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2023-06-20 23:10:25








capsense 和capsense CSD有什么区别啊

2023-06-20 18:40:041


除耳塞之外的睡觉防噪音神器 除耳塞之外的睡觉防噪音神器,拥有一个好的睡眠真的很重要,这睡不好不仅影响我们一天的工作,还会影响我们的身体健康,所以如果缓解太吵你就需要防噪音神器,以下分享除耳塞之外的睡觉防噪音神器。 除耳塞之外的睡觉防噪音神器1 自制防噪音神器 首先,准备一个纸板箱,长宽高大概为70公分,50公分,50公分。 准备一卷隔音的泡沫,需要购买,也不贵,然后将其进行裁剪。 按照纸板箱各个侧面的长宽,裁剪相应的隔音泡沫。 然后将裁剪好的隔音泡沫粘贴到纸板箱上。 按照相同的方法,将纸板箱内壁全部粘贴上一层泡沫。 最后,将箱子的"外壁也全部粘贴上泡沫隔音材料,这样就完成了。晚上睡觉时可以套在头上,可以有效降低噪音,亲测有效。 除耳塞之外的睡觉防噪音神器2 一、安耳悠耳塞:安耳悠的这款耳塞设计得非常人性化,有各种不同大小的型号可供选择,无论是装修身影还是打鼾的困扰都能完美解决,让你的睡眠更加安心。 二、零听超强隔音耳塞:零听超的这款耳塞佩戴起来非常舒适,质地是属于很贴合耳道的类型,不会对耳朵造成负担,能够很好的隔离噪音。 三、pluggerz隔音耳塞:pluggerz的这款耳机设计得很人性化,它利用特殊的声音滤波器来消除外界的噪音,三层散装的结构也避免了对耳膜刺激问题。 四、ohropax防噪音耳塞:在睡眠防噪音耳塞排行榜中,ohropax这款的质地非常柔软,里面还有大量的微气孔,让降噪的效果大大增强,同时还不会刺激的耳膜,很健康很舒适。 五、Alpine FlyFit earplugs耳塞:Alpine FlyFit earplugs的这款耳塞的材质是以科技纳米反映硅制作,可以适应任何耳道形状, 同时不会对耳膜产生刺激,质量也很不错,不会出现变形的问题,可以长时间的实用。 六、GO TRAVEL耳塞:GO TRAVEL这款耳塞的设计非常人性化,黄色处可以降低打鼾的低频率噪音,白色则能够减少外界环境的噪音,很适合睡眠不好的人。 七、3M子弹型降噪音隔音耳塞:3M的耳塞在全球是非常出名的,这款子弹型也是最畅销的一个系列,对于有市面困扰的人是很合适的,性价比也非常的高。 除耳塞之外的睡觉防噪音神器3 “黑科技”产品——添眠智能止鼾枕。 只需换个枕头,就可以通过物理方式高效缓解打鼾症状! 一个看似普通的枕头,却藏着满满的高科技! 枕头内置两种传感器,三步干预打鼾问题。 算法识别,实时开启。micro mic MEMS传感器依托算法可以实时进行鼾声采集,从鼾声频率、响度等维度精准智能地识别有效鼾声,随时检测睡眠质量状况。 分区识别,精准定位。6片CapSense Express Controllers分区传感器,可以精准识别你的头部位置。 当传感器识别到鼾声后,对应的6个柔性气囊会缓慢推动头部侧转,促使咽喉部肌肉收紧,打开呼吸道,让气流可以顺畅通过,增加身体的含氧量,直至鼾声明显减少乃至消失。
2023-06-20 18:40:131


那真是太多了,只要是只能携带的产品都可以通过蓝牙智能控制模块来实现。下面给你选择了一个摘要,希望对你有帮助可穿戴设备、智能家居和物联网的崛起,让蓝牙更受厂商青睐。IHS报告称,蓝牙智能设备出货量将从2014年的16500万增长到2018年的12亿,复合年增长率为64%。据统计,2014年61%的蓝牙智能设备已引入蓝牙模块,蓝牙模块为智能硬件开发设计带来诸多便利。蓝牙模块的引入到底给智能硬件的设计带来了哪些便利呢?我们来看专家怎么说。现任Cypress区域市场经理的朱雄辉先生表示:1、低功耗蓝牙模块给客户带来最大的好处是能大幅度缩减客户产品上市时间。就像Cypress 已经为其蓝牙模块在全球很多国家做了无线认证,这样产品只需要最后客户到相关组织做外形声明就可以使用蓝牙的标识。客户可以节省6个月或者更多的时间。同时,Cypress低功耗蓝牙模块可以帮助客户的蓝牙产品减少国际认证费用。2、低功耗蓝牙模块使产品各项性能指标有保证。特别是对于射频性能来说,不需要客户投人力物力对天线的匹配设计和PCB的抗干扰设计进行研发和试产。这些对缺乏射频设计能力又对产品可靠性有较高要求的整机厂商特别有吸引力。3、低功耗蓝牙模块功能强大,体积小。Cypress的低功耗蓝牙模块强有力的证明了这一点,Cypress的低功耗蓝牙模块10x10的尺寸,和普通的芯片一样大,可以方便放入任何mini嵌入式设备。同时带有开放的ARM M0 MCU,不仅仅是无线射频,还可做小型系统设计;带有CapSense 功能,可以方便做电容触摸和接近感应;具备Flash结构,可以任意重新配置固件;另外有ADC,TImer, PWM等资源供系统使用。
2023-06-20 18:40:351


2023-06-20 18:40:482


触摸屏(touch screen)又称为“触控屏”、“触控面板”,是一种可接收触头等输入讯号的感应式液晶显示装置,当接触了屏幕上的图形按钮时,屏幕上的触觉反馈系统可根据预先编程的程式驱动各种连结装置,,。电容屏行家,。183的号,中间四位是2005 ,后面四位9375。全触通。,。。可用以取代机械式的按钮面板,并借由液晶显示画面制造出生动的影音效果。触摸屏作为一种最新的电脑输入设备,它是目前最简单、方便、自然的一种人机交互方式。它赋予了多媒体以崭新的面貌,是极富吸引力的全新多媒体交互设备。主要应用于公共信息的查询、领导办公、工业控制、军事指挥、电子游戏、点歌点菜、多媒体教学、房地产预售等。触摸屏的基础知识比较多,想了解可以多去触摸屏生产厂家参观下,感官直接接触一下,然后根据实际运用,可以了解的更详细,也可以根据实际情况具体了解你关注的一种就好了,触摸屏分类多,电阻屏,电容屏,电阻屏又根据排线分四线电阻屏,五线电阻屏,八线电阻屏,数字电阻屏等,,。。
2023-06-20 18:40:593


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如果上拉电阻值过小,Vcc灌入端口的电流(Ic)将较大,这样会导致MOS管V2(三极管)不完全导通(Ib*β,有饱和状态变成放大状态,这样端口输出的低电平值增大(i2c协议规定,端口输出低电平的最高允许值为0.4v)。如果上拉电阻过大,加上线上的总线电容,由于RC影响,会带来上升时间的增大(下降延是芯片内的晶体管,是有源驱动,速度较快;上升延是无源的外接电阻,速度慢),而且上拉电阻过大,即引起输出阻抗的增大,当输出阻抗和负载的阻抗可以比拟的时,则输出的高电平会分压而减少。I2C的上拉电阻可以是1.5K,2.2K,4.7K, 电阻的大小对时序有一定影响,对信号的上升时间和下降时间也有影响,一般接1.5K或2.2K。(实验:接入200K上拉电阻,结果观察到信号上升时间增大,方波变成三角波)I2C上拉电阻确定有一个计算公式:Rmin={Vdd(min)-o.4V}/3mARmax=(T/0.874) *c, T=1us 100KHz, T=0.3us 400KHzC是Bus capacitanceRp最大值由总线最大容限(Cbmax)决定,Rp最小值由Vio与上拉驱动电流(最大取3mA)决定;于是 Rpmin=5V/3mA≈1.7K(@Vio=5V)或者2.8V/3mA≈1K(@Vio=2.8V)。Rpmax的取值:100Kbps总线的负载最大容限总的来说:电源电压限制了上拉电阻的最小值 ; 负载电容(总线电容)限制了上拉电阻的最大值。补充:在I2c总线可以串连300欧姆电阻RS可以用于防止SDA和SCL线的高电压毛刺: I2c从设备的数量受总线电容,上拉电阻阻值的确定由于I2C接口采用OpenDrain机制,器件本身只能输出低电平,无法主动输出高电平,只能通过外部上拉电阻RP将信号线拉至高电平。因此I2C总线上的上拉电阻是必须的!漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定RP不宜过小,一般不低于1KΩ一般IO 端口的驱动能力在2mA~4mA量级。如果RP阻值过小,VDD灌入端口的电流将较大,这样会导致MOS管不完全导通,有饱和状态变成放大状态,这样端口输出的低电平值增大(I2C协议规定,端口输出低电平的最高允许值为0.4V);如果灌入端口的电流过大,还可能损坏端口。故通常上拉电阻应选取不低于1KΩ的电阻(当VDD=3V时,灌入电流不超过3mA)。RP不宜过大,一般不高于10KΩ由于端口输出高电平是通过RP实现的,线上电平从低到高变化时,电源通过RP对线上负载电容CL充电,这需要一定的时间,即上升时间。端口信号的上升时间可近似用充电时间常数RPCL乘积表示。信号线负载电容(对地)由多方面组成,包括器件引脚、PCB信号线、连接器等。如果信号线上挂有多个器件,负载电容也会增大。比如总线规定,对于的400kbps速率应用,信号上升时间应小于300ns;假设线上CL为20PF,可计算出对应的RP值为15KΩ。如果RC充电时间常数过大,将使得信号上升沿变化缓慢,达不到数据传输的要求。因此一般应用中选取的都是几KΩ量级的上拉电阻,比如都选取4K7的电阻。小阻值的RP电阻增大了端口Sink电流,故在可能的情况下,RP取值应稍大一点,以减少耗电。另外,通产情况下,SDA,SCL两条线上的上拉电阻取值是一致的,并上拉到同一电源上。PCB布局布线与抗干扰设计I2C信号线属于低速控制线,在手机PCB设计时,按通常的控制IO对待即可,无需做特别的保护设计,一般不用担心受到噪声源干扰。但在一些特定的情况下,比如折叠、滑盖机型中,I2C的两根信号线需要通过转轴或滑轨处的FPC,此时由于信号路径比较长,距离天线比较近,而且Opendrain的输出级对地阻抗大,对干扰比较敏感,因此比较容易受到RF信号源的干扰。在这种情况下,就应适当注意对I2C信号线的保护。比如I2C两条信号线(SDA,SCL)等长度地平行走线,两边加地线进行保护,避免临近层出现高速信号线等。上拉电阻应安置在OD输出端附近。当I2C总线上主从器件(Master &Slave)两端均为OD输出时,电阻放置在信号路径的中间位置。当主设备端是软件模拟时序,而从设备是OD输出时,应将电阻安置在靠近从设备的位置。I2C协议还定义了串联在SDA、SCL线上电阻Rs。该电阻的作用是,有效抑制总线上的干扰脉冲进入从设备,提高可靠性。这个电阻的选择一般在100~200ohm左右。当然,这个电阻并不是必须的,在恶劣噪声环境中,可以选用。漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定比如常用的FM接收模块或者Capsense触摸感应功能块,都是通过I2C接口控制的。I2C接口信号从处理器出发,经过PCB上的信号路径,进入上述电路单元。I2C信号线上载有一定干扰,这种干扰虽然幅度并不很大,但还是会影响敏感的FM接收模块或Capsense触摸感应功能块。此时,可以通过在靠近FM模块或触摸感应模块的I2C信号线上串接Rs电阻,即可有效降低干扰的影响。此外,上拉电阻端的电源也要进行退耦处理。软件模拟I2C时序由于一般的I2C应用速率并不高(400kbps),使用处理器的IO口模拟I2C波形,完全可以胜任(处理器一般担任Master,占有I2C通信的控制权,无需担心随机的I2C通信服务中断其他任务的执行)。处理器分配给I2C任务的IO口,要求可以输出高低电平,还能配置为输入端口。处理器根据总线规范以及从设备的时序要求,利用2条IO信号线,模拟I2C接口时序波形,进行I2C通信。处理器发送数据时,通过IO口输出高电平,上升时间基本与外部上来电阻阻值无关,且比用外部上拉电阻上拉到高电平快很多。处理器在接受数据时,即便上拉电阻阻值选的大一些,从设备输出数据的波形上升沿缓慢,但由于处理器使用软件采样的而非硬件采样,因此,对数据传输的结果并不影响。也就是说,使用IO口模拟I2C时序时,上拉电阻阻值可以适当选的大一些。需要指出的是,使用软件模拟最多只能完成单Master的应用,对于多Master应用,由于需要进行总线控制权的仲裁管理,使用软件模拟的方法很难完成。I2C总线空闲的时候,两条信号线应该维持高电平。否则,上拉电阻上会有耗电。特别是在上电过程中,IO线上电平也应保持在高电平状态。也就是说:当Master的I2C使用的是IO软件模拟时,一定要保证该两个IO上电默认均为输入(或高阻)或者输出高电平,切不可默认为输出低电平。IO默认为输入时,可以通过外部上拉电阻将I2C信号线拉至高电平。漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定I2C应用中上拉电阻电源问题在部中分应用中,还存在主从设备以及上拉电阻电源不一致的情况,比如Camera模组。在很多设计方案中,Camera模组不工作时,并不是进入PowerDown模式,而是直接关闭模组供电VDDS。此时,处理器与模组相互连接的所有信号线都应该进入高阻态,否则就会有电流漏入模组;而对于此时的I2C控制信号线来说,由于上拉电阻的存在,必须关断上拉电阻电源VDDP。如果上拉电阻使用的是系统电源VDDM(VDDP=VDDM),无法关闭,就会有漏电流进入模组;因此这种情况下,应该使用VDDS作为上拉电阻电源(VDDP=VDDS),这样上拉电阻电源与Slave电源即可同时关闭,切断了漏电路径。另外需要注意的是,在上述应用实例中选择的IO,应该选取上电默认为输入(或高阻)才行。漏极开路上拉电阻取值及上拉电阻阻值的确定--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------附录 上拉电阻上拉就是将不确定的信号通过一个电阻钳位在高电平,电阻同时起限流作用。下拉同理,也是将不确定的信号通过一个电阻钳位在低电平。上拉是对器件输入电流,下拉是输出电流;强弱只是上拉电阻的阻值不同,没有什么严格区分;对于非集电极(或漏极)开路输出型电路(如普通门电路)提供电流和电压的能力是有限的,上拉电阻的功能主要是为集电极开路输出型电路输出电流通道。作用1、当TTL电路驱动CMOS电路时,如果电路输出的高电平低于CMOS电路的最低高电平(一般为3.5V), 这时就需要在TTL的输出端接上拉电阻,以提高输出高电平的值。2、OC门电路必须使用上拉电阻,以提高输出的高电平值。3、为增强输出引脚的驱动能力,有的单片机管脚上也常使用上拉电阻。4、在CMOS芯片上,为了防止静电造成损坏,不用的管脚不能悬空,一般接上拉电阻以降低输入阻抗, 提供泄荷通路。5、芯片的管脚加上拉电阻来提高输出电平,从而提高芯片输入信号的噪声容限,增强抗干扰能力。6、提高总线的抗电磁干扰能力,管脚悬空就比较容易接受外界的电磁干扰。7、长线传输中电阻不匹配容易引起反射波干扰,加上、下拉电阻是电阻匹配,有效的抑制反射波干扰。概念就是从电源高电平引出的电阻接到输出端1,如果电平用OC(集电极开路,TTL)或OD(漏极开路,CMOS)输出,那么不用上拉电阻是不能工作的, 这个很容易理解,管子没有电源就不能输出高电平了。2,如果输出电流比较大,输出的电平就会降低(电路中已经有了一个上拉电阻,但是电阻太大,压降太高),就可以用上拉电阻提供电流分量, 把电平“拉高”。(就是并一个电阻在IC内部的上拉电阻上,这时总电阻减小,总电流增大)。当然管子按需要工作在线性范围的上拉电阻不能太小。当然也会用这个方式来实现门电路电平的匹配。注意事项需要注意的是,上拉电阻太大会引起输出电平的延迟。(RC延时)一般CMOS门电路输出不能给它悬空,都是接上拉电阻设定成高电平。下拉电阻:和上拉电阻的原理差不多, 只是拉到GND去而已。 那样电平就会被拉低。 下拉电阻一般用于设定低电平或者是阻抗匹配(抗回波干扰)。上拉电阻阻值的选择原则包括:1、从节约功耗及芯片的灌电流能力考虑应当足够大;电阻大,电流小。2、从确保足够的驱动电流考虑应当足够小;电阻小,电流大。3、对于高速电路,过大的上拉电阻可能边沿变平缓。综合考虑以上三点,通常在1k到10k之间选取。对下拉电阻也有类似道理。使用原因一般作单键触发使用时,如果IC本身没有内接电阻,为了使单键维持在不被触发的状态或是触发后回到原状态,必须在IC外部另接一电阻。数字电路有三种状态:高电平、低电平、和高阻状态,有些应用场合不希望出现高阻状态,可以通过上拉电阻或下拉电阻的方式使处于稳定状态,具体视设计要求而定!一般说的是I/O端口,有的可以设置,有的不可以设置,有的是内置,有的是需要外接,I/O端口的输出类似于一个三极管的C,当C接通过一个电阻和电源连接在一起的时候,该电阻成为上拉电阻,也就是说,该端口正常时为高电平;C通过一个电阻和地连接在一起的时候,该电阻称为下拉电阻。上拉电阻是用来解决总线驱动能力不足时提供电流的问题的。一般说法是上拉增大电流,下拉电阻是用来吸收电流。
2023-06-20 18:43:361


可以参照"Getting Started with Capsense" PCB layout 相关章节
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2023-06-20 18:44:231


还真的不是那么容易,出现当我唱起这首歌最多的就是张学友的《祝福》,但相信不是你要找的,最接近的也就这首了曲名:半罐可乐歌手:陈嘉唯专辑作词:姜忆萱&刘伟恩作曲:Lim Chang Jung&赖正芬当我唱起这首歌来 心跳加快 兴奋的感动 一直存在我并没有离开 不会忘记 你还在等待 我们一起的未来Rap: Reminiscing memories I just can"t seem to quit laughin"Dissin" and ditchin" getting caught cheatin"And then we still be chillin"Us living in only our worldCuz that"s all we could affordEveryday a different wayWe looked at life more than words could say Growing up I won"t forget Cuz those. Were the days我的梦always有你陪伴 多年后还要聚在一块再像现在把一罐可乐打开 一人喝一半永远不分散也许难免会有失败 就算我们不是他们想的 NO.1世界每天更改 不想后悔 青春多短暂 I wanna only in my wayRap: Going on our separate ways We"ve never seen our futureUntil now letting me go And left our past inside the soul 跟着我 Cuz all of my feeling arein words and harmoniesSo deep inside A tune that"ll remember us byYou"d be feeling fine.This song of mine Hopingwe could turn back time新的世界等我发现 在我心里 其实你还是在第一位好朋友分享空位 前后左右 笑声多热烈I wish our dreams come true 哦~ 等 总有一天 会有我们 要的世界用半罐可乐 分享感觉 只有你能了解 一起迎接 我们的世界当我唱起这首歌来 心跳加快 兴奋的感动 一直存在我并没有离开 不会忘记 你还在等待 我们一起的未来
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2023-06-20 18:45:023


【 #英语资源# 导语】植树节是按照法律规定宣传保护树木,并组织动员群众积极参加以植树造林为活动内容的节日。按时间长短可分为植树日、植树周和植树月,共称为国际植树节。提倡通过这种活动,激发人们爱林造林的热情、意识到环保的重要性。以下是 无 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.关于植树节的英语作文   Spring is coming. The earth is dressed in gorgeous clothes. Birds are chirping and chirping happily. Many elves are active again. The earth is back to a vibrant scene.   March 15 is Arbor Day. In the morning, the headmaster decided to take us up the mountain to plant trees. We all picked up shovels and set off.   On the way, we breathed fresh air. Birds circled and danced on our feet, singing happy songs for us. The soft spring wind gently wafted through our ears, as if saying: let"s compare and see who reached the top of the mountain first. The grass on the roadside seemed to say: have a nice trip. The headmaster seems to be a guide who introduces us to the mountains and water here.   When we finally reached the top of the mountain, the teachers, like commanding generals, watched the terrain on the mountain, made a tree planting plan and guided us to plant trees. With shovels, the students dug small pits one by one, carefully laid down the saplings for fear of breaking the tender roots of the saplings, and then carefully buried the saplings for watering. Only in this way can the saplings be planted well. At noon, we finally planted all the young trees. The students were all sweating and fell to the ground, but they were very happy, very happy.   Through this activity, we have deepened our love for nature and our awareness and responsibility to protect the environment. This will be the most meaningful activity in my life. 2.关于植树节的英语作文   Today is a Sunday. The small press Department of the Sunday evening news organized us to plant trees in laoleshan. We arrived at laoleshan at nine in the morning with buckets, shovel and other tools.   Starting from the parking lot, I thought I was the first one to come. But when I got to Nanshan gate, I found that many young journalists had come. They were scrambling to make a quick turn there. I also joined their team. At 9:30, the opening ceremony began. After the simple opening ceremony, the teacher took us to plant trees on the earth slope.   When I got to the slope, I began to dig pits and plant trees like others. I dug the shovel into the soil and stepped on the shovel to dig down. However, I dug too deep. The head of the shovel was about to break. I had to shovel from a shallow place. In this way, I dug many times, and finally a decent pit was dug out. I picked up a peach tree seedling, put it into the pit, covered it with some soil so that it would not fall down. Then, I filled the soil I had just dug into the pit, steadied my feet, and poured the water I had just pumped into the tree. A peach tree seedling was planted. At this time, I was so tired that I was sweating all over, but when I saw the peach seedlings guarding the Nanshan slope like small guards, I smiled happily.   At 11:30 p.m., the activity ended. I looked at the peach seedlings in front of me. It seemed that a pink peach blossom appeared in front of me. It was so beautiful and refreshing! In front of me, it seems that there are piles of big and red peaches, which are so tempting and mouth watering 3.关于植树节的英语作文   Today is the annual Arbor Day, only once a year, the time is very short, so we should cherish this day!   This Saturday, the Tianzhong Evening News Agency organized a tree planting activity for the young reporters in laoleshan. Early in the morning, we set out. Dad drove me there. On the way, I saw many beautiful flowers, green grass and willows just sprouting. Slowly, I saw mountains in the distance. The mountains are close to each other, continuous, and the trees on the mountains are luxuriant. The scenery along the way is also very beautiful!   When I arrived at laoleshan, I found that it was more beautiful than before. After the ceremony, we were ready to plant trees. My father and I came to the place where the trees were planted. When my father got the saplings, he asked me, "Yuanyuan, do you know what saplings this is?" I couldn"t see what the sapling was, so I told my father, "Dad, I don"t know. Can you tell me?" "This is a pine sapling. I hope you will learn from it in the future. Learn its tough, straight and indomitable spirit!" Dad said. We planted two small trees. I wanted to make a mark on the tree. My father stopped me and said, "you are destroying its life by doing this, so you can"t make a mark on the tree!"   I want to say to the little tree, "I will come to see you often. You should grow up quickly. Don"t forget me." This is the most meaningful arbor day I have ever had! 4.关于植树节的英语作文   March is a season for all things to recover. March is a season to sow hope. March is a season when a hundred flowers bloom. As I stared out the window, a plan flashed through my mind: the weather is so good, why don"t I plant trees in the spring breeze?   I took my tools, picked up the bucket, called Xiao Ming and ran to the square. I found a suitable place to plant trees, carefully removed weeds, swung a hoe, aimed at the land, and dug hard. The soil was dry and hard. I spent nine cattle and two tigers to dig only a small pit. I was so tired that I was sweating. When Xiao Ming saw him, he quickly said, "let me help you! You can weed."   While I was weeding, I looked at Xiao Ming. Xiao Ming seemed to have no trouble digging. Soon, a round, deep, moist and warm "home" was completed.   I excitedly picked up the sapling, carefully put it into the pit, and gently righted it. But the sapling sang the opposite tune with me. I went to the left and it went to the right. It took a lot of effort to pacify the young trees!   It"s time to fill the soil. I picked up the shovel, shoveled the fine soil into the tree pit and stepped on it. I was about to pack up my tools and go home when Xiao Ming said, "I haven"t watered yet!" I hurriedly picked up the kettle and began to water. The little sapling greedily absorbed the water, and immediately became energetic and upright, just like a tall and straight warrior. 5.关于植树节的英语作文   March 12 is the annual Arbor Day. Xiaolin and I, carrying hoes, shovels and buckets, headed for the fields under the leadership of our teachers.   We found a "geomantic treasure land" in the field. I said to Xiao Lin, "well, it is a good place to plant trees with the accompaniment of birds, the loosening of soil by earthworms and the moisture of rain and dew."   So I rolled up my sleeve, picked up a hoe, aimed at the bull"s-eye and dug hard. Ah! The hoe is stuck in the soil. It seems that the dry soil will have a fierce tug of war with the hoe. I hold the hoe in my hand and pull it out desperately. It took me a lot of effort to pull it out! I am not discouraged at all, roll up my sleeves and work hard! But after a long time, a round and deep pit was dug.   Xiaolin came over, picked up the saplings and inserted them into the tree pit. Xiaolin and I checked and were preparing to fill the soil. Teacher Li announced loudly: "there are only six minutes left for tree planting. Come on!"   I saw that there was not much time, so I "planed" the hard soil into fine soil by "dog planing", and trampled the soil down again and again. Xiaolin picked up the bucket and watered around the roots of the tree. She said to herself, "young tree, don"t be afraid of the wind and rain and the snow. It will make you stronger. Try to grow!"   Xiaoshumiao drank enough water and was full of energy. Xiaolin and I shook hands with the future "green guards" and took a group photo. Then we went home with a look forward to it!
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1.关于树的英文诗 The Strange Tree There"s a strange tree which lives near me, And this strange tree could not agree, That if this tree could ever see, A stranger tree it sure would be. There"s a strange tree which topples me, For this strange tree was tall, you see, And then this tree would use its knee, To break in three, the clouds who flee. There"s a strange tree which lives near me, The northern tree, its branches free, The southern tree, no limb to see, For this strange tree, was strange, you see? There"s a strange tree which I can see, And this strange tree (against my plea) Was sent to sea, its roots now free, And now this tree… A ship is he. 2.关于树木的英语句子 The trees are useful to humans.They give us the air and the wood. 你的句子: I will die if there are no trees. Trees give us oxygen in the air. Trees can make our city more beautiful. Trees can make the air cooler. Trees are our saver. Trees are our best fighter to prevent the pollution. 译出来了。 3.描写树的优美英文句子 Spring returns to the earth. 春天返回到地球。 Spring makes everything young again except man 春天使一切再次年轻,男人除外。 A single flower does not make a spring. 一朵鲜花并不能使一个春天。 A year"s plan starts with spring. 一年从春天开始的计划。 望采纳~~ 4.有关大树的英文诗歌 推荐参考: Willow and Gingko By Eve Merriam The willow is like an etching, Fine-lined against the sky. Then ginkgo is like a crude sketch, Hardly worthy to be signed. The willow"s music is like a soprano, Delicate and thin. The ginkgo"s tune is like a chorus With everyone joining in. The willow is sleek as a velvet-nosed calf, The ginkgo is leathery as an old bull. The willow"s branches are like silken thread; The ginkgo"s like stubby rough wool. The willow is like a nymph with streaming hair; Wherever it grows, there is green and gold and fair. The willow dips to the water, Protected and precious, like the king"s favorite daughter. The ginkgo forces its way through gray concrete; Like a city child, it grows up in the street. Thrust against the metal sky, Somehow it survives and even thrives. My eyes feast upon the willow, But my heart goes to the ginkgo. (柳树与银杏树 Eve Merriam),作者在以上这首诗里比了杨柳与银杏的区别。 第一部分: 讲的是杨柳的外表有多好看,但是银杏却很难看。 第二部分:讲的是风吹杨柳的声音有多好听,但是银杏吹了声音却很杂。 第三部分:讲的是杨柳的树杆很细,但是银杏的树杆却很粗。 最后一部分:杨柳像公主,受到父王(人)的喜爱,但是银杏像野孩子一样,再硬的瓷砖也能生长。 杨柳耐看,但是银杏却给了我心理上的安慰。 5.求推荐:关于 【树】 的英文诗 Willow and Gingko By Eve Merriam The willow is like an etching, Fine-lined against the sky. Then ginkgo is like a crude sketch, Hardly worthy to be signed. The willow"s music is like a soprano, Delicate and thin. The ginkgo"s tune is like a chorus With everyone joining in. The willow is sleek as a velvet-nosed calf, The ginkgo is leathery as an old bull. The willow"s branches are like silken thread; The ginkgo"s like stubby rough wool. The willow is like a nymph with streaming hair; Wherever it grows, there is green and gold and fair. The willow dips to the water, Protected and precious, like the king"s favorite daughter. The ginkgo forces its way through gray concrete; Like a city child, it grows up in the street. Thrust against the metal sky, Somehow it survives and even thrives. My eyes feast upon the willow, But my heart goes to the ginkgo. 希望能帮到你 :) 6.形容树的好处的英文句子 Trees can regulate our climate, purify the air, wind noise reduction, is a man"s best friend. Trees are oxygen factories. Hectares of broadleaf forest one day can absorb one ton of carbon dioxide, release 0.73 tons of oxygen Trees are dust filters. When a large quantity of dust laden air stream through the woods, as the wind speed decreases, larger airborne particles of dust would rapidly decline. The trees is bactericidal experts. Many trees in the growth process secreted kill Yan Su, killing various pathogens by dust. According to the survey, the bacterial content per cubic meter of air, department stores 4,000,000 580,000 avenue, 100 park, and the forest area is only 55. The bacterial content of the air in the forest area and the department store is a difference of 70,000 times. In addition, trees or natural reservoirs and natural air conditioning 7.有关大树的英文诗歌 Fool`s Garden--"Lemon Tree"I"m sitting here in the boring roomIt"s just another rainy Sunday afternoonI"m wasting my time, I got nothing to doI"m hanging around, I"m waiting for youBut nothing ever happens, and I wonderI"m driving around in my carI"m driving too fast, I"m driving too farI"d like to change my point of viewI feel so lonely, I"m waiting for youBut nothing ever happens, and I wonder.I wonder how, I wonder whyYesterday you told me about the blue-blue skyAnd all that I can see is just the yellow lemon treeI"m turning my head up and downI"m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning aroundAnd all that I can see is just another lemon tree.Sing: Dap, dararararam-dirabdab, dararararam-dirabdab, dap-dirirab.I"m sitting here, I miss the powerI"d like to go out taking a showerBut there"s a heavy cloud inside my headI feel so tired, put myself into bedWell nothing ever happens, and I wonder.Isolation is not good for meIsolation, I don"t want to sit on a lemon treeI"m stepping around in a desert of joyMay be anyhow I get another toyAnd everything will happen, and you wonder.I wonder how, I wonder whyYesterday you told me about the blue-blue skyAnd all that I can see is just another lemon treeI"m turning my head up and downI"m turning, turning, turning, turning, turning aroundAnd all that I can see is just the yellow lemon tree.Yell I wonder wonder。 I wonder how, I wonder whyYesterday you told me about the blue-blue skyAnd all that I can seeAnd all that I can seeAnd all that I can see is just the yellow lemon tree。
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thousands of pieces
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淫欲(lust)--拉丝特贪婪(greedy)――葛利德暴食(gluttony)――格拉托尼 嫉妒(envy)――恩维懒惰(slouth)――斯洛斯 愤怒(wrath)――拉斯 骄傲(pride)――大总统Greed 是但丁跟霍芬海姆捏孩子练出来捏,因该是400年前了~而且Lust是被但丁控制的!
2023-06-20 18:45:111


【 #英语资源# 导语】游记是对旅行进行记录的一种文体,现在也多指记录游览经历的文章,游记有带议论色彩的,有带科学色彩的,有带抒情 色彩的。 无 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.寒假游记英语作文   I like traveling very much. I went to Wuxi, Shanghai, Wuzhen and Zhouzhuang this winter vacation and really enjoyed their beauty! Wuzhen is a place that I like very much. It is so quiet and charming that people can"t put it down!   It is very different from Zhouzhuang. Although both of them are in the style of "small bridges, flowing water and people", the quiet of Wuzhen is incomparable to Zhouzhuang! Wuzhen is not as lively and noisy as Zhouzhuang, but its elegant style is a great scenery!   Listening to Zhou Zhuang"s singing, I felt as if I were on a dragon boat in the ancient south, beating my heart in a series of positions. There was no noise, only the sweet tune of the boat! This is Shen Wansan"s hometown - Zhouzhuang! The beautiful river and the ancient and elegant bridge guard this beautiful land! Today"s Wuxi, I have to praise it. Although its beautiful night scene is not comparable to Shanghai, it is also one of the top ten charming cities in the mainland! Its charm lies in the scenery around it. For example: Liyuan, Three Kingdoms City, Shuihu City and Tangcheng   The beautiful scenery sets off Wuxi. No wonder Wuxi is so charming! Shanghai is a city that never sleeps. That"s right. On the beautiful Bund, looking at the shining Oriental Pearl TV Tower, a desire to stay in Shanghai and live in Shanghai will suddenly come to my mind.   It"s really a pleasure to see the night scene of Shanghai on the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. The sparkling Huangpu River and the spotlights will give you a very romantic feeling! My hotel is on Nanjing Road. I go shopping every night. It"s really good! Everyone has different views on each scene, and you should experience everything yourself. 2.寒假游记英语作文   In winter vacation, my father drove our family to Yunwu Mountain to play. After several hours" drive, we finally arrived at Yunwu Mountain.   On the mountain, because the temperature was low, my mother asked me to wear another coat. After a short walk, we bought tickets and formally entered the Yunwu Mountain Forest Amusement Park. At the outside of the amusement park, you can see the temporary station. A train of steam locomotive came into the station accidentally, and a pile of smoke came out of the locomotive. It"s a rare old locomotive.   As we walked, the entrance of the footpath appeared in front of us unconsciously. When we arrived at the Plum Garden in advance, we could see the most striking plum trees beside the footpath. At that time, in the formal winter, the plum blossoms were also very conspicuous. Later, many towering divine trees appeared in front of us and disappeared behind us. These trees have a history of more than 1000 years, including giant red cypress trees, which are very precious!   Then a lake appeared in front of us. There were wooden pavilions in the lake, which made us think it was an excellent place to drink afternoon tea. We had a rest there. There were trees all around, and we could only see the changes of the sky and clouds. Time passed quickly. It was twelve o"clock. Before long, the fog became thicker and thicker, and we continued to move forward. A space suddenly appeared in front of me. It turned out to be the Shenmu Station. I heard that there was another Shenmu on the railway before. It was really terrible.   When you come to Yunwu Mountain, don"t forget something very important. It is also one of the beautiful scenery of Yunwu Mountain - the sea of clouds. I don"t know why the clouds look like the sea on the mountain, but they are blossoming on the mountain. Before leaving, we took a photo with Yunhai. After that, we said goodbye to Yunwu Mountain. This time, I don"t know that there has been great development, but also let me feel close to nature, which is a good way to learn. I also love nature more. 3.寒假游记英语作文   When the winter vacation came, my father promised me that my trip to Hainan would come true. This trip has always been my expectation.   On the afternoon of the 19th, my father took my family to Hainan. The blue sky and white clouds were really strange. Why did the plane fly in the sky? Dad said you will understand when you grow up and learn more knowledge.   In the evening, we arrived at the Phoenix Airport in Hainan. The weather in Shanghai is winter, just like summer. I am sweating all over because of the heat. The next journey is not something we children can worry about. My father waved his hand and made the whole arrangement.   We stayed in Yalong Bay that day, which is also the base where we stayed at night. The evening in Yalong Bay is beautiful. Our hotel is MGM. From my room, I can see the hotel garden below, the lights, the bright swimming pool and the sea in the distance. I don"t know what to say about the scenery.   The next morning, my father let us play on the beach of the hotel, looking at the blue sea, Mommy"s smile, my sister"s smile and Grandma"s peaceful figure. My sister stepped on the beach barefoot in the sea, which was very cool. The water temperature here was very comfortable. I saw many people swimming in the distance.   On the third day, my father took us to the ends of the world. I didn"t know that there were so many famous stones and stories in them, but I felt dizzy. Just like my sister"s tail.   In the next few days, I was too thin to adapt to the hot and erratic weather. Although I hated the climate here, it was extremely hot, but its sea breeze, palm trees, coconut trees, sea waves and many tourists, as well as foreign friends of all colors all over the country, well, I really "like it.   Hainan is a good place for those who don"t like to wear thick clothes and like water sports in winter. I also like it. Mom said she would come back next time when she was free. 4.寒假游记英语作文   I went to Guizhou this winter vacation and played an interesting Tusi Town in Zunyi City. Tusi Town is not a city selling bread, but a village head. This city is a castle built by the Tusi for his own village. It is the most complete ancient military castle in China so far.   Entering the Tusi City, we walked along the steps all the way. My mother told me: "There are nine checkpoints in the castle"s defense, as well as a new palace site. There are more than 8000 steps up to the last checkpoint." I was shocked. My God, can I climb to the last level? The nine passes we want to pass are Tongzhu Pass, Tiezhu Pass, Feihu Pass, Feilong Pass, Feifeng Pass, Chaotian Pass, Wan"an Pass, Xiguan Pass and Houguan Pass. I climbed all the way to cheer myself up. Although I was very tired, I didn"t give up and continued to move forward. I like Feihu Pass best because it has 36 steps, which are built for brave people. Each step is about one meter long, and the slope is large. The span between steps is about 80cm high. Fortunately, there are stone steps on both sides that can be used as handrails, otherwise I will roll down. The site of the new palace in the castle has bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, backyard and libraries. There are also water pumping toilets, which can imagine how luxurious the Tusi Palace was at that time. Finally, I reached the last checkpoint and climbed to the top of the mountain. Looking around, there are green trees, winding roads, and rolling hills. 5.寒假游记英语作文   This winter vacation, my parents took my brother and I to Beijing for a visit. The most beautiful scenery is the Summer Palace.   When we walked into the Summer Palace, the first thing we saw was the Wenchang Palace. The Wenchang Palace is really big, and there are countless collections in it. The most striking thing is the concave and convex vase. There are red and yellow patterns on the vase. It looks like a gem or something else. The color is shiny, beautiful like cherry blossoms and bright like stars. At the end of the room, there is a boat. The boat is very small, but the workmanship is very fine. There are many people and things on the boat, which is only one centimeter long.   After walking out of Wenchang Yard for about ten minutes, I saw the Seventeen Arch Bridge. There was a big pavilion beside the bridge. There are hundreds of stone columns on the railing, all carved with little lions. I counted the holes under the bridge. There were really seventeen bridge holes.   The Long Corridor is the most famous of the Summer Palace. Looking at the pictures on the bars and eating lollipops along the way, I felt satisfied. If you have been to the corridor, I would like to ask you a question. Is the corridor straight all the way? You may think it should be, but I tell you that the corridor is built according to mountain roads. You think it is because the corridor has a roof, and you have been looking at the scenery on both sides without paying attention.   The Summer Palace is full of beautiful sceneries, which I can"t say for sure. I hope you have the opportunity to visit it carefully! 6.寒假游记英语作文   Today is New Year"s Day. My father and mother took me to Changzhou Dinosaur Park to play. Along the way, I saw green farmland, vast fields, and golden rape flowers. From a distance, they looked like pieces of green carpets embroidered with small flowers!   The birds chirped on the branches as if they were welcoming the arrival of Spring Girl.   We came to Changzhou Dinosaur Park and got off the bus. A huge T-Rex appeared in front of me. My father and mother took me to play through the Jurassic for a long time, and finally it was our turn. I jumped three feet high excitedly. We put on raincoats, took a boat, and put on our seat belts. The boat slowly moved forward. My heart was nervous and excited, and my hands firmly grasped the handrails. When I entered the cave, it was dark. First, I heard the cries of dinosaurs. After a while, I saw dark light. The big dinosaur rushed towards us, and the small dinosaur shouted at us. I saw a small dinosaur coming out of its shell. The boat continued to drive and took us to the volcano. I saw a stream of magma rising up from the top of the mountain and spraying towards the earth. At last, our boat went up one step at a time. When we got to the top of the mountain, I closed my eyes and felt that I and the boat were falling down. A stream of water rushed towards us and made my clothes wet. The boat finally moved forward smoothly. After getting off the boat, we came to watch the stereoscopic movie with a sense of immersive experience, and then played the summer sledge, forest climbing, etc.   Today is really a day of tension, fear, excitement and excitement. 7.寒假游记英语作文   In winter vacation, I went to Guangzhou Chen Ancestral Temple with my father and mother. There are many handicrafts in the Chen Family Ancestral Hall, among which I like the "Nine storey Flower Boat" most.   The "Nine story Flower Boat" is an ivory carving, a nine story ship, which is lifelike. The bow is a big dragon head, with two huge sharp teeth exposed; The beard is very long and fluttering backward; The dragon horn is thick and strong, with a circle in the middle and a circle in the back, just like a huge wave; The feather looks very soft, a little bit.   The ship was very large, with three buildings standing on it. Each square window of the building has six copper coin shaped windows, and each round window has a dragon on it. There are many exquisite people in the building. Some are dancing, some are dressing, some are walking, some are serving food, and some are feasting. There is a small bridge between every two buildings, which is crowded with people. There are some bells on the roof of each building, shaking with the wind. The middle building has nine floors! There is also a handsome dragon carved on it. The dragon is covered with scales and its claws are extremely sharp. Some people were having a party on the deck. There was a lot of food on the table. Many people were singing and dancing. It was very lively.   The stern is a bifurcated phoenix tail, and its feathers are not long or short, a little thick. Two feathers are very, very long, and the last one looks like a blooming flower.   After watching such a delicate boat, I thought: The craftsman carving this boat is really superb, and his skill is extraordinary! It"s amazing to be able to carve so many small and various people and so lifelike boats! 8.寒假游记英语作文   The happy winter vacation started. Because I did well in the final exam, my father rewarded me with a trip, so we decided to go to the sea! I really experienced the feeling of watching the sea.   This is exactly the local scenery of Heshuo area. We came from afar, climbed to the top of Jieshi Mountain, looked at the sea from the east, and had a broad view of the sea.   In this vast sea, the first thing that comes into view is the towering mountain island, which makes the sea seem magical and spectacular. The reef islands standing on the shore are undulating. Although the autumn wind is bleak and the vegetation is falling, the trees on the reef islands are luxuriant and the grass is abundant. The clumps of vegetation are swaying in the autumn wind. Calm down and take a closer look. The sea surface in the autumn wind is surging. The vast sea is connected wit
2023-06-20 18:45:161


超生的解释(1) [reincarnation]∶佛教指人死后 灵魂 投生 为人 (2) [absolve]∶ 开脱 笔下超生 (3) [spare sb. with lenience]∶ 宽容 详细解释 (1).谓逾越 物质 生命 的界限, 超然 物外。 《关尹子·四符》 :“能见 精神 而久生;能忘精神而超生。”后道教即用以指得道成仙。 《四游记·湘子设筵和好》 :“ 铁拐 正色谓 洞宾 曰:‘……若非 钟友 劝留,奏汝天庭,永堕尘凡,不得超生矣!"” (2).佛教以为人死之后,灵魂可以再投生为人,称“超生”。 《 * 词话》 第二八回:“叫贼 * 阴山背后永世不得超生。” 《官场现形记》 第一回:“受了官刑的人,就是死了做了鬼,是 一辈 子不会超生的。” 丁玲 《太阳照在桑干河上》 二一:“ 侯殿魁 把他找了去,说:‘咱们还是叔伯叔侄,咱哥哥做的事,也就算了,让亡灵超生吧。"” (3). 比喻 宽容或开脱。 《二刻拍案惊奇》 卷十八:“今 老爷 所言分明如见, 小人 不敢 隐瞒一句。只望老爷超生。” 《红楼梦》 第七一回:“我们的性命,都在 姐姐 身上,只求姐姐超生我们罢了!” (4).超过生育计划规定,多出生人口。如:这个县今年超生二百多人。 词语分解 超的解释 超 ā 越过,高出:超越。高超。超出。超额。超龄。超等。超载。超重。超支。 跳上,跨过:“挟泰山以超北海”。 在 一定 范围以外:超 自然 。超音速。超导现象。 遥远 :超遥。超忽。 怅惘 的样子:“武侯超然不对 生的解释 生 ē 一切可以发育的物体在一定条件下具有了最初的体积和重量,并能发展长大: 诞生 。滋生。生长。 造出:生产。 活的,有 活力 的:生存。生命。生物。生机。 出生入死 。舍生取义。 有生命的 东西 的简称: 众生 。
2023-06-20 18:45:171


最好找专业的翻译公司,再说20分翻译一个单词的辛苦费都不够。以下内容摘自《北京市餐饮业菜单英文译法》(讨论稿)部分中国菜的英文译名。主食、小吃类部分:(1)X.O.炒萝卜糕Turnip Cake with XO Sauce(2)八宝饭Eight Treasure Rice(3)白粥Plain Rice Porridge(4)XO酱海鲜蛋炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO Sauce(5)鲍鱼丝金菇焖伊面Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone(6)鲍汁海鲜烩饭Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce(7)鲍汁海鲜面Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce(8)北京炒肝Stir-fried Liver Beijing Style(9)北京鸡汤馄饨Wonton in Chicken Soup(10)北京炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste(11)碧绿鲜虾肠粉Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables(12)冰糖银耳炖雪梨Stewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus(13)菜脯叉烧肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables(14)菜盒子Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable(15)菜肉大馄饨Pork and Vegetable Wonton(16)菜肉饺子Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable(17)参吧素菜卷Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits(18)草菇牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef(19)叉烧包Barbecued Pork Bun(20)叉烧焗餐包Barbecued Pork Dumpling(21)叉烧酥Cake with Barbecued Pork(22)炒河粉Sauteed Rice Noodles(23)炒面Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables(24)陈皮红豆沙Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel(25)豉油蒸肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce(26)豉汁蒸凤爪Steamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce(27)豉汁蒸排骨Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce(28)春菇烧麦Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom(30)葱油拌面Mixed Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Saucewww(31)葱油饼Fried Chive Cake(32)葱油煎饼Pancake with Scallions(33)脆皮春卷Crispy Spring Roll(34)脆炸芋头糕Taro Cake with Preserved Pork(35)担担面Sichuan Flavor Noodle(36)蛋煎韭菜盒Deep-Fried Shrimps and Chive Dumplings(37)冬菜牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables(38)冻马蹄糕Water Chestnut Jelly Cake(39)豆浆Soybean Milk(40)豆沙包Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste(41)豆沙锅饼Pan-fried Red Bean Paste Pancake(42)豆沙粽子Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Red Bean Paste Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves(43)翡翠培根炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Bacon and Mixed Vegetables(44)翡翠烧麦Steamed Vegetable Dumplings(45)翡翠水饺Spinach and Meat Dumpling(46)蜂巢炸芋头Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings(47)蜂蜜龟苓糕Chilled Herbal Jelly Served with Honey(48)凤城煎鱼脯Fried Fish and Egg(49)干炒牛河Dry-fried Rice Noodle and Sliced Beef(50)高汤鸡丝面Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup蔬菜类部分:(1)XO酱炒海茸百合Sauteed Lily and Green Vegetable in XO Sauce(2)百合炒南瓜Sauteed Pumpkin with Lily(3)板栗白菜Sauteed Chinese Cabbage with Chestnuts(4)白灼时蔬Boiled Seasonal Vegetables(5)炒芥兰Sauteed Kale(6)炒生菜Sauteed Lettuce(7)炒时蔬Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables(8)豉汁凉瓜皮Sauteed Bitter Gourd Peel in Black Bean Sauce(9)葱香荷兰豆Sauteed Snow Beans with Scallion(10)翠豆玉米粒Sauteed Green Peas and Corn(11)冬菇扒菜心Braised Vegetables with Black Mushroom(12)豆豉鲮鱼油麦菜Sauteed Vegetable with Diced Fish and Black Bean Sauce(13)干贝扒芦笋Braised Asparagus with Scallops(14)干煸苦瓜Sauteed Bitter Gourd(15)海茸墨鱼花Sauteed Diced Squid and Green Vegetables(16)蚝皇扒双蔬Braised Seasonal Vegetables in Oyster Sauce(17)蚝油扒时蔬Braised Vegetables in Oyster Sauce(18)蚝油生菜Sauteed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce(19)红烧毛芋头Braised Taro in Soy Sauce(20)红枣蒸南瓜Steamed Pumpkin with Red Chinese Dates(21)猴头蘑扒菜心Braised Vegetable with Mushrooms(22)虎皮尖椒Sauteed Green Chili Pepper(23)琥珀香芹炒藕粒Sauteed Diced Lotus Root with Celery and Walnuts(24)黄耳浸白玉条Simmered Winter Melon with Yellow Fungus(25)黄金玉米Sauteed Sweet Corn with Salty Egg Yolk(26)火腿炒蚕豆Sauteed Broad Beans with Ham(27)鸡汤竹笙浸时蔬Sauteed Bamboo Shoots(28)姜汁炒时蔬Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables in Ginger(29)椒盐茄子丁Deep Fried Diced Eggplant with Spicy Salt(30)辣椒炝时蔬Sauteed Vegetables with Chili Pepper中国酒部分:(1)8年香雕绍兴酒Xiang Diao Shao Xing (8 Years)(2)陈年彩坛花雕Cai Tan Hua Diao(3)5年香雕绍兴酒Xiang Diao Shao Xing (5 Years)(4)绍兴花雕10年Shao Xing Hua Diao (10 Years)(5)绍兴花雕20年Shao Xing Hua Diao (20 Years)(6)绍兴花雕及清酒Shao Xing Hua Diao & Sake(7)三十年花雕Hua Diao Shao Xing (30 Years)(8)绍兴加饭Shao Xing Jia Fan(9)女儿红12年Nu"er Hong (12 Years)(10)女儿红18年Nu"er Hong (18 Years)(11)古越龙山Gu Yue Long Shan白酒类:(12)北京醇Bei Jing Chun(13)二锅头Er Guo Tou(Superior500ml 56°)(14)精装二锅头 52度Hong Xing Er Guo Tou(500ml 52°)(15)古钟二锅头Gu Zhong Er Guo Tou(500ml 46°)(16)蓝花珍品二锅头Lan Hua Zhen Pin Er Guo Tou(17)红星珍品二锅头(500毫升52度)Red Star Zhenpin Er Guo Tou(500ml 52°)(18)牛栏山经典二锅头(500毫升52度)Niulanshan Brand Jingdian Erguotou (500ml 52°)(19)青瓷珍品二锅头Qing Ci Zheng Pin Er Guo Tou(500ml 46°)(20)京酒 38度Jing Jiu(500ml 38°)(21)三品京酒(500毫升38度)San Pin Jing Jiu (500ml 38°)(22)三品京酒(500毫升52度)San Pin Jing Jiu (500ml 52°)(23)酒鬼 38度Jiu Gui(500ml 38°)(24)酒鬼 52度Jiu Gui(500ml 52°)(25)小酒鬼(250ml)Xiao Jiu Gui(250ml 38°)(26)国酿(贵州茅台系列)Guo Niang (Mao Tai Liquor Series)(27)茅台 38度Mao Tai(500ml 38°)(28)茅台 53度Mao Tai(500ml 53°)(29)茅台(三十年)Mao Tai (30 years)(30)茅台(十五年)Mao Tai (15 years)猪肉类部分:(1)白菜豆腐焖酥肉Braised Sliced Pork with Bean Curd and Chinese Cabbage(2)鲍鱼红烧肉Braised Pork with Small Abalone(3)鲍汁扣东坡肉Braised Pork with Abalone Sauce(4)百页结烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sliced Beancurd with Brown Sauce(5)碧绿叉烧肥肠Steamed Rice Rolls with Barbecued Pork Intestine and Vegetables(6)潮式椒酱肉Fried Pork with Chili Sauce Chaozhou Style(7)潮式凉瓜排骨Spareribs with Bitter Gourd Chaozhou Style(8)豉油皇咸肉Steamed Pork with Soy Sauce(9)川味小炒Sautéed Shredded Pork(Carrots,Bamboo and Mushrooms) with Hot Sauce(10)地瓜烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potato(11)东坡方肉Braised Dongpo Pork(12)冬菜扣肉Braised Sliced Pork with Preserved Vegetables in Casserole(13)方竹笋炖肉Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots(14)干煸小猪腰Fried Pig"s Kidney with Onion(15)干豆角回锅肉Sauteed Spicy Pork with Dry Bean(16)干锅排骨鸡Braised Sparerib and Chicken in Clay Pot(17)咕噜肉Stewed Sweet and Sour Pork(18)怪味猪手Braised Spicy Trotters(19)黑椒焗猪手Fried Trotters with Black Pepper(20)红烧狮子头Stewed Meatball with Brown Sauce(21)脆皮乳猪Crispy Suckling Pigs(22)回锅肉片Sauteed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chilli(23)火爆腰花Stir-Fried Pork Kidney(24)煎猪柳Pan-Fried Pork Fillet(25)酱烧骨Braised Spare Ribs with Spicy Sauce(26)酱猪手Braised Trotters with Soy Bean Paste(27)椒盐肉排Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt(28)椒盐炸排条Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt(29)金瓜东坡肉Braised Pork with Melon(30)金元鲍红烧肉Braised Pork with Small Abalone(31)京酱肉丝Sauteed Shredded Pork with Sweet-Bean Sauce
2023-06-20 18:45:181


魔兽的加钱秘籍意思是 贪心是很好的
2023-06-20 18:45:194


If I Can"t Have you Adamlambert (撕心裂肺的抒情,没有你我将怎样) I Want To Know What Love Is Mariah Carey (M.C带给你原汁原味的80年代经典歌曲) When You Say Nothing At All Boyzone (男孩地带组合经典传唱度极高之作) Angel Cry Mariah Carey (玛丽亚凯莉带你聆听天使的哭泣) Seven Seas Baybyface (蓝调之父BABYFACE带你坐在窗户边漫游七大海洋) Won"t Go Home Without You Maroon5 (魔力红乐队灵魂摇滚震撼心灵) Beautiful Liar Beyonce & Shakira (两大天后带你感受中东异域风情) What goes around comes around Justin Timberlake (贾斯汀诠释欧美最主流的嘻哈曲风) Be Strong Delta Goodrem (澳大利亚才女黛儿塔励志之作) The Apl Song Black Eyed Beans (黑眼豆豆蓝调忧郁之曲) ========================================================
2023-06-20 18:45:2514


2023-06-20 18:45:2513


2023-06-20 18:45:363


DaiWei small edible fungusLeek mix mintCold TongHaoRaw mix mushroomHand bamboo shoots offHalogen geese"s feet, goose wingGold medal and gooseChicken flavorSecret makes barbecued porkCrispy barbecued porkBubble pepper westernLuJi wingFried three spell (cashew, hot, dry stone fish)Fried grasshoppersBrittle PiSong board meatCrisp duck intestinesFried LiangFenPropeller cured-dry duckSteamed fish headYam buckle hamBait piece of steaming the baconChop bell pepper baby foodSlope of elbow sonEvaporate stinky tofuFire clip potatoFire clip wax gourdBuckle lily7 colour evaporate lotus root clipWax gourd stewed pork spareribsBrine potatoA worker HuiFan beans for cornJiangchuan miscellaneous pot foodQujing hodgepodgeSweet potato stewed pork spareribsSweet tomato pot ribsFry same tasty dishBraise in soy sauce fatty intestineBubble pepper beefSour soup beefStarch with minced meatBeans drum Fried baconBoiling 23Sour soup Beijing needle 23Sour pickled cabbage hair bellyBraised cattle"s hoofGreen pepper sprinkle chickenTea mushroom little spicy chickenOil drench chickenWuchang fish tailSpicy beefFlavor GanBa thickFlavor goose meatShiBing tofu chickenHand grasp garlic mushroomsBeijing Fried yellow bean curdThree colors whichCucumber burgerCorn kernelsJiangDou gentlySands potatoHand tore cabbageWhite spoon vegetablesWhite spoon kaleChinese wolfberry baby foodSuanNi baby foodSoup fabaceous seedlingFry asparagusFlavor yellow bean curdBorn like small melonEggplant Fried potato silkBeauty is cool green pepperChoose spring onion article hamPeasant wool blood popularThe festival beefCalculate 羓 foodPot dry tea mushroomSizzling Japan tofuSizzling carp
2023-06-20 18:45:392


Beautiful fresh shredded pork, osmanthus yam, golden pastry, steamed chicken with mushroom, fried soybean pellet, fruit cheese, Shredded radish with fresh shrimp soup, XO Sauced eggplant, fried dough pellet
2023-06-20 18:45:474


没有。在中国内地 creed没有专柜,它并没有正式进入中国市场,所以国内是找不到专柜的,不仅国内没有,世界大部分地方都没有,而目前想要购买它的产品最好的办法是到它的官网,但它只有英国和美国官网,国内可以选择代购。creed是世界上最有历史的香水品牌,1760年的时候就成立了,它是英国皇家专用的香水品牌,而且在欧美极为流行,一般是明星、政要人士使用的,使用了非常顶级的香料,并且采用深奥的配方。
2023-06-20 18:45:571

tune 和 adjust 区别

tune n. 歌曲,旋律,心情v. 调节,和谐( 更强调一种细腻的情感吧,心灵上的)Guitar plays in tune with piano.吉他与钢琴合奏很协调。Again, one can tune into nature and listen.再次地,你能调谐入自然界并聆听。Use this tab to fine tune your performance.使用此选项卡来对性能进行微调。adjust v. 调整,使...适于 (通用的调整)How to adjust mood and mood?怎么样调节情绪和心情?Can you adjust your time to the office?你能调整一下去办公室的时间吗?
2023-06-20 18:46:011

高潮歌词中有you know i will be fine男声唱的是什么歌,声音很好听,开头很舒

歌手:Miss Montreal专辑:I am hunterMiss Montreal - I Know I Will Be FineI know I will be fine this year.I"ve lost all my senses and all my tears.I traded it for something new.Something without you.I know I will be fine this year.We gave it a little too much too soon,And now there"s nothing that I fear.So here"s a whole new tune.It"s you.It"s you.All I know is that it"s something new.I came this far with all I knew.All I knew.I know I will be fine this year.The seasons have changed, but I"m still here.I"m stronger than I"ve ever been.The pain, the loss I felt within.It"s you.It"s you.All I know is that it"s something new.I came this far with all I knew.It"s you.It"s you.And all I know is that it"s something new.I came this far with all I knew.I know I will be fine this year.We gave it a little too much too soon.The seasons changed, but I"m still here.I came this far with all I knew.It"s you.It"s you.It"s you.I"m stronger than before.I know I will be fine this year.
2023-06-20 18:44:411


thousand pieces of slice meatslice meat with bean curd
2023-06-20 18:44:412

absolve from和absolve of 的区别是什么?

2023-06-20 18:44:341


2023-06-20 18:44:341


中国的菜很讲究名字,什么“满汉全席,带子上朝,诗礼银杏,宫门献鱼”太多了,都有很好听,很有意义的名字。但这些名字翻译成英文,又有什么效果啊,我的感觉是没有了汉语的那种意境了。1)水煮肉片 fish fillets sichuan style2)家常豆腐 home style bean curd3)青椒肉丝 sliced pork with green pepper4)蛋花汤 egg drop soup5)番茄炒蛋 scrambled eggs with tomato6)糖醋排骨 pork chop with sweet and sour sauce7)鱼香肉丝 pork shreds with fishy flavour8)盖浇饭 rice served with meat and vegetables9)炒饭 fried rice10)肉包 meat stuffed buns一般说来,外国人是不吃动物内脏的Slices of the liver point 溜肝尖roast Peking duck 北京烤鸭drunken chichen (cold) 太白醉鸡sauteed prawns in dry red chilli 鱼香大虾球"Sichuan" shrimps 四川虾仁sauteed scallops "Sichuan" style 川汁爆带子scallops in brown sause 酱爆带子braised sea cucumber with minced meat 肉末烧海参imperial honey ham 蜜汁火方sliced pork with garlic sause 蒜泥白肉stirfried sliced boiled pork 回锅肉deepfried bamboo shoots and valnuts 干烧二松桃仁egglant and minced pork in dry red chilli sause 鱼香茄子"Ma por" beancurd 麻婆豆腐sauteed chicken in hot peppers 大千炒鸡球diced chicken with green pepper 椒子鸡丁参考资料:翻译的可能不太准,抱歉
2023-06-20 18:44:273


你说外国人知道这些菜吗?如果不知道 哪里有什么英语怎么说?你叫什么他们就叫什么 Mao Tofu Laba Tofu Bazhen Tofu
2023-06-20 18:44:183


宽赦的解释[pardon;excuse;absolve] 宽大赦免; 宽宥 宽赦坦白认罪的犯人 详细解释 宽大赦免。 《史记·淮南衡山列传》 :“及 孝文帝 初即位, 淮南王 自以为最亲,骄蹇,数不奉法。上以亲故,常宽赦之。” 唐 韩愈 《县斋有怀》 诗:“投荒诚职分,领邑幸宽赦。” 《东周列国志》 第二回:“今已悔悟自新,愿父王宽赦!” 太平天囯 洪秀全 《严禁违犯第七天条诏》 :“如有犯第七天条者,一经查出,立即严拿 斩首 示众,决无宽赦。” 词语分解 宽的解释 宽 (宽) ā 横的距离大,范围广,与“窄” 相对 : 宽广 。 宽阔 。宽绰。 宽敞 。宽度。宽旷。宽窄。 使松缓:宽心。 宽衣 。宽解。宽慰。 不 严厉 ,不苛求:宽待。宽宏。 宽厚 。宽松。 宽容 。 宽恕 。宽仁。宽赦。 富裕: 赦的解释 赦 è 免除和减轻刑罚:赦书。赦令。赦免。赦恕。大赦。特赦。十恶不赦。罪在不赦。 部首 :赤。
2023-06-20 18:44:181


七宗罪(the seven deadly sins):傲慢 (Pride),嫉妒(Envy),暴怒(Wrath),懒惰(Sloth),贪婪(Greed),饕餮(Gluttony),以及贪欲(Lust)
2023-06-20 18:44:134


关于食物的单词鲈鱼Bass 黄花鱼Corvina 奶鱼Milkfish 鲤鱼Mullet 箭鱼Halibut 鱆鱼Octopus 乌贼Squid 墨鱼cuttlefish 虾Prawn 大虾clams 基围虾Shrimps 螃蟹Dressed squid小螺肉Tiger Prawns白萝卜Daikon 胡萝卜Carrot 大白菜Tomato 菠菜Spinach 卷心菜Cabbage 马铃薯Potato 玉米Sweet corn 洋葱Onion 大蒜Garlic 韭菜Leeks 辣椒Chilly 黄瓜Cucumber 生菜Lettuce 苦瓜Bitter melon桃子peach 梨子Pear 香蕉avocado 李子plum 杏子apricot 橘子tangerine 木瓜papaya 椰子coconut 草莓Strawberry 菠萝pineapple 杨桃Star fruit 西瓜watermelon 柚子grapefruit 葡萄grape 甘蔗sugar cane 芒果mango 香蕉Banana 樱桃Cherry 栗子Chestnut 水蜜桃Honey peach 荔枝litchi chinensis花生peanut 炸马铃薯片potato chips 薄烤饼corn chips pancake 炸薯条french fries 果酱jam 果汁juice 果冻jello巧克力chocolate 三明治sandwich 汉堡hamburger 米饭rice 可乐coke 奶茶milk tea 火腿ham 面条noodles土司toast 肉包子meat bun 肉meat 猪肉pork 蔬菜vegetable 西红柿tomato 土豆potato 洋葱onion 比萨饼pizza 咖啡coffee 热狗hot dog 香肠sausages圆筒冰淇淋ice cream cone
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“Seven”在宗教上是个神秘的数字,上帝用七天造亚当,取出亚当的第七根肋骨造了夏娃。撒旦的原身是有七个头的火龙,同时共有七名堕落天使被称为撒旦,所以基督教用撒旦的七个恶魔的形象来代表七种罪恶(七宗罪,the seven deadlysins):饕餮(Gluttony)、贪婪(Greed)、懒惰(Sloth)、淫欲(Lust)、嫉妒(Envy)、暴怒(Wrath)、傲慢(Pride) 傲慢之罪为路西华(Lucifer),贪欲为玛蒙(Mammon),好色为阿斯蒙蒂斯(Asmodeus),愤怒为撒旦(Satan),暴食为贝鲁赛巴布(Beelzebul),懒惰为贝利亚(Berial),而利卫旦(Leviathan)为嫉妒之罪。(对于七原罪所指的人物说法不一,以上只是其中的一种。) 一、骄傲(Pride) 经文:箴十六 18;十六 5;廿九 23 第一项是骄傲,它几乎是所有其他罪恶之前首先形成的一种心理和道德状态。所有的罪都是「不同形式的自私」,而骄傲就主要地带著过分的自高,自我陶醉於优越感中。上帝所憎恶的骄傲并不是自尊,也不是适度的个人尊严,而是「自以为是」的态度,这种傲慢的态度令上帝和人都感到可憎(诗一零一 5)。骄傲可能有各种不同的形再但都是从人类狂妄自大的心中发出来的,其中包括了形貌、种族、事业、社会地位等,甚至连宗教事务或灵性方面也有。 二、愤怒(Wrath) 经文:诗卅七 8;太五 22;箴十六 32 愤怒是人的一种最糟的罪,每一个人都可能会犯这一项罪。小婴孩会大发脾气而损失掉一屿沪鼓哄F小孩子突然发脾气弄到一家不宁;太太发脾气会引起头痛病;丈夫发脾气会失掉胃口。家中的每一份子会受到愤怒的害处,并且无一幸免。总括来说愤怒使人心中生出怨恨,使家庭不和,使社会纷扰,使国家混乱。 当然,有一种愤怒是上帝所嘉釭满A这就是我们必须对周围的腐化和不道德的罪发出正义的愤慨。 如何克服这项罪呢?第一,我们必须先去除怒火带来破坏性倾向和毁灭罪人的意志,认识到「不完美确实在经验世界存在」,并且也明白在上帝的眼中你的眼中都所有人都是罪人。第二步,我们必须对上帝承认这怒火的罪恶,并恳求他赦免我们的怒火和坏脾气的罪,引导自己和别人活在一互爱和公义的社会。 三、妒忌(Envy) 经文:伯五 2;箴十四 30 妒忌可以毁坏名誉、分裂教会,甚至引起杀机。它可以缩小我们的朋友圈子,毁掉我们的事业和妨碍我们的属灵长进,它甚至可以杀害一个人。切记:「在何处有嫉妒分争,就在何处有扰乱,和各样的坏事。」 四、不贞洁(Lust) 经文:箴六 32-33 不贞洁的罪在开始时似乎并不很丑毒,它以美好、匀称和令人喜欢的伪装姿态出现,一点也不令人反感,甚至有人歌颂「只在乎曾经拥有」的无束缚、无责任感的性关系,其实撒但就是喜欢扮成光明的天使,让最刚犟的人也失足跌倒。不贞洁是罪恶中最可憎恶的一种,因为它扭曲了上帝给人的一种宝贵恩赐--人性的爱,而把它拖落到兽性的水准。它把一种忍耐、关怀、互补的高贵「爱恿降低到只是追求个人的肉体或精神的享乐行为。 五、贪食(Gluttony) 经文:路十二 18-19;申八 3 贪食是七项致命的罪恶之一,初期教会的领袖们把它与骄傲、妒忌和不贞洁并列一起,这是一项我们大多数人都会犯的罪,但却甚少人提及它。为甚么我们说贪食是一个罪呢?因为它是物质主义的表现,它讥笑正义的节制,嘲侮自制和端庄,它高叫「吃呀!喝呀!快乐呀!因为我们明天要死了」,它不留位置给神,也绝不想到永恒。贪食的人浪费精神在短暂的肉体满足,身体机能也较正常饮食的人差(如心脏病、糖尿病、过胖等)。「贪食」在今天也可以泛指不良的饮食习惯,包括抽烟、醉酒、吸毒等等;也可指世俗的「享乐主义、消费主义、幸苦得来只在食」等观念。 六、懒惰(Sloth) 经文:箴十九 15;廿一 25 懒惰的定义是「不高兴动或劳动,怠慢,闲散和没精打彩」,用神学上的说法,懒惰不单是指灵性方面的懒散,也包括我们在实践基督教教义时的冷淡和不够积极。懒惰是机会的毁坏者,在耶稣所举有关十个童女的比喻中,其中的五个童女并不是不道德、欺骗或撒谎,而祇是懒惰。现代的观念是:找藉口逃避责任,没有尽心尽力去做份内之事。 七、贪婪(Greed) 经文:提前六 10;可八 36 贪婪可以说比所有其他的罪孕育更多的邪恶,钗h人在贪念的驱使下而去抢劫、谋杀等便是最好的例子,贪欲也是在伊甸园中最先萌芽的恶毒罪恶之一,圣经中另外也有不少贪婪的例子,如:巴兰、犹大等。贪婪本质上是一种「拥有」或「支配」的冲动,是浪费精力夺取更多自己可以享受的物质或名誉或权力或对别人的支配能力,而忘记施比受更为有福,忘记赏赐的是神,收取的也是
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中国菜 Chinese Dishes1.北京烤鸭 roast Beijing duck 2.辣子鸡丁 saute diced chicken with hot peppers 3.宫爆鸡丁 saute diced chicken with peanuts4.红烧鲤鱼 braised common carp5.茄汁虾仁 saute fish slices with bamboo shoots6.涮羊肉 instant boiled sliced mutton7.糖醋里脊 pork fillets with sweet&sour sauce8.炒木须肉 saute shredded pork with eggs&black fungus9.榨菜肉丝汤 pork with Sichuan cabbage soup10.生炒肚片 saute fish maw slices11.回锅肉 saute pork in hot sauce12.糖醋排骨 saute chops with sweet&sour sauce13.家常豆腐 fride beancurd with sliced pork&pepper14.醋溜白菜 saute cabbage&pepper in sweet&sour sauce15.鱼香茄子 saute eggplant with fish flavor16.麻婆豆腐 stwed beancurd with minced pork in pepper sauce17.韭菜炒蛋 saute leek sprouts&eggsⅡ.面食与糕点 Chinese Pastry&Cooked Wheaten Food1.肉/鸡丝汤面 noodles in soup with pork/chicken2.担担面 noodles with sesame paste&pea sprouts3.龙须面 saute fine noodles with shredded chicken4.炒米线 saute rice noodles with green bean sprouts5.杂酱面 soy beans in minced meat&noodles6.酸辣汤面 noodles in sour pungent soup7.排骨面 soup noodles with pork rib8.阳春面 noodles in superior soup9.凉拌面 cool braised noodles10.肉包 steamed meat dumpling11.豆沙包 bean paste dumpling12.水晶包 stuffde bread with lard&sugar13.叉烧包 stuffed bread with roast pork14.水煎包 lightly fried Chinese bread15.花卷 twist16.小笼包 steamed small meat dumpling in basket17.馄饨 ravioli;hun-tun18.大饼 bannock19.油条 twistde cruller20.豆腐脑 beancurd jelly21.茶叶蛋 egg boiled with salt&tea22.八宝饭 steamed glutinous rice with eight treasures23.葱油饼 green onion pie24.黄桥烧饼 crisp short cakes25.月饼 moon cake26.酒酿 sweet ferment rice27.麻花 fried
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为什么钢炼里的GREED会被打死 人造人不是不死的吗?

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清明节是中国传统的节日,很多古代诗人有许多描述清明节的作品,以下是其中几首的英文翻译:1.《清明》(唐代杜牧)清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。At the Pure Brightness Festival, drizzly rain falls ceaselessly.Grief-stricken on my journey, I feel more than ever alone, alas.I ask of a shepherd boy at the end of the road ahead,He points to a village far away, hidden away from this lonely world.2.《清明日宴从弟大方》(唐代张籍)万事静观皆自得,四时佳节又逢君。明年清明重游此,人间千载只如昨。Peace envelops everything that is pleasing, and I have peace from every view.In every season"s festive holiday, You are the best to share it through.Next year I will be back on this festival"s morn,Each passing day of the human world is as the past and forever gone.3.《清明寄怀卢景文》(唐代杜甫)清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指杏花村。笛里已闻春光尽,角声犹奏夜深时。却疑此中是世界,落月明明照眼底。At the Pure Brightness Festival, drizzly rain falls ceaselessly.Grief-stricken on my journey, I feel more than ever alone, alas.I ask of a shepherd boy at the end of the road ahead,He points to a village far away, hidden away from this lonely world.The flute tune is echoing, the parting of spring is near,The horn music is waning, the deep night is here.And yet I feel, as I stand alone just here,That this light that falls from the half-moon is lighting up the sincerity of my tears.
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赦免的单词 赦免的单词是什么

赦免的单词有:absolve,spared,indulgency,spare,pardon。 赦免的单词有:pardon,indulgency,spared,absolve,remission。 注音是:ㄕㄜ_ㄇ一ㄢˇ。 拼音是:shè miǎn。 结构是:赦(左右结构)免(上下结构)。 词性是:动词。赦免的具体解释是什么呢,我们通过以下几个方面为您介绍:一、词语解释【点此查看计划详细内容】赦免shèmiǎn。(1)权力机关依法定程序减轻或免除对罪犯的刑罚。二、引证解释⒈减轻或免除罪犯的刑罚。引《史记·淮南衡山列传》:“赦免罪人,死罪十八人,城旦舂以下五十八人。”《旧唐书·玄宗纪上》:“纵逢赦免,并终身不齿。”《说唐》第二十回:“其_流徒笞杖等,不论已结证,未结证,已发觉,未发觉,俱皆赦免。”三、国语词典免除罪犯应得的刑罚。词语翻译英语topardon,toabsolve,toexemptfrompunishment德语Amnestie(S)_法语gracier,amnistier四、网络解释赦免(法律名词)赦免,是指免除或减轻罪犯的罪责或刑罚。它是中国封建时代的一种刑法措施,在史籍中早有记载。赦免是政府给予一个特定团体的囚犯或特定类别的囚犯的免罪,权威性的法律词典《布莱克法律词典》解释“赦免”:政府给予一个特定团体的囚犯或特定类别的囚犯的免罪。赦免分为大赦和特赦。大赦适用范围广泛,可以免除刑罚的执行,也可以免除刑事追诉,即同时消除刑和罪,被赦免之罪不能作为刑事前科和累犯的理由。特赦范围小,仅免除特定人的刑,不免其罪。赦免能调解社会矛盾,有时是政治博弈的结果,需考虑社会和人文因素。【概述图片】参考资料关于赦免的近义词宥免赦宥关于赦免的诗句又一次童贞凭着睡梦那赦免的功效关于赦免的成语免开尊口临难苟免仅以身免赦过宥罪免冠徒跣在所难免免怀之岁关于赦免的词语一岁载赦十恶不赦赦过宥罪未能免俗临难苟免在所难免一岁再赦罪在不赦免怀之岁仅以身免关于赦免的造句1、使我罪人与神和好,赦免一切罪尤.2、国王明白了他们只是捡拾者而非盗犯,就赦免了那对父子。3、他犯过罪,干过伤天害理的事,后来虽经赦免,但_颜人世,没有脸面再去见过去的朋友了。4、若是基督已经赦免了一个人的罪,世上没有任何事能让这人带着悔恨死去。5、这就是说,贝拿勒斯王授予动物赦免令,禁止在他的国家猎杀所有动物。点此查看更多关于赦免的详细信息
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CuisineChinese Name English Name
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