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gather home什么意思

2023-06-22 09:00:47
TAG: gather ome hom gat

gather home




组成batter,中文释义:n. 长辈;较好者;打赌的人(等于bettor)adv. 更好的;更多的;较大程度地adj. 较好的vt. 改善;胜过vi. 变得较好英式发音:["betə]美式发音:["bɛtɚ]例句:I like your interpretation better than the one I was taught. 与我所学的相比,我更喜欢你这种解释。
2023-06-22 02:14:192


2023-06-22 02:14:362


habetr组成单词breath。n. 气息;呼吸;(呼吸的)空气;吸气(量);一口气;一丝;迹象;暗示;低语;轻微的声音;短暂的时间;一瞬间;清音;气(息)音。例句:He was breath-tested. 他接受了呼气测醉试验。
2023-06-22 02:14:444


  游泳衣是在水中或海滩活动时和模特及选美时展示形体的专用服装,要到海边游泳少不了游泳衣的登场,那么你知道游泳衣用英文怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来游泳衣的英文说法,供大家参考学习。   游泳衣的英文说法1:   swimsuit   英 [u02c8swu026amu02ccsu:t] 美 [u02c8swu026amu02ccsut]   游泳衣的英文说法2:   swimwear   英 [u02c8swu026amu02ccweu0259] 美 [u02c8swu026amu02ccwu025br]   游泳衣相关英文表达:   bikini   三点式游泳衣   游泳衣英文说法例句:   他把游泳衣上的海水漂洗掉。   He rinsed out the sea water from his bathing suit.   这些孩子——他们中的大多数还穿着游泳衣或半裸著,他们在颤抖。   The children -- most of them in bathing suits or half-dressed -- wereshivering.   它在结构上仍然支援乳罩式样,但内置于另一服装之后,比如游泳衣和背心。如果不需要单独的乳罩来支援胸部,就可以选择这一款式。   Supportive brassiere-like structures on the inside of another garment, such as a swimsuit or tank top, which provide support for the bust without theneed for a separate bra.   在即将换季的时候去购买衣物,如:冬天的外套、皮夹克、游泳衣、甚至是夏装。   Make seasonal purchases--winter coats, leather jackets, bathing suits, evensummer dresses--at the end of the season.   一个穿着白色游泳衣的老头子沿着柳条街追赶一群狗……”然后他的目光落到了我的衣服上,他的脸上显出一种掺杂着恐惧的困惑表情。   Some old man in a white bathing suit was chasing a pack of dogs downWillow …… "Then his eyes fell on my clothes. A puzzled look mixed with fearcame over his face.   当时,本刊对此表示欢迎,封面图片是一位吸著烟的游泳者,穿着美元的游泳衣,图片下面还写着“来吧,水很不错!”   At the time The Economist weled the move, proclaiming “e on, thewater"s fine!” on its cover, below a picture of a cigar- *** oking bather,dressed in a dollar swimsuit.   相反,我姐姐想要一件价值100美元的游泳衣。   In contrast, my sister wanted this amazing bathing suit for $100.   我要去拿我的游泳衣。   I need to take my bathing suit.   这一事件扯下了诸多所谓的精明投资者的游泳衣.   The affair has robbed an embarrassingly long list of supposedlysophisticated investors of their swimwear.   买些游泳衣,去一个热带地方。   Buy new bathing suits and fly to a tropical destination.   当他挣扎着奋力脱掉自己身上的道具服时被警察逮个正著。这身衣服由粉红色的长手套和女生的游泳衣组成。   Police nabbed him as he struggled to remove his costume, which includedpink arm warmers and a woman"s swimsuit.   澳大利亚人会举行圣诞烤肉大餐,在游泳池边摆上冷盘和色拉,圣诞老人会穿着一件红色的游泳衣从水底冒出来。   Australians happily have a Christmas barbecue party with cold cuts 4 andsalad around the swimming pool, and Santa will make his entrance by divinginto the water wearing a red bathing suit!
2023-06-22 02:14:571


father mother
2023-06-22 02:15:053

补全单词:ba__ __er

bather 游泳者,沐浴者
2023-06-22 02:15:154


n. 浴室; 卫生间; 盥洗室; (带抽水马桶的) 厕所;
2023-06-22 02:15:241


  医疗设备是医疗、科研、教学、机构、临床学科工作最基本要素,即包括专业医疗设备,也包括家用医疗设备。那么你知道医疗设备用英语怎么说吗?下面和我一起来学习一下医疗设备的英语说法吧。   医疗设备的英语说法1:   armamentarium   医疗设备的英语说法2:   Medical equipment   医疗设备的英语说法3:   medical devices   医疗设备相关英语表达:   制药及医疗设备 Pharmacy and medical equipment   放射医疗设备 Radiotherapy apparatus   医疗设备管理 medical equipment management   工业和医疗设备 Industrial and Medical Technology   先进的医疗设备 Advanced medical equipment   医疗设备工程师 Medical device engineer   医疗设备的英语例句:   1. Broadly, it makes connections between ideas about healing and how they link to plants.   笼统说来,它将治疗理念和如何与医疗设备相结合联系了起来。   2. Likewise companies manufacturing medical equipment.   医疗设备公司也是一样.   3. Our client is a world leading orthopedic medical device designer, manufacturer, & marketer.   我们的客户是世界领先的整形医疗设备的设计者, 制造者 和 经销商.   4. I changed my work schedule, found transportation, an oncologist, cardiologist, hospice care, medical equipment, a caregiver and bather.   我改变 工作计划 , 找运输公司, 联系肿瘤病医生 、 心脏病医生 、 晚期病人收容机构, 联系购买医疗设备, 物色能帮助洗澡的护理人员.   5. Yet he administered it in Jackson"s house without the proper medical equipment.   可是在没有合适的医疗设备的情况下,他却仍然将药物放任在杰克逊家中.   6. A cock ring is a sex toy, not a medical treatment.   阴茎环是一个工具, 不是医疗设备.   7. Medical Devices, Design, Compliance & Quality Control: The Silver Sheet.   医疗设备 、 设计 、 履规与质量控制: 银色页.   8. Objective To discuss the matching method of irregular device for radiological equipment.   目的:探讨放射医疗设备非通用辅助装置的配置 方法 .   9. The hospital has a lot of advanced medical equipment.   这医院有很多先进的医疗设备.   10. We design and produce ABS cases for medical and beauty equipment.   我公司设计制造各种异型美容机,医疗设备的ABS台 车和机箱产品.   11. The medical equipment is the synthesis application result multi - disciplinary, multi - class technology.   医疗设备是多学科 、 多门类技术综合应用的结果.   12. World - renounced enterprises of large - scale medical equipments are qualified to bid.   分销商和中间商及非医疗设备生产企业,不得投标.   13. They rushed doctors and medical supplies to scene of the accident.   医生和医疗设备被急送至事故发生地.   14. Medical equipment sales experience work experience in a radiology department is preferred.   有医疗设备销售 经验 及在放射科工作经验者优先.   15. This paper introduces a scientific classification of medical equipment.   本文科学地对医疗设备进行了分类.
2023-06-22 02:15:311

只有当潮水退去的时候,才知道是谁在裸泳 用英文怎么写

Only when the tide goes out, before we know who is swimming naked。这就是答案。
2023-06-22 02:15:502


Excuse me, whose case is this?
2023-06-22 02:15:582


tune mute nude mule
2023-06-22 02:16:063


硬体分冠部(萼与腕)、茎和根三部分,五辐射对称,状似百合花(图4-82,1)。萼部分杯形的萼及其腹面的萼盖,口孔隐伏于萼盖下或裸露,萼由许多规则排列的骨板拼成,通常两圈,第一圈为五块底板,第二圈为五块辐板,彼此交错排列,有的于底板内具一圈内底板。辐板间可插入间辐板,后方的间辐板为肛门所在,具一块辐肛板或数块肛板,或由许多肛板组成肛管(图4-82,2~3)。腕由萼部辐板处向上分出,其中心通至体腔,由许多骨板组成,可分支数级,腕两侧具腕羽。茎支持冠部固着它物上,无茎种类浮游为生。茎由茎板叠置而成,中心有孔。图4-81 海蕾纲化石代表(引自何心一等,1987)1—Devonoblastus,a.侧视,b.口面观,黑龙江,泥盆系;2—Mesoblastus,a.侧视,b.口面观,贵州,下石炭统图4-82 海百合的形态及冠部骨板分解1—海百合的形态(据Bather,1900);2—海百合冠部切面图(据Moore,1952);3—冠部骨板分解,CP.茎,IBB.内底板,BB.底板,RR.辐板,iR.间辐板,RA.肛辐板,A.肛管,ⅠBr、ⅡBr、ⅢBr.为各级腕板(据Twenhofel,1935)海百合出现于中奥陶世早期,志留纪时盛,至早石炭世达到鼎盛,二叠纪数量减少,中生代再度繁盛,一直延续至现代。化石代表有Cupressocrinites(松球海百合,图4-83,2),Pisocu2043rinus(豆海百合,图4-83,1),Encrinus(石莲,图4-83,3)等。
2023-06-22 02:16:301


如果从1929年乐森 首次在关岭地区发现海百合算起,对关岭生物群的研究已有70多年的历史。穆恩之(1949)通过对许德佑(Hsu,1940)所采集的保存较完整的创孔海百合(Traumatocrinus)冠部标本的研究,连同他所描述的几个新种一并归入新建的创孔海百合科中,而将后者置于游离海百合亚纲(Dicyclica Inadunata,Bather,1899)之中。遗憾的是,穆恩之的上述文章,以及在文中对创孔海百合分类的建议,直到20世纪90年代,随着关岭生物群中海生爬行动物和大量海百合化石的发现和报道,才引起国内外同行的关注,并从不同的视角和分类理念对其进行了描述或讨论(Hagdorn,1995,1998,2001;俞羑艺等,2000;王柏艳等,2002;王传尚等,2003; Wang et al.,2006)。对关岭生物群中海生爬行动物的研究起步较晚,直到20世纪末,随着当地农民在挖掘海百合化石时,同时又发现大量海生龙化石时,才引起古生物学家的注意。继而,刘俊(1999,2001)、李淳(1999,2000)、Liu&Rippel(2000)、Rieppel等(2000)、尹恭正等(2000)、李淳等(2002)、罗荣明和俞羑艺(2002)、陈孝红等(2003a,b)、程龙(2003)等,以及Jiang et al.(2004)等先后对关岭生物群中的海生爬行动物进行了研究和报道。王立亭(2000)、李锦玲等(2000)和Li(2001,2006)分别介绍了贵州海生爬行动物的研究概况。王砚耕等(2000)对关岭生物群的科学意义进行了讨论。王尚彦(2005)亦对关岭生物群的生态环境进行了讨论。汪啸风等(2001,2002,2003a,b)根据中国地质调查局对“关岭项目”的要求,结合野外调查、大规模化石发掘,和研究工作的不断深化,先后对关岭生物群的科学意义、产出层位、组合特征和时代、形成环境以及主要进展和存在问题进行了综合研究和讨论;同时还结合“关岭项目”的研究,委托贵州省地质调查院对研究地区进行了1:1万地质测量;继而又以地质通报专刊的形式(2003,22卷4期)系统报道了对关岭生物群中所发现各门类化石研究的进展,此外,还依据所发掘的沿层面原生态保存的海生爬行动物和海百合化石,在卧龙岗建立了野外观察点,该观察点现已被批准为“关岭化石群国家地质公园”。同时,遵循国土资源部和地调局的指示精神,为了扩大关岭化石群影响和意义,把普及与提高结合起来,使科学技术能够转化为生产力,还出版了图文并茂的介绍关岭生物群的专著(汪啸风、陈孝红等,2004)。
2023-06-22 02:17:071


Landies Gentialmen boys and girls.Welcome to the China Baster music Club listen Here,right! This"s super DJ DJ Johnny And the MC小妞 Jerry Michael Spely here.Are you ready?You! Everybody Every one too got ! DJJohnny MC 小妞! rock you rock you music! what side go to find the fin the fanking side ! My,DJ Kimi, MC in the right,so but go to fair.way;got to for love,way got But you.hold you tight , fuck you in the night very the bather;爱瑞the go,very the 八the ;且K少,very the 八the ;闹闹,very the 八the ;gogo,very the 八the ;dance the dance the dance the dance the dance the dance . Who ,that"s the best listen to me,reach the best . shaking now baby,没啥调是没杀掉 没杀掉the K 没闹,DJ煞木DJ替DJ雅惠瑞K party,切K巴里巴里闹,谁巴里要,巴里优,巴里当系,B you 勒系K;B you 勒系K;B you 勒系K the 切K少,切K;八T K,巴里要people the 切K少[空拍]Lte"s the 巴里listen to me,瑞K the巴里系K闹boby,very the巴里切K少,very thes巴里the 闹,very the巴里闹问the谁,very the巴里the闹问the goOK,boys fwilld girls fwilld 英文特该the 爱瑞八the;in my 我的,要music爱瑞八the,CLUB music of you, 看DJ 雅惠;remix party so party
2023-06-22 02:17:141

soap on a rope 什么意思

2023-06-22 02:17:342


2023-06-22 02:17:491


2023-06-22 02:17:561

showering 意思

2023-06-22 02:18:044


歌手:katelyn tarver 专辑:wonderful crazy作词: 作曲:At the end of my streetThat′s where we all meetTalk about nothin nowhere to goYou′re into that sceneBut inside I could screamIt′s a desert where nothin can growI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in me wants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in me wants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meYou′re bather in the lightEach night after nightWatching your life pass you byI know you had your dreamsBut now it just seemsYou′ve settled for less why should II know your scared that I′ll get hurtBut don′t you think it′s so much worseTo give it up before you even trySomething in me wants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in me wants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meIf I listen to my voiceIt leaves me no choiceI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in me wants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in me wants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in me
2023-06-22 02:18:111


2023-06-22 02:18:225


1. 景色;风景 用英语怎么说 scenery 英 ["siu02d0n(u0259)ru026a] 美 ["sinu0259ri] n. 风景;景色;舞台布景 短语 scenery spot 景点 ; 风景区 spring scenery 春色型 ; 王春景 ; 春光 ; 春色 wonderful scenery 胜景 ; 优美的风景 ; 佳景 ; 佳境 four scenery 四时风景 Enchanting Scenery 风光无限 ; 旖旎风光 ; 迷人的景色 ; 迷人的风景 扩展资料 同近义词 view 英 [vjuu02d0] 美 [vju] n. 观察;视野;意见;风景 vt. 观察;考虑;查看 短语 Front View [机] 前视图 ; [机] 正视图 ; 前景 ; [机] 正面图 view camera 大画幅相机 ; [摄] 观察照相机 ; 观景式像机 ; 直线对光机 side view [机] 侧视图 ; [机] 侧面图 ; 侧视 ; 侧视视图 例句 1、Such a view is not the least bit correct. 这种见解半点也不正确。 2、In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following proposals. 鉴于上述情况,我们提出以下建议。 3、But there are some problems with this view of happiness. 但对于这种方式的快乐也存在一些问题。 2. 关于风景的英语作文怎么写不超过5句话 As we all know, keeping healthy is important for every one of us. We can"32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333431363531t be offered good jobs in the future if we are not strong enough. So, how can we keep fit? In my opinion, we should try our best to do the following: I think you"d better take exercise every day. It is considered that people who do sports every day have more healthy hearts than those who don"t. However, it"s best to exercise regularly. Half an hour a day is enough. Spending too much or too little time on it is not a good idea. Let"s do sports to stay healthy from now on。 3. 求一篇描写风景的英文文章,水平高一点的 The scenery of Walden is on a humble scale, and, though very beautiful, does not approach to grandeur, nor can it much concern one who has not long frequented it or lived by its shore; yet this pond is so remarkable for its depth and purity as to merit a particular description. It is a clear and deep green well, half a mile long and a mile and three quarters in circumference, and contains about sixty-one and a half acres; a perennial spring in the midst of pine and oak woods, without any visible inlet or outlet except by the clouds and evaporation. The surrounding hills rise abruptly from the water to the height of forty to eighty feet, though on the southeast and east they attain to about one hundred and one hundred and fifty feet respectively, within a quarter and a third of a mile. They are exclusively woodland. All our Concord waters have o colors at least; one when viewed at a distance, and another, more proper, close at hand. The first depends more on the light, and follows the sky. In clear weather, in summer, they appear blue at a little distance, especially if agitated, and at a great distance all appear alike. In stormy weather they are sometimes of a dark slate-color. The sea, however, is said to be blue one day and green another without any perceptible change in the atmosphere. I have seen our river, when, the landscape being covered with snow, both water and ice were almost as green as grass. Some consider blue "to be the color of pure water, whether liquid or solid." But, looking directly down into our waters from a boat, they are seen to be of very different colors. Walden is blue at one time and green at another, even from the same point of view. Lying beeen the earth and the heavens, it partakes of the color of both. Viewed from a hilltop it reflects the color of the sky; but near at hand it is of a yellowish tint next the shore where you can see the sand, then a light green, which gradually deepens to a uniform dark green in the body of the pond. In some lights, viewed even from a hilltop, it is of a vivid green next the shore. Some have referred this to the reflection of the verdure; but it is equally green there against the railroad sandbank, and in the spring, before the leaves are expanded, and it may be simply the result of the prevailing blue mixed with the yellow of the sand. Such is the color of its iris. This is that portion, also, where in the spring, the ice being warmed by the heat of the sun reflected from the bottom, and also tran *** itted through the earth, melts first and forms a narrow c *** about the still frozen middle. Like the rest of our waters, when much agitated, in clear weather, so that the surface of the waves may reflect the sky at the right angle, or because there is more light mixed with it, it appears at a little distance of a darker blue than the sky itself; and at such a time, being on its surface, and looking with divided vision, so as to see the reflection, I have discerned a matchless and indescribable light blue, such as watered or changeable silks and sword blades suggest, more cerulean than the sky itself, alternating with the original dark green on the opposite sides of the waves, which last appeared but muddy in parison. It is a vitreous greenish blue, as I remember it, like those patches of the winter sky seen through cloud vistas in the west before sundown. Yet a single glass of its water held up to the light is as colorless as an equal quantity of air. It is well known that a large plate of glass will have a green tint, owing, as the makers say, to its "body," but a *** all piece of the same will be colorless. How large a body of Walden water would be required to reflect a green tint I have never proved. The water of our river is black or a very dark brown to one looking directly down on it, and, like that of most ponds, imparts to the body of one bathing in it a yellowish tinge; but this water is of such crystalline purity that the body of the bather appears of an alabaster whiteness, still more unnatural, which, as the limbs are magnified and distorted withal, produces a monstrous effect, making fit studies for a Michael Angelo.。 4. 风景介绍用英语怎么说 scenery n. 布景,道具布置 自然景物,天然风光 The scenery in the mountains is very beautiful. 山里的景色非常美。 landscape n. 风景 The trees and the mountains made the landscape very beautiful. 树木和山脉使风景变得很美。 civic landscape 城市风景 posite landscape 复合景观 cultivated landscape 培植景观 geographic landscape 地理景观 home landscape 家庭园景 natural landscape 天然景观 park-like landscape 稀树景观, 公园式景观 private landscape 私人庭园 vegetative landscape 植物景观 5. 写名胜古迹英语作文怎么写 The Great Wall The Great Wall of China is considered to be the only man-made project visible from the moon. Although it was once thought to have been built entirely during the Qin Dynasty beeen 221 and 208 BC, it is now believed to have been started earlier. The 15-foot-high, 25-foot-wide, 1,500-mile-long structure was undoubtedly built to keep out invading enemies. To the mon people of the empire, who had been forced to build the wall, it was not worth it, however. The wall, and other public works pleted by the Qin Dynasty,had caused great losses of wealth and human life in the country. As a result,an angry population rose up in rebellion against the Qin Dynasty,and in 207 BC the Han Dynasty began. Because of its rich history and magnificent appearance,the Great Wall attracts tourists, scientists, and historians to this day and will continue to do so for generations. 6. 用英语写一段风景介绍 Singapore, or the Lion City, is at the crossroads of Asia. Its mix of Chinese, Indian, and Malay cultures, spiced with Western influences, creates a wonderful blend and this *** all country celebrates the uniqueness of each in its own special way. Today, the districts designated by the former British colonists for the ethnic groups are still in use, with Chinatown and Little India thriving as religious and cultural centres and yet, no matter what their ethnic background, each citizen calls themselves a Singaporean. A traveller"s first and last encounter with Singapore usually leaves a good impression. On arrival you are exposed to Singapore"s clean, efficient, world-class atmosphere. Within ten minutes of landing one realizes that everything looks, new. The reason being that in recent years, Singapore has gone through a spate of demolition and reconstruction, as old buildings fall and make way for the steel and glass towers that dominate its skyline. Yet, the true character of this city is somehow lost in these massive shopping malls and high rises, world-record setting fountains, and numerous theme parks. Unfortunately, this is the side that most people see: a shopper"s paradise, a pleasant business trip, a "safe" destination for first-time visitors to Asia. In truth, Singapore is at its most remarkable in its little alleyways and colourful shops in Chinatown, its incense-filled Buddhist temples and noisy street operas. The whole place a colourful, living, breathing, hum of intriguing activity. Equally fascinating are the lavishly decorated Indian temples and the mosques and textile shops along Arab Street. Finally, the old colonial-style buildings in the heart of town impart a charm that the newer structures just don"t have. Each historic district has its own story to impart to travellers, its own magic to weave as one walks along their back streets. Another way to discover Singapore is to sample its many flavours. The Asian passion for food finds new expression here, with restaurants lining almost every street and mercial area. The influx of foreigners, both tourists and the growing expatriate munity, has brought even more international tastes to these shores. New European, Middle Eastern, and even fusion cuisines are now being represented. It"s due to the Asians valued meal times, as an occasion to enjoy food and to spend time with friends or family that restaurants continue to thrive here. Singaporeans are justifiably proud of their efficient and modern city, its excellent infrastructure, its hotels, parks and recreational activities. For all its modernity, the soul of Singapore lies in its wonderful tapestry of vibrant cultures, each weaving its own unique pattern into the main design that make up the magic that makes Singapore what it is today.。 7. 用英文介绍风景,急 Guilin Scenery with Hills and Waters(桂林山水) 桂林是世界著名的风景游览城市,地势北高南低,海拔140~600米,为石灰岩岩溶地区。商周时代,这里即与中原有密切关系。秦汉时,是中原与岭南的重要通道。在7a686964616fe78988e69d8331333238653330漫长的岁月里,桂林的奇山秀水吸引着无数的文人墨客,使他们写下了许多脍炙人口的诗篇和文章。桂林山水有奇丽俊秀的风貌,宏伟博大的气势,气象万千的姿态,含蓄深长的意趣,极富浪漫色彩和诗画情趣。 Guilin ,140-600 meters above sea level, is of most world-renowned scenic tourist cities, with the physical feature of the limestone karst place high in the north and low in the south. During the Shang and the Zhou Dynasties, it was closely related with the Central Plains. During the Qin and the Han Dynasties, it was the important passage which linkes the Central Plains and Lingnan. Over the long history, Guilin"s wonderful scenery with hills and waters has been attracting innumerable writers and literati so that they have written many famous poems and articles. With handsome marvelous look, magnificent broad momentum, spectacular changing postures, and profound implicative charms, Guilin scenery with hills and waters is extremely rich in poetry and romantic color and taste. Qingdao, located in the north-east of Shandong Province, although mid-sized in China, is a very popular and beautiful city for tourists from all over the world. With a long coast, tourists will see Zhanqiao Pier, BaDaGuan, May 4th Square. As a sailing city of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Qingdao bees an international sight-seeing city and attracts more and more foreign visitors to visit it. Surrounded with three sides of sea waters and one side of LaoShan Mountain, Qingdao is also known as a city which is the most suitable for citizens to live there. In summer, fresh and cold Qingdao Beer, which is produced in Qingdao and famous in the world , is a great favourite of people who are sitting on the beach with their friends or lovers, enjoying it. People will fully enjoy such a wonderful feeling in such a beautiful city. Then tourists will realize that this is a life that they are really looking for. 8. 给我一些描写风景的英文文段 夕阳向大地洒下金辉,整个古城披上了蝉翼般的金纱,大地蒙上了神秘的色彩。 汽车嘟嘟的喇叭声,自行车叮叮当当的 *** ,霎时构成一组清晨交响曲。 我的家乡枣港城烟台,它像一颗闪亮的明珠,镶嵌在胶东半岛的海疆上。 纵横交错的交通设施,构成了城市的血脉和骨架,推动着古城北京大踏步迈向现代化国际城市 一到夜晚,万盏灯火大放光明,一幢幢大厦顿时披上了宝石镶嵌的衣衫,一条条街道也都变成了皓光闪耀的银河。 夜深了,小城的灯光像远飞的萤火虫,忽闪忽闪地越来越昏暗,整个城市像笼罩在梦幻中。 苏州,这古老的城市,现在是熟睡了。她安静地躺在运河的怀抱里,像银色河床中的一朵睡莲。 万盏灯火闪烁着,我像在遨游太空银河,又像在观赏古都长安的灯会。 在夜幕的衬托下,街道上的汽车一辆紧跟一辆,一排紧挨一排,好似流淌着一串串耀眼的珍珠,又像是一行行闪烁的星星在移动。 如果说白天广州像座翡翠城,那么当太阳沉没,广州就成了一颗夜明珠,灯光如海,千街闪。 旋风卷着黄尘灰土夹着鸡毛蒜皮,把整个镇子搅得乌烟瘴气,把热闹的集市捣乱得萧条起来。 夜幕降临了,一盏盏明晃晃的电灯,像一颗颗金光灿灿的夜明珠星罗棋布地镶嵌在小镇上。雨夜中的小镇,点点朦胧灯火,像似睁似闭的无数个眼睛。 大田里的麦苗像片海,远近村庄像绿海中的船。田野静悄悄的,远远近近的村舍,开始出现了一两盏如豆的小灯,怯生生地闪烁着。 水乡的河,密得像蛛网,圆圆的石拱桥,多得像雨后的水泡。 蒲公英托着一朵朵小小的金色花儿,好像在礼赞这水乡的春天。 乡间小路,弯弯曲曲,像顽皮的孩子在捉弄人,不时露出一点点踪影,不时又隐没了。 家乡的河流,纵横交错,密如蛛网,可称得上是东方的威尼斯。 金翅雀唱着、跳跃着,有时也扑打着,像一群不知疲倦的孩子,给这幽静的山村更增添了情趣。 圆月像一盏巨大的天灯,把山乡映照得像个透明的水晶世界。 溶溶的月光,奶水一样透过伞状的洋槐树枝桠,洒在山村泥墙小院里。 村子的上空升起袅袅炊烟,好像一个个身穿白纱的少女在翩翩起舞,在夕阳的照耀下婀娜多姿。 熙(xī)熙攘(rǎng)攘、川流不息的大街上,人声鼎沸,像一锅沸腾的水。 宽阔的街道像一条条输送带,把人们送向四面八方。 大风过去,街上的幌子、小摊与行人,仿佛都被风卷了走,全不见了,只剩下柳枝随着风狂舞。 风越刮越大,大街上的行人,身上、脸上落满了黑土,像刚由地下钻出来。 那条小巷像条游蛇似的,蜿蜒在一排高楼和一片居住区的中间。 小巷那儿没有花,也没有树,枯焦焦的,干巴巴的,蒙着一层厚厚的灰尘,就像一条干涸(hé)了的小河。 苏州的小巷是饶有风味的,它整洁幽深,曲折多变,巷中都用弹石铺路,春天没有灰沙,夏日阵雨刚过,便能穿布鞋而不湿脚。 我爱那平凡的小巷,我熟悉它的每一处小角落,熟悉它的每一块青砖,砖上的每一道裂纹。 五光十色的灯光照在马路上,像镶嵌了一串美丽的珍珠,过路行人的身上仿佛都披上了漂亮的彩衣。 明亮的街灯与天上的群星遥相辉映,整个街市都沉浸在一片珠光宝气之中,炫人眼目。 沿着大道向远看,一盏盏路灯雪亮雪亮,像是一条前不见头、后不见尾的火龙。 远远近近的路灯已经亮了,起先像一个暗红的水果盘,渐渐变成了明晃晃的大银球。 马路两侧的街灯亮了,远远看去,像一条波光闪烁的长河。 那圆球状的街灯,像是一颗颗放大了几万倍的珍珠;它们结集在一起的时候,又很像一串葡萄 那一根根灯柱上高擎着一盏盏球灯,像盛开着一朵朵红荷。 向远处伸展的两排明光闪闪的街灯,活像是蜿蜒飞舞的火龙。 相距很远的路灯,投下一束束光圈,雪花像萤火虫似的在灯光下飞舞着。 一两点没精打采的灯光,仿佛是瞌睡人的眼睛。 街上的路灯发射出昏暗的红色的电光,活像那些
2023-06-22 02:18:541

Walt Whitman from song of myself 赏析

This most famous of Whitman"s works was one of the original twelve pieces in the 1855 first edition of Leaves of Grass. Like most of the other poems, it too was revised extensively, reaching its final permutation in 1881. “Song of Myself” is a sprawling combination of biography, sermon, and poetic meditation. It is not nearly as heavy-handed in its pronouncements as “Starting at Paumanok”; rather, Whitman uses symbols and sly commentary to get at important issues. “Song of Myself” is composed more of vignettes than lists: Whitman uses small, precisely drawn scenes to do his work here.This poem did not take on the title “Song of Myself” until the 1881 edition. Previous to that it had been titled “Poem of Walt Whitman, an American” and, in the 1860, 1867, and 1871 editions, simply “Walt Whitman.” The poem"s shifting title suggests something of what Whitman was about in this piece. As Walt Whitman, the specific individual, melts away into the abstract “Myself,” the poem explores the possibilities for communion between individuals. Starting from the premise that “what I assume you shall assume” Whitman tries to prove that he both encompasses and is indistinguishable from the universe.CommentaryWhitman"s grand poem is, in its way, an American epic. Beginning in medias res—in the middle of the poet"s life—it loosely follows a quest pattern. “Missing me one place search another,” he tells his reader, “I stop somewhere waiting for you.” In its catalogues of American life and its constant search for the boundaries of the self “Song of Myself” has much in common with classical epic. This epic sense of purpose, though, is coupled with an almost Keatsian valorization of repose and passive perception. Since for Whitman the birthplace of poetry is in the self, the best way to learn about poetry is to relax and watch the workings of one"s own mind.While “Song of Myself” is crammed with significant detail, there are three key episodes that must be examined. The first of these is found in the sixth section of the poem. A child asks the narrator “What is the grass?” and the narrator is forced to explore his own use of symbolism and his inability to break things down to essential principles. The bunches of grass in the child"s hands become a symbol of the regeneration in nature. But they also signify a common material that links disparate people all over the United States together: grass, the ultimate symbol of democracy, grows everywhere. In the wake of the Civil War the grass reminds Whitman of graves: grass feeds on the bodies of the dead. Everyone must die eventually, and so the natural roots of democracy are therefore in mortality, whether due to natural causes or to the bloodshed of internecine warfare. While Whitman normally revels in this kind of symbolic indeterminacy, here it troubles him a bit. “I wish I could translate the hints,” he says, suggesting that the boundary between encompassing everything and saying nothing is easily crossed.The second episode is more optimistic. The famous “twenty-ninth bather” can be found in the eleventh section of the poem. In this section a woman watches twenty-eight young men bathing in the ocean. She fantasizes about joining them unseen, and describes their semi-nude bodies in some detail. The invisible twenty-ninth bather offers a model of being much like that of Emerson"s “transparent eyeball”: to truly experience the world one must be fully in it and of it, yet distinct enough from it to have some perspective, and invisible so as not to interfere with it unduly. This paradoxical set of conditions describes perfectly the poetic stance Whitman tries to assume. The lavish eroticism of this section reinforces this idea: sexual contact allows two people to become one yet not one—it offers a moment of transcendence. As the female spectator introduced in the beginning of the section fades away, and Whitman"s voice takes over, the eroticism becomes homoeroticism. Again this is not so much the expression of a sexual preference as it is the longing for communion with every living being and a connection that makes use of both the body and the soul (although Whitman is certainly using the homoerotic sincerely, and in other ways too, particularly for shock value).Having worked through some of the conditions of perception and creation, Whitman arrives, in the third key episode, at a moment where speech becomes necessary. In the twenty-fifth section he notes that “Speech is the twin of my vision, it is unequal to measure itself, / It provokes me forever, it says sarcastically, / Walt you contain enough, why don"t you let it out then?” Having already established that he can have a sympathetic experience when he encounters others (“I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the wounded person”), he must find a way to re-transmit that experience without falsifying or diminishing it. Resisting easy answers, he later vows he “will never translate [him]self at all.” Instead he takes a philosophically more rigorous stance: “What is known I strip away.” Again Whitman"s position is similar to that of Emerson, who says of himself, “I am the unsettler.” Whitman, however, is a poet, and he must reassemble after unsettling: he must “let it out then.” Having catalogued a continent and encompassed its multitudes, he finally decides: “I too am not a bit tamed, I too am untranslatable, / I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.” “Song of Myself” thus ends with a sound—a yawp—that could be described as either pre- or post-linguistic. Lacking any of the normal communicative properties of language, Whitman"s yawp is the release of the “kosmos” within him, a sound at the borderline between saying everything and saying nothing. More than anything, the yawp is an invitation to the next Walt Whitman, to read into the yawp, to have a sympathetic experience, to absorb it as part of a new multitude.
2023-06-22 02:19:532


软件开发和销售。维我软件是上海的一家智能软件研发公司,旨在为各大电脑、手机厂商提供智能软件。维我软件有限公司于2010年12月8日成立。法定代表人SEBASTIAN NEVILLE SVEN BATHER,公司经营范围包括有开发、设计制作客户关系管理和相关的企业管理软件,销售自产产品,并提供安装、维护和升级服务、计算机软件的批发等。
2023-06-22 02:20:001

女生唱的英文歌 有R&B的风格 很有节奏感 有歌词是 oh oh oh ye ye ye 还有个单词的读音是jia si lai len

oh oh just bather ...oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah 我英语也不好,只能提醒你这个英语,可能有人睇到我这里的英语会帮到你,或者你找下歌名oh oh 或者oh yeah或者 oh oh yeah 我找了1个晚上都听不到,有首是差不多,但不是,希望你能找到
2023-06-22 02:20:071


   工作计划 是行政活动中使用范围很广的重要公文,也是应用写作的一个重头戏。机关、团体、企事业单位的各级机构,对一定时期的工作预先作出安排和打算时,都要制定工作计划,用到“工作计划”这种公文。那么你知道工作计划用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。   工作计划的英语说法1:   work program   工作计划的英语说法2:   Work Plan   工作计划的相关 短语 :   工作计划进度表 calendar progress chart   在家工作计划 home-working scheme   子合同工作计划 sub-contract working plan   维护项目工作计划 working plan for maintenance project   旅游工作计划 Work Holiday Programme   维修性工作计划 maintainability program plan   青年旅行工作计划 Youth Mobility Scheme   制定工作计划 planning work ; make work plan   工作计划的英语例句:   1. Can you project a new working scheme for us?   你能为我们设计一个新的工作计划 吗 ?   2. We should phase in the new working plans.   我们应逐步采用这个新的工作计划.   3. All has gone well with our site work plan.   一切均按照我们的现场工作计划进行.   4. Develop marketing plans for specific business segments, markets and target accounts.   制定关于目标客户 、 市场、和业务部门的工作计划.   5. You can store information on working times and patterns in work schedules.   你可以存储工作时间的信息和工作计划的格式.   6. Implements the daily planner and ensures completion of all tasks.   每日作好工作计划确保完成全部任务.   7. Our work plan is going to be discussed then.   要讨论我们的工作计划.   8. Organizes, plans and directs the three department"s operations and functions.   根据部门经营状况制定相应的工作计划和经营方向.   9. Which work schedule deviations are recorded and how they are processed.   那些工作计划没有执行被记录和如何处理它们的.   10. I changed my work schedule, found transportation, an oncologist, cardiologist, hospice care, medical equipment, a caregiver and bather.   我改变工作计划, 找运输公司, 联系肿瘤病医生 、 心脏病医生 、 晚期病人收容机构, 联系购买医疗设备, 物色能帮助洗澡的护理人员.   11. They said that they had sketched out their work plan.   (过去完成时主动态)他们说,他们已经拟定了工作计划.   12. Can we talk a little bit about the project?   我们能否谈谈有关的工作计划?   13. He carried out his work plan on time. The manager praised him.   他按期完成了他的工作计划. 经理表扬了他.   14. Fix up project department work to program, and the monitoring is implementing.   安排工程部门的工作计划, 并监督实施.   15. To develop and review the after sale action plan.   制定和审核售后服务工作计划.
2023-06-22 02:20:141

为什么超级大陆的分离会导致海平面的上升 最好用英文回答

At the level of the first stage of the cycle, when the continent polymerization, the sea level is low, and when separated from the mainland, sea level height is higher. So when, in the formation of Pangaea (Permian) and large Gondwana formation (late Neoproterozoic), the sea level is low, and when they split (the former in the Cretaceous, the latter in the Ordovician), sea levels will rise rapidly.A sea level is controlled by the age of the ocean floor. The depth in which the oceanic crust () and its age () function was simple:Wherein the unit is m (m), and the unit is million years (ma). Therefore, the mid-ocean ridge newly formed oceanic crust is about 2500 m deep, while the age of 100 million years old oceanic crust is at the depth of about 6000 m depth.As the water level in the bath will vary with the size of the bather"s body differ, as is the depth of the ocean floor sea level control (in this ignores the complex factors and the greenhouse effect caused by the ice in the ice). Thus the depth of the ocean floor and sea level also have the following relationship:If the quality of water on Earth () is equal to a constant, thenK1 = M (sea) + M (freshwater) + M (Glacier) + M (atmospheric water)We can ignore the M (freshwater) + M (atmospheric water), thenK1 = M (sea) + M (glacier)For an ice-free Earth is:V (seawater) = K1 / (average density of seawater)Have V (seawater) = A · d, where V (sea) water is filled in the ocean basin volume, equal to, where is the ocean basin area, the average depth of the ocean basin. Determined by the average age of the ocean floor.In the continental divide or continental collision will change, in the former case the continent is stretched, so make reducing sea level rise, the latter case the continent is compressed, so that increased sea-level fall). After rising sea levels, water will drown the mainland, while the sea level drop of water makes the continental shelf exposed.Very slow because of the slope of the continental shelf, a small rise in sea level could lead to a significant proportion of mainland partially submerged.If the global ocean average relatively young, so the ocean floor will be relatively shallow, so the sea level will be higher. If the global ocean average older, then the ocean floor will be relatively deep, so the sea level will be lower, leaving more exposed parts of the continent the sea.Therefore, between the supercontinent cycle and the average age of the ocean floor, there is a relatively simple contact:Supercontinent = large ancient ocean floor = low sea levelIsolated continent = large area of the ocean floor = height of young seaSupercontinent cycle of climate effects will further increase the gap:Supercontinent = continental climate dominated = continental glaciation = less prone to sea levelIsolated continent = oceanic continental glaciation dominated = less prone = sea level will not be reduced mechanism中文对译在第一级周期的层面上,当大陆聚合时,海平面较低,而当大陆分离时,海平高较高。因此,在泛大陆形成(二叠纪)和大冈瓦纳形成(晚新元古代)的时候,海平面较低,而当它们分裂时(前者在白垩纪,后者在奥陶纪),海平面就快速上升。一级海平面是由洋底的年龄控制的。洋壳所处的深度()与它的年龄()呈简单的函数关系:式中,的单位是米(m),而的单位是百万年(ma)。因此,大洋中脊处刚形成的洋壳处于大约2500 m深的地方,而年龄为1亿年的老洋壳则处于大约6000 m深的深度。就像浴缸中的水位会随入浴者的身材大小不同而不同一样,海平面是由洋底的深度控制的(在此忽略了由冰川冰和温室效应引发的复杂因素)。洋底深度和海平面也因而有如下的关系:若地球上水的质量()是一个等于的常数,那么K1 = M(海水) + M(淡水) + M(冰川) + M(大气水)我们可以忽略M(淡水) + M(大气水),则K1 = M(海水) + M(冰川)对于一个无冰的地球来说:V(海水) = K1/(海水的平均密度)又有V(海水)=A·d,其中V(海水) 是充填在洋盆中的水体体积,等于,其中是洋盆的面积,是洋盆的平均深度。由洋底的平均年龄决定。在大陆分裂或大陆碰撞时会发生改变,前一情况下大陆被拉伸,使减少并使海平面上升,后一情况下大陆被压缩,使增加,海平面下降)。海平面上升之后,海水会淹没大陆,而海平面下降则使大陆架暴露出水。因为大陆架的坡度很缓,海平面很小的上升就可以导致大陆有相当大比例的部分被淹没。如果全球大洋平均来说比较年轻,那么洋底会相对较浅,因此海平面会较高。如果全球大洋平均较老,那么洋底会相对较深,因此海平面会较低,而使大陆的更多部分露出海面。因此,在超大陆旋回和洋底的平均年龄之间,有一个相对简单的联系:超大陆 = 大面积的古老洋底 = 低海平面分离的大陆 = 大面积的年轻洋底 = 高海平面超大陆旋回的气候效应则进一步加大了这种差距:超大陆 = 大陆性气候为主 = 大陆冰期较易出现 = 更低的海平面分离的大陆 = 海洋性气候为主 = 大陆冰期不易出现 = 海平面不会因此机制而降低
2023-06-22 02:20:201

bather be the hunter than the prey是什么歌的歌词?

Imagine dragons-nature
2023-06-22 02:20:462

哪些单词有7个字母而且第四个是t第五个是h的单词? 哪些单词有6个字母而且第三个是t第四个是h的单词?

2023-06-22 02:21:131


2023-06-22 02:21:222

something in me 歌词

Something In Me歌手:Katelyn TarverAt the end of my streetThat′s where we all meetTalk about nothin nowhere to goYou′re into that sceneBut inside I could screamIt′s a desert where nothing can growI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in mewants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in mewants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in mesomething in meYou′re bather in the lightEach night after nightWatching your life pass you byI know you had your dreamsBut now it just seemsYou′ve settled for less why should II know your scared that I′ll get hurtBut don′t you think it′s so much worseTo give it up before you even trySomething in mewants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in mewants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meIf I listen to my voiceIt leaves me no choiceI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in mewants to reach with both handsGo over the edgeand see where I landSomething in mewants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meit′s something in meit′s something in meit′s something in me
2023-06-22 02:21:571


歌手:katelyn tarver 专辑:wonderful crazy作词: 作曲:At the end of my streetThat′s where we all meetTalk about nothin nowhere to goYou′re into that sceneBut inside I could screamIt′s a desert where nothin can growI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in me wants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in me wants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meYou′re bather in the lightEach night after nightWatching your life pass you byI know you had your dreamsBut now it just seemsYou′ve settled for less why should II know your scared that I′ll get hurtBut don′t you think it′s so much worseTo give it up before you even trySomething in me wants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in me wants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in meIf I listen to my voiceIt leaves me no choiceI would stay here if I couldBut I know it would do no goodMaybe someday you will understandSomething in me wants to reach with both handsGo over the edge and see where I landSomething in me wants to know what′s out thereIt′s something that I′ve gotta doIt′s not you it′s something in me
2023-06-22 02:22:041


don"t bother me!
2023-06-22 02:22:281


2023-06-22 02:23:112


7个字母而且第四个是t第五个是h的单词:brother,further 6个字母而且第三个是t第四个是h的单词:father,mother,author,gather,bather
2023-06-22 02:23:181

like father,like son是什么意思

2023-06-22 02:23:262


2023-06-22 02:23:332


洗澡 nhave a shower
2023-06-22 02:23:525

食人鱼3dd 女主角是谁

  演员表  角色 演员 备注  Shelby 卡特里娜·宝登/Katrina Bowden ----  Mr. Goodman 克里斯托弗·洛伊德/Christopher Lloyd ----  Kyle 克里斯·泽尔卡/Chris Zylka ----  Maddy 丹妮尔·帕娜贝克/Danielle Panabaker ----  Deputy Fallon 文·瑞姆斯/Ving Rhames ----  Clayton 加里·布塞/Gary Busey ----  Alex 杰奎琳·玛克林尼丝·伍德/Jacqueline MacInnes Wood ----  Chet 大卫·科恩查内/David Koechner ----  Josh 让-卢克·比洛多/Jean-Luc Bilodeau ----  Himself 大卫·哈塞尔霍夫/David Hasselhoff ----  Ashley Fallon 梅根·坦迪/Meagan Tandy ----  Andrew"Drew" Cunningham 保罗·舍尔/Paul Scheer ----  Jenina Fallon 伊莉丝·尼尔/Elise Neal ----  Thomas Fallon Sam Jones III ----  Mo 克鲁·古拉格/Clu Gulager ----  Big Dave 阿德里安·马丁内兹/Adrian Martinez ----  Lifeguard Cody 科迪·肯尼迪/Cody Kennedy ----  Barry 马特·布什/Matt Bush ----  Pearl Naomi Snieckus ----  Kendra Shanica Knowles ----  Theo Fallon 迈克尔·阿尔吉利/Michael Algieri ----  Bella Marta Zolynska ----  Travis Paul James ----  Bite Victim"s Father David Schifter ----  Lizzie Katie Garner ----  Cannonball Girl Beth Powder ----  Rochelle Jenna Hurt ----  Hysteric Alisa Harris ----  Water Park Patron Richard Wes Howren ----  Male Staffer Michael L. Kuhn ----  Bloody Bather Sheila Brothers ----  Staring Kid Truman Brothers ----  Bethany Sierra Fisk ----
2023-06-22 02:24:051


2023-06-22 02:24:442

Gather yourself quickly 这句英语是什么意思?

2023-06-22 02:25:331

DJMAX3 里面道具英文功能翻译

2023-06-22 02:25:544


泰戈尔的最遥远的距离The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in front of you Yet you don"t know that I love you The furthest distance in the world Is not when I stand in front of you Yet you can"t see my love But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together The furthest distance in the world Is not being apart while being in love But when painly cannot resist the yearning Yet pretending you have never been in my heart The furthest distance in the world Is not when painly cannot resist the yearning yet pretending you have never been in my heartbut using one"s indifferent heart To dig an uncrossable river For the one who loves you
2023-06-22 02:26:022


who"s your father 。 你爸爸是谁
2023-06-22 02:26:211


  时间在不知不觉当中过去,寒假也是如约而至,那么还是应该要认真写好寒假作业哦,对于答案不确定的时候,可以来了解一下哦。下面是由我为大家整理的“八年级上学期英语2021寒假作业答案”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。    八年级上学期英语2021寒假作业答案   一   1、junk program start differences exercises   2、多久一次、至于、当然、照看、与······不同、on weekends、go to the movies 、   twice a week 、my favorite singer、do morning exercises   3、times 、skateboarding、eating、watches、surfing   4、B、D、C、A、C、C、C、B、B、C、C、D、   5、(1) How often (2) What (3) What"s favorite (4)doesn"t do any (5) doesn"t eat   6、(1) I usually climb the hill on weekends.   (2)I go to the movies once a year.   (3)My brother plays soccer three or four a week.   (4)She watches TV at home.   (5)Yes, I am.   7、healthy 、milk、often、day、like、much、why、good、think、tellin   8、D、B、A、C、D、B、C、A、D、B   9、B、B、D、B、   10、(1)so fishing (2)meet (3) mare a meeting (4)clean (5) free (6) Friday、   二   1、 balanced 、dentist、medicine、believe 、improve|、weak、   2、 C、H、G、E、D、F、B、A、   3、 (1) Stressed out、(2) stay healthy、(3) see a dentist、(4) drink tea with honey、   (5) lie dews、rest (6) drink lots of water (7) eat anything go to bed early   4、C、C、B、B、A、A、C、C、B、A、   5、(1)It"s 、to (2) lots of (3) shouldn"t drink much water (4) What"s the matter with   (5) When did 、arrive   6、2-5-3-1-9-4-7-6-8   7、A、B、C、B、D、A、B、C、A、A 8、B、A、D、C、C、、C、D、B、A   9、My friend Li Ming has a bad cold because he played football in the rain with his friends yesterday .The doctor told him to drink snore water and stay in bed to hare a good rest for two days. He has to ask for leave.   三   1、Weather、long、where、takes、fishing   2、1.Sounds、2.doing、3. eating、times、4. watched、did watch、watched、5. does、reads   3、B、D、A、B、B、C、C、D、D、A   4、(1)don"t believe will (2) wrong with (3) may be (4) why comes   5、C、A、C、C、B、A、B、A、B、A   6、(1)B、A、B、B、C、(6) right how (7) They are staying here for fire days. (8) 他们尽力维持纪律。(9)Tomorrow (10) No, most of the young people will do .   7、Had 、sent、is、said、saw、jumped、could、told、get、smiled   8、During the National Day. I"m going to Shennongjia for vacation with my parents. We are learning on 29th of September by train. We are staying there for about six days. We are going sightseeing there. On the first day. We are going to climb the mountains .On the second day we are going rafting, and in the last few days we will the sunrise and visit some famous places.   四   1、 worried 、depend、tickets、halves 、kilometer、hundred 、minutes、   2、 B、F、E、A、C、G、D   3、 A、C、C、B、A、D、B、B、B、B、   4、 (1)takes、15 、minutes、walk (2) how to get (3) Not every (4) How long does 、take (5) How does   5、 (1) must be a lot more popular (2) taking 、take a car (3)to walk to wok (4)to takes 、to get from (5) How far is it 、to   6、 F、A、C、E、B、G、D   7、 D、B、C、A、A、B、C、B、D、C   8、 D、B、C、C、D、quiet、F、F、(8)因此他们为此报了警。 (9)So it can speak many words abut the taxi.   9、 Every day they go to school in different ways 40% of them go to school on foot 35% take the buses, and 20% of the students ride bikes. Very few students go to school by car.   五   1、really、free、lessons、practice、matches、until   2、all、speaking、went、helps、visit   3、at、from to、in、with、on   4、(1)studying for、(2)Thanks for、(3)too much、(4)went to the concert(5)on Wednesday   5、(1)stay 、play the (2)tennis training with (3)can"t go to (4)the day after tomorrow (5)have to leave   6、C、C、C、A、B、A、D、B、B、B   7、(1)Where is it going to be? (2)What time?(3)Who else will go tjere?(4)That"s wonderful. (5)See you then.   8、B、C、A、B、A、C、B、A、A、B   9、A、B、D、7th October 、1978、E、D、A、B、C、   10、 invitation 、sorry、busy、movies、dentist、Wednesday、football、science test、birthday、at home   六   1、quiet、calm、serious、athletic、sports、interesting、   2、 photo common some ways 4.more than 5.做功课 6.一种受欢迎的食物 7.有空 8.与……有区别 9.得到足够的.信息 10.与……一样好   3、B、D、B、D、C、B、A、C、D、A、C、D、D、A、D   4、1.Go to school earlier. good as 3.Both of are blue 4.doesn"t do 5.Does go to   5、1.What does she look like? 2. Don"t you look the same? 3. Is she good at schoolwork? 4. Who is more athletic? 5. Do you like to hare friends who are like you?   6、B、C、B、A、B、C、C、C、B、B   7、B、A、B、C、D、C、A、D、   9. They are artists. 10. No, he isn"t. 11. No, she has a younger brother.   12. He is a short mar with curly hair. 13. No, she isn"t.   8、Wen and Jin are twins. Wen is as tall as Jin and has longer hair than Jin. Jin is more outgoing than Wen. Then both have a lot of beautiful clothes, but Jin"s clothes are munching cooler. Wen"s schoolwork is better than Jin"s.   七   1、peel 、pour、deadpans、added、bread、recipe   2、on/off、up、into、of、in、up、to、on、for、in   3、B、B、C、D、A、C、C、B、C、B   4、(1)First then make、(2)need to put 、(3)easy to (4)Another two   (5) Let make   5、(1) How many oranges do we need? (2)How much cinnamon do we need.(3)Let"s begin. (4) First mix then up.   6、D、A、B、A、C、D、B、B、A、A   7、(1)68 hot dogs.(2)$10,(3)New York(4)45 years old(5)Juliet lee(6)7 years old (7)piano guitar   8、I"m Tommy. Yesterday is my mother"s bather day. I make vegetables for my mother. First, I brought some vegetables. Then, cut the vegetables and washed all of them. Next, I put the vegetables, some salt and oil in the bowl. I mixed all the ingredients up. My mother was very happy.   八   1、famous drove aquarium wetter luckily competition   2、(1)there were (2)on the school trip (3) On my next day off   (4) None of (5) had a yard sale (6)get wet   3、B、B、A、D、B、D、C、C、D、A、B、C、A、B、C   4、(1) was not (2) What did do (3)When did (4)Did go (5)What else   5、B、A、D、C、E   6、A、C、D、B、C、B、A、D、C、D   7、C、B、A、C、D、D、B、B、A、D   8、 It took us about two hours to get there. Then we began to climb the mountain. There were many trees and flowers on it. And there were a lot of visitors. Some of them were foreigners. At noon we sat under the trees and had out picnic lunch. All the food was delicious. We took many photo during the trip.   九   1、usually、nations、violinist、born 、golfer、creative、talented   2、(1)win the first prize (2) was born( 3)major in (4)too……to (5)at the age of (6) take part in (7) because   3、B、D、D、B、C、B、A、C、B、B、C、B、A、C、D   4、(1)Neither is (2) What did do ( 3) played (4) Did go to (5)because of   5、B、C、D、A、C、B、A、B、D、A   6、D、B、C、C、A、(6)逝世(7)He died form heart disease.(8)A cross talk performer. (9)He was forty-six.(10)The writer very sad.   7、(1)decided to study medicine (2)C (3)writing (4)他的书是中国对世界医学最伟大的贡献之一。(5)He finished his great work at the age of 60.   十   1、 rich、send、dreams、save、somewhere、journalist、college instrument   2、 A、D、A、C、B、A、C、C、A、A   3、 (1) when you grow up (2) at the same time (3) keep fit (4) are you going to do part-time job (5) all over   4、 (1) instead of (2) didn"t feel until (3) so small that (4) necessary to (5)what was used   5、 (1) What is your best friend going to be//He is going to be (2)Where are you going to more// Yes, I"m going to more to (3)Is your uncle going to Beijing //Yes ,he is. (4) Are you going to get apart time. //yes, I"m. (5) What are you going to do next year? // I"m going to.   6、 (1)I want to be an actor. (2) Why not go to Hollywood? (3)What are you going to do? (4) Sounds great (5) I hope so.   7、 D、C、B、A、A、B、D、B、A、C   8、 C、B、A、C、D、(6) He built it on a mountain in Canada. (7) What are you going to do?   9、 I have a lot of teachers. But my favorite teacher is Miss Liu . She id outgoing and loving. And she teaches us is very good. We all love her. I thing she is too friendly.   十一   1、 feed disagree trash partner relaxing fold dishes   2、 倒垃圾 do the dishes 扫地 clean the levity room 对换生have a welcome meeting 铺床 a place of interest 锁门 fold the clothes   3、 (1)Could can"t Must needn"t can (2)May can must (3)May may could (4)Could (5) Could must   4、 C、A、C、B、C、C、B、C、D、B   5、 (1)lent to (2)Can you some (3) at home (4) take care of (5)do exercise   6、 (1)Sure, you can. (2)What should I do first (3) I"ll help you.(4)Thanks mom.   7、 D、B、C、D、A、B、A、A、C、D   8、 D、A、C、B、C、(6) After a serious illness. (7) Because he was afraid to lose his work. (8)He laughed louder than any one else. (9)Because he wanted to show that there was nothing. (10)Because it was the same joke as his friends.   9、 I"m Wang huan. My parents and I are going to mount Jiugong on vacation tomorrow, could you please feed my day. Please take my dog for a walk and play with him and give him water and reed him every day. Clean his bed and wash his bowl. Sweeping the flow, taking out the trash.   十二   1、 enough radio close seat dull   2、 (1)do a surrey(2) in town (3) think about (4)good service(5)As for (6) cut the price   3、C、A、A、D、B、C、D、B、C、B   4、(1)the most comfortable(2)the best(3)are the cheapest (4)service close to better then (5)What about quality computer (6)English teacher popular loves   5、(1)Yes, I do.(2)It"s hard to jay .(3)I like basketball better than football(4)Are you good at basketball.(5)Shall we have a basketball game after school.   6、C、C、B、D、A、C、A、B、A   7、(1)In 1971,J.K,kowling wrote he first story.(2)She was a secretary.(3)She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train. (4)In Edinburgh Scotland.(5)She"s famous for her first book.(6-10)T、F、T、F、T   8、 Most of the high schools are good ,and the No.1 High School is the best because it has good teachers and beautiful People"s Hospital is the best of all. It has the most comfortable beds and the friendliest service. Modern Cinema is the best. It has the biggest screens. The best clothing store in our city is Xiwang Clothing Store.
2023-06-22 02:26:281


2023-06-22 02:27:001


2023-06-22 02:27:144

chang in是什么意思

in 后边应该接的是the bathing machine 但是前边提到了bathing machine如果加上了就重复,所以就省略。
2023-06-22 02:27:343


2023-06-22 02:19:511


2023-06-22 02:19:531


2023-06-22 02:19:431