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2023-06-22 09:18:06

经典的钢琴曲,世界名曲有:《天空之城》,《River flows in you》,《野蜂飞舞》,《土耳其进行曲》,《雨的印记》,《心系兰花》,《菊次郎的夏天》。

















《梦中的婚礼》是Paul de Senneville(保罗·赛内维尔)由 Olivier Toussaint(奥利佛·图森)作曲 ,(法文是Mariage D"Amour)由理查德克莱德曼演奏。




* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!












































  贝多芬 Ludwig Van Beethoven(1770-1827)

  第一交响乐 1 2 3 4

  第二交响乐 1 2 3 4

  第三交响乐 1 2 3 4

  第四交响乐 1 2 3 4

  第五交响乐 1 2 3 4

  第六交响乐 1 2 3 4 5

  第七交响乐 1 2 3 4

  第八交响乐 1 2 3 4

  第九交响乐 1 2 3 4 5


  巴赫 J·S·BACH(1685——1750)
















  莫扎特 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756 - 1791)

  一个天才,一个像莫扎特一样的天才!有一句希伯莱谚语:“人类一思索,上帝就发笑。”如果说贝多芬通过不懈的奋斗而努力接近上帝的话,那么莫扎特就是天使在人间。他的音乐就是这样活生生的世界,凝结着他的欢乐和天真,忧郁和悲凉。热爱生活的人们必然与这位天才的音乐自然的融为一体。死亡意味着什么:就 是再也听不到莫扎特的音乐。

  第19钢琴协奏曲 1 2 3

  第20钢琴协奏曲 1 2 3

  第21钢琴协奏曲 1 2 3

  第22钢琴协奏曲 1 2 3

  第23钢琴协奏曲 1 2 3

  第24钢琴协奏曲 1 2 3

  降B大调三重奏K502 1 2 3

  G大调三重奏K496 1 2 3

  降B大调嬉游曲K254 1 2 3



  Wonderland 仙境
  01 The Wind Of Change 变幻之风
  02 Annie"s Wonderland 安妮的仙境
  03 Star Of Baghdad 巴格达的星星
  04 The Daylight 黎明
  05 Annie"s Song 安妮的歌
  06 Laterna Magica 魔法术
  07 Adiemus 安迪姆斯
  08 Your Smile 你的微笑
  09 La Provence 普罗旺斯
  10 Little Mermaid 小美人鱼
  11 Trilogy 三部曲
  12 Three Times A Lady 三时期女士
  13 Mandy"s Song 男士的歌
  14 The Best Friends 最好的朋友

  Silence 寂静山林
  01 El Condor Pasa 老鹰之歌
  02 The Sounds Of Silence 寂静之音
  03 I Swear 我发誓
  04 Imagine 想象
  05 Chariots Of Fire火战车
  06 Sacrifice 牺牲
  07 One Moment In Time 一瞬间
  08 Song For The Lord 献给阁下的歌
  09 Into Red Velvet 红雪绒
  10 If You Leave Me Now 如果你要离开我
  11 I Want To Know What Love Is 我想知道什么是爱
  12 Tim"s Lullady 摇篮曲
  13 Moment Of Fantasy 瞬间幻想
  14 Airy Voices 轻快的声音

  One Day in Spring 春野
  01 One Day In Spring 春野
  02 The Miracle Of Your Eyes 你眼中的奇迹
  03 Moring Air 早晨的空气
  04 Breath Of The Wind 风的气息
  05 FairyLand 仙境
  06 Beatrix 碧翠丝(敲打)
  07 Mountain Stream 山涧
  08 Snowdream 雪梦
  09 Windmills 风车
  10 Heaven"s Gate 天堂之门
  11 Earth Melody 大地的旋律
  12 My Song For You 我的歌为你而唱
  13 Melody Of Hope 希望的旋律
  14 Nebula 星云

  Heaven Blue 蓝色天际
  01 Indian Dreams 印度人的梦想
  02 Magic Winds 魔法风
  03 Endelss Horizont 无止境的见识
  04 Visions 梦幻
  05 After The Rain 雨后
  06 Birds Over The Rainbow 鸟儿越过彩虹
  07 Fly Away 飞行
  08 Along In The Night 沿着晚上
  09 Nights Of Barcelona 夜间的巴赛罗那
  10 Indian Summer rain 印度夏天的雨
  11 Song Of Mayas 玛雅人的歌
  12 Jupiter 木星
  13 Machu Picchu 玛曲
  14 Solar Winds 太阳风

  Mist 迷雾森林
  01 Gold Wings 希望之翼
  02 Neptune 海王星
  03 Diamonds 钻石
  04 New Morning 清晨
  05 Starry Sky 满天星
  06 Mother Nature 反璞归真
  07 The First Snowflakes 初雪
  08 Sunset Glow 日落
  09 Tenderness 款款柔情
  10 The Purple Butterfly 紫蝴蝶
  11 Melody Of Love 真爱
  12 Spring Water 春水
  13 Blue Lagoon 蓝色珊瑚
  14 Morning Sun 朝阳

  Sunny Bay 日光海岸
  01 A Woodland Night 森林中的一夜
  02 Childhood Memory 童年
  03 Irish Lullaby 爱尔兰摇篮曲
  04 Whistle Of The Wind 风的呢喃
  05 Irish Meditation 翩翩起舞
  06 Luna 月光
  07 Children"s Eyes 童真
  08 Greek Meditation 古诗
  09 Just A Little Smile 浅笑
  10 Flying High 高飞
  11 White Sand Of Barbados 巴居多的白沙
  12 Moonlight Of Capri 卡布里的月光
  13 African Sunset 非洲日落
  14 Goodbye Little Susy 告别小苏西
  15 Peaceful Life 平安一生

  Garden of Dreams 梦花园
  01 Turning 流转起舞 (旋转)
  02 Dreamcatcher 追梦人
  03 Beyond The Sundial 轨外时间
  04 Adagio In Minor 慢板小调
  05 Zarabanda 扎拉斑达
  06 辉く季节の中た 辉煌的季节里(闪亮的季节)
  07 Lauren 劳伦
  08 Give Me Your Hand 执子之手
  09 The Soong Sister 宋家王朝(姐妹之歌)
  10 Ortaffa 欧塔妃
  11 Beyond The Invisible 隐喻(视线之外)
  12 Hymn 赞美诗(圣歌)
  13 The Golden Land 黄金地带
  14 Breakout 超脱(突围)

  Crystal Lake 琉璃湖畔
  01 My Stica 秘密
  02 Marco Polo 马可波罗
  03 Rain Drops On Your Face 雨滴打在你脸上(细雨拂面)
  04 Summerwaltz 夏日华尔兹
  05 Black Windmill 黑风车
  06 Japanese Girl 日本女孩
  07 The Wings Of Ikarus 依卡路斯的羽翼
  08 Theme From Missing 思念
  09 Sparkling Raindrops 涟漪
  10 Blue Love Theme 忧郁的爱
  11 A Day Without Rain 雨过天晴
  12 Aqua Blue 水蓝
  13 White Moon Over Tibet 西藏的月
  14 Loverletter To You 情书

  Breezy Valley 微风山谷
  01 Snow 静静的雪
  02 Song Of The Angles 天使群聚之歌
  03Indian Summer 狂热夏日(印度的夏天)
  04 Mars And Venus 火星金星(战神与维纳斯)
  05 Dreaming In The Moonlight 梦于月光中(月光下的梦境)
  06 Love Of My Life 一生爱恋
  07 Sunset Valley 落日幽谷
  08 Love Me Tonight 今夜爱来临
  09 If I Love Again 再一次爱
  10 Heaven On Earth 人间天上
  11 Green Leaves Of Spring 春枝绿叶
  12 Good Morning Sunshine 日出晨安
  13 The Way Of The Wind 微风吹拂的方式
  14 For Your Heart Only 唯心所识

  Moonlight Bay 月光水岸
  01 Caribbean Blue 加勒比海蓝
  02 Rainbow River 彩虹河
  03 Hijo De La Luna 月光之子
  04 The Book of Life 生命之书
  05 Moonglow 月光
  06 Mystic Zone 奇幻领域
  07 Lonely Hearts 寂寞心事
  08 Celtic Waltz 克尔特华尔兹
  09 The Glory Way 光明之路
  10 Watermark 浮水印
  11 Morning Mood 晨歌
  12 Winter Dreams 冬梦
  13 La Valse D"Amelie 艾蜜莉圆舞曲
  14 Law of the Lord 神律

  01 Orinoco Dreams 奥里诺科之梦
  02 Beyond the memory of Man 曼岛的遥远记忆
  03 May it Be 但愿如此
  04 Lonely Whistler 寂寞口笛手
  05 Serenade in Green 绿意小夜曲
  06 Adagio of the Highland 高地慢板
  07 Incredlble Stars 奇幻银河
  08 Crystal Ball 水晶球
  09 World of Difference 异世界
  10 River of Dreams 梦河
  11 The Holy Garden 圣洁花园
  12 Careless Eyes 漫不经心的眼神
  13 Into the West 魔戒三部曲:王者再临 主题曲
  14 The Lady and the Earl 淑女与伯爵
  15 Dragen Heart 龙心


经典的钢琴曲,世界名曲有:《天空之城》,《River flows in you》,《野蜂飞舞》,《土耳其进行曲》,《雨的印记》,《心系兰花》,《菊次郎的夏天》。


如此一来你就得记住很多钢琴家,比如Duke Ellington,Dave Brubeck,Chick Corea,Bill Evans,Keith Jarrett,Herbie Hancock等等,这些都是最出名的几位,然后逐渐积累起自己的钢琴家库和曲目库。






经典的钢琴曲,世界名曲有:《天空之城》,《River flows in you》,《野蜂飞舞》,《土耳其进行曲》。

III. presto agitato;李斯特《钟》;莫扎特 konzertstuck in f major k,33b;巴赫sinfonia no.13 in a minor,bwv799;no4 in c sharp minor;III Rondo这些都是古典一点的,听着感觉很舒心,应该也属于有B格的吧。



如此一来你就得记住很多钢琴家,比如Duke Ellington,Dave Brubeck,Chick Corea,Bill Evans,Keith Jarrett,Herbie Hancock等等,这些都是最出名的几位,然后逐渐积累起自己的钢琴家库和曲目库。


经典的钢琴世界名曲有:《天空之城》,《River flows in you》,《野蜂飞舞》,《土耳其进行曲》,《雨的印记》,《心系兰花》,《菊次郎的夏天》。我爱听的钢琴曲:卡农、雨的印记、菊次郎的夏天、雪之梦、悲怆、星空、天空之城、秋日私语、克罗地亚狂想曲、梦中的婚礼、夜的钢琴曲5、寂静之声、泪之曲、梦中的雪、风居住的街道、神秘园之歌。



  1. summer——久石让

  2. Luv Letter——DJ Okawari

  3. 天空之城

  4. River flows in you

  5. 野蜂飞舞

  6. 爱之梦

  7. 尼罗

  8. 心系兰花

  9. 菊次郎的夏天



hymn 诗歌 rhythm 节奏 rhyme 押韵 thyme 香草(百里香)
2023-06-22 04:44:012


hat (帽子)
2023-06-22 04:44:163

Liz Story的《Hymn》 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn歌手:Liz Story专辑:Solid Colorshymn歌/作词 片雾烈火 作编曲 onoken今宵(こよい) 月(つき)がその総(すべ)てを见(み)ていた笑(わら)いましょう 何时(いつ)ものよう染(し)み付(つ)けて欲(ほ)しいのは あなたの匂(にお)い血(ち)と闇(やみ)を掻(か)き分(わ)けて 入(はい)らせてあげる声(こえ)を杀(ころ)し(疼(うず)く思考(しこう))强(つよ)く深(ふか)く(抉(えぐ)る様(ざま)に)爱(いと)しい あなた躯(からだ)を重(かさ)ねあわせやがて二人(ふたり) ひとつへと沢山(たくさん)の隠(かく)し事(ごと) 暴(あば)きたいなら沢山(たくさん)の秘密(ひみつ)事(こと) 触(ふ)れてみたいなら掴(つか)まえなさい 直(す)ぐに终末(しゅうまつ)の名(な)の梦(ゆめ)は既(すで)に 忍(しの)び寄(よ)りつつあるの燃(も)える様(よう)な(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 歌(うた)を 歌(うた)え)痛(いた)みでさえない(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 狂(くる)い 踊(おど)れ)悦(よろこ)んで (呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 友(とも)を 壊(こわ)せ)受(う)け入(い)れるから(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 世界(せかい) 壊(こわ)せ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 梦(ゆめ)を 语(かた)れ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 生命(いのち) 捧(ささ)げ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 己(おの)れ 壊(こわ)せ)(呜呼(ああ) 我(われ)崇(あが)めよ 世界(せかい) 全(すべ)て)讃(たた)えましょう 狂気(きょうき)を歌(うた)い上(あ)げて游(あそ)びましょう 掌(てのひら)の上(うえ)で さあ访(おとず)れる その日(ひ)まで今(いま)は嗤いましょう総(すべ)てを知(し)る 月(つき)の光(ひかり)のもとで
2023-06-22 04:44:221

Bond的《Hymn》 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn歌手:Bond专辑:Bond - The Definitive CollectionHymnsong by LunaticaGive us this day all that you showed meThe power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesAnd they said that in our time,All that"s good will fall from graceEven saints would turn their face,In our timeAnd they told us that in our days,Different words said in different ways,Have other meaning from he who says,In our time.Give us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesAnd they said that in our time,We would reap from their legacy,We would learn from what they had seen,In our time.And they told us that in our days,We would know what was high on high,We would follow and not defy,In our time.Give us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesGive us this day all that you showed me,Give us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeThe power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesGive us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comes
2023-06-22 04:44:291


2023-06-22 04:44:371


2023-06-22 04:44:431


意思是:唱歌。英[su026au014b]释义:vi.唱歌;歌颂;鸣叫;呼号vt.唱;用诗赞颂;唱着使n.演唱;鸣声;呼啸声n.(Sing)人名;(老、德、泰)辛[第三人称单数 sings;现在分词:singing;过去式:sang或sung;过去分词:sung]短语:sing a song 唱歌;唱首歌;唱个歌扩展资料:词语辨析:sing,carol,chant,hymn,troll这组词都有“歌唱”的意思。1、sing指以高低不同的音符发出的一连串的悦耳的声响,其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。2、chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。3、carol专指用年轻、充满活力的声音愉快地歌唱。4、hymn指唱赞美诗。5、troll指用洪亮的声音歌唱,尤指人们在欢乐时或庆祝伟大事件时高声歌唱。
2023-06-22 04:44:581


2023-06-22 04:45:251

hymn for the weekend什么意思

hymn for the weekend翻译周末的赞美诗
2023-06-22 04:45:401

如何评价Coldplay 的Hymn for the weekend

开场是经典Viva La Vida!到了后面表演了新单金坷垃Aderventure of the Lifetime唱了一半火星强行插入,紧接着就是Bee姐大象腿带来的甩臀舞,好像有那么一小下没站牢!最后三人大合唱之后舞台还给我山芋u263aufe0f然后就开始一段回顾了很多明星的表演(怎么说?)yellow也唱了两句真是激动的要死.....但是公正的角度来说,的确没去年好。1、首先中场秀选在了白天,舞台效果一般。上次这么干的是迈克杰克逊......总之不太清楚美国佬中场秀时间的选择2、酷玩风头被抢我很伤心,这也不能怪B姐和火星,美帝总不能让一个英国乐队占据这15分钟吧?中间毕竟有天后Bee和火星撑场。3、视觉效果和编排没有上一届好,可能因为我是狸屎的原因吧,习惯了狸的花里花哨的装扮和排舞,这三人比较两男一女也不会搞出什么high的花样....4、山芋一直弯着腰,这是他的习惯 但是这样站在火星 火星旁边真的shame on me now23333335、唱跳技术活,山芋连续这样唱下来到了paradise开始声音发虚。毕竟快逼近四十的人了,看着心也特疼。6、最后一个大大大大遗憾,Bee姐都在干嘛不合唱周末赞歌Hymn for the Weekend!最后想了一下可能是编排的原因这首歌不行吧 他俩合唱了火星咋办!总之不管火星和Bee姐姐抢了我玩多少风头,只要我玩回春就好超级碗中场秀是多少明星抢破头皮才能上啊!都是0报酬 包括去年的水果姐,仿佛free perform已经成了公约了超级碗效应Itunes和Spotify暴涨所有经典歌曲全部诈尸
2023-06-22 04:45:471


海军的是《Anchors Aweigh》。陆军的军歌好像是《陆军勇往直前》。空军的是《美国空军》(TheU.S.Air Force)有时候也被叫做有时也被称为“让我们上”、 “让我们飞向蓝色远方”或者“蓝色远方”。‘海军陆战队的是《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines" Hymn)。
2023-06-22 04:46:114

有时候我会问自己 到底为了什么努力歌名

2023-06-22 04:46:434


二战德国海军军歌:《再见我的小宝贝》《我们向英格兰出征》《海上的同志们》《鱼雷.发射》二战英国海军军歌:击毁俾斯麦美国《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines" Hymn)
2023-06-22 04:47:212


u300ayoung for youu300b-Gifty
2023-06-22 04:48:0214

求电影《latter days》的插曲 的歌词

He always gravitates to the minor keysAs he navigates his way away from me He claims a guardian for every sailor in the storm But where are the patrons for those left on the shore And as the darkness falls around me He takes my hand and starts to pray This is a hymn for all those left behind This is a prayer for every heart left barren This is a call for all the saints to be reminded To sing a hymn for all those left behind She only dreams in shades of gray these days Now that her children have all grown And though her husband sleeps just two feet away When she wakes she feels alone And as the dawn comes trough the window She lies awake, tries to recall If there"s a hymn for all those left behind If there"s a prayer for every heart left barren If there"s a call for all the saints to be reminded To sing a hymn for all those left behind If I don"t make it pass the judgement If they never let me in Promise me a mention In that hymn This is a hymn for all those left behind This is a prayer for every heart left barren This is a call for all the saints to be reminded To sing a hymn for all those left behind This is a hymn for all those left behind This is a prayer for every heart left barren This is a call for all the saints to be reminded To sing a hymn for all those left behind
2023-06-22 04:49:201

Ricky Eat Acid的《happy hymn》 歌词

歌曲名:happy hymn歌手:Ricky Eat Acid专辑:seeing little ghosts everywhereHAPPY ENDING电 话 声 一 声 声   声 声 回 荡 在 我 耳 边雨 一 阵 一 阵   忘 了 把 窗 关 上电 视 里 播 放 著 让 人 挣 扎 的 爱 情很 像 我 的 画 面   不 到 心 碎 不 肯 再 见期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏(music)渴 望 今 生 有 次 恋 爱 至 少 由 我 导 演不 管 好 与 坏 我 不 会 有 怨 言思 念 像 潮 水 般 卷 走 我 所 有 缠 绵不 怕 爱 没 有 终 点就 怕 幸 福 溜 过 眼 前期 待 爱   HAPPY ENDING闭 上 眼 睛 静 静 倾 听一 个 梦 想 实 现 的 心 境爱 的 故 事   HAPPY ENDING剧 情 最 後 谁 来 决 定没 有 台 词 的 内 心 戏故 事 已 开 始我 等 你 开 始别 让 我 泪 流 不 止
2023-06-22 04:49:271

hymn for the weekend什么意思

hymn for the weekend周末的赞歌拼音双语对照百度百科基本信息歌名:Hymn For The Weekend 歌手:Coldplay   语言:英语   所属专辑:A Head Full Of Dreams   发行时间:2015-12-04乐曲内容Hymn For The Weekend  周末颂  A drink for me, drink for me  喝下去 再继续  Then we"ll shoot across the sky  这感觉就像划过天际  Symphony  亦或是首完美的交响曲
2023-06-22 04:49:351

求Collective Soul乐队 歌曲《hymn for my father》的歌词和翻译~!!!

I will followI will followTil the stars fall downtil the sun burns out我会一直追随 直到星星陨落 太阳没了光亮I will followI will followtil Gabriels horn does sound我会一直追随 直到gabriel号角发出声响I will followI will followthrough the path you choseWith the words you spoke我会一直追随 走过你选的那条小路,伴随你说过的那些话I will followI will followBy the love you always show我会一直追随 追随你的爱No, I won"t cry outIt"s love how"s left to meI won"t cry outIt"s not how I will receiveEverything that you"ve given meAll things to me我不会流泪 留给我的都是爱 我不会哭 因为我不会这样的去接受你对我的赠与 你送给我的一切I will followI will followFor in you I do believe我会一直追随你 因为我把你当成了信仰I will followI will followthrough the path you choseWith the words you spoke我会一直追随 走过你选的那条小路,伴随你说过的那些话I will followI will followBy the love, The love you showed我会一直追随 追随你的爱(自己翻译的 略微粗糙 但是就这意思)
2023-06-22 04:49:421

《猎杀红色十月》Hymn To Red October这首歌的歌词

HYMN TO RED OCTOBERWords and Music by Basil PoledourisRussian Translation by Herman SinitzenHolodna hmoora. >> Cold, hard, empty.Eemruchnoh v"doosheh>>Light that has left me,Kak mohg znat ya shtoh tee oomriosh?>>How could I know that you would die?Do svidonia, byehreg rodnoy>>Farewell again, our dear land.Kak nam troodnag pridstahvit shtoh eto nyeh sohn.>>So hard for us to imagine that it"s real, and not a dream.Rodina, dom radnoy,>>Motherland, native home,Do svidonia Rodina.>>Farewell, our Motherland.Ay. Avepakhod, avepakhod, nass val nahmarskaya zhdyot nyehdazh dyotsyah.>>Let"s go; the sea is waiting for us.Nass zah vootmarskaya dah, ee preeboy!>>The vastness of the sea is calling to us, and the tides!Salute otsam ee nashem dedum>>Hail to our fathers and forefathers.Zahvietum eekh fsigdah vierney.>>We are faithful to the covenant made with the past.Tepierre nichtoh, nee astanoivit,>>Now nothing can stopPabiedney shark, radnoy straney.>>Our Motherland"s victorious march.Tiy pliyvee, pliyvee bestrashna,>>Sail on fearlessly, Gordest say viernykh marieye.>>Pride of the Northern Seas.Revoluytziye nadezhdah sgoostk vierif sekh luydeye.>>Hope of the Revolution, you are the burst of faith of the people.the last two stanzas repeat a couple of times, then...V"oktyabreh, v"oktyabreh, >> In October, in October, Rahpar tu ium miy nashe pabiediy.>>We report our victories to you, our Revolution.V"oktyabreh, v"oktyabreh, Novie meeir fahli numnashy dehidiy.>>And to the heritage left by you for us
2023-06-22 04:49:515


2023-06-22 04:50:204

求coldplay的一首歌的资源,名字是Hymn for the weekend. 以及

2023-06-22 04:50:463

英语听力高手 看谁能听出这首猎杀红十月号主题曲Hymn To Red October 英文版歌词?

cold,hard, empty.Light that has left me,How could I know that you would die?Farewell again, our dear land.So hard for us to imagine that it"s real, and not a dream.Motherland, native home,Farewell, our Motherland.Let"s go; the sea is waiting for us.The vastness of the sea is calling to us, and the tides!Hail to our fathers and forefathers.We are faithful to the covenant made with the past.Now nothing can stopOur Motherland"s victorious march.Sail on fearlessly, Pride of the Northern Seas.Hope of the Revolution, you are the burst of faith of the people.the last two stanzas repeat a couple of times, then...In October, in October, We report our victories to you, our Revolution.And to the heritage left by you for us
2023-06-22 04:51:172


陆军:《陆军勇往直前》《陆军勇往直前》("The Army Goes RollingAlong")是美国陆军的官方歌曲,通常也被称作《陆军歌》。这首歌曲的是陆军野战炮兵中尉(后晋升准将)爱德蒙德 L.格鲁伯(Edmund L.Gruber)和罗伯特.丹福德中尉(后晋升少将)在1908年三月驻扎在菲律宾的斯托斯伯格营地时写下的。这首歌曲很快在炮兵部队中流行起来。1917年,海军部长和306炮兵团的乔治.费德南德中尉请约翰.飞利浦.苏萨(John Philip Sousa,美军著名音乐指挥,创作过很多名曲)用这首被命名为《炮弹箱之歌》的歌曲来创作一首进行曲。苏萨在这首歌的基础上创作了《野战炮兵进行曲》。这支曲子卖出了75分拷贝。尽管如此,这支歌曲因为太倾向于美军炮兵而未能被选作美国陆军军歌。寻找标准军歌当美国海军陆战队、空军和海岸警备队都拥有自己的官方歌曲之后,陆军也急切地想拥有自己的。1948年,陆军发起了军歌竞选比赛,但没有一首歌曲赢得了广泛支持。1952年,陆军部长佛兰克.佩斯(Frank Pace)要求音乐界提供军歌,对方提供了800首歌词。其中山姆.斯提科特的《陆军总会在那里》获得了广泛支持,1953年一月20日,陆军乐队在艾森豪威尔总统的就职典礼上演奏了这首歌。但因为这首歌的曲调及其类似《我遭到了椰子的可爱一击》("I"ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts",一首40年代很受欢迎的游戏歌),所以陆军决定保持《弹药箱之歌》的曲调。于是总参谋长的音乐助理哈罗德W. 阿尔伯格的填词被选中。陆军部长怀尔博.马里沃.布拉克尔在1956年的老兵节上宣布了这首歌曲。这首歌曲在陆军的主要典礼上都要演奏,全体陆军官兵都要求会唱这首歌曲。当多于一首的服役歌曲演奏时,遵循陆军、海军陆战队、海军、空军和海岸警备队的顺序。《炮弹箱之歌》原版歌词Over hill over dale we have hit the dustytrail(山顶上,溪谷中,我们碾出尘土飞扬的轨迹)As our caissons go rolling along.(我们的弹药箱横扫而过)Up and down, in and out,(上上下下,里里外外)Countermarch and right about,(掉头返回和原地就位)For it"s hi-hi-hee(嗨——嗨——嘿)In the Fifth Artillery,(在第十五炮兵团中)Shout out the number loud and strong.(报数的声音响又壮)Till our final ride,(直到我们最后一次出击)It will always be our pride(这将永远是我们的荣誉)To keep those caissons a rolling along.(让这些弹药箱勇往直前)(Keep them rolling—keep them rolling)(让它们冲——让它们冲)Keep those caissons a rolling along. (让这些弹药箱勇往直前)(B-a-t-t-e-r-y H-a-l-t!)(炮兵——停!)《陆军勇往直前》歌词(1956年,标准军歌)[edit] The Army Goes Rolling Along (1956,current official version)[9]开头:March along, sing our song, with the Armyof the free(向前进)Count the brave, count the true, who havefought to victory(我们为胜利而战)We"re the Army and proud of our name(我们是陆军,我们为此骄傲)We"re the Army and proudly proclaim(我们是陆军,我们为此自豪)第一节:First to fight for the right,(首先为正义而战)And to build the Nation"s might,(建立国家的权力)And The Army Goes Rolling Along(陆军勇往直前)Proud of all we have done,(为我们所作的一切骄傲)Fighting till the battle"s won,(战斗不息直到胜利)And the Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前)重复:Then it"s Hi! Hi! Hey!(然后是嗨—嗨—嘿!)The Army"s on its way.(陆军正在路上)Count off the cadence loud and strong *(报数声音响又壮)For where e"er we go,(无论我们到哪里)You will always know(你总会知道)That The Army Goes Rolling Along.(陆军勇往直前!)第二节:Valley Forge, Custer"s ranks,(福吉谷,喀斯特的肩章)*福吉谷为华盛顿冬季休整的兵营,卡斯特是美国骑兵军官,印第安战争中战死于小巨角;San Juan Hill and Patton"s tanks,(圣胡安山和巴顿的坦克)*圣胡安山是西奥多.罗斯福在美西战争中带领第七骑兵师黑色团冲锋的地点, “巴顿的坦克”意指西西里战役And the Army went rolling along(陆军勇往直前)Minute men, from the start,(一分钟人,刚刚开始)“一分钟人”指独立战争中的民兵,“刚刚开始”是大陆军的别称Always fighting from the heart,(永远战斗不息)And the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)第三节:Men in rags, men who froze,(尽管军服破烂,尽管饥寒交迫)Still that Army met its foes,(陆军仍然能面对敌人)And the Army went rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)Faith in God, then we"re right,(信仰上帝,于是我们就是正确的)And we"ll fight with all our might,(我们为我们的威武而战)As the Army keeps rolling along.(陆军勇往直前)(重复)海军陆战队:《海军陆战队赞歌》《海军陆战队赞歌》(Marines" Hymn)是美国海军陆战队的标准军歌,同时也是美国五大军种中最古老的军歌。这首歌曲的歌词确定来自19世纪,但是作者不详。音乐则是来自一部1859年首映的法国歌剧(Genevièvede Brabant)美国海军陆战队在1919年八月19日取得该歌曲版权,但是现在这首歌属于大众。歌词的第一句“从蒙特祖玛的大厅到的黎波里的海岸”分别表现了美墨战争中的查普特提战役(Battle of Chapultepec)和第一次伯伯里战争(First Barbary War)。唱此歌曲时一般处于立正姿势以表示尊敬/。歌词大意:第一段:From the halls of Montezuma(从蒙特祖玛的大厅)To the shores of Tripoli,(到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country"s battles(我们为国家而战)In the air, on land, and sea.(在空中、陆地和大海上)First to fight for right and freedom,(首先为正义和自由而战)And to keep our honor clean,(并保持我们干净的名誉)We are proud to claim the title(我们为自己的称号自豪)Of United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第二段:Our flag"s unfurl"d to every breeze(我们的旗帜在风中飞扬)From the dawn to setting sun;(从日出到日落)We have fought in every clime and place(我们在所有的地方战斗过)Where we could take a gun.(只要我们拿起武器)In the snow of far-off northern lands(从寒冷的北方岛屿)And in sunny tropic scenes,(到阳光明媚的热带风景)You will find us always on the job(你会发现我们时刻准备着)The United States Marines.(美国海军陆战队)第三段:Here"s health to you and to our Corps(韦尼和我们部队的健康干杯)Which we are proud to serve;(我们荣誉的服务对象)In many a strife we"ve fought for life(在无数的战斗中我们为活下去而战)And have never lost our nerve.(但从来没为此发狂)If the Army and the Navy(如果陆军和海军)Ever look on Heaven"s scenes,(看到过天堂的景象)They will find the streets are guarded(他们会发现天堂的街道上)By United States Marines.(守卫着陆战队士兵)罕见的歌词:因为海军陆战队在不同的地方战斗过,所以很多情况下会加上一些特别的歌词,举例:Again in nineteen forty-one, we sailed anorth"ard course(在1941年,我们再次向北航行)and found beneath the midnight sun, theViking and the Norse.(去追寻午夜的太阳,维京人和北方人)The Iceland girls were slim and fair, andfair the Iceland scenes,(冰岛的女孩苗条又漂亮,冰岛的景色美丽)and the Army found in landing there, theUnited States Marines.(陆军会发现在那里登陆的,是海军陆战队的士兵)1890到1919年之间原来的第一段则在电影《蒙特祖玛的神庙》中出现:From the halls of Montezuma, to the shoresof Tripoli,(从蒙特祖玛的大厅,到的黎波里的海岸)We fight our country"s battles, on the landas on the sea.(我们在海上和陆地上为国而战)Admiration of the nation, we"re the finestever seen;(我们是国家的骄傲,我们是最强的军团)And we glory in the title of United StatesMarines(我们为美国海军陆战队这一荣誉而自豪)[attach]10350[/attach]美国空军军歌:《美国空军》《美国空军》(The U.S. Air Force)是美国空军的标准军歌,简称《空军歌》,有时也被称为“让我们上”、 “让我们飞向蓝色远方”或者“蓝色远方”。这首歌曲原来是《陆军航空队歌》,歌词和歌曲是美国陆军上尉罗伯特.克劳福德写于1939年。在1937年,陆军航空队副指挥官阿诺德向他的上司奥斯卡.韦斯特欧文提议说他的人需要一首歌曲来赞颂他们的部队,并提议搞一个有奖竞赛。但由于陆军航空兵没有自己的财政(怎么可能?),由《自由》杂志发出了一个1000美金的奖项。757首歌曲入选,但是没有一首歌曲能让委员会满意。1938年阿诺德取代死于空难的韦斯特欧文成为航空队指挥,但即使是著名作词家埃文.柏林的歌词都不能让他满意。就在竞赛终止前,克劳福德的歌词参加了比赛并获得了大奖。尽管阿诺德喜欢这首歌,并想将其向大众推广,但是航空队缺乏资金来建立自己的乐队,克劳福德在征得政府同意后将版权出让给纽约的音乐出版商费切尔公司。所以美国空军和其他军种不一样,并不拥有自己的军歌。歌词大意:全部歌词如下:第一节:Off we go into the wild blue yonder,(让我们飞向蓝色远方)Climbing high into the sun;(向高空飞去,冲向太阳)Here they come zooming to meet our thunder,(敌人飞来招架我们的雷电)At "em boys, Give "er the gun!(瞄准他们,小子们,给他们点颜色!)Down we dive, spouting our flame fromunder,(向下俯冲,我们喷射着火焰)Off with one hell of a roar!*(留下地狱般的怒吼)We live in fame or go down in flame. Hey!(我们生活在火焰中,或者死在火焰中)Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!(没人能阻挡美国空军!)第二段:Minds of men fashioned a crate of thunder,(人类的大脑创造了一个充满雷电的箱子)Sent it high into the blue;(让它高高地飞向天空)Hands of men blasted the world asunder;(人类的手创造出毁灭的雷霆)How they lived God only knew! (只有上帝知道他们怎么活着!)Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer(人类的梦想要征服天空)Gave us wings, ever to soar!(给予了我们翅膀,向上高飞!)With scouts before And bombers galore. Hey!(空中侦察,轰炸机呼啸,嗨!)Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!(没人能阻挡美国空军!)第三段:Off we go into the wild sky yonder,(让我们飞向蓝色远方)Keep the wings level and true;(让我们的翅膀平坦而真实)If you"d live to be a grey-haired wonder(如果你想做一个灰发的帅哥)Keep the nose out of the blue! (那就转向蓝色天空!)Flying men, guarding the nation"s border,(空中部队保卫着国家的疆界)We"ll be there, followed by more!(我们马上到,更多地会来)In echelon we carry on. Hey!(在我们的梯队中,嗨!)Nothing can stop the U.S. Air Force!(没什么能阻挡美国空军!)
2023-06-22 04:51:241


1、海马体海马体是杭州缦图摄影有限公司旗下知名的照相馆品牌,目前海马体照相馆的门店已覆盖全国各大一二线城市,其 "轻、快、简"的新型摄影模式深受广大消费者赞誉。2、天真蓝天真蓝成立于2010年,是上海纯蓝影像科技有限公司的照相馆品牌,主要提供证件照、个人形象照和家庭合影等服务,其推出的证件照写真模式深受广大用户欢迎。3、汇美HYMN汇美是深圳市汇美影像文化股份有限公司旗下的照相馆品牌,也是照相馆行业的知名品牌,公司旗下的照相馆遍布全国多个省市,产品和服务赢得了广大用户的赞誉。4、盘子女人坊盘子女人坊是国内主打中国风摄影的照相馆品牌,隶属于湖南盘子女人坊集团,目前集团已在全国开设有近40家直营店,服务的客户上百万。5、方快EASYFAST方快是天真蓝公司旗下的快照子品牌,创立于2015年,主要提供证件照商务形象照、高端写真等服务,目前已在全国90多个城市开设有300多家门店。
2023-06-22 04:51:321

恋爱恐慌症 中最后的结尾 结婚的时候的 英文歌是什么?

2023-06-22 04:52:295


2023-06-22 04:52:434


2023-06-22 04:52:491

什么英语单词里有 hy这两个字母

hydrocodone hydroxyzine hydrogephysiology physical phylogeneticu2026u2026
2023-06-22 04:52:573


2023-06-22 04:53:061


2023-06-22 04:53:142


2023-06-22 04:53:377

Ultravox的《Hymn》 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn歌手:Ultravox专辑:This Is... 1982hymn歌/作词 片雾烈火 作编曲 onoken今宵(こよい) 月(つき)がその総(すべ)てを见(み)ていた笑(わら)いましょう 何时(いつ)ものよう染(し)み付(つ)けて欲(ほ)しいのは あなたの匂(にお)い血(ち)と闇(やみ)を掻(か)き分(わ)けて 入(はい)らせてあげる声(こえ)を杀(ころ)し(疼(うず)く思考(しこう))强(つよ)く深(ふか)く(抉(えぐ)る様(ざま)に)爱(いと)しい あなた躯(からだ)を重(かさ)ねあわせやがて二人(ふたり) ひとつへと沢山(たくさん)の隠(かく)し事(ごと) 暴(あば)きたいなら沢山(たくさん)の秘密(ひみつ)事(こと) 触(ふ)れてみたいなら掴(つか)まえなさい 直(す)ぐに终末(しゅうまつ)の名(な)の梦(ゆめ)は既(すで)に 忍(しの)び寄(よ)りつつあるの燃(も)える様(よう)な(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 歌(うた)を 歌(うた)え)痛(いた)みでさえない(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 狂(くる)い 踊(おど)れ)悦(よろこ)んで (呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 友(とも)を 壊(こわ)せ)受(う)け入(い)れるから(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 世界(せかい) 壊(こわ)せ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 梦(ゆめ)を 语(かた)れ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 生命(いのち) 捧(ささ)げ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 己(おの)れ 壊(こわ)せ)(呜呼(ああ) 我(われ)崇(あが)めよ 世界(せかい) 全(すべ)て)讃(たた)えましょう 狂気(きょうき)を歌(うた)い上(あ)げて游(あそ)びましょう 掌(てのひら)の上(うえ)で さあ访(おとず)れる その日(ひ)まで今(いま)は嗤いましょう総(すべ)てを知(し)る 月(つき)の光(ひかり)のもとで
2023-06-22 04:54:021

Adiemus的《Hymn》 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn歌手:Adiemus专辑:Karl Jenkins: The Platinum Collectionhymn歌/作词 片雾烈火 作编曲 onoken今宵(こよい) 月(つき)がその総(すべ)てを见(み)ていた笑(わら)いましょう 何时(いつ)ものよう染(し)み付(つ)けて欲(ほ)しいのは あなたの匂(にお)い血(ち)と闇(やみ)を掻(か)き分(わ)けて 入(はい)らせてあげる声(こえ)を杀(ころ)し(疼(うず)く思考(しこう))强(つよ)く深(ふか)く(抉(えぐ)る様(ざま)に)爱(いと)しい あなた躯(からだ)を重(かさ)ねあわせやがて二人(ふたり) ひとつへと沢山(たくさん)の隠(かく)し事(ごと) 暴(あば)きたいなら沢山(たくさん)の秘密(ひみつ)事(こと) 触(ふ)れてみたいなら掴(つか)まえなさい 直(す)ぐに终末(しゅうまつ)の名(な)の梦(ゆめ)は既(すで)に 忍(しの)び寄(よ)りつつあるの燃(も)える様(よう)な(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 歌(うた)を 歌(うた)え)痛(いた)みでさえない(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 狂(くる)い 踊(おど)れ)悦(よろこ)んで (呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 友(とも)を 壊(こわ)せ)受(う)け入(い)れるから(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 世界(せかい) 壊(こわ)せ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 梦(ゆめ)を 语(かた)れ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 生命(いのち) 捧(ささ)げ)(呜呼(ああ) 神(かみ)を崇(あが)め 己(おの)れ 壊(こわ)せ)(呜呼(ああ) 我(われ)崇(あが)めよ 世界(せかい) 全(すべ)て)讃(たた)えましょう 狂気(きょうき)を歌(うた)い上(あ)げて游(あそ)びましょう 掌(てのひら)の上(うえ)で さあ访(おとず)れる その日(ひ)まで今(いま)は嗤いましょう総(すべ)てを知(し)る 月(つき)の光(ひかり)のもとで
2023-06-22 04:54:091

Patti Smith Group的《Hymn》 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn歌手:Patti Smith Group专辑:WaveHymnsong by LunaticaGive us this day all that you showed meThe power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesAnd they said that in our time,All that"s good will fall from graceEven saints would turn their face,In our timeAnd they told us that in our days,Different words said in different ways,Have other meaning from he who says,In our time.Give us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesAnd they said that in our time,We would reap from their legacy,We would learn from what they had seen,In our time.And they told us that in our days,We would know what was high on high,We would follow and not defy,In our time.Give us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesGive us this day all that you showed me,Give us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeThe power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comesGive us this day all that you showed me,The power and the glory "til thy kingdom comeGive me all the story book told me,The faith and the glory "til thy kingdom comes
2023-06-22 04:54:151


行 的意思。sing吧就是行吧的意思
2023-06-22 04:54:242


2023-06-22 04:54:423


基督教举行崇拜仪式时所唱的赞美上帝的诗歌。歌词内容主要是对上帝的称颂、感谢、祈求。现在多数赞美诗都有可供四部合唱的高音、中音、次中音、低音曲调,但早期的赞美诗无和声、无伴奏。《旧约》中有1501首称为赞美诗的诗歌,共分为五部份,包括赞美上帝或求上帝赐福的圣歌。多数是犹太教徒在大礼拜堂中吟唱的。 许多赞美诗是出自犹太国王大卫之手,他还是位音乐家,还有些是可拉的儿子和摩西创作的。 赞美诗的第22首“主是我保护人……”也许是所有赞美诗中最著名的.
2023-06-22 04:55:025

如何评价Coldplay 的Hymn for the weekend
2023-06-22 04:55:252

The Hymn (O What Mercy) 歌词

歌曲名:The Hymn (O What Mercy)歌手:Tim Be Told专辑:Getting ByThe Hymn (O What Mercy)Tim Be ToldBy sy2006Verse 1O what mercy has been granted mefor the filthy rags I"ve wornclothed in sacrifice to great to speakand of new life rebornstill my darkness veils all the victoriesthat you"ve seen me throughthe prisons I have counted eacha wall of sin so high I cannot reachJesus Christ who died for megave his life so that I could be freehe gave his life so that I could be freeVerse 2They come to you weary broken tornand lay their sorrows at your feetparched and hungry for a taste of joyand from suffering find retreatbut our silence veils all the answersthat they seek from youchildren cry to see your facepoor men desperate for your arms of graceJesus Christ who died for themby your scars we pray their wounds will mendby your scars we pray their wounds will mendVerse 3Our God of graceour delivererto you be glory and fameall our treasures we have counted lossfor to surrender is to gainbut your hope unveils all the answersand reveals the Truthby the cross you made a wayyou will bring us to your home one dayJesus Christ for us you diedgave the world Your love though we deniedgave the world Your love though we deniedgave the world Your love though we deniedEnd.
2023-06-22 04:55:311

求hymn for the weekend-Coldplay MP3百度云下载链接

2023-06-22 04:55:522

Hymn For Her 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn For Her歌手:US3专辑:Broadway & 52NdHymn For HerThe Magic NumbersThe Magic NumbersAs I wandered past through the old grey houseAnd the children laughed for they"d found me outAnd the silly things I do when I"m around youMake for wanting to believe that I have found youAnd if Sunday rainAnd if Sunday rainAnd if Sunday rainI don"t wanna knowJust like I won"t forget your face when IWake to find you hereOh my lover won"t you get away?Love or loathe I need to feel againIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to choose the path that we all walk aloneOh my lord I I pray for just one dayLove or loathe I need to feel againIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to choose the path that we all walk aloneAnd you love and you love and it never liesOh, when you love and you love and it never diesOh, and you love and you love and it never liesOh, when you love and you love and it never diesHymn for herHymn for herHymn for herHymn for herIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to choose the path that we all walk aloneOh my lord I pray for just one dayLove or loathe I need to feel again
2023-06-22 04:56:121

hymn for the weekend mv什么意思

hymn for the weekend MV周末颂 (音乐视频)乐曲内容 Hymn For The Weekend周末颂A drink for me, drink for me喝下去 再继续Then we"ll shoot across the sky这感觉就像划过天际Symphony亦或是首完美的交响曲Oh, angels sent from up above一定是天使从天上降下You know you make my world light up你点亮了世界变成童话When I was down, when I was hurt当我低落 布满疮疤You came to lift me up你让我变伟大Life is a drink, and love"s a drug人生像酒 那爱情应该像大麻Oh now I think I must be miles up现在我想是有点说远啦When I was hurt, withered, dried up每当我受伤 枯萎 结痂You came to rain a flood你让我甘霖中开花So drink for me, drink for me喝下去 再继续When I was so thirsty当我似渴如饥We"re on a symphony我们铸就一首完美的交响曲Now I just can"t get enough现在我就是感觉无法尽意Put your wings on me, wings on me将你的翅膀装在我的双臂When I was so heavy让我承担起重重(chong)重(zhong)力We"re on a symphony我们铸就一首完美的交响曲When I"m lower, lower, lower, low好让我不再低迷Ah-oh-ah-oh-ahGot me feeling drunk and high这让我如此沉醉 惬意So high, so highOh-ah-oh-ah-oh-ahI"m feeling drunk and high感觉如此沉醉 惬意So high, so high(Woo)(Woo-ooo-ooo-woo)Oh, angels sent from up above一定是天使从天上降下I feel it coursing through my blood让我感觉血液在奔流的一定是她Life is a drink, your love"s about如果人生像酒 你的爱就能幻化To make the stars come out成满天星落下Put your wings on me, wings on me将你的翅膀装在我的双臂When I was so heavy让我承担起重重(chong)重(zhong)力We"re on a symphony我们铸就一首完美的交响曲When I"m lower, lower, lower, low好让我不再低迷Ah-oh-ah-oh-ahGot me feeling drunk and high这让我如此沉醉 惬意So high, so highOh-ah-oh-ah-oh-ahI"m feeling drunk and high我感觉如此沉醉 惬意So high, so high(Woo)(Woo-ooo-ooo-woo)Ah-oh-ah-oh-ahLa, la, la, la, la, la, laSo high, so highAh-oh-ah-oh-ahI"m feeling drunk and high我感觉如此沉醉 惬意So high, so highThen we"ll shoot across the skyThen we"ll shoot across the...伸出双手 划向天际Then we"ll shoot across the skyThen we"ll shoot across the...Then we"ll shoot across the skyThen we"ll shoot across the...Then we"ll shoot across the skyThen we"ll shoot across the...Then we"ll shoot across the skyThen we"ll shoot across the...
2023-06-22 04:56:191

Hymn For Her 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn For Her歌手:The Magic Numbers专辑:The Magic NumbersHymn For HerThe Magic NumbersThe Magic NumbersAs I wandered past through the old grey houseAnd the children laughed for they"d found me outAnd the silly things I do when I"m around youMake for wanting to believe that I have found youAnd if Sunday rainAnd if Sunday rainAnd if Sunday rainI don"t wanna knowJust like I won"t forget your face when IWake to find you hereOh my lover won"t you get away?Love or loathe I need to feel againIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to choose the path that we all walk aloneOh my lord I I pray for just one dayLove or loathe I need to feel againIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to choose the path that we all walk aloneAnd you love and you love and it never liesOh, when you love and you love and it never diesOh, and you love and you love and it never liesOh, when you love and you love and it never diesHymn for herHymn for herHymn for herHymn for herIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to find love in the wrong placeI"ve been hurt before but all the scars have rearrangedIt won"t hurt to choose the path that we all walk aloneOh my lord I pray for just one dayLove or loathe I need to feel again
2023-06-22 04:56:251

hyhn my weekend歌词

歌名:Hymn For The Weekend歌手:Coldplay   语言:英语   所属专辑:A Head Full Of Dreams   发行时间:2015-12-04合作歌手:BeyonceHymn For The Weekend  周末颂  A drink for me, drink for me  喝下去 再继续  Then we"ll shoot across the sky  这感觉就像划过天际  Symphony  亦或是首完美的交响曲  Oh, angels sent from up above  一定是天使从天上降下  You know you make my world light up  你点亮了世界变成童话  When I was down, when I was hurt  当我低落 布满疮疤  You came to lift me up  你让我变伟大  Life is a drink, and love"s a drug  人生像酒 那爱情应该像大麻  Oh now I think I must be miles up  现在我想是有点说远啦  When I was hurt, withered, dried up  每当我受伤 枯萎 结痂  You came to rain a flood  你让我甘霖中开花  So drink for me, drink for me  喝下去 再继续  When I was so thirsty  当我似渴如饥  We"re on a symphony  我们铸就一首完美的交响曲  Now I just can"t get enough  现在我就是感觉无法尽意  Put your wings on me, wings on me  将你的翅膀装在我的双臂  When I was so heavy  让我承担起重重(chong)重(zhong)力  We"re on a symphony  我们铸就一首完美的交响曲  When I"m lower, lower, lower, low  好让我不再低迷  Ah-oh-ah-oh-ah  Got me feeling drunk and high  这让我如此沉醉 惬意  So high, so high  Oh-ah-oh-ah-oh-ah  I"m feeling drunk and high  感觉如此沉醉 惬意  So high, so high  (Woo)  (Woo-ooo-ooo-woo)  Oh, angels sent from up above  一定是天使从天上降下  I feel it coursing through my blood  让我感觉血液在奔流的一定是她  Life is a drink, your love"s about  如果人生像酒 你的爱就能幻化  To make the stars come out  成满天星落下  Put your wings on me, wings on me  将你的翅膀装在我的双臂  When I was so heavy  让我承担起重重(chong)重(zhong)力  We"re on a symphony  我们铸就一首完美的交响曲  When I"m lower, lower, lower, low  好让我不再低迷  Ah-oh-ah-oh-ah  Got me feeling drunk and high  这让我如此沉醉 惬意  So high, so high  Oh-ah-oh-ah-oh-ah  I"m feeling drunk and high  我感觉如此沉醉 惬意  So high, so high  (Woo)  (Woo-ooo-ooo-woo)  Ah-oh-ah-oh-ah  La, la, la, la, la, la, la  So high, so high  Ah-oh-ah-oh-ah  I"m feeling drunk and high  我感觉如此沉醉 惬意  So high, so high  Then we"ll shoot across the sky  Then we"ll shoot across the...  伸出双手 划向天际  Then we"ll shoot across the sky  Then we"ll shoot across the...  Then we"ll shoot across the sky  Then we"ll shoot across the...  Then we"ll shoot across the sky  Then we"ll shoot across the...  Then we"ll shoot across the sky  Then we"ll shoot across the...
2023-06-22 04:56:321


sing本意是:唱歌。因为sing与行发音相似,所以用在网络用语中通常表示:行。重点词汇:sing英[su026au014b]释义:vi.唱歌;歌颂;鸣叫;呼号vt.唱;用诗赞颂;唱着使n.演唱;鸣声;呼啸声n.(Sing)人名;(老、德、泰)辛[复数:sings;第三人称单数:sings;现在分词:singing;过去式:sang或sung;过去分词:sung]短语:sing a song唱歌;唱首歌;唱个歌词语辨析:sing,carol,chant,hymn这组词都有“歌唱”的意思。1、sing指以高低不同的音符发出的一连串的悦耳的声响,其主体可以是人,也可以是鸟、小溪等。2、chant指以庄重的语调用同一节奏反复地吟唱,也可指以歌唱的形式反复单调地朗诵,其主体只能是人。3、carol专指用年轻、充满活力的声音愉快地歌唱。4、hymn指唱赞美诗。
2023-06-22 04:56:411

hymn for the weekend中这个女的叫什么?

那是Beyonce 碧昂丝
2023-06-22 04:56:573


Hymn For The Weekend
2023-06-22 04:57:055

求hymn to the night,the secret of the sea,this is my letter to the world,I hear American singing 诗

  猎人感言:在常人眼里夜晚是罪恶发生之时,所谓“月黑杀人夜”;是鬼魂出没之际,如hamlet中其父王之显灵。而中文诗歌中则鲜有对黑夜的歌颂!可是在longfellow笔下,黑夜却如此美丽动人:  hymn to the night黑夜赞歌 -henry wadswOrth longfellow  i heard the trailing garments of the night  sweep through her marble halls!  i saw her sable skirts all fringed with light  from the celestial walls!  黑夜拖曳着衣裾,  扫过她大理石的殿堂!  来自天幕的光,  将她黑裙的边绣成穗状!  i felt her presence,by its spell of might,  stoop o"er me from above;  the calm,majestic presence of the night,  as of the one i love.  我感到她的出现,因她符咒般的力量,  从天空俯于我身上。  黑夜降临,平静而端庄,  一如我钟爱的姑娘。  i heard the sounds of sOrrow And delight,  the manifold, soft chimes,  that fill the haunted chambers of the night  like some old poet"s rhymes.  我听到声音-有喜悦有忧伤,  温柔和谐,多种多样,  如古老诗歌的韵律,  在黑夜鬼魂出没的房间回荡。  from the cool cisterns of the midnight air  my spirit drank repose;  the fountain of perpetual peace flows there,--  from those deep cisterns flows.  自午夜空中清凉的水池,  我的灵魂畅饮修眠。  那些深深的水池中,  流淌着永久平静的清泉。  o holy night! from thee i learn to bear  what man has bOrne befOre!  thou layest thy finger on the lips of care,  And they complain no mOre.  啊,神圣的黑夜!从你处我学会容忍,  容前人能容之事!  你把手指放在柔软的唇上,  而它们不抱怨,不声张。  peace! peace! Orestes-like i breathe this prayer!  descend with broad-winged flight,  the welcome, the thrice-prayed fOr, the most fair,  the best-beloved night!  安静!安静!像俄瑞斯忒斯那样,我祈求上苍!  寂静如鸟儿收翅缓缓从天降,  欢迎你,我三次祈祷,  把最美丽最心爱的黑夜颂扬!  (注:Orestes【希腊神话】agamemnon与clytemnestra子, electra之弟,  弑母及其情夫以报父仇)  Ah! what pleasant visions haunt me  As I gaze upon the sea!  All the old romantic legends,  All my dreams, come back to me.  Sails of silk and ropes of sandal,  Such as gleam in ancient lore;  And the singing of the sailors,  And the answer from the shore!  Most of all, the Spanish ballad  haunts me oft, and tarries long,  Of the noble Count Arnaldos  And the sailor"s mystic song.  Like the long waves on a sea-beach,  Where the sand as silver Shines,  With a soft, monotonous cadence,  flow its unrhymed lyric lines;  Telling how the Count Arnaldos,  With his hawk upon his hand,  Saw a fair and stately galley,  Steering onward to the land;  How he heard the ancient helmsman  Chant a song so wild and clear,  That the sailing sea-bird slowly  Poised upon the mast to hear.  Till his soul was full of longing,  And he cried, with impulse strong,  "Helmsman, for the love of heaven,  Teach me, too, that wondrous song!"  "Wouldst thou," so the helmsman answered,  "Learn the secret of the sea?  Only those brave its dangers  Comprehend its mystery!"  In each sail it skims the horizon,  In each landward-blowing breeze,  Till my soul is full of longing  I behold that stately galley,  Hear those mournful melodies;  For the secret of the sea,  And the heart of the great ocean  Sends a thrilling pulse through me.  This is my Letter to the World  This is my Letter to the World  That never wrote to Me—  The simple News that Nature told—  With tender Majesty  Her Message is committed  To hands I can not see—  For love of Her—Sweet—countrymen—  Judge tenderly—of Me  I Hear America singing  by Walt Whitman  I Hear America singing, the varied carols I hear;  Those of mechanics--each one singing his, as it should be, blithe and strong;  The carpenter singing his, as he measures his plank or beam,  The mason singing his, as he makes ready for work, or leaves off work;  The boatman singing what belongs to him in his boat--the deckhand singing on the steamboat deck;  The shoemaker singing as he sits on his bench--the hatter singing as he stands;  The wood-cutter"s song--the ploughboy"s, on his way in the morning, or at the noon intermission,or at sundown;  The delicious singing of the mother--or of the young wife at work--or of the girl sewing or washing--Each singing what belongs to her, and to none else;  The day what belongs to the day--At night, the party of young fellows, robust, friendly,  Singing, with open mouths, their strong melodious songs.
2023-06-22 04:57:421

Hymn To The Sea 歌词

歌曲名:Hymn To The Sea歌手:James Horner专辑:Titanic: Music From The Motion Picture SoundtrackHymn To The SeaJames HornerTitanicTitanic--Hymn To The Sea每次听这部电影里的曲子,我就很难受..我的回忆,现在和未来...曾经,我在这里感动..流泪,并期待..如今,我却发现这样的剧情..似乎,与现实无关..而它只是理想,理想中的爱情..我一直在想,究竟爱情..究竟爱情是怎么样的.我找不到合适的答案..我喜欢这曲子,喜欢这电影..今天,就让我沉浸于此,渲泄自己吧..看过无数遍这部电影,却百看不厌.从来都是在难过的时候想到它..想到美好的爱,还有相爱的情绪..虽然是悲剧的结局,但我仍觉得圆满..很久以前的我,或者还是小女生..对爱,对爱情,总是有太多幻想..像无数个单纯女生一样,渴望爱和被爱..说到这些,内心会忍不住悲哀起来..因为这些已经是过去,而过去的我永远都回不来了..我...不知道什么时候开始爱情,渐渐地..没了它从前的颜色..剩下的只是失望,无奈,还有那些所谓的现实..不知道是爱情变了,还是环境变了..或者说是心变了..我经历过爱情吗?也许吧..喜欢一个人,二年多,甚至更久,没有回报..可笑的第一次..我不喜欢卑微,不喜欢在任何人面前卑微..席幕容的几句词里就写了这种感受是不是爱上一个人,你就会对他卑微起来..是的,我终究相信了这一点..这样的爱,我很难放下,拖了那么久..可能现在我还是怀念..因为在我的心里,他就是唯一..没有人能够代替!Funny...我始终不明白..到现在依旧不明白..可是我无能为力不是吗??对爱情,我一度失去自我..也许现实中的爱情就是这样,磨难,痛,泪水,失望还有放弃..难得找到一个相爱的人..从前我讨厌爱情..现在我讨厌自己..相爱,也许只在电影里有..真爱,也许也只是在电影里才有..我,寻不到那个港湾...BY: 周岚VIOLET
2023-06-22 04:57:491


2023-06-22 04:58:101