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高分求空竹的英文简介 字数至少300字

2023-06-22 08:30:20


The Chinese yo-yo is a toy from China consisting of two equally-sized discs connected with a long axle. The Chinese yo-yo is kept spinning on a string tied to two sticks at its ends. Each stick is held in one hand. In modern times, it is used as a children"s toy and as a performance tool in juggling and sometimes in Chinese ethnic dance. It is possible to perform a large variety of tricks with the Chinese yo-yo which can be as easy as throwing the yo-yo up into the air or tossing it around the user"s back. It was found during the Ming dynasty.

Like the Western yo-yo, it maintains its spinning motion through a gyroscopic effect based on conservation of angular momentum.

Chinese yo-yos were traditionally made of bamboo, which was very easy to break and not convenient for complicated tricks. Modern models, however, are now made of plastic for added durability. The sticks used with the yo-yo continue to be made of wood.

Some Chinese yo-yos have grooves inset in the rim of the discs; these grooves cause them to make a whistling sound when spinning at high speeds. The sound allows the performer to gauge his speed and adjust the yo-yo accordingly.

The Chinese yo-yo is thousands of years old and has been adapted in the West as the diabolo. The Chinese yo-yo differs from the diabolo in two primary ways. First, the axle of the Chinese yo-yo is much longer than that of the diabolo. Also, the Chinese yo-yo has wheel-shaped discs, whereas the diabolo consists of two bell-shapes. The Chinese yoyo is also typically grooved and made of hard plastic, while diabolos are not grooved and usually made of a durable rubber material. For a comparison, see a picture of a Chinese yo-yo here and a picture of a diabolo here.

There are many different ways to accelerate the yo-yo. The simplest way to accelerate your yo-yo is to move both sticks up and down; this is known as open string drive . To speed the yo-yo up faster you will go into what is called closed string drive; in order to do this, you need to wrap the string around the yo-yo once. For beginners, to get into closed string drive put the yo-yo on the floor and have the string spread out under it. Now take the right stick and move it counter clockwise, lift up the yo-yo and move the string under it. Also note that when the yo-yo is running in the middle of the string, it will be called standard position.

Accelerate: the first thing you need to learn to accelerate.

Lift Up: lift the yo-yo up while the yo-yo is running on the string.

Swing: swing the yo-yo from the sticks clockwise and then counter

clockwise (like a swing that goes over the top)

Elevator: have one stick at the top and one at the bottom and pull the sticks apart, the yo-yo will ascend[also called ant climbing the tree]

Toss and Catch: launch the yo-yo into the air by separating the sticks rapidly. Catch on taut strings.

Stick Grind: get the yo-yo to run on the yo-yo stick

Jumping: have the yo-yo running on one of the sticks and then throw it into the air and catch it with the other stick

Waterfall: from standard position, take one stick and wrap it over the other stick and then under the yo-yo; from here take the second stick and flip in the opposite direction

Wrap and Escape:from standard position, take one stick and wrap it over the other stick and then under the yo-yo; from here move the first stick all the way over so that it crosses over the Chinese yo-yo.

More advanced tricks include:

Fake Throw: move to side of yo-yo, then take one stick and quickly wrap it over the other stick, then under the yo-yo. go behind the first stick, and cross over the top. from this position, slide the stick under the yo-yo one last time and fling the yo-yo over. the yo-yo should swing back to you.

Around the World:push yo-yo up with one stick, then force the yo-yo down with enough momentum to circle around the other.

Propeller:push one stick up into the air, allowing the yo-yo to fly into the air, and twirl the released stick around, catching it as it completes a revolution.


A set of Devil Sticks consists of one baton—usually about 60-120 cm (2-4 feet) long—and two control sticks—generally about 1 cm (0.4 inch) thick and 30-50 cm (12-20 inches) long—which are used to manipulate the baton. The baton (often called "the center stick" or simply "the stick") is in some instances tapered from the end to the center, typically about 3 cm (1.2 inch) in diameter at the ends and 1.5 cm (0.6 inch) in the middle. Designs and measurements vary quite widely. In extreme cases, the center stick may be as short as 1-foot (0.30 m) or so, ranging to the extreme length of slightly more than twice that of the juggler"s height, in which case the juggler has to stand on a table or pedestal. Most commonly, though, control sticks will be about as long as the combined length of the juggler"s hand and forearm, the baton being slightly longer than the width of the juggler"s upper body.

The baton is lifted/struck/stroked alternately by the two control sticks ("handsticks" or "sidesticks"). The control sticks, and sometimes the baton as well, are often covered with leather, silicon, rubber, tape, skateboard grip, sandpaper or cloth, in order to provide good "grip" or friction when in contact with the Devil Stick. Some sets, on the other hand, are made of polished, bare hardwood.

In one basic stick maneuver, known as the Pendulum, the Idle or Tick-tock, the center stick is lifted alternately with the left and right handsticks touching the baton at a point about halfway between the center of gravity and each end, causing the ends to swing to either side while the center of the baton remains at a somewhat constant height.

The pendulum is an important move to learn, because to a great extent, every other trick is a variation on it.

The "helicopter" spin is a variation in which a horizontal rotational force is applied as the baton "pendulums" in the vertical plane, causing a continuous rotation in a nearly horizontal plane. Advanced twirlers can twirl the stick with one stick only (called the propellor), with an arm, knee or other limb and are able to manipulate the baton in any plane above below or in front of or behind the performer"s body while walking, unicycling or tightrope balancing. Some can even twirl two batons simultaneously.

There are an infinite number of tricks available for the Devil Sticks:

Any trick done with one hand can be learned with the alternate hand.

Rotations can be reversed, such as helicopter or propeller spins.

It is possible to cross ones arms as the devil stick is tick-tocked, this can lead to what appears to be a Devil Sticks version of a three-ball juggling trick called "Mills Mess".

Devil Sticks may be placed vertically on one"s nose, chin, elbow, foot, etc., and balanced by moving the bottom of the stick in the same direction that the top is beginning to fall towards.


Cephalostachyum is a simple bamboo toys.It is the middle of a slender wooden shaft with a hollow circle at both ends of each round, round a few weeks to open mouth square posts.Truss with two short a rope, the rope wrapped around his waist in the Cephalostachyum axis, the upper and lower jitter, whistle mouth like a ringing sound will be issued.

Diabolo was originally a kind of Chinese folk children"s play, then people will diabolo onto the stage and become the voice of the acrobatic show, it has also been praise for the people acrobatics in "music poetry."





2023-06-21 10:17:161


baton在国外很火,国内偏小众 ,。这是表哥从国外带回来的,我很喜欢,分享一下
2023-06-21 10:17:257


2023-06-21 10:17:411


2023-06-21 10:17:506


2023-06-21 10:18:191


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2023-06-21 10:18:454


2023-06-21 10:19:023


2023-06-21 10:19:231


2023-06-21 10:19:441

BatON 三星S8+为什么显示无法连接蓝牙耳机

2023-06-21 10:19:512


布兰顿-巴斯(BrandonBass)|魔术队|32号|前锋|  生 日1985-4-30年 龄24岁  出生地路易斯安那州BatonRouge  毕业学校LouisianaState  身 高2.03米(6英尺8英寸)体 重109公斤(240磅)  进入NBA2005年NBA球龄3年  07-08赛季工资:77万美元  合同情况:2年底薪,2007/7/26签,2009夏到期,2008夏球队选项  选秀情况2005年第2轮第3顺位被黄蜂队选中  赛季最高分18分生涯最高分18分  布兰顿-巴斯于2005年第二轮第三顺位被新奥尔良黄蜂队选中,他是个内线技术娴熟,中投技术过硬,敢打敢拼的大个子,以往只是没有获得足够的机会而已。巴斯在2007年季前赛表现神勇,证明了自己的实力
2023-06-21 10:20:061


2023-06-21 10:20:244


2023-06-21 10:20:324

有一个调音台+2只 JBL Control 25音响+两只BATON(大)音响。请问如何把它们组建起来?

2023-06-21 10:21:052


2023-06-21 10:21:247


家用KTW音响8寸可以一拖四,利用SKAA无线传输方式即可。SKAA无线传输方式,这是专为音频而开发的一种传输方式,最初是在舞台和录音棚中使用,可传输192kHz录音棚质量的音质,Korus首先把这种传输技术带到了无线音箱领域。SKAA类似于蓝牙而胜于蓝牙,传输距离比蓝牙大一倍,在室内的无线传输距离可达85英寸,室外可达175英寸,而且稳定性更强。另外,无须Wi-Fi网络环境,因而不会影响局域网的速度。每个房间都充满乐韵:搭载了SKAA的Korus无线音箱能提供更长的传输距离,用户可以在多个房间同时使用它们。当Korus检测到新设备时,可自动无缝连接到多达4只无线音箱。另外,配套的Korus APP可以在App Store免费下载,应用程序允许用户为每个Baton和音箱命名,并支持单独音量控制或整体音量调整,方便多房间共同使用,甚至包括户外区域,从卧室的1台,到家中多个房间同时使用4台。可以同一时间在4个区域完全同步地播放同一首歌曲,再大的空间也能随时随地享受高品质音乐。而且设置十分简捷,只需一个触摸按钮,用家即可重新配置多个Korus音箱一起或单独工作。轻松便利的人性化操作,轻松分享音乐:免去了复杂的网络设置或配对过程,SKAA技术使Korus无线音箱不需要通过APP程序来传输音乐。使用时只需要将一只小小的Baton信号发射器插入iPhone的闪电端口或PC/MAC的USB端口,就可轻松连接各类智能设备。任何移动设备上的歌曲都可以通过它播放出来,而且每只Korus无线音箱都可记忆多达10个不同的Baton发射器。另外,通过一条USB转换线缆还可以边播放音乐边为iPhone、iPad或iPod充电。三款音箱都有一个3.5mm的音频输入接口可提供有线传输方式,而M20无线音箱还额外提供蓝牙连接方式,方便安卓平台的应用。
2023-06-21 10:21:401


2023-06-21 10:21:543

潘通卡上的baton rouge是什么意思

Baton rouge是彩通配色系统(或称潘通配色系统)中的一种颜色,其彩通配色系统代码为18-2527 TPX。如果需要,可以在彩通公司官网上查找改颜色,w色w色w色.p色a色n色t色o色n色e色.c色o色m/p色a色g色e色s/p色a色n色t色o色n色e/c色o色l色o色r色f色i色n色d色e色r.a色s色p色x,(wangzhi里面删掉”se“)在这儿输入颜色名称或代码(即baton rouge或18-2527 TPX,就能找到该颜色)。
2023-06-21 10:22:021


BATON SWORD 组合警棍博击刀-大号,弹珠锁,钛黑版(水管刀)警棍与博击刀完美结合
2023-06-21 10:22:091


通过手机正确连接AirPods之后,只需要打开AirPods的电池盖即可在手机屏幕上看到详细的电池电量信息;您也可以在负一屏的小组件处以及控制中心的音频控制处找到电池的电量信息。以下是详细介绍:1、如果AirPods与iPhone已经自动配对连接后,只要在iPhone屏幕点亮或解锁的情况下,在旁边打开 AirPods 充电盒上盖便会在手机屏幕上弹出它的电量信息;2、您可以在桌面左滑到尽头,然后拖动到最底下的【编辑】按钮,点击进入小组件的列表,找到【电池】的组件,点击左侧的绿色【+】按钮,在最左侧就可以看到手机和AirPods的电池容量;3、您还可以在控制中心下的播放控制模块中,找到播放的设备列表,AirPods下方就会显示电池的电量和充电盒的电量;不同手机和蓝牙耳机的设置不同,苹果AirPods可以在充电盒靠近手机时打开盖子,手机会显示充电盒和耳机电量。也可以在主屏幕页面往左滑动进入小组件页面,添加【电池】小组件查看。安卓手机可以使用BatON软件查看。部分降噪耳机可以在应用中查看。以下是详细介绍:1、不同手机和蓝牙耳机的设置不同,首先以苹果的AirPods为例,在正确配对AirPods之后,只需把AirPods的充电盒盖子打开,几秒之后iPhone手机屏幕上会弹出Airpods耳机目前电量情况;2、也可以在主屏幕页面往左滑动进入小组件页面,在向下滑动点击【编辑】选项,找到【电池】选项,点击电池文字前面的【+】,还可以按住后面的三条横线拖动位置,设置完成后点击右上方的【完成】,返回小组件页面就可以看到手机和已经连接上的AirPods电量;3、安卓手机可以使用一个名为BatON的软件,显示蓝牙设备电量,在耳机正常连接后,打开软件就可以在程序主界面或者通知栏显示蓝牙设备电量,软件主界面中出现的耳麦图标和耳机名称项表示的就是蓝牙耳机电量。4、部分降噪耳机例如BOSE和索尼的产品,提供手机相应的应用调节降噪幅度等,在相应的软件中会显示耳机设备的当前的电量。
2023-06-21 10:22:401


2023-06-21 10:22:493


2023-06-21 10:24:041


2023-06-21 10:24:311


因为是论坛上的大哥发出来的,所以我只是把其中的中文名称试了出来,不全,起码没有试出来食人花种子代码 名称 类型simple_belt 皮带 腰带snake_belt 蛇腰带 腰带ogr_belt 食人魔皮带 腰带steel_band 腰带 腰带steel_belt 钢腰带 腰带rune_belt 符文腰带 腰带champion_belt 冠军腰带 腰带silber_chain 银锁甲 腰带mage_belt 魔法腰带 腰带valor_sign 英勇徽章 王权标志diplomat_sign 外交徽章 王权标志rage_sign 盛怒徽章 王权标志dwarf_beer 矮人啤酒 普通物品mana_potion 魔法药剂 普通物品rage_potion 愤怒药剂 普通物品mana_well 魔法水 普通物品cook_rat 油炸的老鼠 普通物品blood_band 血带 王权标志salamander_banner 火蜥蜴旗帜 王权标志silver_horn 银角 王权标志heroism_banner 英勇旗帜 王权标志gryphon_feather 狮鹫羽毛 王权标志gryphon_banner 狮鹫旗帜 王权标志iron_teant 铁牙 王权标志true_belief_banner 信仰旗帜 王权标志officer_baton 军官权杖 王权标志colonel_baton 团长权杖 王权标志general_baton 将军权杖 王权标志marshal_baton 元帅权杖 王权标志nephrite_belt 玉带 腰带luck_belt 幸运腰带 腰带chief_belt 领袖腰带 腰带monk_belt 修士腰带 腰带round_shield 圆盾 护盾dragonslayer_shield 屠龙盾 护盾shield 护盾 护盾big_shield 巨盾 护盾
2023-06-21 10:24:441


州名(州名缩写)  首府名   亚拉巴马 Alabama -- AL 蒙哥马利  Montgomery  阿拉斯加 Alaska -- AK   朱诺  Juneau  亚利桑那 Arizona --AZ   菲尼克斯  Phoenix  阿肯色 Arkansas -- AR   小石城  Little rock  加利福尼亚  California -- CA 萨克拉门托  Sacramento  科罗拉多   Colorado -- CO   丹佛 Denver  康涅狄格 Connecticut -- CT   哈特福德 Hartford  特拉华 Delaware -- DE   多佛 Dover  佛罗里达 Florida -- FL   塔拉哈西 Tallahassee  佐治亚 Georgia -- GA 亚特兰大 Atlanta 夏威夷 Hawaii -- HI 檀香山   Honolulu  爱达荷 Idaho -- ID 博伊西   Boise  伊利诺伊 Illinois -- IL   斯普林菲尔德 Springfield  印第安纳 Indiana -- IN   印第安纳波利斯  Indianapolis  艾奥瓦 Iowa --IA   得梅因   Des Moines  堪萨斯 Kansas -- KS 托皮卡   Topeka  肯塔基 Kentucky -- KY   法兰克福 Frankfort  路易斯安那 Louisiana -- LA  巴吞鲁日 Baton Rouge  缅因 Maine -- ME  奥古斯塔 Augusta  马里兰 Maryland -- MD   安纳波利斯 Annapolis  马萨诸塞 Massachusetts -- MA  波士顿   Boston  密歇根 Michigan -- MI   兰辛 Lansing  明尼苏达 Minnesota -- MN  圣保罗   St. Paul  密西西比 Mississippi -- MS 杰克逊   Jackson  密苏里 Missouri -- MO   杰斐逊城 Jefferson City  蒙大拿 Montana -- MT 海伦娜   Helena  内布拉斯加 Nebraska -- NE   林肯 Lincoln  内华达 Nevada -- NV 卡森城   Carson City  新罕布什尔 New hampshire -- NH  康科德   Concord  新泽西 New jersey -- NJ 特伦顿   Trenton  新墨西哥 New mexico -- NM 圣菲 Santa Fe  纽约 New york -- NY   奥尔巴尼 Albany  北卡罗来纳 North carolina -- NC 纳罗利   Raleigh  北达科他 North dakota -- ND   俾斯麦   Bismarck  俄亥俄 Ohio -- OH   哥伦布   Columbus  俄克拉何马 Oklahoma -- OK  俄克拉何马城 Oklahoma City  俄勒冈 Oregon -- OR    塞勒姆   Salem  宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania -- PA  哈里斯堡 Harrisburg  罗得岛 Rhode island -- RL   普罗维登斯   Providence  南卡罗来纳 South carolina -- SC 哥伦比亚 Columbia  南达科他 South dakota -- SD  皮尔 Pierre  田纳西 Tennessee -- TN  纳什维尔    Nashville  得克萨斯 Texas -- TX  奥斯汀   Austin  犹他 Utah -- UT   盐湖城  Salt Lake City  佛蒙特 Vermont -- VT   蒙彼利埃 Montpelier  弗吉尼亚 Virginia -- VA   里士满   Richmond  华盛顿 Washington -- WA 奥林匹亚 Olympia  西弗吉尼亚 West virginia -- WV  查尔斯顿 Charleston  威斯康星 Wisconsin -- WI  麦迪逊   Madison  怀俄明 Wyoming -- WY 夏延 Cheyenne
2023-06-21 10:25:182


王权标志:游戏中按 [Shift] + ~ 开启控制台,输入以下秘籍可得到对应效果:秘籍 作用item blood_band 血带item engineer_adjuster 机师徽章item gryphon_banner 狮鹫旗item gryphon_featder 金色羽毛item heroism_banner 英勇之旗item iron_karaklum 铁坠子item officer_baton 士官权杖item salamander_banner 火蜥旗item valor_sign 勇气徽章item silver_horn 白银号角item colonel_baton 军尉权杖item dark_soul 黑暗碎片item diploma_antimage 抗魔学证书item diploma_botanic_ 植物学证书item diploma_lizardology 蜥蜴学证书item doc_searcher 公文item general_baton 将军权杖item marshal_baton 元帅权杖item piret_flag 海盗旗item shark_teant 鲨鱼牙齿item uho_orka 兽人耳朵item demon_tongue 恶魔舌头item rage_sign 愤怒徽章item true_belief_banner 真信之旗item diplomat_sign 外交徽章item branding_iron 背叛者印记item dragon_eye 巨龙之眼item dragon_heart 巨龙之心item flame_torch 燃烧火炬item holy_cross 圣十字架(神圣之戒之一)item iron_cross 铁十字架item muhomor_basket 一筐毒蕈item raiven 渡鸦item rusted_cross 锈十字架item talant_collector 军官特许证item talant_collector_bad 被签署的军官特许证
2023-06-21 10:25:251


亚拉巴马州AlabamaAL蒙哥马利Montgomery阿拉斯加州AlaskaAK朱诺Juneau亚利桑那州ArizonaAZ菲尼克斯Phoenix阿肯色州ArkansasAR小石城Little rock加利福尼亚州CaliforniaCA萨克拉门托Sacramento科罗拉多州ColoradoCO丹佛Denver康涅狄格州ConnecticutCT哈特福德Hartford特拉华州DelawareDE多佛Dover佛罗里达州FloridaFL塔拉哈西Tallahassee佐治亚州GeorgiaGA亚特兰大Atlanta夏威夷州HawaiiHI火奴鲁鲁Honolulu爱达荷州IdahoID博伊西Boise伊利诺伊州IllinoisIL斯普林菲尔德Springfield印第安纳州IndianaIN印第安纳波利斯Indianapolis艾奥瓦州IowaIA得梅因Des Moines堪萨斯州KansasKS托皮卡Topeka肯塔基州KentuckyKY法兰克福Frankfort路易斯安那州LouisianaLA巴吞鲁日Baton Rouge缅因州MaineME奥古斯塔Augusta马里兰州MarylandMD安纳波利斯Annapolis马萨诸塞州MassachusettsMA波士顿Boston密歇根州MichiganMI兰辛Lansing明尼苏达州MinnesotaMN圣保罗St. Paul密西西比州MississippiMS杰克逊Jackson密苏里州MissouriMO杰斐逊城Jefferson City蒙大拿州MontanaMT海伦娜 Helena内布拉斯加州NebraskaNE林肯 Lincoln内华达州NevadaNV卡森城Carson City新罕布什尔州New hampshireNH康科德 Concord新泽西州New jerseyNJ特伦顿Trenton新墨西哥州New mexicoNM圣菲Santa Fe纽约州New yorkNY奥尔巴尼Albany北卡罗来纳州North carolinaNC纳罗利Raleigh北达科他州North dakotaND俾斯麦Bismarck俄亥俄州OhioOH哥伦布Columbus俄克拉何马州OklahomaOK俄克拉何马城Oklahoma City俄勒冈州OregonOR塞勒姆Salem宾夕法尼亚州PennsylvaniaPA 哈里斯堡Harrisburg罗得岛州Rhode islandRL普罗维登斯Providence南卡罗来纳州South carolinaSC哥伦比亚Columbia南达科他州South dakotaSD皮尔Pierre田纳西州TennesseeTN纳什维尔Nashville德克萨斯州TexasTX奥斯汀Austin犹他州UtahUT盐湖城Salt Lake City佛蒙特州VermontVT蒙彼利埃Montpelier弗吉尼亚州VirginiaVA里士满Richmond华盛顿州WashingtonWA奥林匹亚Olympia西弗吉尼亚州West virginiaWV查尔斯顿Charleston威斯康星州WisconsinWI麦迪逊Madison怀俄明州WyomingWY夏延Cheyenne
2023-06-21 10:25:321


欧洲三大魔法学校之一,校长是奥利姆·马克西姆。Beauxbatons Acadeny of Magic(Beauxbaton在法语中是“美丽的手杖”的意思。)学校的纹章是两根金灿灿的十字交叉的魔杖。每支魔杖上都冒出三颗星星。原著和罗琳本人都没提到关于布斯巴顿的分院的事情,不是每个魔法学校都要像霍格沃茨一样分院。
2023-06-21 10:25:391

I dropped the baton.此句的中文意思?

2023-06-21 10:26:336

接过接力棒 英语怎么说

take the relay baton
2023-06-21 10:26:493

美国的所有州 中英文名称 谢~

只记得Los ANGLES和 California,Washington D.C., 可以在有道上面找 洛杉矶 加州 华盛顿
2023-06-21 10:27:344


布兰登-巴斯 (Brandon Bass)30#,前锋/中锋,波士顿凯尔特人 身高:2.03米 体重:113.39公斤(250磅) 出生日期:1985年04月30日 出生地:美国 学校B 选秀情况:2005年第2轮第3顺位 目前年薪:6,950,000美 元
2023-06-21 10:27:491

2023-06-21 10:27:573


physical education
2023-06-21 10:28:206


2023-06-21 10:28:5011

baton sword是什么意思

2023-06-21 10:30:391


Every French soldier carries a marshal\"s baton in his knapsack建议还是这句吧
2023-06-21 10:30:564


Thailand baton rouge prosperous county"s address
2023-06-21 10:31:043


steak 扒类别pasta 粉类别roast 烤类别deepfry 油炸类别omelette 西式煎蛋饼。vegetable
2023-06-21 10:31:132


四所 格兰芬多 斯莱特林 赫奇帕奇 拉文克劳
2023-06-21 10:31:2413


拿破仑原句是:“Every French soldier carries a marshal"s baton in his knapsack”直译的话:A soldier without ambition for a general is a bad soldier.
2023-06-21 10:32:073


2023-06-21 10:32:166


2023-06-21 10:32:322


..............209 加州,夫勒斯诺和 Stockton213 加州,洛杉矶310 加州,贝芙丽希尔408 加州,圣荷西和 Sunnyvale415 加州,旧金山510 加州,奥克兰562 加州,长滩619 加州,圣地牙哥626 在加州超出区号 818 的地区707 加州, Eureka ,那帕和圣罗莎714 加州, Orange City 和阿那罕姆市760 加州, Palm Springs 和帝王谷805 加州, Bakersfield , Ventura 和 Simi Valley818 加州,洛杉矶北方市郊909 加州, Riverside 和圣博那帝诺916 加州,圣克里门托和 South Tahoe
2023-06-21 10:33:132

哈利波特中 四个 学院 英文 全称

2023-06-21 10:33:292


AL - 阿拉巴马 AK - 阿拉斯加 AR - 阿肯色 AZ - 亚利桑那 CA - 加尼福尼亚 CO - 科罗拉多 CT - 康乃狄克 DE - 德拉瓦 FL - 佛罗里达 GA - 乔治亚 HI - 夏威夷 IA - 爱荷华 ID - 爱达荷 IL - 伊利诺 IN - 印地安那 KS - 堪萨斯 KY - 肯塔基 LA - 路易斯安那 MA - 麻萨诸塞 ME - 缅因 MD - 马里兰 MI - 密西根 MN - 明尼苏达 MO - 密苏里 MS - 密西西比 MT - 蒙大拿 NE - 内布拉斯加 NC - 北卡罗莱纳 ND - 北达科他 NH - 新罕布夏 NJ - 纽泽西 NM - 新墨西哥 NV - 内华达 NY - 纽约 OH - 俄亥俄 OK - 奥克拉荷马 OR - 奥勒冈 PA - 宾汐法尼亚 RI - 罗德岛 SC - 南卡罗莱纳 SD - 南达科他 TN - 田纳西 TX - 德克萨斯 UT - 犹他 VT - 佛蒙特 VA - 维吉尼亚 WA - 华盛顿 DC - 华盛顿 D.C. WV - 西维吉尼亚 WI - 威斯康辛 WY - 怀俄明
2023-06-21 10:33:403


bettle的意思是:名词:战役;会战;战斗;冲突;斗争;战斗;斗争;争取;奋斗;动词:勉强度日,艰难生活;动词:与?作战;与?斗争。造句:1、I am battling with my employers for a pay-rise。我正向雇主力争增加工资。2、This is my first battle with a human mortal。这毕竟是我第一次跟别人交锋。3、They battled with the wind and the waves。他们与风浪搏斗。4、The policeman used his baton to battle with the rascal。警察用警棍和歹徒搏斗。5、Her battle with the wets in her cabinet almost plunged her into despair 。她同内阁反对派斗争,几乎使她陷入绝望。
2023-06-21 10:33:471


警拐 ,又称丁字棍、T型拐、或简称单字“拐”,因为目前是不少国家(包括中国)警用器械之一,故称警拐,具有“攻”与“防”的双重功能。它本是中国古兵器,但是对现代短兵器影响深远,警方普遍使用的警拐,就是根据传统拐的变形得来。由此,拐的实战威力可见一斑。其外观如“T”字,一般警拐重量轻,强度高,方便携带,成为居家防范,安保巡防的通用防卫器具。但由于警拐的特殊外形,对于初学者来讲,极易伤害到自己,一般要求找专业人员教练为佳。美国这种警棍的学名叫侧柄警棍(Side Handle Baton),来源于日本冲绳岛武术<<古武道>>的器械Tonfa(トンファー),是中国武术器械拐的分支。美国警察在训练时,手握侧柄转腰划一个弧线,警棍会借惯性向前抽180度,非常狠。这种拐式警棍还有很多用法,如贴身战中手握侧柄用短头捅对方的胸腹,上面说的用来作护臂挡刀棍,用警棍的直角撬门窗等。
2023-06-21 10:33:561


2023-06-21 10:34:152