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2023-06-21 20:26:46
TAG: cando mwe ndo wel

you can do them well




2023-06-21 03:46:001

英语专家进来帮帮忙啊~!! 什么情况下疑问词用Can 什么情况下用Do?

2023-06-21 03:46:404


2023-06-21 03:47:071


OnlyLove(唯一的爱) 演唱:trademark乐队(真情马克) Twoa.m.andtherainisfalling(凌晨2点的凄风苦雨中) Hereweareatthecrossroadsonceagain(我们再次来到这分手的十字路口) You"retellingmeyou"resoconfused(你告诉我你是那么的彷徨) Youcan"tmakeupyourmind(你无法做出决定) isthismeanttobeyou"reaskingme(那是不是意味着你在回绝我) Butonlylovecansay(可是只有爱可以回答) Tryagainorwalkaway(从新开始或是远远离开) ButIbelieveforyouandme(然而我坚信,对于你我来说) Thesunwillshineoneday(阳光会再一次照彻大地) SoI"lljustplaymepart(因此我只是扮演我的角色) Andprayyou"llhaveachangeofheart(祈祷你的心情会从此改变) ButIcan"tmakeyouseeitthrough(但我无法让你明白) That"ssomethingonlylovecando(有些事只有爱可以决定) Inyourarmasthedawnisbreaking(晨熹在你的臂膀间升起) Facetofaceandathousandminesapart(面对面心却相距千里) I"vetriedmybesttomakeyousee(我努力地想让你明白) There"shopebeyondthepain(痛楚过后还有希望) Ifwegiveenoughifwelearntotrust(如果我们真心付出,如果我们学着去信任) Butonlylovecansay(可是只有爱可以回答) Tryagainorwalkaway(从新开始或是远远离开) ButIbelieveforyouandme(然而我坚信,对于你我来说) Thesunwillshineoneday(阳光会再一次照彻大地) SoI"lljustplaymepart(因此我只是扮演我的角色) Andprayyou"llhaveachangeofheart(祈祷你的心情会从此改变) ButIcan"tmakeyouseeitthrough(但我无法让你明白) That"ssomethingonlylovecando(有些事只有爱可以决定) IknowifIcouldfindthewords(我知道如果能够找些话) Totouchyoudeepinside(从内心深深触动你) You"dgiveourdreamjustonemorechance(你会给我们的梦想再一次机会) Don"tletthisbeourgoodbye(不会让这次成为我们的永别) Butonlylovecansay(可是只有爱可以回答) Tryagainorwalkaway(从新开始或是远远离开) ButIbelieveforyouandme(然而我坚信,对于你我来说) Thesunwillshineoneday(阳光会再一次照彻大地) SoI"lljustplaymepart(因此我只是扮演我的角色) Andprayyou"llhaveachangeofheart(祈祷你的心情会从此改变) ButIcan"tmakeyouseeitthrough(但我无法让你明白) That"ssomethingonlylovecando(有些事只有爱可以决定) That"ssomethingonlylovecando(有些事只有爱可以决定) 乐队介绍:(AchimRemling、MirkoBaumer和Sadeghian三位喜欢 音乐的好友原来都在餐厅担任服务生,在一次驻唱乐团无故 缺席的情形下三人一时技痒上台客串,精彩的演出不仅博得 了满堂彩更为他们的演艺之路开启了富有传奇色彩的首页)
2023-06-21 03:47:281

The only thing you can do when you no lon ger have something is not to forget.什么意思

2023-06-21 03:47:362


looselipssinkships的例句是:Looselipssinkships.嘴巴不牢,连大船都沉掉。Looselipsmaystillsinkships,butforthemomentitseemsthatanindiscreetkeystrokecandojustasmuchdamage.口风不紧船舰沉,但现在看起来一次不谨慎的键盘敲击也是后患无穷。looselipssinkships的例句是:Looselipssinkships.嘴巴不牢,连大船都沉掉。Looselipsmaystillsinkships,butforthemomentitseemsthatanindiscreetkeystrokecandojustasmuchdamage.口风不紧船舰沉,但现在看起来一次不谨慎的键盘敲击也是后患无穷。looselipssinkships的意思是言多必失;祸从口出。一、网络释义点此查看looselipssinkships的详细内容 言多必失都说言多必失(Looselipssinkships),可言少也不一定没有失误,如果在错误的时间错误的地点和错误的对象说了一句涉及到具体人事的大实话,那后果真的堪比走嘴 点洗都唔甩_燥来自:点洗都唔甩_燥(Looselipssinkships)2012-04-1316:27:50 走漏风声会沉船的...句点,那个年代的Period走漏风声会沉船的LooseLipsSinkShips肢体语言BodyLanguage... 祸从口出“祸从口出”(LOOSELIPSSINKSHIPS)是二战中盟军的口号。他提醒军人和市民,一句不经意的话可能会导致严重后果。二、例句Looselipssinkships.嘴巴不牢,连大船都沉掉。Looselipsmaystillsinkships,butforthemomentitseemsthatanindiscreetkeystrokecandojustasmuchdamage.口风不紧船舰沉,但现在看起来一次不谨慎的键盘敲击也是后患无穷。looselipssinkships的相关临近词loose、loosebody点此查看更多关于looselipssinkships的详细信息
2023-06-21 03:47:431


2023-06-21 03:47:501


2023-06-21 03:48:101


2023-06-21 03:48:171

i cando everything是谁的名言?

i can do all things不是谁的名言,而是出自《圣经》。完整句子是I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.意思是我可以通过基督做到任何事,是基督给我力量!著名篮球选手库里也将这句话作为自己的座右铭。库里信的基督教,他的MVP演讲中把信仰作为自己成功的最大因素之一。并且曾在一个篮球和不少的球鞋上写下:I can do all things。“I can do all things”,这句话一直是库里的信仰。库里一路走来,一路被质疑。无论获得的多少的荣誉,总会有人去质疑他。库里之所以那么的努力,只是想告诉之前那些看不起他的人,“I can do all things”。
2023-06-21 03:48:241

i cando all things什么意思?

i can do all things不是谁的名言,而是出自《圣经》。完整句子是I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.意思是我可以通过基督做到任何事,是基督给我力量!著名篮球选手库里也将这句话作为自己的座右铭。库里信的基督教,他的MVP演讲中把信仰作为自己成功的最大因素之一。并且曾在一个篮球和不少的球鞋上写下:I can do all things。“I can do all things”,这句话一直是库里的信仰。库里一路走来,一路被质疑。无论获得的多少的荣誉,总会有人去质疑他。库里之所以那么的努力,只是想告诉之前那些看不起他的人,“I can do all things”。
2023-06-21 03:48:521


what you can do你能做什么
2023-06-21 03:49:071


2023-06-21 03:49:141


2023-06-21 03:49:333

yo le cando todo ei dia这首歌中文叫什么,在哪里可以找到这个音乐,谢谢。

中文名:日夜欢唱,在酷狗搜索“Yo Le Canto Todo El Dia”就出来了,有各种版本望采纳~
2023-06-21 03:49:402

i cando all things.是谁的名言吗?

i can do all things不是谁的名言,而是出自《圣经》。完整句子是I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.意思是我可以通过基督做到任何事,是基督给我力量!著名篮球选手库里也将这句话作为自己的座右铭。库里信的基督教,他的MVP演讲中把信仰作为自己成功的最大因素之一。并且曾在一个篮球和不少的球鞋上写下:I can do all things。“I can do all things”,这句话一直是库里的信仰。库里一路走来,一路被质疑。无论获得的多少的荣誉,总会有人去质疑他。库里之所以那么的努力,只是想告诉之前那些看不起他的人,“I can do all things”。
2023-06-21 03:49:471


keep on improving and you can do better 持续进步那么你可以做的更好
2023-06-21 03:50:022


2023-06-21 03:50:112


2023-06-21 03:50:183


:,the加比较级……,这个句型意思是:越……,就越……。这是八年级第三单元的内容,主要的语法内容:学习的是形容词的比较级的... more... the more...句式,表示越...就越...例如:你越努力,你取得的进步就越大。The harder you work, the greater ...
2023-06-21 03:50:251

if you cando it, so can I.

so am I
2023-06-21 03:50:487


2023-06-21 03:51:021


2023-06-21 03:51:136


Lucky-TwiceLucky Youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying laughingthroughtheday thinkingyouareneverboring speedingthroughthenight maybeyounotcountthemorning there"snothingyoucando tokeepitout there"snothingyoucando justscreamandshout livingfortodaybutyoujustcan"tfindtomorrow boutthejoy butitneverstopsthesorrow there"snothingyoucando tokeepitout there"snothingyoucando justscreamandshoutsaying I"msoluckylucky I"msoluckylucky I"msolovelylovely I"msolovelylovely youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying I"msoluckylucky I"msoluckylucky I"msolovelylovely I"msolovelylovely youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying eventhoughyousaid itwouldneverendit"sover youweresmilingonmyarm nowyou"recryingonmyshoulder there"snothingyoucando tokeepitout there"snothingyoucando justscreamandshoutsaying I"msoluckylucky I"msoluckylucky I"msolovelylovely I"msolovelylovely youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying I"msoluckylucky I"msoluckylucky I"msolovelylovely I"msolovelylovely youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying youcanneverbeforever goodtogether nowandclever youcanneverbeforever butkeepitup don"teverstop throughnightandday thewordstosayare: I"msoluckylucky I"msoluckylucky I"msolovelylovely I"msolovelylovely youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying I"msoluckylucky I"msoluckylucky I"msolovelylovely I"msolovelylovely youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying youcanfoolyourself Ipromiseitwillhelp noweverysingleday Ijustwannahearyousaying采纳哦
2023-06-21 03:51:431


2023-06-21 03:52:171

一首女生唱的英文歌,高潮好像是,iwant baby baby to want baby

2023-06-21 03:52:241


1. 只要你永不放弃,几乎没有什么做不到的。2. 别担心,我准备着在任何时间接受新的挑战。3. 当你感到悲伤时,橙色能让你开心起来。4. 我每天有许多家庭作业,我别无选择只能熬夜去做。5. 很遗憾他们不能像我们一样享受幸福生活。
2023-06-21 03:52:311


2023-06-21 03:52:393


Theycandomanythings.的问句 : Can they do any things?
2023-06-21 03:52:472

西班牙民谣Luar na Lubre- memoria da noite的歌词为何会有两个翻译的版本呢?

不懂 可能不是一个歌吧, 要不那会差这么多
2023-06-21 03:52:543

b-boy 历史

B-BOYING的历史 B-BOYING是一种HIP HOP DANCING,通常大家把它叫做BREAKING. 它包括了TOPROCK, UPROCK, FOOTWORK, POWER MOVES 和 FREEZE. B-BOYING发源于纽约的BRONX. B-BOY和B-BOYING这些叫法是被一个叫KOOL HERC的DJ发明的. DJ KOOL HERC喜欢在他家后院和街坊邻居们搞公开的PARTY中放音乐搞气氛. B-boy就是break boys的意思.B-boys之所以被这样叫是因为他们只在音乐的break部分表演舞蹈.具体点说:Break就是DJ KOOL HERC在一张唱片的两个拷贝之间来回不断搀合制造出一种有节奏的器乐片段,并不断延长这一片段.后来这些Break Part被人们称为breakbeat. 虽然人们往往被power moves所吸引,但是真正的b-boys应该掌握b-boying的所有元素.至于power moves和stylemoves 哪个处于主导地位的问题已经被人们争论很久了.一些人只注重于Power move和它的一些组合而另一些人用footwork和freeze表现他们的风格和独特之处. Rock Steady Crew是一支注重于个人风格和品味的队伍. 虽然power moves看起来很有震撼力,但是比较难加入个人的风格和味道. 还有因为Power moves是在不停的旋转所以也很难跟上音乐的节拍(beat). 所以power moves有时更象是体操而不是舞蹈. 就是因为这些原因, Rock steady crew 建议90年代的breaking的发展方向应更强调footwork.breaking是一种最受欢迎的hip hop dancing.在它风靡全球的同时,一些new school dancing 象hip hop 和house只局限于美国日本这样的大城市. 60年代末70年代初,当人们刚开始b-boying的时候,他们的这种舞被称作"Good Foot". 这种叫法的来源是出自James Brown 的同名专辑"Good Foot". Good Foot是第一种被搀入旋转和地上动作的自由风格舞蹈,而这种舞蹈象征了breaking的雏形. 根据Michael Holman的说法,去描述Good Foot的最好的方法就是想象乐队指挥在游行中行进的过程中,跟着音乐的节奏,把腿抬的高到膝盖的位置,在一只腿还没落地之前就同时抬起另一只腿(有点象top rock) 当DJ KOOL HERC发明了新的方法去延长唱片的break的部分,舞者们可以有更多的时间创造和实践. 很快象一些地上动作变成一种标准,也给了第一代的b-boys的绰号"boie-oie-oings." 当这些"boie-oie-oings" 开始用手和臂去支持身体从而解放了腿和脚去做那些向四面八方移动和扫腿动作的时候,footwork就诞生了. 这种从由直立转移到地上动作给人们以启示从而一种新的舞步"Brooklyn Rock"被发明了."Brooklyn Rock" 又叫做"Uprocking". 当这些早期的breaking的舞步被创造后,一些明确的风格也就孕育而生了. 最著名的第一代的b-boys有"Nigger Twins", "Clark Kent", "Zulu Kings". 大约1977的时候,breaking开始在黑人小孩中渐渐失去了流行的趋势. 但是,breaking在新一代的b-boys中又卷土重来. 波多黎各籍(Puerto Rico) 的b-boys给breaking注入了新的血液,并把它带上新的高峰. 他们把很多杂技和体操的动作加进breaking. Rock Steady Crew 的b-boy Crazy Legs受了前Rock Steady Crew成员Joe Joe 和Jimmy Lee的影响发明和创新了backspins 和windmills.不止这些,还有很多其他的b-boys象New York City Breaker的Lil Lep也对b-boying的发展起到重大帮助. 当然,媒体巨星李小龙以及其他功夫电影的明星和武术家都对b-boying的文化起到了不可估量的推动作用.70年代中后期武打电影在世界范围内的流行特别是在纽约对b-boying的风格产生了很大影响.很多武术的动作被加进b-boying. 例如windmills来源于武打电影中一个从地上跃起的动作. 通过不断重复这个跃起动作,windmill就产生了=) b-boying在80年代变得异常流行. 1983电影"Flashdance" 把b-boying从纽约传到了世界上其它的地方.(在flashdance之前其实已经有一些其它有关b-boying的电影象"wild style" , "style wars". 但是Flashdance是第一部描述b-boying的主流电影. 虽然它不是一部纯粹的b-boying电影. 但是描述街头b-boying和popping的那经典的一幕给人们留下深刻印象,并导致b-boying在世界范围内的流行.在"Flashdance"之后,许多电影象"Breakin"(就是红边中国大街小巷"霹雳舞"),以及它的续集"breaking" 2-electric boogaloo" 还有"Beat Street"也都跟着潮流被制作出来.电影"Beat Street"也有很大的影响,因为它中间包括了一段Rock Steady Crew 和New York City Breakers的 battle. B-boying被媒体赋予了一个新名称--"Breakdance". 因为在当时b-boying受到太多媒体的宣传和报道,当媒体停止在电视上播放b-boying后,人们认为b-boying只是一种只具有短暂生命时尚.很多人人为b-boying已经势头已经过了. 而且媒体也开始歪曲b-boying. 并宣传b-boying所带来的危害,例如哪家谁谁谁脖子被扭断了,谁因为练舞摔成终身残废了,一些b-boys受了媒体的误导,停止了 b-boying.1985或86年之后b-boying迎来了冬眠期. 时间一晃到了90年代,b-boying开始逐渐复苏.b-boying的生命力可见一斑.正是那些契而不舍的真正的b-boys的支持使得b-boying从新崛起.据我所了解,b-boying先在加洲迎来了第二股旋风.现在,B-boy的大型活动象b-boy summit和Rock Steady Anniversary,每年都会举行.很多b-boys从世界的各个角落赶来欢聚一堂,共庆盛典.他们将b-boying的文化发保持活力并发扬光大.b-boying的文化又在世界史上掀开了新的一页.
2023-06-21 03:53:051

Microphone Fiend 歌词

歌曲名:Microphone Fiend歌手:Eric B. & Rakim专辑:Follow The Leader北京终极RATM铁杆 FANS野蜂飞你妹 独家制作Yo, I was a fiend before I became a teenI melted microphone instead of cones of ice creamMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originatedFitted like pieces of puzzles, complicatedShot grabbed the mic and try to say, Yes y"all!They tried to take it, and say that I"m too smallCool, "Cause I don"t get upsetI kick a hole in the speaker, pull the plug, then I jetBack to the lab ...without a mic to grabSo then I add all the rhymes I hadOne after the another one, then I make another oneTo dis the opposite then ask if the brother"s doneI get a craving like I fiend for nicotineBut I don"t need a cigarette, know what I mean?I"m raging, ripping up the stage andDon"t it sound amazing "cause every rhyme is made andThought of, Cuz it"s sort addiction,Magnatized by the mixingE-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.听RAGE的人是真正的战士!野蜂飞你妹But back to the problem, I gotta habit,You can"t solve it, you silly rabbitThe prescription is a hypertone that"s thorough whenI fiend for a microphone like heroinSoon as the bass kicks, I need a fixGimme a stage and a mic and a mixAnd I"ll put you in a mood or is it a state ofunawareness? Beware, it"s the reanamator!A menace to a microphone, a lethal weaponAn assasinator, if the people ain"t steppingYou see a part of me that you never seenWhen I"m fiending for a microphone.Cause I take it to the maximum, I can"t relax see, I"mHype as a hyperchrondriac "cause the rap be oneHell of a antidote, something you can"t smokeMore than dope, you"re trying to move away but you can"t, you"re brokeMore than cracked up, you should have backed upFor those who act up need to be more than smacked upE-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.腐朽的敌人已经摇摇欲坠!胜利的大旗在前进中飘扬!你看那革命的意志!你听那反抗的声音!野蜂飞你妹激情制作Uh!兄弟拿起你的武器!对准你的敌人!没有什么遗言!因为死掉的是他们!Music orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originatedFitted like pieces of puzzles, complicatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originatedFitted like pieces of puzzles, complicated"Cause I"m an E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-T感谢欣赏! 你们是有理想的听众!野蜂飞你妹
2023-06-21 03:53:101


选 B
2023-06-21 03:53:145

Microphone Fiend 歌词

歌曲名:Microphone Fiend歌手:Eric B. & Rakim专辑:Gold北京终极RATM铁杆 FANS野蜂飞你妹 独家制作Yo, I was a fiend before I became a teenI melted microphone instead of cones of ice creamMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originatedFitted like pieces of puzzles, complicatedShot grabbed the mic and try to say, Yes y"all!They tried to take it, and say that I"m too smallCool, "Cause I don"t get upsetI kick a hole in the speaker, pull the plug, then I jetBack to the lab ...without a mic to grabSo then I add all the rhymes I hadOne after the another one, then I make another oneTo dis the opposite then ask if the brother"s doneI get a craving like I fiend for nicotineBut I don"t need a cigarette, know what I mean?I"m raging, ripping up the stage andDon"t it sound amazing "cause every rhyme is made andThought of, Cuz it"s sort addiction,Magnatized by the mixingE-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.听RAGE的人是真正的战士!野蜂飞你妹But back to the problem, I gotta habit,You can"t solve it, you silly rabbitThe prescription is a hypertone that"s thorough whenI fiend for a microphone like heroinSoon as the bass kicks, I need a fixGimme a stage and a mic and a mixAnd I"ll put you in a mood or is it a state ofunawareness? Beware, it"s the reanamator!A menace to a microphone, a lethal weaponAn assasinator, if the people ain"t steppingYou see a part of me that you never seenWhen I"m fiending for a microphone.Cause I take it to the maximum, I can"t relax see, I"mHype as a hyperchrondriac "cause the rap be oneHell of a antidote, something you can"t smokeMore than dope, you"re trying to move away but you can"t, you"re brokeMore than cracked up, you should have backed upFor those who act up need to be more than smacked upE-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.腐朽的敌人已经摇摇欲坠!胜利的大旗在前进中飘扬!你看那革命的意志!你听那反抗的声音!野蜂飞你妹激情制作Uh!兄弟拿起你的武器!对准你的敌人!没有什么遗言!因为死掉的是他们!Music orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originated ...originatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originatedFitted like pieces of puzzles, complicatedMusic orientated so when hip-hop was originatedFitted like pieces of puzzles, complicated"Cause I"m an E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-TA smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.A smooth operator operating correctly.An E-F-F-E-C-T感谢欣赏! 你们是有理想的听众!野蜂飞你妹
2023-06-21 03:53:171


B-boy是breaking boy的缩写。因为跳breaking对技巧和力量要求要高点`所以跳BREAKING的男生叫B-BOY,跳不breaking的女生就叫B-GIRL,B-BOY 东 后面的就是自己的代号``B-BOY就是专攻BREAKING技巧的舞者它有分为power move 是指那些玩大技巧的,比如风车,驮马丝,大回环等一些大的旋转动作还有style move 是指专门玩小技巧的,比如身体的变态,和一些定格动作.
2023-06-21 03:53:231

Microphone Fiend 歌词

歌名:Microphone Fiend演唱:Eric B. & RakimI was a fiend before I became a teenI melted microphone instead of cones of ice creamMusic orientated so when hip hop was originatedFitted like pieces of puzzles complicated"Cause I grabbed the mic and try to say, yes y"allThey tried to take it and say that I"m too smallCool "cause I don"t get upsetI kick a hole in the speaker pull the plug then I jetBack to the lab without a mic to grabSo then I add all the rhymes I hadOne after the other one, then I make another oneTo dis the opposite then ask if the brother"s doneI get a craving like I fiend for nicotineBut I don"t need a cigarette, know what I mean?I"m raging, ripping up the stage andDon"t it sound amazing"Cause every rhyme is made andThought of, "cause it"s sort of an addictionMagnetized by the mixinVocals, vocabulary, your verses, just stuck inThe mic is a Drano, volcanoes eruptingRhymes overflowing, gradually growingEverything is written in the cold So it can coin,cide~My thoughts to guide, forty-eight tracks to slideThe invincible, microphone fiend Rakimspread the word, "cause I"m inE F F E C T, a smooth operator operating correctlyBut back to the problem, I gotta habitYou can"t solve it, silly rabbitThe prescription is a hyper tone that"s thorough whenI fiend for a microphone like heroinSoon as the bass kicks, I need a fixGive me a stage and a mic and a mixAnd I"ll put you in a moodOr is it a state of unawareness?Beware, it"s the reanamatorA menace to a microphone, a lethal weaponAn assasinator, if the people ain"t steppingYou see a part of me that you never seenWhen I"m fiending for a microphone, I"m the microphone fiendAfter twelve, I"m worse that a GremlinFeed me Hip hop and I start tremblingThe thrill of suspense is intense, you"re horrifiedBut this ain"t the cinemas of "Tales From the Dark Side"By any means necessary, this is what has to be doneMake way "cause here I come, my DJ cuts material, grand imperialIt"s a must that I bust any mic you"re hand to meIt"s inherited, it"s runs in the familyI wrote the rhyme that broke the bull"s backIf that don"t slow "em up, I carry a full packNow I don"t want to have to let off, you should of kept offYou didn"t keep the stage warm, step offLadies and Gentleman, you"re about to seeA past time hobby about to beTake it to the maximum, I can"t relax seeI"m hype as a hyperchrondriac "cause the rap be oneHell of a antidote, something you can"t smokeMore than dope, you"re trying to move away but you can"t, you"re brokeMore than cracked up, you should have backed upFor those who act up need to be more than smacked upAny entertainer, I got a torture chamberOne on one and I"m the remainderSo close your eyes and hold your breath(breath)And I"m a hit"cha wit the blow of death(death)Before you go, you"ll remember you seenThe fiend of a microphone, I"m the microphone fiendThe microphone fiend....................
2023-06-21 03:53:241


2023-06-21 03:53:281


2023-06-21 03:53:295


B-BOY就是Breaking Boy的简写,男生跳街舞的一种!!!
2023-06-21 03:53:301

以My fiend写一篇作文

2023-06-21 03:53:332


2023-06-21 03:52:581

Grammar Focus的翻译

2023-06-21 03:52:575

My friend是什么意思

2023-06-21 03:52:576


2023-06-21 03:52:515

Fiend (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Fiend (Album Version)歌手:coal chamber专辑:The Best Of Coal ChamberF(r)iendBY IN Flamesas they all felt the firethey turned me into an outsideri never heard from them againso ironic when you called for a favor todayit"s always easy to judgebut takes a lot to be specific"cause as you preach you"re opening the doorto your egos pastthere was a day when i could forgeti could forgive but those days are gonei see them fadefilth in every new dayfilth runs in every new dayi learned to mute the angeri never thought i would be there againa moment, a dead endi lost myself in herefilth in every new dayfilth runs in every new dayi ran as i saw the endshould i"ve joined the fight instead?hope you"re listening"cause now times have changedi take a look aroundsay this moment"s mineflee all the weak mindsfeel my missed hidden ragefilth in every new dayfilth runs in every new day
2023-06-21 03:52:491

英文grammar , "not " 的用法

Let me give you a few examples and you will understand: 1. I do not want to go. 2. I do want to go. 3. I did not want to go. 4. I did want to go. We never put -ing in the verb after do ! 教你一个容易d记既方法啦 其实无论do not did not都好 其实都可以话系助动词既一种 (即系同should would can呢种一样) 只要前面有呢种词 唔洗考虑喇 后面既动词""一定""系现在式 而ing-form 就通常o系is am are后面用 意思系做紧既意思 例如: i am swimming.我游"紧"水 he is having his dinner.佢食"紧"晚餐 而有时句子开始都会用到ing-form 即个句式叫Gerund例如: swimming is very interesting."游水"非常有趣 呢个时候 就唔系游紧水既意思 因为swim系一个动词 正常情况系唔可以用句子开头 (其他情况例如系命令果阵 不过唔想搞乱你) 将佢加ing 就会变左做名词 另外 有时将d字加ing会变左做形容词 好似上面interesting咁 要运用得好 一定要识多d呢d生字!睇多d+背多d~加油 参考: 自己 No -ing after: 1)do not 2)does not 3)did not 4)cannot 5)could not 7)will not 8)would not 9)must not e.g. 1)Do not do any exercise after the dinner. 2)She does not want to talk to everybody. 3)I didn"t do it! HAVE -ING AFTER : 1)is not 2)are not 3)am not 4)was not 5)were not do not =don"t do not的过去式是did not=didn"t do not后面一定是 present tense E.G. I do not have puter. 2007-11-29 19:16:42 补充: 你的朋友错了 你的朋友错了 系 are not/ were not/ was not/ is not 之后先加 -ing 至于 do not/ did not 系唔需要转
2023-06-21 03:52:481


2023-06-21 03:52:412

Grammar structure

更新1: 在 Independent clause and dependent clause 的内容中﹐提到 coordinating conjunction. 佢比咗个例子 : I like this class and it is very interesting. and 作为连接两句句子﹐之前要加 ma 咁如果个句无咗 ma 即 I like this class and it is very interesting. 系咪错呀? 你的句子系由3个 clauses 所组成。 1st: They always prepare lots of delicious foods (Main clause 或者称为 independent clause 即一句可以成句 意思及文法完整的句子) 2nd: most of which unfortunately are left to go bad (relative clause) 3rd: as so much food cannot be consumed in such a short time. (dependent clause) .............................................................................................................. 其实 单系第一句已经表达了 「他们总是准备许多食物」 但系究竟有几多呢? 就要靠第2句啦! 多到「大部份都剩下来以致变坏」。但原因系咩呢? 噤就要由第3句去交代: 「太多食物一下子 (即短时间内)亦吃不完」。 "are left to go bad as so much food" 系点解? 我已经解释咗 但系值得一提的是 的切割位其实在 bad 和 as 之间。要留意的是 as (在这里) 并不是解「好似/正如」 (副词 adverb) 但系解「因为」(连接词 conjunction)。 as 的解释和用法 grammar.altec/Units/Unit_10/a101c10_201000 Relative clause 亦可称为 adjective clause Independent clause and dependent clause 通常直接连住以下文字的clause 就系 dependent clause after although as as if because before even if even though if in order to since though unless until whatever when whenever whether and while. ............................................................................................................ 如果想令句子变得简单 可从两方面着手。 1) 用词 将 as 改为 because (beause 相比 as 无噤多身份和用法 就不会令意思混淆)。 2) 简化句子结构 你可以考虑将这句长句子拆成短句 例如 They always prepare lots of delicious foods. Most of them are left to go bad because so much food cannot be consumed in such a short time. or They always prepare lots of delicious foods. Most of them are left to go bad. How can so much food be consumed in such a short time? (亦可改成反问句) ........................................................................................................ unfortunately 系 adverb 佢其中一个功能系用作修饰 verb (这里指 「用作被动型式的 left」) Kinds of adverbs - adverb of manner 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1 2008-09-18 00:45:35 补充: 补充:漏字 但系值得一提的是 (Clause) 的切割位其 .... 系点解? – this is not a plete phrase so we cannot simply explain these words. Please note : are left to go bad = one verb phrase as so much food cannot be consumed in such a short time = one verb phrase 何种类型 : The whole clause is a verb clause. 有无简单嘅写法 : They always prepare lots of delicious foods but unfortunately most of them cannot be consumed in such a short time so those food are left to go bad. most of which 是否一句 adjective phrase 用来形容 foods? Yes unfortunately 这 adverb是否修饰 are left to go as so much food cannot be consumed in such a short time 全句。- No Unfortunately is an adverb for “left” 参考: Myself
2023-06-21 03:52:411


请参考你的语境从以下选择你要的意思:bboy(铁猴子的音乐专辑)大家对Bboy的界定总是模糊又繁多,但对鉄猴子来说Bboy就像是一种生活方式, 每天想着如何让自己的舞步变得更酷,排腿变的更花俏,招式变的更杀, 为了这些我们不断努力练习,每天周而复始,就是为了变得更厉害, 这就是Bboy,放弃闲暇或是玩乐的时间,就是为了离自己的梦想更近一步。B-boy是英文中“Break-boy”的简称,指非常热衷于嘻哈文化的爱好者,主要是跟随1970年代前期最初的嘻哈文化运动之人。B-boy能够利用节奏和肢体动作,来表达自己的感受或想法。这些具有特色风格的行为,通常被称为“霹雳舞”(breaking、breakdancing)。B-boy通常也是霹雳舞者。-----------------------------------7×24小时在线为您解答!不懂请【追问】,满意请【采纳】,再问请【求助知友】
2023-06-21 03:52:332


香港仔原本称为石排湾(现多指香港仔半山的石排湾邨)。1841年,一批英军登陆香港仔,并问当地居民所在何地。当地居民回答Hong Kong(香港),所以整个岛屿就被称为香港岛,此地则被称为香港仔。后来港英政府将此地命名为鸭巴甸(Aberdeen,香港仔的英文名称),以纪念当时英国的外交大臣鸭巴甸勋爵。而于香港日治时期,香港仔曾被改名为元香港,代表“香港的起源”的意思。
2023-06-21 03:52:311