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2023-06-22 09:17:44
TAG: cake ake

cake当它指的是一只大蛋糕的时候是不可数名词,因此没有复数,其中的一块可用a piece of cake来表示,一些为some cake。

C ake 的用法



cake作“糕,糕饼”解时,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。“一块蛋糕”常用a piece of cake来表示。作“饼状食物”“块状物”解时,一般只用作可数名词。



He passed me one fifth of the cake.他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。



cake 英[keu026ak] 美[keu026ak] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake?来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样?[其他] 第三人称单数:cakes 复数:cakes 现在分词:caking 过去式:caked过去分词:caked
2023-06-22 04:58:4711


2023-06-22 05:00:143


cake作为名词,表示蛋糕,作vt.& vi,表示(使)结块;(使)胶;涂厚厚的一层。不过一般作为名词表示蛋糕,在生活中应用比较多,尤其生日的时候都会有生日蛋糕。 cake这个单词相信我们在学英语的时候,并不陌生,经常会出现在单词课本上,那么cake是什么意思呢?下面来给大家具体的介绍一下。 详细内容 01 cake作为名词,表示蛋糕、糕饼、块状物、沉积物。 02 cake作vt.& vi,表示(使)结块;(使)胶;涂厚厚的一层。 03 cake第三人称单数: cakes 复数: cakes,现在分词: caking 过去式: caked 过去分词: caked。 04 cake原料:蛋糕是一种古老的西点,一般是由烤箱制作的,蛋糕是用鸡蛋、白糖、小麦粉为主要原料。以牛奶、果汁、奶粉、香粉、色拉油、水,起酥油、泡打粉为辅料。经过搅拌、调制、烘烤后制成一种像海绵的点心。 05 生日蛋糕的由来:中古时期的欧洲人相信,生日是灵魂最容易被恶魔入侵的日子,所以在生日当天,亲人朋友都会齐聚身边给予祝福,并且送蛋糕以带来好运驱逐恶魔。生日蛋糕,最初是只有国王才有资格拥有的,都可以在生日时,买个漂亮的蛋糕,享受众人给予的祝福。
2023-06-22 05:00:561

cakes是什么意思 cakes的意思

1、Cakes是糕点的意思。 2、糕点是一种以谷类、豆类、薯类、油脂、糖、蛋等食材中的一种或几种为主要原料,添加或不添加其他原料,经调制、成型、熟制等工序制成的食品。熟制前或熟制后常常在产品表面或熟制后的内部添加奶油、蛋白、可可、果酱等等。
2023-06-22 05:01:021


   蛋糕 是一种古老的西点,一般是由烤箱制作的,烘烤后制成一种像海绵的点心。那么,你知道蛋糕的英文单词怎么写吗?现在跟我一起学习关于蛋糕的英语知识吧。   蛋糕的英文释义   cake   tabnab   angel cake   angel food cake   trifle   Swiss roll   蛋糕的英文例句   这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产。   These small spiced cakes are a peculiarity of the region.   请给蛋糕多加点香料。   Please add more spices to the cake.   他点燃了生日蛋糕上的小蜡烛。   He lit the candles on the birthday cake.   我们做的蛋糕不大成功。   The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.   你要避免吃甜食,例如蛋糕、巧克力、糖和冰淇淋。   You must avoid sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, sugar and ice cream.   蛋糕发起来了。   The cake bulked up.   他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。   He passed me one fifth of the cake.   我们很快就吃完了巧克力蛋糕。   We soon despatched the chocolate cake.   蛋糕倒扣在专用的蛋糕硬纸板或是大盘子上,轻拍碗具,取出蛋糕。   Tap gently and ease the bowl off of the cake.   他喜欢这个蛋糕还是那个蛋糕?   Does he like this cake or that cake?   她把蛋糕烤焦了。   She scorched the cake.   他吃了几口蛋糕。   He tasted of the cake.   他们在几分钟内便吃光了那块大蛋糕。   They have knocked off the whole cake in a few minutes!   只有一块蛋糕,但我们把它切成两半儿。   There was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two.   就像这块蛋糕。   Like this cake.   我有一块儿蛋糕,然后把它吃掉。   I have a cake, then I eat it.   但当我看到一个那样的蛋糕......   But when I see a cake like that . . .   蛋糕的英语 句子 带翻译   好的蛋糕让大家变得跟猪一样所以为什么不跟着潮流走呢?   Good cake tends to make everyone pig out, so why not go with the flow?   不仅仅是无脂食品,还有食品店里出售的许多低脂蛋糕,饼干和甜点等都是如此。   Not only that, but there are plenty of low fat cakes, cookies and desserts sold at every grocery store.   蛋糕有层次。   Cakes have layers.   今天是我的生日.在美国,有这样一个传统:当你吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛的时候,就可以许一个愿望.   It is now my birthday. In the US, we have a tradition that when you blow out thecandles on your birthday cake, you should make a wish.   是的,我吃了一些蛋糕。   Peter: Yes, I ate some cake.   你不可能就这样来了,连巧克力蛋糕都不吃一块吧!   But you canu2019t come and not have the chocolate cake!   我希望我能向你展示一些我的同班同学做的好看的奶油甜酱蛋糕。   I wish I could show you some of the pretty buttercream cakes my classmates have done!   我已经吃了4块蛋糕,但是我还要以块。   I have eaten 4 cakes, but I still want another.   我记得我有一次和前男友坐在卧室的地板上吃蛋糕和布丁酱。   I remember sitting on my bedroom floor eating cake and pudding sauce with my ex.   我得到的蛋糕差不多是最大的一块。   The piece of cake I got was almost the largest.   我们有奶油生日蛋糕.十元一个.你要来点吗?   We have cream birthday cakes.ten yuan each. Do you like it?   她会不停地吃蛋糕,如果我们不阻止她的话。   Sheu2019ll eat cake as long as we let her.   事实上,我爱我的年龄,因为每一个生日不仅仅意味着礼物和巧克力蛋糕。   In fact, I love my age, because every single birthday means more than justpresents and chocolate cake.   于是,我们打算离家出走,去某个地方——在那里,母亲们不会对她们的孩子那么苛刻,而且像我们这么乖的孩子可以随心所欲地吃馅饼、蛋糕和曲奇饼。   So, we were running away to a place where mothers were not so mean to theirchildren, and good kids (like us) were able to have pie and cake and cookieswhenever they wanted. 猜你喜欢: 1. 蛋糕的经典广告词 2. 生日蛋糕用英语怎么说 3. 蛋糕的英文是什么 4. 推销蛋糕的经典广告词 5. 做生日蛋糕的英文 6. 芝士蛋糕广告宣传词
2023-06-22 05:01:121


2023-06-22 05:01:332


eat birthday cakes吃生日蛋糕中古时期的欧洲人相信,生日是灵魂最容易被恶魔入侵的日子,所以在生日当天,亲人朋友都会齐聚身边给予祝福,并且送蛋糕以带来好运驱逐恶魔。
2023-06-22 05:01:401

cake 到底是可数还是不可数名词?

2023-06-22 05:01:484


2023-06-22 05:02:152


2023-06-22 05:02:266


2023-06-22 05:02:422

l like cake 。与l like cakes。有什么区别?

2023-06-22 05:02:501


2023-06-22 05:03:103


问题一:蛋糕的英语怎么读 【汉语】蛋糕 【英语】cake 【音标】 英语读音 [ke?k] 美语读音 [ke?k] 【例句】 Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares. 等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。 问题二:蛋糕英文怎么写 蛋糕的英文,除了cake 这个翻译还有: “tabnab” 这个也是有蛋糕,小西点圆面包的意思。 它的音标是:["t??bn??b] 问题三:蛋糕用英语怎么说? cake 问题四:蛋糕英语怎么写 cake 问题五:蛋糕用英语怎么写 楼你你好。 蛋糕 cake 以下是详细介绍: cake 英[ke?k] 美[ke?k] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [网络] 饼; 生日; 糕点; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake? 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样? [其他] 第三人称单数:cakes 复数:cakes 现在分词:caking 过去式:caked过去分词:caked 问题六:所有的那些蛋糕英语怎么讲 All of these cakes 问题七:蛋糕英语怎么说,,,, cake n.蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt.& vi.(使)结块; (使)胶; 涂厚厚的一层; 问题八:一个漂亮的蛋糕英文怎么说 a beautiful cake 一个漂亮的蛋糕. 丹尼,珍妮和史蒂 *** 了一个漂亮的蛋糕和九个饼干。 Danny, Jenny and Steven make a beautiful cake and nine cookies. 问题九:一块蛋糕用英语怎么说呢? a cake
2023-06-22 05:03:481

cakes是什么意思 cakes的意思

1、Cakes是糕点的意思。 2、糕点是一种以谷类、豆类、薯类、油脂、糖、蛋等食材中的一种或几种为主要原料,添加或不添加其他原料,经调制、成型、熟制等工序制成的食品。熟制前或熟制后常常在产品表面或熟制后的内部添加奶油、蛋白、可可、果酱等等。
2023-06-22 05:03:551


问题一:蛋糕的英语怎么读 【汉语】蛋糕 【英语】cake 【音标】 英语读音 [ke?k] 美语读音 [ke?k] 【例句】 Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares. 等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。 问题二:蛋糕英文怎么写 蛋糕的英文,除了cake 这个翻译还有: “tabnab” 这个也是有蛋糕,小西点圆面包的意思。 它的音标是:["t??bn??b] 问题三:蛋糕用英语怎么说? cake 问题四:蛋糕英语怎么写 cake 问题五:蛋糕用英语怎么写 楼你你好。 蛋糕 cake 以下是详细介绍: cake 英[ke?k] 美[ke?k] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [网络] 饼; 生日; 糕点; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake? 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样? [其他] 第三人称单数:cakes 复数:cakes 现在分词:caking 过去式:caked过去分词:caked 问题六:所有的那些蛋糕英语怎么讲 All of these cakes 问题七:蛋糕英语怎么说,,,, cake n.蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt.& vi.(使)结块; (使)胶; 涂厚厚的一层; 问题八:一个漂亮的蛋糕英文怎么说 a beautiful cake 一个漂亮的蛋糕. 丹尼,珍妮和史蒂 *** 了一个漂亮的蛋糕和九个饼干。 Danny, Jenny and Steven make a beautiful cake and nine cookies. 问题九:一块蛋糕用英语怎么说呢? a cake
2023-06-22 05:04:021


2023-06-22 05:04:262


2023-06-22 05:04:553


cake n.糕饼;蛋糕;饼状食物;饼 v.(用厚厚一层干后即变硬的软东西)覆盖;(干后)结成硬块;胶凝 第三人称单数: cakes 复数: cakes 现在分词: caking 过去式: caked 过去分词: caked 派生词: caked adj. 扩展资料   She offered us five different kinds of cake.   她给我们提供了五种不同的蛋糕。   We might as well finish up the cake.   我们倒不如把蛋糕吃完。   These cakes are very quick and easy to make.   这些糕饼做起来又快又简单。
2023-06-22 05:05:091


问题一:蛋糕英文怎么写 蛋糕的英文,除了cake 这个翻译还有: “tabnab” 这个也是有蛋糕,小西点圆面包的意思。 它的音标是:["t??bn??b] 问题二:蛋糕英语怎么写 cake 问题三:蛋糕的英语单词怎么写 你好! 蛋糕 cake 英[ke?k] 美[ke?k] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake? 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样? 问题四:蛋糕用英语怎么写 楼你你好。 蛋糕 cake 以下是详细介绍: cake 英[ke?k] 美[ke?k] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [网络] 饼; 生日; 糕点; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake? 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样? [其他] 第三人称单数:cakes 复数:cakes 现在分词:caking 过去式:caked过去分词:caked 问题五:蛋糕的英文名字怎么写? 蛋糕: 英文:cake 音标[ke?k] 第三人称单数:cakes 过去分词:caked 复数:cakes 现在进行时:caking 过去式:caked 易混淆单词: CAKE:abbrputer assisted keyboard evaluator 计算机辅助键盘鉴定器; Cake:[人名] 凯克; 问题六:做蛋糕的英语怎么说 make a cake or make cakes 问题七:蛋糕英语怎么说,,,, cake n.蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt.& vi.(使)结块; (使)胶; 涂厚厚的一层; 问题八:蛋糕英文怎么写 蛋糕的英文,除了cake 这个翻译还有: “tabnab” 这个也是有蛋糕,小西点圆面包的意思。 它的音标是:["t??bn??b] 问题九:蛋糕的英语单词怎么写 你好! 蛋糕 cake 英[ke?k] 美[ke?k] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake? 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样? 问题十:做蛋糕用英语怎么写 make cakes
2023-06-22 05:05:221


2023-06-22 05:05:316


修饰不可数名词表示复数意义时,cake须用其复数形式cakes。cake当它指的是一只大蛋糕的时候是不可数名词,因此没有复数,其中的一块可用a piece of cake来表示,一些为some cake。例如:I baked three cakes for the party. 我为这次聚会烤了三个蛋糕。cake名词用法 cake作名词有“蛋糕;饼状食物,饼;轻而易举的事”等意思。
2023-06-22 05:05:451


问题一:蛋糕的英语怎么读 【汉语】蛋糕 【英语】cake 【音标】 英语读音 [ke?k] 美语读音 [ke?k] 【例句】 Serve the cake warm or at room temperature, cut in squares. 等蛋糕温热或凉至室温时切成四方块端上桌。 问题二:蛋糕英文怎么读 case,音译:K死 问题三:蛋糕的英文怎么念 cake kei(第四声) k(清音) 问题四:面包,蛋糕用英语怎么念 面包 bread, 把b r ai d,连起来读,蛋糕CAKE, K课,连着读 问题五:蛋糕用英语怎么说? cake 问题六:蛋糕英语怎么读 cake[ke?k] n.蛋糕;?糕饼;?块状物;?沉积物; vt.& vi.(使)结块;?(使)胶;?涂厚厚的一层; [例句].Getting rid of him will be a piece ofcake.摆脱掉他就是小事一桩。 I"ve iced and decorated the?cake.我在蛋糕上挂了糖衣,还做了花样装饰。 [复数]cakes 问题七:所有的那些蛋糕英语怎么讲 All of these cakes 问题八:蛋糕用英语怎么读 cake 英[ke?k] 美[ke?k] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake? 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样? [其他] 第三人称单数:cakes 复数:cakes 现在分词:caking 过去式:caked过去分词:caked 问题九:蛋糕英语怎么说,,,, cake n.蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt.& vi.(使)结块; (使)胶; 涂厚厚的一层;
2023-06-22 05:06:211


2023-06-22 05:06:294


问题一:蛋糕英文怎么写 蛋糕的英文,除了cake 这个翻译还有: “tabnab” 这个也是有蛋糕,小西点圆面包的意思。 它的音标是:["t??bn??b] 问题二:蛋糕英语怎么写 cake 问题三:蛋糕用英语怎么写 楼你你好。 蛋糕 cake 以下是详细介绍: cake 英[ke?k] 美[ke?k] n. 蛋糕; 糕饼; 块状物; 沉积物; vt. (使) 结块; (使) 胶; 涂厚厚的一层; [网络] 饼; 生日; 糕点; [例句]Would you like some chocolate cake? 来点巧克力蛋糕怎么样? [其他] 第三人称单数:cakes 复数:cakes 现在分词:caking 过去式:caked过去分词:caked 问题四:蛋糕的英文名字怎么写? 蛋糕: 英文:cake 音标[ke?k] 第三人称单数:cakes 过去分词:caked 复数:cakes 现在进行时:caking 过去式:caked 易混淆单词: CAKE:abbrputer assisted keyboard evaluator 计算机辅助键盘鉴定器; Cake:[人名] 凯克; 问题五:蛋糕的英语怎么写 Make a cake 问题六:送你一个蛋糕的英文怎么写 I will give you a piece of cake 问题七:小蛋糕的英文怎么写 小蛋糕:mini-cake 问题八:蛋糕用英语怎么写 cake 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!请记得采纳,谢谢!(*^__^*) 问题九:一些好吃的蛋糕英文怎么写 some delicious cakes
2023-06-22 05:07:051

Marvin Gaye的《Cakes》 歌词

歌曲名:Cakes歌手:Marvin Gaye专辑:Let"S Get It Oncake作词:Maika作曲:Air Beluga呗:Mi编辑:MEIHOHAMASAKIいつか忘れられるかな胸の中にいるあなたをお互いつながっててもそばにいれなかったね别れを告げた夜は一绪に星も泣いてたほんとはずっとそばにいたかったよあなたと见た夜空をずっとながめてた大粒の涙にじんで星がぼやけちゃうよあなたを好きになってあたしは强くなったのもう戻れなくなっても想い続けていたい速く背伸びしてみてもあなたはもう见えないよ雨あがり空の虹は冷たく悲しかった诞生日ケーキ持ってあなたの家に行った楽しそうな声きいてドアに置いて走ったあなたは违う世界に行っちゃったのかな?あたしはこの场所に置いてきぼりみたいあなたを好きでいたいほんとはすごく弱いのもう一度戻れるなら强くぎゅっと抱きしめてあなたを好きでいたいほんとはすごく弱いのもう一度戻れるなら强くぎゅっと抱きしめて终わり
2023-06-22 05:07:131


cake的意思如下:1、当词性为名词时,意为饼;块,小块;糕;蛋糕;糕饼;饼状食物;块状物;<非正式>轻而易举的事;钱或资产总额。2、当词性为动词时,意为(用会变干的东西厚厚地)覆盖;在…结壳;使结块;结块。3、当用于人名时,可翻译为(英)凯克,(塞)察凯。cake的读法:cake的英式发音为[keɪk];美式发音为[keɪk]。词组短语:1、piece of cake轻而易举的事情;轻松愉快的事。2、icing on the cake锦上添花。3、sell like hot cakes热销。4、cakes and ale n.欢乐。5、take the cake得奖;坏到极点。双语例句:1、That cake looks very tempting.那蛋糕的样子让人嘴馋。2、She cut the cake into fifths.她把蛋糕切成五块。3、She kept pressing cake on us.她非要我们吃蛋糕不可。4、This cake is very filling.这种饼很能填饱肚子。5、Jim grabbed a cake from the plate.吉姆从盘子里抓了一块蛋糕。6、Can you freeze this cake?你能不能把这个蛋糕冷藏起来?7、Would you like some chocolate cake?你想来点儿巧克力蛋糕吗?8、I say!What a huge cake!乖乖!多大的一个蛋糕啊!9、I"m baking a birthday cake for Alex.我在给亚历克斯烤生日蛋糕。10、We might as well finish up the cake.我们倒不如把蛋糕吃完。
2023-06-22 05:07:201

My favorite food is cakes 对吗?

2023-06-22 05:08:284


Pears英 [pe?z]美 [pe?z]n.梨;梨树名词pear的复数形式英语中名词复数在清辅音后读S,浊辅音和元音后读z。请补充另一个单词,谢谢。
2023-06-22 05:08:3615


2023-06-22 05:08:591


Cake ,不变
2023-06-22 05:09:075


2023-06-22 05:09:291


  蛋糕是一种古老的西点,一般是由烤箱制作的,烘烤后制成一种像海绵的点心。那么,你知道怎么写吗?现在跟我一起学习关于蛋糕的英语知识吧。   蛋糕的英文释义   cake   tabnab   angel cake   angel food cake   trifle   Swiss roll   蛋糕的英文例句   这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产。   These *** all spiced cakes are a peculiarity of the region.   请给蛋糕多加点香料。   Please add more spices to the cake.   他点燃了生日蛋糕上的小蜡烛。   He lit the candles on the birthday cake.   我们做的蛋糕不大成功。   The cake we made was somewhat of a failure.   你要避免吃甜食,例如蛋糕、巧克力、糖和冰淇淋。   You must avoid sweet foods, e.g. cake, chocolate, sugar and ice cream.   蛋糕发起来了。   The cake bulked up.   他递给我五分之一个蛋糕。   He passed me one fifth of the cake.   我们很快就吃完了巧克力蛋糕。   We soon despatched the chocolate cake.   蛋糕倒扣在专用的蛋糕硬纸板或是大盘子上,轻拍碗具,取出蛋糕。   Tap gently and ease the bowl off of the cake.   他喜欢这个蛋糕还是那个蛋糕?   Does he like this cake or that cake?   她把蛋糕烤焦了。   She scorched the cake.   他吃了几口蛋糕。   He tasted of the cake.   他们在几分钟内便吃光了那块大蛋糕。   They have knocked off the whole cake in a few minutes!   只有一块蛋糕,但我们把它切成两半儿。   There was only one piece of cake, but we cut it in two.   就像这块蛋糕。   Like this cake.   我有一块儿蛋糕,然后把它吃掉。   I have a cake, then I eat it.   但当我看到一个那样的蛋糕......   But when I see a cake like that . . .   蛋糕的英语句子带翻译   好的蛋糕让大家变得跟猪一样所以为什么不跟着潮流走呢?   Good cake tends to make everyone pig out, so why not go with the flow?   不仅仅是无脂食品,还有食品店里出售的许多低脂蛋糕,饼乾和甜点等都是如此。   Not only that, but there are plenty of low fat cakes, cookies and desserts sold at every grocery store.   蛋糕有层次。   Cakes have layers.   今天是我的生日.在美国,有这样一个传统:当你吹灭生日蛋糕上的蜡烛的时候,就可以许一个愿望.   It is now my birthday. In the US, we have a tradition that when you blow out thecandles on your birthday cake, you should make a wish.   是的,我吃了一些蛋糕。   Peter: Yes, I ate some cake.   你不可能就这样来了,连巧克力蛋糕都不吃一块吧!   But you can"t e and not have the chocolate cake!   我希望我能向你展示一些我的同班同学做的好看的奶油甜酱蛋糕。   I wish I could show you some of the pretty buttercream cakes my clas *** ates have done!   我已经吃了4块蛋糕,但是我还要以块。   I have eaten 4 cakes, but I still want another.   我记得我有一次和前男友坐在卧室的地板上吃蛋糕和布丁酱。   I remember sitting on my bedroom floor eating cake and pudding sauce with my ex.   我得到的蛋糕差不多是最大的一块。   The piece of cake I got was almost the largest.   我们有奶油生日蛋糕.十元一个.你要来点吗?   We have cream birthday cakes.ten yuan each. Do you like it?   她会不停地吃蛋糕,如果我们不阻止她的话。   She"ll eat cake as long as we let her.   事实上,我爱我的年龄,因为每一个生日不仅仅意味着礼物和巧克力蛋糕。   In fact, I love my age, because every single birthday means more than justpresents and chocolate cake.   于是,我们打算离家出走,去某个地方——在那里,母亲们不会对她们的孩子那么苛刻,而且像我们这么乖的孩子可以随心所欲地吃馅饼、蛋糕和曲奇饼。   So, we were running away to a place where mothers were not so mean to theirchildren, and good kids like us were able to have pie and cake and cookieswhenever they wanted. 1.蛋糕的经典广告词 2.生日蛋糕用英语怎么说 3.蛋糕的英文是什么 4.推销蛋糕的经典广告词 5.做生日蛋糕的英文 6.芝士蛋糕广告宣传词
2023-06-22 05:10:051


cake可作可数名词也可作不可数名词。 cake n.糕饼;蛋糕;饼状食物;饼 v.(用厚厚一层干后即变硬的软东西)覆盖;(干后)结成硬块;胶凝 第三人称单数: cakes 复数: cakes 现在分词: caking 过去式: caked 过去分词: caked 派生词: caked adj. 扩展资料   She offered us five different kinds of cake.   她给我们提供了五种不同的蛋糕。   We might as well finish up the cake.   我们倒不如把蛋糕吃完。   These cakes are very quick and easy to make.   这些糕饼做起来又快又简单。
2023-06-22 05:10:111


既可作可数,也可以作不可数。作可数名词时,意为糕,饼,蛋糕,如:a birthday ~(生日蛋糕),a meat ~(肉饼),作不可数名词时意为,快,饼状物,如:a ~ of soaf(一块肥皂)。
2023-06-22 05:10:331


2023-06-22 05:10:401


蛋糕的英语单词读作英[keu026ak]或美[keu026ak]。鸡蛋糕(sponge) cake;奶油蛋糕cream cake、cream cake;烤蛋糕bake a cake;巧克力蛋糕chocolate cake;烘烤蛋糕bake a cake;生日蛋糕birthday cake;冰激凌蛋糕ice-cream cake;婚礼蛋糕wedding cake;水果蛋糕fruit cake。结婚蛋糕wedding cake;切蛋糕cut a cake、cut a cake;一疙瘩蛋糕a cake;蛋糕的主要原料main ingredients of a cake;现烤的蛋糕newly baked cakes;把一块蛋糕吃得干干净净polish off a whole cake。双语例句:1、她最喜欢吃的甜食是巧克力蛋糕。Chocolate cakes are her favourite sweets.2、别那么贪吃,给别人留点儿蛋糕。Don"t be so greedy—leave some of the cake for others.3、把糖、鸡蛋和面粉掺在一起做蛋糕。Mix the sugar, eggs and flour to make cakes.4、这个蛋糕完全是我自己做的。The cake is all my own work.5、这蛋糕是她特意为庆祝你的生日做的。She made this cake specially for your birthday.6、那个蛋糕她吃了整整一半。She ate a good half of the cake.
2023-06-22 05:10:481


2023-06-22 05:02:001


因为团队有矛盾,之前的omg是上野连动上,路经济吃的很多,现在是ad的小狗加上崛起的无状态吃经济,大哥上场就是卖的角色,本身就不好打 所以就会被质疑。
2023-06-22 05:02:011


2023-06-22 05:02:061


2023-06-22 05:02:125


您可以通过飞信PC客户端将一条短信同时发到多位好友的手机上,每个好友回复消息后,将分别建立独立的两人会话。点击客户端工具栏中的“发短信”快捷图标,打开发短信窗口,输入姓名/手机号/飞信号查找接收人,或者直接点击“接收人”按钮,打开选择接收人窗口,选择短信接收人。然后输入短信内容,点击“发送”确认发出短信(图1)。此外,您还可以通过以下操作打开发短信窗口:主菜单→工具→发短信。在好友列表中,选中多位好友,点击右键,在菜单中选择“发短信”。添加接收人在发短信窗口上方,可以输入姓名、手机号或飞信号,飞信会自动在您的好友列表及通讯录中根据您输入的关键字进行查找,自动列出与您输入的关键字相匹配的好友或联系人。此外,您还可以点击“接收人”按钮,打开选择接收人窗口,选择短信接收人。添加接收人在发短信窗口上方,可以输入姓名、手机号或飞信号,飞信会自动在您的好友列表及通讯录中根据您输入的关键字进行查找,自动列出与您输入的关键字相匹配的好友或联系人。此外,您还可以点击“接收人”按钮,打开选择接收人窗口,选择短信接收人。发送非好友短信非好友短信是中国移动飞信业务的一项增值服务,它使您(中国移动飞信用户)可以直接发送短信给不是您飞信好友的中国移动手机用户,通过非好友短信功能发送短信,收取短信费每人0.1元/条。在发短信窗口上方的输入框输入不是您飞信好友的中国移动手机号;或者在通讯录中选择非好友作为接收人。您最多可以同时给10位接收人发送非好友短信。定时短信定时短信是指您可以预先设定短信的发送时间和接收人,并提交到服务器上,然后系统会根据您的设定,在预定时间点上将该短信发送给收信人。发送定时短信。在发短信窗口,勾选“定时”,设定发送时间、选择收信人、输入短信内容,最后点击“发送”,确认发出定时短信(图3)。此外,在好友列表中选择一位好友,点击右键,在菜单中选择“发送手机信息→定时短信”,也可以打开发短信窗口发送定时短信。定时短信回执。如果您想及时的了解到定时短信的发送情况,比如是否发送成功,可以设置接收定时短信回执。在图 472所示的发送定时短信窗口中,勾选“接收回执”,待该定时短信发送完毕之后,系统会自动向您发送回执,提示您设定的定时短信是否发送成功。您可以在“系统设置→状态与提醒→短信提醒”中修改定时短信回执设置(图4)。针对定时短信回执,您可以进行如下设置:未登录飞信时,以短信形式发送到手机:设置当您没有登录飞信PC客户端时,通过手机短信的形式接收定时短信回执。只发送到飞信:设置只通过飞信PC客户端接收定时短信回执。短信管理器在发短信窗口中,点击打开短信管理器。在短信管理器中,为您显示所有通过发短信窗口发出的短信,包括已发送短信和待发送短信两部分。已发送短信。显示所有已发送的短信(图5),在这里您可以查看/删除某条已发送的短信,也可以进行刷新操作。双击某条短信,或者选中某条短信,点击“查看”按钮,打开发短信窗口,可以查看此条短信,并可对此条短信进行编辑、重新发送操作。待发送短信。显示所有待发送的定时短信(图6),在这里您可以编辑/取消发送某条定时短信,也可以进行刷新操作。双击某条短信;或者选中某条短信,点击“编辑”按钮,打开发短信窗口,可以查看此条待发送短信,并可对此条短信进行编辑、重新发送操作。如果您想取消发送某条短信,选中该短信后,点击“取消发送”按钮,确认后即可取消发送并删除所选短信。插入接收人姓名当您在发送非定时短信的时候,可以选择在短信中合适的位置插入接收人姓名。将光标移动到合适的位置,点击插入接收人姓名按钮,在光标的位置插入接收人姓名(图7)。当好友收到您的短信之后,在该位置将显示好友自己的姓名。如下图所示的短信,接收人是“小迪”,好友接收到的短信内容将是:我爱不爱你小迪?下班后我想见的是你;开心时我想告诉你;苦恼时我不让你知道却总想告诉你;你做什么我总想陪着你;爱你么我问自己。如果接收人是多个,那么每位好友收到短信后,显示的都是好友自己的姓名。离开状态时抄送短信当您的飞信PC客户端处于离开状态时,可以通过设置“离开状态时,收到的消息同时以短信发送到手机上”来保证及时接收消息。在“系统设置→状态与提醒→在线状态”窗口,选择“离开状态时,收到的消息同时以短信发送到手机上”(图8)。设置了离开状态时抄送短信后,如果您在离开状态时收到消息,并且通过手机短信回复消息,短信内容也会同时抄送到PC客户端,使PC客户端保持一份完整的通话记录(图9),通过短信回复的消息,在发送时间后面,有小信封标志标识。用自己的手机给PC客户端发短信您可以使用自己的手机发送短信到“12520+自己的手机号/飞信号”,给自己的PC客户端发短信。发短信的时候,如果PC客户端在线,PC客户端将直接收到自己的短信(图10);如果PC客户端不在线,那么该短信将会被存储缓发,待您登录PC客户端后,通过客户端接收这条短信。收到自己的短信之后,您可以点击“转发短信”按钮,将该短信转发,或者点击“历史记录”按钮,打开历史记录管理器,查看发给自己的短信记录。
2023-06-22 05:02:131


太多了headheartheight 高high 高huge大hero 英雄healthy健康honest 诚实handsome 英俊honor 光荣humor 幽默harvest 收获浪漫之地hill 小山house 房子hut 小屋home 家harbor 海港heaven 天堂HwaiiHnduras 洪都拉斯Hngary 匈牙利Hiti 海地浪漫之心hope 希望honey甜蜜holy 圣洁hover 翱翔hyaloid 透明的, hyaloid heart玻璃心动植物horse 马hawk 鹰hedgehog 刺猬(hedge 篱笆)herb 香草hyacinth 风信子helianthus向日葵Hedera 常春藤Hosta 玉簪浪漫之音Hum 哼唱hron 号harp 竖琴hymn 赞美诗harmony 和声,和睦harmonica 口琴habanera 哈巴奈拉(舞曲体裁,)hoedown 方形舞浪漫名牌Hasselbald 哈苏相机Heuer 豪雅表Hnnesay 轩尼诗酒Hugo boss 服装Haagen-Dazs 冰淇淋Heineken 啤酒
2023-06-22 05:02:171


飞信Fetion比其它IM的强大之处在于它连通了手机网络与电脑网络,能满足用户跨网交流的需求。今天我们就来了解飞信跨网语音聊天的功能。1.1. 飞信的“语音聊天”功能是什么?飞信的“语音聊天”(以下简称为语音聊天)功能在是用户使用飞信的终端进行与聊天有关的操作的时候,可以启动一个双人或多人的电话会议,即同时有多人通过中国移动的手机同时出现在一个通话中,每个人的说活,其他人都能听到。“语音聊天”与目前大部分的即时通讯的基于因特网的语音聊天工具的使用体验的不同点是:语音聊天与普通的手机电话采用相同的技术,通话清晰,不存在话音延时。支持多方同时通话能力,目前支持最多8方通话。会议的参与方必须使用中国移动的手机。参与语音聊天的用户,需按照中国移动的收费标准付费。用户可以通过PC客户端方式发起邀请,如果被邀请方同意,则飞信 业务系统会呼叫两用户的手机。接听电话后既可以进行通话。用户可以使用飞信的PC客户端发起并接受语音聊天呼叫,发起和呼叫由参与飞信的终端的控制,通话则只能通过手机来完成。飞信系统通过用户的飞信号来完成相互之间的呼叫建立,手机号是保密的。1.2. 语音聊天是否需要定购?用户开通飞信业务后,就可以使用“语音聊天”服务了。1.3. 飞信号是什么,是否必须有飞信号才能使用语音聊天?飞信号是用户用户注册飞信后系统分配的用户唯一身份标识,用户注册飞信的同时即获得了飞信号,同时就可以使用飞信的语音聊天功能 。1.4. 语音聊天有哪些优点/好处/优势?飞信的语音聊天与基于因特网技术的语音聊天,有如下几个方面的优势:随时随地都可以聊天。中国移动的网络是全中国覆盖最稳定的移动通讯网,只要用户有中国移动的手机,随时都可以使用此功能。电话会议功能。只要用户注册了飞信的服务,就可以使用语音聊天功能实现电话会议。语音聊天使用电路技术实现语音聊天,不同于使用基于因特网技术的评音聊天,没有延迟、不清晰等问题。通过飞信系统发起的语音聊天有私密性,不会泄漏用户手机号码。资费优势:早8:00至晚18:00为0.25元/分,其他时段为0.15元/分;漫游统一收费标准为0.5元/分,不区分忙闲时,不再收取其他长途及本地话费。1.5. 什么是语音聊天能力?飞信是一个全新的聊天系统,可以同时使用互联网和中国移动通讯网,支持多种媒体的聊天,当前,支持文字和语音两种。所有的终端和用户都支持文字聊天。所有飞信用户的手机都可以使用语音功能1.6. 所有电话都能参与语音聊天吗?中国移动用户,只要注册了飞信业务,均可使用语音聊天业务。1.7. PC版如何发起语音聊天?PC终端支持语音聊天,即PC终端有语音聊天能力。如果登录的用户有语音聊天的能力,在其登录的首页上,会有“语音聊天”的菜单,如下图中菜单所示。进入“语音聊天”菜单,进入如下所示的页面:选中输入左上图所示红圈所圈住的联系人,按“确定”按钮后,进入到如左下图所示的页面:在被邀请方的聊天窗口中,会出现如上图所示的提示信息,点击“同意”,进入后显示的消息如下图所示的提示信息。当被邀请方设置为自动确认接听时,得到如下提示:当被邀请方设置为确认后才能接听时,得到如下提示:进入此提示信息接受后,飞信系统即开始在聊天双方的中国移动手机上发起语音通话的呼叫。发起方的PC上会出现一个提示页,内容如右下图所示。此后的过程则完全转为手机语音通讯的呼叫处理。1.8.为何邀请好友加入语音聊天有无法接通的情况?用户a向用户B发出语音聊天的邀请,需要B确认同意开始语音聊天,如果用户B未在1分钟内确认同意接受语音聊天的邀请,则该此邀请失败。用户B接受语音邀请后,系统会同时外呼用户A和用户B,如果用户A和用户B任何一方未接通电话,则该次语音聊天接通失败。 1.9.为何接听了飞信系统外呼的电话,对方却没有声音?用户a向用户B发出语音聊天的邀请,用户B接受语音邀请后,系统会同时外呼用户A和用户B,如果用户A和用户B任何一方未接通电话或挂断电话,而一方接通了电话,就会出现对方没有声音的情况。1.10. 多人通话情况下,如何结束通话?多人通话过程中,当通话人数少于两人的时候,系统将自动判定通话结束,并通知最后一位离开通话进程的用户。1.14. 使用语音聊天,对方会不会知道我的手机号?不会,因为系统是根据飞信号外呼用户的,所以语音聊天的过程,手机号码是保密的1.11. 发起语音聊天邀请,如何知道对方是否接受了邀请?用户发起语音聊天邀请后,被邀请用户会收到确认是否接受邀请的信息,如果被邀请用户回复拒绝或未在1分钟内做回应,系统均判断邀请失败,会发送短信通知发起邀请的用户。2.1. 发出语音聊天的邀请,也接通电话,但对方未接通,如何计费?用户A向用户B发出语音聊天的邀请,用户B接受语音邀请后,系统会同时外呼用户A和用户B,如果用户A和用户B任何一方接通电话,而另一方未接通电话,这时,系统会按接通电话的用户的接通时长根据语音聊天的费率计费,未接通电话的用户不计费。2.2. 语音聊天会产生费用吗?如何收费?使用语音聊天,通话方会产生通信费。早8:00至晚18:00为0.25元/分,其他时段为0.15元/分;漫游的统一收费标准为0.5元/分,不区分忙闲时,不再收取其他长途及本地话费。2.3. 多人通话如何计费?多人通话时,系统根据每位通话成员的实际的通话时间,按费率计费。
2023-06-22 05:02:211


2023-06-22 05:01:531


2023-06-22 05:01:482


合唱作品通常会将这些声部的首字母列出,以表明所需要的人员要求.女高音(soprano, s)、女中音(alto, a)、男高音(tenore(tenor), t)、男低音(basso(bass), b) = satb
2023-06-22 05:01:391


合唱作品通常会将这些声部的首字母列出,以表明所需要的人员要求。女高音(soprano, S)、女中音(alto, A)、男高音(tenore(tenor), T)、男低音(basso(bass), B) = SATB,最常见的混声合唱形式。理发师合唱(barbershop),包括主旋律(lead)、高音(tenor)、中音(baritone)和低音(bass)。每个声部可以再划分。第一组通常比第二组音要高。缩写的时候字母会重复。第一/二女高音、女中音 = SSA, 流行的女声合唱形式第一/二女高音、第一/二女中音、第一/二男高音、第一/二男低音 = SSAATTBB,八部混声合唱若大合唱分成两部分小合唱,则会这样表示:第一女高音、第一女中音、第一男高音、第一男低音、第二女高音、第二女中音、第二男高音、第二男低音 = SAT沪常高端薨得胳全供户B/SATB (双重合唱)。合唱的影响:有专家认为,合唱是集体的、和谐的艺术,是其他教育工作难以替代的形式。通过在贫困地区、少数民族聚居区广泛建立合唱团,能加强青少年的艺术修养,促进青少年身心健康。在陕西永寿中学三乐梦之音合唱团音乐教师李玲看来,社会各界帮助家境贫困的孩子组建合唱团,不仅让他们有机会感受音乐艺术的美,更让他们打开视野,在心中种下了爱的种子。李金生表示,未来将继续通过发挥合唱节公益平台的作用,动员社会各界参与到合唱公益事业中,使合唱成为文化精准扶贫、文以育人的重要形式之一。
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2023-06-22 05:01:3015


【Origin of the Christmas Eve】 (A) December 23, 1818 in the evening, the Austria-Saerzhahe of Auburn in the village, there is a mouse boldly slipped into the ancient village of Saint Nigelasi church organ in the car floor. Only small things from cold and hunger rushed about here and run away, Yao Shi everywhere, and finally dried under a far-reaching "event", led to a popular Christmas hymn to the birth. In the early morning the following day, wearing a black dress coat, a middle-aged man walked into the church, went straight to sit down next to the organ.名叫弗兰兹person - Gruber, just 31 years old, have a black, high nose and a pair of eyes full of feelings. Although he was unknown, but in this remote area popular with the villagers respect. Because he is the village primary school teachers, but also a saint Nigelasi church organ player. He sat down, walking pedal, press the keys. But the only organ to issue a weak moment whimper like atmosphere. When Gruber was leaning over to see what his good friend Joseph - Moore is coming. Moore is a cleric, also a musician. Austrian village church official, Father had not sent, Moore is a temporary replacement to be sent to the post. Gruber scared to see him, feel Yizheng, the man asked: "God bless! What things, Joseph? "The young priest held up his hands agent, made a desperate look up friends and signal to let him go. Moore led House, Gruber walked hand in the back of the organ keyboard, pointing to the leather bellows of the blast on a big hole, said: "This morning I found the hole, must be the rat bite through. Now go on a treadmill, and what are not the voice! " Gruber carefully the prosecution bellows on that hole. Christmas Eve Mass and do not play music organ, which is simply incredible thing! He could not help shouting: "damn true! Oh, now, how are we to do? " "Means," Father Moore a bit shy to say: My wrote a ditty, it can be used as a makeshift lyrics with a click of the top. "Then he said seriously:" That"s not the "type" of the song it. " Gruber saw his friend so excited and feel with a smile. As we all know, Moore is indeed like the "type" of the song - that is, when the peasant woman and the boatman Huanyin at Trafalgar Qin Qi accompanied by the kind of so-called singing vulgar songs minor. Such things tend to cause those stubborn old devout followers of discontent, making the moral elders big frown. Gruber picked up the poems written by Moore read the first few paragraphs, as if suddenly feel that there is a fantastic backbone through the Aura. This is not the "type" of the song. It is as if to seize his heart, moderate and simple touching to tell him. He has not always been so profoundly moved. He sounded faintly hear the music of the poem. Moore was almost sorry to say: My only thought, since we do not have the organ of the ring, then these things can you give us guitarist of the Cam assigned a song, Gao Ge may also be a small team Children"s Choir To sing, ... ... You see how kind? " Gruber said: "Yes, good, good! Maybe we can do the same. To me, I go back and take a look at whether music can write it down. " Gruber follow the snow on the ground, Man Buzou back to the village of Corinthians. Along the way he immersed in his music in the idea. "Silent Night, Holy Night, Million in secret, our shooting. He is like Beethoven"s deafness, in the bottom of his heart to hear all the melody: Notre Dame also follow follow El Nino, How much has the number of kind-hearted innocent, Enjoy quiet sleep heaven-sent, Enjoy quiet sleep heaven-sent. " He wrote to prepare the Children"s Choir tunes in mind back to the soup. He returned to his modest home, sitting in his old side on the piano, in the face of the cross hanging on the wall, and finally said to write a complete song. That afternoon, Moore"s study brought together 12 boys and girls. They wore wool stockings, apron and jacket, and pretty neat. They stood side by side a circle of holly wreaths, has become more dynamic. Rehearsal started, Gruber and Mohr up their respective guitar Qin, from time to time as the smile of satisfaction. Initially, all of the songs do not quite familiar with the Performance too rough a bit. The third part is not proper, but soon changed it. The line, this song was finally completed. Christmas Eve, the church"s fire support hundreds of candle light, bright and clean in the gold chalice and Pandie released between Yiu-fai, for those of the rigid wooden Gothic Notre Dame as the state, given the abundant life and the kind of gentle demeanor. Church everywhere with green pines, evergreen decorations, such as berries and Santa together. All believers sitting in the crowded bar on the hard bench. Men"s wool coat to wear over-sized, and the women have been put on the aprons and eye-catching colored scarf. When Moore and Geluboti their guitars, with 12 boys and girls took to the altar before, the surprise of a sudden stir up the masses. Gruber to him a little nod of the band, the strings will be allocated to the ring. Then, Father Moore"s tenor and bass of Mr. Gruber, the resonance will be in harmony with it throughout the ancient church. As a result, long popular Christmas hymn】 【Christmas Eve for the first time so it was to sing out. However, the next day it was forgotten. At that time, to attend Christmas mass of followers, who had not expected the song would be later swept the world. Later, just because of a fortuitous opportunity to be able to make this masterpiece from the fate of the flood. The following spring, Leta Er Qi from the organ to a repair division, Carl u2027 Lage hair. He asked casually chatting in: Since the organ does not work, then you how to carry out the Christmas Mass? Gruber song that brought this matter, he said: "This is not worth Gu things I have forgotten where it went into. The rear of the church among a small cupboard, the inside filled with dust-laden long-chaotic pile of paper. Gruber found that from the first score. That organ repair watch music division, with lips moving slightly, from his broad chest, humming this tune. "Interesting," he said gently, "I can go back and take a look at it? " Gruber laughing. "Line, line, even though you take be it. Furthermore, you fix Qin, this thing is all the more that do not use the. Carlos" hair left, Gruber also forget it. However】 【Christmas Eve in lovely Leta Er Qi echoed in the mountains and began its journey in the world spread far and wide. This song as a folk music from Austria spread to Germany. It crossed the borders, with the German immigrants Yuanshezhongyang, spread all over. But until recently, Moore and Gruber was recognized as the song"s creators. At that time, they did not receive anything, they are still dead and alive, like poverty. However, with Gruber that the ancient Qin guitar as he is still singing, it has become a family heirloom, Gruber family from generation to generation. Now, every Christmas Eve, people should have this guitar to the Olympic village to Qin. And their followers around the world, singing in unison once again this being the first favorite Christmas hymn ... ...】 【Christmas Eve. (B) By Austria"s Alps region, have been closely involved in the village poet, together with the Austrians, this is the music-loving nation. Most of the people of their faith Jesus Christ. So every Christmas, some of the mountains in this small town and rural areas, many of the men and women of the family singing, like the Medieval Bard, to keep the carol words and music, or to improve innovation. Many of them, longer than playing a musical instrument, and a few people in the stove-side, the spot will be able to make a new carol, carol later became a treasure. There are a number of songs, then maybe sing, or sing in 2012, was replaced by a new carol by. But one of a not only been handed down, but also the world"s most well-known carols, it is well-known "Christmas Eve." It is said the first carol, is the foot of the Alps sauce Fort Good Father Joseph, in 1818 wrote the lyrics, the song is a musician Francis Ge Lubo"s. Unfortunately, it was in the village church"s Choir of the copying, buried for more than a decade. Later, the music was a favorite of the people, put it in the first carol, to the city"s music at the concert, very popular. As a result, the gradually spread to various parts of Austria, and then spread to Germany. In 1839, the first-carol into the United States, less than a few kung fu, they have been welcomed by the people of love. Another well-known concert singer, radio broadcasting, which for the first carol - Christmas Eve, the general spread of the world, and every country has its translation of the lyrics. Christian or not, almost all are familiar with the song "Silent Night" to listen to, and will be up and humming. "Christmas Eve" This is the first carol, and the words of the song writing, there are many legends, following the introduction of the story, the most beautiful and moving. The original Secretary fort in the sand near a small village, home to a music teacher Francis Ge Lubo, Guyana wife, who has a son, innocent and lively small-Francis. Ge Lubo animal husbandry in the school, Father Joseph, professor of music; Sunday in church leadership team hymn. He came home every night, like the trees the following坐在院子里, playing music, a family of three live happily ever after. Unfortunately, the fall of 1818, little Francis, died suddenly, it became a lost joy, Ge Lubo both husband and wife no longer smile. Christmas Eve this year, Ge Lubo alone to church, participate in the midnight mass, his heart no longer active in the not so happy. The joy of Christmas, it seems like it does not matter that he had. After the end of the Mass, Ge Lubo"s rush to go home, reports the side of the road singing children, Xi Xiaosheng, the more his heart heavy. Into the house, a desolate. Calling his wife"s name, did not answer. Point lighting, to see his wife Guyana, laid out in small previous Francis slept in the bed sobbed. Ge Lubo invite her to ignore her. Ge Lubo helpless sigh, had no choice but to pick up the instrument, like playing music, to resolve his wife"s grief. When Ge Lubo open Chenge, a note out on the floor, he picked up a look, it was a few days ago, written by Father Joseph, animal husbandry, "Silent Night" lyrics to music with him, as Francis and miss small Forget it. At this time, the window of the quiet night, Ge Lubo think of all the past, sitting on a chair on the stage lights in the face of his wife, started spectrum, "Silent Night" song. While his side bomb while singing spectrum. At this moment, the wife of Guyana"s wonderful to hear the song, forget the other, slowly approached the husband who Gelu Bo, tears, said: "Dear Ge Lubo, and God forgive us! I now understand the meaning of God, small Francis"s death, we should not be sad, it should be like! Performance because you, I seem to see a large group of small angels came to our house, a small Franciscan caught in the middle, with the joy of singing them: " The birth of the Messiah! " "Silent Night" melody and lyrics, with the seamless listen to the people, whether or not a Christian, be moved. If it is the world"s most beautiful and moving one of the songs, I believe that no one opposes.
2023-06-22 05:01:282