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2023-06-21 20:25:18
TAG: amm grammar

上面两个不要误导,定词从句引导词是紧跟先行词的.本句先行词是the collectors" triumphs.

从句原型: accidentally found objects were discovered to have extraordinary value in the collectors" triumphs.

in the collectors" triumphs做从句的状语

所以用in which做引导词


表示在What better word than serendipity中





grammar的读音是:英["ɡr?m?(r)]。grammar的读音是:英["ɡr?m?(r)]。grammar的详尽释义是n.(名词)语法(知识、现象),文法,文理,措辞,语言知识及运用能力语法书,文法书语法学,文法学(研究词法、句法和语音学,通常区别于语义学的研究)入门,初阶,基础基本原理,基本规则语法规范,语法规则说法。grammar【近义词】syntax句法。一、详尽释义点此查看grammar的详细内容n.(名词)语法(知识、现象),文法,文理,措辞,语言知识及运用能力语法书,文法书语法学,文法学(研究词法、句法和语音学,通常区别于语义学的研究)入门,初阶,基础基本原理,基本规则语法规范,语法规则说法二、双解释义n.(名词)[U]语法 (the study or use of) the rules by which words change their forms and are combined into sentences[C]语法书 a book which describes or teaches these rules三、英英释义Noun:the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)四、例句That is not, properly speaking, a dictionary but a grammar book.严格地说,那不是一本字典,而是一本语法书。I know nothing about Latin grammar.我一点都不懂拉丁语法。Why care for grammar as long as we are good?只要我们没有错,为什么要关心文法?Grammar is not that hard to reach.文法也不是那么难以亲近.五、常见句型用作名词(n.)I find German grammar very difficult.我发现德语语法很难学。This grammar is easy to understand.这本语法书通俗易懂。Scholars have been writing English grammars since the sixteenth century.自十六世纪以来,学者们一直都在撰写各类英语语法书。The sentence used bad grammar.这段话遣词造句不当。六、词汇搭配用作名词 (n.)动词+~apply〔use〕 grammar运用语法correct grammar纠正语法错误learn grammar学习语法set sb"s grammar right改正某人的语法错误形容词+~bad〔excellent〕 grammar语法差〔好〕,文理不通〔通顺〕English grammar英语语法general grammar普通语法practical grammar实用语法介词+~in grammar语法上~+介词grammar of painting绘画的基本原理七、词源解说☆ 14世纪初期进入英语,直接源自古法语的grammirē,意为语法。grammar的相关临近词grammatical、gram、Grammare、Grammaroli、Grammartic、grammarian、grammaring、grammarless、grammar kit、grammar rule、grammar view、grammar trap点此查看更多关于grammar的详细信息
2023-06-21 03:33:041


grammar 语法If you want to learn English well, you should learn grammar.
2023-06-21 03:33:362


2023-06-21 03:33:523


2023-06-21 03:34:413


2023-06-21 03:34:574


grammar既是可数名词也是不可数名词; grammar n.语法;文法;(人的)语言知识及运用能力;语法书; 复数: grammars; 例句: Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point. 每个练习各有不同的语法重点。 扩展资料   There are always a lot of exceptions to grammar rules.   语法规则总是有很多例外。   Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language onto their own.   语法知识使学生能够把外语结构和母语结构联系起来。   Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar.   考试中拼写和语法出色者将受到表扬。
2023-06-21 03:35:371


grammar,英语单词,主要用作名词,作名词时译为“语法;语法书”。短语搭配 English Grammar英语语法 ; 英文文法 ; 英文语法 ; 语法知识 Case grammar格语法 ; 格位语法 ;[计]格文法 ; 格变语法 regular grammar正则文法。
2023-06-21 03:35:441


1.grammar既是可数名词,也是不可数名词。 2.grammar不可数时,表示“语法,文法。 3.(人的)语言知识及应用能力”。 4.grammar作为可数名词时,grammar的复数形式,grammars指各类语法书。 5.可数名词是指:能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西。 6.不可数名词是指不能以数目来计算,不可以分成个体的概念。
2023-06-21 03:36:151


grammar可不可数得看具体情况不可数时,表示“语法,文法;(人的)语言知识及应用能力”。可数时,表示“语法书”。可数名词是指能以数目来计算,可以分成个体的人或东西;因此它有复数形式,当它的复数形式在句子中作主语时,句子的谓语也应用复数形式。名词根据其可数性可分为可数名词(Countable Noun)和不可数名词(Uncountable Noun)。可数名词即指可以分为个体,且可直接用数目进行计数的名词,如课桌、风筝、女孩、房间、学校等。有单数和复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事物时,用单数形式;指两个或多个人或事物时用复数形式。
2023-06-21 03:36:231


He has a good mastery of engpsh grammar . 他英语语法学得很扎实。 He has a good grasp of engpsh grammar . 他英语语法学得很扎实。 Grammar creates order out of chaos of languages . 语法从杂乱的语言中指出规律。 His grammar is shocking . 他的文句糟极了,他的文理极差。 They have had engpsh grammar hammered into them . 他们强制自己反复学习英语语法。 She is well up in engpsh grammar . 她很精通英语语法。 I bought engpsh grammar and found them dull . 我买了英语语法书,可是发现它们很枯燥。 He often spps in his grammar . 他常常犯文法错误。 Education is not the chips of arithmetic and grammar . 教育不是有关算术和语法的零星知识。 The reference to her grammar had not touched her at all . 指责她的文法一直儿也没有触怒她。 This new grammar we call an augmented operator grammar . 我们把这种新文法称为扩张算符文法。 Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books . 语言教师常从语法书里摘录例子。 Get her to talk grammar . 教她按文法讲话。 His conversation was in free and easy defiance of murray"s grammar . 他谈话时任意糟蹋《茂莱士语法》。 The book seems to be more a dictionary than one on grammar . 与其说这是本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。 Sometimes even his daughters laughed at his correct grammar . 有时甚至女儿都拿他一本正经的语法当笑话。 Chinese grammar is a thing different in nature from engpsh grammar . 中国语的语法从本质上异于英语语法。 Make sure your grammar and spelpng are correct, and no typos ! 确保你的语法和拼写正确,而且没有打字错误。 She has mastered a foreign language by aid of a grammar and dictionary . 她借助语法书和词典掌握了一门外语。 It is a book of engpsh phoics, grammar and usage all in one . 这是一本英语语音,语法和习惯用法合为一体的著作。 We could also show that an(m. n)precedence grammar is unambiguous . 我们还可以证明:(m,n)优先文法是无二义性的。 Why should we force a future dentist to struggle with french grammar ? 我们为什么要强迫一个未来的牙医去死啃法语语法? It "s an exzample of speech assimilation to pronounce " grandma " as " grammar " . 把“grandma”读成“grammar”是语音同化的一个例证。 All we can do then is to manipulate and change the grammar to alleviate the confpct . 解决的办法只能是加工,改变文法,以便减少矛盾。 A sentence of a grammar is ambiguous if there exists o syntax trees for it . 如果一文法的句子存在两个语法树,那么该句子是二义性的。 He looked pke a student for whom grammars are blank and dictionaries dumb . 他的面孔活象一个对于文法茫然无知,对于字典视同哑巴的学生。 Can you see where the grammar books are ? the dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite .. 你看见语法书在哪儿吗?词典都在正对着的书架上。 The number of grammar schools in the country could acmodate at most approximately 25 percent of the total child population . 全国中学数量至多只能容纳儿童总数的大约25%。 While i was intent on improving my language, i met with an engpsh grammar (i think it was greenwood"s) . 正当我致力于提高语言水平的时候,我找到了一本英语语法书(可能是格林伍德写的)。 Descriptive adequacy is achieved to the extent that a grammar gives a correct account of a speaker"s petence . 当一种语法达到能正确描述一个说话人的能力时,就被认为达到描写上的充分性。 Half a point would be taken off for a mistake in spelpng or a misplaced accent, and a full point for any errors in grammar . 拼错一个字或点错一个重音,就要扣半分,任何文法错误都整整扣掉一分。 The unwilpngness with which hob es to a grammar lesson, and speed with which he goes away from it, have always amused me . 霍布上语法课时的那种不高兴劲儿和下课时走的那个快劲儿总是逗得我发笑。 Kesteven girls grammar school was an imposing redbrick building, sitting on a hilltop overlooking the centre of the town . 凯斯蒂文女子文法学校是一座引人注目的红砖房,座落在山顶上,俯瞰城镇中心。 These new productions would better be called reductions, since they are used to reduce a sentence to the distinguished symbol of the grammar . 由于我们惯于使用这种新的产生式把句子归约成文法的识别符号,所以最好把这里所用的产生式称为归约式。 A query on the norms of modern chinese grammar 加强和改进初中语文语法教学的思考 My biggest problem in learning engpsh is grammar 我学英语最大的问题就是语法。 Engpsh vocabulary and grammar for your daily conversations 日常交流英语课程。 They have had engpsh grammar hammered into them 他们强制自己反复学习英语语法 No , never . i don " t know anything about grammar (从来没有。我对语法一窍不通。 ) Apppcation of multimedia in grammar teaching 谈多媒体技术在英语语法教学中的应用 Do grammar and spelpng errors affect scores 亨利:文法和拼字错误会影响分数吗? This is a grammar book for engpsh beginners 这是一本为初学者设计的英文文法书。 I bought a handbook of engpsh grammar last week 上星期我买了一本英文语法手册。 Most students are not sure about engpsh grammar 大多数学生对英语语法没有把握。 Connectioni *** : a better account of sla than universal grammar 连接论优于普遍语法 He had great difficulty in learning engpsh grammar 他学习英语语法困难重重。 I don " t have much difficulty with engpsh grammar 在英语语法方面我没有多大困难。
2023-06-21 03:36:421


2023-06-21 03:36:491


grammar是名词语法Grammer应该是个专有名词吧Grammer: 格拉默公司(德国知名的汽车业供应商)
2023-06-21 03:36:571


2023-06-21 03:37:221


2023-06-21 03:38:001


I saw the boy was singing 正确写法为 : I saw the boy singing I saw the boy singing 可以分解为 : I saw the boy 我看见该男孩 The boy was singing 该男孩在唱歌 将两句结合 : I saw the boy singing 我看见该男孩在唱歌 I saw the boy singing 可以写成 : I saw the boy that was singing 其中 that was singing 是形容词子句 修饰受词 the boy 再看一句 : The boy singing a song 唱着歌的男孩 其中 singing a song 作形容词修饰 the boy 因此 I saw the boy singing singing 同样是作形容词修饰受词 the boy 故此 I saw the boy singing 中的 singing 作形容词用 是 participle ( 分词) 而非作名词 ( gerund ) 用的 --------------------------- I am one year old 中 old 是形容词 修饰名词 year 有一些形容词会放在名词之后 如 : The mountain is 1000 metres high 这座山有1000米高 其中 high 是形容词 修饰 metres 2007-01-30 22:01:32 补充: 补充 :horror 是名词 但亦可以作定语 ( 形容词 ) 用 horror films 恐怖影片horror 作定语 ( 形容词 ) 用 2007-01-30 22:27:40 补充: 补充 :I saw a plane flying in the sky. 究竟当中用的是gerund or participle??Why?其中 flying 是 participle ( 分词 )flying in the sky 作形容词修饰 a plane 理论跟 I saw the boy singing 一样 singing 与 flying 分别作 the boy 与 a plane 的补语 ( 形容词 ) 应该是I saw the boy singing. / I heard the boy singing. ( verbs+ noun+ present particple/infinitive without "to" ) Eg.: I saw him entering the shop. I saw a plane flying in the sky. (but not "on" the sky!!!) Old 不可以加"s" Because "old" is an adj. "s" 要加在名词上,而"year"是名词,所以"s"要加在"year"上。 参考: My mother 楼上的 I was see the boy is sang 是语法错误的。 I saw the boy singing. 我看见那男孩唱歌。 I saw the boy when he was singing. 当我看见那男孩的时候,他在唱歌。 是 acceptable (可以接受) 的。 但是在之前一句的 sentence 里要提到 the boy 是谁。 要不然,这里用 the 就不适合,应该改作 a 。 gerund 动名词 / participle 分词 的区别可以在 Wikipedia 里查看。 I saw a plane flying IN the sky. 在这里,flying 是分词,而且,是 in the sky,不是 on the sky。 如果Q1的: I saw the boy singing a song. singing a song 中的 singing 是动名词。 ps:the term present participle is sometimes used to include the gerund I am 1 year old. I am 2 years old. 在这里,year 是名词,但 old 是形容词。 所以 s 是加在 year 后面,而不是 old 后面。 另外: I am a 13-year-old teenager. 中的 13-year-old 是形容词。 还有: horror 是形容词,不是名词。 2007-01-30 20:57:37 补充: Sorry, horror movies 的 horror 的确是名词, 但 horror movie 本身是片语 (phrase), 所以 s 是加在 movie 后面。 I saw the boy was singing. 这句用was singing是错的原因我也在研究中 I saw a plane flying on the sky.当中据我所知就应该是用participle 因为如果gerund的 通常在+ing的verb前都会有like enjoy start等词 I am 1 year old这句是正确的 没有规定一个句子不可出现两个noun 而year加s的原因是因为句中的year是一个量词 而old系一个adjective 2007-01-30 20:47:35 补充: 致楼上的那位:你那句I was see the boy is sang.是不合符grammar的 2007-01-30 20:56:44 补充: 再给一点补充I saw the boy was singing. 这句你是在什么时候回答的?首先 就要先想一想其问题问题要你回答什么?假如问题是:What did you see?(在对话中)你则可以答I saw the boy sang. 2007-01-30 21:03:05 补充: 楼下的horro是名词不是形容词 2007-01-30 21:05:37 补充: 还有 我并没教导发问者用I was see the boy is sang 这句唔该你补充一下 对唔住....我只可以答你第一条ge问题。可以吗??? 首先,以我咁多年ge经验,I saw the boy was sining. 系错中之大错!!!知唔知点解呢? 因为冇可能咁样写话你岩ge.....呢句应该咁样写:「I was see the boy is sang.」(我唔系好肯定我系100%岩哂,不过你果句一定系错,加上好唔通顺)。 其他果d我唔明你问乜= ="" 参考: 我自己ge知识~~
2023-06-21 03:38:091

grammar focus的翻译是:

grammar focus语法焦点; 语言点双语例句1Grammar is the focus in foreign language teaching field all the time.语法始终是外语教学领域关注的焦点。2Each Book has 16 units, each book presents real-world information by a topic, daily new vocabulary, dialogues, pronunciation exercises and a grammar focus.每本书包含了16个单元,并以话题,日常词汇,对话,发音练习以及语法点等各个方面呈现出一个真实的语言情景。
2023-06-21 03:38:151

什么是grammar school

2023-06-21 03:38:455

grammar 和 grammars 有什么不同

grammars是grammar的复数形式。意思都是”语法“。例如:1. Hasn"t you learned grammar? 你没有学过语法吗?2. Transformational grammars are more restrictive.转换生成语法局限性更大。对你有帮助的话,请及时采纳喔!
2023-06-21 03:39:001


studies of the formation of basic linguistic units
2023-06-21 03:39:292


  学习英语时我们都学了很多语法,可是你知道语法的英文是什么吗?下面由我为大家整理的语法的英文,希望大家喜欢!   语法的英文   n. grammar   grammar   n.语法; 语法书; (学术的)基本原理; (人的)语言知识及运用能力   复数: grammars   gramma的相关短语   traditional grammar;   传统语法   structural grammar;   结构语法   systematic grammar;   系统语法   communicative grammar;   沟通语法   comparative grammar;   比较语法   functional grammar   功能语法   grammar的例句   她找学生谈话,批评他犯语法错误。   She talked to the pupil about his grammar mistakes.   语言教师常从语法书里摘录例子。   Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books.   这次对我们的英语练习老师将不特别注意拼写和语法,而是着重找使她满意的表达法。   This time the teacher will not mark our English exercises for spelling and grammar, but she will be looking for pleasing expression.   与其说这是本语法书,倒不如说是一本词典。   The book seems to be more a dictionary than one on grammar.   你觉得那本英语语法书怎么样?   How do you like the English grammar book?   第一,学习这门语言的基本的词汇和语法。   First, learning the basic vocabulary and grammar of this language.   他们会用语法吗?   Do they use grammar?   一旦成功遍历了语法中的那些部分,则执行这些操作。   These actions execute once those portions of the grammar have been successfully traversed.   与此同时,你应该阅读你的语法指南介绍。   In conjunction with this you should read your introductory grammar guide.   在更加复杂的语法和对应输入中,这可能并不简单。   In more complex grammars and the corresponding inputs, it might not be so easy.   很少有人会问词典和语法书的编者又是根据什么权威来说那些话的。   Few people ask by what authority the writers of dictionaries and grammars say what they say.   它更新了国王詹姆斯版本的词汇和语法,同时保留了经典的风格和美丽。   It updates the vocabulary and grammar of the King James Version, while preserving the classic style and beauty.   这就意味着,尽管他们掌握了英语语法,也熟悉英语词汇,他们可能不能成功地开展对话。   This means that, although they know English grammar and vocabulary well, they might not be able to hold a good conversation.   给定一种语言,定义其语法的表示法以及一个解释器,解释器会使用该表示法解释语言中的句子。   Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language.   我学英语语法并没有太多的困难。   I dont have much difficulty with English grammar.   但是,一旦正式描述它的某种语言和语法变得复杂,那么语言中的有效表达式数量将迅速增加。   Once a language and the grammar that formally describes it becomes complex, however, the number of valid expressions in the language grows rapidly.   举例来说,这就是C标准定义其形式语法的方式。   This is how, for instance, the C standard defines its formal grammar.   假如这种工作做的越来越多,你自然就能熟悉所学语言的语法和结构了。   As you do this more and more, you naturally become familiar with the grammar and the structure of the language.   语言让我们成为完整的人,其他动物都不具有类似于人类那丰富复杂的词汇和语法。   Our languages are what make us fully human—no other creature has anything like our rich and complex vocabularies and grammars.   字符串分析模型字符串就是一些语法,能够对字符串和序列有很详尽的理解,字符串可能在执行过程的任何点发挥作用。   The string analysis model strings are grammars, enabling a very detailed understanding of the characters and sequences that a string might hold at any point in the execution flow.
2023-06-21 03:39:481


2023-06-21 03:40:031

Grammar 问题?

更新1: Where Are You Go - Trailer 系一出电影的名称 为什么grammer有错都用于电影的名称呢? *** /watch?v=7NpubbAzKSY whereareyougo/ 你哋全部误会晒!!!!! Where...............是subject...................( 不是adv. ) Are...................是 vi 不及物动词 不须object.( 不是作aux. ) You Go.............是短语phrase作subject plement补语说明where are何处是 (不是subject+verb)Go在此不是verb.而是noun. absolutely wrong. except go is changed to going.(where are you going? )it is present continuous tense. but go seldom is used for this tense. you should learn how the 12 types of english tenses are formed. 当然有错喇!! 如果你系想问(你去哪儿)便要写成(where do you go) 如果你系想问(你正在去哪儿呀)便应该写(where are you going) 如果你系想问(你刚才去了哪儿) 咁就要用past tense 即系(where did you go) 问题格式里面 are系唔可以同present tense....要用present tense的话系要用[do]
2023-06-21 03:40:101


grammar的范围更广一些:Grammar is the study of rules governing the use of language. The set of rules governing a particular language is the grammar of that language; thus, each language can be said to have its own distinct grammar. Grammar is part of the general study of language called linguistics. Grammar is a way of thinking about language.而syntax只是grammar的一种,研究的是单词如何组成短语,以及短语如何组成句子希望可以帮到你
2023-06-21 03:40:171


grammar是名词语法 Grammer应该是个专有名词吧 Grammer: 格拉默公司(德国知名的汽车业供应商)
2023-06-21 03:40:252


we must study grammars and words if we want to study english well.
2023-06-21 03:40:332

grammar是语法 syntax 是句法, 具体是什么意思,怎么界定,最好给个例子

2023-06-21 03:40:502


grammar的意思:意为语法学 ; 中学 ; 语法规则 ; 语法 ; 基本原理 ; 文法。例句:Grammar and usage are the sine qua non of language teaching and learning.语法和用法是语言教学中必不可少的内容。影视原声You practiced grammar rules and studied sentence syntax.你练习过语法规则,研读句法。—《托福学习视频》Oh, I know, is it because he"s always correcting people"s grammar? Whom. Whom. Sometimes it"s who.我知道了,因为他老爱纠正别人文法?什么“WHOM”"WHO"的,有时候是用“WHO”啦!—《老友记 第五季》学语法的重要性来自于掌握语法给我们带来的益处。首先与同学们最密切相关的,就是能解决阅读和写作的问题。我们在阅读中最常碰到的困难就是各种复杂的长句——单词都知道,但就是读不懂整句。同学们要知道,万变不离其宗,再长的一个句子,它也必须要符合语法规则。而英语语法规定了,在英语里的句型就那么几种,只要掌握了语法知识,就可以清楚地判别出一个长句是属于哪种句型,它的主谓宾也就是句子主干是什么,其他的都是混淆视线的辅助成分,而这些成分各自又起到了什么作用,等等。
2023-06-21 03:42:491


grammar既是可数名词也是不可数名词,grammar不可数时,表示“语法,文法;(人的)语言知识及应用能力”。grammar作为可数名词时,grammar的复数形式grammars指各类语法书。 grammar的用法 分类:初级英语语法 作者:本站原创 grammar的用法及例句详解如下: 1.grammar通常为不可数名词,意为“语法” 因此,grammar通常没有复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。 Please pay attention to your grammar. 请注意你的语法。 They must learn Japanese grammar if they want to learn Japanese well. 如果他们想学好日语,他们就必须学日语语法。 Grammar is easy to learn for some people. 对于某些人而言,语法容易学。 Tips: grammar如果是指“语法书”,那么就是可数名词。 Our English teacher asked us to buy an English grammar. 我们的英语老师叫我们买本英语语法书。 以上就是grammar的用法及例句。
2023-06-21 03:43:141


更新1: 3.如有一个问题....如果我希望同一个人一齐打篮球... I hope you to play basketball with me. I hope you play basketball with me. I hope you playing basketabll with me...边句岩???? 4.同埋 I wish you have a nice dream. I wish you to have a nice dream. I wish you having a nice dream......E 3句又边句岩?? THX a lot~ Question 1: Verb + noun + verb-ing -------------- -ing form (present participle) Verb + noun + to + verb ------------- infinitive Verb + noun + verb (base form) --------- infinitive without “to” 何时用那种 要看 main verb是什么字和句子意思 Certain verbs particularly sense verbs are only followed by an –ing form (present participle) when they have object. (catch discover feel find hear leave notice observe see spot notice) I caught him looking at my desk. Some verbs can be followed by an object + to-infinitive. (advise allow cause mand pel encourage forbid force get instruct invite leave oblige order permit persuade remend remind request teach tell tempt urge warn) They forced us to open our suitcases. They want us to go. Sense verbs can be followed by an object + -ing form when we are describing an action in progress or an action that is repeated: As I walked past the church I heard someone playing the an. (The person was in the middle of playing when I walked past) I saw a young mother slapping her child. (She slapped him several times.) These verbs (see hear) can be followed by an object + infinitive without “to” when we describe a single action or the action is plete. I saw a young mother slap her child in the supermarket. (She slapped once.) Last week I heard them play the symphony. (I heard the plete symphony.) With certain verbs (let see hear make) you can use infinitive without “to”. The teacher let us leave early. I saw her take it. The boss makes me work late. Question 2: I work hard today. 我今天很努力工作 I work hard every day. 我每天很努力工作 I hardly work every day. 我每天几乎不工作 Hard 和 hardly 都 adverb meaning 不同. 注意 hardly 位置 every day 是 adverbial phrase 分开两个字 everyday 是 adjective 一个字 every day = 每天 today = 今天 Question 3: I hope you would play basketball with me. (正确) Question 4: I wish you have a nice dream. (正确) Have a nice dream. (正确) 2011-01-20 11:48:36 补充: I wish you would have a nice dream. (future) 参考: Longman Advanced Learner"s Grammar 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你! 1.你要明白几个基本concept infinitives and gerunds infinitives 系动词中的不有限定的形式 infinitive 属于 noun adjective adverb呢几种 word form gerunds 系verb 之后+ing change to 动词的名词 gerunds 属于 noun 呢种 word form 先说infinitives 点知谁是finite verb 谁是infinite verb? eg: i do not want to visit mexico do not want 系finite verb visit 系infinite verb 何时用infinitive? 1.系某d verb 之后 eg: afford deserve.offer threaten....仲有好多好多 2.系某d vt (verb tritive) + direct object 之后 eg: allow invite request.........仲有好多好多 3.有d情况有无to 都得 please help me to do it (岩) please help me do it (岩) 何时用gerund? 1.系某d verb 之后 eg: admit delay involve parctise 2.系preposition (介词)之后用 eg: despite for without * gerund 一定有ing but 有ing唔一定系gerund!!! 最后仲要讲就系有时用infinitive or gerund 都得 但系意思唔一样!!! eg:begin hate start...仲有好多好多 eg: I tried taking a sleeping pill but it did not work for me (得左) i tried to take a sleeping pill but it did not work for me (唔得0口0) summary: 帮你summary一次 加强记忆 用infinitive 可以有to可以无 用gerunds 系verb+ing 用infinitive or gerund 都得 但系意思会唔同 点先用得好? 二个方法 1.记 2.用得多 (我知系废话但系系事件-3-) ps: 其实仲有好几个情况可以用infinitive同gerund 系呢到就唔详细讲 如果仲想知多d click 入呢个grammer website (几好用 用到你大学都仲得) 2. I work hard everyday 系指我每天都很努力 I work hardly everyday hardly 系指勉强; 几乎没有 简简单单 Today I work hard too. 3. hope 系可以用系vt vi noun vt:i hope that you play basketball with me 其实呢个已经无用到我岩岩讲个种grammer 如果一定要用就... i would like to play basketball with you 4. 想表达祝愿通常系用 present simple i wish that you have a nice dream 唔一定下下要用到岩岩讲个种grammer 系test中 唔识用or唔清楚岩唔岩 就用d sure系岩grammer 其实简简单单同人讲have a nice dream 就得 通常好少人成个野讲哂出来~ 2011-01-20 03:33:54 补充: (我知系废话但系系事件-3-) 个到打错...系事实先岩-3- 参考: 我自己 有错请指出
2023-06-21 03:43:331


2023-06-21 03:44:002

有关英文Grammar 问题一问

It is OK in the sense of time. But it is not very good in grammar: My suggestion: I had just had/finished my dinner. In general English is not Math so teachers will always tell us that we don"t need to care so much about the time. e.g. noon = [Math] 12:00:00 [Eng] around 12 o"clock My conclusion: just - 你做完lee样之后,做左一至两样野,就可以用just Hope I can help you ^_^ 2014-11-14 19:58:05 补充: 更正上述内容:(我打错了,一万个对不起,所以加多一样资料比你赔贘) My suggestion: I [have] just had/finished my dinner. 补充: Usage of "present perfect tense": When that action/event affects your beings now and it is in the past not very long time ago 2014-11-14 19:59:47 补充: My suggestion is 英式英语. 参考: ME ME ME 有回答者写: "The dinner just finished. Did I eat yet my dinner ? I have had dinner just." 纯文法角度去看 请教读者上面的三句是否对? The dinner just finished = Someone just finished the dinner?? active 与 passive 无分别? 2014-11-11 04:19:49 补充: 我同意回答者:Omega. I just had dinner. ~ 美国人讲多 I have just had my dinner. ~ 英国人讲 or I have just finished my dinner. The present perfect is the form of a verb that shows a period of time up to and including the present formed in English with the present tense of the verb "have" as in "I have had" and a past participle: when it is 8:00----9:00 p.m. Just already yet are used with the simple past tense: The dinner just finished. I already had dinner. Did I eat yet my dinner ? OR: The dinner had just finished. OR: I have already had dinner. OR: I have had dinner just. OR: I have dinner from eight o"clock to nine o"clock. OR: I have eat dinner yet. OR: I ate dinner when it is 8:00 to9:00 p.m. 参考: hope can help you... The present perfect is the form of a verb that shows a period of time up to and including the present formed in English with the present tense of the verb"have" as in "I have had" and a past participle.8:00----9:00----9:20 pm when (09:20-09:00=00:20 min.) Time adverbs just already and yet are often used with the simple past tense:- The dinner just finished. I already had dinner. Did I eat yet my dinner ? Or:- The dinner had just finished. I have already had dinner. Have I eaten dinner yet ? Or:- I have had dinner just.(emphazing adverb just) yes you are correct
2023-06-21 03:44:071

可数名词grammar,为什么在learn more grammar中用的是单数?

grammar可不可数得看具体情况不可数时,表示“语法,文法;(人的)语言知识及应用能力”。可数时,表示“语法书”。此处语境是语法的意思啦,和前面的new words是并列关系,要结合上下文语境哟~
2023-06-21 03:44:152


2023-06-21 03:47:492


2023-06-21 03:47:561

grammar问题 if...or not

"我唔肯定佢系咪会黎揾我 我只系o系msn度留左电话比佢 佢可能到时会打比我" I"m not sure if he is ing to (visit/meet/find) me or not i just left my phone number to him (by/on) the msn he (might/might be/may/may be) call me when he is arrived. 1.应该用边一个verb? (朋友从外国来中国香港) visit 2.if 同or not用法正确吗?如果唔加"or not" 句句子系咪唔通顺? 最好是有or not. 但有些况可以没有的。例如你们一班人一起出外, *** 时有人问某人会否来,你不肯定知道,可以说:I"m not sure if he is ing.便可以了。 3.msn用on定by?如果email系咪用by? 问题不在by/on,因为你用left这个动词 my phone/MSN/e-mail e因为这些被看为储存xxx的媒体(载住on); 但如果你是用就是用by因为phone/msn/e-mail变为传送xxx的媒体(传to)。 4.应该用边一个? may 5.grammar正确吗? 不对。is arrived是被动式,he是主词应该用主动式现在式表示他会来到的事实(虽然现实是在将来发生的) he arrives. 6.whether同if用法一样吗?重有冇其他说法问"系咪xxx?"不同,问whehter意思是「是否」(一般是两样只有一样发生),而问if的意思是「如果」某一事发生...之后会怎样。但你这条问题的if是回应not sure这个预设,所以才跟whether意思差不多。 7.I wonder if she is ill. <-句中没有"or not" 可以用系问题2吗? 可以,但传统英语不可以。 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你! 1 visit 2 if 同or not用法正确 no or not is OK 3 msn用by,如果email用by 4 may be 5 grammar is OK all right. 6 whether同if用法一样 冇其他说法问"系咪xxx?" 7 根据我嘅常识,不可以用系问题2 1.) visit 2.) correct no it is fluent in both ways 3.) on (but i am not sure sorry) 4.) may 5.) yes (but i will say via msn rather than on the msn just simply because it sounds a bit weird) 6.) they are the same. 7.) it is fluent and correct. I"m not sure if he will e to visit (or will visit) me or not. I just left him my phone number (or I"ve just left my phone number for him) on the MSN. He may call me by then. 1. Use "will visit" if you know he is ing to Hong Kong. 2. It is correct to use "if...or not" to introduce one of o possibilities (1e or 2.not e). You can also omit "or not" in this sentence without altering its meaning. 3. with email. 4. may 5. Use "by then" if you mean 到时 as written. Othewise you may say "He may call me when he arrives." 6. Yes both "whether" and "if" can be used to express a doubt or choice beeen o possibilities (表示迟疑或两个可能性之间的选择)是否 7. "I wonder if she is ill." = "I wonder if she is ill or not" = "I wonder whether or not she is ill."
2023-06-21 03:48:031

grammar 问题第三问

其实有d难去 explain 这几句的答案...不过我试下解啦 3. She was educated at Beijing University ___________she went on too have her advanced study abroad. A. after thatB. from thatC. from which D. after which (点解系D ge? 可以是A吗) 用 after that 既话 句句子要modify 一下 如果系我写 after之前要加个and that之后要加个ma She was educated at Beijing University and after that she went on too have her advanced study abroad. 句野个meaning一样 但系冇左用after which 果种流畅 因为after which 将前后2个independent clause连埋一齐 而after that 就只系讲完一句还一句 当然冇咁好 4.His plan was such a good one___________we all agreed to accept it. A. as B. thatC. so D. and (点解系B ge? 可以是C吗?) 用 so 系唔o岩 因为有个such字 such.....that 系 有因果关系既意思 你见到 his plan was such a good one 就应该知道之后要跟个that字 你睇下yahoo dictionary 查个such字 佢都会话: such(与that连用) = 如此的...(以致) He is such a good teacher that all his pupils like him. 如果你想用个so字 要攞走个such字先可以: His plan was a good one so we all agree to accept it. 你睇到啦 其实句句子既structure都会唔同哂 His plan was a good one 宜家变左句independent clause 但系之前 His plan was such a good one....就唔系一句independent clause 因为意思唔完整 所以这个case唔可以用so呀 5. Only then___________how much damage had been caused. A. had she realizedB. she realizedC. did she realize D. she had realized (点解系C ge?) 个key word 系 only 有 only这个字 令到你要用 inversion inversion 即系加个auxiliary verbs (be has) o系个subject既前面 例如o系问句就成日会用inversion : Did you call her? 个 did (auxiliary verb)就放左o系 you (subject)既前面喇 咁你就会问我 这句不是问句 为何要用inversion??? 咁系因为 有其他情况 都会用inversion 睇睇: In formal English it is quite mon to use inversion after negative adverbial expressions and restrictive words such as only never hardly and little. At no time did he get permission for what he was doing. Not until the next morning did she realise how serious it was. Only later did they learn his terrible secret. Never before have I seen such awful behaviour. Hardly had we walked in the door when the phone started ringing. Little do you know how much trouble you are in. 你句句子用左only开头 系一个restrictive word 所以 prefer用inversion 咁即系你得番 A 同 C 可以选... 你睇下我上面highlight 左紫色果句 都系用左 did 而唔系 had 如果用 had she realize 就系 past perfect tense 其实我之前都有讲过 past perfect tense 系比较唔mon 既 除非你系想强调于过去某一刻 已经完成了某某事 先至会用 past perfect 否则 好似这个case past tense (did she realize) 就可以了... 就系咁~ 参考: myself I live in US and 今次 quote左 YAHOO字典
2023-06-21 03:48:211


用inin grammar翻译为:在语法方面。
2023-06-21 03:48:341


2023-06-21 03:49:231


2023-06-21 03:49:301


grammar是名词语法Grammer应该是个专有名词吧Grammer: 格拉默公司(德国知名的汽车业供应商)
2023-06-21 03:49:381


grammer n.体重……克者 grammar n.语法
2023-06-21 03:49:451


2023-06-21 03:49:553


一、反义疑问句 反意疑问句是由陈述句和附在其后的附加疑问句组成。其中附加疑问句是对陈述句所说的事实或观点提出疑问,起证实作用,一般用于证实说话者所说的事实或观点。 (表示说话者对某事有一定看法,但又不完全确定,需要对方加以证实。)翻译为“是吗” 二、反义疑问句的回答 回答时,事实是肯定的用Yes; 若事实是否定的则用No。 三、反义疑问句的特殊情况 1.反意疑问句中问句部分的动词与陈述部分的动词在语气上成相反的对应关系,即:肯定+否定?否定+肯定? You can"t do it, can you? 你不能做它,是吗? They are very late for the meeting, aren"t they? 他们开会迟到了,是吗? 2.附加问句的主语应与陈述句的主语保持一致,且只能用人称代词替代。 You come from Beijing, don t you? 你来自北京,是不是? 3.当陈述句中含有be动词,助动词,或是情态动词时,反问句部分由这些词加上主语人称代词构成: Be动词包括:am, is, are, was, were 助动词有:do, does, did, have(用在完成时), has(用在完成时)等 情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should He will go home, won"t he? 他要回家了,是吗? She doesn"t like to eat popcorn, does she? 她不喜欢吃爆米花,是吗? 4.have的不同用法,反义疑问句用不同的动词 (1)have 表“有”时,反义疑问句谓语动词用do He has a new car, doesn"t he? (2)have表“吃,喝,玩,度过,举办”等是,反义疑问句谓语动词用do He has supper at home every day, doesn"t he? They had a good time in Beijing, didn"t they? (3)have to表“不得不,必须”时,反义疑问句谓语动词用do Kite has to help her mother, doesn"t she? (4)had better表“最好”时,反义疑问句谓语动词用had We had better go to school at once, hadn t we? (5)have用在完成时中,反义疑问句谓语动词用have They have known the matter, haven"t they? 5.(1)反意疑问句的陈述部分带有little, few, never, hardly, seldom,nobody, nothing, no one, none, neither等否定意义的词时,问句部分用肯定式。 She never tells a lie, does she? (不用doesn"t she?) 她从不说谎,是吗? He was seldom late, was he? (不用wasn"t he?) 他几乎不迟到,是吗? He is hardly able to swim, is he? There is little milk in your cup, is there? (2)当陈述部分所含的否定词是通过加前缀或后缀构成的,(也就是有un, dis-前缀、less-后缀等含有词缀而意思否定的词),当做肯定句处理,其后的反意疑问句依然用否定结构。 It is unfair, isn t it? 这不公平,是吧? He dislikes English, doesn"t he? 6.陈述部分为There + be + 主语时,问句部分用动词+there?形式。 There are two cakes on the plate, aren"t there? 碟子里有两块蛋糕,是吗? 7.反意疑问句的陈述部分为I am……时,问句部分习惯上用aren"t I? I am a very honest man, aren"t I? 我是个很诚实的人,是吗? 8.陈述部分的主语为不定代词something, anything, nothing, everything时,问句部分的主语用it。 Something is wrong with the computer, isn"t it? 电脑有问题了,是吗? Nothing has happened to them, has it? 他们什么事也没发生,是吗? 9.陈述部分的主语为不定代词somebody (someone), anybody (anyone), nobody (no one), everybody (everyone) none, neither时,问句部分的主语用he或 they,这时问句动词的数应和he或 they一致。 Someone has taken the seat, hasn"t he? 有人已经坐了位置,是吗? Everyone has done their best in the game, haven"t they? . 每个人在比赛中已经尽力了,是吗? 10.陈述部分的主语是指示代词this或that时,反意疑问句的主语用it,当陈述部分的主语是指示代词these或those时,其反意疑问句的主语用they。例如: This is a plane, isn t it? 这是一架飞机,是吗? These are grapes,aren t they? 这些是葡萄,是吗? 11.当陈述部分有情态动词must,问句有4种情况: (1)mustn t表示“禁止,不可,不必”时,附加问句通常要用must. You mustn t stop your car here, must you? 你不能把车停在这地方,知道吗? (2)must表示“有必要”时,附加问句通常要用needn t. They must finish the work today, needn"t they? 他们今天要完成这项工作,是吗? (3)当must用来表示对现 在的情况进行推测时,问句通常要根据must后面的动词采用相应的形式。 He must be good at English, isn"t he? 他英语一定学得很好,是吗? She must be a good English teacher, isn"t she? 她一定是位优秀的英语老师,是吗? 12.当陈述部分谓语动词是need,且这些词被用作实义动词时,其反意疑问句需用do的适当形式。若need 为情态动词,疑问部分用need构成。 We need to help them, don"t we? You needn"t go there, need you? 13.陈述部分为祈使句 (1)若为let"s引导,反问句用shall we? Let"s go home together, shall we? 让我们一起回家,好吗? (2)若为let us/me引导 和否定祈使句,都用will you? Let us stop to rest, will you? 让我们停下休息,好吗? Don"t make any noise, will you? 别弄出噪音,好吗? (3)肯定祈使句则用will you 或won"t you 都行 Do sit down, won"t you? / will you? 请坐,好吗? You feed the bird today, will you? 今天你喂鸟,是吗? Please open the window, will you? (won"t you?) 打开窗,好吗? 14.陈述部分是主从复合句时,反义疑问句主语常与主句主语一致。 She said she would come tomorrow, didn"t she? 【补充】但主句主语为第一人称I/We,谓语动词是think, believe, imagine, expect等时,反义疑问句主语常与从句主语一致,并注意否定前移。 I think he is a good student, isn"t he? We don"t think you are right, are you?
2023-06-21 03:50:021

Grammar `1问

更新1: 如果Words cannot expressed how I am pleased.呢句错 咁点解呢句又岩: I did not know where you went. 点解又唔系 I did not know where did you go. 其实系咪只系verb to be + adj 先会系好似呢句配答: Words cannot expressed how pleased I am. 更新2: 应该系Words cannot express how pleased I am. 唔好意思 打错字!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Words cannot express how pleased(adjective) I am.<--Correct "How+ pleased(adjective) me " 有多+高兴". "How" and "pleased" are together in this sentence. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I did not know where you went. Correct. ( This is a statement not a QUESTION!)<==== 点解又唔系 I did not know where did you go. <--WRONG!! Where did you go?<----------This is a question. (You cannot throw a question into a statement in English grammar.) Let me show you some examples. ~~~~ 1) I have no idea where she lives. <--------------Correct I have no idea where does she live.<------------Wrong Where does she live?<------------A question here!! 2) She doesn"t know how old I am. <----------Correct She doesn"t know how old am I.<--------------Wrong How old am I? <-----------------Here is a question! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not know HOW TALL she is. I do not know HOW he did it. I do not know HOW HEAVY the fat boy IS. I do not know HOW BIG his room is. ( JUST MAKE SURE YOU WON"T PUT ANY QUESTIONS INTO ANY STATEMENTS.) Questions: How tall is she? How did he do it? How heavy is the fat boy? How big is his room? By the way "How pleased am I?" is a question. ( How +an adjective) Bye 唔需要想得太复杂: 你想想一d你识既句子结构如: I don"t know how long it is. I don"t know how many it is. I don"t know how much it is. I don"t know how far it is. I don"t know how old you are. 你唔会咁写: I don"t know how it is long. I don"t know how it is many. I don"t know how it is much. I don"t know how it is far. I don"t know how you are old. 正如: Words cannot express how pleased I am. 唔会写: Words cannot express how I am pleased. cannot后用 express how后接形容词 pleased 不是问句,为何用 did you go 配搭,不是「配答」 配搭不是这个原因,是因为 how后是规定用形容词 2009-08-26 00:41:31 补充: 在你的例子,how后是规定用形容词 Two statements are wrong. cannot 一定跟着 infinitive so cannot express I think the correct statement should be : Words cannot express how pleased I am. 参考: ME
2023-06-21 03:50:201

grammar focus是什么意思

2023-06-21 03:50:283


2023-06-21 03:50:501

grammar focus怎么记

2023-06-21 03:50:571

“语法”grammar 在日语怎么说?

2023-06-21 03:51:043


更新1: 1)可否再解释多d为何any question前没有任何东西但都是correct. 2)点解是用should you have 而不是用you should have 既? 呢个情况下通常 Should you have any questions 个 question 都会有 s 。至于你问 grammar 问题,其实都要睇返当时系咩场合同埋同咩人讲,你要好 formal 好有礼貌咁讲定系同同辈朋友讲罗。好明显句子越长应该越有礼貌,同埋口讲通常简短 D ,如果系写出黎应该成句写晒出黎好 D。 至于第二条你问点解系 Should you have 而唔系用 you should have,好简单,因为你依家系假设句,Should you have any questions 个 should 字o系呢度系 in case o既意思,你假设人地有问题问,但系人地唔一定真系有问题要问架嘛,你讲 you should have 咪变左肯定句罗,肯定人地有问题,咁意思咪唔 make sense 罗。 1) Any question please feel free to let me know. 问题: 在any question前没有任何东西 这样是否正确?为什么? Please fell free to let me know if there is ( you have) any question. Anytime is already understood. 2) Should you have any question please feel free to contact me anytime This is coreect but emphasis if you have any question. Grammar is correct. Should has the similar meaning of if in this sentence./ no ar they are inversion
2023-06-21 03:51:111


CORRECTION ~~ 真系好大问题 你GRAMMAR 同PART OF SPEECH 搞唔清楚 一定要加油= = 1.After learning from the book. I know the importance of family and interpersonal 2. skills of life. I 3. like 4. the ending of the story very much. 5It"s because 6. the prince and princess finally together. I like Ella. She is 8. a very 9.industrious and optimistic character and 10.that"s why I like her most . I think Ella and have same temperament we are both hard-working. Ella had a 13.unchangeable character because when 14.Ella became the queen she didn"t revenge . 15.This proves that she is kind and friendly .16.I feel scaring frind from the book. Because Ella not recenge the stepmother.ON the contrary courtesy of the very scaring. 咩系ATTER? 应该系AFTER. 同埋LEARNED唔岩 一句句子冰可以有2个VERB= =你想用INTERPERSONAL 系好 不过佢个PART OF SPEECH 系形容词 你咁样用唔岩 你可以话系INTERPERSONAL SKILL 人际沟通技巧VERY 变左`做VERY MUCH 放左系句子后面你系想讲个故事的ENDING 应该系THE ENDING OF THE STORY就咁BECAUSE唔可以放系句子前面 要小心ARTICLE PROBLEEM咩系of the together last= = 系FINALLY LIVE TOGETHER- -ARTICLE PROBLEMEFFOT 系NOUN 唔可以用黎做ADJ= = 我俾左个ADJ系用 INDUSTRIOUS 系等于 HARD-WORKING咩系so me like most Ella= = 你系想讲所以我就最钟意ELLA. 首先 ME 唔系SUBJECT MOST 系当COMPARATIVE 时先用 用的时候最好加THE咩系Ella and I was never give up the character GIVE UP系VERB 咁你呢句味有2个VERB- - 其实唔系好明你呢句讲咩 我自己作左咩系Ella not characher changed 我明白你系想讲佢个性格无变 不过你呢句就无"VERB LA= = 咩系Because Ella then of the queen. but Ella not revenge. 你第一句BECAUSE 系REASON 你无VERB 唔好以为个OF系VERB OF 只系一个PREPOSITION 第二句唔应该系NOT REVENGE= = 系ELLA DIDNOT REVENGE 先岩唔知你写咩 我自己作都系唔知你写咩- - 只系知你入面D GRAMMAR 错到七彩 WInG~~~ 我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: 希望可以帮到你!
2023-06-21 03:51:251