barriers / 阅读 / 详情


2023-06-21 20:46:24



give sth a discount


in discount



abate的意思vt.减少,减轻; [法]取消法令,作废; vi.减轻; 失效; n.减轻; 折扣; abandon是指:vt.放弃,抛弃; 离弃,丢弃; 使屈从; 停止进行,终止; n.放任,放纵; 完全屈从于压制;abate主要是“减少”,一般是用来表示社会上的某种潮流啊、经济趋势、风雨之类的减少。我查到它的英文解释是make less active or intense。而abandon完全不一样,是完全就放弃啦~这个答案是我原创的,希望对你有帮助
2023-06-21 07:27:411


The wind is getting weakerThe wind weakened gradually
2023-06-21 07:28:085

请教一下这几个词的区别dwindle derease abate lessen reduce

dwindle derease一般用来描述统计表格的升降…abate一般是说实物的减少reduce是指数量或实物的减少…lessen比较通用
2023-06-21 07:28:482


2023-06-21 07:29:413


abate [u0259u02c8beit] vt. 减少, 减轻(痛苦等); 降低, 减(价); 缓和 消除; 停止 作废, 中断 排除(故障) 磨钝 敲落 砍平石块, 修削石块 使...的锋刃卷曲或变钝; 回火 vi. (风、雨等)减弱, 减退 abater 【法】 撤销者, 诉讼中止原因, 除害者
2023-06-21 07:31:093


2023-06-21 07:31:392


2023-06-21 07:31:531


2023-06-21 07:32:252


2023-06-21 07:32:453

英语 单词补全

it-hit fit bit git cit ,titbitcat bat eat fat datbate kate date mate abatenoon moon boon goon spoonan ban can dan fan han突然想起来,你可以在词典里查,用后方一致,这个选项
2023-06-21 07:32:522


小罗 弗拉米尼
2023-06-21 07:33:109


  下文《托福听力常用短语总结》由托福频道为您整理,欢迎您访问浏览更多考试资讯。   1.flying colors--success, victory   2.little by little--gradually off--cancel   4.come into--receive, especially after another"s death   5.put off--postpone   6.stop by--make a brief visit on one"s way elsewhere   7.tie up--hinder out for--trying to get   9.fill in for--take another"s place   10.turn down-- (1) refuse or reject   (2) reduce the loudness of   11.go off--begin to ring   12.cut down--lessen; reduce; limit   13.come up with--produce; supply   14.make it-- (1) achieve a specific goal   (2) succeed in general   15.catch one"s eye--attract one"s attention for-- (1) like; value   (2) look after; take care of   17.head and shoulders above--much better   18.catch on--become popular   19.on the whole--in general   20.fill sb in--tell what sb should know a nutshell--in a few words   22.from top to bottom--completely; entirely   23.take the plunge--enter with sudden decision upon an unfamiliar course   of action   24.on the tip of one"s tongue--unable to be recalled   25.cheer up--feel happy; stop being sad or discouraged; become hopeful   26.hold off--postpone; delay   27.on cloud nine--a state of perfect happiness   28.back out--withdraw from an undertaking   29.grin and bear it--be as cheerful as possible in pain or trouble; do s   omething without complaining   30.turn out to be--come to be; prove   31.bite off more than one can chew--attempt something that exceeds one"s ab   ility the air--uncertain   33.get hold off--find a person so you can speak with him   34.learn the ropes--acquire thorough or special knowledge of a job   35.tear oneself away from--depart with great reluctance; force oneself to le   ave   36.tie up--engage or occupy completely   37.touch on--mention a subject briefly or casually   39.see to it--take care;take the responsibility;make sure   40.get along with--live or work in harmony with   41.give away--give as present   42.account for--explain   43.out of print--no longer available for purchase from the publisher   44.send out--distribute no time--in a very brief time;almost at once   46.before long--soon;without much delay by ear--(1)play an instrument without using written music (2   )handle a matter without adequate preparation or guidance   48.wear and tear--loss or damage caused by use   49.come what may--no matter what happens   50.drop by--make a short or unplanned visit short of--not having enough   52.cut it out--stop doing sth sick of--be tired of;having a strong dislike of   54.look for a needle in a haystack(a bottle)--search for something in a plac   e where it is hopelessly lost.   55.knock oneself out--work very hard;make a great effort up against--encounter   57.far from--anything but;not at all   58.far from it--by no means;not at all   59.hang on to--hold tightly;keep firmly   60.get nowhere--be unsuccessful;obtain no result in and day out--every day;all the time   62.break down--cease to function   63.get going--get started;begin to move   64.take one"s time--not hurry   65.boil down to--indicate,especially as a final judgement or analysis   66.make up--take a test for the second time   67.put up with--bear with patience;tolerate and by--before long   69.give someone a hand--help;assist   70.ring a bell--sound familiar   71.snap out of it--   (1)change one"s habits,attitude,etc,suddenly   (2)regain one"s composure,energy,or good spirits;recover   72.raise the roof--make trouble;start a fight or an argument   73.get away with--escape without punishment   74.on business--with definite work to do   75.look up--search for;as an item of information,in a referance book   76.let up--(1)cease;stop   (2)slacken;abate any case(or event)--no matter what happens   78.come out--be published   79.look into--investigate;inspect   80.fall back on--rely on   81.spell out--explain very clearly or in detail   82.wrap up--bring to end,especially a successful conclusion one"s breath--keep silent because talking will not help   84.hold up--(1)delay;hinder   (2)endure,last   85.have one"s hands full--be very busy;be able to do no more   86.How come?--How is it?Why?   87.stick around--stay or wait nearby   88.make out--get along;manage   89.turn up--appear,turn out,show up   90.hold off--postpone;delay
2023-06-21 07:33:371


2023-06-21 07:33:487


2023-06-21 07:34:042

寻实况8里两位妖人 英文名字??

2023-06-21 07:34:573


2023-06-21 07:35:041

求新赛季AC米兰的球员大名单。。。最好包括号码和英文名字。。。 如果有全家福和每个球员照片的话最好。。

2023-06-21 07:35:123


2023-06-21 07:35:402


abate英 [u0259u02c8beu026at] 美 [u0259u02c8bet] vt. 减少,减轻;[法]取消法令,作废vi. 减轻;失效n. 减轻;折扣
2023-06-21 07:35:471


  开头是a的单词有很多,比如:aback、abate、abbey、abet、able等。aback:adv.向后;处于顶风位置;向后地;吓了一跳   扩展资料   部分单词解析:abate:   vt.减少,减轻;[法]取消法令,作废   vi.减轻;失效   n.减轻;折扣   [例句]Themarriageofafemesoledefendantdoesnotabatethewrit.   单身女性被告结婚不会导致该令状无效。   able:   adj.能够的;有能力的;有才干的`;干练的   [例句]LordBlindinghamwasanableadministrator.   布林丁翰勋爵是位能干的管理者。
2023-06-21 07:35:541


开头是a的单词有很多,比如:aback、abate、abbey、abet、able等。aback:adv.向后;处于顶风位置;向后地;吓了一跳 扩展资料 部分单词解析:abate: vt.减少,减轻;[法]取消法令,作废 vi.减轻;失效 n.减轻;折扣 [例句]Themarriageofafemesoledefendantdoesnotabatethewrit. 单身女性被告结婚不会导致该令状无效。 able: adj.能够的;有能力的;有才干的`;干练的 [例句]LordBlindinghamwasanableadministrator. 布林丁翰勋爵是位能干的管理者。
2023-06-21 07:36:001


abase 贬抑、降低; abate 减少、减轻; abide 遵守、坚持; able 能够; ache 疼痛; acute 厉害的; adore 崇拜 扩展资料   例句:   A man who never respect others will abase hisself.   不尊重别人的人同时也自贬了身份。   He would not abase himself by showing fear.   他不愿露出惧色而有失身份。   Steps are to be taken to abate pollution.   应该采取措施减少污染。   can"t abide people who can"t make up their minds.   我无法容忍下定不了决心的"人。   My head had begun to ache and my stomach felt funny.   我的头开始疼了,我的胃也感到不对劲。
2023-06-21 07:36:081


缩小反义词:发展,夸大,延长,扩充,扩大,放大,膨大缩小_百度汉语[拼音] [suō xiǎo] [释义] 使在规模、数量、范围或数目上减少;由大变小
2023-06-21 07:36:291


2023-06-21 07:36:471

oon前面加2个字母,组成一个新单词。 ate前面加两个字母组成一个新单词。an前加一个字母,后加一个字母。

2023-06-21 07:36:562


a,an 一个 aback 向后 abase 贬抑;降低 abash 使局促不安 abate 减少;减轻 abbey 修道院 abet 教唆 abhor 痛恨 abide 遵守;坚持 able 能够 about 关于 above 在…上面 abuse 滥用 abyss 深渊 ache 疼痛 acid 酸性的 acme 顶点 acorn 橡子 acrid 辣 act 担任 acute 厉害的 add 增加 adept 老手 ado 忙乱 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰 ago 以前 agree 同意 air 空气 active 积极的 approve赞同 advance先进 acknowledge承认 allow允许 ambitious有志气的 appreciate欣赏alive 活着的ant 蚂蚁 adder 蝰蛇 alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 anchovy 凤尾鱼 anteater 食蚁兽 antilope 羚羊 ass 驴architecture建筑物Anonymous 匿名的 alloy 合金 Action 开始apple 苹果Acute 敏锐的 Aggravate 加剧,使恶化Appropriate 合适的,恰当的Analogy 类比Array 陈列,一系列Alien 外行 Abolish 废除Attendant 随从 Alert 警告 Authentic 真实的Appeal 吸引力 Anniversary 纪念日alien 外星人
2023-06-21 07:37:031


1. reduce; decrease; lessen; cut down; run-down; decay; depress; spano; droop(ing); lessening; facilate; degrade; thin-out; minus; deplete; minify; rebate; waning; drop; fall off; sink; go down; cut; cut back; make [give] a reduction; be on the decrease; diminish; abatecut down by ten percent;减少百分之十reduction in wages;减少工资population decrease;人口减少make considerabale reduction;大幅度减少reduce nonproductive expenditure;减少非生产性开支reduce time taken by meetings;减少开会时间lessen the danger;减少危险simplify organization and reduce administrative levels;精简机构,减少层次There has been a decrease in traffic accidents.交通事故减少了。Last year there was a 20% decrease in his earnings.去年他的收入减少了20%。They hope for a small diminution in taxes.他们希望捐税能稍有减少。 1. (产生的结果) effect; resultnot very effective; produce little effect;效果不大bring about a striking effect; be very effective;效果显著achieve good results;取得良好的效果the unity of motive and effect;动机和效果的统一The prescribed medicine failed to take effect.医生开的那药没有效果。2. {剧} sound effects
2023-06-21 07:37:101


2023-06-21 07:37:301


2023-06-21 07:38:111

an apple什么意思啊?

a,an 一个 aback 向后 abase 贬抑;降低 abash 使局促不安 abate 减少;减轻 abbey 修道院 abet 教唆 abhor 痛恨 abide 遵守;坚持 able 能够 about 关于 above 在…上面 abuse 滥用 abyss 深渊 ache 疼痛 acid 酸性的 acme 顶点 acorn 橡子 acrid 辣 act 担任 acute 厉害的 add 增加 adept 老手 ado 忙乱 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰 ago 以前 agree 同意 air 空气 active 积极的 approve赞同 advance先进 acknowledge承认 allow允许 ambitious有志气的 appreciate欣赏alive 活着的ant 蚂蚁 adder 蝰蛇 alligator 短吻鳄, 美洲鳄 anchovy 凤尾鱼 anteater 食蚁兽 antilope 羚羊 ass 驴architecture建筑物Anonymous 匿名的 alloy 合金 Action 开始apple 苹果Acute 敏锐的 Aggravate 加剧,使恶化Appropriate 合适的,恰当的Analogy 类比Array 陈列,一系列Alien 外行 Abolish 废除Attendant 随从 Alert 警告 Authentic 真实的Appeal 吸引力 Anniversary 纪念日alien 外星人如有帮助请采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-21 07:38:191


decrease [di:ˈkri:s]vt. & vi.(使)缩短; 减小, 减少The traffic accidents in the city decreased last year.该城市去年交通事故减少了。n.减小, 降低There has been some decrease in imports.进口货物有所减少。减少(量)The decrease in sales was almost 20 percent.销售量差不多减少了20%。用法词典 decrease 来自拉丁词decrescere〈de- 失出+ crescer长大→减少 参考词汇decrease , lessen , diminish , reduce , abate , dwindle 这组动词的一般含义为“减少”。 decrease 和lessen比较普通,如果用词不讲究,可以代替这组词中任何其他词。decrease (名词亦为decrease,但重音在第一个音节上)强调数目或使人不快之物的逐渐减少。 如:to decrease the number of working hours,to decrease traffic accidents.The workmen want to decrease the number of working hours and increase pay.工人要求减少工作时间而增加工资。
2023-06-21 07:38:373

谁帮忙翻译一下 下面几个单词

保持安静 keep silence 或 button up one"s mouth打折 abate 或 at a discount 或rebate 或water sth. down恕不出售 beg to be unsaleable问询处counseling或 consultation 或refer售票处 booking office 或 paybox 或 ticket office男/女厕所 男men"s room 或 lavatory 女ladies" toilet 或the " lady ”厕所有人/厕所没人 lavatory in use/ lavatory vacant毛重/净重 gross weight/net weight 或 suttle意见箱 suggestion box切勿近火 keep away from fire谨防扒手Beware of pickpockets 或 Be ware of pickpocket 或Be cautious of thieves!
2023-06-21 07:38:524


2023-06-21 07:39:123


2023-06-21 07:39:261

A( )( )( )e英语单词

2023-06-21 07:39:366


【 #四六级考试# 导语】备考是一种经历,也是一种体验。每天进步一点点,基础扎实一点点,通过考试就会更容易一点点。以下是 为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。 1.2022年12月英语六级翻译热门词汇   表示主要的,重要的词 primary, major, main, chief, important, essential, significant   表示充足的 enough, sufficient, plenty, abundant   表示适当的 appropriate   表示提升,改善,加强 enhance, improve, strengthen   表示合法 valid, legal, lawful, rightful   表示卓越不凡 extraordinary, excellent, uncommon, remarkable, outstanding.   表示很有名气 well-known, noticeable, famous   表示义务,有责任去做 compulsory, required, obligatory   表示积极,主动 positive, proactive   表示合理 sound, rational, correct, sensible, logical, reasonable   表示英勇 brave, bold, valiant, heroic, courageous, fearless   表示巨大 huge, large, giant, vast, enormous   表示牢固稳定 sturdy, strong, firm, tough, stable, hardy   表示声誉 reputation, fame, prestige   表示巅峰、顶点 tip, top, peak, apex, zenith, climax   表示发现、探索 discover, seek, search   表示增加 increase, enlarge, multiply, expand, raise, accelerate, broaden, magnify   表示减少 reduce, decrease, decelerate, lessen, debase, abate, diminish, decline, discount, subtract, deduct   表示转变 convert, change, transform, switch   表示提供、提交 offer, supply, provide, furnish, contribute, submit   表示构成、组成 constitute, consist, organize, form, erect, establish, compose, comprise,   加快人才培养 accelerate the training of professionals   与……建立关系 establish relationship with   在……取得进步 make progress in   表示有用,有益 helpful, useful, utile, beneficial   发挥……的作用 play (central, crucial, decisive, essential, fundamental, important, key, leading,) major,primary, prominent, significant, vital) role in 2.2022年12月英语六级翻译热门词汇   1、all-round development 全面发展   2、education background 学历   3、undergraduate (student) u2f24学本科u2f63   4、freshman/ sophomore/ /junior/ senior   u2f24u2f00新u2f63/u2f24ニ学u2f63/u2f24三学u2f63/u2f24四学u2f63   5、university graduates u2f24学毕业u2f63 master graduate 硕u2f1f毕业u2f63   6、postgraduate (student) 研究u2f63   7、reading quantity of students 学u2f63阅读量   8、school enrollment 招生(入学)人数   9、stay up late 熬夜   【就业】   1、start one"s own business 创业 2、hunt a job 找u2f2f作   3、expected income 期望薪酬 4、employed population 就业u2f08u2f1d 3.2022年12月英语六级翻译热门词汇   教育、学位的描述   硕u2f20学位 a master" s degree   博u2f20学位 a doctors degree   学u2f20学位 a bachelor" s degree   成u2f08教育 adult education u2fbc等教育 higher education   教育u2f45式:education pattern   在线教育:online education   传统教育:traditional education   出国学习:study abroad/ overseas   职业技术教育:vocational and technical education
2023-06-21 07:39:511


2023-06-21 07:40:006


2023-06-21 07:40:187

2023-06-21 07:30:446


  多伦多大学始建于1827年,坐落在加拿大第一大城市多伦多,是加拿大的一所顶尖学府,也是世界范围享有盛誉的研究性大学。在学术及研究方面,其经费、捐款、国家教授奖项、研究出版规模和藏书量皆为加拿大之首。那么多伦多大学留学生衣食住行如何呢?下面和一起来看看吧。   Housing   Living in Residence   Immerse yourself in university life by living on campus. Residence is guaranteed for new full-time students entering their first year of university in an undergraduate program for the first time. Each U of T campus has a range of housing options that will help you integrate into a fun, supportive and close-knit community at the University. Walk to classes, on-campus events, athletic facilities and libraries. Take part in movie nights, recreational sports events, study groups and club activities. And find convenient and helpful services, from healthy dining options and laundry facilities, to city tours and academic mentorships. Living in residence is a great way to kick off your university experience. Find out more about U of T housing services at UTM, UTSC and St. George.   一、住宿   1、学生宿舍住宿   选择校内住宿,将自己完全融入到大学学生当中。对于第一次开始大学一年级本科专业学习的新入学的全日制学生而言,多伦多大学会保证其获得住宿房间。多伦多大学的每一个校区都有多种类型的住宿选择,它们帮助你融入到一个有趣的、具有支持性的以及联系紧密的社区中。学生宿舍一般距离教学楼、校内活动场地、运动设施以及图书馆很近,学生步行可达。你可以从健康的用餐选择以及洗衣设施中找到方便有效的服务,以顺利过渡自己的学习和生活。在校内住宿是开始自己大学生活的一个好方法。阅读下面的信息,了解多伦多大学密西沙加校区、圣乔治校区以及世嘉堡校区住宿服务相关信息。   Off-Campus Housing   Some students opt to live off campus in one of the Greater Toronto Areau2019s many student-friendly and culturally diverse neighbourhoods. If you decide to find your own housing arrangement, the Universityu2019s housing offices can help you navigate the rental market and find the best fit. Browse the University of Torontou2019s off-campus rental housing listings, and find another student to share a rental unit, using our Roommate Finder service. Access the University of Torontou2019s off-campus rental housing supports.   2、校外住宿   一些学生选择校外居住,在大多伦多地区的很多学生友好型和文化多样型邻近周边住宿。如果你决定自己在校外寻找住宿地点的话,那么多伦多大学的住宿办公室可以帮助你了解房屋租赁市场,并且找到最适合自己的房子。浏览多伦多大学校外租房清单,使用多伦多大学的室友寻找服务,寻找其他可以合租宿舍的同学。你可以获得多伦多大学校外租房的支持。   Campus Residence Options   Mississauga Campus Residence Options   With the University of Toronto Mississaugau2019s Academic Living Communities, first-year students share residence space with students in the same, or a similar academic discipline. Live in traditional-style dormitories or townhomes, and take part in a variety of seminars, social events and study sessions.   Upper-year students often live in residence in student leadership roles like dons or residence advisors. Others live in shared apartment-style housing.   Accessible units are available in both first-year and upper-year residences. Accommodations have elevators, automated door openers, braille signage and other features that make them as equitable and inclusive as possible.   St. George Campus Residence Options   Located in the urban core of downtown Toronto, the University of Torontou2019s St. George campus residences provide students with a comfortable home-away-from-home. Whether living in one of the St. George campusu2019 seven colleges, or in the Chestnut Residence, students experience a tight-knit community feel within the countryu2019s top research university.   In addition to residence living, St. George campusu2019 colleges also serve as community hubs. They sponsor specialized academic programs and provide student services, dining options and cultural spaces. Students in the Faculty of Arts and Science all join a college, even if they decide not to live in residence.   Each of the residence options has a distinctive character and legacy. Most have dormitory-type accommodation, while some have shared apartment-style units. Accessible accommodations are available.   Scarborough Campus Residence Options   Living in residence has many advantages, including proximity to campus, a supportive learning environment and leadership opportunities. The University of Toronto Scarborough offers townhouse and apartment suites, the majority of which have single rooms. Accessible accommodations are available.   UTSC townhouses are within a five-minute walk to classes and facilities. Each unit is shared among four to six students, and is fully furnished with bedrooms, one or two bathrooms, a kitchen, storage area and living/dining room. They are in the most scenic areas of campus and most have single-occupancy bedrooms.   The Joan Foley Hall apartment building features three- and four-bedroom units, equipped with two bathrooms, a full kitchen, a living/dining room and a storage room. Each floor has a common room with a view of the scenic Highland Creek Valley.   3、校内宿舍选择   (1)密西沙加校区学生宿舍   在多伦多大学密西沙加校区的学术居住社区,第一年大学学生和来自相同或者相似学术学科的学生共享住宿空间。居住在传统式的学生宿舍或者是排屋,参加多种多样的研讨会、社会活动以及学习会议。   高年级学生通常以学生领导角色(例如导师或者学生宿舍顾问)居住在学生宿舍。爱她学生居住在共享的公寓式住宿房间里面。   在大学一年级学生宿舍和高年级学生宿舍中都由多种服务设施提供,学生宿舍有电梯、自动门、盲文标牌以及其他设施,这使得学生宿舍更加的具有公正性与包容性。   (2)圣乔治校区学生宿舍   多伦多大学圣乔治校区学生位于多伦多的城市中心地带,为学生提供了舒适的学生宿舍,给学生一种宾至如归的感觉。无论是居住在圣乔治校区的7个学院中的学生宿舍,或者是Chestnut学生宿舍,学生都可以在这样一个顶尖的研究型大学中获得一种紧密联系的社区感。   除了学生宿舍住宿之外,多伦多大学圣乔治校区学院还是学生的社区中心。它们赞助了特殊的学术计划,并且提供多种学生服务、用餐选择以及文化交流空间。艺术和科学学院的学生都会参加某一个学院,即使是决定不居住在学生宿舍的学生。   每一种学生宿舍选择都有鲜明的特点。大部分学生宿舍都是宿舍型住宿,而也有一些有共享的公寓式房间。提供住宿访问的机会。   (3)世嘉堡校区学生宿舍   居住在学生宿舍有很多的好处,包括距离校区较近、一种支持性学习环境以及领导机会。多伦多大学世嘉堡校区提供了连排别墅以及公寓套房,当中大部分都有单人间。提供住宿访问的机会。   多伦多大学世嘉堡校区的连排别墅距离教室和学校设施只有五分钟的步行路程。每一个住宿单元由4-6个学生合住,并且带有整套家具,包括卧室、一个或者两个洗手间、一间厨房、储物区域以及客厅/餐厅。这些宿舍都位于整个校区风景最美丽的区域,并且大部分都有单人卧室。   Joan Foley大楼公寓建筑提供三室房间和四室房间,配备两个洗手间、一套完整的厨房设备、一间客厅/餐厅以及一个储物间。每一层都有一个公共区域,可以观赏到美丽的海兰河流域。   Dining & Food   All three U of T campuses have diverse dining options u2013 from local and organic food, vegetarian and vegan fare, to university dining halls and cafeterias, brand-name chains, pubs, cafes, sushi or pho, and much more. Expand your palette at the University, not just your mind.   Some residences have mandatory meal plans, providing students with nutritious food in a social setting. Even if youu2019re not living on campus, you can sign up for a meal plan that works with your lifestyle and offers discounted prices. Meal balances are conveniently loaded on your T-card.   Toronto is renowned for its culinary culture, and U of T students can explore the world of food available in markets and restaurants throughout the GTA. Students at U of T Mississauga and U of T Scarborough enjoy the benefit of being surrounded by the flavours of Asia, the Caribbean and the Middle East as well as many popular North American favourites.   二、餐饮和食物   多伦多大学的三个校区有多种用餐选择——从当地的有机食物、素食和纯素食、到大学食堂和自助食堂、品牌连锁店、酒吧、咖啡馆、寿司或河粉店,等等。   一些学生宿舍有强制性的用餐计划,为学生在社会场合中提供有营养的食物。即使你不居住在校内,你也可以购买符合你生活习惯的用餐计划。用餐费用直接从你的学生卡上扣除。   多伦多以其餐饮文化而著称,并且多伦多大学学生可以在整个GTA的市场和饭店中找到世界各地的食物。多伦多大学密西沙加校区和世嘉堡校区的学生可以享受到亚洲、加勒比和中东、以及很多北美风味的食物。   Mississauga Campus   UTM offers on-campus and non-residence meal plans. The campus has a variety of culinary choices u2013 from residence dining halls, to The Pita Pit, International Kitchen, Subway and Booster Juice.   1、密西沙加校区   多伦多大学密西沙加校区提供校内和非学生宿舍用餐计划。密西沙加校区有多种饮食选择——从学生宿舍食堂到Pita Pit、国际厨房、以及强力果汁。   St. George Campus   At the U of T St. George campus in downtown Toronto, students can discover a wide variety of dining options, both on campus, and in the surrounding neighbourhoods. From convenient grab-and-go kiosks, to multi-cultural dining, vegetarian fare and much more.   2、圣乔治校区   多伦多大学的圣乔治校区位于多伦多市中心,学生可以找到多种用餐选择,包括校内用餐、周边临近地方用餐。从便利的即买即走售货亭,到多元文化的餐厅、素食店等等。   Scarborough Campus   Enjoy pasta, sushi or pan-Asian cuisine in UTSCu2019s bright and informal Market Place, pick up a sandwich from Beechgrove Market or La Prep Instructional Centre, or head over to the student-run restaurant, Rexu2019s Den. Youu2019ll find many healthy and convenient food options on campus.   3、世嘉堡校区   在多伦多大学世嘉堡校区的非正式市场你可以享受到美味的意大利面食、寿司以及泛亚美食,从Beechgrove市场或者La Prep教学中心可以获得三明治,或者是去学生经营的餐厅用餐,例如Rexu2019s Den。你可以在校内找到很多健康而又便利的用餐选择。   Transportation   Youu2019ll find many ways of getting around in Toronto and the GTA, with its interconnected bus routes, subways, streetcar lines, GO trains, bike trails, walking paths and a campus-to-campus shuttle. All campuses have well-lit walking paths linking buildings, and provide various accessible transportation options. Decide how youu2019re going to move around, and plan your route!   三、交通   在可以在多伦多和GTA找到很多的出行方式,公车线路、地铁、有轨电车、GO trains、自行车车道、人行道以及校区间的区间车相互连接。多伦多大学的所有校区都有光线充足的人行道,并且提供很多便利的交通方式。选择自己适合的交通方式,计划自己的出行。   Mississauga   Public Transit   Get around Mississauga on MiWay buses. All UTM students can pick up their U-Pass for unlimited fare-free rides, and MiWay routes will take you to destinations across Mississauga. They also connect with neighbouring transit systems such as the Toronto Transit Commission, Brampton Transit and Oakville Transit. UTM students also get a discounted rate on GO Transit, a regional network of train lines and bus routes that spans the GTA and extends to the Hamilton Area.   Whether youu2019re planning a long trip, or need a quick ride, public transit can be a convenient and cost-effective option.   Shuttle Bus   Catch the UTM Shuttle Bus to the St. George campus. Students just need to show a valid student TCard to ride, and buses run every 20 minutes during the week. You can also catch a separate shuttle bus from UTM to Sheridan College, Trafalgar Campus.   Accessible Transportation options   From specially equipped MiWay buses, to accessible spaces on the Shuttle Bus and door-to-door Wheel Trans service, youu2019ll find many ways to get around Mississauga and the campus.   Walking and Biking   Explore well-lit walking paths linking buildings at UTM, along with a rapidly growing network of on- and off-road cycling paths. You can rent a bike for no charge or learn how to repair your own bike for free at the UTM BikeShare, a pioneering service at UTM.   Driving   If youu2019re driving to campus, youu2019ll find safe and convenient student parking lots available, along with affordable parking pass options. You might want to consider the carpool program, and find out if youu2019re eligible for the eco park rebate.   1、密西沙加校区   (1)公共交通   搭乘MiWay公交车玩转整个密西沙加。所有多伦多大学密西沙加校区(UTM)的学生可以使用他们的乘车证无限制的免费乘车,并且MiWay可以带你抵达密西沙加的任何地方。它们通常还和附近的交通系统连接在一起,例如多伦多交通系统、宾顿公车局、以及奥克维尔公车局。UTM学生也可以获得安省公交公司(一个地铁线和公车线的区域网络)的优惠价钱,范围遍及GTA,并且延伸到汉密尔顿地区。   无论你是计划长途出行,还是需要一个快捷搭乘,公车系统都是最便利并且最实惠的出行选择。   (2)区间(公共汽)车   搭乘UTM的区间车前往圣乔治校区,学生只需要出示有效的学生TCard就可以搭乘,并且公共汽车在工作日是每20分钟一班。你还可以搭乘从UTM到谢尔丹学院特拉法尔加校区的独立区间巴士。   (3)便利的交通方式   从配备特殊设备的MiWay公共汽车,到区间车上的可用空间以及门对门的轮椅专车服务,你将会找到很多交通方式到达密西沙加以及密西沙加校区的任何地方。   (4)步行和骑自行车   在UTM有着光线良好的人行道,以及急剧增加的公路上和非公路上的自行车车道。你可以免费租用一辆自行车,或者是在UTM BikeShare免费学习如何修理你的自行车,这是UTM的创新服务。   (5)开车   如果你开车去学校的话,你会发现学校提供了地面停车场和地下车库停车场两种选择,以及多种类型的停车许可证。你可能会考虑拼车计划,并且想了解自己是否符合获得经济型停车折扣的资格。   St. George   Public Transit   Hop on the subway, a bus, streetcar or an accessible Wheel-Trans to get around the city. The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) is the third-largest public transit system in North America, and helps around 1.5 million people commute around the GTA every day. U of T students get discounted rates on TTC Student Monthly Metropasses. And youu2019ll find a variety of phone apps that can help you plan your trip, and let you know when the next vehicle will arrive at your stop.   Students also get a discounted rate on GO Transit, a regional network of train lines and bus routes that spans the GTA and extends to the Hamilton Area.   Shuttle Bus   Catch the Shuttle Bus to the University of Toronto Mississauga campus. Students just need to show a valid student TCard to ride, and buses run every 20 minutes during the week.   Accessible Transportation options   From elevators in many subway stations, door-to-door Wheel-Trans service and specially equipped TTC buses, you will find accessible options for getting around the city.   Biking   Toronto has multiple bicycle lanes, off-road bike and multi-use paths and signed shared roadways. Youu2019ll find bike racks across the St. George campus, as well as bike lanes and lockers available for rent. Ride your own bike, and access affordable repairs and DIY advice and tools at the on-campus cycling non-profit Bikechain. You could also become a member of Bike Share Toronto, and get access to a shared bike whenever you need one.   Driving   If youu2019re driving to campus, youu2019ll find both surface and underground garage parking options, and a variety of permit options. Barrier-free parking spots are available, as is motorcycle parking. You can also look into a car-sharing service if you donu2019t have your own vehicle.   2、圣乔治校区   (1)公共交通   你可以搭乘地铁、公交车、有轨电车、或者是便利的轮椅专车抵达城市各个地方。多伦多交通运输系统(TTC)是整个北美洲第三大公共运输系统,每天帮助大约150万人在GTA中穿行。多伦多大学的学生可以获得优惠价钱的TTC学生公交月卡。并且你将会发现多种手机应用,它们可以帮助你规划你的出行,并且提示你下一班车抵达你所在站点的时间。   学生还可以获得安省公交公司(一个地铁线和公车线的区域网络)的优惠价钱,范围遍及GTA,并且延伸到汉密尔顿地区。   (2)区间(公共汽)车   搭乘区间(公共汽)车到多伦多大学的密西沙加校区,学生只需要出示有
2023-06-21 07:30:531


我有 要了看信息
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2023-06-21 07:31:162


翻译如下:( 那就是)西方大学校园的魅力所在: (That is ) the charm / attaction of Western university campuses
2023-06-21 07:31:201

bayi 什么意思

2023-06-21 07:30:382


校园讲座英语短文   Nowadays more and more lectures are held on college campuses. These lectures are usually on different topics,such as arts,life, psycology,the economy,world issues. Lectures have become an important part of college campus life. Undoubtedly college students have benefited a lot from various lectures. Above all, the lectures broaden the students knowledge horizon and cultivate their interest in different fields.  Whats more, some lectures teach students practical knowledge and skills,such as how to make up and how to become self-confident. Besides,lectures make the life of college students colourful and enjoyable.   With these merits,lectures are a good complement to required classes. However,if a student spends too much time attending lectures, his regular study might be affected. Therefore,in my opinion, college students should attend good lectures on condition that they do their class work as well.
2023-06-21 07:30:351


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2023-06-21 07:30:165


Xi"an, the historical city, was called Chang"an in ancient times, and is now the capital of Shaanxi province. Xi"an is situated in the center of Weihe Plain with the towering and verdant Mt. Qinling in the south, with the meandering and rolling Beishan mountain system in the north and eight rivers around it, all of which are at Guang Zhong Plain (the center of passes). Historically, it was famous for being called "a gold city stretching a thousand li" with its fertile soil, mild climate, adequate rainfall and rich products. Xi"an has a long history. Since the earliest societies, humanity lived and multiplied here. It served as a capital for twelve dynasties, including the Western Zhou, Qin, Western Han, Sui and Tang dynasties, spanning over 1120 years. It became the oriental cultural center of the Silk Road.Many dynasties kept the city beautiful and magnificent. More than two hundred and seventy palaces and temples, for example, were built in the Qin dynasty, in the Han dynasty the "Three Han Palaces", namely Changle, Weiyang, Jianzhang Palaces, and numerous other palaces and watch towers were built. In the City of Chang"an of the Sui and Tang dynasties, luxurious palaces sprang up like tree, of which Taiji, Daming and Xingqing Palaces and the forbidden garden of the Tang dynasty to the north of the town were very large. Now, from these architectural sites people still can imagine the general picture of what Chang"an City was like, then. All the emperors of the Qin, Han, Tang and other dynasties had their magnificent mausoleums built. Qin Shi Huang"s mausoleum at the foot of Lishan Hill in Lintong county, for example, is the earliest example of a grand mausoleum for an emperor in ancient China. The twelve emperors of the Western Han dynasty were mostly buried on the plateau to the north of the Weihe River. Their tomb-mounds were man-made and quite imposing, but emperors of the Tang dynasty began to have their bombs constructed into hills. They are scattered in the counties to the north of the Weihe River and called the "Eighteen Tang Mausoleums". In front of these mausoleums were erected huge stone carvings, while inside them were exquisite funeral objects and colorful murals, a feast for one"s eyes. Some of the monasteries and Buddhist pagodas constructed in many dynasties have remained well preserved, including the most famous ones, as the Big Wild Goose (Da Yan) Pagoda in Ci"en Temple and the Small Wild Goose (Xiao Yan) Pagoda in Jianfu Temple. The bronze wares of ancient China are an important example of the splendid culture that reflect this slave society. Feng and Hao in the Xi"an area, which were the capitals of the Western Zhou dynasty, have been acclaimed as "the Home of the Bronze wares", as a wealth of bronze items unearthed from there, over the years. It was quite popular to put up stone tablets in front of tombs to record the merits and achievements of the departed, in many dynasties, and a great deal of stone tablets and calligraphy data remain to this day. So Xi"an is also famous for being "the Home of Calligraphy".
2023-06-21 07:30:153