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求one direction的you & I中文歌词翻译,谢谢

2023-06-21 20:05:28
TAG: cti ire dire

You and I


I figured it out


I figured it out from black and white


Seconds and hours


Maybe they had to take some time


I know how it goes


I know how it goes from wrong and right


Silence and sound


Did they ever hold each other tight, like us


Did they ever fight like us


You and I


We don"t wanna be like them


We can make it till the end


Nothing can come between you and I


Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us


No nothing can come between you and I


Oh, you and I


I figured it out


Saw the mistakes of up and down


Meet in the middle


There"s always room for common ground


I see what it"s like


I see what it"s like for day and night


Never together


Cause they see your things in a different light like us


Did they ever try like us?


You and I


We don"t wanna be like them


We can make it till the end


Nothing can come between you and I


Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us


No nothing can come between you and I



You and I


I figured it out


I figured it out from black and white


Seconds and hours


Maybe they had to take some time


I know how it goes


I know how it goes from wrong and right


Silence and sound


Did they ever hold each other tight, like us


Did they ever fight like us


You and I


We don"t wanna be like them


We can make it till the end


Nothing can come between you and I


Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us


No nothing can come between you and I


Oh, you and I


I figured it out


Saw the mistakes of up and down


Meet in the middle


There"s always room for common ground


I see what it"s like


I see what it"s like for day and night


Never together


Cause they see your things in a different light like us


Did they ever try like us?


You and I


We don"t wanna be like them


We can make it till the end


Nothing can come between you and I


Not even the Gods above can separate the two of us


No nothing can come between you and I




figured [英]u02c8fu026agu0259d[美]u02c8fu026agju0259rdadj. 以图形和数字表示的,华丽的[例句]I hadn "t figured it out.我还没有想出办法来。
2023-06-21 00:05:591


2023-06-21 00:06:061


figure,作名词时意为“数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。读音:英[u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)],美[u02c8fu026aɡju0259r]。释义:n. 图形;(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;数字符号;字码;位数;算术;人物;(远处人的)轮廓;身材;人,动物;(人、动物的)雕像,塑像;(书中的)图,表;花样。v. 是重要部分;是…的部分;认为,认定(某事将发生或属实);计算(数量或成本)。例句:A cube is a solid figure.立方体是一种立体图形。变形:第三人称单数figures,复数figures,现在分词figuring,过去式figured,过去分词figured。短语:precise figure准确的数字official figure官方数字figure up计算,把…加起来figure on把…估计在内figure expense 计算开支figure的用法figure用作名词时,可表示“轮廓”,由此转化为动词,意为“出现”,常与介词in连用,强调“引人注目”“占据重要位置”。也可表示对某事的预测,即“估计,有可能”。在美国口语中,figure可表示“计算在内”,含有计算工作艰苦,负担很重的意味。这时常与介词in连用。figure out和figure up意思相近,在美国英语中解释为“计算”或“估计”。figure on在美国英语中则解释为“估计到”或“指望”。
2023-06-21 00:06:121


  figure英 [u02c8fu026agu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8fu026agju0259r]  n.人物; 数字; 身材; 算术;  vi.计算; 出现; 扮演角色;  vt.计算在内; 估计; 推测; 认为;  [例句]Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance.  有时候年轻小伙子只是需要找一个母亲式的人物聊一聊,从中获得安慰。  [其他]第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured 过去分词:figured 形近词: ligure
2023-06-21 00:06:271

figured out 是什么意思..?

2023-06-21 00:06:354

英语单词 figure

我看电影,外国人用的最多的就是, figure.......out, 例如i havent figure it out yet. 我还不知道怎么办,还不知道怎么回事。 大概意思就是 还理清思路,还没计算出,没想出办法等等。
2023-06-21 00:07:053


line figure线路图双语例句1A design calculation method with line figure to ordinary bolt uncontrolled tightening force不控制预紧力普通螺栓的线图法设计计算2Distribution power network GIS application system based on single line figure基于单线图的配电网GIS应用系统
2023-06-21 00:07:133

figured是什么意思!!在以下选项中选 A. said B. yelled C. expected D. cried 一分钟内给出答案!

2023-06-21 00:07:273


下个数字,下一张表格。figure 意思很多,还有人物的意思,看看语境上下文。
2023-06-21 00:07:342


你好!很高兴为你解答。数字,形体,形象,figure out 弄清楚,弄明白。希望能帮到你。
2023-06-21 00:07:534


figure表数字; 算术; 人物; 身材的意思,那么你知道figure的 短语 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了figure的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦! 目录 figure的短语 figure的同义词辨析 figure的短语例句 figure的短语 figure of fun 1. 可笑之人 figure of speech 1. 修辞(格),修辞手段 lose (或 keep) one"s figure 1. 破坏(或保持)体形(或身段) put a figure on something 1. 给…定价(或提供确切数字) figure on 1. (北美,非正式)把…估计在内,估计到,预计到;依赖 任何想钓大马哈鱼的人都得准备每天付200美元。 anyone thinking of salmon fishing should figure on paying $200 a day. figure something out 1. (非正式)解决;弄懂,了解 他想弄懂这架照相机为什么失灵了。 he was trying to figure out why the camera wasn"t working. figure someone out 1. 了解,估摸,摸熟(某人的行动、动机、个性) figure in 1. 包括:包括,如在计算数量中 包含在旅行费用当中 figured in travel expenses. figure on 【非正式用语】 1. 依靠 我们就指望你的支持了 We figured on your support. 2. 把…估计在内;期望 我估计要延迟一小时 I figured on an hour"s delay. 3. 计划 我们计划中午走 We figure on leaving at noon. figure out 【非正式用语】 1. 发现或决定 让我们来找出帮助的办法吧 Let"s figure out a way to help. 2. 解决或破译 你能找到谜底吗? Can you figure out this puzzle? <<< figure的 同义词 辨析 figure, pattern, design 这些名词都可表示"装饰图案"之意。 figure : 指呈现于整个表面的简单的几何图形或小型图案。 pattern : 一般指简单的重复图案,或整个装饰的格调或事物的布局,也指由一些相连图形拼成的较大图案。 design : 专指线条、轮廓、图案。强调设计的完美或有秩序。 form, figure, shape, outline 这些名词均有"形式"或"外形"之意。 form : 最普通用词,含义广,既可指客观物体的外形,又可用于抽象概念的"形"。 figure : 指轮廓、外形,尤指体态,相貌或身体。 shape : 通常指由线和面所围成的外观上的形,侧重立体形状。 outline : 指任何形状的轮廓线。 <<< figure的短语例句 1. They had almost reached the boat when a figure shot past them. 他们差不多快到船边时,一个人影从他们旁边飞奔而过。 2. Alistair saw the dim figure of Rose in the chair. 阿利斯泰尔看见了坐在椅子里的罗丝的模糊身影。 3. I don"t have to be a detective to figure that out. 我不是侦探也想得出。 4. This figure has long been held to possess miraculous power. 这个数字长时间以来都被认为拥有神奇的力量。 5. She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles. 她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。 6. A figure in a blue dress appeared in the doorway. 一个穿着蓝色连衣裙的身影出现在门口。 7. Today"s RPI figure shows inflation running at 10.9 per cent. 今天的零售物价指数显示通货膨胀率为10.9%。 8. In figure 24 "D" denotes quantity demanded and "S" denotes quantity supplied. 在图24中,D代表需求量而S代表供应量。 9. You"ll lose your girlish figure if you don"t watch out. 如果不多加注意,你就会失去女孩般的苗条身段。 10. He looked a forlorn figure as he limped off after 26 minutes. 26分钟之后他一瘸一拐地走出来,显得孤单凄凉。 11. Of course I"m not. It was just a figure of speech. 我当然不是,这不过是打个比方。 12. Since her death, she has become a cult figure. 她死后成了部分人狂热崇拜的偶像。 13. They"re trying to figure out the politics of this whole situation. 他们正试图弄明白整个情形背后的权术争斗。 14. Perhaps they need the guiding hand of a firm father figure. 也许他们需要一个父亲般严格的指引者。 15. Is this just a figure she plucked out of the air? 这是否仅仅是她随口说出的数字? <<< figure的短语知识相关 文章 : ★ figure的短语 ★ figure的用和短语例句 ★ figure的用法 ★ figure是什么意思用法 ★ 英语专八考试必背人文知识 ★ 关于时尚的英文短句 ★ 不同形状的英文短语 ★ 2020高考常见英语词组大全 ★ figure的用法 ★ 参与英语短语 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();
2023-06-21 00:07:591


figured prominently 地位显著地being 在句中作状语,be为原形being covered by 被。。覆盖
2023-06-21 00:08:094


figure n. 外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份 vt. 描绘, 塑造, 表示, 象征, 演算, 认为 vi. 出现, 考虑, 出名, 扮演角色
2023-06-21 00:08:195


查了词源,我总结如下,希望对你有所帮助。figure中文简解:n. 图形,数字,形状v. 演算,认为,领会到单词结构:fig[r1] + ure[r1]构词法则:fig:形状 + ure:名词后缀(构成抽象名词,表示行为、行为的结果、状态、情况) → 在词源中,其动词形式解释如下:to picture in the mind。详解例句:They figured it was better to stay where they were./r/n 他们断定还是呆在原地好。/r/n Mahatma Gandhi was both a political and a religious figure in Indian history./r/n 甘地在印度历史上是政治和宗教要人。/r/n
2023-06-21 00:08:381

As natural architects, the Pueblo Indians figured

如果你能看出exactly以后的所有内容是figured out的宾语从句、而to make…days是该从句的目的壮语的话,把exactly后面到to be之间的内容改写成按汉语习惯表述的the adobe wall needed to be ___thick,就会发现横线上只能填how.注: 但凡这种宾语从句连接词用什么的问题,基本都可以用上述“改写为汉语习惯句”的办法准确给出正确答案。
2023-06-21 00:08:471


2023-06-21 00:08:567

figured out是什么意思

figured out想通了双语对照例句:1.Scientists have figured out how to copy this trick to make new x-ray machines. 科学家已经找到如何复制这个窍门的方法来制造新的x光机。2.Google never figured out how to manage business customs in china. 谷歌一直没弄明白如何应付中国的商业习俗.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮
2023-06-21 00:09:091

I’m of two minds about it.这里be of可以用have替代吗?

1.I"m of two minds about it.这里be of不可以用have替代。因为意思有别。of two minds,是美国英语。犹豫不决,拿不定主意(亦可使用in two minds)2Harry,you didn"t turn it down because of me...这句话否定的是状语类似的例子 i can"t speak english well.3.Get my act together.和Get it all figured out.第一句act是名词作宾语第二句是过去分词figured作宾补4And down will come baby, cradle and all.这句话中down是副词 作状语这是倒装句=baby will come downthat"s what"s got you thinking,isn"t it?这句话是反义疑问句对主句反问。5in后面跟一段时间 表示在一段时间之后 如果谓语有情态动词可以翻译成一段时间之内6You"ve got yourself to think about,too.这里have got=have7That"s the way I look at it.这句话the way后面是定语从句有三种表达方法That"s the way (that/in which /不填)I look at it.7My career as a fashion designer and my career as a mother.这里as a...是介词短语作后置定语8I never really thought about being a mother as a career.I guess you do have two career opportunities and a decision to a career在句中作定语修饰 a mother。to make是动词不定式作定语因为其逻辑主语是句子主语you,故用主动形式,与所修饰词是动宾关系再如give me something to eat.9I"m all mixed up.这里的all是状语 修饰系表结构"m mixed up
2023-06-21 00:09:351

有英语语法高手吗,realized feel like think figured suppose assumed有什么不同

realize意识到,了解到feel like觉得think认为figure有个词组figure sth out弄明白,计算出,理解,弄清楚suppose假定,猜想,推测assume假定,认为,假设
2023-06-21 00:09:421

I figured as much 什么意思

I figured as much 我想通了很多
2023-06-21 00:09:574


问题的关键在于这个句子的环境和词本身的语言色彩。注意:figure这个词的相关的英语定义是:the shape of the human body, esp a woman"s bosy that is attrative. 这个词其实本身就含有褒义。看这个句子:Both had almost perfect faces and slender _______。 Perfect faces (完美的脸)当然和slender figure(苗条的身姿) 搭配起来合适了。而form的相关的定义是:the shape of sb/sth; a person or thing of which only the shape can be seen. 说白了就是外形,并且可以是人的,也可以是物的。这个词就没有什么语言的色彩了。举个例子:e.g. The human form has changed little over the last 30000 years. 人类的身形3万年以来变化很小。自己衡量一下这两个词,当然用figure 更合适。其实英语和汉语都有这样的情况:同样可以表示某个意思的词,我们却对于某个情有独钟,原因在于我们的意识中理解的词的含义是有细微的差别的。当然,对于一门外语来说,真正要体会到这样的细微的差别,多阅读,培养对语言的感觉和对语言的悟性是最重要的。另外对于这样的辨析,建议提问的朋友真正的注意其英文的解释,很多情况下语言的翻译过程将其微妙的含义给更改了。牛津词典在线:
2023-06-21 00:10:042

“figure out”有多少种用法?举例说明一下吧

2023-06-21 00:10:505

i figured that. 是“我明白”的意思吗?

2023-06-21 00:11:054

烦 西德尼玛唱得那首歌词

Mirrors - Justin TimberlakeAren"t you somethin" to admire你是令我倾慕的女神Cause your shine is somethin" like a mirror你的光芒如同明镜闪耀And I can"t help but notice我情不自禁的注意到You reflect in this heart of mine你我心有灵犀If you ever feel alone and假如你曾有一丝寂寞The glare makes me hard to find找不到光芒下的我Just know that I"m always你要知道Parallel on the other side你我的另一面是相同的Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul因为只要你我十指紧扣、心心相印I can tell you there"s no place we couldn"t go这世上便没有我们到不了的天涯海角Just put your hand on the past你陷在过去无法自拔I"m here tryin" to pull you through我会帮你度过难关You strongjust gotta be你要坚强Cause I don"t wanna lose you now因为我现在不想失去你I"m lookin" right at the other half of me看着镜中的另一个自己The biggest scene is set in my heart这便是我心中最美的景致There"s a space but now you"re home曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来Show me how to fight for now告诉我该怎么做And I"ll tell you baby it was easy我要告诉你 宝贝Comin" back into you once I figured it out一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边You were right here all along因为你一直都在It"s like you"re my mirror你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me与我相互凝视的镜子I couldn"t get any bigger我不可能更幸福With anyone else beside me除了和你在一起And now it"s clear as this promise现在这一切就如誓言般明确That we"re making我们正在做的Two reflections into one我们对彼此的映象合二为一Cause it"s like you"re my mirror因为你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我Aren"t you somethin" an original你真的不同寻常 一个特别的女人Cause it doesn"t seem really as simple看起来没有那么简单And I can"t help but causestare,我忍不住会凝视I see truth somewhere in your eyes因为我在你的眼睛里看到了真理I can"t ever change without you没有你我无法改变You reflect me I love that about you你映现着我 我爱你这一点And if I could I如果我可以Would look at us all the time我会一直看着我们Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul因为只要你我十指紧扣、心心相印I can tell you there"s no place we couldn"t go这世上便再也没有我们到不了的天涯海角Just put your hand on the past你陷在过去无法自拔I"m here tryin" to pull you through我会帮你度过难关You just gotta be strong你要坚强Cause I don"t wanna lose you now因为我现在不想失去你I"m lookin" right at the other half of me看着镜中的另一个自己The biggest scene is set in my heart这便是我心中最美的景致There"s a space, but now you"re home曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来Show me how to fight for now告诉我该怎么做And I"ll tell you, baby, it was easy我要告诉你 宝贝Comin" back into you once I figured it out一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边You were right here all along因为你一直都在It"s like you"re my mirror你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me与我相互凝视的镜子I couldn"t get any bigger我不可能更幸福With anyone else beside me除了和你在一起And now it"s clear as this promise现在这一切就如誓言般明确That we"re making我们正在做的Two reflections into one我们对彼此的映象合二为一Cause it"s like you"re my mirror因为你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我Yesterday is history昨天已成为历史Tomorrow"s a mystery明天神秘不可知I can see you lookin" back at me我可以看到你回头看我Keep your eyes on me双眼凝视着我Baby, keep your eyes on me宝贝 双眼凝视着我Cause I don"t wanna lose you now因为我现在不想失去你I"m lookin" right at the other half of me看着镜中的另一个自己The biggest scene is set in my heart这便是我心中最美的景致There"s a space, but now you"re home曾经那里空了一块 但现在你已回来Show me how to fight for now告诉我该怎么做And I"ll tell you, baby, it was easy我要告诉你 宝贝Comin" back into you once I figured it out一旦我明白了 就回到了你身边You were right here all along因为你一直都在It"s like you"re my mirror你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me与我相互凝视的镜子I couldn"t get any bigger我找不到任何大的With anyone else beside me我不可能更幸福 除了和你在一起And now it"s clear as this promise现在这一切就如誓言般明确That we"re making我们正在做的Two reflections into one我们对彼此的映象合二为一Cause it"s like you"re my mirror因为你就像是我的镜子My mirror staring back at me, staring back at me像我的镜子般凝视着我 凝视着我And I just wanna see your face light up since you put me on我想看到你找回我后幸福的表情So now I say goodbye to the old me, it"s already gone所以我现在要告别那个过去的我 它已不在And I can"t wait wait wait wait wait to get you home我迫不及待的想要把你带回家Just to let you know you are想要让你知道 你是Girl you"re my reflection, all I see is you你就是另一个我 我的眼里只有你My reflection, in everything I do另一个我 我所做的一切You"re my reflection and all I see is you你就是另一个我 我的眼里只有你My reflection in everything I do另一个我 我所做的一切
2023-06-21 00:11:152


We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our fate worked out and our fortunes made,whatever they were going to be.我们想,二十年后,我们每个人都应该算出自己的命运,算出自己的命运,不管将来会怎样。
2023-06-21 00:11:233

tayior swift “mine”歌词

Oh-oh-ohOh-oh-ohYou were in college, working part time, waiting tablesLeft a small town, never looked back你头也不回的离开了你所生活的那个小镇到大学里兼职当餐厅服务生I was a flight risk, with a fear of falling我当时就是个飞行隐患,生怕会随时坠落Wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts想知道为什么我们明知爱不持久却还要继续I say, Can you believe it?这叫人如何相信?As we"re lying on the couch正当我们两人靠在沙发上The moment I could see it瞬间我明白了Yes, yes, I can see it now没错,我现在看清了Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water还记得我们曾经坐在水池边吗?You put your arm around me for the first time你第一次用你的手臂把我紧紧搂住You made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughter 你变成了我的俘虏You are the best thing that"s ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西Flash forward and we"re taking on the world together向前倒带, 我们一起乘风破浪And there is a drawer of my things at your place在你家有一个专门放我的东西的抽屉You learn my secrets and you figure out why I"m guarded 你知道了我的秘密, 也终于懂了我的矜持You said we"d never made my parents" mistakes你说过我们永远不会犯我父母犯过的过错But we"ve got bills to pay但我们有账单要付We got nothing figured out我们什么也没有弄清楚When it was hard to take当我们难以承受的时候Yes, yes, this is what I thought about没错,这就是我所烦恼的Do you remember, we were sitting there, by the water还记得我们曾经坐在水池边吗?You put your arm around me for the first time你第一次用你的手臂把我紧紧搂住You made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughter 你变成了我的俘虏You are the best thing that"s ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西Do you remember all the city lights on the water?还记得当整个城市的灯光在水中浮现吗?You saw me start to believe for the first time你看到我第一次开始相信You made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughter 你变成了我的俘虏You are the best thing that"s ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西Oh-oh-ohAnd I remember that fight, 2:30 a.m.我依然记得我们在凌晨吵的那场架You said everything was slipping right out of our hands你说事情全部都失去了我们的控制I ran out crying, and you followed me out into the street我边哭边跑出门,然而你一直跟着我到街上Braced myself for the goodbye我硬撑着道了别"Cause that"s all I"ve ever known因为这就是我所了解的一切And you took me by surprise你让我大吃一惊You said I"ll never leave you alone你说你永远不会让我孤身一人You said, I remember how we felt sitting by the water你说你还记得我们是怎样坐在水池旁的And every time I look at you, it"s like the first time你还说你记得每一次你看着我就像第一次一样I fell in love with a careless man"s careful daughter你说你曾经喜欢上一个粗心的爸爸的细心女儿(指索芙特)She is the best thing that"s ever been mine你说我是你拥有过最好的东西(Hold on), we"ll make it last我们会走到最后的(Hold on, never turn back)永不回头,永不后悔(Hold on) You made a rebel of a careless man"s careful daughter你变成了我的俘虏(Hold on) You are the best thing that"s ever been mine你是我拥有过最好的东西(Hold on) Do you believe it?你能相信吗?(Hold on) We"re gonna make it now我们会走到最后的(Hold on) And I can see it我已经看到我们的未来了(Yeah, yeah, yeah) (I can see it now)
2023-06-21 00:11:315

电影中阿甘的名言,my mama say……是怎么说的

mama says life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you are gonna get. 妈妈说生活就像一盒巧克力,你不知道你的下一块口味是什么
2023-06-21 00:11:463


让人感到惊艳的句子,唯美简洁,让人越看越喜欢,属于治愈系文字,唯美的句子就属此类。在您的生活和人际沟通中善用这些句子,能让您的生活乐趣倍增。 我们一起欣赏《英文伤感唯美句子》! 1、酒只醉人不醉心,感情伤心不伤身。 Not only the intoxicating ise. 19、不要指望别人,有时候还是靠自己。 Don"t expect others, sometimes by yourself. 20、有些事情,是没有办法告诉别人的。 Some things, there is no the bottom of my heart but said not to export. 23、终归还是女人的风情,男人的沦陷。 After all, the man or our distance. 27、别等不该等的人,别伤不该伤的心! Don"t an"s life. 44、不得不承认,时间真的会带走一切。 Have to admit that time really the straight line parallel forever. 59、后来,我爱的人都与你有几分相像。 Later, I love the people are a bit like you. 60、我需要一个拥抱,今天我心情不好。 I need a hug, I"m in a bad mood today. 61、再对我笑一次吧,就像初见时那样。 Smile to me again, just like e things, noe things, like many headaches, figured out. 71、不是我不想打你,而是我打不过你。 I don"t ted. 75、你可能也不爱我,只是刚好遇见我。 You may not love me, just happened to meet me. 76、我吹过你吹过的风,这算不算相拥。 I have blown you through the wind, this is not a hug. 77、幸福不是得你所想,而是想你所得! Happiness is not about what you think, but what you get! 78、无能为力的时候说什么都显得苍白。 Nothing can be said to look pale. 79、也许,走得太远的代价,就是寂寞。 perhaps, go too far the price, is lonely. 80、期待等待失败,人生就是那么纠结。 Expect to wait for failure, life is so tangled. 英文唯美句子 1.If the lord living I miss so much. 一份不渝的友谊,执着千万个祝福,给我想念的朋友,温馨的问候。 9.[en]It is graceful grief and s my ises are often like the butterfly, ,you would miss all the shining stars. 如果你为着错过夕阳而哭泣,那么你就要错群星了。 20.I love three things in this world. Sun, moon and you. Sun for morning, moon for night , and you forever. 予独爱世间三物。昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。 唯美句子英文 1、不要太想念过去,它会给你带来悲伤。 Dont miss the past too much, it pany you to the remotest corners of the globe. 14、我的世界由我一个人就好,已经足够热闹。 My ething happening, inexplicable very disturbed. 19、我已信任,有些人的呈现会改动你的日子。 I have trust, and some people eone even dignity do not. 23、我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依存。 I am you and you are me as trassient as a fleeting cloud, eschatological dependence. 24、我,不会哭,不会笑,累了我就会消失一下。 I e things. I dont say, I dont ask, dont mean I dont care. 58、我怀念的不仅仅是你,还有在那段岁月里如此爱你的我。 I miss not only you, but also in that period of time so love you I. 59、谁的笑藏尽泪光,谁的妖娆舞遍江山,谁的伤痕在歌唱。 their oly giggle love. 68、知道我现在最怕什么吗?我怕见到你之后就要马上离开你。 Do you knoime only like a person, is like a person . 80、我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于分手以后,我将自己活成了你的样子。 I think the deepest love, than after breaking up, I will be your own life. 81、会不会很久以后你想起我,然后问自己为什么当初没有好好珍惜我。 Will not be long after you think of me, and then ask yourself why did not cherish me. 英文唯美的句子 1、我在时光里享受温暖,我在流年里忘记花开。 I enjoy e people become not simple. 8、是宿命的悲、还是轮回的痛。 Is the fate of the sad, or reincarnation of pain. 9、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走完。 Their choice of road, kneeling also the Luli midnight. 12、眼泪无谓而徒劳的液体,流泪的人是愚蠢而可悲的。 Tears meaningless and futile liquid, tears of people are stupid and sad. 13、谈恋爱就像剥洋葱,总有一层会让你流泪。 Falling in love is like peeling onions. There is ale what you havent. 32、命运如同手中的掌纹,无论多曲折,终掌握在自己手中。 Fate as the palm of the hand, no matter hoee of the phenomena here; so stupid, so cruel, but othere people, who are striving for a goal in life. 61、不要嘲笑铁树。为了开一次花,它付出了比别的树种更长久的努力。 Dont laugh at any. In order to open a flower, it has to pay more efforts than other species. 62、我的爱为你奔驰,像红色的血液充满身体。 My love for you, like the red blood is full of body. 63、使人成熟的是经历,而不是岁月。 To mature is experience, not years. 64、思念像硫酸狠狠滴进心口,一点点向外腐蚀。 Missing is like hard sulfuric acid drops into the heart, a little oute eone else. Life is too short to mon people also have a firm and unflinching the beginning of the Rubiks cube is back to the beginning, from the first to return to the original game. 78、奋斗的双脚在踏碎自己的温床时,却开拓了一条创造之路。 Struggling feet in the foot of broken their own breeding ground, but to open up a road of creation. 79、夜空下,明月悠悠,倾听一帘月光如水,诉说温暖如昨。 Under the night sky, the moon is long, to listen to a curtain of moonlight, such as water, tell the warm as yesterday. 80、这个世界,对着你笑的人太多太多。真心包容你的,太少太少。 The world, to laugh at you too many people too. True and inclusive of you, too little too little. 2020唯美句子英文 1、我只是想,我想过你,没有多想,只是想你。 I just think, I thought about you, not much, just miss you. 2、谁的笑藏尽泪光,谁的妖娆舞遍江山,谁的伤痕在歌唱。 e the people eone not even dignity. 14、人漫无边际的走着,是我享受寂寞最好的方式。 e people, some things. I don"t say, I don"t ask, it doesn"t mean I don"t care. 17、把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是。 If you value others too much, you rieved. 30、爱是需要能力的,那能力就是,让你爱的人爱你。 Love needs ability. That ability is to let the person you love love love you. 31、我是你的过眼云烟,而你却是我的末世依存。 I am your past, but you are my last reliance. 32、就算我们的过去都没有了证明,我依然守护你。 Even if our past has not been proved, I still guard you. 33、我达达的马蹄是个错误、我不是归人,是个过客。 My Dada"s horseshoe is a mistake. I"m not a returnee. I"m a passer-by. 34、或许是深知每段感情的持久不易,我不再轻易拿出心。 perhaps it"s hard to know how long each relationship lasts. I don"t take it easy anymore. 35、心灵深处有个人,捅了我一刀我还要笑笑说我很好。 Deep in my heart, there"s a man who stabbed me and I have to laugh and say I"m fine. 36、我以为我们很好,其实我们彼此心里都明白。 I thought we were good, but in fact we knew each other in our hearts. 37、最美的感动是我以为人去楼空的时候,你依然在。 The most beautiful thing is that when I think people go to the empty building, you are still there. 38、睫毛下的眼泪,是谁路过的风景,伤过的心。 Tears under the eyelashes, who passed by the scenery, hurt the heart. 39、对自己说声对不起,曾为了一个男人折磨自己。 Say sorry to yourself, I tortured myself for a man. 40、我怀念的不仅仅是你,还有在那段岁月里如此爱你的我。 I miss not only you, but also me who loved you so much in those years. 41、除了奉上无限的深情和耐心,还需要一点点决绝的勇气。 In addition to offering infinite affection and patience, it also needs a little courage to resolute. 42、只要是大晴天,我的悲伤就不会在阳光下,蔓延。 As long as it is sunny, my sorrow will not spread in the sunshine. 43、原来心疼,是这样的;催眠自己,告诉自己,有幸福。 The original heartache, is like this; hypnotize yourself, tell yourself, there is happiness. 44、呐谁,你又不是郭靖,凭什么要求我像黄蓉一样爱你。 Who, you are not Guo Jing, why ask me to love you like Huang Rong? 英文哲理唯美句子 英文哲理唯美句子一 1、爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。 Love is a lamp, an,e true, or having something to eate to an end,but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.不要害怕你的生活将要结束,应该担心你的生活永远不会真正开始. 6.Forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times,and the confused times.真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 7.Gods determine e a poents of enjoyment;not only about survival.生活是一串串的快乐时光;我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。 英文哲理唯美句子三 1、You couldnt see my tears cause I am in the tears, only time could is the guide of the ignorant. 习俗是无知者的向导。 8、Custom rules the law. 习俗影响法律。 9、Girls always look on themselves as proud princesses, with the exception of a small number of either extremely ugly or exceedingly smart ones.世上的姑娘总以为自己是骄傲的公主(除了少数极丑和少数极聪明的姑娘例外) 唯美英文的句子 1、香烟爱上了火柴,注定被伤害,不要轻易说爱,许下诺言就是欠下的债。 Cigarettes fall in love ise is to be in debt. 2、今晚拔掉电视插头,不要开电视,把我打开吧。 pull out the TV plug tonight. Don"t turn on the TV. Turn me on. 3、好想知道,有没有那么一秒你也害怕过失去我。 I mon memories of the past. 13、我愿像一颗流星,划过天际,只为许你一个愿望,燃烧自己。 I mon attention, regulation and regular lubrication. 16、最好的地方,是没去过的地方,最好的时光,是回不来的时光。 The best place is the place you have never been, the best time is the time you can"t come back. 17、每天早起一个小时,一起去做晨练,这是你送给对方最好的礼物。 Get up an hour early every day and do morning exercises together. This is the best gift you can give each other. 18、我一直在原地等你,而迷了路在徘徊的是你。 I"ve been go of, but the past that you paid so much for. 25、人要去做自己渴望的事,内心才能真正平静。 Only by doing ing you haven"t been to for a long time? 27、你忽视我多久都没关系,但你永远无法改变,那些我带给你的回忆。 It doesn"t matter hoing years, the fleeting years stinging, that heart full of helplessness. 46、不要一个吻把你变成傻瓜,也不要让一个傻瓜来吻你。 Don"t let a kiss turn you into a fool, nor let a fool kiss you. 47、爱你不是因为你的美而已我越来越爱你每个眼神触动我的心。 I love you more and more because of your beauty. Every look touches my heart. 48、雨在想你,却落在我这里,它们找不到你,也舍不得淋湿你。 Rain is missing you, but it falls here ting off at the station are reluctant to do so. 59、能不能再一次感动你,然后学会珍惜,最后我们谁都再也不放弃。 Can you touch you again, and then learn to cherish, and finally we will never give up. 60、人生太匆匆,若不偶尔停下来看看周围,你会错过很多风景。 Life is too fast. If you don"t stop to look around occasionally, you will miss a lot of scenery. 61、要是蚊子吸的不是人血,是脂肪的话,我肯定爱死它。 If mosquitoes don"t suck human blood, they suck fat, I"ll love them. 62、看到你的幸福,我是该咒怨还是祝福。 See your happiness, I should curse or bless. 唯美的句子英文 1、把沉淀的爱渐渐掩埋,终有一天看不到它的悲哀。 The precipitation of love is gradually buried, one day can not see its sorroanishly fussy, aunt of mon dream, but I never see you. 8、只要我的父母健在,兄弟不散,爱人不走,其他都可以去他妈的。 As long as my parents are still alive, the brothers do not come loose, love does not go, the other can go to hell. 9、我在乎的只是以前的你,现在的你我不屑去看一眼。 I only care about you, and noent of brake does not live the car, it became hate. 12、失去要比得不到可怕的多的多,因为其中有个过程叫曾经拥有。 To lose more than to get terrible, because there is a process called once oe things. I dont say, I dont ask, dont mean I dont care. 21、错过的年华在寂寞里开出斑斓的花,却荒芜了轮回的春夏。 Miss the love in the lonely out of the beautiful floe back. 28、拉你的左手,在雨中无尽头奔跑,最后最后,我们幸福的依偎。 pull your left hand, run in the rain e an excuse. 32、这么现实的世界,我该怎么去演绎童话般的爱情。 So the reality of the an choosing shoes, finally do not fit together, only you knoplex e a scene of the absurd drama. 40、我希望有个人,能够时时刻刻的让我感受到他的爱。 I e people can be easily erased by time, like dust. 46、你说我不爱你,可是我爱你了又能怎样。 You say I dont love you, but I love you and hoorroans heart is bitchy, puter, I can only help them. 60、不要说自己交友的条件有多高,缘分到了,你想逃也逃不了。 Do not say hoan said to break up just to let him stay. 68、通常不敢公开秀恩爱,都是不爱有备胎。 Usually did not dare to openly shoain the position on the left chest, is the most happy thing. 81、刚要成熟,又要老去,时光,好不经用。 Just want to mature, but also old, time, not to use. 82、别说你不爱我了,因为你从来都没爱过我。 Dont say you dont love me, because you never loved me. 英文句子唯美_唯美的句子 一、Dont cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为爱而伤心落泪,曾经拥有才是最重要的。 二、I knoeone is to be sitting right beside them knoe one etimes the perfect person for you is the one you least expect. 有时候,最适合你的人, 恰恰是你最没有想到的人。 三十六、Allove,but in destiny. 也许,路并没有错的,错的只是选择;爱并没有错的,错的只是缘分。 三十九、just because someone doesnt love you the an, who isnt willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上耗费时间的人而挥霍你的时间 四十七、When love is not madness, it is not love. 如果爱不疯狂就不是爱了。
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figure名词 n. [C]1.外形;体形;人影I saw a figure in the darkness. 我看到暗处有一个人影。 2.体态;风姿She has an attractive figure. 她有迷人的曲线。 She has a slender figure. 她身材苗条。 3.人物;名人He has become a figure known to everyone. 他已成了一个知名人物。 4.数字Where did you get those figures? 你从哪儿得到那些数字的? 5.数量;金额;价格His work now commands huge figures. 他的作品现在值大价钱。 6.图表;图解;插图Our textbook has many figures to help explain the lessons. 我们的教科书有许多图表帮助解释课文。 7.(溜冰等)花式;舞步8.图形9.画像;塑像及物动词 vt. 1.计算Please help me to figure out my income tax. 请帮我算一下我的所得税。 2.认为,以为;估计[Y][+(that)];料到How do you figure that? 你如何料到的? I figure that you"d want your coffee. 我想你要喝咖啡了。 3.描绘;描述4.象征不及物动词 vi. 1.出现;露头角;扮演角色[(+as/in)]John figured as chief guest at the party. 约翰在这次聚会上是主宾。 2.做算术,计算The book keeper figured well. 这位簿记员长于计算。 3.【美】【口】合乎情理;有道理That doesn"t figure! 那没道理!
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figure的中文是图形。其他意思:n.数字,价格,图形,形状。vt.描绘,表示,演算,认为。vi.计算,出现,估计。相关词组:figure for.figure infigure on.figure up名词:figurer动词过去式:figured过去分词:figured现在分词:figuring第三人称单数:figuresfigure的用法:作为名词:1.意为“图表、图像、图案、雕像”等。例如:She drew a figure on the whiteboard.(她在白板上画了一幅图。)2.意为“人、人物、身材、外形”等。例如:She has a tall and slim figure.(她身材高挑且苗条。)3.意为“数字、金额、价格、数量、规模、程度”等。例如:The company had a turnover figure of 10 million last year.(该公司去年的营业额达到1000万。)4.在数学中,指“图形、形状”等。例如:Geometry is the study of figures and their properties.(几何是研究图形及其性质的学科。)作为动词:1.意为“描绘、描述、说明。”例如:He figured the details of the plan.(他将计划的细节描述清楚了。)2.意为“计算、预计、估计。”例如:They figured that it would take two weeks to finish the project.(他们估计完成这个项目需要两周的时间。)3.意为“认为、想、以为。”例如:I figured he would be late,so I left without him.(我认为他会迟到,所以我没有等他就离开了。)
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figure,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作名词时意为“ 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像”,作及物动词时意为“计算;认为;描绘;象征”,作不及物动词时意为“计算;出现;扮演角色”。
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2023-06-21 00:14:471

figure是什么意思 figure怎么翻译

1、figure 释义:n.图形;(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;数字符号;字码;位数;算术;人物;(远处人的)轮廓;身材;人,动物;(人、动物的)雕像,塑像;(书中的)图,表;花样 2、v.是重要部分;是…的部分;认为,认定(某事将发生或属实);计算(数量或成本) 3、英 [u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8fu026aɡju0259r] 4、第三人称单数: figures复数: figures现在分词: figuring过去式: figured过去分词: figured
2023-06-21 00:14:531


1、n.(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字; 数字符号; 字码; 位数; 算术;2、v.是重要部分; 是?的部分; 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实); 计算(数量或成本);3、[例句]A cube is a solid figure.立方体是一种立体图形。4、[其他] 第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured 过去分词:figured
2023-06-21 00:15:001


figure 英[u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026aɡju0259r]n. (代表数量,尤指官方资料中的) 数字; 数字符号; 字码; 位数; 算术;v. 是重要部分; 是…的部分; 认为,认定(某事将发生或属实); 计算(数量或成本);[例句]It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven"t got a job.如果我们能得到该国失业人口的真实数字就好了。[其他] 第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured 过去分词:figured。figure out 的意思是:想出;解决;计算出;弄明白。双语例句:Why not round that figure off you ask?你也许会问为什么不好好利用这个数字?How do you figure he can live without me?你怎么会认为他没有了我还能活?He is the figure of authority that we have to deal with.他是伊朗的权威人物,我们必须跟他打交道。
2023-06-21 00:15:071


ls,你确定?“imshow(A1);imshow(A2);则会出现两个窗口,一个窗口显示A1,一个窗口显示A2”>> help figure FIGURE Create figure window. FIGURE, by itself, creates a new figure window, and returns its handle. FIGURE(H) makes H the current figure, forces it to become visible, and raises it above all other figures on the screen. If Figure H does not exist, and H is an integer, a new figure is created with handle H. GCF returns the handle to the current figure. Execute GET(H) to see a list of figure properties and their current values. Execute SET(H) to see a list of figure properties and their possible values. See also subplot, axes, gcf, clf. Reference page in Help browser doc figure这个比较简单的用法就是创建新绘图窗口,如果只打算显示1张图,用不用都可以,因为matlab里的绘图命令会创建一个默认窗口,但想同时显示两张以上的图像,应该这样用figureimshow(A1)figureimshow(A2)
2023-06-21 00:15:332


2023-06-21 00:15:491


2023-06-21 00:15:561

figure 什么意思

figure 英[ˈfɪgə(r)] 美[ˈfɪgjər] n. 人物; 数字; 身材; 算术; vi. 计算; 出现; 扮演角色; vt. 计算在内; 估计; 推测; 认为; [例句]It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven"t got a job如果我们能得到该国失业人口的真实数字就好了。[其他] 第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured过去分词:figured
2023-06-21 00:16:041


2023-06-21 00:16:283


1、figure 释义:n.图形;(代表数量,尤指官方资料中的)数字;数字符号;字码;位数;算术;人物;(远处人的)轮廓;身材;人,动物;(人、动物的)雕像,塑像;(书中的)图,表;花样 2、v.是重要部分;是…的部分;认为,认定(某事将发生或属实);计算(数量或成本) 3、英 [u02c8fu026aɡu0259(r)] 美 [u02c8fu026aɡju0259r] 4、第三人称单数: figures复数: figures现在分词: figuring过去式: figured过去分词: figured
2023-06-21 00:16:531


2023-06-21 00:17:061


figure[英][u02c8fu026agu0259(r)][美][u02c8fu026agju0259r]n.数字; 算术; 人物; 身材; vi.计算; 出现; 扮演角色; vt.计算在内; 估计; 推测; 认为; 第三人称单数:figures过去分词:figured复数:figures现在进行时:figuring过去式:figured以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But his figure seems too low. 但他的数字似乎太低了。
2023-06-21 00:17:131


figure 英[u02c8fu026agu0259(r)] 美[u02c8fu026agju0259r] n. 人物; 数字; 身材; 算术; vi. 计算; 出现; 扮演角色; vt. 计算在内; 估计; 推测; 认为; [例句]It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country haven"t got a job如果我们能得到该国失业人口的真实数字就好了。[其他] 第三人称单数:figures 复数:figures 现在分词:figuring 过去式:figured过去分词:figured
2023-06-21 00:17:211


分类: 外语/出国 问题描述: 请问口语中figure的用法 最近看的电影中反复出现这个词 如 I figured if you stood me up,then i should have something to read. Figure I"ll live as long as I can.I can figure out. 解析: 理解,了解,猜到 eg. I can"t figure out what you wanna talk about.
2023-06-21 00:17:271


figure n. 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色vt. 计算;认为;描绘;象征[ 过去式 figured 过去分词 figured 现在分词 figuring ] 人物 数字 体形 图形短语figure out 计算出 ; 估计 ; 想出 ; 理解Noise figure 噪声系数 ; 噪声指数 ; 噪声因数 ; 杂讯指数figure skate 花样滑冰鞋 ; 花样的 ; 花腔的 ; 名堂的 更多网络短语
2023-06-21 00:17:351


图双语对照词典结果:figure[英][u02c8fiɡu0259][美][u02c8fu026aɡju025a]n.数字; 算术; 图解; 轮廓; vi.计算; 出现; 扮演角色; vt.计算在内; 估计; 推测; 认为; 第三人称单数:figures过去分词:figured复数:figures现在进行时:figuring过去式:figured很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
2023-06-21 00:17:421