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Feel Good 的歌词gorillaz唱的

2023-06-22 09:25:45

City"s breaking down on a camel"s back,

They just have to go "cause they don"t know wack,

So all you fill the streets it"s appealing to see,

You wont get undercounted, "cos damn ass free,

You"ve got a new horizon its ephemeral style,

A melancholy town where we never smile,

And all I wanna hear is the message beep,

My dreams, they"ve got to kissin, because I dont get sleep, no..

[Chorus]Windmill, Windmill for the land,

Turn forever hand in hand,

Take it all in on your stride,

It is ticking, falling down,

Love forever love is free,

Let"s turn forever you and me,

Windmill, windmill for the land,

Is everybody in?

Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats,

Lining them up-a like ass cracks,

Lay these ponies at the track,

Its my chocolate attack,

Shoot, I"m stepping in hotter this year,

Care bear reppin" it"s harder this year,

Watch me as I gravitate


Yo, we going to go ghost town,

This motown,

With yo sound, you in the blink,

You"re in the place,

Going to bite the dust,

Cant fight with us,

With yo sound,

You kill the INC,

So dont stop, get it, get it,

Until you"re cheddar header,

And watch the way I navigate,



Don"t stop, get it, get it,

We are your captains in it,

(Feel good) Steady,

Watch me navigate,


(Feel good)X2

Sh-Shake it, shake it,

Feel good.(X4)




Gorillaz是支虚拟卡通动画Hip-Hop/Punk摇滚乐团,Gorillaz的4个虚构成员包括:聪明乐观的酷哥团长兼吉他手Murdoc,身材修长颓废迷人的帅哥主唱2D,嘻哈黑人大老粗鼓手Russel,以及聪慧可爱的贝司手Noodle 。 Blur乐队的主唱DamonAlbarn和漫画大师JamieHewlett在这支乐队的诞生过程中起到了核心的作用。Gorillaz的制作过程是这样的,首先由Damon操刀创作出音乐的部分,当完成一些小样之后,Jamie 来聆听并从中提取灵感,来构思设计每个乐队人物。当乐队人物形象设计完毕之后,再去编写每个人背后的故事。音乐,正是 Gorillaz的导航灯。 乐队融合了Rock、Reggae(一种起源于牙买加的音乐风格)、Hip-Hop 、Lo-Fi等音乐元素,加上慵懒的唱腔,适度的颓废和有些天真的调皮,天马行空的无拘无束,使Gorillaz的音乐充满了奇特的魅力。首张同名专辑《Gorillaz》热销欧美,单曲《ClintEastwood 》更是被评为年度最有影响力的单曲之一。而2005年发行的第二张专辑《Demon Days》则是一张带有英国风味的嘻哈唱片。
2023-06-22 06:07:282

Gorillaz 怎么读?

Gorillaz[ g05"ril05s ]是gorilla的变体gorillaKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 大猩猩2. (俚)暴徒,打手The gang boss brings his gorillas with him everywhere he goes.那帮派头目无论到哪儿都带着他的一群打手。乐队中文翻译为:街头霸王
2023-06-22 06:07:351

如何评价 Gorillaz 这个另类摇滚乐队

知道Gorillaz的人不少,在意的很少。Feel Good Inc谁都听过,但身边没有几个人真的去关注这个乐队。简单说一下它给我的几点感受。一,绝对的超时代未来感和迷幻感。整个乐队的理念,设定到颓废慵懒的电子音,甚至是对专辑歌曲把控的概念,都超前当年成立时间更甚现在很多年。明明背后的主创名气惊人,却选择隐藏在幕后让几个虚构并具备鲜明特点的动画人物活跃起来。MV是动画片吧,却把二维和三维结合在一起,亦真亦假,行事诡异又新奇。歌曲里是数不尽的新花样和让人迷迷昏昏的电子音,常有歌曲不停重复几个单词但绝不枯燥反而十分入耳。专辑里总有那么几首歌根本没人声参与,看起来更像是一段创意展示,或者Damon Albarn心照不宣地炫技。Gorillaz的问世改变的不仅是乐队的概念,更是音乐的概念。二,独特的商业技巧。Blur当年未能成功打入美国,Gorillaz却火遍大江南北。每个虚拟的乐队人物都有完整而详细的故事,吸引的不仅仅是青少年的目光,更有打破成年人固定思维的出挑。Jamie Hewlett创造的四位人物都不在正常审美范围内,但靠背景故事塑造的新奇感和魅力无疑是一个极大的噱头。加上独树一帜的音乐风格,Gorillaz的成功完全在意料之内。三,音乐真的很好听。有些也许不能完全接受,但有些歌无比无比惊艳。在Gorillaz里的Damon唱腔慵懒颓然,个人觉得比他在其他主业副业里的声线都要更加性感。专辑的整体性连贯性无与伦比,无论在MV里还是歌曲里都一样。忍住了推荐歌单的手,希望有兴趣的人真能来像我要歌单。还是想推荐个人最爱Rhinestone Eyes,好听到淋淋哭泣。最后,14年的时候就说要发新专辑现在又说17年才能准备好。抠脚等。
2023-06-22 06:07:421

Gorillaz的《19-2000》 歌词

歌曲名:19-2000歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Gorillaz19/2000GorillazIt"s the music that we chooseIt"s the music that we chooseIt"s the music that we chooseIt"s the music that we chooseThe world is spinning too fastI"m buying lead Nike shoesTo keep myself tetheredTo the days I try to loseMy mama said to slow downYou should make your shoesStart dancing to the musicOf Gorillaz in a happy moodKeep a mild groove onDay doo dee bop(It"s the music that we choose)Day doo dee bop(Keep a mild groove on)There you go!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!There"s a monkey in the jungleWatching a vapour trailCaught up in the conflictBetween his brain and his tail(ba ba ba)And if time"s eliminationThen we got nothing to losePlease repeat the messageIt"s the music that we chooseKeep a mild groove onDay doo dee bop(It"s the music that we choose)Day doo dee bop(Keep a mild groove on)Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Day doo dee bopBa ba baDay doo dee bop(It"s the music that we choose)Day doo dee bop(Keep a mild groove on)OK bring it down yeah we gonna break outGet the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!Get the cool!Get the cool shoe shine!(It"s the music that we choose)
2023-06-22 06:07:502


几位成员虽是卡通人物,但都具有自己的性格特征: 乐队成员:ChakaKhan 主唱-2D出生地-Crawley年龄-29岁(1977) 修长颓废迷人的帅哥主唱2D-擅长弹奏键盘的2D在人群中总是最沉默的一位,然而他因失明造成所深不可测的黑洞眼神却散发着强烈迷人的神秘气味,吸引了众多女性歌迷的目光,甚至还出现了他的后援会,在网络上成立了"Love 2 Deep爱太深"的歌迷专属网站。 特征-双目瞎盲的黑色眼球与刺猬般的冲冠怒发 嗜好-收集波霸美女图. 音乐影响-ButorphanolTartrate止痛剂、英伦电子流行名团人类联盟(HumanLeague) 主唱PhilOakey、恐怖电影名导LucioFulci 乐队成员:Noodle 吉他手-小面出生地-日本大阪年龄-17岁(1991) 捉狭可爱的亚裔妹妹吉他手Noodle-年仅16岁的东洋小妹Noodle总是带着内建收音机的流行盔帽,充满神秘东方气息的她虽然只会讲一句英文「Noodle」,但吉他技巧与拳脚功夫可是十分了得。更神奇的是,她还有上乘的中国拳脚功夫。 特征-一双永远睁不开的丹凤眼 嗜好-收集飞天小女警、电子鸡、口袋怪兽、溜溜球玩具 音乐影响-日本徘句、老子、BonJovi吉他手RichieSambora 乐队成员:Murdoc 团长/贝斯手-魔头出生地-英国特伦河畔的制陶中心斯托克(流行天王罗比威廉斯幼时玩伴)年龄-42岁(1966.6.6.) 聪明乐观的酷哥贝斯手Murdoc-不修边幅的他其实是Gorillaz中心思最为缜密敏锐的团长, 以自修方式练就而成优异贝斯弹奏技巧和写歌制作功力,更使他成为主宰全团的舵手。 而身为Gorillaz发言人的他,歌迷也可从中感受到他目中无人的主宰霸气。 特征-满口毒蛇般的绿牙与一双红色的阴阳眼 嗜好-捧扁阿D 音乐影响-BlackSabbath、Dub音乐、海滩男孩鼓手DennisWilson及最崇拜的偶像-撒旦 乐队成员:Russel 鼓手-洛胖出生地-美国纽约州年龄-33岁(1975) 嘻哈黑人大老粗鼓手Russell-玩得一手好鼓,更是崇尚Hip-Hop和Rap等黑人文化, 不过曾接受过贵族学校良好的知识与行为养成教育的他,其待人接物彬彬有礼、言谈举止温文儒雅也让许多女性友人从他稳重的性格感受到浮华生活的真实安全感。 特征-过度惊吓导致两眼眼球翻白 嗜好-健身和吃(目前是伦敦市郊“卡洛里多功能有氧健身中心”的老板) 音乐影响-倡导“伊斯兰国度”的黑人种族主义牧师LouisFarrakhan、R&B灵魂女伶 详细介绍因为他们每次出现都是以卡通形式,如MV,即使是演唱会都是动画和木偶,这都是我见过的,很少有人看到真人(几乎没有),但有一次我在贴吧上看到过一次,那里面可能有亚洲人,长得都不怎么样。
2023-06-22 06:07:571


2023-06-22 06:08:051


orillaz是支虚拟卡通动画Hip-Hop/Punk摇滚乐团,Gorillaz的4个虚构成员包括:聪明乐观的酷哥团长兼吉他手Murdoc,身材修长颓废迷人的帅哥主唱2D,嘻哈黑人大老粗鼓手Russel,以及聪慧可爱的贝司手Noodle 。Blur乐队的主唱DamonAlbarn和漫画大师JamieHewlett在这支乐队的诞生过程中起到了核心的作用。Gorillaz的制作过程是这样的,首先由Damon操刀创作出音乐的部分,当完成一些小样之后,Jamie 来聆听并从中提取灵感,来构思设计每个乐队人物。当乐队人物形象设计完毕之后,再去编写每个人背后的故事。音乐,正是 Gorillaz的导航灯。乐队融合了Rock、Reggae(一种起源于牙买加的音乐风格)、Hip-Hop 、Lo-Fi等音乐元素,加上慵懒的唱腔,适度的颓废和有些天真的调皮,天马行空的无拘无束,使Gorillaz的音乐充满了奇特的魅力。首张同名专辑《Gorillaz》热销欧美,单曲《ClintEastwood 》更是被评为年度最有影响力的单曲之一。而2005年发行的第二张专辑《Demon Days》则是一张带有英国风味的嘻哈唱片。
2023-06-22 06:08:121


2023-06-22 06:08:193

gorillaz 读法

2023-06-22 06:08:275


街头霸王 (或是摇滚猩猩 这个太土了) 具体的上面介绍的挺多的了 他们影响力挺大的 上回出新碟中央台中午新闻里都有. 不过blur更棒~呵呵
2023-06-22 06:08:402

Gorillaz 这个乐队定义一下到底他们是什么流派的音乐啊?

主要为音乐的曲风为Hip-Hop, Alternative Pop/Rock, Alternative Rap,当中某些曲子还揉合了牙买加的 reggae、古巴传统情歌以至英伦punk rock,虚拟乐队
2023-06-22 06:08:591

求gorillaz 的的中文歌词 要中英对照的

I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad  我很开心,我感到快乐  I got sunshine, in a bag  我在一个带子里得到了阳光  I"m useless,but not for long  我很没用,但不会太久  The future is coming on  未来将要来临了  I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad  I got sunshine, in a bag  I"m useless, but not for long  The future is coming on  It"s coming on  It"s coming on  It"s coming on  快来临了×3  Yeah... Ha Ha! 耶~哈哈  Finally someone let me out of my cage  最后有人把我放出了牢笼  Now, time for me is nothing cos I"m counting no age  现在,时间对我来说什么也不是,因为我没有年龄了  Now I couldn"t be there  现在我无法在那里  Now you shouldn"t be scared  现在你不用太恐惧  I"m good at repairs  我很擅长修理  And I"m under each snare  我在每一个陷阱之下  Intangible  难以明白的  Bet you didn"t think so I command you to  我打赌你不这么认为,我命令你  Panoramic view  看仔细  Look I"ll make it all manageable  看,我将把它变容易。  Pick and choose  拿起来然后选择  Sit and lose  放下然后失去  All you different crews  你们所有这群与我不同的人  Chicks and dudes  是小鸡,是无能的人  Who you think is really kickin" tunes?  你认为谁是真正在唱歌的人?  Picture you gettin" down in a picture tube  把你画下来放进画管中  Like you lit the fuse  就好像你把熔断丝弄亮了  You think it"s fictional  你认为这是虚构的  Mystical? Maybe  迷信的?或许吧。  Spiritual  从精神的角度来看  Hearable  能听到的  What appears in you is a clearer view cos you"re too crazy  你内心会出现一个更清澈的视野,因为你太疯狂了。  Lifeless  失去了生命  To know the definition for what life is  才知道生命的定义是什么  Priceless For you  没有价值了 对你来说  because I put you on the hype shit  因为我把你放在hype(噱头??)上,狗屎!  You like it?  你喜欢吗?  Gunsmokin" righteous with one token  枪口的烟雾代表了正义  Psychic among those  Possess you with one go  (烟雾中的)女巫把你带走  I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad  I got sunshine, in a bag  I"m useless,but not for long  The future is coming on  I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad  I got sunshine, in a bag  I"m useless, but not for long  The future is coming on  It"s coming on  It"s coming on  It"s coming on  The essence the basics  本质,基础  Without it you make it  没有它们你也做到了  Allow me to make this  允许我制造这  Childlike in nature Rhythm  孩童般的旋律  You have it or you don"t that"s a fallacy  你拥有它,或者你不知道那是个谬论  I"m in them  我在他们之中  Every sprouting tree  每一棵发芽的树  Every child apiece  每一个小孩子  Every cloud you see  每一朵你看见的云  You see with your eyes  你用自己的眼睛去看  I see destruction and demise  我看到毁灭和死亡  Corruption in disguise  腐朽中的虚伪  From this fuckin" enterprise  从这个TMD企业??  Now I"m sucking to your lies  现在我正吸食你的谎言  Through Russ, though not his muscles but the  percussion he provides with me as a guide  通过罗素,不是他的躯体而是他向我提供的作为我的向导的敲击。  But y"all can see me now cos you don"t see with your eye  但你可以看见我了,因为你不再用眼睛去看  You perceive with your mind  你用思想去感受  That"s the inner  那就是内心  So I"m gonna stick around with Russ and be a mentor  所以我要黏在罗素身边当一个良师  Bust a few rhymes so mother fuckers  打破一些太TM不÷烂的规矩。  Remember where the thought is I brought all this  记住我是从哪里带来的这些想法  So you can survive when law is lawless  然后你就能在天下大乱时生还  Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead  你原以为已死去的感觉  No squealing, remember  不要尖叫,记住  (that it"s all in your head)  那是你头脑中所有的东西
2023-06-22 06:09:121


左下:Noodle 她就是那个女性角色,吉他及键盘手,来自日本左上:魔头(Murdoc Niccals)团长兼贝斯手右下:Russel Hobbs 鼓手,来自纽约右上:2D 主唱他们的具体资料百度百科里面有哦,可以参考下只是觉得百科里面有些地方写错了,比如他们的国籍不应该是美国,应该是英国,创立这个虚拟乐队的人Damon Albarn 和Jamie Hewlett,两个都是英国人。他们的歌我听的不多,印象中比较喜欢的是Gorillaz -Last Living SoulsGorillaz - Get The Cool Shoe Shine你听下吧~其他有什么问题,楼主可以追问,满意的话就请尽快采纳,免得我的回答又被莫名删掉,查的辛苦,却被某些人不劳而获(吐槽下下)
2023-06-22 06:09:191

Gorillaz的《DARE》 歌词

歌曲名:DARE歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Demon DaysGorillaz - DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DAREIt"s DAREYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it outNever did no harmNever did no harmIt"s DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DAREIt"s DAREYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it outNever did no harmNever did no harmIt"s DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DARENever did no harmNever did no harmIt"s DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DAREYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it outYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it out
2023-06-22 06:09:281

Gorillaz的《Re-Hash》 歌词

歌曲名:Re-Hash歌手:Gorillaz专辑:GorillazRe HashGorillazIt"s a sweet sensation, over the darkOh what a situation, we don"t want to stopIt"s a trust for soul boy, over the darkWith the sweetest inspiration, we dont"t wat to stop"cause it"s the money or stop (x8)It"s a sweet sensation, over the darkOh what a situation, we don"t want to stopIt"s a trust for soul boy, over the darkWith the sweetest inspiration, we dont"t wat to stopIt"s the money or stop....
2023-06-22 06:09:341

Gorillaz的《To Binge》 歌词

歌曲名:To Binge歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Plastic BeachGorillaz - To BingeWaiting by the mailbox, by the trainPassin" by the hills "til I hear the nameI"m looking for a saw to cut these chains in half and all I want isSomeone to rely on asThunder comes a rolling downSomeone to rely on asLightning comes a staring in againI"ll wait to be forgivenMaybe I never willMy star has left meTo take the bitter pillThat shattered feelingWell the cause of it"s a lesson learnedJust don"t know if I could roll into the sea again"Just don"t know if I could do it all again" she said, it"s trueWaiting in my room and i lock the doorI watch the coloured animals across the floorAnd im looking from a distanceAnd im listening to the whispersAnd oh it aint the same, when your falling out of feeling and yourFalling in and caught againIm caught again in the mysteryYour by my side, but are you still with me?The answers somewhere deep in it, im sorry but your feeling itBut i just have to tell that i love you so much these daysHave to tell you that i love you so much these days, its trueMy heart is in economyDue to this autonomyRolling in and caught againCaught againMy heart is in economyDue to this autonomyRolling in and caught againCaught again
2023-06-22 06:09:411


该词其实是DJ神曲《苏喂苏喂苏喂》里面的歌词,并没有什么实质性的意思,由于这首DJ相当洗脑,听到它的节奏就会忍不住摇摆起来,所以现在普遍来理解“苏喂苏喂苏喂”就是跟着节奏摇起来的意思。歌词填词小精灵谱曲小精灵苏喂苏喂苏喂演唱枫宇辰Telling the truth telling me lies告诉我实话和谎言I can"t handle it you gotta decide我不能处理你必须决定Give me a hug give me a kiss给我一个拥抱一个吻There"s no way back one time you started like this你一这样就无法挽回Take me away take me away带我走带我走We leave this planet no more need to stay我们离开这个星球不再回来Take me away don"t wait for the day带我走不要再等So in the night light we will shine and play在夜晚的灯光下发光游玩Take me away take me away带我走带我走用法:有时候对于一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事小争论,不想回答就苏喂苏喂,摇完就了事,而今晚苏喂自然就是相约一起嗨的意思。《苏喂苏喂苏喂》是枫宇辰演唱的英语歌曲,收录在2016年11月19日发行的专辑《苏荷 Mash Up》中。该歌曲在网络中走红。
2023-06-22 06:09:511

gorillaz的feel good中文歌词

City"s breaking down on a camel"s back,城市在骆驼的背上折断,They just have to go "cause they don"t know wack,他们去只是因为他们不知道怪人,So all you fill the streets it"s appealing to see,因此,所有你填充的街道上,它的吸引力看到,You wont get undercounted, "cos damn ass free,也不会有人管,因为你的自由,You"ve got a new horizon its ephemeral style,你有一个新的地平线,它的短暂的风格,A melancholy town where we never smile,一个我们从未微笑的忧郁小镇,And all I wanna hear is the message beep,所有我想听到的是信息的“,My dreams, they"ve got to kissin, because I dont get sleep, no..我的梦想,他们要亲吻,因为我不睡觉,不。[Chorus]Windmill, Windmill for the land,[合唱]风车,风车的土地,Turn forever hand in hand,永远手牵手,Take it all in on your stride,把这一切都放在你的大步,It is ticking, falling down,它滴答滴答,落下,Love forever love is free,爱永恒的爱是自由的,Let"s turn forever you and me,让我们永远的你和我,Windmill, windmill for the land,风车,风车的土地,Is everybody in?大家都在吗?Laughing gas these hazmats, fast cats,笑气这些危险品,快速的猫,Lining them up-a like ass cracks,他们喜欢屁股裂缝-李宁,Lay these ponies at the track,把这些小马在赛道,Its my chocolate attack,我的巧克力攻击,Shoot, I"m stepping in hotter this year,拍,我是在今年更热,Care bear reppin" it"s harder this year,小熊reppin难上加难今年,Watch me as I gravitate看我,我会Hahahahahahaa.hahahahahahaa。Yo, we going to go ghost town,哟,我们去鬼镇,This motown,这个汽车城,With yo sound, you in the blink,带着悠悠的声音,你在闪烁,You"re in the place,你在这个地方,Going to bite the dust,去咬灰尘,Cant fight with us,不能和我们打架,With yo sound,有哟声音,You kill the INC,你杀死了公司,So dont stop, get it, get it,所以不要停止,得到它,得到它,Until you"re cheddar header,直到你的切达干酪头,And watch the way I navigate,观看我的方式导航,Hahahahahhahahah![Chorus][合唱]Don"t stop, get it, get it,不要停止,得到它,得到它,We are your captains in it,我们是你们的船长,(Feel good) Steady,(感觉良好)稳定,Watch me navigate,看我导航,Ahahahahahhaa,(Feel good)X2(感觉良好)X2Sh-Shake it, shake it,她摇了摇,摇了摇,Feel good.(X4)感觉很好。(X4)Ahahahahahahahahaha......
2023-06-22 06:10:453


“苏喂苏喂”出自英国虚拟卡通乐队Gorillaz与美国嘻哈组合De La Soul合作的歌曲《Feel Good Inc.》。《FeelGoodInc.》歌曲原唱:Gorillaz、DeLaSoul;填词:Gorillaz、大卫·乔里科,谱曲:Gorillaz、大卫·乔里科歌词City"sbreakingdownonacamel"sback城市像骆驼一样崩溃了Theyjusthavetogo"causetheydon"tknowwhack他们得走了因为他们不知道怎么回事Soallyoufillthestreetsit"sappealingtosee所以你满街都是吸引人的地方Youwon"tgetoutthecounty,"causeyou"rebadandfree你不会离开这个郡,因为你是个坏人,而且是自由的You"vegotanewhorizonIt"sephemeralstyle你有了一个新的视野这是昙花一现的风格Amelancholytownwhereweneversmile一个我们从不微笑的忧郁小镇AndallIwanttohearisthemessagebeep我只想听到哔哔声Mydreams,they"vegottokiss,becauseIdon"tgetsleep,no我的梦,他们必须接吻,因为我睡不着觉,不是吗Windmill,Windmillfortheland风车,土地的风车Learnforeverhandinhand携手永远学习Takeitallinonyourstride全力以赴Itisstinking,fallingdown很臭,掉下来了Loveforeverloveisfree爱是永恒的爱是自由的Let"sturnforeveryouandme让我们永远转向你和我Windmill,windmillfortheland风车,风车为地Iseverybodyin?大家都在吗?Laughinggasthesehazmats,fastcats笑气这些危险品,快猫Liningthemup-alikeasscracks把他们排成一排,就像屁股上的裂缝Ladies,homies,atthetrack女士们,伙计们,在跑道上It"smychocolateattack这是我的巧克力攻击Shit,I"msteppingintheheartofthishere妈的,我要踩到这里的心脏了Carebearbumpingintheheartofthishere关心熊在这里的心脏颠簸WatchmeasIgravitate,hahaha哈哈,看着我Yo,wegonnagoghosttown哟,我们要去鬼城了ThisMotown,withyosound这个摩托城,有悠悠的声音You"reintheplace你在那个地方Yougonnabitethedust你要咬牙切齿吗Can"tfightwithus不能和我们打架Withyosound,youkilltheINC有了你的声音,你就杀了公司Sodon"tstop,getit,getit所以不要停下来,明白,明白Untilyou"recheddarheader直到你成为切达队长Yo,watchthewayInavigate,hahaha哟,看着我的航向,哈哈哈Windmill,windmillfortheland风车,土地的风车Turnforeverhandinhand永远携手并进Takeitallinonyourstride大踏步地接受这一切Itisstinking,fallingdown它很臭,掉下来了Loveforeverloveisfree爱永远爱是自由的Let"sturnforeveryouandme让我们永远转向你和我Windmill,windmillfortheland风车,风车为地Iseverybodyin?大家都进来了吗?扩展资料:《FeelGoodInc.》是英国虚拟卡通乐队Gorillaz与美国嘻哈组合DeLaSoul合作的歌曲,由Gorillaz乐队和大卫·乔里科等负责音乐创作。歌曲被收录在Gorillaz第二张录音室专辑《DemonDays》,于2005年5月作为专辑的首支单曲发行。《FeelGoodInc.》同其它街头霸王乐队的作品一样,精良的制作配上简单轻松但卓有成效的词曲。街头霸王乐队将达蒙·阿尔本的忧郁英伦摇滚风和DeLaSoul的摆头式嘻哈的结合“走私”到了主流音乐市场之中。而歌曲中的笑声则增添了一丝动漫的感觉和神秘感。歌曲以E小调为主,节拍设置为每分钟134次,演唱者的声域位于D4和F#5之间。
2023-06-22 06:10:521


《猴:西游记》 MONKEY:Journey To The West 专辑曲目: 1. Monkey"s World 2. Monkey Travels 3. Into the Eastern Sea 4. The Living Sea 5. The Dragon King 6. Iron Rod 7. Out of the Eastern Sea 8. Heavenly Peach Banquet 9. Battle in Heaven 10. O Mi To Fu 11. Whisper 12. Tripitaka"s Curse 13. Confessions of a Pig 14. Sandy the River Demon 15. March of the Volunteers 16. The White Skeleton Demon 17. Monk"s Song 18. I love Buddha 19. March of the Iron Army 20. Pigsy in Space 21. Monkey Bee 22. Disappearing Volcano
2023-06-22 06:11:202

Gorillaz的《People》 歌词

歌曲名:People歌手:Gorillaz专辑:DarePigmich"s ProducedPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their groundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their ground(Oh yeah!)He dreams of the topYou will be over the edgeIf you get it on sideYou"ll be taking ditchYou"ll be loving our loveBut you don"t know whyIt"s the term of the daySo we never exciteYour heart isn"t thereSo you might as well say:"I know it, I got it,but I know that time will set me together"People, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing a their groundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing a their ground(Oh yeah!)He dreams of the topYou will be over the edgeIf you get it on sideYou"ll be taking ditchYou"ll be loving our loveBut you don"t know whyIt"s the term of the daySo we never exciteYour heart isn"t thereSo you might as well say:"I know it, I got it,but I know that time will set me together"People, people, everybody peopleEverybody making soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their groundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their ground(Oh yeah!)
2023-06-22 06:11:271

Gorillaz的《Broken》 歌词

歌曲名:Broken歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Plastic BeachGorillaz - BrokenDistant starsCome in black or redI"ve seen their worldsInside my headThey connectWith the fall of manThey breathe you inAnd dive as deep as they canThere"s nothing you can do for themThey are the force betweenWhen the sunlight is arisingThere"s nothing you can say to himHe is an outer heartAnd the space has been brokenBrokenOur loveBrokenOur loveBrokenIs it far away in the Glitter FreezeOr in our eyesEvery time they leaveIt"s by the lightOf the plasma springsWe keep switched onAll through the night while we sleepThere"s nothing you can do for themThey are the force betweenWhen the sunlight is arisingThere"s nothing you can say to herI am without a heartAnd the space has been brokenBrokenOur loveBroken (Repeat)
2023-06-22 06:11:341


音乐风格主要为音乐的曲风为Hip-Hop,Alternative Pop/Rock,Alternative Rap,当中某些曲子还揉合了牙买加的 reggae、古巴传统情歌以至英伦punk rock
2023-06-22 06:11:431

Gorillaz乐队的 Dirty Harry歌词中文翻译

2023-06-22 06:11:573


2023-06-22 06:12:055

Gorillaz的《Demon Days》 歌词

歌名:Demon Days歌手:GorillazIn demon days, it"s cold insideYou don"t get nobody, people sighIt"s so bad, lasting far, but love yourselfHiding in a hole in thereAll the glasses are too bigBring it back, got to hold it backTo let you do that yet you don"t want me backBefore it fall down, falling down falling downFalling out to go far from the sunWell these demon days are so cold insideIt"s so hard to live, and so to surviveYou can"t even trust the air you breatheCause Mother Earth has a soul to leaveWhen lies become realityYou love yourself because it"s easyPick yourself up it"s a brand new daySo turn yourself roundDon"t burn yourself, turn yourselfTurn yourself around to the sunTo the sun, to the sunTo the sun, to the sun
2023-06-22 06:12:181

Gorillaz的Hong Kong歌词翻译

2023-06-22 06:12:382

求gorillaz 的的中文歌词 要中英对照的拜托各位了 3Q

I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad 我很开心,我感到快乐 I got sunshine, in a bag 我在一个带子里得到了阳光 I"m useless,but not for long 我很没用,但不会太久 The future is coming on 未来将要来临了 I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long The future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on 快来临了×3 Yeah... Ha Ha! 耶~哈哈 Finally someone let me out of my cage 最后有人把我放出了牢笼 Now, time for me is nothing cos I"m counting no age 现在,时间对我来说什么也不是,因为我没有年龄了 Now I couldn"t be there 现在我无法在那里 Now you shouldn"t be scared 现在你不用太恐惧 I"m good at repairs 我很擅长修理 And I"m under each snare 我在每一个陷阱之下 Intangible 难以明白的 Bet you didn"t think so I command you to 我打赌你不这么认为,我命令你 Panoramic view 看仔细 Look I"ll make it all manageable 看,我将把它变容易。 Pick and choose 拿起来然后选择 Sit and lose 放下然后失去 All you different crews 你们所有这群与我不同的人 Chicks and dudes 是小鸡,是无能的人 Who you think is really kickin" tunes? 你认为谁是真正在唱歌的人? Picture you gettin" down in a picture tube 把你画下来放进画管中 Like you lit the fuse 就好像你把熔断丝弄亮了 You think it"s fictional 你认为这是虚构的 Mystical? Maybe 迷信的?或许吧。 Spiritual 从精神的角度来看 Hearable 能听到的 What appears in you is a clearer view cos you"re too crazy 你内心会出现一个更清澈的视野,因为你太疯狂了。 Lifeless 失去了生命 To know the definition for what life is 才知道生命的定义是什么 Priceless For you 没有价值了 对你来说 because I put you on the hype shit 因为我把你放在hype(噱头??)上,狗屎! You like it? 你喜欢吗? Gunsmokin" righteous with one token 枪口的烟雾代表了正义 Psychic among those Possess you with one go (烟雾中的)女巫把你带走 I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless,but not for long The future is coming on I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long The future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on The essence the basics 本质,基础 Without it you make it 没有它们你也做到了 Allow me to make this 允许我制造这 Childlike in nature Rhythm 孩童般的旋律 You have it or you don"t that"s a fallacy 你拥有它,或者你不知道那是个谬论 I"m in them 我在他们之中 Every sprouting tree 每一棵发芽的树 Every child apiece 每一个小孩子 Every cloud you see 每一朵你看见的云 You see with your eyes 你用自己的眼睛去看 I see destruction and demise 我看到毁灭和死亡 Corruption in disguise 腐朽中的虚伪 From this fuckin" enterprise 从这个TMD企业?? Now I"m sucking to your lies 现在我正吸食你的谎言 Through Russ, though not his muscles but the percussion he provides with me as a guide 通过罗素,不是他的躯体而是他向我提供的作为我的向导的敲击。 But y"all can see me now cos you don"t see with your eye 但你可以看见我了,因为你不再用眼睛去看 You perceive with your mind 你用思想去感受 That"s the inner 那就是内心 So I"m gonna stick around with Russ and be a mentor 所以我要黏在罗素身边当一个良师 Bust a few rhymes so mother fuckers 打破一些太TM不÷烂的规矩。 Remember where the thought is I brought all this 记住我是从哪里带来的这些想法 So you can survive when law is lawless 然后你就能在天下大乱时生还 Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead 你原以为已死去的感觉 No squealing, remember 不要尖叫,记住 (that it"s all in your head) 那是你头脑中所有的东西 I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long The future is coming on I ain"t happy, I"m feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I"m useless, but not for long My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future is coming on It"s coming on It"s coming on My future麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-22 06:12:561


2023-06-22 06:13:044

The Sounder (Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:The Sounder (Edit)歌手:Gorillaz专辑:G-SidesYou couldn"t escape this music even if your name"s HoudiniOur tracks say Life, Phi Life and don"t disappear like a genieCommunicating through your airwaves like a giant C.B.Cos this one"s for your radios or whether you receive meOur music is so hot it feels like the sun in TahitiWe wickedy-wock Gorillaz style is buck wild believe meWe"re heavy weights who phase ya, like Ali did with FrasierWe spit the most flavour, and musically we"ll amaze youWe"ve been blessed and we"ve been gifted, by Jesus in his mangerWon"t you shout halleluiah, here comes the music saviourFrom your heart to your mind, your spirits to your soulsWe"ve come to take control, with the Gorillaz on patrolSee our rhymes possess the powers of a super heroSupernaturally we rock the mic but with a natural flowIf you didn"t know before, you know now we told you soGorillaz rock it on just like the one in TokyoDamon Albarn Chorus...Cos we"re making this music that"s making you lose itSo people don"t abuse it, and there ain"t no way for you to refuse itGorillaz be the army that"s starting this party hardMaking more noise than carnivals mixed with the Mardi-GradiWe"re coming through your town with this sound that"s so profoundGorillaz with the rappers that straight from the undergroundWe"re tearing it down, making you feel this sort of forceKnocking it into your senses and knocking you off your courseCos we"re the source, got your feeling that"s so appealingWe got you jumping around and bouncing off of the ceilingMaking music and feeling from Baltimore into BristolI know you"re hearing me cos my voice is clearer than crystalThe casual supernatural flows I be exposingMaking sure that you"re frozen and making sure that I"m chosenTo rip us four make you damage the dance floorGorillaz and Phi life will give you what you ask forDamon Albarn Chorus...Gorillaz - The Sounder (Edit)Let Gorillaz be your guiding light and your shining starWhether you be home alone, or driving in your carDon"t matter who you are, whether you be near or farYou"ll be feeling entertained by our music repertoireSee our poems they be flowing like rivers or reservoirsCos Gorillaz we be out of this world like men of MarsWe"re rap stars with supernatural sparsWe leave your brain amazed with this super music of oursSo put your hands up and stand up it"s time to get downIt"s Gorillaz and Phi Life we be breaking you roundFrom the right to the left, From the skies to the groundWe"re covering all angles and you cant escape the soundOn the track that"s laid back, we"ve come to spray rapsKeep it chilled and relaxed but we still sound phatIt"s like thatWhen we write rapsWe"re not from the empire but we still strike backSo put your hands up and stand up it"s time to get downIt"s Gorillaz and Phi Life, we be breaking you roundPut your hands up and stand up it"s time to get downIt"s Gorillaz and Phi Life, we be breaking you roundSo put your hands up and stand up it"s time to get downIt"s Gorillaz and Phi Life, we be breaking you roundPut your hands up and stand up it"s time to get downIt"s Gorillaz and Phi Life, we be breaking you roundSo put your hands up and stand up it"s time to get downIt"s Gorillaz and Phi Life, we be breaking you roundPut your hands up and stand up it"s time to get downIt"s Gorillaz and Phi Life, we be breaking you round
2023-06-22 06:13:251


1. The Divine Comedy(神圣喜剧乐队)    2、 Echobelly〔空城计乐队)    3、 The Boo Radleys(布雷德利乐队)    4、 Gene(基因乐队)    5、 Sleeper(沉睡者乐队)    6、 Menswear(男士服乐队)    7、 The Charlatans(江湖郎中乐队)    8、 Primal Scream(原始尖叫乐队)    9、 Cast(卡斯特乐队)    10、 James(詹姆斯乐队)    11、 Silver Sun(银色太阳乐队)    12、 Oasis(绿洲乐队)    13、 Suede(山羊皮乐队)    14、 Radiohead(电台司令乐队)    15、 Blur(布勒乐队)    16、 The Verve(神韵乐队)    17、 Travis(特拉维斯乐队)    18、 Coldplay(酷玩乐队)    19、 Elestica(橡皮筋)    20、 Gorillaz(街头霸王)    21、 Stone Roses(石玫瑰乐队)    22、 The La"s(拉氏乐队)    23、 Toploder(头排装卸工)    24、 Mansun(曼森乐队)我最喜欢的是英国的---COLDPLAY<酷玩乐队>江山代代有人出,Brit-Pop吉他摇滚王朝再添一对新力军。四人新秀Coldplay,由视音乐如氧气般重要的热血青年-22岁主唱兼节奏吉他手Christ Martin、21岁的贝司手Guy Berryman、22岁的主吉他手Jon Buckland及21岁的鼓手Will Champion,于98年成军伦敦UCL(University College London)校园,参加过无数次业余乐团比赛,99年获NME音乐周报之Simon Williams赏识,与其拥有的独立小厂Fierce Panda下,录制了首支单曲"Brother & Sisters"不久便正式签约给EMI唱片之Parachutes,成为英国独立/流行摇滚盟主Blur同门师弟。 首张处女大碟"Parachutes"由Coldplay与曾为Gomez、Badly drawn boy作嫁之Ken Nelson共同制作。发行第二周即空降英国专辑金榜冠军宝座,总算不负2000年"最佳新进乐团"之名。纯净、美丽的中、慢板旋律,澎湃汹涌的反复吉他节奏,加上主唱Chris Martin神似Thom Yorke(Radiohesd主唱)轻柔却极具戏剧张力的淳美歌声,10首慢流一致浪漫、迷美情绪的歌谣,绚烂秀丽的第一支单曲"Shiver",令人颤栗、心悸之单曲榜Top 4情歌"Yellow",和将发行之第三支单曲"Trouble"都是很Coldplay的风格的精彩代表作。全英音乐奖年度最佳团体,最佳专辑奖尽让一个才在乐坛崭露头角的新进乐队COLDPLAY(酷玩乐队)一举夺得,而这张名为《PARACHUTES降落伞》的专辑也仅仅是他们的第一张正式的专辑。酷玩乐团的成绩: 1、英国金榜5白金冠军专辑 2、2001年全英音乐奖(2001 BRIT AWARDS) 年度最佳专辑 年度最佳团体 3、2001年NME.COM年度CARLING音乐奖年度最佳新进艺人年度最佳单曲 — YELLOW 4、最佳BBC RADIO1电台现场演出 5、第11届Q杂志音乐奖(Q AWARDS) 年度最佳专辑 6、荣登各大专业音乐杂志「2000年终最佳专辑榜」 7、英国历史音乐周报MELODY MAKER第2名 8、世界畅销青少年音乐杂志SELECT第5名 9、全球权威音乐杂志Q 「2000年50张最佳专辑」 (EMI)
2023-06-22 06:13:331


是不是feel good inc?据我所知gorillaz 好像没有叫无限美好的歌.你能不能提供几句词上来?
2023-06-22 06:13:401


Coldplay是属于英伦摇滚,那我给你大致介绍一些英伦摇滚吧~ blur《Country house》,《Charmless man》,《Song 2》,《Parklife》,《Girls and boys》,《On your own》,《For tomorrow》,《To the end》,《This is a low》,《Tender》,《Ambulance》,《Crazy beat》...九十年代初的英伦代表乐队之一,曲风比较欢快~Gorillaz《Re-Hash》,《5/4 (Five four)》,《Tomorrow comes today》,《M1 A1》,《PUNK》,《Rock the house》,《Clint Eastwood》,《19-2000》,《Feel good inc》,《Dare》,《Dirty Harry》,《Demon days》,《Hong Kong》...blur主唱组建的虚拟乐队,曲风十分多变,近几年比较红的一支乐队,特别推荐那首《香港》,古筝伴奏的可是中国女孩噢~Heaven《Change direction》,《Have no fear》,《The first time》,《Don"t say a word》,《Getaway》...在酷玩掀起一阵新的英伦潮里出现的一支乐队,感觉风格比较清新,十分不错~I Am Kloot《No direction home》,《Gods and monsters》,《An ordinary girl》,《The stars look familiar 》,《Stand and give》,《Avenue of hope》,《I believe》...比较年轻的英伦乐队,也比较冷门,比较小众,但歌曲很有味道!Oasis《Rock N" Roll star》,《Live forever》,《Cigarettes & alcohol》,《Wonderwall》,《Talk tonight》,《Supersonic》,《Don"t look back in anger》,《D"You know what I mean?》,《Be here now》,《Let there be love》,《Stop crying your heart out》,《Don"t go away》,《Stand by me》...九十年代英伦代表乐队,至今活跃,当年同blur的骂战也是一大话题!PULP《Mis - Shapes》,《Common people》,《I spy》,《This is hardcore》,《F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E》,《Something changed》...果酱乐队绝对是一支很性格的乐队,其主唱本身就是一个性情中人!Radiohead《Creep》,《Let down》,《Fake plastic trees》,《No surprises》,《Paranoid android》,《Just》,《The tourist》,《Airbag》,《There there》...九十年代英伦大潮绝对领军乐队!同样歌也是最另类的,至少我是这么觉得的,他们的CD十分难找,所以对他们并不十分了解......《Creep》这首歌被翻唱过无数次,他们的《OK Computer》专辑则是最经典的!Stereophonics《Vegas two times》,《Step on my old size nines》,《Have a nice day》,《Everyday I think of money》,《Caravan holiday》,《Rooftop》,《Superman》,《Doorman》,《Brother》,《Dakota》,《Girl》,《Deadhead》...同样是一支英伦乐队,来自威尔士,大多数歌曲风格都是比较火爆的!Suede《Beautiful ones》,《Metal mickey》,《So young》,《Obsessions》,《Filmstar》,《Stay together》,《Lazy》,《She"s in fashion》,《Attitude》,《We are the pigs》,《Positivity》,《The wild ones》,《New generation》,《The 2 of us》,《Still life》...英伦摇滚大潮的代表乐队之一,主唱Brett Anderson的妖娆让人印像深刻!Supergrass《Caught by the fuzz》,《Pumping on your stereo》,《Alright》,《Richard III》,《Grace》,《Late in the day》,《Mansize rooster》,《Lenny》,《It"s not me》,《Wait for the sun》...劲草,同样是九十年代初英伦大潮的涌现出来的大批乐队之一,虽然风头不及那些超大牌,但还是非常有自身特色的,歌曲比较热闹!The Good, The Bad & The Queen《History song》,《80"s life》,《Kingdom of doom》,《Herculean》,《The bunting song》,《Nature springs》,《Green fields》,《The good, the bad & the queen》...blur主唱Damon Albran所在的另一支乐队,风格同blur,Gorillaz有些区别,也比较冷门,但歌确实不错!The Verve《Bitter sweet symphony》,《Sonnet》,《The rolling people》,《The Drugs don"t walk》,《Weeping willow》,《Lucky man》,《One day》,《Velvet morning》,《Come on》,《Blue》...同样是九十年代英伦大潮中的一支乐队,虽然风头没几支超级大牌强,但这支乐队的强悍是毋庸置疑的!都是一些英伦摇滚乐队,比较具有代表性,希望喜欢!
2023-06-22 06:13:471

天天向上quest crew开场舞第4分21秒开始那首简短的旋律出自哪一首歌,只要歌名。我找这个旋律找了三年!

Gorillaz的(feel good inc) 呵呵!
2023-06-22 06:13:544

gorillza的《Clint Eastwood 》,这个名字到底有什么意思?

孩子,你打错字了……是gorillaz不是gorillza这个问题的答案:因为这首歌取样自Clint Eastwood(他也演戏的)演的一部西部电影 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 。
2023-06-22 06:14:021


我来补充 t.rex 、led zeppelin、black sabbath 和 queen 。
2023-06-22 06:14:105


2023-06-22 06:14:384


2023-06-22 06:14:463


哈~~ 原来是这个意思啊!!!! 我也明白了~~~ 谢谢
2023-06-22 06:14:544


简 介:这四个充满强烈城市嘻哈色彩的Gorillaz团员,是由知名卡通人物Tang Girl的作者Jamie Hewlett量身打造出来的,成员包括:聪明乐观的酷哥贝斯手Murdoc:不修边幅的他其实是Gorillaz中心思最为 缜密敏锐的团长,以自修方式练就而成优异贝斯弹奏技巧和写歌制作功力,更使他成为主宰全团的舵手。而身为Gorillaz发言人的他,歌迷也可从中感受到他目中无人的主宰霸气。特征-满口毒蛇般的绿牙与一双红色的阴阳眼嗜好-捧扁阿D音乐影响-BlackSabbath、Dub音乐、海滩男孩鼓手DennisWilson及最崇拜的偶像-撒旦修长颓废迷人的帅哥主唱2D:擅长弹奏键盘的2D在人群中总是最沉默的一位,然而他因失明造成所深不可测的黑洞眼神却散发着强烈迷人的神秘气味,吸引了众多女性歌迷的目光,甚至还出现了他的后援会,在网络上成立了Love 2 Deep爱太深的歌迷专属网站。特征-双目瞎盲的黑色眼球与刺猬般的冲冠怒发嗜好-收集波霸美女图.音乐影响-ButorphanolTartrate止痛剂、英伦电子流行名团人类联盟(HumanLeague)主唱PhilOakey、恐怖电影名导LucioFulci嘻哈黑人大老粗鼓手Russell:玩得一手好鼓,更是崇尚Hip-Hop和Rap等黑人文化,不过曾接受过贵族学校良好的知识与行为养成教育的他,其待人接物彬彬有礼、言谈举止温文儒雅也让许多女性友人从他稳重的性格感受到浮华生活的真实安全感。特征-过度惊吓导致两眼眼球翻白嗜好-健身和吃(目前是伦敦市郊“卡洛里多功能有氧健身中心”的老板)音乐影响-倡导“伊斯兰国度”的黑人种族主义牧师LouisFarrakhan、R&B灵魂女伶捉狭可爱的亚裔妹妹吉他手Noodle:年仅10岁的东洋小妹Noodle总是带着内建收音机的流行盔帽,充满神秘东方气息的她虽然只会讲一句英文「Noodle」,但吉他技巧与拳脚功夫可是十分了得。更神奇的是,她还有上乘的中国拳脚功夫。特征-一双永远睁不开的丹凤眼嗜好-收集飞天小女警、电子鸡、口袋怪兽、溜溜球玩具音乐影响-日本徘句、老子、BonJovi吉他手RichieSambora
2023-06-22 06:15:011

Gorillaz的《5/4》 歌词

歌曲名:5/4歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Gorillaz5/4GorillazMagic for meMagic make no soundIt good for meIt good for me underground, undergroundMagic on meReally got me downInvade the cityIt make my heart beat no soundBeat no soundBeat no sound (ooh ooh ooh)Beat no soundBeat no soundBeat no sound (ooh ooh ooh)And let me tell myself, tell onShe turned my dad onShe turned my dad onDad on, Dad on!Magic for meMagic get me throughWe pledge it moneyPeople seem to walk through youMagic"s funnyMagic get me throughAll good for meWhen people seem to always walk through youWalk through youWalk through you (ooh ooh ooh)Walk through youWalk through youWalk through you (ooh ooh ooh)Walk through youWalk through youWalk through youAnd let me tell myself, tell onShe turned my dad onShe turned my dad onDad on, Dad on!She made me kill myselfCome on, come onShe turned my dad onCome onShe turned my dad onCome onShe turned my dad on come onShe turned my dad onDad on, Dad on!
2023-06-22 06:15:151

Gorillaz的《5/4》 歌词

歌曲名:5/4歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Gorillaz5/4GorillazMagic for meMagic make no soundIt good for meIt good for me underground, undergroundMagic on meReally got me downInvade the cityIt make my heart beat no soundBeat no soundBeat no sound (ooh ooh ooh)Beat no soundBeat no soundBeat no sound (ooh ooh ooh)And let me tell myself, tell onShe turned my dad onShe turned my dad onDad on, Dad on!Magic for meMagic get me throughWe pledge it moneyPeople seem to walk through youMagic"s funnyMagic get me throughAll good for meWhen people seem to always walk through youWalk through youWalk through you (ooh ooh ooh)Walk through youWalk through youWalk through you (ooh ooh ooh)Walk through youWalk through youWalk through youAnd let me tell myself, tell onShe turned my dad onShe turned my dad onDad on, Dad on!She made me kill myselfCome on, come onShe turned my dad onCome onShe turned my dad onCome onShe turned my dad on come onShe turned my dad onDad on, Dad on!
2023-06-22 06:15:221


你家是公园 你全家都是林肯 草 世界最厉害的乐队是BEYOND 不服到D8辩 么么哒
2023-06-22 06:15:334


gorillaz 乐队成员:由主唱ChakaKhan、 吉他手Noodle、 团长/贝斯手Murdoc、鼓手Russel组成,乐队的音乐风格中加入了新的方式,造型也特特具有性格,甚至连故事也是那么的天马行空,难以想象,十分虚拟,但又让创作者赋予了极其有血有肉的性格特征。这支乐队是在偶像团体泛滥,有许多所谓实力派的英国乐手也看不惯偶像团体"降低"英国乐界水准的背景下,由Blur主唱Damon Albarn为主并隐身幕后代言,与知名卡通人物Tank Girl的作者漫画创办人Jamie Hewlett一起创作的四个具强烈城市HIP-HOP色彩的小鬼组成的。
2023-06-22 06:16:004


没分谁告诉你呀 。。
2023-06-22 06:16:084

Gorillaz的《19-2000》 歌词

歌曲名:19-2000歌手:Gorillaz专辑:GorillazIt"s the music that we choose x 4Body Movin"It"s the music that we choose x 4The world is spinning too fastI"m buying lead Nike shoesTo keep myself tetheredTo the days I tried to loseMy mama said to slow downYou must make your own shoesStop dancing to the musicOf Gorillaz in a happy moodBa de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Here you go!Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoe shine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoe shine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoe shine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)There"s a monkey in the jungleWatching a vapour trailCaught up in the conflictBetween his brain and his tailAnd if it"s time for eliminationThen we got nothing to losePlease repeat the messageIt"s the music that we chooseBa de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Ba de ba da bump(It"s the music that we choose)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)Ba de ba da bump (x 8)It"s the music that we choose (x 4)Ok bring it down y"all and comprehendGet the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)(repeat until fade)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool!(Na na na na na na na)Get the cool shoeshine!(Na na na na na na na)Gorillaz19-2000 (Soulchild Remix)
2023-06-22 06:16:151


2023-06-22 06:16:223

Gorillaz的《Dare》 歌词

歌曲名:Dare歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Now That S What I Call Music! Vol 62Gorillaz - DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DAREIt"s DAREYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it outNever did no harmNever did no harmIt"s DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DAREIt"s DAREYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it outNever did no harmNever did no harmIt"s DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DARENever did no harmNever did no harmIt"s DAREIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s coming upIt"s DAREYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it outYou"ve got to press it on youYou just could think itThat"s what you do, babyHold it down, DAREJump with them allAnd move itJump back and forthIt feels like you would let yourselfwork it out
2023-06-22 06:16:291

Gorillaz的《Stylo》 歌词

歌曲名:Stylo歌手:Gorillaz专辑:Plastic BeachGorillaz - StyloLove, electricity, shockwave centralPummel on the motherboard, yesPush up, overload, legendary heavy glowSunshine, thunder roll, keep it all togetherYes the lantern burn, burn it easyAnd broadcast, so raw and neatlyThunder roll, sunshine, work it outOverload, overload, overloadComin" up to theOh Stylo...Go blossom in your soulWhen you know your heart is rightElectric is the loveWhen the mako flies up from the bottom in your eyesThen I know the twilight skies, not so broken heartedThis love is electricIt"ll be flowing on the streetNight after nightJust to get through the weekSometimes it"s hardRight nowSing yourself out of depression, rise aboveI"ll be searching if I know your heartThere"s only one wayLet it play a little round longerIt"s got a way of passin through man and womanIn another worldIn another world, in the universeHere"s what we got to doYes, this love is electricIt"ll be flowing onto the streetNight after NightThat"s what I"m talking aboutYes the lantern burn, burn that easy
2023-06-22 06:16:361

Gorillaz的《People》 歌词

歌曲名:People歌手:Gorillaz专辑:D-SidesPigmich"s ProducedPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their groundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their ground(Oh yeah!)He dreams of the topYou will be over the edgeIf you get it on sideYou"ll be taking ditchYou"ll be loving our loveBut you don"t know whyIt"s the term of the daySo we never exciteYour heart isn"t thereSo you might as well say:"I know it, I got it,but I know that time will set me together"People, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing a their groundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making a soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing a their ground(Oh yeah!)He dreams of the topYou will be over the edgeIf you get it on sideYou"ll be taking ditchYou"ll be loving our loveBut you don"t know whyIt"s the term of the daySo we never exciteYour heart isn"t thereSo you might as well say:"I know it, I got it,but I know that time will set me together"People, people, everybody peopleEverybody making soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their groundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody making soundPeople, people, everybody peopleEverybody standing their ground(Oh yeah!)
2023-06-22 06:16:431