barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-22 09:12:51
* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示!


(2)战斗时I Said I"m Naruto: ... d%20im%20naruto.mp3


(4)影分身The raising fighting spirit:http://www.h***.com/bbs/UploadFile/2005-11/200511985930171.mp3

(5)九尾狐妖Nine Tail Demon Fox:http://naruto.l****.com/other/o ... l%20Demon%20Fox.mp3

(6)鸣人的生活narutos daily life: ... %20Daily%20Life.mp3

(7)鸣人犯傻时Fooling Mode:http://naruto.l****.com/other/ost2/08%20-%20Fooling%20Mode.mp3


(9)鸣人牛的时候Naruto Main Theme:6.1mb的http://www.f**.net/...1/21%20-% ... %20Main%20Theme.mp3 10mb的http:// ... %20main%20theme.mp3

(10)鸣人要变牛的时候need_to_be_strong:http://naruto.l****.com/other/o ... o%20be%20Strong.mp3




(4)雏田vs宁次/似乎三代葬礼也是这个/也是我最喜欢的曲子hinata vs neji:http://www.g****.cn/mp3/12-Hinata-vs-Neji.mp3

(1)大蛇丸牛b时Orochimaru Figh:http://naruto.l****.com/other/o ... imaru%20~Fight~.mp3

(2)大蛇丸出场很玄妙的曲子Orochimaru"s Theme:http://hi.wuhan.n*.cn/...naruto ... 13%20-%20Orochimaru"s%20Theme.mp3

(1)坏蛋出场Evil:http://hi.wuhan.n*.cn/movie/nar ... 2/04%20-%20Evil.mp3

(2)双方打拼时Strong and Strike: ... %20and%20strike.mp3

(3)遇到危险情况时Bad Situation:http://naruto.l****.com/other/ost1/17-bad%20situation.mp3

(4)训练It"s the training:http://www.c*****.com/carton2/huoyingrenzhe/CDB/10.mp3

(5)吃拉面的曲子daylight of Konoha :http://bbsatt2.ccmove.c*.cn/dow ... t%20of%20Konoha.mp3


(7)凯的主题曲:Gai"s Theme:http://hi.wuhan.n*.cn/movie/naruto/mp3/Naruto_ost2/11%20-%20Gai"s%20Theme.mp3

(8)木叶丸的主题曲Konohamaru"s Theme:http://naruto.l****.com/other/ost2/09%20-%20Konohamaru"s%20Theme.mp3

(9)僵持的局面:Glued State:

(10)中忍考试生存测验Survival Examination:http://hi.wuhan.n*.cn/movie/nar ... l%20Examination.mp3



(13)局面转折Turn Over:http://att1.c****.com/ring/2/2005923_103340410002.mp3

(1)主题曲Kakashi"s Theme:http://music3.m**.com/music/20060117/1137469015408.mp3

(2)雷切Raikiri (Thunder Break):http://hi.wuhan.n*.cn/...mp3/Na ... hunder%20Break).mp3

(1)主题曲Sasuke"s Theme:http://naruto.l****.com/other/ost2/05%20-%20Sasuke"s%20Theme.mp3

(2)佐助的命运Sasuke ~Destiny~:http://www.f**.net/cartoon/music/Naruto/OST 2/17%20-%20Sasuke%20~Destiny~.mp3

(3)复仇者Avenger:http://hi.wuhan.n*.cn/movie/nar ... 4%20-%20Avenger.mp3









2023-06-22 04:14:353

机票go show是什么意思

我只知道有NOSHOW ,GOSHOW还是第一次听说,你核实下是不是打错了
2023-06-22 04:14:523


no show=出票未成行go show=候补旅客
2023-06-22 04:14:592


2023-06-22 04:15:074

航空中Go Show什么意思

2023-06-22 04:15:171


好多把,但我只知道一个Running man
2023-06-22 04:15:257


runningman goshow
2023-06-22 04:16:053


2023-06-22 04:16:132


ロミオとシンデレラ ver.Miku-tanPlease don"t let our love turn outinto a tragedy like it was for JulietTake me away into your arms...It"s all I ask of youI say goodnight to bothmy Father and my MotherI hope they"ll be able todream of one anotherI think it"s time for allthe grown-ups to go to bedEnchanting caramel thatcarries sweet illusionsMy crossing legs thatbring on sexual confusionHow farther will I let yougo on this sinful night?Screams of pain to "Take it easy""Won"t you bite me gently?""Don"t you dare forgetthat I"m ready quiet yet."It"s because of my mom thatI"ve been acting sweetly and nice to youAll the things that I don"t know,how they enchant me soBut isn"t that normal orat least how it should goShow me all of your feelingsAnd I"ll let you in my heartOh, if only you knew this from the startI feel so in love just likeCINDERELLAAnd I will chase after you wearing only myGLASS SHOESI pray to god for time to come to a haltBefore the evil can comeleaving us both at faultNow, I have to escapejust like JULIET didBut please don"t call me by that nameWe aren"t the sameIt"s not okayPlease I just want you to stayBecause without you herewhat is there for me to do?So if I cried would you always be right hereBY MY SIDEI try so hard to looklike I"m older than my ageI wear mascara to concealthe fact I"m in rageI promise you,I"ll be a good girl from now onThere"s no one here tostop me from the things that I doI want some love soWhy don"t you comeplease me you, foolHow farther will webe able to cross the lineNow I know that this is trueI fell in love with youThe pain is killing meas I am screaming my pleaseI think you know by nowthat my father doesn"tseem to like you muchI can see your hands reach outas I begin to poutAnd now I see it clearYou really love me my dearTake me far away sowe can MAKE LOVEROMEOOh, won"t you fulfill my fantasies?So I"ll just run away likeCINDERELLAI scream my love for you, while leaving you myGLASS SHOESI"ll pray to god that you"ll come searching for meSave me from all my dreamsWhile I run away and fleeWell, I"m sure thatCINDERELLA was lying herselfIt"s not an accidentshe left her shoe on purposeI understand that she and I are the sameOH, I just want to be loved,so no more playing gamesSo, Just look for me and thenyou"ll soon find what you seekWhy don"t you just take a look and see whatI have hidden in the corners of my heart?Can you see that it"s filledwith all of my dirty thoughtsand all my needs and my wantsI want you to fill me up untilI burst out forth and give into my desiresI"m drawn into ECSTASYoh, how I feel so freePlease tell me what it could be?But if I lose youI wouldn"t know what to doMy happiness seemed to be stored ina BOXI need to find the KEYSo I can open the lockI"m scared in pain, but I won"t cry out in vain.The thought of you hating me, I know it couldn"t beWell my mom and my daddy don"t care about meThey aren"t different yetThey are the sames as can beI"ll stop my lies and I"ll be true to myselfI"ll just stick to the facts,I dropped my golden axeSo, If I keep lying too much likeCINDERELLAI know I"ll meet the fatethat she alone had to faceI"m really SCARED andI have no clue what to doBut, I hope I don"t end up just like her tooSo before that happens,Won"t you come and RESCUE me?copy自
2023-06-22 04:16:202


  这是一个传说,据说他是五代时期的人物,有关的解释如下:  一、刘玄英人物简介:  刘玄英,字英咸,号海蟾子,五代燕相,祖籍燕山广陵。  一日,有个道人闯入相府,刘玄英以礼相待,问道人姓名,道人笑而不答。刘玄英不再相问。随后,道人让刘玄英取十只鸡蛋和十枚铜钱,放在桌上,将十只鸡蛋与十枚铜钱间隔累叠,状似宝塔。刘玄英恍有所悟,想起累若危卵的寓言。  听得道人说:“一个人身居荣华富贵,就象踏上忧患之地,其危险程度远远超过累卵。”举手之间将鸡蛋、钱币击碎,拂袖而去。  受道人指点,刘玄英当晚便命家人打点行装;第二天一早捧相印上朝辞官,留诗而去。  抛却火宅三千指,摒去兵门十万家。  刘玄英弃官后,远游秦川、泰山、华山、终南山。据说他从吕岩学道,隐居代州凤凰山中。  有悟性的人,能摒弃财富,将目光投向自身,关注思索生命的价值,将个体的生命与自然联系,从而认定自我的存在。  二、有关的历史传说如下:  刘海中国民间神话中的吉祥神。据说为五代时道士,名刘玄英,道号“海蟾子”,人多称其为刘海蟾,后讹为刘海。本名操,字昭远,又字宗成。燕山(今北京)人。传说曾得吕洞宾所传秘法,专心修行,他常来往於华山和终南山之间,后得道仙去。被道教全真道奉为北五祖之一。  蟾蜍与嫦娥、月宫的神话有关,又与刘海戏金蟾的传说有关,多见于民间年画,据中国古老传说,刘海是古代的仙人,而金蟾则是财富的象徵,传统上的吉祥年画常会出现「刘海戏金蟾、步步钓金钱」的绘图, 刘海为一穿红披绿的胖小子,手提金钱串,笑逐颜开,戏耍脚下边的三足蟾蜍。以刘海准备要钓捕金蟾的传说为中心,取其「财源广进,步步发财」的吉祥意义。
2023-06-22 04:16:272


2023-06-22 04:16:463


2023-06-22 04:16:591


2023-06-22 04:17:162


2023-06-22 04:17:243


基础查询:AV:城市对/日期/时间/航空公司代码(或GDS代码)查询航班子舱位:AV:H/城市对/日期/时间/航空公司代码/(或GDS代码)查询最早有座位航班:FV/城市对/日期/起飞时间/座位数/航空公司代码(或GDS代码)/经停标志/座位查询飞行周期:SK:城市对/日期/时间/航空公司/舱位查询航班经停点和起降时间:FF:航班号/日期查询航班详细信息:DSG/航班号/日期/航段(国内) IT:航班号/日期(国际)指定日期的回程机位查询:AV:RA/16DEC(AV显示去程后操作)指定航班序号的所舱位信息查询:AV:C/1(AV显示后操作)调出行记录?RT:乘客姓名/航班号/日期
2023-06-22 04:17:312


2023-06-22 04:17:381


ロミオとシンデレラ ver.Miku-tanPlease don"t let our love turn outinto a tragedy like it was for JulietTake me away into your arms...It"s all I ask of youI say goodnight to bothmy Father and my MotherI hope they"ll be able todream of one anotherI think it"s time for allthe grown-ups to go to bedEnchanting caramel thatcarries sweet illusionsMy crossing legs thatbring on sexual confusionHow farther will I let yougo on this sinful night?Screams of pain to "Take it easy""Won"t you bite me gently?""Don"t you dare forgetthat I"m ready quiet yet."It"s because of my mom thatI"ve been acting sweetly and nice to youAll the things that I don"t know,how they enchant me soBut isn"t that normal orat least how it should goShow me all of your feelingsAnd I"ll let you in my heartOh, if only you knew this from the startI feel so in love just likeCINDERELLAAnd I will chase after you wearing only myGLASS SHOESI pray to god for time to come to a haltBefore the evil can comeleaving us both at faultNow, I have to escapejust like JULIET didBut please don"t call me by that nameWe aren"t the sameIt"s not okayPlease I just want you to stayBecause without you herewhat is there for me to do?So if I cried would you always be right hereBY MY SIDEI try so hard to looklike I"m older than my ageI wear mascara to concealthe fact I"m in rageI promise you,I"ll be a good girl from now onThere"s no one here tostop me from the things that I doI want some love soWhy don"t you comeplease me you, foolHow farther will webe able to cross the lineNow I know that this is trueI fell in love with youThe pain is killing meas I am screaming my pleaseI think you know by nowthat my father doesn"tseem to like you muchI can see your hands reach outas I begin to poutAnd now I see it clearYou really love me my dearTake me far away sowe can MAKE LOVEROMEOOh, won"t you fulfill my fantasies?So I"ll just run away likeCINDERELLAI scream my love for you, while leaving you myGLASS SHOESI"ll pray to god that you"ll come searching for meSave me from all my dreamsWhile I run away and fleeWell, I"m sure thatCINDERELLA was lying herselfIt"s not an accidentshe left her shoe on purposeI understand that she and I are the sameOH, I just want to be loved,so no more playing gamesSo, Just look for me and thenyou"ll soon find what you seekWhy don"t you just take a look and see whatI have hidden in the corners of my heart?Can you see that it"s filledwith all of my dirty thoughtsand all my needs and my wantsI want you to fill me up untilI burst out forth and give into my desiresI"m drawn into ECSTASYoh, how I feel so freePlease tell me what it could be?But if I lose youI wouldn"t know what to doMy happiness seemed to be stored ina BOXI need to find the KEYSo I can open the lockI"m scared in pain, but I won"t cry out in vain.The thought of you hating me, I know it couldn"t beWell my mom and my daddy don"t care about meThey aren"t different yetThey are the sames as can beI"ll stop my lies and I"ll be true to myselfI"ll just stick to the facts,I dropped my golden axeSo, If I keep lying too much likeCINDERELLAI know I"ll meet the fatethat she alone had to faceI"m really SCARED andI have no clue what to doBut, I hope I don"t end up just like her tooSo before that happens,Won"t you come and RESCUE me?copy自
2023-06-22 04:17:451


2023-06-22 04:17:564


LZ干嘛要在最后放一句死ね啊...看着真...ロミオとシンデレラ ver.Miku-tanPlease don"t let our love turn outinto a tragedy like it was for JulietTake me away into your arms...It"s all I ask of youI say goodnight to bothmy Father and my MotherI hope they"ll be able todream of one anotherI think it"s time for allthe grown-ups to go to bedEnchanting caramel thatcarries sweet illusionsMy crossing legs thatbring on sexual confusionHow farther will I let yougo on this sinful night?Screams of pain to "Take it easy""Won"t you bite me gently?""Don"t you dare forgetthat I"m ready quiet yet."It"s because of my mom thatI"ve been acting sweetly and nice to youAll the things that I don"t know,how they enchant me soBut isn"t that normal orat least how it should goShow me all of your feelingsAnd I"ll let you in my heartOh, if only you knew this from the startI feel so in love just likeCINDERELLAAnd I will chase after you wearing only myGLASS SHOESI pray to god for time to come to a haltBefore the evil can comeleaving us both at faultNow, I have to escapejust like JULIET didBut please don"t call me by that nameWe aren"t the sameIt"s not okayPlease I just want you to stayBecause without you herewhat is there for me to do?So if I cried would you always be right hereBY MY SIDEI try so hard to looklike I"m older than my ageI wear mascara to concealthe fact I"m in rageI promise you,I"ll be a good girl from now onThere"s no one here tostop me from the things that I doI want some love soWhy don"t you comeplease me you, foolHow farther will webe able to cross the lineNow I know that this is trueI fell in love with youThe pain is killing meas I am screaming my pleaseI think you know by nowthat my father doesn"tseem to like you muchI can see your hands reach outas I begin to poutAnd now I see it clearYou really love me my dearTake me far away sowe can MAKE LOVEROMEOOh, won"t you fulfill my fantasies?So I"ll just run away likeCINDERELLAI scream my love for you, while leaving you myGLASS SHOESI"ll pray to god that you"ll come searching for meSave me from all my dreamsWhile I run away and fleeWell, I"m sure thatCINDERELLA was lying herselfIt"s not an accidentshe left her shoe on purposeI understand that she and I are the sameOH, I just want to be loved,so no more playing gamesSo, Just look for me and thenyou"ll soon find what you seekWhy don"t you just take a look and see whatI have hidden in the corners of my heart?Can you see that it"s filledwith all of my dirty thoughtsand all my needs and my wantsI want you to fill me up untilI burst out forth and give into my desiresI"m drawn into ECSTASYoh, how I feel so freePlease tell me what it could be?But if I lose youI wouldn"t know what to doMy happiness seemed to be stored ina BOXI need to find the KEYSo I can open the lockI"m scared in pain, but I won"t cry out in vain.The thought of you hating me, I know it couldn"t beWell my mom and my daddy don"t care about meThey aren"t different yetThey are the sames as can beI"ll stop my lies and I"ll be true to myselfI"ll just stick to the facts,I dropped my golden axeSo, If I keep lying too much likeCINDERELLAI know I"ll meet the fatethat she alone had to faceI"m really SCARED andI have no clue what to doBut, I hope I don"t end up just like her tooSo before that happens,Won"t you come and RESCUE me?copy自
2023-06-22 04:18:142


2023-06-22 04:18:232


2023-06-22 04:18:371


2023-06-22 04:18:452

求ETERM 基本操作的全部指令

FLP:航班号/日期/航段 (读取航班舱位销售情况)FLR:航班号/日期 (查询航班的订座和出票情况)RO日期/航班号 (查看航班摆舱情况) IM:S/航班号/日期/航段/Y座位数 (调整座位布局) 扩舱/收舱IM:L/航班号/日期/航段/舱位数目 (调整子舱位位数)IM:I/航班号/日期/航段/舱位 S(吸收) R(还原)IM:N/航班号/日期/航段/舱位 S(做成Q状态) R(还原)ACRT:OFFICE号 (有A显示,表示正在工作)MSG:PID号/1 电报内容自由格式 (发电报)AV:J/航班号/起始日期/终止日期 (查看机型变更跟舱位开放情况)DC:日期/航段/航班号/OFFICE号 (检查重复订座)PROCESS (打开Q提出DCQ)FVP:A/日期/到达城市/航空公司 (查看到港的VIP名单)FVP:O/日期/到达城市/航空公司 (查看离港VIP名单)DIH:航班号/日期 (查看航班变更历史记录)AS:航班号/舱位/日期/航段/AS/CIE (使航空公司系统与代理人系统匹配)BSR PRF/航班号/日期 (查每天销售情况)RB:起始日期/终止日期/D/航段 (查询几天的销售情况)也可以使用 RB 日期 航段CLW:航班号/日期 (NO 所有的HL的票) MLXZ:航班号/日期/航段 (提取被取消航班旅客名单)FTKT:航班号/日期/航段 (计算当天各家航空公司客座率)MLB/航班号/日期/航段 (提取旅客名单)如果要看出票代理的OFFICE号 可以MLB/航班号/日期/航段/O/1E如果只要看PNR的话 可以MLB/PNR/航班号/日期/航段/O/1EMLU5/航班号/日期/航段 (提取航班儿童旅客名单)MLG/PNR/航班号/日期/航段 (提取航班团队名单)MLBNG/PNR/航班号/日期/航段 (提取航班非团队旅客名单)MLNR/航班号/日期/航段 (提取不是RR状态的旅客名单)MLR/航班号/日期/航段 (提取RR状态的旅客明名单)MLZX/航班号/日期/航段 (提取已经取消航班的所以旅客名单)MLS1/航班号/日期/航段 (提取GOSHOW旅客名单)MLS2/航班号/日期/航段 (提取NOSHOW旅客名单)MLM/航班号/日期/航段 (提取特殊餐食旅客名单)MLS5/航班号/日期/航段 (提取轮椅旅客名单)ML:L99/航班号/日期/航段 (提取当天出票的旅客名单)MLT3/航班号/日期 (提起假RR记录)SS+航班号+舱位+日期+航段+NN人数 (预定航班 相当于AV+SD指令 不过比AV方便)TN:N/航班号/日期/中转地/F 从其他航班中转到此航班的中转旅客TN:N/航班号/日期/中转地/T 从该航班中转到其他航班的中转旅客BSR:PRF/航班号/日期/航段 查询航班销售进度K票 KK NO票 NO
2023-06-22 04:18:5413

国际机票no show问题

2023-06-22 04:19:186


GeeRun devil Run
2023-06-22 04:19:4314


刘英石出道20周年纪念专辑(2009.06.30) 七年间的爱 - 圭贤 首尔市宣传歌(2009.12.15) 《Seoul Song》-SuperJunior
2023-06-22 04:20:052

girls go crazy歌词

  歌曲:《girls go crazy》  歌手:MC光光  专辑:网络歌曲  歌词如下:  跳动的节奏举起你的手  听我的歌就得跟着我走  清醒的给我再喝点酒  strong the shirt everybody had flow  如果你们不知道情歌该怎么唱  让我来教你们觉得怎么样  civil 的感觉真的很棒  这舞步那姑娘学得很象  mi ni ne ha 你说 mi ni ma ne ho  招牌的哥们都不中用  低音的节奏是 咚咚咚  我撞你的下面是 bom bom bom !  天真的女孩寻找真正的爱  那哥们办事真他妈快  我在角落装深沉的帅  躲在角落女人们在卖  three sex night di your fire  正确的思想是 for one night  怪就怪在这破状态  crazy的灯也把我贯坏  怎么都感觉都觉得不一样  我不是孙悟空也没有金箍棒  anything 一样能变长  让你的j矜持都变样  come on , now !  bo we the ring has girls go  we T the glaw has girls go  see from the naca has girls go  oh my god ,oh, oh my god !  hold the bance has girls go  run and run has girls go  show from the dala has girls go.  all the arund do the money has girls go  在我周围对着一群群的 party girl  看着有点稚嫩穿的却很早熟,  飘着超超超短裙 上衣不系纽扣  那穿上高跟鞋的大腿没有一点坠肉  20年后残存保守全都没有保留  对于这一点我表示全都能够接受,  不停的出汗,不停的喝酒  摇摆身躯总能踩准节奏,呵呵呵!  暧昧的空气今天迷了双眼  导致我不断幻想着激情的瞬间  忽然一朵玫瑰主动送到身边  我今天只带了钞票没带名片  灯光迷幻我嗅着你的长发  今天你是我的queen我是你的陛下  齐发红唇蝎子在耳朵边上讲  种种的潮湿不勉让我有点紧张  oh baby 你屁股不要摇的太快  肾上腺素让我心跳的有点厉害  我去下卫生间你可千万别走开  关了门马上那个美女就过来  身体的渴望让我肢体不断摩擦  汗水的气味好象也施了魔法  激情瞬间没有什么适合不适合  放纵过后也别问值得不值得  come on , now !  bo we the ring has girls go  we T the glaw has girls go  see from the naca has girls go  oh my god ,oh, oh my god !  hold the bance has girls go  run and run has girls go  show from the dala has girls go.  all the arund do the money has girls go
2023-06-22 04:20:132

running man里打工特辑里一直出现的一首舞曲的歌名是什么 歌词好像是巴斯哄 巴斯哄 巴斯巴

Show me your Bba Sae
2023-06-22 04:20:202

一首英文嗨歌 巴塞 哦 巴塞 哦 求歌名

2023-06-22 04:20:406


糖糖~Britt nicole - glowIlluminating lights under my skinRadiation so intoxicating burning withinFeel the heat slowly risingThe beat that"s hypnotizingA wonder can you feel itFire that"s so contagiousIt"s taking over meAnd you can"t stop itOh, ohTurn the lights down so we can withinGlow, glowWatch us come aliveWe"re gonnaShow you something realLike a city on a hillOh, ohWe"re gonna glowThey see us coming from miles awayThere"s no hiding, no denying,Cause we"re not ashamedWith our hands up in the airBoys and girls they start to stareIt"s a wonder, can you feel itWe will not be silentWon"t hide itThe time is nowAnd you can"t stop itOh, ohTurn the lights down so we can withinGlow, glowWatch us come aliveWe"re gonnaShow you something realLike a city on a hillOh, ohWe"re gonna glowOh, oh here we goWelcome to the showLights shining, so blindingFrom our head to our toesWhen this room blacks outYou know we will stand outSo come on, ohWe"re gonna glow!Oh, ohTurn the lights down so we can withinGlow, glowWatch us come aliveWe"re gonnaShow you something realLike a city on a hillOh, ohWe"re gonna glowOh, ohTurn the lights down so we can withinGlow, glowWatch us come aliveWe"re gonnaShow you something realLike a city on a hillOh, ohWe"re gonna glowOh, oh here we goLike a shooting starWe"ll l-l-l-light up your heartOh, oh here we goLike a shooting starWe"ll l-l-l-light up your heartOh, oh here we goLike a shooting starGo goOh, oh here we goShow you something realGO~
2023-06-22 04:20:551

very good蔡徐坤歌词音译急求

Very Good演唱:蔡徐坤/田书臣/左其铂/金鸣안녕 하세요这是我们最后一次演出Come on let"s goShow time欢呼和期待中首次登场No doubt一鸣惊人就要勇往直前我是我的国王拥有万丈的光芒Getcha getcha ya yaOh getcha getcha ya ya get onI"m very very goodVery very goodI"m very very goodKing of the jungle꼬마들 재롱잔치를 멈춰분위기는 벌써 무르익었고순식간에 객석을 정복카펫을 깔아 헹가래 받아터지는 pop bottle박차를 가해How many fake MCz out there狂暴的声音怒吼喊着Hey hey舞台上疯狂忘我不计后果Great great아무나 데려오시고마음 내키는대로 움직여Getcha getcha ya yaOh getcha getcha ya yaGet on时间已到了打破了寂静适当的思考각 버려 stupid엄지를 세워열기를 불태워이 구역에미친 듯이 모여라
2023-06-22 04:21:021

Speak For Me 歌词

歌曲名:Speak For Me歌手:John Mayer专辑:Born And RaisedSpeak For MeJohn MayerNow the cover of Rolling StoneAin"t the cover of a Rolling StoneAnd the music on my radioAin"t supposed to make me feel aloneWould have liked to knowHave to learn to let it goShow me something I can bePlay a song that I can singMake me feel as I am freeSomeone come speak for meNow they celebrating broken thingsI don"t want a world of broken thingsYou can tell that something isn"t rightWhen all your heroes are in black and whiteWould have drived to sayAt least I still have yesterdayShow me something I can bePlay a song that I can singMake me feel as I am freeSomeone come speak for meSomeone come speak for meLa di da di daLa di da di daLa di da di da di daLa di da di da di daOh yeahI"m not mad about itBut I"m not mad about itI"m not mad about itBut I"m not that mad about itJust show me something I can bePlay a song that we can singMake us feel as we are freeSomeone come speak for meSomeone come speak for meSomeone come speak for meNow the cover of Rolling StoneAin"t the cover of a Rolling Stone
2023-06-22 04:21:091

Show Me How To Love 歌词

歌曲名:Show Me How To Love歌手:Sidewalk Prophets专辑:These Simple TruthsSidewalk Prophets - Show Me How To LovePassed by you todayWhy is there a war between us?Are you not my brother?Are you not my sister?Something"s got to changeStood by you todayWhy is there a wall between us?Are you not my sister?Are you not my brother?Well something"s got to changeI confess that I"ve been blindOpen up this heart of mineShow me how to loveFarther than this world I knowTake me where You want me to goShow me how to loveI know the times are always changingBut our hearts still beat the sameWe have a FatherWe have a SaviorAnd that will never changeI confess that I"ve been blindOpen up this heart of mineShow me how to loveFarther than this world I knowTake me where You want me to goShow me how to loveWe are one heart beatingWe are one body breathingWe are broken and needingThe same love of the FatherI confess that I"ve been blindI confess, start with me, Lord
2023-06-22 04:21:161

fuck the world 歌词

歌曲名:fuck the world歌手:Dope专辑:american apathyLast night down in MexicoI"m fucked up at the after showSenoritas got an ounce of blowThe bus is leaving I don"t wanna goI"ve seen inside of meThis side is everythingI"ve seen and I"m gonna beFuck rehabilityI don"t need itFuck the worldDopeOne time "bout a year agoI flatlined but I didn"t goI came lateBut I made the showI didn"t tell youYou"d"ve never fuckin" knownI"ve seen "bout everythingSex drugs sohrietyI"ve laughed at all ofThe suggested remediesI"ve seen so much of theGovernment hypocrisyI"ve pissed off everythingI don"t care what you thinkFuck the worldIt"s that time I don"t wanna goShow time after the showI"d rather pass out on the floorFuck you andFuck the worldFuck the worldAnd fuck you tooFuck the worldAnd fuck me too "causeI don"t need itI don"t need this shitFuck the worldAnd fuck you tooMother fucker
2023-06-22 04:21:231


worth it
2023-06-22 04:21:312


2023-06-22 04:21:383

歌词里有 givemetoyou....

Hey Girl Your Ma SunshineHey Girl cheoeum bon sunganneuggin ddeolrimeul weoeoeoeoEveryday bogosipeoEverythere hangsang geu jarienan neoreul gidaryeo weoeoeoeomweorago maleul geoleobolgga Right Right Nowneorago naega gidarideon Girl~Uh~Oh I Can"t Let It GoUh~Oh Want I Know Your Mindnan manhi manhi neol manhimanhi haru jongil neol saenggaghaniGirl~ ni mameul boyeojweoShow Me What You Gotnaesungeun ddeoljimaShow Me What You Gotnunbiceuro malgoShow Me What You Gotnae mamgwa gatdagoShow Me What You Gotnae mam da andagoHello geu jjalbeun insaGoodnight geu jjalbeun insaewae seolreneungeolgga naman geureongaEveryday bogosipeoEverythere hangsang geu jarienan neoreul gidaryeo weoeoeoeomweorago maleul geoleobolggaRight Right Nowneorago naega gidarideon Girl~Uh~Oh I Can"t Let It GoUh~Oh Want I Know Your Mindnan manhi manhi neol manhimanhi haru jongil neol saenggaghaniGirl~ ni mameul boyeojweoShow me Love ni maeumeul boyeosujubeodo sumgijimageuraeya naega mami nohyeoUh ajig eorijimanneoreul gaggul jeongweonsa neon han songi ggocmodeun apeumeul ijgoije hamgge sijaghae boneungeoyaMaster piece of girl UhAlways think about youuri apeul garomagneunmodeun geosdeuleun da dwirohagodrama sogeseona bol beobhanhyeonsilseong eobsneun beautifuli ssine Bad Endingeun eobseosoneul jaba nal midgoUh~Oh I Can"t Let It GoUh~Oh Want I Know Your Mindnan manhi manhi neol manhimanhi haru jongil neol saenggaghaniGirl~ ni mameul boyeojweoShow Me What You Gotnaesungeun ddeoljimaShow Me What You Gotnunbiceuro malgoShow Me What You Gotnae mamgwa gatdagoShow Me What You Gotnae mam da andago
2023-06-22 04:21:451


2023-06-22 04:22:041


2023-06-22 04:22:134


2023-06-22 04:22:211


2023-06-22 04:22:313


  值机员是指在航空公司中根据计算机CKI系统设置的或载重平衡员提供的客舱座位分布方案,安排旅客座位,发放登机牌的地面工作人员,那么你对值机员了解多少呢?以下是由我整理关于什么是值机员的内容,希望大家喜欢!  值机员的概述   值机工作所有的工作流程都靠硬件操作,仅仅是开展工作并不难。值机工作好比是一架钢琴,乘客就是琴键,谁都能敲出声音,而要奏出和谐美妙的乐曲却需要智慧和修炼。衡量值机员的标准就是否能够处理好工作中的特殊情况,该如何去通过自己的本领为旅客服务。航空公司秉持低成本、多 渠道 赢利路线,因此,增加企业辅助收入便成为值机员的使命。在值机员的工作中就体现在乘客快登机和行李逾重费用的收取上。地面服务工作中大多都是平凡的小事,要细心真心,在保证公司利益的前提下诚心为旅客着想。   值机员的工作职责   1、负责航班计划的编制、调整和发布;   2、负责航线经营权与航班时刻的申请工作;   3、负责公司航班在外站临时过夜的申请   值机员是航空公司送旅客出行的最后一个地面工作人员,他们每天要直接面对面地服务千百位旅客。值机员们缺少空中乘务员的靓丽和风光,也没有飞行员那样潇洒和显眼。   值机员的 岗位职责   负责为旅客提供值机、候机、行李查询等旅客服务工作;   负责为旅客托运行李,安排座位等,满足旅客合理的需要;   提供接机、登机、问询等旅客服务工作;   航班延误时,处理旅客问题等。   值机配载员的介绍   值机配载员工作内容分为两个部分,值机的主要工作是为旅客打登机牌,托运行李,碰到航班不正常要做签转手续,比如填开FIM中断舱单,航班结束后进行人数核对工作,去飞机上找机场签舱单,和乘务核对乘机人数。   配载的工作要为飞机配平,在值机员关闭航班后出舱单。主要工作就是出舱单,然后负责与值机,外场监装监卸的协调,比如货装几舱啊,有没有业载啦,放个GOSHOW等。
2023-06-22 04:22:381


stairway to heaven
2023-06-22 04:22:486


强力向你推荐邓丽君的所有歌&the phantom of the opera
2023-06-22 04:23:064

求the cardigans的hold me的歌词

歌曲:Hold Me歌手:The CardigansHold me don"t ever leave meKnow me never believe meStay here but don"t get toonear meLeave me leave me aloneBut don"t ever let me goShow mebut don"t ever teach meTouch medon"t try to reach meHold me but don"t ever keepmeBaby don"t ever let me inAnd don"t let me win"cause i leave myself to youYes i release myself with youI believe in me and youSo don"t ever say you doLove metry not to need meNeed me but don"t let thegreed inFeel free but don"t ever leavemeGive indon"t ever let meNodon"t ever let me winHold medon"t ever leave meAsk me but don"t ever makemeSave medon"t ever forsake meCall me but don"t ever saymy nameKnow what you do"cause i leave myself to youYes i release myself with youI believe in me and youSo don"t ever say you doDon"t let me winJust hold meAnd you say nina ninaninanaNow how can i let yougoHold me don"t ever leave meLove me but don"t ever letmeNo don"t ever let me win
2023-06-22 04:23:202

Brandi Carlile的《100》 歌词

歌曲名:100歌手:Brandi Carlile专辑:Bear Creekfffffffffi"m on the radioi wanna show you the light of firefollow me over the world tonighti"m readytake me baby get my firei don"t wanna play aloneare you ready to have some funnow i wanna count with you100i really wanna be freeit"s like a sun into your life100i"m getting crazymoonlight shining on you baby100i wanna sing it for youit"s like a sun into your life100i"m gettin" crazymoonlight shining on you babynow is the time to goshow you can follow me with desireover and over get wild tonightget readytake me baby get my firei don"t wanna play aloneare you ready to have some funnow i wanna count with you100i really wanna be freeit"s like a sun into your life100i"m getting crazymoonlight shining on you baby100i wanna sing it for youit"s like a sun into your life100i"m getting crazymoonlight shining on you babyi"m on the radioi wanna show you the light of firefollow me over the world tonighti"m ready100i really wanna be freeit"s like a sun into your life100i"m getting crazymoonlight shining on you baby100i wanna sing it for youit"s like a sun into your life100i"m getting crazymoonlight shining on you baby
2023-06-22 04:23:381

White, Blue And Red 歌词

歌曲名:White, Blue And Red歌手:Kathryn Williams专辑:Old Low LightWhite, Blue and RedKathryn Williams<Old Low Light>Smoke a galouise at the after showEven though you gave up a year agoThink of all the ways to meet your heroesWhile she wraps you around her egoIt"s lost its charmChange the scenery roundPick the colours up townWhere the noise is loudNow where did my spirit goYou think you would have learnt by nowThat broken love can still be boundYou still have the photos she looked her bestWhen she was with you instead of all of the restIt"s lost its charmChange the scenery roundPick the colours up townWhere the noise is loudNow where did my spirit goShow me the way I"m sick of waitingFor love to show its head againWhite blue and redMy love changed from my headAnd left on its own
2023-06-22 04:23:451


running man里打工特辑里一直出现的一首舞曲的歌名是Show Me Your BBA SAE歌名:Show Me Your BBA SAE歌手:DJ Hanmin专辑:MY LIFE发行时间: 2014年12月类别: EP、单曲作词曲:DJ Hanmin歌词:BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE Oo-erBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEOo-erBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEOh OhBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAEGet ready now here we go nowGet ready now here we go nowGet ready now here we go nowGet ready now here we go nowGet ready/ get readyHere we go/ here we goLets go go go goSHOW ME YOUR BBA SAE!BBA SAE / BBA SAE / BBA SAESHOW ME YOUR BBA SAE!BBA~ BBA SAEBBA~ BBA SAELadies and gentlementhe BBA SAE is your energyand the way you feel.The BBA SAE is how your spreadyour energy to other people around youAnd it is time to spread your BBA SAE.And it is time to make the world a better placeSo get readyBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE / BBA SAEBBA~ BBA SAEBBA~ BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEBBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAE BBA SAEOo-er
2023-06-22 04:23:521

Stretch Out Your Arms 歌词

歌曲名:Stretch Out Your Arms歌手:Devics专辑:The Stars At Saint AndreaStretch Out Your ArmsAR-DevicsAL-he.Stars.At.Saint.Andreaby-DYLay down and stretch up your armsthere will be no one to harm us nowI am radiating in your handwe"re in the glassoh Lord tell me where to goshow me and I will followand I"ll be good....lay down and stretch out your armsso I can fit right on your chestwrap tight around me my loveit"s gonna hurt when you see what you"ve doneand I"ll be there...oh Lord tell me where to goshow me and I will followyou could deepen my woundsor you could tell me that I am goodlay down and stretch out your armsnow I know that you meant me no harmhere in the safety of my bedhow many times must I break...
2023-06-22 04:23:591

Show Me The Place 歌词

Show Me The Place演唱:Leonard CohenShow me the place where you want your slave to goShow me the place, I"ve forgotten, I don"t knowShow me the place for my head is bending lowShow me the place where you want your slave to goShow me the place, help me roll away the stoneShow me the place, I can"t move this thing aloneShow me the place where the word became a manShow me the place where the suffering beganThe troubles came, I saved what I could saveA thread of light, a particle, a waveBut there were chains so I hastened to behaveThere were chains so I loved you like a slaveShow me the place where you want your slave to goShow me the place, I"ve forgotten, I don"t knowShow me the place for my head is bending lowShow me the place where you want your slave to goThe troubles came, I saved what I could saveA thread of light, a particle, a waveBut there were chains so I hastened to behaveThere were chains so I loved you like a slaveShow me the placeShow me the placeShow me the placeShow me the place, help me roll away the stoneShow me the place, I can"t move this thing aloneShow me the place where the word became a manShow me the place where the suffering began
2023-06-22 04:24:061