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calm down 是什么意思

2023-05-19 15:14:37

calm down




"It"ll all calm down in a few days" people kept telling us.







calm down是什么意思

2023-01-02 00:42:3312

Calm down什么意思

2023-01-02 00:43:144

“clam down”和“calm down”有什么区别?

其实真正的英语中,是没有“clam down” 这个词的。
2023-01-02 00:43:282

英语语法calm down 的用法

calm down 既可作及物动词短语,也可作不及物动词词组。也就是说:后面既可以接宾语,也可以不接宾语。及物I tried to calm him down, but he just looked at me and smirked.我试图让他冷静下来,但是他只是看着我傻笑。不及物 Calm down, there"s nothing to worry about.安静下来吧,没有什么值得焦虑的。
2023-01-02 00:43:361


calm down vt. (使) 平静,镇静,安静; (使) 平静下来; [例句]If someone calms you down, you become less angry, upset, or excited.[例句]Calm down for a minute and listen to me
2023-01-02 00:43:411

calm down位于句首

2023-01-02 00:43:571

冷静 用英语怎么说?

看不到 就拒绝具体具体记录记录
2023-01-02 00:44:036

英语语法calm down 的用法

2023-01-02 00:44:391

clam down和calm down有什么区别啊?两个都可以当冷静下来吗?

意思不同,前者是镇定下来,后者是冷静一点。calm   down      翻译:平静下来;镇定下来例句:You"d better calm down and level your voice when you give a speech. (演讲时你最好镇定下来并放平声调。)clam   down   翻译: 冷静一点例句:Clam down! It"s no use to be angry. (冷静一下!这么生气没有用。)学习英语的方法和技巧:上课时间一定要充分把握,思维跟着老师走。坚持听磁带录音并大声朗读课文,可改善自己的语音语调。通过学习课文,在课余时间翻译课文。对于每课的语法重点,要适时总结,细致分析。需要背诵的课文一定要能默写。可选购一本符合自己能力的辅导书,每天适当练习。必须熟练掌握八大语法,因为无论是在英语交流还是考试中,都是重中之重。
2023-01-02 00:44:441

keep clam 和clam down的区别是什么

keep calm 和calm down的区别是: keep calm 是 : 保持冷静. 例 : Let"s think of someyhing else. It is a good way to kep calm. 让我们想一些其馀的东西,那是个保持冷静的好方法. calm down 是 : 冷静下来. OK, everydbody just calm down now, nothing bad has happened. 好了,大家冷静下来,并没有甚麼坏事情发生! 很高兴能够帮到你,希望会对你有助,并望采纳,谢谢.
2023-01-02 00:44:491

calm down 与settle down 的区别

calm down平静下来;镇定下来settle down定居;安定下来;专心于
2023-01-02 00:44:551


2023-01-02 00:45:004

Calm Down。 中文叫什么?读什么

2023-01-02 00:45:138

关于“冷静”的英文表达,calm down的用法以及同义表达

The word come and the word down are two of the most recognizable words in the English language.come和down是英语中最容易辨认的两个词。As a stand-alone word, even with no other words, we know what is meant.? For example, if we are out with our kids and we want them to follow us, we simply have to say “come!” and they know what we mean. If our kids are climbing on a tree or something they are not supposed to all we have to say is “down!” The word come originates from the old English word “cuman” (13th Century) which means to arrive or assemble. Eventually, some changes were adopted by the word and it eventually became know as we know it today as come. The word down is also an old English word that originated from “ofdune” which means downward and eventually adapted to its present form “down” and has been used as a preposition since about the 15 centuries.作为一个独立的词,即使没有别的词,我们也知道它的意思。例如,如果我们和孩子们出去,我们希望他们跟着我们,我们只需要说“来!“他们知道我们的意思。如果我们的孩子在树上攀爬什么的,他们不应该说的就是“趴下!“come”一词来源于古英语单词“cuman”(13世纪),意思是到达或集合。最终,这个词被采纳了一些变化,它最终成为我们今天所知道的。down也是一个古老的英语单词,起源于“ofdune”,意思是向下,并最终适应其现在的形式“down”,大约从15世纪起就被用作介词。These two words were a match made in heaven and have produced several phrasal verbs “offspring”.这两个词是天作之合,产生了几个短语动词“后代”。COME DOWN Synonyms (other ways to say):Come down同义词(其他方式说):Collapse, crash, deflation, flop, humiliation, setback, demoralization, humiliation, shame, breakdown.崩溃,通货紧缩,失败,羞辱,挫折,士气低落,羞辱,耻辱,崩溃。1. Meaning of Come Down: (endure, run on, linger)One meaning we use this phrasal verb is to express something to continue to exist for a long time ago.“下来”的意思是:(忍受、奔跑、逗留)我们使用这个短语动词的一个意思是表达一些在很长一段时间前仍然存在的东西。Example 1:? The recipe comes down from my great great grandmother./Example 2:? The land comes down from when my family first settled the land about 200 years ago.例1:菜谱来自我的曾曾祖母。/例2:这片土地来自大约200年前我的家人第一次定居这片土地。Dialog:对话:Jenney:? Hey Alex, what a beautiful vase.珍妮:嘿,亚历克斯,多漂亮的花瓶啊。Alex: Yeah it has come down from generation to generation in our family.亚历克斯:是的,我们家一代又一代都有。Jenny:? Wow, and I guess the same thing with that antique chair, it has come down from your ancestors?珍妮:哇,我猜那把古董椅子也是从你的祖先那里弄下来的?Alex:? Nope.? Haha.? That came down from Pottery Barn.亚历克斯:没有。哈哈。从陶罐里拿下来的。2. Meaning of Come Down: When we talk about something (airplane, building, rain or snow) falls to the ground or goes to a lower level.Come down的意义:当我们谈论一些东西(飞机、建筑物、雨雪)落在地上或降到较低的水平时。Example 1:? The weather balloon came down and hit a car, fortunately, no one was hurt./Example 2:? The gargoyle was old and crumbling and came down from the building after a minor earthquake./Example 3: Hey I am stuck in Toronto; the snow is really coming down and many flights have been canceled./Example 4:? You come down from that tree right now young man!例1:气象气球落下,撞上了一辆汽车,幸运的是,没有人受伤。/例2:石像馆老旧,摇摇欲坠,在一次小地震后从楼里掉了下来。/例3:嘿,我困在多伦多了;雪真的下了,很多航班都取消了。/例4:你现在就从那棵树上下来年轻人!Dialog:对话:Frank: Hey did you hear about that plane coming down today?弗兰克:嘿,你听说今天那架飞机要坠毁了吗?Phoebe: No, I didn"t. Wait a minute I am going to come down to your apartment, I can"t hear you from up hear.菲比:不,我没有。等一下,我要去你的公寓,我听不到你的声音。Frank:??? Hey, ok.? So, I guess the rain was really coming down and the plane came down just outside of NYC.弗兰克:嘿,好的。所以,我想雨真的下了,飞机就在纽约郊外坠落了。Phoebe: Oh my gosh.? That"s terrible.菲比:哦,天哪。太可怕了。3. Meaning of Come Down: (go tits up, fall flounder): We can also use this phrase to indicate that someone has lost status, power and influential.Come down的意思是:(上台,下场):我们也可以用这个短语来表示某人已经失去了地位、权力和影响力。Example 1: That tycoon, has really come down in the world after he lost most of his fortune in the latest market crash./Example 2:? That company has really come down in the phone industry, it just did not have any innovation.例1:那位大亨在最近的一次市场崩盘中失去了大部分财产,因此在世界上真的一败涂地了。/例2:那家公司在电话行业真的一败涂地了,只是没有任何创新。Dialog:对话:Emily:? Hey Ringo, are you still working at Fringle Co.? I heard they are really coming down in the world?艾米莉:嘿,林戈,你还在弗林公司工作吗?我听说他们真的要垮台了?Ringo:? No, I am working for HowU now.? I have taken a pay cut and have really come down in the world now.林戈:不,我现在为豪乌工作。我已经减薪了,现在真的很不走运了。Emily: Well I think the whole country has come down because of the financial crisis.艾米莉:我想整个国家都因为金融危机而垮台了。Ringo:? Yeah, I guess sometimes you have to come down to go back up again.林戈:是的,我想有时候你得下来再上去。4. Meaning of Come Down: We can also use come down when we want to express something to become less in amount, level, price etc.come down的含义:当我们想表达的东西在数量、水平、价格等方面变少时,我们也可以使用下降。Example 1:? We will need to come down in price if we want to increase our market share./Example 2:? I am going to wait and buy the new XPhone to come down in price.例1:如果我们想增加我们的市场份额,我们就需要降价。/例2:我要等着买新的XPhone才能降价。Dialog:对话:Steve:? Bill, I have looked at your proposal and we will need you to come down in price.史蒂夫:比尔,我已经看过你的建议了,我们需要你降价。Bill: Hmmm, we have already come down in the price as well as the warranty period.比尔:嗯,我们已经把价格和保修期都降下来了。Steve:? I get that Bill, we would like to see the price of the unit come down at least for the first 100,00 units and then we can negotiate again for further units.史提夫:我收到帐单了,我们希望至少前10万件的价格能降下来,然后我们可以再谈进一步的价格。Bill: Ok Steve, we are we are willing to come down another 10 % with the understanding that we will see a change in the following year.比尔:好的,史蒂夫,我们愿意再跌10%,但我们知道明年会有变化。5. Meaning of Come Down: We can use a phrasal verb to say that someone or something is going from a larger place or a place that is more North than or considered more important.Come down的意思:我们可以用短语动词来表示某人或某物从一个更大的地方或一个比北方更大或被认为更重要的地方来。Example 1:? My kids are coming down for the weekend./Example 2:? The team from head office are coming down for a meeting.例1:我的孩子们周末要来开会。/例2:总部的团队要来开会。Dialog:对话:Claudia:? Hi Martin, I wanted to invite you and your family to come down to our place.克劳迪娅:嗨,马丁,我想邀请你和你的家人来我们家。Martin:? Hi Claudia.? Wow, Thanks!? We haven"t been to Florida in a long time.马丁:嗨,克劳迪娅。哇,谢谢!我们很久没去过佛罗里达了。Claudia:? Yes, the last time you came down from NYC it was 2 years ago.克劳迪娅:是的,你上次从纽约下来是两年前。Martin:? Yeah. That"s right.? When we were there, your brother also came down from Chicago.马丁:是的。没错。我们在那里的时候,你弟弟也是从芝加哥来的。Claudia:? Yes, he comes down quite often, especially in the winter.克劳迪娅:是的,他经常下来,尤其是在冬天。Martin:? Will he be coming down while we are there?马丁:我们在那儿的时候他会下来吗?Claudia:? He cannot come down.? He was asked to come down, but can"t as his boss asked him to come down to California the same week.克劳迪娅:他不能下来。他被要求下来,但不能像他的老板要求他在同一周来加州一样。Martin: OK, great I will let you know when we will be able to come down.马丁:好的,很好,我们什么时候能下来我会告诉你的。6. Meaning of Come Down: When can use come down to also express something to be long enough to reach the level or certain point.come down的意思:什么时候可以用come down也可以表达一些足够长的东西达到某一水平或某一点。Example 1: The curtains come down to the bottom of the window, they are perfect!/ Example 2:? His hair comes down to his ass, and his pants come down to bellow his ass.? Teenagers!例1:窗帘一直拉到窗底,非常完美!/例2:他的头发垂到屁股上,裤子垂到屁股下吼叫。青少年!Dialog:对话:Veronica: Eduardo, the picture comes down to far, can you help me raise it up?维罗妮卡:爱德华多,这幅画落得太远了,你能帮我把它抬起来吗?Eduardo:? What do you mean, I don"t think it comes down to far, I think it is at a good level.? If it comes down much more it will be too low.爱德华多:你是什么意思,我认为这还不算远,我认为这是一个很好的水平。如果降幅再大,那就太低了。Veronica:? That"s because you are taller. You don"t live here, I do and I need it to come down another couple of inches.维罗妮卡:那是因为你更高。你不住在这里,我住在这里,我需要它再下降几英寸。Eduardo: OK. Well if bring this picture down, the pictures will need to come down the same amount or they will not look even.爱德华多:好的。好吧,如果把这张照片拿下来的话,照片的数量就要一样,否则看起来就不均匀了。Veronica:? OK. That"s fine.? The other pictures can come down another 2 inches as well.维罗妮卡:好的。没关系。其他的照片也可以再下降2英寸。7. Meaning of Come Down: When we make a decision that supports the opposite of something we also use come down.come down的意义:当我们做出一个决定,支持相反的东西,我们也使用come down。Example 1:? The decision of the merger will need to come down from the board./ Example 2:? The decision of his guilt or innocence will be coming down any time now.例1:合并的决定需要由董事会作出。/例2:他有罪或无罪的决定现在随时都会作出。Dialog:对话:Jenny: Hey Jethro, have you heard when the CEO will be coming down with his decision?珍妮:嘿,杰思罗,你听说首席执行官什么时候会做出决定吗?Jethro:? Frank from accounting said he will be coming down with this decision already.杰思罗:会计部的弗兰克说他已经做出这个决定了。Jenny:? Really?? What side did he come down on?? For the merger or against?珍妮:真的吗?他从哪边下来的?赞成合并还是反对?Jethro:? Well, the rumor is he came down on the side in favor of the merger.杰思罗:传闻说他支持合并 。8. Meaning of Come Down: In an informal context, come down can express someone feeling normal again after experience being high from the effects of a drug.come down的含义:在非正式的语境中,下坠可以表达一个人在经历了药物的作用后感觉正常。Example 1:? I just got back from the dentist and just now coming down from the effects of the anesthetic drugs he gave me./Example 2:? Ohh man that concert was fantastic.? I am just coming down from smoking that weed.? I"m hungry!例1:我刚从牙医那里回来,刚从他给我的麻醉药效果中恢复过来。/例2:哦,天哪,那场音乐会太棒了。我刚抽完大麻就下来了。我饿了!Dialog:对话:Wayne:? Hey Brian, your dog looks a little spaced out.韦恩:嘿,布莱恩,你的狗看起来有点精神错乱。Brian:? Hey Wayne.? Yeah, I was at the vet with him and the Vet had to sedate him. He is just starting to come down I think.布莱恩:嗨,韦恩。是的,我和他在兽医那里,兽医必须给他注射镇静剂。我想他刚开始下来。Wayne:? Geez, poor thing.? I haven"t come down from a high in a long time.韦恩:天哪,可怜的家伙。我很久没从高处下来了。Brian:? Yeah, I remember we use to get high and then when we came down we use to raid your mom"s cookie jar.布莱恩:是的,我记得我们过去常常兴奋,后来我们下来时,我们常常袭击你妈妈的饼干罐。Wayne:? Yeah, I always use to get so hungry when I came down from smoking weed.韦恩:是啊,我抽完大麻就饿了。Brian:? We will have to come down together again soon!布莱恩:我们很快就得一起下来了!9. Meaning of Come Down: We can use come down in the context of expressing a lower opinion or to respect something or someone less than you did before.come down的意义:我们可以用下来表达一个较低的意见或尊重某事或某人在你之前完成。Example 1:? My respect for my boss has come down ever since his decision to merge with the ABC company./Example 2:? Your expectations need to come down as things have changed.例1:自从我老板决定与ABC公司合并后,我对他的尊敬就降低了。/例2:随着情况的变化,你的期望值需要降低。Dialog:对话:Bob:? Hi Ryan. Have you heard about the decision the government came down with regarding the tax reform?鲍勃:嗨,瑞安。你听说过政府关于税制改革的决定吗?Ryan:? Yeah.? My opinion has really come down about them.瑞恩:是的。我对他们的意见真的很低。Bob:? I can understand that. My expectations have come down a long time ago regarding politicians.鲍勃:我能理解。我对政治家的期望早就降低了。Other words you can create: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. (ex: mug – mugger)您可以创建的其他单词:名词、动词、形容词、副词等(例如:mug–mugger)Collocations with COME DOWN Related Phrasal Verbs下位相关短语动词的搭配Bring Down – We use this phrase in the context of come down to express something or someone falling to the ground.放下-我们在“放下”的上下文中使用这个短语来表达某物或某人摔倒在地。No one thought that the little boxer could bring down the champion, but that all changed with the champ came down hard into the mat and never got back up.没人认为那个小拳击手能把冠军击倒,但随着冠军的到来,一切都变了,他重重地倒在垫子上,再也没有站起来。Fall out – when something becomes detached and drops out of someplace or something.脱离-当某物脱离,从某处或某物脱落时。The bird fell out of the tree and came down onto the car.那只鸟从树上掉下来,落到汽车上。Beat down (rain falling) – in the context of coming down, we use this to refer to rain falling down heavily and hard/击倒(雨点)–在降落的情况下,我们用这个来指的是雨点猛烈地落下/The rain came down from the sky beating down on our umbrellas.雨从天而降打在我们的雨伞上。Drop away – we use this to express something or someone falling or going away gradually.掉下-我们用这个来表达某物或某人逐渐地掉下来或离开。The sales are dropping down and coming down below last year"s levels.销售额正在下降,并低于去年的水平。Seep away – this is a phrase we use to describe something or someone gradually become weaker or disappear.逐渐消失-这是我们用来形容某物或某人的感受逐渐变弱或消失的短语。His reputation has seeped away and my opinion has come down about him.他的名声渐渐消失,我对他的看法也降低了。Arrive at (decision) – we use this phrase describe someone who makes a decision after some careful deliberation.得出(决定)–我们用这个短语来描述经过仔细考虑后做出决定的人。The judged has arrived at a decision and will be coming down with his judgment in 2 hours.[/en]法官已经作出决定,两小时后将作出判决。[en]Go down in someone"s opinion – we use this to describe when what we think of someone decreases.从别人的观点出发-我们用这个来描述当我们对某人的看法降低时。He has really gone down in the professor"s opinion and has come down in his academic ranking as a result.他在教授的意见上确实下降了,结果他的学术排名也下降了。Cave in – in the context of come down, we use this phrase to describe something that has collapsed from the inside, and implosion.塌陷-在come down的上下文中,我们使用这个短语来描述从内部塌陷和内爆的东西。The building caved in just before it came down.那座建筑物在倒塌前倒塌了。Give way – if something gives way, it breaks or falls down because it is not strong enough to hold the weight of something or someone.让路-如果某物让路了,它会断裂或掉下来,因为它没有足够的力量来承受某物或某人的重量。The cheerleader on the top of the pyramid was to heavy and the legs of the other cheerleaders gave way and they all came down on top of one another.金字塔顶端的啦啦队队长太重了,其他啦啦队队员的腿都被压垮了,他们都互相摔倒了。Come Down Related idioms:Come down相关的俚语:Fall flat on your face – we use this to describe someone to fall forward so that you are laying on your front and it can also be used to describe when someone fails completely and usually in an embarrassing way.趴在脸上——我们用这个词来形容一个人向前摔倒,这样你就可以躺在前面,也可以用来形容一个人完全失败的时候,通常是以一种尴尬的方式。Hit the deck – in this context of coming down, we use this to describe when someone needs to get out of the way of harm quickly.击中甲板-在这种情况下下来,我们用这个来描述当有人需要迅速摆脱伤害的方式。Go through the floor – this is a phrase that is used to describe prices going down significantly.穿过地板–这是一个用来描述价格大幅下跌的短语。Nosedive – sharp and quick decline.俯冲-急速下降。Make up your mind –? in the context of coming down, we use this to describe someone making a decision after long and sometimes too long consideration.下定决心-在下面的上下文中,我们用这个来描述一个人在经过长时间的考虑,有时考虑得太久之后做出的决定。Lose face – when we use this phrase in the context of come down, it is meant to describe a situation where someone loses the respect of others or is embarrassed and humiliated.丢脸-当我们在“下来”这个词的上下文中使用这个短语时,它的意思是描述一个人失去他人的尊重或是感到尴尬和羞辱的情况。Fall from grace – this is an idiom we
2023-01-02 00:46:051

calm …down (使平静,镇定下来) 用以上短语造句并翻译,谢谢

he is very angry,so I must calm him down他很生气,所以我必须是他平静下来
2023-01-02 00:46:143

calm down=relaxing?

2023-01-02 00:46:256

calm down的过去式、?

calmed down,calm可以做动词也可以作为形容词,calm做动词是一个规则动词,直接在其后加ed即可。
2023-01-02 00:46:461

calm down是什么意思

2023-01-02 00:46:526

下雨变小了英语怎么说的,是come down ,slow down,push down ,还是calm down ,每个词都解释一下

come downv.下来, 倒塌, 没落, 病倒, 捐钱, 流传下来, 垂下slow downv.(使)慢下来push down 1.向下推 2.推下去,陷进去 3.按calm downv.平静下来, 镇定下来我想应该是slow down 如果从中选的话
2023-01-02 00:47:142

calm down后面接什么介词

要是个代词,放到这两个词中间,比如she calms me down. 要是名词,放到down的后面,比如she calm down frightened people. calm down 也可是不及物动词,因此后面什么也不跟,比如,man, calm down. please.
2023-01-02 00:47:231

calm(...)down 简单点的

2023-01-02 00:47:284

cool off和calm down有什么区别

cool off 指凉快下来,指温度calm down 指平静下来,指心情,态度*** 猫迷英语专家团提供【Real。American。English。】
2023-01-02 00:47:422

上面一个雨下面一个齐是什么字 雨 齐 这是什么字啊?

  霁   拼音:jì,笔划:6   部首:雨 部首笔划:8 霁 (霁) jì 雨雪停止,天放晴:雪霁.霁色(像雨后晴空那样的颜色).光风霁月.怒气消除:霁颜.霁威.色霁.笔画数:14; 部首:雨; 笔顺编号:14524444413432 霁 霁 jì 【动】 (形声.从雨,齐声.本义:雨止) 同本义〖rainstop〗 霁,雨止也.——《说文》 曰霁.——《书·洪范》.郑注:“兆之光明如雨止.” 旬日不霁.——《汉书·沟洫志》 又如:霁雨(雨停);霁后(雨停后);雪霁 雨后或雪后转晴〖clearup(afterrainorsnow)〗 霜雪不霁.——《淮南子·本经》 复道行空,不霁何虹?——唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》 夜雪初霁.——宋·姜夔《扬州慢》 又如:霁日(雨后见日的晴朗天气);霁朝(雨后初晴的早晨);霁景(雨后鲜明的景色);霁青(陶瓷色名.如雨后晴空的青色) 怒气消散,脸色转和〖calmdown(afterafitofanger)〗.如:霁颜;色霁 霁色 jìsè 〖skyblue〗一种蓝色,与雨后天晴的天空一样的颜色 霁月光风 jìyuè-guāngfēng 〖lightbreezeandclearmoon〗指雨过天晴后清风明月的景象,比喻胸怀宽广,心地坦白.亦称“光风霁月”   霁   (形声.从雨,齐声.本义:雨止)   同本义   霁,雨止也.――《说文》   曰霁.――《书·洪范》.郑注:“兆之光明如雨止.”   旬日不霁.――《汉书·沟洫志》   又如:霁雨(雨停);霁后(雨停后);雪霁   雨后或雪后转晴   霜雪不霁.――《淮南子·本经》   复道行空,不霁何虹?――唐·杜牧《阿房宫赋》   夜雪初霁.――宋·姜夔《扬州慢》   又如:霁日(雨后见日的晴朗天气);霁朝(雨后初晴的早晨);霁景(雨后鲜明的景色);霁青(陶瓷色名.如雨后晴空的青色)   怒气消散,脸色转和   霁(霁)jì雨雪停止,云雾散,天放晴朗:.万里月.云罢雾~.〈喻〉怒气消除,气色转和:.
2023-01-02 00:47:511

calm down过去式?

calmed down过去式
2023-01-02 00:47:562

Calms down是什么意思

calms down: 平定了 Once He Calms Down: 一旦他冷静下来 gradually calms down: 渐渐沉淀
2023-01-02 00:48:133

用calm down造一个句子。

I calm down myself/I calm myself down.自己冷静下
2023-01-02 00:48:242

calm sb./ calm sb. down

2023-01-02 00:48:334

请问 是 calm him down 还是 Calm himself down?

2023-01-02 00:48:474

英语翻译 我们试图使他平静下来,但他仍然不停地叫着.(calm down)

We tried to calm him down,but he still kept shouting.
2023-01-02 00:49:001

我们努力让他平静下来(用calm down英译)

We try to let him calm down.
2023-01-02 00:49:062


2023-01-02 00:49:152

caim down和cool down的区别

calm down - 平静下来cool down - 冷却 / 平息
2023-01-02 00:49:233

翻译calm down relaxn rest

2023-01-02 00:49:352

calm down sb吗

calm down someone who is cryingpacify someonecool him down
2023-01-02 00:49:435

calm down的中文意思

英文词组“calm down”的中文意思是冷静下来、平静下来。其他信息如下:1、calm down 相关短语:(1)help the other calm down 帮助别人镇静。(2)please calm down 请冷静下来。(3)Let"s just all calm down 让我们全都冷静下来。(4)To calm down 把心静下来。2、calm down 的近义词:(1)wind down。(2)go down。(3)wind down(平静下来;放松一下;(钟表等)慢下来)例句:I regularly have a drink to wind down.我经常喝点酒来放松一下。英文词组“calm down”的双语例句包括但不限于:(1)He just needs to calm down a wee bit.他只是需要稍微冷静一点。(2)We will go back to normal when things calm down.一切平息下来后,我们将恢复正常。(3)Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down.响亮的声音通常可以让攻击者冷静下来。
2023-01-02 00:50:071

calm down英文解释

calm down翻译:冷静。calm down一、含义(使)平静;(使)安静。calm,adj. 平静的;冷静的;v. (使)平静;(使)镇静;n. 镇定;平静;平稳。down,adv. 向下;prep. 沿着 ... 而下;adj. 向下的;消沉的;无礼的;n. 绒毛;汗毛;v. 击倒;打败;吞下;被抑制。二、用法calm down 既可作及物动词短语,也可作不及物动词词组。也就是说:后面既可以接宾语,也可以不接宾语。calm down是用来安慰人,让人冷静的。The excited old lady soon calmed down.那个激动的老太太很快就平静下来了。扩展资料:近义词:lull、calm、quiet。一、lull1、含义:v. 使安静;使入睡;哄骗;平息。n. 暂停;间歇。2、举例They lulled me into a false sense of security.他们哄骗我,让我产生了一种虚假的安全感。二、calm1、含义:adj. 平静的;冷静的;v. (使)平静;(使)镇静;n. 镇定;平静;平稳。2、举例She always remains cool, calm and collected in a crisis.她在危难中总能保持冷静、 平静和镇静。三、quiet1、含义:adj. 安静的;宁静的;平静的;n. 安静;平静;闲适;vt. 使平静;使安心;vi. 平静下来。2、举例When you are in a library, you must be quiet.当你在图书馆时,你必须保持安静。
2023-01-02 00:50:191

英语达人进~~calm down和clam down有什么区别吗

calm down和clam down的区别:1、calm down是用来形容一个人冷静的。2、而clam down是用来安慰人,让人冷静的。拓展资料calm down的用法1、Calm down for a minute and listen to me 你安静一会儿,听我说。2、We will go back to normal when things calm down 事态平息之后,我们将一切如常。3、I"ll try a herbal remedy to calm him down 我来用草药试试,看能不能让他镇静下来。4、Do not have a drink or take drugs to calm yourself down. 不要用喝酒或吸毒的方式让自己镇静下来。5、Neil Howorth, director of the academy, tried to calm things down. 研究院主任尼尔·豪沃思力图平息事态。Calm down for a minute and listen to me clam down的用法1、你安静一会儿,听我说。2、We will go back to normal when things calm down 事态平息之后,我们将一切如常。3、I"ll try a herbal remedy to calm him down 我来用草药试试,看能不能让他镇静下来。4、Do not have a drink or take drugs to calm yourself down. 不要用喝酒或吸毒的方式让自己镇静下来。5、Neil Howorth, director of the academy, tried to calm things down. 研究院主任尼尔·豪沃思力图平息事态。
2023-01-02 00:50:311

calm down 是什么意思吖?

2023-01-02 00:50:367

冷静 英文calm down

calm就是用来形容一个人冷静的,例如:他是一个冷静的人 而calm down是用来安慰人,让人冷静的.例如我现在很气恼,你说:"冷静下来(calm down),事情一定可以解决的.
2023-01-02 00:51:011


1.Don"t fly off the handle.Calm down.你先把火头压一压,别着急. 2.I tried to calm her down,but it was not possible,so she kept screaming all throughout the night.我努力使她保持镇定,但是无济于事,她整晚都在不停地尖叫. 3.He was persuaded to calm down at last.经过几番劝说,他的怒气才算是消歇了.
2023-01-02 00:51:061


意难平的英文缩写:ihtcd。全拼是It"s hard to calm down,直译是很难平静下来,翻译成意难平比较多,毕竟中文博大精深。例句:一、It"s hard to calm down. I still miss her.意难平。我还是想她。二、"It"s hard to calm down" is an Internet buzzword.“意难平”是一个网络流行语。三、"It"s hard to calm down" refers to the feeling of being unable to let go, unwilling and unwilling.“意难平”指不能释怀、放不下,不甘心的感觉。四、The world knows that It"s hard to calm down.世人皆知意难平。五、"It"s hard to calm down" heart binding copy.“意难平”扎心文案。
2023-01-02 00:51:111

百度翻译calm down every thing would be fine

2023-01-02 00:51:204

so calm down的意思

so calm down的意思所以冷静点。重点词汇:calm adj. 镇静的,沉着的;平静的,稳定的;风平浪静的n. (精神或情感状态的)镇静,平和;宁静,安静v. 使平静,使镇静;冷静下来,镇静下来;恢复平静,恢复正常【名】 (Calm)(法、德)卡尔姆(人名)短语calm down 平静下来 ; 镇定下来 ; 平息 ; 别冲动dead calm 风平浪静 ; 航越地平线 ; 飞越地平线 ; 怒海惊情Very calm 很淡定 ; 不淡定
2023-01-02 00:51:371

keep clam 和clam down的区别是什么

keep calm 和calm down的区别是: keep calm 是 : 保持冷静. 例 : Let"s think of someyhing else. It is a good way to kep calm. 让我们想一些其馀的东西,那是个保持冷静的好方法. calm down 是 : 冷静下来. OK, everydbody just calm down now, nothing bad has happened. 好了,大家冷静下来,并没有甚麼坏事情发生! 很高兴能够帮到你,希望会对你有助,并望采纳,谢谢.
2023-01-02 00:51:471


:calm down Karen it"s just(短袖-3801) 品牌:东莞市殷凡服饰有限公司 版型:宽松型 领型:圆领 袖型:常规袖 流行元素:印花,撞色,拼接,3D/立体图案
2023-01-02 00:51:531

Calms down是什么意思

calm down vt.& vi. 1.(使)平静,镇静,安静 At last the wild wind calmed down. 狂风终于过去了. Calm down,there"s nothing to worry about. 冷静点儿,没有什么好担心的.
2023-01-02 00:51:581


意难平的英文缩写:ihtcd。全拼是It"s hard to calm down,直译是很难平静下来,翻译成意难平比较多,毕竟中文博大精深。例句:一、It"s hard to calm down. I still miss her.意难平。我还是想她。二、"It"s hard to calm down" is an Internet buzzword.“意难平”是一个网络流行语。三、"It"s hard to calm down" refers to the feeling of being unable to let go, unwilling and unwilling.“意难平”指不能释怀、放不下,不甘心的感觉。四、The world knows that It"s hard to calm down.世人皆知意难平。五、"It"s hard to calm down" heart binding copy.“意难平”扎心文案。
2023-01-02 00:52:031


意难平的英文缩写:ihtcd。全拼是It"s hard to calm down,直译是很难平静下来,翻译成意难平比较多,毕竟中文博大精深。例句:一、It"s hard to calm down. I still miss her.意难平。我还是想她。二、"It"s hard to calm down" is an Internet buzzword.“意难平”是一个网络流行语。三、"It"s hard to calm down" refers to the feeling of being unable to let go, unwilling and unwilling.“意难平”指不能释怀、放不下,不甘心的感觉。四、The world knows that It"s hard to calm down.世人皆知意难平。五、"It"s hard to calm down" heart binding copy.“意难平”扎心文案。
2023-01-02 00:52:111


He is so exciting that we have no way to calm him down 他是如此激动以至于我们没有办法使他冷静下来
2023-01-02 00:52:191

keep clam 和clam down的区别是什么

keep calm 和calm down的区别是:keep calm 是 : 保持冷静。例 : Let"s think of someyhing else. It is a good way to kep calm.让我们想一些其馀的东西,那是个保持冷静的好方法。calm down 是 : 冷静下来。OK, everydbody just calm down now, nothing bad has happened.好了,大家冷静下来,并没有甚麼坏事情发生!!很高兴能够帮到你,希望会对你有助,并望采纳,谢谢。
2023-01-02 00:52:256