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Cali, Cali, Cali 歌词

2023-06-22 09:06:10
TAG: cali
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歌曲名:Cali, Cali, Cali
歌手:Alyssa Bernal
专辑:Love Hangover

Alyssa Bernal - "Cali Cali Cali"
Oooh, oooh, yeah
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that day
The sunlight open my eyes
First kiss on the beach is like paradise
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that night
The palm trees swinging above
One touch and I knew it was California love
Oooh, oh
I""m dreaming of a sunny place
Where the ocean waves fill up my mind
I forget about everything
And I just sit back and I really don""t whine
But life ain""t going that way
When you don""t have enough power to stop
All these crazy situations you find yourself in
But you can""t get out of
Texas heat, it drives me crazy
But it don""t matter cause in my mind
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that day
The sunlight open my eyes
First kiss on the beach is like paradise
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that night
The palm trees swinging above
One touch and I knew it was California love
Cali, Cali, Cali, California love
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
If I could just feel the sand in my toes
And remind myself that there is some hope
Realizing I""m the only one
Who""s got enough power to save my soul
But mama I swear to you,
When I get there, everything""s gonna be better
But it""s still 1,000 miles away from home
Wanna hurry up and get there
Texas heat, it drives me crazy
But it don""t matter cause in my mind
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that day
The sunlight open my eyes
First kiss on the beach is like paradise
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that night
The palm trees swinging above
One touch and I knew it was California love
Texas heat, it drives me crazy
I wanna chill out, baby I""m feeling lazy
Everyday""s the same and it brings me down
But it don""t matter cause soon I""ll be there
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that day
The sunlight open my eyes
First kiss on the beach is like paradise
Cali, Cali, Cali, California
I won""t forget that night
The palm trees swinging above
One touch and I knew it was California love
Cali, Cali, Cali, California love
Cali, Cali, Cali, California love
Yeah, yeah



Cali的《Je sais》 歌词

歌曲名:Je sais歌手:Cali专辑:MenteurShy"m-Je SaisJe sais que je ne suis pas toujours facileJe sais que je te rends la vie parfois difficileJe sais que c"est dur c"est dur d"être toiMais je sais qu"avant c"était pas comme caHey hey qu"est ce qu"il y aVas-y cries un peuMais dis moiMais qu"est ce que t"as à vouloir me tuer les yeuxSerais-tu en train de perdre le nordCries de tourte ton corpsJe sais je te rends fouMais ca te va plutot bienhein hein (x2)Je sais, que t"en a parfois par dessus la tête etJe sais, que je pourrais des fois t"épargner peut-êtreJe sais, que tu m"aimes, tu m"aimes comme caJe sais, que je te nuis Oh Baby!Hey hey qu"est ce qu"il y aVas-y cries un peuMais dis moiMais qu"est ce que t"as à vouloir me tuer les yeuxSerais-tu en train de perdre le nordCries de tourte ton corpsJe sais je te rends fouMais ca te va plutot bienhein hein (x4)Mais dis moi toiSi loin, si fort cet homme que personne atteindCe coeur de pierre, ces bras de fer qui nous soulèvent d"une mainQu"est-ce qu"il y a?Mais qu"est-ce qu"il y a? Baby!Qu"est-ce que t"as?Mais qu"est-ce qu"il y a?Hey hey qu"est ce qu"il y aVas-y cries un peuMais dis moiMais qu"est ce que t"as à vouloir me tuer les yeuxSerais-tu en train de perdre le nordCries de tourte ton corpsJe sais je te rends fouMais ca te va plutot bien hein heinQu"est ce qu"il y aVas-y cries un peuMais dis moiMais qu"est ce que t"as à vouloir me tuer les yeuxSerais-tu en train de perdre le nordCries de tourte ton corpsJe sais je te rends fouMais ca te va plutot bienhein hein (x3)
2023-06-22 03:14:061


Mr.Cali(郭晓楠)是深圳一名业余说唱、R&B歌手,其风格为嘻哈与说唱的结合,最近与P-Frizzy(潘逸峰)组合成中国英文说唱团队Freezin" Cold(冷酷组合),不断更新单曲与MV,在受到很多人的支持的同时也让他在舆论中始终遭到抨击。
2023-06-22 03:14:271


2023-06-22 03:14:401


1.太空步(moon walk)2.原地360度旋转3.侧踢 4.侧滑5.原地奔跑动作6.左右原地摇摆 鬼步舞是墨尔本舞步或者墨尔本曳步舞的别称。   它是来源于澳洲的一个舞种,舞者在重音乐鼓点的配合下跳舞。   鬼步舞,对于一种相当厉害的滑步的赞称,一定要归类的话大概可以和C walk颇有渊源。这么说吧,鬼步舞算得上是Cwalk科鬼步目的,是杂交品种。   曳步舞类是此种舞步的必修课,想练习的话最好先把之前提到的几个练习好再说,不要直接上来就说“我要照着那个练”,如此一来的话反而容易走形或者费力,甚至受伤。正像当年安西教练对樱木花道的教导一样“你先把基本动作做好再说吧”。   另还有一种释义。中国的道教和日本的神道教中某些仪式的步法也叫做鬼步舞。步法很多,基本原理是对应想要做的仪式(最常见的就是除鬼),踩踏地面相应的位置,通常是各个“门”和一些比较特殊的点,也有时候需要踏线。这些步法有些可以追述到阴阳道,虽然韩国人对此和我们有争议(那是当然的),但是你知道这东西是从哪里来的对吧?不过也许现代的道士和神官们可以试试用那种迪厅舞步去驱魔   简介   墨尔本曳步舞英文全称是Melbourne Shuffle ( Dance ) , 又曳步舞,拖步舞,滑步舞,超级滑步舞, 一种拖着脚走的舞步, 动作快速有力,和着电子音乐摇摆,舞蹈充满动感活力,极具现场感染力   历史起源   20世纪80年代兴起于澳洲墨尔本一些地下舞场,其个性的舞步加上强劲的音乐,极其吸引人眼光,由此逐渐流行开来;   2002年12月,澳大利亚一家报纸在头版讲解了Melbourne Shuffle , 这是Shuffle首次出现在主流媒体。之后就流行到马来西亚和文莱,后传播到英国,德国,泰国等国家,借助于因特网(Internet)、网络媒体uTube等在世界范围内流行开来   21世纪00年代开始在国际流行(得益于2006年utube视频网站)   动作风格   硬派风格舞蹈(HSD:Hard Style Dance)   注重腿和脚的动作   非常注重腿部和脚步动作,舞蹈具有非常快速的节奏 , 随着音乐节拍快速踢,踩,跳,跺;   舞蹈其中一动作是快速横向脚后跟上的脚扭前后脚,点缀的动作是身体旋转,手舞和踢,其他动作比如手足舞蹈加360度连续旋转;   荧光裤   步舞者的裤子类似喇叭裤,裤子旁边都缝上一些在灯光下会反射的荧光饰物。 荧光裤(夜间效果)   Running Man   一只脚重踏前方地面紧接着向后连跳两下,然后另一只脚重复此动作,给人一种在跑步的幻觉(类似于M.J.的月球漫步,但实际是不同滴),同时伴随手部动作,身体动作(比如旋转,转身等),   Shuffle   一只脚扭动同时伴随着另一只脚快速的横向运动,舞蹈伴随着手部动作,身体动作(比如旋转,转身等),腿脚踢踏   其它   不失个性的舞步,加上强劲有力的音乐,可以轻易让观看者也感染到愉快的气氛,不自由主的随着强劲的音乐摇摆身躯。墨尔本曳步舞并没有指定的动作,舞者完全可以自由发挥,所以每个人都有自己的特色。有些舞者会在舞蹈中加入其他舞蹈的元素,创造出独一无二的编舞。第一次观看墨尔本曳步舞,发现舞者都非常注重脚步动作,舞者们随着音乐快速的又踢,又踩,又跳,又跺,展现充满活力的曳步舞,更会让第一次看到这种舞蹈的人啧啧称奇。墨尔本曳步舞也包含了身体整体性的控制,这种舞蹈至今发展出了一套全新的舞蹈风格,到目前还在不断的发展中。曳步舞注重脚步动作,所以在服装方面特别讲究裤子的部分。 1992年,在海外其他地区舞蹈名字混乱,这年澳洲人开始将此舞蹈称呼为Shuffle,名字被确定下来 2002年12月,澳大利亚一家报纸在头版讲解了Melbourne Shuffle , 这是Shuffle首次出现在主流媒体。之后就流行到马来西亚和文莱(在这两个国家有Shuffle比赛); 2005年,出版有DVD专题纪录片,介绍墨尔本曳步舞 2006年,使其迅速提高声誉和知名度的媒体是uTube视频网站 2008年9月6号,澳洲媒体network10报道Shuffle这种硬派风格舞蹈(HSD:Hard Style Dance) 2008年11月"So You Think You Can Shuffle"舞蹈秀在utube上展开 2009年"So You Think You Can Shuffle"舞蹈秀粉丝聚会、比赛围绕在澳大利亚和德国等国展开.
2023-06-22 03:14:513

关于Notorious b.i.g的Going back to calo歌词

[phone number being dialed][phone rings three times][Biggie] Yo![P. Dad] Yo Big wake up wake up baby[Biggie] Mmm, yo...[P. Dad] Yo Big wake yo" ass up c"mon[Biggie] I"m up! I"m up. *mumbling* I"m up I"m up[P. Dad] Big, wake up![Biggie] I"m up baby, what the fuck, man? What"s up?[P. Dad] C"mon now it"s a quarter to six we got the 7:30 flight[Biggie] Mmm, *mumbling* yeah[P. Dad] Yo Big Big, Big[Biggie] Yeah I hear you dogg, I hear you, alright, 7:30[P. Dad] Yo take down this information[Biggie] Ain"t no pen[P. Dad] Tell your girl then to remember it or somethin[Biggie] Aight honey, yeah write this down[P. Dad] Aight, ummm, flight five-oh-four[Biggie] Five-oh-four[P. Dad] Leaving Kennedy[Biggie] mumbling Kennedy[P. Dad] On the L-A-X[Biggie] Oh! Cali??[P. Dad] No doubt baby, you know we gotta get this paper[Biggie] Ahh, no doubt, aight[P. Dad] You aight?[Biggie] I"m up, I"m up[P. Dad] Yo Big[Biggie] I"m UP man[P. Dad] Flight five-oh-four[Biggie] Alright 7:30 I"ma meet you at the airport[P. Dad] California[Biggie] Yeh[phone clicks][Verse One: Notorious B.I.G.]When the lala hits ya lyrics just splits yaHead so hard, that ya hat can"t fit yaEither I"m witcha or against yaFormat venture, back through that maze I sent yaTalkin to the rap inventorNigga wit the game tight, Bic that flame rightSpell my name right, B-I, Double-G, I-EIced out lights out, me and Ceasar LeoGettin head from some chick he knowSee it"s all about the cheddar, nobody do it betterGoing back to Cali, strictly for the weatherWomen, and the weed -- sticky greenNo seeds bitch please, Poppa ain"t softDead up in the Hood, ain"t no love lostGot me mixed up, you drunk them licks upMad cause I got my dick suckedand my balls licked, forfeit, the game is mineI"ma spell my name one more time, check itIts the, N-O, T-O, R-I, OU-S, you just, lay down, slowRecognize a real Don when you see Juan/oneSippin on booze in the House of Blues[Chorus: repeat 4X]I"m going going, back back, to Cali Cali[Verse Two: Notorious B.I.G.]If I got to choose a coast I got to choose the EastI live out there, so don"t go thereBut that don"t mean a nigga can"t rest in the WestSee some nice breasts in the WestSmoke some nice sess in the West, y"all niggaz is a messThinkin I"m gon stop, givin L.A. propsAll I got is beef with those that violate meI shall annihilate theeCase closed, suitcase filled with clothesLinens and things, I begin thingsPeople start to flash, 818"s, 213"s313"s, B.I.G.Frequently floss hoes at Roscoe"sIf I wanna squirt her, take her to FatburgerSpend about a week on Venice BeachSippin Crist-o, with some freaks from Frisco[Chorus][Verse Three: Notorious B.I.G.]Cali got gunplay, models on the runwayScream Biggie Biggie gimme One More ChanceI be whippin on the freeway, the NYC wayOn the celly-celly with my homeboy LancePass hash from left to rightOnly got five blunts left to light, I"m set tonightPaid a visit to Versace storesBet she suck until I ain"t got no more, only in L.A.Bust on bitches be-lly, rub it in they tummyLick it, say it"s yummy, then fuck yo" manFuck your plan, is it to rock the Tri-State?Almost gold, 5 G"s at show gateOr do you wanna see about seven digitsFuck hoes exquisite, Cali, great place to visit[Chorus][Chorus][Chorus: Again to fade]
2023-06-22 03:15:331


2023-06-22 03:15:575


同意楼上关于算法的意见,不过还是稍微改进了一下:function zanswer=cali(n)ex=cumsum([0 ones(1,n)]);zanswer=sum(2.^ex);
2023-06-22 03:16:183


彪马三道杠系列是指彪马品牌衣服上的三条线条装饰,也称为“PUMA Formstrip”。这个设计最初出现在1967年的彪马运动鞋上,之后被广泛用于彪马的衣服和配饰上,成为了彪马的标志性设计之一。彪马三道杠系列主要包括以下几个系列:1.经典三道杠:这是最常见的彪马三道杠设计,运用在彪马各类服装和鞋子上。2.创新三道杠:这是彪马在经典三道杠设计基础上的创新,采用不同的材质和颜色,使得三道杠具有更多的变化。3.冠军三道杠:这是专为奥运冠军设计的三道杠系列,代表了彪马对于体育运动的支持和鼓励。总之,彪马三道杠系列是彪马品牌的标志性设计之一,代表了彪马对于体育和运动的热爱和支持。
2023-06-22 03:16:2615

when he got the call that his son was ill in Cali

你好!when he got the call that his son was ill in California and not expected to live for long当他接到电话,他的儿子病了在加利福尼亚和不会活太久
2023-06-22 03:17:021


2023-06-22 03:17:112

teenage dream歌词

you think I"m pretty without any makeup onyou think I"m funny when I tell the punch line wrong I know you get me so I let the walls come down Donw~before you met me I was alright but things were kinda heavyyou brought me to life Now every February you"ll be my valentine valentine~let"s go all the way tonightNO regrets just love we can dance until we die you and I we"ll be young forever You !Make!Me !feel like I"m living aTeenage Dreamthe way you turn me on I !can"t ! sleep !let"s run away and don"t ever look backdon"t ever look backMy !Heart !Stops !when you look at meJust!One!Touch!Now baby I believeThis !Is!Real!so take a chance anddon"t ever look backdon"t ever look backwe drove to caliand got drunk on the beach got a motel and built a fort out of sheets I finally found youMY missing puzzle piece I"m completelet"s go allthe way tonightNo regretsjust lovewe can danceuntil we dieYou and Iwe"ll be young forever You !Make!Me !feel like I"m living aTeenage Dreamthe way you turn me on I !can"t ! sleep !let"s run away and don"t ever look backdon"t ever look backMy !Heart !Stops !when you look at meJust!One!Touch!Now baby I believeThis !Is!Real!so take a chance anddon"t ever look backdon"t ever look backI"m A get your heart racingIn my skin-tight jeansBe your Teenage Dream tonight let you put your hands on meIn my skin-tight jeansBe your Teenage Dream tonight ..........You !Make!Me !feel like I"m living aTeenage Dreamthe way you turn me on I !can"t ! sleep !let"s run away and don"t ever look backdon"t ever look backMy !Heart !Stops !when you look at meJust!One!Touch!Now baby I believeThis !Is!Real!so take a chance anddon"t ever look backdon"t ever look backI"m A get your heart racingIn my skin-tight jeansBe your Teenage Dream tonight I"m A get your heart racingIn my skin-tight jeansBe your Teenage Dream tonight let you put your hands on meIn my skin-tight jeansBe your Teenage Dream tonight ..........
2023-06-22 03:17:203


2023-06-22 03:18:091

Rihanna《califor king bed》的中英对照歌词

Chest to Chest胸紧贴着胸Nose to Nose鼻头碰着鼻头Palm to Palm掌心贴着掌心We were always just that close我们曾经是那么得亲密Wrist to wrist手腕缠绕手腕Toe to toe脚尖触着脚尖Lips that felt just like the inside of a 嘴唇感觉就像是一朵含苞待放的rose玫瑰So how come when i reach out my fingers可是当我伸出我的手指无意识的做着比较It feels like more than distance between我感觉到我和你之间的距离不仅仅只是那么一点usIn this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者Eye to Eye眼神对眼神Cheek to Cheek脸颊贴着脸颊Side by Side肩膀并着肩膀You were sleeping next to me仿佛你还沉睡在我身旁Arm in arm手臂紧贴手臂Dusk till dawn从黄昏直至黎明With the curtains drawn昨晚在温暖的被单之上,就连窗帘都已疲惫的落下And a little last night on these sheets我和你却感受不到一丝疲倦So how come when i reach out my fingers可是当我伸出我的手指无意识的做着比较It feels like more than distance between我感觉到我和你之间的距离不仅仅只是那么一点usIn this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者Just when I felt like giving up on us就当我想要放开手的时候You turn around and give me one last你回过身给了我最后的touch轻抚That made everything feel better我的世界仿佛雨过天晴And even then my eyes got Wetter即使我的眼睛湿润了Something feels when I ask you if you我可以感觉到当我问你你是否爱我时love me你的内心But I don"t wanna seem so weak但是我不想看起来令人怜悯Maybe I"ve been California Dreaming也许一直以来我都做着加州之梦In this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者In this California king bed在这张加州豪华大床上We"re 10,000 miles apart我们相隔甚远I"ve been California wishing可我却还在许下加州愿望On these stars for your heart for me用这些星星带到你的内心深处My California king我的加州王者
2023-06-22 03:19:001

saint Michael

最值得 时尚 、潮流爱好者们关注的则莫过于细川雄太联合Cali Thornhill DeWitt共同创立的全新街头品牌saint Michael。   说到细川雄太,大家第一时间想到的就是风靡欧美、日本潮流市场的Remake 时尚 品牌READYMADE;而此次,细川雄太的合作对象则是来自美国街头文化发源地洛杉矶的艺术家Cali Thornhill DeWitt。   Cali Thornhill DeWitt并非如KAWS、Keith Haring等人,以辨识度较高的艺术创作作为个人风格的艺术家,其早先曾为洛杉矶当地的音乐机构Jabberjaw工作,为许多嘻哈、流行歌手打造专辑封面;而此后,Cali Thornhill DeWitt则开始了自己经营画廊的“职业生涯”,其平面与立体艺术作品亦在街头潮流领域有着相当高的知名度。   而进入主题,此次细川雄太与Cali Thornhill DeWitt合作创立的全新街头品牌saint Michael又为我们带来了怎样的惊喜呢?此次,saint Michael的诞生如其品牌名称一般,灵感源自欧洲神话中的大天使米迦勒,而自然其设计主题亦与宗教美学有着密不可分的关系。   在设计手法上,细川雄太沿用了在个人品牌READYMADE中惯用的做旧、破坏手法,令采用棉织物打造的卫衣、T恤等常规街头单品产生焕然一新的视觉感官体验。另一方面,在该系列设计中出现的手绘涂鸦印花设计则令其街头属性更为呼之欲出。   除了富有宗教意味的印花图案与加入破坏、做旧效果的创意手法,许多人更加关注的则是saint Michael设计中与Kanye West《The Life Of Pablo》专辑周边相似度极高的设计,出现在saint Michael卫衣上的印刷字体与《The Life Of Pablo》专辑周边的设计均出自Cali Thornhill DeWitt之手,也让我们能够在该系列设计中找到多多少少的熟悉感。   saint Michael将于2020年秋冬季度迎来品牌首波单品的正式发售,而除了T恤、卫衣等设计外,一款合作美国经典夹克生产商Schott NYC打造的One Star Jacket亦引来诸多潮流爱好者的目光。众所周知,细川雄太的READYMADE以打造Remake单品而闻名世界,此番saint Michael同Schott NYC的合作亦重现了电影《飞车党》中马龙·白兰度的经典装扮,相信在吸引众多年轻潮流玩家的同时,亦会获得“情怀粉”们的青睐。
2023-06-22 03:20:001


2023-06-22 03:20:094


2023-06-22 03:20:531

求alyssa bernal - cali cali cali歌词

演唱:alyssa bernal歌词:cali cali caliOoh ohhYeahCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that dayThe sunlight opened my eyesFirst kiss on the beach is like paradiseCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that nightThe palm trees swinging aboveOne touch and I knew it was California loveOoh ohhI"m dreaming of a sunny placeWhere the ocean waves fill up my mindI forget about everythingAnd I sit just back and I just really don"t whineBut life ain"t going that wayWhen you don"t have enough power to stopAll these crazy situations you find yourself inBut you can"t get out ofTexas heat it drives me crazyBut it don"t matter cause in my mindCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that dayThe sunlight opened my eyesFirst kiss on the beach is like paradiseCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that nightThe palm trees swinging aboveOne touch and I knew it was California loveCali Cali Cali California loveCali Cali Cali CaliforniaIf I could just feel the sand on my toesAnd remind myself that there is some hopeRealizing I"m the only oneWho"s got enough power to save my soulBut Momma I swear to you when I get thereEverything"s gonna be betterBut it"s still a thousand miles away from homeWanna hurry up and get thereTexas heat it drives me crazyBut it don"t matter cause in my mindCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that dayThe sunlight opened my eyesFirst kiss on the beach is like paradiseCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that nightThe palm trees swinging aboveOne touch and I knew it was California loveTexas heat it drives me crazyI wanna chill out baby, I"m feeling lazyAnd every day"s the same and it brings me downBut it don"t matter cause soon I"ll be thereCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that dayThe sunlight opened my eyesFirst kiss on the beach is like paradiseCali Cali Cali CaliforniaI won"t forget that nightThe palm trees swinging aboveOne touch and I knew it was California loveCali Cali Cali California loveCali Cali Cali California love, yeahCali Cali Cali California love, ohhhCali Cali Cali California love
2023-06-22 03:21:001

American Dream 歌词

歌曲名:American Dream歌手:Lucinda Williams专辑:World Without TearsThe Game - American DreamYeahBad boy collaboJ.RLets get itLook, its Keshia Cole and the black Kenneth ColeBlack Air one"s, all black soulIm "bout to take control like JanetDamnit, cant stand itSo so def J.D can"t handle itBust shots in LA, bust shots in new york,Bust shots with Big and Pac, Puff in his new coreCrazy shit that happen when you mix rappin with trappinFuck around and get ur wig pushed backwardsPushed off the backboardsBlow dat thingCalifornia license plate, u know that BenzIm focused like a Kodak lensBought my Aston Martin by the gardenTold em hold that thingIm back, king caliTwistin up the caliPalm trees and the breeze make it feel like MauiI guess this how a nigga "posed to feelWhen ur 29 sittin on 29 milI don"t make up with bitches i get me a new Cover GirlOne i can trust no hoes inside the rubber girlI fuck all girls tall ones, big bitchesDrove my car down broadway, big switchesBeen through Queens with 50 and LambourghinsDrove through texas in a brand new lexusG.S shit, the best shit, i mess withThe further i go down south the better the sex getBut thats me sippin on Don PBlowin cali"s finest, i don"t mean palm treesWant green? niggas meet me at the barBitches valet cars and come dance with a starBetter yet, im the american idolStrapped with assault rifles pointed at my rivalsMy elevator goin" straight to the top nigga I won"t stopDiddy, let"s get itWhats a bad boy? same as a goonBefore i step in the roomYou see a sign sayin: Diddy comin soonHaters im still dancin, young, black and handsomeSean Jean 2 peice smellin better than blessinNew York Nicks, courtside, nigga And1I can stop making the bands, cuz i am oneNew york need me, Cali gave me a starIf you don"t beleive me; hollywood boulevardYou can go thereIf you ever need the D.I double D.Y, B.A.D B.O.YGood in any hood, no vest, no 45Got my man lookin down on me from best starAngels all around meFlyin over my lamboAnd i never stop burnin wax like a candleHottest nigga on the globeGot my yacht on cruise control in my Louis Vuitton robe, yeah
2023-06-22 03:21:101

求一首英文歌 one more time baby~很轻柔的音乐 女生唱的全部都是英文的 不是布兰

2 pac -u300aCalifornia Loveu300bCalifornia...California...knows how to partyCalifornia...knows how to partyIn the citaaay of L.A.In the citaaay of good ol" WattsIn the citaaay" the city of Compton.We keep it rockin! We keep it rockin!Now let me welcome everybody to the wild" wild westA state that"s untouchable like Elliot NessThe track hits ya eardrum" like a slug to ya chestPack a vest for your Jimmy in the city of sexWe in that sunshine state with a bomb ass hemp beatthe state where ya never find a dance floor empty.And pimps be on a mission for them greenslean mean money-makin"-machines servin" fiends.I been in the game for ten years makin" rap tunesever since honeys was wearin" sassoon.Now it"s "95and they clock me and watch mediamonds shinin"lookin" like I robbed Liberace.It"s all good" from Diego to tha BayYour city is tha bomb if your city makin" payThrow up a finger if ya" feel the same wayDre puttin" it down for Californ-i-a.California....knows how to partyCalifornia....knows how to partyIn tha citaaay of LAIn tha citaaay of good ol" WattsIn the citaaay" the city of Compton.We Keep it Rockin"We Keep it Rockin"uff08Dreuff09 Yeah" now make it shake! come on!Shake Shake it babyShake Shake it" Shake it babyShake Shake it" Shake it Caliuff08Shake it Caliuff09Shake Shake it babyShake Shake itShake Shake it mamaShake it CaliOut on bail fresh outta jailCalifornia dreamin"Soon as I stepped on the sceneI"m hearin" hoochies screamin".Fiendin" for money and alcoholthe life of a west side playa"where cowards die" it"s our ballOnly in Cali where we riot now rallies are live and die.In L.A. we wearin" chucks not Ballies. uff08yea" that"s rightuff09Dressed in Locs and khaki suitsand ride is what we do.Flossin" but have cautionwe can lie with other crews.Famous cause we program worldwidelet"em recognize from Longbeach to Rose GrandsBumpin" and Grindin" like a slow jamit"s west sideso you know the Row won"t bow down to no man.Say what you saybut give me that bomb beat from Drelet me serenade the streets of L.A.From Oakland to SacktownThe Bay area in bag downCalifornia.....knows how to partyCali is where they put they mack downCalifornia.....knows how to partyIn tha Citaaay of LAIn tha Citaaay of good ol" WattsIn the citaaay" the city of Compton.We keep it Rockin"We Keep it Rockin"uff08Dreuff09 yeah" yeah now make it shake...uuhhhShake Shake it babyShake Shake itShake Shake it mama" Shake it Caliuff08Shake it Caliuff09Shake Shake it babyuff08Shake it Caliuff09Shake Shake itShake Shake it mamauff08West Coastuff09Shake it Caliuh" yeah" uh" uh
2023-06-22 03:21:331


Skechers是美国第三大休闲运动品牌 用了数年时间,SKECHERS立即扬名世界。以女鞋为主,面向追求时尚、个性张扬的年轻族群,2020女鞋中销售额更是位列第一。
2023-06-22 03:21:435

mike tompkins的 teenage dream &just the way you are 的歌词 谢谢

  《 Teenage dream 》的中英文对照歌词  You think I"m pretty without any make-up on 你觉得我不用化妆也很美  You think I"m funny when I tell the punchline wrong 你认为我把俗语说错的时候很有趣 I know you get me 我知道你爱上我了  So I let my walls come down, down 所以我也准备好了  Before you met me 遇见你之前  I was a alright but things were kinda heavy 我一直过得很好,但有些事总是很烦  You brought me to life 你把我带进了新的生活  Now every February 现在每个二月  You"ll be my Valentine,Valentine 你就是我的情人节  Let"s go all the way tonight 今夜就一同开始走向未来  No regrets, just love 不后悔,只要彼此相爱  We can dance, until we die 让我们共舞,直到永远  You and I, will be young forever 你和我,将永远年轻  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream 你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中  The way you turn me on 这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep 让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and 让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  My heart stops when you look at me 当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch 只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real 我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and 所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  We drove to Cali 我们开车到Cali  And got drunk on the beach 在沙滩上痛快畅饮  Got a motel and 找一个汽车旅馆  Built a fort out of sheets 在床上建一个城堡  I finally found you my missing puzzle piece 最终我找到了我迷失的那一块拼图  I"m complete 这才是我完整的人生  Let"s go all the way tonight 今夜就一同开始走向未来  No regrets, just love 不后悔,只要彼此相爱  We can dance, until we die 让我们共舞,直到永远  You and I, will be young forever 你和我,将永远年轻  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream 你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中 The way you turn me on 这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep 让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and 让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  My heart stops when you look at me 当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch 只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real 我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and 所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans 我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你 心跳  Be your teenage dream tonight 今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans 把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤 Be your teenage dream tonight 今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Yoooouuu 你......  You make me feel like I"m livin" a teenage dream 你让我感觉我生活在年轻时的梦想中 The way you turn me on 这就是对我爱的体现  I can"t sleep 让我无法入眠  Let"s run away and 让我们一起离开  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  No 别  My heart stops when you look at me 当你看我时,我就好像没有了心跳  Just one touch 只要一个小小的触摸  Now baby I believe this is real 我就能相信这是如此真实  So take a chance and 所以就这样碰碰运气  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  Don"t ever look back 永不回头  I"mma get your heart racing in my skin tights jeans 我从我的紧身牛仔裤中感受到了你的心跳  Be your teenage dream tonight 今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  Let you put your hands on me in my skin tight jeans 把你的手放入我的紧身牛仔裤  Be your teenage dream tonight 今晚我就要成你年轻时的梦  (Tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight) 今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...今夜...  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Oh her eyes, her eyes哦,她的眼睛  Make the stars look like they"re not shining让星星看起来失去光泽  Her hair, her hair她的头发,她的头发  Falls perfectly without her trying不须整理完美般的垂落  She"s so beautiful她是如此美丽  And I tell her every day我每天都告诉她  Yeah I know I know是的,我知道我知道  When I compliment her当我赞美她  She won"t believe me她不会相信我  And its so, its so即使如此  Sad to think she don"t see what I see她也会因为没有看到我所看到所感到遗憾  But every time she asks me do I look okay但每一次她问我我漂亮么  I say我都会说  When I see your face当我看到你的脸  There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变  Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽  Just the way you are皆应是你  And when you smile,当你微笑  The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了  Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽  Just the way you are皆应是你  Her lips, her lips她的嘴唇,她的嘴唇  I could kiss them all day if she"d let me如果她愿意让我,我可以亲吻他们整天  Her laugh, her laugh她的微笑  She hates but I think it"s so sexy她不喜欢但我觉得它是如此性感  She"s so beautiful她是如此美丽  And I tell her every day我每天告诉她  Oh you know, you know, you know哦,你知道  I"d never ask you to change我从来没有要求你改变  If perfect is what you"re searching for如果完美是你要追寻的,  Then just stay the same那就什么也不要改变  So don"t even bother asking你甚至不用屡次来问我 I  f you look okay如果你觉得  okYou know I say 那就ok咯  When I see your face当我看到你的脸  There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变  Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽  Just the way you are皆应是你  And when you smile,当你微笑  The whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了  Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽  Just the way you are皆应是你(重复)  When I see your face当我看到你的脸  There"s not a thing that I would change你的一切都是如此完美,无可改变  Cause you"re amazing你是如此的美丽  Just the way you are皆应是你  And when you smile,当你微笑 T  he whole world stops and stares for a while整个世界都会为你停止和凝视了  Cause girl you"re amazing因为你是如此美丽  Just the way you are皆应是你yeah~
2023-06-22 03:22:451

找2Pac的California love中文歌词

2023-06-22 03:22:533

previous failed:!!!Cali in phone is not calibrated,Reserved[7]:0x00000000 有谁知道这是怎么回事的,

2023-06-22 03:23:002


2023-06-22 03:23:1110


2023-06-22 03:23:351


"America A O" U... S... A... Bang your heads to this, come on U... S... A... Bang your heads to this I was born, I was raised In the US of A I"m livin" in America A O, A O, A O, A O And no matter what they say I"ll be livin" here anyway I"m lovin" you America A O, A O, A O, A O Come on Does that sound a little serious to you Has Aaron Carter turned red, white and blue I"ve been rollin" like this since day one But I never bring it on in your face I have fun. There"s a time to get down And no time to clown around Right about now time fix the frown Face to face and body to body We"re gonna pull through Come on everybody Troubled times bring About troubled vibes I chill you out, baby Lemme clear your mind From New York to Cali Everywhere inbetween Nobody gonna stop our dream I was born, I was raised In the US of A I"m livin" in America A O, A O, A O, A O And no matter what they say I"ll be livin" here anyway I"m lovin" you America A O, A O, A O, A O Come on It"s where I"m from And where I"m at I"m feeling proud That I got it like that Ain"t no distance we"ll take it like that The grassy ain"t green ah ah Forget that From the valleys to the hill to the town All the friends and fam mama you know Everybody come together make a half black White spanish chinese Show me what you got Troubled times bring About troubled vibes I chill you out, baby Lemme clear your mind From New York to Cali Everywhere inbetween Ain"t nobody gonna stop our dream I was born, I was raised In the US of A I"m livin" in America A O, A O, A O, A O And no matter what they say I"ll be livin" here anyway I"m lovin" you America A O, A O, A O, A O Come on U... S... A... Bang your heads to this, come on U... S... A... Bang your heads to this come on U... S... A... Bang your heads to this, come on U... S... A... Bang your heads to this I was born, I was raised In the US of A I"m livin" in America A O, A O, A O, A O And no matter what they say I"ll be livin" here anyway I"m lovin" you America A O, A O, A O, A O Come on I was born, I was raised In the US of A I"m livin" in America A O, A O, A O, A O And no matter what they say I"ll be livin" here anyway I"m lovin" you America A O, A O, A O, A O
2023-06-22 03:23:573


2023-06-22 03:24:082


2023-06-22 03:24:2011


2ne1的 i love you 看看对不对
2023-06-22 03:26:223


  代码是:  [NASAM]  UIName=Name:NASAM  Name=Allied Patriot Missile  BuildCat=Combat  Strength=900  Armor=steel  TechLevel=4  Prerequisite=BARRACKS,GACNST  Adjacent=4  Sight=10  ROT=8  Owner=British,French,Germans,Americans,Alliance,Russians,Confederation,Africans,Arabs,YuriCountry  AIBasePlanningSide=0 ;gs 0 for Good, 1 for Evil  Cost=1000  BaseNormal=no  Points=30  Power=-50  Crewed=no  Primary=RedEye2  LandTargeting=1  NavalTargeting=6  Capturable=false  Explosion=TWLT070,S_BANG48,S_BRNL58,S_CLSN58,S_TUMU60  DebrisAnims=DBRIS1LG,DBRIS1SM,DBRIS4LG,DBRIS4SM,DBRIS5LG,DBRIS5SM  MaxDebris=3  MinDebris=2  ThreatPosed=0 ; This value should be 0 for objects that are purely anti-air, since aircraft do not use the threat values  ;DamageParticleSystems=SparkSys,LGSparkSys  IsBaseDefense=yes  Powered=yes  Turret=yes  TurretAnim=SAM  TurretAnimIsVoxel=true  ;TurretAnim=NASAM_A  ;TurretAnimIsVoxel=false  ;TurretAnimX=-2  ;TurretAnimY=10  TurretAnimZAdjust=-20  HasStupidGuardMode=false  WorkingSound=PowerOn  NotWorkingSound=PowerOff  VHPScan=Strong  ImmuneToPsionics=no ; defaults to yes for buildings, no for others  Drainable=yes  AntiInfantryValue=0  AntiArmorValue=0  AntiAirValue=25  ;gs these three are in abstract units and just help the AI pick the right base defense. (see AIForcePredictionFudge)  附上兵种对应代码大全,这样就可以在rules中很好的找了o(∩_∩)o :  ADOG (警犬)  AEGIS (神盾巡洋舰)  ALL (鳄鱼)  AMBU (救护车)  AMCV (盟军机动基地车)  APOC (天启坦克)  ARND (魔鬼终结者)  ASW (鹗式运输机)  BCAB (黑色计程车)  BEAG (黑鹰战机)  BFRT (战斗要塞)  BORIS (菁英战斗兵)  BPLN (米格战机)  BRUTE (狂兽人)  BSUB (雷鸣攻击潜舰)  BUS (校车)  CAML (骆驼)  CAOS (神经突击车)  CAR (汽车)  CARGOPLANE (运输机)  CARRIER (航空母舰)  CBLC (电车)  CCOMAND (超时空突击队)  CDEST (海岸巡防艇)  CIV1 (平民)  CIV2 (平民)  CIV3 (平民)  CIVA (平民)  CIVAN (超时空伊文)  CIVB (平民)  CIVBBP (平民)  CIVBF (平民)  CIVBFM (平民)  CIVBTM (平民)  CIVC (平民)  CIVP (民航机)  CIVSF (平民)  CIVSFM (平民)  CIVSTM (平民)  CLEG (超时空军团兵)  CLNT (Westwood 之星)  CMIN (超时空采矿车)  CMISL (飞弹)  CMON (超时空采矿车)  CONA (挖土机)  COP (警车)  COW (乳牛)  CRUISE (游轮)  CTECH (技师)  DDBX (巴士)  DESO (辐射工兵)  DEST (驱逐舰)  DISK (雷射幽浮)  DLPH (海豚)  DNOB (腕龙)  DOG (警犬)  DOLY (摄影车)  DRED (无畏级战舰)  DRON (恐怖机器人)  DTRUCK (自爆卡车)  E1 (美国大兵)  E2 (动员兵)  EINS (爱因斯坦)  ENGINEER (Allied Engineer)  EUROC (汽车)  FLAKT (防空步兵)  FTRK (救火车)  FV (多功能步兵战斗车)  GGI (重装大兵)  GHOST (海豹部队)  HARV (武装采矿车)  HIND (雌鹿运输直升机)  HORNET (黄蜂)  HORV (武装采矿车)  HOWI (榴弹炮)  HTK (防空履带车)  HTNK (犀牛坦克)  HYD (海蝎)  INIT (尤里新兵)  IVAN (疯狂伊文)  JEEP (卡车)  JOSH (猴子)  JUMPJET (火箭飞行兵)  LCRF (两栖运输艇)  LIMO (豪华轿车)  LTNK (狂风坦克)  LUNR (登月火箭员)  MGTK (幻影坦克)  MIND (精神控制车)  MTNK (灰熊坦克)  MUMY (木乃伊)  ORCA (入侵者战机)  PCV (尤里机动基地车)  PDPLANE (运输机)  PENTGEN (平民)  PICK (小货车)  POLARB (北极熊)  PRES (总统)  PROPA (宣传车)  PTROOP (心灵突击队)  PTRUCK (小货车)  RMNV (洛马诺夫总理)  ROBO (遥控坦克)  SAPC (装甲运兵船)  SCHD (Deployed Siege Helicopter)  SCHP (武装直升机)  SENGINEER (Soviet Engineer)  SHAD (夜鹰直升机)  SHK (磁爆步兵)  SLAV (奴隶)  SMCV (蘇联机动基地车)  SMIN (奴隶矿场)  SMON (超时空采矿车(未装载))  SNIPE (狙击手)  SPY (间谍)  SPYP (侦察机)  SQD (巨型乌贼)  SREF (光稜坦克)  SSRV (终极保镖)  STANG (汽车)  STLN (蓝波)  SUB (台风级攻击潜艇)  SUVB (汽车)  SUVW (汽车)  TANY (谭雅)  TAXI (计程车)  TELE (磁电坦克)  TERROR (恐怖份子)  TNKD (坦克杀手)  TRUCKA (卡车)  TRUCKB (卡车(载货))  TTNK (磁能坦克)  TUG (拖船)  UTNK (ZZZ Not Used)  V3 (V3 火箭发射车)  V3ROCKET (V3 火箭)  VIRUS (病毒狙击手)  VLAD (维拉迪摩指挥舰)  VLADIMIR (平民)  WEEDGUY (化学兵)  WINI (休旅车)  WWLF (木乃伊)  XCOMET (位置标定器)  YADOG (警犬)  YCAB (黄色计程车)  YDOG (警犬)  YDUM (MISSING)  YENGINEER (Yuri Engineer)  YHVR (装甲运兵船)  YTNK (盖特机炮坦克)  YURI (尤里复制人)  YURIPR (尤里X)  ZEP (基洛夫空艇)  [建筑]  GAPWR (发电厂)  GAREFN (盟军矿石精鍊厂)  GACNST (盟军建造场)  GAPILE (盟军兵营)  GASAND (沙袋)  GADEPT (盟军维修厂)  GATECH (盟军作战实验室)  GAWEAP (盟军战车工厂)  CALAB (爱因斯坦实验室)  NAPOWR (磁能反应炉)  NATECH (蘇联作战实验室)  NAHAND (蘇联兵营)  GAWALL (盟军围墙)  NARADR (雷达)  NAWEAP (蘇联战车工厂)  NAREFN (蘇联矿石精鍊厂)  NAWALL (蘇联围墙)  CAHSE07 (房屋)  NAPSIS (心灵感应器)  CASYDN01 (MISSING)  NALASR (哨戒炮)  NASAM (爱国者飞弹)  CASYDN02 (麦克鲁汉堡)  GAYARD (盟军造船厂)  NAIRON (铁幕装置)  NACNST (蘇联建造场)  NADEPT (蘇联维修工厂)  GACSPH (Chronosphere)  GADUMY (超时空传送仪)  GAWEAT (天气控制机)  CABHUT (桥梁维修小屋)  GALITE (Light Post)  REDLAMP (Red Light Post)  BLUELAMP (Blue Light Post)  YELWLAMP (Yellow Light Post)  PURPLAMP (Purple Light Post)  INORANLAMP (Orange Light Post)  INGRNLMP (Invisible Green Light Post)  INREDLMP (Invisible Red Light Post)  INBLULMP (Invisible Blue Light Post)  CITY01 (法院部门)  CITY02 (莱特纳豪华家俱)  CITY03 (办公大楼)  CITY04 (Westwood 股市交易所)  CITY05 (太阳日报)  CITY06 (优卡可乐公司)  CAHOSP (市民医院)  INGALITE (Invisible Light Post)  INYELWLAMP (Invisible Yellow Light Post)  INPURPLAMP (Invisible Purple Light Post)  NEGLAMP (Negative Light Post)  NEGRED (Negative Red Light)  TESLA (磁爆线圈)  NAMISL (核弹发射井)  ATESLA (光稜塔)  CAMACH (科技机器商店)  TSTLAMP (AlphaLightPost)  CASYDN03 (雪梨歌剧院)  AMMOCRAT (弹药箱)  GAGREEN (环保建筑)  NAYARD (蘇联船坞)  GASPYSAT (间谍卫星)  GAGAP (裂缝产生器)  GTGCAN (巨炮)  NANRCT (核子反应炉)  GAPILL (机枪碉堡)  NAFLAK (防空炮)  CAOUTP (科技前哨站)  CATHOSP (市民医院)  CAAIRP (科技机场)  CAOILD (科技钻油井)  NACLON (复制中心)  GAOREP (矿石精鍊器)  CACITY01 (建筑物)  CACITY02 (建筑物)  CACITY03 (建筑物)  CACITY04 (建筑物)  CACITY05 (建筑物)  CANEWY01 (建筑物)  CANEWY04 (自由女神像)  CANEWY05 (世界贸易中心)  CASWST01 (建筑物)  CATECH01 (通讯中心)  CATEXS01 (建筑物)  CATEXS02 (白杨木屋)  CAWASH01 (白宫)  CAFARM01 (农庄)  CAFARM02 (农庄贮槽)  CALIT01E (照明设施)  CALIT01N (照明设施)  CALIT01S (照明设施)  CALIT01W (照明设施)  CAMISC01 (油桶)  CAMISC02 (油桶)  CAMISC03 (子母垃圾车)  CAMISC04 (邮筒)  CAPOL01E (电话线杆)  CAPOL01N (电话线杆)  CAPOL01S (电话线杆)  CAPOL01W (电话线杆)  CASIN01E (Stop Sign)  CASIN01N (Stop Sign)  CASIN01S (Stop Sign)  CASIN01W (Stop Sign)  CAPARS01 (艾菲尔铁塔)  GAAIRC (空指部)  CAFRMA (农舍)  CAFRMB (移动式厕所)  CAWASH05 (建筑物)  CAWASH04 (建筑物)  CAWASH03 (建筑物)  CAWASH07 (建筑物)  CAWASH11 (建筑物)  CAWSH12 (华盛顿纪念碑)  CAWASH14 (杰佛逊纪念馆)  CAWASH09 (建筑物)  CAWASH10 (建筑物)  CAWASH13 (建筑物)  CAARMY01 (军队营帐)  CAUSFGL (美国国旗)  CAWASH08 (建筑物)  CALIT03E (Light3E)  CALIT03N (Light3N)  CALIT03W (Light3W)  CALIT02L (Light2L)  CALIT02R (Light2R)  CAHSE01 (房屋)  CAWT01 (水塔)  CATS01 (谷仓)  CABARN02 (谷仓)  CAWA2A (五角大厦)  CAWA2B (五角大厦)  CAWA2C (五角大厦)  CAWA2D (五角大厦)  AMRADR (American Air Force Command HQ)  CAPRS03 (世界惊奇博物馆)  CAGARD01 (警卫哨)  CARUS01 (圣巴索大教堂)  CAMIAM01 (饭店)  CATRAN01 (地窖)  CAMIAM02 (饭店)  CANWY05 (建筑物)  MAYAN (马雅金字塔)  CAEUR1 (小屋)  CAEUR2 (小屋)  CAEUR04 (建筑物)  CAMEX01 (马雅金字塔)  CANEWY06 (建筑物)  CANEWY07 (建筑物)  CANEWY08 (建筑物)  CAPARS02 (建筑物)  CAPARS08 (建筑物)  CAPARS09 (建筑物)  CAWASH15 (林肯纪念馆)  CAGAS01 (加油站)  CAPARS11 (巴黎凯旋门)  CAPARS12 (大教堂)  CAFARM06 (灯塔)  CAMIAM04 (救生员休息亭)  NAPSYB (心灵信标)  NAPSYA (心灵控制增幅器)  CAIND01 (工厂)  CACOLO01 (空军学院礼拜堂)  CACHIG04 (芝加哥协会大楼)  CAMIAM03 (饭店)  CARUS07 (红场)  CATEXS06 (办公大楼)  CATEXS07 (办公大楼)  CATEXS08 (办公大楼)  CAWASH16 (史密索尼安城堡)  CAWASH17 (自然历史博物馆)  CACHIG05 (席尔斯大楼)  CAWASH19 (胜利纪念碑)  CANEWY20 (仓库)  CAMSC01 (美又美热狗摊!)  CAWASH18 (喷水池)  CAEURO05 (雕像)  CAPARK01 (公园长椅)  NAPSYA (心灵控制增幅器)  CAIND01 (工厂)  CARUFGL (俄国国旗)  CAFRFGL (法国国旗)  CACUFGL (古巴国旗)  CASKFGL (韩国国旗)  CALBFGL (利比亚国旗)  CAGEFGL (德国国旗)  CAUKFGL (英国国旗)  CAMSC13 (废弃坦克)  CAPOFGL (波兰国旗)  CAMIAM08 (亚历桑那纪念馆)  CAMISC05 (水管)  CAMISC06 (V3 飞弹)  YACNST (尤里建造场)  YAPOWR (生化反应炉)  YABRCK (尤里兵营)  YAWEAP (尤里战车工厂)  YAYARD (尤里海军船坞)  YADEPT (盟军维修厂)  YATECH (尤里作战实验室)  GAFWLL (护城墙)  YAGGUN (盖特机炮)  YAPSYT (心灵控制塔)  NAINDP (工业工厂)  YAGRND (部队回收厂)  YAGNTC (基因突变器)  CASLAB (秘密科技实验室)  CATIME (MISSING)  YAPPET (心灵控制器)  CAEAST01 (复活岛石像)  CAEGYP03 (人面狮身像)  NATBNK (坦克碉堡)  YACOMD (尤里指挥中心)  YAPPPT (心灵控制器)  GAROBO (控制中心)  YAREFN (奴隶矿场)  YAROCK (不明建筑物)  NABNKR (战斗碉堡)  CAPOWR (科技电厂)  CAEAST02 (尤里雕像)  CALUNR02 (美国国旗)  GADUMY (超时空传送仪)  GAWEAT (天气控制机)  LZ,选我吧,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
2023-06-22 03:26:301


世界十大名校,美国独占八位: 1 harvard univ usa 美国哈佛大学 2 stanford univ usa 美国斯坦福大学 3 univ cambridge uk 英国剑桥大学 4 univ california - berkeley 美国加州大学伯克利分校 5 massachusetts inst tech (mit) usa 美国麻省理工学院 6 california inst tech usa 美国加州理工学院 7 princeton univ usa 美国普林斯顿大学 8 univ oxford uk 英国牛津大学 9 columbia univ usa 美国哥伦比亚大学 10 univ chicago usa 美国芝加哥大学
2023-06-22 03:26:414

Orinoco Flow 歌词

歌曲名:Orinoco Flow歌手:Celtic Woman专辑:Celtic Womanlet me sail, let me sail, let the orinoco flow,let me reach, let me beach on the shores of tripoli.let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon your shore,let me reach, let me beach far beyond the yellow sea.(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)from bissau to palau - in the shade of avalon,from fiji to tiree and the isles of ebony,from peru to cebu hear the power of babylon,from bali to cali - far beneath the coral sea.(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)from the north to the south, ebudae into khartoum,from the deep sea of clouds to the island of the moon,carry me on the waves to the lands i"ve never been,carry me on the waves to the lands i"ve never seen.we can sail, we can sail...(with the orinoco flow)we can sail, we can sail...(sail away, sail away)we can steer, we can near with rob dickins at the wheel,we can sigh, say goodbye ross and his dependencieswe can sail, we can sail...(sail away. sail away)(we can reach we can beach, on the shores of tripoli)we can sail, we can sail...(sail away, sail away, sail away)(from bali to cali - far beneath the coral sea.)we can sail, we can sail...(sail away, sail away, sail away)we can sail, we can sail...(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)(sail away, sail away, sail away)
2023-06-22 03:26:481


2023-06-22 03:26:586

Jamie All Over 歌词

歌曲名:Jamie All Over歌手:Mayday Parade专辑:Valdosta EPI had a dream last night weDrove out to see Las VegasWe lost ourselves in the bright lightsI wish you could have seen usBegging for change to get homeOr at least San FranciscoLet"s put a ten on the high cardAnd spend a summer on the west coastDown and to the left(Here"s a map and the pen, the place you pointed at)Be California"s best(All I ask, all I ask)And please don"t tell me that I"mdreamingWhen all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with youIf I roll over when it"s overI"ll take this Cali sunrise with meAnd wake up with the fondest memoriesWe made love by the oceanAs the waves crashed around youSunsets never were so brightAnd the skies never so blueYou opened up into my armsAnd we laughed as I held youI"ll never go back to GeorgiaNot at least till I have toDown and to the left(Here"s a map and the pen, the place you pointed at)Be California"s best(All I ask, all I ask)And please don"t tell me that I"m dreamingWhen all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with youIf I roll over when it"s overI"ll take this Cali sunrise with meAnd wake up with the fondest memoriesMemoriesI had a dream last night weDrove out to see Las VegasWe lost ourselves in the bright lightsPlease don"t tell me that I"m dreamingWhen all I ever wanted was to dream another sunset with youIf I roll over when it"s overI"ll take this Cali sunrise with meAnd wake up with the fondest memoriesWe made love by the oceanAs the waves crashed around youSunsets never were so brightAnd the skies never so blueYou opened up into my armsAnd we laughed as I held youI"ll never go back to GeorgiaNot at least till I have toDown and to the left
2023-06-22 03:27:131

Kathy Bates的资料

不知道亲找的是不是:凯茜·贝茨(Kathy Bates)资料:凯茜·贝茨(Kathy Bates)于1948年6月28日出生于美国田纳西州的孟菲斯并在那里长大,父亲兰登·多伊尔(Langdon Doyle)是位机械工程师,母亲贝尔蒂-凯瑟琳(Bertye Kathleen)于1997年2月15日去世,享年91岁。凯茜有两个姐姐玛丽(Mary)和帕特里夏(Patricia),她是家中三姐妹中最小的一位。凯茜自南方卫理公会大学(Southern Methodist University)毕业后,一直以一种另类的方式接触艺术。她曾在孟菲斯的卡茨基尔游乐场当歌手,还曾经在纽约的现代艺术博物馆礼品商店当过收银员。这里只是简单的介绍下面有一个地址链接,可以看一下是百度百科的...希望对你有帮助哦亲~满意请采纳哦~欢迎再向我提问!=====GDRAGON百度知道团队======cri~
2023-06-22 03:17:411


2023-06-22 03:17:563


2023-06-22 03:18:021

开机那个一键gost怎么用 直接就闪过去了

我们重启电脑,选择一键GHOST(当你在软件面板选择GHOST的时候一样会让你重新启动电脑),然后一路Enter键,我们便会来到一键GHOST主菜单,我们选择GHOST11.2(不同版本的一键还原工具GHOST版本可能不一样),进入到GHOST操作界面。我们把光标移动到local选项,点击Enter进入,然后选择Partition选项,点击Enter。之后选择From Image选项即可进入GHO文件选择界面。如果不能使用鼠标操作,我们可以使用键盘进行选择确认,具体操作如下图所示。我们选择GHO文件的目录,里面的盘符信息有时候可能会跟我们平时使用的盘符名称有所不同,例如原来的F盘,到了这里可能变成了E盘,我们进行选择的时候一定要注意查看是否是你想要选择的那个盘符。完成选择之后一路Enter键便可以完成了一键还原了,是不是很简单呀。当然默认选择的安装目录是C盘,如果你想安装系统的文件不是C盘的话,还需要进行磁盘的选择,在还原系统之前确保已经对资料进行了备份。
2023-06-22 03:18:111


美国影响力最大的罪犯分别是:谢尔盖特卡奇、吉妮丝、希尔顿、Richard Ramirez、亚历山大·皮丘什金、Edward Gein、宫崎勤、Henry Lee Lucas、Jeffery Dahmer、开膛手杰克根据【华韵珍藏】记载:第十名 野兽杀手——谢尔盖特卡奇2007年11月乌克兰检察机关日前结束了对连环杀手谢尔盖特卡奇第一批共40起罪案的调查,调查资料整整有105卷之多。然而这还不是全部。特卡奇从前苏联时期开始行凶,在长达25年的时间里作案近百起,以极其残忍的手段强暴、杀害了无数女孩和妇女,甚至还参加过受害者的葬礼,自称“是野兽”。第九名 “最放荡的女连环杀手”——吉妮丝吉妮丝身高1.7米,重91公斤,是一名强壮的挪威籍美国女人,上个世纪生活在美国印地安那州。她可能已经杀害了她的两任丈夫和所有的孩子(在不同地点),但人们所知道她还杀害了几十名追求者、男朋友,还有两个女儿(莫特尔和鲁西),将他们的尸体支解,然后埋在她的院子里。据悉,可能有40多人被埋在她在印地安那州拉波特(LaPorte)的 42英亩的农庄里。几乎所有的受害者都是男性,是通过征婚广告吸引而来的富有的预备丈夫。 第八名 “沉默的羔羊”真实版——希尔顿希尔顿是个惯犯,他至少犯下了5起凶杀案件。这些案件都发生在美国东南部几个州的国家公园的深山里,作案手段非常残忍,其中有4起案件的受害者被肢解。 据调查希尔顿跨州连环杀人案件的美国联邦探员透露,希尔顿在策划并执行这些杀人案件时,情绪非常冷静,而且每两起案件都会有一个间隔期,以分散警方的注意力。联邦调查局一位已退休的案情研究专家指出,希尔顿的心理特征和作案手段都和电影《沉默的羔羊》里的杀人魔比尔有类似之处,因此他极有可能是个恶贯满盈的“连环大杀手”。2008年1月希尔顿已经被捉拿归案。第七名 恶魔的首席门徒——Richard Ramirez在 1984 年至 1985 年的一年里,洛杉矶和三藩市都被一片恐怖的气氛所笼罩,一切也是因为一名神秘的连环杀手所致。他喜欢偷偷在晚上潜入别人的家中,然后把成年的男性射杀或扼死,再把女性和小孩暴力强奸、杀害再肢解,在完事后则下他的标志——一个倒转的五角星,在墙上、在镜子上,甚至在死者身上。由于他跟其它连环杀手不同,既无特定的杀手方式(射杀、用棒打死、割喉、赤手空拳打死和扼死等都试过),亦非针对某一特别类型的人(被害者年龄由几岁到70 岁,各行各业都有),毫无线索下令警方对这名无差别杀人犯束手无策,有些市民更相信他有恶魔的超能力。 整件案子的转折点在于警方找到一辆相信是这个杀手用来载猎物到郊外的车子(他也喜欢把小孩带到郊外再猎杀),并在车上找到属于一名少年积犯——Richard Ramirez 的指纹。虽然警方立即把他的照片发放给传媒,但这名嚣张凶残、目空一切的杀人狂,却要等到 1985 年 8 月才被捕,当时他正在洛杉矶的郊外,试图把一个女人拉出车外,却被她的丈夫反击阻止,接着更遭围观的人认出他就是那杀人魔,惨被痛殴一顿才交到警方手上。他到了被判死刑那一刻还维持一贯的自大跋扈,“死刑?好可怕呢!想吓死我吗?人终归一死。各位迪士尼乐园再见!”第六名 “俄罗斯棋盘杀手”——亚历山大·皮丘什金皮丘什金的惯用作案手法是以饮酒为诱惑吸引无家可归者到莫斯科南部一处公园内,等到后者喝醉后将其杀死。仅2001年,皮丘什金就杀死了11人,其中6人死于同一个月。2005年开始,皮丘什金的谋杀手段愈发残忍,涉嫌用榔头多次猛击受害者头部,部分案例中甚至用酒瓶插入死者颅骨中。在被捕后,皮丘什金曾经对媒体说:“第一次杀人时,感觉就像初恋,我永远也忘不了这种感觉。”2007年10月俄罗斯首都莫斯科一个法庭判处连环杀人狂亚历山大·皮丘什金终身监禁。皮丘什金每杀一人就将一枚硬币放在国际象棋棋盘格子上,以此作为计数手段,因此被俄媒体称为“棋盘杀手”。第五名 D.I.Y. 明星连环杀手——Edward Gein连环杀手的经历曲折离奇,确是非常适合作为电影的题材,因此亦经常被搬上大银幕,但多数只是B 级恐怖电影,能同时成为两部荷里活一级大作参考对象的连环杀手,就只有 Edward Gein 一人。他的生平跟希治阁 (Alfred Hitchcock) 在《触目惊心》内对主角 Norman Bates 所描述的非常相似,他和哥哥 Henry 和妈妈 Augusta 住在 Plainfield,Wisconsin 郊外一个非常偏僻的独立平房。他和哥哥在成长过程中几乎都留在这栋建筑物内,没有朋友和正常的社交圈子,更不知异性为何物,生命中最重要的位置就一直被那位占有欲强、憎恨女性的母亲所占据,形成了他孤僻和不知常理世情的性格。在他的兄长和母亲相继去世后,他开始显露他潜在变歪了的性格。 他先是把母亲的尸体保留在家中,好象她从未死去。接着为了满足对女性的欲望而去掘墓起尸,最初只是观看她们或触摸她们,但后来变本加厉,把尸体剥皮并缝制成人偶。但他第一次亲手把活人杀死,却要等到1954年的12月8日,他把附近酒吧的店主 Mary Hogan 杀死并剥皮。他的恶行要直至3年后才被发现,在警方找寻工具店店主 Bernice Worden 的时候,Bernice 的儿子想起他在案发前曾经来买防雪剂而起疑,结果在他的家中发现了大量恶心的“人类手工制品”,包括用人皮造的灯罩、由人头骨所造的汤碗、头骨床头布置和由**造的皮带等,死者面部的皮肤连头发则成为了面具。虽然听起来如此令人发指,但他也有值得可怜的地方,因为与世隔绝令他根本连自己的行为是错误的也毫不知情。据说后来他重投社会后行为变回正常,更在精神病院内成为一位慈祥的老者! 第四名 日变态杀人魔——宫崎勤日本上世纪80年代轰动一时的连环杀手宫崎勤已经被处决。宫崎的暴行令人毛骨耸然,他诱拐及杀害4名小女孩,并把尸体支解,而且还把部分尸体残骸吃掉,又拍摄影带,行为十分变态。据悉,他杀人后支解了受害人尸体,并睡在尸体旁,又饮她们的血。犯案期间,他曾以一名女子名称,向传媒承认对罪行负责,并把一个藏有一名被支解女童残骸的盒子,寄回给她的家人第3名 嗜好杀人的史上第一杀人王——Henry Lee Lucas要数杀人杀得最多的连环杀手,非 Hernry Lee Lucas 莫属,最少也有150人之多,他更自称杀了360至600人,因为他在被捕前亦经常外游,在欧洲也杀了人,实际的数目并没有记下来,但他的主要捕猎区域还是在家乡美国。这位传奇的连环杀手杀人的原因,可追朔到他的童年。他自少就被母亲虐打,其中一次更严重得令他脑部受创。结果到了他23岁的时候,他就把母亲强奸并刺死以报复,被法庭判入精神病院40年,之后获假释外出却死性不改。 直至1982年的10月,德州警方因为找到一个属于一名失寡妇的空手袋而展开调查,并曾经调查他,但并没有找到证据证明他是凶手,倒是以他藏有危险武器拘捕他,岂料他到了警署后竟不耐烦地把自己 20 多年的杀人经历一一说出来,包括他有另一名同党 Ottis Toole(他的双性恋情人,据说是他把部分尸体吃掉)。后来死者数目不断增加,警方曾经认为部分只是他的幻想,但他却能明确指出某些藏尸地点和尸体的状况,令人不得不相信他。曾经警告过精神病院的心理评估人员不要放他和他会继续杀人的 Henry Lee Lucas,也许最令世人震惊的是他在法庭对自己行为的辩解。“我喜欢杀人就好象其它人喜欢散步罢了,只是嗜好不同。如果我需要猎物,我只需到街上去随便找一个。”第二名 同性恋食人王——Jeffery DahmerJeffery Dahmer 可能是犯罪史上最冷血、最令人发指的连环杀手。他的外表就有如一个再普通不过的男孩子,即使你在街上遇见他,你也不会特别注意他,但他却做出如恶魔般的罪行。本身是同性恋者的他,堪称是《沉默的羔羊》里食人博士 Hannibal the Cannibal 的真人版本。他会把他有兴趣的猎物绑架,然后杀害、强奸,最终吃掉。和 Andrei Chikatilo 一样,他只有透过奸尸才能获得性满足和高潮,偶然也会望着犯案的宝丽莱自渎。在食方面,他也非常讲究,只会选择想吃的部位贮放于雪柜,其余的全放到他于厨房特制的硫酸池处理掉。在10多件案件当中,他曾经试过先后杀害两兄弟,最恐怖的一次试过把被害者的头盖骨凿开,并灌入水银。 他最终被捕可说是一场意外。在1991年7月的晚上,两名警探 Patrolmen Routh 和 Rolf Mueller 在巡逻时遇上一名黑人青年 Tracy Edwards,他告诉**他附近的一名邻居扬言要剖开他的心并吃掉。三人一起来到调查事件真伪,起初找错了另一人,但最终也来到 Jeffery Dahmer 的家,并在内发现大量人头和残肢,雪柜里更有切好的人肉和一个人头!他最终被判有罪并要坐牢 1070 年,在狱中也如电影中的 Hannibal 一样被单独、高度监视下隔离。但他还是死在狱中,因为另一名在狱中的囚犯声称受上天感召,要杀死他替天行道,他的一生就此完结。第一名 开膛手杰克 这是一个被开膛手杰克凶杀的女人姓名不详,外号“开膛手杰克”,英国伦敦东部白教堂区 。其实他杀的人不算多,但就其造成的恐怖气氛以及残忍程度是其他人难以相比的,更重要的是他可算是连环杀手的鼻祖,且未被抓住。故列为第一位!就时间而言,“开膛手杰克”并不是史上第一个连环杀手,在他出现之前已经有连续杀人犯存在过,但他肯定是将“连环杀手”四个字发扬光大的人。他残忍的虐杀方法令当时的伦敦陷入一片恐慌之中,人人都惧怕他的名号。其实他的犯案时期并不长,只有短短的3个月... 但他所带来的震撼却相反一直影响后世的人,除了因为他杀了5名女性,手法一次比一次残忍外(“开膛手”并非只是虚衔,第4名死者就是被剖开身体,发现时肠脏都挂在肩膊上,最后一名更是面目全非,面孔被剁得再无法辨认,身体器官有些不见了,有些则四散在案发现场),更重要是他曾多次亲笔写信到警署公然挑战警方,甚至送上死者的耳朵、肾脏和凶刀,警方却一直捉不到他,可见他的胆量不轻。为他再添传奇性的是他在第5宗案件后,忽然像人间蒸发般消失,从此再没出现,只留下一个到现在也未解开的问题——他究竟是谁?(名侦探柯南剧场版贝克街的亡灵中有开膛手杰克的踪迹)望采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-22 03:18:127


2023-06-22 03:18:207


电脑装有的一键GHOST用于:备份和恢复系统,通俗点理解就是我们说的一键还原重装系统。需要用到的工具:1.系统必须安装一键还原工具。系统本身是GHOST系统的,这种系统一般都会集成一键GHOST工具,不是安装GHOST系统的也不要紧。2.下载GHOST系统ISO文件。下载一个GHOST系统,下载后将其用RAR软件解压缩出来。只保留最大的哪个GHO文件(600多M)如下所示;注意该文件必须放在非系统安装盘,比如,你的系统安装在C盘,哪么这个文件你就可以放在D或E盘。操作步骤:1、安装好一键GHOST工具后,请重启电脑,就会在启动的过程中出现如下图的选项,请用上下键操作将光标移到一键GHOST上面,按下回车键。2、如下图,出现下面的画面后,用上下链将光标移到3号位,回车就开始启动GHOST11.2了.3、如下图,已启动了GHOST系统.用鼠标按OK键进入下一步.或ALT O也可。4、如下图用链盘上下左右键操作Local--- Parrtitino---From Image光标停在From Image 这个上面的时候按下回车键。启动GHOST的还原功能。5、如下图,操作下面的界面,找到我们刚才下载解压出来的GHO文件并选中,再点打开。6、如下图,点OK。7、如下,再点OK。8、如下图,请选中要安装的系统盘,看SIZE这一项,通过硬盘大小可以看出你要装在哪个盘。9、如下图,点YES开始还原。10、如下图,还原完毕后会出现如下的对话窗。点Reset Computer 重启计算机。最后:重启后,会进入相应的GHOST系统配置程序。这一过程会自动完成,直至进入桌面。
2023-06-22 03:18:201


2023-06-22 03:18:242

david bates是什么意思

david bates戴维贝茨例句Amateur astronomer david bates was looking at the moon through histelescope 昨晚天文爱好者戴维贝茨正在用望远镜观看月球时,他大吃一惊。
2023-06-22 03:17:331


2023-06-22 03:17:143


制作小白PE系统,下载小白一键重装系统工具,然后用大于8g的空白U盘制作,制作完成以后,重启计算机启动,WINDOWS PE 10小白系统版,会Ghost32的操作打开ghost 32,不会的,打开小白装机工具,选中ghost文件,记得点中系统备份,然后就能还原,还原需要一段时间还原完成以后就会让你重启计算机,这时候ghost系统就会正在还原,一段时间后就能进入ghost还原的桌面系统
2023-06-22 03:17:102


2023-06-22 03:17:093


宝贝打开腿一点也不疼,这不是一段感情里的正常情态。 任何一段和谐的关系里,都应该是平等的。 假如一方永远跪舔势必会让另一方得寸进尺。 一方过于强势,一方过于卑微,天平失衡,就会导致一系列的问题出现。 在爱情里,你可以懂很多,但是不要太懂事。 你可以爱的很多,但不要付出到一无所有。 最好的关系,永远都是势均力敌。 而你积久的情绪也终将会有爆发的一天。 至于人活着的价值,我告诉你,人活着只是因为出生了。
2023-06-22 03:17:061


这个应该不是现在电影院要放的那个 爱丽丝你可以去 长沙易购票务网 看看 爱丽丝 的电影介绍...
2023-06-22 03:17:0311


请知道ghost菜单中其他的选项是不用管的,熟悉以下术语即可:1.Disk是整个磁盘的意思2.Partition是分区的意思3.image是映像的意思(也就是.gho文件)4.to是相当于向右的箭头5.from相当于向左的箭头6.Disk的子菜单to Disk和to Image以及from Image翻译过来就是:磁盘→磁盘、磁盘→映像、磁盘←映像7.Partition子菜单同理。从哪里到那里可以理解成为就是从一个地方完全复制并覆盖另一个地方,比如磁盘→磁盘意思就是用一个磁盘覆盖另一个磁盘这款软件因为是Dos下直接编译过的程序,里面全部是80x86的机器码,是无法翻译成中文的。 谢谢。
2023-06-22 03:17:011


贝兹旅馆即惊魂序曲。《惊魂记》是悬疑惊悚电影先驱者、大导演阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克的代表作之一。描述汽车旅馆老板Norman Bates遭母亲Norma控制,不仅对她言听计从,甚至还干出谋杀的勾当。A&E的剧集《惊魂序曲》将重点描述Norman与其变态狂母亲Norma早年的关系——Norma为什么要控制Norman?使用什么手段来控制Norman?Norman为什么甘愿被母亲控制?Norman是怎样从一个善良懦弱的青年一步步堕落成臭名昭著的连环杀手的?
2023-06-22 03:16:471