barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-05-19 15:14:51

  1. prevent的过去式为prevented.

  2. prevent  (1)、vt. 预防,防止;阻止.(2)、vi. 妨碍,阻止.



  3. 有关prevent的词组短语:prevent from  阻止, 防止.

    prevent sb/sth from v-ing 阻止某人做某事/某事发生.

  4. 有关prevent的例句:(1)、 Family control would prevent any hostile takeover or greenmail attempt.


    (2)、A dentist may decide to extract the tooth to prevent recurrent trouble.






be prevented 不是词组,是被动语态. ->In this way,floods are prevented. (用这种方法,洪水被制止了.) *被动语态的构成: be+P.P.(过去分词)
2023-01-02 00:53:221

英语词组造句。prevented sb(from)doing sth?

prevent sb from doing sth造句:She"s trying to prevent us from entering the building. 注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。
2023-01-02 00:53:341


用法:1.“prevent” + something2.“prevent”+某事The soldiers prevented the evacuation.例句:士兵们阻止撤离。3.“prevent” somebody from + -ingThe soldiers prevented the refugees from evacuating.例句:士兵们阻止难民们撤离。扩展资料prevent from 阻止,制止;妨碍prevent and control pollution 防治污染;预防和控制污染造句1.Does prison do anything to prevent crime ?采取关押方法对制止犯罪有作用吗?2.Your slave marriage would not have prevented him .你的奴隶婚姻约束不了他。3.My orders prevent me from doing that .我接到指示不可做此事。4.I am going ; nor can anybody prevent it .我是要去的,这是任何人也阻止不了的。5.His physical handicap prevented him from standing .因为他身体残废,无法站立。
2023-01-02 00:53:391

prevent sb from doing的from可以省略吗

不可以 。
2023-01-02 00:53:457

英语词组prevented from是什么意思

2023-01-02 00:54:083


prevent -prevented
2023-01-02 00:54:222

英语词组造句。prevented sb(from)doing sth

I prevented him from smoking 我阻止他抽烟 希望对你有帮助,如果满意请采纳吧,谢谢
2023-01-02 00:54:301


2023-01-02 00:54:351

prevented sb后跟什么

prevent sb (from) doing sth
2023-01-02 00:54:402


lose加东西之类的miss加机会之类的prevent是防止的意思protect是保护的意思lose memory 丧失记忆lose one"s eyesight 失去视力lose one"s way 迷路lose oneself in the woods 在森林中迷路lose an opportunity 错过机会lose one"s train 没赶上火车lose no time 刻不容缓lose a game 输一局[场]lose one"s fear 解除忧虑lose balance 失去平衡lose one"s ground 落伍; 失势I did not lose a word of his speech. 他的演说我没有听漏一个字。The ship and its crew were lost on the reef. 那条船及船员都触礁遇难了。Such behaviour lost him his job. 这种行为使他失去职业。习惯用语be lost in 全神贯注于; 沉湎于; 不胜...之至be lost on[upon] 对...不起作用, 不能引起...的注意be lost to 不再属于...所有; 对...无动于衷be lost without sth. [口]缺少某物就无法有效地工作[愉快地生活]lose by 因...而遭受损失lose oneself in 迷路于; 全神贯注于...之中; 消失于lose out [口](竞赛)失败; 达不到目的lose out on [美口]输去; 未能占...上风常用词组miss out漏掉;遗漏You may miss out the second section of the article while reading it. 你读这篇文章时可略去第二节。错失机会She always misses out, because she"s never there. 她总是错过机会,因为她老是不在。You really missed out by not coming to the party. "你没来参加聚会,失去了很好的机会。"防止;预防prevent a disease 预防疾病It is the job of the police to prevent crime. 防止犯罪是警察的职责。(常与from连用)阻止;制止;妨碍We were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything. 浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。What prevented you from joining us last night? 昨天晚上什么事使你不能参加我们的晚会?常与from, against连用)保护protectHe raised his arm to protect his face. 他举起手臂护住脸部。关税保护,对进口的物资征收保护性关税以保护(国内工业)投保这回是否明白?参看一下吧!
2023-01-02 00:54:481

firefox prevented this site from opening a pop-up window 怎么解决

2023-01-02 00:54:531

prevent doing是什么意思

prevent doing阻止做。。。。双语对照例句:1.If that"s the right thing to do, what"s to prevent you doing so? 如果这是应该做的事,什么能阻止你这样做呢?2.On wednesday greece said that it would ban the short-selling of shares for twomonths to prevent speculators doing further damage to the country"s banks. 本周三希腊宣布将禁止放空股票两个月来避免投机者进一步伤害到该国的银行。
2023-01-02 00:54:592


2023-01-02 00:55:061

如何解除 windows smartscreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting,ru

当我们浏览器网页时,躲在后台运的行SmartScreen筛选器能够可分析网页并确定这些网页是否有任何可能值得怀疑的特征。一旦发现可疑网页,SmartScreen筛选器会马上显示提示消息,提醒谨慎处理。  另外SmartScreen筛选器会对照最新报告的网络钓鱼网站和恶意软件网站的动态列表,检查用户访问的站点和从网络下载的文件。一旦SmartScreen筛选器找到匹配项将显示红色警告,通知用户该网站已经被阻止。    用IE浏览器的SmartScreen筛选器手动检查指定网站安全性  IE8以及更高版本浏览器中的SmartScreen筛选器提供了手动检查指定网站安全性的功能。使用方法很简单,只需先在IE8浏览器中转到希望检查的网站,选择菜单“安全”—“SmartScreen筛选器”—“检查此网站”。    “SmartScreen筛选”会把当前网站的地址发送到Microsoft,根据报告的系列危险网站列表进行核对以辨别该网站是否存在危险。不过这个操作不会根据收到的信息识别用户的个人身份,大家可以放心使用。      用IE浏览器的SmartScreen筛选器报告危险网站  如果我们认为自己访问的某个网站是危险网站,IE8浏览器的“SmartScreen筛选”提供了报告功能。我们可以选择IE浏览器菜单“安全”—“SmartScreen筛选器”—“报告不安全网站”。IE浏览器会跳转到微软的SmartScreen筛选网站,在这里按要求填入相关信息即可提交不安全网站的报告信息,经过相关验证后,危险网站的数据资料会得到丰富。    如果用户访问的某个站点被SmartScreen筛选器进做了标记,但是我们认为它并不是危险网站,可以在警告中选择将该网站报告为安全网站。单击“报告此站点不包含威胁”链接,联机访问Microsoft反馈网站,然后按照说明操作就可以了。  自由关闭和打开IE浏览器的SmartScreen筛选器  如果我们在一些比如测试网页等特殊情况下想要暂时禁用IE浏览器的SmartScreen筛选器,IE浏览器也提供了关闭SmartScreen筛选器的功能。我们可以选择IE浏览器菜单“安全”—“SmartScreen筛选器”—“关闭SmartScreen筛选器”,然后在弹出的窗口中做相应选择即可。当然我们可以在IE浏览器SmartScreen筛选器菜单中的相同位置随时打开SmartScreen筛选器。    用好IE8及更高版本IE浏览器的“SmartScreen筛选”功能,可以更好地帮助我们在使用互联网时预防钓鱼网站等不安全网站的危险攻击,并且有效防范恶意软件的威胁,保护我们的数据、隐私和个人信息安全。还在使用低版本IE浏览器的朋友,赶紧升级换用更给力的高版本IE浏览器吧!
2023-01-02 00:55:121


prevent的过去式为prevented.意思:vt.防止;阻止;阻碍;阻挠例句:1.They took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease. 他们采取积极措施,防止疾病蔓延。2.We are taking steps to prevent pollution. 我们正在采取措施防止污染。3.Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days. 大雪使得与外界的通信联系中断了三天。4.Early warnings of rising water levels prevented another major catastrophe. 提前发出的洪水水位上涨警报防止了又一次的重大灾害。5.Nothing would prevent him/ his speaking out against injustice. 什么也阻挡不了他为不平之事鸣冤叫屈。6.They were trying to prevent an even worse tragedy. 他们正在设法避免更大的悲剧发生。
2023-01-02 00:55:211


2023-01-02 00:55:333

be prevent是词组吗?

不是词组~be prevented 是被动形式的 意思就是用这种方法,洪水被制止了。
2023-01-02 00:55:443

prevent ...from...和protect... 举几个例句,

你好 ▲protect...from短语的意思是“保护……不受……的侵害”. from介词之后常跟对公众或社会整体影响不太大的普通词语.如果后面接较大的事件或较重要的东西,如战争、灾害、骚扰、税款等时,from多由against代替. 如:I want to put on more clothes to protect myself from cold.我想多穿件衣服,以防受凉. We should try our best to protect children from danger.我们应该尽力保护儿童免受危害. Something has been done to protect the grain from rain.为了防止粮食被雨淋,已经采取了一些措施. The government has done much to protect the dam against the possible flood.政府花费了很大精力以防大坝受可能的洪水的袭击. What we did for the refugees is to protect them against starvation.我们为难民所做的是保护他们免遭饥荒. ▲prevent...from短语的意思是“阻止……的发生”.类似的短语还有stop...from,keep...from.当prevent/stop...from用于主动语态时,介词from可以省略,但当prevent/stop...from用于被动语态时,介词from不可以省略. 如: The heavy snow prevented us from going out for sports.=The heavy snow prevented our going out for sports.大雪阻止了我们外出活动. The shelter is built to prevent the goods from the sun.搭建棚子的目的是保护产品免受阳光照射. The new government has passed some new laws to prevent the rivers and lakes(from)being further polluted.新一届政府制订了一些新的法律,以阻止河流湖泊被进一步污染. I am confident that by doing this we can prevent/stop such an incident(from)happening once more.我深信,通过做这件事,我们能够阻止类似事件的再次发生. Nothing could prevent us from coming here.没有任何事情能阻止我们到这儿来. No one can stop us(from) leaving we have made up our minds.一旦我们拿定主意,没人能够阻止我们离开的. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! 不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~
2023-01-02 00:55:581


预防;阻止;妨碍 prevent [pri"vent,pri:-] vt.预防,防止阻止vi.妨碍,阻止[ 过去式prevented 过去分词prevented 现在分词preventing ]
2023-01-02 00:56:061

these rivers should be prevented 是什么意思

你这个题目应该不全吧,我举个例子吧。These rivers should be prevented _B_A. to be polluted B. from being polluted C.polluting D. being polluted解答如下:意思是这些河流应该被防止被污染。prevent…from doing sth.防止做某事。小知识点:prevent··· from=stop ···from=keep···from (from为介词,后加ing),均表示:阻止,预防某人干某事;
2023-01-02 00:56:121

his heart attack prevented him

D 根据 prevented 是一般过去时,排除A与B,再根据句意‘打算在会上发言,但由于心脏……“再排除C
2023-01-02 00:56:171


2023-01-02 00:56:222


1 was改成were games是复数啊,所以用were2 competing 改成 from competing prevent from doing 3 for 改成 of 能构成he is foolish / you are good / you are nice(即逻辑意义上的主谓结构的)介词用of,不用for
2023-01-02 00:56:302

We prevented him from playing football in the street 怎分主谓宾 prevent from 是短语 他可以是谓语吗

主语we,谓语prevent from,宾语him,宾语补足语play football,地点状语in the street。
2023-01-02 00:56:383

frustrated prevented discouraged accomplished区别

2023-01-02 00:56:481


preventv.防止, 预防avoidvt.避免, 消除
2023-01-02 00:56:5413


1.尽管动词“prevent”可以带介词“from”,它也可以不用介词。规则如下:“prevent” + something“prevent”+某事The soldiers prevented the evacuation.例句:士兵们阻止撤离。“prevent” somebody from + -ing“prevent”某人做某事The soldiers prevented the refugees from evacuating.例句:士兵们阻止难民们撤离。2.单词“prohibit”的用法和“prevent”基本一致:“prohibit” + something“prohibit”+某事The school rules prohibit smoking.例句:学校规定禁止吸烟。“prohibit” somebody from + -ing“prohibit”某人做某事There are no specific provisions in the law that would prohibit an employer from summarily dismissing an employee due to his/her misconduct.例句:法律中没有特定的条文禁止雇主在暑假期间因为员工的表现不佳而将其解雇。3.动词“ban”也是类似的用法:The government banned advertising of tobacco products in 2002.例句:2002年,政府禁止烟草制品打广告。The court banned him from attending football matches.法庭禁止他参加足球比赛。
2023-01-02 00:57:353

求助几道高二的英语题 写下分析

2023-01-02 00:58:016


1,2,3楼的,你们那是疑问句吗? what could prevente you (from )attending the dinner party? from也可以省略.
2023-01-02 00:58:227


did you see the shark ?he got the first prize in yesterday"s leture competition.we saw a famous football player last week. where did you go last month? I have a sandwich for lunch. I felt unhappy a very fun day. I watched tv with a friend last night. were there any octopus inthe aquarium? Ioften wemt swim with my father last sunmer.
2023-01-02 00:58:465


1.It was his responsibility to prevent this serious accident happened.2.It was the failure that made him believe the advices of teachers were ture.3.It was the Internet that helped him find out the things that he needed.4.It was a chance that she and he met on Nanjing Road to made them be ...【这道题表示不会。5.Was the careless of the driver that caused this 【算了不写了。
2023-01-02 00:59:043


昨天的大雨阻止了我们去野餐的英文是:The heavy rain yesterday prevented us from having a picnic.这句话里面还包含了一个动词搭配:prevent sb. from sth.阻止某人做某事。由于这里的时态为过去式,所以作为谓语动词的prevent要加ed变成prevented。其中from为介词,have a picnic的have是一个动词,介词后面的动词要变成动名词形式,所以have要去e加ing。希望可以帮助到你~
2023-01-02 00:59:152

这句句子为什么用pushed 是什么用法

本句两个逗号中间的部分为插入语,句子主干是Such an extensive level of support pushed…and prevented…record.其中,pushed和prevented是句子的并列谓语。之所以用过去式,是由于句子是对过去事件的陈述。注:本人认为counting的使用是错误的!应该改成being counted.
2023-01-02 00:59:376


avoid 避免,避开,躲避,消除prevent预防,防止。 强调事先采取行动预防
2023-01-02 00:59:583

How can traffic accidents be prevented?

只能帮你到这了,打开翻译词典。具体的看一遍稍作修改。Prevention is the most effective means to prevent and reduce traffic accidents. Prevention is ideological vigilance, and more importantly, preventive measures, equipment, technology and staffing. Preventive measures are to take precautions in the future and eliminate all factors that are not conducive to driving safety in the budding state. When driving under any circumstances, we should keep a clear mind. We should carefully analyze and correctly judge the situations that may affect the safety of driving, and take corresponding measures at any time so as to be ready and safe. Firmly establish the idea of safety first and prevention first, firmly establish the idea of safety first, have a high sense of responsibility for people"s lives and national property safety, take seriously their special occupation, drive cautiously, regulate driving, and ensure the safety of passengers, goods, pedestrians and their own, which is not only the premise of completing the transportation task, but also the basic requirement of automobile transportation. It can be said that there is nothing without safety, and the importance of safety is determined by the position of safety in automobile transportation. As an automobile driver, only if we have a sufficient understanding of this importance can we consciously carry out the idea of safety first and prevention first. Therefore, drivers must cultivate good habits of conscious compliance with the law, civilized driving, not running red lights, driving at medium speed, not driving heroic cars, not driving after drinking, not driving sick cars. Therefore, I always take some time to study traffic laws and regulations, automobile drivers and other books conscientiously, and learn from the effective experience of safe driving in learning by doing. By combining practical experience with books, I can broaden my knowledge, deepen my understanding and apply it more deeply. It"s easy to add. It is the key to avoid traffic accidents to firmly establish traffic safety awareness. Violation of regulations is the hidden danger of accidents. Accidents are the result of violations. This is a blood lesson. Peers should bear in mind that traffic accidents are caused by speeding, illegal driving, inattention, poor driving skills, poor driving conditions, unsafe road conditions, pedestrians and passengers. 2. Drivers must have market-based driving skills in order to continuously improve driving technology and safety. Efforts should be made to study business, strengthen learning, master common sense of safe driving, constantly sum up experience of safe driving, especially through analyzing accidents happened by others, to learn lessons, guide driving practice, correctly handle the relationship among people, vehicles and roads on the road, and constantly improve driving technology, so as to ensure driving safety. 3. Experience checking and maintenance vehicles, people are in good working condition, people are lazy and break down. As a driver, only by checking and maintaining the vehicles, can we drive safely and create more economic benefits. Therefore, no matter how busy and tired the work is, the vehicles should be carefully checked. Before leaving, we should check the steering system, brake system and lights, horns, wipers and rearview mirrors for completeness and effectiveness, whether the bolts of the transmission system are loose or not, and do a good job of vehicle cleaning, so as to have a good idea. In driving, we should pay attention to the working condition of each instrument, check whether there is any abnormal noise, stop immediately when abnormal phenomena are found, find out the reasons, and eliminate the faults in time. Summarize one day"s driving experience, eliminate hidden dangers, prepare for the next day"s driving, keep the vehicle in good technical condition and lay a good foundation for safe driving. It can be seen that consciously abiding by the rules and regulations, establishing safety awareness and keeping the car in good condition are the key to prevent and reduce accidents. It is very worthwhile and extremely important to replace safety with prevention. Safety is a blessing! It"s the greatest economy.
2023-01-02 01:00:196

英语选择题 求解答 (请勿灌水)

1.can not barely most 3.prohibited to read 5.written 6.set her mind on 7.string 8.illustration 9.up 10.dressed 11.indignant 12.each 13.b1ossom 14.on a short-term shift 15.up 16.on a 17.relieved
2023-01-02 01:00:402

What do you imagine _____ him from going?? prevent B.preventing? have prevented

2023-01-02 01:00:472

跪求英语高手进啊,马上开学了,还有些题不会啊,请帮忙那个解决下 啊,拜谢!!!!!!!1

2023-01-02 01:00:592

prevent from doing的from可否省略

protect sb from doing sth这里的from不能省略。protect...from…是表示保护。。。不受伤害。from后接能带来伤害或损害之物。所以是:Protect sb/sth from sth/doing sth例句:You had better wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun.Hair can protect our heads from being hurt.注意:prevent sb from doing sth与stop sb fromdoing sth用法相同,在主动语态中from可以省略,被动语态中不行。keep...from在表示此意时,from不可以省略。keep。。。doing 是使。。处在。。状态中的意思。如果没有了from就变成了keep sb doing sth了,意思就反过来了。
2023-01-02 01:01:083

stop from,keep from和prevent from的区别

没有区别,都表示“阻止某人/某物做某事”后接动名词。前两个的from可以省略,后一个不能省略。省掉就变成了“让,,不停地做某事”。如:The heavy snow prevevted/stopped/ kept us form going out.大雪阻止我们出行。They kept the buy running.他们让那小孩不停的跑。
2023-01-02 01:01:196


he is very angry with my mistake, can you help me to calm him down
2023-01-02 00:53:043


2023-01-02 00:53:051


2023-01-02 00:53:104


bank [bæŋk]如果不会音标就记半刻
2023-01-02 00:53:112

calm down既可做_动词短语,又可做_动词短语。

2023-01-02 00:53:161


2023-01-02 00:53:031

account for 什么意思

2023-01-02 00:52:586


2023-01-02 00:52:566

take it easy?calm down?的中文意思

2023-01-02 00:52:551


2023-01-02 00:52:543