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2023-06-21 20:41:41

Hung ya dong Chongqing Bayu culture and a humanistic roots. It is said that the flood banks of the Jialing River are standing ya dong Bayu culture. Chongqing Hongya dong reflects the indomitable human tenacity of will, is the witness of history and culture of Chongqing and the symbol of the spirit of the city of Chongqing. Hongya dong folk style is located in Yuzhong District. Bounded by the Jialing River, south of Jiefangbei Pro Wiratchant White Road, the project will run for about 600 meters along the river, the total area of commercial buildings over 60,000 square meters, the most traditional architectural characteristics Bayu "Diaojiaolou" style as the main body, the mountain on the potential, through layered building units, hanging feet, stack fault, stop practices such as mountain building, the food and beverage, entertainment, leisure, health, hotels and shopping and cultural characteristics of the organic integration of the six formats together to form a unique "three-dimensional air pedestrian street "levels and quality as the most scenic areas of the city business center.

Diaojiaolou column architecture is entirely on the powerful mountains, looking far, they have layers of, and some scattered high and low, housing architecture is simple, flexible room, with no fixed-type shape, the building at random symbols, show a simple profit, natural smacks of subtle and beautiful contour lines. With the slope on the potential Diaojiaolou base to form a linear path of wonderful space, narrow deep, during which stroll, walking varies King, 10,000 kinds of customs. Inside lane, seemingly at the end, Po the past, but it is a way out, it is a heaven and earth. Diaojiaolou a bubble of lower overhead, surrounded the upper part of entities, Thus, the natural landscape in between Diaojiaolou born and brought up to show the situation presented in the slope above the wall, scattered in the landscape between the flashing and the construction, architecture and nature in harmony and unity of the glory.

Bayu Hungya dong in the most traditional architectural features as the main body of the Diaojiaolou, mountains on the potential, along the river built in the ancient buildings in general are mostly three-tier architecture, like Hongya dong this gap of 75 meters, 13 layers Diaojiaolou commercial district is the unique wonders of the world.

Hongya dong "one state,IV Street, Eight" business patterns reflect the cultural and leisure Bayu Format, "a state" refers to the cultural and leisure Format. refers to Diaojiaolou, Town Street, Ba Culture; "d Street" refers to the four Hung ya dong Street: entertainment without limits, "the paper movement Salt River Bar Street"; Chongqing Daguanyuan the "natural style Bayu Lane Street "; old rock walls of the ancient cliff edge body is the" Feast Hung ya dong Street Food Street "; Wiratchant white on the road is" exotic city of Terrace Street "; the streets of Chongqing"s first French-style fashion Riverside Hotel . "Eight" refers to Hong ya dong convergence of two rivers, Diaojiaolou group, Hung ya dong cliffs, urban balconies, columns Palestinian culture, delicious Riverside Street, Sunset Jialing.



石头=>ub3cc dol或石头脑=>ub3ccuba38ub9ac//标准语)ub3cc ub300uac00ub9ac(贬语,方言)dol meo li // dol dae ga li
2023-06-21 06:27:102


2023-06-21 06:27:182


an nei min su lei gai bai bu
2023-06-21 06:27:295


2023-06-21 06:27:462


东帝汶民主共和国(英语:Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste),简称东帝汶,是位于努沙登加拉群岛东端的岛国,包括帝汶岛东部和西部北海岸的欧库西地区以及附近的阿陶罗岛和东端的雅库岛。西与印尼西帝汶相接,南隔帝汶海与澳大利亚相望。东帝汶原为葡萄牙殖民地,1975年独立后,遭印度尼西亚吞并。[1]1999年8月30日,全民公投决定脱离印尼独立,2002年5月20日正式宣布独立。[1]
2023-06-21 06:27:5711


2023-06-21 06:29:232


2023-06-21 06:29:361


巴伐利亚是德国的。巴伐利亚自由州(德语:Freistaat Bayern;英语:Free State of Bavaria)也常被称为拜恩、拜仁,位于德意志联邦共和国东南部,是德国面积最大的联邦州(占全国面积1/5)、人口第二大州(次于北莱茵-威斯伐伦),首府位于慕尼黑。“巴伐利亚”来自其拉丁文名称Bavaria的音译。巴伐利亚最着名的品牌有BMW(宝马),特产有啤酒,景物有新天鹅堡(迪士尼城堡原型),还有欧洲最古老的钟楼。名称由来巴伐利亚出自Bayuwaren,是罗马帝国统治该地时罗马人给予该地的名称。大约于520年法兰克人也提及此名。在8世纪早期圣卜尼法斯完成将该地的人改信天主教。从此巴伐利亚一直相信罗马天主教,16-17世纪巴伐利亚抗拒宗教改革,而且还仍然坚持相信罗马天主教。
2023-06-21 06:30:071


巴厘岛乌布阿比瑞玛别墅位于巴厘岛的Kendran, Tegallalang, Ubud,乌布地区,吉安雅县,巴厘岛,巴厘省,80571,印度尼西亚,如果选择入住这家酒店注意几项规定,早餐方面:酒店提供早餐,宠物方面:禁止携带。2017年开业,共有15间房。AbiramaUbudVilla坐落于乌布,优越的地理位置使它成为巴厘岛一个令人向往的住宿选择。在该地区观光很容易,GunungKawiSebatuTemple和GayaCeramicArtsCentre都在酒店附近。从酒店出发可方便前往市内的众多著名景点,包括SerayuSpaatTheKayon、UmeSpaatWapadiUme和Har'sGarden。您可以到酒吧与朋友畅饮聊天度过闲暇时光。如果旅客愿意,酒店可以提供满足需求的客房送餐服务。在享受酒店贴心周到的餐饮服务的同时,也别放弃对周边美味的探索,PondokBayu(咖啡店)也许是一个可以让您找到答案的地方。相信按摩室周到的服务和室内游泳池一流的设施,会让您拥有别样的体验。为了方便旅客,酒店会提供接机服务。入住酒店的旅客,可以使用酒店停车场。详细信息酒店星级:是4星级酒店。儿童或加床政策:酒店允许携带儿童入住。每间客房最多容纳1名10岁及以下儿童,和成人共用现有床铺。10岁及以下使用现有床铺免费。每间客房最多容纳1张婴儿床和1张加床1岁及以下加婴儿床免费大龄儿童或成人加床收费,每人每晚IDR500000。
2023-06-21 06:30:201


孕育着澳大利亚等大洋洲各国的澳洲海域,其美轮美奂的自然风光家喻户晓,是每一个旅游者向往的世外桃源,让每一个置身其中的人们流连忘返。然而,掩藏于美丽外表之下的还有那丰富的资源储备,特别是油气资源极其丰富。一、地理位置大陆海岸线长约19000千米。全洲除少数山地海拔超过2000米外,一般海拔在600米以下,地势低缓。一般分为大陆和岛屿两部分:澳大利亚大陆西部高原,海拔200~500米,大部分为沙漠和半沙漠,也有一些海拔1000米以上的山脉;中部平原海拔在200米以下,北艾尔湖湖面在海平面以下16米,为大洋洲的最低点;东部山地海拔800~1000米,山地东坡较陡,西坡缓斜。新几内亚岛、新西兰的北岛和南岛是大陆岛,岛上平原狭小,多海拔2000米以上的高山,新几内亚岛上的查亚峰海拔5030米,是大洋洲的最高点。美拉尼西亚的岛屿多属大陆型,系大陆边缘弧状山脉的延续部分,各列岛弧之间有深海盆和深海沟,波利尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚绝大部分岛屿属珊瑚礁型,面积小,地势低平,不少岛屿有由珊瑚礁环绕形成的礁湖,成为天然的船只停泊地和水上飞机场。此外还有少量由海底火山喷发物质堆积而成的火山型岛屿,如夏威夷群岛、帕劳群岛、所罗门群岛、新赫布里底群岛等,地形特点是山岭高峻、形势险要,多天然掩护的良港。二、油气情况澳大利亚拥有广阔的沉积盆地,沿海大陆架面积超过陆地面积两倍以上,水下油气资源储量前景可观。多年来,澳大利亚沿海大陆架陆续不断地发现新的油气资源,主要分布在巴斯海峡、西北大陆架和帝汶海一带(图13-6)。图13-6 澳洲海域油气区分布示意图澳大利亚的陆海沉积岩面积共630万平方千米,有沉积盆地48个,其中20个盆地部分或全部位于海上。20世纪90年代以来,在西北大陆架和大陆中部的一些盆地新发现了油气田,特别是西北大陆架,已成为澳大利亚油气的主要产区之一。西北大陆架属于卡纳尔文盆地的向海延伸部分,由埃克斯蒂斯次盆、巴罗次盆、丹皮尔次盆、皮达姆拉陆架、普来斯顿陆架等构造单元组成。西北大陆架已发现油田、气田和油气田18个。西北大陆架邻近的高庚地区天然气储藏尤其可观。高庚天然气田是澳大利亚尚未开发的最大的天然气田,储量高达0.36万亿立方米,其能源价值相当于一个储量为数十亿桶的大油田。斯科特礁(Scott)/Brecknock气田、Bayu-Undan、Sunrise-Troubadour、Scarborough以及Jansz气田等地蕴藏的天然气储量也很丰富。澳大利亚2007年底已探明石油储量约42亿桶,占世界总量的0.30%。石油产量约2380万吨,占世界总量的0.6%。澳大利亚天然气2007年底已探明储量为2.51万亿立方米,在全球天然气储量中,澳洲排在第12位。澳大利亚丰富的能源资源中大部分蕴藏在西澳大利亚州(简称西澳州)西北部的海域。西澳州是全球矿物和能源的供应方,2006—2007财年矿业产值估计达534亿澳元,占全国的50%以上。石油天然气是西澳州最大的矿产,产值达164亿澳元,2006—2007年度,西澳州的生产总值估计达到1278亿澳元,占全国经济的12.8%。各州中西澳州的人均产值增长最强劲,达到4.1%。2004年西澳州原油生产达到7680万桶,凝析油(海上天然气田的副产品)产量为3700万桶。2004年,西澳州共有42个油田产油,最大的油田为Wanaea,年产2310万桶,该油田产量占西澳州原油产量的31%,除原油外,西澳州有27个气田生产凝析油,其中Goodwyn气田是最大的凝析油田,2004年生产1190万桶凝析油,占西澳州凝析油总产量的32%,Echo-Yodel气田是西澳州第二大凝析油气田,2004年生产1060万桶凝析油,占西澳州凝析油总产量的28%,Perseus-Athena气田是西澳州第三大凝析油气田,2004年产凝析油880万桶,占西澳州凝析油总产量的23%。西澳州天然气储量占全澳洲80%左右,其余20%蕴藏在北领地上方海域以及澳洲东南角海域、澳洲东部内陆(蕴藏少许)。西澳州天然气资源分布在西北部海上的几个区域,主要有Carnarvon盆地(包括西北大陆架和高庚气田,该区域天然气储量在84万亿立方英尺)、Browes盆地(包括Scott Reef和Brecknock及Brecknock South气田,天然气储量为26.5万亿立方英尺),以及在北领地上方的帝汶海Bonaparte盆地(包括Bayu Undan和Sunrise等气田,此处天然气储量为21.6万亿立方英尺,其中西澳州拥有2.34万亿立方英尺,北领地拥有19.26万亿立方英尺)。三、发展历史1964年后,澳大利亚才把石油勘探重点转入东南部巴斯海峡,从此开始了澳大利亚海洋石油的发展,同时澳大利亚石油工业也开始了比较快的发展。几年内相继发现了吉特奇尔帕气田、巴罗岛油田、吉尔莫尔气田、梅林尼油气田、巴拉库塔油气田、王鱼油田以及西北大陆架的北兰金和斯科特礁凝析气田。90年代澳大利亚已形成了包括西北大陆架、帝汶海、吉普斯兰盆地和中部盆地在内的四个重要探区。并将重点放在了西北大陆架、帝汶海等海洋区域,并有了许多重大的发现。在1990—1994年,36口野猫井有重要油气发现。但澳大利亚的勘探成本很高,陆地上每口井的费用为200万澳元,而海上的费用为陆地的5倍,高达1000万澳元。现介绍历史上几个重要的海洋工程项目。1.西北大陆架1985年西北大陆架项目液化天然气第一期建设工程开始建造。该项目由六家公司合资组成,它们是:Woodside、BP、BHP Billiton、MIMI(三菱和三井公司)、壳牌、雪佛龙,其中Woodside 公司负责项目的操作,该公司34%的股份由壳牌拥有。六家股东为LNG的销售成立了North West Shelf Australia LNG Pty.Ltd.(简称NWSALNG,原名为ALNG,后为与高庚项目区别,2003年改名为NWSALNG)。截至目前,项目共投资121亿澳元,目前在Burrup半岛上的液化天然气生产线有四条生产线,1989年,第一和第二条组液化天然气生产线开始投产,首批液化天然气开始输往日本。西北大陆架每天生产原油11万桶,凝析油11.5万桶,液化石油气(LPG)2500吨。西北大陆架已经连续运送1700多艘船液化天然气,约1亿多吨液化天然气。现共有9艘不同国籍的船负责运输澳大利亚西北大陆架LNG,每艘船的运输能力为12.5万立方米。进入21世纪后,NWSALNG又向韩国大宇造船公司订购了3艘运输LNG船,其中一艘在2004年4月交货,运输能力为13.75万立方米;另外两艘2006年交货,运输能力为每艘14万~14.7万立方米,每条船价格约为1.7亿美元左右。据测算西北大陆架项目全部费用将共需160亿澳元。耗资25亿澳元的第四条液化天然气生产线已经在2004年7月完工,2004年9月该线开始生产并出口LNG,2005年该生产线已完全达到设计生产能力,4条生产线共年产液化天然气1170万吨,第五条生产线在2008年年底投入生产,生产能力为420万吨/年。从1996年起,澳方就与中国有关方面开始接触,商谈向中国推销西北大陆架所产LNG一事。2001年11月8日广东LNG招标工作正式开始,2002年8月8日,由中国海洋石油总公司牵头,广东和香港用户参与的液化天然气招标委员会宣布了开标结果,澳大利亚最终从三名投标者中胜出,拿到了当时澳大利亚历史上最大的单一出口订单,合同总金额250亿澳元,年供气330万吨,供气期为25年。在从澳洲西北大陆架购买LNG后,中国海洋石油总公司以3.48亿美元收购了澳西北大陆架项目5.3%股份(只包括天然气和连带的石油,不包括西北大陆架基础设施拥有权)以及为供应我国广东液化天然气项目而成立的合资公司(中国LNG)股份的25%。2006年4月下旬,第一船LNG将从西澳州运往广东深圳,这标志着长达25年的供气合同正式开始生效。2006年西北大陆架生产的73% LNG将出口到日本,25%出口到中国,2%出口到韩国。2.高庚高庚(Gorgon)项目是继西北大陆架后澳洲发现的又一储量巨大的天然气田,根据分析,该气田已探明储量为12.9万亿立方英尺,总储量预计为40万亿立方英尺,占西澳州天然气储量35%左右;占澳洲天然气储量25%。该气田面积达280平方千米,是澳洲有史以来发现的最大天然气田。高庚气田发现于1980年,评估工作于1998年完成,预计在2008年开始产气。该气田由三家公司共同投资,其中雪佛龙德士古(澳)公司股份占50%,是项目的作业者,壳牌(澳)公司和埃克森美孚(澳)公司各占25%股份,该项目总共投资已达60多亿澳元。据测算,加上巴若岛的天然气液化加工生产线等投资该项目总共耗资达110亿元。2003年9月8日,西澳州政府宣布批准将距西澳州西北部皮尔巴拉地区海岸70千米海上的巴若岛(Barrow Island)上部分土地作为给澳洲高庚天然气田加工厂使用,西澳州政府批准给高庚天然气田使用的巴若岛土地共300公顷,高庚项目包括将建造一条70千米长的海底管道,将天然气输送到巴若岛上的天然气液化工厂,先建造一座年产500万吨的液化天然气工厂,然后再建第二座年产500万吨的液化天然气工厂。首座工厂于2005年中期开始建造,第一批液化天然气于2010年开始供应市场。3.Bayu-Undan天然气田Bayu-Undan天然气田液化天然气项目天然气加工厂是位于帝汶海的首个能源开发项目,它被帝汶海油气田授权的权威管理机构——澳洲和东帝汶联合成立的管理委员会批准由美国能源巨头康菲公司负责承建,项目包括在已发现的帝汶海上五个油气田之一的Bayu-Undan天然气田与澳洲大陆西北领地首府达尔文之间建造一条天然气输送管道,另外在达尔文建造一液化天然气加工厂。Bayu-Undan天然气田位于达尔文西北方向约500千米,在澳洲与东帝汶之间,位于水下80米深。根据批准的协议规定,天然气田90%的使用费归东帝汶,预计在20年里该天然气田的使用费总共为60亿澳元。澳洲最大的天然气生产者之一的Santos公司拥有该项目12%股份,位于美国得克萨斯州全球排位第六的能源巨头康菲公司拥有项目64%股份,日本Inpex集团和澳洲的阿吉普公司各拥有12%的股份。2006年2月初日本的第一艘液化天然气运输船到达达尔文港,该船装运着12.5万立方米液化天然气启程前往日本。液化天然气加工厂向日本的两家用户每年供应300万吨的液化天然气,供应年限至少为17年。根据勘探,Bayu-Undan油气田的天然气储量是3.4万亿立方英尺,液化石油气储量为4亿桶。该项目据预计可开采25年,总收入将达300亿澳元。建在达尔文的液化天然气加工厂是澳洲第二个液化天然气加工厂,第一个是西北大陆架液化天然气加工厂。4.Browse项目Browse盆地包括Scott Reef和Brecknock及Brecknock South气田,天然气储量共为26.5万亿立方英尺,凝析油储量3.11亿桶,澳洲公司占股份58%,其中Woodside公司占股份50%,欧美跨国公司占部分股份。该项目将是澳洲第三个液化天然气中心,该项目计划建造一个年产700万吨LNG的生产线。除上述项目外,还有一些在西澳州西北部海上的天然气项目正在规划中,如BHP Billiton公司的皮尔巴拉液化天然气项目,预计总投资为50亿澳元,此气田距陆地270千米。计划开发的项目天然气储量约为8万亿立方英尺,项目计划在2009年开始运作,届时年产LNG 500万~600万吨。PlutoLNG项目是Woodside公司2005年4月发现,该项目位于西澳北部Karratha西北190千米,预计该处天然气储量为2.5万亿立方英尺,计划建造的LNG工厂生产年能力为500万~700万吨。Sunrise气田,该项目位于北领地上方的帝汶海Bonaparte盆地,距达尔文西北450千米,距东帝汶80千米,据估计Sunrise气田可开采的天然气为7.68万亿立方英尺,2.99亿桶凝析油。澳大利亚探明石油储量,从1997年的4亿桶,猛增至目前的42亿桶。2000年原油日产量达历史较高水准,为81.1万桶(其中72万桶为原油)。但随着石油消费的增加和石油产量的下跌,澳大利亚的石油净进口量一直在增加。至2005年1月1日,澳大利亚拥有已证实的石油储备为15亿桶,这些储备的大部分位于澳大利亚南部的巴斯海峡以及澳大利亚西部的海上Carnarvon盆地。自1980年以来,澳大利亚石油日产量已逐渐增加,于2000年达到峰值80.5万桶。2003年澳大利亚石油日产量戏剧性地下跌至63.0522万桶。2005年澳石油日产量估计为55.3331万桶。澳大利亚石油产量下跌的原因很多,第一,产油盆地如Cooper-Eromanga和Gippsland已经历自然减产;第二,尽管产油盆地如Carnarvon和Bonaparte最近几年石油产量上升,但其增量已被澳大利亚国内稳定增长的消费所抵消;第三,澳大利亚税收体制使得国内生产商对于投资石油生产失去吸引力。2005年,澳大利亚石油日消费量为91.8万桶,导致净进口约36.4万桶,与此相对比,2000年净石油进口平均仅为5.4万桶/天。2007年底石油日产量已降低为56.1万桶。而日消费量却达到了93.5万桶。澳大利亚政府石油进口依赖度至2010年增至50%。澳大利亚进口原油大多数来自阿拉伯联合酋长国、马来西亚、越南和巴布亚新几内亚。虽然澳大利亚将继续是一个石油和凝析油的净进口国,但该国石油和凝析油日出口量在2008—2009年度增加14%,达到17062桶;并在2009—2010年度增加7%,达到18247桶。
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杜阿别墅酒店是巴厘岛的酒店。2012年开业,共有1间房。杜阿别墅酒店(VillaDua)坐落于努沙杜瓦,优越的地理位置使它成为巴厘岛一个令人向往的住宿选择。在该地区观光很容易,SamabeBaliPool&BeachClub、丽思卡尔顿SPA和TheLuxuryDaySpaRosehill都在酒店附近。从酒店出发可方便前往市内的众多著名景点,包括BayuBaliDriver-DayTour、Geger海滩和努沙杜瓦。客房内的所有设施都是经过精心的考虑和安排,包括房内保险箱、空调和房间内高速上网,满足您入住需求的同时又能增添家的温馨感。服务人员会提前为您准备好免费瓶装水,以满足您的饮水需求。旅客可以在西餐厅享用可口的美食。如果旅客愿意,酒店可以提供满足需求的客房送餐服务。在享受酒店贴心周到的餐饮服务的同时,也别放弃对周边美味的探索,DulangRestaurant(东南亚菜)、穆丽雅咖啡(东南亚菜)和PaonBali(东南亚菜)也许是可以让您找到答案的地方。相信按摩室周到的服务和室内游泳池一流的设施,会让您拥有别样的体验。为了方便旅客,酒店会提供接机服务。入住酒店的旅客,可以使用酒店免费停车场。此酒店周边还有很多值得去的地点,比如:景点努萨杜瓦与杜阿别墅酒店距离2.63km太平洋岛民博物馆与杜阿别墅酒店距离4.0km金巴兰与杜阿别墅酒店距离4.5km酒店安靖别墅酒店与杜阿别墅酒店距离0.06km巴厘岛努沙杜瓦梅斯滕罗望子酒店与杜阿别墅酒店距离0.35km2号犬别墅假日公园与杜阿别墅酒店距离0.65km餐厅Laguna Garden Restaurant Pantai Mengiat与杜阿别墅酒店距离3.41km卡卡海景餐厅与杜阿别墅酒店距离4.32km观海螃蟹王与杜阿别墅酒店距离6.11km。
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vitas 中文谐音

2023-06-21 06:31:553


  经过对资料的搜集,晚上不能照镜子无非有以下这三种原因:  1.中国的风水学主张卧室内不放镜子,镜子在风水里叫光煞,是一种避煞的工具;镜子不光可以冲邪气,正常的气它也冲,人的气在白天运动中可以得到补充,但晚上睡觉时,气得不到补充,所以要聚气.除了不能对着镜子外,床最好是靠着墙的.  2.纵观古代文化,女人晚上照镜子通常是不守妇道的,晚上照镜子,浓妆艳抹,不是偷情就是风尘女子,梳妆打扮那是早晨的事。  3.每个人的身上都有七分人气三分鬼气,到了晚上阴胜阳衰,鬼气上升,这时照镜子往往会看到不该看到的知道。  中国的风水学主张卧室内不放镜子,镜子在风水里叫光煞,是一种避煞的工具;镜子不光可以冲邪气,正常的气它也冲,人的气在白天运动中可以得到补充,但晚上睡觉时,气得不到补充,所以要聚气.除了不能对着镜子外,床最好是靠着墙的.  呵呵...祝你好运!BaYu【爱情学校】☆诚邀帅哥美女入住
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星座是由西方传入我国,是按你出生的那一年的阳历生日确定的。你可根据下表查出你的阳历生日对号入座。白羊座 3月-21日·----4月-20日 金牛座 4月-21日----5月-20日双子座 5月-21日----6月-21日巨蟹座 6月-22日----7月-22日狮子座 7月-23日----8月-22日 处女座 8月-23日·----9月-22日天秤座 9月-23日----10月-22日天蝎座 10月-23日----11月-21日 射手座 11月-22日----12月-21日 摩羯座 12月-22日----1月-19日水瓶座 1月-20日 ----- 2月-18日双鱼座 2月-19日--- -3月-20日
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1、陷阱杀手(The Trapper): 埃文·迈克米伦迈克米伦庄园的少爷,从小便受到父亲阿奇u30fb迈克米伦严厉的教育,但艾文因崇拜其父治理企业的铁腕手段反而对他言听计从。两人联手经营矿场与铸造厂而使庄园成为辉煌的大企业。但产能逐年攀升的同时,日渐年老的阿奇却开始担忧财产终将被外人侵占,为了保护庄园的秘密,他开始禁止矿场工人回乡探亲,又加长工时、苛扣工资,最后竟命令艾文将工人全数灭口,而艾文也毫不犹豫的照办,将一百多名工人骗入矿坑后引爆炸药,又一一虐杀被困在地底深处的生还者。阿奇在命案发生后,离奇死于仓库的地下室,而艾文则从此消失无踪。其设计灵感来自电影《十三号星期五》中的杰森·沃赫斯。2、幽灵杀手(The Wraith):菲利普·奥乔莫汽车天堂废车场的员工,起初为了追求新生活而来到城市,被废车场老板阿札罗夫雇用而从事修车与用粉碎机辗压废车的工作。然而有天他却在一辆即将报废的车上发现手脚被绑住的年轻人,奥乔莫将其释放后,年轻人遭到赶来的老板割喉杀死。在他的质问之下,奥乔莫才得知原来阿札罗夫受雇于当地黑帮,帮忙处决他们的敌人与叛徒,而奥乔莫夹进粉碎机中的车辆几乎都装着人。崩溃的他当场将阿札罗夫丢进粉碎机中辗死,并在老板的头露出来时将其连同脊椎一同拉出,随后逃离现场。其后恶灵看上他杀人无数的过去将其抓走,他几经折磨最终失去理智,成为杀手为恶灵追杀逃生者,恶灵更将老板的头颅与脊椎幻化成阿札罗夫之斧给予他做为武器。3、电锯杀手(The Hillbilly):马克斯·汤普森寒风农场的农场主马克思与伊芙琳·汤普森的儿子,因他天生便长著一张面目全非的丑脸而被父母厌恶,不仅不为他取名,甚至为了避人耳目而将他关在一间没有门的房间,每天仅借着墙壁上的小开口给他送饭。然而某天他却意外逃了出去并杀死了父母,并开始以电锯屠杀在农场中能看到的一切人事物,寒风农场失去主人后遭到分割变卖,但却因电锯杀手的传闻而无人敢下手。其设计灵感来自电影《德州电锯杀人狂》。4、护士(The Nurse):莎莉·史密森克洛特斯·普瑞恩疯人院工作的护士,原本有着幸福美满的家庭,却因为丈夫安德鲁的死亡一夕变调,为了家计,莎莉不得已在疯人院做晚班看护。多年下来,莎莉在经历疯人院糟糕的环境最终精神崩溃,并萌生了净化疯人院的想法,于某天深夜将四名同事与五十名病患全数掐死。清晨,到处徘徊的莎莉被早班的同事发现并送往医院,但他搭乘的救护车却在途中撞毁于树林中,而莎莉从此消失无踪。其设计灵感来自《寂静岭》中的怪物“护士”。5、妖巫(The Hag):丽莎·谢伍德黑水沼泽某传统村落的居民,曾与村中的耆老学过符文与咒术。某天经过树林时遭到敌对的食人族村落绑架,由于当时正值饥荒,丽莎与其他被抓到食人村的人们被囚禁在地窖中;日复一日的被削下身上的肉当作食物,许多人受不了腐臭的环境与折磨最终死去,然而丽莎却坚强的活了下来,并因强烈的恨意化身为怪物,最终挣脱手铐,将所有食人村的居民肢解食用。等到村庄的救援队到达时,食人村仅剩下一堆尸体残肢,以及以鲜血所画的象征安宁与好运的符文。其设计灵感来自北美印第安人传说中的食人怪物温迪戈。6、医生(The Doctor):赫曼·卡特莱里疗养中心的医生。天资聪颖的他高中时就曾在心理学公报刊登文章,后在就读耶鲁大学时被美国中央情报局看上而加入伊利诺伊州的一处秘密设施,即莱里疗养中心。在那里,赫曼受到奥托·斯坦珀博士的指导,开始帮助CIA审问间谍,以及对囚犯与“病患”进行再教育课程,为了更有效的工作,赫曼甚至以电击治疗折磨犯人。而对外则以医生的身份掩人耳目,而因为美国当时处于冷战,被蒙蔽的社会大众因此无视他究竟有无医疗执照,直到某天疗养中心沉寂了一周的时间,才让警方发现包括斯坦珀博士在内的工作人员与患者们,已经全被赫曼电击拷问至死或成为植物人。其中还发现赫曼正在做控制心灵的研究,但最后政府却选择销毁中心的所有资料,掩蔽消息。7、女猎手(The Huntress):安娜流传于俄罗斯红树林的地方传说,形象为一名半人半兽的高大女人,专杀男人并吃掉她们的女孩。实际上安娜原是一名女野人的女儿,幼时母亲因为冬天食物耗尽,不得不去狩猎危险的麋鹿,结果失手被它的角顶飞重伤,当时的安娜力气太小,只能看着母亲逐渐断气。长大后的她凭借母亲教导的生存技巧成为一名危险的女猎人,由于她从未与母亲以外的人类相处,便将野兽与闯进领地的旅人们一视同仁,当作猎物杀死。但或许是出于与母亲的记忆,每次安娜都会将小女孩带回家中,戴上动物面具并用木头玩具取悦她们,然而安娜并不懂得照顾小孩,导致女孩最终都因饥饿与寒冷而死,安娜不得不开始攻击附近村落以抢夺女孩。她的事迹最终变成了地方传说,直到第一次世界大战爆发后,附近的居民都撤退四散,而安娜在留下屠杀一整队德军兵团的传说后也就此消失。其外观造型的灵感来自于美国费尔法克斯县的都市传说兔子人,游戏中逃生者可以听到女猎人哼著俄罗斯摇篮曲“баюшкибаю”(BayushkiBayu)。8、小丑(The Clown):肯尼斯·切斯肯尼斯·切斯来自单亲家庭,与酗酒的父亲长年不和。在日复一日的上学生涯中,肯尼斯偶然对路上的羽毛起了兴趣,便与牙医买来麻醉剂捕捉鸟类,并由此开始了杀死小动物收集其身体部位的兴趣。直到21岁那年,父亲竟在他的收藏品中发现了一根男人的手指,发觉事情败露的肯尼斯逃往外地,来到了一家巡回马戏团工作并改名杰佛瑞·霍克,并很快的融入马戏团的大家庭中;然而在十年的巡回生活里,肯尼斯却在社交生活中染上了酒瘾与毒瘾,后来更重拾了过去的兴趣,以巡回生活为掩护开始偷走同事的衣服,打扮成小丑绑架受害者,将他们虐杀后收集其手指。最终肯尼斯在逃离马戏团之后成为了有名的杀人犯,因此被看上而在某次来到坎贝尔神父的教堂表演时进入了恶灵的世界。9、怨灵(The Spirit):山冈凛就读日本香川-高松大学的女大学生。山冈家的祖先为武士,原本是富有的家庭,但却因欠了一大笔债而家道中落,再加上凛的母亲病倒,使她不得不开始兼职以减轻家庭的重担。而父亲为了还债也开始加班期望获得晋升,长期精神不济的情况下又受到恶灵的搅扰的父亲,在被公司解雇后最终绝望,拿起武士刀杀害自己的妻子,刚好回家的凛也难逃一劫,被父亲斩断四肢扔下楼梯而死。恶灵原本想以父亲作为杀手,但因为看上了凛强烈的复仇欲望,将父亲的武士刀给了她,凛因此成了杀手“怨灵”。10、军团(The Legion):弗兰克·莫里森弗兰克原是出生于加拿大卡尔加里的少年,六岁时被政府安排至寄养家庭,但却因性格暴躁,经常打架闹事而辗转在好几个家庭之间借住,十六岁时被送到奥蒙德的安德鲁斯家;原本弗兰克并不喜欢陈旧又气候阴暗的奥蒙德,打算转到另一个寄养家庭,但在认识了茱莉、乔伊、苏西三位朋友后打消了这个念头,四名不良少年组成了帮派“军团”,开始戴上面具以霸凌、偷窃、破坏公物为乐。某天弗兰克遭到商店解雇,他一气之下便联合朋友们趁夜砸坏商店,却没想到茱莉被还在留守的清洁工抓住,弗兰克为了救她意外杀死了清洁工;事后他害怕三人泄漏此事,便强迫他们每人都在清洁工身上刺一刀,并将尸体搬到树林间掩埋,期间四人受到恶灵的引导,最终迷失于恶灵的世界中成为杀手。11、瘟疫(The Plague):亚迪莉丝巴比伦神庙的女祭司。五岁时即被家人遗弃于神庙,不久被庙中的祭司收留并作为净化仪式的助手抚养长大。成年后巴比伦爆发了瘟疫,祭司们全数病倒,只能将主持仪式的重任交给亚迪莉丝,正当备感焦虑之时,她却意外发现祭司房间后的地穴,并在其中找到了一尊戴满珠宝的雕像。为了安抚恐慌的民众,亚迪莉丝戴上了雕像上的装饰品,以自身的美貌与庄严得到了信徒们的支持,成为巴比伦的高阶祭司。然而这并不能阻止瘟疫的扩散,就连亚迪莉丝也染上了疾病,不得不戴上面纱以遮蔽腐烂、脓肿的身体,亚迪莉丝为了安抚神灵,带着染病的信徒们离开城市,最终全死于乌拉尔图的一处洞穴中。12、鬼武士(The Oni):山冈火山出身山罔家族的武士,也是最早被恶灵蛊惑而变成杀手的山冈家祖先。年轻时与父亲在提拔平民为武士的事上意见相左,认为这是对传统的玷污,遂偷了他的刀并踏上了诛杀冒牌武士的旅途。然而他杀人的手法极为惨忍,许多被击败的对手甚至被拔去发髻羞辱,令当地的领主愤而以“鬼山冈”的绰号怒骂他与山罔家族。火山的父亲不得不出面清扫门户,亲自与火山决战,却一时犹豫反而惨死于他的金棒下。误杀父亲的火山因此暴怒失控,单枪匹马攻进了领主的城镇将他杀死,没想到却被愤怒的当地居民围困,最终山冈被虐杀而死。离奇的是火山的遗体与金棒却在之后突然消失,而镇上也开始流传恶鬼出没的传说。13、杀人鬼(The Shape):迈克尔·迈尔斯黎明杀机第一位版权DLC角色,美国恐怖电影《月光光心慌慌》中的杀人魔,游戏中仅采用1978年的第一部人物设定,并未照后来的续集设定他与劳丽是兄妹。电影中年仅六岁便杀死自己的姐姐而被送往精神病院,二十年后回到哈登菲尔德(Haddonfield)大开杀戒,而电影中的女主角劳丽·斯特罗德便是遭到追杀的受害者之一。14、食人魔(The Cannibal):布巴·索耶美国恐怖电影《德州电锯杀人狂》中的杀人魔“人皮脸”(LeatherFace),名字采用1986年续集《德州电锯杀人狂2》中提到的布巴·“少年”·索耶。居住在偏远乡村的一间农庄,为了生存屠杀所有经过的旅客,和家人一起食用人肉。15、梦魇(The Nightmare):弗莱迪·克鲁格美国恐怖电影《猛鬼街》里的梦中杀手,服装造型采自2010年重启电影《新猛鬼街》。弗莱迪原是春木镇(SpringWood)的榆树街一名恋童癖杀人犯,因残杀多名孩童,被受害者家长们放火烧死,数年后成为
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巴伐利亚亡国拿破仑撤销帝国名号时候才成立,而1815年普法尔茨也与巴伐巴伐利亚田园风光利亚合并。从经济上讲,南部各邦在德意志关税同盟之后依赖于通过易北河与莱茵河进行对外贸易(奥地利的失误,拱手将德意志邦联主导权让给普鲁士)从外部环境的角度来讲在一战之后成立了巴伐利亚苏维埃,这是协约国所不能容忍的。而且英美都不希望过度削弱德国,如果巴伐利亚独立甚至按照1848法兰克福国民议会时南德提议的南北分治方案进行,在英国眼中欧陆就无法保持均势了。二战之后德国第一大党基民盟和巴伐利亚妥协,用自治权(巴伐利亚基社盟和基民盟是平等盟友关系)换取巴伐利亚支持(你看德国议会选举巴伐利亚州基本都是基社盟的席位)普鲁士崛起引起,巴伐利亚计划与普鲁士和奥地利对抗维护自己独立地位。1866年普奥战争失败导致1871年巴伐利亚被并入德意志帝国,还保留巴伐利亚公国称号 。小时候看茜茜公主巴伐利亚位公爵女儿来成了巴伐利亚女公爵。
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Bayuechang"an, a famous Youth Novels writer in China,has written 《Hello, old time》,《Best of us》,《unrequited love》which are ubiquitous in adolescence. The reason why her English name is Party is that the use of partial tone party" chinese tone"wanhui", the same as her name. The readers who love her a lot always called her "erxiong" because of her pseudonym before. She is a good student and finished her schooling in Beijing University and Waseda University. Nowadays, Erxiong spares no efforts to be a screenwriter and we are looking forward about her breakthrouth.随手写的,有错误希望见谅。
2023-06-21 06:38:521


Chongqing is rich in cultural tourism resources, tourism resources in these human Bayu culture rich in the elements. But many in Chongqing Bayu the development of cultural attractions, but there is the interpretation of cultural tourism resources is not enough, lack of cooperation between regions, relatively simple extension of the product, area management more difficult issues. Only through scientific analysis of resource characteristics, accurate positioning of the development direction, dig feature highlights, attaches great importance to culture, vigorously promote sales, focused on creating the classic brand, innovative management and other measures to increase efforts to train personnel in order to make Chongqing cultural tourism resources to fully show the characteristics of Bayu culture.
2023-06-21 06:39:583

求一篇介绍重庆文化的英语文章~·~谢谢了 大家帮帮忙啦

我给你找了一篇关于重庆的英文文章,很符合你需要的内容。Chongqing is a port city with the largest municipal area and population in China. It is situated in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River at the confluence of the Yangtze and Jialing Rivers in southwest China. With an area of 82,400 square kilometers (31, 800 square miles), Chongqing shares borders with the provinces of Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Shaanxi. Besides the Han who form the majority of its total population of 30.9 million, numerous ethnic groups reside in Chongqing, including Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Qiang, You and Tujia.Since its founding 3,000 years ago, Chongqing has been called Jiangzhou, Yuzhou, and Gongzhou, before getting its present name nearly 800 years ago. Since the Qin Dynasty (221 BC-206 BC), many dynasties have set up administrative institutions that have endowed the city with brilliant cultures. Perched beside the Yangtze, the "Golden River," Chongqing symbolizes Yangtze River civilizations and is the cradle of Bayu culture.Today, Chongqing is a modern city, China"s fourth municipality after Beijing, Shanghai, and Tianjin. Within its borders Chongqing encompasses a wealth of water reserves, mineral resources, dense forests, and abundant flora and fauna. The focal point of the unique Yangtze Three Gorges Dam, Chongqing is a tourist attraction as well as a commercial city.Chongqing attracts visitors from home and abroad for its cultural heritage and other tourist attractions. The city is the starting point for the Yangtze River Cruise, which explores the stunning scenery of the Three Gorges. Other attractions include the Dazu Rock Carvings , valuable works of art carved during the Ninth Century, Gold Buddhist Mountain, a rich repository of diverse animals and plants; and Fishing Town, one of three ancient battlefields in China. Ancient Ci Qi Kou village lures tourists to linger in its streets to buy handicraft souvenirs.Chongqing is famous for its hot Sichuan cuisine and world-famous hotpot dishes. Street vendors as well as restaurants feature exciting spicy delicacies for the adventurers.Servicing western China, Chongqing provides convenient water, land, and air transportation. Hundreds of star-ranked hotels provide excellent facilities and services. Chongqing is ready to be the pilot in the Western China Development to usher in more investors and visitors.原文在这里:
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[1]马来西亚 雪兰莪州 46050 八打灵再也市 丹当路 黑至福特(Hedgeford)创新工业园,门牌12-C; [2]马来西亚 柔佛州 81200 新山市 淡杯乌达马花园 斯里培卡莎 2/22 路 门牌24;[3]马来西亚 雪兰莪州 41200 巴生市 巴友柏兰岭花园 北嘎嘎大街 门牌196;[4]马来西亚 槟州 11900 峇六拜市 突纳士达迈花园 双溪地蓝3路 门牌56.
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  在菲律宾,你很容易忘记时间。   7000多座岛屿如白莲花一般次第开放在碧海晴空的蔚蓝中,在任何一座岛屿上,深深呼吸带着椰香的海风,所有的时间都可以用来微笑、冥想,用来把洁白的茉莉花穿成花串,用来轻轻哼唱那首被翻译成20多种语言、50多个版本的菲律宾老歌《Anak孩子》u2026u2026   在菲律宾,让我们放慢脚步,在自己的心事里流连。      度假地名片      菲律宾位于亚洲东南部,西濒南中国海,东临太平洋,北隔巴士海峡与中国台湾遥遥相对,南和西南隔苏拉成西海、巴拉巴克海峡与印度尼西亚、马来西亚相望 菲律宾有大小岛屿7107个,海岸线约185.33公里,全国分为三大区域,北部为吕宋主岛――菲律宾最大的岛屿,也是首都马尼拉的所在地;中部米沙耶群岛,是当地三大岛群之一,主受包括萨马岛、宿务岛等;南部棉兰老岛,当地以信奉****的摩洛人为主   菲律宾的国语是他加禄语,官方语言是英语,全国有70多种语言,茉莉花是菲律宾的国花,在菲律宾人民心目中,它是纯洁、热情的象征在国际交往中,把长长的荣莉花环,挂在客人颈上垂到胸口,表示敬重与友好。   今天的菲律宾拥有92,000,000左右的人口,她正日渐成为亚洲最具发展潜力的国家之一。   王城马尼拉:   The King City   马尼拉的西班牙王城,被称作“围墙中的城市”。1571年,西班牙人在这个64公顷大的地区,大兴土木,筑起城堡。   16世纪以前,马尼拉只是一个在帕西河(Pasig River)岸边的回教小渔村。1570年,西班牙人抵达马尼拉。1595年,马尼拉公告成为菲律宾群岛的首都。1898年爆发美西战争,西班牙战败,马尼拉改由美国控制。1975年,马尼拉和周围城市共同组成马尼拉都会区。      马尼拉的西班牙王城,位于黎刹公园的北面及帕西格河中间的市中市,这里原是马尼拉最初的旧址,早在西班牙入侵之前,这里原是塔加拉酋长所统治之地。1571年,西班牙人为了稳固殖民地的统治,在这个64公顷大的地区,兴建起高墙、壁垒、壕沟和城堡,城寨内建有住宅、总督官邸、12座教堂、学校和政府办公室,城堡四周围绕着长达4.5公里的城墙和壕沟,有7座城门,被称作“围墙中的城市”,由西班牙国王菲利浦二世命之为王城。二战末期,城堡的大部分遭到毁坏。   如今的王城,已经成为举世闻名的旅游胜地,无论是当地人还是外国游客,都喜欢到这里来,漫步四周,凭景感怀。其中著名的景点有圣地亚哥古堡、黎萨公园、卡撒马尼拉博物馆、圣u30fb奥古斯丁教章暨博物馆。除此之外,在王城里还有各种表演,其中圣地亚哥古堡合唱剧是一种由乐队露天表演的音乐会,从四月到五月中旬的每个周日都可以看到。每年12月举行的玛利亚游行,是为了纪念一种拥有400年历史的盛宴,活动中展现了不同形象的圣母玛利亚。      芳香Spa:   Taal Vista Hotel   香水树的原产地就在菲律宾,由于花味极其芬芳,被当地人称作Hang-hang,意为“花中花”   从首都马尼拉驱车两个小时就能到达坐拥山光水色间的塔尔观景酒店。从这里的每间客房向窗外眺望,都能望尽一片湖水青翠,屹于其中的塔尔火山在水波秀色中显得格外静谧。坐在酒店的观景平台上,放眼塔尔火山温顺地躺在湖中央,谁又能想到这羔羊般的海拔300多米的小山,竟然是世界上海拔最低、体积最小、地形最奇特、形势最危险的活火山呢?作为菲律宾顶级饭店之一,塔尔观景酒店为了让客人在渡假中享受自然与身心的交融,精心推出了依兰依兰(Ylang Ylang)SPA。      依兰依兰SPA的室内设计由HannySamson负责。全部的治疗室都带有储物橱、梳洗间和独立淋浴,其中有四间风格迥异的治疗室是专为夫妇设计的。   远离尘嚣,置身于世间罕有的景色中,依兰依兰SPA为客人们制定了美容美体的不同疗法,他们的精湛独到的按摩技术,能帮助客人缓解疲劳,再配以舒缓神经的香精、天然药草、香料搭配的养生养颜疗法,给予客人全身心的呵护。按摩师会给客人建立一个6小时治疗方案,使用中西方混合按摩手法,配以先进的仪器,给身心疲惫的客人舒解压力。依兰依兰SPA中使用精油都是正宗的香水树精油。香水树的原产地就在菲律宾,由于花味极其芬芳,被当地人称作Ilang-Ilang,意为“花中花”,这名称传到欧洲后被改为Ylang-Ylang。香水树高60尺,盛开黄花,它的味道类似茉莉花和杏仁的混合味道,还有淡淡甜味。香水树精油不同于卡南加油,有明显的缓解疲劳、消炎等功效。另外它还可以调整皮脂腺的分泌,可以调理于油性皮肤的理疗。而依兰依兰SPA的名字,正是源自味道沁心,自然天成的香水树。         邂逅麦哲伦:   Encounter Magellan   如今的宿务被菲律宾人称为“南方皇后都市”,据说宿务建市的时间比首都马尼拉还早7年。   很多人都知道西班牙著名的航海家麦哲伦,这个史上第一个完成航行世界一周的人,于16世纪发现了这个东方的群岛,麦哲伦后来将这个群岛献给西班牙国王菲利普二世,并用国王的名字将这个群岛命名为“菲利比亚娜”,这就是菲律宾国家名称的来历。麦哲伦到达菲律宾后登陆的第一个地方就是宿务岛。据说,麦哲伦一行刚到此岛时,询问当地的原住民小岛的名字,这个原住民当时正在烤肉,便漫不经心地回答:“宿务”。从此,“宿务”之名便传扬开去。而事实上,“宿务”只是当时他所烤的肉的名称。      如今的宿务岛上,烤肉依旧是当地的传统美食,但整个宿务市却已成为菲律宾第二大商业、港口城市,是菲律宾最著名的旅游胜地之一,被菲律宾人称为“南方皇后都市”。据说宿务建市的时间比首都马尼拉还早7年。   宿务岛上有菲律宾第一座天主教堂一圣婴大教堂,教堂内的圣婴像正对着教堂的大门,无论是前来旅游的外国天主教游客,还是当地天主教徒,只要路过教堂大门都会站在门口向圣婴像挥挥手,希望圣婴能佑他们平安,帮助实现他们的愿望。         神奇长滩岛:   The Magical Boracay   这里的水稻梯田,拥有2000多年的历史,被称为“通往天堂的阶梯”。   有着“天堂之岛”美誉的长滩岛,位于菲律宾中部,处于班乃岛的西北尖端。整个岛包括三个小的村落。整个岛上,海滩分布各处,尤其是位于岛的西部海岸绵延达4公里,由大片珊瑚磨碎后形成的白沙滩,沙质洁白细柔、颜色鲜亮,让人叹为观止。游客们在这里可以骑马或骑自行车游览风景。      长滩岛上的夜生活缤纷多彩。酒吧、disco是小饮几杯的最好去处。沐浴皎洁月光,散步于海滩之上,听海浪之声,亦是不错的选择。还可以找 个有 经验的导游,带领你去蝙蝠洞探险。   长滩岛还是帆板和帆伞运动的胜地。在水手的帮助下,你可以尽情享受航海的乐趣。   长滩岛当地的巴拿威人被叫做伊富高族人或“吃稻米的人”。这里的水稻梯田,拥有2000多年的历史,被称为“通往天堂的阶梯”。梯田延伸到1.500米的高处,占地约20,000公里。最理想的参观时间是三月到六月间,梯田里绿浪翻滚,金黄的稻米挂满枝头。   被选为世界上最美丽的十大海滩之一的长滩岛,传说中是由神仙棒变幻出的美丽小岛。棉白如细糖的白色沙滩,环绕着蔚蓝的浅水,走在沙滩上就像走在爽滑的婴儿爽身粉上样。长滩岛是年轻人天堂,也是个极具国际化色彩的地方。无处不在的水上娱乐活动,徒步攀岩之地,以及购物、SPA、高尔夫等等,在这里,你可以听到不同的语言,英语、菲律宾语、德语、法语u2026u2026,当然还可以品尝到地道的各色异域佳肴。因为菲律宾的饮食文化也相当国际化:西班牙特色的橄榄油、辣椒粉、藏红花、火腿、腊肠、奶酪等被引入菲律宾传统饮食中;而有中国特色的饺子、面条、蔬菜卷在菲律宾的餐桌上也很常见。总体说来,这里的饮食极富异域情调,是传统元素与中餐、西班牙餐和墨西哥餐的融合。   从飞机降落在菲律宾首都马尼拉机场的那一刻起,每一位来到此地的游客,都将迎来一段热情如火的旅程。菲律宾不大,但却现代化十足。道路两旁的东南亚植物枝繁叶茂,纳拉树肩宽,大椰树膀圆,在酷热中怡然自得。马尼拉市及其周围地区遍布了大大小小的各式商铺,置身商场之中,熙熙攘攘人群擦肩而过,还以为身在美洲的某个地方,浓郁的美洲风情让游人迷离沉醉,天堂般的美景就在这里。   入境须知   1 赴菲律宾旅游签证很容易办,送大使馆一般4个工作日就能办好。   2 菲律宾航空公司每周有四趟从北京直飞菲律宾首都马尼拉的航班,每周二、四、五、日飞行,全程4个多小时。   3 菲律宾属于热带气候,年平均气温在26―27摄氏度,夏季多骤雨,旅行中带把雨伞更佳,度假时只需穿休闲夏装即可。 定要带上泳衣、泳裤及拖鞋。   4 菲律宾住酒店不是所有酒店都备有牙膏、牙刷、拖鞋,因此出行之前最好事先备好。   5 菲律宾旅游是要付导游和司机等服务人员小费的,在商店购物或乘坐出租车不必支付小费。   市内交通   吉普尼(Jeepney):在菲律宾少不了的当然是当地最独无二的吉普尼(当地人乘之为“花车”),每辆吉普尼都各有不同,完全凭主人兴趣装饰。在车的两侧,会用油漆写上从哪儿到哪儿的路线。   出租车:出租车一定要选择Heter Taxl,费用便宜,一般在市区都是十来块钱。   餐饮美食   菲律宾以风味浓郁的海鲜最为出名。餐厅中常常有乐队演奏和民族舞蹈表演。菲律宾乡土名菜喜欢用醋和大量的大蒜等辛辣调料,如烤乳猪、西尼根汤、阿多波、拉普拉普鱼等。宿务的芒果干是菲律宾最有名的特产,还有如木瓜干、芒果干、凤梨干等,在免税店有整盒出售。   作为世界上最具私密性、面积最大的私人度假地,位于印尼苔里岛Begawan Giri的香巴拉养生庄所(COHO Shambhala Estate,简称CSE),生在自然,宛若桃源。Shambhala在梵语中是“安宁”的意思。CSE的概念与此一脉相承,简洁的设计、雅致的格调,将现代的痕迹,以自然的趣味完好装饰,展现出与生俱来的宁静祥和。眺望替佳睦普(Tjampuhan)山谷;依傍秀丽迷人的阿涌河;感受空山灵雨,体验生命的律动。   香巴拉养生庄所把自己称为养生疗养的度假村,以健康养生为概念,融合“木”、“火”、“土”、“风”、“水”五种自然元素为主题,造就一个让心灵沉淀的度假庄园。踏入香巴拉养生庄所,需要填写一份有关身体状况的问卷;因为度假村里的医生,会依照住客的身体状况,度身订做一系列的活动和饮食。   来自日本的著名室内设计师浩一郎池渊,负责整个度假村内的室内设计部分,日本室内设计文化的精髓――简约和雅致,在这里得到充分展现。设计师将日本对家的概念融入其中,手工制作的家具和织品星星点点散落其问,现代的简约和传统巴厘风格彼此融合,完整地诠释了温馨、舒适的家的感觉。   整个度假村共有五处住处:Bayugita的意思为“风之歌”,以简单的线条和巴厘风格为主,居于其中,如有微风袭来,在室内便可听风观雨,独享自然之趣。Tirta-Ening,意为水之;争,以日式风格为主,带有浓郁的禅意。花园环绕四周,更有流水叮咚之声,不绝于耳。Tejasuara,其意为“火之声”,以原始、简约的风格为主,其装饰细节包括布艺、竹床以及茅草编制的屋顶。泳池旁有篝火燃点,映亮了周围的翠绿。Wanakasa,是有着美丽的风景“雾中林”,这里所有的套房完全坐落于树丛之中,泳池之下便有阿涌河水静静的流过。最近,CSE全新推出两幢隐世别墅。两栋别墅坐落于高山之上,室内洁白的色调、简约的线条,流露出低调的华丽。   香巴拉养生庄所的露天浴池藏于深山密林之中,躺在按摩床上,感受圣泉水的轻抚,由山谷向上望,天空比平常更高更阔;再向下望,神圣的阿涌河流水淙淙;四周是密密麻麻的棕榈树林,整个SPA过程就在一片宁静祥和的氛围中进行,直感觉整个人融化在这片大自然里。   除了享受舒活放松的SPA疗程,这里还有健康养生的瑜伽课,随着冥想、调养气息、伸展、平衡、背部波动u2026u2026瑜伽的低冲击运动,带给人身、心、灵的深呼吸。SPA花园中有数处大小不一的活泉水池,绿林、河谷、流泉、飞瀑、银蕨点缀在侧,构筑出独一无二的自然风格。这里的疗程从按摩、去角质到身体裹敷,所有的精油保养品皆来自英国的香巴拉,疗程后全身散发着薰衣草的清香,让人忍不住想带几瓶回家。   浩一郎池渊有意传递的设计理念就是将自然环境与项目本身融和,没有丝竹之声,却可以听水闻风,与自然为舞。人生的惬意,如同中国水墨画一样,于随性、静谧当中舒展写意人生。
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2023-06-21 06:41:231


Hot pot is a feature food of Chongqing. When the Chongqing natives get togther with their friends, most of them would like to chose hot pot as their dinner. Hot pot is famous for its spicy and hot, it is made up of some vagetable or meat and whatever....
2023-06-21 06:41:381

四川阆中古城的介绍 英文版

这是一段关于文化的介绍……Langzhong city has a very long history. It was once the capital of Ba Zi kingdom. Ba nationality lived very closely with Han nationality since many years ago, through exchange between them, a very unique folk-custom was formed, which was also an important part of historical culture of Langzhong city. The folk-custom culture of Langzhong is very characteristic; include the orthodox folk genre light opera, shadow play and paper-cut. All of them are important parts of Chinese folk arts. There are more than two hundred historical sites in the city. Some of them, such as Zhangfei Temple, Yongan Temple and Wulong Temple, have been listed as important cultural relic sites under state-level protection by the central government. Others are under province-level protection by the Sichuan Provincial Government. There are also more than thirty historical courtyards located in the downtown, living in them will definitely leave you a pleasant memory. Bayu Dancing-a cherished part of traditional culture of Ba nationalityBayu Dancing is a kind of group fighting dancing, formed by ancient Ba nationality during their tribe war and struggle with beast of prey. At the end of Shang dynasty(lasted from 1600BC to 1046BC), Jifa(also known as Zhou Wenwang)is the leader of a big tribe, who launched the Muye Battle against the king of Shang dynasty. The Longben Army, which was composed mainly of Ba nationality peoples, was very fierce during the battle. They not only singing folk songs but also playing folk dance while fighting with the enemy. The soldiers of Shang dynasty were so frightened by their high morale that they didn"t want fight any more. With the help of Longben Army, Jifa won the war at last. At the end of Qin dynasty(lasted from 221 BC to 207 BC),Fanmu led seven Ba nationality tribes to help Liu Bang(who was the first emperor of Han Dynasty) attack the army of Qin dynasty. Bayu Dancing also played an important role in the battle field. According to the Annals of Ba, which was part of the Annals of Huayang Kingdom, there is a river called Yu in Langzhong area, many people lived near the river. These people were very brave,they acted as the vanguard of the army of Han dynasty and defeat the enemy several times. They love dancing very much and their dance entered the stage of the imperial palace. The main musical instruments for the Bayu Dancing are drum and gong. This kind of drum is also called as the Ba Elephant Drum. Among the Ba nationality, some tribes worshipped snake, some tribes worshipped elephant, so the story about "snake eat elephant" came down from generation to generation. It is very probably that Ba Elephant Drum has some relationship with the totem worship of Ba tribes. Later on, the Ba Elephant Drum was also called as "Eight Immortal Drum", because Zhang Daoling once cultivated himself according to the religious doctrine of Taoism in Yuntai Mountain. There are eight immortals in Taoism, so Ba Elephant Drum, which name sounded very like "eight immortals"in Chinese, got a new name of "Eight Immortal Drum". During the folk performance, women can also playing the Bayu Dancing. While dancing, men leave their arm uncovered, women bundle their hair with a band, all of them wearing masks while dancing with the accompaniment of drum and gong. According to the ancient annals, the leader holds a long-handle hide drum, beating it with a whip. Other people followed him, with bow or spear or shield in their hands. They jumping and crying while embattle tidily. It can be divided into several parts, such as greet immortals, wait for fight, combat, drive away the devil and celebrate the victory. Ba people use this kind of dancing art to hold their tribes together and invigorate their fighting spirit. They help each other and treat each other very friendly at peaceful times, while mobilize every member of their tribes into fight to protect their hometown at wartime. Bayu Dancing is very popular in Langzhong City. During the spring festival, not only in downtown of Langzhon, but also in villages and towns of Baita Mountainous area and Jinping Mountainous area, there are Bayu Dance performance and playing of the Eight Immortal Drum. Many ancient literators wrote articles on these local folk culture traditions. At the end of Qing Dynasty, the famous scholar Wu Mi also described the Bayu Dancing in his poems. Recently, the Bayu dancing has regained its former vigor and energy after it has been recovered by experts. In 1991, during the Silk Art Performing Festival of Nan Chong City, domestic and foreign guests appreciate the Bayu Dancing very much. The China Central Television also broadcasted the Bayu Dancing during the festival. North Sichuan Light OperaNorth Sichuan Light Opera is also called "Guyuesheng". It is a folk dancing and singing opera popularized in north part of Sichuan province. It has a long history, originated from the end of Ming dynasty. North Sichuan Light Opera is one of the "three flowers of north Sichuan opera", the other two are North Sichuan Great Puppet Show and North Sichuan Shadow Play. Langzhong is the hometown of North Sichuan Light Opera. When harvesting season arrives, actors hang the big red lantern in farm fields or courtyards. There are propitious words write on the lanterns, such as "wish a good harvest of grain." or "longevity for the people and harvest for the crop." When peasants see the bright lantern and hear the sound of drum, gong and Chinese violin, they know there is a performance will be hold. The North Sichuan Light Opera is very humorous and lively. The content of North Sichuan Light Opera has a close relation with folklore and living of poor people. Most of them are comedy, few are tragedy. All of them have a joyful spirit. The pattern of the North Sichuan Light Opera is not fixed; it has absorbed many different art forms into it, such as Bayu Dancing, kid show, monkey opera, puppet show, shadow show and ghost dancing. The romance, realism, exaggeration, humor and folk-custom have combined into the North Sichuan Light Opera harmoniously. There are many high-level troupes in townships of Langzhong City. In 1984, at the Sichuan provincial non-professional trouper"s contest, the light opera of welcome Qingjiamu to get on the palanquin won the excellent play book award, the light opera of festival of town god won the excellent performance award. In 1987, the troupe of North Sichuan Light Opera were invited to act at Beijing, they are warmly welcomed by their audience. They are also invited to give a special performance for the national leaders at Zhongnanhai(central headquarters for the Communist Party of China and the Central People"s Government of China).In 1989 they act as delegation of Sichuan opera and took part in the Shanghai cultural exchange performance. The audience praised the North Sichuan Light Opera as "unsophisticated sounds of nature, heritage of ancient times and origin of all Chinese opera". 还要的话联系我,我还有的
2023-06-21 06:42:101


巴厘岛的本地人将杜阿别墅酒店称为Villa Dua。2012年开业,共有1间房。杜阿别墅酒店(VillaDua)坐落于努沙杜瓦,优越的地理位置使它成为巴厘岛一个令人向往的住宿选择。在该地区观光很容易,SamabeBaliPool&BeachClub、丽思卡尔顿SPA和TheLuxuryDaySpaRosehill都在酒店附近。从酒店出发可方便前往市内的众多著名景点,包括BayuBaliDriver-DayTour、Geger海滩和努沙杜瓦。客房内的所有设施都是经过精心的考虑和安排,包括房内保险箱、空调和房间内高速上网,满足您入住需求的同时又能增添家的温馨感。服务人员会提前为您准备好免费瓶装水,以满足您的饮水需求。旅客可以在西餐厅享用可口的美食。如果旅客愿意,酒店可以提供满足需求的客房送餐服务。在享受酒店贴心周到的餐饮服务的同时,也别放弃对周边美味的探索,DulangRestaurant(东南亚菜)、穆丽雅咖啡(东南亚菜)和PaonBali(东南亚菜)也许是可以让您找到答案的地方。相信按摩室周到的服务和室内游泳池一流的设施,会让您拥有别样的体验。为了方便旅客,酒店会提供接机服务。入住酒店的旅客,可以使用酒店免费停车场。周边玩乐景点努萨杜瓦与杜阿别墅酒店距离2.63km太平洋岛民博物馆与杜阿别墅酒店距离4.0km金巴兰与杜阿别墅酒店距离4.5km酒店安靖别墅酒店与杜阿别墅酒店距离0.06km巴厘岛努沙杜瓦梅斯滕罗望子酒店与杜阿别墅酒店距离0.35km2号犬别墅假日公园与杜阿别墅酒店距离0.65km餐厅Laguna Garden Restaurant Pantai Mengiat与杜阿别墅酒店距离3.41km卡卡海景餐厅与杜阿别墅酒店距离4.32km观海螃蟹王与杜阿别墅酒店距离6.11km。
2023-06-21 06:42:331


Chongqing city is a famous historical and cultural city, but of Bayu culture birthplace, has reached more than 3000 years of recorded history. As early as eleventh Century BC, this is the ancient capital of Pakistan jiangzhou. Because of this into the Yangtze River, the Jialing River in ancient times known Yushui, Sui Wendi Yang Jiansui in Kai Huang three years (583) set up here in Yuzhou is Chongqing referred to as "Chongqing" the origin. Southern Song Dynasty Chunxi the sixteen years (1189), because here was a hidden fan present emperor song Guangzong Zhao Dun, then perfunctory in the home office, Hao Yue "the Chongqing government, in double happiness. It will take the "Chongqing" name, this has been more than 800 years.
2023-06-21 06:42:591


Introduction Location: situated on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River - at the confluence of Yangtze River and Jialing River and at the joint of central China and the southwest China, between 10517" - 110 1" east longitude and 280" - 323" north latitudeNeighboring Areas: Qinghai, Gansu, Shaanxi, Hubei, Hunan, Guizhou, and Yunnan Provinces, Tibet Autonomous RegionPhysical Features: 470 kilometers from east to west and 450 kilometers from north to south; the terrain slopes down to the Yangtze River valley from south to north, therefore quite undulating; mainly hills in the northwest and central parts while the Dabashan and Wulingshan Mountains in southeastPopulation: 30.40 millionUrban Population: 5.771 millionArea: 82,400 sq kmNationalities: Han, Yi, Tibetan, Miao, Qiang, and TujiaHistory: came into being three thousand years ago, used to be called Jiangzhou, Bazhou and Yuzhou etc, and got its name 800 years ago, namely in A. D. 1189; one of the cradles of Changjiang Civilization, also the cradle of Bayu CultureThe history of Chongqing can be traced up to Tongliang culture and Mawangchang culture twenty thousand years ago. During the closing stage of the Spring and Autumn Period, it was the capita of Ba Kingdom. Ba was the earliest name of this place. When the Qin Kingdom unified China, it established Ba Prefecture here. In the Han Dynasty the name was changed into Jiang Prefecture, because this mountain city closely stood by the Yanhgtze River. In the Sui Dynasty the name was again changed into Yu Prefecture, because it was near Jialingjiang River which was called Yu River in the ancient time. That is why Chongqing is called Yu for short. This name remained through the Tang Dynasty, Five Dynasties and the Northern Sung Dynasty for 500 odd years. Up to now Chongqing is still called Yu for short. In the Sung Dynasty (in the year of 1102A.D.) Yu Prefecture was renamed Gong Prefecture and in 1190 the name was changed into Chongqing Prefecture, meaning "Double Celebration or Happiness" in Chinese characters. That was how the name "Chongqing" came which has been used through the dynasties of Yuan, Ming and Qing and up to now. On 14th of March, 1997, Chongqing was officially proclaimed the fourth municipality directly under the jurisdiction of the Central Government. Climatic Features: sub-tropical humid monsoon climate; little frost and snow and much fog all the year round; 4 seasons clearly with warm winter, hot summer, early spring and short autumnAverage Temperature: average lowest temperature in winter is 6 to 8C and average highest temperature in summer is 27C to 29C; annual average temperature is around 18C to 20CRainfall: long rainy season and plenty rainfall, about 1200-1400 mm a year; plenty of night rainMountains: Hualuan Mountains, Daba MountainsRivers: the Yangtse River - the longest river in China, Jialing River, Wujiang River, Fujiang River, Qijiang River, Qujiang River and Daninghe River; Changshou Lake, Qinglong Lake, Longshui Lake, Baiyun Lake, Shengtian Lake and Nanhu LakeLocal Highlights: Sichuan Cuisine, Chaffy Dish, Qianjiang Baked Tobacco and handcraft made from bambooChaotianmen Docks Chongqing is an inland port and a visit to Chaotianmen Docks gives a glimpse of the how the life of this modern industrial city mixes with its past. Surrounded by mountains and on the confluence of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River, the ships, steamers and tugboats of this busy port jostle along the wharf. Nearby streets are narrow noisy affairs full of market stalls, food stalls and commerce. Many Yangtze river cruises start and end at Chaotianmen docks. For a view of the docks and city, take the cable car across the river from Cangbai Lu or Wanglongmen.Chongqing Museum / Chongqing Natural History Museum This museum in south Chongqing is home to a number of dinosaur skeletons which have been unearthed in Sichuan province. Most of the remains have been uncovered around the town of Zigong since the 70s. The most impressive exhibits at Chongqing Natural History Museum are the skeletons of the Tuojiang stegosaur and the Omeisaurus zigongensis dinosaur.Situated on the top of the Pipashan Mountain, Chongqing Museum was founded in 1951 as the Southwest Museum and was renamed as Chongqing Museum in 1955. It focuses on the region"s natural history, ancient history, and revolutionary history. Covering a construction area of 5500m2, the museum has over 40 exhibiting halls with about 100,000 relics, which spans over 3000 years history from the ancient Kingdom of Ba and the near-mythical Three Kingdoms Period to World War Two and the Chinese Revolution.These antiquities mainly include bronze ware, pottery, paintings, porcelain, sculptures, etc, of which relics of Ba-Shu culture, painting of various dynasties, terra-cotta and sculpture of the Han dynasty and pottery and porcelain are most famous.Relics of the Ba-Shu culture: In this section, Ba-Shu bronze weapons are most noticeable. Exquisitely made and elaborately engraved, these weapons, especially "Round top axe" and "Spear with two rings", all express distinctive local features of the Ba culture.Terra cottas and sculptures of the Han Dynasty: These exhibits reflect the social life of the Han dynasty with their vivid appearances and designs. Various pottery figures, including storytellers, singers and dancers, musicians, cooks, etc, are meticulously carved with lifelike expressions and the surface carving of picture bricks and stones describe incisively people"s yearning for a happy life.Pottery and porcelain: Sichuan kilns have special local characteristics. In this section, Tang Tri-colour Pottery products of the Qiong kiln are the most famous. Also, purple clay ware (Zisha) of the Ming and Qing dynasties are also exhibited in this section.The museum also has systematic collections of traditional cultural relics including: pictures and calligraphies of masters since the Song Dynasty.Luohan Temple Luohan Temple was founded during the Song dynasty (960-1279AD) and is located in south Chongqing just off Minzu Lu. The temple has an unusually ornate passageway, which is lined with statues carved into the wall and leads to the main temple complex where over 500 carvings of Luohan or Buddhist saints can be seen.Hong Yan VillageThis village used to be the headquarters of the Southern Bureau of the Central Committee of the CCP and the Chongqing Office of the 8th Route Army. It is known as the former residence of Zhou Enlai and Ye Jianying. One of China"s better revolutionary history museums now stands at the site and has a large collection of photos.Northern Hot Springs ParkFifty kilometres northeast of Chongqing City, the Northern Hot Springs Springs Park is situated at the foot of Jinyun Mountain. The park is the site of a 5th century Buddhist Temple. It covers an area of ten hectares with hot springs, caves, man-made rock formations and Buddhist Halls.The water rises to a temperature of 32C (89.6F) and contains lime, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfate and other minerals, which make it suitable for bathing and the treatment of quite a few diseases such as Dermatitis, Rheumatism,Three GorgesThe Three Gorges of Yangtze River extend 193 kilometers from the western Baidicheng in Sichan Province, to Nanjinguan of Yichang city in Hubei Province in the east. They differ from each other in sceneries: Qutang Gorge is straight and craggy; Wu Gorge, deep, serene and exquisite; while Xiling Gorge perilous for its shoals and rapid currents. Qutang Gorge:- From east to west, it measures 8 kilometers, starting from Baidicheng and ending at Daixi township. With vertical cliffs of some thousand meters high as its two flanks, the Qutang Gorge is only a few dozens of meters wide just like a narrow gateway. With swash and rumble, the surging Yangtze River pours into the gateway with great momentum. Looking up towards the tops of towering precipitous mountains along the Gorge, one sees from a boat only a narrow strip of clouds and sky, but under foot the River tears on violently. Wu Gorge:- It extends 40 kilometers from the mouth of Daning River of Wushan Mountain in the west to Guandukou of Badong in the east. The Wu Gorge is gifted with exquisite peaks and lush mountains and ranges. It"s deep and serene with changeable weather. The rolling River twists and turns and boats zigzag their way along, as if cruising in a fantastic gallery. The twelve peaks of Wushan Mountain all rise to the blue sly. They are endowed with various fascinating shapes. Among them, the most fabulous is the Peak of Goddess. It pierces through the heaven, and towers over the Yangtze River. A protruding rock of the Peak has the shape of a slim girl shrouded in clouds and mist faintly visible as if clad in fine gauze dress, looking attractive and exuding tenderness and love. Xiling Gorge:- It measures 75 kilometers from Xiangxikou to Nanjinguan. The whole Gorge area is covered with high mountains, gullies, dangerous shoals and hidden reefs of various sizes. The best-known perilous shoal is Qing Shoal. It"s formed by collapsed craggy cliffs. Surging waves and rapid currents churn over the shoal embedded with rocks and stones here and there, and then drop two meters in elevation. Ships go downstream over the shoal at an arrow speed, but up the shoal it"s as difficult as climbing a steep hill. Grotto Art in Dazu CountyDazu County, located in the southeast of Sichuan province, is 271 kilometres away from Chengdu and 163 kilometres away from Chongqing. "Dazu" here means "harvest and abundance (Dafeng, Dazu)".The work of Dazu Rock Carvings began in the first year of Yonghui in the Tang Dynasty (650A.D.), and continued until the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now, it enjoys equal popularity with theYungang and Longmen Grottoes. The general term of "Dazu Rock Carvings" refers to all the cliffside carvings in Dazu County, which includes the carvings in Beishan (including Beita), Baodingshan, Nanshan, Shizhuanshan and Shimenshan. Baoding Grotto, 15 kilometres northeast of the county seat, is the largest and best preserved one and is a key cultural relic site under state protection.There are more than 50,000 Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian rock carvings and 100,000 characters of inscriptions dotted around Dazu.The carvings not only include the statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva but also include that of monarchs, ministers, military officers, high and low-ranking officials, jailers, executioners, monks, rich and poor people, and folk art performers. The earliest grotto was carved in the early Tang Dynasty and most of them have a history over 1000 years.Many of the carvings in Baoding Grotto reflect religious doctrines and another set of carvings reflects Confucianism, specifically filial piety. What the carvings offer to visitors is not only the wonderful enjoyment of the magnificent art but a Buddhist teaching like this: One can free himself from earthly worries by self-cultivation and does not need to go beyond his own inner world to find the truth of Buddhism. There are also many other carvings at the site that tell Buddhist doctrines through the lives of ordinary people. With rich images as well as inscriptions, the Dazu Grottoes are regarded as an art treasure house that fully reflected the society, philosophy, religion and folklore of that time. In 1999, UNESCO listed Dazu Stone Carvings as a world cultural heritage site. One point to be noted is that the Dazu Grottoes are the only ones that were implemented according to an overall design among over 100 grottoes in China.
2023-06-21 06:43:071


俄语经典 - 共青团之歌Музыка В. Соловьева-СедогоСлова А. Галича罗马字注音:encode_one(转载请注明)Протрубиu0300ли трубачиu0300 тревоu0300гу.PRATRUBILI TRUBACHI TREVOGUВсеu0300м по фоu0300рме к боu0300ю снаряжён,VSEM PA FORME K BOYU SNARYAJONСобираu0300лся в даu0300льнюю дороu0300гуSABIRALSYA V DAL"NUYU DAROGUКомсомоu0300льский своu0300дный батальоu0300н.KAMSAMOL"SKY SVABODNYI BATAL"ONДо свидаu0300нья, маu0300ма, не горюu0300й,DA SVIDANIYA MAMA NE GARYUIНа прощаu0300нье сыu0300на поцелуu0300й;NA PRASCHANIE SYNA PACELUIДо свидаu0300нья, маu0300ма, не горюu0300й, не грустиu0300,DA SVIDANIYA MAMA NE GARYUI NE GRUSTIПожелаu0300й нам доu0300брого путиu0300!PAJELAY NAM DOBRAVA PUTIПрощаu0300й, краяu0300 родныu0300е,PRASCHAY KRAYA RADNYEЗвездаu0300 побеu0300ды нам светиu0300.ZVEZDA PABEDY NAM SVETIДо свидаu0300нья, маu0300ма, не горюu0300й, не грустиu0300,DA SVIDANIYA MAMA NE GARYUI NE GRUSTIПожелаu0300й нам доu0300брого путиu0300!PAJELAY NAM DOBRAVA PUTIВсё, чтоu0300 с деu0300тства люu0300бим и храниu0300м,VSIO CHTO Z DECTVA LIUBIM I HRANIMНикогдаu0300 врагуu0300 не отдадиu0300м,NIKAGDA VRAGU NE DADIMЛуu0300чше слоu0300жим гоu0300лову в боюu0300,LUCHSHE SLOJIM GOLAVU V BAYUЗащищаu0300я Роu0300дину своюu0300.ZASCHISHCAYA RODINU SVAYUДо свидаu0300нья, маu0300ма, не горюu0300й,DA SVIDANIYA MAMA NE GARYUIНа прощаu0300нье сыu0300на поцелуu0300й;NA PRASCHANIE SYNA PACELUIДо свидаu0300нья, маu0300ма, не горюu0300й, не грустиu0300,DA SVIDANIYA MAMA NE GARYUI NE GRUSTIПожелаu0300й нам доu0300брого путиu0300!PAJELAY NAM DOBRAVA PUTIПрощаu0300й, краяu0300 родныu0300е,PRASCHAY KRAYA RADNYEЗвездаu0300 побеu0300ды нам светиu0300.ZVEZDA PABEDY NAM SVETIДо свидаu0300нья, маu0300ма, не горюu0300й, не грустиu0300,DA SVIDANIYA MAMA NE GARYUI NE GRUSTIПожелаu0300й нам доu0300брого путиu0300!PAJELAY NAM DOBRAVA PUTIПрощаu0300й, краяu0300 родныu0300е,PRASCHAY KRAYA RADNYEЗвездаu0300 побеu0300ды нам светиu0300.ZVEZDA PABEDY NAM SVETIДо свидаu0300нья, маu0300ма, не горюu0300й, не грустиu0300,DA SVIDANIYA MAMA NE GARYUI NE GRUSTIПожелаu0300й нам доu0300брого путиu0300!PAJELAY NAM DOBRAVA PUTI1947俄语经典 - 共青团之歌 (中文歌词)伽里契 词谢多伊 曲赵 枫 译(一)听吧战斗的号角发出警报,穿好军装拿起武器,共青团员们集合起来踏上征途,万众一心保卫国家!我们再见了亲爱的妈妈,请你吻别你的儿子吧!再见吧,妈妈!别难过,莫悲伤,祝福我们一路平安吧!再见了亲爱的故乡,胜利的星会照耀我们,再见吧,妈妈!别难过,莫悲伤,祝福我们一路平安吧!(二)我们自幼所心爱的一切,宁死也不能让给敌人,共青团员们集合起来踏上征途,万众一心保卫国家!我们再见了亲爱的妈妈,请你吻别你的儿子吧!再见吧,妈妈!别难过,莫悲伤,祝福我们一路平安吧!再见了亲爱的故乡,胜利的星会照耀我们,再见吧,妈妈!别难过,莫悲伤,祝福我们一路平安吧!
2023-06-21 06:43:141


《好好对你》演唱:赵灵儿词:莫奇MY/赵灵儿曲:莫奇MY编曲:林中石作曲:莫奇MY/赵灵儿作词:赵灵儿/莫奇MY歌词:你总说我的笑让人眷恋像繁星慢慢点燃你的眼最初相见心走进了一点我的一切仿佛与你有关为何你的热情在递减直到我和你再见面只留我一人你转身无言每天每夜好想念我只想好好对你好好对你奋不顾身紧张只求和你拥有片刻的时光我只想好好对你好好对你有你就有了梦想我害怕天就快亮这是我想你的一百零一天用力擦去有你的画面可谁知再一次你降临我身边心早已坠入你的梦田我只想好好对你好好对你奋不顾身紧张只求和你拥有片刻的时光我只想好好对你好好对你有你就有了梦想我害怕天就快亮和你漫步在星河的上方写满我们彼此爱过的模样好好对你未来充满着希望患得患失我从来不伪装一意孤行就算为爱莽撞好好对你心就有方向我只想好好对你好好对你奋不顾身紧张和你拥有着最肆意的阳光我只想好好对你好好对你有你就有了梦想不害怕有你就是天堂不害怕我有你就是天堂扩展资料:所属专辑:好好对你编曲:林中石混音后期:巴域吉他:林中石录音室:王嘉平监唱:莫奇MY和声:蔚蓝封面设计:阿杰录音室:New Beat Studio母带工程:BAYU Studio制作人:莫奇MY
2023-06-21 06:43:381


巴厘岛杜阿别墅酒店是4星级酒店,位于Jalan Celagi Nunggul Banjar Sawaggan,努沙杜瓦地区,巴东县,巴厘岛,巴厘省,80361,印度尼西亚,关于早餐方面,酒店提供早餐。而关于儿童和加床方面,酒店的规定是:酒店允许携带儿童入住。每间客房最多容纳1名15岁及以下儿童,和成人共用现有床铺。15岁及以下使用现有床铺收费,每人每晚IDR150000。2012年开业,共有1间房。杜阿别墅酒店(VillaDua)坐落于努沙杜瓦,优越的地理位置使它成为巴厘岛一个令人向往的住宿选择。在该地区观光很容易,SamabeBaliPool&BeachClub、丽思卡尔顿SPA和TheLuxuryDaySpaRosehill都在酒店附近。从酒店出发可方便前往市内的众多著名景点,包括BayuBaliDriver-DayTour、Geger海滩和努沙杜瓦。客房内的所有设施都是经过精心的考虑和安排,包括房内保险箱、空调和房间内高速上网,满足您入住需求的同时又能增添家的温馨感。服务人员会提前为您准备好免费瓶装水,以满足您的饮水需求。旅客可以在西餐厅享用可口的美食。如果旅客愿意,酒店可以提供满足需求的客房送餐服务。在享受酒店贴心周到的餐饮服务的同时,也别放弃对周边美味的探索,DulangRestaurant(东南亚菜)、穆丽雅咖啡(东南亚菜)和PaonBali(东南亚菜)也许是可以让您找到答案的地方。相信按摩室周到的服务和室内游泳池一流的设施,会让您拥有别样的体验。为了方便旅客,酒店会提供接机服务。入住酒店的旅客,可以使用酒店免费停车场。
2023-06-21 06:43:531

马来西亚版let it go歌词

Bebaskan bebaskanTak dapatku pendam lagiBebaskan bebaskanMulakan hidup baruSalju putih menutupi malamTiada jejak yang terlihatKerajaan yang terasing dan akulah ratunyaHembusan bayu bak gelora jiwakuPuasku cuba tuk memendamnyaJangan sampai mereka tahuHarus menjadi yang diharapkanLindungilah yang sebenarKini akuBebaskan bebaskanTak mampu bertahan lagiBebaskan bebaskanTidak seperti duluDi sini berdiri megahBebaskan bebaskanKedinginan tak pernah mengganggukuKini dapatku lihat jelas dari kejauhanKetakutan terpendam telah dapat ku lepaskanDiatas kedinginan ku bernyawa lagiKisah silam ku lepaskan tak mungkin ku sesaliBebaskan bebaskanTak mampu bertahan lagiBebaskan bebaskanKu cuba sedayakuDi sini berdiri megahBebaskan bebaskanKedinginan tak pernah mengganggukuBerdiri membeku di alam pilihankuKatakan bertemu segala yang kutinggalkanKu timbun membekuBebaskan bebaskanTak mampu bertahan lagiBebaskan bebaskanTidak seperti duluDi sini berdiri megahBebaskan bebaskanKedinginan tak pernah mengganggukuBebaskanYeah..Na na..Bebaskan..Bebaskan bebaskanUuu.. bebaskan
2023-06-21 06:44:001


拜仁所在的城市慕尼黑 是德国南部巴伐利亚州首府 也是德国最富有的城市 工业名城
2023-06-21 06:44:093

跪求萤之光谐音歌词 !!

2023-06-21 06:44:172


ub610ud55c Tamna uc12c, ud5c8ub2c8ubb38 uc12c, ub0adub9ccuc801uc778 uc12c, ud55cubc18ub3c4uc758 ub0a8ucabd ub05duc5d0 uc704uce58ud55cuc73cub85c uc54cub824uc9c4, uc81cuc8fc ud574ud611 ubc18ub3c4 uc804uc5educ73cub85c uad6cubd84ud569ub2c8ub2e4. uc81cuc8fc uc12c, uc12c ub4f1 uac00ucd95 1,826km2uc758 ucd1d uba74uc801uc740 uac70uc9d3ub9d0 uc12c, ud615uc81c uc12c, uc27cud130 uc12c, ubaa8uae30 uc12c, ud0c0uc774uac70 uc544uc77cub79cub4dc, 34 uc12c uc704uce58, 100km ubd81ucabduc5d0 uc758ud574 uc804ub0a8 ub3d9ubd80uc5d0uc11c uc18cuc720ud558uace0, uad00uad11 ub09auc2dc ub9acuc870ud2b8uc5d0 uc774uc0c1uc801uc785ub2c8ub2e4. uad00uad11 uba85uc18c uc5b4ub514uc11c ubcfc uc218uc788ub294 uc790uc5f0uc758 ud48duacbduc744 uc990uae38, ub2f9uc2e0uc740 ub610ud55c uc0b0, uc2b9ub9c8, uae30uc068uacfc ub180uc774, uc0acub0e5, uc11cud551uacfc uac8cuc784 uace8ud504 ub4f1ubc18 . ud14cub514ubca0uc5b4 ubba4uc9c0uc5c4 uae4auc774 ud14cub514 ubca0uc5b4 ub9ccub4e0 uc0acub791uc740 uc218uc138uae30 ub3d9uc548 uc804uc138uacc4 uc0acub78cub4e4uc5d0uac8c ubcf4uc5ecuc904 uac83uc785ub2c8ub2e4. ud14cub514uc758 uc0dduc0b0uc5d0 ub450 uac1cuc758 uc804uc2dcud68c uc7a5uc5d0uc11c ubcfc uc218uc788ub294 uc138uacc4 uac01uad6duc5d0uc11c uacf0. ubc29ubb38uac1dub4e4uc740 ub610ud55c ubc15ubb3cuad00 uac00uac8c uc218, ub808uc2a4ud1a0ub791, uc57cuc678 uacf5uc6d0 ubc14ub2e4uac00 uc88buc740 uc2dcuac04uc744 ubcf4ub0b4uace0 ubcfc uc218uc788uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4.uba85uc608uc758 ub300ub7b5uc758 uc5educ0acub85c ub098ub20c uc218uc788uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4 ubc15ubb3cuad00uacfc ubbf8uc220uad00ubfd0ub9cc uc544ub2c8ub77c, uae30ud68d uc804uc2dcuad00. uc5educ0ac ubc15ubb3cuad00uc5d0ub294 uc5educ0acuc801 uc778ubb3cuc758 uc870ud569uc5d0uc11c uc720uba85ud55c uc7a5uba74uc758 uc5educ0ac 100 ub144 uc7acud604 ud14cub514ubca0uc5b4, ud14cub514ubca0uc5b4 uace8ub3d9ud488 ub4f1ub4f1 uc5b4ub5a4uc5d0uc11c ub09c ubbf8ucf08ub780uc824ub85c ucc3duc870 "ucd5cud6c4uc758 ub9ccucc2c uc218uc788uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4"uc640 ubaa8ub098ub9acuc790 ud14cub514 ud2b9ud788 uc788uc74c, uacf0uc774 ub208 - uc2a4ud0c0uc77cub9c1 uc7a1uae30.ubbf8uc220uad00uc5d0uc11c, ub2f9uc2e0uc774 uc0acub294 uc138uacc4ub97c uc608uc220 uc791ud488uc758 uc8fcuc778uc758 uacbdub85cubfd0ub9cc uc544ub2c8ub77c, uc544uc774ub4e4uc774 uc88buc544ud558ub294 uc778uae30 uce90ub9adud130 uc560ub2c8uba54uc774uc158 uacf0uc778 ud615uc744 uc990uae38 uc218uc788uc2b5ub2c8ub2e4. uc5ecuae30uc5d0 uba87 uac00uc9c0 uc138uacc4uc5d0uc11c uac00uc7a5 uc791uc740 uacf0uc778 ud615, uadf8uac83uc740 ub2e8uc9c0 4.5 mm uc788uc5c8uace0, uc0b4ud3b4ubcf4uc154uc57cud569ub2c8ub2e4. uae30ud68d uc804uc2dc ud640 uacf5uc5f0 uae30uac04 uc911 ub2e4ub978 ud14cub9c8 uacf0uc758 ub2e4uc591ud55c uc804uc2dcud68cub97c uae30ubc18uc73cub85cud569ub2c8ub2e4
2023-06-21 06:44:263

英语作文 写一篇关于家乡重庆的 急用!

I love Chongqing Chongqing southwest the Chinese interior the spot, in Yangtze River"s upstream, the city according to Shan Erjian, is called by “the mountain city”.Chongqing has 82403 square kilometers, the entire city has 31,140,000 populations approximately.The climate is temperate, suits the people to live.In addition, Chongqing also has the very many scenery scenic spot, people also all warm hospitable.Chongqing"s snack is extremely famous, for example the hot pot, the hot and sour soup, many had the thick Chongqing characteristic snack to attract the innumerable tourists to come to travel. Mountains and water,three-dimensional sense, the local cities have their own characteristics. Chongqing Bold boys, pretty girls. Beautiful night view of Chongqing. Chongqing is the youngest municipality directly under the Central, full of vitality and passion to create. There are the mountain city of Chongqing culture, Bayu culture, pot culture, cultural capital is a cultural city. Chongqing Jiefangbei, Chaotianmen, porcelain mouth reputation Chongqing has the best night, the lights over a five-color silver Ha, Stars have lost their Sinorama is no wonder that the Shanghai, Chongqing has a small name, but more is Chongqing"s own taste, the spicy hot pot to create passionate people in Chongqing
2023-06-21 06:44:461


2023-06-21 06:44:532


2023-06-21 06:45:001


巴伐利亚出自Bayuwaren,是罗马帝国统治该地时罗马人给予该地的名称。大约于520年法兰克人也提及此名。在8世纪早期圣卜尼法斯完成将该地的人改信天主教。从此巴伐利亚一直相信罗马天主教,16-17世纪巴伐利亚抗拒宗教改革,而且还仍然坚持相信罗马天主教。大约由550年至788年,阿芝诺芬家族统治巴伐利亚公国,直至最后一位公爵泰西罗三世被查理大帝罢黜为止。在接着的400年有很多家族统治公国,很少家族能传至第三代。而那些公爵中最后亦是最重要的一位,就是韦尔夫王朝的狮子亨利,亦是慕尼黑的建城者。当狮子亨利被他侄子腓特烈一世罢免萨克森与巴伐利亚公爵的名衔之后,在1180年,巴伐利亚被给予维特尔斯巴赫家族作为封地,从此巴伐利亚由1180年直至1918年都是在维特尔斯巴赫家族统治下。1255年巴伐利亚第一次分裂成若干数个公国,但在1506年巴伐利亚再被统一,而慕尼黑也成为唯一的首都。1623年三十年战争早期巴伐利亚公爵取代了他们的表亲普法尔茨公爵获得了神圣罗马帝国内强大的选帝侯名衔,从那时起不但决定了巴伐利亚拥有选举德意志国王和神圣罗马帝国皇帝的权利,而且获得在帝国法律之下的特别正式地位。 第一次《巴黎和约》(1814)之后,巴伐利亚马上将蒂罗尔北部和沃拉尔堡割让给奥地利,在维也纳和会期间,它还割让了萨尔茨堡的更大一部分和因河地区,得到维尔茨堡,阿沙芬堡,莱茵河左岸的帕拉廷地区,黑森-达姆施塔特,豪斯鲁克和福尔达修道院作为补偿。但是随着法国的崩溃,对奥地利由来已久的恐惧和嫉妒卷土重来,在列强忽视了巴伐利亚对巴登继承权的要求的情况下,巴伐利亚只有在得到帕拉廷在莱茵河右岸部分才同意这些让步(1816年4月16日的《慕尼黑条约》规定的)。问题在此公开化了,双方关系仍然很紧张,大联盟当局施压才制止了战争爆发。在埃克斯和会(1818)中,巴登的继承权以有利于霍赫贝格家族的方式解决了,没有提到在《慕尼黑条约》中提到的补偿;在四强国1819年7月20日签署的《法兰克福条约》中,巴伐利亚和奥地利的领土争端得到了解决,尽管前者提出抗议,领土安排主要是按维也纳的意思制定的。巴伐利亚得到了一小块领土,将本土和帕拉廷连结起来,而巴伐利亚军队负责驻守美因茨的邦联要塞。同时在1817年2月1日,蒙特格拉斯被解职,巴伐利亚进入了宪政改革的新时代。这与下台的首相的欧洲政策一脉相承。在新的德意志邦联中,巴伐利亚担负起了对抗奥地利和普鲁士的诸小国的守护者责任,蒙特格拉斯梦想着巴伐利亚能在南德意志建立像普鲁士在北德意志那样的霸权。王储推行自由主义宪法和对巴登提出宣称权的政策得到民众的广泛支持,而对于前者,蒙特格拉斯直到被解职前也绝不做出让步。1818年5月26日,新宪法颁布。国会包括两院:第一院由大世袭地主,政府官员和王位继承提名者组成;第二院由很少的选民选举产生,包括小地主,市民和农民的代表。在附则中还保证宗教自由和新教徒的安全,这些让步被罗马以违背之前不久签署的《政教协定》为由宣布无效。宪政改革的试验并未达到王室的期望,国会召开后一些议员的激进主义——最极端的就是要求军队向宪法效忠——引起了国王的极大警惕,他向奥地利和德意志求助,希望采取任何他们建议的镇压措施。但是普鲁士拒绝参与任何争辩,而认识到生死存亡依赖于国王的国会也放低了调门,马克西米连在去世前也一直维持着模范立宪君主的形象。1825年10月13日,他的儿子路德维希一世继位。路德维希是一个开明的艺术科学赞助者,他将兰茨胡特大学迁到了慕尼黑。他以自己追求宏大的建筑品位,将这座城市建成欧陆最美丽的城市之一。他统治早期践行自由主义和改革精神,尤其是在行政和财政方面,但是1830年革命让他一惊之下转向反动,国会对其建筑和艺术品的大规模投资的反对更加强了这个倾向。1837年,教宗至上主义者随着卡尔·冯·阿贝尔(1788-1859)成为首相而掌权。耶稣会现在也占了上风宪法的自由主义条款都被修订或删除了,新教徒被驱逐出境,遭到压迫,出版检查委员会热心于禁止任何对国内政治的自由讨论。这种整体的崩溃不是由于大众的反感,而是出于路德维希对神职人员反对他的婢女,罗拉·蒙特茨影响的憎恨。1847年2月17日,阿贝尔由于其出版的备忘录中提及反对将爱尔兰女人罗拉扶正的提议而被解职,新教徒格奥尔格·路德维希·冯·毛勒取代了他。新政府批准了两人结婚,但是这导致了大学中教宗至上主义者的教授参加的暴乱。这些教授被剥夺教职,国会被解散,11月27日,政府也被解散了。罗拉·蒙特茨被封为兰茨菲尔德女伯爵,她成为了国家的主宰,新首相,欧廷根-沃勒斯坦的路德维希亲王(1791-1870)尽管努力通过鼓吹泛德意志爱国主义取得自由派的同情,但一直无力建立稳定的政府。他的内阁被称作“罗拉政府”,1848年2月,受到巴黎消息(1848年法国革命)的鼓舞,反对女伯爵的暴乱爆发了。3月11日,国王将欧廷根解职,3月20日,认识到舆论已经转而反对自己,路德维希退位给儿子马克西米连二世。在退位前,路德维希于1848年3月6日发布了一项声明,许诺巴伐利亚政府将致力于德意志的自由和统一事业。出于对这种精神的信仰,马克西米连接受法兰克福中央政府的权威,在12月19日还认可对德意志议会通过的法律的传播。但是此时普鲁士而非奥地利才是敌人。在弗雷德里克·威廉四世拒绝接受王位中的时候,马克西米连得到了巴伐利亚国会的支持。由于支持将奥地利排除出邦联的新德意志宪法,他实际上走向了本国人民意愿的对立面;但是在此之前,革命的后台已经崩溃,在导致1851年普鲁士在奥尔米茨受辱的一系列事件和旧邦联重建的背景下,巴伐利亚通过与奥地利修好而维护了自己的安全。在1866年的战争之前一直主导巴伐利亚政界的反普鲁士政策的灵魂人物就是卡尔·路德维希·冯·德普福尔滕男爵,他于1849年4月19年起担任外务大臣。他对德意志内部保持权力均衡的终极解决方案设想是“三头平衡”,其中莱茵兰诸国的联盟是比奥地利和普鲁士都更强大的制衡力量。在国内事务中,政府推行一种比德意志其他地方稍为温和的反动政策,这仍然导致1854年之后与国会的斗争,这在1859年3月27日普福尔滕政府被解散才结束。他的继任者是卡尔·弗莱赫尔·冯·施兰克·冯·诺青(1806-1884),一位曾任巴伐利亚在邦联国会代表的有自由主义倾向的官员。他发动了重要改革,包括将司法机关和行政机关分离,颁布新刑法。在外交事务上,施兰克与前任一样,致力于维护巴伐利亚的独立,支持用宏观引导取代邦联宪法,巴伐利亚作为纯粹的德意志国家的领袖,将维持普鲁士和奥地利的平衡。巴伐利亚因此反对普鲁士重组邦联的提议,马克西米连最后一批法案中就有一部是缺席参加1863年皇帝弗朗西斯·约瑟夫在法兰克福召开的诸侯会议。马克西米连的儿子路德维希二世于1864年3月10日即位,时年18岁。政事最初受施兰克和普福尔滕把持。施兰克不久就退休了,巴伐利亚政府发现为了维护其在普鲁士关税同盟中的地位,有必要加入普鲁士于1862年与法国的贸易条约。在复杂的石勒苏益格-荷尔斯坦因问题中,巴伐利亚在普福尔滕的指导下一直反对普鲁士,在奥古斯塔堡公爵弗雷德里克的支持下偏向这两个小国,反对德意志两大霸权的政策。最终在1866年的战争中,尽管俾斯麦力图保证巴伐利亚的中立,它还是积极与奥地利合作。 普鲁士迅速取得的胜利和俾斯麦明智的温和政策使巴伐利亚对普鲁士关系和整个德意志问题政策的看法产生了彻底的转变。根据《布拉格条约》第六款中规划的南德意志同盟从未成立;而且尽管普鲁士为了不引起法国的警惕,反对南部各邦加入北德意志联邦,巴伐利亚(和其他南部诸邦一样)与北方的联系在参加士组织的攻守同盟成立后得到了加强,该联盟是拿破仑在帕拉廷要求做出“补偿”的结果。条约签订于1866年8月22日,同日两国也正式达成和议。巴伐利亚在此正式放弃了独立的愿望,法国从此“不必有求于巴伐利亚”了。在普法战争期间,巴伐利亚军队在普鲁士王太子的率领下向德意志的公敌发起进攻。提议普鲁士国王威廉一世即帝位的正是路德维希二世国王。1870年11月23日巴伐利亚与北德意志联邦签署的条约早已为此埋下了伏笔。因此尽管巴伐利亚成为德意志帝国的一部分,它还是享有比其他诸邦更多的独立主权。它保留了独立的外交,军事管理,邮政,电报和铁路系统。该条约于1871年1月21日得到巴伐利亚内阁的批准,尽管遭到所谓的“爱国党”的激烈反对。而1870年对教廷无误论的宣传引起的文化争端更使敌对升级。伊格纳茨·冯·多林格任教的慕尼黑大学成为反对新教义的中心,而传统的天主教徒则得到政府和国王的保护。驱逐耶稣会的联邦法律于1871年9月6日在巴伐利亚颁布,而且驱逐对象在1873年还加上了至圣赎罪主修道会。1871年3月31日,巴伐利亚还批准了大量北德意志联邦的法律——其中最重要的就是新刑法,它最终于1879年在巴伐利亚生效——这更拉近了它与德国其他地区的联系。但是得到国内天主教徒极大同情的爱国党仍然很强大,它一直得到国王的支持,但接连的自由主义政府阻止它在国会中施加强大影响。他们在1887年之前一直是国会中的主流,最终组成了中央党,仍然是凝聚力最强的党派。路德维希二世对建造宫殿的热情使国用日绌,他在1886年6月10日被宣布为精神病患者,他的叔叔,卢特伯德亲王成为摄政。三天后的6月13日,他被发现死在施塔恩堡湖中。他是自杀,意外死亡还是被蓄意谋杀现在都没有答案。但是当时的报道是自杀,今天此说也被广泛接受。由于路德维希的弟弟,奥托一世国王也是精神病患者,卢特伯德亲王继续摄政。1871年以后,巴伐利亚分享了整个德国高速发展的红利,但是基于对普鲁士传统的民族和信仰敌对的独立主义从未消失,尽管它以一种无害的外表示人,最激进的行为不过是1900年颁布的禁止公共建筑在皇帝生日那天悬挂除巴伐利亚旗帜以外的其他旗帜的禁令,而且这项禁令后来也没修订,允许巴伐利亚和帝国旗帜并排悬挂。卢特伯德亲王于1912年去世后,他的儿子路德维希亲王继任摄政。一年后,路德维希废黜了他的侄子奥托,自立为巴伐利亚国王路德维希三世。第一次世界大战期间,路德维希的长子,鲁普雷希特指挥巴伐利亚军队,是德国军队在西线的一支支柱力量。共和政府在1918年11月起义中取代了王室政府。临时国务委员会主席库尔特·艾斯纳于1918年11月7日宣布巴伐利亚为自由邦。
2023-06-21 06:45:121


  中国有很多的城市,有 文化 古都,也有很多著名的城市,你最喜欢那一座城市呢?下面是我给大家精心挑选的我喜欢的城市 英语 作文 ,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读!  我喜欢的城市英语作文篇1   My favorite city in the world is Auckland, New Zealand. It is one of the world"s best cities for living, also known as the "City of Sails" and the Queen City. There are many harbors, beaches, oceans and mountains, among which is the famous Rangitoto volcano.   If you like history, you can visit the Auckland Museum, the Auckland War Memorial Museum, the New Zealand National Maritime Museum and so on. If you like shopping, then go to the Queen Street, Parnell Road, and Ponsonby Road and enjoy yourself. If you like nature One Tree Hill, which is named for its lone tree on top of the hill will not disappoint you.At the foot of the hill,there are crowds of sheep and green grass.All is truly the Newzealand countryside style.   If you want to learn about Auckland"s education, you can visit the University of Auckland.It"s one of the most famours universities in the world.Founded in 1883,it has two campuses,sometimes you have to take a bus to go to different colleges   Auckland is an English-speaking country, so if you want to visit there, you"d better learn some English, or youu2018ll have to take a transator with you.   我喜欢的城市英语作文篇2   chongqing is a port city with the largest municipal area and population in china. it is situated in the upper reaches of the yangtze river at the confluence of the yangtze and jialing rivers in southwest china. with an area of 82,400 square kilometers (31, 800 square miles), chongqing shares borders with the provinces of hubei, hunan, guizhou, sichuan, and shnxi. besides the han who form the majority of its total population of 30.9 million, numerous ethnic groups reside in chongqing, including yi, tibetan, miao, qiang, you and tujia. since its founding 3,000 years ago, chongqing has been called jiangzhou, yuzhou, and gongzhou, before getting its present name nearly 800 years ago. since the qin dynasty (221 bc-206 bc), many dynasties have set up administrative institutions that have endowed the city with brilliant cultures. perched beside the yangtze, the "golden river," chongqing symbolizes yangtze river civilizations and is the cradle of bayu culture. today, chongqing is a modern city, china"s fourth municipality after beijing, shanghai, and tianjin. within its borders chongqing encompasses a wealth of water reserves, mineral resources, dense forests, and abundant flora and fauna. the focal point of the unique yangtze three gorges dam, chongqing is a tourist attraction as well as a commercial city.   我喜欢的城市英语作文篇3   The city of my heart is full of light and time, and it has been 20xx since 20xx. The people"s living conditions are better and the technology is very advanced, but the environment is getting worse and worse.   I read in the paper that a polar bear was looking for new ice because it was melting ice, but it was too late to find the ice to drown in the sea. The same is true of our cities, because too many cars are constantly expanding the roads and cutting the green belts, so that although the cars are easy to drive, there is less green in the world. We are good at jinhua, but the environment in Shanghai is very bad! The whole city was full of cars, crowded with people. I think I should limit the number of cars I buy every month and shorten the time of the car"s reporting period by one to two years, so that I can control the growth of the number of cars. We should also expand the green belt appropriately, improve the environment of the city, and purify the air in the city. Take a look at the suburbs of the city and change the roads to the woods. Let"s talk about how to protect the green belt. Now sanitation workers in the city always clean up the leaves on the soil, but the leaves can be used to fertilize the trees. Without the leaves, the growth of the plants will slow down a lot. Besides, don"t cut the branches too much, cut the unordered ones.   I believe that as long as everyone loves the environment, the environment will be better!   我喜欢的城市英语作文篇4   have you even been to hong kong ? this summer holiday, i had travelled to hong kong with many other students. we went to hong kong by plane. hong kong is very small, but there are many people living there.   in hong kong, all of the buildings are very tall. there are lots of shops there and you can go shopping until about 11:00 at night. in hong kong, things are very expensive, so we only bought a few souvenirs.   we went to lots of places, such as the avenue of stars and ocean park. i like ocean park best. the park is very big. sitting in the cable car, you can see two hills, lots of different flowers and the sea. some students were afraid of sitting in the cable car!   we stayed in the shu ren college. there are many big trees around it. we had meals in the restaurants, but i didnu2019t like the food.   hong kong is very beautiful. i like hong kong and i hope to go there again some day.   我喜欢的城市英语作文篇5   There are five stories in my mind.   The first floor has the subway, the subway can reach all over the place, the subway train is very fast, it is only good at 1,000 kilometers an hour, can do some tourist attractions with the ability, let the subway take us to go.   The second layer is the layer of ice, and summer is so hot that it can be played on the second floor, especially cool. And you can ski.   The third floor is the world of people, with schools, gardens, playgrounds, shops and restaurants. Had better not be especially good, school exam, the exam again, try a semester, most don"t much homework, every day to go to school late, had better go to school at 9 o "clock, as early as the best school at 3 PM, at noon to eat at school, school can skating, cycling, this layer can ride a bike can"t drive, ride a motorcycle. And this is the three layers of cool.   The fourth floor and the third layer is similar, there are school, playground, shops, restaurants, and the third layer is same, only is here in winter is warm, can be in the third in summer, warm in winter is on the fourth floor. You can drive here.   On the fifth floor, there are many factories and steel mills, and there is a glass on the four floors below, which can"t let harmful gases into people"s paradise.   我喜欢的城市英语作文篇6   There are countless cities in the world, but most of these cities look like twin brothers, and there is nothing special about them. And the beautiful city in my heart is an active castle, where you will be surprised every day, because there is so much progress in the new moon. If you want to explore, please take my hand and go see it.   Here, every morning when you push open the window, there will be a different discovery: today is the bird song; Tomorrow is the dance of the butterfly; Perhaps today is the spring flowers bloom, the green trees shade, the next to tomorrow is Dan hang incense, red leaves like fire... This subtle change, perhaps tonight, may be in the morning, and he is changing as if he were in a man"s mood.
2023-06-21 06:46:441


原来是青岛代表菜啊,你是厨师?肉末海参 Minced meat trepang,原壳鲍鱼 the original shell abalone, 油爆海螺 conch platter, 大虾烧白菜 prawn roasted cabbage, 崂山菇炖鸡 known mushroom chicken,黄鱼炖豆腐 fish stew slowly bean curd,酸辣鱼丸 hot and sour pork,炸蛎黄 Bombing injured Huang香酥鸡 crisp chicken 家常烧牙片鱼 Allah burn teeth films fish Lachao clams,辣炒蛤蜊 Hot fried clams 海菜凉粉 Haicai grass烤肉串(鱿鱼)bare string (squid),酱猪蹄 paste pork hoof, 鲅鱼水饺 Bayu dumplings, 三鲜锅贴 double fried dumpling, 白菜肉包 cabbage meat海鲜卤面 seafood Lumian鸡汤馄饨 wonton soup排骨米饭 ribs rice
2023-06-21 06:46:511


CHONGQINGThe city of Chongqing can be best described as southwest China"s commercial capital. Since 1997, the city has become the fourth municipality, independent from Sichuan Province, to be under the direct control of the central government. The major port of the upper Yangzi River and gateway to the famous “Three Gorges,” Chongqing now includes most of the former eastern Sichuan Province, with a population of 30 million. It is a major center of iron and steel production, motorcycle manufacturing and shipbuilding, as well as chemical and pharmaceutical production. The religious cliff sculptures of Dazu and Baodingshan and the Three Gorges scenic region of the Yangzi River are all nearby, making Chongqing an important center for tourism despite the scarcity of notable sights within the city proper. Chongqing lies at the confluence of the Yangzi and Jialingjiang Rivers, centered on a hilly peninsula encircled by the rivers, in what was formerly the eastern part of Sichuan Province. Also known as the Mountain City, Chongqing is 1,025 km (640 miles) northwest of Hong Kong, and 1,800 km (1,120 miles) southwest of Beijing. It is one of the four “furnace cities” of China, with blazingly hot and humid summers and cold, foggy winters. Chongqing traces its ancient history all the way back to the 13th century BC, when it was the capital of the Ba kingdom, with a distinctive local culture contemporary with the Shang. It was given its present name, which means “Double Celebration,” by the Southern Song Emperor Guangzong in 1189, to commemorate his accessions to princely and then imperial rank. At the end of the Song period, from 1242 to 1278, Song forces held off Mongol invaders in the longest continuous military campaign ever on Chinese soil, lasting some 36 years at nearby Hechuan, 60 km to the north of the city. Chongqing was opened as a treaty port to British and Japanese traders in 1890. Chongqing gained political importance following the Japanese invasions of the late 1930"s. After Nanjing fell in 1937, Chongqing became the wartime capital of the Kuomintang regime from 1938 on, and a focus for refugees and bombing raids that destroyed most of the city"s historical fabric. After the Japanese surrender in 1945 and the breakdown of U.S. sponsored negotiations held in Chongqing between the Kuomintang leader Chiang Kai-shek and the Communist leader Mao Zedong, Chongqing remained a Kuomintang stronghold until it fell to the People"s Liberation Army in 1949. Since then Chongqing has grown dramatically in population and economic importance, becoming the major industrial center of southwestern China.===========================有点复杂?下面这个简单些:Chongqing is a well-known city with a history of more than 3000 years. It is the famous historical and cultural city in China. Chongqing is the birthplace of the Bayu Culture. At present, Chongqing is a municipality directly under the Central Government with the largest area, the most administrative districts and the largest population. The original area of the whole city is 82,000 square kilometers, governing former Chongqing, Wanxian, Fuling cities as well as 43 districts, cities and counties in the Qianjiang Region. Chongqing has a population of 30,020,000, most of them are of Han nationality. 49 other ethnic minorities, such as Tujia, Miao, Hui, Man, and Yi also live here but retain their own traditional customs. The colorful local customs have already become an important tourist attraction in Chongqing.Chongqing has many attractions: cityscapes, mountains, revolutionary sites, cultural relics, parks, scenic spots, and natural beauty. The city offers a variety of choices for the visitor: from meetings and exhibitions, to sightseeing, shopping, dining and entertainment. Chongqing is variously known as "foggy city", "mountain city", and “furnace city". The central urban area of Chongqing is wedged between the Yangtze River and the Jialingjiang River, surrounded by hills and mountains. With green hills and clear waters, the scenery is unique. Buildings are massed in picturesque disorder near the mountains and at the rivers" edge. From a vantage point at night, one can see a myriad of glittering lights, contrasting pleasantly with clear glistening lights from the waves of two rivers and flashing stars all over the sky. This combination makes for a magnificent scene.
2023-06-21 06:47:491

重庆简介翻译2 高分求助 有追加!!

我也来翻译March 14, 1997, the Fifth Session of the Eighth NPC adopted by the State Council on the proposal to establish the Chongqing municipality. Following Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing became China"s fourth municipality directly under the central government. The Chongqing municipality, with 30.02 million people and 82,400 square kilometers of land, is China"s largest city. Sichuan origin Wanxian, Fuling and Qianjiang, Chongqing has been included in the territory. Most have appeared in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River in Chongqing City in 6000 meters of water, sites, such as the ghost city of Fengdu, Shibaozhai, ordinary, Baidicheng, Chongqing added features. Chongqing municipality as more and significantly younger / YANG Quan-xi at the middle of Yichang three Sandouping in the Three Gorges Dam issue of the completion of the storage, although Gorge entrance to the "Powder wall", "Meng escalator," and "ancient paths," the landscape will be inundated, "the proposition should be okay", "Qutang, Wu Gorge quiet, executives show" natural scenery pattern will not change. majestic and magnificent Three Gorges will continue to be attractive features make the staying.
2023-06-21 06:48:055