震惊,令人欣慰的感觉;grand 当adj时,是宏大的,宏伟的;(最)重要的;豪华的;表示事物的盛大或者场面比较豪迈,比如:grand opening就表示盛大开幕;magnificent 当adj时,是壮丽的;伟大的,高尚的;华丽的,高贵的;瑰丽的,多是形容建筑物的宏伟,壮观,比如:the magnificent three Three Gorges Dam;fabulous 当adj时,是极好的,极妙的;(美貌)惊人的;寓言般的;难以置信的 多形容人的多,或者人做的事情令人感到满意;gorgeous 当adj时,是华丽的,艳丽的;极好的,称心的;美丽动人的,光彩夺目的;令人愉快...最多形容人的词汇,形容非常令人欣赏,或者令人动心的感觉。所以单纯从意思上来区分的话,是可以互换的。但是,每个词有每个词的用法习惯咯。专业英语讲师,所有内容仅供参考!原创内容,请尊重辛苦劳作!望采纳,有问题,请继续追问。谢谢!
2023-06-22 06:48:333


gorgeous称呼女性礼貌。“gorgeous”这个词汇在英语中通常用来形容女性时是有礼貌的。但是,这也取决于使用场合和语境。在日常交流中,如果用来形容一个女性的外貌、服装或风格时,这个词汇可以被认为是一种赞美和称赞。例如,如果你对一个女性说:“你今天真是太漂亮了,你的外表真是太gorgeous了!”这样的话语在英语中并不会被视为不礼貌或不适当。然而,在某些情况下,使用“gorgeous”可能会被认为是不合适的。例如,在正式场合、商业会议或某些文化中,使用这个词汇可能被认为是过于亲密或不够正式。因此,在这些情况下,更恰当的词汇可能是“beautiful”、“elegant”、“graceful”等。总之,作为一种赞美和称赞,如果在适当的语境下使用,“gorgeous”这个词汇可以被认为是礼貌的。但是,一定要注意使用场合和语境,以避免造成不必要的误解或冒犯。双语例句1、For instance,in 1957 most of the cars were gorgeous.例如,在1957年大部分的汽车都是华丽的。2、All of this in harmony with the usability of a clock and calendar,makes it a truly gorgeous decoration for your screen!所有这些与时钟和日历的实用性相协调,使它成为您屏幕上真正华丽的装饰!3、I love the architecture of the city,and there is a huge culture here.We have museums everywhere,and you can find gorgeous places on each corner.我喜欢这座城市的建筑,这里有着巨大的文化。我们到处都有博物馆,你可以在每个角落找到美丽的地方。
2023-06-22 06:48:401

Kanye West的《Gorgeous》 歌词

歌曲名:Gorgeous歌手:Kanye West专辑:My Beautiful Dark Twisted FantasyKanye West - Gorgeous (Ft. Kid Kudi & Raekwon)Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downNot for nothing I"ve forseen it, I dream itI can feel it slowly dripping away from meNo more chances if you blow this, you bogusI will never ever let you live this down, down, downPenitentiary chances, the devil dancesand eventually answers to the call of Autumnall of them fallin" for the love of ballin"got caught with 30 rocks, the cop look like Alec Baldwininter century anthems based off inner city tantrumsbased off the way we was brandedface it, Jerome get more time than Brandonand at the airport they check all through my bag and tell me that it"s randombut we stay winning, this week has been a bad massageI need a happy ending and a new beginningand a new fitted and some job opportunities thats lucrativethis the real world, homie, school finishedthey done stole your dreams, you dunno who did itI treat the cash the way the government treats AIDSI won"t be satisfied til all my n-ggas get it, get it?Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downIs hip hop, just a euphemism for a new religionthe soul music for the slaves that the youth is missingthis is more than just my road to redemptionMalcolm West had the whole nation standing at attentionas long as I"m in Polo"s they think they got mebut they would try to crack me if they ever see a black meI thought I chose a field where they couldn"t sack meif a n-gga aint running shootin a jump shot running a track meetbut this pimp is, ar the top of mount Olympusready for the World"s game, this is my Olympicswe make "em say ho cause the game is so pimpishchoke a southpark writer with a fishstickI insisted to get up offa this d-ckand these drugs, fans cant resist itremind me of when they tried to have Ali enlistedif I ever one of the greatest n-gga, I must have missed it!Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downI need more drinks and less lightsand that American Apparal girl in just tightsshe told the director she tryna get in a schoolhe said "take them glasses off and get in the pool"it"s been a while since I watched the tubecause like a crip said: "I got way too many blues for any more bad news"I was looking at my resume feeling real fresh todaythey rewrite history I don"t believe in yesterdayand what"s a black beetle anyway, a f-cking roachI guess thats why they got me sitting in f-cking coachbut God said I need a different approachcause people is looking at me like I"m sniffing cokeit aint funny anymore try dipping jokestell "em hug and kiss my ass, x and okiss the ring while they at it, do my thing while I"m got itplay strings for the dramaticand end all of that wack sh-tact like I aint had a belt in two classesI aint got it I"m going after whoever who has itI"m coming after whoever who has ityou blowing up, that"s good, fantasticthat y"all, its like that ya"llI don"t really give a f-ck about it at allcause the same people that tried to black ball meforgot about 2 things, my black ballsAin"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downI know cops, hems is lifting lenseskid, Armani suits, fresh fruits, Bally boots and Benzescounting up, smoking, one cufflive as a red Jag, a Louis bag, grabbing a blunt, f-ck itsteam about a hundred and one L"skites off the jails, buying sweats, running up in Stetsonn-gga hat game was specialit matched every black pair of Nikesthrowing dice for decimalsthe older head, bolder head, would train a soldier headmake sure he right in the field, not a soldier deadgot made code redbreak up the black skunkthe black dutch, back of the old shedif you can"t live, you dyingyou give or buy inkeep it real or keep it moving, keep grindingkeep shining, to every young man, this is a planlearn from others like your brothers Rae and KanyeNot for nothing I"ve forseen it, I dream itI can feel it slowly dripping away from meno more chances if you blow this, you bogusI will never ever let you live this down, down, downKanye West - Gorgeous (Ft. Kid Kudi & Raekwon)
2023-06-22 06:48:521


gorgeous 是形容词,它可以用来形容美女,但不能翻译成美女。 gorgeous 的本义是华丽的,灿烂的,很棒的,形容女孩的时候,可以引申为靓丽的,高贵的,炫眼的。
2023-06-22 06:49:001


2023-06-22 06:49:081

gorgeous和elegant什么区别 是不是一个清丽,一个美艳?

gorgeous比较偏美艳,华丽,壮丽,更注重的外表带来的感觉elegant 指高雅,优雅,精妙,偏内在和气质一些gorgeous还可以形容河山壮美,elegant也可以形容一些事物,如The document impressed me with its elegant simplicity...
2023-06-22 06:49:171


2023-06-22 06:49:374


2023-06-22 06:49:442


2023-06-22 06:50:031

《Gorgeous》Sunset and vine 落日的余晖 蜿蜒的藤蔓 You"ve ruined my life 与你的擦肩而过 By not being mine 彻底毁了我的生活 You"re so gorgeous 你是这么的迷人
2023-06-22 06:50:221


fabulous polar region embassy,gorgeous"s okay.
2023-06-22 06:50:313


2023-06-22 06:50:414


2023-06-22 06:50:572


2023-06-22 06:51:053

Gary Burton的《Gorgeous》 歌词

歌曲名:Gorgeous歌手:Gary Burton专辑:GenerationsKanye West - Gorgeous (Ft. Kid Kudi & Raekwon)Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downNot for nothing I"ve forseen it, I dream itI can feel it slowly dripping away from meNo more chances if you blow this, you bogusI will never ever let you live this down, down, downPenitentiary chances, the devil dancesand eventually answers to the call of Autumnall of them fallin" for the love of ballin"got caught with 30 rocks, the cop look like Alec Baldwininter century anthems based off inner city tantrumsbased off the way we was brandedface it, Jerome get more time than Brandonand at the airport they check all through my bag and tell me that it"s randombut we stay winning, this week has been a bad massageI need a happy ending and a new beginningand a new fitted and some job opportunities thats lucrativethis the real world, homie, school finishedthey done stole your dreams, you dunno who did itI treat the cash the way the government treats AIDSI won"t be satisfied til all my n-ggas get it, get it?Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downIs hip hop, just a euphemism for a new religionthe soul music for the slaves that the youth is missingthis is more than just my road to redemptionMalcolm West had the whole nation standing at attentionas long as I"m in Polo"s they think they got mebut they would try to crack me if they ever see a black meI thought I chose a field where they couldn"t sack meif a n-gga aint running shootin a jump shot running a track meetbut this pimp is, ar the top of mount Olympusready for the World"s game, this is my Olympicswe make "em say ho cause the game is so pimpishchoke a southpark writer with a fishstickI insisted to get up offa this d-ckand these drugs, fans cant resist itremind me of when they tried to have Ali enlistedif I ever one of the greatest n-gga, I must have missed it!Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downI need more drinks and less lightsand that American Apparal girl in just tightsshe told the director she tryna get in a schoolhe said "take them glasses off and get in the pool"it"s been a while since I watched the tubecause like a crip said: "I got way too many blues for any more bad news"I was looking at my resume feeling real fresh todaythey rewrite history I don"t believe in yesterdayand what"s a black beetle anyway, a f-cking roachI guess thats why they got me sitting in f-cking coachbut God said I need a different approachcause people is looking at me like I"m sniffing cokeit aint funny anymore try dipping jokestell "em hug and kiss my ass, x and okiss the ring while they at it, do my thing while I"m got itplay strings for the dramaticand end all of that wack sh-tact like I aint had a belt in two classesI aint got it I"m going after whoever who has itI"m coming after whoever who has ityou blowing up, that"s good, fantasticthat y"all, its like that ya"llI don"t really give a f-ck about it at allcause the same people that tried to black ball meforgot about 2 things, my black ballsAin"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downI know cops, hems is lifting lenseskid, Armani suits, fresh fruits, Bally boots and Benzescounting up, smoking, one cufflive as a red Jag, a Louis bag, grabbing a blunt, f-ck itsteam about a hundred and one L"skites off the jails, buying sweats, running up in Stetsonn-gga hat game was specialit matched every black pair of Nikesthrowing dice for decimalsthe older head, bolder head, would train a soldier headmake sure he right in the field, not a soldier deadgot made code redbreak up the black skunkthe black dutch, back of the old shedif you can"t live, you dyingyou give or buy inkeep it real or keep it moving, keep grindingkeep shining, to every young man, this is a planlearn from others like your brothers Rae and KanyeNot for nothing I"ve forseen it, I dream itI can feel it slowly dripping away from meno more chances if you blow this, you bogusI will never ever let you live this down, down, downKanye West - Gorgeous (Ft. Kid Kudi & Raekwon)
2023-06-22 06:52:441


2023-06-22 06:53:082


可以的,gorgeous 本身就有漂亮的意思 用法一般是这样:miss gorgeous =a gorgeous girl 你可以简写成 Ms. Gorgeous 希望能帮到你~
2023-06-22 06:53:151

gorgeous,pretty ,baeutiful 三者区别?who can tell me

gorgeous:very beautiful and attractive.非常漂亮,动人的,(程度高.) pretty:attractive without being very beautiful.标致的,动人的,不一定很漂亮. beautiful,漂亮的
2023-06-22 06:53:381

gorg是什么单词 是GORGEOUS简称

没有这个单词.最接近的词是gorge n.山峡,峡谷; 咽喉; 暴食; 障碍物 vt.使吃饱; 吞下; 使扩张 vi.狼吞虎咽,拚命吃
2023-06-22 06:53:451


2023-06-22 06:54:062


2023-06-22 06:54:266

gorgeous 4u日文平假名

2023-06-22 06:54:402

关于《SA特优生》的片头曲《Gorgeous 4u》的歌词

彗 谁にも渡したくない 强く辉いた今日の1ページ dare nimo watashi takunai tsuyoku kagayai ta kyou no ichi pe e ji 4 So we wish you. Go!Just Forever So we wish you. Go!Just Forever 纯 淡いバステルの空が awai basuteru no sora ga 竜 虹の色に染まったら niji no ironi ni soma ttara 宙 それが始まりのサイン 感じるBeat wave sorega hajimarino sain kanji ru Beat wave 4 1.2.3 Go! 1.2.3 Go! 彗 We will fly away! We will fly away! 宙 刺激的な shigekiteki na 竜 Everyday and every time Everyday and every time 彗 君と刻む kimi to kizamu 纯 今を ima wo 4 Joy to the life! Joy to the life ! 4 谁もがうらやむくらい 未来越えてゆこう daremo ga urayamukurai mirai koe teyukou 梦を称えあおう yume wo danae aou 励ましあって零れた Namida その数だけ hagemashi atte kobore ta Namida sono kazu dake 高く飞べるんだ takaku tobe runda So we wish you. Go!Just forever So we have smile! Special forever 纯 正しい答えを求めて tadashi i kotae wo motome te 竜 思うままに进んでく omou mamani susun deku 宙 それが仆らのスタイル 浴びようBeat wave sorega bokura no sutairu abi you Beat wave 4 1.2.3 GO! 1.2.3 GO! 彗 We can find out! We can find out! 宙 胜负しよう shoubu shiyou 竜 Win a game and get ahead Win a game and get ahead 彗 どんなことも donnakotomo 纯 今は ima wa 4 Joy to the life Joy to the life 4 谁より自由な爱で 未来见上げよう dare yori jiyuu na aide mirai miage you 梦を笑いあおう yume wo warai aou 抱き合い力合わせた Kizuna いつまででも daki ai chikara awa seta Kizuna itsumadedemo It"s best member So we wish you. Gorgeous forever So we have smile! Special forever 宙 信じ合える shinji ae ru 竜 Every way and everything Every way and everything 彗 君と歩く kimi to aruku jun 纯 今を ima wo 4 Joy to the life Joy to the life 4 谁にも渡したくない 强く辉いた今日の1ページ dare nimo watashi takunai tsuyoku kagayai ta kyou no ichi pe e ji 交わした仆たちだけのHimitsu どこまででも kawa shita boku tachidakeno Himitsu dokomadedemo 大切にするよ taisetsu nisuruyo So we wish you. Gorgeous forever So we have smile! Special forever
2023-06-22 06:54:483

gorgeous 的歌词 kanye west唱的。谢谢!

Kanye West – Gorgeous Lyrics[Kid Cudi]Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, downNot for nothing I"ve forseen it, I dream itI can feel it slowly dripping away from meNo more chances if you blow this, you bogusI will never ever let you live this down, down, down[Kanye West - Verse 1]Penitentiary chances, the devil dancesand eventually answers to the call of Autumnall of them fallin" for the love of ballin"got caught with 30 rocks, the cop look like Alec Baldwininter century anthems based off inner city tantrumsbased off the way we was brandedface it, Jerome get more time than Brandonand at the airport they check all through my bag and tell me that it"s randombut we stay winning, this week has been a bad massageI need a happy ending and a new beginningand a new fitted and some job opportunities thats lucrativethis the real world, homie, school finishedthey done stole your dreams, you dunno who did itI treat the cash the way the government treats AIDSI won"t be satisfied til all my n-ggas get it, get it?[Kid Cudi]Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, down[Kanye West - Verse 2]Is hip hop, just a euphemism for a new religionthe soul music for the slaves that the youth is missingthis is more than just my road to redemptionMalcolm West had the whole nation standing at attentionas long as I"m in Polo"s they think they got mebut they would try to crack me if they ever see a black meI thought I chose a field where they couldn"t sack meif a n-gga aint running shootin a jump shot running a track meetbut this pimp is, ar the top of mount Olympusready for the World"s game, this is my Olympicswe make ‘em say ho cause the game is so pimpishchoke a southpark writer with a fishstickI insisted to get up offa this d-ckand these drugs, fans cant resist itremind me of when they tried to have Ali enlistedif I ever one of the greatest n-gga, I must have missed it![Kid Cudi]Ain"t no question if I want it, I need itI can feel it slowly drifting away from meI"m on the edge, so why you playing? I"m sayingI will never ever let you live this down, down, down[Kanye West - Verse 3]I need more drinks and less lightsand that American Apparal girl in just tightsshe told the director she tryna get in a schoolhe said “take them glasses off and get in the pool”it"s been a while since I watched the tubecause like a crip set, I got way too many blues for anymore bad newsI was looking at my resume feeling real fresh todaythey rewrite history I don"t believe in yesterdayand what"s a black beetle anyway, a f-cking roachI guess thats why they got me sitting in f-cking coachbut God said I need a different approachcause people is looking at me like I"m sniffing cokeit aint funny anymore try dipping jokestell ‘em hug and kiss my ass, x and okiss the ring while they at it, do my thing while I"m got itplay strings for the dramaticand end all of that wack sh-tact like I aint had a belt in two classesI aint got it I"m going after whoever who has itI"m coming after whoever who has ityou blowing up, that"s good, fantasticthat y"all, its like that ya"llI don"t really give a f-ck about it at allcause the same people that tried to black ball meforgot about 2 things, my black balls[Kid Cudi - Chorus][Raekwon]I know cops, hems is lifting lenseskid, Armani suits, fresh fruits, Bally boots and Benzescounting up, smoking, one cufflive as a red Jag, a Louis bag, grabbing a blunt, f-ck itsteam about a hundred and one L"skites off the jails, buying sweats, running up in Stetsonn-gga hat game was specialit matched every black pair of Nikesthrowing dice for decimalsthe older head, bolder head, would train a soldier headmake sure he right in the field, not a soldier deadgot made code redbreak up the black skunkthe black dutch, back of the old shedif you can"t live, you dyingyou give or buy inkeep it real or keep it moving, keep grindingkeep shining, to every young man, this is a planlearn from others like your brothers Rae and Kanye[Kid Cudi]Not for nothing I"ve forseen it, I dream itI can feel it slowly dripping away from meno more chances if you blow this, you bogusI will never ever let you live this down, down, down
2023-06-22 06:55:081


意思是 太棒了;完美
2023-06-22 06:55:203

gorgeous ; average ; cowardice ; 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-06-22 06:55:305

gorgeous ; average ; cowardice ; 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-06-22 06:55:485


2023-06-22 06:56:074

霉霉新歌叫高洁丝原因 泰勒斯威夫特新歌Gorgeous有什么含义

2023-06-22 06:56:261


开玩笑吗 gorgeous不可以形容男的?别误导人家
2023-06-22 06:56:364


gorgeous就是华丽的意思 加在一起就是夸你美丽 漂亮 英俊 潇洒 比较炫目
2023-06-22 06:56:432

you are gorgeous什么意思

gorgeous一般形容女孩的,漂亮的意思 you are gorgeous你真是太漂亮了!
2023-06-22 06:56:541


2023-06-22 06:57:051

华丽 ,用英文怎么说

2023-06-22 06:57:147

catholic ; aluminum ; gorgeous 这英语用谐音怎么读?

2023-06-22 06:57:311


2023-06-22 06:57:551

了不起的盖茨比 一个句子翻译 Gatsby indicated a gorgeous, scaresly human orchid of a woman ...

2023-06-22 06:58:482


2023-06-22 06:58:574