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2023-06-21 20:22:22

fierce 英[fu026au0259s] 美[fu026ars]

adj. 猛烈的; 凶猛的,残忍的; 狂热的;




1、They look like the teeth of some fierce animal.


2、Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda.










凶狠的英语是:fierce。一、读音:英[fu026au0259s];美[fu026ars]。二、释义:adj.凶猛的,凶狠的;狂热的,强烈的;猛烈的,激烈的。三、比较级和最高级:比较级:fiercer;最高级:fiercest四、语法:fierce常用来表示野兽的凶猛、残暴,也可用于指人的眼光凶狠或某种气氛的激烈。五、相关词组:Ferocious animals凶猛的野兽ferocity is proper to tigers凶猛是老虎的天性A ferocious lion一头凶猛的狮子A ferocious attack一场凶猛的进攻六、例句:The eagle is riding on the fierce wind.鹰在狂风中翱翔。The weather is really fierce.天气确实糟透。A wolverine is a small fierce mammal.貂熊是一只小而凶猛的动物。七、反义词meek:1、单词发音英[miu02d0k];美[miu02d0k]。2、释义adj.温顺的;谦恭的3、短语搭配meek and mild逆来顺受的as meek as a lamb非常温顺meek as a lamb性情温顺如小羊4、双语例句They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild.他们称她为“鼠小姐”,因为她总是那么懦弱谦和。He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.他期望女儿都温顺听话。On the surface she seemed meek,rather insipid表面上她似乎温顺驯服,相当乏味无趣。She played the role of a meek,innocent,shy girl.I don"t know who she was trying to kid她装作一个温顺、天真、害羞的女孩。真不知道她想骗谁。He was a meek,mild-mannered fellow.他是一个温顺随和的人。The little girl is as meek as a lamb.那个小姑娘像羔羊一般温顺。My secretary is always so meek and mild.我的秘书总是那么温柔和善。Even the meekest little lamb can turn into a tigress.多温柔的女人结婚后都会变成母老虎。双语例句如下:1.一般单音节词和少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词,比较级在后面加-er,最高级在后面加-est。1)单音节词。如:small→smaller→smallest short→shorter→shortest2)双音节词。如:clever→cleverer→cleverest narrow→narrower→narrowest2.以不发音e结尾的单音节词,比较在原级后加-r,最高级在原级后加-st。如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest able→abler→ablest3.在重读闭音节(即:辅音+元音+辅音)中,先双写末尾的辅音字母,比较级加-er,最高级加-est。如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest fat→fatter→fattest4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,把y改为i,比较级加-er,最高级加-est。如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest5.其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most。如:beautiful→more beautiful→most beautiful
2023-06-21 02:55:241

fierce 比较级

2023-06-21 02:56:124


要找的是不是: fiercefierce 英[fɪəs] 美[fɪrs] adj. 猛烈的; 凶猛的,残忍的; 狂热的; [例句]They look like the teeth of some fierce animal.它们看上去像某种猛兽的牙齿。[其他] 比较级:fiercer 最高级:fiercest
2023-06-21 02:56:483


英音 [ fiu0259s ] ; 美音 [ fiu0259s ] adj. 1. 凶猛的,残忍的2. 狂热的,强烈的词形变化:形容词比较级:fiercer,fiercest;副词:fiercely;名词:fierceness。同义词:tearing,trigger-happy,vehement,violent;cutthroat,bowelless;ferocious,furious,savage;boisterous,rough。单词分析:这些形容词都有“残忍的”,“野蛮的”之意。cruel:一般用词,指行动或态度的残忍。brutal:指极端的残忍,强调无情或缺乏同情心,含不择手段的意味。 inhuman:着重缺乏同情心、仁爱等人类特有的良好的品质。savage:指缺乏文明人应有的教养,尤指在动怒或冲动时表现出的粗野蛮横,含野蛮意味。barbarous:专指只有原始或未开化的人才会有的残忍行为。fierce:指天性凶恶,令人害怕。ruthless:与cruel同义。强调为达到目的,对别人的痛苦毫无怜悯之心。
2023-06-21 02:56:571


fierceadj.凶猛的,残忍的;猛烈的;狂热的The tiger is a fierce animal.虎是一种凶猛的动物。The dog looks very fierce.这条狗看上去很猛.希望对你有帮助,满意请采纳
2023-06-21 02:57:052

凶猛的英语怎么说 凶猛翻译成英语

1、凶猛用英语读作:fierce ,英[fu026au0259s]、美[fu026ars]。adj. 凶猛的;狂热的,强烈的;猛烈的,激烈的。 2、比较级:fiercer;最高级:fiercest。 3、相关词组: Ferocious animals凶猛的野兽。 ferocity is proper to tigers凶猛是老虎的天性。 A ferocious lion一头凶猛的狮子。 A ferocious attack一场凶猛的进攻。 The grippe hit unusually severely that year流行性感冒来得异常凶猛。
2023-06-21 02:57:111


adj. 凶猛的, 残暴的例句与用法:The fierce sun parched the bare earth. 灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。The postman was bitten by a fierce dog. 那个邮递员被一只恶狗咬了。The child was scared of the fierce looking dog. 这孩子害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。The little baby was frightened by the fierce dog. 那个小孩被恶狗吓坏了。Suggestive of extreme anger in action or appearance; fierce. 狂暴的在行动力或外表上表现出极端愤怒的; 猛烈的He has a very fierce look on his face. 他脸上一副凶相。They were having a fierce argument and I thought they might hit each other. 他们正在恶狠狠地争吵,我想他们可能要打架了。Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is fierce. 因为失业严重,求职的竞争十分激烈。
2023-06-21 02:57:201

英语as the fierce foursome怎么翻译?

英语as the fierce foursome 的意思是:就像凶猛的四人组。
2023-06-21 02:57:284

初二的英语比较动物的原级 比较级 最高级 怎么写 ?帮忙列举3个

2023-06-21 02:57:423

fierce people中文翻译

Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 这些残忍的维京人突袭应该海岸地区。 Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 海盗,这批凶猛的人袭击了英国的北岸。 Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 这伙北欧强盗袭击了大不列颠的海岸地区。 Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 称为海盗的野蛮人袭击了大不列颠沿海地区。 Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 被称作海盗的凶残的敌人偷袭了英国的沿海岸。 Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 凶残的所谓的北欧海盗袭击勒不列颠的海岸线。 Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 这些被称作北欧海盗的凶猛的人对英国海岸线进行搜捕。 Fierce people called vikings raided the coast areas of britain 那些凶狠的人又叫北欧海盗,专门袭击不列颠附近的海滨。 They have never shaken off their label as one of africa " s fiercest people 阿法斯人一直以来都被冠以非洲最残暴的恶名。 The big phallus is off a suevi i killed in the rhinelands - - strong and fierce people 这巨大的阴茎是我从强壮的野人身上割下来的 Thou shalt not see a fierce people , a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive ; of a stammering tongue , that thou canst not understand 19你必不见那强暴的民,就是说话深奥,你不能明白,言语呢喃,你不能懂得的。 Thou shalt not see a fierce people , a people of a deeper speech than thou canst perceive ; of a stammering tongue , that thou canst not understand 你必不再见那强暴的民了,就是那说话深奥,难以明白,舌头结巴,难以听懂的民。 You will no longer see a fierce people , a people of unintelpgible speech which no one prehends , of a stammering tongue which no one understands 赛33 : 19你必不见那强暴的民、就是说话深奥、你不能明白、言语呢喃、你不能懂得的。
2023-06-21 02:57:491


2023-06-21 02:58:119

英语Battles are fought怎么翻译?

2023-06-21 02:58:2812

2023-06-21 02:58:512


六角风琴响起烟消云散而我并无觉醒你在想些什么,梦见哪里穿过这空间我跌入你深深的思绪这仅仅是另一个使我饱经沧桑的诡计我的腰腹间阵阵狂热膝上放着的宝盒变形我明白事实已溶解在这一杯接一杯的琼浆里六角风琴哪你那令人折腰的冷酷我发誓你有最激烈的沉静我已然陷入心灵的震撼一切却发生在这玻璃世界里渐渐地她变了醉心于悬挂中国剪纸我怎能经受这样的打击我光着手指弹奏你柔美的风景令我安谧这就是你令人痴醉的法器 (帝国时代~~ :)哈哈)这无须深责的趣味,其实应是所有欢乐的源泉六角风琴哪我明白事实就在这一杯接一杯的琼浆里烟消云散 二杀手女王在那漂亮的小阁楼里她保存下悦酩香槟(法国酒名)“让他们吃蛋糕”她说活像玛丽.安托尼特(路易十六的王后)这一种内生的疗法对于和赫鲁晓夫和肯尼迪任何时间的邀请都无法拒绝鱼子酱和香烟诗意的礼节格外迷人(合唱)她是个杀手女王火力强劲,带激光束的胶质弹药保证让你意乱情迷随时随地强烈推荐,以此价格满足你贪得无厌的脾胃想试一下?为了避免纠纷她从来没有固定的住址交谈中她活像个男爵夫人约会一个中国男她立即变为二流艺妓顺便提一句对这一口是否您也有兴趣?香水自然是来自巴黎汽车?她毫不在意确实毫不在意(合唱)她心甘情愿滴落如帽沿的水滴她顽皮有趣又像毛茸茸的小猫咪偶尔什么也不做有时又像皮球泄了气她将完全驾驭你,疯狂,疯狂而她,你永远得不到(合唱)强烈推荐,以此价格满足你贪得无厌的脾胃想试一下?来试一下 三 飞请给我第二分雅韵请给我第二张面颜那第一瞬间我重重跌倒而此时我还坐在你途经的路上如果现在是收割的时节那么来吧,来坐上这洒满阳光的篱笆云翳匆匆飘散我们并不否认这飞翔实在太困难请告诉我你的小名请告诉我你的保留游戏我重重跌倒为的是你我只需要你的真心,哪怕只有一天那么来吧,来坐进我的港湾电车因为现在我必须知道你多么帅我也对此深信不疑而我不需要哭泣因为这飞翔实在太困难
2023-06-21 02:59:0015

《黑子的篮球》里vorpal swords是什么意思?

出自《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,Jabberwocky(炸脖龙)是吃小女孩的怪物,vorpal swords是斩杀巨龙的剑。
2023-06-21 02:59:232


A recognition of是固定搭配 对……的认可;D是声誉,后面一般用FOR
2023-06-21 02:59:405

蝇王 英文简介

Amazon.comWilliam Golding"s classic tale about a group of English schoolboys who are plane-wrecked on a deserted island is just as chilling and relevant today as when it was first published in 1954. At first, the stranded boys cooperate, attempting to gather food, make shelters, and maintain signal fires. Overseeing their efforts are Ralph, "the boy with fair hair," and Piggy, Ralph"s chubby, wisdom-dispensing sidekick whose thick spectacles come in handy for lighting fires. Although Ralph tries to impose order and delegate responsibility, there are many in their number who would rather swim, play, or hunt the island"s wild pig population. Soon Ralph"s rules are being ignored or challenged outright. His fiercest antagonist is Jack, the redheaded leader of the pig hunters, who manages to lure away many of the boys to join his band of painted savages. The situation deteriorates as the trappings of civilization continue to fall away, until Ralph discovers that instead of being hunters, he and Piggy have become the hunted: "He forgot his words, his hunger and thirst, and became fear; hopeless fear on flying feet." Golding"s gripping novel explores the boundary between human reason and animal instinct, all on the brutal playing field of adolescent competition. --Jennifer Hubert.
2023-06-21 02:59:541


Absence to love is what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small; it inflames the great. (Roger de Bussy-Rabutin, French writer) 离别之于爱情好比风之于火,它能将小火熄灭,使大火熊熊燃烧。( 法国作家 比西-拉比旦.R.) Every man is a poet when he is in love. (Plato ancient Creek philosopher) 每个恋爱中的人都是诗人。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图) First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity. (George Bernard Shaw) 初恋就是一点点笨拙外加许许多多好奇。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G) Friendship is like earthenware: once broken, it can be mended; love is like a mirror: once broken, that ends it. (Josh Billings. American humorist) 友谊就像陶器,破了可以修补;爱情好比镜子,一旦打破就难重圆。 (美国幽默作家 比林斯 .J.) Friendship is love without his wings. (George Gordon Byron, Bdritish poet) 友谊是没有羽翼的爱。(英国诗人 拜伦.G,G) Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love. (Albert Einstein, American scientist) 并非地球引力使人坠入爱河。(美国科学家) The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. (Burke Edmund, British statesman) 权力越大,滥用职权的危险就越大。(英国政治家 埃德蒙.B.) The greatest of evils and the worst of crims is poverty. (George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist) 最大的恶和最凶的罪是贫穷。(英国剧作家 肖伯纳.G.) The paramount duty of Congress is to stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislation which has always been the firmst prop of the Treasury. (William Mckinley, American president) 国会的最高职责是恢复始终是国家财政最坚实支柱的保护性立法, 以制止财政赤字。(美国总统 科金利.W.) The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment. Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers of newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. (Thomas Jefferson, American president) 人民是完全可以信赖的,应该让他们听到一切真实和虚伪的东西, 然后作出正确的判断。倘使让我来决定, 我们应该是有一个政府而不要报纸呢,还是应该有报纸而不要政府, 我会毫不犹豫选择后者。(美国总统 杰斐逊.T.) The tyrant dies and his rule ends, the martyr dies and his rule be-gins. (Soren Kierkegaard, Danish religious philowopher) 暴君死了,他统治也就结束;烈士死了,他的统治刚开始。( 丹麦宗教哲学家 基尔克戈德.S.) There is something behind the throne greater than the king him-self. (William Pitt, British statesman) 在王座的后面还有比国王本人更伟大东西。(英国政治家 皮特.W.) To be acquainted with the merit of ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people. (Junius, Unidentified letter writer) 要了解政府的政绩只需要观察民情。(国籍不明书信代理人 朱尼厄斯) To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasure, we must go to those who are seeking it :the pains of power is real, its pleasures imaginary. (C.Colton Charles, British churchman) 欲知权力带来的痛苦,去问那些当权者;欲知权力带来的乐趣, 去问那些追逐权势者:权力带来的痛苦是真实的, 而权力带来的乐趣只不过是凭空想象的。(英国牧师 查尔斯.C.C.) Too fond of the right to pursue the expedient. (Oliver Goldsimith, British poet) 过分喜欢权力就会不择手段。(英国诗人 哥尔德斯密斯.O.) We need in politics man who have something to give, not men who have something to get. (Bernard Baruch, Averican economist) 在政治中我们需要能有所奉献的人,而不是想有所收获的人。( 美国经济学家 巴鲁克.B.) When a man assumes a public trust, he should consider himself as public property. (Thomas Jefferson, American President) 当一个人受到公众信任时,他就应该把自己看作公众的财产。( 美国总统 杰斐逊.T.) When society requires to be rebuilt, there is no use attempting to rebuild it on the old plan. (John Stuart Mill, BAritish economist) 当社会需要重建时,试图墨守旧的蓝图重建它是徒劳无益的。( 英国经济学家 穆勒.J.S.) [此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-5 3:40:19编辑过] ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -- 作者:蕉下客 -- 发布时间:2005-12-5 1:56:00 -- [中英文对照]【名言警句-悲伤篇】 A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times .A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. (Arthur Schopenhauer. Geman philosopher) 一定的忧愁、痛苦或烦恼,对每个人都是时时必需的。 一艘船如果没有压舱物,便不会稳定,不能朝着目的地一直前进。( 德国哲学家 叔本华 A) A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. (Michel Eyquem Montaigne, French essayist) 害怕痛苦的人已经在承受他所害怕 的痛苦了。(法国散文家 蒙田 M E) As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have least wit are the greatest babblers. (Plato , Ancient Greek Philosopher) 正像空容器发出的声音最大,智力最低者最善于唠叨不休。( 古希腊哲学家 柏拉图) Better one suffer, than a nation grieve. (John Drydon, British poet) 宁可一人受苦,不使民族悲伤。(英国诗人 德莱顿 J) Between grief and nothing I will take grief. (William Faulkner, American writer) 在悲痛与虚无之间,我愿意选择悲痛。(美国作家 福克纳 W) Comparison, more than reality, makes men happy or wretched. (Thomas Fuller, American inventor) 使人高兴的或者沮丧的,与其说是事实,还不如说是攀比。( 美国发明家 富勒 T) For evil news rides fast, while good news baits later. (John Milton, Britsh poet) 好事不出门,坏事传千里。(英国诗人 弥尔顿 J) Grief is itself a medicine. (William Cowper, British poet) 悲痛本身也是一种药。(英国诗人 考伯 W) Happiness is beneficial for the body , but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind. (Marcel Proust, French writer) 愉快有益于人的身体,但只有悲伤才能培养心灵力量。(法国作家 普鲁斯 M) Have no doubts because of trouble nor be thou discomtited 你虽然在困苦中也不惴惴不安 for the water of life"s fountain springeth from a gloom bed 从暗处往往流出生命之泉 Sit not sad because that time a fitful aspect weareth 不要因为时运不济而郁郁寡欢,忍耐虽然最痛苦 Patience is most bitter , yet most sweet the fruit it bearth 其果实也最香甜 Sadi , Perisian poet 波斯诗人 萨迪 He best can pity who has felt the worse. (John Gay, British dramstist and poet) 感受过悲伤的人最富有同情心。(英国剧作家、诗人 盖伊 J) He who in adversity would have succor, let him be generous while he rests secure. (Saki, British writer) 谁想在逆境中得到援助,就应在身处顺境时待人宽厚。(英国作家 萨基) I tell you hopeless grief is passionless. (E.B.Browning, British poetess) 我告诉你,没有希望的悲伤是没有激情的。(英国女诗人 布朗宁 E B) It is not miserable to be blind; it is miserable to be incapable of en-during blindness. (John Milton, British poet) 失明本身并非是悲惨的,不能忍受失明才是悲惨的。(英国诗人 弥尔顿 J) Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffes predomi-nating. (O.Henry, American writer) 人生是由呜咽、抽泣和微笑组成的,而在三者之中, 抽泣处于支配地位。(美国作家 欧 享利) No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate , who regards pleasure as the highest good. (Cicero, ancient Roman statsman) 把痛苦视为生活中最大的祸害的人不可能勇敢; 把欢乐视为生活中最美妙的人不会自我节制。(古罗马政治家 西塞罗) One must mourn not the death of men but their birth. (Charles Scondat Montesquieu, French thinker and Philosopher) 人所悲伤的并不是人类的死亡而是他们的诞生。(法国思想家、 哲学家 孟德斯鸠) Pure and complete sorrow is as impossible as pure and complete joy. (LeoTolstoy ,Russian writer) 纯粹的、完全的哀愁和纯粹的、完全的欢乐一样都是不可能的。( 俄国文学家 托尔斯泰 L) handicaps a man"s pow Sadness diminishes or er of action. (Benedict de Spinoza, Dutch Philosopher) 忧伤会减少或者妨害一个人行动的力量。(荷兰哲学家 斯宾诺莎 B) Sorrow and trouble either soften the heart or harden it. (James Mackintosh, British writer) 悲哀和烦恼不是使人心软,就是使人心狠。(英国作家 麦金托什 J) Tears are the silent language of grief. (Voltaire, French philosopher) 眼泪是无声的、悲伤的语言。(法国哲学家 伏尔泰) The fiercest agonies have shorest reign. (William Crllen Bryant, American poet) 最猛烈的痛苦持续的时间也最短。(美国诗人 布莱恩特 W C) The most glorious moment in your life are not the socalled days of success, but rather those days when out of dejection and despair you feel rise in you a challenge to life, and the promise of future accomplishment. (Gustave Flaubert, French writer) 的一生中,最为辉煌的一天并不是功成名就的那些天, 而是从悲叹与绝望中产生对人生的挑战和对未来辉煌的期盼的那些日 子。(法国作家 福楼拜 G) He pain of the mind is worse than the pain of the body. (Publius Syrus, Syrian Latin writer) 心理疾病比身体疾病更糟。(叙利亚拉丁语作家 西拉士 P) The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. (George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist) 痛苦的秘密在于有闲功夫担心自己是否幸福。(英国剧作家肖伯纳. G.) To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on. (William Shkespeare, British dramatist) 为了一去不复返的灾祸而悲伤将会抬致新的灾祸。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚 W) What"s the use of worrying 担忧又有什么用 It never was worthwhile 不值得为它浪费时间 So, pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag 把烦恼塞进行囊去 And smile, smile, smile 让微笑永远充满你的心田 George Asaf, British poet 英国诗人 阿萨夫 G麻烦采纳,谢谢!
2023-06-21 03:00:011


你玩 星际 多久了啊? 还玩任务模式 如果真的要玩任务模式 去下个 《汉化包》就可以了 但是要注意版本啊 要练 星际 玩任务是练不出来的
2023-06-21 03:00:112

谁知道Tessi Sehiavo是什么人物?

在美国长期备受广泛关注的佛罗里达州植物人妇女特里·夏沃,在其进食管被拔除13天之后于31日停止呼吸而死亡。 Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman in Florida who has been under spotlight in one of the fiercest life-and-death battles in the United States, died on Thursday. 新华社华盛顿3月31日电(记者潘云召 谭新木)在美国长期备受广泛关注的佛罗里达州植物人妇女特里·夏沃,在其进食管被拔除13天之后于31日停止呼吸而死亡。她的生死权问题在美国多次引发了激烈的法律争论。 现年41岁的特里·夏沃于1990年突发心脏病,并因脑部缺氧造成永久性损害而成为植物人。过去15年来,她一直依靠进食管提供营养。7年前,夏沃的丈夫迈克尔·夏沃向佛罗里达州法院提出诉讼,要求停止给其妻子进食,理由是她不愿意这样毫无意义地“活”下去。但特里·夏沃的父母坚决反对,称她不时显示出有意识的迹象,她的身体仍然有恢复的希望。从此,双方开始了一场旷日持久的官司。 在这场官司中,根据法院的裁决,特里·夏沃的进食管曾先后2次被拔除,后又根据州议会紧急通过的法令而2次重新插上。本月18日,根据佛罗里达州主持这起诉讼的法官的最新裁决,特里·夏沃的进食管再次被拔除。 由共和党控制的国会对这场官司进行了干预,并破天荒地紧急通过一项特别法案,随后由布什总统在21日签署后成为法律,授权联邦法院对此案进行审理。但最近几项民意调查显示,多数美国人认为,国会和布什的做法侵犯了地方权限,有违宪法。 特里·夏沃的父母随后多次向联邦地方法院、巡回上诉法院和最高法院提出紧急申诉,请求法院同意将他们女儿的进食管重新插上,但这些法院都拒绝推翻佛罗里达州法院此前作出的判决。 Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman in Florida who has been under spotlight in one of the fiercest life-and-death battles in the United States, died on Thursday, television reports said. Schiavo, 41, died at the Pinellas Park hospice where she had been kept for alive by a feeding tube for years. The tube was removed 13 days ago following the ruling of the presiding judge over the case. Schiavo has been in a persistent vegetative state since a sudden heart attack in 1990 which cut oxygen to her brain. Her parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, have engaged in a seven-year court battle with her husband and legal guardian Michael Schiavo over her fate. Michael Schiavo has urged the removal of his wife"s feeding tube, saying she would rather die in her condition. But the Schindlers insisted that their daughter be kept alive. A US appeals court on Wednesday rejected the latest appeals by the Schindlers requesting a new hearing on whether to reconnect the feeding tube for their daughter, one of a string of legal setbacks the parents suffered during the last two weeks in both state and federal courts. 美国Terri Schiavo安乐死事件.新闻(一)引起美国不断争论的植物人泰莉,是从七年前丈夫为她请求拔除餵食管后,爆发泰莉到底该不该活下来的争议。这起事件,不但引起总统布希和国会特别签署法案,而且也让安乐死和道德议题不断在美国政坛发温,而泰莉的父母为了女儿争取生存权的过程,更是让人感动。1990年起就成为植物人的泰莉,15年来不断引发美国民众在安乐死、医疗和人道团体间不断激辩,最重要的原因,就在於泰莉的丈夫麦可坚称,泰莉在还没有昏迷前说过绝对不要成为植物人,这也让麦可在7年前向法院提出拔除餵食管的请求,不过相反的,泰莉的父母则是百般不愿意,希望泰莉继续活著,因此引发美国两边两种看法的大辩论。不过在佛州法院通过拔管的命令后,泰莉的父母直接向布希总统哭诉,希望留下女儿一命。泰莉母亲:「我请求布希总统,还有华府政治家,拜托,拜托,拜托,请救我小女儿一命。」美国总统布希:「这是一个非常复杂的案子,是很严肃的议题,不过在这样特殊的情况,我想最明智的决定就是要站在生命的这一边。」泰莉丈夫麦可夏佛:「这是泰莉自己的决定,泰莉不愿成为植物人。」布希为此和国会议员停止复活节假期,激辩三个小时后,签署一份「泰莉法案」,也就是把层级提高到联邦政府位阶,而且为了避免影响其他州对安乐死病人的判例,立下这份专属泰莉的法案,让泰莉一度浮现生机。不过就在联邦法院判决出炉后,结果却是让泰莉父母失望,因为联邦法院认为佛州高院并没有侵犯人权,拒绝接受重新人工进食的请求,就连佛州州长、布希的兄弟杰伯布希试图由州政府接管监护权的绝招也失效后,家属间一方要生、一方要死的对立,也不断刺激著全美的民众。泰莉丈夫麦可夏佛:「这些国会议员逾越介入我私生活,美国公民们,我告诉你们,最好大声说出来拒绝他们。」最矛盾的一点是麦可和泰莉父母都说深爱著她,也认为他们的坚持都是为了泰莉好。从未放弃的泰莉父母四度上诉被驳回,如今41岁的泰莉在拔管14天后离开人世,但是在美国造成的人权、医疗和安乐死争议恐怕还不会落幕。新闻来源:美国Terri Schiavo安乐死事件.新闻(二)美国植物人泰莉拔管14天之后,昨天深夜咽下最后一口气,但是泰莉的父母连女儿最后一面都见不到,而泰莉的丈夫现在不但和同居女友生下小孩,还抱走了3千多万台币医疗赔偿费,让泰莉家人留下哀戚和感慨。41岁的泰莉薛佛缠绵病塌15年,从花样年华的娇艳少妇变成失去自主能力的植物人,在拔除维生器14天之后,31号深夜10点50分,咽下最后一口气。泰莉高中一毕业就和初恋情人麦可结婚,2人一直靠泰莉的父母亲接济,1990年泰莉才26岁,就因为心脏病发脑部缺氧过久,成了植物人。学过CPR急救术的麦可,一度被质疑没有及时拯救爱妻,还传出他殴打过泰莉,但是在法官面前,麦可永远表现出好丈夫的模样,还以泰莉之名控告医院,获得总共100多万美金、台币3千多万的巨额赔偿。泰莉母亲:「请给我们一些空间,不要再拍了。」支持泰莉民众:「有一天麦可会得到报应,这样的谋杀是天良。」现在麦可已经有了交往10年的同居女友,还生下2个小孩,泰莉却这样离开了人世,让爱护泰莉的亲友,留下无限哀戚感慨。
2023-06-21 03:00:351


kb:robert rodriguez.罗伯特。罗德里格兹what"s going on man ? 最近好吗?rr:how"s going?最近过得如何?kb:i heard you got a movie concept,what"s going on? 听说弄又在酝酿新片了,说来听听,rr:i think we should make a moive about black mamba.我觉得我们应该拍一部讲黑曼巴的片子。kb:like a film.拍成大片rr:yeah about your,you know like your alter ego.对,表现你内心深处的另一面kb:so kind of walk me through, what do you see?说具体点,你有什么想法rr: we open up on game night,有天晚上你去打比赛,bus pulls in the town, you step off the bus.大把开到一个小镇,你走下车,there"s nobady there, you look around,那里一个人都没有,你四下看了看,there"s no one on the bus,there"s no one in the town.车里没人,城里更是一个人也没有there"s no one anywhere.根本就是无人之地.kb: so why don"t i just get back on the bus?那我为什么不回到车上?rr: bus blows up.巴士爆炸了.so what is it anyone want form you when you roll in to town.为什么你一到镇上就发生这种事呢 ?kb: to take the black mamba out, enter the crippler.有人想除掉黑曼巴, 残骨者出现了.kb: the what?出现了什么?rr: the crippler, played by Mickey Rourk.残骨者, 由米基洛克来演.kb: Mickey Rouke"s in this movie?米基洛克会演这片子?rr: or someone else cool that i know wen can get.能找到别的犀利哥也行dt:black mamba, boss want your shoes.黑曼巴,boss 要你的鞋.kb: still usin""em我还要穿呢,哼dt: not for long穿不了多久了rr: oh he"s got a hostage.他还绑了个人质.kb: that"s not right.这就不对了,黑曼巴很生气rr: the crippler"s pure aggression, physical,down and dirty.残骨者非常暴力,强壮有力,凶神恶煞kb: he"s a swiper,he wants to send my shot into the third row.他张牙舞爪,要把我的投篮山上看台rr: not just your shot,,,,,your head.不光是扇投篮,还要扇你的脑袋kb: but the black mamba has a killer instinct that isn"t matched.但黑曼巴天生就是杀手,没人比他更厉害and when provoked,, strike惹毛了他,, 他一定以牙还牙so is it gonna be like close-ups on the shoes?会有很多鞋子的特写镜头 ?rr: product placement gives us a bigger budget, bigger budget ,,, bigger explosions.植入产品广告能让我们拿到更多预算,有了钱,场面就能更火爆so you saved the hostage, that"s a double cross.你救下了人质,但其是那是个陷井a message from the boss.是老大留的字条kb: so what does the boss want?那老大的目的是什么?rr: boss want to end your reign, prove that you can be beat,老大要终结你的时代, 证明你不是不可战胜的,just doesn"t think you"re that good.他觉得你浪得虚名first plan is to take you down,所以他计划把你和谐了..defeat you and then collect your shoes.打败你,抢走你的鞋.which is why he sent his best man after you .这就是为什么他要派最厉害的手下对付你the man like Mister Suave, played George Clooney.比如 优雅哥 由乔治克鲁尼饰演kb:George Clooney"s in this film?乔治克鲁尼也会演这片子?rr: or some other mega star that we can afford, and hopefully knows basketball.或者其他我们请不起的大明星,但他要是喜欢篮球就问题不大了ms:black mamba, helleva name. mama loses better or something?黑曼巴 , 屌名字, 你娘怎么给你起的?kb: but the black mamba strikes first,不过黑曼巴先发制人,picks the suave before the suave gets the handle.抢在优雅哥之前出手.rr: that"s exactly what the boss was couting on, suava was a setup .但这步棋就是老大算好的, 优雅哥只是带路.ms: you wanna take care of that shooting hand 你最好照顾好那只投篮的手,might need it, boss want to see you.说不定有用, boss要见你kb: what does he want? some takes souls, some takes skulls, boss takes shoes,,upstairs他想怎么样?有人谋财,有人害命,老大要你的鞋 , 上楼吧rr: the boss collect the best basketball players in the world,老大打败过许多顶尖球员,but he hasn"t gotten the mamba,,yet唯独黑曼巴,他没抓到.kb: hmm.rr: Kanye West plays the boss.坎耶韦斯特来演bosskb:Kanye West?or somebody like "im..坎耶韦斯特?还是山寨版?rr: no...Kanye West!不,坎耶韦斯特本尊!boss: black mamba, you ready to join my trophy world?准备好成为我的战利品了吗?the world"s fiercest predator"s"bout to become my towel boy!世界上最危险的猎食者就要帮我递水送毛巾了.kb: to the black mamba, the game is slower,这种比赛对黑曼巴来说就好像放慢镜,kinda gets in the zone where he can see things before it happended.他进入了一种状态,能预见对手接下来做什么the black mamba"s ready!黑曼巴蓄势待发boss: c"mon, get back! get back!快!回防!回防!push his ass!从后面推他!q: technical!技术犯规!rr: oh they tend to cheat, is that a problem?原来他们是要作弊,会有问题吗?kb: yes, for them..当然,对他们而言boss: airball.空气球rr: no possession shpuld be easy .连控个球都会很难boss: D up, D up!防好!防好!kb: and black mamba has to battle, the black mamba has to win,黑曼巴必须战斗到底,黑曼巴必须赢.rr: so has the boss.老大也一样boss: adios, motherfucker。 what are you waiting for? go!Black mamba ain"t nothing, i"m the boss! fuck.(意大利语)再见了。 还等什么?快上!黑曼巴算得了什么?我才是boss! 。。。操!this data ain"t over, mamba, i"ll see ya again! hahahaha比赛还没结束呢,黑曼巴,后会有期。。。kb: arrivederci. ... so our shooting"d end?(意大利语)再见了. 。。。就这样结束了吗?rr: black mamba doesn"t end, heroes come and go, 黑曼巴不会结束,英雄是一时的,kb: but legends are forever.但传奇是一时的。rr:black manba will black mamba 2 and 3 and 4.黑曼巴会在续集中回归 , 黑曼巴2 3 4kb: i like this, i like this.我就喜欢这样.
2023-06-21 03:00:421


we were tire but happy. (我们很累但是很开心) 算是万能句吧。
2023-06-21 03:00:514


sword 英[su0254:d] 美[su0254:rd] n. 剑,刀; 武力,战争; 兵权,权力; [网络] 基本剑术; 刃; 武士刀; [例句]The fiercest of rivals, the last time they crossed swords was during the 1980s.这对争得你死我活的竞争对手的最后一次交锋是在20世纪80年代。[其他] 复数:swords
2023-06-21 03:01:111


2023-06-21 03:01:212

owl city --In Christ Alone的歌词

2023-06-21 03:01:295

英文小故事。长一点的 七年级 急求!

An oak got talking with a reed one day: "you certainly have cause of nature to complain; why even a sparrow"s weight for you is quite a strain. At even the slightest breeze that makes theripples1 play, you quake as if you"re touched with blight2; you bend and bow sodesolate3, indeed you are a sorry sight.""Now I, like Caucasus in all his pride and state "Tis little that the rage of Phoebus I abate4; Laughing at hurricanes; beneath thunder"s roar at ease, I stand as strong and straight, as though I bore a shield of peace inviolate5. For you each breath"s a storm, for me the storm"s a breeze. For you each breath"s a storm, for me the storm"s a breeze. If only you were growing somewhere close, then in the depths of shade that my broad boughs6 could lend you form stress of weather I could easily defend you.Alas7 that nature for your dwelling8 chose the banks of a Eolus, the stormy realm of air; No doubt, for such as you she found no time to care. "You are full of charity," the reed replied with scorn; "But do not be distressed9! My lot can well be borne! If storms I fear, it is not for my sake.""Though bend I must I shall not break; Tis little harm they do to me. Methinks, for you yourself more danger there may be Tis true that up till now, beneath the fiercest blast Your sturdy from stands firm and fast; from all its angry blows you face you never hide; but wait and see the end!"And scarce the reed had thus replied when see, all sudden from the North. The boisterous10aquilo with hail and rain broke forth11. The oak stood firm; the reed down to the earth must bend. On raged the storm still fiercer than before Till, roaring, from his root it tore, The tree that close to heaven his towering summit flaunted12 and in the realm of shade his sturdy foot had planted.一天,一棵橡胶树和芦苇交谈。橡树说:“你的确有权抱怨老天,不是吗?即使是一只麻雀,你也会觉得沉重不堪。即使是引起涟漪的微风,你也会颤抖地像遇到灾难,你摇摇摆摆,俯首低头,十分凄凉,看着真让人悲哀心痛。”“而我却像高加索山脉一样威严自豪……太阳的威严,对我只是小事一桩,狂风大作,我敢嗤之以鼻,雷声咆哮,我仍然安然自在,我矗立得笔直遒劲,仿佛握着弓不破的和平之盾。对于你,清风拂过就是风暴,对于我,一场风暴只是徐徐和风。只要你生长在我的周围,我宽广的枝叶就可以借给你浓荫,遇到险厄的天气,我就可以庇护你。可惜老天为你选择的住所是风神的河岸,是狂风暴雨的国土。无疑,像你这样,老天来不及照顾。”芦苇鄙夷地说:“你真是一片好心,可你不用担心,我的的命令自能安然无恙!即使我害怕风暴,也不是因为我自己,虽然我要俯首弯腰,但是不会折断,暴风雨对我的损害并不大。我认为,你自己的危险倒可能更大,的确,到现在为止,再猛烈的风暴中,你茁壮的身体屹立不动,你也从未躲避过狂风暴雨的正面打击,可是,还是看看最后得结果吧!”芦苇刚刚这样说完,突然之间,呼啸的北风夹带着冰雹,还有暴雨从北方袭来。橡树屹立不动,而芦苇必须俯倒在地,风雨更加狂暴了,那树尖钻入云霄、炫耀夸口的橡树,那跟深入浓荫下土壤内,茁壮的橡树,最终被呼啸的风连根拔起来了。采纳我哟!
2023-06-21 03:01:461


问题一:凶猛用英语怎么说 fierce 英[f??s] 美[f?rs] adj. 猛烈的; 凶猛的,残忍的; 狂热的; 比较级:fiercer 最高级:fiercest [例句] 1、They look like the teeth of some fierce animal. 它们看上去像某种猛兽的牙齿。 2、petition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda. 争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。 问题二:因为它很凶猛英文怎么写怎么读 因为它很凶猛 Because it"s very fierce. 因为它很凶猛 Because it"s very fierce. 问题三:凶猛的英文怎么说 Fierce...况,这时候投资者无须过于惊慌,首先要看中长线均线系统是否(Whether)支持股价上涨,如果支持上涨,则说明短期内下跌凶猛(Fierce)是暂时的现象,下跌之时正是逢低买入的好机遇。 ferocity英语词根词缀最有效的背单词方法(四) ...fer=wild (野)ferocity 凶猛feral 野生的;凶猛的 ... violent任狂草名字怎么样_任狂草名字解释_任狂草名字测试 ... ...狂放,任性放荡〖unrulyorunrestrained〗凶猛〖violent;ferocious〗汹涌〖roaring〗 ... strong“梗”字 ...耿直,刚正〖upright〗强硬;凶猛〖strong;violent〗大略〖broad〗 ... 问题四:他这个人非常的凶 英语怎么说,地道些的,谢谢啦 看这是一个什么人。如果是一个平辈,比如一个同学,同事,家里人,熟人,售货员等,对待别人态度生硬,不融洽,给他他很凶,很厉害的感觉,那么 He is rude。 如果是一个街头恶霸,学校中专欺负别人的家伙亥人人都怕他,那么 He is a bully. 如果更严重,是一个坏人,无恶不作,很凶暴、凶残,那么 He is cruel and vicious. 问题五:凶用英语怎么说 fierce; ominous; terrible I think my math teacher is very harsh 我认为数学老师很凶 问题六:他看起来有点凶猛,,用英语怎么说 您好,可翻译为:He seems to be a little fierce. 问题七:因为它凶猛还很酷英语咋写 因为它凶猛还很酷。 可翻译为: Because it"s very fierce and cool. 问题八:你看上去好凶。用英文咋说 你看上去好凶。 You look really fierce. You look so fierce. 都可以的 希望可以帮到你 望采纳
2023-06-21 03:01:521


Section I Use of English   1.【答案】B   【解析】从空后的句子“他们解放的人们”可以看出,空前的句子表示的应该是参加了第二次大战的男人和女人。只有serve有“服兵役”的意思,所以选B。其他都不符合题意。   2.【答案】B   【解析】空内信息应该是与hero“英雄”意思相对,后面的分句说他背井离乡,经历了很多苦难,显然这里应该是说由普通人平凡人(common man)成长为英雄,所以选B。   3.【答案】A   【解析】本题考查的是词语的搭配关系,承担战争带来的负担,应该用动词bear或shoulder,所以这里选A,bore。   4.【答案】A   【解析】necessities表示“生活必需品”,空外信息food和shelter(食物和住宿)这些就是维持生存最起码的条件。Facilities是设备设施,commodities商品,properties财产,均不符合题意。   5.【答案】C   【解析】not…but,“不是,而是”表转折,不是自愿兵,也没有高的报酬,而是一个普通人。所以选C。   6.【答案】D   【解析】这道题主要考查介词的搭配。根据up______(the best trained, bestequipped, fiercest, most brutal).enemies可以知道是起来反抗敌人,所以选D选项against。   7.【答案】C   【解析】GI。在军事上是Government Issue 的缩略语,所以,GL。这个符号就是象征着这个全称Government Issue。选C。   8.【答案】A   【解析】该句意思为,GI。这个符号出现在给士兵分发的所有物品上,hand out “分发,发放”符合题意。Turn over “移交”,bring back“带回”,pass down“传承,一代一代传下来”在句意上都说不通。   9.【答案】C   【解析】空所在句子的语境为:Joe是个普通名词,一个从未爬到社会顶层的人的名字。Manage表示再怎么经过努力,最终也未获得成功,所以选C。   10.【答案】B   【解析】结合第9题的分析可知,空所在句子实际上是进一步举例说明Joe没有取得大的成就:从来都不曾出现叫做Joe的总统、副总统、国务卿。根据句意只能选never,B。   11.【答案】D   【解析】本题考察词汇辨析。空所在的语境为:GI .Joe有_ _ 的军旅生涯,曾和德国,美国以及韩国的军队作战。由此语境确定选D,其他几项均不符合题意。   12.【答案】B   【解析】本题考察词汇辨析。空所在语境为:他身上体现着美国人的某些特色,或身上结合了美国人的诸多特性。结合语境,可知作者想表达在他身上有很多美国人的典型特色,因而选B。   13.【答案】C   【解析】本题考察词汇辨析。空所在语境为:Pyle _ _ 的士兵也本色出演了该片。结合上句对Ernie Pyle的介绍,可知为一战地记者(warcorrespondent),确定答案C。   14.【答案】D   【解析】本题考察词汇辨析。 空所在语境为:Pyle擅长报导战争的_ _面,报导这些浑身是尘土,积雪以及泥浆的士兵。Pyle报导重在士兵而非战争上,因而可确定他关注的应更多的是人性。所以选D。   15.【答案】D   【解析】本题考察词汇辨析。本题承接上题, 表达: Pyle并不关注士兵行军多少里,或是占领或解放了多少地方。Gain有推进(一段)距离的意思,故选D。   16.【答案】A   【解析】本题考察词汇辨析。空所在语境为:他的报导与Bill Maulden的是_____的。紧接的一句话揭示了本题的答案,两者都(Both men)。由此可确定两人的报导应是类似的。因而,选A。“counteracted”表示“抵制,中和,对抗 ”,duplicated表示“ 复制,重复”,“ contradicted”表示“反驳,与 ... 矛盾”。   17.【答案】C   【解析】本题考察逻辑搭配。空所在语境为:两者都_ 战争的丑恶,以及所带来的损耗。”由上题可知道,Pyle更加注重战争中的士兵,因而他不可能是忽略(neglected),避免(avoided)或是钦佩(admired)战争所带来的这一些负面的东西,因而本题选C。   18.【答案】B   【解析】本题由冒号后多表达的咖啡,香烟,威士忌,住的地方,还睡觉的地方,有好的觉可以睡与前面所说的前面dirt, exhaustion of war形成鲜明的对比。故选B   19.【答案】B   【解析】本题考察介词的用法。空所在语境为:_ _ 印度,法国,以及其他国家,G.I. Joe可以是任何美国士兵。结合文章表达,应是对于这些人而言。因而,确定答案B。   20.【答案】D   【解析】本题考察逻辑搭配。空所在语境为:G.I. Joe是他们生命中最重要的人。原题四个选项分别表示on the contrary“ 正相反”; [B] by thismeans“用这种方式”;[C]fromthe outset“从一开始”;[D]atthat point表示“就那点(方面)来说”。D为答案。   Section II   Reading Comprehension   Part A   Text 1   21.【答案】A   【解析】文章首段首句指出“家庭作业一直不受学生,还有许多家长的欢迎,特别是到了最近几年,家庭作业还遭到了人们的不屑。”后面的内容则是简单提出美国各学区对于家庭作业的作为,引出L.A.Unified针对家庭作业所指定的政策。该题题干问的是“根据文章首段,目前家庭作业…”,关键词是家庭作业,因此答案从首句就能判断出来,题干的nowadays对应原文中的in recent years, 所选答案则是对“it has been particularlyscorned。”的同义改写,故答案选A。   22.【答案】C   【解析】文章第二段首句明确说到“这项政策的制定是为了解决贫困家庭的学生在完成家庭作业中可能遇到的困难。”这与题干所问“制定该政策的主要原因”以及“贫困学生”就对应起来了,故答案选C。   23.【答案】A   【解析】文章第三段第二句指出,“如果家庭作业仅占分值的10%,学生很容易少做一半的家庭作业,在他们的成绩单上也不会有什么差别。”“家庭作业仅占分值10%”这是L.A.Unified 制定出的家庭作业政策的内容,因此,从这句话可以看出有了这项政策,既然成绩单上不会有区别,学生就会选择少做一半的家庭作业,这个意思对应选项为A。 24.【答案】B   【解析】题干关键词“a key question unanswered ”对应第四段的首句“the policy addresses none of thetruly thorny questions about homework。”而这个问题的具体内容则是从“if”开始说明,因此这道题要解出正确答案,需要对后面的内容进行分析,“如果学区认为家庭作业对应学生的学业不重要,学区应致力于减少或者删除家庭作业,使家庭作业不起任何作用;相反,如果家庭作业重要,它应该在学业中占重要的一部分。”从这两句的内容中,我们可以简单归纳出,L.A.Unified所指定的这项政策到目前为止还未对家庭作业对于学生学业是否有重要作用给出确定答案,故答案选B。   25.【答案】D   【解析】这篇文章开篇指出家庭作业的弊病,随即提出美国各学区对此做出的努力,以L.A.Unified所指定的政策为例,说明这项政策在各方面的作为,如第三段末尾说“The policy imposes aflat, across-the-board rule”,第四段首句说“这项政策并未解决任何关于家庭作业的棘手问题”,看出作者对于这项政策实际是持否定态度的,因此答案B可以排除;而C选项说的是“关于家庭作业的棘手问题”,文章中虽然提到这个“棘手问题”,但并非主要阐述,最终落脚点还是在关于家庭作业的政策上面,因此C选项排除;A选项的错误在于“错误解读”,文章是对政策进行客观解读,错误的是政策本身,而非解读。D选项考生可能不选的原因在于对“approach”一词的内涵意义不够理解,approach一词本意是接近,靠近,方法,它引申出来就是策略的意思,与文章中的policy内涵一致,故答案D为正确选项。   Text 2   26.【答案】A   【解析】题干的意思是“通过说‘粉色是彩虹中多么微小的一小部分",作者的意思是 。根据文章第一段第三行,but作为连词表示后面的内容是对前面内容的否定,but之前的意思是说“粉色本身并不是不好”,而后买面的“such a tiny slice of”是指“是彩虹中多么微小的一部分”,由此可以得出,粉色并不代表女孩童年生活的全部。所以,选A。   27.【答案】B   【解析】题干是要根据文章第二段,判断哪个是对颜色理解正确的选项。根据文章第二段第一句话,前半部分是说“女孩对于粉色的关注看起来好像是不可避免的,不知怎么的,就跟存在与她们的基因里一样”,but之后是对前者的否定,所以很明显,A项是错误的。根据第二段的第7行,pink was actuallyconsidered the more masculine colour,可以得出,C选项错误。对于D选项,根据第二段第4、5行,可以得知,儿童穿白色是属于以前的情况,并非现在的事实,而D选项的时态是指一般现在时,时态不符合。根据文章8行,9行,可以得知,blue symbolisedfemininity,可以得知,蓝色曾经被认为是女孩子的颜色,符合文章题意。所以,选B。   28.【答案】A   【解析】题干“作者认为我们对于儿童心理发展的看法,多受____的影响。”从原文第三段的首句“我之前没有意识到,我们对孩子们所固有特性的认知深受市场趋势的支配,包括我们对他们心理发展的核心看法”,这一句可以明显看出相关儿童市场及其产品在左右人们对二年同心理发展的看法上所起的重要作用。而B、C、D均曲解了原文的意思,故本题正确答案为A   29.【答案】C   【解析】题干“从第4段我们可以看出,给出商店的建议是___” 选项A“关注婴儿和稍大一些的孩子的衣服”,回顾原文,第4段第1句话讲的是“为了增加销路,厂家应该开创在婴儿衣服和稍大一些的孩子衣服之前的一些商机”,而并没说是要“关注两者的衣服”,故A错误;B“把不同性别放在同等重要的地位”,此说法原文中并未提及,原文第4段只是在最后一句说道“分割市场最简便的方法之一就是来扩大性别之间的差异性”,故B错误;D“创造一些购买者的术语”,作者只是举出了一个“购买术语”的例子,但这不是作者的建议,真正是的建议是C,故C为正确答案。   30.【答案】C   【解析】题干“我们能推断出,女孩们对粉色的着迷看起来是___”文章最后两段都在探讨市场和厂家对人们看法和观念的诱导,因此C选项正合题意,其他选项都不正确。   Text 3   31.【答案】C   【解析】文章首段首句提到“In2010, a federal judge shook America"s biotech industry to its core。”,即2010年,联邦的一项决定震惊了美国的生物科技产业。 后面接着提到,这项决定是“genes wereunpatentable”,意思是与基因相关的项目不能够获得专利权,而“executives were violently agitated”,由agitated(愤怒的)可以推断出正确答案为C,即生物科技产业希望与基因相关的项目能够获得专利权。   32.【答案】C   【解析】文章第三段提到了反对基因相关的项目能够获得专利权的三个理由。第一个是,基因是自然的产品;第二个是,基因获得专利会压制创新;第三个是,基因专利的垄断会限制基因测试。故正确答案为C,即反对者们会认为与基因相关的专利应该更多的依赖于创新。答案A文中没有提及,答案D与反对者的第二个理由相一致,答案B属于过渡推断。   33.【答案】A   【解析】文章第五段中提到“Firms are now studying how genes interact, looking for correlations thatmight be used to determine the causes of disease or predict a drug"s efficacy”,即各大公司目前正在研究基因之间的相互作用,寻找它们之间的相关性,从而通过这些相关性推断疾病产生的原因或预测药物的有效性。而Hans Sauer解释到各大公司渴望赢得专利权的原因是“connecting the dots”,这与上句话提到的“疾病之间的相互作用和相互联系”相呼应,故而选A。答案B属于偷换概念;答案C和D在文中没有提到。   34.【答案】C   【解析】文章最后一段提到了BIO最近要召开的一个会议。“Each meeting was packed”,这句话中的“packed”的原义为“打包,包装”,而在此句中的意思是:挤满,塞满。即会议挤满了人,从而反映了大家对基因专利的关注,故真确答案为C。答案A与题干无关;答案B属于主观臆断;答案D是干扰项,训练律师只是这次大会的一部分内容,以偏概全。   35.【答案】D   【解析】从整体上看,作者不仅提到了希望获得基因专利全的生物科技产业为此所作出的努力,同时也提到了反对者反对的理由,文章第四段进一步提到了基因获得专利过程中遇到的实际问题。故而,作者多基因专业的态度是客观的,即答案D。   Text 4   36.【答案】D   【解析】题目定位在段首句。所以应该是整段意思的概括。第二句说,失业虽然很痛苦,但也从很多方面带来好处。冒号后面具体说他们从观念上,生活方式上发生了改变。所以选择D。A、B均为无关选项,C选项中说makeprofit,是侧重指获得经济利益,所以与原文不符。 37.【答案】D   【解析】第二句冒号后面:他们不再那么追求物质,经济上更节俭;同时意识到其他人在努力奋斗,即D选项中reconsidertheir lifestyle,重新审视他们的生活方式。A项有干扰性,但文中说“将我们从梦想中唤醒”,所以不对。B、C没有提到。   38.【答案】B   【解析】定位在第三段第二句开始。 接下来一句通过关键词mean-spiritedand less inclusive ,B选项正是该句的改写,故为正确答案;A属于过度推理;C、D意思明显弄反了   39.【答案】D   【解析】定位在第四段第三句冒号后面:高等学府的毕业生能够很快调整自身,达到未遭遇危机时的状态。D选项与之含义相符。C明显不对,“notall people graduating into a recession see their life chances dimmed”表明,不是所有的毕业生都认为前途渺茫。B项无中生有。A与原文相反。   40.【答案】A   【解析】由最后一句可知,“they certainly will reshape it”表示困难时期的一定会对社会产生影响的,所以certain与之相符。由最后一段无法看出是positive还是destructive,所以B、D均不正确。A项是“无足轻重的”,明显不对。   Part B   41.【答案】A   【解析】本题答案锁定在第三自然段,第二行讲到“Petrarchbegan...highlighting the virtue of classical heroes” 即彼特拉克在他的书中强调古典英雄的美德。答案A与此是完全对应的。   42.【答案】D   【解析】此题定位于第三自然段第五行,重点理解词组“turn on its head” ,意思为“to change sthcompletely”,所以说尼可洛,马基雅维利的观点与彼特拉克的观点是相反的,开启了了解历史伟人的新局面。   43.【答案】G   【解析】此题定位于第四自然段的第四行,“Self-help as acatalogue of the worthy lives of engineers, industrialists and explorers”, 塞缪尔·斯迈尔斯在他的书《成事在己》里面讲到了工程师,实业家,探险家的有意义的生活,G与此是对应的   44.【答案】C   【解析】此题定位于第五自然段第三行,“these epochal figuresrepresented lives hard to imitate”,托马斯,卡莱尔描述了一些穿越苦难的划时代的人物。C对应了此答案。   45.【答案】E   【解析】此题定位于第六自然段第五行,“history should be thestory of the masses and their record of struggle”,答案E与此句是完全对应的。   Section III Translation   46.【参考译文】发展中国家的人们为移民忧虑时,他们通常担忧的是离开自己国家去去硅谷或发达国家的医院和大学的秀、最聪明的群体的前景。这些劳动者正是像英国、加拿大、澳大利亚这样的国家通过赋予受过大学教育者以特权的移民法想要吸引的人群。   很多研究发现,来自发展中国家的那些受到良好教育的人们极有可能选择移居他国。2004年对印度家庭开展了一项广泛的调查,结果显示约40%的移民受过高中以上的教育。相比而言,在所有年龄超过25岁的印度人中,受过高中以上教育的人数比例只有约3.3%。“人才流失”一直困扰着贫穷国家的政策制定者们。他们担心这会对本国的经济造成损害,造成国家急需的技工的流失。这些技术人员可能曾在他们的大学教学,也可能曾在他们的医院工作,或者曾经构想出智能化的新产品让他们的工厂去生产。   【解析】今年翻译话题是贫穷国家的人才流失问题,话题内容比较好理解,从而在很大程度上降低了翻译的难度。但还是有几个地方有的同学可能会比较困惑。   1)文章第一句的主句需要我们去认真思考下。“they are usually concerned at the prospectof their best and brightest departure to Silicon Valley or to hospitals and universities in thedeveloped world”   这句话中concern at 的宾语是prospect。看到“of”我们要立即想到“A of B”翻译为“B的A”在这里,A指的就是“prospect”,关键就是找出B指代的是什么。而这一点恰恰是本句理解的难点B指的是 “theirbest and brightest”翻译为 “他们中秀、最聪明的(群体)”。   2)   第一段第二句话关键在于对两个that引导的从句的理解。第一个that从句作定语修饰workers,第二个that作定语修饰rules。这里是考研英语中经常出现的一个考点:从句的嵌套。对于这样的句子我们的关键在于准确找到先行词,根据一个句子如果有N个连词就必定有N+1个动词的原则来切分开长句。   3)“brain drain” 这个词组是在报刊杂志中经常出现的,意思是“人才流失”。这个词语通过上下文逻辑应该能大概猜出它的意思,但是在考研考场上,尤其是在完成了阅读和作文后很多同学可能已经耗费了大量的体力和脑力,对于这个单词的猜测可能会很费力,甚至会放弃。这个说明我们再平时的学习过程中应该注意积累这样的热点词汇。   4)“They fear that ithurts their economies, deprivingthem of much-needed skilledworkers who”   对于这个句子的理解关键在于对于“depriving”之后成分在句子结构中作用的理解。Deprive本意是剥夺,在这里很显然不适合直译。我们根据逻辑关系可以翻译为“技工的流失”。“clever”这个单词很简单,同学们都认识,在这里翻译为“聪明的”很显然说不通,clever除了“聪明的”还有“精巧”之意,再结合这里说的是技术工人的重要性,我们可以翻译为“智能的”   Section IV Writing   47.小作文   【参考范文】   Dear Sir or Madam,   I am writing this letter to make acomplaint about the quality of the electronic dictionary I bought from yourstore the other day。   The reason for my dissatisfaction is that Ifound the electronic dictionary can"t reach my satisfaction. In the firstplace, the outlook is quite different from what it is placed online. Inaddition, the number of the vocabulary contained in it is too small. I"d liketo buy an electronic dictionary with a large vocabulary。   I appreciate it very much if you couldchange another satisfying one for me. And I would like to have this mattersettled by next Friday. Thank you for your consideration and I will be lookingforward to your favorable reply。   Yourssincerely,   Zhang Wei   48.大作文   【参考范文】   Here demonstrates a table with regard to thedegree of satisfaction on work of staff in a company ranging from threedifferent age groups, under 40, 40 to 50, and above 50 respectively.Specifically speaking, people in their forties are least satisfied with theirpresent work situation at the rate of 64.0%. In comparison, people over 50 aremost satisfied with their current situation at 40.0%. A noticeable figure isthat half the staff under the age of 40 have no idea about their conditions。   There prove to be a number of reasonsaccounting for it. First and foremost, it has something to do with thestructure of staff"s age, especially with their working and life experience inwhich they play a pivotal role. What is more, this social issue is likely to beintertwined with the organization of the company where they serve。   In line with my personal thinking, thereare two major factors that should be taken into account seriously. On one hand,the general people concerned should enhance their awareness in this respect. Whatis more, the relevant company should increase the benefits for their employees.Only if these measures are adopted effectively can people work in peace andcontent and companies benefit most。
2023-06-21 03:02:101


《Lord of the Flies》(William Golding)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: i27w书名:Lord of the Flies作者:William Golding豆瓣评分:8.6出版社:Perigee出版年份:1959-7-27页数:208内容简介:在线阅读本书Book DescriptionThe classic tale of a group of English school boys who are left stranded on an unpopulated island, and who must confront not only the defects of their society but the defects of their own natures.Amazon.comWilliam Golding"s classic tale about a group of English schoolboys who are plane-wrecked on a deserted island is just as chilling and relevant today as when it was first published in 1954. At first, the stranded boys cooperate, attempting to gather food, make shelters, and maintain signal fires. Overseeing their efforts are Ralph, "the boy with fair hair," and Piggy, Ralph"s chubby, wisdom-dispensing sidekick whose thick spectacles come in handy for lighting fires. Although Ralph tries to impose order and delegate responsibility, there are many in their number who would rather swim, play, or hunt the island"s wild pig population. Soon Ralph"s rules are being ignored or challenged outright. His fiercest antagonist is Jack, the redheaded leader of the pig hunters, who manages to lure away many of the boys to join his band of painted savages. The situation deteriorates as the trappings of civilization continue to fall away, until Ralph discovers that instead of being hunters, he and Piggy have become the hunted: "He forgot his words, his hunger and thirst, and became fear; hopeless fear on flying feet." Golding"s gripping novel explores the boundary between human reason and animal instinct, all on the brutal playing field of adolescent competition.--Jennifer Hubert作者简介:威廉·戈尔丁(William Golding,1911~1994)英国小说家。生于英格兰康沃尔郡一个知识分子家庭,自小爱好文学。1930年遵父命入牛津大学学习自然科学,两年后转攻文学。1934年发表了处女作——一本包括29首小诗的诗集(麦克米伦当代诗丛之一)。1935年毕业于牛津大学,获文学士学位,此后在一家小剧团里当过编导和演员。 194o年参加皇家海军,亲身投入了当时的战争。 1945年退役,到学校教授英国文学,并坚持业余写作。1954年发表了长篇小说《蝇王》,获得巨大的声誉。1955年成为皇家文学会成员。1961年获牛津大学文学硕士学位,同年辞去教职,专门从事写作。戈尔丁是个多产作家,继《蝇王》之后,他发表的长篇小说有《继承者》(1955)、《品彻·马丁)(1956)、《自由堕落》(1959)、《塔尖》(1964)、《金字塔》(1967)、《看得见的黑暗》(1979)、《航程祭典》(1980)、《纸人》(1984)、《近方位)(1987)、《巧语》(1995)等。其中《航行祭典》获布克·麦克内尔图书奖。此外,他还写过剧本、散文和短篇小说,并于1982 年出版了文学评论集《活动的靶子》。戈尔丁在西方被称为“寓言编撰家”,他运用现实主义的叙述方法编写寓言神话,承袭西方伦理学的传统,着力表现“人心的黑暗”这一主题,表现出作家对人类未来的关切。由于他的小说“具有清晰的现实主义叙述技巧以及虚构故事的多样性与普遍性,阐述了今日世界人类的状况”,1983年获诺贝尔文学奖。
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问题一:凶猛用英语怎么说 fierce 英[f??s] 美[f?rs] adj. 猛烈的; 凶猛的,残忍的; 狂热的; 比较级:fiercer 最高级:fiercest [例句] 1、They look like the teeth of some fierce animal. 它们看上去像某种猛兽的牙齿。 2、petition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda. 争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。 问题二:他这个人非常的凶 英语怎么说,地道些的,谢谢啦 看这是一个什么人。如果是一个平辈,比如一个同学,同事,家里人,熟人,售货员等,对待别人态度生硬,不融洽,给他他很凶,很厉害的感觉,那么 He is rude。 如果是一个街头恶霸,学校中专欺负别人的家伙亥人人都怕他,那么 He is a bully. 如果更严重,是一个坏人,无恶不作,很凶暴、凶残,那么 He is cruel and vicious. 问题三:凶用英语怎么说 fierce; ominous; terrible I think my math teacher is very harsh 我认为数学老师很凶 问题四:凶猛的英语怎么说 凶猛 [xiōng měng] ferocious; ferocity ; violent; terrible; 例句: 一只凶猛的熊就要来了! There"s a fierce bear ing! 问题五:“凶”用英文怎么说 20分 fierce murder ominous terrible
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shot time(sec)是什么意思?

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fierce读作:英[fu026au0259s] 美[fu026ars]。adj. 凶猛的;猛烈的;狂热的;极不好的;不友好的,难接近的;(外表上)险恶的;(机械装置等)作用强烈(或猛烈)的;<英方>精力旺盛的。adv. 可厌地;非常,很。比较级: fiercer最高级: fiercest 。派生词: fiercely adv. fierceness n.。双语例句:1.Legislation to that effect created fierce controversy both in Parliament and outside那类立法在议会内外都引起了激烈的争论。2.He suffered two broken ribs in a fierce hand-to-hand battle.他在激烈的肉搏战中被打断了两根肋骨。3.He may look fierce, but he means no harm.他可能看上去很凶,但并无恶意。4.This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition.政府最近采取的行动引起了强烈的反对。5.The fire gave out a fierce heat.火焰散发出炽热。6.The army met with fierce opposition in every town.军队在每一座城镇都遭遇到了顽强的抵抗。
2023-06-21 03:04:011


2023-06-21 03:04:483


fierce:adj. 凶猛的,残忍的; 猛烈的; 狂热的比较级: fiercer 最高级: fiercest 派生词:fiercely fierceness1. ADJ-GRADED 凶猛的;狂怒的 A fierce animal or person is very aggressive or angry.They look like the teeth of some fierce animal. 它们看上去像某种猛兽的牙齿。2. ADJ-GRADED (感情或行动)激烈的,狂热的 Fierce feelings or actions are very intense or enthusiastic, or involve great activity.Competition has been fierce to win a stake in Skoda...争夺斯柯达股份的竞争极为激烈。3. ADJ-GRADED 极度的;巨大的;强烈的 Fierce conditions are very intense, great, or strong.The climbers were trapped by a fierce storm which went on for days.登山者被一连几天的强风暴雨给困住了。
2023-06-21 03:05:041


2023-06-21 03:05:221


1.用适当形式填空(1)Bob is -taller----(tall)than Fred but he is --younger---(young)than Fred .(2)Carol looks --fattest---(fat)than the others(3)Shanghai is one of the --largest----(large)cities in the world(4)Which is --heavier---(heavy),a hen or a chicken ?(5)How--tall---(tall) is Sally ? She is 1.55 metres --tall---(tall)What about Betty ? She is only 1.40 metres --tall---(tall)(6)Bob is the --stronger--(strong) of the two boys Mary is the --weakest---(weak)of the three girls .(7)Annie says Sally is the --kindest--(kind) person in the world(8)The Changjiang River is the thid --longest--(long ) river in the world (9)Sue is a little --smarter---(smart),than her sister.(10)Whose school bag is --heavier---(heavy),yours or mine?(11)Saturday is my --busiest---(busy) day in a week (12)Her mother is getting --fatter---(fat) and --fatter----(fat)(13)Most of the students think a lion is much --fiercer----(fierce)than a bear and it is the --fiercest--(fierce) animal in the world .(14)The cake with meat is the -- nicest--(nice)of all . 2 下列句子都有一处错误,请把它指出来,并更正(1) He is[taller] tall than l am (2) She is a little[thinner] thiner than she looks (3)Bob is[ heaviest ] heavier than any other boys in the class (4)My brother"s trousers are longer than [mine]my (5)It is one of the longest [stories[ story that l have ever read .(6)Mary is[the most friendly ] much friedliest person in the class (7)Which city is [larger] largest ,Beijing or Guangzhou?(8)Jack is naughty .Mike is [more] very naughtier than Jack
2023-06-21 03:05:302

fierce creatures中文翻译

The most fiercest creature on the face of the earth 与最可怕的敌人作斗争 The most fiercest creature on the face of the earth 与最可怕的敌人作斗争 They pved in tree houses to escape from the fierce creatures who pved below 他们住在树上的房子里来躲避各种野兽
2023-06-21 03:05:371


转成主动句:The new system has caused some problems
2023-06-21 03:05:453

in christ alone中文歌词

2023-06-21 03:05:533

In Christ Alone 歌词

歌曲名:In Christ Alone歌手:Newsboys专辑:He Reigns - The Worship CollectionOwl City - In Christ AloneIn Christ alone, my hope is foundHe is my light, my strength, my songThis cornerstone, this solid groundFirm through the fiercest drought and stormWhat heights of love, what depths of peaceWhen fears are stilled, when strivings ceaseMy comforter, my all-in-allHere in the love of Christ I standThere in the groundHis body layLight of the world by darkness slainThen bursting forth in glorious dayUp from the grave He rose againAnd as He stands in victorySin"s curse has lost its grip on meFor I am His and He is mineBought with the precious blood of ChristNo guilt in life, no fear in deathThis is the power of Christ in meFrom life"s first cry to final breathJesus commands my destinyNo power of hell, no scheme of manCan ever pluck me from His handTill He returns or calls me homeHere in the power of Christ I"ll standTill He returns or calls me homeHere in the power of Christ I"ll standHere in the power of Christ I"ll stand
2023-06-21 03:06:081

LN Christ alont歌词翻译中文

In Christ alone- Keith Getty (Owl City cover)(中译歌词- Owl City猫头鹰城市版本-在基督里)In Christ alone my hope is found 在基督里,我寻著了盼望He is my light, my strength, my song 他是我的亮光,我的力量,我的诗歌This Cornerstone, this solid ground 这基石,这稳固的盤石Firm through the fiercest drought and storm 坚固地穿越了强烈的乾旱与风暴What heights of love, what depths of peace 多麼高的爱,多麼深的安宁When fears are stilled, when strivings cease 当恐惧静止,当斗争平息My Comforter, my All in All 我的安慰者,我所有的一切Here in the love of Christ I stand 在基督的爱里 我因而坚定There in the ground His body lay 在土地上,他的身体平躺卧著Light of the world by darkness slain 世界的光被黑暗吞噬Then bursting forth in glorious Day 当荣耀的日子来到後Up from the grave He rose again 他从埋葬之处再次复活And as He stands in victory 当他站稳於胜利中 (当他得胜)Sin"s curse has lost it"s grip on me 罪恶的咒诅不再控制我For I am His and He is mine 我属於他,他属於我Bought with the precious blood of Christ 用基督珍贵的血作为代价No guilt in life, no fear in death 在生命中没有罪过,在死亡中没有恐惧This is the power of Christ in me 这是基督在我里面的力量From life"s first cry to final breath 从生命之初的哭啼 到(离世的)最後一口气息Jesus commands my destiny 耶稣掌权著我的命运No power of hell, no scheme of man 黑暗权势没有力量,人没有诡计阴谋Can ever pluck me from His hand 这些曾经把我从他手里夺走的都没有了"Till He returns or calls me home 直到他再来,或是召我回家Here in the power of Christ I"ll stand 在基督的力量里 我因而坚定"Till He returns or calls me home 直到他再来,或是召我回家Here in the power of Christ I"ll stand 在基督的力量里 我因而坚定
2023-06-21 03:06:262

求上古卷轴5 新游戏载入时的诗

这不是诗,而是一首歌,龙裔之歌下文为中文版和英文版卷轴,曾经预言,寒冬中出现的黑翼,当兄弟开始互相残杀!奥度因,众王的煞星,被解脱的黑暗之影,与它那吞食天地的妄想!And the Scrolls have foretold, of black wings in the cold,That when brothers wage war come unfurled!Alduin, Bane of Kings, ancient shadow unbound,With a hunger to swallow the world!全文求采纳
2023-06-21 03:06:352


《Technokill (Starfist, Book 5)》(David Sherman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: vjut书名:Technokill (Starfist, Book 5)作者:David Sherman出版社:Del Rey出版年份:2000-08页数:346内容简介:A terrifying secret, an evil coterie of ruthless masterminds, a murderous battle of cunning and deadly skill--it"s time to send in the Marines! After the Confederation makes a shocking discovery on an alien world, a nefarious band of opportunists from the highest echelons of power plot to steal the vast riches for themselves. Along with the ability to crush any resistance, these moguls possess spacecraft, unlimited resources, and a deadly arsenal of cutting-edge weapons. The only one without a price tag is the Confederation president. Now she is sending Gunnery Sergeant Bass, the men of third platoon, and a single special agent to expose the shadowy figures behind the corruption. And so, on an obscure planet, home to unimaginable treasure and an unsettling species, the toughest fighters in Human Space confront their fiercest battle. For there will be no losers in this war, only the triumphant, the dead, and the vanished . . .
2023-06-21 03:06:421


《Technokill (Starfist, Book 5)》(David Sherman)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:dssb书名:Technokill (Starfist, Book 5)作者:David Sherman出版社:Del Rey出版年份:2000-08页数:346内容简介:A terrifying secret, an evil coterie of ruthless masterminds, a murderous battle of cunning and deadly skill--it"s time to send in the Marines! After the Confederation makes a shocking discovery on an alien world, a nefarious band of opportunists from the highest echelons of power plot to steal the vast riches for themselves. Along with the ability to crush any resistance, these moguls possess spacecraft, unlimited resources, and a deadly arsenal of cutting-edge weapons. The only one without a price tag is the Confederation president. Now she is sending Gunnery Sergeant Bass, the men of third platoon, and a single special agent to expose the shadowy figures behind the corruption. And so, on an obscure planet, home to unimaginable treasure and an unsettling species, the toughest fighters in Human Space confront their fiercest battle. For there will be no losers in this war, only the triumphant, the dead, and the vanished . . .
2023-06-21 03:06:541


2023-06-21 03:07:081

ln christ alont诗歌翻译中文

In Christ alone (单单在耶稣里)In Christ alone, my hope is foundu2028 单单在耶稣里,我寻得希望He is my light, mystrength, my songu2028 他是我的亮光,我的力量This cornerstone,this solid ground 扎根在这房角石,这坚实的基础上Firm through thefiercest drought and stormu2028 干旱和风暴,我不畏惧What heights oflove, what depths of peaceu2028 他的爱何其高,平安何其深When fears arestilled, when strivings ceaseu2028 恐惧,挣扎都被止息My comforter, myall-in-allu2028 我灵得安慰,我的一切Here in the love ofChrist I stand 在耶稣大爱中得坚固There in the groundHis body lay 他的身躯躺卧在地u2028Light of the worldby darkness slainu2028 黑暗扭曲了世界的光Then bursting forthin glorious dayu2028 荣耀的日子却要破晓Up from the graveHe rose again 人子要从坟墓站立And as He stands invictoryu2028 当他在得胜中坚立时Sin"s curse haslost its grip on me 罪恶失去权柄在我身u2028For I am His and He is mineu2028 我属良人,良人属我Bought with theprecious blood of Christ 皆因耶稣宝血重价属回No guilt in life,no fear in death 生命不再羞愧,不再畏惧死亡u2028This is the power of Christin meu2028 耶稣的大能在我身From life"s firstcry to final breath u2028从诞生到生命的止息 Jesus commands mydestinyu2028 耶稣是我的方向No power of hell,no scheme of manu2028黑暗的权势,人心的诡诈Can ever pluck mefrom His hand 不能将我从他分离u2028Till He returns or calls mehomeu2028 直等他重回时,呼唤我回天家Here in the powerof Christ I"ll stand 我必在耶稣大能里得坚固Till He returns orcalls me homeu2028直等他重回时,呼唤我回天家Here in the powerof Christ I"ll stand 我必在耶稣大能里得坚固Here in the powerof Christ I"ll stand 我必在耶稣大能里得坚固
2023-06-21 03:07:141